Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 07, 1905, Image 2

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S'.JO per year la Advance. Otherwise $1.50
Meeting of Congress
The preliminaries of the meeting of
what promises to be an interesting ses
sion of Congress were remarkably
quiet. The Republicans met in caucns t
last Saturday, and continued Joseph G.
Cannon of Illinois as speaker, and the
Democrats met and continued John
Sharp Williams of Mississippi as their
"floor-leader"; and Speaker Cannon
made but few changes in the Com"
mittes, selecting Mr. Tawnev of
Minnesota to succeed Mr. Hemenway
as chairman of the Committee on Ap
propriations. A part of Mr. Cannon 8
address to the caucus was as follows:
"It wonld be a bold man or party that
would do anything by legislation or
threat thereof that would tend to de
stroy or check the progress of our
people and their universal and success
ful achievements in all branches of in
dustry in the country.
"The changes in the methods of pro
duction and commerce, so salutary and
beneficial, involving as they do the ex
traordinary nse of combined capital,
emphasize the necessity for preventing
agreements in restraint of trade, and
the regulation of commerce among the
States and with foreign nations.
"The consensus of opinion of the
people is that Congress has the power
by amendment to the law to" provide
better remedies for real abuses exist
ing, so that the producers and consum
ers can find a more speedy and less ex
pensive remedy than we now have. In
this opinion I for one concur. The
burden is upon Congress, and our party,
having power is primarily responsible."
Both Senate and House will run
along for the next two years under
about the same leadership as in the last
% Congress. The large number of new
men will take the places that are
assigned them and will probably adapt
themselves to the legislative harness
- without much kicking or balking. In
the House the whote number of repre
sentatives has beeti increased from 356
in the last Congress to 386 in this. The
Republican majority in tbe House has
been increased from 34 in tha last Con
gress to 114 in this.
Gen. J. Warren Kiefer of Ohio has
returned as a member of this Congress
after an absence of twenty two years.
He was Speaker of the 47th Congress;
and at the meeting Monday was allow
ed to selecfhis own seat
■H The Senate in the coming session will
run along with three empty seats.
Mitchell of Oregon, and Bnrton, of
Kansas, will remain away from the
sessions, because of the little difficulties
they have become involved in with the
legal branch of the Government.
Neither of them will venture to show
himself in the Senate because they are
~ aware if they do so, their right to be
there will be challenged.
The third vacant seat will be due to
the failure of the Delaware Legislature
to elect a successor to Senator Ball. It
is the expectation that Senator
Burton will soon relieve the Senate of
its embarrassment concerning him, by
On Monday, at noon, Clerk Mc-
Dowell called the house to order,
Messrs Cannon and Williams were
nominated for Speaker, Cannon receiv
ing 248 and Williams 128 votes, All
the old clerks and officers were re
elected and sworn in; and the old rules
adopted, after a humorous discussion,
but those hide Bound rules are said to
be no joke.
Vice President Fairbanks opened the
Senate, the newly elected members
were sworn in and a committee appoint
ed to wait on the President, with the
House Committee.
On Tuesday the President's Message
was read in both houses. It is a long
and able document, a synopsis of which
appears on our first page.
Yesterday Mr. Townsend of Michigan
introduced an amended form of the Esh-
Townsend rate bill, which passed the
last House, in the House. The bill
embodies the President's views on the
subject, empowers'the Interstate Com
merce Commission to examine the
books and accounts of the railroads, and
Establish maximum and minimum rates,
with appeal to the Supreme Court.
Russian Affairs.
The people of Russia seem to be slow
ly but surely drifting into political
chaos. There are at least three factions
there—the Reds or Radicals or Social
ists who want to pull down or upset
everything; the Moderates, led by Witte
and the Czar, who wish to establish a
• Limited or Constitutional monarchy
but who seem to mov« too slowly to
head off the radicals; and the old Grand
Ducal or Autocratic faction who wish
things as they were and find fault with
the Czar for not using the force yet at
his command.
The mutiny in the army and navy at
Sebastopol, last week, was quelled by
force, and is said to have cost the lives
of 5000 men, but disaffection is reported
in the army and navy at all points in
cluding the Royal guards at the Czar's
country palace, and besides this the
Government has run short of money,
the railroaders, telegraph operators and
postal employees are on a strike,
and things look "blue" in Russia.
The St, Petersburg correspondent of
the Paris "Matin" describes the sinister
aspect of the Russian capital. He savs
that patiols are everywhere, that the
doors and windows of houses are closed,
that stores are barricaded and that Cos
sacks are camping in tbe streets.
IT is worthy of note that none of the
great states have been carrying a sur
plus fund in their treasury anything
like that of Pennsylvania. Illinois
funds in the Treasurer's hands at one
time range from SIOO,OOO to $3,000,000.
New York's general fund is something
over i|4,000,000 and the canal fund a
little over #3 000,000, but may be in
creased to $15,000,000 or $20,000,000;
this, however, is for a specific purpose.
Ohio's funds for deposit averaged sl,-
849,000 last year. Missouri has a little
over $2,000,000. Massachnsetts's de
posits range fcom |1,000,000 to $5,000,-
000. If Pennsylvania's fund was kept
within reasonable measure of the State's
needs the danger of a great surplus be
ing available for political or personal
manipulation would be moat effectively
THE demands of the Powers regard
ing the finances of Macedonia, a prov
ence of Turkey, were acceded to by the
Sultan, yesterday, and the foreign fleets
will withdraw from Turkish waters.
Auother butchery of Hebrews was re
ported from Odessa. Russia, yesterday.
The killing was done by a mob called
"Hooligans," and nobody dared move
the corpses which were left lying in the .
ftreeta, j
Tlie Vaccination Decision.
The opinion rendered by Attorney
General Carson to the State Superin
tendent cf Instruction concerning the
mooted conflict between the compulsory
education law and the school vaccina
tion law disposes of the controversy,
but leaves a hiatus in the legislation.
Mr. Carson very plainly explains that
there is no-disagreement between the
statutes, because one imposes a duty
upon the parents, the other a duty upon
the teachers, both of which can be
obeyed without conflicting with each
other. The compulsory education law
requires that parents shall send their
children to school When a parent has
done so he has performed all the duties
required of him under that act. The
other law prohibits teaAers from ad
mitting children who have not been
vaccinated. This statute does not im
pose any duty upon parents. There is
no provision making vaccination com
pulsory. Consequently between the
two legislative stools the intent of the
legislators falls to the ground.
Obviously this gap cannot be per
mitted to remain open. It will become
the duty of the Legislature at the
earliest possible moment to amend the
vaccination act so that it will accom
plish what it was intended to accom
plish. It would be incongrnous if in
the double effort to secure the educa
tion and vaccination of all children
within the State a legislative oversight
should permit the disregard of both
THE execution of Mrs, Rodgers, for
the murder of her husband, at Windsor,
Vermont, is fixed for tomorrow, Friday.
