SELECTING A FAVORITE! That's w&at most of the well groomed men of Butler and vicinity have done selected The Ideal Clothing and Hat Parlors as their favorite shop for this season's newest and smartest garments. Tic Famous Washington Co.'s Suits and Overcoats for Particular Men. SUlTS—Prices SB.OO, SIO.OO, $15.00 and up to £25.00. OVERCOATS—Prices SB.OO, SIO.OO, $15.00 and up to £35.00. These garments will retain their shape, fit your figure and sustain your reputation as a good dresser. Give us a call and inspect our goods. Jltoi of good taste wear Stetson & Ideal Hats. Prices range from $1 to $5. BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S SUITS. Our Boys' and Children's Suits were never so complete as they are now. Children's Suits from $2 to $7. Children's Overcoats from $2.50 to SB.OO. NOTICE—AII Clothing Sold by Us Cleaned and Pressed FREE. Ideal GlotHing AND Hat Parlors. 228 South Main Street. FLEMING'S OLD RELIABLE EXPORT. All Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. sfl. Per Qt- 6 Qts. for $5. On all $lO orders we Prepay Express. Are yon using It. If not, write to us at once and get particulars of Its merit. Our Stock of the Highest Grade of Champagne Vintage is Complete.. Qts, $2.75 Pts. $1.50 Abb THE READING 50NDED WHISKIES AT $1 00 PGR QT, PER QT. PER DOZ. PTS. Pine. Castlllon Cognac, this Brandy is especially recommended . . $1.50 McMullen's (Bottling) White Label Hennesy Brandy, One Star . , . 1.50 Ale $2.10 li d A T c. i -7C Ross' (Bottling) Ale 2.00 Hennesy Brandy, Two Star . . . 1.75 Burke's (Bottling) Ale 2.00 Hennesy Brandy, Three Star . . 2.00 Reed Bros.' Dog's Head .... 2.00 Cusenier's Creme de Menthe . . 1.75 Imported Stouts (Bottled by above firms) «,,, . p.. ■ y . . D . . ~ will be furnished at the same price. Old London Dock Imported Port . 1.00 A superior grade California Wines, Old London Dock Imported Sherry 1.00 per qt. . . 50c On AH Purchases We Save You From 25 to 50 per cent. Jos. Fleming & Son Co., Incorporated. 410 and 412 Market St., Pittsburg, Pa. The FamilV Drug and biquor Store. ■ 6EO. S. LAN6DON & CO. I New York and Pittsburg Stocks Order* Solicited. Purchase or Sale. Cash or Margin. Correspondence Invited. Itell l'hooo, 10«r» Court. Keystone Building, Pittsburg. Pa. ■ ftoe!»Dinefb in Pittsbare; * LUMMORE GERMAN RESTAURANT. riallMllt/l 9 Everything to ©at and diliik. terted tn iiermavi style. 'lmported light ami ilark beer on draught. 242 Diamond at. Httaburg I Miller's Restaurant EtUOCt. Pltt»- I tmrgh. l'-» ■ FIFTH AVENTJE Opp. Grand Opera Home, llatli on uiu h Boor (r«a to gueiia. Absolutely AiopruuC. Bteain heit and lelcjhone In e*try Cf • ■ llM. in, l uroj e-in plan. ■ C HMERCIAL HOTEL ■ EUROPEAN PLAN ■ A E. KRAMER. PROPRIETOR ! h ne.«i I '.HI, OH:. 'J J Grunt. P. A A ., 28.Hi Main. ■ 1*1,123, i !lft Nlxth HI. PITTHBVRG, PA. H INVESTMENTS - For people of moderate meant pay* from I< to >0 J*r cent. Call or write for J*Re» (cnlos Draughting Tre'lng ritltbiTgh and Wathliig- t■ i I'.itiMit <»IUr. I'rawlrtg* Kr.-« #i>fflre of 11. .11. rTKHI.'Kii, Patent Attorney. HII« Wylle Aveuiw, I'ltUhurg l'a. I'. A A . 61KI-11. Pearson B. Nace's and Bale Stable Rear of Wick HOUM* Butler! Pann'«. "The beat of borne* And drat claw rigs ai wavs on hand and for hire. Best accommodations In town for perma Bent boarding and transient '.rade. Bpecl al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horeee A good cwol horses, both drivers and draft horses always on hand and forsale urder a full guarantee: and horses bougb n&n proper notification bT PEARSON B. NACE. Te.eiinone No. SI ftrau tor »»l»-1n S*e farm"district, arooad Toungstowo, Warren and Xlto* Ohio. Call «t writ, for list. HOIHtIIHTOIt • CO.. Wiles, o. , For iaU-Coal lands; ntteburg coal sounty, W. Va. Address Box «, Kndlcott. W. *» Are Yea Taking Massage. Magnetic. Klectrteml treatments! Turkish, gpray oranyfom of Bathsf .Why not trr the Forbes Ssnltsrlum 7 Has select patronage only: lady attendaoU Open day and all olgtit, at Mil Forbes it., rituburf, Pa AT LAST. Ai\ for the Farm. J^n o in6. , With practically no expense Write for Catalogue and Prices. THE EVANS MFG. CO , LTD., BUTLER, PA. Strictly High Grade 1 PIANOS AND ORCANS. | Come and see me when | you buy; also sheet music x or anything in the music | line. f W. A. F. GROHMAN, § Manic inntrnctor and Piano Tnner, ♦ Neit door to V. M C. A. * People's Phone . OROHMANS MUSIC STORE. * Orchestra furninhe.l for all J occasions. i -k M Jf-fr w "M.'M 'k a v 'k ; *m W * WM. WALKER. UJIAB. A. MCELVAIN WALKER & McELVAIN, SO7 Bntler Connty National Bank FJM'K RV.AL F.HTATE. INSURANCE. OIL PROPEBTIM. LOANS, BOTH PBOHM L. C. WICK, DXAI.RH TW LUfIBER. Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Ootician JSext Poor to Qjprt House. Butler, Pa * BP" DR. E. GREWER, No. 229 12 SOUTH MAIN ST NEXT DOOR TO GUARANTY SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., BUTLER, PA. ROOMS 1, 2, AND 3. Dr. E. Grewer is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, is now per manently located at the aboveaddress, where he treats all chronic diseases o'. men, women and children. Diseases of the Nervous System, the symptoms o£ which are dizziness, lack of confidence, sexual weakness in men and women,ball rising in the throat.spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory unable to concentrate the mind on one subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind which unfits them for performing the duties of life, making happiness impos sible,distressing the action of the heart, depression of the spirits, evil forebod ings, cowardice, tear, areatns, melan choly, tire easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of the mind, depression, con stipation, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us im mediately and be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored- Weakness of Young Men Cured and all private diseases. Dr. E. Grower's varicocele Ring cures Varicocele, Hydrocele and Rupture promptly cared "without pain and no detention from business. He cures the worst cases of Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Old Sores, Blood Poison, and all Di seases of the Skin Ear, Nose, Throat, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Itching Piles, Fistula, Stricture Tumors, Cancers, Goiters, cured with out cutting. Special attention paid to the treat ment of Nasal Catarrh. □He will forfeit ..the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for any case of FITS OR EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS that he cannot cure. Consultation free and strictly confi dential. Write if you cannot call. Office hours—From 9 a. in to 8:80 p. in. On Sunday from Ito3 p. m. - only. ?C. F. T. PapeJ S«a = J < pJEWELER i J 121 E. Jefferson Street. John —V hy « Strictly private. Call and see the Doctor. ° b<'Um iroiu 9a. zu to •> p ui Government Positions Hundreds of 'openings; Ixiokkeepers, 20 yearn or over; stenograliers. 15 yenra or over. (1,000 to II,MO annually; railway mall I'lerUs, 1H to bi years, WOO annually; postofflce clerks and carriers. SOOO to sw» annually; drafts men, SI,OOO to it.HOO; civil engineers, trained nurses; the position# offer steady employ ment and excellent chants of advancement; ambitious persons should Investigate. Par ticulars, Kuperlutendent I>err. HiU Empire building, I'lttsburg, Pa. Write or call. HORSES—HOUSES—HORSES. Horses I Imvo constantly on hand Horsed Horses 100 to 125 head drlvln-?, re4wi»d Menstruation. New kn.»*'ii fofa/l. Hafo! Hun-! Ppeedy! HatUAfUon buy or KWA re ot CHii. w r!tr< or uhf. ne uie. Lift Mailed Upon Application A CLfiAN MAN. Outside cleanliness U less than half the battle. A man may scrub himself a dozen times a day, and •till be unclean. Good fIL health means cleanliness " not only outside, but in side, it means a clean SnM stomach, clean bowels, clean blood, a clean liver, and n«w, clean, m Kl-MRm healthy tissues and &-ff bers in «v*ry organ of * the body. The man -Mfc who is claan in this way will look it and act lifli f it. He will work with w energy and think clean, clear, healthy thoughts. , .... He will never be troubled with liver, lung, stomach or blood disorders. Dys pepsia ana indigestion originate in unclean stomachs. Blood diseases are found where there is unclean blood. Consumption and bronchitis (M*V mean unclean lungs. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery prevents these M|nm diseases. It makes a man's i JB insides clean and healthy. It cleans the digestive or- MK gana, makes pure, clean Nfl blood, and clean, healthy ft \ flesh. It doesn t make the H ya flabby fat of corpulency, but the firm flesh of health. It restores tone to the nervous system, and curas nervous exhaustion and prostration. It contains no alcohol to inebriate or create craving for injuri ous stimulants. Mr. John L. Coughenour. of Glen Savage. Somerset Co., Pa writes : "My appetite was unusually poor, and I was aa weak and nerv ous as though I had been starved for raontha. My heart kept throbbing continually and I was ahort of breath. Finally I wrote to you for ad vice and you informed m« that I had indignation and a torpid Hvcr. I aid not think your diag nosis was rirht, but I ordered six oottlea of • Golden Medical Discovery • from you and began its use. After using three bottles I began to im prove slowly and soon went to work, and I have been working ever since." Constipation is the most unclean un cleanliness. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets cure it. They never gripe. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL :::::: FOR PILES, ONE APPLICATION BRINGS RELIET. BAKPLE HAILED FBKI. At Druggist*. 38 rents, or milled. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William sad Johß Streets, New York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $ 1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $3. Bold by Druggists, or seat prepaid on receipt of pried Humphreys' Med. Co., William & John Sts., N. Y. c™.K Q CATARRH AND HEALING CURE FOR CATARRH R3g& Ely's Cream Balm Easy and pleasant to use. Contains 110 In jurion* drng. It Is quickly absorbed. Gives Kelief at once. jHE i* HEAD Allay* Inflammation. V Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores tlie Senses of Taste and Smell. Large Stze, 60 cents at Druggists or tiy mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. BLY BKOTRBita. 66 Warren Street. New York. SJOTXOB UMPLEB FROM THE GRAND RAPID* FURNITURE EXPOSITION The Finest Good* Exhibited on the Floor of the Ex position Will be Sold at One-hslf Factory Prices Genuine Leather S piece Parlor Salt cost (125 now MS SIOO Leather Suit now |SO. Some Suits as low as $ 12.50. The finest Uenulne Leather Couch f?s now »3S. I*o one, now |27. Exposition sample of Aed Boom Suits, f ISO Suite now |7». (100 Suits *64, Other* as low as f 12. A flue lot of mlsflt Wilton and Velvet Carpets, all ready to lit large room*; Wilton Velvet, room »lze carpet cost f 7 5, now $27.60. Velvet carpet cost $46 now $22.60. Brussel Carpet f 10. #l2 and sl6. Ingrain Carpets to fit large rooms $6, (7.60 and $lO, worth double. In laid Linoleum, thick aa a board, colors all the way through sells for »1.50, my price 76c and sic per yard. Real cork Linoleum worth 86c now 46c and 60c Look for the Big Window, next to I'kkerlng'a Ko, 654 l'enu Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. I. GOLDSMITH. IF you want pure liquors for your money, send your orders to MAX KLEIN & SONS. Your order will be as carefully filled as if you made the selection personally, and delivered at your door in a plain box with out any marks denoting the contents. We have an excellent Penn'a Rye Whiskey at $3.00 per gallon called Cabinet Rye. Try it and see how surprised you will be with its high quality. AX KfcGlN & SONS, Wholesale foiquors, 1318-20 Penn Ave., Pittubnrg, Pn "Everything in Liquors." W S. & E. WICK, OKALKRH IN Koujih and Worked Lumber of all Kinds Doors, Sash and Mouldings OH Well Klrs a Specialty. Office and Yard K. Cunningham and Monro* Sta >n*>r West Penn Depot, P« WHAT IS YOURS FOR CHRISTMAS? We ofter you your choice of any of the following brands of pure liquors, at $1 for a full or 0 Quarts for $5. For social or family use they are pre ferred by careful buyers. PURE LIQUORS ALWAYS IN STOCK. M.ICH, I.AUUK, OVKKIIOLT. UL'CHKNREIXKK. SIT. TKUNOM THOMPSON, UIBKON, IMI.I.IIHU KH. KBIIM.KPOKT And remember »o 'are sole agents for the celebrated GRANDFATHER'B CHOICE. whiskey guaranteed 3 years old, tiOOper gal lon. We pay express charges on all mall orders of $3 00 or over. Ooods shipped promptly. Robt, Lewin & Co,, WHOLESALE DEALERS IK WIRES AND LIQUORS, Ho 14 Smlthfleld St.. PITTSBURG, PA. 'Phones: Bell 217* P. ft A. 1458. Special Offer To those purchasing photos of groups or views, Bxlo, at 50c each, to the amount of $lO I will present free a fine 20x40, exact reproduction that will stand washing and not fade away. No bum work, but a fine permanent Bromide en largement, fully guaranteed. FIHH^R, The Outdoor Artist, Tbc Butler Dye Works A Thanksgiving La.y By CHARLES STOW [Copyright, 19(6. by Charles Stow.] IN the wooing ud mating time of spring. hrn bluebells blossom and bluebirds sag. By the *hy Ktn turkey hidden away. To greet May's coming, an egg there lay. BUT the dy bird vainly seeketh a screen In distant cover of vernal green. For a bright eyed lassie pursues the quest Till the discovert the stolen nest. A bright eyed Isasia pursues the quest CAREFULLY stepping, the daintily holds Her bran-specked prize in her apron fold* Till deftly and nugly consigned to rest Under the sitting hen's ruffled breast. AND the teeming month ol June shall tee In the shade of the old sweet apple tree A top-heavy bantling flutter and sprawh Whenever it hears the good dame call. IN the sultry days of ruddy July, Roaming afield where the grass is high, With a plaintive peep and vigilant peck. Skulks something, princip'ly legs and neck. WHEN leaves are falling and flowers have Bed, In black and bronze and cardinal ted. With s proud spread tail and a rampant wing Struts the barnyard's pride, the menu's king. MID the falling flake* ef a wintry night The farmer looms in the lantern's light. And with gleaming blade and a final flop A foul deed's done for the poultry shop. Tke farmer looms in the lantern's light. AND gobbler that gobbled the early worm It festively gobbled in his turn. And the egg the sly turkey hid away Proves to have been a Thanksgiving lay. THANKSGIVING IN JAPAN. «YsnLrta of thr Orient" Have a Day of Their Own. Americans have fondly Imagined that Thanksgiving day is an institution pe culiar to themselves. Not so. The won derful "Yankees of the orieut," as the Japanese have beeu called, are like us In more ways than one. One of the re semblances lies in the fact that both countries have a national thanksgiving. Perhaps It would be wore modest to say that we are like the Japs iu this respect, for they had their Thanksgiv ing first. It Is not known Just how old the institution Is with them, but it must date back some centuries. The day is celebrated 011 the 17th of Octo ber, and thus, with them as with us, It Is a thank offering for the harvests and so occurs in the autumn. The day opens In Japan by the mika do going to the shrine before sunrise and offering thanks and supplications to Cod and to the spirits of his ances tor*. After the rising sun, which is Ja pan's emblem, conies out over the pic turesque hilltops of the Island empire a state banquet Is ordered, and similar banquets are had all over the kingdom. The Japs have 110 turkeys to grace the occasion, but they have other tooth some dishes peculiar to themselves. It Is probable that they do not Indulge in gluttony quite as much as we, for they are 011 abstemious people. Then the day. If not Inclement, Is spent In parks and under the tr<>es. It Is safe to say, however, that while the Japanese Thanksgiving antedates ours, nothing was known of It by our Puritan ancestors. Washington's First TbiinkairlTln*. The initial national Thanksgiving was held under a proclamation by George Washington In the first year of the new republic, 178S>. Washington Issued one other proclamation of like nature lu 1705. Adams also Issued one or two, and Madison called for a day of thanks after the close of the wnr of 1812. Ho far as presidential notice was concerned, the day was allowed to lapse, however, until permanently re vived by Abraham Lincoln In 1803. In 1870 congress passed a law making the day set apart by the prusldent as one for offering thanks a national holiday. Tbsultaslvlnsa of the llevolutlon. There were eight Thanksgiving days appointed by the Continental congress for observance tr.iong the colonies dur ing the war for Independence. After the one called for the purpose of cele (rating the peace treaty, which was eld In 1784, the day was allowed to lapse until 1789, when Washington took his scat as president. Tho Idea In these early days was to offer thanks on some special occasion. That our ances tors could find eight such occasions during the dark days of the Revolution shows that they were ready to be thankful on somewhat slim