THE BUTLER CITIZEN. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8,1905. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ROTE— AII advertiser* lntendtn# to make ch&BKM in their ad*, should notify ns or tbelrlntention to do ao not later than Mon day morn Inf. Sheriff Sales, Dec. 1. Widow's Appraisement*. Road and Bridge Reports. Register's Notices. „ Administrator's Notice, Estate of R. M. Addleman. For Sale Cheap. Admlnlau*ton and Executor, of e*tate* CAD Mcart their receipt bo- It* at the CITIZEN office, and person* mi ilng public •ales their note book*. ~ LOCAL AND GENERAL. —Abel Fisher's house on W. Pearl St. was burglarized. Saturday night. —Dr. Cowden's house on N. Main St was burglarized, last Saturday night. —The Eyth Broe. have added maga zines, periodicals and books to their stock. See adv. —Surveyors are at work on a propos ed new trolly line from Zelienople to Batler—a branch of the proposed trolly from Allegheny to Zelienople, Ell wood and New Castla —The proposition to change Butler borongh to a city of the Third class was voted down-872 for to 1199 against. like this should not be mixed up with a general election. Owing to the election our mailing lists were not corrected this week. Per sons who have paid us on subscription daring the past week will know what we refer to. The tabs will be corrected next week. —At the meeting of Council, Tuesday evening, the resignation of City En gineer Harper was accepted, and C. F. L. McQuistion was elected in his stead. The Council accepted the new garbage furnace and paid $3,200 on it. —An oyster Rapper with chicken, pampkin pie, cake, ioe cream and cof fee will be given in I. O. O. F. hall, Thursday evening, Nov. 10, by the Prospect cornet band. There will be a big cake walk. Music furnished by the orchestra. Proceeeds for benefit of band. —The Election Proclamation should inclade a copy of the official ballot, as quite a number of mistakes were made In each precinct, Tuesday. Some men made a mark opposite the name of their party and also after the. name of some particular friend on the opposite ticket, which invalidated their vote fo r that office. ■» —Football reform appears to be lag ging. The presidents of the great uni versities are not enthusiastic over the proposed reform. The orthodox idea is that the thing to do With a troublesome player on an opposing team is to put him ont of business. Mnrder him —se- cretly if you can, openly if VO J must, bnt kill him. —The annual meeting of tbe ladies' auxiliary to the hospital association will be held in the public library par lor on Tuesday, November 14, at 2:80 p. m. A full attendance is r« quested. Election of officers will be h< Id, and yearly reports read. New members will be cordially received. All inter ested in this work are invited to join the auxiliary. —Believing that his daughter, Mrs. Charles Poddington. a bride of a few weeks, was a burglar, Hayden R. Craft of Uniontown, her father, a prominent hardware merchant of that place, shot and killed her about 1 o'clock Sunday morning As a result of the terrible mistake, the faher may loee his reason and is being watched cloeely by friends. The husband, who is ill with pneu monia, is in a critical condition from shock. Fires. A Are. which started in the tailor ■hop of E. J. Hess in Zelienople. early yesterday morning, burned it, the barber shop of C. Klelnfelte - ; Wm. Wright's general store, and PbilUps & Newton's millinery store. The Wright ■tore and bam is the largest loss—about ? 12,000, and the total loss is put at 15,000. A small blaze in the basement of the Doutt dry goods store, Tuesday even ing, did SBOO worth of damage. The end of one of the Red Ro*v dwell ings was burned out yesterday morning. The School Directors. The school directors of this county held an interesting convention in Y. M. C A hall Butler, last Friday; and aome interesting addresses were listen ed to. The following officers were elected to serve the ensuing year. President, J. H. Douds, Evaus City. Secretary, Rev. Hugh Leitb, Zelieno ple. Treasurer, John Allison, Centre twp. The directors will meet again next fall at a time to be decided on by the officers of the association. Pleaaaut Event in Middlesex. A delightful event of last Tuesday evening was a "miscellaneous suower. Cs in honor of Miss Annie Allison by Cora Kennedy at J. N. Fulton's, grandfather of the bride to be, which was attended by quite a number of the friends of the young lady. Tht decora tions were pink and white and green, and suspended from the arch-way be tween the sitting and dining rooms was a beautiful wsdoing bell, made of pink and white crepe paper. In the parlor was a beautiful pink parasol, under which the to be brid6 walked blind «folded to where there was a chair plac ed for her to sit upon, while all the presents were placed around her. Then the handkerchief was remov«d from her eyes. She was surprised wben the rice began to shower down on toe para sol. She was remembered by her friends with useful and handsome pres ents, and after a very fine lunc'a and a pleasant evening the young fol JS went home wishing ber a happy future. ONE WHO WAS '1 HERE. M A.J EST I CT II EAT R E. Cousin Kate. Virginia Drew Trescott in "Cousin' Kate' will be the attraction at the Ma jestic Theatre, matinee and night, Saturday, November 11. The Sleeping Beauty and the Beast. Possibly without any exception, the big spectacular "The Sleeping Beauty and the Beart" which will play at the Majestic, Thursday, November 14 is the most meritorious attraction be tore the public this season. Price 25-50-75-SI.OO $1,150. For Sale Cheap. A light, ons horse surrey, as good as new, nas extension top, oil burning lamps, fenders and steel tires. Inquire at this office. CHARLES THOMPSON, 187 Main St, More new goods every day, buy the newest at Ritter Sc Rockenstein's. All summer clothing at t >ince at Ritter & Rockenstein's. —Why is Newton "The Piano Man?' See adv. Money to loan on first mortg ge. E. H. Negley, Diamond. The loweet priced clothing ktore in Batter, Bitter A Bocfcenstein's. PERSONAL. Bert Black of Cherry twp is down with typhoid. J. C. Gibson of Parker twp.. was in town on business, yesterday. A. W. Marsh of Penn twp. did some shopping in Batler, Monday. A. W Boozel of Clay twp was in town on business, yesterday John G. Jennings of Pittsburg speiit Monday with friends in Butler. A. W. Addleman of Venango twp. was in town on business, Monday. Gov. Follette has cancelled all his lec ture dates, on account of ill health. Chas. Book and wife of Cherry twp. did some shopping in Butler, Friday. W. D. Snyder and Gus Walters of Clinton twp. visited friends in Butler. Saturday Mr. and Mre. E. M. Brown of Morton Ave. spent Sunday with relatives in East Brady. Geo. McCandless has served on the election board of the 3d Ward for the past 23 years. L C. McClymonds of Evans City has moved to Coraopolis, Pa. and Ld to Cleveland, Okla. E. M. Rigsby, a foreman at the Car Works, has rented Will Miller's house on N. Bluff streets. Jacob Reiber of 121 W. North St. re turned home Monday from a visit with friends in New York. Col. A. D Shearer and John J. Shan or returned from a business trip to Denver, Col., last week. W. J. Campbell, proprietor of the New Central at Slipperyrock,? visited friends in Butler, yesterday. J. M. Corry and family went to Du Bois, Saturday, where he takes charge of the Y. M. C. A. work there. Will Miller bid his friends in Butler goodby, yesterday, and went to Sharon, to take possession of the Carver House. Tsi-An has a lovely smile. An Amer ican lady who has been painting a por trait of the Dowager Empress of China says Tsi-An has the most beautiful smile in the world. There is a general suspicion, however, that she doesn't mean it. Judge E. McJunkin was the oldest man in Butler borough, and perhaps in the county, to vote Tuesday. Judge McJunkin is now in his S7th year On the election board of the Court House gjecinct, 3rd Ward, were John McQ mith and George McCandless, both of whom are nearing the four score mark. William Waldorf Astor, Jr arrived at New York on the Cedric. last Friday He wore a monocle, pale, cream-colored spats, a cruller-shaped hat and a British accent. In answer to a custom inspect or's query he said: "Oh, ya-as, I'm an Englishman, doncherknow!" William Waldorf, Jr.. also brought over with him 32 suits of London glad-rags, two cockney valets and a sardonic smile. William's rentals from his share of the tremendous estate in New York, built up by his grandfather, John Jacob Astor, amounts to about six millions a year, and yet he has seen fit to become a citizen of England and live there. ACCIUENTH. Wm. Frazier. aged 19 years, a son of James F. of Mercer St. was caught between two travelling-cranes, Satur day afternoon, and was so badly crush ed that he died, at the Hospital, shortly after. The boiler of the South Peon's well on the Bulford farm in Penn twp. ex- Sloded last Friday afternoon, ana Win eld S. Gray, who was in the boiler house at the time was so badly scalded, that bis life was considered in danger. Joseph Hickey, who was in the derrick, was knocked down, but not seriously injured. The boiler house was knocked to pieces, and the boiler flew up the hill quite a distance. Joseph Martin of Valencia was acci dently shot in the leg by his companion while ont hunting, last Friday. Miss Maggie, a danghter of John Cas tor of Brady twp. was found burned to death in her home one day last week. The rest of the family were all at work in the fi«lds at the time, and when they retnrned they found Miss Castor lying on the floor dead, with her clothing en tirely consumed by the flames. She was aboat 20 ve&rs of age. A son of John M. Mahon of Parker twp. was accidently shot dead by an other boy while scuffling for a revolver. Tuesday. Jules Haumont, a young Frenchman, was ran over aad killed at the Car Works, Tuesday afternoon. He was single, 29 years of age, and got in front of a car that was being run out of the building into the yard. CH UJBCH NOTES. The Bntler Ministerial Association held its regular monthly meeting in the Y. M. CT A parlors, Monday. It was arranged to hold three union Thanksgiving services; one in the Grace Lutheran church with Rev. George E. Enterline to preach; another in the United Presbyterian church with Rev. D. L. Johnson to preach; third in St. Panl's Reformed church. The Thanks giving offering will be, as usual, for the Children's Aid Society of Bntler county. BITLKU MARKETS. Oor grocers are paying for— Apples 75 Peaches $1.25 to 1.50 Chestnuts, per pd 10 Fresh eggs 23 Batter 20-22 Potatoes 50 Tomatoes 100 Chickens, dressed 17 Navy beans, bn $1 75 Onions, bu 90 Lettuce, lb 10 Honey per lb 17 Dried Apples 6 Squashes, per pd 2 Turnips, per bu 40 Our dealers are paying, for— Wheat 80 Rye 00 Corn, shelled 68 Hay, bailed, ton sl2 00 Buckwheat, per cwt $1 10 FOR SALE— TWO nice walnut bed steads with springs, 2 dressers, 2 wash stands and other furnitnre. Inquire at 124 W. WAYNE ST., BUTLER. Sammer clothing at i price at Ritter & Rockenstein's now. PURE SPRING WATER ICE is now being delived to all parts of the town by JOHN A RICHEY, It is the purest ice in town Leave your orders at the Bakery. 142 S. Main St. Butler. The best at the loweet price, Ritter & Rockenstein. When yon visit Butler see Ritter & Rockenstein's about that new suit. —Why is Newton "The Piano Man?' See adv. PURE ICE. Delivered dailylto all parts of town, in large or small amounts. FRED. H. GOETTLER, Phones, Bell J 158, People's 220. When it comes overcoat time rem em ber Ritter & Rockenstein. TIES WANTED, Fifty-thousand street-car ties, 6xß inches, and eight feet long, are wanted, along the line of the trolley, between Butler and Mars, or F. O. B. cars at Bntler. Write to A. Seaton & Son, Zelienople, Pa. H. E. BEATON, Agent. Specially Low Uomehcekem' Ex cursion Fares to Point* lu the Weht ami Southwest, South ami Southeast. For further Information consult near est Baltimore & Ohio Ticket Agent. If Ritter & Rockenstein sell you one suit they will sell you another, their I price la right LEGAL NEWS. NEW SUITS. j B. &O.R- R Co vs Citizens Light & Heat Co. of Millerstown, bill in equity to enjoin defts. from laying a gas line under the railroad tracks a mile south of Chicora. A temporary injunction was granted. NOTES. John S. Shook has been appointed election constable for Penn twp.. north precinct. T. J Dodds was appointed judge and T. C. Patterson inspector of the First precinct. Fifth ward. L S. Henry was appo.ntxl election constable for Connoqnenessing twp., north precinct. W. R. Bowser of the West End was arrested. Friday, on charges of a&b and suretv of the peace preferred against him by his wife. Next day he was re leased by his own request. M. Finnegan and J. T. Frederick have placed on record oil and gas leases cov ering 620 acres in Jefferson and Win field twps. Among the farms are the C. Zellsman, Voland, Simon. Frederick and others. Theodore Hoffman has taken op leases amounting to 350 acres on the James Wilson, Margt Parks, Rachel Hays. Everett Hays and other farms in Mid dlesex twp. The leases were sold to the Tradesmen's Oil Co. The omission of the names of sub scribing witnesses from the will of Chief Justice Edward M. Paxson of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, who devised a large portion of his landed es tate for the establishment of an agricul tural school for poor boys, makes null and void that provision. Under the law all wills containing charitable be quests most contain the signatures of subscribing witnesses. The omission, however, will not effect the other provi sions of the will. Mrs. Margaret Kennedy, convicted of second degree murder as an accessory befrre the fact to the killing of Howard M. Ebner at New Kensington last Feb ruary, was sentenced by Judge Doty to nine years and six months in the West ern penitentiary. Her husband was convicted at the May term and received a sentence of 10 years and three months. Mrs. Kennedy protested that she was innocent of any wrongdoing The sen tence of husband and wife, if commut ted to the same degree by reason of good behavior, will end on the same day. In the 2nd precinct, 2nd Ward, Theodore Pape, Judge, and Victor Walker, Inspector, are away and John Kohler, inspector, is dead, necessitating the appointment of a new buard. They are John W. Vogel. Judge, and A. L. Kearns and A. J. Weigand, Inspectors. A charge of desertion and non-support has been entered against Wilson Krepps of Butler by bis wife Samuel Falkner of Winfield twp. has been beld on a charge of surety of the peace made against him by Godfrey Wilkevitz. A charge of a&b has been entered against James Jeffries by Edward Olliver. James McNally has been held for a&b and pointing firearms on complaint of E. S. Liebler. The Supreme Court has sustained the decision of Judge Galbreath in the Mrs. Araminta Masseth will case. J. B. Mates, Charles H. Miller. E. H. Negley and Theodore Keck have been appointed tellers to make official tally of the vote. PROPERTY TRANSFERS Maria Kelly to Sarah M Kelly lot in Brain for SIOO. Hattie M Weller to A C Price lot in Renfrew for $l5O. Cornelias Titus to Jos Rabbit 17 acres in Clearfield for SIOOO. Jeanette B Park to R J Park int in 114 acres in Middlesex for $650. Fannie E Park to R J Park same for SI3OO. J A McGowan to Blanch Forreeter lot in Prospect for $250. Thos I Whitmire to Saml A Whitmire 23 acres in Oakland for $1 W J McKee et al to H E Lryner 161 acre* in Cranberry for $11,750. W Henry Wilson, gdn, of Jerusha Bingham to F W Magee 100 acres in SUpperyrock for SI4OO. Gus Griesbach to John H Winter lot in Jackson for 8500. Lin and Henry Behm to John H Win ter lot in Evans City for S3OOO. Marg M Wilson to Carrie E Sager Jot in Slippery rock for $1125. John Williamson to Sarah Moyer lot in Harrisville for S9OO. Edward Sproull to L. J. Sisney, 37 acres in Cherry for SIOOO. J E McCutcheon to Henry Wagner, lot at Clay and Bluff St*. for S3IOO. James H Thompson to Anna J. Miller, property in Concord for S4OO W J McKee to J C Say, lot on E. Jefferson St. for $5500. Zelienople Land Co. to Wm. Geiser, lot in Zelienople for SIOO. Wm. Geiser to Geo. H Fiedler, same for sl. Zelienople Land Co. to J. D. Anderson lot in Jackson for S2OO. J D Anderson to Henry B Knanff, same for $l4O. Harvey J Laird to Mary E Findlev. lot on Walker Ave. for S3OOO. W J Vincent to C G Vincent, 78 acres in Marion for sl. Mary and Henry Miller to W W Miller lot on N. Main St, for sl. Marriage JJICCIIHCH. M. J. Taylor Butler Lillie E. Tinstman Oakland twp Andy Kemrenger Lyndora Lizzie Repta " Christian T. Jensen Natrona Lida M. Shearer " Alferd W. Gould Butler Rose Myers " Leonard Gladd Hilliard Agnes Couples " Elbert O. Wiskeman Saxonburg Cecelia P. Pacoe Middlesex twp Clinton Dewitt Hammon Butler Mary Josephine Brainard " P. J, O'Donnell North Oakland Ellen Bnckley " William Bickel Butler Alice D. Weitzel " Frank W. Allen Butler M. Estella Garrison Du Bois Joe Polak Lyndora Drole Drozeskl " Frank B. Seibert Jefferson twp Anna M. Binsack Summit Carl L. Smith New Castle Florence Jane Bonner. Butler At Pittsburg—Geo. A. Taylor, of Pittsburg, and Jesse Pinkerton of Mars, At Pittsburg—Ernest E. Truyer and Nettie Thompson of Glade Mills; Daniel Sullivan and Viola Weimer of Butler. If you are interested in money saving see Hitter & Rockenstein aboutthat fall suit. % MISCELLANEOUS. BF. HILLIARD, . GENERAL SITRVEYINO. Mines and Land. County Surveyor. R. F D. 49, West Snnbnry, Pa. LP. WALKER, • NOTARY PUBLIC, B CTI.KR, Office with Berkmer, next door to P. O CF. L. McQUISTION, . Civil. ENGINKKK AND SURVKYOR Office near Court House. HH. GOUCHBR, • ATTORNKY AT LAW, Office in. Wise building. L. 8. McJCNKIN. IRA McJtTNKIN GEO. A. MITCHELL. H. S /VLCJUNKIN AR CO., INSURANCE & KCAL ESTATE 117 E Jefferson St.. BOTfcER, - - - - PAJ SHERIFFS SALES. I By virtue of sundry writs of Ven. Ex.. Fl Fa.. Lev. Fa . 4c.. issued out of the Court o Common I'leas of Butler Co., Pa., and to m< directed, there will be exposed to public sal' at the Court House In the borough of Butler Pa. on Friday, the Ist day of Dccenibei A. D. 1905. at one o'clock. P. M. t the followln; described property, to-wit: E l>. N'o. 39 & 40. Dec. Term 1905. Williams i Mitchell, Attorneys. All the right, title, interest au«l claim o A. W. Bowser, EMzabeth Bowser of. in and t< all that certain piece or lot of laud, sltuutet in Butler borough, Butler county, la. bounded ar follows, to-wit: Commencing al a point on Piliow street adjoining an a.lev thence west along Pillow street <o0) feet t lot of Huffy. thence north line of lut of said Charles Duffy (11T) one hundred ant twenty Seven feet to an alley, thence ea»i along said alloy (50) fifty feet to another al ley. thonce west along said alley (12»> on< hundred and twenty nine feet to Pillow street, the place of beginning and having thereon erected a two story frame dwelliru house and out. buildings belnir t!ic same loi that was granted and conveyed unto A >\ Bowser by Charles DutTy et ux bv their deei dated June 5, 19ft.', and of record In the omc< of the Recorder of deeds etc, in and for Butler county, Pa., Deed Hook No. 2f**. pagt 215, Seized and taken in execution as property of A. W. Bowser and Elizabeth Bowser at the suit of The Citizens Building & Loan Assoc la tion of Butler Penn'a.. Series No. 10 & 11. E. I). No.December Term. 11K>3. S. F. & A L. Bowser. Attorneys. Alltherteht. title. Interest and claim of H. S. Daubenspeck. of, in and to all thai cer eain piece or parcel of land situated in P irker township. Butler county. Pa., bound ed as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of A Sweezey and A. P. Cannon, east by lands Mary A. Cooper and A. 8. Butler, south by lands of John Daubenspeck and on the west by lands of T. B.Smith and Dixon Hartley lieirs. containing C-'4O) two hundred and forty acres, more or less, and thereon erected one frame dwelling house, one frame barn, and out building, and having five gas wells and one oil well thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of H. S. Daubenspeck at the suit of George Sheakeley for use of Salina A. Stew art. Cyrus A. Sheakely, Lewis \\. Mieakely, Daniel H. Sheakely, Margaret E. Sheakely. and Nancy .1. Sheakely. E. D. No. 35 k :t". December Term. Frank X. Kohler, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim o f John F. Swain of, In and to all that certain piece or parcel of laud, situated in Clearfield township. Butler county. Pa., liounded as follows, to wit: On the north bv lands of Abraham Flick and P. Denny, east by lands of Hugh McCrea and Donnel heirs, south by lands of Hugh McCrea. west by lands of Abraham Flick Containing one hundred and nine <in!>) acres, more or less, and having erected thereon a log dwelling house and other out buildings, frame stable. Seized and taken In execution as property of John F. Swain at the suit of Christ Stlghner for use of W. S. McCrea. E. E. No. Si. December Term 1905. Ira Mc- Junkin and A. T. Black, Attorneys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of R. M. Donaldson of, in and to all that certain piece or percel of land, situated In Concord township, Butler county Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at the southwest corner, thence by lands of E. Graham, north 1-30 deg.. east one hundred seven and nine tenths perches to a post, thence by same south HBVI deg. east eighteen and eight-tenths perches to a road, thence along road north 14'/» deg. east eighteen and one half perches, thence along same north 25 deg sixteen and six ten perches, thence north 71 deg. east thirteen and one tenth perches to a post at forks of road, thence by lands of Harper Campbell, south xSX deg. east sixty perches to a post, thence by lands of S. C. Hutchison, south % deg., west 'M perches, thence by same south KBH degs., east 2.' 8-10 perches to corner of J. C. Donaldson's land, thence by said J. C. Don aldson south '/, deg. west 107 9-10 perches to a post, thence by lands of A. 11. Donaldson, north Bh'/i degs. west l:.'t 8-10 perches to the place of lieginnlnK, containing 101 acres and nine perches and being the same property conveyed to Itoliert M. Don&ldsbn by deed of J. C, Donaldson and Eliza .1. Donaldson, dat ed :27th day of July A. D. ltSftO which deed is recorded in Deed Book 63, page 477. Seized and taken as execution as the prop erty of It. M. Donaldson at the suit of Plum mer Mifflin, et al. E. D. No 11 & 53Dec. Term, 1905. W H. Lusk and John Hennlnger, Attorneys. Ail the right, title, Interest and claim of Kirk 11. Jones of. In and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated In 3rd Ward, Butler borough, Butler county, Pa. Bound ed described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of West Cunningham street and an alley, thence east along Cunningham street 54 feet and 9 Inches to lot No. 2 owned by McQulstlon. thence north along said lot 144 feet to an alley, thence west along said alley 51 feet 3 Inches to an an alley, thence south along said alley one hundred thirty feet three inches to place of beginning, and having a two story frame dwelling house and out buildings erected thereon, being lot No. 1 in the Walters plan of lots, and being the same property ixjnveyed to Kirk 11. Jones by the heirs at law of Margaret Jones, by deed dat ed February 1903, and recorded In Deed Book No. 226. page 177, with the appurtances. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Kirk U. Jones at the suit of Pitts burg Plate Glass Company, et al. TERMS OF BAI/E—The following must be strictly compiled with when property Is stricken down. 1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ must be paid, and a list of the liens, includ ing mortgage searches on the property sold together with such lien creditor s receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. Alt bids must be paid In full. 'A. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until one o'clock, P. M., of the next day at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom iirst. sold. ♦See l'urdon's Digest,' oth edition, page 44#. an l Smith's Forms, nage 384. MARTIN L. GIBSON, Slurlff. ■henff's Office. Butler. Pa.. Nov. 8, 1905. ROAD AND BRIDGE REPORTS Notice is hereby given that the following roads and bridges have been confirmed nisi by the Court and will be presented on the first Saturday of Dec. Court, 1905, being the 9tli day of said month, and If no excep tions are filed they will be confirmed abso lutely: R D. No. 1, September Term, I'JOS, In the matter of the petition of the citizens of Sum mit and Oakland townships to change, va ra! 6 aid supply a public road leading from a point at or near Winner's in Donegal town ship to a point at or near Evan's mill 111 But ler township and to supply same so as to be gin at a point on said road at the foot of the hill near the dwelling house of John 'Wile land In Summit township. Butler county, l'a., and to end at a point on the Butler and Bonnie Brook roak where the Fast Butter Land and Improvement Companies' road. In tersects the same and that :iart of the Gllle laud road between John Gllleland's dwelling house aud the point where the Fyth and Davis road intersects the same bo vacated and discontinued. June stli, 1905, viewers were appointed by the Court, who on Sep tember 2nd, 1905, filed their report in favor of said change. Estimating the probable cost of making said road at sljuu and should be borne by Summit township. No damages assessed. Now, September 9th, 1905, approved and fix width of road at 33 feet notice to be given ac cording to law and rules of Court.. IIV THE COUHT. U. D. No. 3. September Term, 1905. In the matter of the petition of citizens of Cherry township for a bridge across the north branch of Slippery Rix-k creek, at Bovard, south of the grist mill now owned by James Orossman, where the said creek crosses the public road leading to Kranchton, Foresl vllle and divers other points. June 9th. 1905, viewers unpointed, who on September Hod, 1905, filed their report In favor of pro posed bridge. Now, Sept. 9th, 1905, approved notices to be giveh according to rules of t'ourt, and to be laid before the Grahd Jury at next term. BY THE COUBT. R. I). No. 5. September Term, 1905, In the matter of the petition of the citizens of Concord township to change, \acatu and supply a public road; that a public road leading from William McOUII I" Concord township, to a point on the road' leading to the Great Western James Storey s In I airview township, that a portion of said roau within said township of Concord, to wlt: That por<lun beginning at-a point on said road at or near a gate at or near the residence of O. T. Sheakley and,from thence east ward to a point on said road at or near the residence of R. R. Stewart, where above mentioned road Joins the road leading from Modoc to William Ralston's bo vacated and supply it by a road beglnuing at a point on afoit'said road at or near a gate at or near the residence of O. T. Sheakley. being one of the (Mints above mentioned and ending at a point on tho road leading from Modoc to William Ralston's al or near where the line between lauds of John BalsLiger and Wil liam Curry crosses the said road leading from Modoc, to William Ralston's, all within tho towuihlp of Concord, Butler Co., Pa. June 17th, 1900, vie vers appointed by the Court, who July 27th, 1905. tiled their report 111 favor of said road. Now. Kept. 9th, 1905, approved and fix width of road at .11 feet. Notice to be given accord ing to rules of Court. It* TUB COUHT. R. D, No. 8, Sept. Term. 1905. Injthe matter of the petition of cltUeus of Marlon town ships for a public road IICKIUIIIIIK al a point on a public road known as the Anaiidalo and New Hope road, near the coruer of lauds of Duffy heirs, Theodore K. Smith and David M. Atwell in tho township of Marlon and ending at a point on u public road known as the Murrlnsvllle and Slippery Uock road, near the store ot Joseph Bailey In the town ship of Marlon. July ttlth, lite", viewers ap pointed by the Court, who, on August 2lrd, 1905, report In favor of said road. Damages assessed to Hugh McAualleu lu the sum of twenty (SSUO) dollars. Now, Sept. Oth, 190&. approved and fix width uf road at 33 feet. Notice to be given ac cording to rules of Court, 11V TIIK COUHT. R D, No. 7, Sept. Term, 1905. In the matter of the petition of citizen* of Marlon township to \ IK' tte a public road beginning at a point on a public roail known as the Anaiidalo and .Vow Hope road on lands of D. M. Atwell near the residence of T F. Smith, In the township of Marlon and extending In a northwesterly direction for a distance of alsiut one mile and ending al the residence of S. G. Sealon, near a public road !<nowu as the West Sunbury and llarrlsvllle road In M|irlon township, Butler Co., Pa. July 24th, 11*15. viewers appointed, who. on Aug. 19th, 1905, report in favor of said change. No damages assessed, Sept. 9th, 1905. approver!, notice to be given according to rules of Court. HY THE COUHT. R. D. N'o. K, Sept. Term. 190&. In the mat ter of the petition of citizens of Slippery Boclc town ,(up fi.r u county bridge over the run !u sulci township on road leading from \\ If 1 ; Siatl.jlt to I ranl.lln road. July Kith, l.oft, viewers appointed, who on August 14th, IWJO, report in favor of said bridge. Now, Sept. >ttb, 1905. approved. Notice to b s g' ve-i a» co-di ,g lo rules to Court and to b-j li Id nefure tho gsun 1 Jury at next term. I)Y lit COL'HT. Certified from the record this 9th day of Nov., A, D. 1905. L. E. CHRISTLEY, Clerk y. a. Court. WIDOWS' APPRAISEMENTS. The following widows' appraisements of personal property and real estate set npart for the benefit of the widows of decedents have been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Butler County, vlx: Widow of Isaac N Rosebaugh. personal property SiOO 00 Widow of Kobcrt J. McCamev. personal property 300 00 Widow of Frank N. Eylli, personal property 00 I Widow of J. Calvin McClymonds. personal property :(00 00 , Wiuow of Smiley K. Williams, personal property 300 00 Widow of Samuel liider, personal prop :ioo «>0 All persons interested in the above ap &riUsements will take notice that they will i? presented for confirmation to the Orphans' ' Court of Butler county. Pa., on Saturday the nth day of I>ee., 19<X>, and If no exceptions are filed, they will be confirmed absolutely. 1.. E. CHKISTLEV. Clerk. Clerks Office. Nov. 8.1905. I CCrrror-i - ' I SOMETHING DOING ia oar workshop at all times. Each day we make converts among the "ready made" men and take their orders for MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHING .which is more than mere covering. Our garments adorn. They conform to the litest mandates of fashion and fit tLe figure as only made-to-measure clothiDg caD. The "vitols" —linings, etc., are of a quality equaling the cloth and are put in in a manner that keeps the garments ia shape. WM. COOPER, LEADING TAILOR, Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa. R-R-TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA % L lB . WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. ScHBXJL'L* in ICrrxor Sept 12 190fi. WITCH. V/EEK DATS , A M A.M.A.M P.M. P. M B'.TLP.R Leave C 15 8 40:10 35 2 30 4 30 Saxonblirg Arrive C 45 906 11 00 2 54 4 40 Butler Junction.. " 714 9 30; 11 25 3185 13 Butler Junction... Lsavc 7 37 9 32,11 30 3 22 6 11 Natrona Arrive 7 46 940 11 39* 3 30 5 24 Tarentom. 7 52 9 46 11 46 3 38 5 30 Springdalo 8 02 J IS II 3 46 6 40 Olaremont 112 16 401 f.'i 6ft Sharpeburg .. 8 21 12 24 KO3 Allegheny 8 3# 12 40 ... 6 IS East Liberty 10 2>i 4 15 Pittsburg 10 3«| .. .! 4 85, .... BCNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Butlei for Allegheny Oity and principal intermediate stations at 7:40 a. in. and 6:05 p. m. NOKTH. WEEK DAYS , A.M. A.M. A.M.iP. M P. M Pittaburg .... I 1 3 05 B 10 East Lib rty 3 14 3 20 Allegheny City Iv 615 82810 25 Hharpeburg.. < 8 39 10 3'J CJUremont 6 38 8 48 10 M dpringdale 700 » 07,11 00 .... tl 45 Tarentum 7 13 9 19:11 11 3 47 6 65 Natrona 7 20 9 11 IS 3 62 8 50 Butler Jnnc nr 730 930 11 27' 400' 707 Butler June lv 742 94012 30 402 710 ■iaxonburg g 09 10 06 12 64 433 7 34 BUTLKB.. 8 35|10 83| 1 20| 6 05| 8 00 SUNDAY TIIAINS.—Leavu Allegheny City for Bui ier and principal Intermediate stations at 7:00 a. m. and 9-20 p. in. YOU Till EAST. Week Days. Hrudaya A.M.iA. M. P. M. A.M. P M Bdtleu ly 6IS . . J2 30 7 2<> Butler J'ct ar 7 14- 318 810 .... Butler J'ct lv 7 401 400 814 Feeport ir 743 4O i. 817 Kskiniinetaa J't " 7 48| 408 823 Leechburg "I 8 01' 420 837 West A polio " 821 439 864 .... Saltaburg •' 8 51] SOH 920 Blairavllle ~ 9 23! 542 962 .... Blalrsrille Int.. .. ! 9 3Q"", 650 10 00 Altoona "1136 !8 60 140 Harrlsburg " 310 ' 1 00 ■< 636 .' /hiladelphla >• ■ 8 231 1 -4 23 10 20 IP. M.IA.M. 4.M. |P.M.J P. M OCT. 8, 1905. Through traina for the eaat leave Pittsburg (Union station), as follow*— The Prnnsilvania Bpe< la), daily, North PhiUdiiphia mid New York 12:54 a.m Manhattan Limited, daily, for Phiia detpliia and New York 1:10 " Kcystune Express dally 3:00" Pennsylvania Limit* 1 daily 6.46 " New York M *' 7:10 " \tlantic Express, " 7:30 " Main Line Kxpraae, " 8:00" Buffalo Day Express " 9:00 " Day Express, " 12:01 Noon Mail Expreas, daily, for Baltimore ami Wasli iugtoii 12-46 r.« Chicago Mail laliy, for Baltimore and Washington 4:50 " Kaatern Kxprets, daily, for Phll'a and N Y 4:56 " New York Express, " " " 7:10 " Philadelphia At Washington Exprou, dally 9 00 ' New York Special, dally fur New York, Balti more ami Washington 10:00 " Philadelphia Special daily, foi Philadelphia only. Sleeping cars only 10:00 " Bulla,o Night Express,dally 11:00 " Buffalo and Allegheny Valley DlvlaJon. Trains leavu Kisklminetas Junction as follows: For liotlalo, 9.51 a. m. and 11.50 p. m. dally, with through parlor and sleeping cars. For Oil City, 7.481 9.51 a. m„ 2.34, 607 and 11.60 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.51 a, m„ 8.07 and 11.80 p.m. For Bed Bank, 7.4 M, 9.51, a. m., 2 ::4, 6.07 10.16 and 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 941,10.40 а. m.,6.07 and 11.50 p. m. For Kittaunlng 7.4H, 9.28, 9.51, HJi7>. m.,2.34,5. 33, б.07,7.30,10.15,and 11.50 p. 111. weekdays. Sundays 9.61, 10.40 a. m., 6.07, 10.44, and 11.50 p. m. "f" Stojsi only ou signal or notice to agent or con ductor to receive or discharge passengers. Foi detailed Information, apply to ticket agent or addrese Thoa. E. Watt, Pass. Agt. Weateru District, 360 Fifth Avenue. Pittaburg, Pa. W. W. ATTEI4IIUUY, J II WOOD. Uen'l Manager. l'aaa'r Traffic Manager. OKO W. liOYIJ, Gmeral Paaaenger Agent. it K X. 1* it It Time table in effect Nov. 27, 1904. Passenger trains leave and arrive at Bntler as follows: LKAVK FOB NOKTH, 7:30 a. m., mixed for Punxsutawney, Da Bois and intermediate stations. 10:81 a. m. daily, vestibuled day ex press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford, week days, for Rochester. fi:B7 p. in. local for Punx 1 )-, Du Bols and intermediate stations. 11:!! I p. Hi. night express for Bnffalo and Rochester. AimrvE FROM NOKTH. fl:10 a, m. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. 9:50 a.m. week days, acooiPOdation from Dnßoia. 5...4 p.m. daily, d a y express from Buffalo j.j aH connection at Ash fora d fl y H f r<mi Rochester. H:O7 p.m. week days, mixed train from L)u Bois and Punxsutawney. Trains leave the B. & O. Station, Pittsburg, for Buffalo and Roche«ter at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.. and for local points ax far as Dußois at 4:05 p.m. On Sunday the 9:00 a.m, train runs to Buf falo alone. It O It It Time table in effect, May, 1905. Trains for South and Went,leave Butler —town time: WKKK DAYS. G:2O a.m, Allegheny Accommodation. H:ooa.m, Allegheny <"k Cleveland Ex. 9.J0 a.m, Allegheny Express. 11:40 a.m, " " 1:25 p. in, Ell wood Ac 3:35 p.m, Allegheny Ex. 5:00 p.m, Chicago, Ell wood, N. Castle. 5:20 p.m, Allegheny Ex. 5:50 p.m, Allegheny Ac.—New Castle, SUNDAYS. 8:00 a.m, Allegheny & Cleveland Ex. 10:50 a.m, Pittsburg Ex. 3:35 p.m, Allegheny Ac 5:50 p.m, Allegheny Ac.- -New Castle. OoiNu NOKTH—WKKK DAYS. 9:42 a.m, Kane & Bradford Mail. 4:55 Clarion Accomo. SUNDAY. 9:42 a.m, Koxburg Accom. 8:00 p.m,'Foxburg Accom. Trains leave the Allegheny station for Butler 7:00, 8:15, and 11:11 A. M., and 1:15, 3:00, 5:30 6:20 nnd 11:00 P. M. Ou Sunday at 7:30 A. M. anil t):15 ami 11:30 I'. M. Forthruugh tlckeU, Pulimai. reeervniioua aud In formatlon apply u. W. K. TCBNEB, Agt, ihiilsr, n, JOJ. P. TAOOEKT, A. 0. P. A., Plttatiurf, Pa [ Trusses j | Of To-day j / A trnsa id an important ap- S £ | pliance and it is obvion9 that X C | constant effort will be made / J | for its improvement. Every S • j year does bring some improve- J ( ments. and wearers of trusses ) i should have the benent of \ V them. In our stock we en- \ / deavor to provide all that is ; C 1 practical as well as new. Our f x long experience in fitting f I trusses enables us to judge the / \ value of new ideas and our } l stock is therefore an ideal one. S i Any claims we make for a \ / j truss we will guarantee. I C J Hard Rubber Trusses, * / Shoulder Braces, 3 / Elastic Trusses, j X / Elastic Hosier}-, j f J , Abdominal Supporters, S f Crutches and Fittings. 1 J Our assortment is complete j 3 * &nd our prices are right. > J.C. N. BOYDJ 1 DRUGGIST S \ j DIAMOND BLOCK. BUTLER. / Glassl J any ) < SIZE \ ) CUT j J T0 f ? ORDER, \ Redick <$ Grohman! 5 109 North Main St., \ Butler, Pa. L Z^/N/vaa/'^VWWA BESSEMER &. LAKE ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY. TIME TABLE In effect September 17th, 1906. EASTERN STANDARD TIME NORTHWARD SOUTHWARD (Read up) Dally Except Sunday (Read down) "wTI IV I QT A TTAVB I3LI II T l3 p. in. p. in.!p. in.l !a.m. a. m. p. m. 10 061 * 00l 8 00 IiulTalo( Til I.S.MA) IX) 2 00 p. m.ja. m.| a. m. p. m.ip. lu. 7 13i 1 13jI0 2a Erie 7 a r >j 1 On * 57 6 51 10 &A FalrvltW 7 B 21 6 1 Oi • 401 Girard 7 1 41 5 S:i 0 21 ! I<J 'J7 Cruncaville .. 519 a 551 1 60110 OUjAr .Couueaiiti.Lv J UU 12 04 6 10 B 1012 in! 7_001,V.1 "6 21 I'i 4'J 9 Albion | 8 03 1 8® 8'63 16 10 fl2 35 CJ lul Shad eland >lB Hf2 10(8 01 6 0712 32! 9 07' 8prlI!({bor<) 817213 607 6 02 12 27l 9 02 .UonneautvUle... H '22 2 lti. fi 12 7 07 12 4ft|"u '2l. Ar..!llMdvllle..Lv| 7 30| 1 66 4 88 4 Mil 2xl 7 SOLv.-Mendvlllc Ar 9 20 3 12 7 07 6 40 12 IK 8 83 A < Lake..Lv 7 f/> 2 23 8 25 6 20IX iXi 7 r.O I.vM'oll't I-aUf.Ar 8 63 2 45 C 40 5 48 10 so>Ar..Line*villi'..l.v 8 2: 0 17 ii 40 8 27 Lv..lJne«Tllle..ArlO r>o 4 80 64112 I 0(8 _ 43,...Mea<lvilloJct.. B~4S 2 371 ii 32 15 27 fll 55 8 27| Uartstowu.... f8 57 f2 4V f. 46 6 13fll 41 812 Osgood >J 12f3 OX{ 700 6 05ill 85 B<M <ireenvllle 9 20, 3 ll* 708 6 0O I 1 28 7 65 Hhenango.... 9 25 3 It 7 15 4 43j1l 12 7 38 Fredonla...... 9 42 3 32 7 33 4 28110 58 7 23 Mercer 9 58 : 3 4ej 7 48 flO 53 7 18 ... Houston Jet... 10 02 7 53 4021035 7CO drove City 10 23 4 10) 816 (3 47 flO 23 a.ra Ilarrlsville flO 3814 22 p.m. 3 41110 181 ..-Branchton |lO 43 4 28 . II »> .... \r _.flfliiurd...l,vf7 0\ if 10 ■J. Ill; 700 I,v llilllnrd.. Aril 3o! 6 17... 3 3710 H' I Jfeliter fo 47] « ML...... 8 2310 i-J . ! .. ..locHd ... II in 4 15. li 051 'Ar. _.knyW ....Lv"...... ■ 3 2n 23 „ i 7 28 —ItT Kaylor .jtr . I 6 Wp.ia. 2 :.0| 9;w '.. Butler —... llf aH 6' 1(H 400 .......Pl'Oft. I.North Rewiruler. 6 20 1 is' 815 |LT. Allegheny.Ar) lon o 3,'. p. in.|a. m.l ...J ~ ip.m. m.ip. m. Train No.l leaving Greenville at 6:47 a. m.; HhunsiißO 6:s4;Fredonla 7:13; Mercer 7:27; drove City 7:50; Kelitter 8:17; Uutler 0:00, arrlreiiln Allegheny at 1U:2B a. in.; connecU at Queen Junction with train* to and from Kaylor. and at Branchton from miliar.] and Annandale. Traill No. 2 leaving Alloghenv at 3:00 p. m.; Butler 4:45; Kelater 6:32;'irove ('lvy 5:66; Merer 6:21; Kr<*lonla «:»8; Hlienango 6:05, arrive* In Greenville at 7:00 p. m.; connectn at Queen Junction with trains lo and Iroai Kaylor, and at Branchton for Milliard. ; K. H. DTI.EY, E. D COMHTOCK. General Manager. Uen'l l'a.i». Agent. Wiutield It it Co Tituo Table In effect: May 29th, 1908. I STATIONS, AM PM Leuvea WoMt Wiufl«ld.. .. , 7 30 2 4;J " HoggtriJlo 7 4f» 300 " Iron Bridyv 756 310 " Wiufleid Junction 8 10 3 " Ufl« 8 2«» a£> •*' Butlur JuuctioD ft 26 340 Arrit© Puller 10 3.1 5 Oft Arrive All«Kheujr ; . . ft 0*» Arrive I'lttnburK ,10 26 pMk Arrive Blaimville . 106 6 42 KASTWAKI). STATIONS. |AM PM (.cave Pituiburg I 3 oft Leave U!mlr«vlll® | 7 80 2 Ift " Allegheny 8 26 2 20 u Butler 840 230 44 Hutlur Juuctiou 10 00 440 44 !*«»» 10 03 443 44 Winflelil Juiictloa 110 1A 4 44 Iron Bridge [lO ST 5 oft " Boxgwvllle lo 36 5 Ift Arrive Weat Wiufleid 110 50 530 T! Ui.*b l»l r.HIIB ttlld I I Ii itl Mtfl- <!.l> Flag to iak4i on or h'ifcve o0 |»iuMi*Miger«. Trul im <'on n«'( tut Butler Juuctiou with; Train* Kant ward for Kreepcrt, Yaiidergrift and iJlalmvilln lutomectlou. Train* Wnatward for Natrona,Tareuturn Allegheny and I'lttMburg. Tralua Northward for Marwood and But ler. B. G. BE A Loll, Omieral Manager. Strictly High Grade 1 PIANOS AND ORGANS. § Come and see me when | you buy; also sheet music | or anything in the music | line. f W. A. F. GROHMAN, I * Music instructor and Piano Tnner, j S Next door to Y. M. C. A, J People's Phone f GROHMaN B MUSIC HTOKK. f jc Orchestra furniMht'.l for all | $ oboMionß. WM. WALKKK. CHAH. A. MCELVAIN WALKER & McELVAIN, 307 Uutler County National Hank Bld'g ItEAI, KKTATE. INHUKANtJK. (lit I'ltOl'KltTlKH. LOANH IIOTII I'IIONKS Pearson B. Nace's Livery,SFead and Sale Stable Rear oI Wick House. Butler! Penn'a. Th« b««t of horHi'N mill flrat rlaa« rlgm nl it 14va On hand nn<l fur hire. iwHuirnau'riut'lofito In to we for pt*rnia neat boarding and tranalcrjt *.rade. tipeel ai caro icuaranlocd. Stable Roorr For 35 Horaea A K'Hid C UHM uf lid raOH, l»>Ui drlvnrii n<i<l .ilruft hor»''ft Hlwtijrt on iiitiitl anil for aula u- der .i full ifuur inioo, »a<l borsei boußb I U .a proper iiotlScutloo bv PEARSON B. NACE, lIiHMM No. B Jury List for November Term. List of names drawn from the proper jarv wheel this 7th day of October.l9os, to serve as Traverse Jurors at a special term of court commencing on the second Monday of November the same being the 13th day of said month Albert Jacob. Franklin twp, farmer, I Andre John, Fairview twp. fanner, ; Boyd Harvey W. Batler 1 wd. real estate agent, Bnpp John. Lancaster twp. farmer, Cochran R W, Butler twp. carpenter, Correv Jno M. Bntler 1 wd, secretary. Criley "N J. Butler 2 wd, photographer. Davey Fred, Butler 1 wd. agent. Day John, Washington twp. farmer. Daubenspeck W L, Fairview tp, producer DindiDger C H, Jackson twp. farmer, Douglass Chaa H, Butler 4th wd. clerk. Dnerr W C, Buffalo twp, farmer, Dyke I M, Connoquenessing tp, teacher, Easley G F. Buffalo twp, farmer, East W R, Bntler 2nd wd, clerk, Gallagher John, Butler twp, farmer, Hawk Isaac, Butler 5 wd. carpenter, Hazlett Thos J, Butler 5 wd. laborer, Heselgesser Earl. Winfield twp, farmer, Highbothen Jas, Penn twp, farmer, Johnston W P, Mercer tp, blacksmith, Kennedy Win. Penn twp, P M, Klinger John. Penn twp, farmer, Liggins Rcbt, Bntler 5 wd. barber. Maxwell Ralph. Bntler 3 wd, machinist. McCall Sam 1, Butler 4 wd, liveryman, McMichael Clyde, Zelienople, laborer, McNees A D, Worth twp, farmer, Miller Geo F, Concord twp, farmer, Morrow J H, Concord twp, farmer, Nicklas John M. Forward twp, farmer. Jos, Bntler 4 wd, merchant, Perkins John L, Butler 3 wd. painter, Pontius S I, Donegal twp. farmer. Raieley S L, Butler twp, farmer, Redick Chas, Saxonburg boro, laborer, Scott W P. Adams twp, painter, Shaklev Plumber, Fairview tp, farmer, Hitler Alpheus. Zelienople, druggist, Spohn Philip, Summit twp, fanner, Storrev II L, Karns City, merchant, SSwartzlander S M, Butler 3d wd. wagon maker, Thompson Nelson, Brady twp, farmer, Troan Wm J, Butler 1 wd conductor, Vincent W E, Slippervrock tp, fanner, \oungJohn. Centre twp, farmer, Zeigler Abraham, Butler 3d wd, motor farmer. Beef tiffs' Iron and Wine. Extract of Beßf, Citrate of Iron and Sherry Wine. This preparation is famous as a system bnilder and general tonic. Our preparation differs from all others of the same name, because we use pre digested beef, the best sherry wine, and the iron is in such form that it is quick ly taken into the system. It is pleasant to take and prompt in actidn, making rich, red blood. Do You Require a Tonic? Are you weak, worn ont, run down and nervous? Is yonr blood thin and impure? Are you pale and haggard, lips white? Do you become exhausted from very little effort, yonr sleep rest less, your appetite poor? If yon have any of these symptoms nse our Beef, Iron and Wine. If the result is not satisfactory we will gladly return your money. Price, 50 cents a pint. Nnrses' Directory. HUYLERS FINE CANDiES. THE Crystal Pharmacy R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G., BOTH PHONES, 106 N. Main St., Butler. Pa. TALK IT OVER and then corao to'ns for tho ring. We have an endless variety, from the sparkling diamond to the modest gold band Prices right according to quality; value guaranteed. Our fall stock of watches, rich cut glass, decorated china and and jewelry is now on hand and ready for inspection. Values unsur passed. Wo also sell- Pianos. Edison and Victor Phonographs. Eastman and Poco Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. Optical goods. Field and Spy Glasses. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Court House. B. B. furs Do you want to buy where you are certain to get choice from the largest variety of the best on a money-saving price basis? Fur ties, Boas, Stoles, Col lars, Pelerines, Cravats, Muffs, Coats, etc. Jap Mink, Squirrel, Black Lynx, Mink, Ermine, Mole, Chinchilla, Persian Lamb, Blended Baum Marten, Hud son Bay Sable, Real Russian Sable, etc. Children's Furs, SI.OO to $35.00. Fur Coats, $25.00 to $1,250. Broadcloth Coats with Fur lining, $25.00 to $225.00. A store that has 37 years' experience—and has built up as large and growing Fur busi ness—is evidence that people find the Furs and prices are right. Boggs 6l Jiuhi ALLECHFiNT, FA. g THE MODERN STORE I FINE FURS j Some Handsome Things at Small Prices. New Shirt Waists and »w "Winter Millinery at special price We offer a stock of furs such as we have never shown before, and we are proud of our fnr business We really have some surprises in store for you, if you are interested in furs, and who is not? You can't afford to uiiss an opportunity like this Come in and look over our bin assort ment. Coney Scarfs, $1.50 to $5.00. Oppossum Scarfs, #2.50 to $6.00- Grey Squirrel and Mole Ties and Scarfs. $3 05. $4 50, $5.00 to $13.00. N Canadian and Sable Fox Stoles, Pelerine? and Scarfs, extra good values in these. S<S.OO. $7.50, SIO.OO, $12.50 to $25. New Flat Muffs to match all of above furs, $2.75 to SIO.OO. New Sliirt Waists and Skirts, special values. Special in our Millinery Department This Week. ? Beautiful silk velvet hats nicely trimmed in newest shapes and colors, a hat worth all of $5.00 at $2.98. Other hats at $2.00, $2.50. $4 50, $5.00 to SIO.OO. Something new in this department daily. * EISLER=MARDORF COHPANY, SOUTH MA.III STREET ) F\F\4 FHOHES: I YYI _ . POSTOFFICE BOX f Samples sent on request. OPPOSITE HOTEL ARLINGTON. BUTLER. PA i EYTH BROs!! # f I | OUR BIG LINE OF FAIL WAIL PAPERS TSI Are all here, and comprise one of the greatest lot of * * BRIGHT, SNAPPY UP-TO-DATE PATTERNS •ft • we have ever had at the prices. * * I»I Amons: them is a lot of nice ; ; Kitchen Paper at 8c double roll : TIT Bed Room Paper at 8c double roll T Dining Boom Paper at 8c double roll * * Other papers at correspondingly low prices. » J W Big line of Window Shades, Mouldings, etc. Give us a Call. • « We also sell Magazines, Periodicals and Books. .t: | Eyth Bros., if NEAR COURT HOUSE. || CAMPBELL'S GOOD FURNITURE 1 largest Furniture! I Stock I 8 This store has ever shown Is heres 31 today. Judging by last month'sg S business It's none too large. if Better come while the stock ls|j Igj complete. s §|4 Special Values In Iron Beds.ll ■ j Continuous pest, strong, plain bed, 93.50 m |gf Brass knob, curved top bed, $4.50 g* > | Two-color, fancy head, $5.50 ||3 1 Continuous post, two-color bed, $6.75 1 Alfred A. Cambpell | jDuffy'^ I Cold Weather Needs I I Blankets flannelettes I I Comforts Woolens | | Flannels Underwear I I All New Goods. Price Right. B ■ Duffy's Store. I I MAIN STREET, BUTLER. ■ —■—■———— [worthßeadii^ I Pictures may give you a general idea, words a bettartf J one, but the WEAR is the way to find out a suit Ofy S clothes. We can be out-talked and out-pictured, but weC \ have never been out-valued and that's the point worth/ \ while. It may seem a strong claim that our % ) Hamburger Suits at SIS B OO s fare equal to any $20.00 or $25.00 suit of any other m&Jtec f —but we will show you. Z • \ A snappy built suit with all the little knacks and dashes 1 t of newness that a merchant tailor can give you. \ V There's al4 K. guarantee back of 'erri. C> ( Same to say for the Reoloff Hat —Best $3.00 hat In# /the U. S. J; j See Window Display. Yours for either, S I Douthett & Graham. > INCORPORATED. Subscribe for the CITIZEN
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