Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 30, 1905, Image 2

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■WILLIAM C. NEC LEY. Publisher
(1,00 per jear la Advaace, Otherwise 51.50
■ Let the people, O God. confess to
Thee; let all the people give praise to
Thee—the earth hath yielded her fruit.
Psalm LXYI. verse 0.
This is the day set apart for that pur
pose, and we should "manfully acknow
ledge our shortcomings'' in good faith
to overcome them. We are threatened
not by foes from without. The Republic
is safe from external enemies. Our
dangers are from within. The foes
from whom we should pray to be de
livered are "our pa&rions. appetites and
follies"; against these we need always
to contend, and wage unceasing war
Those Congressmen who are already
in Washington for the session that be
gins next week are all "in the air re
garding the rebate bill. It will take a
clean cut bill to prevent discrimination
without interfering with competition
President Roosevelt has removed from
office Win. S. Lieb, the assistant United
States treasurer at Philadelphia, for
"constant and consistent effort to evade
the civil service law, and to obstruct the
action of the commission, for keeping
relatives upon the roll and making one
appointment from purely political mo
The Cabinet at Washington at present
consists of Secretary of State, Elihu
Root; Secretary of the Treasury, Leslie
M.Shaw: Secretary of War, William
H. Taft; Secretary of the Navy, Charles;
J. Bonaparte . Secretary of the .Interior.
Ethan A. Hitchcock; Secretary of Agri
culture, James Wilson; Secretary of
Commerce and Labor, Victor 11. M-t
--calf. Attorney General. William H.
Moody; Postmaster Gen.G. B. Cortelyou
Congress meets n<-xt Monday. No
flowers will be allowed on the members
desks, thia year
There are signs of retrenchment and
economy in the departments at Wash
ington that are said to astonish the old
standbys who are acquainted with the
way things Lave been done at the capi
tal in the past.
President Roosevelt in reply to the
spokesman representing the great body
of railwav employees in the United
States in their protest against the pro
posed legislation by Congress in regard
to the regulation of railroad freights de
clared that bis aim was to abolish un
just discrimination rather than to effect
a general lowering cf rates. "In two
recent caees," he said, "the complaints
that have been made to me have been
that they are too low as regards certain
big shippers; the complaint in both
these cases is about the differential, the
difference of treatment of two sets of
users of the railways, the difference in
favor of one set of shippers as against
another set of shipper* "
President Roosevelt will recommend
joint statehood for Oklahoma and In
dian Territory in his forthcoming mes
sage to Congress. That these two ter
ritories should be admitted as one state
ia clear enongh And perhaps Arizona
and New Mexico should be admitted as
one state also. To admit each of these
territories separately would add eight
new Senators to the upper chamber of
Congress, making ninety-eight, which
would be too many.
It ia said that the Lancaster Co dele
gation will kick on Pennypacker's re
form program, because it will deprive
her one of her two state senators.
At Philadelphia, last Saturday. Lieu
tenant Governor Brown and Speaker
Walton, of the house of representatives
agreed on January 0 as the date for the
special election for members of the leg
islature to fill vacancies caused by death
cr resignation since the close of the last
Of a 1,017,670 votes cast in this state
this month, W. H. Berry received 540,-
802, and J. Lee Plummer 458,008, Ring
ler 10,1100. Drugmand 1,022 for State
Treasurer, and there were 08 of a
"scattering vote."
At the National Guard banquet at
Hotel Schenley, last Friday night.
Ad'j't. General Tom Stewart was given
a "boom" for governor but that will
probably be as far as it will go. There's
some good timber in this state for Gov
ernor, If it is only looked up. There are
Charley Stone and Lew Emery, up
North; John Weaver, down East, and a
few men in this neighborhood.
The official returns of the vote for
superior court judges at the recent elec
tion add to the lesson taught by those
for State treasurer. For the Republican
judges the vote was; Rice, 020,220;
Beaver, 010,1144, and Orlady, 001,502.
Head, Democrat, received, :ior>,2lß votes,
and Castle, Prohibitionist, 05.707 votes.
The highest vote received by snv of the
Socialist candidates for judge was J2,S4H
while the maximum Socialist Lsbor
vote for judge was 2,027, The vote of
ltice, who headed the Republican can
didatec for superior court judge, is 107,-
027 in excess of the vote for Plummer,
the Republican candidate for State
treasurer. It is also 70,271 votes more
than were given to William H Berry,
fusion candidate for State treasurer.
A MILLION foreigners came to this
country during the past vear.
The Blue It Bc«u Mutiny.
The last day of grace accord*! the
mutineer* at Bebaatopol expired at mid
eight Tueaday with uo feign* of *nr
render on tho park of the men. The
hilla towering above the harlior of the
Rnaniau atronuhold in tlie Isla«k aeu
were expected reaound next morning
with the roar of inuNkHry and cannon,
ahonld the government attempt to carry
ont ita announced intention of cruahiug
the revolt with the mailed flat
The rebellion* *allor* apparently had
full confidence that the gun* of tho
lleet would not In> turned ngainat then
Whether (Jen Neplnoff, the command
ant of the fortre**, who wan relo;i*od by
the mutineer* and who relieved Uen.
Jiarou Meller (Jakomolakie, will dure to
accept the challenge of the mutineer*
and *tnk« tho diwiplino and loyalty not
only of the troop* at hi* di*po«al hut of
the whole army. IN, however, doubtful.
IXxpatchew from a wcore of tuirrUonH
in Kunaia abow that tho land force* of
the empire are In a ntato of dlauontent,
and any order to the troop* to lire upon
their comrade* in Lb" atater branch of
the aervice might poeaibly precipitate ;i
general and widespread mutiny.
The report that the whol< »J«-#-t had
gone over to tho mutineer* under tho!
command of Lieut Schmidt. thfc revo-;
lutioiiary commander of the crulaer,
OtchHkofT, la incorrect, though tho oftl
cera of the other ahlpa, a* 'luring Vice
Admiral Kruger'a abortive demonatra
tlon avainst the mutineer* on the Kniax
f'otemkiuo at Odoaoa. prohal/ly will be
unable to obtain obedience of the men |
for the carrying oat of any meaanrea
•gftiaat their tvmradea.
On Thursday last State Treasurer
Matbues sent a letter to every bank and
trust company in Pennsylvania which
holds a deposit, a portion of the $4,000.-
000 of the state sinking fnnd, notifying
these institutions to prepare for the
withdrawel of these deposits without
further notice. This action is unpre
cedented The failure of the Enterprise
National bank ot Allegheny brought to
light the fact that the state has been
carrying a debt of f1,000,000 on which
it pays 4 per cent interest while the
sinking fund, which is sufficient to en
tirely wipe out that debt, has been de
posited for years in various banks at a
return of only 2 per cent to the state.
The sinking fund commissioners in an
effort to liquidate the state's debt have
made a standing offer of 106 and inter
est for all the state's outstanding bonds
Nearlv a half million dollars' worth of
them have been purchased within the
past two weeks. The board is composed
of Secretary of the Commonwealth Mc-
Afee, Auditor General Snyder and Mr.
The new State Capitol is being push
ed to completion by George F. Payne &
Co. of Philadelphia, the contractors,
and there is no doubt it will be in con
dition for the extra session of the Legis
lature in January. Only the finishing
touches remain to be put to the decora
tions in the Senate and House chambers,
and 14 rooms are being fitted up for the
committees during the extra session.
Within the next ten days 1,200 incan
descent electric lights will be installed
in the dome of the building, so that they
will shed their bright rays upon the
magnificent mural decorations. The
beautv of the dome exceeds any
thing of the kind in Pennsylvania and
will be a revelation to the public when
the building is opened for inspection It
is ornamented with spreadsanies, g»r
govles, heads of Ceres flanked by horns
of "plenty, fleurs de lis and conventional
designs, set in their proper places in
nice proportions. The finishing touches
are now being put to the upper part of
the dome, and in a few days more the
scaffolding will be taken down
Governor Pennypacker, Major Gener
al Charles Miller, Commander of the
[National Guard of Pennsylvania; Brig
adier Generals Schall, Wiley and Gobin
and the memberß of the Governor's staff
will depart from Harrisburg, tomorrow
to attend the dedication of the Penn
sylvania monuments at Andersonville
and Chattanooga. The dedication at
Andersonville will take place December
7, in charge of the Andersonville com
mission, of which General J. D Walker
of Pittsbnrg is chairman. Ex-Judge
White of Indiana, a member of the
commission, will deliver the principal
.address Governor Pennypacker and
his party will go from Andersonville to
Chattanooga, where the monument of
the One Hundred and Ninth Pennsyl
vania Volunteers will be dedicated on
Orchard Knob December 10.
