Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 16, 1905, Image 1

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I ■ When it is of the utmost I
H importance that yourself H
■ Our I
I f and lowest prices in But-^
I When we ha ye Boys' high top Shoes, 2 soles and Up h6«vy Sho na for H
■ Girls that go to school. Made of the old-fashioned he§vy calf skin. Don't H
H need rubbers with theee shoes. They will stand the hard knocks. H
I Ladles' and Men's Heavy Shoes I
■ ■
I In great variety—high or low cut—from SI.OO and upwards. H
Don't you think it is better to get good Footwear ;than pay doctors'
billsT Think it ov6r.
I 102 N. Main Street. I
9 After Thanksgiving Day J
lit oyer will come the time for repose and when you >
retire into the privacy of your bed room will yon 4
< ind ft furnished as it should be? When you stop >
, to think of the time yon mast spend in your bed J
4 room you must appreciate the importance of com- 1
; portable and attraotiye surroundinf s.
, Our oomplete suits are presented in many j
{ styles and in various woods—but all have been *
1 made with intention to secure the utmost of oom- <
< fort together with an unusual degree of beauty. ►
> The prices must vary with the wood chosen—but, i
< as always, all our prices, are distinctly reasonable ►
i and attractive.. <
< >
> =r- <
j BROWN &c CO. |
< No. 136 North Main St., By tier. ►
New Arrivals In Dress Goods This Weefc«
New Neckwear Gloves and Jewelry*
Special Millinery Offer,
11 .I i .i
Crispine Panama, a new 42 inch, half-wool fabric, all colors, 39c, yd.
Dress Goods, new grey, S9c, 11.00, SI.BB. yd, special value in these.
About a dozen pieces new 34 inch fleece-baok waisiingg, beatif ul new pat
terns, 15c yd. Nice for kimonas and dressing sacqnes.
New Neckwear, Golf Gloves, Jewelry, etc. We have the best SI.OO
1-clasp walking glove made. The La Savoie. Try a pair of these, if you
want a glove that gives satisfaction.
We offer choice of any walking hat in stock this week at half price.
Specials in trimmed h»ts at $2.50. $2.96, $5.00.
Special prices on a}l finer trimmed hats this week,
Watch for our BIG SALE next week, beginning Monday, November
20th, to reduce stock in order to make room for Xmas goods. Big bar
gains in Dress Goods, Silks, Underwear, Furs, Skirts and Millinery. See
large posters for particulars and prices.
WT!OTIC7BOX xs 1 Samples sent on request.
You can save money by purchasing your piano of
W. . NEWTON, "The Piano Man."
The expense of running a Music Store is as follows;
Rent, per annum $780.00
Clerk, per annum $312.00
Lights, Heat and incidentals . . . $194.00
Total $1286.00
I have no store and can save you this expense when you buy of me.
I sell pianos for cash or easy monthly payments. I take pianos or organs in
exchange and allow you what they are worth to apply on the new instrument
All pianos fully warranted as represented.
A few of the people I have sold piano* in Butler. Ask them,
Dr. MoCurdy Bricker Dr. W. P. McElroy
Fred Porter Sterling Club
Fraternal Order Eagles D F. Reed
Kpworth League Woodmen of the World
E. W. Bingham B. A. McPheraon
Geo. D. High Miss Anna McCanqless
W J. Mates ~~ r
J S Thompson Samuel Woods
Joseph Woods . Oliver Thompson
S M McKee John Johnson
A. W. Root ?*
Mia Eleanor Burton J- Hillgard
Mrs. Mary L. Stroup J- E. Bowers
Mil' Fmm. Hmrhea Miles Hilliard
A W MateT Mrs. S. J. Green
W. B. Williams £ Dontheft
Mrs. R. O. f-
Chas. E, Herr L s - JOW™
Subscribe for the CITIZEN
New buildings, new rooms, elegant new equipment /xcellent courses of
study, best of teachers, expenses moderate, terms \ ER\ LU-bKAL,
Over $2,000.00 worth of new tyj>ewriters in use tallowing advanced students
from Bto 4 hours' practice per day) other equipment in proportion'
Winter Term, Jail 2, 191>«. Spring Term, April 2, 1906.
Positions secured for our worthy grulnates Visitors alwa - v f.
When in Butler, pay us a visit. Catalogue and other literature mailed on ap
plication. MAY ENTER ANY TIME.
A. F. REGAL. Principal, Butler, Pa
| Fall and Winter Millinery- J
Everything in the line of Millinery can be found, :£
the right thing at the right time at the right price at r^.
j| Phone 656. 148 S. Main St.
Don't You Need
An Overcoat?
We Closed out a Manufacturer's 4Saiflple Line at
One Half Their Value.