provoca tion. But It also shows that the gob blers shed their blood for the country as well as the men. Ktnsfr Itlnifs Anions the Ancients. The hands of female mummies found In the tombs of Egypt are literally cov ered with rings, In many Instances there being from two to six on every finger. In sotue cases these ornaments are composed wholly of gold, but In others, which probably represent all that Is left of some poor man's wife or daughter, the rings are brass, glass or pottery ware. According to Josephus and Herodotus, the Chaldeans and Per sians and the Babylonians were all very fond of rings and other personal ' ornaments. They Warn Crocodiles. Two or three species of birds are known to accompany the crocodile whenever ho appears abovo water. Many a hunter has had his prospects for a shot spoiled by the alarm given to tho reptile by his watchful at tendants When they see any one ap- ! proachlng they will fly at the croco- ; fllle's uosc, giving loud cries, and the ! beast never waits to Investigate, but instantly shuttles Into the water at hjs best speed. I NEW POULTRY HOUSE PLAN Birds Do Well la aa Opaa Front Uouir la 9«varr Maine Waalker. Excellent results both t«s regards ventilation and warmth have been ac cural at the Maine experiment station by the us«» of the curtained front poul try house, with curtained roosting closets. A section of such a house Is shown In the cut. The whole building is 14 feet wide and 150 feet long. Each of the twenty foot sections has two twelve-light outside windows screwed on to the front, and the space between the windows, which is eight feet long and three feet wide down from the plate, is covered during rough winter storms and cold nights by a light frame covered with ten ounce duck closely tacked on. This door or curtain is hinged at the top and swings in and up to the roof when open. A door two and a half feet wide is in the front of each section. The roost - ___ - SECTION OP 01' EM TBOXT HOUSE, platform 19 at the back »kle of each room and extends the whole twenty feet The platform Is three and a half feet high and Is three feet above the floor. The roosts are of 2 by $ inch •tufT placed on edge and are ten Inches above the platform. The back one Is eleven Inches out from the wall, and the space between the two la slxtsen Inches, leaving fifteen inches betwsen the front roost and the duck curtain, which is sufficient to prevent the cur tain belug soiled by the birds on the roost. The two curtains In front of the roost are similar to the one In the front of the house. They are each ten feet long and thirty Inches wide, hing ed at the top, and open out Into the room and fasten up when not ki use. Great care was exercised In construct ing the roosting closets to have them as near air tight as possible, excepting what may he admitted through the cloth curtain. Even In very severe weather, when the temperature at night was consider ably below rero and rose but little above It during the day, with high winds, the bedding on the floor and the roosting closets remained dry and free from offensive odors. The fowls laid as well as their mates In a large warmed house, their combs were red and their plumage bright, and they gave every evidence of perfect health and vigor. The birds seemed to enjoy coming out of the warm sleeping cloi et down Into the cold straw, which was never damp, but always dry, be cause the whole house was opeu to the outside air and sun every day. There were no shut off corners of floor or closet that were damp. No cases of cold or snuffles developed among the fowls. It Is customary to have the yards on the south or sheltered side of poultry houses to iifford protection during late fall and enrly spring, when cold winds are common. With the curtained front house north yards only are to be used. It being lielloved that the necessity for getting the fowls as soon as possible out of the open front house where they are really subject to most of the out of door conditions during the daytime Is not so great as when tliey are confined In closed houses with walls and glass windows. Himrs lle«|tilrr Fine Wines and Liquors for < ) < > Family and Medicinal Purposes. ( , i ! 107 West Ohio Street, (Opposite Post Office.) A ; J BOTH PHONES ALLEGHENY, PA. 9 Advertise in tlie CITIZEN.