Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 23, 1905, Image 1

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Great Stock Sale now on and Continues until
Underwear. Hosiery. Skirts, Furs, Millinery and Staple
Dry Goods at Bargain Prices.
A Money Saving Opportunity Right Before the Holidoys.
See Circulars for Further Particulars
We must Have Roon> for Our Big Holiday Stock now
Ladies Homfe Journal Patterns and Style Books for
December Now Here.
smuiiimiii 001
' f LL\ Samples sent on request.
I * When it is of the utmost®
H Importance that y° ur^B
■ Our Wool Boots and ■
I | and lowest prices in But-I
I Wben we have Boys' high top Shoes, 2 soles and tap heavy Shoe-! for H
■ Girls that go to school. Made of the old-fashioned heavy calf skin. Don't H
■ need rubbers with these shoes. They will stand the hard knocks. H
I Ladies' and Men's Heavy Shoes I
■ .In great variety—high or low cnt—from SI.OO and upwards. H
■ Don't yon think it is better to get good Footwear Jthan pay doctors' H
■ bi)ls T Thinly it over. H
I 102 N. Main Street. I
$ After Thanksgiving Day 3
U over will come the time for repose and when you n
hj retire into the privacy of yonr bed room will you A
!* { find it furnished as it should be? When you stop >1
l to think of the time you must spend in your bed A
room you must appreciate the importance of com- W
} fortable and attractive surroundings. A
f Our complete suits are presented in many %
I styles in various woods —but all have
r made with intention to seqnre the utmost of com. €
i fori together with an unusual degree of beauty.
> The prices must vary with the wood chosen—but, m
< as always, all our prices are distinctly reasonable
} fjad attractive. M
| BROWN & CO. |
I No. 13$ North S>t., Putlsr- M
You can save money by purchasing your piano of
W. . NEWTON, "The Pfano Man."
The expense of running 3 Music Store is as fsllews;
Rent, per annum $780.00
Clerk, per annum $312.00
Lights, Heat and incidentals . . . $194.00
Total .......... f1286.8G
I have no efcqre and can aave you this expense when you buy of me.
Mil pianos for cast* or easy monthly payments I take pianos or organs In
t»#cbange and allow yoq what they are worth to apply on the new instrument i
AH pianos fully warranted aa represented.
A few of the people I have sold pianos in Butler. Ask them.
Dr. MeCurdy Bricker Dr. W. P. McElroy
Fred Porter Sterling Club
Fraternal Order Eagles D F. Reed
Geo. D. Uigti Miss Anna McCandtess
W. J. Mates E. A. Black
J. 8. Thompson Samuel Woods
Joseph Woods Oliver Thompson
S. M. McKee John Johnson
A. W Boot R. A. Longwell
Miss Eleanor Burton J. Hillgard
Mrs. Mary L. Stroup J. E, Bowem
W C tf. tftepp"
& 4. ifcuctf W. J. Armstrong
Miss Emma Hughes Miles Hilliard
A- W. Mates Mrs. 8. J. Green
W. B. Williams J. R Donthett
Mrs. R. Q. Rnmbaugh E. K. Richey
Ofcas E Herr Jj. 8. +'on H h
Subscribe for the CITIZEN
Don't Miss this Big Sale,
New buildings. new rooms, elfgant now eqnipcent ' xcellent courses of
study, best of teachers, expenses moderate, terms V EPA LIBERAL
Over $2,000.00 worth of new typewriters in use (aliowmt advanced students
from 3 to 4 hours' practice per day), other equipment in proportion
Winter Term, Jan 2, Spring Term, Auril ti. 1900.
Positions secured for our wcrthy graduate*. Visitor." always welcome!
When in Butler, pav us a visit. Catalogue and other literature mailed on ap
plication. MAY ENTER ANY TIME.
A. F. REGAL, Principal, Butler, Pa
§ Fall and Winter Millinery f
fit Everything in the line of Millinery can be found, |j?
. the right thing at the right time at the right price at
jjj Phone 656 S. Main St.
Don't You Need
An Overcoat?
We Closed out a Manufacturer's Sample Line at
One Half Their Value.
In this lot of 218 Overcoats there are all sizes. In the
Men's overcoats they are sizes 34 to 44. In the Boys they
are sizes 6to 20. Not 2 Overcoats of a kind.