THE political crisis in England reach
its climax, Monday, wbeu Balfour and
his cabinet resigned, and the King ask
ed Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman to
be Premier and form a new cabinet.
THE Cuban elections resulted in the
re-election of President Palma.
Attorney General's Killings.
Attorney General Carson rendered
the following opinions in response to re
ports from State officials and others
connected with the State government.
To Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion N. C. Schaeffer—That under the
compulsory education law a fine cannot
be imposed upon parents or guardians
for the non-attendance of pupils who
have been excluded from the public
schools on the ground that they do not
present a certificate of successful vaccin
To Maj. Levi G. McCauley, Vice
President of the Soldiers Orphans'
School Commission -That the benefits
provided for children of soldiers, sailors
and marines of the various wars cannot
in anv possible way apply to the grand
children of such soldiers, sailors and
To State Fish Commissioner W. E.
Meehan—That under the act of 1905
classifying the species of fish in such
parts of boundary lakes the commission
has the power to seize and confiscate the
nets in all cases, where the owners can
not be found or apprehended.
To Banking Commissioner J. A. Ber
key—That the practice of the depart
ment in ruling that the mortgages and
judgments of building and loan associa
tions cannot be used as collateral for
borrowed moneyis sound.
End of tlie Foot Ball Season.
At Princeton, N. J., last Saturday,
the West Pointers and the Middies en
gaged in a ferocious game of foot ball,
ending at dark in a tie—6 to 6. Presi
dent Roosevelt, ex-Pre«ident Cleveland,
J. P. Morgan and many other promi
nent men witnessed the game. The
audience was estimated at 25.000.
Same day at the Crystal Palace
grounds near London, 80,000 people
gathered to see a game between the
crack team of England and the New
Zealand champions, the latter winning.
The New Zealandero have attracted
great attention, not only by their brilli
ant series of victories, but because they
have developed the game to a stage be
yond what was known there. The last
great charged was effected by the Welsh
clubs, who introduced four three
quarterbacks instead of six. The 15
players were divided into eight for
wards, two' halfbacks, four three
quarterbacks and one fullback. Tlie
New Zealanders play seven forwards
only, and with eight men behind play a
very fast, hard-passing game with ac
curacy and speed. No team hitherto has
been able to cope with them.
Brady twp.
James Anderson of this place had his
barn and its contents consumed by fire
last Tuesday night. The contents
two cows, all his hay and corn
fodder and corn which was husked and
was not transferred to the corn crib
yet. He also had several chickens
burned. The cause of the fire is un
George Pollock of New Castle is hew
ing ties for Samuel Anderson,
F. W. Bollinger of this place, who
had the fever, is out and around.
J. Black has been visiting at New
Castle for the past week.
Samuel Anderson, the saw mill man,
moved into his new house on Thanks
giving day. Samuel is thankful.
The sound of the locomotive whistle
on the new road up Muddycreek makes
the people rejoice to think that they
will not have so far to go to the station
in the future.
Mis. Win Badger has been on the sick
list for the past month.
Miss Jennie Anderson is to finish the
McKelvy school, on account of the
death of tbe teacher, Miss Eva Snyder.
George Munnell,*who has been work
ing here for the past year, left for his
happy home in Lawrence county a short
time ago.
Josiah Baker did bis butchering last
Fred McElvain of Butler is visiting
his uncle, Jno. Thompson.
A Blrtliaay Party.
By Friday last the snows of eighty -
five winters and the sunshine of eighty
five summers had passed over the head
of Mrs. Martha Biehl, widow of Peter
Biehl, dee'd, of Butler.
She was born in Germany, came to
this county when yet young, and was
married here. Dr. Neyinan is probably
the only man living who was at the
wedding, and he played the violin, that
evening, for the dancing.
Her three sons and two daughter*
living here, gave her a birthday sur
prise party at Conrad's that day, which
was taken part in by Henry, wifd and
daughter; Conrad, wife, three sons and
daughter; George, wife, two sons and
two daughters; John Sarver, wife
(Martha Biehl) and children: Geo, O
Schenck, wife (Jennie Biehl) and chil
dren; and Miss Alice Weisenstein,
Some twenty in all of her children,
grand-children and great-grand children
were present, and enjoyed the occasion.
Mrs Biehl te yet active and well, and
this meeting and merry making of her
descendents was a great pleaenre to her.
Dr. Humphreys' Specifics.
It is well known that Dr. Humphreys
"Seventy-seven" is the only Specific for
La Grippe and Cold#.
We want thoee who have used '77"
to know that Dr. Humphreys' System
of Specifics covers all diseases from in
fancy to old age—it is a question which
derives the greatest comfort from their
use. the baby with Colic of the old and
feeble with the almost invariable weak
ness of the Bladdar or Kidneys The
Specifics are fully described in a little
book to be had at all drug stores or
mailed free. They are for sale by all
Druggists, 25c each with few exceptions.
Haoaphreys' Homeo. Medicine Co.,
Cor. William and John Streets, New
BARTLEY-At her home in Pittsburg.
November 30, 1905. Mrs. Robert Bart
ley, nee Kingan of Middlesex town- |
ship, aged years.
Her death was caused by typhoid.
SPROUL—At his home in Cherry twp..
November 29, 1905, Ross J., son of
Hugh Sproul, aged 22 years.
He leaves a wife, nee Hindnian and
three children
MATTHEWS—At Harrieville Nov. 29,
1905, Mrs. Mary Matthews.
LEFEVER-At a hospital in Phila
delphia. November 21, 1905, P D.
Lefever, formerly of Zelienople, aged
pG years.
JORDAN—At his home in Zelienople,
November 25, 1905, Daniel Jordan,
a*re(l 29 years.
McKEE-At Siverlv, Pa., November 19.
1!»05, Mrs. Jane, widow of W P. Mc-
Kee. tie i McQuistion, aged 75 yeais.
THOMPSON—At the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Geo. W. Kepple, in
Donegal township. December 1, 1905,
Mrs. Mary A. Thompson. «ged 80
FORCJUER— At his home in Al: on, O ,
November 27, 1905, William l'orquer,
formerly of Butler, and a P. & W.
conductor, aged 40 years.
He was buried at Foxburg.
GRIER—At his home in Clay township.
December 3, 1905, Samuel Grier, aged
about 75 years.
I His deatli was caused by pneumonia
He is sarvivtd by his wife, oee Ralston
ani several children.
WOLFORD—At his home in Cherry
twp., December 3, 1905, Perry O.
