Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 07, 1905, Image 3

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HOT*— All advertisers Intending to make
chances In their ads. should notify as of
theirlntention to do ao not later than Mon
day morning.
Executor'a notice, estate of McCalister
Sheriffs sale for Dec. 29.
Statement of the Savings Deposit and
Trust Co.
D. & G's clothing.
Duffv's Holiday Goods.
Boyd's Perfume.
Modern Store's Bargains
Cimpbell's fnrnitnre.
Redick & Grohman's drags.
Admlni»u»«ora and Executors of estates
can secure their receipt books at the
OITIZBN ottce.
Borough Announcements.
For Collector of Taxes,
—W. H. DeArme has opened his new
—Get your auto, license before the
year ends.
—A car-wheel plant is to be added to
the Car Works.
—"Thelma" is the new perfume. See
C. N. Boyd's new adv.
—Hereafter the net rate for gas by
the Phillips Co. will be 20 cents.
—ln Dakota, last week, a train load
of passengers were held up, for three
days by the snow.
—Lyndora is having an Advent of
peace and qaiet—which will continue,
perhaps, until after Christmas.
—The Bntler street car Co. has raised
the wages of its conductors and motor
mer from 19 to cents the hour.
-At Indiana, Pa., last Friday the
boys' dv.mitory of the State Normal
was destroyed by fire; a loss of $40,000.
—The resources of the Butler Savings
and Trust Co, continue to increase and
now aggregate over two millions of dol
—Two or three dozen men perished,
and a million dollars worth of boats
were lost, by the storms on Lake Super
ior, last week.
—Those Eeaver county bridge cases
cost Butler county about SI4OO, and
Pro. Clark has certified the costs to the
Commissioners of Beaver county.
—Thanksgiving day, Nov. 30th, was
oof first wintry day, and on Monday
morning of this week the mercury was
but 12 above zero at some points in
—The new water tower of the Batler
County General Hospital WM destroyed
by fire, last Friday night The fire
originated with a gas jet in the lower
part, intended to keep the pipes from
—The political editor of the Bntler
Herald "hears it rumored that an influ
ential citizen of Butler made the remark
on our streets a few days ago that there
would be a citizens' ticket on the ballot
at the t-pring election."
—lf you have any ferro-manganese
ore under your farm now is the time to
develop it. The bulk of the supply comes
from Rußsta, and the threatened revo
lution there has run the price up from
S4O to S2OO a ton.
—The query now popular with the
boys—How much wood would a wood
chuck chuck if m woodcbuck would
chuck wood—is at least an improve
ment on the ancient query as to the as
sailant of Billy Patterson.
—Nothing has been heard of 8.
Shamberger, whose case will be heard
by the Grand Jury, this week; and Con
stable McCandlees has advertised the
stuff remaining in the burned store
room for sale; at suit of John La wall,
executor of the Wuller estate, on a
claim for rent.
—Several Grand Juries have recom
mended repairs on the interior of the
Court Honae; and these should be made
daring the recess of next summer. The
building needs re-plastering, re-paint
ing, re-frescoing, re-tiling, re-every
thing. Its present dilapidation is not
creditable to the county.
—The barn on one of the C. Duffy
farms, occupied by James Anderson, in
Brady twp. was burned the night of 1
Nov. 28. The barn was a log structure J
and there was no insurance on it. An- i
derson woke up at 3 o'clock in the morn
ing and fcrand the fire burning itself
oat. He lost two cows, a lot of chick*
ens. all his hay and grain and some ma
—J. G. Moser has purchased
the Steelsmith building on W.
Jefferson street and also the adjoining
corner lot, and intends building on the
latter and changing the former so as to
make a hotel. The .property has a
frontage of aboat 60 feet on Jefferson
street with a depth of 60 feet, and is
well located for a hotel building—more
of which are heeded in Butler.
—Montaville Flowers, one of the best
readers and entertainers in the land, ap
peared before an audience of five hun
dred people in the Majestic Theatre,
Monday evening, as the first number on
the High School Alnmui lecture course.
Mr. Flowers delighted his audience.
The next two lectures will be by Rev.
Newell Dwight Hillis, Jan. 8, and Hon.
Charles Emory Smith, Feb. 1.
—The Hebrews of Batler have organ
ized a congregation with the following
officers: President, A. H. Cohn; Vice
President, A. H. Fitzrite; Secretary,
A. Smallovitch; Treasurer, M. Zeef.
Regular meetings will be held alternate
Sunday evenings in K. of P. hall, with
preaching by Rabbi Goodman. On
Wednesday, the 27th, the congregation
will have a banquet at which a lecture
will be delivered by Rabbi Levy. Pitts
The lowest priced clothing store iu
Batler, Rttter & Rockeasteia's.
If you are interested in money saving
•ee Ritter & Rockenstein aboutthat fall
Our grocers are paying .for—
Apples 75
Chestnuts, per pd 10
Fresh eggs 30
Butter 20-25
Potatoes 55
Chickens, dressed 12 15
Navy beans, bn tl 75
Onions, bu SI.OO
Lettuce, lb 10
Honey per lb 17
Dried Apples 6
Squashes, per pd 2
Turnips, per ba 40
Our dealers are paying, for—
Wheat 80
Rye 60
Corn, shelled 68
Hay, bailed, ton sl2 00
Buckwheat, per cwt $1 10
All summer clothing at t price at
Ritter 6c Rockenstein's.
1 h)WWt P l4 ®*' RntOT **
C. Hogg of Slippervrock twp. was in
town on business, Tuesday.
Calvin Logan of Jefferson twp. was
in town on business, Friday
W. D. Young of Clearfield twp was
in town on business, Tuesday
John J. Hesselgesser of Wiafield twp.
was in town on business, Frvtay.