In this lot of 218 Overcoats there are all sizes. In the
Men's overcoats they are sizes 34 to 44. In the Boys' they
are sizes 6to 20. Not 2 Overcoats of a kind.
For want of space we cannot describe these extraordinary
bargains in these Overcoats.
But will just mention a few of them.
29 Overcoats, Regular Price £22, Sale Price. $11.98
33 Overcoats, Regular Price |lB, Sale Price $9.89
28 Overcoats, Regular Price 315, Sale Price $7.45
78 Overcoats, Regular Price $lO, Sale Price $4.89
23 Boys' Overcoats, Regular Price $9, Sale Price $4.62
27 Boys' Overcoats, Regular Price $6, Sale Price $3.13
Have a Look at These Overcoats.
We Will Show Them to You.
No Trouble Whatever.
137 Sonth Main Street, Bntler. Pa.
riil fiUff' MEIN
At\l JGJv Br*vl I II Won't bay clothing for the purpose of
41) I sf7f<\\ V Ja' 1 1 I spending money. They desire to get the
in I jjf !' /UA&gp?*! Jl best, possible-results of ine money expended.
■W ! i ukf l \S A&r, ]JI Tb(«e who buy o.stotn clothing hare a
/r I U T right to demand a fit, to have their olotbes
Ml Ij. | A j correct in style and to demand of the
/ , 11* , ,«r?V teller to guarantee everything. Come to
jt /It, ax'if ! us and tliera will be nDthinsr lacking. I
tflr ln\ have jisr received a large stock of Fall
——- fall « Winter sittings in the latest styles,
\ VM\wsoW'- fifi I shades and colors.
W j G. F. KECK,
' Uf mv 14*2 N. Main St., Pa
; Bickel's Fall Footwear, \
j largest Stock and most Handsome Styles of <
► Fine Footwear we Have Ever Shown. i
< >
i SOROSIS SHOES. Twent >* Fall Styles—Dongola, Patent- .
CWWOIO onWLJi kid and Fine Calf Shoes made in the <
< latest up-to-date styles. Extremely laitre stock of Mists' aud Cbjl- >
f dren's fine shoes in uiany new ans pretty styles for fab. <
i MFN't CHAF* Showing "11 the latest styles in Men's ?
J WCn O JHUra. Fine Shoes, all leathers, $2 and SO. '
{ Complete Stock of Boys', Youths' and Little. Gents' Flee Shoes.
1 Bargains in School Shoes. !
* High-cut copper-top shoes for Boys and good water proof School
- ( Shoes for Girls. ►
Large stock of Women's Heavy Shoes in Kangaroo-calf and
' Oil Grain for country wear. '
| Rubber and Felt Goods. <
i Onr stock of Rubber anil Felt Goods is e«tremly large and >
owing to the large orders which wo placed we were alio to get very "
plose prices and are in a position to offer you the lowest prices for >
Mbest grades of Felts and Rubter Goods. i
An immense business enables us to name the very lowest '
prices for reliable footwear. ►
When in need of anything in our line give us a call.
< Repairing Promptly Done. ►
► i
j 128 S Main St., BUTLER, PA. j
Notice is hereby given the following
roads and bridges have l>een confirmed nisi
by the Court and will be presented on the
first Saturday of Dec. Court, I'.«<>, being
the 9th day or said month, and if no excep
tions are filed they will be continued abso
R D. No. 1, September Term. 1305, In the
matter of the petition of the citizer.>of sum
mit and Oakland townships to change, va
cate and supply a public road leading from a
point at or near Winner's in Donegal town
ship to a point at or near Evan's mill in But
ler township and to supply same so as to be
gin at a point on said road at the foot of (lie
hill near the dwelling house of John Gllle
land in Summit township. Butler county.
Pa.. and to end at a point on the Butler and
Bonnie Brook roak where the East Butler
Land and Improvement Companies' road. In
tersects the same and that part of the Gille
land road between John Gillelana's dwelling
house and the point where the Evth and
Davis road intersects the MM l>e vacated
and discontinued. .June sth, 1905, viewers
were appointed by the Court, who on Sep
tember 2nd. 1905. filed their report in favor
of said change. Estimating the probable
cost of making said mad at and should
be borne by Summit township. No damages
Now, September 9th, 1905, approved and fix
width of road at 311 feet notice to be given ac
cording to law and rules of Court.
15. D. No. 3. September Term. 1905. In the
matter of the petition of citizens of Cherry
township for a bridge across the north
branch of Slippery Rock creek, at Bovard,
south of the grist mill now owned by James
Grossman, where the said creek crosses the
public road leading to Branchton. Forest
ville and divers other points. June 9th.
1905. viewers appointed, who on September
2nd, 1905. filed their report In favor of pro
posed bridge.
Now. Sept. 9th, 1905, approved notice to be
F;lveli according to rules of Court, and to be
aid before the Grahd Jury p.t next term.
