Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 18, 1906, Image 3

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NOTE—AII advertisers Intending to make
chances In their «d». tboaid notify ot
their intention to do to not later than Mon
day morn Inf.
Auditor s report. Hanuahstown Inß.
Charter Notice.
Tippen & Patton-
Admlniati «<ora and Executor* of «»tates
cm serare their receipt book* at the
Borough Announcements.
Subject to the decision of the Repabli-1
vrmnry election, Saturday, Jan.
27, 1906—2 to 7 P. M.
For Burgess,
J. B. BLACK, of the Fourth ward.
For Collector of Taxes,
B. H. JACK. .
Republican Primaries.
Botler twp —Saturday, 27th, at
1 to 7 p. m.. at usual polling places
Winfield twp—27tb, Ito 7 p. m., at
Grange Hall-
The Republican."! of Centre township
will hold their nomination for township
officers at the election house on Jan. 27
from 2 to 4 p. m.
For Justice of the Peace,
JACOB KECK, of the Fifth Ward
Subject to the Decision of the Demo
craic Primaries.
—New schedule on the Bessie.
—How is that new leaf by this time?
—lt isn't much of a task to swear off
after all
—Before you settle down for the year
settle up.
—The roosters will crow in Creamery
'Hall, next week.
—You needn't look np the lawn
mower for a while yet.
—The Greenville steel works got a
SIOO,OOO scorching last Thursday night.
—Nominations must be certified to
the Commissioners by Thursday, Feb.
—Groundhog day, February 2nd, the
next great national event, will soon be
—The real thing in winter arrived
late, tbii time —Jan. 16th, but didn't
stay long.
—Stone walls do not a prison make,
nor iron bsrj a jail if Mine John is in
side, and wants out.
—The County Commissioners should
otter a Urge reward for the man who
does not catch John Uininger.
—Of the 188,000 of Butler Borough
Bchoot bond* outstanding the Board
wishes to redeem $14,000 imtredialely
—Nine nnudred dollars a fool front
was p*id by 8. Pooloe to the Berg heirs
for the frnit store lot on Main St. or
SIB,OOO for 20 feet.
-O. H. Nicholas is building a storage
bouse and livery stable on the rear end
of his lot facing on 8. McKean St.—
lately the Humphrey lot.
—The Pittsburg Leader is reported
•old to Wanamsker, and the real estate
to the Mellons, and will support the
Flinn taction in local politics.
—The front of the new Hotel Nixon
has been exposed to public view, and it
is a beauty. The terra-cotta ornaments
look as well, if not better, than carved
—The house of W. 8. Douthett of
BrowLsdsle was entered and robbed,
during the church hour, last Snndsy,
and that afternoon a crowd chssed the
thief to Watters station, and into the
woods near Csllery, when darkness set
in and be escaped.
—The P. B. R Co. shonld bnild a
station or waiting room at Sarversville.
The passenger and freight traffic at that
point is considerable, and passengers
have either to wait in an open shed at the
track, or take their chances of getting
down from the store in time to catch
the train. Passengers for the down
tratn often get left there.
--An Ellwood City baker, going to
his job at 4 a.in. the other morning,
earned a better one on the police force
of that city. He fonnd five burglars
preparing to open the poetoffice "in the
short way, omitting the usual ceremo
nies," when be opened fire, and after
exchanging shots, drove the lot of them
to their watting rig and out of town.
—The hen and a half, egg and a hslf
and day and a half puzzleor question is
being reprinted. Nobody ever ssw a
ben and a half, a green monkey or a
purple cow. The poet wrote
I never saw a purple cow,
I never hope to see one.
But 1 can tell yon, anvhow,
I'd rather see than be one.
Your dollar will do double duty at
Hitter A Rockensteins great sale of
men's, and boys' clothing.
If a saving of 23 to 50 per cent is any
object It is np to yon now to attend
Hitter A Rockensteins great sacrifice
■ale of men's and boys' wear.
Three frame building in Karas City
owned by P. R. Bnrke, and two owned
by E. E. Abrams were destroyed by
fire, last Friday night. When Mrs.
Mary Hilllard. who kept a boarding
honse. In one of them, went up stairs
about 10 o'clock she discovered the
story in flames and gave the alarm, but
the old frames bnrned like a brush
heap and an hour or so after the build
Ings occupied by H. L. Storey & Co.,
Mrs. C. Dieter, for groceries, a vacant
bnllding, the boarding honse and the
P. O. were in sshes. The Sblra &
Wallace hardware scross the street wan
injured. The men of the town worked
bard to stay the flames, and. fortunste
ly there was no wind. Some letters
were bnrned in P. O. The entire IOHM
is about SIO,OOO.
Butler County Sunday Hclnml
At the call of the president. Prof. R.
S. Penfleld, the Executive Committee
of the Butler County Sabbath School
Association, will moot in the Y. M C
A. building, Butler, Pa.. Thursday
afternoon, Jan. IHth, at 1 o'clock, to
begin plans for their Annual County
Convention, and to attend to other
business of Importance. All members
of the committee are most earnestly re
quested to sttend.
Yours very sincerely
Corresponding Sec'y.
Evans City, Pa.
Immediately, at the Muntz Coal
Mine, Butler, steady work guaranteed.
J{)HN I£AIN£, Prop'r.
If a saving of 25 to 30 per cent Is and
object It is np to yon now to attend
Bitter 0c Rockensteins great sacrifice
saie of men's and boys' wear.
Overcoats at your price at Ritter &
Rockensteins preat sale.
Klingler's Silver Foam is known ai
the best family flour everywhere Only
SI.BO a sack.
Fifth Ave. Library Society vs Chas.
H. Parker, appeal by deft f.om judg
meat of $49 rendered by H- V. Chris
tie, J P
W. P Hines vs Manufactu era Light
and Heat Co , trespass for $1 V damages
for laying a gas line through his. faim
in Brady twp.
Earnestine Baer vs A.ugu£t Baer, pe
tition for divorce.
Harriet A. Richards of Butler vs Bert
Richards, petition for divorrcruelty
J. E. Brennan vs M. Finne<an. sum
mons in assumpsit.
The sait of the Franklin Tr :st Co. vs
Mrs. I. K. White and A. J. Waite. defts
and J. Berg & Co, garnishees, was con
tinned until next term
The last half of last we*k and first of
this was occup'ed b_v the tri*l of the
case of H. A. Stauffer, receiver of the
Standard Trust Co.. -which < loeed its
doors in March, 1004» after dcing busi
ness in the Forquer building Tot a little
over a year, vs C. D. Gre> alee, the
President of the company, to recover on
notes for $20,000, signed by .Greenlee.
The company was organized by Green
lee, R. W. Hervey, who bo lght the
Marshall and Forc'ht farms. E W. Wy
lie and J W Langfeit of Pitts'r urg. and
C. A. Bailey of Butler, who"was cashier.
Capital stock to the amount of $131,100
was issued. When the bank closed the
receiver found the Greenlee notes over
due. in the safe,' and also <ne from
Wylie for SIO,OOO Judgment was en
tered on both, and Greenlee jontested
payment, saying he had never received
any money or other value for the notes,
bnt that they had been given at the re
quest of Mr. Bailey to tide the bank
over a tight place. Bailey and Stauffer
claimed that they were given in pay
ment for stock, and the certifi ates for
the itock were found in the book*, made
out to Greenlee, bat never accepted by
him. Against this it was claimed he
had keys which gave him access to the
Greenlee claimed he snbscril ed for 85
and paid $8,500 for them, and the plain
tiff claimed he subscribed for 2t!5
shares. At a previous trial awf tlement
was reached by which Greer.lee paid
$8 200, enough to cover all the lebts of
the bank, the costs of the rec ivership
and the snit; the understanding was
that the suit would be withdrawn. The
receiver made out his report to the
State Banking Department, showing
the facts, and asked for his discharge
This was refused and he was ordered to
proceed and collect from Greenlee and
Wylie, necessitating the opening of the
suit J. W. Lee of Pittsburg uppeared
for Greenlee, and A. G. Willi*ms and
T. C. Campbell for the Receive . Jadge
Galbreath charged the jury Monday
morning, and they brought in s verdict
for the defendant.
The assnmpsit case of Daud Mc-
Ilwain vs Evans City Coal Co. a id Wm.
Bishop, receiver, went to tria. yester
day afternoon.
The damage suit of Mrs. Annie
Wilkes, whose husband, L.igineer
Wilkes was killed in the Mc aluiont
wreck, against the B. R & P. railroad
is to be tried today.
The care of Black & Baird of Pitts
burg vs the Erie Coal & Coke Co. went
to trial Tuesday. The parties made an
agreement by which the Erie Co. was
to pay Black & Baird SIOO,OOO tor 1000
acres of coal, including the John A.
Turner mines and holdings at Ferris.
Black & Baird paid Tnrner s7.*> 'K)O -for
his property. 604 acres, and leased np
400 acres additional. They hid to pay
a year's royalty, amounting to *>4o. on
the 400 acres and this is what they sued
for. The Erie Co's defense was that
any expense the plaintiffs were put to
was included in the SIOO,OOO.
The plaintiffs showed payment of the
royalties was not in the original agree
ment and the jury returned a verdict of
SOO9 19 for the plaintiffs.
The case of Butler County Poor Dis
trict vs Jas M, Maxwell, for a balance
of $529 and interest claimed to be due
the Poor District on taxes for tue year
1902 was tried Tuesday. The defence
claimed that three auditors' reports
showed nothing was due, but it was
also shown the auditors had not acted
on the account, and under the Courts
instruction the jury returned a verdict
in favor of the plaintiff for $064.20.
The case of John Wyke vs Samuel
and Lizzie Smith ii to go to trial next
In the case of John Balfour VH Samuel
Balfour heirs, the (lefts, asked leave to
amend their pleadings, the plff plead
surprise, and the case WAS continued
until next term.
The case"of Bam nel Zlegler vt H C.
Critchiow is to bo tried Wednesday,
Jan. 24.
The case of R. L. Stoup vs South
Penn Oil Co. is to be tried Tuesday,
Jan. 2:i.
The case of S. Haller vs Ralph Gregg
was continued until Jan. 24, on account
of Mr. Gregg's Illness
The case of W. E. Burkett vs South
Penn Oil Co. was continued on plain
tiffs motion.
The case of Barworth & Hammer vs
the Wm. Kavanaugh Co. has been
In the case of Home Real Estate Co.
vs Samuel Park heirs, a rule wiu grant
ed to show cause why judgment should
not be entered for want of a sufficient
affidavit of defense.
Sheriff A. M. Campbell took his first
official trip for the county, last week,
when he went to Polk Institute for the
Feeble Minded to take to that institu
tion Albert Allen of Centre twp The
Sheriff left on the Bessemer morning
train and expected to have his charge
brought to meet the train at J.-;mison
ville or Junction.
In the case of Mrs Ellen Elliott vs
the B. &O. R. R. Co., a motion was
made Saturday morning on the part of
the plaintiff asking that the report of
the viewers in the case, who awarded
Mrs. Elliott $275 for damages done her
farm near Karns City by straightening
out the track and making a fill which
closed a private road, be set aside, for
the reasons that the viewers were car
ried to the scene of the view from But
ler at the expense of the railroa... that
the railroad's attorney offered to pay
1 for their dinners, and that the railroad
or its attorney or agent had a bottle of
whiskey along and treated some of the
jurors while they were acting 011 the
case. The motion was made by Attor
ney Christley, and as soon as he had
finished It. P. Scott, attorney for the
railroad rose to his feet and denounced
it all as an infamous insult and lie. ' It
was admitted, however, that the view
ers had traveled free of cost, and that
he had jokingly offered to pay for their
dinuers, and Scott explained tho whis
key inci lent by stating he had suddenly
lieen taken sick and after reaching
Karns City he had hunted up a friend
and got a small bottle of whiskey, to re
lieve his pain, and one or two of the
jurors took n drink of it.
"Cassie L. Chadwick, alias Madam
De Vere 10 years -conspiring to wreck
a National Hank-Cnyanoga county
received January 12. 1900, expires Janu
ary IU, 191(1—good time November.
1912," was the entry made at tho Ohio
penitentiary at Columbus, last Friday,
when Mrs. Chadwick arrived to begin
her ten-year sentence,
Miss Rhea L<usby, with the "Duster
Brown Co." iu Pittsburg, this week, has
entered suit against a big stocking fac
tory company for using her legs in their
advertisements withont her permission
What a time she'll have proving that.
The Superior Court, sitting in Scran
ton, adjourned last Saturday. Among
its decisions of thnt day was Mil case of
Follette vs County, C. P. Bntler county,
The United I'resbyteriap church ot
Bntler h.uj petitioned for a change of
Its charter 111 compliance with the act
relating to the hording of real estate by
■ churches.
A petition has been presented for a
charter for the Branchton M-thodist
Episcopal church, the [>etltionei being
Amos Hall, U. H. Waileworth, > leorge
1 Dickson, Albert Wigton. B. S. Rimer,
r John Shuttleworth, A. C. Imhoff, J. W.
McCutcheon, H. P. Doable and other's.
The P. & B. Street Railway Co has
filed an answer to the constable's r«t un
on the bad condition certain roads in
Penn twp. were left, in which it is
claimed the company is not responsible,
but that the contractors alone are lia
The will of Mrs Nancy
Mercer twp.. dividing her farm between
her two sons. John and Win. has been
probated. Wm. gets the house
C. G Christie has been appointed
commissioner to inquire with a jurv of
six into the mental state of Mollie Zeb
ner. aged j4 years, of Jackson twp.
The Fidelity and Deposit Co. of Bal
timore has filed a statement of its re
sources and liabilities at the end of last
year, showing each at $0,150,000. The
company is doing business in Butler
Motion for a new trial was refused ; n
the case of Henry W. Roenigk vs God
frey L. Cabot.
The case of the National Cash Regis
ter Cc. vs Wm Kirkpatrick wpnt to
trial Monday. Kirkpatrick issued a
landlord's warrant on his tenant, P. J.
Molyneaux, and bought the cash reikis
ter at the constable's sale. The plain
tiff company claimed that Molyneaux
had the register on a lease from them
and brought suit to recover it. An
amendment to the pleadings was neces
sary, and the defendant plead snrprise.
George Rosebaugh has petitioned for
sitisfaction of and old mortgage given
in 1066 on land in Adams twp.
John Porkobat was placed in jail last
night on a charge of agg. a&b.
C H. Miller, Dr. Pearson and J. A
Stoops were appointed a commissi >n in
lunacy on Elizabeth Olive Rhodes, a
daughter of Mrs. L A. Rhodes of S'ip
In the Henry Shenk vp National B-snk
case, the plaintiff's bill of costs was
*420 and the defendant's SBO.
The case of Frederick M. Renno vs
Penn'a R. R. Co. has been settled.
Renno, who was injured in a wre k at
Marwood, receiving a considerable sum
of money.
The case of Jos. Ash of Forward twp
vs National Transit Co. has b»-eii
The case of Mary Cubbison vs W. H.
Book, instead of John D. Albert was
continued on account of plaintiffs ab
sence from the state.
Citizens of Winfield and Slipperyrock
townships have petitioned Court to le
clare a special election, to be held at
the same time in conjunction with f he
February election, to determine whether
they will pay or work out their road
tax in the usual method which has here
tofore been in vogue, or whether they
will pay it in cash as provided m 'he
road law passed by the last Legislature.
The trial of Norman H. Geyeer of
Allegheny, accused of the mnruer of
Mrs Kirkpatrick. Feb. 4, 1905, began
nearly two weeks ago, and is the long
est drawn out murder trial, Allefhtny
Co. has had for a long time On Tues
day Geyser testified in his own behalf,
and for four hours was examined by
both the attorneys for the defense and
the prosecution. For two and a half
hours he was under cross examination
by Attorney John 8. Robb, Jr., but the
story he told when questioned by his
own attorneys could not be shaken
Geyser took the stand at 11 :!J0 o'clock;
his examination lasted until 4:20. He
gave an account of all his doings on the
night of the murder and the day follow
ing; he denied a greater portion of the
testimony presented by those who were
formerly his comrades, especially tbat
part of it regarding his relations with
the victim ol the crime.
In the case of Wilson Graham vs
James S. Brown, Judge J. Sharp Wil
son of Beaver, before whom the snit
was heard, has filed an opinion decid
ing in favor of the defendant. Graham
is an old man and owned a farm IU
Cranberry twp. Ue went to live with
Brown a short distance over the line i n
Allegheny connty, and later Brown had
him sign a deed conveying the Cran
berry twp. farm to Brown. Suit in
equity was brought to have the deed
set aside.
Mike Slis is in jail for stealing a vest
from Jos. Eskovitz.
John Rainey Hoou has been re-ay
pointed County Detective.
J. A McGowan resigned the Mer
cantile Appraisershfy, and R. A. White
was appointed in his stead.
Sylvanns Aggas, ex'r of Mary M.
Fleeger, dee'd., has been granted leave
to sell decedent's real estate, 48 acres In
Concord twp. for the payment of dahts.
Clerk of Conrts Christley wai: ap
pointed guardian ad litem of fo ir
minor children of Jas. W. Barr, dee'd.,
of Summit twp.
Stella M Maxwell to Curtis A Fox 2
acres in Adams for $1275.
H W Roth to Jane Morrison lot in
Prospect for S2OO.
W J Breaden to J W Mahood int in
27 acres in Clay for $425.
O R Suvder to Cath A Redd lot in
Millerstown for SBOO.
J D Magee to Chan L Taylor lot in
Valencia for $llOO.
Jas D Perry to R M Gibson lot in 1
Valencia for sl.
John Ferguson, trustee, to Geo E
Dnnlap 115 acres in Adams for $."400.
Julia Watson to Jas A Hunter acres
iu Buffalo for SBOO.
Thos J Campbell to Winnie Campbell
80 acres in Venango for sl.
J C Wally to J H Wally property in
Hilliards for S2OOO
J H Wally to W K Partridge same for
Vance Skinnei to Lewis Hilger lot at
CI aytonla for SBS
Walter Wiiner to W H Humphrey kit
acres in Worth for SSOO.
O D and W C Thompson to Lli-is
Ritts lot at Main and North sts for $:!!{,
Elizabeth J Stewart to Lotiella Hny
der lot 011 W Clay st for SBOOO.
□ John W Glenn to Leo Schaflner lot
on E Penn st for $1750.
Miffiln Wade to Thos and liuih
Lochrie 1 acre in Washington for S7O
Heirs of Jas Gilghrist to E 1' Gil
ghrist (j c to 112 acres in Cherry for $5
Huston and C 11 Itoessing to Anna M
Slentz lot on Negley ave for sl.
Edwin A McCandless to Geo Itoae
bangh lot in Adams for sl.
Lucretia A Meals to P IS L E It It
lot in Centre for $-127.
Sa ml Christley to Benj B Thompson
lot in Slipperyrock boro for SIBOO.
John W Curry to E H Hirkpatrick 99
acres in Slipperyrock for SBOOO.
Samuel Christley to B B Thompson
lot in Hlipperyrock for SIBOO.
H W Kline to Chas E Snccop If) acres
in Venango for SISOO
Arthur Perry to James Perry lot in
Valencia for $250.
Hannah Grossman to Walter Mc
Curdy 5 acres in Brady forsw»o.
W II Stein,adm'r to Walter MeCurdy
15 acres in Brady for SBOI.
A L Findley to W E Holmes lot on
Sleppy St. for $1875.
John A Richcy to Thomas A Morrison
lot on Main Ht,. for s'lo,ooo.
Thomas A Morrison to John A liichey
lot OB McKcan st for SSOOO.
Theressa Niggel to Leonard A Eytlj
lot on Locust St. for s*so.
J I) Marshall to W S Wick lot on
Third Ave. for $550.
If a saving of 25 to 50 per cent is any
object it is tip to you now to attend
Hitter it Roekenstelns u;reat sacrifice
sale of men's and boys' wear.
All kinds of Hutving machine needles
at Henry Biehl s.
Your dollar win do double duty at
Ritter & great sale of
men's and boys's clothing
Butler County Poultry and Pet
Stock Association Hhow, Jan 21, 25, 20
and 27, 1901 Writ" the Secretary,
Virgil Gibson, for premium Jist.
—Why i»Uc\ytou "The Piano Man
Sec adv.
Attend the State Normal School ti
Slippery Hock. Bntler County, Pa. VI
vantage* first-class, rates low; tnuioii
free to teachers and to those wiio ictei <1
to teach. Winter term bugina Jaiiuar *
2nd. 1906. Send for a catalogue. Au
John Qreenert ot Winfield twp visit-
EIL friends in Batler, Tnesday
P R aud J. C. Day of Clay twp were
in town on business, last Friday.
W. M. Rub} - of Connoquenessin? twp.
visited friends in Fntler, last week.
Mrs. .T. M. Ilnli OF North Washing
ton waa Tti years y .:ng, last Friday
C. M CAMPLKLL and his brother,
Joseph, were iu town on bnsiness, Tues
M-'eaes Mary, L I- *zie and Ida Reifcer
of E. Jefferson left Tuesday for
F. X. Hnuies of institute Hill is drill-
ICK for XH-I for T. ~.V. Phillips in Jef
ferson Connty.
J. C. Elliott of Bntler. Daijiel Heck
and Geo. K. Marsu..!! of Forward were
among our callers, 'ast week. I
Chas Reiber anti wife returned from
their wedding trip, last Monday ana
are at home at 133 W. North St.
F. W. Strain and wife of Institute
Hill bave returned from Greenville,
whr-r C . they were guests of relatives.
Robert Hamilton' ime U> see us last
we»k, and pny fc. his paper. - Mr.
Ilfmiltou Las been it- king the Citizen
for over half a cent ry.
Charles E. Glasgo?- of Braddock was
in town on business, Tuesday. Charley
has been with the vVestinghouse Co.
there for some years and likes it.
C. P. Cook of represented
the Lawrencebnrg lodge at the Odd
Fellows coiiVt'-iti-in .N Allegheny, last
we»K. and J. K. HOLLAND the Hilliards
J C. Brandon o" Connoquenessing
i-.nd Miss Mary E V, L.ite of Dayton, O.
wer 3 TIAITITRD, Jan. 'IT the home of the
bride's brother, Charles H. White, in
Rudolph Bamhart of Connoriueness
ing was in tov-n on business, Monday,
lie thinks that tbeit pretty little town
vili b»; on tJe new fctieet car line from
New Casile to Butler.
Dr. A. M. Neyman is safely recover-
from injuries received several days
while running for en Institate
Iliii cur. The Dr. f'.-il and cnt a bad
gash in his forehead .'nd broke two ribs. ,
Jchn G. fe2ll is in town to-day. The
Sells Brothers are sawing street car
ties and bill stuff thi week on the John
Geo. Freeliling farm in Winfield twp.
Jac'r Ke-isey is sawing on Henry
Garner's farm, and ' 4 eieler brothers on
the Mrs. Bowers.
O. G. McCaudless of Centre twp. is
thH selling agent for this section for
tae De Laval Separators and
dairy specialties, and his success in
l.ns'uers induced him to send ns a nice
check the other <lay. one that pays his
subscription ahead. It may be that bis
delight over that bivr boy that arrived
at his house a lew days ago had some
thing to do with it.
All <ld friends her-; in Butler who
know Dr. Cbailes B Gillespie of Free
port. I'a deep'.y syrcpathzie with him
iQ his present afilic'ions. Last week
two sisters, one of a twin sister,
die* l in that place w ; thin a day or so of
each other, and new we learn that he
himself is lying quite ill. While up in
yeprs, yet until recently he was active
and enjoying goo.l health. We hope to
rf his speedy recovery.
His Highness, th' Bey.—Jan. 18.
Tho most snccest t'nl. Korgeons and
Kiitterng musical • >medy success of
jbe decade ii "His Highness, the Bey,"
Vhi-ili lia;i just c<«mp!'.ted a five months
ran in Chicago, wb* rt> it returns after
a few weeks on the rc id, for an added
run. The book is by two Chicago
University students and the music is
from the most prolific music fountain
in the country, Joseph E. Howard.
The utility and energy of
the diminutive cho-us girls gives a
vigor and swing to toe production that
sf-rvs to make it a notable one.
Matinee, children 'isc, adults r»0c;
night 2"5c-50c-76c-sl,oo.
A Jolly American Tramp —Jan. 10.
K ..
■< •
' ■" r '&■
In "A JOHY American Trutn i>," E. E.
K i.der, the well liLown play-right,
who wrote "A Poor lielation" and
"Peaceful Valley" for Hoi Smith Rassell
BC,IV< H thg pr >bleiD th.it has vexed the
rnra l 'torn inanity for years. In it Mr.
Kidder attempt* to bhow that with
it nil just appreciation of man,
oven if in raw*. and i-he consequent re
specting of his rights, will impel even
tt>e mor,t confirmed "hobo" to think he
1H OU earth for a purpose. Priced 10c
Our NT.W Minister — Jan. 20.
Diiurran Thoinpnon and Geo W
liyer'h latest success, "Our New Minis
ter fv< nh from its triumphant 7 months
Mew York run, oomes to the Majestic,
Haturdav, lan, !10. Thin Is the first New
England play that ti,(!se authors have
wittea since that d.'umatic evergreen
w.m lint br >ti <ht forward nineteen
yenrx njfo Th>j scene of the play in
laid iu Ilardscrabhh N. 11, a poor
farming commnnlty.
Mfitir-ee 25c-500. Night 25c-floc-75C
KeifTer Htock Co. All Next Week.
Heglnning Monday evening the
Clmuncey Keiffer Htock Co will open a
week's eugagcmefit at the Majestic
Theatre. Tnis com t iny com* a well
recommended and ha J been playing to
capacity business all seauon which
speaks for thu gocd'.uua of the per
formances, The company will open
here in Mrs. Leslie Carter a great pro
duction "Madame I>:< Harry" with Miss
Keifer aw Dn Larry During the en
gagement, here Miss Keifer will ex
hibit some very costly gowns
Ladies tickets have been issued lor
Monday evening, limited to UOO.
(Jet your nis ran#' . heating shoves
arid sbt'-k burner*) lit lionry Liehl s
F><> yon know that. Klingler'H Snow
Drift Flour LHsl.2.'>A ick and Kiingler's
Silver Form #I.UO a SAEK, both warrant
Your dollar will do double duty ut
Rit'cr \ HockenuteiuM great sale of
men's and boys' clothing,
Overcoats at your price during Hitter
FT. Rurkenstein* great -ale.
—Why is Newton "The Piano Man?'
Hee artv
Overcoat* at your pi Ice during Hitter
<te Rot kensteins trreat sale.
lluckulicat Middling*
•tl.O't tier litmdrNl.
Wo Exchange Corn tor Ituck
11') lbs. yellow ahel'.ud corn for 100
lbs Luckwuent.
l l'i ihs yellow ear oorn for 100 lbs.
Buck wheat,
i ilO :b,i. Buckwheat Midds for 100 lbs.
U ick Wheat.
litis * the I 'Mt « " Itange wo have
;ev r I'uen i'il t, > lu-il m corn
n J. KM: U:IC X- Co..
Mutler, Pa.
—Money to loan on first mortgage,
E. 11. NEUI.KY,
Murriagt' J.icensos.
. C. R. Freyermuth Butler
Lene Rigaux "
Mitro Fil Lyndora
Martha Kalimur
Win. Curley Batler
Gussie •'
Roy M. Kuhn Concord twp
Sallie E Stewart '•
John C. Geibel Sauiinit twj)
Mary K. Thoma Oaklaud twp
Frank Verloitz Kay lor
J Mary Korokitz
. 1 Paul Reigelman Greenville
. j Bird Emmitt Harrisville
j M. H. Thompson Clay t .vp
; Estella Van Camp Cleveland. O
I'opulur Xorels.
List of popular new novels in demand
at the Butler Public Library:
Conquest of C'anna. Booth Tarking
ton: Salvina, Helen Martin: Nedra, Geo
B. McCutcheon; Sandy. Alen H. Rice:
Constence Trescott. S. I'rer Mitchell;
The Gambler, Katherine Thurston;
Wings of Mornintr, Louis Tracy:
Princet-s Passes, Williamson: PluLi
Tree, David G. Phillips; Man of the
Hour, Octave Thanet: Dr. Luke of
Labrador. Norman Duncan : The Debtor.
Mary (Wilkinsi Freeman: Household of
Peter, Rose Carey; Man on the Box
Harold McGrath: Master's Violin,
Myrtle Reed. Rose of the River, Kate
The Reformation.
"The Story of the German Reforma
tion, or the Life of Mirtiu Luther,"
■ under direction of Mrs. H E. Monroe)
under the auspices of the Grace Luth
eran church, will be rendered in the
Majestic Theatre, on Tuesday evening,
Jan. :Joth. by 150 of Butler s best local
talent. Reserved seats 35 and 50 cents.
Our grocers are paying for —
Apples 1 25
Fresh eggs 25
Butter 25-28
Potatoes 60
Chickens, dressed 13 15
Turkey, dressed 20
Navy beans, bu <SI 75
Onions, bu SI.OO
Lettuce, lb 10
Honey per lb 17
Dried Apples 6
Squashes, per pd 2
Turnips, per bu 40
Parsnips, per bn 75
Beets per bu 75
roit SALK.
Any one wishing to purchase the ten
volumes of the ' American Lyceum
Circle" text books, brand new. can have
Ihe same, at a greatly reduced price, by
addressing "M" CLTIZKN Office. Butler,
— Wanted— A bright boy to learn a
trade. Inquire at this office.
Klingler'g Snow Drift Flour is $1 25 a
sack, fully guaranteed. Makes a sweet
light loaf of a nutty flavor. Try it.
Sewing machines at |5.00 and up at
Henry Biehl's.
| SALE j
jMens |
Hats and
i $3 $4 $5 $
4 Soft and Stiff Hats at #
I $1.90 J
? $1.50 grade at $1 J
5 SI.OO grade at 65c £
# 50c grade at 25c #
t $2.50 grade at $1.90 $ :
f 2.00 grade at 1.50 #
i 1.50 grade at 1.00 t
# Other brands at 75c #
lots underwear at?
# Less than cost. #
jjno. 8. Wick j
0 i
F Hattkr and l'i'iinihiiku, r
1 345 S. Main St., J
j (J. Stein Building.) i
5 Two Doors North of Willard HotfJ, J
~ W ~
W&SL ;
c 4 - --
CJOIIJE to us for a reliable time niece;
or if yon have one that does not tell you
the truth briiiK it HERE and have it re
paired. WU ore in partnership witii
''Father Time," we will put yon next,
We also soli—
Kdison and Vlotor Phonographs.
Laatiiiun and Pooo Camerac.
Photo Hupplies.
Washburn Mandolins and (initars.
Optical goods.
Field and Hpy Olaases.
Jeweler and Graduete Optlolan
NE*T to Court House,
Buyers of
Ties-l-\>les- Piling*
and Bill Lumber.
I" II I I I ll
| In the Name of Sense, |
that good common sense #
I" of which all of us have a 1
P share, how can you continue 1
® to buy ordinary soda crackers, M
stale and dusty as they must |
1/ be, when for you can get Jj)
I Uneeda Biscuit 1
jK fresh from the oven, protected
from dirt by a package the |
very beauty of which makes \i|
you hungry* J®
I Do
<j Want The <
j Best Perfume
< Try Thelma. $
i i It ia dainty and lasting. We /
V have a very large assortment i \
/ '-'t all the reliable perfumes. : C
1 We have them in bulk and I
J I also in dainty packages that j q
\ uiake a most desirable giffr. i /
f No lady's toilet is complete S
j without a bottle of choice V
J perfume. We will be pleased €
S to show you these goods. They \
i will interest you whether yon j !
p wish to buy or not No trouble }
\ to show goods j C
\ C. N. BOYD. I
Schedule in ell'ect Jan. 1, 190(1.
Tr»i-» leave BUTLER as follows:
I' r Alhiiml elation*, f:lfl niul 101 io.
oi, an.l i.t') |i in. wn-k T.'jl) u m. ami i.Ki
|i. Hi. Sllllilll).
I "i I'iltaliurtc aii'l way •latluim H.l.i a. m. ainl 2.30 |>
iu acrk 'l»y«.
I'M It'.tlriTilli' I lit* "iiu tinn, Altimna. Unrrl.tmrg,
I'l.ilii.l. Il'llia mill tlm Ka«l ,(l. Ii ail'l 111 lift a m. iiikl
13.,'H1 |'. in ilnyi; 720 a. in SIIIIII. IV<.
as follows:
I T IlnfTiilii H.II) a.m. v.,»k ilayi; 7 .t) ji, m. Son
'lttl 1.
i".r It.iiJ Bank and Oil City, 0.15, 8.4". 10.aft a. in.
iin'l 4.20 p. m. werk iluya; 7.2(1 a. m. ai"l 5.U5 |>. m.
I u Klllauning and \*'av Ktatli'iii IS in ami 10.35 a.
in. ainl I.'JO p. in. weok ilayn, 7.2H a. m. an I &.<*•
]'. ni. Kuiulsjk.
Km il.'lalloil information, H('|i|y to LU'kIII or
aililriM Thus. K. Watt, liuw. Attt. Wt-nUru Obtrlcf,
■it' ' Kiftli A vimne. Plttabnrg, Pa.
W W. ATTEltlllittV, J It Wool)
Oi-li'l ManaK'H. I'umh'i Trail!c ManaKi'r.
OKO W lIOVI>. U >n*ral I'lif- AK"it,
It It * 1» it It
Time table in effect Nov. 19, 100.1
Passenger trains leave nnd arrive at
Bi tler as follows:
7:UO a. m., mixed for Punxuutawney,
Ha Uois and intermediate stations.
10:iW a. m. daily, vestibuled day ox
prt-Hs for Buffalo, connects at Ashford,
week tlays, fur Rochester.
5:50 p. in. local for I'unx'y, Du Bois
and intermediate stations.
11:31 p. m. night express for Buffalo
antl Rochester.
Aruivk i'iiom NORTH.
010 a, hi. daily, night express from
Buffalo and Rochester,
11:1(0 a.m. wcuk days, accomodation
from Dtißuis.
4:30 p.m. daily, vestilmled day express
from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash
ford week days from Rochester.
HOT p.m. week day#, mixed train
from I)u Bois aud l > iinxsut< , .wney.
frain* leave the B. & o. station,
Pittubnrg, for Buffalo and Rochester
at f:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., and for local
points as far as Dullois at 4:20 p.m. On
Sunday the 0:00 a.m. I,ruin runs to Buf
falo and Rochester,
II & O It It
Time table in effect, Nov, 1005.
Trains for .South and West,leave Butler
-town time: WEEK Dayh.
0:20 a.m, Allegheny Accommodation.
H:(HI am, Allegheny & (Cleveland Kx.
0.10 am, Allegheny Express.
11:40 a.m,
1 ;'>!■'» p m, Ell wood Ac
3:115 p. m, Allegheny Hx.
5:5)0 p.llt Allegheny lix.
5:!I5 p.in, Chicago, HI I wood, N. Castle.
5:50 p. in, Allegheny Ac. Newcastle.
N:00 a.m, Allegheny & Cleveland Kx.
10:1Uu.in, Pittsburg Fix.
;I: 's p in, Allegheny Ac . New < 'astle,
Chicago and Cleveland.
5:50 p. m, Allegheny Ac. New (Jastle.
10:42 it in, Kane <fe Bradford Mail.
I 4:55 Clarion Acuomo.
Traill* leave the AlN'uht'iiy station for
Butler 7:00, H : IS, and 11:00 A M.,
uii.l 1:15, 11:00, 5:!I0 o:4ft and 11.30 P. M
On Sunday at 7:!«) A. M. and 0:45 and
11:35 P. M.
*i.f tin .null tlrknla, I'nl.uiai. nwr vnili.ua ami In
liillnatl.in a|i|i|jr In W. K. TU H.N Kit, AKI,
Hull. 'i, I'a.
JO.l. P.TAOIII BT, A U. I». A.,
I'lOtliurK, I'M
SI.OO imt yr*nr If puld tti iitlviincn. othorwlne
(I.MI will Imi cnurKoil.
A I>vr.llTlKlfia KATKM Uim Inch, out) llmr
ft; HUIMMMIIII*|Ii lt|Hi*rtlOD
AudlUirn' and ulvi»n*« ditch; fMc.
til »it' uiml lulnjliiUtrttUirn' uaili'ftH s.i ouch
cut ray and <lNnolut lon notlrmf!! oiwh. Hi*iiii
liik noMci'* 1U ii IV>)0 for llrst A (id ft c«>ntn
for ca«h «U l>>HH|Uci)t liiH«rllon.
itrii<>ntfUx*iil linn* ir» ithih a ll»i«> f«»r
v, ich In kfirtlon. Ohlt uurl«*M.cards of t hunk*
resolution* of rc»prci, notice* of foMtlvulM
iiih! fulrn, etc.. lit thr iut« of Actint*
ii tiionry to liccoiiiotifiy the oritur. <«*v««n
WOIIIh of pro*C H line.
F '« h for Hliitnll'iK citrd* unti Job work oil
it pi> (tent ton.
A h udvertlnlnK I* due after ()i .«t ln*ertlon,
nnd all l ran»»i >i*t a«l \ ♦ rl »>»lnrf inu*t ho tuihl
for » advance.
A■ • coinriiunU'ittlon*lntended f«»r ptthllrtt-
Ilc 'll 111"! |)ii|e r inn o 1.0 aci'otnptiiiied h>
th* real name of thw writer, not for publica
tion hu * atf uaruntet* of giM>d faith,and *hould
reach u* uot later than Tuc*d*y evunlng.
Death notloo uiuti b« accompanied w th
roaoonolblt nauan
\Y inliolcl It It Co Time Table
In effect.Mar 29th, 19C3.
Leavea Went WlnflelJ 7 30 2 15
44 B<>Kjc*rille 745 300
" Iron Bridge 7
Winfieltl Juuction 8 10 3 :55
• 4 lAne 8 B<i 3 45
" Butler Junction t S6 3 40
Arrive Puller 10 '<3 5 05
Arrive Allegheny .. 5 00
Arrive BUiruville i 05 5 42
Leave Pittsbnrg 3 06
Leave B'airsville 7 50 2 15
" Allegheny 8 230
44 Butler 840 230
•• Butler Juuction ,10 00 440
44 Lane 10 03 443
44 Wiufieid Junction !10 L"> 455
** Iron Bridge 10
44 Boggtville 10 35 515
Arrive Went Winfield ilO 50 5 30
Trains nt«.p at Lane and Iron Bridge only on Flag to
take on or leave off paMengera.
Train* Connect at Butler Junction with:
Trains Eastward for Freepcrt, Yandergrift and
Blairavilltt Intersection.
Trains Westward for Natrona,Tarentum Allpgbeny
and Fitt.-burg.
Trains Northward tor SaxGnburg,Marwood and But
o#»neral Manager.
TIME TABLE In effect September 17th, 1905.
(Read up) Dally Except Sunday (Read down)
"lo I "HM-' | C TAT 11 9 u I 13 "
p. ra p. m.'p. m.| oiaiiUMS. !a. m.a. m. p.m.
10 05 I ott :i QoßulTalo(TUL3.lli.) 3 4510 00 -00
ii. in .p. m. a. lii.l " " a. m. p. in. p. in.
7 l li 1 13 10 25 Eric 7 On, 1 Ox 4 57
0 61* 10 «c Kalrview 7 5 21
G ll> 1 Of 0 45l Giraril 7 40| 1 41 5 S3
(i'-'l' ••• 27' «'raucsyil.lt' H 00l 5-I'.i
"G iVii 1 lullll t«l.\r..t lillllt'aul..l.v ; 0012 o-i ft lo
5 10jj3_0l T 00|Lv..<'onnofttit-ArjlO 00 .J 6 fift
B 2112 4?' 9 2.c... Albion.. ijliS lT>!» 553
16 10 fl3 35 f9 10> shall eland f8 14 Pi 1» ffl 04
00712 32 9 07' Sprinxboro..... 817213 6 07
r, <l2 12 27 it 02 .Coiim-antvilK' . ft 2lf 6 II
'7 07 12 4.'« 02tAr .M t'odvlHa.LvT 7 "l"!5> ISH
4 6811 2>J 7 SOLT. MendTlllo.Ar 9 20 3 12 7 07
C 4012 IK H B3 A .< on't Lalcc.lv 7 6ft 2 23 6 25
5 2ft 11 in; 7 B&Lv.< on't IJlkp.Ar 8 63 2 4ft 0 40
5 4s 10 50 i Ar..MncsviHc..I'V 8 2; 6 17
5 43112 101 8 48L.rMuftdvlHe Jet.. 8 48i 2 371 6 «2
t5 27 fll Si 827 llarutowil f8 67 f2 4-.J (1 40
6 13(11 41 8 12 Osgood 8 12f3 03 7 00
6 Oft 11 3ft BOH (irecilTllle 9 201 3id7 18
6 OOill 28 7 6ft) . Hhctiaiigo 9 2ft 31W7 15
4 4311 12 7 S8 Frill onia 9 421 3 33 7 83
4 28 10 fts 7 23 Mcrccr 9 68 3 4» 7 48
HO 53 7 is .. Houston .let... 10 02 7 63
4 vr£ 10 3'7 CO ....Grove City 10 23 4 liJ 815
(3 47 (10 23 a.tn Harrisvlllc MIO M (4 22 p.m.
811 I0J8) _ ...„Brainhtoii
11 »m" ArZlI 1 Iflard...Lv| 7052 10 .......
2 loi 7 OrJ
:i ..; in II ." K. : i r I«"47, 4 31
3 -110(12. .-I Euclid IJ_O4' 4 4ft.
U v&l lAr. _Kajrior _.Lv[ jsM 28
|7 28 .... -I.v Kay lor . At I 6 20p.m.
2 o 3. .... Itutler til ~aM~a~»«n 4 uo
Iml 8 Ift iLv.Allcglicny. Ar) l ooj 6 36!
p. m ii. in.l _J *p. m. p. ni.lp. m.
Train No.l leaving (.Ireenvllle at 6:17 a. m.;
Bhcnango 6:fi4;KreUonla 7:13: M/rcer 7:27; C.roro
<;lly 7:fto; KoUtvr 8.17; llutler 9.00, arrives in
Allegheny at 10:25 a. m.; connecUi at Queen
Jiincilon with trains to ainl from Kay lor, ami
at Urauehton (mm Illllianl ami Anmuutale.
Train No. 2 leaving Allegheny at3:ooj. m.;
Rtitler 4:t r >: Krister 6:3-': (irove t'liy 6:65; Mercer
0:21; Kredonla G:38; HliCliango C:. r is, arrives In
Greenville at 7:00 p. rn.; connects at Queen
Junction with trains lo and from Kaylor, and
at Urauehton for illllianl.
Ueueral Manager. Gen'l Pans. Arent.
B. B.
storm coats
—for men and boys—better
for the money —than ever sold
here —shelf-emptying prices.
Men's light and dark mix
tures, cut 52 inches long, broad
shoulders, single or double
breasted — $30.00 ones, $20.U0
—525.00 ones, $18.50—520.00
and #22.50 ones, $15.00 —
$15.00 ones, SIO.OO.
Men' heavy storm Ulsters,
made with high storm collars,
regular or shawl collars, $35.00
ones, $25.00 —$30.00 ones,
$20.00 —#20. ones, $15.00
Hoys' Storm Overcoats —
heavy all-wool single or double
breasted —cut long—to shoe
tops —belt back, $7.50 and
#8.50 ones, $5.00 —8 to 16-
year sixes.
Bo<>'o\s & Buhl
Kccil Hstutc
117 E Jefferson St.,
IJUTIYEK, - - - - I?J\
flew York and Pittsburg Stocks
Ordrri Solicit**. Purchaie or Stic.
Cath or Maryin. Corroepcndene# Invtiod.
I'All I'lmiie, IMI Courl.
KryMono UuildinK. PHlsburg. F"-
Great Cut Price Sale i
of Winter Footwear ft
Will Open Saturday, |1
January 6th at 9 A.M. |
Sharp. B
i Come and get some of I
I the great bargains. |
Opp. Hotel Lowry. 102 N. Main Street.
\ Is the greeting we Wish to yoo (
/ We intend to make yon happv by offering a few SPECIAL BAR" r
\ GAINS. Remember this is not our Ser i-Annnal Sale, but a chance for -
3 yon to bny desirable merchandise of which we have one or two left of a\
\ lot which we want to tnn into money regardless of cost of same. Yon /
»' have known nsto truthfully advertise in the vast and we want to have
» you feel that you can have the same confidence in us now.
I For a Few Days we Will Sell <
C Ono lot of Men's Overcoats, desirabte patterns and up-to-date styles, S
/ for one-third off regular price. (
i One lot of Boys' Overcoats at one-third off regular price. /
v One lot of Boys' Overcoats at half price. J
\ One lot of Raincoats, exclusive patterns, at one-third off regular price. (
V Other, the newest and best, hand tailored, swell stuff, at a very low #
J regular price. #
\ Children's Sweaters, one-third off regular price. (All small sizes). S
i We will say no more. This chance means money to yon. While we c
/ lose money directly, we save by turning this merchandise into cash. Your J
V gain. Yonr chance. Don't pass it by. We will take care of oar trade. <
; See Window Display. \
| Douthett & Graham. *
| Sectional Book Cases, |
1 For Office or Home. 1
all The attractive appearance ||^
jgf C || Grows /and suitability to any
S Globe-Wernicke /Wernicke "Elastic" Book-it}
J§| C "Elastic" Book Case /case are fully demonstrated
/ Price $2.75 up. character of theiH
homes and offices in which
Sgj it is found From the modest flat, where library
teg parlor, or sitting room, are combined, to the
*l* home containing an exclusive library with its hundreds
or thousands of valuable books —from the office com-jg*
prising desk room only, with a single unit of booksp,
3E31 mounted on top of desk, to the elegantly appointed fig?
j|s apartments of prosperous professional and business
men—the "Elastic" Bookcase, in a finish appropriate
iPI to its surroundings, may be found in dally use and heldjjjj?
in greater esteem than has been accorded any book-MS*
9&U case ever made, If interested, send for catalogue 104. Cp
1 Alfred A. Campbell!
| Our New Spring: Wall Papers are Here.
are new, up-to-date and cheap. fr
3;Kitchen, Bed-room and Dining-room Papers at 6c. a&
2? Double Roll.
l&Big Line of Mouldings and Window Blinds. Sft
$ - §
tft All Kinds of Books and Stationery.
I EytH Bros., |
Especially for You
There* it k ihk ' deal of aatliitactiou iu
knowing xou're wearing a suit that wan
niiidr especially for you. Tliatu the
only kind tlmt can liring oot your
utroiiK jiolutn'and cover uj> your weak
iiluiH at individuality. Wen not «at
tailed with aluiply tilting you. We
iirnko a milt that la adapted to your
figure. Prlcea and materiala alwaj*
Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Itcjiort or the M nt mil Farmer's
l-ire l iisii rn lice Company of
lliiiiiialiMtoun and Vicinity.
« 'n»li on liuiidn lioc. ill, li»4. ..(2,063 11
Utvclvcd from uuw policies
during IWXi 4W7l—£,4** h-
I'ulil linvld Uwb. Sum ml t
lownnlilp 1 40U CO
I'ultl L. C. i:iirman, liulltvlu
town»lllp I.IJOUO
I'nlil U«irn« lliirbUon, buf
falo Uiwunlilp...., VIC
I'uI" Jacob Frederick, fuiu
mil towuHlilp IKBO
I'ulil for liinpiioUir fiHW 172W7
I'utd for apprulwr rcea 600
I'ultl for salary for luuiiugcr
unil alfvcturtt J49 00
l'ttl<l for rout, stationery uud
ud vert Wing 17»-*.iM3n4
\ ■ 11i nlll of ctiili In t reiiaurer'n of
« liffciiilirr .11 l!Ml I
In fi rce IHxomlrar. .11. I'.VI I,WW.Mi| CO
\Y nil. ii uud renewed during IK'j.. llii.-t" ,u
Total amount fUfTBJOI in
Dxplrcd mid withdrawn wit hin IVII6 41,1 K. >
In force In Hccemlier :il, IWtt (1,037.111100
Total itinounl of cauli rocolved by iuwc
■in nit hliicu orKioiUntlon of the company
MiUi h lfeuM, <w».710.4ii.
Totul uinoiiiit paid for lumci durluK <•'
y i'ii i <. (M.HS.W,
Average expense* per year during 4<lyetu i,
}i"i ::0.
Total number of notifies In forco up i<>
llfH'i uilM-r ill, ll*K>. l.lAe,
I. \V. Witt a, Atraoui Uhai'Dl.
I'rcnldi'ut . Hecretary.
M.iruood, January 11100.
or I>ALI!S CAMI'MOR ICR and youH a*iw l
I* Uic Mi ui fur Chapped ,
Hand*. | ; at« or Cold sorn ycm'tn fvar um-1
II give* liuraadlaio r«,|rf. lliuMlrad* arc
ufiliitj tt regularly with groat »»ii»f:w)ttoii.
tntV r ona lodair. >aut« l>y mail iwl MhL
A. D A-I» mA//
»4»f »»*«« s«r«4, »i«»tw«k. V