''Mark Twain" was seventy, last
Thursday, and was duly thankful.
Gilbert, a son of Milton Mi ler of Put
ler will be captain of the W. U. P. foot
ball team for 1900.
Wells Watters of Evans Cit v is help
ing to plaster the new Carnegie build
ing at Schenley Park.
Mrs. Mason of Franklin was the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. L. E.
Chrstley over Sunday.
I. L. Pim of Winfield twp. J. F.
Bicker of Winfield are serving on the
Grand Jury, this week.
W, A. Lowry and A. G. Williams at
tended the funeral of Thos. G. Sample
in Allegheny, yesterday
Thomas A. Hay of Clinton twp. was
in Pittsburg, Tuesday, on bu. c iness con
nected with the Bartley estate.
President Yates, V. Pres Iselin and
other officials of the B. R. & T\ were in
Butler, yesterday, inspecting their road.
Mrs J. C. Kelly is seriously ill at Mt.
Clemens, Mit h., and her daughters,
Mrs. Bole and Mrs. Cronenwett are
with her.
Dr. Zimmerman was found, uncon
scious, in his office, Monday evening,
suffering from a slight stroke of paral
ysis, but is recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. John McQ. Smith
quietly celebrated the fiftieth anniver
sary of their marriage at their home on
S. Main St., Tuesday evening.
A. L. Brown of Concord tw»>. is serv
ing on the Grand Jury, this v eek, and
dropped in to renew his subscription to
the CITIZEN —a very good thing to do.
Miss Mary Gill of Slipperyiock twp.
spent a very pleasant week with Mrs.
Ellsworth Miller of Franklin St , and
was one of a merry dinner party there
on Thanksgiving day.
E. G. Randal, the new General Secre
tary of the Y. M. C. A. of Butler, arriv
ed in Butler, last week, and has taken
charge of the work here. His family
will come on from Madison, N. J., next
R. R. McDermont of Butler was taken
seriously ill on the B. & O. train going
north, Tuesday evening, and was taken
off the train at Chicora. It was found
that he was suffering from an acute at
tack of indigestion
Col. W. J. Bryan is now on a journey
around the world. He has contracted
with a newspaper syndicate to write
fifty letters during his sojourn abroad
at one thousand dollars per letter. This
will pay the expenses of his journey and
leave him something for tips.
Dr. J. M. Martin of Grove City will
be a candidate for the "Legislntur" the
veTy first opportunity. Politicians who
may get into the Doctor's road will be
made to feel they have been run over
by a pair of bob-sleds. As foi. "oppor
tunity," it is his way to make opportu
nity as occasion may demand—Press.
Misses Edith Negley of Grtat Belt,
Adah Guildoo of Pittsburg and Myrtle
McCafferty of Grove City and Messrs
David C. Seamans of New Castle, Prier
K. Duer of Pittsburg and Sloan of
Grove City were guests of Mrs. Mary
A. Fleming and her daughter, Miss
Melda, of Slipperyrock over Thanks
giving. .
Thomas Hays and wife, D. L Rankin,
and son Herbert; Robt. Krause. Samuel
Shryock, J. Shep. Campbell R. P
Black. James Byers, Gabriel Duffy,
Esq. Huselton and several other old
soldiers, whose names we did not learn,
are at Andersonville, today, attending
the dedication of the monument to the
Union soldiers who died in thti prison
Chairman Armstorng of the insur
ance investigating committee appointed
by the New York Legislature has ren
dered a public service by hid statement
to policyholders. In brief it is: "Do not
allow your policies to lapSe. Policy
holders will be in better shape after this
investigation is completed than ever be
fore. Hold on ard reap the beuefits to
Gov. Pennypacker was on the high
seas, last week, and just think ot what
would have happened to this Common
wealth had that steamer gom; down.
He and his party sailed from Philadel
phia, Friday*night, reached Savannah,
Monday, and went on to Atlanta and
Andersonville to take part in the dedi
cation of the monuments at the latter
place, today.
Hettie Green of New York, the rich
est woman in the world keeps abont
1800.000 worth of diamonds on hand at
all times. She never wears any of
them, but she knows that they increase
in v4lue at the rate of 8 per cent a year
and holds them as an investment. Het
ty wears no jewelry at pll. Her sole
possession in this line i<i a marriage
ring worth abont #lB. The increment
on her diamond hoard this year will bei
mnch larger than in previous years.
Diamonds have gone up nearly 10 per
cent In the meantime the lady is 71
years old and growing older every .day.
She pays s3l a month for a flat in Ho
boken and does her own cooking and
When it comes overcoat time remem
ber Ritter & Rockenstein.
—Why is Newton "The Piano Man?'
See adv.
More new goods every day, bay the
newest at Ritter & Rockenstein's.
There is much abont the "Isle of
Spice," which will be seen at the Ma
jestic Theatre, matinee and night, Dec.
9th, that is positively new and refresh
ing. The lyrics treat of an odd theme;
the music, while jingly, is distinctly
original; and the stage business, en
sembles and chorus work, genuinely at
tractive, are up-to-date and new. Mat
inee first floor 50c-75c, boxes SI.OO, bal
cony, adults 50c, children 25c; night
25c-50c-7 sc-$1 -00-$1.50.
Since the days of Dion Beaucicault,
who first introduced the refined, whole
souled singing Irish character on the
American stage, up to the present time
there has always been a demand for
the Hibernian dram*. The youngest
exponent of this elevating type of Irish
character is Wm. Francis Bark.-, whose
work resembles that of the lamented
Scanlon. Little Geraldine McCann, of
whom so much has been written and
said in praise of her marvelous ability,
is co-star with Mr. Burke. They begin
a week's engagement at the Majestic
Monday night in an elaborate scenic
production of the newest Irish drama,
"An Irish Nobleman." Prices 10c-20c
Fritz in Tammany Hall —All next week
At the Nixon Theatre, during thu
week of Dec. 11th, with matinees Wed
nesday and Saturday. Klaw & Erlang
er will present Mr. Joseph Cawthorn
for the first time as a star in John J.