Tin* Prevention of K'olds."
Now that tbe season for "colds,"
coughs and neuralgic pains is with us,
the careful man is on the lookont for
such preventive measures as will guard
bim against the "eager and nipping air'
that may prepare the way for a winter s
sickness It is the proper adaptation to
bis environment that must settle the
question of his immunity against the
ever threatening weather ailments.
With the changeable climate of our
northern latitudes the task is often a
difficult one. Thus a sudden drop in
temperatnre is often followed by a ver
itable epidemic of catarrhal troubles.
The ordinary phenomenon of a "cold"
is explained by a rapid cooling of the
surface whereby the superficial circula
tion is temporarily arrested and internal
congestions are produced. The primary
effect is generally upon the mucous
membranes of the nose, throat, and up
per air passages. In consequense of this
revulsion chilliness, lassitude, headache,
sneezing and cough follow in turn, and
the patient becomes generally miserable.
Then, when it is too late, he doubts his
resisting powers against draughts, cold
rooms, undue exposure and the like,
and ia ready to resign himself to the
coddling process for the remainder of
the winter. Strange as it may appear,
it is this misguided carefulness that i)x
plains most of the chronic catarrhs of
the season.
First on the list of such causative
agencies are our overheated and ill
ventilated apartments. Eminent medi
cal authorities maintain that the sud
den change from an overwarmed room
to the cold air outside has more to do
with the production of "colds" than all
other supposed agencies combined. The
air passages, after having l*een dried,
and. so to speak, baked in our living
rooms, are not only j»ecu)iarly sensitive
to cold, but are in a condition least
liable to resist the Influences of the
The same principle might apply to
overheating the body by too much
clothing and enfeebling the skin by con
fined perspiration. The exact contrary
condition results from inurement to low
temperature and the creation of a habit
of natural resistance. The man who is
accustomed to bare his throat to the
blast never suffers from tonsllltls, and
the one who is used to the cold morning
plunge never knows a shiver, even in
zero weather. The real moral is to face
the cold with a bold front, to conquer
rather than to shrink from it and be
overcome in the end. The hardtned
man makes his skin an ever-ready ad
juster to all variations of temperature.
The feebler one can approach such a
state of protection and may in the end
equal it.
A like principl applies to exercise.
With ordinary garments the well in
dividual never suffers from cold while
in motion, but the one who sits or lies
In a cold room or in a draught from
open door or window is sure to become
a victim of his indiscretion.
Them; are xltuple enough rulee in
themtwlTM, bnt few think of applying
them to individual need* until reminded
of their lout opportunitiea.
The worat of nit in that u "cold' taken
iu early winter in apt to linger and thua
prepare the ayatem for even more 'lia-
ailment*. The very lack of
vital reaiatance that Invite* the ttrat at
tack of catarrh I* apt to intensify the
prediapoaition to aubaeouent cold*. Thin
in a great meaaure expfalna the rireval
encoof pneumonia during the Inclement
neaaon The mlcrolte never attack* a
healthy membrane, but ilea In wait for
the local debilitation which furnlnhea
the aoil for the wed.
No more forcible argument could i>e
uaed In favor of preventive taeaiarea
agalnat the allghteat respiratory trouble
that may ahow Itaelf at thla time Noth
ing lowera the vital resistance agaiiiMt
all winterdiseases more than the initla
tive and apparently imtlgniflcant "cold. "
-N. Y Herald
NHjfliborlioort Noti'N.
At Mercer, Pa., Monday, the case of
Itev. Joseph It Wallace agaiiiMt the
truateca of the Jmneatown United
PreabytArlao church, waa called for
trial. The question at inane in whether
the pastor can collect Hilary for the 1:1
yeara the coni/fregatlon refused to ac
cept him aa It* pastor.
The forty uinth annual seaaion of the
Homeraet county teachera' inatltnte <on
vened in the opera houae there, lunt
Monday. Htate Hnpt. N Hchmffw
indorsed the free text book law and
made a strong appeal for a pure ball <t
He huuioroualy referred to the recent
election by declaring that the people
had decided for "Harry inatead of
Plain pit,"
I»M Your Own l.lcUlnyr.
A rural mall carrier wim recently nur
prlaed to receive a letter from a yon tit:
man calling attention to what the bit
ter coniildered a very cerionM Infraction
of (KMttal r» gulationa The currier
couldn't quite make out what he had
done, aud in the reuniting correxpon
dence he learned that the young fel
lOW'H ix'Kt «lil had left a letter in a
rural mail box with two centu to pay
for a Htamp, and that the carrier, iii
doing the licking, had put the itamp on
upaide down. In the language of atamiii
HO the young man Maid, thia wan trie
ahort for Maying that the corr<nj>oridence
wan at an end .In*t how the yonug i
lady fonnd out about tiie way the stamp
wa* aflited lan't explained. Home
people may not know that p'tatal an
thoritlea are not required toalllx stamp*
to mail matter, the party doing the
mailing being obliged to attend to that
Win-re an employe doen the work for
you, he poaaibly won't im very particular
an to whether the atamp goen on right
aide up or not, ao young pernona who
are particular had beat do their own !
licking. |
T. Kennedy was B?riously, peihips
fatally, injured in the Clark Coal mine
Winfield twp , last week. A mine mule
became frightened, and ran off, throw
ing Kennedy from a car, and jamming
him against the side of the mine.
C. M. Sutton of Chicora had his face
and hands burned by a gas explosion at
the Iliekey pump-station, last week.
James McCombs Cruikshank of W in
field township had a leg broken by the
tall of a tree, while felling timber a few
days ago.
Win. Wood, Sr., of Clinton t.vp was
knocked down and trampled by a horse,
in his stable, one day last week.
Charles Webster, a miner in the En
terprise mine near Harrisville, was
seriously injured in the mine, last
Thursday, by the explosion of a "shot."
Bert Kildoo, aged 20, was caught
under a mass of falling earth and rock
in a stone quarry near his father's farm
at Sherwin, last Saturday, and his back
was broken. He was not exi -cted to
One of our oil men is nursing a broken
head It was split open bv his affection
ate spouse, and the doctor sewed it up
with eight stitches. He came home
when he wasn't wanted, and she bat
tered him over the head with a rolling
pin. The voung man in the case made
a wild flight for life and liberty. He
was dressed in white at the time, but
he secured an overcoat and pair of rub
ber boots at the livery stable, around the
corner, and reached home in safety.
The woman packed np and left, first
sending the young man's clothing to
Michael Mulligan, a wealthy farmer
and oil producer of Donegal twp., was
injured bv the explosion of a gas meter
on the Bach farm, Monday afternoon.
He owns some gas wells on that farm
and went to them, Monday afternoon,
to see what was wrong with the regu
lator, acd he was standing over the
meter watching the rapidly revolving
indicators, when it exploded. Four
fragments of iron struck his head, each
causing a fracture. A large piece of
iron struck the top of the skull and lift
ed up taking a f>art of the brain and all
the membrane that covers the brain at
the top of the skull Another piece cut
a long gash across the forehead above
the eyes Another fragment destroyed
both eyes and another fractured his
temple. He was carried to the house of
Mrs. Shearer nearby and medical as
sistance called, but he remained un
conscious till yesterday. He is 42
years of age, and has a wife and three
Walter Brnnton. of Grove City, Pa.,
was struck by an engine and died from
his injuries. He was OH years old and
leffves a wife and five children.
ANOTHER mutiny is on in the Rus
sian army and navy; this time in
Sebastopol: where the red flag was fly
ing last Saturday.
EVEKY voter, whether he votes by
ballot or by machine, should be com
pelled to cast an individual vote for
every candidate, except, party catidi
dates for Electors of President and Vice-
President. he wishes to see elected to
office. The straight ticket circles and
squares on paper ballots and the straight
ticket levers on voting machines should
be abolished. As long as they are re
tained a sharp distinction is drawn be
tween hide bound partisans and inde
pendent citizen*. The devices for vot
ing a straight ticket 011 h paper ballot
enables every one in a polling place to
form an opinion a* to whether a
has split or voted straight. The same
is true of machines. If every voter was
obliged to indicate on tb<*ba'lot or ma
chine his choice of the individnal can
didates for every office, except for Pres
idential Electors, the straight voter
would be obliged to make as many
marks or turn as many levers as the in
dependent The time consumed by
them in preparing their ballots wonld
be about the same No person could
tell, from the length of time a voter
spent in the booth.what kind of a ticket
he had prepared.—Ex.
A Pleasant Surprise.
Ignite a number of the memljcrs of
the Grace Lutheran congregation met
at the church, Tuesday evening, Nov.
2H, 1905, and marched to the home of
the pastor. Rev. .1 C Nicholas, to cele
brate the birthday of Mrs, Nicholas.
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas were taken by
surprise and in less than five minutes
the house was crowded
In a few happily chosen words Mrs.
J. C. IJyers, on behalf of the ladies of
the local Missionary Hociety. presented
Mrs. Nicholas with a certificate of life
ineml>ership in the general society of.
The Womens Home and Foreign Mis
sionary Hociety of the church; Itev. It
Smith, for the congregation, presented
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas with a large,
hasdsome leather seat rocker, to which
the recipients made brief responses.
A dainty lunch was served, the even
ing was very pleasantly spent nnd all
repaired to their homes wishing the hap
py couple many more such happy occa
' Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat
inent by Ely's Cream lialm, which is agr> <>■
ably aromatic. It is received through the
nostrils, cleanses and heals the wholn sur
face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists
sell the t> Oc. MI/.'! ; Trial size by mail, 10
cents. Test it and you arc sure to continue
the treatment.
To accommodate those who are partial
to the use of atomizers in applying liquids
Into the nasal passages for eatmrrhul Iron,
bin, lb-: proprietors prepare Cream lialiu in
liquid form, which will be known as Kly's
Liquid Cream lialrn. Price including tho
spraying tube is 75cents. Druggists or by
mail. The liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of I he solid preparation.
The Butler Wood Fibre
Plaster Co.,
Mfgrs, of the celebrated Blue
Bell Wood Fibre Wall Plaster.
the,best and cheapest plaster
on the market.
We are also sole agent 3 for
the following high grade build
ing materials.
Whitehall Portland Cement,
has no equal for all classes of
concrete work.
Woodvllle White Enamel
Finish, the peer of hydrated
lime for skim coat.
Sacketts Plaster Board, >ou
;an line your house with this
fire proof board at half the cost
of any other material.
Give us a call before build
Ing, we can 3ave you money.
Office, W. Cunningham St.,
Opp. Ught Offfcfc.
Fish Market,
Cor. Main and North Sts.,
Oscar A. Niggcl, Propr.
Fresh Fish and Oywter.s
from Baltimore, every j
day; ;tlso fresh Fish from
Erie, daily,
Office in. Wise building. I
GANTER—At the home of his daugh
ter. Mrs Baners. in Bennett, Nov. 24.
1905, Frederick Ganter, formerly of
Bntler, aged *4.
SAUL -At Cleveland. O , November 23,
1905, James M. Sanl, aged 55 years.
Mr. Saul was one of the Passenger
Condnctors oil the "Bessie," and had
been in the employ of that road for
thirty years
He leaves a wife and three daughters
in Greenville.
WILL—At his home in Pittsburg, Nov
20. 1905, John Will, aged 54 years
BONNER—At Bellevernon, Pa., Nov.
23. 1905, Tilt-on A Bonner, formerly
of Butler, aged 32 years.
His wife died about five years ago
and they are survived by no children
He is the first of his family to die and
he is survived by his parents, two
brothers, John, of Saxon Station, and
Floyd, of Butler, and three sisters, Mrs
Loyal F. Hall and Miss Katharine, of
Butler, and Mrs. Houston, of Ben Avon
CRANMER—At his home in Clay twp.
Nov. 23, 1905, James "Cranmer, aged
79 years.
Mr. Cranmer was born and raised on
Muddy Creek, his father being Asaph
Cranmer. one of the pioneer settlers.
He was a lifelong member of the Pres
byterian church, first being connected
with the Muddy Creek congregation,
and later with West Sunbury. Three
daughters. Mrs. Geo. W. Fleming and
Mrs. R. P. Sutton of Concord twp , and
Mies Alvina Cranmar. survive him. He
was a brother of John T Cranmer of
Mt Chestnut: James Cranmer of Na
trona, and Asa Cranmer, of Clav twp.
WEIGLE— At her home in Franklin
township, November 10, 1905. Mrs.
Margaret, widow of Abraham Weigle,
aged 70 years.
t3AR RICK MAN—At the Butler Hospi
tal, Nov 28. 1905, James Albert, son
of Abraham Barrickman, dee'd, aged
27 years.
The deceased was a tool dresser and
while at work with James Breman on a
well near Mars boarded at a house
where there was typhoid. Both men
were brought to Butler suffering with
the fever
BRADLEY —At her home ouSpring St,
Nov. 28, 1905, Mrs. Ann Bradley.aged
86 years.
Mrs. Bradley lived with her daugh
ter. Mrs. Mason
VOUQT—At his home in Brnin. Nov
20, 1905. Harry, son of John Vongt,
aged 21 years.
Hal's death wan cansefl by pneumonia.
BORLAND— At his home in Butler,
Nov 28, 1005, David F. Borland, aged
73 years.
Mr. Borland had Iteen in poor health
for some months. He lived in or near
Butler all his life, was well known and
highly respected by many of\Otir citi
zens. He is survived by his wife, one
daughter, Mrs. Argyle. and four son#—
Linn, manager of the Zimmerman Dry
Goods Store; Charles, with Ritter &
Rock eastern : John S., a printer, and
Wm. J.
David Freeman Borland was a son of
William Borland one of the very earliest
settlers of Butler county. llis farm
whs abont two miles directlv west of
Butler Here he cleared the ground,
built his log cabin or house and raised
a large family, the late James Borland,
Mrs. Abner Hartley, Mrs William C.
Glenn, Mrs. Ellis Russell, Mrs. Thomas
Chiisty, Mrs Thomas Graham, were
among them and all of whom we l>e
lieve are deceased. David was one of
the youngest of the family. Like nil
the others he was noted for his integri
ty, good character and good citizenship.
Action of Foil No. 580, G. A- R-. on
the death of McCallister Kuhn
Whereas our comrade and neighbor
McCallister Kuhn has finished his
earthly enlistment and has answered
the mandate of oar Heavenly Father to
appear for the last great roll call, there
Resolved, That we as a Post are
again reminded that onr enlistment is
drawing to a cl'ise and that we too
must noon be mustered out.
Resolved. That in the death of Com
rade Kuhn this Post has lost a faithful
and genial member and the community
an honorable and upright citizen.
Resolved, That we extend our sin
cere and heartfelt sympathy to the
widow and family our deceased com
Resolved, That these resolutions be
spread on the minutes of the Post, n
copy Is; given to the willow of the d«
ceased anil that they bo published in
the county papers.
Nov. 25, 1005. Adjutant.
The family of McCallister Kuhn,
dee'd., extend their sincere thanks to
their friends and neighlsira for their
kindness during the sickness and death
of their husband and father
Mrs. 8 A. Knhn,
F. M Kuhn,
Mrs. Jessie L. (Coulter,
Hev. D. T. Knhn.
Wiiifleld IC It Co' Mine T»blo
In effect' May 20th, 1001!.
umm *i Wioiutd t ;»i 'i
" il"KK>vllli 1 i'.t AOO
•' Iron 11r1.%.- TV. 10
Wlun»M Junction H 10 ;i y,
" I.IUKI HBO <1 'II*
•• ilutlnr Junction *1 '#> II 40
Arrlf" I'ntlar 10 ifcl 6 Oft
Arrlvn Allrjclinny ft 00
Arflv** PlfMairic.. . ■ 10 W
\r>• vr HUlr.vlll. I Oft ft 42
Uttf« rill«l.<iri( . ,1 Oft
l.tmvti lratmvlll« 7 ftO H Ift
" A I'i-Ji*• fj _y 12' 2 90
" llullor ... H ill mi
" llullnr Junction 10 00 440
» iMiim ..WW <4l
•' Wli.n. M Junction . 110 If. 4 .V,
«• ir..« iiiMk* in r. son
" |I..KK«*III. I(J l'» & If.
Arrive Wot WlnAalil 110 60 S I'l
Train. at l,.ui« ami Iron 111 I'ltf.- only oft KI»K to
rnki, on or Icava off
TtuliiaCounw tat Butler Junction wltli.
Tialna Ka«twar.l lor Kt »<|i It, Vaii'laf tfrlft and
lll,.ll.ll!l<. Inlet.*. tli.n.
Train* Waaiwar.l for Nate.ua, Tatontum All'ilieoy
«t..l lifi.l.nrK,
Tralna Mortliwar.l loi oiibiil.iir(,U*rwuwl and lint'
n. <i. iiKAi.oit,
riM.tMral M -mat;nf
'' l fjjjftji
only can be obtained from a description
of our new suitings for men. We could
till a page in telling you about, them
and still not do them justice The bent
way Is to come and look them over,
your choice arid let us make you* (.
«' I • • -t" row*
. # A HI IT OK OVKRf 'OAT/5^
You will have the satisfaction of know
Irig yoursejf to be perfectly apparelled
Vour clothing will havo nothing of that
cheap look of the ready made, though
they probably will cot cost you any
Cor. Diamond. Butler. Pa.
New York and Pittsburg Stocks
Onlcra Solicited. Purcha*" or Sain.
C**h or Margin. Correiposiinnco Inviletl
Il«ll I'botit, iftOl Court.
Key*tone building, Pittsburg. Pa.
B B & P It It
Time table in effect Nov. 10, 190-°>
Passenger trains leave and arrive at
Bntler as follows.
7:30 a. in., mixed for Pnnxsutawney,
Du Bois and intermediate stations.
10:4! a. m. daily, vestibuled day ex
press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford,
week days, for Rochester.
5:50 p. m. local for Pnnx'y, Da Bois
and intermediate stations.
11:31 p. in. night express for Buffalo
and Rochester.
6:10 a, in. daily, night express from
Buffalo and Rochester.
9:30 a.m. week days, accomodation
from Dnßois.
4:50 p.m. daily, vestibuled day express
from BnfTal ■>. Has connection at Ash
ford week days from Rochester.
8:07 p.m. week days, mixed train
fro»n Du Bois and Pnnxsutawney.
Trains leave the B. & O. Station,
Pittsburg for Buffalo and Rochester
AT FT:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. . and for local
points as far as Dußois at 4:20 p.m. On
Sunday the 9:00 a.m. train runs to Buf
falo and Rochester.
It AT O K It
I Time table in effest, Nov 1900.
| Trains for South and West, leave Butler
—town time: WEEK DAYS.
G:2oa.in, Allegheny Accommodation.
8:00 a.m. Allegheny <FC Cleveland Ex.
9:TOA.m, Allegheny Express.
11:40 a in, " ••
1:25 pm, Ellwood Ac
3:85 p.M. Allegheny Ex.
5:20 p.m. Allegheny Ex.
5:35 p.M, Chicago, Ellwood, N. Castle.
5:50 p.m. Allegheny Ac —New Castle.
8:00 a.m, Allegheny & Cleveland Ex.
10-.H3 a.m, Pittsburg EX
3:35 p.m. Allegheny Ac , New Castle,
Chicago and Clevelaud.
5:50 p.M, Allegheny Ac. -New Castle.
9:42 a m, Kane & Bradford Mail.
4:55 Clarion Aceomo.
Trains leave the Allegheny station for
Butler 7:00, 8:15, and 11:00 A. M.,
and 1:15, 3:00, 5:30 6:45 and 11:35 P. M.
On Sunday at 7:30 A. M. and 0:45 and
11:35 P.M.
For through ticket*, PAL* mm. reservation* mid ID
Butler, I'a.
jo!, P T*<X;KBT, A. A. P. A.,
Pittnl.urg, Pa
OJKKUCLK is kprrct >*ov 26 19(6.
|A. M A.M.AM P. M. f'. M
BL TLKIi Liwve' G If, H 40 10 M. 2 3<l 4
Haiouburg Artl.EJ 6 V 05;LL 00 251 I 4&
Butlar Junction. " '7 14 '» 30 11 i". SINS 13
L)utli-r Jiinctluii. 7 A.' 9 3AILL 35 .1 » 5 W
Natr..N» ArrtT.l 7 44 8 42 11 44 3 30 r, 24
. Tareritnm \ 7 47 947 II (SI 3 JTI &30
SPRLIIKILALE 7 57 # 57 1:> 03 3 45 5 40
Oiuromutit 12 2" 4 01 1 J 65
SH»r|l»hiir* j 8 2") 12 30 I; 03
All'«)'«AT.. . ! 8 :I4 12 45 . 6 IS
Eut ULMLY I 10 25 .... 413 ....
I'ltulni-K | LO 34| .. 4 2>
rSUNDAY TItAIKS. L,-.VF (tutlt'L for AlluttUii)
•Jlty .ml iirlncljj.l LNT<RME<Ii»T« «T*tli,t.» .1 7:20 M. M.
tud 5:05 p. 01.
A. M. A.M A M. P. J1 |P. M
' HM.IIIK I 3 05Ml 10
KIUI Mb itjr 3 15 3 9)
AHtglntlijr CT'.J I* 8 15 826 10 251
Stlt»ry«L,ur|J •> U» H Hit 10 .fit .' . '
CUrmnuut . ....... fl 3H 84H 10 411
HPRLNGIUI* 700 HO7 11 00 .!]' TL 4FT
Turentutii 7 13 FL 19 U II 3 47 6 67
N.tron. 7 20 9 W II la 3 R'J 7 01
Bul!»r J line »r 7 :TU 9 JL) II 27 4 IPI 7 12
Biltlof June Iv 742 940 MS :XJ 407 714
S.ioiittir* 8 01110 08 12 64 4 4H 7 3"
BUTLKU 8 85|10 33 I 20 6 11, K 05
41'MUAL! THAI SB.—L«iive Allegheny Ulty for lit. l
lor .nil principal luurniixlluui .totlom kt 7:00 auil
9-30 p. IN
ron Til* EAST.
Week liny*. BT'IH.}!
A.M. A.M P.M. A.M. R M
BIITLK I If 615 . . 230 1
Duller J'ct W 714 31* 810
llutler Jet Iv 7 40 : 400 814
Fieport r 7 4'L ... 4o» 81* ....
K«KIMIN<'U>I J'T 7IF .... ION «23
L.W .liliurg. ... ... ' MOl , . 4 2<l 837
WEMT A (iHi-1 .., .." !& 24 4 .ill .'I M ....
H.tuhiirrf. • 8' R AOH V2O
Illnlritlll.' ..„ 't 2 : 1 5 M fl 62'
Hlnlrirvllln INT . " 930 550 LOOO .IIIL
Alt'I"II. .. . ..." II . BMI 140 J. * , ]
■Urrl«burK " »If .. I 1 00 11 36 ..."
/blU'l«l|.llli " L, 2lj 423 10 IAI
ll'. M.lA.ai. A.*. I' M.|V.'»l
T'livugli iminifor LH» WT Inure I'lttibitric (CNLOU
MUTTON), .U foil OWE:—
OCT. s. H405.
The I < ITI».>I*HI.IM HPTl'lal, 'L.llv, I W r X.NILI
Iblliul.ll'lil. 111,.1 N. « Y..1 K . . 12:L4 U.M
,M 1,1, e1l 111 Min'teil, iliiJly, F<<r Jlo.*H I'L LLA
<lel|,lil. IINIL New York 12:56 "
Keyeti,iie If * JJI 'I-» < ,T, II
Heuiunrlvkt,'. MmlteH iliuly, «4T"
N. w F ,rk •• •• 7*l ••
AtI.UIL . KFTPRIHM,, »• 7.311 ••
M.LII 1,1 lie Klpre.lT, .... . 8:(LO '
Ilttirel . L)»Y Kl|»te«* " , (I I,YT,
liny K*l>re««, " .12:01 NLUM
MTTLL Kl|,rbM. dully, f.,r Iktltimnre ntxl WMLI
Cblcagi, 51.11 fully, L„r IT.. „I„L
WMIII.KI. II 4:5*1 V
Kulern fcipren, ,l»|lv, T<„ |>|,LL ,I NNTL N V 4 FT6 ••
New Vnrk KXPRNN. " *• •• 7 JO •
I'llll. ||)l|,l,l. ,v Wu.llll,Kbill
New y.,rk Sperlul, ,|.|ly f„r New *.,rk, Balti
more .NIL Wwlilngtou 10:00 "
riillwl.'lpl.la Wlte, l.L tl»lly. fill L'll|luilel|,iil.
only. Weeping ERA only |0:OO •'
Bulfu.o MKIII K*prem, dully 11.00 "
Buffalo UL Alle(«beny Valley Dlvlilon.
Trull,, leuvn KiMklinlnet.. Jiiiirtlou .. folluwr
ITor LLIIH.Io. 9.51 a.M. .ml (|.no J,. m. 'Ully, will,
tluoi, Kll J,ui 10, anil *L«FI|,IIIG I.IN.
Cor Oil (Sly, 7.48 9.51 u. H,.,2.,16,« 111 ami 11 00 p.
oi. *<MIK <Uy«. Hun Uyn.'J.M U in., HlO and II AO p.m.
Kor lte,| Hunk, 7.48, 9 51, a M , 2 "5, 11, 10
1015 ami IT.DO P. in. week -day.. Humlaya, » IL, 10.40
a. in., 8.10 and 11.50 p.m.
Hot KlUMiiilftg 7.48,11.2H, 9.51,11.37 a. NI , 3.33,5 4.1
« 10, 7 ;io, 10,15, and 11.50 1.. 01. week duy«. riuutlaya,
TT.ni. LO. 10 a. N1.,«,|0, 10.44, and 11.50 p. m.
M R* HT«I« only ON /fgital or nolle* to AKENT or oon
dm: tor to rwadvo or dlw liurge paaiiengerii.
FOR detallml lur.>rn,ntlor, apply to ticket agent or
•ildre.M TII*«. K. Watt, I'a.A, Agt. WiMlnri, IllNtllcl,
.lljo GLFLL. Avenue. IMttulinrg, I'a.
Ileal Macagei. I'u.A'r Trafi!< Manager.
WW' W BOYL). (i ,neial I'a.nenger Agttat.
TIME IABLE In olfact B«pteinb«r 17th, IBOT.
(R«idup) Dally Except Sunday (Heiiddowm
~ i,J i M I r -' I HTATIONH I Wll ' I ,A
I*. 11l p. 11l I- 111 1 NI 'MI«»R»R. L U LK J,
10 or, I OO I{ OOHUFTIILORTUI.M US ; ;I -ir. in OO I OO
)■ 1.1 !>. 11l I< M.I N 111 |- IN P 111
7 I '• I I 10 Ti KRL« 7 o:» » 0M I f,7
0 61 »<, Kalrviow JW 1)1
11 IO I O U L.» oJmni 7VR L -11
«J '.'l I 'I UI 1 . ' riiiH'J»VLM< X 00! FI 4'J
U IU L 6ollu (ukAr I':.,nneiiot. l.v! 7 I*ll2 04 5 lo
ft 10,12 01! 7 00 L.v < 00111 uul ...\iilo 00 11 1.5
(I 2! ri 4 II 2 AII,ION I 8 0.1 1 FEI 5 U
FE 10F 12 :1F.F.1 10! ....HHlllll.'lmiii.... 18 nrj infn 01
«0712 32 1) 07' Hprlllglxilii ... MI, 21311 07
« 02 12 2V II ITS 1 oiineinltvllli- 8 22 V L» <1 12
70" 12 1 IL .1 Ar MT»ilvili« 1.1 / 110 I I l.n
4 f,>*. 11 SPT! 7 110 F,v MI*»'L»LLLO A 1 II 20, 3|l 707
II 40 12 1 8 R,;I A 1 tili'l L.ak« l.v 755 2 2.1 5 2.'.
5 2 .11 ... 7 .'.5 l.v < UII'T Ijtki .AI 8 53 2 4:. (I 40
5 I" 10 Nl'Ar L.tiifavllli' L.V H 2; « 17
II 4, H 27 l.v I.IMIKVIIIK AI LO BO' 4 .V.
5 I.I;I-I ID) 8 43! .MPWIVIIIO jet. 8432 35 082
16 27 Ml it. H27 .. ..lliirlaliiwn . 18 57 fa 4-.< IL 411
ft L LLLL 41' 8 12 ,0«KO.el II 1213 03 7 00
6 05! 11 85 M O:I ....tireouville U 20, 3 10 7 OH
ft 00 11 2 765 HheoiuiKo... U 25 1 3 |I 7 15
4 4111 12 7 :I« I'r. tloiilo I) 42 3 X' 7 33
4 28io 5* 7 23 Mercer 0 ft» 3 «t| 7 IN
110 53 7 L-I . llouaton JI'T.. 100? 75:1
4 02 111 85 7 10 ...rirovn I lly ... ILL 2:1 4 1" 8 16
13 47 Ml) 83 it.lll Itnrrlavllln 110 8* 14 2V[iuii
II II 10 IK .. .llrmirlitoii II) 43 I \' F
II 30( \R .I f 111 111 1.1 I.VI 70, 210
2 loi 705 l.v 11111 LII r.L AR. 11 ilol fl 17
3 37 10 II . I Ifelntei 10 47, 4 31 1
32310 02 ' . Kllclll) II 01 445 |
11 «»."H Ar. Knylur . L.v" ~ 3 2N| 23 ,
I 7 28 l.v. Knylor AR it 21'FI M
2IM V '■■>'< I . Holler .. ILL .HI) 6 LOF 400 1
1 IFT| 8 Ir. 1 1.v, A11 I'KIM-OY AI 100 TI :if, .
|> to .1 in | |I. IN P IN PIN
Tritln No I Ll'iivlog FLI. itovlllo ILL II 17 » M ; J
HIM'IIKOIU LL ftl;I- II 'l'iolu 13, M'N rr 1:M, llrovo I
Illy 7 51); KEIATI-R 817; Mtlll'r lino aiilvinlii I
Allegln ny tit, |0:28 U ID ; ruotu IL« nl QTIEIM '
JII notion with imtua IN MUL I rum Knylnr, NML I
UIII I KNT LIT' HI from 11111 in I. I mul A IMNll'lnli <
'I mill N'l 2 IT living A lli'l 1.1 NY nl li NOI, M ;
llntl. r l 15; KELMI-RN I<LLl,vi l fly 6 55; Muio'-R I
0 21; L' I. < IT,OIa IL 3H; Hlteiiaiign 0 .5, arrive. IT) I
ilmniivilli* at 7no |,, in ; I'LIIIIMI'Ia nL
Joiii'llini VFLLH iruli.M 1., ANIL from Knylor, nml I
AI Hraiiehton fur lllllliinl. 4
(Jntieral Munnger. (11-N'L I'an. Agent. J
Geo. Amy, j
Undertaker, j
-47 H. Millll SI., MIL I'ONI<IIII<'4V i
Itiillallute, lllllli*r, I'H.
Branch Office Chicora, j
111 (iinr|>l- ol'ilolin (', W LL.N, j
I (
Office with Iterk tutr, ucst tloor fti i* O I
By virtue of sundry writs of Von. Ex., Fl. I
Fa., Lev. I'a.. &<•., issued uutof the Court of i
Common l'leasof Butler Co., I'a., anil to me j
directed, tin-re will be exposed to public sale
at the Ci.urt House In the borough of Butler. I
I'a. on
Friday. Ilie I *t tlay of December
A. I>. 190 S. at one o'clock. I'. M., the following
described property, to-wlt:
K I>. No. A: 10. D«, . TermlSMi. WlllKins
Mitchell, Attorneys.
Ail the ri»;lit. title, interest and claim of '
A. W. Bowser. Elizabeth Bowser of, in and to
all that ecrtain piece or lot of laud, situated
In Butler Iwiroutrh. Butler county. I'a.. i
bounded ar follows, to-wlt: Commencing at
a point ou Pillow street adjoining an alley.)
thence west along Pillow street (50) feet to]
lot of Char,cs l»ulTy. thence north line of lot
of said Charles Duffy (127) one hundred ami ■
twenty seven feet to an alley, thence east I
along said alley ("i0) tifty fret to another al- I
ley. thence west along said alley (U y J) one I
hundred at,il twenty nine feet to llllow j
street, tin place of beginning and having:
thereon erected a two story frame dwelling I
house and out buildings being the sauio lot
that was granted and conveyed unto A. W.I
Bowser by Charles l)uffy et ux by their deed
dated June 5. 1U0"J, anil of record in the office
of the Recorder of deeds etc. in and for
Butler county, i'a.. Deed Hook No. 20s. page
seized and taken in execution as property |
of A. \\ . Bowser and Elizabeth Bowser at the i
suit of Tin-Citizens Building A Loan Associa
tion of Butler I'enn'a.. Series No. 10 \ 11.
F. D. No. ."ii. December Term. I!*X>. S. F. & A
L. Bowser. Attorneys.
All the right, title, interest and ciaini of
II S. llauU-nspeck, of. in and to all that cer
eain piece or parcel of land situated i"
P irker township. Butler county. I'a.. bound
ed as follows, to wit: On the north by lauds
of A Sweezey and A. Cannon, east by
lands Mary A. Cooper and A. S. Butler,
soul h by lands of John Daubenspeck and on
the west by lands of T B. Smith and Dixon
Hartley heirs, containing i2lii) two hundred
and forty acres, more or less, and having I
thereon eii-cted one frame dwelling house.)
one frame barn, and out building, and having
live gas wells and one oil well thereon.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of 11. S. Daultenspeck at the suit of
George Sheakeley for use of Salina A. Stew
art, Cyrus A. Sheakely, I.enfis W. Sheakely,
Daniel 11 Sheakely. .Margaret E. Sheakely,
and Nancy J. Sheakely.
E. E. No. -ti. Decemlier Term 1905. Ira Mo-
JunUln andA. T. Black, Attorneys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
B. M. Donaldson of. In and to all that certain
piece or percel of land, sit Bated in Concord
township. Butler county I'a.. bounded as
follows, to wit: Beginning at the southwest
corner, thence by lands of E. Graham, north
I 20 deg.. east one hundred seven anil nine
tenths perches to a post, thence by same
south ss'J deg. eastelghteen and eight-tent lis
perches to a road, thence along road north
II i deg. east eighteen and one half
perches, thence along same north 2'i
deg sixteen and six ten perches,
thence north 74 deg. cast thirteen and one
tenth perches to a post at forks of road,
thence by lands of llarner Campbell, south
deg. east sixty nerclies to a post, thence
by lands of S. Hutchison, south 'J deg..
west M perches, thence by same south SS's
(legs., east 22 0-10 perches to corner of .1. t'.
Donaldson's land, thence by said J. C. Don
aldson south 'i deg. west 107 9-10 perches to
a post, thence by lands of A. 11. Donaldson,
north degs. west 124 8-10 perches to the
place of beginning, containing 101 acres and
nine perches and being the same property
conveyed to Robert M. Donaldson by deed of
J. C, Donaldson and Eliza J. Donaldson, dat
ed 27th day of July A. D. 1880 which deed Is
recorded In Deed Book li 3. page 477.
Seized and taken as execution as the prop
erty of 11. M. Donaldson at the suit of I'luin
mer Milllln, et al.
E. I>. No II MDec. Term, l#of.. W 11. I.usk
and John Hennlnger, Attorneys.
AII the right, title. Interest and claim of
Kirk 11. Jones of. In and to all that certain
piece or lot of land, situated In 3rd Ward,
Butler borough. Butler county, I'a. Bound
ed described as follows: Beginning at the
intersection of West Cunningham street
and an alley, tlience east along < unnlngham
street .VI feet and 11 Incites to lot No. 2 owned
by Mctjulstlon thence north
along said lot 141 feet to an alley, thence
west along said alley fit feet :i inches to
an an alley, thence south along said
alley one hundred thirty feet three Inches to
place of beginning, and having a two story
frame dwelling house and out buildings
erected thereon. lielng lot No. I In the
Walters plan of lots, and being the same
property conveyed to Kirk il. Jones by the
heirs al law of Margaret Jones, by deed dat
ed February 1905, and recorded In Deed Book
No 220. page 177, with the appurtances.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop-,
erty of KlrU II Jones at the suit of Pitts
burg Plate Glass Company, et al.
Friday, December Bth, 1905,
at ono o'clock, I*. M. f tlm following <l<wrllM*d
pmprrty. to wit:
E. I). No. . r i9, Dec. Term, U*>V K. L. Kills ton,
All the rlglit, title. Interest and claim of
Ollver.l. Narver. mortgagor, and <\ li. Clark
and the Clark t 'oal&Coke 00., owners, of.
In and to all the coal underlying all that
certain piece or parcel tract of land, nltuat
e<i In ItulTalo township. Butler county, I'a.,
bounded as follows to-wlt: at a
cut stone thence |»y lands of t\ Shunter and
l<. 11111, north KH4 dptf feet to a atone
pile; thence by lands of J. Rowley north
deg east HUM feet to a cut Mtonc; by lands of
said J. Howley mirth 27 deg west feet
t-o a stone pile; t hence by lands of H. M.
Miser and Henry Itaker, sout h *7 Vt deg west
M 3-10 feet to a cut stone; t hence by lauds
of A. Nolf south J deg east UCI feet to place
of iH'glrining: containing !70..'i? lu res, more
or less, conveyed by Joseph NV. ICalston to
Oliver .1. Knrver, the mortgagor and this
mortgage and companylng bond being given
to secure the balance of the nurch.tfee money
togather with the free and uiilnterrunted
right of way Into, upon and under said land
at such points and In such manner as may
be proper and necessary for the purpose of
digging, mining, draining and ventilating
and carrying away said coal herel»y waiving
all surface damage or damage of any sort
arising therefrom or from t lie removal of all
of said coal together with the privilege of
mining and removing through said described
premises other coal now op hereafter owned
by said party of first part his heirs or assigns.
Sel/ed and taken lu execution as the prop
erty of Dllver .I. Harver, Mortgagor, and U.
It. Clark ami The Clark Coal and Coke Co..
owers, at the suit of Joseph W. Kalston, now
for uhc of said Joseph W. Kalston and Wil
liam M. Kalston.
TEHMH OF HALF The following must be
strictly compiled with when property is
stricken down.
1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the wrli
must be paid, and a list of the Ileus, Includ
lug mortgage searches on the property sold
togi ther with such Hen creditor s receipt* ,
for the amount of the proceed* of the sale or j
such portion thereof as he may claim, must
be furnished the Hherlff.
'I. All bids must be paid In full.
3. AII sales not settled lmriMHllately will be
continued until one o'clock, l\ M., of the
next day at which time all property not
settled for will again be put up mid sold at
t he expense ami risk of the person to whom
first sold.
♦See {'union's Digest, tith edition, page 44ti.
an I HmUh's Forms, page ,IM.
MAKTIN I*. (iIIIHON, Hherlff.
Hhenff's Office, liiitier. I'a., Nov. N, luoft.
f iMituiAL cvAiiAnrthP}.
Iflßi _ JN IVCRy IIAT. I
'iftfM'i The Color aiulWciroltlilsllJlJirj
• jnf j Abftolulcl); OwMiiUcd. Toar dcilci
;i("r! l&Atiltori/cd to rcplaccJrccofChjrgc. 1
any hit N--I Satltfjctory J
t J
J Tho abovo guarantee is
J in ovcry
* I
j Imperial Hat !
t we sell. <
J «
Jwhat more could bo donirod,!
p if tbo stylo is right? J
£ Wo guarantee that, too J
/ \ *
f . —I
0 \ ' v i
. : . >v •. Jul. 1. * 'll** ">
Manhattan Shirts !>
are horo in a big varioty +
of patterns.
It is tho best shirt made. ]!
Fall and and winter j)
weights in underwoar 0
tho kind that won't £
scratch. #
' t
315 S. Main St . J
ii Stein Buitd'riQ.) t
Two Doors North of Wlllard f
Notiee is hereby given that an appii- ;
cation will be made to the Governor of
Pennsylvania on the '. >s th ilay of De
cember, 1905. by John B Patterson. \V.
II Snider, Win, H. Knoch, Gottlob
Pfeil and J. F. Anderson, under an Act
of Assembly entitled "An Act to Pro- j
vide for the Incorporation and Regula
tion of Natural Gas Companies," ap
proved the 29th day of May. I*K>, ,
pamphlet laws, payee '29, and the supple
ments thereto for the charter of an in- j
tended corporation to be called the,
Saxonburg Heat and Light Company,
the character and object of which is the !
producing, dealing in, transporting, ,
storing and supplying of natural gas to [
the public at the borough of Saxonburg '
and adjacent vicinity and for these par I
poses to have, possess and enjoy all the !
rights, benefits and privileges of said |
Act of Assembly and supplements i
thereto, as well as the general laws of !
said State applicable thereto.
Solicitor, i
Clerk's Notice in
. Bankruptcy.
In the District Court of the I'nlted Suites
for the Western District of Pennsylvania.
John Adam Kipper, of Evans City. Hur
ler Co.. Pennsylvania a bankrupt under the
Act of Congress of July I.ISUH. having applied
for a full discharge from all debts provable
against his estate under said Act. notice Is
hereby given to all known creditors aid
other persons In Interest, to appear iK'fore
the said Court at Pittsburg. In said District,
on the 1-th day of Dec.. INOi. at 10 o'clock
In the forenoon, to show cause, if any they
have, why the prayer of the said petitioner
should not be granted.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
B. F. Hilliard, dee'd.. late of Washing
ton twp., Butler county. Pa., hav
ing been granted to the undersigned, all
persons kuowiug themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immedi
ate payment and any having claims
against feaid estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement to
R. F. D. 49, West Sunbury, Pa.
IRA MCJCNKIN, Att'y. 11-23-05
Estate of John Rodgers. late of Donegal
township, Batler Co., dee'd.
Letters testamentary having been
granted to the undersigned on the above
estate, notice is herebv given to all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate to make immediate payment
and those haying claims against the
same to present them duly authenticat
ed for settlement. ,
Chicora. F. F. D. 80.
Attorney. 9 28-05
Letters testamentary on the estate
of Mary Jane T. Turk, deceased,
late of Brady township, Butler
county, Penn'a., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves to be indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make
prompt payment and those having
claims against the estate will present
the same duly authenticated" for settle
ment to
El wood City, PH., R. F. D. 2, or
9-21-05 Sherwin, Pa.
Notice is hereby given that applica
tion will be made to the Court of
(Quarter Sessions of Butler county, on
Monday, December 4th, 1 905, by more
than twenty-five resident tax payers of
said county for the appointment of »>
jury of viewers to view and condemn
for public, nse free l'rotn tolls and toll
gates that portiou of the Allegheny and
Butler Plank Road Company's road
within the county of Bntler, extending
from a point on the Allegheny county
line to the bridge over ('onn<inenessin«
creek in the borough of Bntler.
Attorney for Petiticners.
Estate of Nancy Bart ley, 1hI«> of Peun
twp., Butler Co , Pa., dec'd.
Letters testamentary having been
grunted to the undersigned on the above
estate, notice is hereby tfiven to all
persons kuowiug themselves indebted
to said estate to make immediate pay
ment and those hITIU «-l«iniH
the same to present them duly authen
ticated tot settlement.
Thos. A. Hayh, Ex'r..
It. F. D. 21, Kaxonburg. Pa.
Jamks B. Mi Junkin, Att'y. 10-5-05
Estate of It. M Addleman. lat« of
Venango township, Butler county, Pa ,
Letteis of administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the above
estate, notice is hereby given to all
persons knowing themselves indebted
to raid estate to make immediate pay
Uient nud those having claims against
the same to present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
A W. Ai'Di-r.MAN Adm'r ,
It. F I). 51, Milliards Pa.
Jas. B. MgJUNKIN, Att'y. 11-0-05
administration on the entale
nf Smiley It. William*, deo.'d, late of
Venango twp , Htitler (Jo., Pa., having
been granted to the nndernigned, all
perxonx knowing thuluavlvM indebted to
Maid nutate will pleime make immediate
payment. and any having clalma agalim'
said eMtatn will preaant them duly
authenticated for aettleuient to
Joski'H W Mkalh, Adm'r.,
It K. I). (13, Kmlenton. l'a.
MuuuiN & Mitukin, Att'y. 11-3-08
THE Established
and adhim i>i.v nil-:
Leading Agricultural Journal of
the World.
Kvury tfounrtmnnt written l»y ip#rl4lUl»
llin hlglimt authorlil«*i In thrir ro»p«H'llvn
No hi lu-r i»up«T pr« f mil* to comuarti wltli
II In iiuullfh UT lon* of editorial *ta IT .
' i I v •**» lit'' iiKrl'iill iirul NKWH with Aftatfrrft
•if <*orttpUiU>ll<lMll lint ovtin ttttQXJlptCKl hy
I inl|ii|irtiMii.lilii In nil «*« mi it try roildcuU who
wl*ll U) Itlit p up Willi t li«i Ulu»i.
Single Suhmrlpllon, $1 SO.
Two Subftirlbtlofiii, $2.50
l ive Subicrlplloni, $5 50
I Al(<<* II I 1.1 IIH,
Four Month*' Trial Trip 50 oont*.
will boinilM frtc rtquMl M win i»*y
anyho<ly ||}U>|M*t<»4 111 a|iy way In lotmlry
llf# (OM "<l foi (MB AddCMltQlpttblilllllVl
Albany, N. Y
gf/ Huhfii I liitlon I alt Mi lit thl* oflh u.
lioth papi-n toKWthrr.lK.oU.
(1.00 tinr ytiur If pul'l In urtviinro. otlmrwUr
|l.Mi will h« i'nurj«'il.
AOVKKTIHIHU llA'r** <>tu» Inch, mm Unit
$1; nn'ii «tftMHMiU4inl ln»<iri|ori w t'rul■
A 11(11 lorn* IIM'I (llturi'li ll'' I 1 r |"| f 1 rui'li ; e *i»e
tilnr»' uu<l »ilri>lnl»iiiil<ir»' wnlre* t;i ewii
e*l ru v iiti»l tiI MHOI ii i li'ii uot|re» 0 fueli. Ituiul
IIIK unt!ie» 1" renin it 11 lie fur II 111 ami r> rents
ft.l en<-|| Mil I»:*«-I| unlit lliwerl lull. Nolll'l'h
utimiiKlnritl I><l*l. Ileum 15 R*nlN it Hue for
nti Ii In unit Inn. Olilluurleii, rariln uf I lunik*
riiNnlullnti* nf fMlwl, notice* of festival
mill fair*, lite.. Innorteil *1 I lie ratn nf Oreut*
it llm\ mutiny In ui'i'nniiiiiiiy llio order. .««*»o
wnril* nf prune uuike ii line,
ICuli'n f..r HlHiiillnii inril* iiml Job work on
A II tiilverlUltiK IN I1U« II ft r>r flrnl Imnrtliill,
mill nil Irrwmlcnt lolvertlilnu Inual lie pain
fur 111 ItllvatlCe
All i"nnitiiiiiilinlliiii» liil' iiili 'l fnr pu lillcn
tlnn In tbl* paper mn«t lm aeiotiipuiileil l>>
I in-null ilium* uf I lir wrll«-r. tint fnr pulillea-
Hun IMI . ii ||iim iiiiltiti i if ui II ul fill Hi, mill alii lull)
r«acli uiniil inter llinn I uewlay eveulnu
IK 11111 notice- •inml li« ncconipiinleil w tli
r*«i>oiii»llittt Hue A
Ailvnrtliw In The CITIZKN.
I Fry A Gallon of ]|
Our 4"vear oJd at ;
$3.00 per Galloq. *< j
107 West Ohio Street, (Opposite Post Office.) < ►
>ooooooooooo0ooooooopooo<! :
POSITIONS GUARANTEED I We guarantee to rerumcnd for petitions, ail stu- 1
4/-»Ti!»f r>i -r-1 J, ' nt3 eLterlng during the present term. Aetna:
306, 308, 310 Fifth Avenue, P? TjrpfwrtUMrPmmaßuhip, BB(-
PITTSBUHG, PA. BUSINESS COLLEGE, and «cnre y wrrtten
~T" f. _~ — —|-"' —-- 1 Ku>rantcc. Kitahltthrd over a Qvarter of
S Fine Parlor Suits!
jl| The present stock surpasses alliS
Si previous offerings, Five piece suits, ®
3apiece suits, odd divans, odd chairs®
| and rocking chairs. fil
X| f Mahogany finished frame, highly polished, cover- kg*
ed in a pretty silk damask. Costs sl4,
Mahogany finished, highly polished, curved wood Jg*
J|3 seat, spindle sides, curved legs. A beauty for
jeH price-—55.50. jgr
g| jg
jgj Mahogany finish or golden oak, highly polished, MS
iss| solid wood seat, banister back. Best value we have S
jSf ever shown. Price $5.50. {§g
1 Alfred A. Gambpelli
Citation Notice.
Th© Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. to
Martin 1.. Ulbson, IllKti Sheriff of llutler
county, Pennsylvania, tircetliiK:
WHIRKAB, At an Orphan's Court held at
But lor In anil for said county on the Oth day
of Hopteinber, In the year of our Lord one
thousand nine hundred and live, liefore the
Honorable Judge thereof, the petition of
Margaret Ward, widow of John 8. Ward, wan
presented netting forth that John 8. Ward
died on or aliout the Stli day of hebruary.
1I«M. lutestatn without children or Issue and
leaving your petitioner a widow, an! brother
and kliter* aud nieces to survive htm as hi*
heirs at law as follow*:
Kllen Stlllwagon. a sister, widow of Isaac
St lllwairon. dee'd., residing at Slippery Uoclf.
Butler county. I'a.
Nancy Stlllwiigon, a sister widow of Adatn
Hllllwitgon, dee'd., residing at Slippery ltoclc.
llutler county, I'ft.
Amanda lfoover a sister. a widow of
Samuel lloover. dee'd., residing at North
Hope. llutler county. I'a.
Ilarvey Ward, a brother residing at
Kuylor. llutler county. I'a.
John, Samuel, I.aura and William Ward,
children of Curtis Ward, dee'd., and Daisy
Ward and Mule Ward, children :if lleorg.i
Ward, a ilec'd.. brother, whose residence are
unknown, the wife of said tieorge Ward. b«-
Ing also dee d., und who are the only parties
'...teresteil In the estate of said John S. Ward,
That *ald John S. Ward, died seised of a
certain messuage tenement and tract of land
situate In I'arker township, Butler county.
and state of Pennsylvania,bounded and de
scribed us rollows: lloglunlng at a *toue.
thence north eighty-nine degrees east,
ninety-six perches to a stone by lands "f
Thomas Shrvock formerly, now John Daub
enspeck, Jr.; thence southeast forty-four
perches to a stone, by land* of William
liaiibeuspeck ; thence south eighty nine de
grees west ninety-six perches to a hickory
by lauds or John l>. Sliryock; and thence
north one degree west forty-four perches to
the place of beginning; containing twenty
six acres anil sixty-four perches.
A LSO A certain other messuage tenement
and tract of laud situate In the township,
county and state, aforesaid and bounded
and descrllMMl as follows: Commencing at a
maple tree on Sliryock line; thence north
one degree east along said line .'d H it) perches
to a post ; thence north eloven and one-half
degrees east perches to a IM >st on road air
Joluli.g lands of John Ward; thence north
one anil three-fourth degrees east S.' perches
to a post on road to Uitiils of Amanda
Hoover; thence south eighty-six and one
half degrees east M 7J-IUO perches to a post,
by lauils of Aiiiamla llcover; thence south I
one degree west 010 perches by lauds of
William Ditubenspe.'k to a while oak tree:
thence south seventy-one degrees west 1 .1
7r> Km perches to a post by lauds of William
Daulietlspeck; thence south sixty-two de
gree* west perches to a maple tree, the
ulitcn of beginning by lands of William
The present grant or said piece or parcel
of laud to contain twenty acres and forty
three perches, strict measure.
Thai In ami by virtue of u decree of your
Honorable Court the llrst mentioned alsive
described I tact was set apart to vour petition
er as t he widow or the said decedent under the
exemption laws, of this Commonwealth and
that Ihe remaining atxive described twenty
acres and forty-three perches of lauil
descended to ami liecamc vested under the
Intestate laws or this Commonwealth, In
your petitioner aa the widow mid l lie uliove
liiiineil lmrllex Its helm ut lnt» of nulil den
cendetit iHitween whom no partition linn
been iniiile mill which reiiinltiK miliill vliled.
s our petitioner therefore prays the Court
Ui nwuril mi lin|ueitt to make pm-tltton of nnlil
real cKtniii Ui anil atimiis the imrtlen ufore
milil iti'eurilliiK I" llielr respective rights.
oiuibii or OOUBT.
Ami now. September flth, luoft. tlx" within
pvtltliin presented iiml i lln.t l<>i■ uwnrileil mnl
(lie sheriff ID directed to make perminnl nr
vli'eon nil i>nrtl«i< renldent In tlio county unit
nil other» liy publication acre riling to rule,
returnable nt next term.
nr tii* count.
These ure therefore to eoiiiiiimnl you Ihn
mill Ktleu Htlllwritfon, Nancy Hlllltt ntnu,
Aiiiiiiiilu lliHiver, Itnrvey Ward, John,
Samuel, t.mirn mnl William Witril, l>iil»y
Ward mnl I.Ur.ln \V mil to lie mnl appear Isi
fore tli« miUt .1 uilirit nt nn Orphan* Court,
to lie lielil 111 Butler for the nalil county of
Miiller mi the tth dny of lieeemlter, I'll' nt
111 ii ilork In the forenoon nf mild ilny to nliow
cikune why mild partition u* iirnyeil fur
kin in lil not In- granted, mnl to kuluiilt to nurli
other order* una decrees a* the *atd Court
Klinll iniike tourhltig the pretiilxe*.
Wltnc** the llniiornhln .lame* M. tinl
brastb. President Judge "f MM ('• >urt
the Kind day of Heptemher, A l>. liud.
. 1,. K. tumisri.iov,
t'lerk of t'oiiru.
Sec the Sljn directly • •»„ r'jg^i
opposite the \ •'*
Old I'ostofflcc fcVj
Theodore Vogeley,
Kml liststs sad Igfl
Ituursnre Agency, L l */
ISi S. Man St L 3
Hulltr. P«.
If you hn«e property i aJ
to nell, trade, or leu |
or, wmit to buy or rvv
rrnt riiti. writ" or fe A
uhi tin mo. -UB
List Mailed Upon Application
™ i.l I 1 . B
rn o\\z::* m
Anyone ■■riling a •k«trh an<l dMorltKloti may
qulcktv Mrnrtmri mn opinion frm» wlt«th«r mn
Invention la |>> t>aMy t>al«ntahlft f oinmunlm.
Uona at r hit|» r<»un<li>iil lul lluihllmm.li on ralmit*
•ml fre«« nvoiiry ft.rut log i>*t«*iif ■. I
IVetili Intenti lltruutfli Itimn A t «». locolvc '
Iprrutf n >(Uf, without Umrgi, in ttm i
Scientific American. :
A b«n(to<>fn«*ir IttutfKiMl «*»riiif. Unmt i# ]
rui«llon of nny •< fniirnul. 1'•»«!»•. •■' • *
vmi four nionibii, fi i-r *ll l
at f\R, L. R. HAZLETT.
m- W Diamond St. Butler.
'■<; „ North side of Court Hontie.
Eye, Ear, Note and Throat work, a
rd ■P®cialty.
ac At 327 N. aln St.
S JA/WES C. 50YBE, /W. 0.
Ilt Eye, Ear Nose and Throat.
OFFICE HOURS— 9 to 10 a. m.. t to a
sv pm " 7 Hp. ni. Sunday by appoint-
K ' u went
121 E. Canninxhatit Street, Ostler, Pa.
iS, . s
Consultation and examination free,
b- Office hours- II to 12 A. M., 2 to
i l m M '' except Snnday. EvenlnK
„ appointment.
ry Office—Stein Block, Rooms 010, But
™ ler, I'a. People's Phone 478.
r- —————————————————
"* Teeth extracted absolutely pninleMn.
Take Vitalised Air or Nitrous Oxide.
Ui All work satisfactory.
127*8. Main St.. BUTLER, PA.
i,f *■' DKNTIST.
»; Graduate of Dental Department,
University of Pennsylvania.
" Office -215 8. Main Street, Butler, Pa.
Ie _ .
Office over LeiKhner's Jewelry store,
ir Butler, Pa
"' Peoples Telephone 505.
A specialty made of gold fillings, gi.ld
d crown aud briiljre work.
|- ■ .■
',! |\R. 11. A. McCANDLHSS,
e Office in Butler County National Bunk
4 Building, 2nd floor
( l I\K. M. D. KOTTRABA,
. I' Successor to Dr. Johnston.
Office at No 1 14 U. Jefferson St., over
I O. W. Miller's grocery
; Office in Butler County National
- Bauk building.
» -
t k T. SCOTT.
1 Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. I'.it
ler. Pa.
Office In Butler County National
Bank building.
QOffloe on Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Special attention f(lven to collections
and business matters.
Office iu Relber building, cornet M -in
snd E. Cunningham Sis. Entranci <>n
Main street.
I 1). lIKKDIN,
Office on Main B*. near Court ITnun
Office on South side of Diamond,
Hit tier, Pa
Office near Court House
farms for S«lr—lu Bns fsra district, srosnit
Vimunlvwu. W'srren sml NI lit. Ohio. Call
writs for lUt. HAWSIWatOW a CO.. Mil**. 0
r*i Isntls; I'lttsburg oesl to W'li'l
•'imuty, W Vs. Aildrsss lloj », Cnillrett, W. V»_ _
Ar» Yn« Taking Mnwnp,., Msgnntll-. Hiwtrtmt
II n.oinauta; 'l'urklsh, Ovro, Vapor sprsjr or snjr tat in
or UsUi<r«Wfe)r not try in* F«rb*« •ssltarlusiT
llssssiwit patrmiscs vnhri Isdy aM*«lauU.»t>i'sii
4*7 sad all atjftit, at MilVorbss rtiwburj, Pa-