For want of space we cannot describe these extraordinary
bargains in these Overcoats.
But will just mention a few of them.
29 Overcoats, Regular Price $22, Sale Price $11.98
33 Overcoats, Regular Price $lB, Sale Price $9.89
28 Overcoats, Regular Price sls, Sale Price $7.45
78 Overcoats, Regular Price $lO, Sale Price $4.89
23 Boys' Overcoats, Regular Price $9, Sale Price $4.62
27 Boys' Overcoats, Regular Price $6, Sale Price $3.13
Have a Look at These Overcoats.
We Will Show Them to You.
No Trouble Whatever.
187 South Main Street. Butler, Pa.
r, !#U#f MEN
JV. !>7 li Won't buy clothim? t< r the purpose of
41)' ■ V II spending money. Tftey desire to get the
ir I j i// I II best po3>-ible rewilU> of the money expended.
SI j ' \ 'l7 /J&j) J [J Iho 4« who br.y custom clothing have a
/IM \~rr H'l T» to demand a fit, to have their clothes
A' l -! vO? ' oonecst in style and to demand of the
/ , ll- jcfrt 1 * seller to guarantee everything. Come to
I havo just received a 1.-rge stock of Fall
*'■■■' ! t aa '* nt «r suitings iu the latest styles,
—" \ •&' i li I 'shades and colort.
, Vfff 1 J G. P. KECK,
UAli mv 142 N. Main St., Sutler, Pa
Bickers Fail Footwear.
largest Stock and Most Handsome Styles of
Fine Footwear we Have Ever Shown.
<kHAF<» Twenty Fell Styles—Dongola, Patent
WKWI3 OHVJE3, kid F . ne c / lf {4h()eH in the
latest up-to-date styles. Extremely lnrue stoclc'of Mi nes' qnd Chil
dren's fine shoes in uiany new an<} pretty styles for fall
MFN'<fc &HflF<« Showing nil the latfst style? in Men's
ii n Fine Shoes, all leather*, f?- und
Complete Stock of Boys', Youths' sod Little Gents' Fine Shoes.
Bargains in School Shoes.
High-put copper to» shots ror Boys and good water proof School
Shoes for Girls.
Large stock of Women's Heavy Shoes in Kangaroo-calf and
Oil Grain for country wear.
Rubber and Felt Goods,
Our stock qf Bubbej: and Felt Goods is extreuily large aud
owing to tfce lafge wders which we placed w« wore able to get very
Clc#e prices and are in a position to offer you the lowest prices for
best grades of Fblta and Kubt>er Goods.
An immense business enables us to name the very lowest
prices for reliable footwear.
When in need of anything in our line give ns a cull
Repairing Promptly Done.
128 S Main St., BUTLER. PA.
| J. O. & W. CAMPBELL, I
j| BUTLfi, PA. f-
If? ilMli-KaigigHlMli ili iX?a?gHl.'aHXtg>(tWlini«li il»l?ill ili Cli
I Notice l» hereby given that the following
, roads ;u>d brldt-e# have bert confirm' ci nisi
• by th« Court and will be presented on the
i first Saturday of Dec. I'ourt. 1906, being
the 9th day of said month, and If no excep
tions are filed they will be coniirmed»abso
li P. No. 1. Septt mber Term. 1905, In the
matter of the petition of the citizens of Sum
mit ar:d Oakland townships to change, va
cate and supply a public road leading from a
point at or near Winner's in Konegal town
ship to a point at or near Evan's mill In llut
ler township and to supply same so :ts to be
gin at a point on said roaa at the foot of (he
hill near the dwelling house of John Gllle
i laud In summit township. Butler county.
( Pa., and to end at a point on the Hutler and
: lionnie BrooU roak where the East Butler
| l.and and Improvement Companies' road.ln
| tersects the same and that part of the Gille
land road between John Glllelana's dwelling
house and the point where the Eyth ami
Davis road Intersects the same be vacated
and discontinued. June sth. 1905, viewers
were appointed by the Court, who on Sep
tember 2nd. 19»3, filed their report in favor
of said change. Estimating the probable
c.>st of making said road at SJW ana should
l>e borne by Summit township. No damages
Now. September 9th, 1905. approved and fix
width of road at :t'i feet notice to I>e given ac
cording to law and rules of Court.
