VOL XXXXIII. THE MODERN STORE- Bit Jan. Clearance Sale now on. 810 BARGAINS Id WINTER GOODS of all KINDS. UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, TUBS, SHIRT WAISTS, SKIRTS, MILLINERY, DRESS GOODS, LACE CURTAINS, FLANNELETTES, TABLE LINENS, CRASHES, MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, BLANKETS, COMFORTERS, BED SPREADS, ETC. ETC IEISLER-MARDORF COHPANY, SOUTH MAIN STRUCT 1 QOI I Samples sent on request. OPPOSITE HOTEL ARLINGTON. BUTLER. PA A Remodeling and Sacrifice Sale [ 1 CONTINUES. [ H Great Opportunity to < j] Save Money. j fj Stock The Most Complete J W This store has ever shown W The whole stock—nothing reserved—must be > sold at earliest moment possible. Goods from fac- < VA tory at' almost fractory prices. Come, take your > choice of the entire stock at astonishing discounts { from regular price. > ► < < Every Yard of Carpet to be sold 4 i J The entire stock of Ingrain Carpets—Linoleums —Mattings at COST. Thousands of yards of best J all-wool carpets at loom prices. They're going; , \ come quick, or you miss a bargain. I Bring the measure of your rpom ans we can { < tell ju§t what it will take, > K WATCH CUR AD. NEXT WEEK. L f BROWN & CO. | Yi No. 136 North Main St., Butler. W I Duffy's Store 1 ■ ■' .oiHLimj <.i- i. i' JII —li ■ ■ Not one bit too early to think of that new Carpet, orl H perhaps you would rather have a pretty Rug—carpet I I size. Well, in either case, we can suit you as our Car-B ■ pet stock is one of the largest and best assorted in But- ■ ■ ler county* Among which will be found the following: ■ I EXTRA SUP|$ ALL WOOL CARPETS, I H Heavy twq and three ply . .. .05c per yd and upH ■ HALF WOOL INGRAIN CARPETS. I H Beet cotton ohein 50c per yd and up H ■ BODY BRUSSELB, I H Simply no wear ont to these $1.35 yd H ■ t AP|»TRY BRUSSELS, ■ ' Xlght made," "trar very Qbod (55c per yd rip ■ STAIR CARPETS ■ H Body and Brussels, tfalf and All Wool Ingrains. H ■ HARTFORD I H Prettiest Carpel made, as durable |oo.; $1.35 H ■ CARPETS. Qeocine wpave I I MATTING, Hempand Straw. B ■ RUGS-CARPET SIZES. ■ ■ Azminater ftngs, Beauties too. $33 each and up K H Brussels Bugs, Tapestry and Body sl2 eaoh and up H H Ingrain All and Half Wool $5 each and up H Linoleums, Inlaid and Common, all widths and grades. B H Oil Cloths, Floor, Table, Shelf and Stair. ■ H Laoe Curtains, Portiers, Window Shades, Cartain Poles; Small Hearth ■ ■ Rugs, all styles and sizes. B I Duffy's gtore, I I STREET, | _______ Vou can save money by purchasing your piano of W ; . NEWTON, "The Piano Man/ ~ The expense of running a Music Store is as follows: Rent, per annum $780.00 Clerk, per annum ■ $312.00 Lights, Heat and incidentals . . . $194.00 Total sl2tt6.Qo I have no store can 3ave you this expense when you 6uy of me. t sell"biAnd6 for cash or feafcy monthly payments. I lake pianos or organs in exchange and allow you they are worth to on the new instrument 411 pianqs fully warranted as represented MY PATPONB MY REFERf NQ6, A ftw Of the people 1 have *old pianon in Butler. Ask them. Dr. McCurdy Bricker Fred Porter Fraternal Order Eagles Ep worth League E. W. Bingham Geo. D. High W. J. Mates J. 8 Thompson •Towph Woods 8 ltaaf SlJapor Burton Btroqp Miss Emma Hughes A. W. Mates W. R. Williams Mrs. R. O. Rambaugh Chas. E. Herr PEOPLE'S PHONE 426 Subscribe for the CITIZEN -THE BUTLER CITIZEN. Dr. W. P. McElroy Sterling Club D F. Reed Woodmen of the World H. A. McPherson Miss Anna McCandless £. A Black Samuel Woods Oliver ThomTSso fhn jofahton " A. Longw'iiU HiUgard J. E. Bowers Miles Hilliard Mrs. S. J. Green J, R Douthett E. K Richey L. 8. Yoach BUTLER „ .^ x O/j - /' New buildings, new rooms, elegant new equipment, excellent courses of studv, best of teachers, expenses moderate, terms \ Eli\ LIBERAL. , Over 13 000 00 worth of new tvpewnters in ase (allowing advanced students from 3 to 4 hours' practice per day), other equipment in proportion^ Winter Term, Jan ti, IJKMS. Spring Term, April 1906. Positions secured for our worthy graduates. Visitors always welcome. When in Butler, pav us a visit. Catalogue and other literature mailed on ap plication. MAY ENTER ANY TIME. A. F. REGAL, Principal, Butler, Pa j Fall and Winter Millinery- | $ Everything in the Itne of Millinery can be found, jj: ( the right thing at the right time at the right price at 1 ROCKENSTEIN'S J jjj Don't You Need An Overcoat? We Closed out a Manufacturer's Sample Line at One Half Their Value. In this lot of 218 Overcoats there are all sizes. In the Men's overcoats they are sizes 34 to 44. In the Boys' they are sizes 6to 20. Not 2 Overcoats of a kind. For want of space we cannot describe these extraordinary bargains in these Overcoats. But will just mention a few of them. 29 Overcoats, Regular Price $22, Sale Price $11.98 33 Overcoats, Regular Price $lB, Sale Price $9.89 28 Overcoats, Regular Price sls, Sale Price $7.45 78 Overcoats, Regular Price $lO, Sale Price $4.89 23 Boys' Overcoats, Regular Price $9, Sale Price $4.62 27 Boys' Overcoats, Regular Price $6, Sale Price $3.13 Have a Look at These Overcoats. We Will Show Them to You. No Trouble Whatever. SCHAUL& LEVY 137 South Main Street. Butler, Pa. | j^7V\E£IN fiW 1 V? 41) l v- | j spending money. They desire to get the h? 1 /ia //■ ( li best possible results of the money expended. Vl 1 If L/ \ iy ]jj Those who buy custom clothing have a /[ rji tfi / H right to demand a fit, to have their clothes Aji-! ICy,V A' i correct in style and to demand of the /J W ]!,£&:■ l seller to guarantee everything. Come to .tL/i lt £s* " l A us knd there will be nothing lacking. I li have just received a large slock of Fall u lift « aQ d Winter suitings in the latest styles, I \ mil J shades and colors. I Iffirl J G - F - KECK, f M I \Yj' MERCHANT TAlfeOR, mJO Mfr 142 N.Main St., Rutl Fine Footgear we Hpye Ever Shown. 4 i SOROSLS SHOEK. Twenty Fail Styles—Dongola, Patent- 4 ' kid and Fine Calf Shoes made in the V i latest up-to-date styles. Extremely large stock of Misses' and Chtf- > 1 dren's fine shoes in many new and pretty sty'es for fall A i MFN'S SHAFA. Showing all the latest styles in Men's >3 '"iT" M OII V M ' Fine Shoes, all leathers, 83 awl SU. A I Complete htocfc of Boys', Youths' aad Llt.le dents' Pine Shoes. Bargains in School Shoes, j High-cut copper-toe choea for Boys and good water proof School V i Shoes for Girls. ~ > 1 . Large stock of Women's Heavy Shoes in Kangaroo-calf and A ' Oil Grain for country wear. V | Rubber and Felt Goods, i i Oljr §touk of aud Felt Woods is estremly large and A owing to the large urdeia which we placed we were able to get very ► close prices and are in a position to offer you the lowest prices for ► 1 A best grades of Felts and Rubber Goods. A TA An immense business enables us to name the very lowest W pricee for reliable footwear. ► 1 When in need of anything in our line give us a call A I Repairing promptly Done, 1 3 JOHN BICKEL j Ijl : iii H J. (J, &W. CAMPBELL, | j :? BUTLE, PA. Ijl 1 ili ili iLHIi UMli 0i i» ili 0i gi iDili
  • z can save you money on your fall suit and fit you as well as the best and highest-priced city tailors. New Fall Goods Just Received. Write us. C. P JOHNSTON & SON GUSTOM TAILORS, PROSPECT. PENN'A Winter's Changes Breed Pneumonia Be on the safe side. Have a bottle of good whiskey ready for emergencies. We can honestly recomm&nd fof this purpose ' UrandiutUer's Choice (Guaranteed U Yrs. Old It's a smooth, palatable whiskey —for social and family use; fcj a gallon. Your choice of any whiskey in list below for $1 a full quart; 0 cjta., $5. FINCH, LABUE, OVERHOLT. Ot'CKENHEIXEK, XT. VEBHOX THOMPSON, < or Goods shipped Robt, Lewin d Co<» WHOLESALE DEALURS IK WIRES AND LIQUORS, Ho 14 SmltHlleld St., PITTSBCaG, PA. 'Phones: Bell 2li* P. k A. 1458. Advertise in The CITIZEN. ■' ■ — Tl AFTER. THE SQUALL By HONORE WILLSIE Copyright, l'-05, by Honore Willsie The lake lay smooth and dark like a piece of smoked glass. Along the shore the early green of the trees melted into the hazy gray of the sky. At the col lege pier the reflection of the pier posts wavered serenely from the reflected roof of the boathonse. "Fit to give one the nightmare," Peg gy exclaimed as Jack handed her care fully into the boat. "It does look squally," said Jack, tak ing up the oars; "the sky, I mean, not the reflection." "Fooh!" answered Peggy, curling her 6eif up in the stern of the boat. "Do you suppose I'm going to let the pros pect of a mere squall spoil my lirst boat ride of the year? Besides, we both can swim, can't we?" Jack stared at Peggy with what was Intended for a look of withering dis dain. "You bet, Foggy, if I thought there was any danger in this stunt I'd not take you." Peggy raised her eyebrows. "Jack, what is the matter with you? Are you trying to be proud and haughty in an old sweater? My child, please recall that you had to be spanked into having your face washed. It is now, oh, Jack, too late to make an impression on my fresh young heart, I" "Gee, but you're crazy!" murmured Jack. "And I," went on Peggy, Ignoring the interruption, "I wish to state that this sudden development of courtesy in one who has pulled my hair and whose ears I have boxed both in sorrow and in an ger makes me feel the necessity of re minding you that it is useless for you to fuss and put on airs, for you are nothing but a freshman after all." Jack dug his oars viciously into the water, splashing his own red Jersey and Peggy's white sweater. "Strikes me you entered the same day I did. What time does that bloom in' matron say you'll have to be back?" "Six o'clock. Otherwise it's Peggy before the house committee, and the Botany club depends on me to get the lichens to theui before 7," she an swered, making herself Into a still smaller ball in the stern seat. The boat leaked a little. "Oh, we'll be back in time easy. We'll reach the pines in half an hour." Peggy looked a little anxiously at the sky. "That wind is coming up, Jack," she said. "I guess I'll get out the extra oars and help." "You'll do nothing of the sort," an swered Jack. "It's not a girl's work." Peggy looked up quickly, then smiled to herself and settled back in her place again. It was very still and sheltered among the pines. The soft new needles smelied deliciously of spring, and the wind was only a faraway sigh in the treetops. The pine trees murmured, robins flickered among the soft fuzz of the new needles. Suddenly Jack pulled out his watch. "Gee whiz," he said, "it's flve min utes of 6!" Peggy could feel herself going white. "Jack," she gasped, "It's not a funny joke to be hauled up by the house com mittee. They are all seniors, and no one is so hard on a freshman as a sen ior. They have been through all these scrapes and know how to strike hard." They ran to the shore. In the shelter of the pines they had not realized that a heavy squall had grown out of the light wind of the afternoon. Hie water was thick with whitecaps, and the wind tore across the lake as if deter mined to aid the house committee against the delinquent Peggy. Jack looked out at the water with lips tight pressed. "Peggy," he said, "I'll not venture out with you with a sea like that one, house committee or no house committee." "Jack Howard," replied Peggy, "you've got to." "Peggy!" He threw back his shoul ders and eyed Peggy with dignity. "Peggy, yott are not going to be drown ed while I am around. I tell you I will not go till the squall i 3 over." Peggy threw back her girlish shoul ders and eyed Jack with even greater dignity than his own. "I'll not to you, Jack Howard, until you launch that boat." And with this she pulled her tarn o' shauter down over her curly hair, walked back to the edge of the pines and, sitting down in the needles, stared with mark oil indifference at the sky above Jack's head, Jack stood Irresolute for a moment. Peggy had never looked mote tantaliz ing. The white tam shaded a face that was almost irresistible, and he conscious of an insane d«®h'« to obey the behests cf that capricious, curly (lead even though so doing might lead to the bottotn of the lake. But another sook at the water jmd he withdrew to the foot of the tree opposite Peggy's. After lighting his pipe he studied his boots with impassive face. Minute aft er minute went by, and the cold spring dusk came on. "I'm just frfezitt* t<> thts old pine tteougnt Peggy, "but I just won't give in. Doesn't he look de!# and trag ic, though? I wouldn't have missed this row for anything. Rows do bring out the character so. Now, who would have thought that I cfcutd be so firm?" V.ittte by "little as the night settled down the wind sank, and as it sank a Due misting rain set in. Lake and shore, pines and sky slowly lnelttfil into one gray green tQtt* that gave Foggy a 'jMVvi' of desolation, jack at his watch. "Half past 7, Peggy." he said. "I am goiiig to launch the bo»t. u They rowjd t»v>t into the lake in dig nified silence. Peggy, in her old place In the stern, snuggled down into her sweater and wandered how long she must maintain her difficult isolation. Finally, "We ought to be home in three-quarters of an hour," camo in toothing tones from Jack's eud of the boat, No answer from the stern. "A nasty rain," from the rower's bench. No reply. "It's almost too dark to steer, isn't It?" was inquired tenderly. Still no rep.ly. 4»«avier and heavier grew the dark ness, and wetter and wetter became the white sweater and the red jersey. "Oughtn't we to bo there by now?" asked a yervaus little voice from Peg gy's end of the boat. Jack hauled in his oars, struck a match and looked at his watch. "Gads'" he exclaimed. "It's a quarter after S. Where in thunder have wo got to?" "There seems to be nothing around us," said Peggy, "but water." r&tMtx inure to tha rlxht Pc«tfv.'» said Jack. Then, after half an hour. "Try it to the left." "Oh. dear!" sighed Peggy. "It's so dark. If we only could flnd a little something to land on!" "Now, Peggy, dear."' said Jack, "don't be frightened. I'll save you. I calculate that we are clear across the lake by now, and we will land at one of the lake farms and get some one to drive up to town. If we assure the house committee that we have been chaperoned ever since $» o'clock they won't do very muoh to you." "Oh. won't they!" said Peggy deri sively. "You don't know them, my dear. They will have the time of their lives over me." "Then," answered Jack firmly, "they will have me to reckon with." "Isn't he romantic?" thought Peggy. Then aloud, "Oh, Jack, Jack, there is a light!" And in an instant they were bumping pier posts, the rough sides of which were eagerly grasped by the be draggled pair in the rowboat. They landed and tied the boat. "Hey, what's doing down there?" called a man's voice from the shore. Jack took Peggy's hand. "The owner of the place," he said to her softly. Then he called, "I'm lost with a lady." There was silence from the shore, and then the man's voice came back through the rain: "Lost! Who are you ?" "I'm John Howard of Hull univer sity." "All right, come along. Mr. Howard." Jack and Peggy walked carefully up the pier, and through the rain they saw a great building that seemed strangely close to the water for a farmhouse. A man whose face they could not see in the darkness stepped forward. "Come right in," he said'and threw open a door. There ou a long bench that faced a racing shell sat a dozen men. "Hello, Howard!" said one in a sur prised sort of way. With one gasp of disgust Jack pulled Peggy back out of the light. "The varsity boatliouse!" he groaned as they hurried across the campus. "Gee, I have doue it! We'll never hear the end of this. We must have rowed clear around that confounded lake. And the way I announced it to that chump who invited us in! We'll never hear the end of this." "And my dose Is a double one," groaned Pejgjy. "Think of the house committee." ' Jack left her at the door of Rose cot tage, and Peggy slowly climbed the stairs to report to the matron. But in stead of fear a little tremor of Joy made her throat quiver, and the pros pect of her interview with the house committee was not even a needle point shadow on the clear serenity of her happiness, for as he said good night Jack had held her hand and wnispered: "Never mind, dear, we'll grin and bear it together. Won't we?" Van Bnrcn'i Answer*. One clay the merits of Van Buren were being discussed by a party of politicians on a Hudson river steam boat. One of the party had been dwell ing on his noncomiuittalism and com plaining that a plain answer to a plain question was never elicited from him. "I'll wager dinners for the com pany," added he, "that if one of us shall go down to the cabin and ask Van Buren the simplest question that can be thought of he will evade a di rect auswer. Yes, and I'll give you leave, too, to tell Van Buren why you ask the question, and that there is a bet depending ou the reply." This seemed fair enough. One of the party was deputed to go down and try the experiment. He fouud Van Buren, whom he knew well, in the saloon and said: "Mr. Van Buren, some gentlemen on the upper deck have been accusing you of noucominittalism and have just laid a wager that you would not give a plain answer to the simplest question, and they deputed me to test the fact. Now, sir, allow me to a.?k you, 'Where does the sun rise?'" Mr. Van Buren's brow contracted; he hesitated a moment, then said: -The terms east and west are (jpn veutional, but"— "That'll do," interrupted the inter rogator. "We have lost the bet!" And Got Rid of It. Mrs. Pitley—They say he is so un kind to his wife. Mr. Pitley—That shows hoW people misjudge a man, I know it to be a fact that he speut one whole year endeavoring to make a sat isfactory investment of his wife's mon ey.—Town and Country. A HORNED PEOPLE. Race That LtvrH »«r the Chi nese Prefecture of Chlenchanff. Adjoining the Chinese prefecture of Chienehang is a deep gully barred by a river which no Chinaman is pern\it ted to pass until he finds bail tor his good conduct in Lolodom. The Lolas are a slim, well made, muscular race with oval reddish brown faces, high check bones aud pointed chins, from which the beard has been carefully plucked. They are far taller than the Chinese and indeed than any European race, but their marked pe culiarity is the horn. Every male adult gathers his hair in a knot over his forehead and then twists it up in a cotton cloth so that it resembles the horn of a unicorn. This horn is considered sacred, and even if a Lolo settles in Chinese terri tory and grows a pigtail he still yri* serves his horn. The L.olo prin cipal garment is m wide sleeveless man tle red or black felt tied about tho neck and descending almost to the heels. The trousers are of Chinese cotton with felt bandages, N>> shoes are worn, but a vouieal hat of woven bamboo covered with felt furnishes a faxul covering as well as an umbrella. The Chinese divide the Lolos Into two classes, which they call respective ly "Black BquG%' 1 *>ud" "White Bones," lit*! being the nobles and the latter Their vassals and retainers. There is also a third class of captive Chinese aud their descendants, called "Watzu," practically slaves, who are tattooed ou the forehead with the mark of their tribe. The Lotos never marry except in their own tribes, captive Chinese wom en being given to their bondsmen. The marriage of a Black Bone is a time of great festivities and many bauquets. The betrothal is celebrated and ratified by the present Qf the husband to the bride's family of a pig and three ves sels or wine. On the wedding morn the bride is richly dressed with many- ornaments. She is expected weep profusely, whether «he feels so inclined or not. In the midst of her tears the groom's relatives aud friends dash in. seize the bride, the best man carries her out of doors ou his shoulders, she is clapped on a horse aud hurried off to her new home. Here she finds horses, cattle and sheep, provided by the groom's family, while her own people send clothes, ornaments and corn. Women occupy a high position among the Lck los, and a woman chief is not unknown among the tribes. New Yprk Herald. DR. DIXON'S PLEA FOR VACCINATION State Health Commissioner Earnestly Appa&ls to Parents to Protect Tiieir Children Prom the Horrors of Small-pox. BAYS PEOPLE ARE MISGUIDED Anti-Vaccinationiata Fill Parents' Minds With Prejudice, But In Spite of Opposition the Law la Being Enforced In Thousands of Schools. Dr. Samuel Q. Dixon, state commis sioner of health, has given out the following interview in reference to the enforcement of the vaccination law: '•While the United States govern ment licenses and holds under super vision the vaccine farms of the coun try in order that our people may have vaccine virus produced in the purest state for protection against the most terrible and loathsome disease known to man. and while the Prussian empire by compulsory vaccination has practi cally exterminated small-pox, the great state of Pennsylvania has depended largely on the intelligence of her peo ple to guard against the disease by voluntary vaccination. "To the credit of our citizens this precaution has been widely taken, but the 17,000 cases of small-pox that have occurred in Pennsylvania during the last few years, and which have given this state a black mark among her sister commonwealths, show the need of enforcing the laws that have been passed by our legislatures for the purpose of getting our people vacci nated. "One of these laws, the act of June 18, 1905, provides that our children In the schools must all be vaccinated, and that if the parents of the children refuse to permit their children and the community to be thus guarded against small-pox such children shall not be permitted to attend the schools. Thousands Being Vaccinated. "While thousands of school children throughout the state are being vacci nated with the consent of their par ents, who desire to protect their lit tle ones against the ravages of small pox, I am ashamed to say that cer tain men are going about the state seeking for self-advertisement to in cite the ignorant against vaccination and to influence our school teachers to become law-breakers. "The wildest literature Is circulated depleting alleged horrors of vaccina tion. In some districts you will find that the death of nearly every child in the community is being laid to vac cination. Danger of Small-pox. "I realize how a parent will oppose the vaccination of his child when the mind of such parent has been filled with blind prejudice and ignorant su perstition. If this parent could only realize the crime he or she commits against the child by leaving It exposed to the horrors of small-pox. "The anti-vaccinationlsts go into a community and they say to the par ents: \ou have no small-pox around here now. There is no danger from small-pox. Why then submit your children to vaccination?' These men know that small-pox lurks in the hand shake, that a victim of the mildest form of the disease may come into a community that has never known small-pox, and that the infection thus introduced may Quickly attack an en tire unvaccinated district, carrying off hundreds of children and adults be fore the epidemic has been checked. The very tramp that comes along the country road and asks alms of your child may in return for the litUe one's kindness infect it with deadly small pox. "Those are facts, and, therefore, the vaccination law Is wise when it re quires that unvaccinated children shall be debarred from school in the rural district as well as the crowded city." A strong Personal Plea. The following letter has been sent by Health Commissioner Dixon to a leading citizen of a district where anti vaccinationists have stirred up op position to the enforcement of the law: My Dear Sir —The fact that your people are misguided worries me much. They do not realize how I sym pathize with those who are in Immi nent danger and yet refuse to protect themselves. They seem to be crazed on vaccination, which fact is Inconsist ent with their faith In antitoxin for diphtheria, demonstrated by the fact that they receive from one hand of the commonwealth the antitoxin which Is produced in tho horse, while the/ refuse to accept from the other ha&d of this btate vaccine which is pro duced from the cow. This alone convinces me that their minds have been poisoned by some charlatan s statements. I wish I could Influence them to listen to the facts which have convinced the medical profession of the gTeat blessing that vaccination has been to humanity. Unchain the horrible monster — small-pox—by taking away vaccina tion. and inside of two generations our Srosperous state would have her In ustries paralyjed and her cemeteries overcrowded with the victims of Chat dread disease. Your people say they have not had small-pox for 40 years, Do they ever stop to realise the faet that many of them have owned their homes for a longer period without having had them reduced to ashes by lire, and yet dur ing that entire time they have been wtse enough to keep up their lire In surance? Why is this? Because thi&y know that fire may come at any time and leave them boneless. Why. therefore, do they not realise that small pox may come at any mo meat and take away from them those nearest and dearest to their hearts, robbing them or all that Is In life to make them happy* Unjust Criticism. I have suffered much bv having a people like yours criticise me when ! am working day and night to try and save their llvee. It is not pleasant to me to make work for mys«lf and give up the comforts of a home life at this age. Two-thirds of soy stay on this earth has been spent in scientific laboratory work, wallowing in communicable dis eases to try and discover prophylac* tics in other diseases, such as Jenner found for small-pox. and this without money reward. It is, therefore, under these circum stances, discouraging to read the ar ticles In your local papera, which al most Incite your people to believe that I delight in doing their children harm. This is a great miatake. I but one child and she has been vaccinated about every five years of her life. Why? Btx-ause I know the horrors of small-pox. the innocence of vaccina tion. and Its great preventive quality. Prussia has exterminated small-pox from the empire by vaccination to such an extent that she has done away with her small-pox hospitals. in the Municipal Hospital in Phila delphia we have had 9000 cases of small-pox spreading over a series of years, during which time not a single doctor, nurse or attendant who was suc cessfully vaccinated contracted small pox. Such statistics as these I could cite you at great length, but )♦ would be tiresome. Where vaccination is not carried on we eat the opposite result. In the city of Valparaiso. Chile, there were >I,OOO cases of small-pox during the year of 1905, with more than 6000 deaths. During the last half of the year 1894 the record <3# deaths fro 8) No. 2. small-pox In the United States at America was 60«, of which anmbtr 404 were charged to Onr own state. You ask If time cannot be giten be fore legal action Is taken to punish those who defy the beneficent law to guard the health of our people in this commonwealth. The reslstanoe to vac cination alone demonstrate* the im portance of having a law to require the vaccination of those who desire to take advantage of the schools support ed by the commonwealth. It is evident that if we had no such a law our innocent people would con stantly be thrown 10 contaet with a disease which is sickening td even the medical mu, let llOpe those who are not constantly thrown in contest with diseased persons. . effects of Epidemic*. The law has been on the statute books for ten years, during which time It has not been enforoad, with a result of two or three severe epidemics, which cost the state and different municipali ties thousands ana thousands of dol lars and many precious lives, indepen dent of paralysing Industries in certain centres. Now notwithstanding that the new department has been in Active exist ence since June 6 there has not been a law suit brought by it to punish any one. The person made responsible for the executive work has trusted to the intelligence of our people and triei! to educate them and disabuse their minds of the fallacies that they have been taught by the charlatan. From the iact that the department has given »h1 on request over 460,006 blank certificates and that it takes about 2000 t izy to supply the present demand, it i) evident that vaccination is going or c