Wolford, aged about GO years.
His death was sudden, and was
c*used by heart trouble. His wife, nee
Thompson, and several children survive
RALSTON—At his home in Franklin
township, December 2, 1905, Albert
Ralston, aged about 45 years.
He was a son of William Ralston, tbe
Miller, and leaves a wife and three
children. He was a member of the
United Presbyterian church.
LAWRENCE—At her home in Frank
lin township, November 23, 1905,
Mary, wife of Robert Lawrence, aged
20 years.
She was a daughter of Lorenzo Snyder
of Franklin township and last.year was
teacher at the Mount Chestnut public
school. She was buried at Muddycreek
Baptist church.
CROWL—At the County Home, Dec. 2,
1905, Peter Crowl, formerly of Harris
ville. aged 72 years.
REDIC—At her home in Parker twp.
Nov. fith, 1905, Mrs. Sarah Ellen,
wife of Q. A. Redic, in her 60th year
Mrs. Redic had been an invalid for
some years. She leaves her husband
and four children.
SLATER —At his home in Butler, Sun
day, Dec. 3, 1905, Nathan M. Slater,
aged S3 years and 1 day.
Perhaps few of our citizens were
better known to the people of our
county than was Mr. Slater. He was
also known as an honest man in all the
ways and walks of life, one who was
conscientious, outspoken and fearless
in the expression of his opinions. He
was respected by all. He was elected
to the office oi' Countv Surveyor for
several terms, the first time being mors
than thirty years ago and he tilled it
faithfully." He- was One of the or
ganizers "of Association here known as
the Octogenarians, in which he took
much interest. On February last he
addressed the members, giving a sketch
of his life and in which he stated that
his parents had lived in Somerset county
this state, before removing to Cranberry
township, this county. He was quite
young when they came to this county.
His remains were interred on Tuesday
last in the North cemetery.
The surviving children arer Howard
Slater, of 'Pittsburg; Crossman D.
Slater, of Platea, Pa.; and Mrs. Paul
Mitchell, Mrs. William W. Robinson,
and Misses Angelica and Leila Slater of
Rev. A. R. Robinson "presided at the
funeral, and remarks were made by
Rev. P. C. Prugh, who is also one of
the Octogenarians.
SLOAN—At his home in-Venango twp.,
Dec. 4, 1905, of heart trouble, Wash
ington Sloan, aged 65 years.
Mr. Sloan was a veteran of the Civil
War and wag a member of Rosen berry
Post, G. A. R. He was an elder in the
East Unity United Presbyterian ch'urch,
and is survived by his wife, nee Glenn,
and three children, Ephriam Sloan of
Venango township, Mrs. James M.
Byers of W. Penn St. and Mrs. Roy
Imbria of Ran Claire.
FLETCHER—At the home of her sister,
in Harmony, December 4, 1905, Miss
Lizzie, daughter of William Fletcher
of Whitestown, aged 23 years.
PISOR—At his home in Muddycreek
township, December 3, 1905, James
Pisor, aged about 70 years.
Mr Pisor fell dead while working ia
his barn.
MURPHY—At her home in Muddy
creek township, December 3, 1905,
Miss , daughter of Madison
Murphy, aged years.
KOONCE—At her home in Butler. Dec
1 5, 1905. Mrs. Sarah McClelland, wife
of H. W. Koonce, aged 52 years
1 Mrs. Koonce had been in poor health
for some months. She is survived by
her husband, and one daughter, Mrs
1 Florence Crawford, also two sisters,
1 Misses Mary and Tabitha McClelland.
JONES—At his homo in Tarentum.
December 5, 1905, George Jones,
formerly of Butler, aged 76 years.
HOWARD—At her home in Butler,
, December 2, 1905, Mrs. Charlotte,
wife of Ira E. Howard, formerly of
England, aged 71 years
BOAL—At Wilkinsburg, December -J,
1905, Edward U. Boal, formerly of
this county, aged 39 years.
GRAHAM —At his home in Butler, Dec.
5, 1905, Edward E. Graham, aged 55
, years.
1 Obituary.
M. M, Sullivan, a well known
' Bessie" conductor, died at his home
in Greenville, yesterday, of pneumonia.
Mrs. Sarah J., widow of Dr. D. L.
Starr, died at the residence of her sou
in Bellevue, last Friday, and was buiied
' at Zelienople, Tuesday,
Col Thomag G. Sample of Allegheny,
well known in G. A ■ R- circles, died
last Sunday, after a long and severe
sickness. He is survived by his wifi.
one son and one daughter.
Miss Eliza Williams, believed to have
l>e«n tbe oldest spinster in America,
died last -Friday »t the home of her
nephew, ex-Representative O. A Sum
mers of Kokomo, Indiana, at the age of
101 years. She was born November 1,
1804, at Connellsville, Pa. She moved
with he? parents to Indiana when she
was a child.
Tony Mehalic, an Austrian, aged 38
vears, who has been at the County
Home since August 2, 19<H, suffering
from a broken back ana other injuries
received at the West Winfjeld Stone
quarries by having several tons of slate
fall on him, died last Saturday. He
leaves a wife and two children in
Europe, whom he had hoped to bring
here. He sent them financial assistance
until jiiade helpless by the accident.
Ho was buried jn the Catholic cemetery,
Supt. Graham and Rav. F'lthpr Beckoyic
are raising funds.
.Notice is hereby given that an appli
cation will be nia'de to tbe Governor of
Pennsylvania on the 28th day of De
cember, 1905. by John B. Patterson, W.
H Snider. Wm. H. Knoch, Gottlob
Pfeil and J. F. Anderson, under an Act
pf Assembly entitled "An Act to Pro
vide for tjbe Incorporation and Regula
tion of Natural fjas Companies," ap
proved the 29th day of May, 1885,
pamphlet laws, page 39, and t'he supple
ments thereto for the charter of an in
tended corporation to b£ called the
Saxonbarg Heat and Light Company,
the character and object of which is the
producing, dealing in, transporting,
Btorinsr and supplying of natural gas to
the public at the borough of Sax'inbnrg
and adjacent vicinity and for these pur
poses to have, possess and enjoy all tbe
riirhts, benefits and privileges of said
Act of Assembly and supplements
thereto, as well as the general laws of
said State applicable thereto.
By the wreck of a "flyer" near Penn
Yann Janction. Carbon county. Thanks
giving, several people were injured.
The Graff & Co. stove store on
Liberty St., Pittsburg, was destroyed
by fire. Thanksgiving.
Win Thompson, of near Bakerstown,
was fcnnd dead in his home on Thanks
giving Day.
Geo. Schaffner of W. Jefferson street
fell on the pavement at Kirk's restau
rant Monday evening and broke his
left arm.
Mrs Morgan Tarntr fell at her home
on New Castle street, Tuesday, and
broke one of tlft> bones in'her right leg
and dislocated her right ankle
Miss Lizzie Patterson of Slipperyro-k
was bnrned to death at Washington,
Pa., last Saturday. She was cleaning
a dress with gasoline, at the time, and
was burned beyond help when discover
ed. She was a daughter of Noriuan
Patterson, was about 30 years of age
*r>d formerly taught school in Butler
and was visiting friends in Washington
at the time of the accident. She was
very highh spoken of, and was buried
at Slipperyrcck, Monday.
Miss Patterson was in thebasament of
the building, and alone, at the time
I and made but one outcry. This was
promptly answered, but she was nn
conscious when reached, and died be
fore the physicians arrived.
Thomas Moconick, a Russian who
had been in this country seven months,
was killed by a crane iu the Car Works,
Thanksgiving Day. Charles Ger!och.
the crane boy. is alleged by witnesses
of the accident to have yelled at
\Toconick to get oat*of the road and
then started the crane before he could
do so. Moconick's head was crashed.
A coroner's inquest is in progress and
will be concluded this evening.
Michael Mulligan of Donegal twp.,
who was so terribly injured by the ex
plosion of a gas meter on the Bach farm
on Monday of last week, died Saturday
morning. It seems that a test of the
gas well was baing mide at the time of
the accident, and Mr. Mulligan was
standing at the meter watching the
test while th£ gas at the well was being
turned on. The pressure proved greater
greater than was expected and poured
into the meter with such force that an
explosion occurred and the meter was
blown to piecas. parts of it striking Mr.
Mulligan in the head and inflicting in
juries from which his death occurred.
He is survived by his wife and several
Edward Porter of Mars accideutly
shot himself in the leg, while out hunt
ing, last Thursday.
While James Shane of the National
Transit was hauling a pump, last week,
his wagon upset and he was thrown
under it, but was saved by the brake.
Samuel Steele of Petrolia was found
dead in his house, last Thursday morn
ing. He was 55 years of ago, lived
alone, had gone home Wednesday even
ing wet and cold, was found dead near
the red-hot stove and partially roasted,
next morning.
Mrs. Robert Daugherty of the Enter
prise mine near Harrisville, was buined
to death in her house, last Saturday
morning. Her husband had just started
for the mine when she blew into the
lamp and it exploded, throwing the
burning oil all over her clothing.
Neighbors rushed in when she scream
ed but could do nothing for her. The
Daagherties came from Clarion county
about two years ago. Mrs. Daugherty
was about 30 years of age and leaves
two children.
Cyrus Kohrer and Howard Shannon
were two of a party of fife young men
who spent Thanksgiving day hunting
on the Gus Shannon farm iu Franklin
twp. Rohrer was standing on a etnuip
and Shannon was in the bushes a few
rods away and when he moved his foot
Rohrer thought it a rabbit and fired,
putting several shot in the foot. The
boot saved Shannon from serious in
jurv. '
A Strain of 7roKeily Kuans Through
Their History.
Abraham Lincoln's forefather.* were
pioneers—nitn who left their homes to
ppen up the wilderness and make the
way plain for others to follow them.
For 170 years, ever since the first
American Lincoln came from England
to Massachusetts, in 1033, they had
been moving slowly westward as new
1 settlements were made iu the forest
They faced solitude, privation and all
the dangers and hardships that beset
men who take up tlieir li jrnes where
3f)iy beasts aud wild men have had
fionies before, but they continued It)
press steadily forward, though they
lost fortune and sometimes even life,
itself ill their westward progress.
Back iu Pennsylvania and New Jer
sey some of the Lincolns had been moil
of wealth and influence. In Kentucky,
where the future president was horn
pa Feb. |2, 1809, his parents lived iu
deep poverty. Their home was a small
log cabin of the rudest kind, and noth
ing seemed more unlikely than that
their child, coming into the world in
such humble surroundings, was des
tined to be the greatest man of his
time. Trup to his race, lie also was to
be a pioneer, not, indeed, like hit. an
cestors, a leader into now woods and
unexplored fields, but a pioneer of a
nobler and grander sort, directing the
thoughts of men ever toward the light
Hint leading the American people
through difficulties aud dangers and q
mighty war to peace and freedom.
The story of this wonderful man be
gins and ends with a tragedy, for his
grandfather, also named Abraham, was
Kiiled by a shot from an Indian's rifle
while peaceably at work with his three
eons on the edge of their frontier deal
ing. Eighty-one years later the presi
dent himself met death by an assas
sin's bullet. 'Bio murderer of one was
a savage of the forest; the murderer of
the other that far more cruel thing, a
savage of civilization. —St. Nicholas.
Their Weak l'oluta Pass lanotjc(l),
Xapuleoa'a Marksiunnaliiii.
Rulers have always been flattered,
from Canute's time downward, it be
ing, it would seem, an unwritten law
thai .t monarch's weak points should
pass unrecognized. Napoleon 111. once
said, iu consoling a friend who chanced
10 be shooting with him for his poor
"You lieed not fret about It. The em
peror (by wbieh he meant bis uncle, the
great Napoleon I ) was even a worse
shot than you are. The ouly time they
liut a gun in his hand he killed a poor
I ;mnd end went away thinking he had
killed a stag,
"In tliose days the stag, whenever
brought to bay. was left for the em
peror to kill. One day, however, the
emperor was not to be found, and the
master of the staghouuds finished the
j.niuial with his knife. Just then the
emperor came in sight.
'•They hurriedly got the dead stag on
Its i"!;j, propping it lip with branches,
etc.. and handed the emperor the 'cara
bine of honor,' as it was called. The
emperor tired, and of course the stag
fumbled over, but at the same time
('tern was a piteous whine from one of
the hounds, which had been shot
through the hoad.
"The emperor wheeled around, un
conscious of the mischief lie had done,
saying to one of the aids-de-camp,
'After all, I am not as bad a shot as
they pretend";'"
Saved Them.
Eph—Uow'd yor git along ridin' ID
them there sleepin' cars when yoa took
your trip? Simp—along all right,
but I caught a colored feller tryin' to
•neak away with my boots an' made
'!m bring 'em back.—lndianapolis Star.
Make your failure tragical by cour
age; It will not differ from success.—
B K & 1* It K
Tiuie table in effect Nov. 19, 190".
Passenger trains leave and arrive at
Butler as follows:
7:30 a. m., mixed for Pnnxsutawney,
Dn Bois and intermediate stations;.
10:33 a. m. daily, vestibuled day ex
press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford,
week days, for Rochester.
5:50 p. m. local forPunx'y, Du Bois
and intermediate stations.
