THE BTTtEKCrriZEN. j WTIXTAM C.IfEOLEV. PublM'.T ■ THTTRSDIY. DECEMBER 14.190.). St JO per year l» A draace, Otherwise II JO WASHINGTON' N<>TKS. On Thursday of last week the House passed the emergency Panama Canal trillTbnt oat it down from sixteen to eleven mftßous On Monday Speaker Cannon announc ed his committees Huff of this district retains his old com mittee assignments, those on Mining. Railwavs and Canals and Levees and Improvements on the Mississippi River. Representative Smith of Punxsutowney will likewise serve on his old com mittees on Militia and Reform, and the Civil Bervice. Monday was an interesting day in the Senate, made BO by the action Sen- ATOR Tillman in introducing a bill to provide maximum and minimum rail road rates. Senators Foraker, Knox. Bailey and others participated, and mnch constitutional Senator Foraker claimed that Congress only had the power to directly exercise the rate-making power, but Senator Knox and others cited decisions to the contrary, and showing that the power might be delegated to a commission. Unhappy Russia. Conditions in Russia have not better ed during . the past week. RLOTI °S' mutinies and bloodshed have prevailed in both the Black Sea and Baltic ports with the great interior, cut off by tne telegraph and railroad strikes, to hear from. The efforts of Count Witteto establish a constitutional or limited monarchy seems doomed to failure, the radical factions have become too violent, and the autocrats or reactionaries have induced the Czar to assemble a great army of Cossacks for self protection. Witte will probably quit, and CM I war will probably follow. Everybody who can get ont of the country is doing A* In the far East mutineers in the Rus sian army are reported to have pillaged and burned the city of Harbin in Man churia. GREAT storms on the Atlantic last waek drove many vessels to the shore, and caused some loss of life. Among the visitors to the State caoitol Tuesday was Senator Quail, of Schuylkill, who went all over the new capitol and was much impressed. ■'Will you be here to take orders at the extra session?" was asked of Sena tor Quail. "No sir," was the emphatic answer, "we will be here to be free. THE P. B. a, Co's order against passes is said to have been directed against the politicians. The Phila delphia crowd struck them for a quarter of a million passes, this year, and then got left. If there are no passes issued for ne\t month's meeting of the Legisla_ tnre there will not be a great crowd at Harrisbnrg, Jannarv 15th. IN thia state men seldom hang A wo man, excepting for poisoning; but the hard-headed Yankees are not so lenient, thfey hung a woman in ermont, last Friday for chloroforming and drowning her husband The fate of Mrs. Ed wards of Reading is now entirely with Gov Pennypacker, who can issue a warrant for her execution whenever he choees so to do FOOB hundred and twentv-four sur vivors of the Andersonville, Georgia, orison attended the oeremonios of the unveiling of this state's monument to those of its soldiers who died there dur ing the war, last Thursday. Some 0000 people were present. Gov. Pennypacker, Judge White and others spoke, and the monument WM duly transferred to tne care of the National Government. ACCIHENTS. John Herron of Allegheny was struck SR a B. St O. train near town, Saturday ght and instantly killed. He was walking down to the trolley camp at McCalmont at the time. William Gallagher of Butler twp., aged 19 years, was one of the victims or the late storms on lake Superior. He was a deck baud on one of the ore boats, and was drowned near Duluth. He was a son of John Gallagher, who wired to have the body brought home for burial. The tow boats Harry Brown and Ray mond Horner, of Pittsburg, with tows of coal for New Orleans, were caught in a severe wind storm near Hawksville, Ky., last Saturday night, and the Brown lost 27 barges, while the Horner lost seven. Each barge contained 20,000 bushels of coal. The coal WAS valued at $120,000 and the barges at *64,000. No lives were lost. Hoyt Hemphill had an arm injured in the machinery of the Chicora Whip Factory, last week. A son of Geo. Graham of N. McKean street had a leg broken while coasting, last week. Geo. Milliron of West Winfield has at last recovered from the assault made upon him some time ago. The blow upon his head temporarily deprived him of his reason. Mrs. Jas. M Thompson of W. Clay St. fell on Main St., last week, and broke her elbow. Chas. Foster, a son of 8. G. Foster of Callery, had a hand caught and bruised in the cog-wheels at the brick yard, Tuesday. Oil and Gas Notes. The Market—Remains at $1.58. Donegal—The Beaver Valley Oil Co. drilling on the James Double; and Thomas & Rodgers are drilling a well on the A. P. Rodgers from the 8d sand to the epeechly. Coflesville—Flick & Co's well on the O'Brien is doing 25 bbls. a day and is the best in the held, though the Gregg well on the Mcßride is a good one Three wells are due in this Fl<jld, this week, or beginning of next. Flick's well on the Savings Bank lot was shot, last week, and is rated at 10 bbls, and the Kison well on the Green the same. Connoquenessing — The Allshouse Co. completed a well on the Lewis Rader, last week, that is doing 25 bbls. The South Penn has a well nearing comple tion; Rader & Co., have located on the Spithaler, AND Young Bros, on the Eeibold. Allegheny Co.