R. D. No. 5. September Term. lEOS, In the
matter of the petition of the citizens of
Concord township to change, vacate and
supDly a put lie road; that a public road
leading from William McGili's in Concord
township, to a point on the road leading to
the Great Western near James Storey's in
l'airview township, that a portion of said
road within said township of Concord, to
wit: That portion beginning at a point on
said road at or near a gate at or near the
residence of O. T. Sheaklev from thence
eastward to a point on said r 0 ad at or near
the residence of R. R. Stewart, where above
mentioned road Joins the road leadini? from
Modoc to William Ralston's be vacatld and
supply it by a road beginning at a point on
aforesaid road at or near a gate at or near
the residence of O. T. SheakTey. being one of
the points above mentioned and end ins at a
Point on the road leading from Modoc to
\\ liliam Ralston s at or near where the line
between lands of John Balsljger and Wil
liam Curry crosses the said road leading
from Modoc, to William Ralston's, all within
the township of Concord. Butler Co., Pa.
June 17th. 1905. viewers appointed by the
Court, who Jul V 27th, luy>. Hied their report
in favor of said road.
Now. Sept. 9tli, 1905, approved and fix width
of road a. 33 feet. Notice to be given accord
ing to rules of Court.
R. D, No, 6, Sept. Term, 1905. Intthe matter
of the petition of citizens of Marion town
ships for a public road beginning at a point
on a public road known as the Anandaie and
New Hope road, noar the corner of lands of
Duffy heirs, Theodore E. Smith and David
M. Atwell in the township of Marion and
ending at a point on a public road known as
the Murrinsville and Slippery Rock road
near the store of Joseph Bailey in the town
ship of Marlon. July 24th, 1905, viewers ap
pointed by the Court. who, on August iDrd,
IHOS, report in favor of said road. Damages
assessed to Hugh McAnallen in the sum of
twenty (#2O 010 dollars.
Now, Sept. 9tli. 1905. approved and lix width
of road at 33 feet. Notice to be given ac
cording to rules of Court.
R D, No. 7, Sept. Term, 1905. In the matter
of the petition of citizens of Marlon township
to vacate a public road beginning at a point
on a public road known as the Anandaie and
New Hopo road on lands of D. M. Atwell
near the residence of T. E. Smith, in the
township of Marlop and extending in a
northwesterly direction for a distance of
about one mile and ending at the residence
of S. G. Seaton, near a public road known as
the West Sunbury and Harrisville road in
Marion township, Butler Co., Pa. July Stth,
1905. viewers appointed, who, on Aug. 19th,
1905. report in favor of said change. No
damages assessed.
Sept. 9th. 1905. approved, notice to be given
according to rules of Court.
R. D. No. 8, Sept. Term, 1905. In the mat
ter of the petition of citizens of Slippery
Rock township for a county bridge over the
run in said township on road leadiug from
Wick Station to Franklin road. July 24th,
1905, viewers appointed, who on August 14th,
1905. report In favor of said bridge.
Now, Sept. uth, 1905. approved. Notice to
be given according to rules to Court and to
be laid before tho grand jury at next term.
Certified from the record this 9th day of
Nov., A. D. 1905. L. E. CHRISTLEY,
Clerk Q. 8. Court.
The following widows' appraisements of
personal property and real estate set apart
for the benefit of the widows of decedents
have been Sled in the office of the Clerk
of the Orphans' Court of Butler County, viz:
Widow of Isaac N Husebaugh, personal
property MM 00
Widow of Kobert J. McOamey, personal
property 300 00
Widow of Frank N. Eyth, personal
property 399 00
Widow of J. Calvin McC'lymonds.
personal property 300 00
Widow of Smiley K. Williams, personal
property 300 00
\\l ow of Samuel lilder, personal prop 3CO 00
All persons interested in the »bove ap
praisements will take notlco that they will
be piesented for confirmation to tho Orphans'
Co\irt of Butler county. Pa., on Saturday the
9th day of Dec,, 190J, and If nc exceptions
are filed, they will be confirmed absolutely.
Clerks Office. Noy. ts, 1905.
Legal Notice.
To the Sheriff of said county, Oreetliig:
Wheroas, Edwin I). Adams and C. O. Zlnn,
Executor* of the last will and testament of
M. S. Adams, late of I'arker City. Pennsyl
vania, on the 25 day of September. A. I).
1905, presented their petition to the Court of
Common Pleas of said county, at M's. D. No.
13, of September term of said Court, setting
forth: , ,
••That on the 13th day of July, A. I>. 1x54.
the said M. S. Adairs, made, executed and
delivered to Ueniy t_«raff, his certain mort
gage in fhe sum of ten thousand dollars,
conditioned for the deliverence of two hund
red tons of pig metal to said Henry Graff, in
Pittsburg. 100 tons November 15,1553, and 100
tons April 15, 1856, which SHitl mortgage was
recorded In the office for recording of deeds.