McNally's new musical play, "Fritz in
Tammany Hall." The piece, with the
original cast and production, will be
brought direct from New York, after
its long run at the Herald Square
Theatre to the Nixon Theatre.
Clerical Orders for 1900.
Pursnant to its uaaal custom, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
issue clerical orders for the year 1906 to
ordained clergymen having regular
charge as settled pastors of churches
located on or near its lines. Clergymen
desiring such orders should n.ake in
dividual application for same o blanks
furnished by the Company am' which
can now be obtained from tbt Ticket
Agents. Applications should b sent to
the General Offise of the Com any as
soon as possible, in no case la 3r than
December 15, so that orders may be
j mailed peoeajber- 80, to all dergy
men entitled to receive them.
J. D. Marshall, guardian of five minor
children of Samuel M. Barr, de-.-'d, of
Jefferson twp. vs Mntaal Reserve Life
Insurance Co., of New York, assump
sit for S3OOO. Barr died. Sept. 10, 1905,
holding a policy for S3OOO in the detend
ant Co.. payment on it is claimed by
the plaintiff has been refused. The
policy was taken out in the Northwest
eru Life Assurance Co. of Chicago and
transferred by them to the Mutual Co-
Clinton twp., C. R. Anderson, James
Harvey and Thomas A. Thrower, Su
pervisors. vs Pollard Hemphill, assump
sit for $24 The Supervisors charge
Hemphill with breach of contract in
not keeping and making several sections
of road for which he b:id contracted.
C. H. Grote & Son of Pittsburg vs
John D. Morris, foreign attachment on
interest in property in Butler for debts
amounting to $230 for leaf tobacco.
R. L. Tinker vs M. H. Thompson, as
sumpsit for $17.85, claimed to be due on
a lumber deal.
Mike Boback vs Man - Boback, peti
tion for divorce, alleging adultery.
Frank Braduock vs Anna Frances
Bradnock, petition for divorce, adultery
Michael Brown vs Edward Lewis,
capias in trespass asking for SSOOO and
requiring bail in the amount of SIOOO.
The plaintiff states that Lewis, on Aug.
27 last, entered into a contract with
Brown's minor daughter. Anna Brown,
and afterwards seduced her. Brown is
a miner living at Pardoe and Lewis is a
Bessemer railroad man living on In
stitute Hill. Last week the girl sued
Lewis for $->OOO for breach of promise
and had him arrested on a charge of
The Grand Jury made its first return
yesterday afternoon, finding as follows:
Samuel Blaiwes, Jos. Eskovitz ond M.
L Rosner, selling liquor without li
John Duprill, a&b.
Frank Bickel, felonious rape.
Tony Saragin, a&b and agg. a&b; not
a true bill on a count of a&b wirh in
tent to murder.
Wilson Krepps, desertion and non
Wassil Antonia, agg a&b.
Tillie Snyder, murder.
Jerimah M. Ahern, a&b
Louis Mencheino and Pietro Coppalo,
a&b, with intent to murder.
Earl Sisney. f&b.
Clarence Graham, Evans City, as
sault and pointing fire arms; not a true
bill as to assault with intent to murder.
Chris Ruder, f&b.
Samuel Shamberger, wilful and ma
licious burning of a building, burning a
building with inteut to defraud insur
Oliver Blair, furnishing liquor to a
George Koram, fraudulently making
and uttering a written instrument.
Geo. White, felonious assault.
No indictments were ignored
The property of Kirk Jones on West
Cunningham St. was sold by She-iff
Gibson at his final sales Friday to Geo.
Schenck for $2650.
The writs against A. W. Bowser, H.
S. Danbenspeck and Monroe Donald&cn
were returned.
The Pittsburg and Butler Street Rail
way Co. has filed an answer to th-3 bill
in equity of John H. Negley, denying
the allegation of the bill.
The will of John Kennedy of Mars
has been probated. His wife is the sole
At Trenton, N. J.. Wednesday, Mrs.
Nannie Beaumont of this place received
verdicts giving her two bonds each of
the value of $25,000, The bonds had
been taken possession of by John and
Charles Beaumont, brothers, of her de
ceased husband, Lucius Beaumont, aftei
his deatb. After the decision of the
Butler courts sustaining the will of Mr.
Beaumont, which made his wife the re
cipient of his whole estate, she began
suit in replevin at Trenton to recover
the bonds.
Letters have been granted on the wil\
of Alfred H. Barkley of Prospect, by
which he leaves his estate to his wife
for life, with reversion to his children.
Provision for bis aged mother is also
A stay of execution has been granted
in the execution attachment of W. H.
Larkin & Co. vs Isaac L. Mcßride.
A motion was made, Saturday, by
Attorney Henninger in behalf of the
School Directors of Forward twp. to set
aside the report of Commissioner Ever
ett L. Ralston on the Glade Run school
controversary. Monday, Dec. 18, was
fixed as the date for hearing on the mo
Joseph Eskovitz. Samuel Blowis and
wife and M. L. Itisner, proprietors of
stores on Fairground ave. have been ar
rested on charges of selling liquor with
out license, made against them by
County Detective Hoon before Esq.
On petition of J. W. Hutchison, trus
tee, for himself, and Caroline B. Mor
row, a rule has been granted on Rachel
Buchanan, Mary E. McFadden, Isabella
Stillwaeon, Hannah Buchanan and
others to show cause why an issue
should not be framed between the par
ties to determine their respective rights
and title to 94 acres in Mercer twp.