—The Butler Co. Oil Co. struck a good well near Underclitf station on the B. & O. laet Thursday. It started off at 10 bbls. an hour. Turkey for Two. Comm'r McCandless likes turkey but does not fancy being one himself, and so when Mrs. Anderson of Cherry twp. came at him with an axe, Tuesday, be dodged the weapon, and captured the old lady and carried her to the County Home wagon ; and then did the same for the old gent. The couple were in the Home some time ago, were released on the representations of a relative, and were again reported as being destitute, and living near Coaltown. They made no trouble on the way to Butler and will eat their Christmas turkey at the County Home this year The Teachers' Institute. Monday of next week the school teachers of Butler county will meet in the fifty-first Annual Teachers' Insti tute. The day instructions will be given by State Superintendent W. W. Stetson of Augusta, Me.: Dr. S. Y. Gillan of Mil waukee, Wis.; Chancellor S. B. McCor mick of the Western University of Pennsylvania; Proff. Maltby and Mur phy of Slipperyrock; Supt Gibson of /Butler, and Dr. W. H. Crawford of Alle gheny College, Meadville. The musical director is to be Prof. F. ; G Smith of Indiana. The evening entertainments will be Monday, Dr. Gillon Tuesday, The Poet Scout, Capt. .Tack Crawford of New Mexico Wednesday, Father L. J. Vaughn of Wisconsin. Thursday, The Cremona Ladies' Or chestra of Cincinnatti. assisted by Ar thur Middleton as baas soloist. PEB&ONAJL J. Bread Black is now able to sit up awhile each day. David Hesselgesser of Winfield was in town on business, Monday. T. B. Hnmes of Rimersburg visited fnends in Butler, Monday. John Spohn of Summit twp. was in town on business, Tuesday. Geo. P. Campbell of Concord twp visited friends, in town, today. W. H. Larkin has purchased the Sheriff Donagby property on N. Main St. Mrs. Mary McCaslin of Middlesex twp. visited friends in Butler, Thurs day. Samuel Nelson of Cherry twp has purchased a grocery store at Sbenango Junction. James M Dui.n and wife of Slippery rock did some shopping in Butler. Thursday. Geo. Mellinger of Institute Hill, President of the Town Council, is down with typhoid. Cal Andeison and family of AN Pearl St. have moved to 3600 Forbes street, Pittsburg. Hugh Connelly was in Butler yester day distributing clocks that keep time, with his business card upon them. Dr. Ketler of Grove City College was given a reception and banquet, in that town, upon his return home from his European trip. C. D. De Vesta De Mingo, a young Porto Rican. colored, was around town. Tuesday, soliciting funds to put him through college in this country. Fowler Campbell's friends are worry ing about his absence. He has not been seen since election night, when be was at Kaylor, with considerable money in his pocket. N. S. Grossman, County Commission er elect, will move to the Forsythe house on Brown Ave., Butler, this week. His neighbors in Franklin twp. gave him a surprise party a few nights ago. Sara Bernhart, the actress, has given away her tiger, and now lavishes her affections when at home on a large and particularly ngly baboon, whose ears have been pierced so he may wear huge rings of gold Deputv Sheriff Vorous had a swift ride in the Kaylor coal mine a few days ago. He went there to arrest a man for jumping his board bill in But ler, and the Superintendent of the mine took him in on the trolley. Daniel Goldinger, and G. W. Rodg ers of Donegal twp. and Samuel Young of Clearfield twp. were in town on busi ness, Friday. Mr. Goldinger yet walks with a cane, the result of the accident of last April C. D. Carson, an undertaker of Inde pendence. Pa., had a funeral set for a certain day, but at the last moment was called away. The funeral had to go on, however, and Mrs. Carson took her hns band s place and drove the hearse, to the amazement of the whole town. Miss Catharine M. Costello and Harry L. Kelly, both of Butler, came to this Elace, Saturday, and visiting Justice .awrence, had the words pronounced that made them man and wife. Mr. Kelly is a former Slipperyrock boy and and is now employed as mail carrier at Butler.