Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 15, 1906, Image 4
SELECTING A FAVORITE! That's what most of the well groomed men of Butler and vicinity have done selected The Ideal Clothing and Hat Parlors as their favorite shop for this season's newest and smartest garments. He Famous Washington Co.'s Suits and Overcoats for Particular Men. SUlTS—Prices SB.OO, SIO.OO, $15.00 and up to $25.00. OVERCOATS —Prices SB.OO, SIO.OO, $15.00 and up to $35.00. These garments will retain their shape, fit your figure and sustain your reputation as a good dresser. Give us a call and inspect our goods. L . Men of good taste ffear Stetson & Ideal Hats. Prices range from $1 to $5. BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S SUITS. Our Boys* and Children's Suits were never so complete as they are now. Children s Suits from $2 to $7. Children's Overcoats from $2.50 to SB.OO. NOTICE —All Clothing Sold by Us Cleaned and Pressed FREE. Ideal ClotHing I: ■ AND I Hat Parlors. 228 South Main Street. I | FLEMING'S OLD RELIABLE: EXPORT. All Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. 91. Per Qt. 6 ttts. for $5, On all $lO orders we Prepay Express. Are you using It. If not, write to us at once and get particulars of Its merit. Our Stock of the Highest Grade of Champagne Vintage is Complete. Qtss2.7s Pts. $1.50 | Abb THE bEADING 30NDED WHISKIES AT SIOO P6R§T, v PER QT. . PER DOZ. PTS. Pin* canon Cognac, this Brandy As Is especially recommended . . $1.50 McMullen's (Bottling) White Label Hennesy Brandy, One Star . . .• 1.25 $2.00 u d j T o* ien Ross (Bottling) Ale .... . 2.00 ( Hennesy Brandy, Two Star ... 1.50 Burke's (Bottling) Ale 2.00 Hennesy Brandy, Three Star . . 1.75 Reed Bros.'Dog's Head .... 2.00 Cusenier's Creme de Menthe . .1.50 Imported Stouts (Bottled by above firms) I ftu » j i t , j r". , . will be furnished at the same price. ; Old London Dock Imported Port . 1.00 A superior grade California Wines, Old London Dock Imported Sherry 1.00 per qt 50c On All Purchases We Save You From 25 to 30 per cent. n ssi | Jos. Fleming & Son Co., Incorporated. 410 and 412 Market St., Pittsburg, Pa. and biquor Store. • A Difference in Dollars isn't the first thine to be considered in buying a piano. There is more than just money value in musical quality. The BEHR Piano r t I \ \\J would be a good investment at twice its cost Real wear, worth, tj sn durability and distinctiveness, these are essentially BEHH qualities. To be sure , call and examine. |i» W. B. McCANDIiESS, p; • AT LAST. An Engirie for the Farm, | "ALL PURPOSE" fc K With practically no expense Write for Catalogue and Prices I THE EVANSJWFG. CO, LTD., p Dean's I • IM A re, i > 7 Suppressed I ■ Menstruation. Never kr.„vrn to fart. Safe! ■ ft', ■ Surel Speedy! Satisfaction Ouan.ntoed I ■or money Rfefondod. Sent prepaid for ■ I ■ SI.OO per box. Will send thi-m on triaj to ■ ■ be pall tor when relieved. Hani plea Free. I I Sold in Butler it the Centre Aye.! PhsmuMT > d;i. 'IL&uA S'-'. John —W liy do you kxilc for a joli? Hrtrry—When you attend Koeaokoft's Barbel scltool t «ihen tlie people will be looking for yo» to work for tbem—very llttlo expense—-Send foi cataloged, HO6 l'enn avenue I'ltuburgti, Pa ' If you want to buy or tell any kind of business set CAVAMGH CO.. <3l Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh. , »OCTOR GIXSEH, AM Pean Avenue, Pittsburgh, cures l'lles and Fistulas to stay •tinxl; also cancer and all chronic diseases and bioo) , ."inplalnt both sexes and all ages. Consul tatloe • strictly private. • Call and see the Doctor.# Offlc* I , boars from « a. m.to 5 p. in. | Ita to Bias fiiffl in Fittsfiir? BLACK'S RESTAIRAN] BLUE POINTS AND ROCKAWAY OYSTER 3 LARGE WHISKY A SPECIALT' 606-608 UB iir.TT AVEXI , PITTSBURGH, rA CHAS.fe, BLACK, Prop. Hammers tarred »n Uerman st.i«. imported U#l«' •>*<* dai» l>wron draught. 242 IHtunond »t., i H _ 3 'j Ml * Miller's Restaurant l.rtfl. FUUlmfi I fa. HMh on ew* Vw fr •to gnmlt. Alaoliitaly in proof. filcam be»» *l4 |jl-; bon« In e»ery ioou feuropeart HOTEL YOOEB MOW OPEN ltoomft Aii't roin \ul8tl<u> M « "*J a* l*«t I otel 15. por utght #l.7* pei *""* your choice. No. ll.*» > •« »*•. HWUtllW* Just Three Squares fr■ !u^ WHERE TO DIKE WHfeS IK «U- C^HENV Sauers Tavern Allt-ghpny. Pu. UtilUt Dlt'ug 1.00>.f on Second floor. PATENT OFFICE BCiWIK«S •>* h»lron CUy l>i:uig;.tiuj; 1 c t . • •« XJrMgbuiuun WTlla muiu, i'» !'*. <y ik. rbona »t-»: > orr«wpoi..u .i# II W iraMut AUocmr WMiiimtw. i>. <7 fc»w ftr Mil to torn Ml «WrM, fcrrarl YoangmtowD, Vim »o4 Klba. PbV*. OaOl or wrlffooMrt, mUMIMTOM tt C 9,. Miyp. 0. Vh »*»«~Oo»I Uodj; nw»bar» ami to W*fel eomty, VT. V*. AMnm IHx «, txßcqW, W. ▼». Are Tom Tmklag Him, Msfoetle. Kleotrleiu tnatmoaU; Tarkltb, Oven, Vapor Sprayor»ny form ofßMhif ,Wbr witnttt Forbet Sanltulum 7 i [ .. ■ * "AMERICAN" Improved Variable Friction Feed Saw Mills. Fitted with new "Giant'' Duplex dogs ratchet set works and quick receder strong, accurate, reliable and light running. A car load or two of lumber will pay for one of these mills. Portable saw mills in 5 sizes. Gang edgers, drag saws, lath and shingle mills, planers, wood saws, and splitters." The best made. Full particulars on application. AMERICAN SAW MILL CO Haeketstown, N J., or D. C. EMERY -Agents, Grove City, Pa. REPRESENTATIV ES—We want severa representatives to sell legitimate mining stock; home company: best proposition on the market today ;good men can earn fromSS to SIOO per week; only those who have had experience in this line need apply. Call or addrv'ss GOLD JUCIiAL MINING CO., 60S Fitzsinions Building, Fittsfitmt. I'a. FURNITURE & H. H.'GOODs! STORAGE SALE. $20,000 WORTH OF FINE FUHNITLRK. CARPETS AND RUOS. FOR STORAOE CHARGES. OUR 810 BARGAINS. FOUR HANDSOME GENUINE LEATHER COUCHES, COST STS, NOW $33. BIX MAUOHANY 6- PIECE GENUINE LEATHER PARLOR SUITES. COST $l4O AND SIOO. NOW $45 AND $52 60. THREE BIG TURKISH ALL LEATHER ROCKERS. CHEAP FOR $65 BACH. NOW S3O. LEATHER MORRIS CHAIRS. S2B. NOW $18.80; OTHERS ABD »T I(I ODD PARLOR CHAIRS. BEAU* TFEB, FOR $4.50 EACH. SIX HAND PAIN'TED PAR'-OR TABLE?, COST $25, »AU. AT 18.30 EACH. THKEE-PIECB PARLOR SUITE. COST $45. NOW sl3. AXMIN3T3SR RUGS. B*l2, $lO AND $lB. WERE S3O AND K5 810 LOT OF RUG 353 AND S7BO EACH. HANDSOME MAHOGANY CHIF FONIERS AND BED ROOM SUITES AT filG B LOO« I FOR THE 810 WINDOW NS3ST TO iu^ 11 loir's JTH^ NN lsljvrgf. TIPPER & PATTON FARMERS BANK BUILDING, PITTSBURG, PA. Buyers of Ties-Poles-Piling and Bill Lumber. Pearson B. Nace's Livery, Fnd and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House. Butler Penn'e The best of horses and first class rigs *1 wavs on hand and for hire. B«st accommodations In tow* for perma sent boarding and transient iwe. Specl al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses A good c ass of horses, both drivers and draft horses always on hand and for sale order a full guarantee; and horses bough UGU proper notification bv PEARSON B. NACE. p.."»ne Wo. >1 L. C. WICK, DXALJtB IV LUnBER. If you want to buy as fine a tarw as U In Ohio or Pennsylvania, send for description of No 6*4. They speak for themselves. PENNSYLVANIA ft *OHIO FARM CO.. 302 Times Building, Pittsburg. Holt's Greenhouses, E. M. HOLT & Co. PROP'S. Salesroom 247 S. Main Street. Floral designs for funerals, parties, etc., a specialty. POTTED PLANTS. Oar carnations are now in their rime. W S. & E. WICK. DEALERS IN Hough and Worked lumber of all Kinds Doors, Bash and Monldlngs Oil Well Rigs a Specialty. Office and Yard E. Cunningham and Monroe Sta near west Penn Depot. irTtn oi MITBERKIMERT - Funeral Director, 245 S MAIN ST.. BUTLER, PA. Gibson's Livery (old ,May & Kennedy stand) Plrgt»glass horses and rigs. Excellent boarding accom modations. Good clean waiting room, and Open day and night. BERT IcCAHDLRSS, Manager, See the Si(n directly fIBSYSVSV opposite the 014 Poptpfflce ITJ Theodore Vogeley, fg! Reel Estate aad WTj*§ Insurance Agency, I^l 238 S. Main St 13 Bntler, Pa. I |K [f you have property V mj to sell, trade, or rent » or, want to bay or rent caii, write or AM uhene me. ■IB List Upon Application Do You Buy Medipinesf Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the l££St money. That is our motto. Come us when in need of anything in the tt/iUg Line and we are sure you will call agai>J. We earry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy 3. G. Poavis, PH. Q Both Phones. §l4 § Main St. Bntler Pa. WM. WALKER. C UA*,, MCELVAIN WALKER & McELVAIN, 807 Bntler County National Bank Bid g HEAL ESTATE. INSURANCE. OIL PBOPEBTIES. LOANS. BOTH PHOKSI DR. E. QREWER, No. 229 1-2 SOUTH MAIN ST? NEXT DOOR TO GUARANTY SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., BUTLER, PA. ROOMS 1, 2, AND 3. Dr. E. Grewer is n graduate of the Universitv of Pennsylvania, is now per manently located at the aboveaddress where he treats all chronic diseases o c men, women aud children. Diseases of the Nervous System, the symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confidence, sexual weakness in men and women,ball rising in the throat.spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory unable tc concentrate the mind on one subject easily startled when suddenly spoken to, aud dull distressed mind which unfits them for performing the duties of life, making happiness impos sible,distressing the action of tbe heart, depression of the spirits, evil forebod ings, cowardice, rear, areams, melan choly, tire easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confasion of the mind, depression, con stipation, weakness of tie limbs, etc. Those 30 affected should consult us im mediately and be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored- Weakness of Young Men Cured and ail private diseases. Dr. E. Grewer's varicocele Ring cures Varicocele, Hydrocele and Rupture promptly cored without pain and no detention from business. He cures the worst cases of Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Old Sores, Blood Poison, and all Di seases of the Skin Ear, Nose, Throat, Heart. Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder Itching Piles, Fistula, Stricture, Tumors, Cancers, Goiters, cured with out cutting. Special attention paid to the treat ment of Nasal Catarrh, oHe will forfeit the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for any case of FITS OR EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS that be cannot cure Consultation free and strictly confi dential. Write if you cannot call. Office hours—From 9 a. m to 8:30 p. in. On Sunday from Ito3 p. m. only. Tm m ;C. F, T. Pape,i ! f JEWELER * \ < ) / 121 E. Jefferson Street. / PAROID READY OOFINQ. pAKOID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out Won't brittle. A NYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core ot each roll. I> EPRESENTS the results o *-*■' years of Experience and Ex perimenting. /"\NLY requires painting every fewyears. Not when first laid. ] F S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate * or Shingles JJEMAND for PAROID is world MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Facvd, Samples and Prices are yours if yon will ask us. L. C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. We are Busy Answering Calls Uany customers want to buy Farms—others —Business ' opb&jtuhltlps 'and hopes. We can find you what you want. Holtf you buy Of sell. J. D. SIMONS, Keal Estate, 2U-2ft Fergusop Building, Pittsburgh Pa. I HUNDREDS or LADIES Arc 'ising PALES CAMPHOR JCE , .egulaiiy as a preventative against Chui>i>e4 1 llauds and Faces or any oti.er skli» lrrita, tloii caused l>y wintry winds. It U better than anything else you're evur used, MtkN a beautiful complexion. Older a cake today. Bv mall 45 cents postpaid. A. DALES, "3496 Bates Street, Pittsburgh, P«- ADJUSTABLE PIN. Our Corner Clamp %>5- made Uw HiCME" much suferjojr t<» any fcJa I i -fj 11 other stretcher. ' t)i/r 25J df** j* -"' i \ New Patent Adjustable " «H9l > Fin leaves the scallops ■ In their natural shape; does not weaken the bars: if of ample l*ugili. very practical ami a great improve ment. Doij'l fait Ui snnilno it. At youf dealers,or ACME BTF'O. CO., AHtfc-li. iiy . Pw PURE ICE. Delivered dally to all parts of town, in large or small amounts. FRED. H GOETTLEB, Phones, Bell J 158, People's 220. i I Eyes Examined Free oi R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler ajii# Graduate Ootician Next Door to Conrt fTo use. 13atlor, Pa M S.TANODON~& co 7 New York and Pittsburg Stocks Orders Solicited. Purchase or Sale. Cash er Margin. Corr«tpcnd*nce Invited. Pell Phone, lefi- 1 ! C|purt. Keystone Building, Pittsburg, Pa. TRY ONE CAKE I Of BAU<£ CAMPHOR ICE and you'll agree that It is tlie Usu cm.j)|i-nr for Chapped Hands, Face or Cold Sore* you've cjw, jised I It gives Immediate re.lef. Hundreds' are j using It regularly with great satisfaction Order one today. 24 cents by mall poet paM. A. DALES, . 34*6 Bates Street. P% * DANGER SIONALS. No engineer would be mad enough to i ;n by the flag which signaled danger. j is different with the average man r woman. They j .tempt constantly m run by the dan r signals of ature and that i ; t tempt costs I < ousands of lives M JL c ery year. When thcfl' cQ , ppetito becomes 1 1 r or entirely gives out,^^^_wJL v hen sleep Is troubled ■ id broken, when there Is : constant feeling of dull •ss and languor, Nature hoisting the danger sig ■il. The stomach and Its . .lied organs are failing in . tielr work and the body losing the nutrition on aich its strength de nds. Such & condition calls r a prompt use of Dr. erce » Golden Medical / iscovery. It ceres dls- < ses of the stomach and < her organs of digestion • nd nutrition, purlfios id enriches the blood and lilds up the body with -~yYEg • uod, solid flesh. A" 8r "I hare had so much bene from your medicines am glad to say a few irds that you may use for publication." rites Mrs. J. R. Downes, Crystal Lake. Conn. ' LI ad been troubled with a complication of ieasos for over two years, but kidneys and ' s-er bothered mo most Some of my worst c lments wero headache, frequent pains ound heart and under right shoulder ide. My hands and feet were cold nearly 1 the time, and I had such chilliness be een shoulders. Some days cared but little r food; I lost flesh: felt so tired and mis :ablo it seemed I couldn't do any house • irk. Took medicine from my physician, t received no benefit. Bought a bottle of ■olden Medical Discovery,' and after tak g It I felt so much better we determined to ve it a fair trial. Appetite soon improved ' *.d gradually the disorders disappeared un now I am well." A Great Doctor Book Free. —Send 21 one . Nt stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. ". Y., to cover cost of mailing only and ] o will send you a free copy of his 1006- I ge Common Sense Medical Advisor, 1 iper-covered. Cloth-covered 31 stamps. Dr. Pierce's Pellets Cure Constipation. HUMPHREYS' v 3terinary Specifics core diseases c Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs and I jultry by acting directly on the sick pabt vithout loss of time. / A. {FEVERS. Congestions, Inttamms r nut tions, Lung Fever. Milk Fever. r B. > SPRAINS, Lameness, Injuries, c :xsS Rheumatism, ( C. {SORE THROAT. Quinsv, Epizootic, c. on 5 Distemper. c iSs} WORMS, Bots, Grubs. I E.> COCGHS. Colds, Influenza. Inflamed C" an i Lungs. Pleuro-Pneumonla. F P.!COLIC, Bellraehe. Wlnd-Blown. ci 3XB > Diarrhea, Dysentery. O.G. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. J! & BLADDER DISORDERS. ( I. {SKIN DISEASES. Manie. Ernptlons. > l axaS I'leers. Grease, Farcy. .7 K.' BAD CONDITIO*, Starlnt Coat. > aacs > Indigestion. Stomach Staggers. rc J. each ; Stable Case, Ten Specifies, Book, he., $7. At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Inmphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and Jobfc £ reets. New York. tr BOOK MAILED FREE. Nasal iATARRH x' eanses, soothes and heals { y I t e diseased membrane. I 1, cures catarrh and drives sway a cold in the head < i .ickly. Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils, spreads c ver the membrane and is absorbed. Relief is im mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying—docs tot produce sneezing. Large Size, 80 cents at Drug gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents. ET.T RROTTTERS. 66 Warren Street, New York I \ DOYOURCHILDREN ASK QUESTIONS Of course they do. It is their way of learning and it is your duty to answer. You may need a dictionary to aid you. It won't answer every question, but there are thousands to which it will give you true, clear and definite answers, not about words only, but about things, the sun, men, machinery, places, stories and the like. Then, too, the children can find their own answers. Some of our greatest men have ascribed their a power to study of the dictionary. Of course you want the best dic tionary. The most critical prefer the New and Enlarged Edition of WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY ; THE GRAND PRIZE (HIGHEST ; AWARD) for which at the ! World's Fair, St. Louis. Jf you have any questions f v2# \ ' about it write vs. websier-s 1 Wrnatmou G.&c. MERRIAM CO., MCTKKAtt/ PUBLISHERS. Gas and Gasoline Engines From two horse i jwer op. )?OT farm use, (lectric lighting plants, or tot power of any kind. Write for catalogue and Information, EMPIRE MACHINE COMPANY, 210 Third Avenue.Trttsjbnnt. BALD. IE PITTSBI'RO TOirpET tt MF'G. CO. 0 i >i|;!tUßc' l .-tretr, Pa, H. C. Mi:!!er, Vtiager fully gut'.ji.t-o i i ;u;a' wojL. Mall 1 ■ umptl.v auswere'l. Write- tow. ■ ** > Winter's Changes Breed Pneumonia Be on the safe side. Have a bottle of g x>d whiskey ready for emergencies. We can honestly rtcommend for this purpose Grandfather's Choice Guaranteed 3 Yrs. Old It's a smooth, pals table whitkey—for scoiaj and family use; $2 a gallon. Your choice (Sf asy tfjuekey in list below for a full quart; $ qte., F *CH, L4BUK. OVKBHOLI biCKMQKHEIi. IT. ?£BHOJI TJJOHPSOY, 0 BKON. bILMiOKB. BRIDGEPORT We pay express charges ou all mail orders of |5 or over. Goods shipped promptly. Fobt Lcwin L Co,, t v«. . wholesale IMtAUUt? I n WOTKS AND LIQUORS, Ho. 14 Satltkiicld St.-, FITTSBC36, rk. 'Phone*: Bell 2i*» 9. fc A. I*W, Special Offer |,To those purchasing photos c g/oups or views, Bxlo, at 5 Jc each, to the amount 0/ $lO 1 will present free a fine 20x40', £ reproduction that will g'and washing and not fade s. /ay. No bum work, but a fine permanent Bromide en largement, fully guaranteed. FISHER, The Outdoor Aittst, Tic Butler Dye Works BUTTER FROM ONE COW. 4 Homemade Creamer Thai Is Tre ferred to the l wo* Pans. A correspondent of the Kural New Yorker tells her way of making butter from one cow with much less care and expense and more satisfactorily than by the pan system. She says: We had used a creamer with butter work er, swing churn and pound printer with a fine herd of Jersey cows, mak ing a fine quality of butter, and when a change in our business made it nec essary for us to keep only one cow we naturally wanted to make as good but ter with less machinery. After some consideration we evolved a plan that has been very satisfactory. We bought two one gallon carrying palls, such as dairymen use, and bad a tinner insert a tube one-half inch aud flaring to three-quarters on the outside at the bottom of each pail, the tube to be one inch in length. These tubes are to be fitted securely with corks. The covers should have three holes punched in them for venti lation. The whole cost of these small creamers was not over 20 cents. If v. there is a rim at / tbe bottom of the j \ pail holes may be / \ punched In It to £ 1 help in the cool- V 1 Ing, but they are ( not really essen tial. The diagram shows the cream er. A candy pall or tub deep enough to hold water to come up as high as the milk in the can -j aud plenty of or dinary well wa- A CREAJIEB ter is all that is needed to set the milk for cream rais ing. Well water nt 45 degrees is suffi cient to raise the cream in twelve hours, but if one has ice It will save the changing of water at each milking, and colder water will raise the cream more quickly. In summer we set our milk in the cellar near our well, chang ing the water at each milking In hot test weather, but in cooler weather It may be set on the back porch or any convenient place where it may not freeze. We prefer to have our cow fresh in September and make winter butter aud with this plan can have but ter equally as good as in summer. We have two creamers for the first flush of milk and use only one later. The milk is strained directly into the can and set In cold water to the depth of the milk, with enough water so as to cool the milk. The cream is raised in twelve hours. Care must be taken when draw ing off the skim milk, for the force of a full can Is considerable. Draw off until the cream begins to show, hold ing the cork to lessen the rapid flowing and stop the cream. Shake the can un til the cream is all loosened and pour It into a jar to be set In a cool place where it may keep sweet until there Is enough for a churning. High Prices For Cheese. To me one of the most gratifying fea tures of the dairy business is the ex ceedingly high price of cheese. It is usually very unfortunate for any com modity to reach a point where the cost becomes prohibitive In this case It will, of course, have an unfavorable influence, but it will be Insignificant compared to the fact that we are be ginning to know the value of good full cream cheese and that at usual prevail ing prices It is a cheap food. Almost anything in a box will bring 12 cents, and some of the finest grades are not on the market at any price. The cheese making sections have not enlarged and developed as rapidly as the butter dis tricts largely on account of the supe- rior value of skim milk over whey. Sweet milk from the separator, an un derstanding how to balance it up with the grains and the fact that upon it young animals make the most satisfac tory and profitable growth have aided in swelling the butter output.— H. E. Cook in National Stockman. Feedlnt the Fall PJfi. From now on mix the fped for the young pigs one feed ahead, and you may, with good results, add a half spoonful of ollmeal for each pig and Increase as they get larger. Put a lit tle shelled corn In the feed and let it soak from one feed to another. Also Increase this as time goes on. If they can follow around after cattle that are fed corn It will be sufficient corn for them and will give them their needed exercise. The cattle keep the snow tramped down, and the pigs will keep pretty busy. You should always aim to have a southern exposure protected on the windward side by a high, tight board fence and on the north by a building, where the sun's rays will be reflected sq it will thaw on a sunshiny day while it freezes in more unprotect ed places —Orange Judd Farmer. One Caoae of Poor Mlllc. Competition is no mean influencing agent. It is a well known fact that in our smaller places reliable farmers have attempted to produce a good quality of milk for their customers and to sell it at a fair price. Their charges estimated from cost of production have been very reasonable, say 6 cents per quart. After starting some irresponsi ble man would mftertake to sell milk at 3, 4 or 5 cents per quart. Conse quently the good'milk >va§ soon crowd ed out, and there was left upon the market only this poor quality of milk. This Irresponsible man could then raise the price of hit juilk.~C, L- Marshall. NEWS AND NOTES Fertilizers to the value of $1,830,620 were imported into tlie United States during the first six months of the cal endar year. J Imports during the six months ended June 80, 1005, show an Item of bread stuffs valued at $3,052,200. jifjfb country Imported during the first' six months of the calendar year 42,551,806 pounds of raw cotton, valued fit $6,506,878. STAGE EPIGRAMS, The theater is the chastener of life.— Euripides. An actor is a public instructor.— Euripides. i *U-£t;? Js the mirror of life.— ; <e . "♦« i .. Actors are the only honest liypo oritU9,=-Haelitt The theater is the devil'ii own terri tory.—Edward Allyn. The stage represents fiction as if It were fact.—Betterton. The stage is the field for the orator as well as the comedian.—ltoscius. A passion for dramatic art is Inher ent iu liiC nature of inau —Edwin For rest! ' '• i• The drama is tlie most refined pleas ure of a i>olished people.—Dion Boucl poujt. It is in drama whero poetry attains its loftiest flight—Don I-uls I. of Por tugal. The stage is more powerful than the platform, the press <jr tlie pulpit- Anna Dickinson. A comedy is like a cigar; if good, ev ery one wants a box; if bad, no amount of puifing will njakc It draw.—Henry James Bjron. I Eat More J | of the moftt nutritious «i flour V 1 foods—Uneoda Blaoult —the m I only perfect soda cracker. Then H | you will be able to » I Earn More 1 1 because a well-nourished body I V) has greater productive capacity. J®j I Thus you will also be able to i | Save More 1 ; 1 because for value received there jz I is no food so economical as I jlj Uneeda Biscuit 1 W /» a dust tight, ffl moisture proof package. [■ M NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY J| I THE LARGEST IN THE COUNTY. f I* THE | Butler County National Bank. I A good. STRONG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLE of f Buler Cotrny to do business wih. | | (Capital $ 300,000.00 I I Strength 1 surplus 365,000.00 f I (Assets 2,840,000.00 J We Invite YOUR business—assuring you PROMPT, * : COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. | | "The big Bank on the corner by the Court House" | it******************** ******************************** ESTABLISHED 1900- THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- 5100.000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS (earned) - $47,000.00 DIVIDENDS PAID ----- $6,000.00 None Stronger in the Cour\ty. H WH \\ H Ift ■bmmhpM ■nil • ai "* r " Jl ■ I Jost received the largest assortment of sewing machines we 9FPT hadM ■ in stock. We have an expert sewing machine repair man at mwublrß ■ prices. 28 1 Henry BieHl, I I 122 N. Main St. Peo. 'Phone 464. J @ Send Your Orders by Mail for Your ® I WHISKKS I I WINES I I and MQUORsI fMAX KLEIN & SONSI H J3J9 20 Penn Ave., PITTSBURG, PA. § ® EVERYTHING m LI#U6R§. I ©(s)©©©©®®®©®®®©®©®®®®®®®®®'! 1 |»00000000000000<>00000000<x Try'A Balion o* \ Our old. at i $3.00 per Gallor\. Jr HUGH L. CONNELLY ;j SUCCESSOR TO JOHN LIMEGROVER, JR. ( C i i 107 West Ohio Street, (Opposite Post Offtpe.} < [ | | gOTH PHONES ALLEGHENY, PA ; * Advertise in the CITIZEN.