11:31 p. m. night express for Buffalo
and Rochester.
6:10 a. m. daily, night express from
Buffalo and Rochester.
9:30 a.m. week days, accomodation
from Dußois.
4:50 p.m. daily, vestibuled day express
from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash
ford week days fjrom Rpchester.
8:07 p.m. week days, mixed train
from Du Bois and Punxsutawney.
Trains leave the B. & O. Station,
Pittsburg for Buffalo and Rochester
at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., and for local
points as far as Dußois at 4:30 p.m. On
Sunday the 9:00 a.m. train runs to Buf
falo and Rochester.
B Afc O It li
Time table in effect, Nov, 1905.
Trains for South and Weat,leave Butler
—town time: WEEK DAYS
6:20 am. Allegheny Accommodation.
8:00 a.in, Allegheny & Cleveland Ex.
0:10 a.m, Allegheny Express.
11:40 am, "
1:25 pm, Ell wood Ac
3:35 p.m. Allegheny Ex.
5:20 p.m, Allegheny Ex.
5:35 p.m, Chicago, Ell wood. X Castle.
5:50 p.m. Allegheny Ac.—New Cattle.
8:00 a m, Allegheny <fc Cleveland Ex.
10:33 a.m, Pittsburg Ex.
3:85 p.m. Allegheny Ac , New Castle, j
Chicago and Cleveland.
5:50 p.m, Allegheny Ac.--New Castle.
9:42 a.m, Kane & Bradford Mail.
4:55 Clarion Accoino.
Trains leave the Allegheny j-tation for
Butler 7:00, 8:15, and 11:00 A. M.,
and 1:15, 3:00, 5:30 6:45 and 11:35 P. M.
On Sunday at 7:30 A. M. and 6:45 and
11:35 P. M.
Forthrongh tickets, Pul mat. reservations and in
formation apply to W. 11. TUHXEB, Agt.
Butler, IV
JO?. P.TAv' J KT, A. G. P. A..
Pittsburg, Pa
B:'JIDCI I is KFIECT XOV 26 1905.
A M A.M. A M P. M. P. &
BI.TLEK Leavt| 6 15 8 40 10 35 2 34) 4 20
Saxouburg Arrivtl 6 45 9 05 11 00 2 51 4 4s
Butler Juuction.. M 714 93011 25 318 513
Butler Juoctiou...Le»7t 7 3 i 9 32111 35 R 20 6 15
Natrona Arrivtj 7 44 9 42 11 44 3 30 5 24
Tar«.»ntum i 7 47 9 47 11 51 3 36 ft 30
Spring-late 7 5< 9 57 12 03 3 45 6 40
iharp*«>urg 8 2i) .... 12 30 603
AllevUenv . 834 112 45 . . 6IS
East Libei ty 10 2>| .... 4 15 ....
Pitts?>urg 10 35; .. . 425 ....
SUNDAY TRAILS.—Leave Butlei for
City and principal intermediate stations at 7:so a. m.
*nd 5;05 p. m.
A.M. A.M. A.M. P. U.i P.
Pittsburg 3 05 6 10
East Lib lty 3 15| 6 20
Allegheny City lv 615 825 la 25 . ...j
Sharpsburg "5 3«» 8 39 10 39 ' ...
CUremcut 688 84810 4b ... I ....
Bpringdale 700 90711 00 .... j 0 4<">
furentum 7 13 9 19 11 11 3 47, 6 67
Satrona 7 20 9 26 11 1!> 3 52 7 01
Butlor June ar 730 936 11 27 4 o<i 7 1*
Butler June lv 74- 940 12 31) 407 ] 7 14
idtoubnrg 8 OK 10 (W 12 54 4 # 7 IJ'J
BUTLEK 8 85(10 33, 1 20) 6 16 ! 8 05
SUNDAY TRAINS.— L«?ave Allegheny City for IK I
Icr aud principal iutermadiute station.- at 7:00 a.m. aud
9:30 p. io.
Weok Dajd. Srndaj ■
A.M. A.M. P. M. A.M. r 11
Btm.su..; I' 616 .. 230 720 ...
Butlor J'ct or 711 318 8 10 ! ...
Butlor J'a lv 7 4oi 400 Bli ....
fooport fcr 743 .... 402 817 ....
Kekiminetan J't.. .." 748 408 823 ....
beechburg " H 01 : 420 837 ...
West Apolio 8 2-j 439 354 ....
-Wtslurg - 8 s|! 508 920 ...
BUirsville 923 542 962 .
Blairsvillolur " 9 301 . 550 10 00
Altooua " 11 35j 850 140 . ..
Ilarrisburg " 3 10. 100 6 35.
/hiladelpbil " 623 .. 423 10 20
P.M.IA.M. A.M. I'.M.iP.M
Through truiw for the out leave ntt»bnrg (Union
Stitiou), as follows.—
OCT. 8. 1905.
The PcLnsjlvania Spttiil, daily, for North
Philadf lphia anil New York 12:54 83
Manhattan L:iniUd,daily, for JKo» f h PI ila
delphia aud New Y< rk 12:55 44
Keystone Expreeu 3.W> "
>uns>ivania Limitto daily 645 "
New York 44 * 4 7:05 44
• tlan'ic Expreab, 7:30 41
•lain Line Expr»-s§. 8:00
Buffal • Day Express 44 9:00 "
a ay Express, u 12:01 Noon
Mail Express, daily, f.jr Baltimore and Wash
ington 12:46 P.M
Chicago Mail daily, for Baltimore and
Washington 4:50 4
•.astern Kxprets, daily, for Phil'a and N Y....4:65 44
New York Express 4 ' 44 44 7:10 44
'hiladolphia A: Washington Express, daily. 00 4
New York Special, daily for New York, Balti
more and Washington 10:C0 44
Philadelphia Special daily, fur Philadelphia
only. Sleeping cara only 10:00 44
Bufta.o Night Kxpres*,dail) 11:00 ' 4
Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Diviiion.
Trains leave Kiskiminetas Junction as follows:
For Buffalo, 9.51 a.m. aud 11.50 p. m. daily, with
through parlor and sleeping cars.
For Oil City, 7.48' 9.51 a. m„ 2.3*. 6.10 and 11.50 p.
tn. week-days. Sundays, 9.51 a. m., 6.10 and 11.50 p.m.
For Red Bank, 7.48, 9.51, a. m., 235, 6.10
10:15 and 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9 51,10.40
m., 6.10 aud 11.50 P- m.
For Kittanning 7.48, 9.28, 9.51,.11.37 a. m.,2.35,5.33
*.10,7.80,10.15, and 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sundays,
■*.sl, 10.40 a. m., 6.10,10.44, and 11.50 p. m.