R. D. No. 3. Septemliet Term. 1906. In the
matter of the petition of citizens of Cherry
township for a bridge across the north
branch of Slippery Hock creek, at Bovard.
south of >he grist mill now owned by James
Grossman, where the said creek crosses the
public road leading to Branchton. Kores!-
ville and divers other points. June 9th.
11*15, viewers appointed, who on September
2nd. 1905. tiled their report iu favor of pro
posed bridge
Now. Sent. 9th. Laos, approved notice to be
SElveli according to rules of Court, and to be
laid before the Grahd Jury at next term.
It. 11. No. ">. September Term, UOS. In the
matter of the petition of the citizens of
Concord township to change, vacate and
supnly a put lie road; that a public road
leading from William McGHl's in Concord
township, to a point on the road leading to
the Great Western near James Storey's in
Kalrview township, that a portion of said
road within said township of Concord, to
wit: That portion beginning at a point on
said road at or near a gate at or near the
residence of O. T. Sheakley a Q <j from thence
eastward to a point on said road at or near
the residence of R. R. Stewart, where above
mentioned road Joins the road leading from
Modoc to William Ralston's be vacated and
supply It by a road beginning at a point on
aforesaid road at or near a gate at or near
the residence of O. T. Sheakley. being one of
the points above mentioned and ending at a
I»oint on the road leading from Modoc to
\Y illtam Ralston's at or near where the line
between latds of John Balsl.iger and Wil
liam Curry crosses the said road leading
from Modoc, to William Ralston's. all within
the township of Concord. Butler Co., I'a.
June* lith. lUQS. viewers appointed by the
Court, who July 27th. 19U5. filed their report
In favor of said road.
Now, Sept. 91 h, 1905, approved and fix width
of road at XI feet. Notice to be given accord
ing to rules of Court.
R. D, No. 11, Sept. Term. 1905. Injthe matter
of the petition of citizens of Marion town
ships for a public road beginning at a point
on a public road known as the Anandale and
New Hope road, near the corner of lands of
Duffy heirs, Theodore E. Smith and David
M. Atwell in the township of Marion and
ending at a point on a public road known as
the Murrlnsvllle and Slippery Rock road,
near the store of Joseph Bailey In the town
ship of Marlon. July 24th, 19(x>, viewers ap-
K»inted by the Court, who, on August £frd,
05, report in favor of said road. Damagtj .
assessed to Hugh McAnallen in the sum of
twenty ($2000) uollars.
Now. Sept. 9th. 1905. aup roved width
of road at 33 feet. Notice to be giyen ac
cording to rules of Court,
B D, No. 7, Sept. Term, 1905. In the matter
of the petition of citizens of Marlon township
to vacate a public road beginning at a point
on a public road known as the Anandale and
New Hope road on lands of I). M. Atwell
near the residence of T. E. Smith, In the
township of Marlon and extending in a
northwesterly direction for a distance of
about one mile and ending at the residence
of S. G. Seaton, near a public road Itnown as
the West Hunbury and Harrlsvllle road in
Marlon township, Butler Co., I'a. July 24th,
1905. viewers appointed, who, on Aug. 19th,
1905. report in favor of said charge. No
damages assessed.
Sept. 9th. 190.). approved, notice to be given
according to rules of Court.
R. D. No. 8, Sept. Term. 1905. In the mat
ter of the petition of citizens of Slippery
Kock township for a county bridge over the
run In said township on road leading from
Wick Station to l'ranklln road. July 24th,
1905, viewers appointed, who on August iUb,
1906, report In favor of said bridge.
Now, Sept. 9th, 1905. approved. Notice to
be given according to rules to Court and to
be laid before the grand Jury at next term.
Certified from tho record this 9th day of
Nov., A. D. 1905. L. E. CURISTI.EY,
Clerk U. S. Court.
The following widows' appraisements of
personal property and real estate set apart
bribe benefit of the widows of decedents
have been filed In the office of the Clerk
of the Orphans' Court of Butler County, viz:
Widow of Isaac N ltosebaugh. personal
property SXN> 00
Widow of Robert J. McCamey, personal
property duo 00
Widow of T'rank N. hyth, personal
property -J0 00
Wlcfow of J Calvin McClyrnonds.
personal property 300 00
Widow of Smiley K. Williams, personal
property .100 00
W1 ow of Hamuel Klder, personal prop :mjo 00
All persons Interested In the above ap
praisements will take notice that they will
be presented for confirmation to the Orphans'
Court of ltutler county. Pa., on Saturday the
lrt.li day of I)ec„ 190 i, and If no exceptions
are filed, they will be confirmed absolutely.
Clerks Office. Noy. H. 1900.
The Commonwealth or I'enn'a, i aa .
1 ii.'ti.k it County, ( •
To the Sheriff of said county, Greeting
Whereas, Edwin D. Adams and C. C. '/Ann,
Executors of the last will and testament of
M. B. Adams, late of Parker City. Pennsyl
vania, on the —"> day of .September, A. 11.
IHOu, presented their petition to the Court of
< 'ommon Pleas of said county, at M's. I>. No.
13, of September term of said Court, setting
"That on the 13tli day of July, A. I>. IK.>J
the said M. B. Adams, made, executed and
delivered to Henry UraiT, hU curtain mort
gage In the sum uf ten thousaiid dollars,
conditioned for the deliverenco of two hund
red tons of pig metal to said Henry Graff, in
Pittsburg. 10" tons November 15,1M05, and 100
tons April 15, l«.Vi. which said mortgage was
recorded In the office for recording of deeds.
Ac., In Hutler county. In Mortgage Hook, No.
2, page 113, on the 19 day of October, Isi4, and
by the terms thereof become a lien upon,
Inter alia, all that certain tract of situ
ate In Allegheny township, Uutlor county,
Pennsylvania, commonly callea the Maple
I'urn it nee Tract, bounded on the aorth by
lands u< W.C, Aduuisi east by lands of Pierce
* HlacWj soutli by lands of A lis worth lielrs;
and on toe west by lands of Andrew Camp
bell, containing 467 acres, together with all
the machinery, engines, Implements, tools.
Ac., of and belonging to Maple
thereon erected.
That the said M Si navlng corn
piled wltU Vii» Ciihdlllon of said mortgage
aud delivered the pig metal therein men
tioned to tie delivered to the said UrafT, the
following entry was made on the margin of
trie record of said mortgage, by John Ura
ham, attorney of said Oralf. to-wit: "I her.
by enter satisfaction of this mortgage by
written authority from the nlttlQtuT. John
Graham, att'y, 'M Dec. I
Hut no leeal satisfaction (if «ald mortgage
Wiyiover diVro'l uu Vho record or indices of
sa'd mortgage, that botb the Mortgagor, M.
S. Adams, anil tiie Mortgagee, Henry OralT,
are deceased.'
That the said described lands are now in
the hands of the petitioners for tho i>n cyiuo
of raising money with which to the
costs of administration and ;U<> iuaefitedm ss
of M. N. Adams, ducc»v.v«l, !n which they are
meeting vrlth dlluculty by reason of tho
ttbov6 .lated legally unsatisfied mortgage.
Wherefore, the petitioners pray the said
Court to make an order directing the SherltT
of said county, to serve notice according to
law, the Act of June 11, li 7», ttutia the legal
representatives of Hcpiy (iidff. deceased,
the mortal', KV'J, rCy l ifr'u<ll them to appear
!Ui(l uUttW **y said mortgage should
iju Kttlistied of record, and upon their
fall ure so to do, and upon proof lieing made
as to tho compliance with the conditions
thereof as above stated, that thu < ourt de
cree and direct that satisfaction thereof l>e
entered upon the record of said mortgage
provided by said Act.
C. /INN,
Executors, Sic.
Whereupon ttie said Court made the fol
lowing order. to-wlt; And now, September
iS, lWiu, the witiiln petition presentc<[ In open
Court, and in accordance with the prayer
thereof It Is ordered and directed that the
Sheriff of Butler county, serve notice, stat
leg the facts set forth In the within petition,
upon the legal representative of Henry
'draff. If to t<e found wltMn the said county
of Hutler, and In case said parties cuj;«(il b'b
found within said county thfsn in give
notice as aforesaid u otitV or more news-
I>aperH iH(b.,,hv(l within said county, once a
\seefc t?r four weeks success! rely prior to
the next term of said Court requiring the
said parties to appear at the next term of
said Court. December 4th, 1905. and answer
said petition and show cause, if any they
have, why the said mortgage should not be
satisfied as provided by law, and Tuesday,
December 5, at 10 o'clock a. rn.. Is tl f ur , k
hearing hereon.
t»V Titti
pertinent trow the record, this Sith day of
Heptepiber, A. U. 11)00.
To tho legal representatives of Henry
Oraff, deceased.
Vou are, bv virtue of the aliove stated
order of Court, hereby notified and
required to appear at the next term of said
Court, l>ocemi>er 4, lUOS, and answer the said
petition and show cause If any you have
why said mortgage should not t<e satisfied.
In default whereof the said Court will make
an order and decree directing satisfaction
thereof, as provld<«d by law.
Legal Notice.
Copurtoht. 1909. bu Alice Louise Lee.
WHEN a man stands
on the verge of
nervous prostra
tion, ready to
{J "*V slide over any
minute, it's time
for him to change
/ / tOT^^ > climates. I real
y lzedeonie'rhanks-
J-'' / giviu time that 1
h"' was fixin' to take
\> \ the slide,solrent
ed my place and
V',! am searcliin' out
' x a spot destituto
\ of hens and wo-
i ) men. That com
\L bination cost me
forty-five pounds
"Von Cr. of good flesh and
* more language
than I've cast loose in years before.
You see, the l'eters place lays
alongside of mine—houses not more'n
twenty-five feet apart. A year ago it
was rented to some girls—graduates of
an agricultural lunatic asylum that
does business as the La Flume Agri
cultural college. Them graduates had
made a scientific study of hens and
laid out to show folks how a lieu farm
ought to be run.
They landed on the Peters premises
with 100 Brown Leghorns, a few tur
keys and enough assurance to run a
county campaign. Tliey discovered me
the first day, and .a mighty fine discov
ery to 'eta I've proved to be. They be
gun callin' me "Uncle Mort" as soon
as they sighted me and acted like I'd
been born 100 years ago for the ex
press purpose of waitin' on them!
There's four of 'em, and each has
Just as little sense as the others unless
it's Helen. She's the youngest, and
has either more or less, I hain't decided
which yet. She's little and thinks she's
cute. Tlicy always sent her over to
ask me to do any of them llttlo acts
cf "ueighl>orly kindness" that kept me
on the Jump for a year. Iler plan of
attack was to hook her hands over my
arm and shake her topknot over her
eyes and lisp in baby talk to her " dear
Uncle Mort" uutil I feit so like an
idiot I couldn't think of a blamed ex-
IIKK "PEAK C*CLE mqiit "
cuse for not dohV t»uch "neighborly
kindnesses" us sijueezln' Into a two
foot space under the barn to kill a
woodHmck or cllmblu' on to the roof
duiin' a thunder shower to tix the
llglitnin' rod or buryin' a batch of
Brown Leghorns.
I didn't object to this last Job be
tause I Knew the poor critters longed
to go. They didn't have half a chance
to live or lay, they got such a lot of
fclcntillc care. They wan t let alone one
minute In the twenty-four houra, S»ud If
there's a hen under tl«> eauopy that's
fond of and Its own society
U'* the Brown Leghorn. They'll take
n twenty foot board fence backwards
any day at the swish of a skirt, and
skirts never stopped swlshlu' around
that henhouse. The poor things got
reduced ta pinfoathers and wishbones.
Thev made a break for liberty when
evifrMiey see a chance, and they see
i good many chances last winter when
there was just enough crusii on the
snow to hold thetu up-and let me
through fit every Jump. I chased 'em
until I got thin as they was and as low
In spirits.
I got so'st I couldn't sleep nights
thinkin' of their sufToriii', and when
Tlianksglvin'brought Billings I clutched
at him as a drownln' man grabs a
straw. He ain't very strawlike In ap
pearance, belli' six feet one and over
200 pounds, but lu him I thought I
see sort of a Thanksglvln' for tho hens.
One day the last of November Helen
come billin' and cooln' around over her
"dear Uncle Mort." I sized lier up and
waited. I wondered whether It would
be tnendin' the hen yard fence or doin'
the fall house cleanln' or what not. I
wasn't long flndln' out. Wouldn't 1 be
dear and lowly enough to allow Mr.
Hillings to sleep in my house and take
his breakfasts with uie? Then she
blushed. He was a man she Just Uap
pt'iHtl to know, and he Just htipprnrd
to be passing through New Jersey a
few days before Thanksglvln', and it
happened that it would be convenient
for her to entertain him. inrludln' bis
dinners and lunches, If her dear Uncle
Mort would do the rest.
Well, (in all the fools ain't dead yet,
ber dear Uncle Mort let him come. He
proved a likely fellow, with a heap of
common sense back of the homeliest
face I ever saw move on legs. That Is,
he exhibited u deal of sense until he had
been with that youngest ben farmer
awhile. Then he lost It all. (Jot so he
couldn't tell whether his head set on
his shoulders or mine or whether his
feet was located under him or over
him. He left his shoes on his pillow
and his white tie tn lb® wash f**wl.
He dumped gravy In bis ujffee and
poured cream ov bia, bread until I wa«
coitsUierin' seutliu' for a lunatic asy
lum with the Idea of havin' it patron
ized extensively around that lien farm,
when I woke up to the fact that he
hadn't lost all his head. There was a
corner left, and it was devoted to sals
lu' hens.
He was a farmer's son, and all the
law he had put Into his eranhun hadn't
knocked out the previous knowledge
about hens. As soon as 1 realized that
fact I tried to organize him into a
Society For the Prevention of Cruelty
to Brown Leghorns. I sneaked him
out to the girls' hen lot and told him
what them Leghorns had to put up
with. I asked him if he ever see hens
before with such loppin', discouraged
lookln' combs.
He looked at 'em thoughtfully and
chewed a straw. Then he allowed that
they did look a hit under the weather.
"What's the reason?" says he.
"Reason /" says I gloomily. "Such a
word ain't in use around these prem
ises. Them hens hare put up with
enough lack of reason to kill 'em! You
ought to have been here last summer.
First hot day after they fell into tliU
lunatic poultry scrape they went
around linngin' their bills open, but
they've never tried It since. The girls
thought they had the gaps and acted
accordingly. They caught them swel
terin' birds and poured so much kero
sene down 'em
that the critters ' i
had sense enough
to keep out of the
sun for days for
fear they'd ex- ]jjl
Says Billings ijfiT V/ h
solemly, "Do you yJ\
■ wear to that
statement'/" f \
"Yes," says 1,
••when I ain't
swearln' at It!" ®
says I. "Now look
at that rooster. He. . .
... , , .IT WABN T TnOUGHT
|f< the peakedest
fritter the sun
ever shone on—looks for all the world
like a henpecked husband. Ills eyes
are almost turned wrong end about
from lookin' behind him so much
to see what new kink is comln'. He
ain't crowed once since the red pepper
campaign In September. It was
moultin' season, only the girls didn't
sen so It. They'd i#ver heard of hen#
moultin', and when they see so many
feathers blowln* around loose Helen
come over and borrowed a few pounds
of red pepper. ■ She explained that
there was microbes workln' at the roots
of the feathers and that pepper blowcd
Inside would kill 'em. She didn't make
It plain which would be killed, but time
did. About half of the hens died, and
that old rooster got so much of the
hot stuff inside him that he thought
he'd been overtook by the day of Judg
ment. He thinks so yet. He ain't
crowed since."
That finished Billings. He saw the
•ufferln's of them Lens and remonstrat
ed. He couldu't have done a worse
thing for the hens or hltneelf—or me—
us It turned out.
He heguu Thanksgivln' ufteruoou. I
Buppose he thought he'd got along far
enough to give advice. It was ns warm
as September tliut day, and they was
settin' out on an upheaved rock iu their
back yard while I wrestled with their
henhouse door, which bad dropped o/T
its trolley arraufement. He begun by
mildly siiggestln' that they'd get eggs
If they'd just drop the hens awhile
from their callln' list and let 'era
scratch for themselves.
Helen stiffened, as 1 could see out of
the tall of my eye, and asked where
he'd made u study of hens. He said
he hadn't studied 'em. He'd made a
point of avoldln' 'em back on his fa
ther's farm, and the process had a greed
with both him and the hens.
She got stlifer and stiffer. Said she
had made a special classroom study of
them under one of the most scientific
farmer professors in America and had
learned that the best results ensued If
the birds was made perfectly familiar
with the Uuiuau voice!
lie aort of Indicated in'u general and
Inoffensive way that liens rather bear
themselves squawk than any one else.
That's all 1 heard, but I wa'n't a bit
atiprised at the result, lie generally
come in nights pretty late with his
homely face looklu' as If St. Peter had
opened the gato a crack. That night he
come In early lookln' like he'd glimpsed
another spot. He set down and told
me all about It, blubborln' like a six
year-old. Whllo tho quarrel had begun
on heus, It hadn't stayed there. As
near as 1 could make out, the difference
had ended by lncludln' everything In
heaven above or earth below. Them
hens had played the mischief with his
Thanksglvln', that was sure!
Then 1 did something- I'm ashamed
to own. I offered to mix In. I said that
T wa3 sure her ,
dear Uncle Mort r)s\
would have A
some lntUieueo
with her. So I \ r
mixed In and // ) / Tvjf
found out that /if" l I / )|(
her dear Unclo //UJ I ( Ihp
Mart could have // I win
minded his own (/ I TV 1 I
business with Vvl'
advantage. I
went over to see v ~»-
her. There was HUE HEI'KOACBEU ME.
a deal of talkln' done flrst and last, but
I remember I didn't do much of It my
self. She would never, nncr, NEVEß mar
ry Mr. Hillings. He wan too bossy. (Thnt
was hens!) He had too big nn Idea of
himself. (Hens again.) She would
never, never live with a man who did
not place a higher value on her brttlus.
(Again, hens.) She was grateful she
had found him out Lu time. And then,
aiiadea of Ebenezer, if she didn't fall
to and pitch into nje! She reproached
Wo for bavin' harbored blni. She uuid
that If I had remonstrated with b*r
•. .3 ' , .
when she asked my advice about his
cornin' she would have beeu spared all
this. At that I mopped my face aud
come home. The last thing I heard Just
outside iny door was that she should
devote her life to brlngiu' up hens the
way they ought to go.
That was the first aud »last niatch
mnkin' Job I ever tackled*voluntarily.
Next moruln' I was back into the busi
ness involuntarily.
That man Billings come downstairs
to breakfast deaf, dumb and blind. He
looked as if he'd lost his last friend ex
cept me. I had reason to wish before
many hours that he'd lost me. After
breakfast he wrung my hand loose at
Bie wrist, picked up his grip and start
ed for the train. I have two doors in
my slttin' room close together. One
leads into the hall and one don't. He
opened the one that don't and landed
on the stone floor of my cellar.
It wasn't very thoughtful of him to
do it, seeln' there's only one of ma
and more than enough of him for two,
but I done my best with the frag
ments. I gathered 'em up and carted
'em upstairs. The doctor and I fitted
the pieces together as near as we
could Judge where they belonged and
stretched the result on the parlor
couch. There's no gettln' around the
fact that Billings is homely when he
Is whole, but, viewed as a lot of frag
ments, he was enough to give a man
tho nightmare. His left arm was
bandaged. His lip was sewed. His
right eye and forehead was done up.
The rest of his face was held down by
court plasters.
Of course I didn't send for Helen.
I thought I'd miss beln' n bigger fool
than I knew I was, but I didn't. It
■eemed I'd left undone Just what I'd
ought to do, and it didn't take me long
to find it out either. I had sturted for
the well, when #he come racin' nad
boohootn' across the bnck yard from
the henhouse. She seemed out of
breuth, but she wa'n't. She had enough
left to stop and tackle me with on the
spot. I learned more in two minutes
about my general disposition aud tend
encies than I'd learned before in forty
five years.
Why had I left her darlln' lu rough
men's hands when there was she n-lov
lu' him to distraction only a few feet
away? Why was I so insensible to
her feelln's as not even to send her
news of his condition? And didn't I
realise I was guilty of murder In the
first degree to have a celler door next
my hall door?
This wu'n't all, but It's a fair sized
specimen. She disappeared Inside the
door like n small monsoou, leavln' me
staggered. After I'd recovered some
I went hi and found her on her knees
In front of the couch klssiu' every spot
slu» could find vacant on that chap's
face. And after she got through with
It each spot looked better than a whole
face taken together does ordinary. But
It was her iHuguage tlmt I couldn't
stand. It wasn't exactly on the order
that she'd been usln' to me, and I
Judged It wa'n't exactly what he'd
been used to bearln' from her either,
but I gathered from her remarks that
she was ready to give up hen raisin'
and devote herself to fragments.
About that time I bolted. There la
things Unit a sensible man like me
can't stand up against. I went out on
the back stoop, und there I fouud I
wa'n't the only critter that was makln'
u break for liberty. Helen bad left the
hen yard gate open, and every bird
was inn kin' u bee line for parts un
known. Then and there I see my fin
ish. I see I'd be called on to hunt
stray hens till
and I decided r—
on this here I
healthful j|
change of cli-
I set down cm J
the spot ami
wrote an ad-
rertlsewent. I
inndelt strong. (
I showed uj> .i ">l ~
all the ndvan- U
tnges of rent-
In' u neat * vMT VAtA "
tie country «o T
place " jCllta , includln' delightful
tbo car t,-. m less'n a week
SSfSltMa done the business.
No. 46.
Just passin' my troubles along t®
seme man? Not by a long shot! I
wouldn't be so underhanded. I rented
my premises to a widow and two small
children—lively little chaps. I bear,
that charge 5 cents a run per hen!
What Tnrkeyi Eat.
Turkeys are the greatest grasshopper
exterminators in the world. "When
very young they must be fed bran, bat
after that they pick up their own food.
For the starchy elements they eat
waste wheat from stubble fields; for
the vegetable part of their diet they de
vour several varieties of weed and
grass seeds, aud for meat substance
they consume grasshoppers and bugs.
A Time For
[Copyright, 1906, by Arthur J. BurdickJ
TS rat time aa' bleat time, an' time to lift
the voice
h glad anthems —time now to rejoica
That fnat lime brought a plenty; that harrest tod
u o'er;
TW larder, granary an' bin hold now a boun
teous store.
Swing back tbe tmtkehtuse dtr, tbert.
An' take et peep within !
These hams so brown a-hangin' down •
t Smyt "Lit the feast begin!"
Fiddler, let 'er got
»' I 'IS rare time an' spare time, the time to lift
1 the heart
With swellm' thoughts o" gratitude to Him wtw
doth impart
To us such bounteous blessin's; to Uf such pleas-
ures rare.
Til time to ope the generous hand aa' all these
blessin's share.
Set goin' the corn popper »
Lay chestnuts •* tbe wait;
1 Thanhsgivin's bere, dispense the cheer
An' gladden other soull.
TS cheer time an - dear tima, an' tin* to
gather in
The loved one* o" the neighborhood, an all da
kith an kin;
Lengthen out the table, an" let the dothba **adj
Time let (ellowihip an' love, aa" time far breakjQ
Tune tbt fiddle, strain the string,
Rosin well the boiu;
Q Get yer on the floor — i r
~~ Fiddler, let 'er go!
' ' Lri Oir laad begiiv
TS glad time, but tad time, (er memorie*
O' loved onei girin" thank* thi* year up yondn ■
the due*;
An' though we know 'tu better «o, an' they an
happy there.
Our eye* will dun whene'er they fall upon tha
vacant chair.
But let us be rejoicin'
An voicin' thankful prayer;
Those friends so dear blest us iwhen
An' ive shall meet them tbert.
la Thee* Day* It Carer* Mnch of tha
Earth's Sartaee.
It must be remembered that the pres
ident's proclamation appointing a day
of thank offering and praise to the
Most High goe* not only to.ther forty
five state* and territories but alw to
the nen- i®' and dependencies of the re-
Jiilpplnea. The natives of these trop
,cal climes take quite kindly to any
iort of a holiday, especially a holiday,
that involves a feast, so that Thanks
) giving is already popular among them.
Uncle Sam's national bird, the gobbler,
Is not well known to them yet, but It Is
quite probable that they will appro
elate his highness when they are better
acquainted with hia succulent qualities.
There arc enough native Americana In
the various Island*., including aoldlert,
merchants, olllcials, schoolteachers aud
the like, to sec that the Introduction is
properly brought about