«Stc., In Butler county, in Mortgage Book, No.
Z, page 113, on the 19 day of October, 1554, and
by the terms thereof become a lien upon,
inter alia, all that certain tract of land situ
ate in Allegheny township, Butler county,
Pennsylvania, commonly callea the Maple
Purnance Tract, bounded on the north by
lands of W. C. Adams; east by lands of I'ierce
& Black; south by lands of AUsworth heirs
and on the west by lands of Andrew Camp
bell, conttiniug 4t>i acres, together with all
the machinery, engines. Implements, tools,
&c.. of and belonging to Maple l'uruace
thereon erected.
That the said M. S. Adams, having com
plied with tho condition of said mortgage
and delivered the pig metal therein men
tioned to be delivered to the said Uraff the
following entry was made on the margin of
tne record of said mortgage, by John Gra
ham, attorney of said Graff, to-wlt; "I here
by enter satisfaction of this mortgage bv
written authority from the plaintiff, John
Graham, svtt'y, ao Dec. 1856.
But no legal satisfaction of said mortgage
was ever entered an the record or indices of
sa:d mortgage, that both the Mortgagor M
S, Adams, and the Mortgagee, Henry Graff
are deceased. '
That the said described lands arc now in
the hands of the petitioners for the puruoso
of raising money with -which to pay the
costs of administration and tl\e indebtedness
of M. 8. Adams, deceiised, in wulch tIS arl
meeting with difficulty by reason of the
above *wted legally unsatisfied tnorUaire
Vherefore the petitioners pray tGe said
Court to wake an ordM directing the Sheriff
of said county to serve notice according to
law, the Act ot June 11, IJT9, upon the it-gal
representatives of Henry Graff, deceased
the mortgagee, requiring them to appeal
and show cause wfiy said mortjngo :,Huuld
not be satisfied of record, unvfunoa tlic-ir
failure so to do, and upq n l being made
as tP t*e compliance with tho conditions
thereof as above stated, that the Court de
pree and direct that satisfaction thereof be
pS^ u grsaid e^: ,rd of said -
. Executors, &c.
,^. H "P U P° N tl.e said COURT made the fol-
K 11?£ I ' A?r w,ti , Aoti n " w ' September
», 1905, within petition presented in open
'a accordance with the prayer
i. l l* ordered and directed that the
MWHVot Butter county, serve notice, stat
lng the set forth fri tho within petition,
iJ l ® representative of Henry
J?J 1 1 found within the said county
or lsutlor, and in case said parties cannot he
found within said county. *»ien tc
notice as aforesaid in one r mor© news
papers published within s*h onoo a
week for four week* yX
the next term of satd tJrm of
said parties to apnei»? and anTirr
said Court. Dpcsmtcr ' jfiny they
f AK> should not be
»i ij y "SL M law. and Tuesday,
satisfied as provided fixed for a
December o, at 10 o L IO»-*
hearing hereon. nv COUBT.
Certified from the this :Sth day of
September, A, D, JOHN C. CLARK,
To the legal representatives of Uenry
° You "virtue of flic above stated
order of 'Court, l««e*a
required to appear at the text term or s«t.u
'-ourt, Uecemot-r 4, 1U00. aid answer th- said
petition and show cause If any you na\e
why mortgage shouic not be satisfied,
in uelault whereof the saii Court will make
an order and decree dittcting satisfaction
thereof, as provided U/
gfROTL. OIB6ON, Sheriff.
I Hunted Down I
1 By C. B. LEWIS
IC-ypvriQht, 1905. by R. B. McClurt |
When the men sent out by the Big
Four Cattle company in search of new
pasturage reached the Winil river val
ley alinoat the first thing their eyes
rested on was a drove ot wild horses
numbering thirty. The drove was led
by a stallion whose grace aud beauty
elicited unbounded admiration. Some
of the drove had escaped from bond
age to roam the plains free from the
restraints of man, but the leader had
surely been foaled in some quiet cove
among the foothills, and his mother
had kept guard over him while the
timber wolves circled around and
gnashed their teeth in hunger.
He had been born as free as the air
about him, and when his muscles had
hardened he had galloped with a herd
up and down the valley for 200 miles
north and south. He had braved the
fierce winters, the cunning of the
wolves, the spring of the mountain
lion, the greed and cruelty of the red
man. There he stood at the head of
his drove, five or six years old, black
as midnight, with the exception of the
white star on his forehead, and there
were a beauty and a defiance about
him that appealed to the little band
all but one.
"See me put a bullet Inside that
star!" he said as he pointed his rifle.
"If you do, I will put one through
your head!" replied the leader, and he
was backed up by his two companions.
For Ave minutes every horse in the
drove stood there with head and tail
up and nostrils quivering and flanks
heaving, and then at a signal from
their leader they were away like the
It was through these men that the
Big Four outfit heard of the black
horse. The coming of men and cattle
drove him and his fellows down to the
south end of the valley, ' a hundred
miles away, but now and then they
seemed to have a longing to revisit the
old pastures, and they came sweeping
back. They never came during the
day, but always on a moonlight night,
and the first any one knew of their
presence was the sound of their thud
ding hoofs. Three times in the course
of a year they stampeded the cattle,
and then the foreman ordered their de
struction. The next time they came
■weeping up the valley they were to be
made targets of.
There was grumbling among the men.
A drove of wild horses is always a
peril to a herd of steers, but it went
against the grain of the men born in
freedom themselves to shoot down
other of God's creatures. The wolf,
the coyote, the lion—yes, they were
man's enemies, but the wild horses
were his friends. If they were not un
der his hand and obedient to him they
were still his friends. Ever since men
and horse 3 were, a bond of friendship
has existed between them. When the
horses came again a few shots were
fired, one or two wounded, perhaps,
nnd the herd escaped material damage.
The foreman saw how it was with his
cowboys. It was so with his own con
science, and he did not blame them.
But the drove must go. There were
men over at San Bias who would do
anything for money, even to the taking
of human life. For a certain price per
head they undertook to exterminate
the drove. There were four of them,
and they rode away secretly and swore
the foreman to secrecy. They had to.
The cowboys would have called It mur
der nnd demanded revenge. The few
settlers along the foot of the mountains
were rough and hardy men who were
dealing with nature in the rough, but
they would not have tolerated the
The quartet found the drove and be
gan the work. Sometimes the men
killed from the saddle and sometimes
they skulked and sneaked on foot and
approached their game as tho panther
does. It was from no feeling of senti
ment that they spared the black horse.
It had been agreed from the first to
spare him till the last and then seek
to capture him alive. It took weeks to
finish the rest of the drove. When tho
horses found death on their trail they
left the broad pastures and sought the
green coves, making far into the moun
tains. They spread out so as to leave
no trail and ceased to whinny. By
day they hid themselves among the
pines and cedars and came out only at
night to feetl.
The mountain lions aided the hunt
ers. They ambushed horse after horse
and pulled them down, and the fierce
timber wolves kept the living in a
state of terror. To tho north were the
cattlemen, to the south advancing
vlvilization. The poor horses were
fcemmed between.
By and by the hunters gleefully re
ported that only one horse was left—
the. black leader. He could not have
escaped bullets had they been minded
to shoot him, but he had outwitted the
wolves and the lions, and when his
last companion went down he uttered
a shrill neigh of defiance and vanished
in the distance. Word was sent up
and down the valley that he was to
be hunted to his capture. The cow
boys would have nothing to do with it,
but there were a score of others who
entered into the chase gleefully and
greedily. The man who captured the
black horse could put his own price ou
The plan of campaign was for men
to station themselves up and down the
valley at intervals and to keep the
black horse moving until ho fell from
exhaustion. It would seem almost as
It the summer breeze whispered the
plans of men in his ears. He disap
peared as if the earth had swallowed
him up, and he was not found for a
month. Then one day a man penetrat
ed a wild, dark gorge leading into the
mountain, and when he had followed
It for a quarter of a mile it debouched
luto a cove ten acres in extent. Water
and grass were plentiful, and the black
horse had lived iu safety. Ou the grass
lay the decaying bodies of four timber
Wolves that had met death while trying
to pull him dOWU. He had courage as
—" - b«auty.
pr<"KW" uiau drove the
-■— - > alley, and then the
chase was taken np. It began one
nornlng at daylight.
The chase was cruel and later on led
to quarrels wherein men lost their
Uvea. For five miles each hunter pur-
Bued tho black horse at top speed and
then he rested. Confident of his speed
and strength, the lone horse moved o£t
with a defiant air. There was not a
moment's rest for him all day long.
Three or four times he buried his
muzzle in the ice cold waters of the
creeks as he came to them. The com
ics of night gave him no relief. It
was moonlight and the chase still con
For seventy miles the black horse j
held bis course ug the Xji«u
be turned and retraced his steps. Again
he went up the valley, but when he
had covered fifty utiles he stopped and
stood at bay. He had done oil that a
horse could do. and more. He had
covered 100 miles of distance almost
without breaking his gait. When he
stopped, signals were giveu for the
men above and below to close in, and
by and by there were a dozen in
a circle around him. LASSOS were
made ready, but the men quarreled
among themselves as to who had the
best right. While the war of words
was going on the black horse could
have wheeled and broken through, but
he realized that his race was run. It
was bright moonlight, and he stood
blowing the steam from his nostrils,
and his head was never held higher.
His limbs trembled, but with weak
ness instead of fright. His eyes had
lost their fire, but the race he had run
was to be talked about for twenty
years to come.
Suddenly three or four men began
to whirl their lassos and others pre
pared to shoot, aud It was then that
the black horse uttered a sobbing
neigh, tossed his proud head high and
sank down with a sigh and was dead
ere any man had laid hand on his fore
lock. Captivity was not for him.
A Story of Horace Greeley.
One of the stories told of Horace
Greeley In Wilder's "The Sunny Side
of the Street" is a curious rendering
Into vernacular experience of the an
cient Horace's theater going gentleman
of Argos, with his retort, "Cul sic ex
torta voluptas et demptus per vim
mentis gratlssimus error:"
A friend—one of the wise, observant,
upsetting kind of friends—called on
Greeley one cold winter day and found
the great Journalist with a favorite
book in his hand, a beatific smile on his
face and his feet over the register. The
visitor had previously been through
the building and learned that the fur
nace had gone wrong and been re
moved, the cold air flue could not be
closed and zero air was coming
through all the registers, so he said:
"Mr. Greeley, why do you keep your
feet there? There Is no heat—only cold
air is coming up!"
Greeley tumbled out of his chair and
in the childish whine that always came
to him when he was excited replied:
"Why didn't you let me alone? I
was entirely comfortable, but now I'm
near you I'm frozen."
Tell in b His Name.
Lord Rathmore was formerly plain
David Pluukett. Shortly after he was
raised to the peerage he took a trip
to the Riviera. The French railway
company reserved a carriage for his
private use. At some unknown hour
of the night the door of the carriage
was suddenly opened. A lantern was
flashed upon him, and a voice sharply
cried, "Votre nom?" ("Your name?")
Lord Rathmore, wakened out of his
sleep, looking up in a partly dazed
condition, discovered a railway ofll
cial on his way round for tickets. Lord
Ratlimore's name was on the paper af
fixed to the window, marking the com
partment as reserved. The official de
sired to identify the occupant of the
carriage with the person to whose use
It was Inscribed. "Votre nom?" he
sternly repeated, seeing the passenger
hesitate. There sprang to Lord Rath
more's lips the familiar "David Plun
kett." Happily he remembered in time
he was no longer David Flunkett, but
for the life of him he could not re
member what title In the peerage he
had selected. It seemed half an hour
to him before he could remember
The Man They Wanted.
The great ship labored In the storm.
Ever and anon a giant wave would
Ihrow the steel leviathan on her beam
ends, and at each shock the heads of
Ihe passengers would knock in an an
vil chorus against the sides of their
berths. At this critical moment, with
n roar that rose above the fury of the
hurricane, a mob of determined men
burst upon the deck.
"Mutiny!" gasped the mate.
"Xo, they are cabin passengers," said
(lie captain. "Xow, gentlemen, you
.oust go below. There really is no
"Yes there is—danger for a Jonah
who is on this ship,;' came back the
mswering chorus.
"Who do you mean, gentlemen?"
asked the captain.
"Show us," they howled—"show us
that fellow who was singing 'Rocked
In the Cradle of the Deep' only a few
hours ago! Let us at him!"— New York
It Did Not Take Xevrton Long to
Kind the Correct Solution.
Iu Ntwton's time It was often the
custom for illustrious mathematicians,
when they had discovered a solution
for some new and striking problem, to
publish that problem as a challenge to
the world while withholding their own
solution. A famous instance of this is
found in what is known as the BraAis
tochrone problem, which was solved by
John Bernouilli. The nature of this
problem may be mentioned. It was to
find the shape of the curve along which
n body would slide down from one
point (A) to another (B) in the shortest
time. It might at first be thought that
the straight line from A to B, as it is
undoubtedly the shortest distance be
tween the points, would also be the
path of quickest descent, but this Is
not so.
There is a curved line down which a
bead, let us say, would run on a
smooth wire from A to B in a shorter
time than the same bead would
quire to run down the straight wire.
Bernouilli's problem was to find out
what that curve must be.
Newton solved It correctly. He
showed that the curve was a part of
what is termed a cycloid—that la to
say, a curve like that which Is de
scribed by u nail on the rim of a car
riage wheel as the wheel runs along the
ground. Such was Newton's geomet
rical Insight that he was able to trans
mit a solution of the problem on tho
flay after he had received it to the
president of the Royal society.
Do so well today that you need not
long for tomorrow.
Some men only want your confi
dence to give it to others.
If a man were his own enemy, what
stories he could tell on himself!
Dou'i judjje a wan by his first friend
ships In a town; Judge him by his last.
Don't give your friends indigestion
by trying to poke people you like
down their throats.
When we think of the ease with
which we deceive others we should
think of the ease witli which others
may deceive us.
Good news travels; not so rapidly
as bad news, of course, hut it travels.
Do a good thing, and people will hear
of it iii time.
Everybody understands that an old
boiler must lie treated with care, but
very few understand that an old stom
ach is as dangerous as an old boiler. —
Atchison Globe.
Some Hint* and the Illinois Corn
Growera' Score Card.
Every one who has grown corn
knows how readily it "runs out" or
degenerates. Plant breeders are agreed
that the most potent cause for this de
generacy In corn U inbreeding. To
avoid this it is best to select ears from
different portions of the field, and these
ears are to be selected at as great a
distance from each other as possible.
We are constantly receiving inquiries
as to the points and rules used in the
scoring and Judging of corn The fol
lowing is the score card adopted by the
Illinois Corn Growers' association:
Perfect score.
Uniformity 10
Shape of ears S
Color of cars 10
Market condition 6
Tips of ears 10
Butts of ears 5
Uniformity of kernels 5
Shape or kernels 6
Space 10
Length 10
Clrcumferenc* 8
Per cent of corn *0
Uniformity of ears in a variety is the
best indication that that variety has
been carefully selected for a number
of generations.
The nearer the shape of an ear ap
proaches that of a cylinder the greater
will be the percentage of corn to cob.
This cylindrical shape will permit the
car to carry* straight parallel rows of
kernels from butt to tip. •
Those varieties of corn that have re
ceived the greatest care in their se
lection and improvement are uniform
in color. The white varieties have a
white cob, and the yellow and red va
rieties have a red cob. No corn should
be used for seed that shows the effect
of cross polleniratlon. The effect of
pollen Is shown the first year.
By market conditions Is meant the
soundness of the ear and the conditions
of the kernels. The ears should be free
from decay or fungous disease, and the
kernels should not be shriveled or
chaffy, but show full maturity.
The tips of the ears should be cover
ed with regular, uniform kernels, so
that no part of the cob can be seen.
The butt of the ear should be well
filled out with even rows of kernels
and swelled out evenly beyond the end
of the cob around the shank.
The kernels should be uniform in
size, shape and color, and should pos
-BeBS 8 1 m R '
well filled bittt. uilt of the lar
gest number of
rows of kernels on the cob.
There should be very little space be
tween the rows of kernels. A wide
space shows shallow kernels of a bad
The per cent of corn on the ear la de
termined by weighing the ears, shelling
the grain and rewelghlng the cobs and
grain. A hundred pounds of ear corn
should never shell out less than eighty
pounds of grain.—Kentucky Experi
ment Station.
The Day of Small Thlifa.
When Danny Griffin was a boy he
had an eye to business and knew bow
to invest a dollar so It would increase.
Once he trapped two skunks and sold
their skins. With the money he bought
a pig. Danny was a good feeder, and
the pig grew large and fat Apples
and corn and milk were converted Into
pork. The hog went to the butcher, and
the proceeds went for two sheep. They
each bad a lamb, and the ewee, with
their Increase, brought enough to buy
a good heifer calf. When the calf
grew to be a cow he sold her to Frank
T. for $35.
That was thirty-five years ago, and
|>auny was then fifteen. "Now Daniel
Griffin owns a hundred acre farm be
sides other property, and his crops and
his credit are good.
Moral.-—Despise not the day of small
things.—Farm Journal
Plnlahlng Grain Harrtat.
Late sown grain will be harvested
this month. The work should proceed
without delay and the grain not allow
ed to stand until overripe. The late
'own oats will make good bay If cut
while yet green, and this Is a very
satisfactory use to which to devote
them. Good crops of barley are some
times grown when for various reasons
It Is found necessary to sow late, and
It makes an excellent substitute for
this purpose. This is an easy crop to
cure late In the season. Where buck
wheat Is raised it should be In condi
tion to harvest by the last of the month
and receive proper attention.—Amer
ican Cultivator.
The Winning Combination of Bljr
Yields and Psylsf Prices.
While the greatest of all our grain
crops has not yet been secured, It is
probable that this year's harvests will
foot up the greatest total ever gar
nered by American farmers. Wheat
is not far from a record breaking crop,
oats a great crop and corn the greatest
on record if Its present promise is not
lowered by untimely frosts. But when
the American farmer confronts his
Thanksgiving turkey be will have some
thing more than many bushels to be
thankful for—fair prices. We have
had big yields before that brought
little Joy because they had to sell so
low, but now the agricultural pro
ducer has the winning combination of
good yields and paying prices. Those
who are dissatisfied with present con
ditions will do well to look up quota
tions on farm products ten years ago.
Cattle Situation.
The most hopeful feature of the situ
ation is the improved market for beef.
The trust agitation has died away, and
pork and mutton are dearer than usual,
and so Is poultry, all of which tends
to expand the consumption of beef.
The promise of a great corn crop Is
No. 45.
! also likely to be a source of benefit
to the fall cattle trade. It will icad
those who have cattle to keep and
finish them and will induce others to
invest. Although the past three years
have shown no profit* to most feeders,
they will probably finish a large num
ber again the coming winter. There
is no other nvenue open to them, with
prices of other classes of feeding stock
"out of sight." On the whole, the
present cattle situation is better than
was anticipated earlier in the summer,
though there Is still vast room for
The Small Feeders.
The tendency of the times is against
the professional feeder, the speculator
who buys his stock and his feed and
hires his labor. The man who can feed
his own grain on his own land without
Increasing his labor bill Is driving the
speculative feeder out of business. The
small feeder has the great advantage
of cheap roughage, his own or hired la
bor at minimum cost and ability to get
something out of the manure. With
all these things In bis favor be can feed
stock on narrow margins and prosper
where the speculative feeder will Um
money. At distilleries, mills, etc., the
latter holds on, but he Is passing out
elsewhere.—National Stockman.
lortlnc and Bac(li( the Crep A
Sorter Illustrated.
By W. T. MACOUN, Canada.
Some of the varieties of potatoes
which are poor quality are freest from
blight; hence these are becoming pop-
ular with some potato growers. Some
of the potatoes of best quality, how
ever, are also freest from blight We
believe that leaving everything elssrfi
out of consideration It will pay s po- aj
tato grower to grow varieties of good
quality which are equally or more
productive than those perhaps a little
freer from blight and spray them with
bordeaux mixture. He would then be
In a position to offer the very best
potatoes to his customers, who would
soon appreciate those of better quality.
The question of how to market pots
toes depends so much on local condi
tions that it Is not considered desir
able to go very fully Into It hers. The
practice of the best growers is to sort
and bag the potatoes Just before tbey
are ready to market them. Good ma
chines for sorting and removing the
sprouts from potatoes can now be ob
tained, which lessens the labor very
much. A sorter or separator Is hers
Kxhlbltlnar Fruits at Fairs.
One of the handsomest and most
tractive exhibits of fruit we have 4ver
seen was that shown by Lucas county
at the Ohio state fair last falL The
fruits, which comprised practically the
whole list of those available at that
season, weje neatly arranged on a
large table about twenty feet square
and in such a manner that the com
bination of varieties and colors st once
attracted attention and prompted com
ment on the beauty of the products.
Too frequently color on exhibition ta
bles is overlooked. —Exchange.
To make pigs profitable they must
be kept growing every minute.
The watering tank should be cleaned
out frequently. It Is a shame to com
pel stock to drink water thick with dirt
and slime.
The Brahma la a good winter egg
/Soducer and makes a fine large roast
ing fowl for market.
September is a good month to set
hens for Christmas poultry.
A small crop promises to make ap
ples profitable fruit this season.
The farmer must not hang bad l
supplying things that are pretty to
look upon, although they may not be
dellcloup to eat One of the great buy
ers of the products of the farm Is the
human eye.
One View of the Man Who Haunts
His Owi Home Circle.
The foolishness of wives is shown In
their warfare against the club, be it
good or bad, and their indiscriminate
laudation of the domestic man. The
latter is not apt to be an alluring per
sonality, for, oscillating between down
town and home, his circle of Interests
is necessarily narrow, and he inevita
bly takes up with more or less petty,
matters and becomes a domestic mar
tinet or a tame cat All the big civic
Interests that engage the energies of
public spirited men in their leisure
from business be ignores, as he does
association with men identified with
other worthy interests. The petty gos*
Blp of the home and the evening paper
constitute the typical domestic man's
mental sustenance In his moments of
relaxation from the grind of money
making, and apart from merely hav
ing him within reach it is hard to un
derstand what pleasure the wife can
take in this variety of husband, for he
apparently fetls under no obligation to
make himself agreeable. It is not he
who makes the meal cheerful by set
ting the conversational pace in the di
rection of amusing stories or interest
ing information, bis usual contribution
' being fussy comment on some trivial
domestic incident. More often he eats
In silence and departs in the shortest
time possible for the most desirable
chair in the living room, there to ire
main for the remainder of his evening.
Such a man, however good a provider
he may be for his family, is a social
vegetable merely, in whom no woman
is Justified in taking pride at this dcy,
when the need in public affairs is for
citizens who bear their share of the
burdens peculiar to our nation and
Words Passed.
Judge—You say that words pssae*
between the accused and his wife. Did
you hear what they were? Witness
No; I didn't hear them, but I «sw them.
Judge —Saw them? Witness—Xes.
[ They were in the dictionary, t&st h*
threw at her.
"I have been married twice, oact let
love and once for money."
"Are you satisfied T"
"Not quite. I should Uks to try. mar
rying for s little of both, If I OW*"'
BuA _ .. J