W. H. Cypher resigned as constable
of Buffalo twp. and Wm. Scott was ap
pointed in his place.
The proposition to divide Venango
} twp. into two election districts has been
settled by the supervisors agreeing to
locate the election house at the E. Taj -
lor place on the Kohlmeyer farm, where
it formerly was.
The Guaranty S. D. & T. Co. was sp
pointed guardian of John M., Clara,
Joseph, Eleanor, Madaline. Loretta and
Clarence, minor children of Geo. Stro
ble, dec'd, of Butler ; also of Mary Ethel,
minor child of Robert Smith.
An order was granted allowing tho
Road Commissioners of Clinton twp. to
open a new part of the Lardin's Mill
road, which has been recently changed.
Mrs. Louisa Renno has filed an an
swer to the citation granted on petition
of her son, Geo. Renno, Jr. in which
she states that she will file her final ac
count next month and that there will
probably be no money for distribution
after the payment of all debts.
Sale of 95 acres of Edward S. Flem
ing, dec'd, in Buffalo twp. to Geo. A.
Fleming for $3605 was approved.
H C. Schroeder resigned as constable
of Mars and Ed. Fleistiner was appoint
ed in his place.
A charge of felonious rape has been
made against Frank Bickel by Rein
hart Oleson.
A charge of violating the liquor laws
has been made against D. Baldresur of
Winfield twp., on information given in
the constable's return.
Viewers on petition for a new county
bridge oyer a run on the Gilleland Mill
or Pierce road 30 rods east of the resi
dence of O. K. Waldron, recommended
the building of a concrete culvert.
Steve Shira, a Lyndora Hunkey. has
been placed in jail on a charge of atfb
on his wife; he is also held for costs in
a recent case in which he was prosecu
John Valvarax has been arrested on a
charge of larceny on complaint of h:s
former room-mate, John Corratal, who
claims $lO and a pair of pants were tak
en from him,
One of the most daring gangs of horse
thieves that ever operated in this and
surrounding territory was broken up in
1 ! Franklin, Tuesday, when both "Devil"
John Henderson and his principal ac
complice George Clark were sentenced
to the Western penitentiary for l orse
i stealing.
' The Butler Laud and Improvement
Co. has bled exceptions to the rep-'t ->f
> viewers on the vacation and supply of
a road at East Butler in Summit cw p.
They allege that the terminus ot' tie
i road is not the same as the old road and
. doeß not supply the old road, and Btajes
! a number of other objections.
I An agriemett by which the Standard
I Plite Glass Co aurees to sell to the
! Be rough School B*"-«rd a lot 60x150 feet
j or. Lincoln Ave for *I2OO has been re
; corded
! The Town Council has filed ai. an
' swer to the appeal of the International
I Savings & Trust Co. from the award of
j viewers in the Suliivan Ave. condem
! nation prffeedings. It is denied that
j the three lots condemned are being
1 taken for a private purpose.
! .Miles Shakelev, Dr. J. L Christie
| and Rev. W. -J. Grimes were appointed
I viewers to inspect new bridges iu Lan-
I caster and Connoqnoneasing twps.
' T J. Dodds. D. P. Logan and W. G.
; Patterson have beea appointed to ia
! sped two new bridges in Clinton twp.
In the case of .To° Summers vs Mar
ion Coal and Coke Co., the plaintiff al
leges that the appeal by the defendant
is defective and hes moved that it be
stricken off
Mrs. C. D. Greenlee has filed an affi
davit of defense in the suit against her
bv the Gordon Montgomery Co. for
£IOSO, for a copy ot the Bible printed on
Japan paper, in w i"h she states that
she rnsciadod the order shortly after
giving it. and the a~ent called and tri
ed to pursuade her to take the book.
The constables Ui/t le their quarterly
returns. Monday li)' rning, rules being
granted on the following reports:
G. W. .Nixon of Penn twp. reported
that several road c ssings of the new
Pittsburg and Butler Street Ry. were in
bad shape.
W. J. Pacoe of Middlesex returned
the road for maintaining a
nuisance near McFeca.
W. H. Page made a return of the un
safe con<Mtion of the overhead bridge of
the B. & O. road in Donegal twp
E. Rider of Oentr* twp. made a re
turn «>f the condition of the road cross
ings of the Bessemer road, near Jami
son ville.
A special term of Civil Court has
been fixed to Jan. 8, with a
list of 35 cases and a venire of 43 jurors.
Lyndora Land and Imp Co to O K -
Waldron lot in Lyndora for $1250.
I E Richardson to Margt A. Albert lot
m Prospect for $-5u
John Hoey to W R LStoughton lot in
Petro ia for SSO.
E J Robrison et al to T D Sutton
lease f.nd wells in P.-—ker for 11000.
Wn: J Crammy tc Robert S Mowrey
40 actes in Middles- _ for SIOOO.
G. E. Hilliardto J B Hilliard, Sr,
property in Ajleghec/ for SIOOO.
Caldo M Grant to" Thos Goldthorp
property in Washington for S4OO.
D C Diiubenspeck to Caldo M Grant
property in Wishing ion for S6O.
Cottage Hill Land Co to F X Kohler
lot >n Cottage Hill fi,r $75.
Ben; C D.cksou to Tohn A Dickson lot
in Butler twp for $135. x
Peter F McCool to Frank D. Myers
two-thirds *nt in Lyndora Hotel proper
ty for $12,3:>3.33.
Win. B Stewart to Anna C Stewart,
lot on W D St, for $5.
John C BJIT to Emma Thomas, lot in
Valencia for $350.
Mort Davis, J R Sharp, Roy Imbrie
and Wm MoMurdy to Mrs. A Miller,
lot -n £a a Claire foi $325.
Mary H Boyd to Louisa Kelly, lot on
Brown Ave. for $325.
Curtis A Fox to Stella A Maxwell. 2
acri-s in Adams for SI2OO.
J.»hn A Krifcbs to Cath Dambach lot
in Zel enople for $l5O.
Agnes and Daniel Lardin to John
Johnston lot on Wallrerave. for SSOOO
Mary Fetzer to Susan Donahue lot in
Uillerstown for 81.
S S Wilson to Jacoi) M Painter lot on
Jefferson St. for $22,000.
Jacob M Painter to James Gil Moser
sair.e for $30,000.
Henry A Walters to Homer W Wal
ters lot in Mars for § f >so.
J W Grocm tc J V Walters lot in
Mars for S4OOO.
John C Renfrew to John W Brandon
41 acres in Peun for SISOO.
A lie ira B Adams to E H Adams, Jr.,
2 acres in Slipperyroek for S2OO.
Wm H Edmonds to N F Stanton lot
in Brain for sl,
Chas B Nesbit to Henry B Knauff lot
in Jackson lor SIOO.
T Reed Wimer to Racket E McDonald
lot in Porteraville for S7OO.
Go Lawlor to Job*:: Shober property
in Middlesex for SI2OO.
Marriage .Licenses.
James S. Costello Bntler
Bessie 1.-Davis "
Calvin T. Coffman Pittsburg
Frances Ross "
Hairy L. Kelly Butler
Katherine M. Costello "
Grant Durham Wild wood
Anna Drebert Butler
Peter Toy Foxburg
Eliza E. Kline "
Cha?. A. Gibson Parker
Ida M. Smith Apollo
George H. Kill Sarversville
Minnie C. Greim "
W. A. Jameson Petrolia
Pearl litmer I "
Harry Bohram Claytonia
Miaa Fox East Brady
At Pittsburg—J. C Kinsey and Maud
Norris of Harmony.
At Mercer—P. J, Jamison of Slippery
Rock and Lillian Hove of Grove City.
At Pittsburg. Geo. W. Graser and
Lauretta G. MeCandloss; also Ueo. W.
Johntton and Rachel Snodgrassof Mon
Attend the State Normal School at
Slippery Rock, lSntlrr County, Pa. Ad
vantages first-class, rates low; tuition
free to teachers and to those to ho intend
to teach. Winter tenn begins January
2nd, 190tJ. Send for a catalogue. Ad
—Wantei —a bright boy to learn a
trade. Inquire at thlf office.
When yen visit Builor see Ritter &
Rockfustein s about tnat new suit.
If Ritter & Rockenstem sell yon one
suit they will sell you another, their
price Is right.
Delivered daily, to all parts of town,
in large or small amounts.
Phones, Bell J 158, People's 220.
Winter Tourist.
Tickets to Florida via B. &O. R R.
Very low rates for the round trip to all
the famous resorts of Florida, Georgia,
The Carolinas, Nassau and Havana,
now in effect. Tickets on sale daily un
til April 30, 190« i. Full information
from E. & O. R. R Ticket Agents.
Sniamer clothing at j price at Ritter
& nr>vr
Specially Low Homeseekcrs' Ex
cursion Fares to Points in the
West and Southwest, South
aud Southeast.
For further-informition consult near
st Baltimore & Ohio Ticket Apent.
is now being delived to all parts of the
town by
It ia the purest ice 'n town.
Leave ycur orders at the Bakery.
14J S. Main St. Butler.
Do not get excited, but Cleeland
| Jeweler, has a stock of Holiday goods
that .vould come ye:;, near exciting any
ODe that would drop in and take a peep
at same. Call and see the fine display.
125 S. Main street, Bitler, Pa.
—Monty ta loan on first mortgage,
—Why is NeAvton "The Piano Man?'|
See adv.
A. 511 JtHELL.
Insurance & ;£eal Estate
117 £> Jefferson St..
•SUTfcER, - - - PA
Oil and Gas Notes.
The Market—Remains at $1.58.
Clearfield—The field at Coylesville
continues to be the centre of interest.
The Campbell on the Savings Bank lot
was completed, Tuesday, and is the
field's first dry hole.
Flick & Co* and the Kison Co. have
wells due this week.
Jefferson—Hinchberger & Co. have
a tremendious gasser on the Wallett
farm near Hannahstown. The Phillips
Co. has a 75 bbl. well on the James B.
Caldwell, and a rig up on the Burtner.
Revival services in the Middlesex M
E. church began yesterday evening, and
will continue for two weeks.
The annual congregational meeting
of the Grace Lutheran church will be
held in the church, next Tuesday even
ing, Dec. 13th, at 7:30, when reports
will be read, officers elected, etc. A
full turnout is desired The ladies of
the congregation will serve lunch fol
lowing the business meeting. They
will also have a Rummage Sale, on W.
Cunningham St.. staffing on Saturday
of this week.
Any one wishing to purchase the ten
volumes of the "American Lyceum
Circle' text books, brand new, can haVe
th'' same, at a greatly reduced price, by
a 'ssing "M" CITIZEN Office, Butler,
Winter Holiday Excursions.
The Bessemer & Lake Erie R. R. Co.
will sell excursion tickets at all stations
December 23, 25 and 30th, 1905, and
January Ist, 1906, good returning Jan
3rd, 1906, at one and one-third fare for
the round trip. Inquire of agents for
rates, time of trains and other informa
Excursion ICates to Chicago, 111.
December 16 to 19, inclusive, the B.
& O. R. R. Co. will sell excursion
tickets from all local stations west to
Chicago, 111., at rate of one fare plus
SI.OO for the round trip, account Sixth
Annual International Live Stock Ex
position, good for return until. Decem
ber 24.
Christmas and New Year Holiday
On December 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 1905,
and January 1, 1906, the B. & O. R. R.
Co. will sell low rate excursion tickets
l>etweyn all stations on its line west of
the Ohio River.
Tickets will lie sold to all points on
B. & O. R. R. and connections west of
Pittsburg, Wheeling Parkersburg and
Kenova. Good for return nntil Jan.
3, 190IJ.
For further information call on or
address nearest B. & O. Ticket Agent,
or B. N. Austin, General Passenger
Agent, Chicago. HI.
Holiday Excursions.
Tickets on sale at all B. & L E. R.
R. stations Dec. 23, 25 and 30th, and
Jan. Ist, return limit Jan. 3rd, 1906.
One and one-third times one-way fare
for round trip.
Reduced Rates to Sunbury.
For the benefit of those desiring to at
tend the mepting of the Pennsylvania
State Grange, Patrons of Husbandry,
to be held at Sunbury. December 12 tJ
15, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell rouud-trip tickets to Sunbury
from all stations on its lines in the
State of Pennsylvania, December to
14, good to return until December 16,
inclusive, at reduced rates (minimum
rate, 25 -ents.)
Agents of the Bessemer Railroad will
sell excursion tickets Dec. 23, 25 and
30th and Jan. Ist, good returning Jan.
3, 1906, at excursion rates, on account
of Christmas and New Year Holidays
Inquire of agents for complete informa--
Christmas Presents
are again 111 order and we have laid in a
splendid stock for the holiday trade
Diamonds at less than the present
market price as they were baufcht be
fore the last advance. Watches from
the highest grade Elgins to the famous
one dollar Ingersolls. Kings in-all the
latest settings. Silverware that wears.
Bronzes, vases, art goods, all the latest
novelties in silver and gold suitable for
We also sell-
Edison and Victor Phonographs.
Eastman and Poco Cameras.
Photo Supplies.
Washburn Mandolins and Guitars.
Optical goods.
Field and Spy Glasses.
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Next to Court House.
Zuver Studio
Has added a full line of
amateur Photo Supplies, Cam
eras, Films, Dry Plates, De
velopers, Printing out and de
veloping papers.
Anti-Trust Goods
At about one half what
you have been paying.
As good if not than
the Trust goods.
215 S. Main St. Butler
We can save you money
on your fall suit and fit
you as well as the best and
highest-priced city tailors.
New Fall Goods Just Received.
Write us.
j Gas anil Gasoline Engines
I From two horse power up. lor farm u»e.
electric lighting plants, or for power of any
kind. Write for eatalozue aud Information.
! 310 Third Avenue, Pittsburg, Ta.
( Do You |
Want The
? Best Perfume |
I fry Thelma. $
f It is dainty and lasting. We j
V have a very large assortment \
/ of all the reliable perfumes. C
1 We have them in bulk and f
J also in dainty packages that Q
\ make a most desirable gift. /
S No lady's toilet is complete ! \
f without a bottle of choice C
/ perfume. We will be pleased €
to show you these goods. They >
/ will interest you whether yon !
j wish to buy or not. No trouble I S
\ to show goods C
| C. N. BOYD.Ij
Jury Lists for December Term.
List of names drawn from the proper
jury wheel this 7th day of October,
1905, to serve as Petit Jurors at a
Quarter Session term of court commenc
ing on the second Monday of December.
1905, the samj being the 11th day of
said month:
Allison John, Worth twp. laborer,
Bnuer Fred. Concord'twp. farmer,
Campbell Lewis W J, Petrolia boro,
Christy I H, Concord twp, farmer,
Cooper A A. Adams twp, contractor.
Cornelius L K. Butler 3 wd, lumberman,
Oitchlow R, Slipperyrock twp, farmer,
(L annicgham J B. Clinton twp. farmer.
Dambach Chas W.Butler 5 w, carpenter,
Dirkin Henry, Oakland twp, farmer,
Douthett Detmer. Adams twp. -farmer.
Duncan Gilbert. Zelienople boro.mercht,
J; lemming Thos. Gaiker twp, farmer,
Freshcorn Wm, Jackson twp, farmer,
Garvin R B Cranberry twp, farmer,
George Chas, Zelienople boro, producer,
Graham J P. Washington twp, farmer,
Grohman JC, Butler 1 wd, druggist,
I Henan J C, Washington twp, farmer,
Hill W W, Adams twp. farmer,
Hutchison A W, Clearfield twp, farmer,
Jamison J L, Petrolia boro, farmer,
Jenkitis Geo, Mercer twp, farmer,
Jolley H J, Allegheny twp, farmer,
Jones Grant, Muddycreek twp, farmer,
Eelley John C, Butler twp, farmer,
Kneiss J H, Lancaster two, far mer,
Koeher C B, Zelienople boro, laborer,
Leonberg Wm, Cranberry twp. farmer,"
Maharg J M, Penn twp, farmer,
Manney John, Butler twp, farmer,
Manney Wm, Butler twp. farmer,
McCandless A N, Butler 2 wd, retired.
McClester R P, Slipperyrock borough,
McQuistion, Wallace, Butler 3 wd, re
Meeder Philip, Connoquenessing twp,
Metz Fred, Forward twp, farmer.
Miller H F, Slipperyrock twp, clergy
Miller James, Bruin boro, clergyman,
Rattigan Harry T, Butler, 4 wd. printer,
Rider U S. Center twp, farmer,
Riley Samuel, Forward twp, farmer,
Schreckenghost R,Petrolia boro.laborer.
Shoemaker Grant, Saxonburg borough,
music teacher.
Stickle W P, Eau Claire boro, J. P,
Storey T R, Butler 4 wd, producer,
Swartzlander Elmer, Fairview twp,
Taylor Silas, Worth twp, surveyor,
B. c\ B.
Christmas ribbons
Ribbons appeal to old and
It's feminine nature to be
overjoyed at receiving pretty
Ribbons Christmas morning.
As usual our stock is unex
celled in merit, selection or
Holly Ribbons, i to 4£ inches
wide—many patterns, per yard,
3c to 50c.
Babe Ribbons all dainty
shades and pure white, 10 yard
bolt, 10c.
Wide selection of Warp
Print, Plaid, Satin, Metallique
and Mousseline Taifeta or
Messaline Ribbons correct
ribbons and colorings for pin
cushions, handbags, hair bows,
etc. —3 to 7 inches wide. 25c.
Warp Print Ribbons for
girdles—7 inches wide, 60c to
Boggs & Buhl
Do You Buy Medicines?
Certainly You Do.
Then you want the best for the
least money. That is our motto.
Come and see us when in need of
anything in the Drug Line and
we are sure you will call again.
YVe carry a full line of Drugs,
Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc.
Purvis' Pharmacy
Both Phones.
213 S Main St. Butler Pa.
Fi'rin> for Sale—ia fine farm district, aroar.d
Yonuitswwn, Warren and Mies. Ohio. Cail or
wrl'e f..r list. HARRINGTON A CO.. NUes. 0.
For S*l« —Coal UnJg; I'lttsburg coat in Wrtiei
cotnity, W. Va. Address Bos 8, Enillcott. W. V.'
Are You 'raking Uaasaee, Magnetic. Electrical
treatment*; Turkish, Oven, Vapor spauy or any form
of gaUUL, Wbj HOC try tlie Fortfer* Sanitarium T
UM eelect p:it»qaga only; ladjr aiteqdaotf. e open
0»j u>« mi Ui* tit, at XUt ForWl it,, fituburg, jV.
Beef iron
and Wine.
Extract of Beef. Citrate of Iron
and Sherry Wine.
j This preparation is fatnon* a« a
; system builder and general tonic. Onr
I preparation differs from all others of
| the Fame name, because we use p re
digested beef, the bes-t sherry wine, and
the iron is in such form that it is qnick
ly taken into the system. It is pleasant
to take and prompt in action, making
rich, red blood.
Do You Require a Tonic?
Are yon weak, worn oat. rnn down
nnd nervous? Is yonr blood thin and
impure? Are you pale and haggard,
lips white r Do yon become exhausted
from very little effort, yonr sleep rest
less. yonr appetite poorT If yon have
any of these symptoms use our Beef,
Iron and Wine.
If the result is not satisfactory we
will gladly return your money.
Price, 50 cents a pint.
Nurses' Directory.
Crystal Pharmacy
R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G.,
106 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
r-T~ n L_
The Little Details
are what go to make merchant tailoring
so much better than ready made cloth
ing. Such thioes as the button holes,
the sowing on of buttons, the binding,
the pressing and many other things.
They all make for
Now that you have experienced all
the advantages and disadvantages of
the ready made, you will be better able
to appreciate the difference in our
work. Just order a suit or overcoat
and learn how great it is.
Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa.
/ Stock and Poultry Food )
( 25c, 50c, sl,Oll and $3.50 3
r packages. r
\ ALSO (
J Heave Cure J
X Worm Powder x
' Colic Cure /
I Silver Pine Healing Oil )
f Pheno Cblor f
r Louse Killer j
\ Harness Soap S
( Honey—Tar Foot remedy %
) Gall Cure /
V Hoof Ointment J
5 Redick & Grohmanj!
S 109 Hortb Hals St;, £
Botler, Pa. £
For Christmas and
New Year
Table wines from California &
European vineyards—pure and whole
some at lowest prices. Once a customer,
always a customer, is trne of this
house. Yonr choice of any of the fol
lowing whiskies. SI.OO per full quart, 6
quarts | ».00. We guarantee purity and
And remember we 'are sole ageuts for the
whiskey guaranteed 3 years old, £2 00 per gal
lon. We pay express charges on all mall
orders of $5 00 or over. Goods shipped
Robt Lewin & Co,,
80. 14 Smithlleld St„ PITTSBURG, FA.
'Phone*: Bell 217* P. & A. 1458.
Established Firm of
Retiring from Business
Tools and Hardware Slaughtered.
Sales Daily from 10 a. in. to 10 »v m.
204 Smith field Street. Pittsburg! Pa.
Desks, Saf'-s, Bar Fixtures, Bowling
Alleys, -®oda Fountains. Cash Registers,
Show Cases, Counters, Stools, Chairs,
Cor. Fourth and Liberty Sts., Pittsburg
The little City Hall Bird Store, Oliver ave.
and Smlthtield Street. Pittsburg, I'D.
New importation Angora kittens, beauties:
trained ferrets, singing canaries, handsome,
gold fish, all colors, all sizes. Just arrived, a
grand display of aquariums. We are loaded
up for tin-holidays at regular prices. Par
rots that talk and tame squirrels. Pair
young fox hounds; English beagles, bred in
the purple: all kinds of thoroughbred pups
bought and sold. Glveusacall.
Gibson's Livery
(old May & Kennedy stand)
First-class horses and rigs.
Excellent boarding accom
: Good and clean waiting room.
Open day and night.
Holt's Greenhouses,
E. M. HOLT & Co. PROP'S.
Salesroom 247 S. Main Street.
Floral designs for funerals, parties,
etc., a specialty.
Cur carnations are now in their prime.
jl Duffy's Store 1
m Christmas is almost upon us and the question of I
|1 is easily and fully answered by a visit to our store. I N
* Black bilk Dress or Waist, a pretty new Carpet or RngH
l ■ or a good new Winter Coat. HH
, ' A box of Linen Hankerchiefs. Silk Muffler, or inl
j Umbrella. M
L*'; A pair of Dress Kid Gloves or Woolen, Box of Socks
or a pair Holiday Suspenders. H
|J§ A pretty Fnr Scarf, with Mnff to match. A good ■
f"\. Dresa or fancy Silk Waist. Kid Gloves to match her
dress. Stamped Linen or Battenberg H
> J Cnte little White Fnr Setts. H
Ppj All the above, are good, useful presents, and prices are right. II
I Duffy's Store. I
f It seems to be customary with some stores to be advertising f
r bargains at all times. Every reasonable minded person knows )
J that no man is in businfss for his health. We're not. Neither is L
t the other fellow. We sell reliable goods at a legitimate profit; #
we are entitled to that; bnt to be selling at less than cost most f
\ every day in the year, as some advertise is, keep your eye open, j
( something is wrong. You are not getting value for your money C
1 or you are getting unseasonable merchandise. We do not ad- 2
J vertise a sale at all times but we do exchange with von for your \
\ dollar the best dollar's worth of merchandise that money can r
f buy. We sell reliable makes only—bought from firms that J
i stand back of and replace every dollar's worth of merchandise \
) that does not prove satisfactory. # I
I We want you to examine our Hamburger Suits and Overcoats i
j before buying—they are beautiea It is not necessary to go into f
V details as most every person in Butler county knows what Isaac \
{ Hamburger & Son's Clothing means. It is like exchanging /
\ dollars when yon buy here—and facts are proofa So call ana be l
f convinced. /
I See Window Display. /
| Douthett & Graham. >
How's Your Towel Supply?
wi Towels have a curious way of getting lest—
where they go to is an unanswerable problem.
rfcWlW Bnt towels there must be and good hotua-Wlval
A AT. Jj/ }>» appreciate a plentiful supply.
" - uH We are just at this moment ready to supply the
my towel want at mighty reasonable priceß.
Kj As a general rule prices on this class of SMC-
W T clia ndise remain about the same from season to I
w/ 1 season—no more or less. But this occasion is MB
IJ ! L Jn exje ntion and as such you should realize.
Here are the prices:
Good huck towels, 17 by 83 in., at 10c each.
All linen huck towels, 16 by 82 in., worth 20c at 15c.
Extra fine andjarge huck towels, 2C by 40 in, worth 35c at 25c.
Turkish towels, special values at sc, 10c, 15c and 25c.
Fine damask towels, two specials at 25c and 50c.
The Thanksgiving Dinner. ,
Wouldn't a new table cloth and a set of napkins add a great deal
to the enjoyment of the feast.
Fine linen damask, 50c, 75c, 85c and SI.OO.
Napkins to match SI.OO to $3.50.
Match sets, $5.00, $6.50, $7.50.
L. Stein & Son,
I Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats. j |
100 beautiful cloth coats with fur collars, 42 inches long, in castor. *
brown, blue, green and black, slo.9B—worth $15.00. I >
Children's all-wool cheviot coats, fur collars, blue and green, BUM
four years to 14 years, $-I.9B—worth $7.50. Same sizes in
s<">.9B—value SIO.OO.
Ladies' long 50-ihch grav cloth mannish coats for slo.oo—value SIO.TO,
Ladies' long 50-inch cloth mannish coats in castor, black, blue, green <
and brown, slo.oo—value $15.00. . u < >
Children's Bear-skin coats, a tees 1 to 6 years, for *2.9B—caps to matoß
for 50c. 1
ladles' Tailored Suits. ! .
Unusual assortment of Suits in fine Cheviot, 45-inch coat —colors blue '
and black, $15.00 —worth $25.00. . '
Unusual assortment of Suits in fine Broadcloth, 60-inch coat, colors
6 blue and black, s2s.oo— worth $35.00. 40 _ „
Then there are long coat suits of gray, garnet and green, s«3.<m < }
$:55.00, up to $50.00. y
\ Separate Skirts. j ;
( * Distinctive lines at $3.98, $-5.89 and up to $10.CO; superior material (
| | and Extra size
j | ladles' Waists. ] !
i'k Just received a special shipment to sell at 98c, $1.50 up $5.00. < >
These are white madras, linen and lawn Waists as fashionable today and ( (
V Millinery. J |
*| 1 Do not put off another day buying your Winter Hat or Banns*. ,
< > Season well on-choice styles scarcer every day. We can please you lo
, ("style, workmanship, and above all in prices—always less here. 1 1
< Hosiery, Underwear, Neckwear and Gloves. | V
1 These lines-larger and better than ever-extra sizes in women£ 1
/» vests and pants, 25c each, Mentor brand Lnion Suits for women tod 15'
X children—best, 10c, 15c and 25c; fleeced stockings for ladies, children and A
< * babies in Butler-best silk lined, warm gloves, back and allookm. 35c.
i ► better ones for 50c; dainty neckwear, beautiful embroidered turn-over
< > collars, sc—worth 10c; stocks 25c. ' >
< > Great Slaughter Sale J J
► Still continues to excite wonder and admiration. Onr storei is crowded |
< . daily. Never was there such a money-saving opportunity preeent^y®^
X The best of Dress Goods. Silks. Flannels, "iarns Blankets and Domt*tto« (
i -just when von need them-at less than coat of manufacture. AU must
( tbe closed out this month and next. Sale continues untd every yard U #OIO. ( ►
iMrs. J. E. Zimmerman.:!
| fSpMSim Butler, Pa. j,
Advertise in the CITIZEN.