—Grove City Reporter. President Roosevelt is enthusiastic over the idea of creating a game pre serve on the Kaibab plateau of Arizona, including the Buckskin mountains. The traqt is 60x80 miles and capable of sustaining 5,000 buffalo, as many elk or moose and innumerable small game. Senator Smoot has prepared a bill for the purpose. MESSRS HAYS and Hockenberry, our members of the General Assembly, will meet with some other country members at Greenville, tomorrow. The first thing the country members should agree upon is a new Speaker and new set of Clerks for the coming extra session. MAJESTIC THEATRE. The Village Fool—Dec. 18 "You can catch more flies with sugar than you can with vinegar" and you can please people better by making them laugh irstead of crying, and the mission of "The Villege Fool," the suc cessful rural comedy-drama, that is an nounced to appear at Majestic Theatre on Monday, December 18, 1905, seems to make people laugh. Mr. A. Q. Scammon promises us an entertainment above the average, and indications point to a very large audience. Prices 25c, 535 c and 50c. BLTLEIt MARKETS. Our grocers are paying .for — Apples 1 M iFresh eggs •••£ Butter 20-25 Potatoes • •<*» Chickens, dressed 12 1;> Turkey, dressed • -20 Navy beans, bu •! J* Onions, bu SI.OO Lettuce, lb IJJ Honey per lb Dried Apples " Squashes, per pd 2 Turnips, per bu 40 Parsnips, per bu "5 1 Our dealers are paying, for— Wheat 80 Rye 5® Corn, shelled 55 Hay, bailed, ton sll 00 Buckwheat, per cwt $1 10 Pennsylvania ltailroad Tours. The P. R. R. Co. has arranged the following series of attractive Personally Conducted Tours for the season of 1905 and 1906; California— Leave New York January 25. A thirty-day tour by special Pull man train, covering interesting points in the West. Round-trip rate, covering all expenses, $375 from all points east of Pittsburg. Grand Canyon ol Arizona—Leave New York March 1. A thirty-one-day tour by special Pullman train, covering not only the Grand Canyon but the re sorts of California. Round-trip rate, covering all expenses, $385 from all points east of Pittsburg. Florida—Leave New York Feb. 6 and 20 and March 6. Two weeks to three months in the Sunny Peninsula. Round-trip rate, SSO from New York, $4« from Philadelphia, aud proportion ate rates from other points. Detailed itineraries are now in course of preparation. For further informa tion address Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa. P It It Christinas Excursions On account of the Christmas and New Year Holidays, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets from Butler to Pittsburg, East Liberty, Allegheny City and Etna, on December 28, 24, 25, 30, 31 and Jan. 1. good for return passage until January 3. inclusive, at reduced rates. Consult Ticket Agent. B It & P lty Holiday Excursion On account of the holiday excursion travel the Buffalo. Rochester & Pitts burg Ry. will sell round trip tickets be tween Rochester. Buffalo, Pittsburg and intermediate stations at one and one third the regular one way fare. Tickets ! will be sold and good going Dec. 28rd, 24th, 25th, 30tli and 31st, 1905 and Jan. Ist, 1900, which will be good for return passage to and including Jan. 3rd, 1900. For tickets and further information con snlt.the nearest agent of the Company. B It & P By Clerical Orders for 1000 Clerical orders for the year 1906 will be issued by the Buffalo, Rochester & i Pittsburg Ry. as iu former years to ordained clergymen having regular charge of churches located on or near j the line of its road. Application blanks | will be furnished by ticket agents of the Company, and should be forwarded to the General Passenger Agent at Roches ter not later than Dec. 24tb. No orders will be issued except on individual ap plication of clergymen, made on blanks furnished by the Company and certi fied to by one of its agents. HEATHS M< DOUG ALL—At Mercer, December 6, 190.1, Mr?. Presly McDougall. form erly of this county. She was buried at Harmony chnrcb, Mercer township. SHIEVER—it ber home in Connonue nessing township, December 5, 1905, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow of Andrew Shiever, aged 81 years. She was buried at Mt. Nebo, and is survived by three sons and one daughter, thirteen grandchildren and six great grandchildren. She will be sadly miss ed in the home from which she has gone and by her friends. ALLEN—At the U. P. Home for the Aged in Wilkinsburg, December 8. 