THE BUTLER CITIZEN. XHTTBSDAY, DECEMBER 31,1905. mw ADVERTISEMENTS. MOTE—AII advert l>e r» Intending to mike .hum in their ads. ahoaid notify us of tbelr Intention to do »o not later than Moo dtf morning. Administrator's notice, estate of Elizabeth Patterson. Jury List for Jan Term. Evth Bros Xtnas Goods. Biehl's Sewing Machines. Crystal Pharmacy s Christmas gooaa Modern Store's Xrnas goods. Campbell's Holiday Suggestions. Klinglcr's Flonr. AdmlnlscrA»>ra and Executor* of estates can tecun their receipt book* at the CITIZEN offlce. ~ LOCAL AND GENERAL. Borough Announcements. Bobject to the decision of the Republi prmary election, Saturday, Jan 27. 1906—2 to 7 P. M. For Burgess, E. E BELL. For Collector of Taxes, AKCHIE W. DAVIDSON. B. H. JACK. D. LABDIN. J. F MCCLCNG. No Paper Next Week. Next week being Christmas week no paper will be issued from this office. —Winter begins today —Only four more days. —This is the shortest day. —Simple Simon, tomorrow evening. —Proof of the political plnm is in the grafting. —Necessity knows no law, but that is no excuse for a lawyer. —The Fait on Fish Market, Oscar A. Niggle, proprietor, has issued a handsome calendar. —That Java sparrow in Schaul A Levy's show-window can stay under water for some time. —The Sheriff Donaghy property on N. Main St changed hands for $10,300. W. H. Larkin was the purchaser. —The date fixed for the Bntler coun ty Sabbath Convention in Y. M. C. A. Hall Butler, is Thursday, Jati. 4th. —lt looks as if the tramps are the only ones who are going to have a chance to ride free on the railroads next year. —Don't forget that the CITIZEN makes the best kind of a Christmas gift to an absent friend—it's like a letter from home each week. $1 a year in ad vance. —A Paris investigator reports that great strength may be acquired by drinking extract of red ants. Go to the red ant, thou sluggard, and get a mus cle.—Leader. —This is considered to be the shortest day of the year. Next week the days will begin lentheniog, and we can look for a strengthening of the cold -accord ing to the old saw —"So Jonah paid bla fare and went" • scripture text which abonld interest the member* of the Legislature as they •tart on their journey tc> Harriabnrg for the coming session. —The Valralene Oil Co.. intended building a refinery near Butler, bnt the Botler dailies made such a fuss abont it that the owner of the lend they wanted raited the price on them and they quit. —Nothing new in Concord, Mid an old friend, Monday, excepting Harry Haggerty's new baby—Oh yee, Jm Thompson & Co. are cleaning oat an (rid well on the A. J. Campbell and will pomp it from the 3d sand, with their new well. —Have yon that satisfied feeling oc casioned by the thought that yoa don t owe the printer a cent? Notice the date after your name on thia paper and if it does not read 'MI, a remittance ia in order. Don't wait for a personal state ment. —The new tro'Uy crosses the B. & 0. overhead at Bryant atation It par allels the railroad from north of Mara to south of Valencia, and again for qait« a distance along Pine ereek, and then crossts the railroad and hill to the Millvale ratify. —At the meeting of Council. Tuesday evening, these assessment ordinances were paused: New Cattle St. sewer,sßl feet, cost $539.88; Miller Bt. sewer, 454 feet. SBB4 87; New Castle St. paving, total cost $11,790.15, cost to property owners 92.per foot front. —The Crystal mirror works, of Kit tanning, owned by August Jonas, who has been declared bankrupt and is an al leged fugitive from justioe, were sold by order of the bankrupt court. The prop ertr. consisting of three-quarters of an acre of ground and a two-story brick building, sold for SII,OOO. —A rural mail carrier over in Wash ington Co. baa been dealing in skunk ■kins, with the result that the mail on his route reaches its destination in a high state of orderiferoosnesi. The Postmaster General hw been complain- j ed to and the carrier will now have to isssen bis stink or qnlt carrying Uncle Sam's mail. —At a meeting of committeemen and candidates in Butler, Monday evening, Saturday. January 27, 190 A, was decid ed upon for the Republican primaries of Batler borough. The law requires the certificates of nomination to be filed with the County Commissioners, eigb teen dsys before the election—the Com m'sslonera to have the tickets for the •lection printed and at the polls. Cold weather baa not stopped build ing operations in Butler, as Is evidenced by the work on the New Nixm Hotel, the abutments for the new street car viaduct on Haiti van Ave., the abut ments for the widening of the Besse mer railroad bridges, and on the found ations for two new brick store buildings by Dr. Minteer and Jos. Oram In Lyndors. -Representative Bcb nee bell of Penn •ylvania ban pity on the linguistic In firmitlea of bia fellow citizen* at Wash ington. He think* that name of bia la too much for the average man or wo man, ao lie d'M-an't expect him or her to prononn<-« it without assistance. Mr. Bchneebeli baa provided himself with carda on wbicb ia printed under bla name these word* "Pronounced Bnay■ blay." —£3 ugh McCoy, a cripple, waa »bot aud instantly killed by two robbora, Monday nigbt, while he waa alttlng in the kitchen of his home on a farm about two rnilea from UarMngton and aix mil** from Beaver Falls Two shot* were fired, the gun being held ao close fo McCoy as to powder mi rk him. Robert McCoy, a brother, witnessed the B tooting, and after a battle with the thieves, escaped and spread tbe alarm. The murderer*, daring hi* abeence, looted the houae and secured about S2OO in caatf* PERSONAL. W. Fowler Campbell has uot tamed ap as yet John H Turner of Grove City visited friends in Bntler, Monday. C. L. Dunbar of Middlesex twp was in town on business, Monday Miss Erie Black of Bruin is visiting her cousin, Mrs. John H. Humphrey. P. Newton Stepp of Turtle Creek visited old friends in Butler this week Miss Lydia Harbison of Middlesex twp. did some shopping in Butler, Mon day. Alonzo Green has purchase-i the Mrs Langbein property on West Jefferson street $3,500. Jon. Morrow of Worth twp. lately se cored some fine pike through the ice of the Slipperyrock. Mrs. Anton Krnt chased a clothes line thief, the other night, *nd made him drop his swag. Edward Moore of Younsjhtown, 0., visited his mother, Mrs. Dr. Moore of Center Ave. this week. Benton A. Stoughton of Franklin twp. left for West Virginia, vesterday, and will pass the winter there. Miss Ella M. Wataon of Springdale, Pa., spent Sunday with her s.ster, Mrs. Dr. J. F. Minteer, of Lycdora Mr. and Mrs. William Aggi 3of Ohio and Albert Aggas of West Virginia are visiting their father, Syloanu Aggas. Wm. H. Wise of Penn twp. is the champion shot on long hornnl steers. The neighbors are all sending for him. Miss Desca Moeder of Saxonburg was the guest of the Misses Wlrich of Wal nnt several days during the past .week. J, J. and W. S. Gill of Slipperyrock twp visited friends in Butler, yester day, and attended the Directors Conven tion. August Michael of Butler t vp. visit ed friends in Butler, Monday. August h«« not been in good health for some time. Sheriff-elect Campbell doen not in tend living in the jail building but will deputize his brother to live there and have charge of the prisoners. Wendell Phillpps said that the best education is obtained by "struggling to make a living.'' That being the case, there are millions of ns who i re being educated beyond all bounds. Sam Moore of Clinton was short on Connty Commissioner but he I s long on R. B. Taylor's 11000 pian*. Eia ticket. No. 171. won it, and now San is trying to sell it to onoof our millionaires. —lt looks like a green Chririinas but there is plenty time for a chaii'/e. —The Pittsburg crowd who are build ing a trolley from that town to Bntler are dickering with the Butler -rrowd for their property and franchise on our streets, but the Butler fellows deny selling, as yet. The survey for the trolley from Harmony to Butler enters this town on the West side, and pro poses using New Castle, Mifli n, Broad, North, McKean, Cunningham and Cliff streets to reach Centre avenue on the Sooth Side. —On Monday of this week, John A. Richey sold to Thomas Morrison bin property on Main street for sJto,ooo. The lot is 20x1 HO feet, and the three and four story brick building ext nds over about half of it, with ths frame build ings of the bakery and ice-cream factory extending to the alley The rate per foot front ♦1,750, is the highest yet paid in Botler. Mr. Richey will retire from businesi on the Ist of next Feb ruary. He has not been in good health for some time. —Michael Wasko, the Austrian, whose skin turned black four yoars ago while he was an inmate of the county home of Westmoreland Co., died last Friday, from general debility. He was 60 years old and had been at the county home nine years. The strange phenom enon of the change of color puzzled scientists and medical men in all sec tions of the country and innumerable treatises have been written concerning Wasko. His body was sent to the Anatomical society, Philadelphia. If Rittor & Rockenstein aell yon one anit they will sell you another, their price la right —Fancy boxes, full of home-made candy at Richey'a. Get your gas ranges, heating stoves and slack burners at Henry Blehl's. Do yon know that Klingler'B Snow Drift Floor issl.2s a sack and Klingler's Silver Form SI.BO a sack, both warrant ed. More new goods every day, buy the newest at Ritter & Rockenstein'a. MAJKHTIC THEATRE. Simple Simon Simple— Friday. Himon and Mose made popular throughout the United Htate* through the medium of the comic newspaper Kupplements, have been made the central figures of a new rurul operatic extravaganza. "Simple Himon Bimple." This clever piece was brought out in Philadelphia last Hummer and was per formed for many weeks to large and enthusiastic audiences. While the spectacle was written around cartoon characters, it is a well constructed vehicle, consistent, funny and tuneful to a degree. This combined wfth hand some costumes, beautiful scenery and peopled with a bevy of pr»'ty Kirls makes the entertainment an enjoyable one in every respect. Price 25c, 50c, 75c, SI.OO, $1 .50. A .lolly Tramp—Dec. iiO. The attraction at the Majestic Theatre, matinee and night. Tuesday, Dec. 26. will be the sensational comedy drama "A Jolly Tramp." Th<- story in far above the ordinary and do<«s not de pend on impossible situations, aud high ly sensational climaxes, but rather on the beautiful utory of heart Interest in ternpersed with lots of good bright coinedp situations -and pretty stage pictures, and many entertaining special ties by the various membera of the com pany. A street parade and concert are given at noon. Matinee 10c, 25c, night 25c, 85c, 50c. Moving Pictures -Dec. 28. Lyman li. Howe's marvelous Life orama which will ba seen in Majestic- Theatre on Thursday, Dec liH, aptly and admirably illustrates the truth and force of American ideas, inversion, and progresstvenes*. The superiority of his exhibitions are partially explained by the fact Mr. Howe is not afraid of the "scrap heap"—like Carnegie in moder nizing his mills. Your choice of any hat in our Millinery Department, J price. The Modern .Store, Kisler-Mardorf Co. When you visit Butler see Hitter tic RockentfUi n'a about that new Halt. Do not get excited, but Cleeiand Jeweler, baa a stock of Holiday goods that would come very near exciting any one that would drop In and take a peep at name. Call and aee the Hne display. 12ft 8, Main atreet. Butler, Pa. Hummer clothing at 1 price at Rltter & Rockenstein's now. Klingler's Hllver Foam 1* known as tbe best family flour everywhere Only ♦1.30 a sack. All kinds of Hewing machine ueedles at Henryßiebl's. See tbe pretty red Iwlls. and all kind* of fancy candies at Richey's. All summer clothing at i t >nce at Hitter tic Rockenstein's Hot bouillon, hot drink* and pnre cream at Rickey's. Don't bny traab for yoar Xmas treat when ytm can get tbe home-made can* dy at Kicbay 's. LEGAL NEWS. NEW SUITS. John K. Kelly vs Eli D. Robinsou. as sumpsit for a commission of #l5O claim ed to be due for making a sale of a building to J. V. Ritts on Oct. 30. 1901. TRIAL LIST The list for Civil Court commmencing Monday. Jan. 8, is as follows: Jan. 8. D. Lambert vs W. J. Black and Thos. Murphy: C. Horwitz vs A. H. Cohn; D. West vs John Long: T. Z. Caldwell vs South Penn Oil Co.; D. Overheim vs Schoentag et al Jan. 9. L Kelly vs Mrs. M. Hogg: H. A. Stauffer, receiver, vs C. D. Greenlee: S. A Thompson vs A. H. Thompson: Keller, Loomis ., and the case was held over until yesterdaj. A new trial has been moved for in the case of Samuel Bleiweis, convicted of selling liquor without license. Processes were issued for Jamtvt Wat son and Howard Mortimer, witnesses for the Commonwealth vs M. L. Ros ner. A ten million dollar, first consolidated refunding mortgage given by the Ma honing and Shen*ngo Railway and Light Co. to the New York Trust Co., to secure an issue of 5 per cent mort gage tonds, was placed on record Sat urday. The mortgage covers property in a number of counties. In the equity proceedings of John M. Bursner vs the National Liquid t#as Co., J. A. Frauenheim, Emil Swensan. 8. 8. Robertson, W. Lynn and others, directors, a temporary injunction HUH granted, Saturday, to restrain the de fendants from dismantling the factor*/ at Zelienople and removing the macliin ery to the state of Ohio. Several weeks ago Bursner, who had been depose'! as manager, commenced the procueding asking for a receiver Hearing on th-? matter was fixed for Dec. lb. Sai ur lav morning it was stated that since tho suit was commenced the defendants had held a meeting and sold the factory and stock to Martin Heyl of Zeli.jncq lc for $27,000. Bursner was at the meet ing and filed a written protest. Attor ney Wilson stated that the sale wa« fraudulent and made to defraud Bums ner out of his share of the property, he having $7,500 worth of stock, that Heyl never had and never expected to have J 27,000; that the defendants had a lar s 'e orce of men at work tearing out ma chinery and taking it out of the juris diction of the Court, despite the pio ceedings already commenced. After a spirited hearing before Judg*- Galbreatb, Monday, the case was con tinued nntil Jan. 2, Bnrsner testified that the real estate in Zelienople, build ings and machinery cost in tne neigh hood of $25,000, and 9000 steel drama, in which to confine and ship the carbonic gas, cost $50,000. He claimed certifi cates for bis share of the stock were never issued to him; that be was inter fered with in the management, and that part of the drums were shipped to Ohio, and the balance of the property Hold-fraudulently to Martin Heyl. The defendant!) claimed that the concern lost money; that they lost nearly all they put in it; that the sale to Heyl was within SIIOOO of Bursner'a own estimate on the property, and showed Mr. Heyl's certified check for $27,W0 Patrick and Jeremiah Ahern, former ly of Ireland, are brothers, reside in Venango county and own a lease and welle in Allegheny two , this county. Patrick owning 7-Hth and Jeremiah 1-Hth. Patrick is small and Jeremiah is comparatively smaller. Jeremiah n year or two ago went to New Orleans, and came home with the malaria, which made him nervotit and he had to be confinod in an uHylum three or fonr months. He came home and went out on the lease, Patrick wax there too, and also theii pamper. Jeremiah got up in the moruing and, to show that ho one of the bosses, turned oil the gas from the gas engine operating the wells Patrick got up, and seeing the eiigiu<# ■topped turr.ed on the g*is, as he did so Jeremiah jumped on him, slugged him on the mouth and scratched liis face. Patrick had Jeremiah arrested for a&b in Butler county, and brought equity proceeding in Venango county to have their property partitioned. The affair was reviewed in court la«t Thursday, and the jury found Jeremiah not guilty, put one-third ot the cost ou him ami two-thirds on Patrick. C. F. L. Mediation, Henry G rem and Job n Brlcker w<-re appointed view ers on petition of citizens of Winfield twp. for a change in the Winfield Fur nace and Kittanning road Harnuel Blelweia. a Fairground Ave. mercliaut, WHS placed on trial, Friday, on a charge of selling liunor without li cense. Black Elijah Wheeler and hev eral other gentlemen who are known to have a good taste und u j»j»etite for 11- ijuor testified to getting wine and hard <:iond of on which Samuel Lando* in bull. The bail of Frank Bickel, Indicted for rape, wan declared forfeited, Tburaday, the young man having disappeared Louis Mencbino, convicted of «gga&b for cutting Tony Colossi uio, was lined S6OO and costs and sent to the peniten tiary for two years, George White, who plead tjnilty to u charge of assault, bis wife beim; i complainant. was santenceii to «-ie worahouae for six months aud to [ by Constable Ed Merwin of Lyndora Mild was found not guilty but pay all coat*. 1 The case of Com. vs M. L. Roaner of F: irground Ave. indicted for setting li ; qnor without license, was continued un i til M«rch terra, on account of the ab ; seiice of two witne--es for the Common : wealth. John Daprill plead guilty to a&b on complaint of \ngu-tt, C'olinet. and was fined flO and cost. Oliver Blair plead guilty to furnish ing iiquor to a and sentence wts snspended on the payment of the costs and §SO. The case against Tony Saragin. in dicted for agar a«**b on complaint cf Toov Tomisini was settled. In the case of C-. a. vs Geo. Koram of Lyndora. indicted lor forgery for cash ing a money order oelonging to another a nol pros was allowed on motion of District Attorney V, nlker Judge Win. E Farter of Lawrence county declared the pure food law of Pennsylvania cncinstitutional The decision was msde n the rise against W ii. Arrow, charged bv James Mc- Giegor. agent of the Pure Food Com missioner of the State, with selling adulterated food at his store. Judge GaPreath on Monday handed down an opinion ii. the case of Starr an.l Reed vs Anstir: Svlvis, in which he ref.ises Sylyis' moLon for a stay of writs issued on a not-* he had given the plain tiffs. Lorrie Gamble, fr lame boy raised in this pla-.-e ami form rly emjdoyed at lo cai livery stables, was arrested last week at Warren, G!jio, on a charge of horse stealing. R. M. Sipe, Dr. Wm. Cowden and John McQ. Smith were appointed a comriission in lunacy on Wm. Pinches of Buffalo twp., who has a snperabun cf patent rac-Mcine and. religion H; was found to be a resident of Alle gheny eonr.ty. Jolin Mininger, who lately returned to Jefferson town*!.lp, is agaiu in jail on a charge of lar«.eny made Hgainst him oy B. A of Clearfield twp Geo. Kowash of Lyndora is in jail for defrauding a boarding house keeper Tiilte Srvder of Summit township is to be nentenced this afternoon. She fmplicat.-s a young (,'lassworker. named George McMillan, whom she alleges to-k th* child from her and that is the last sne saw of it. A charge of f Eugene Morrison ,o Ira McJunkin lot at Ketrtis Crossing toi SIOOO. ltehecca Donaghy to W H L arkin lot on Main St. for >10.200. Isaac Meals to M iry J Hiliiard 27 acres in Washington for SIOOO. Eli/.a A Stephenson to F E Hocken berry lot in Slipper;-rock for $275. F J Doerr to J August Doerr int in 161 acres in Win field for s'loo. W H Say, Sr to E J Say iot in leases and wells In Penn for S4OOO. Jfremt.ib Rotnoui to Harriet Miller ■Hi acies in Muddycoek for sl. Marriage JJICCIIKCS. •. Natrona Margaret Campbell Fenelton Alonzo Sthnlur Butler Emma Ort " Harvey Gtaharn Crauberry twp Margaret Davis " Prof. Gnst;iv H. Me'.ner... Grove City Birdie Beij hley Butler Jo«epa L. Eichoitz Lancastor twp CU>ra E. Berkley " Thomas C. Kerr Butler Martha J. Say ; " Fl< yd G Palm Butler Eflit B. Williams... " Wire Foster Hiliiard Anua M Collingwo <1 '• Robeit C. Wilson Bntler Audrey Mae Yockey " John G. Hoffman Harrisyille Blanche U. Walter " At Pitisbnrg—Horry Gillespie of Thorn liill and Nan.iie Smith of Bakers town. At Mercer J. C. Riddle of Franklin :ind Mottle Ei-.kiu of Clinton ville. At Pittsburg, Ma- nard D. Johnston and Hat tie Mackrell of Butler. At Youngstown, L. O. Morrow and Pe;.rl Biooktr of Sllpperyrock. Congressman Cock ran was narrating, m Han Francisco, his experience in the F«ir East. "But we made th" best of it," he said, of u sampan mishap. "We were like th' Gioversville widow. This woman's h'lsband, a glove fin isbor, died, and so inconsolable was the poor lady that she spent $3,900 on a granire shaft, inscribing on the base thereof: " 'My grief ia no great that 1 cannot o*ar it.' •Tcfoie u year bad paosed, however, her grief bau mifllciejtly faded to allow ler to marry a young gfove Htitcher "She went a atone utter to the ceme tery a few days I before the wedding and canned him to add to the inxcription on 'he Hhaft the nlugle word: " 'Alone.' " I" you are interested in money Having fee Hitter & Uockenhtein aboutthat fall HULT FOE SALE—I2O egg Cypher Incu bator, good as new. Write, O M. PATTEitHON. Hiliiard, Pa. Agent f >r Cornell lncubatora. Stop in at llichey't and see them mak ing home-siade candy. The lowest priced clothing store in Butler, Hitter & Ito-kenstein'e. One of those Welsbach Heading Lamps, Whitehlll lis would make a good Christmas present Tin: NI\ON :M rr.sitcKii The I'ciirl and I'litnpliln Next VViv.k. At the Nixon Theatre Christmas week •.till be presented fo, the lir«t time in Pittsburg what is reported to l) imaginative specta«;le, "The Pearl and the Pump'-in," which will be pre-* nted and It is confidently stated that this is a worthy suixieaaor to "The Beauty an t Piu Be :s'," "Mother Goo,te" and their other missive spectacular productions FA KM Klt.H TAltli NOTICi:. Itiick vvhnnt MldaliiiKN !» i»er hundred. We. exchange Corn lor Buck wheat. 110 lb*, yellow shelled corn for 100 lbi. Buckwheat Hi., lbn. yellow ear corn for 100 lbs. Buckwheat. 110 llm. Buckwheat Midds for 100 lbs. Buckwheat. I'hls !s the best exchange wo have ever lieon able to make on corn. If. J. KUNUI.EH r«• ■ nt. The Modern Store, Kisltr-Murdorf' o. Pure howt m«/le candy for church treat# at Richey s. Christinas Services. Butler churches and Sunday School* will celebrate Christmas as follow?: Grace Lutheran—Treat.Sunday morn ing, Santa Claus Cantata Monday even- mg. First Methodist—Christmas services, Sunday morning, treat Monday after noon, four o'clock. United Presbyterian—Services and treat Thursday evening, 7 o'clock. Lyndora Mission—Services and treat Friday evening. South Side Reformed—Services Sun day eve, tree and treat Monday eve. First Presbyterian—Program, stere opticon views and treat Monday even ing. St. Paul s Catholic—Special Masses ft, 7:80 and 10:30 Christmas day. St. Peters Catholic— Special Masses 6 7:30 and 10:30 Christmas day. Oil an<), ill, lttOS, and January 1, lUW, the 11. m all HtationM on its lino west of the Ohio Hiver. Ticket H will be nold to all points on B. <& O. It It. aud connections west of Pittsburg, Wheeling. Parkersbnrg aud Kenova. Good for return until Jan. :i, lIHNI. For further information call on or address nearest 15. <& (J. Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin, General Passenger Ageut, Chicago. 11l llolldity Kxeurslons. Tickets on sale at all 11. A L hi U. It. stations Dec. an, 25 and :10th, and Jan. Ist, return limit Jan. llrd, lliOO. One and one-third times one-way fare for round trip. Novelties of all kinds, see counter rear of stoic. The Modern Store, ICisler— Mardorf < 'o. It«-»lti<*<-«l ICatcM to Hiiiiliiiry. For the benefit of those deMiring to at tend the me<*ting of the Pennsylvania State (irauge, Patrons of Husbandry, to be held at Sunbury, December r; tJ 15, the I'ennHvlvania Hailrowt Company will sell round-trip tickets to Sunbury from all Ktationu on Its lineM iu the State of Pennsylvania, December II to 11. good to return until December Id, inclusive, at reduced rates (minimum rate, 25 -ents.) Gloves for men, women and children. Best dollar gloves in America. The Modern Store, Fislcr-Miirdorf < 'o. Agents of the Bessemer Railroad will sell excursion tickets Dec gll, 25 and !10th aud Jan. Ist, good returning Jan, I), 1!»0(S, at excursion rates, on account of Christmas and N<-w Year Holidays Imiuire of agents for complete itifortna tion. l OK SALM. Any one wishing to purchase the ten volumes of the "American Lyceum Circle" text liooks, brand new, can have the name, nt a greiitly reduced price, by addressing "M Cl'i'l/KN Olllce, Butler, Ptt. —Why is Newton "The Piano Man?', See adv. Big Doll Display in Base* incut. The Modern Store, ICISI.KU-MAUDORI ('<». Furs in all the new shapes, l>ig a ortment at low prices. The Modern Store, KMcr- Mard will interest yon whether you J wish to buy or not. Xo trouble S to show goods S \ C. N. BOYD, | DRUGGIST ) Diaiupnd Block. Butler. Election Notice, The members of the Worth Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will meet at the s-hool house in West Liberty Borough, on the second Saturday of January, vi.'lth) at 10 a m , for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, and such other business as may come before the meeting. * S. J. TAYLOR, Sec., JAMES HUMPHREY, SI ipperyrock. Pa Pres. STATE NOIOIAL SCHOOL. Attend the State Normal School at Slippery Rock, Butler County, Pa. Ad vantages first-class, rates low; tuition free to teachers and to those who intend to teach. Winter term begins January 2ad, 11)00. Send for a catalogue. Ad dress ALBERT E. MALTIJY, Principal. Winter HolUluy Excursions. The Bessemer & Lake Erie R. R Co. will sell excursion tickets at all stations December 23, 25 and 30th, lUOS, and January Ist, 1906, good returning Jan. 3rd, 1900, at one and one-third fare for the round trip. Inquire of agents for rates, time of trains and other informa tion. •—Wanted—a bright boy to learn a trade. Inquire at this office. PURE ICE. Delivered daily to all parts of town, in large or small amounts. FRED. H. GOETTLER, Phones, Bell J 158, People's 220. ! I ' / / / j CHRISTMAS GIFTS t I FOR MEN t f SILK HAT # * OI'EltA HAT # (f DEHItY HAT X d PU It CAP a d Kll) IJLOVES a FUJI CiLOVES \ 5 NVOOI, GIXJVES t \ SIII it rs # * COLL A ICS 0 * CUFFS 4 f llAM>Ki;ic< 111 EES * \ ?KSSE LLISU - ~AU t i NUT CASE \ NECK WEAIt \ 5 FANCY VEST I \ FULL I>JtESS V EST ' f MUFFLER # f UM H ICICLE A # f SI SPENOEItS # * CUFF LINKS 4 + SCAICF |'|\ i 4 FULL I>lti:ss Sll I ELD a A UNI >EIC WE Alt i i NIGHT ICOHE 5 1 PAJAMAS t ? CANE # f HALF HOSE # * i,nt goods in i * thin store. Tlie best ol a A everything'. ]jno. S.Wick,!| J HATTER AND FURNWIIKR, R * 345 S. Main St, J t(J. Stein Building.) i ho Doors Nortli of Wlllard Hotnl. j Gems and Silver-- Your Xmas Gifts What fitter, for relative or friend, than something of in trinsic value that will last? Glorious Diamonds Sterling Sliver Pieces Watches of Quality Scarf Pins Von can't tfo astray if the gift conies from J. R. REED & CO., 4.VJ Market St., Pittsburg All of lllrhey'fl candlco are •home made. Why IN Newton "The Piano Man?' E • • adv. I P. WALKKK, LI« NOTAKV PUJIUIC, BurtlUl. Office withMerkmer, next door to O sl2 00 .*1 10 f Jury List for January Term. List of names drawn from the proper jury wheel this 7th day of December, 100.1. to serve as traverse jurors at a special term of court commencing on ttie 2nd Monday of January, 190fi, the same being the *th day of said month: Aldinger C A. Millerstown. shoemaker. Bard J E. Slipj>eryrock boro. latiorer, Brown (Gilbert, Penn twp merchant, Kurtner Philip. Winfield twp, farmer. Byers W E. \ enango twp. farmer. Christie Plummer, Concord tp, farmer, Craig R S, Mars boro, driller. Davis Port. Worth twp farmer, Davidson Wesley, Adams tp, carpenter, Daugherty W H. Fairview twp. tarmer, DauU uspeck H H. Washington tp, far'r, Donaldson Win. West Liberty, farmer. Eagle F D. Bntler twp, superintendent. Elliott .T C, Butler Ist ward, carpenter. Faust C H, Bntler twp. clergyman, Fithian W H. Washington tp. farmer. Fogal JJ, Zelienople boro. contractor, Gill Hiram Slipperyrock boro, retired. Grove Sidney. Evans City boro, laborer, Holbein Jos, Evans City, lumlierman, Kamerer Peter, Prospect, retired, Kerr John C.Slipderyrock bo, merchant, Kohluieyer Meyran, Venango tp.farmer. Marsh James, i'enn twp. farmer, McCall O L, Clay twp, teacher, Meeder A H, Zelienople, operator. Morrow Edward. Worth tp. blacksmith. PtTry Arthur. Valencia boro.machinist. Prngh P C, Bntler Ist wd, clergyman, Keiger Charles. Clearfield twp. farmer, Sandeison DC, Franklin tp, carpenter, Shaffer Jacob, Zelienople boro, barber, Shanor Milton li, Butler sth wd, agent, Sherman Casper, Butler Ist wd, baker. Stein John. Franklin twp, farmer. Swartzlander William, Butler sth wd, blacksmith. . Swartzlander H O. Fairview tp,farmer, Thompson W H, Karns City, laborer, \ anderlin Samuel Marion twp, farmer, Webber Wash. Slipperyrock bo.laborer. Weyman Earn. Jackson twp, farmer, Zeigler Clark, Mars boro, tinner. f' lliv;. ~m p Christmas Presents are in order and we have laid in a pplendid stock for the holiday trade Diamonds at less than the present market price as they were baiiKht be fore the last advance. Watches from the highest grade Elgins to the famons one dollar lngersolls. Kings in all the latest settings. Silverware that wears. Bronzes, vases, art goods, all the latest novelties in silver and gold suitable for presents. We also sell— Pianos. Edison and Victor Phonographs. Eastman and Poco Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. Optical goods. Field and Spy Glasses. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Court House. Zuver Studio Has added a full line of amateur Photo Supplies, Cam eras, Films, Dry Plates, De velopers, Printing out and de veloping papers. Anti-Trust Goods At about one half what you have been paying. Quality Guaranteed As good if not betterj than the Trust goods. ZUVER STUDIO 215 S. Main St. Butler Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do, Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy S. O. PUKVIB, Pu. (i Both Phones. 213 H Main St. Bntler Pa. The Little Details urn what go to make merchant tailoring MO uinch Imtter than ready made cloth ing. Snch thing* OH the button hole*, the sewing on of buttonn, the binding, the i»r»MHing and mar.y other things. They all make for PERFECT CLOTHINO. Now that yon have experienced all the advantage* and disadvantages of the ready made, you will be better able to nppreciutu the difference in our work. Just order a suit or overcoat and learn how great It is. WM. COOPER, LEADING TAILOR, Cor. Diamond. Butler, Pa. Gibson's Livery (Old May & Kennedy stand) First class horses and rigs. Excellent boarding accom modations. I Good and clean waiting room.! Open day and night. BERT HcCANDLKSS, Manager, AdvertUo in The CfTIZCN. CAM PSELL'S GOOD FURNITURE SUMUM | USEFUL ~ | | Christmas Presents. | i This season's display of useful presents is by faring the most complete we have ever shown. Useful gifts are the kind most people appreciate. Si ga — M gS Divans $14.00 up China Closets .£25.00 up Jls 901 * ouches 10.00 up Pedestals 5.50 upj§s Morris Chairs 10.00 up Tabouretts 1.40 up%§£ Davenports 35.00 up Dinner Sets 10.00 up^S js§f Library Tables 18.00 up Berry Sets 1.00 up||s S£f Sideboards 18.00 up Salad Dishes 35 up teg* garf Buftets. 25.00 up Jardiniers 35 up JS jg| Music Cabinets 5.50 up Framed Pictures 50 up Rocking Chairs 2.75 up Brussel Rugs 10.75 up S Parlor Fables 1.75 up Hearth Rugs 2.50 up|||| jglf \\ riting Desks 8.00 up Lace Curtains 85 upj^s Desk ( hairs 4.00 up Tapestry Portiers 3.90 upl|^ ' H 1 Alfred A. Cambpelli vmmmmmmm mmmwmmmmm CHRISTMAS. | HUSELTON BEGS TO SUOOESTTOS vou ' THATASOOODA SHOE STOREM AS HIS IS BOUND TO CONTAIN A JCJ VARIETY OF APPROPRIATE CHRIST, t J / JIT *l2* ' MAS GIFTS THAT HAVE THE %D-SJL I I DITIONAL ADVANTAGE OF BEINO |i PRACTICAL, FOR INSTANCE. | 'f Dress Boots for Women SI.OO to $3.00 £j \ Dress Shoes for Men $1.25 to $5.00 SI House and Party Shoes for Women —Styles innumerable^! Slippers for Men.. beautiful styles, 50c to $1.50 N Warm Shoes and Slippers for Women and Chil- jJ dren including the famous "Alfred Dolge" Felt Shoes. 9 v Baby Shoes—Felt and Leather, etc. . t J HUSELTON'S I In Opp. Hotel Lov/ry. 102 N. Main Street. ?| I Duffy's Store | Christmas is almost upon us and the question of ."j I WHAT TO GIVE, § |. is easily and fully answered by a visit to our store. 9 A FEW SUGGESTIONS FOLLOW: j8 || FOR MOTHER | |* Black Bilk Dross or Waist, a pretty new Carpet or Bog U p : or a good new Winter Coat. || FOR FATHER » A box of Liuen llankerchlofs, Silk Muffle*. 01 an 7m • Umbrella. II FOR BROTHER r| $?; A pair of Dress Kid Gloves or Woolen, Bo* of Books K |ff 1 or a pair Holiday Suspenders. | "f 9 FOR SISTER f 1 f A pietty Far Scarf, with Muff to match. A good Hi f " Dress or fancy Silk Waist. Kid Gloves to match her , dress. Stamped Linen or Battenberg |«4 m FOR BABY yj g Cute little White Fur Sotts AH the above, nre good, useful presents, and prices are right Lji I Duffy's Store. 1 |'. f MAIN STREET, BUTLER. *'j : \ Facts and Proofs. < 1 { It Heema to l*» customary with some stores to be advertising C I r bargains at all times. Every reasonable minded person knows a ■ j that no man Is In buslnraa for his health. We're not. Neither ia v B f the other fellow. Wo sell reliable goods at a legitimate profit; r ■ we are entitled to that; but to l>e selling at less than coat most C ■ \ every day iu the year, as some advertise is. keep your eye open, 3 ■ ( something is wrong. You are not Retting value for your moner I ■ j or you are getting unseasonable merchandise. We do not ad* / H / vertise a sale at all times but we do exchange with you for your V ■ 1 dollar the best dollar's worth of merchandise that money can r ■ * buy. We sell reliablo makes only—bought from firmi that 2 I stand back of and replace every dollar's worth of merchandise \ that does not prove satisfactory. / ■ We want yon to examine our Hamburger Suits and Overcoats j ■ lmforo buy lug—they are beauties. It is not necessary to go into # H details us most every person in lintler county knows what Isaac \ ■ Hamburger & Son's Clothing means. It is like exchanging / ■ dollars when you buy here— and facts are proofs. So call and b* \ ■ See Window Display. £ I Douthett & Graham, i J INCORPORATED. C Try The CITIZ6N FOR JOS WQRK A JMmm