"f' Stops only on signal or notice to agent or con
ductor to receive or discharge passengers.
Foi detailed informatior, apply to ticket agent or
twldrobs Tbos. E. Watt, I aa«. Agt. Western District,
:>GO Kiftb AvHon#*. PUtfiburg, Pa.
Gon'l Manager. l'oaa'r Traffic Manager.
GEO W BOYl\ G jneral Passenger Ageit.
TIME TABLE In cScct September 17th, 1906.
(Head tp) Daily Except Sunday (Read dow»)
10 |11 | 1* I or vTIOXS L"I 11 I 13
p.m. p.m. p.m. l oi UIUAS. !a. m.a. m. p.m.
10 OA 1 00, :i 00 Buffalo(rit LS.ai.) 3 4510 On 2 00
d. iu. p. lai.u. m.l , la. in. p. in. p. in.
1 l:ii 1 -in !'J 251 Erie. 7 ().'> 1 0 S 457
6 51 1:0 02 : I'airview 7 2ffl 5 21
U lo| 1 OS 0 45' Girard 7 4o| 1 41 5 3:1
6 2l! I 9 27|. CranesvlHe....-I 8 00l '.l 4'J
8 551 1 50110 00;Ar..Conneaut..Lv 7 00X2 04 6 10
_s_lo(l2_oi! 7 00 Lv-Conneant-AiilO 00 6 55
0 21 12 4". 9 2.ij Albion | 8 03 1 60 8 63
KlO fl2 3519 10j shad elalld 78 14 P2 10 f« 04
0071232 9 07 Springboro |817215 0 07
0 02 12 27 9 02..<:oiineantvillc... 8 22 2 18. 6 13
7 07 12 45i 9 2t Ar.MeadvTHe..L\T7 30 1 55 4 68
458 11 2SI 7 SOl.v..Meadville. Ar| 9 2oj 312 707
(i 1012 18. H take Lv 7 55 2 23 ft 25
52511 50 755 Lv.t'ou't Ar 8 531 2 4 C 40
5 4s' 10 soAr..LlneßVllle..l.V 8 2: G 17
is 12 li 8 i; ..Meadville Jet.. 8 43 2 37 .. 32
a 27 fll 55 8 27 iiurtstown.... f8 57 f'J 4" C 46
5 131U 41 812 Osgood 912 f3 0." 700
5 0511 5.5 8 03.....Greenville 9 2 3 ](• 7 (8
5 0011 2>i 7 5."> .... Shenango D 25 3 li 7 15
4 43 11 12 7 38 Fredonia 9 42 3 S2 7 S3
4 2810 58 7 23 Merccr. 0 5a 3 4c 7 43
AO 53 7 IS._. Houston Jet... 10 02 7 53
4 0210 3.5, 7CO Grove City 10 2- 4108 15
.1 47 110 23 a.m Harrisvilic 110 38 f4 22 p.m.
3 41,10 IS) nranchton jlO 4a 4 BSU
2 iu| 7Qg 'Lv „Hilliard...Ar 11 80 617 ...
X.il io'll.. I Keister 10 47i 4 31'
3 2310 02.. 1 Euclid.. .11 Oil 445
Ji 1 051 JAr. ..Kaylor ....Lv 3 20 23
7 28i iLv Kaj'lor ,_.Ar 1620 p in.
"T%'9 ".~»f jlZTTll'iTfler- 11l ao) 6 ior*~oo
1 is 8 351 Lv,Allegheny.Arj 1 00 u 35;
p. in. n. m.l I 'p. m. p. m. p. ni.
Train No.l leaving Greenville at 6:47 ». m.;
Shenango 6:s4;Fredoiiia 7:13: Mcreer 7:27; Grove
City 7:50; Kcister 8:17; Butler 9:00, arrives in
Allegheny nt 10:25 n. m.; connects at Queen
Junction with trains to nud from Kaylor, and
at Uranchton from Hilliard and Annandale.
Train No. 2 leaving Allegheny at3:oop. m.;
liutier 4:15; Keister drove City 5:55; Merccr
6:21; Fredonia 6:38; Shenango C:.-5, arrives in
Greenville at 7:00 p. in.: connect* at Queen
Junction with trains to and from Kaylor, end
at Branchton for Billiard.
General Manager. Gen'l Pass. Agent.
Geo. Amv),
247 S. Dlain St., Old Postoffice
Building, liutier, I*a.
lioth Phones.
Branch Office Chicora,
In Chnrtre of John C. Wiles.
OflTcfclHthßWktoer, nrttti^r^PTT)"
By virtue of sundry writs of Yen. Ex.. Ft.
Lev. Ft. Ac., Issuitl out of the Court of
Common l'leas of Butler Oft, l'a.. and to me
directed. there will be exposed to publicsale
■■it the Court House In the borough of Butler,
l'a. on
Friday, December Bth, 1905,
at one o'clock. I'. M.. the following described
property, to-wit:
F. P. Xo. 50. Pec. Term. 190>. E L. Ralston,
All the right, title, interest ami claim of
Oliver.!. Sarver. mortgagor. and It. Clark
and the Clark Coal & Colto Co.. owners, of.
in and to :i 11 ihe coal underlying all that
certain piece or parcel tract of land, situ.it
ed in Buffalo township. Butler county, l'a .
bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at -
cut stone, thence by lands of shuster and
1.. 11111. north sl'i dfgaKKa-lO feet to a stone
pile: thence by lands of .1. liowley north it!
ilog east l'.**4 feet to a cut sUWe; by lai.ds of
said .1. Bewley north J7 dec west 1 lttl2-10 feet
i.i a stone pile: th"nce bv lands of S. M.
Miser and Henry Baker, south >7 1 , deg west
4009 2-10 feet to a cut stone: thence by lands
of A. Nolf south:> deg east 1974 feet to place
of lieginning; containing 176.3T acrOs, more
or less, conveyed by Joseph W. Ralston to,
Oliver .1. Sarver. tiie mortgagor and tills
mortgage and companying boad being given
to secure the balance of ttie purchase money '
togather with the free and uninterrupted
right of way Into, upon and under said land [
at such points and in such manner as may
be proper and necessary for the purpose of
digging, mining, draining and ventilating
and carrying away said coal hereby waiving
all surface damage or damage of any sort
arising therefrom or from the removal of all
of said coal together with the privilege of
mining and removing through said described
premises other coal now or hereafter owned
by said party of first part his heirs or assigns.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of Oliver J. Sarver, Mortgagor, and C.
B. Clark and The Clark Coal and Coke Co..
owers. at the suit of Joseph \V. Kalston. now
for use of said Joseph \V. Ralston and Wil
liam M. Ralston.
By \lrtue of a wrii of Venditioni Exponas
with claus of I'!. Fa. issued out of the
I Court of Common Pleas of Butler county,
l'a., and to me directed, there will i>e ex
posed to public sale, at the Court House. In
the borough of Butler, l'a., on
Friday, the -Dtli tlay of Dec ember
A. D. law. at one o'clock. I'. M., the following
described property, to-wit:
E. P. No 4 March Term, 1906. Frank
Murphy, Attorney.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Fred Lutz and Franzle Lutz, of, in and to all
that certain piece or parcel of land, situated
in Saxonburg borough. Butler county, l'a.,
liounded as fallows, to wit: On the north by
lands of Henry Keasy. east by lands of E.
Washsmlth. south by lands of Mary Frltche
and Fred Bauderman. and on the west by
Water street; containing ten (IP) ai res, more
or less, and having erected thereon log
dwelling bouse, lioard stable and other out-
Selzi-il and takon in execution as the prop
erty of Fred Lutz and Kranzie Luti at the
suit of \V. K. Bradley.
TERMS OF SALE—The foUowinir must be
strictly complied with when properly is
stricken down.
1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ
must be paid, and a list of the liens, includ
inS mortgage searches on the property sold
together with such lien creditor's receipt*
for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or
such portion thereof as he may claim, must
be furnished the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid In full.
3. All sales not settled Immediately will be
continued until one o'clock. I'. M„ of the
, next day at which time all property not
settled for will again be put up and sold at
expense and risk of the person to whom
' first sold.
' *See I'urdon's Digest, 9th edition, page IMS.
I an I Smith's Korms,_page 384.
; Sheriff's Office. Butler. Ha.. Nov. 8, Wft>.
( <i&j HUffiHAL C'JAUs i <>}'££ *
The Color and VJpr of tils Hat arc'
Abschtel)! Guaranteed. Tear dealer
l|§3 is Authorized to replace.Frce of Charge,
any Hat Not Satisfactory. J
' ,
J The above guarantee is ?
[ 5 in every £
1 5 Imperial Hat ?
# we sell. r
£what more could be
t if tbe style is right? \
J We guarantee that, too £
I \
;•;%/ V'Y* ' >V
1 l -r-A y;.~
1 | Manhattan Shirts j!
5 are nere in a big variety £
£ of patterns. £
Slt is the best shirt made. >
5 Fall and and winter
# weights in underwear
J —the kind that won't J
, 5 scratch. #
I 345 S. Main St . J
J (J. Steinjßuiiding.) J
J Two Doors North of Willard Hotel. 5
Winlield It It Co Time Tabic
In effect-May 20th, 1003.
Leaves West Wi a fluid 7 30 2 45
" Boggsvilie 745 800
" Iron Brilge 755 310
Win field Junction 8 10 3 25
•• Laue 820 335
14 Butler Junction 825 340
Arrive Putler 10 5 05
Arrive Allegheny 5 00
Arrive Pittsburg 10 555
Arrive Blaireviile L OS . 5 . 42
Leave Pittsburg. 3 05
Leave H'airsvill* 7 50 2 15
44 Allegheny . .. ... 8 2"> 220
44 Hutler 840 230
44 Butler June lion , 10 CW> 440
44 Laue 10 03 443
44 Winfleld Juuctlvm 10 15 4 5*."
" Iron BrM:r*< 10 25 505
" BognTille
Arrive Wlnflald. 1 10 50 6_30
""TraluiTsti.p af Lane and Iron Bridge only ou Flag to
take ou or leave off patweug«rs.
Tmiiui Connect at Butler Junction vith:
Trains ICast ward for Freepcrt, Vandergrift and
Blairriville Interaction.
Trains Westward for Natrona, Tarentuni Allegheny ;
and Pittsburg.
Traiua Northward tor S»\xonburg, Mar wood and Br.t-
I ,r
Onneral Manager.
The Butler Wood Fibre
Plaster Co.,
Mfgrs, of the celebrated Blue
Bell Wood Fibre Wall Plaster,
the best and cheapest plaster
on the market.
We are also sole agents for
the following high grade build
ing materials.
Whitehall Portland Cement,
has no equal for all classes of
concrete work. •
Woodville White Enamel
Finish, the peer of hydrated
lime for skim coat.
Sacketts Plaster Board, >ou
;an line your house with this
fire proof board at half the cost
of any other material.
Give us a call before build
ing, we can save you money.
Office, W. Guriningnaon St,,
opp: BEunifr W8 w
Cash on hand and Capital $ 200,000.00
due from banks $ 389,29.24 Surplus - - 200,000.00
loans - - - 1,654.435.96 Undivided Profits 97,251.34
Real Estate - - 25,962.35 Deposits - - - 1,572,176.21
$2,069,427.55 $2,069,427.55
I, Louis B. Stein, Treasurer of above named company, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
LOUIS B. STEIN, Treasurer.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2n d day of December, 1905.
(Notarial Seal.) JAMES O. CAMPBELL, Notary Public.
My commission expires January 16, 1909.
Correct-Attest: —W. D. Brandon, Wm. Campbell, W A. Stein, Directors.
We take pleasure in calling your attention to our continued increase In business and
invite your account.
Your idle money will work for you if deposited in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
McCalliater Knhn, dec'd., late of Con
cord twp., Butler Co . Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please maee immediate pay
ment and any having just claims against
said estate will present the same duly
autenticated for settlement to
R. F. D. 74, Karns City.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
B. F. Hilliard, dec'd.. late of Washing
ton twp., Butler county, Pa., hav
ing been granted to the undersigned, all
persons kuowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immedi
ate payment and any having claims
against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement to
R. F. D 49, West Sunbury. Pa.
IRA MCJUNKIN, Att'y. 1123-05
Estate of John Rodgers, late of Donegal
township, Butler Co., deed.
Letters testamentary having been
granted to the undersigned on the above
estate, notice is hereby given to all
persons kuowing themselves indebted to
said estate to make immediate payment
and those haying claims against the
same to present them duly authenticat
ed for settlement.
Chicora, F. F. D. 80.
Attorney. 9-28-05
Letters testamentary on the estate
of Mary Jane T. Turk, deceased,
late of Brady township, Butler
county, Penn'a., having been grant
ed to the nndersignod, all persons know
ing themselves to be indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make
prompt payment and those having
claims against the estate will present
the same duly authenticated for settle
ment to
Elwood City, Pa., R. F. D. 2, or
9 21-05 Sherwin, Pa.
Estate of Nancy Bartley, late of Penn
twp., Butler' Co., Pa., dec'd.
Letters testamentary having been
granted to the undersigned on the above
estate, notice is hereby given to all
persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate to make immediate pay
ment and those having claims against
the same to present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
Tuos. A. HAYS, Ex'r.,
R. F. D. 21, Saxonbnrg, Pa.
JAMES B. MCJUNKIN, Att'y. 10-5-05
Estate of R. M. Addleman, late of
Venango township, Butler county, Pa.,
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the above
estate, notice is hereby given to all
persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate to make immediate pay
ment and those having claims against
the same to present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
A. W. ADDLEMAN, Adm'r.,
R. F. D. 51, Hilliards. Pa.
JAS. B. MCJUNKIN, Att'y. 11-9-05
Letters of administration on the estate
of Siniley R. Williams, dee d, late of
Venango twp , Butler Co., Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persona knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
R. F. D. 05, Emlenton, Pa.
MI-RUIN & MURRIN, Att'y. 11-2-05
THE Established
flic ONLY Agricultural NEWSpawr,
Leading Agricultural Journal of
the Wbrld.
Every dopnrtment written by specialists
the highest authorities in their respective
lines- , ...
No other paper pretends to compare with
It (it qu iUUcatlous of editorial staff.
Gives the agricultural NEWS with a degree
of completeness not even attempted by
others. ~ ,
Indispensable to all country resident* who
wNh to keep up wit lithe times.
Single Subscription, 51.50.
Two Subscribtlons, $2.50.
Five Subscriptions, $5.50
Four Months' Trial Trip 50 cents.
will be mailed free on request. It will pay
anybody interested in any way in country
life to send for them. Address the publishers:
Albany, N. Y
tj£~Subseription taken at this office.
Both papers together. fcJ.OO.
The SUTk6R OmeN.
SI.OO per year If paid tn advance. otherwise
$1.50 will be cnsnted. , ,
ADVERTISING RATES— One Inch, one time
*t; each subsequent Insertion 50 cents each
Auditors' an<l divorce notices ft each; exec
utors' and administrators' notices tJ each
estray and dissolution notices $2 each. Kead-
In ■ notices lttcents a line for first and 5 cents
for each subsequent Insertion. Notices
amonglocal news items 15 cents a line for
e*chln sertlon. Obituaries, cards of thanks
resolutions of respect, notices of festivals
and fairs, etc., inserted at the rate of o cents
a line, money to accompany the order, oeven
words of prose make a line.
Rates for standing cards and Job work on
application. ..
All advertising Is due aft«r first insertion,
and all transient advertising must DO paid
fortu advance. , . , ...
All communications intended for publica
tion tn this paper must be accompanied b>
the real name of the writer, not for publica
tion LIU. a guarantee of K»KK! fait h. and should
reach us not later than Tuesday evening.
Death notice* must be accompanied w th
responsible name
Advertise in The CITIZEN.
jjj g
| Christmas Presents! |
jp| There is always something in the furniture line gf
g—sl needed in every home. Why not give useful presents, 2
something your friends will appreciate and enjoy?
This stock was never more complete. g
- g
|jj Comfortable Chairs. &
•jsL Where Is the home that can't use one or more? j2jj
jsPi Hundreds of Chairs and Rocking Chairs here to 5
Strong, durable Rocking Chairs at $2.75, $3.75 Is
and $5.00. Dependable goods that will last for years. 1 §(
3||| For $5.50 we offer you four patterns to select from in ©t
golden oak or mahogany finish. One is a low back jjs
aPt golden oak rocker and the others come in both finishes He
—one has a high back while the others are low —all g
|pj have solid wood seats. Plenty of the finer ones also. S
§f Music Cabinets g'
j||j In solid mahogany with or without mirrors. Prices AS
361 $22, S2B and S3O. Mahogany finished Cabinets, $lB. SB
g sls, sl4, $lO, $8.50 and $5.50. ' | K
1 Alfred A. Cambpelli
306, 308, 310 Fifth Avenue,
« ivatary. Fro© Employment Department.
Telephones: 1150 Court; 2195 Main. Youug and middle aged Meu anaNVomen admitted Easy
terms. Begin rijfht a*(ay
106 W. Diamond St., Batler.
North side of Court House.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat work, a
At 327 N. sin St.
JfIjWES C. eoybE, 0.
Eye, Ear Nose and Throat.
OrncE HOURS— 9 to 10 a. m., 1 to 8
p. in., 7toßp. m. Sunday by appoint
121 E. Cunningham Street, Batler, Pa.
Consultation and examination free.
Office hours—9 to 12 A. M., 2 to
M.,.daily except Sunday. Evening
Office—Stein Block, Rooms 9-10, But
ler, Pa. People's Phone 478.
Teeth extracted absolutely painless.
Take Vitalized Air or Nitrous Oxide.
All work satisfactory.
127* S. Main St., BUTLER, PA.
Graduate of Dental Department,
University of Pennsylvania.
Office—2ls S. Main Street, Butler, Pa.
Office over Leighner's Jewelry store,
Butler, Pa
Peoples Telephone 505.
A specialty made of gold fillings, gold
crown and bridge work.
Office in Butler County National Bank
Bui Mine, 2nd floor.
Successor to Dr. Johnston.
Office at No 114 2. Jefler3on St., over
G. W. Miller's grocery
in Butler County National
Bank building.
Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But
ler. Pa.
Office in Bntler County National
Bank building.
Office on Diamond. Butler, Pa.
Special attention given to collections
ind business matters.
Office in"; Wise tWITEIng.
Office in Reiber bnilding, cornet MaiS"
and E. Cunningham Sts, Entrance on
Main street
Office on Main St. near Court Hone'
Office on South side of Diamond,
Butler, Pa.
Office near Court Houae
Offioe in the Nagley Building, W< sf
107 Butler County National Bank Bld'g
Sac the Siga directly ~ .1" 'J
opposite the
Old Postafflce wj
Theodore ¥ogeley, M
Real Estate and ►jgf /
Insurance Agency, L"
lit S. Mali St |3
Butler, Pa. ■
If yon have property J aj
to sell, trade, or iwn 1 v
or, want to buy or tfTJ
rent cail, write or m M
übene me. \UH
List Mailed Upon Application
™ jil I j , n
I■k■ ■ * I
Anyone sending a sketch and description mm/
quickly ascertain 001 opinion free whether an
Invention Is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confldentlal. Handbook on Patents
aent free. Oldest agency for securing jiatenta.
Patents taken through Mann A Co. receive
iptcial notice, without charge. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lamest ctr.
enlatlon of any sctentlflo Journal. Terma, *3 •
year; four months, *L Sold by all newsdealers.
lAUNN & Co^ 8 New Yprt
Branch Offlee. CB r St- Ws»hl-ctnn. D G
Funeral Director,
We ai'c Busy Answering Calls
llany customers want to buy Fnrris-others
K#U 5