VOL. XXXXIII. THE MODERN STORE- Remnant and Odd and End Sale Begins Monday, January 22nd We are up to stock-taking, so we want to close out everything we can. Hence we are making prices that S will accomplish this object, and do it this week. Remnants of Silks, Dress Goods, Waistings, Flannel ettes, Ginghams, Calicoes, Table Linens, Embroideries, Laces, Ribbons, etc. All at about 1-2 original price. ODD LOTS AND SIZES Hosiery, underwear, gloves, jewelry, etc., placed on counters at sc, 10c, 15c and 25c. Choice of any hat in stock this week SI.OO. Others at 10c, 25e an The sale will be continued only for a short time. If yon wish < to make a great saving, COME NOW! Limited space forbids our quoting prices and discounts which A would count for nothing without seeing the goods so you can M r judge. Come take your choice of the entire stock. V ► K [ BROWN &• CO. f; No. 136 North Main St., Butler. I Duffy's Store 1 I Not one bit too early to think of that new Carpet, orH I perhaps you would rather have a pretty Rug—carpet ■ I size. Well, In either case, we can suit you as our Car-B fl pet stock is one of the largest and best assorted in But- I ler county. Among which will be found the following: ■ EXTRA SUPER ALL WOOL INGRAIN CARPETS, H Heavy two and three ply per yd and up ■ HALF WOOL INGRAIN CARPETS. , , Best cotton chain P® r n P ■ BODY BRUSSELS. , (R H Simply no wear out to theHe fl.oo yd I TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, H Light made, but very Good G.»c P« r >' d U l> I STAIR CARPETS ■ Body and Tapestry Brussels, Half and All Wool Ingrains. ■ HARTFORD AXMINSTERS, H Prettiest Carpet made, as durable too 1 1 - 85 | RAG CARPETS, Genuine old-fashioned weave. 8 MATTING, Hemp and Straw. ■ RUGS-CARPET SIZES. Azminster Bugs, Beauties too 122 each and up Brussels Rugs, Tapestry and Body |l2 each ana up I Ingrain Druggets, All and Half Wool r' each and up H Linoleums, Inlaid and Common, all widths and grades. ■ Oil Cloths, Floor, Table, Shelf and Stair. ■ Lace Curtains, Portiers, Window Shades, Curtain Poles; Small Hearth H Rugs, all sfyles and sizes. I Duffy's Store. I MAIN STREET, BUTLER. WHY You can save money by purchasing your piano of W. . NEWTON, "The Piano Man." The expense of running a Music Store is as follows: Rent, per annum $780.00 Clerk, per annum $312.00 Lights,' Heat and incidentals . . . $194.00 Total $1286.00 I have no store and can save you this expense when you buy of me. I sell pianos for cash or easy monthly payments. 1 take pianos or organs in exchange and allow you what they are worth to apply on the new instrument All pianos fully warranted as represented. MY PATRONS ARE MY REFERENCE. A few of the people I have sold pianos in Butler. Ask them. Dr. McCurdy Bricker Dr. W. P McElroy - Fred Porter JJ Club Fraternal Order Eagles D F. Reed Epworth League Woodmen of the World E. W. Bingham H. A. McPherson Geo. D. High Miss Anna McC'andless W. J. Mates E. A. Black J. S. Thompson Samuel Woods Joseph Woods Oliver Thompson 8. ML MoKee John Johnson A. W. Root R- A. Long well Miss Eleanor Burton J. Hillgard Mrs. Mary L. Stroup J. E. Bowers W. C Curry C. F Stepp F. J. Hanck w J- Armstrong Miss Emma Hughee Miles Milliard A. W. Mates Mrs. S. J. Green W. R. Williams J. R Douthett Mrs. R. O. Rntnbaugh E. K. Richey Chas. E. Herr L. S. Youch PEOPLE'S PHONE 426 Subscribe for the CITIZEN -THE BUTLER CITIZEN. H BICKEL'S || 0 Great Bargain Sale. U An immense Stock of Seasonable Footwear to be i « closed out in order to reduce our extremely p J mj large stock f $ H Big Bargains in All Lines. 4 Ladies' Fur Trimmed Felt Slippers, price sl.2s—reduced to.. ?5c I] Ladies' Warm Lined Shoes, price jl..so—reduced to SI.OO V WA Ladies' Warm Lined Shoes, price $1 25—reduced to 85c One lot Ladies' a. 50 Hand-turn and Hand-welt Shoe? reduced to 2.25 A ■ I One lot Ladies 3.00 Fine Patent Leather Shoes, button or lace, 3 f A reduced to 2.00 One lot Ladies' *2.50 Fine Dongola Patent tip Shoes reduced to 1.65 >A Ij One lot Ladies'l.so Fine DoDgola Patent tip Shoes reduced to 1.10 « r J One lot Children's Fine Shoes, sizes 4to 8, reduced to 45c * l k <1 One lot Infanta's Fine Shoes, hizes oto 4, reduced to 10c A VJ Men's Fine Box-calf, Yici-kid and Patent Leather Shoes. _ « W A regular price f3.50 and $4.00 —reduced to 2.50 j k « Men's Working Shoes, regular price $2.00 —reduced to. ....... 1.40 A N One lot Boys' Fine Satin-calf Shoes, regular price I.so—red'dto 1.00 f One lot Men's Fine Slippers reduced to 40c WA Ladies' Lamb-wool Insoles, regular price 25c—reduced to 15c WA t Misses' and Children's Lamb-wool Insoles, regular price 20c—at 8c I Pi All Felt Boots and Overs, all Stockings and WJ M Overs, Warm-lined Shoes and Slippers, also balance 4of our stock of Leggins and Over-Gaiters to be in- 1 Ij eluded in this GREAT BARGAIN SALE A Sole Leather and Shoemakers' Supplies. g> j Repairing Piomptly Done. [ «$ j JOHN BICKEL 4 128 S Main St., BUTLER. PA. /C^ v .- BUTLER /7 New buildings, new rooms, elegant new equipment, excellent courses of study, best of teachers, expenses moderate, terms VERY LIBERAL! Over $2,000.00 worth of new typewriters in use (allowing advanced students from 3 to 4 hours' practice per day), other equipment in proportion' Winter Term, Jan. t£, lIKHi. Spring 1 Term, April 2, I'.HM». Positions secured for our worthy graduates. Visitors always welcome! When in Butler, pay us a visit. Catalogue and other literature mailed on ap plication. MAY ENTER ANY TIME. A. F. REGAL, Principal, Butler, Pa 1 Fall and Winter Millinery" § *f; Everything in the line of Millinery can be found, jg the right thing at the right time at the right price at | ROCKENSTEIN'S I W Phone 656. 148 S. Main St. Pre=lnventory SALE. Preparatory to the ANNUAL STOCK-TAKING we will offer remarkable values at our PRE -INVENTORY SALE OF MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING. Owing to the extensive assort ment it is impossible to give a detailed descrip tion of all articles. We have planned to make this sale of greater importance than ever, and will place on sale thoroughly reliable and stylish apparel at figures that are below all possible com petition. There is something worth investigat ing in every line of the magnetic bargains. SCHAUL& LEVY 137 South Main Street. Butler, Pa. if Jjpf MEN ,'f Won't buy clothing for the purpose of 41) i •'*/ r J' i I S spending money. They desire to get the if I A,l/j l xife \ : l bestpoßsibleresultsofthemoneyexpendc.il. Jil J . UV.' 1 t] /,.'/ >) 11 Those who buy custom clothing have a ilipl rfi 'V right to demand a fit, to have their clothes A r.| < i.y i correct in style and to demand of the / j\v £' j seller to guarantee everything. Come to A/ . 'te/ ll us and there will lie nathing lacking. I ■ ij have just received a large slock of Pall *. jIP , auil Wintor uuitings in the latest styles, \ni J rSSS'' V'lll I « shades and colors. I \M'Vj G. R. keck, ' ll I WA ("EKCHfINT TAItOR, L W $ y 143 N.Muii! St., Butl«fr,Pd fl"? fj* fj-r I J. G. &W. CAMPBELL, | g BUTLE, PA. BUTLEK, rA v THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, i9OG. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS, DR. L. R. HAZLETT. 106 W. Diamond St.. Butler. North side of Court House. Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat work, a specialty. JA<\IES C. SCVbE, /VI. a PRACTICE LIMITED TO Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. OFFICE Horits— 9 to 10 a. m., L to « p. m., Ttoßp. m. .Sunday by appoint ment. 121 E. Cunningham Street. Butler, Pa. BOTH PHONES. OSTEOPATHY. DR. JULIA E. FOSTER, OSTEOPATH. Consultation and examination free. Office hours —9 to 12 A. M.. 2 to M., daily except Sunday. Evening appointment. Office—Stein Block, Rooms 9-10, But ler. Pa. People's Phone 478. DENTISTS. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON, PROSTHETIC DEXTIST. Teeth extracted absolutely painless. Take Vitalized Air or Nitrons Oxide. All work satisfactory. ( 127 iS. Main St., BUTLER, PA. TiR. FORD U. HAYES, 1' DENTIST. Graduate of Dental Department, University of Pennsylvania. Office—2ls S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. DR J. WILBERT McKEE, SURGEON DENTIST. Office over Leighner's Jewelry store, Butler, Pa Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gold crown and bridge work. DR. H. A, MCCANDLESS, DENTIST. Office in Butler County National Bank Building, 2nd floor. DR. M. D KOTTRABA, Successor to Dr. Johnston. DENTIST Office at No 114 3. JeSerson St., over G. W. Miller's jjrocerv ATTORNEYS. RP. SCOTT • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office in Butler County National Bank building. AT. SCOTT, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But ler, Pa. POULTER &. BAKER, V ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Butler County National Bank building. TOHN W. COULTER, O ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office ou Diamond, Butler, Pa. Special attention given to collections mid business m»l if-M. HII. GOUCHER, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Wise building. T D. McJUNKIN, rj, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in Reiber building, cornei Main and E. Cunningham Sts, Entrance on Main street. I B. BREDIN, •) • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Court Hous> TIT C. FINDLEV, M • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AMD PENSION ATTORNEY. Office on South side of Diamond, Butler, Pa. |1 P. L. McQUISTION, V. CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Office near Court House T: 11. NEGLEY Li. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in the Negley Building, West Diamond WM. WALKER. CHAS. A. MCELVAJN WALKER & McELVAIN, 307 Butler County National Bank Bld'g REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE. OIL PROPERTIES. LOANS. BOTH PHONES FALL SUITS We can save you money on your fall suit and fit you as well as the best and highest-priced city tailors. New Fall Goods Just Received. Write us. C. P JOHNSTON & SON CUSTOM TAILORS, PROSPECT, PENN'A Winter's Changes Breed Pneumonia Be on the safe side. Have a bottle of «ood whiskey ready for emergencies. We can honestly recommend for this purpose (IrandlatlKir'N Choice Guaranteed Vrs. (>l. HMll. LA SOB, •VXMULT. Ul Ckk.tHKIIKK, NT. TRURO.I HIOMrsOX. UIIIKOS, ItIM.IH4.KU. ItUIIMJ KPOKT We pay express charges on all mail orders of s."> or over. Ooods shipped promptly. Robt, Lewin & Co,, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WISES AlfD LIQUORS, Ho 14 SmltMleld St„ PITTSBCUC, PA. 'Phone*: Bell 21T» t. k A. I4M. \ TWO IN f I THE CAR. f < '.By Henry TicrlinghcJif / S ' . . ' - '■■ I .Vf<'}t;iv. Jt Co. < "If only we could win that reward." eiid Jessie wistfully, "we would not Lave to wait until you got your raise." "I'm more likely to meet the robbers t>an the reward," laughed Ilalliday. The girl's face went white. "Jo;.'," she cried, grasping his arm, "do you mean to say that they are like ly to hold up your car?" "I was only fooling." he laughed. "1 didn't mean to scare you. dear." She turninl from the poster announc ing £5,000 reward for the arrest of each of the three men who had been holding up the trains on the R. and <)., and they went across the street from the station to where the polished marble of the soda fountain gleamed attrac tively In the light. Ilalliday did not commence his run until nearly midnight, and there was still an hour before the train should roll in from the east They said nothing more about the cir cular, but Jessie's face was clouded, and, fry as he would, Joe could not coax a smile from her. The Denver Red gang was operating along a line some 300 miles to the south, and Ilalliday had given no par ticular thought to the poster. Even now he did not realize that Jessie was conjuring in her brain visions of an express car shattered by dynamite and an express messenger, with a face very like his own, bleeding from a dozen wounds. When the whistle of the limited Bounded far down the valley they arose and retraced their way to the station, and in the rush of checking his lists Ilalliday lost Right of Jessie. When at last he stood in the doorway of the car watching the loading of the baggage car behind he did not see the eager face upturned toward his. It was too late to jump down and go in search of her, and as he stood in the door of the car while the train rattled through the yards ho wondered what had become of her. Usually hers was the last face he saw as they pulled out on their long run over the divide. Then he turned to his invoices again and soon was so busily occupied that he never heard a footstep until a pair of hands were clasped over his eyes. With a cry he sprang to his feet and reached for the shotgun In the rack by the door. He was in the very act of taking it down when a cry caused him to turn again and he confronted Jessie. "I know it's wrong and it's against orders anil all that sort of thing," she announced defiantly, "but I just know that there Is trouble ahead for you to night, and I wanted to be with you." "There'll be trouble enough ahead If the super finds out," he agree 1. "It's dead against the rules for any one to be permitted to ride in the express cars." "You didn't permit rue," she argued with fornrrmw t<>gtr. **l SToTe a r!<7<\ and you can't very well put me off. That's all." "I wisli it were," he said quietly ns ho turned to his seat again, "Joe," she cried penitently, "I'll be very good and won't bother you at all." Hlie crept back to the end of the car, where, aided by the dim light, sh« bad concealed herself aud snuggled down. It was a long run, and there was much work to be done. Suddenly Ilalliday gave a low whistle, and she sprang to his side. "What is it, dear?" she asked anx iously. lie pointed to an entry in the invoice. "If Denver Ited and his gang knew of that they'd be up lie re in a hurry," he declared. "There should be $ SO,OOO worth of diamonds In that safe." "You don't suppose they can find out, do you?" she asked anxiously. Joe shook his head. "I don't suppose so," he said; "but, all the same, they have been lucky in picking up only the cars with rich loads. That's probably why the shipment was made over this line." For twenty minutes they talked of the possibility of a holdup. Then Jes sie crept off to her nook again, and Ilalliday went on with his work. Sud denly, with a screech and a Jar, the engine came to a stop. Joe sprang to the partly opened door to close it, but he was half a minute too late, for two burly forms sprang through the open ing, and while one covered him with a pistol the other floored him, securely binding him with the bell rope. Before he had concluded the engine had started again, and Joe knew that they were takiug the car down the road to where they could work with greater freedom. They were climbing a grade, and while they were headed for the top the other cars were probably slip ping back. I'resently there was another Jerk as the engine slowed down, aud the two robbers turned to Joe. "Where's the key to the safe?" they demanded. "I haven't any," was the cool re sponse. "That's the through safe. I'm riot supposed to unlock It." "lie must have the key somewhere," suggested the second man. "Lend a hand." They knelt beside him on the floor and unceremoniously rolled him over as they searched his pockets. So oc cupied were they that they gave heed to nothing else until a stern command of "Drop that!" rang through the car, and they sprang to their feet to con front a short Uarreled shotgun In Jes sie's hands. Instinctively they threw up their hands while they commented upon the situation with a vigor of language that led Jessie to remark that he would shoot anyway unless they kept silent. Still covering them with u gun, she moved forward to where ilalliday lay and with one hand cut the cords which bound him. It was an easy after that to bind and gag the two men, and together she and Joe, who had armed himself from the outlaws' belts, drop ped from the car and got to the aid of the fireman and engineer, who were under the guard of the third member of the party. Here they were four against one, and ten minutes later the engine aud ear were backing down the grade to pick up the train, while Jessie, now that the danger had passed, sat in Joe's chair, her girlish frame alternately shaken with laughter aud tears. "it was easy," she explained. "1 was asleep until the train stopped. That woke me up, and I was just going to ask what was the matter when I heard the two men. "I thought It would be best to wait a moment and see what was happening, thun I remembered how you Jumped for that shotgun In the rack. "it was right over my head, and they were so busy with you that they never thought that there might be a second person in the car." ho aalwjl £jyi ously. '•Awfully," she confessed frankly. '•You see, I was afraid I might have to shoot them, and I never shot any one, and I knew it would be horrid." "It's a wonder they didn't take chances of you missing and make a try anyhow," suggested Halliday. "Hull," cauie a voice froui out of the darkness, "her hand shook so that Bill and I couldn't tell what she was going to :-hoot at. She was waving that gun round so she'd have blown the whole side of the car off if she had tired. If it had been a man we'd plugged him, but we haven't been used to feaiiuine soci ety lately, and we were kinder taken aback." Sage, the superintendent, took much the same view of It the next morning when he had Halliday in the office. "Of course," he said, "it was a dis tinct violation of the rules to have the girl aboard, and yet it was the fact that a woman was holding them up that did the trick." "I didn't let her come 011 the car," protested Halliday, to whom a violation of the rules seemed more important than the capture of the outlaws. "Well," said the superintendent, with just the suggestion of a smile, "the best way to stop that is to get you a x>lace as express agent and keep you in the station. That ought to keep your wife from breaking the rules about strangers in the cars. With the larger salary and the $15,000 reward you ought to make a pretty fair start." "Can't start any too quick for me," muttered Halliday, and he proved it the next morning by getting married. A Tithe Collector. When any one, even the minister, at tempted an argument with Miss Maria Higgins, he was pretty sure to find himself worsted in the end. The minister objected at times to the firm manner in which Miss Higgins placed his duty before him at every opportunity, although he had a great respect for her character. "I can't see my way to preaching a sermon 011 tithes just yet," he said meekly, one day, when Miss Higgins had been making hli 1 a long call. "The people haven't much money, you know, Miss Higgins, and they can't divide up other things very well. Even you couldn't, always. Suppose, for in stance, you should go home and find your hens had laid fifteen eggs, how would you manage to give a tentli of them to the Lord?" "I should come back and take you and your wife home to tea with ine," said Miss Higgins, with a grim smile, "and I guess when I'd made a scram ble of six of those eggs and set you two down to it the Lord would get his tithe fast enough." John Wesley. John Wesley, founder of the Metho dist church, was born at Epworth, Eng land, on June 17, 1703, and died in London 011 March 2, 1791, aged eighty eight years, lie was educated ut Ox ford university and entered the min istry of the Church of England, which corresponds to the Episcopal church in this country. Three years after General Jame» Oglethorpe had founded the colony of Georgia he came over at Oglethorpe's request mainly to convert tl»» lndi-ui*". Tliis was in iTits On file voyage he met aud conversed with some Moravians, and on hN return to England lie studied that religion and was converted to it. After further study of the Moravian doctrines he was moved by unconquerable zeal to declare free salvation to all men through simple faith in Jesus Christ. On May 12, 1730, he laid at Bristol, England, the cornerstone of the first Methodist church building. Morroweri J tint Ice. A country justice of the peace called upon a retired attorney and, after pre senting a statement of facts, asked as a matter of friendship for a legal opin ion upon them. This the attorney gave. When the attorney had finished the squire rose and said: "Well, those are just the facts in a case I am a-going to try next Saturday in my court, and I knowed you would give ine the ritfht kind of an opinion, so I come to you. The costs in that case will be just !?7.. r )0, and lam will ing to divide with you. When I was a candidate some of the folks In my county 'lowed I didn't know enough to run this office, and I intend to show them that I do. The next case I have I will come to you again, and we will run that court right or bust a ham string a trying." With that the justice of the ppac* dropped $3.75 on his astonished friend's desk and took Ills departure. Mexican Courlmlilp. A Mexican girl is courted by a unique process. Her would be lover walks up and down the street on the opposite side and stares at her win dow by the hour. If his appearance is agreeable she appears at the window after a few days of this performance. When the acquaintance develops he is introduced to her papa, and after the necessary marriage arrangements have been made ho is Introduced to her. The preliminary tramping and staring are called "doing the bear." <«oethc. Goethe was pronounced "the hand somest man of Europe." lie was a lit tle over six feet In height, but so well proportioned that he did not seem tall. Ills features were of tho Roman type, his lialr rather light than dark, his whole appearance commanding. Even to extreme old age he retained a large share of the personal good looks that earlier in life had insdo htm so at tractive. Woiucu Muni Weep. "You look discouraged." "1 am," answered tho newly married man. "I have done all in my power tO make my wife happy. Sho can't f\nd anything at home to cry about, so «hi goes downtown and weeps over the heroluo at the matinee."—-Washington Btar. Even the lion has to defend hlmseli against t'.les. -German Proverb. Mlltoai'* Work*. Milton regarded tho "l'aradlse Ite gnlued" as infinitely superior to the "Paradise I,ost" and once expressed great surprise that uny one should en tertain a contrary opinion. He said that of all his works the poem "On the Morning of Christ's Nativity" was his best. It was his earliest, being written in Kill), when he was twenty-one years of ag<\ In«ltai>**tnblc. Mabel But, papa, I know that he must have money. He doesn't attempt to conceal it. l'apa That settles it. He Lasn't any. Trouble. The fellow who "borrows trouble'' always has ou hand enough to start a gloom factory. Try lending It for awhile. I'atlence is the support of wcakuoss; Impatience Is the ruin of Coiton. WHAT VACCINATION DID WHEN TESTED John T. Hyatt, Former American Vice Consul at Santiago, Writes to Health Commissioner Dixon of Thrilling Experi ences In Cuba. VACCINE VIRUS VS. SMALL-POX While Victims of the Horrible Disease Fell All About Them, Mr. Hyatt and His Family, With Vaccination As Their Only Weapon, Lived Un harmed. Commissioner of Health Samuel O. Dixon has received the following letter from John T. Hyatt, of Jersey-Shore, Pa., former Vice-Consul at Santiago, telling of Mr. Hyatt's personal expe rience in fighting small-pox with vac cine virus: Jersey Shore, Pa., Jan. 4, 1906. Hon. Samuel G. Dixon, Commissioner of Health, Harrisburg, Pa.: Dear Sir—As at Lock Haven and other parts of the state there is so much opposition to vaccination, as re quired by the Act of June 18, 1895, I feel constrained to write you some of my own experiences and observations with reference to that subject. I was American Vice-Consul at Sant iago De Cuba from 1893 to 1897 inclu sive. The influx to Santiago from the rural districts, where, on account of tho revolution, it was very dangerous to live, was very heavy, and particu larly after the inhuman reconcentra tlon order of General Weyler. In 1896 industry was stifled and poverty and starvation were reigning supreme at Santiago, meat selling as high as 75c. and $1 a pound, eggs at 10c. apiece, and other things at proportionate prices. At this time yellow fever and small pox broke out in the moet virulent form. It was estimated at the time that during that year there were 10,000 cases of yellow fever and 20.000 cases of small-pox in the city of Santiago. As I recollect It now, the death rate from these two causes alone In that city ascended to a level of from 60 to 100 deaths per day. The Spanish government, unmindful of the welfare of the people, took little or no steps to stamp, out the scourges, and although private enterprise im ported a considerable amount of vac cine virus, yet the Indifference of the authorities and the opposition of the illiterates, being perhaps about 75 per cent, of the population, prevented any considerable amount of vaccination. No efforts were made at quarantin ing. Those suffering in various stages of small-pox walked about the streets, mingling with the people unmolested, and many of them came into the con sular on business. Small-pox broke out in nearly all of He h mis as In the vicinity of the consulate. One man, I ren ember particularly, afflicted with the dreadful disease In Its confluent form, lay in my plain sight in the open air under the eaves o' a house stand ing back in the adjacent lot, not more than 40 feet from where I worked at my desk, with the breeze blowing from him to me, and I saw this man die and his corpse carried away. My father and mother and wife were with mo at this time, and as soon as the small-pox broke out we were all vaccinated, although we had each been successfully vaccinated In previous years. The vaccination took slightly with each member of our family, and we were all vaccinated regularly there after every month or two, in order to use every possible precaution, but the vaccination did not tako in any case practically after tho first application. Whenever fresh virus came to the consulate from the States wo distrib uted the supply where it seemed to be most advisable. Although constantly exposed to confluent small-pox for nearly two years, none of my family took the disease. Neither did others at Santiago during that eventful period who were careful to bo successfully vaccinated, as I recollect now from In quiries then made, although the dead wagons were carrying such a continu ous freight to the cemetery that It was a common thing for tho sexton and his help when night fell to find 20 or 30 more corpses on their hands for inter ment than they were able to biwy, and which they had to leave out all night in the cemetery and bury in the morn ing. If this letter can he of any help to you In your magnificent work of en lightening the peoplo of this Common wealth on tho importance of vaccina tion, you have my permission to use It. Very respectfully yours, JOHN T. HYATT. THIS VALUABLE PLANT HAS GREAT ECONOMIC VALUE. All Ita Carta, From Stalk to Beads, Mar De Made a Source of Heveaue to Cultivator*—lt la l.o*tcallr Oar National Flower. The sunflower might be a most ap propriate choice for the national flower of our country, since it originated here In tho regions of the grout plains. Specimens of It wore taken to Europe by the early Spanish explorers, and It was first cultivated in tho old world In tho gardens of Madrid. The plant was utilized by tho American Indians long before the days of Columbus. Chainplaln, when he visited Georgian bay In 1010, found the aborigines there growing It and using the oil made from the seeds on their hulr. It was raised chiefly for the sake of the food which Its seeds supplied. To so high a point had It been dovoloped by the natives on this continent that during tho three and a half centuries which have elapsed since Its adoption by the whlto men It has not boen Improved to any extent, merely retaining the original size which distinguished It from Its wild original. In Russia the plant Is of great eco nomic Importance, Its seeds being eaten in Immense quantities, raw or roasted, just as we eat poanuts. The oil ob tained by prosalng tho seeds Is ulso widely used as an article of diet. The stalks and oil cakes make excellent fod der, the leaves are employed as a sub stitute for tobacco, and the fiber of the stalks has a high value. The oil of the sunflower is widely employed in Ilus sla, where the frequent religious feasts restrict the use of meat. There are three principal varieties cultivated in the czar's territory—one with large whlto seeds, which nre said to yield the most oil; one with smaller black seeds, which are sweeter and considered the best for eating, and an intermediate | form with striped seeds, used both for i eating uud the production of oil. No. 4. The sunflower has assumed a greater economic vol tie in Russia than In any other country. Even by the uppor classes the seeds are much eaten, the larger and finer ones being equal to most nuts in palatability and whole someness. While the poorer and less perfect seeds furnish an oil -which is somewhat turbid and bitter, the better ones yield a superior quality that ft said to compare favorably with the olive oil of commerce. The stalks and straw of the sunflower are highly priz ed as fuel, being in some parts of the empire the only available substitute for wood to burn. Sunflower oil seems to have more of the general properties of olive oil than any other known sub stitute. Of late years, when purified. It has been used extensively to adulter ate olive oil. It is of a pale yellowish color and decidedly palatable. In a crude state It is used by painters,* bat to uo very great extent, being mixed with cheap paints and prepared stains, but it does not equal linseed oil for varn'sh. The cake left after the ex traction of the oil by pressure is ex tremely rich, being equal in this re spect to the maize cake or linseed cake. Branches and stalks of the plant are used for fodder and are highly nu tritious. One of the many ways of utilizing the seeds Is practiced in the poorer dis tricts of Europe, where n fair kind of bread is made from them. Many cheap cigars are made from the leaves of the plant. When properly cured the leaves make fair wrappers for cigars, and they are employed to a greater extent than is generally thought. Pulverized and used with un equal quantity of to bacco the combination is not so bad for pipe smoking. The sunflower gives a peculiar aroma to the tobacco which Is much liked by some smokers. Cheap cigarettes are often adulterated with sunflower leaves. In China the fiber of the stalks, which Is fine, silky and very strong, Is woven into silk fabrics, and It is believed with the proper machin ery It might be utilized with much profit in this country. It Is an Interesting fact that the va riety of sunflower most grown In this country is culled the Russian. Farm ers eay that nothing fattens chickens so quickly as the seeds of this plant, which seem to encourage hens to lay. Paper has been made from the stalks, but in the treeless region where the suuflower is most extensively grown their highest value is for fuel. Though the economic value of the sunflower has been but recently n sub ject of discussion, Its aesthetic value has long been recognized. In Kansas the borders of wagon roads and rail roads are frequently lined for miles with the blossoms, which in August and September, when the flowers are In full bloom, are a feature of the prairie landscape. Tliese are not tho large flowers grown in our gardens for ornamental purposes, but are a smaller variety, which grows wild.— New York Herald. Xelaon'a Right Hand. Nelson's attachment to his friends was as ardent as his courage. When he was presented to King George 111. at his levee, his majesty congratulated him on his great actions. After this i culogium he condolea w lih him »n tire loss of his arm. Nelson turned ground to Captain Berry, who had oeen the companion of many of his exploits, and Introduced him to the king with this remark: "My loss, I assure your maj esty, Is not so great as you Imagine, for hero Is my right hand." Naturally- There is a good story told of a Hert fordshire farmer. A few nights ago he went homo late and drank a pint of yeast in mistake for buttermilk. He rose three hours earlier the next morn ing.—London Tit-Bits. Eulns the Prciiare. "Mr. Kiljordan," said the young man with the bill, "would it bo convenient for you to"— "No, it wouldn't!" stormlly inter rupted Kiljordan, looking up with blood In his eye. "You addle patsd idiot, don't you know enough not to In terrupt a man when ho's at work? The payment of this installment Isn't due till tomorrow anyhow, you dad dinged lunkhead! For half a cent I'd throw you out of the window. Take your gumdasted faco out of here or I'll" The terrified youth waited to hear no more. He darted out through the door and made for tho Btairway, down which ho went three steps at a time. "What alls you, Kiljordan?" asked the man at tho other desk. "Why did you try to scaro that boy half to death?" "I've no grudge against the boy," ho answered, turning to his work, "but I couldn't swear at tho woman with the gentle manner and the neighborhood charity scheme who buzzed me for half an hour before he came In, and I had to let out on somebody."— Chicago Tribune. Ills Moral I pllltUi. Many years ago Bill Smith waa a well known charactor In a Missouri town whose name need not be mention ed here. Bill was a colored boy who roamed the streets at will. One day he found a pockctbook containing S4O, and the owner's name was Btamped on the book. But Bill burned the pocketbook and spent the S4O in riotous living. Of course it was found out, and Bill was urrested, tried, found guilty and sent to the penitentiary for two years. Ho served his time, and when he emerged ho knew something about making shoes. Tho day he returned to his home an old acquaintance met him and asked: "Well, what did they put you at In the prison, Bill?" "Dey started In to make an honest boy out'u me, sah." "That's good, BUI, and I hope they succeed ed." "Dey did, sah." "And how did they teach yon to be honest. Bill?" "Dey done put me In de shoe shop, sah, nullln' pasteboard outer shoes t& soles, snh." Better Than Itrfrr«ae«i. "Can you give me references from your lust place?" "No, ma'am. The last woman I worked fur was Mrs. Llbby that use