1905, Miss Ester Allen, formerly of this county, aged 78 years. BEATTY—December 9, 1905. infant daughter of L. J. Beattv of First Ward, Butler. SCOTT—At the home of her brother in-law. Absolom Monks, in Middlesex twp., Dec. 13, 1905, Mrs Elizabeth Chantler Scott, aged 96 years EICHENAUER—At her horn in Jack son township, Decemb?r 1 190->, Katharine Eichenauer, in 1 r 69th year. DAVlS—December 7, 1905. infant daughter of Blair Davis of Mercer St. FORKER—At his home in Chicago, December 4. 1905. William E Forker, a native of Harrisville. aged 41 years. ATKINSON—At his home in Freeport. December 7, 1905, A G. Atkinson. PHIPPS -At his home in Franklin. December 10, 1905, Major Robert J Phipps, aged 68 years For raany years Major Phipps was prominent amoDg the operators for oil in this county, and made his home in Butler. During the war he enlisted as a private in the Fourth Pennsylvania cavalry in 1861, he rose rapidly through the various grades to major and near the close of the war was brevetted lieutenant colonel upon the recom mendation of General Sheridan for gal lant service in action. He took part in 56 engagements, including those par ticipated in by the army of the Potomac. He was born in Clinton township, Venango countv, and spent the greater part of his life in that county. He leaves a wife and one son NEGLEY-At his home in Tarentnm, December 9. 1905, John F Neglev, aged 79 vears He was born in E. E. Pittsburg and was a son of Caspar Neglev. whose farm included what is now Highland Park and reservoir. He leaves a wife and several children, one of whom is Daniel F. Neglev of Jefferson twp. SANKEY—At his home in Slippery - rock twp, Dec. 8, 1905, Thomas Sankey, aged 80 years. He leaves a wife, nee Keiater, two sons and three daughters. He was an excellent citizen and stood very high iu the estimation of his neighbors. KELLY—At Mt. Clemens, Michigan, Dec. 12, 1905, Mrs. Nancy, wife of John C. Kellv, aged CI years. Mrs. Kelly had been afflicted with rheumatism for some time and had gone to the famous health resort for re lief. She was the only daughter of Capt, Alex Gillespie, dee'd of Cranberry twp. She is survived by her husband, two sons and four daughters—Alex and Clarence, Mrs Bole, Mrs. Cronenwett, Mrs. McCormick and Miss Marie. McCLAFFERTY—At the home of her son, Charles, in Pittsburg, December 12, 1905. Mrs. Charity McClafferty, nee Bishop, m her 55th year. EWING—At his home at Cochranton, Pa., December 11, 1905. Edgar Ewing, father of Chas. R. Ewing of Karns City, aged 75 vera? KEISTER—At her home in ProsDect, December 12, Mrs. Lavinia Keister, aged 83 years. Obituary. Misa Elizabeth Fletcher died last Saturday evening at 9 o'clock at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. Frank West, in Harmony, after seven weeks' illness with typhoid fever, in the 24th year of ber life. She was interred in the Mt. Nebo cemetery at Whitestown after services at Harmony and in the Mt. Nebo Presbyterian church, of which she was a member. The services were con ducted by Revs. Hugh Leith and Geo. Stewart. The deceased was a daughter of W. J. and Mary Humphreys Fletcher, of Whitestown. Besides her parents, she leaves two sisters. Mrs. J. Frank W eßt and Mrs. J. A. Herman. —News. JOHN HIPPLE MITCHELL.* Hon. John Hippie Mitchell, Senator in Congress from the State of Otegon, died at hia home in Portland, that state, on Friday last. December 8, 1905. in the 71st year of his age. The fact that Senator Mitchell was a former citizen of Bntler makes every thing concerning him of interest to our people. It was from this place he went west. He was born in Washington county, this state, in Jane 1835, but came to Butler county with his parents when quite young, about 1836-7. His father, John Hippie, purchased a farm between Mount Chestnut and Prospect, this county, and lived on same until his death some years ago Here his son John M. Hippie was raised, and lived until he came to Bntler. about 1856. He entered the law office of Samuel A. Purviance and John M. Thompson us a student, and was ad mitted to the Butler Bar on March 23d, 1858. Mr. Pnrviance being elected to Congress, and Mr. Thompson soon lifter, to the Legislature, left young Hippie alone in charge of their office, an opportunity which he improved with ability. He was regarded as a young lawyer of talent and eloquence and was favorablv known. But in 1860 he left here for "the west, settling in Portland, Oregon, as his new home. He left a wife from whom he was afterwards divorced. At Portland he rapidly rose in his profession being soon chosen city solicitor of that place, and then a State ( Senator, and then a United States Senator by the legislature of Oregon. All this took place within ten years after his landing in Oregon. In the meantime he thought it proper to change his name from that ot John M. Hippie, ns he was known here, to that of John Hippie Mitchell, the Mitchell, his middle name, being that of his mother before marriage The Oregon Legislature we are told subsequently continued this change of name. He married again in Oregon and his present wife and two daughters made a journey to Europe some time ago and are at present in Paris, France. Mr. Mitchell's first election to the United States Senate was as we have stated about the year 1870. He was subsequently re-elected to the same high post at least twice, and again in lUUI. and was filling that office at the time of his death. During his service in the Senate no Butler man who visited Washington would fail to meet a warm greeting from Senator Mitchell. For his old friends who knew him here as John M. Hippie, he had a particular re gard and would serve them in any way he could. That he was a generous, warm hearted man was known, and while we do not desire or intend to ex cuse his faults or in any way to palliate his offenses, either public or private, yet there were none of his old acquaint ances hero but regretted to learn of his dea»h and felt sad at the unfortunate circumstances under which it bad oc curred. There is a lesson in his life to be learned by all, but particularly by young men. He haa left, living in this and adjoining countieH. good and re spectable relatives and friends. J. 11. N Drying preparations simply op dry catarrh; they dry up the «ecr< t u which adhere to tho memlirano and d< < .i pose, causing a far more serious trouLl ■■: ■ . tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid a!' ing inhalant*, funics, smokes and ... . and uso that which cleanses, booti.< ■; it:i<! heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a rcn:cdy and will cure catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will ho moiled for 10 cents. Ail druggists sell tho GOc. size. Ely Brothers 5G Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, docs net [ irritato or cause sneezing. It spreads itself j over an irritated aud angry surface, reliov- . ing immediately the painful inflammation, j With Ely's Cream Balm you are armod ( against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. Specially ' on llomeseekenT Kx curHiou Fare* to Point* In the We*t and Southwest, South aud Southeast. For further information consult near et Baltimore & Ohio Ticket Acebt. Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for tin 1 Western District of Pennsylvania, Austin Hllvls. of Butler. Butler coun ty. Pennsylvania a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of July having applied for a full discharge from all debts provable against liis estate under said Act. notice is hereby given to all known creditors and other persons in Interest, to appear before the said Court at Pittsburg, in said District, on the 12th day of Jan.. lS*Xi. at 10 o clock in the forenoon, to show cause. If any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. „, . WILLIAM T. LIN DSF.Y. Clerk. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of McCallister Kuhn, dee d., late of Con cord twp., Butler Co , Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pav ment and any having jn9t claims against, said estate will present the same duly autentieated for settlement to FRANK M. KUHN. Ex'r., R. F. D. 74, Karns City. J W. HUTCHISON, Att'y. EXEC U TORS*~N OTIC E Letters testamentarv on the estate of B. F. Hilliard, dee'd., late of Washing ton twp., Butler county, Pa., hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to AMELIA C. HILLIARD, EX'X., R. F. D 49, West Sunbury. Pa. IRA MCJUNKIN, Att'y. 11-23-05 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. i Estate of John Rodgers, late of Donegal towr.'hip. Butler Co., dec d. Letters testamentary having been sranted to the undersigned on the above estate, notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment and those haying claims against the same to present them duly authenticat ed for settlement. BERNARD J. RODGERS, I G X R8 JOHN F. RODGERS, I Chicora, F. F. D. 80. JAMES B. MCJUNKIN, Attorney. 9-28-0O EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Mary Jane T. Turk, deceased, late of" Brady township, Butler i county, Penn'a., having been grant ; ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves to be indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make prompt payment and those having claims against the estate will present the same duly authenticated for settle ment to HARVEY C. TURK, EX r„ El wood City, Pa., R. F. D. 2, or W. J. KILDOO, 9-21 03 Sherwin, Pa. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Nancy Bartley, late of Penn twp., Butler Co., Pa., dee'd. Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the above estate, notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate pay ment and those having claims against the same to present them duly authen ticated for settlement. THOS. A. HAYS, Ex'r., R. F. D. 21, Saxonburg, Pa. JAMES B. MCJUNKIN, Att'y. 10-5-05 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of R. M. Addleman, late of Venango township, Butler county. Pa., dee'd. . Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the above estate, notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate pay ment aud those having claims against the same to present them duly authen ticated for settlement. A. W. ADDLEMAN, Adm'r., R F D. 51, Hilliards Pa. JAS. B. MCJUNKIN, Att'y. 11-9-05 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of administration on the estate of Smiley R. Williams, dee'd, late of Venango twp , Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOSEPH W MEALS, Adm'r., R F. D. 65, Einlenton, Pa. MUBBIN & MURBIN, Att'y. 11-2-05 SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas with claus of Kl. Ka. Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler county. Pa., and to me directed, there will be ex posed to public sale, at the Court House. In the borough of Butler, Pa., on Friday,the 29th day of December A. D. 180). at one o'clock. P. M., t he following described property, to-wit: K. D. No. 4 March Term, 1!W1. Frank Murphy, Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Kred Lutz and Kranzle Lutz, of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Saxonburg borough, Butler county, l'a., bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Henry Kcasy, east by lands of E Washstnllh. south by lanasof Mary I ritche and Fred Bauderman, and on the west by Water street; containing ten (10) acres, more or less, and having erected thereon log dwelling house, board stable and other out buildings. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of I-'red Lutz and Kranzle Lutz at the suit of W. T. Bradley. TEKM9 OF SALE—The following must be strictly compiled with when property Is stricken down. 1. When the plaintiff or other Hen creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ must be paid, and a list of the liens, Includ ing rnortzatfe searches on the property sold together with such lien creditor s receipt for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid In full. 3. All sales not settled Immediately will be continued until one o'clock, I'. M., of the next day at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the expense und risk of the person to whom first sold. , ~ , •See l'urdon's Digest., oth edition, page 44f1. an I Smith's Forms, page 3N4. MARTIN L. GIBSON. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Butler. Ha.. Nov. s. IUO.<. WialicUl It It to Time Tublo Iu effect.May 20th, 1903. WESTWARD. STATIONS, IAM PMI Leaves Went Win field 7 3<> 2 45 M Boggsville !7 45 3CO I " Iron Bridge. 755 310 Winfield Junction ft 10 3 lift 11 Lane ®2O 345 " Butler Junction 8 2fi 340 Arrive Sutler 10 33 5 05 Arrive Allegheny ■ •• *OO Arrive Pittsburg 10 26 pm Arrive Blalrsvllle 1 Oft *42 EASTWARD." STATIONS? * AMP M Pittsburg 3 Oft Leave B?airsville I 1 50 2 15 " Allegheny 8 » Butler . 840 380 " Butler Junction. 10 00 440 « Lane 10 03 443 M Winllei'i Junction 10 Ift 4(u " Iron Bridge. 10 2ft 5 Oft 44 Boggsville 10 35 5 Ift Arrive Wont Wiufleld 10 50 5 3o ""Trains rft«>p at Lane and Iron Bridge only on Flag to take on or leave off passengers. Trains Connect at Butler Junction with: Trains Eastward for Freeycrt, Vandergrifl aud BiaimviHe Intersection. Trains Westward for Natrons,Tareutuin Allegheny and Fittsburg. Trains Northward tor Saionburg, Marwood and But ler. B. O. BE A LOR, 'inneral Manager. CHARTER NOTICE. .Notice in hereby given that an appli cation will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on the 2Hth day of De cember, lttoT>, by John 15 Patterson, W. H Snider, Wm. H. Knoch, Qottlob Pfeil and J. F. Anderson, under an Act of Assembly entitled "An Act to Pro vide for the Incorporation and Hernia tion of Natnral <Jas Companies, ap proved the 29th dav of May, 188.1, pamphlet laws, page 29, and the supple ments thereto for the charter of an in tended corporation to be called the Saxonburg Ileat and Light Company, the character and object of which is the producing, dealing in. transporting, storing and supplying of natural gas to the public at the borough of Saxonburg j and adjacent vicinity and for these pur- I poses to have, possess and enjoy all the j rights, benefits and privileges of said Act of ..Assembly and supplements thereto, as well as the general laws of said State applicable thereto. A. E. REIBER, Solicitor. I A Jewelrv) Sample Sale 1 vVVM*^. OF GRGAT IMPORTANCE " 1 I Big Purchase of Travelers' Samples I Sale Begins at 10 o'clock 1 Illustrated Catalog Free. StM® MOfUlDft DCCCmbCr 16 E Send us your name and address and immediately, postage prepared, on re- M and will continue until Christmas. g II AT PRICES THAT HAVE NEVEREfi BEEN KNOWN IN THIS CITY. H Saving 25 per cent to 50 per cent on Every Dollar ra We have purchased the entire line of samples of several of the best manu- By facturers. You will readily understand that nothing but the best material, best 00 . • k . nd That of-course that the person buying has an article as distinctive- Regular Price $7.50 M >I j| Bpant fnlly Enameled in Colors l v and as entirely individual US though it was made exclusively lor themselves. Gold Filled Chatelaine '8 Firp' P \*o. eoo Because these fine samples had served their purpose as trade winners we Guaranteed is years B3 j £ were able to buy them at much less than the wholesale prices. That means a Fine Jeweled Movement No. r>oi JjQ pq corresponding reduction t<> customers. Every article is absolutely in perfect .~, ... yy v| condition and at prices that will save you from 25 per cent to 50 per cent on BH js| every dollar. Come and convince yourself. I s3.2sßegular Price SIO.OO „ 75 J5.25 »'•* ***« «•» M Goid u ■ Solid Gold ! Solid Gold Front pti R3 ■ r • sct *} lh 9-1"1 r ''' Set with 30 Genuine Pearls , Chatelaine Pin Bricht Polluted Roman LAJ 14 Rose Gold Fmisu and 6 Largo Whole Pearls Bright Polished and Roman Set xvith Brilliants , ___ IV7V !Z No. 320 a No. 323 a j No. 354 No. 360 a sl2 25 Regular Price $lO OO g£J 14 $14.25 Regular Price $18.50 ~ ~ ~~~ T ~~~ 7. Gold Filled Hunting Case lUfl * Crown uK Gold Filled No goods misrepresented, but sold upon their merit fend the honor of our reputation. It Guaranteed 20 years Huntm* Case h* F* y eap Hunting Case w », reflu j rs a connoisseur of values to appreciate these wonderfully low prices. If you are no E, « m MovemeDt me > 6 K IXI 15 Jeweled Elgin Movement. No. 610 . , , , rr t . CA i t t ...-Il —u\ ' connoisseur of values in Jewelry, you may feel confident of faring just as well. \ DON'T DELAY! | d | $..00 Regular Price $. 50 % MAKE YOUR PURCHASES EARLY. WE WILL J | Solid Gold Baby Ring V ? PUT THEM AWAY UNTIL WANT "lIiEM. jj ! mora Id or Turquoise P W 7 14 It Solid Gold Solid Gold o:i r, 1,1 $9.75 Regular Price $14.00 ZV $14.85 Regular Price $18.50 <; nch•« Dfcmond Solitaire m „, „ . , 5 ~ moki si«uet R'nf fpr Girls or Boys Crown Gold Filled j7 <l,l/1 Filial 1'.r.0 <'! it Stone Hepntifnl Geocm; Opals Rinc. )>ncht Polished Heautjfully (based * ~ , tJ .• , r.i,\ci Mounting. Full of Irideyci nt Color* v. Ileovy, Elegantly Carved Hoary iiouDiii s- Guaranteed 20 years. Open Face U SjSSS ElSSovoS . .... »'•■*« its* -&JS! St"! •« Elgin Movement No. 019 9 EXPLANATION Modern business methods made it necessary for these manufacturers to dispose of their samples when their travelers 5 finished taking the season's orders. To do so at one time meant a i>ig reduction from the regular prices—a direct loss. However, the up-to- M date manufacturer must encounter these losses, it's considered good business judgment. The big saving we have made Ls now at your mercy, g These goods are not odds and ends, but fresh and late samples. We would refuse to sell any article which does not come up to the standard V required by the high reputation of our establishment. 2 RALSTON Sc SMITH, 110 W. Jefferson Street. ------ Butler, Pa. 3 Every Article Sold is Fully Guaranteed, and We'll Cheerfully Refund Money if any Article Purchased Does not Prove Just as Represented 9 jw: > 'yKIVX., WHY You can save money by purchasing your piano of W. . NEWTON, "The Piano Man." The expense of running a Music Store is as follows: Rent, per annum $780.00 Clerk, per annum $312.00 Lights, Heat and incidentals . . . $194.00 Total $1286.00 I have no store and can save you this expense when yon buy of ino. I sell pianos for cash or easv monthly payments. 1 take pianos or organs in exchange and allow you what they are worth to apply on the new instrument All pianos fully warranted as represented. MY PATRONS ARE MY REFERENCE. A few of the people I have sold pianos in Butler. Ask them. Dr. McCnrdy Bricker , Fred Porter fraternal Order Eagles Epworth League E. W. Bingham Geo. D. High W. J. Mates J. S. Thompson Joseph Wood* 8. M. McKee A. \V. Root Miss Eleanor Burton Mrs. Mary L. Stroup W. C Curry F. J. Hauck Miss Emma-Hughes A. \V. Mates W. R. Williams Mrs. R. O. Rumbaugh Chas. E. Herr PEOPLE'S PHONE 426- The Butler Wood Fibre Plaster Co., Mfgrs, of the celebrated Blue Bell Wood Fibre Wall Plaster, the best and cheapest plaster on the market. We are also sole agents for the following high grade build ing materials. Whitehall Portland Cement, has no equal for all classes of concrete work. Woodville White Enamel Finish, the peer of hydrated lime for skim coat. Sacketts Plaster Board, >ou ;an line your house with this fire proof board at half the cost of any other material. Give us a call before build ing, we can save you money. Office, W. Cunningham St., Opp. Qleotrte WghfOfffcfc. Dr. W. P. McElroy Sterling Club D F. Reed Woodmen of the World H. A. McPherson Miss Anna McCandless E. A. Black Samuel Woods Oliver Thompson John Johnson R. A. Longwell J. Hillgard J. E. Bowers C. F. Stepp W. J. Armstrong Miles Hilliard Mrs. S. J. Green J, R Donthett E. K. Ricliey L. S. Yonch IV O T I O H KAMPI'KN 1' HOM TIIK (.HAM) HAIMDB WHSITI UK KXPOKITION The Finest Goods Exhibited on the Floor of the Ex* position Will bo SolJ at One-half Factory Prices Linoleum L« till* r s pJrc f Parlor coet 1126 now fn. r > I i*ath»T -I'll now Some mi»i« uit low a» iL» fit.-nt < yurh f:now *».'•. fGOone n'W $27 hi posit ion sample of Ued Loom >a!'.« |t:»o SulU now f«i fIOU Suits F,I others -at low N* §l2. A flue lot of tulslli \\ lllftii and V•• r.-t Curputt, all ready lo tit large rvMitii**; Wilton Velvet, room slse carpet cost |7i, now $27.k». V.1% nl * arj«et cost f |.» now f22.50. nui>,.cl< arprt 110. fl2 and sls Ingrain < arpetfl to Ut Is* i rooiu« t V *"d S IU, worth double. In laid l.tnolriiui, thick at a u.ard, colors all the waj through »ell» for |l 60, my prtre 76c and hSc per yard. Ifeal cork Linoleum worth bSr now f,r and toe Lo k for the i:ig Window, next to I'lckurlng'a So, 9<4 Term Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa I. GOLDSMITH. M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director, 245 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PJt : STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BUTLER SAVINGS AND TRUST CO., BUTLER, PA. V | AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS NOVEMBER 28, 1905. i RESOURCES LIABILITIES Cash on hand and Capital % SiMJKnn due from banks * 389,29.24 Surplus - - 200,0ft0.00 Loans - - - 1,654.435.96 Undivided Profits 97,251.34 Real Estate - - 25,962.35 Deposits - - 1,572,176.21 $2,069,427.55 82,069,427.55 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, ) SG . BUTLER, PA. J T ... * .U I, Louis B. Stein, Treasurer of above named company, do solemnly swear that the above' statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. LOUIS B. STEIN, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of December, 1905. (Notarial Seal.) JAMES O. CAMPBELL, Notary Public. My commission expires January 16, 1909. Correct-Attest: —W. D. Brandon, Wm. Campbell," W A. Stein,* Directors. * We take pleasure in calling your attention to our continued increase In business and lnVlt^ Your\dle C money will work for you if deposited in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. \ FULTON Fish Market, Cor. Main and North Sts., Highest cash price paid for live Turkeys and Poultry, also for dressed poultry. Oscar A. Niggel, Propr. 200 N. Main St., &itlfer, Pa. j ADJUSTABLE PIN. Our Corner Clamp V fPi^iTrl made the ••ACME" [I ffl\\ 1 much superior U» any rJm I . - l\ other stretcher. Our c-3j Jf 1 New Patent AdJastaMe «n"tU Pin leave* the scallops In their natural nl>ap«; does uot weaken the haw, u of ample length, Terr practical and agreatlmpror* I moot. Dou't fall to examine It. At your dealer*,of 1 ICME M'FU CO., Allegtsenjr. P» 1 TRY ONE CAKE • Of OALHS CAMPHOR ICR and you'll agree ' that It la tho nent rmolll< ut for Chapped I Hand*, Faca or Cold Sore* you're rrer u»od ) It (Ire* Immediate relief. Hundred* are using H regularly with great satisfaction I Order one todatr. » cent* by mall po*t pal.L A.. DAIjES, J4it Dates Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. I Winter Tourtnt. Tickets to Florida via B. & O. R K. i . Very low rates for the ronnd trip to all i th« famous resorts of Florida. Georgia, i The Carolinas. Nassau and Havana, i now in effect. Tickets on sale daily nn- I til April 80, IWO. Full Information from B. &O.K. K. Ticket Agenta. j See the Sign directly £*sZl'%sZ*fZ. : 5I opposite the i Old Poitofflc* VrJ i More Yogeley, WJ t Real Eitati and HI » I ■•art ore Ageacy, l" US S. Mala St .3 Batler, Pa. ■ If you have property to tell, trade, or res 1 "JJ or, want to buy or VM rentcail. write or übene me. SM* List Mailed Upon Application i i Farm* for Sale—la fine (arm district, around Yoangstown, Warren and Nile*. Ohio. Call or write for list. mmtIMBTOH * CO.. HI let. 0. i For lali Coal land*; Pittsburg coal Ln Wetzel i county, W. Va. Addree* Box *. Eadlcott. W. V*. i Are Tow Taking Mawarn, Magnetic. Electrical treatmeota; Turkleh, Orea, Vapor Spray or any form lof Baths f Why not try the Forfee* laaHadumT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers