SELECTING A FAVORITE! | That's what most of the well groomed men of Butler and vicinity have done— I selected The Ideal Clothing: and Hat Parlors as their favorite shop for this season's newest and smartest garments. Tbe Famous Washington Co.'s Suits and Overcoats for Particular Men. SUlTS—Prices SB.OO, SIO.OO, $15.00 and up to *25.00. OVERCOATS —Prices SB.OO, SIO.OO, $15.00 and up to *35.00. These garments will retain their shape, fit your figure and sustain your reputation as a good dresser. Give us a call and inspect our goods. Men of good taste wear Stetson & Ideal Hats. Prices range from $1 to $5. BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S SUITS. Our Boys' and Children's Suits were never so complete as they are now. Children s Suits from $2 to $7. Children's Overcoats from $2.50 to SB.OO. NOTICE—AII Clothing Sold by Us Cleaned and Pressed FREE. Ideal GlotHing AND — Hat Parlors. 228 South Main Street. FLEMING'S OLD RELIABLE EXPORT. All Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. If. Per Ot. 6 Cits- for $5. On all ft orders we Prepay Express. Are you using lt> If not* write to us at once and get particulars of Its merit. Our Stock of the Highest Grade of Champagne Vintage is Complete. Qts, $2.75 Pts. $1.50 Abb THE READING BONDED WHISKIES AT $1 00 PGR QT, PER QT. PER DOZ. PTS. _ „ _ , , j As a tonic we quote imported ales Plnet Castillon Cognac, this Brandy and StQUts as fo j lows; is especially recommended . . $1.50 McMullen's (Bottling) White Label Hennesy Brandy, One Star . . . 1.50 Ate • • • „ /' _ ,_ c Ross'(Bottling Ale 2.00 Hennesy Brandy, Two Star . . . 1.75 Burke's (Bottling) Ale 2.00 Hennesy Brandy, Three Star . 2.00 Reed Bros.' Dog's Head .... 2.00 Cusenler's Creme de Menthe . . 1.75 Imported Stouts (Bottled by above firms) _,,, _ , . , _ , „ will be furnished at the same price. Old London Dock Imported Port .1.00 superior grade California Wines, Old London Dock Imported Sherry 1.00 per qt .... 50c On All Purchases We Save You From t 050 per cent. Jos. Fleming & Son Co., Incorporated. 410 and 412 Market St., Pittsburg, Pa. The FamilV Drug and fciquor Store. Dean's I A safe, certain relit Suppressed I Menstruation. Never kbo«n to fan. Rafe! ■ Buret Bpeedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed ■ or money Refunded. Sent prepaid Cctr ■ tLOO per box. Will send them on trlaJ. to ■ be paid for when relieved. Ham pies Free. ■ UHITrOI<SOICALCO^eo*7*j^KC««TI»^eA^B Sold in Butler at the. Centre Ave. Pharmacy fftoe to Dine When it PMrni BLACK'S RESTAURANI BLUE POINTS AND WOCKAWAY OYSTERS LARGE WHISKY A SPECIALTY #OO-008 LIBERTY AVENCK, PITTBBUKGH, PA CHAS. S. BLACK, Prop. Uan.mal'e GERMAN RESTAURANT. ndmmei o Everytlilug to eat awl d'l'.k •erved In Herman etvle. Imiiortwl light and darl beer on draught. ittt Diamond »t.. I'ltm.urg Miller's Restaurant street. l»lUsburs r». FIFTH AVEKTTE Opp. Qraad Opera Homo, Hath on each floor free to guests. Absolutely fir. proof. Steam beat and telephone In every roou European plan. HOTEL YODER NOW OPEN I looms and conveulences at Rood as belt hotel 2V per night *1 74 per week. Come carlr and taki jour choice. Ho. 11114 Forbr« St., PMUbnrg JnstJjTirM^juarej^ron^ourMlMJse^^^^^^^ WHE«I TO PINE WHEW IN ALLEGHENY Sauers Tavern Allegheny. Pa. Ladle* Dlulnc Moom on Ifcoad Woor. PATENT OFFICE DRAWINGS FREE l>y lha Iron Oty Draughting i o , .vechanlcal Designers and Draughtsmen Wyllo avenue, Pittsburgh. I'a. <1" AA. Phone Correspondents of II M. Sterling, Patent Attorney, Washington. I'. CI Pearson B. Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick Houaa. Butler, "enn'a The beat of horses and flrat claaa rig* al wnvs on hand and for hire. Beat accommodations In town tor parma ■eat boarding and transient rude. Sped ai care guaranteed. Stable Room For 05 Horsea A good cAN of horses. both driver* and Aran horses always on hand and (or sale vJer a full guarantee: and horses bough pou proper notification bv PEARSON B. NACE, AT LAST • Ar]_ Engir\e for tine K'arm. i WATER, SAW WOOD. WASHING MACHINE "ALL PURPOSE" m With practically no expense a * ter cost of installing. Write for Catalogue and Prices THE EVANS MFG. CO , LTD., BUTLER, FA. | Strictly High Grade § ! PIANOS AND ORGANS. * Come and see me when | you buy; also sheet music | or anything In the music | line. I W. A. F. GROHMAN, | Mublc instructor and Piano Tuner, J Next door to Y. M. C. A. j People's Phone 4 GROHMAN 3 MUSIC STORE. | Orchestra famished for all x occasions. .John —'W hy <l.> you look f.r a Job ? I ! irry —\\ hen you attend Aoiaokoft'a ilarbe. scliool t >ibeD Ibo |**iplo will lie looking lor yn to Work [or tliem—very llitle expellee—Send foi catalogue. 1405 l'cnn avenue I'ltUburgh. Pa. If you want to buy or sell any kind of business ««4 CAVANAGH CO.. 431 fourth Ave., l'lttshurgh. . DOCTOR UINXER, OM Prnn Avruir, , l*tltabiir|gti, cure* Piles and FI»UU*» to Ma| cured; alm> cancer and all chronic disease* and complaint boili sexes and all ages. Consultatlo, itiletly private. <"nil and sec the Doctor. * OBM hoursirum vs. m. to t p. in. L. C. WICK, WHALER IW LUiIBER. Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Ootician Next EtobT tb Court Honne, Batter, Pa DR. E. GREWER, No. 229 1-2 SOUTH MAIN ST? NEXT DOOR TO GUARANTY SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., BUTLER, PA. ROOMS 1, 2, AND 3. Dr. E. Grewer is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, is now per manently located at the aboveaddress, where he treats all chronic diseases of men, women and children. Diseases of the Nervous System, the symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confidence, sexdal weakness in meD and women,ball rising in the throat.spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory anable tc concentrate the mind on one subject, easily startled when snddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind which unfits them for performing th»- duties of life, making happiness impos sible,distressing the action of the heart, depression of the spirits, evil forebod ings, cowardice, rear, areams, melan choly, tire easy of company, feeling a? tired in the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of the mind, depression, con stipation, weakness of tbe limbs, etc. Those so affected should coasult us im mediately and be restored to perfect health. II Lost Manhood Restored- Weakness of Young Men Cured and ail private diseases. Dr. E. (irewer's varicocele Ring cures Varicocele, Hydrocele and Rupture promptly cared withont pain and no detention from business. He cures the worst cases of Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Old Sores, Blood Poison, and all Di seases of the Skin Ear, Nose, Throat. Heart. Lnngs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Itching Piles, Fistula, Stricture, Tumors, Cancers, Goiters, cured with out cutting. Special attention paid to the treat ment of Nasal Catarrh, jHe will forfeit the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for any case of FITS OR EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS that he cannot cnre. Consultation free and strictly confi dential. Write if yon cannot call. Office honrs—From 9a. in to 8:30 p. in. On Sunday from Ito3 p. m. only. ic. F. T. Papej (SJEWELERI \ < ) / 121 E. Jefferson Street. / PAROID READY OOFINQ. TJAKOID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't Ejrow brittle. ANYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core ot each roll. OEPRESENTS the results o " years of Experience and Ex perimenting. /"kNLY painting every fowyears. Not when first laid. F S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate -*■ o r Shingles. I \EMAND for PAROID is world U wide. MADE IN 1. 2 AND 3 PLY Other Fac«a, Samples and Prices are yours if you will ask us. L C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. GEO. S. LANGDON & G& New York and Pittsburg Stocks Orders Solicited. Purchase cr Sale. Cash or Margin. Correspondence Invited 1 ell I hone, IMS Court. Key#tonc Building, P?ttsbiir'.r. i'i. Furmi for Sale—la fine Urru district, around Yoanic*towu, Warren and Nilt's. Ohio, fail ot write tor ll«t. HAHRINGTOM ft CO.. Nil—. 0. Kok Sale—Coal lands; I'lttsburg coal In Wetzol county, W. Va. Address BOT 8, Eudlcott. W. VF. Are Voa Taklug Muu(«, Magnetic. Klectrtcal treatments; Turkish, Oven, Vapor Sprayorany form of Bathst Why not try the Forbet Sanitarium? lias select pataonnce only; lady attendants. Open day and all ulght, at Z01& Korliea st , rittsburg, Pa HARDWARE AUCTION Established Firm of SHIVELY & GUE Retiring from Business Tools and Hardware Slaughtered. Sales Daily from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. •JO4 Smithfield Street. Pittsburg. Pa. BILLIARD TABLES Desks. Safes. Bar Fixtures. Bowling Alleys. Soda Fountains. Cash leisters, Show Cases, Counters, Stools, Chairs, etc. DELP'S, Cor Fourth Hurt LiV>ertj- Sts. Pittsburg BIPDS AND DOGS MTTI/n'M IN PARVO at FOX'S PET SHOP. The little City Hull Bird Store, Oliver ave. and Smlthlleld Street. Pittsburg. Pa. New Importation Angora kitten*, beau ties; 1 ruined ferrets, singing canaries, handsome, gold fish, all colors, alt sizes. .Inst arrived, a grand display of aquariums. We are loaded up for the holidays at regular prlcos. Par rots that talk and tame squirrel*. Pair | young fox hounds; English beagles. hred In the purple: all kinds «»f thoroughbred pups ' bought and sold. Give us a call. Wo, are ltusy Answering Calls M any customers want to buy Farms-ot h ®™ —Uuslness opportunities and homes. ™« , can find you what you want. Help you ""* rir •' U WMOfcS, K. nl Bftato. SI 1-13 Fertpnon Building. Pittsburg. (las ami OlWlfaWl EngißM From two horse power up. For farm use, ♦lectrlc lighting plants, or for power of any kind. Write for catalogue and information. I EMPIRE MACHINE COiU'ANV, 1 ?lo Third AvcuuOj Pittsburg, Ps. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL :::::: FOR PILES, O!NE APPLICATION BRINGS RELIEF. SAMPLE MAILED TEXE, At Dnigfftita. 35 cent*, or mciled. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. WlllUta Mil John Street*. New York. NERVOUS* DEBILITY, Vital "Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success fulremedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $5. Sold by Druggist., or sent prepaid on receipt of prlC& Humphreys' Med. Co., William & John Sts., N. Y. CLEANSING CATARRH AND HEALING CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm fc F.asy and pleasant to 03'. Contains no in- Juriooa drug. It te quickly absorbed. Gives Relief at once. —-^1 HEAD Allayslnflammation. WWW ' " Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restore* tlie Senses of Taste and SmelL Large £tz<*, 60 cents at Drugeiatsor by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHgKS. 56 Warren Street. New \ orfc HOLIDAY CHEER For Christmas and New Year Table wines from California & European vineyards—pure and whole some at lowest prices. Once a customer, always a customer, is true of this house. Yonr choice of any of the fol lowing whiskies. i£l <H> per full quart, fl quarts $.>.00. We guarantee purity and quality. " ~~ ;.2l y PURE LIQUORS ALWAYS IN STOCK. | FIXCH, LABUE, OVKBUOLT. UUCkENHKIXKU. JIT. VKUSOM THOMPSON. fiIBSOK, DILLIIUIER. BRIDGEPORT And remember we :ir«' soli» agents for the I celebrated GRANDFATHER'S CHOICE A RICH AHD MELLOW whiskey guaranteed 3 years old, $2 00 per gal lon. Wo pay express charges on all mall orders of $5 00 or over. Goods shipped promptly. Robt, Lewin & Co,, WHOLESALE DEALERS IK WITCS AHD LIQUORS, Ho 14 SmitUield St,, PITTSBURG, PA. •Phones: Bell Jl»» P. * A. 1458 IF you want pure liquors for your money, send your orders to MAX KLEIN & SONS. Your order will be as carefully filled as if you made the # selection personally, and delivered at your door in a plain box with out any marks denoting the contents. We have an excellent Penn'a Rye Whiskey at $3.00 per gallon called Cabinet Rye. Try it and see how surprised you will be with its high quality. /WAX KkGIN & SONS, Wholesale biquors, 1318-20 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. "Everything in Liquors." W 5. & E. WICK, UKALEKS IN Hough and Worked Lumber of ail Kinds Doors, Rash and Mouldings Oil Well Bins a Specialty. Office and Yard E. Cunningham and Monroe Sts • near West Penn Depot, Special Offer To those purchasing photos of groups or views, Bxlo, at 50c each, to the amount of $lO 1 will present free a fine 20x40, exact reproduction that will stand washing and not fade away. No bum work, but a fine permanent Bromide en largement, fully guaranteed. FISHER, The Outdoor Artist, The Butler Dye Works B. B. Christmas ribbons Ribbons appeal to old and young. It's feminine nature to be overjoyed at receiving pretty Ribbons Christmas morning. As usual our stock is unex celled in merit, selection or price. Holly Ribbons, 4 to 4-5 inches wide —many patterns, per yard, 3c to 50c. Babe Ribbons all dainty shades and pure white, 10 yard bolt, 10c. Wide selection of Warp Print, Plaid, Satin, Metallique and Mousseline Taifeta or Messaline Ribbons —correct ribbons and colorings for pin cushions, handbags, hair bows, etc.—3 to 7 inches wide. 25c. Warp Print Ribbons for girdles—7 inches wide, 60c to SI.OO. Bog«'s & Buhl I AULEIiHKJS'Y, I»A. | FINDING THE ROBBERS. Milk Scales, the Milk. Sheet and the Ilabeock Teat l>o It. By U. If. RAW'U South Carolina. Probably tlie uio>t expensive error usually made by our farmers is the failure to keep Ixjoks that will at any time enable ttjem to tell whether they are dolns busi- ness at a profit or a loss, 'l'he C' ... dairy farmer with but small . expense can '' .' 1 V keep track of fi, £ his herd so that at the end of 1 ~ _ eaeh month he can determine |r \ not only the —;^r profit or loss H that he lms real- / Ized from his I herd, l>ut the profit OF loss I \ that he has real- / \ ized on each an- , Imal In the herd. 1* Probably most dairymen can at F ' 1 , the end of eaeli » month estimate L the cost of food r and labor for Li the month and I in this way tell Kit whether they are makings losing MII K >CAI ES . money. Rut that U no reason why there should not be a constant lookout for lenk«. because one unprofitable cow in the herd had far better be sold at beef prices than kept in the henl to reproduce her kind and continually reduce the profits of the dairy. By the use of the milk scales, the milk sheet and the Babcoek te-t the dairyman can cull out every unprofita ble animal from the herd with but lit tle trouble and expense and at the same time determine at the end of each month what his total profits are. The first cut shows milk scales, which will cost from $3 to $4, and should be suspended In a convenient place near where the milk Is received from the pails. On the dial of the scales is a hand, or indieater, that can be adjusted by n thumb screw. Though the capacity of scales of this kind usually ranges from thirty to sixty pounds, the face shows only ten pounds, and each pound is subdivided into tenths. 'l'he indicator should l>e adjusted so that it will stand at 0 mark when the empty pail Is hangiug on the sealer. Where several milk pails are used It will be necessary for them all to weigh the same, so as to use the same scales. This can bo done by using all pails of the same size and make and by run ning a little solder on the bottom of each, which can be scraped down un til they all weigh exactly the same. As the pail that contains the milk from each cow is carried to the can it should first be hung on the scales, and while hanging there the weight (which is the weight of the milk, not including the pall) should l-e recorded on the milk sheet, which is tacked on the wall In liAiicocK iiAcnrm arm's reach from the scales. The pall Is then emptied Into the can and the milker is ready to begin the next cow. A hand tester, or Babcock machine, with complete outfit for testing both milk and cream, can be purchased from any creamery supply compauy for s'.) or $lO. Allurliis GlnseiiK Culture. In the transactions of the lowa State Horticultural society appears the state ment of SI. Harrington that from beds of ginseng forty feet long and five feet wide, Including the path between the beds, he secured $55 worth of dried root and $lO worth of roots for re planting the bed. He believes that had he dried all the roots the cash val ue would have been at the rate of about $15,000 per acre. In 1904 a patch of one-seventh of an acre produced over 000.000 seed with au estimated Talue of $3,000, or at the rate of slll,- 000 per acre. "At the rate of" Is an Illusive phrase and, figuring on It, opens up visions of a Golcouda fre quently never found. Growing pota toes on a plot of a few feet, for In stance, "at the rate of 1,000 bushels per acre" is a very different proposi tion froui gettlug a thousan bushels from an aero of laud. W here the Corn Grow*. The greater part of the corn crop of the United States Is produced In tho Mississippi valley south of the lower limits of tlu' great lakes and tho south em boundaries of Minnesota and South Dakota ami north of the Ohio river and the northern boundaries of Arkan sas and Oklahoma. The production of this region, together with the crop of Texas, amounted In 1004 to 1,574,000,- 000 bushel*. In 1002, 1903 and 100-1 Illinois was the lending state in the production of corn and lowa second. PYTHONS AS PETS. Accord! ck to Dr. Mnnm, They Arc Perfectly Harmless. Dr. Mfinn, 1111 enthusiastic lover of snakes, contribute 3 to a recent Eng lish volume a letter which goes to show that the larger kinds of these creatures "may have far more charac ter and emotion than they are general ly credited with. "My present liou," he writes, "al wnvri sleeps in my lu-tl nround my feet. H«> is pecfoetly clean, li< >4 still nnd very »eliluiu Uistnrlis m«. Occasionally be crawls to ray face to lick It. I fre quently take a python to lied, l<ut at present she Is timid, nnd if she cannot Jlnd my feet crawls out of the bed nnd curls liei-self on tho floor. "I not myself believe that any python or boa is savage, but they are dreadfully timid, especially from tho ill t rent men t they receive when first caught and the misery nnd terror they endure on the voyage. There Is anoth er thing: Tliey have no eyelids and on being suddenly uncovered and dragged fortli to the light suffer from the glare very acutely. It is best, therefore, to bide their heads In your hand or under your eout. "Handle them often and give them water, pressing their heads gently Into it. 1 feed my boas frequently from my hand, but the last tune I offered u python a guinea pig the prey escaped, and the python took In the whole of my hand Instead. lie soon discovered his mistake and was greatly distress ed, rubbed his bend against my bund and seemed to feur some sort of pun ishment. "Since that time I have had grent difficulty In persuading him to eat un less I nurse him ur take him to bed, when he will lie the whole night with his head in my hand." ' RR-TIME-T ABLES 11 K X 1' It It Time table in effect Nov. 19, ISO. - ; Passenger trains leave and arrive at Butler as follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH. 7:30 a. m . mixed for Punssntawney Du Bois and intermediate stations. 10:33 a. m. daily, vestibule*! day ex press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford, week days, for Rochester. VSO p. m local for Punx'y, Du Bois and intermediate stations, j 11:31 p. m. night express for Buffalo and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 6:10 a. m. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. 9:30 a.m. week days, accomodation from Dußois. . 4:50 p.m. daily, vestibuled day express I from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash ford week days from Rochester. i 8:07 p.m. week davs, mixed train t from Du Bois and Punxsutawney. Trains leave the B. & O. Station, i Pittsburg for Buffalo and Rochester at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p m.. and for local j points as far as Dußois at 4:20 p.m. On Sunday the 9:00 a.m. train runs to Buf falo and Rochester. B&Oitß Time table in effect, Nov 1905. Trains for South and West,leave Butler —town time: WEEK DAYS. G:2O a.m. Allegheny Accommodation. 8:00 a.m, Allegheny & Cleveland Ex. 9:10 a.m. Allegheny Express. . 11:40 a.m. ' 1:25 pm, Ell wood Ac 3:35 p.m. Allegheny Ex. 5:20 p.m, Allegheny Ex. 5:35 p.m. Chicago, Ellwood, N. Castle 5:50 p.m. Allegheny Ac. —New Castle. SUNDAYS. 8:00 a.m, Allegheny & Cleveland Ex. 10:33 a.m, Pittsburg Ex. 3:35 p.m. Allegheny Ac . New Castle, Chicago and Cleveland. 5:50 p.m. Allegheny Ac.- -New Castle. GOING NORTH—WEEK DAYS. 9:42 a.m. Kane & Bradford Mail. 4:55 Clarion Accomo. Trains leave the Allegheny station for Butler 7:00. 8:15, and 11:00 A. M.. and 1:15, 3:00, 5:30 6:45 and 11:35 P. M On Sunday at 7:30 A. M. and 6:45 and 11:35 P M. For through tickets, Pul. mat. reeervntirma and In formation api 1} to W. R. TI'RNKR, Agt. Butler, Pa. JO3. P. TACGERT, A. O. P. A., Pittsburg, P» PENNSYLVANIA % D WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. SCHZDCLI 1* KrFirr NOT 26 1806. SOUTH. , V.'KKK DAYS A.M A.M. T A M.IP.M. P. M BI.TLKR LEAVE 6 15 8 40 10 35 2 3U 4 2> Saxonburg ArriTC 645 9 05 11 00 2 54 ' 4 4h Butler Junction.. " 714 93011 25 BIS 5K- Butler Junction. . .Leave 7 32 9 32 11 35 3 20 6 1; Natrona Arrive 7 44 » 42 11 44 3 31) 5 H Tarentum. 7 47 9 47 11 51 3 3« ( 5 31 Springdale 7 57 9 57J 12 03 3 45 B 4< Tlaremont ! ,12 20 4 01 15 s'> -Uiarpsburg 8 9) 12 30 .... 6 0 vlleghenT 8 34 ....|l2 4D; .... 6 Is East Liberty 10 2s| .... 4 15, ... Pittsburg 10 35| . , 4 35, .... SUNDAY TRAINS.— Leave Butlet for Allegheuj Mty and principal intermediate ■tationa at 7:SO a. vr •nd 6.-06 p. M. NORTH. WMK DAYS A.M. A.M. A.M.IP. M. P. »' TitUburg j .... 305 6 1« East Lib rty 3 15 3 2 vtlegheny City IT 6 15 825 10 25; ~harpeborg < 3>> 8 39 10 39 Mremont 6 3S 8 48 10 4(1 •pringdale 7 00 9 07 11 00 .... 8 4' •arentum 7 13 9 19 11 11 3 47 6 5. iatroua 7 20 9 26 11 18 3 62 7 01 -Intler June ar 730 930 11 27 400 7 1 tutler June lv 742 940 12 30 407 7 1 axonborg gOW 10 06,12 54 4457 81 UTLER 8 3.V10 33i 1 20! 6 16 8 fr" l SUNDAY TRAINS.— Leave Allegheny City for Bet . -r and principal Intermediate stations at .7:00 a. M. as: 4*30 p. in. FOB THI. EAST. Week Days. SUNDAYS A.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P »! BCTLER. Iv 6 15 . .. 230 720 .... Butler J'ct ar 714 318 810 ... Butler J'ct It 7 40; 400 814 ... Feeport 743 ..... LOS 8 1"! •>•. Kskiminetaa J't " 74S 408 823 .... Leechburg " SOI 420 887 ... Went Apolio " 834 439 864 .... Saltaburg *' 861 SOH 9 .... Blairrvilie 923 542 962 .... Blairwille Int " 930 -". 650 10 00, Altoona " 11 35 850 140 . .. Harrisburg " 310 100 ' « 36; Philadelphia " I 6 23 1 4 23 10 20: P. MJ A.M. I A.M.! I P. M.I P. M Through train* for tbo east l«avo Pittabnrg (Union Station), as followa; CXrr. 8, 1905. Tlie PrDimj Ivania Special, daily, for Nrrth Philadelphia nn«l N"«a York 12:54 ■.*n M«nhattau Limited, daily, for Pbila | delphia and Now York 12 55 14 Keygtone Kxprea daily 8:00" ! Pennsylvania Limited daily 6:46 " Sew York " 44 7:05 44 Atlantic Ex pre*, " 7:30 M Main Line Kxpr<MM, " 8:00 M Buffalo Day Kx|>ref»M 44 9:00 44 Day ExproM, " 12:01 Noon Mail KxpraM, daily, fur Baltimore au«l Wash ington 12:46 PJi Chicago Mail tally, for Baltimore ami Washington 4:50 41 «Caater n Kxpreta, <laily, for I'lnl'u an-i N Y....4:ft6 " Now York Expreaa. M " 14 7:10 " 'hiladelphia A Washington Kzpress, -laily 900 ' New York S|MK-ial, daily for New York, Balii more and WaflhlMtoa 10:00 " Philadelphia special daily, for Philadelphia only Sleeping cars onij 10:00 " tfuffa o Nig» t Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Division. Trains leave Kißkimiuetas Junction as follows: For Buffalo, 9.51 a. m and 11.50 p. m. daily, with through parlor and sleeping cart. For Oil City, 7.4»» 9.51 a. m„ 1.J5,6.10 and 11.60 p. m. week-days. Sundays, a. m., 6 10and 1140 p.m. For lte<i Bank, 7.48, 9.51, a. m. ( 2 35, «.lO 10:15 and 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sundays, P. 51, 10 40 а. m., ft.lo and 11.50 p. in. For Kittanning 7.4«, 9J», 9.51,11.37 a. m., 2.35,5.3b б.10,7.30,10.15, aud 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sundays. 9.51, 10.40 a. m., 6.10, 10.44, and 11.50 p. m. "f" Stops only on Kignal or notice to agent or con due tor to receive or discharge passengers. Foi detailed information, apply to ticket agent or address Tho«. K. Watt, Pass. Agt. Western District, Jttio Fifth Avenn*. Pittsburg, Pa. W. W. ATTEKBUUY, J B. WOOD Gen'l Manager. Pass'r TraAlc Manager. GEO W. BOYD. General Passenger Agent. BESSEMER &. LAKE ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY. TIME TABLE In effect September 17th. 1906. EASTERN STANDARD TIME NORTHWARD SOUTHWAIO (Read up) Daily Except Sunday (Raaddowa) "TiTI H I u | | a | ii 1 13~ p. m. p. ra.'p. m.l Si AT IONS. |a. m. a. m. p in. 10 Uft 4 (K»l 3 («Bllflalo(vi»LS.II.3.) 3 4510 0012 00 p. m. p. in. a. m.l * a. u\. p. m.p. m. 7 131 1 43U0 23 Erie 7 OSi 1 Ot* 4 87 6 61' ItO OS Fairviow 7 29* 6 al 6 40, 1 o; i 4ft! Giraril 7 4U( 1 41 6 S3 fi J4 : I 27' 'YulK'SVillf- . H (Kli 8 j'J oft 1 ' ■! i-> Ar .( Uliucul.t.. I.V 7 00 1- 04 8 10 B 10(l2 04| 7 00!l.v..<'otilKiuit ..ArllO 00.......J 6 sft TSi 12 45) IS 2.« XlHoil I 8 03; T Rl* 5 63 16 10 fl2 3519 10| Shad eland 18 14 12 1018 04 807 IJ 32! 9OT Spring boro Hl7 2156 07 6 0212 27 902 Conneautvllle... 8 2> 2 181 8 12 TO" 12 46i 9 21 Ar MetdYilT&Xvn <&> l 1 66 4 68 4 6HII 2i! 7 3<>Lv .Mend vllie. Ar 9 20 3 12. 7 07 6 4012 lKj S 63 A..4"on't Tjike. Lv 7 6ft 2 23, 5 25 6 2 .11 SO 7 .V,Lv.<-ou*t 1-ake.Ar 8 63 2 45! 6 40 5 4* 10 6«Ar I.ineSYllle..l.v ! 8 27 1 1 6 17 it 4ft s 27|l,v..IJne.sville Ario fto 4 fto- 5 13112 111 8 43{_Me«dTlll« Jet. H 4:; 2 371 i U 18 27 fH 55 H27 Uartatowii.... f8 8712 4'J fl 46 5 13111 41 H 12 Osgood 9 1213 0:d 7 00 5 oft II 3ft S 03 .....Greenville 9 20; 3 1M 7 08 60011 2* 7 6rt fihenango .. 9253 l< 7 15 4 4111 12 7 38 t'rcdonltt 9 42 S 33 7 83 4 Jill) M 7 23 Mercer 9 5* 3 481 7 48 402 10 Sft 700 Grove City 10 2* 41M8 16 13 47 flO 23 a.m Harris vllle 110S814 2- p. m. 31110 18 -Hraiuhton jlO 43 4 28l ..... 11 30( Ar...llilliard ..Lvi 7 Oil 2 Id 1 . 2 tii- 705 l.v Milliard...Aril 30l 817 ... 3 .1710 fi I Kelster Wtfi 4 Si 3 2.110 02' I Euclid II 041 4 W ..... 11 Oftl .Vr. _.Kayfor JXVTT 3 20) 23 i 7 281 'Lv. _ Kaylor . Ar 1 ... . 1 B 2op in ■l ■; 9 :kK„...". I ... Butler "in ft 10) 400 . .... 7 00.. i.North KrH-.'Uiir C"2i 1 in H l:. jLv.Allegheny.Ail 1 00 G 38 p. ma. m. 1 | Train No.l leaving Greenville at 6:47 a. m.; Bhenango 6 84;Fredoi)la 7:13: Mercer 7:27; Grove City 7:50; K' IKUt 8:17; Hutler 9:(4l, arrive* in Allegheny at 10:25 a. m : coiincrta at Queen Junction with train* to and Irom Kaylor. and ut Urancliton lr»m Illllinrd and Annamlale. Train No. 2 leaving Allegheny ut3i<ip m.; Ilutler 4:45; Roister 6:.'iz; tlrore City 6:66; Mercer 6:21; Fredonla 0:38; Bhenango C:ft6, arrive* la Greenville at 7:00 p. m.; connecta at Queen Junction with train* to and Irom Kaylor, and at Ilranchtoli for HUliard. F- H. UTLEY, E. P COMSTOCK. General Manager. Gen'l l'am. Agent. Geo. Amy, Undertaker, 217 S. Main St., 01(1 I'o.stoflU'C liutlor, l'u. itoth Phones. ( Branch Office Chicora, | In Charge of John C. Wllcb. LP. WALKER, • NOTARY PCBI.IC, I Offitt nWt t> Christmas joys soon fade—but the gift ! of a new pars book t0 a or chi^ irJ/cSSvjM remains a thing of beauty and a joy while life lasts. Then 'think of the In centive it would be, especially to the i 1 young—to add to the amount 'till Christ- A mas comes a g3in. Wise parents should Iw -OnT. M out ar >d act upon it. .Why not y/}£>*tthink it out to-day? Come right in— don't hesitate or the good will never be THE Butler Savings & Trust Co. 106 SOUTH MAIN STREET. THE LAftGEST IN THE COUNTY. THE | | Butler County National Bank, i ; A good. STRONG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLE of f Buler Couny to do business wih. j /Capital $ 300,000.00 I Strength; surplus 365,000.00 1 ; ' (Assets 2,840,000.00 I i We invite YOUR business—assuring you PROMPT, f 1 COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. I I * I "The big Bank on the corner by the Court House" | ■ ■ ESTABLISHED 1900. THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS (earned) - 547.000.00 DIVIDENDS PAID ----- $6,000.00 None Stronger in the Cou.r\ty. r F OUR 816 LINE OF FAIL WALL PAPERS § !i; Are *ll here, and comprise on;- of the greatest lot of If! BRIGHT, SNAPPY PATTERNS W we have ever had at the prices. it* AmonK them is a big lot of nice !f? Kitchen Paper at 8c doable roll !f! ?£ Bed Room Paper at 8c doable roll ?g *f Dining Boom Paper at 8c doable roll V Other papers at correspondingly low prices. ••• •ft Big line of Window Shadee, Monl-lings, etc. Give ns a Call. •¥• jil We also sell Magazines, Periodicals and Books. I E£ytH Bros., | 3; NEAR COURT HOUSE. j£ TO»«OTtWfl>TO<Dg>illiliCg>Ogi!Pg»g>g>COT X<OOOOOOPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO<<I I Try A Gallon of ] \ Our oJd at J | $3.00 per Gallor\. J | HUGH L. CONNELLY j j SUCCESSOR TO JOHN LIMEGROVER, JR. { | 107 West Ohio Street, (Opposite Post Office.) < > BOTH PHONES ALLEGHENY, PA. J [ X>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO<K ■ Kelsey, Crown, Boomer ■ I FURNACES. I m Coal and Slack Heaters, Gas and Coalß ■ Ranges and Gas Stoves. 1904 Washers,! 1 Sowing /Machines, Needles for all mal<es of B 2 Sewing Sewing /Machines repaired. I 9 Roofing and Spouting, and House Furnishing Goods. B I Henry Biehl, I ■ 122 N. Main St. l'eo. 'i'lione 404. H v _ _■ Bros.,S | PLUMBKRS £ Estimates given on all kinds of work. ? 3 We make a specialty of S ( NICKLE- PLATED, \ C SEAMLESS, / L OPEN-WORK. ? / 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa f S People[s Phone. 630. C Subscribe for the CITIZEN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers