Ideal Clothing and Hats For Fall Are Now Ready for Your Inspection. Ideal dress is not so much a matter of § money as of judicious selection. Our garments have all the distinction an ex pert knowledge of refined fashion can give them, but are not loud or vulgar. They express most perfectly all that's best in fit, fabric and workmanship—yet their prices are moderate. All the new things in Hats. Young's, Stetson and Ideal Hats, Our Children's Department Is Worthy of Your Inspection. • Remember. We Clean, Press and Repair all Clothing Sold by us ""rwA**...- Free of Charge. Ideal GlotHing —AND Hat Parlors. fljrJß&l v - 0 228 South Main Street. wmi mggj MM ■ FLEMINGS OLD RELIABLE EXPORT. . All Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. sl. Per Ctt- 6 Qts. for 15. On all $lO orders we Prepay Express. Are you using It. If noti write to us at once and get particulars of Its merit. Our Stock of the Highest Grade of Champagne Vintage is Complete. Qtss2.7s Pts. $1 50 Abb THE READING BONDED WHISKIES AT $1 00 P6R QT, PER QT. PER DOZ. PTS. ni *r* uii i-. .Li d j As a tonic we quote imported ales Plnet Castllton Cognac, this Brandy and Stou as fd|o^s . Is especially recommended . . $1.50 McMullen's (Bottling) White Label Hennesy Brandy, One Star ... 1.50 Ale . . . $2.10 u d j -r o* 1 -7C R oss (Bottling) Ale 2.00 Hennesy Brandy, Two Star . . . 1.75 Burke's (Bottling) Ale 2.00 Hennesy Brandy, Three Star . . 2.00 Reed Bros.' Dog's Head .... 2.00 Cusenler's Creme de Menthe . . 1.75 £ Imported Stouts (Bottled by above firms) oiji j r*\ i t *j d . i m will be furnished at the same price. Old London Dock Imported Port . 1.00 A superior grade California Wines, Old London Dock Imported Sherry 1.00 per qt 50c On All Purchases We Save You From 25 to 50 per cent. Jos. Fleming & Son Co., Incorporated. 410 and 412 Market St., Pittsburg, Pa. The FamilV Drug and biquor Store. B. B. furs Do you want to buy where yomare certain to get choice from the largest variety of the best on a money-saving price basis? Fur ties, Boas, Stoles, Col lars, Pelerines, Cravats, Muffs, Coats, etc. Jap Mink, Squirrel, Black Lynx, Mink, Ermine, Mole, Chinchilla, Persian Lamb, Blended Baum Marten, Hud son Bay Sable, Real Russian Sable, etc. Children's Furs, SI.OO to $35.00. Fur Coats, $25.00 to $1,250. Broadcloth Coats with Fur lining, $25.00 to $225.00. A store that has 37 years experience —ana V»as buiH up as large and growing Fur busi ness—is evidence that people find the Furs and prices are right. Boggs & Buhl ALLEGHENY, PA. AT LAST. Ar\ Engii\e for the Farm. With practically no expense Sit. after the cost of installing. Write for Catalogue and Prices. THE EVANS MFG. CO , LTD., BUTLER. PA. \ I Strictly High Grade .11 I PIANOS AND ORGANS. | j ( Come and see me when | |; you buy; also sheet music | j[ or anything in the music | II line. I { I W. A. F. GROHMAN, § i i Music instructor and Piano Tnner, * INext door to Y. 11. C. A. : £ People's Phone £ § GROHMAN S MUSIC STORE. » x Orchestra furnished for all t He occasions. £ WM. WALKER. CHAS. A. MCELVAIN WALKER & McELVAIN, 807 Butler County National Bank Bld g REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE. OIL PROPEBTIES. LOANS. BOTH PHONKBI L. C. WICK, DXAUtS fi» LUfIBER. Eyes Examined Free of Charge j R. L. KIRKPATRICK, j Jeweler and Graduate Optician I Next Door to Court House, Butler, Pa 41 DR. E. GREWER, No. 229 12 SOUTH MAIN ST NEXT DOOR TO GUARANTY SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUSl 1 CO., BUTLER, PA. ROOMS 1, 2, AND 3. Dr. E. Grewer is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, is now per manently located at the aboveaddress, where he treats all chronic diseases o'. men, women and children. Diseases of the Nervous System, the symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confidence, sexual weakness in men and women,ball rising in the throat.spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory unable to concentrate the mind on ODe subject easily startled when suddenly spoken to, aud dull distressed mind which unfits them for performing the duties of life, making happiness impos sible, distressing the action of the heart, depression of the spirits, evil forebod ings, cowardice, rear, areams, melan choly, tire easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of the mind, depression, con stipation, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us im mediately and be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored- Weakness of Young Men Cured and all private diseases. * Dr. E. Grower's varicocele Ring cures Varicocele, Hydrocele and Rupture promptly cured 'without pain and no detention from business. He cures the worst cases of Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Old Sores, Blood Poison, and all Di seases of the Skin Ear, Nose, Throat. Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Itching Piles, Fistula, Stricture, Tumors, Cancers, Goiters, cured with out cutting. Special attention paid to the treat ment of Nasal Catarrh. □He will forfeit "the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for any case of FITS OR EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS that he cannot cure. Consultation free and strictly confi dential. Write if you cannot call. Office hours—From 9 a. m to 8:80 p. in. On Sunday from Itoß p. m. only. C. F. T. Paye,| j IJEWELERi 1 < ********** ) / 121 E. Jefferson Street. / BACK-ACHE anil aU other symptoms of kidney dis ease are speedily removed when the kidneys are made healthy, active and vigorous by the use of Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills the world's greatest kidney and livtr regulator, and the only medicine hav. ing a combined action on kidneys anil liver. One pill a dose ; 25 cents a box Write for free sample to The Dr. A. W Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. V. HORSES—HORSES—HOUSES. Horses I have constantly on band Horses Horses 100 to 125 head driving, draft Horses Horses and general purpose horses Horses Horses from Pennsylvania and Ohio: Horses Horses all these horses guaranted Horses Horses as represented; If not so will Horses Horses refund money; these horses Horses Horses are selected by the best Judges Horses Horses that shlD In this market. Horses Horses OWEN FITZSIMMONS Horses Horses SALES STABLES. Horses Horses 410-412 Duquesne Way, Horses Horses Pittsburg. Horses PAROID Ready OOFING. pAKOID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. A NYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core ot , each roll. L> EPRESENTS the results o years of Experience and Ex perimenting. /~*NLY requires painting «?very fcwyears. Not when first laid. r S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate c Shingles. HEMAND for PAKOID is world wide. MADE IN 1. 2 AND 3 PLY Other Faovd, Samples and Prices are yonrs if von will ask as. L C. WLCK, BUTLER, PA. Iniaflam Deau's A safe, certain relit j? Suppressed Menstruation. Never kr,„<rn to fail. Safe! Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed or money Kefundorf. Bent prepaid for SI.OO per box. Will send them on trla? to be i>ald for when relieved. Samples Free. Sold in Butler at the Centre A Pharmacy See the Sign directly . —"IB opposite the 1" * l~f 014 PostoffUe Theodore Vogeley, m Real Estate and Insurance Agency, J2 US S. Mala St .3 Butler, Pa. I® If you have property ,°3 to sell, trade, or ren \ aJ| or, want to buy or rvi rent call, write or m £ übene me. list Mailed Upon Application do joy or pi£&SDit OB atrti i $-4? equals that which tome* into the Mint wnen baby arrives. Who can describe the happiness of man and woman, joined in wedlock, as they look upon the fragile, delicate mite that is bloou of their blood and flesh of their flesh? An 1 wh< can depict the hopelessness and dejection that hover about the home where the wife is incapable of becoming a mother ? Barrenness proceeds from some derange ment of the distinctly feminine organs. Many of the common ailments known as '■female troubles" cause it. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription overcomes barren ness by stamping out diseases of women, and by healing and curing ulceration. It tonos up the system, stops drains, and restores strength. During gestation it modifies morning sickness, gives elastic ity to the overstrained parts concerned, makes the hour of baby's coming short and almost painless, and gives wonderful recuperative power to the patient. By making the mother strong and cheerful, it makes the little one healthy, vigorous and good natured. Insist upon the med icine dealer giving you Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription when you ask for it. Substitutes are often dangerous. Mr». Jame* W. Blacker, of 6J9 Catherine St.. Syracuse, N. Y . write* " Your raedtctnaa hare done wonders for ms For yeara my health was very poor; I had four miscarriages, but since taking Dr. Merce's Golden Medical Dlacovery and 'Favorite Prescription' I have much better health, and now I have a fine healthy baby.'' For 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only, you can get a free copy of that celebrated doctor book, the Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, illus trated. Cloth-bound. 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. V. HUMPHREYS' Veterinary Specifics care diseases of Horses, Cattle, Slieep, Dogs, Hogs and Poultry by acting directly on the SICK PAST without loss of time. A. A. I FEVERS. Congesttoua. Inflarome orus | tlons. Lung Fever, Milk Fever. B. B. ? SPRAIN'S. Lameness. Injuries, ecus! Rheumatism. C. C. [SORB THROAT. Quinsy, Bplaootlc. cuaxa {Dlatamper. WORMS. Bote. Grnbs. B. It.! rOI'GHS, Colds. Influenxa. Inflamed CTBJ J (Lungs. Pleuro-Pneumonla. F. F.! COLIC, Bellyache. Wlnd-Blown. CURLS J Diarrhea. Dysentery. 0.0. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. cvus \ kid *E y * BLADDER DISORDERS. 1.1. I SKIM DISEASES. Mange, Eruptions. ccaxsi llcers. Grease, Farcy. J. R. ) BAD oororriox. Staring Coat, ocais I Indigestion, Stomach Staggers. 80c. each : Stable Case. Tan Spectfloa, Book, Ac., $7. At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of prloe Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and Job* Streets, Now York. nr DOOR MAILED FREE. CXKAJiSrNG CATARRH AND HEALING CUKE FOR CATARRH |ggg| Easy and pleasant to nae. Contains no In- Juriona drug. It is quickly absorbed. Gives Relief at once. \ It Opens and Cleansee 'TT. _ , COLD j n head Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Large Stre, 50 cents at Druggists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren Street. New York. NOTICE SAMPLES FROM THE CSRATIO RAPIDS FURNITURE EXPOSITION The Finest Goods Exhibited on the Floor of the Ex position Will be Sold st One-Hall Factory Prices Genuine Leather 5 piece Parlor Suit cost $124 now f«S. 1100 Leather Salt now |SO. Some Salts as low as 112.60. The finest Genuine Leather Couch 175, now |»S. (SO oue, now $27. Exposition sample of Bed Room Salts, f 160 Suits now fit. f 100 Suits 164. Others as low as (12. A fine lot of mlsflt Wilton and Velvet Cirpets, all ready to fit large rooms; Wilton Velvet, room size carpet cost (75, now (27.60. Velvet carpet cost (46 now (22.60. Brussel Carpet (10, (12 and (16. Ingrain Carpets to fit large rooms (&, (7.60 and (10, worth double. In laid Linoleum, thick as a board, colors all tbs way through sells for (1.50, my price 76c and 85c per yard. Real cork Linoleum worth 86c now 46c and toe Look for the Big Window, next to Pickering's No, <54 i'enu Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. I. GOLDSMITH. IF" you want pure liquors for your money, send your orders to. MAX KLEIN & SONS. Your order will be as carefully filled as if you made the selection personally, and delivered at your door in a plain box with out any marks denoting the contents. We have an excellent Penn'a Rye Whiskey at $3.00 per gallon called Cabinet Rye. Try it and see how surprised you will be with its high quality. |WAX KfcGIN & SONS, Wholesale biquors, 1318-20 Penn'Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. "Everything in Liquors." W S. &E. WICK, UKALKHBIN Rough and Worked Lumber of all Kinds Doors, Sash and lilouldlngs Oil Well Rigs a Specialty. Office and Yard E. Cunningham and Monro* Bts •near West Penn Depot, Pi WHAT 1$ YOURS FOR CHRISTMAS? We offer you your choice of any of the following brands of pure liquors, at |1 for a full Quart—or 6 Quarts for $5. For social or family use they are pre ferred by careful buyers. PURE LIQUORS ALWAYS IN STOCK. FINCH, LaBOE, OVERIIOLT. UUCKENHKI ME It, SIT. VKIiHON THOMPSON, 8IB*0!I, DIIUSOEH. KKIDGKPOBT celebratcd mbCr arC sol ° ilKCnts for GRANDFATHER'S CHOICE. whiskey guaranteed 3 yours old, K 00 per Bal lon. We pay express charges on all mall orders of J5 00 or over. Goods shipped promptly. Robt Lewin & Co,, WHOLESALE DEALERS Hf WINES AND LIQUORS, IT*. 14 Smithfield St., PITTSBURG, FA. •Phones: Bell 317* P. fc A. 1458. Special Offer To those purchasing photos of groups or views, Bxlo, at SOc each, to the amount of $lO I * ul present free a fine 20x40, xact reproduction that will stand washing and not fade away. No bum work, but a fine permanent Bromide en largement, fully guaranteed. This offer is good till October Ist, 1904 FISHER, The Outdoor Artist, The Butler Dye Works WINTER WHEAT. Leading Vsrletlei Wkts to »sed. Thick or This Seeding. The Ohio experiment station has U*en testing different varieties of winter wheat for the last thirteen years, and limong conclusions which It has yeoent y stated are the following: Yield of grain alone being consid ered. the best ten varieties in the order of their rank are: Gypsy, Mealy. Early Ripe. Poole. Nigger, Perfection. Medi terranean. Valley, Currell's Prolific and Dawson's Golden Chaff. Weight j»er bushel being considered, the ten varieties testing highest are ' '' PQOtt ; Hickman, Red Wonder. Fulcaster. Gyp sy, Valley. Deitz. Currell's Prolific, Per fection. Nigger and Lebanon. Ranking the several varieties as to yield, weight per bushel and |»roteln content, giving 00 points to yield. 25 points to weight per bushel and 15 points to protein content, the ten varie ties scoring highest are Gypsy. Early Ripe, Nigger, Poole, Mealy, Currell's Prolific, Valley, Red Wonder, Demo crat and Fulcaster. It is believed that the first four varieties of this list will prove qulto generally satisfactory over the state. While the Mealy does very well upon rather thin upland. It is quite disappointing upon the richer soils and especially the bottom lands of the state. Strong In yield. It has a greater tendency to shrivel than many varie ties. Experiments iu thick and thin seed ing, covering eleven years' work, Indi cate that eight to ten pecks of seed per acre will give better results than a leas amount of seed upon the somewhat worn lands of the state. In normal se&aons Sept. 20 to 22 has proved the most satisfactory date for seeding in the latitude of Wooster, with Sept. 15 next highest in yield. Experiments extending over a series of thirteen years have failed to show on the average any grain from the use of seed from which the small and light grains have been removed by use of the fanning mill, although three seasons out of the thirteen the first grade gave largest yields. In view of the possibility of an un favorable season aud of the fact thni a more uniform seeding can be so cured by removing the shrunken, broken und extremely small grains. *O. I—GROWN1 —GROWN FROM LAKOE QRAINS. NO. '>-GROWN FROM SMALL GRAINS. tlie station would advise doing this, but would not bold out any hope that mere grading of the seed will produce a permanent Improvement In wheat. The selection of large, as compared with small, heads does not promise much in the way of improvement. Permanent improvement in wheat must be based upon the selection of plants as a wbole rather than upon parts of plants. Excellence due to hereditary Influences must be distln gulshed from excellence due to environ ment. Special Dairy Train Setiool. One of the latest educational enter prises is the special dairy train sent out by a creamery company for the purpose of reaching farmers In the rich lands of northwestern Missouri and southwestern lowa. The train car ried an exhlblUon car with dairy appli ances and dairy machinery of every )ort. Other cars were fitted up to seat an audience. Experts in dairying gave short talks at each stopping place, the use of appliances being demonstrated And Instruction given on feeding stuffs and balanced rations? The success of the enterprise was such that In many places the train's facilities proved too amall, and overflow and outdoor meet ings were necessary. L*B(th«nln( Lit* of PCBC« Poeta. Fence posts of cottonwood, ash, ina »le and other perishable woods may be made to last fifteen, twenty and even twentj*-flve years by treating their butts with tar oil. This method of pres ervation has been Investigated during the past year at St. Louis. The equip ment has been simplified until the In stallation of a plant Is a practicable undertaking for Individuals or for a small community. The cost of mate rials does not exceed 5 t0.7 cents for sach post treated.—Q. R. Craft. ENGRAVED LETTERING. Proceaaea \eceaear y For Working on Copper or Steel. Lettering may be described under three bends—large lettering, such as bond titles; small lettering, like that done on coupons, cards and tickets, and script, or writing. Some engrav ers can do good work in all of these branches of lettering, but In large es tablishments each man is kept em ployed at that style in which he excels. In bonds and stock certificates the titles and script are usually done on the plate from which they are to be printed, but there is a lot of small common to Jobs of that kind, "l- .. Is done on what are called <v !° S *i° r and transferred from the roils to the plates \u lnrK ,° l etterln * * drawing of the tn irrTthr t i° lotters ls maJe on paper to get the shapes, curves nnd spacing .correct. A tracing of this outline Is then made on gelatin, and, after filling this with vermilion, a thin coating of wax is laid on the plate and a transfer j of the gelatin tracing put on the wax. Next the outline is carefully marked through the war on to the plate. The wax is taken off nnd the artist Is ready to begin his cutting. Lettering on bank notes, If there is to be more than one note on a plate, is engraved on "dies" or "bedpieces" and transferred to the plate. This insures the exact duplication of the material of each of the notes and also makes it possible to reproduce nnd retouch the work at any time. Urcaklnc Iter Word. She—Would you believe It? When the bride came to the word "obey" in the wedding service she stuttered terribly. He—Well, she might Just aa well break her word one time as another.—Yon tergfitatwunti. ; FULTON I Fish Market, l 7 Cor. Main and North Sts., Oscar A. Niggel, Propr. Fresh Fish and Oysters from Baltimore, every day; also fresh Fish from Erie, daily. The Butler Wood Fibre Plaster Co., Mfgrs.Jof the celebrated Blue Bell Wood Fibre Wall Plaster, the best and cheapest plaster' on the market. We are also sole agents for the following high grade build ing^materials. Whitehall Portland Cement, has no equal for all classes of concrete work. Woodville White Enamel Finish, the peer of hydrated lime for skim coat. Sackects Plaster Board, >ou :an line your house with this > fire proof board at half the'cost 5 of any other material. 5 Give us a call before build " ing, we can save you money. I, Office, W. Cunningham* St., - Opp. Electric Light Office. The Vigorous Man Is a Leader of Men. The Mental, Moral or Physical Wreck Has No Place in the Busi ness World. Dr. A. wTchase's Nerve Pills. The man who hesitates, whoee eye is dull, whose step is slow, whose mind is sluggish, whose hands tremble, is not rhe man whom an employer seeks. It is the bright man, the man with a clear eye and brain, the active man, full of energy, life and vigor, whose very man ner and presence breeds success that is sought for and snapped up as soon as «een, and it seems almost pitiful that the first class, victims of excess of some ort, should exist, when it needs bnt a thorough course of Dr A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills to round them into the old time manly vigor again. Mr. Fred Hoyt of No 734 6th Ave.. New Brighton, Pa., says: | "I used to have a hand so steady I could write the Lord's prajeron a twen | five cent piece—then as a result of overwork and overstrain my eyes gave 1 >ut, my hands and nerves generally be- I came tremblv. I was restless and could I not sleep. I certainly was in bad shape *nd lost my ability to write—could just \ scrawl. 1 heard of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills and got some and they took hold immediately. I began to »leep— i <ain strength—my nerves grew steady— *nd mv eyesight improved greatly. To iay I feel finely and can again write as well as ever, and that means a very ateadv nerve. 2 50 cents a box at dealers or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Por trait and signature of A. W. Chase M.D. on every package. For sale by Redick and Qrohman, druggists, 109 N. Main St. Butler, Pa. Hereto Dine WtainPiltsln Hnmmpl'c OERMAN RESTAURANT. nallllllel 5 Everything to cat »nd drink, served In German atyle. Imported light and dark beer on draught. HI Diamond at. Vlttaburf Miller's Restaurant burgh, l'a. FIFTH AVENUE opp. Grind Open Houm, Bath on each floor free to guetti. Absolutely fireproof. steam beat and telephone In erary room. Furopean plan. COMMERCIAL HOTEL EUROPEAN PLAN * I A. E. KRAMER. PROPRIETOR I'bcnea: Bell, 9852 J Grant. P. ft A., M 5« Main, 1*1,133, m Sixth St. PITTBBCRG, PA. IN VESTMENTS— For people of moderate meant pays from leto SO per ceiit. or write for pro> partus. GKXEREL BUILDING COMPANY. €O4 Bcs-emer It ul id lug, I ITTSDITRGH, PA. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Farm* Bought and Sold—We can aell your buai neas or farm no matter where located, for quick tale consult ua. W. K. \V KITF.RBH AU3KN, 717 East Ohio street, Allegheny, Fa. IRON CITY DRAUGHTING CO., offers unusual facilities f.r first-class work. Designing Draughting Tracing. Pittsburgh and Washing ton Patent Office Drawings Free • office of H. M. STERLING, Patent Attorney, 80* Wylle Avenue, Pittsburg, I'a. I'. AA. 6181-M. Govern merit Positions. VHundreds of openings; bookkeepers. 30 years or over; stenograhers, IS years or over, 1 11.000 to $1,500 annually; railway mall clerk*, 18 to K years, 1800 annually; postofßce clerks and carriers. KSOO to (800 annually; drafts men, fI,OOO to tl.SOO; civil engineers, trained ■ nurses; the positions offer steady employ ment and excellent chances of advancement; ambltlous peraons should Investigate. Par ticulars, (Superintendent Dcrr. 802 'Empire building, Pittsburg, Pa, Write or call. Farms for Sale—ln Has farm district, aromd Yoongstowo, Warren and NIIM, Ohio. Call 0* write for list. HARRINGTON k CO.. Nil—. 0. Far Isl* Coal lands; Pittsburg eoal In Wetml county, W. Va. Address Box % Kndlcotl W. Va. Are Tom Taking Massage, Magnetic. Bsetrical treatments; Turkish, Orea,Vapor sprayorany form of Baths f aWhy not art the Forbes Sanitarium T Has select patronage only: lady attendant*. Open lay and all night, at WltYorbes St., Plctsboig, Pa -6EO. S. LAN6DON & CO. New York and Pittsburg Stocks Orders Solicited. Purchase or Sale. Cash or Margin. Correspondence Invited. Dell Phone, teas Court. Keystone Building, Pittsburg, Pa. joka—Why do you look f<* a Jobf _ . Uarrr —When you attend HoeeokoS*s ■aikss School, then the people will be looking for to work for them—very little expense—Send ft* oatalope. 140* Penn avenue, Pittsburgh, Fa If yoe wanl to buy or sell any kind of business M CAVANAQH CO- Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh. DOCTOR OISSIB, AM Pens Ptttsbargk, eures Piles and ristulae to seal cured; also cancer and all chronic diseases and blool complaint both sexea and all ages ConsalttUM strictly private. Call and eea the Doctor, a Offlot HOURS from 0 »• ID. to 6 p. tn. Pearson B. Nace's Livery,SFeed end Ssle Stsble Rear of Wick House? Butler! Penn's. "The best of horses and first class rigs al I ways on hand and for hire. i Best accommodations In tow* for perma ncnt boarding and transient trade. Sped al care guaranteed. Stsble Room For 65 Horses 1 A good c ass of horses, both drivers and . raft horses always on hand and for sale a full guarantee; and horses bough P'.n proper notification bY PEARSON B. NACE, TeiWßM* So. U u> a? a■ a- -x? a-a:- a? a? a? ■ a; ai gj a- ir? a? a-a ■a?g?m a? $ I EYTH BROS. I * OUR 816 LINE OF FALL WAU PAPERS j? f iSok^A^rpTo-^T'^^^ iji we have ever had at the oricea. - » •»• " Among them ia a big lot of nice ; ; :•: Kitchen P*per at 8c doable roll •: Bed Room Paper at 8c double roll * * v Dining Ro: m Paper at 8c donble roll •* !i: Other papers at con «pondingly low prices. • * •j* Big lioe of Window Shadeo. JonHingß, etc. Give oa a rwil i « SWe also anil Magaziu a. Periodicals and Book*. Eyth Bros., 5 Ip NEAR COURT HOUSE. J J THE— Butler Savings & Trust Co. i ACTS AS EXECUTOR AND ADMINISTRATOR. The officers of this Company will be pleased to con sult at any time with these who contemplate availing themselves of the services of a Trust Company. The Company will not, however, interrupt relations existing between persons requiring its services and their regular attorneys and it is the policy of the Company to retain such attorneys as special counsel in business entrusted to it. 106 SOUTH MAIN STREET. THE LARGEST LN THE COUNTY. . * THE | | Butler County National Bank. | || A good. STRONG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLE of I Buler Couny to do business wih. * || (Capital# 300,000.00 ! II Strength surplus 365,000.001 jf (Assets 2,840,000.00 ! We inviteSYOUßf business—assuring you PROMPT, I COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. { | i "The big Bank on the corner by the Court House" { % ESTABLISHED 1900- THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS (earned) - $47,000.00 DIVIDENDS PAID ----- 56.000.00 None Stronger in the Cotir\ty. Kelsey, Crown, Boomer I FURNACES. I Coal und Slacl< Heaters, Gas and Coal I I Ranges and Gas Stoves. 1904 Washers, B I Sowing Machines, Needles for all mal<es ofß B Sewing Machines. Sewing repaired. B B Roofing and Spouting, and House Furnishing Goods. B I Henry Blehl, I B 122 N. Main St. Poo. 'Phono 464. H fEberhT Bros.l J PLU MBKRS \ J Estimates given on al! kinds of work. ? > We make a specialty of ✓ I NICKLE-PLATED, \ C SEAMLESS, / s OPEN-WORK. ? / 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa C p People[s Phone. 630. C ] <»ooooooooooc<xxx>ooooo<>oo<x ;[ HUGH L. CONNELLY 5 < C SUCCESSOR TO JOHN LIMEGROVER. JR. i * I | WHOLESALE DEALER IN <> J J Beer, Ale a r\& Porter. \l < > Fine Wines and Liquors for f < > Family and Medicinal Purposes. P , , 107 West Ohio Street, (Opposite Post Office.) i I 1 | BOTH PHONES ALLEGHENY, PA. J f Advertise in the CITIZEN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers