Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 09, 1905, Image 2

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WILLIAM 0. NEGLKY - It-übiKher
TmntSDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 1905.
HJN per year la Atfraace, Otherwise sl-50
Pennsylvania Redeemed
At least a hundred thousand Repub
lican* of this state refused,to vote for
the jVbroee-Durham nominee for State
■' Treasurer, Tuesday, and in his stead
voted for the Democratic nominee and
elected him by a majority, as given this
morning, of 81,000.
In Philadelphia the majority against
what Secretary Root called a corrupt
and criminal combination masquerad
ing as Republicans is 36,000, which
will or ou(?ht to loosen the hold of the
coin bin* on the Legislative nomina
tions, and result in that city sending
more 'respectable delegations to Harris
RN Butler county Republicans did
their share, giving Berry a plurality
over Plummer of 435. A change of at
least A thousand votes.
The whole Republican county ticket
ii elected excepting Mr. McCollough,
who is defeated by Mr. Lowry, by 983
votes, showing a change of at least 1400.
The majorities for the other Republican
candidates range from 87 for Mr. Camp
bell to 1830 for Porter Wilson, a dis
crepancy probably due to trading.
County Total, (Not Official.)
Alexander 41 75
Johnson 3035
Lowry 4485
Carrie 28 <0
Wm. Siebert 4 «^»
N. 8. Grossman 44«0
O. F. Easly. 3138
W. H. Grabe 2862
We did not have time to count the
Auditors and Coroner, and there are
a few blanks in our table due to both
returns being sealed.
Neighboring Counties.
In Allegheny connty the contest for
the county office* was between the Flinn
in« Biglow organizations and the Flinn
ccowd won out -by 5.000; though the
Biglow crowd carried Pittsburg by 1500
This was the only large county in the
state that gave Plummer a majority—
-27,000. Allegheny city sat down
on Wyman.
Lawrence county gives Berry a plu
rality of about 1500, a change of about
8000 votes.
Mercer county gives Berry an esti
mated plurality of 1500, a change of
•bout that number of votes. The Re
publican county ticket is elected.
VENANGO Co. gives Berry about 1000,
a change of about 1500 votes. The con
test for Judge between Criswell and
Glenn was very close bat Criswell is
Beaver Co. gives Berry about 900, a
change of about 1500 votes, and elects
Holt, fusion candidate for Judge, by
1000 over Martin. The entire Fusion
ticket is elected.
Armstrong county gives Plummer a
plurality, and elected the en
tire Republican ticket by majorities
ranging from 900 to 1200.
wi.ir connty—Plummer's home coun
ty gives Berry about 1000, a change of
nearly 8000 votes.
Clarion Co. went for Berry and the
entire Democratic ticket.
Philadelphia county gives Berry a
majority of 36,000, and electee the «n
--tire Independent ticket, which put* the
Penrose-Durhain combine out of busi
ness there, and discredits them over the
Other States.
New York City was the scene oi the
most novel political contest in the coun
try. District Attorney Jerome an
nounced himself as a candidate for re
election free and clear of any political
party or faction, was afterwards en
dorsed by the Republican organization
of the town, and is elected by a small
majority, while McClellan, the Demo
• cratic or Tammany candidate for Mayor
is re-elected.
Ohio has gone Democratic by
50,000. Herrick the Rep. nominee
. for Governor stood in with Cox, the
Cinclnniati boss, and the liquor element
of the state, and Sec'y Taft'S denunci
ation of Cox and his gang hurt him.
Tom. Johnston wns re-elected in
Maryland voted down the Gorman
amendment to the state constitution
disfranchising negroes by about 20,000.
In Salt Lake City, the American or
anti-Momon ticket won out and elected
its candidate for Mayor.
Itusflia'H Worst Horror.
The carnival of murder and flame
that followed the promulgation of the
Czar's manifesto grantinft the people
liberty of speech, freedom of tho press,
etc., and guaranteeing them a Constitu
tion is said to have been started by the
Grand Dukes', who see their finish in the
proposed new order of things.
The desperate bureaucracy have re
torted to the most dastardly of all meth
ods to save their existence. They are
deliberately inciting the worst elements
of the population in all great cities to
despetrate outrages in order to impress
the Czar with the necessity of suppres
sing the Insurrection by the wholesale
use of force. This abhorrent policy is
succeeding only too well, according to
the last accounts, in all cities except St.
Peterburg, and there are grave fears
entertained of what may develop.
The leaders of the revolution fortu.
nately recognized the situation and re
wired to suspend the universal strike
long enough to give the Czar an oppor
tunity to prove the genninosness of his
concession by consistent action.
it is probable that their orders will be
obeyed and that all decent elements of
the population will resume their or.
dinary mode of life. Thev demand the
prompt execution of the promises of
four liberties— free speech, free meeting,
a free press and freedom from arbitrary
Unless these are immediately forth
coming and unless incidentally General
Trepoif is removed, a great new WEAPON
of rwaceful rebellion—A general strike —
will again be osed with decisive effect.
The success in Russia, by the way, of
this new method of paralyzing an un
popular government is giving great un
easiness to some eminent parsonages in
Europe, and especially at Berlin, accord
mgtothe English view.
The uncertianty of the Russian situa
tion at the present moment is largely
Returns of Butler County, Election of Nov. 7, 1905, Not Official.
St. Trea*: Sberiif |Co Trea* Proth y Ateg.vße'j County Comni rs < County AnJitora Coroner
r" I i W i 1 H 3i % 3 5 s S? 5 s
Si P K ! K r• 2 2 * > S « E * '» * £ w « ► 3 >
si i? « Sits i?! i ?! | fi?: Mf I lis I
DISTRICTS. I'll §|Sf£jf3a It?? ? g ? 5 f
11l M!,l£, i I ' w1!OP!» ?OP ? ?
d -w V? P » i : so F • - c o
| * i * ® :!:•*. so : : ; : : : ; : • | : : : : f= :
Adamß N ...1 30 40: 3 ~~82 82 32 35 35j 2b 29 36 29 2»| 32 40 28 29 33 32
tdams S 31 30 30 17 8 30 17 31 24 36, 16 29 43, 23 11 3. 3-> 16 15 3g 13
Allegheny ... 56 32 61 24.... 6*, 15 53 31 67, 16, 66 66 15 16....
Buffalo . ... 105 47! 112, .56 1 128 36 1201 48 128 34 68 90 201 126 128 116 39 28 133 33
Rntler twD Ist ore . 41 86 45 89 7 78 48 83! 97 78 41 i6B 50 30 88' 63 63 42 45 78 51
Butler twp. Tat pre 04 x 40 5 - 3 64 w 50: 47: 44 53 51 45 35 51 52 46 47
:{d pre .. 33 26 15i 46 j "20 31 17: 42 29 23 45 19; 12 36 j
Rradv 31 i 32 29 31 5 38 23 29 31 35 25 28 43 31 211 34 35 2:s 19 39 22
Clearfield !.. 28 62 25 70 i 27 60 33 54 30 56 31 24 41 6-5 32, 25 57 48 84 55
Clinton .... «» 1» 63; 29 lj 78 14 68 26 82 13 54 65 23 43 77 73 13 10 74 13
H3 37 102 54 3 121 28 81 69 124 29 114 127 28 ; 35 119 123 26 29 123 24
x'® 5 " 78 68 69| 78 ... 79 69 54 94 109 37 99 104 46 ; 48; 102 102 48 36 10C 40
rwt ii :. 42 18 41 20 1 4-5 15 39 21 2 46 43 47 16 14 43 43 15 14 45 13
S 54 20 53 22 1 66 9 55 20 6--. 9 58 -60 14' 12 62 63 10 8 63 9
KLiiiH- . 48 30 4- 41... 49 32 3* 43 53. 29 41 60 221 39 40 44 44 41.53 28
SS3 S " 33 27 29; 32.... 33 29 34 25 38 21 32, 38 21 25 34 38 22 25 38 22
63 51 67 63 2 68! 43 65 46 69 45 59 72 45 39 60 71 46 45 52 46
- ......
Forward 52 76 56 69 4 65 59 43 81 69 56 51 72 61 51 57 . 63 62 61 ,0
IBSI 81 66 82: 77 .... 91 68 71 85; 100 85 96 126 46 51
V 4 40 11 33.... 12i 31 6 39 11 35 5 13 31 86....;
Tackson W ! 53 45 56 43 1 59 42 84 47 59 42 53 56 40 43 55 56 43 37 56 40
TeflSm 68 88 57 116 1 77 87 49 122 82 88 69 58 102- 82 78 77 91 76 77 88
Middlesex 97 56 95 69 1 115; 43 90 64 114 42 100 101 52 j 65 113 109 43 44; 114 43
Marion 78 70 73 0 75*62 67 70 77 61 71 74 62 70 75 73 67 62 76 63
Mnddvcreek . 54 39 57: 39 3! 64 29 52 44 66 24 65 71 29 24 6 i 67 27 28; 67 23
Mercer i!.! 48 53 39 45 15 43 45 37 60 52 44 45 41 42 42 47 49 43 42 49 55
Oakland ... 60 86 57 89 3 67 83 53 90 74 75 61 70 ,b 85 <2 .3 88 64 .6 ,6
p® ker 46 13 45 13 3 5l! 8 40 21 51 8 49 49 0 9 48 48 6 , 49 7
p® °u 77 62 69. 78 3 95 51 71 70 99 44 94 93 511 45 94 89 40 50 105 42
sHooervTock 89 81 96 66 10 99 63 82 82 103 61 88 100 64 62, 96 91 65 61 99 63
WkifieM Ist ore 11l 54 89 82 1 114 54 105 60 119 49 104 98 39 75 112; 113 51 45 116 50
Winfield Ist pre i 3() gj 2 , 1# 2fl 30 1(J 24 37 34 18:. 37 16
Washington § 33 29 27 55 2 53 27 25 56 49 24 44 46 39 27 54 41 29 25 50 26
w 51 73 59 r>% 15 60 52 48 50 54 53 57 65 —52 52 59 60 52 52 60 53
Filler iat 'w Ist Dre 88 72 81 115 2 160 25 68 129 106 50 127 89 56 63 150 100 38 36 128 41
Butler Ist w. Ist pre. 8* w w 57 , m 107 rA 711 120 97, 54; 68 139 49
Rntler °d w Ist Dre 76 88 97 80 4 113 58 66 108 113 56 116 89 601 71 102| 84 61, 62 115 53
Bn«er 2d w. Ist pre 95 172 4 134 1!0 m 2 02 120 122 159 73; 113 126 113, 89j 123{ 108 140 106
Butler Id w Ist Dre 25 51 25 59.... 43 35 23 55! 38' 85 56, 22 32 40 32 30 36 38 42 33
Botler 3d w, Ist pre , g 7g 10 . m n6 18# w m \ g3 nfl n0 118 | 140 lfi9 93
Rntlpr 4tb ward 122 236 184 190 i 224 145 116 259 223 141 240 138 134 149....
SSSSi«•»» *• m «** «> »«» m » ■«( 104114 i 131841 «
2d nre 57 129 79 89 1 ' 60 146 48 06, 9 13 1 1
Brnin P 45 32 46 16 16 52 9 36 22 53 9 48 50 9 13| 52; 50 8, 9 54 8
gXL 14 41 18 36 1 31 21 21 31 29 21 28 31 24 20 25, 36 23 19 27 23
ConncKjueneaainK ! 21 18 17 23 3 25 16 21 18 27 12 22 23 14 18 23 24 15 11 29 15
F.nE 22 17 22 11 7 28 6 22 12 25 8 25 26 5 6 27, 24 6, 5 27 6
Harrisviile 20 49 28 24 20 27 26 19 36 31 25 30 26 27 : 24 26 26 25 25 28 28
Kama City 59 90 74 n 92 42 70 66 91 43 69 93 71 30 89 43 40, 45 86 41
Mill era town ! 93 78 115 77....1124 58 109 90 123 71 121 97 77 87 .....|
Petrolia .. 36 18 40 18 10 46 14 50 19 46 14 46 41 1. 17 44 44 1« 18 48 13
Portersviile 24 17 25 12 3 28 9 25 15 29 8 24 81 16 9 26; 27, 9 9 21 8
P?oS 39 31 85 37....! 45 27 31 40 58 19 43 60 21 17 ! 49 45 16 27 49 18
SaxonburK 35 38 27 47 1 42 30, 26 89 41 31 32 24 42| 84 38| 35 33 29 44 30
SliDpervrock 71 71 78 46 17 77 30 70 69 89 84 78 93 56 36' 87: 87 40 88 3,
Vafenda 16- 8 20 6...1 19 5 16 8 18 5 17 19 5 7 18; 18 5 6 17 5
W Snnbury 26 26 38 13> 3l 41 6 29 20 44 6 34 43 7| 13 37 39 8, 11 43 5
W Lil>ertv 23 14 25 10 5 24 10 23 10 24; 9 24 25 8 5 25 24 8 11 2.> 8
ZelienopleT44 122 74 94 6 76 88 66 104 74 92 64 64 99 97 66 62 102 93 62 92
Total ~ " 3870 43n14227 4190j.... 4775 3035 3502 4485,4801,2970 4626 4466'2862 3128 i 4326'4007 2871'2665
due to a lack of leadership on both sides.
What is wanted is a Liberal dictator,
but no one on that side is fully trusted,
no one. indeed is even well known. On
the other hand Count Witte is univer
sally known but universally distrusted
by all classes, according to the English
press. "He is a bureaucrat of bureau
crats. but is possessed of common sense.
He is shrewd and cunning and to some
degree clever, but is not a great states
At Odessa. Russia, last week, the
whole fury of the mobs was directed,
unchecked, against the Jews. During
the first demonstrations over the em-,
peror's manifesto and the sudden ac
quisition of freedom, tens of thousanda
of men, who had hated the Jews through
fenerations, became dtunk with the
esire for Jewish blood, swarmed into
the Jewish sections of the town and
killed for the very luet of killing. In
some instances the military aided in
stead of preventing the work the work
of vengeance and fury.
Every Jew, man woman or child, who
was caught was slaughtered. The
methods employed in the work of
butchery were too revolting for de
At the beginning of the massacres
the students' militia rendered some as
sistance and saved many lives, but the
police, it is said, disarmed the stu dents
and even, in some cases, shot them with
their own revolvers.
Whenever Jews, attacked by rioters
escaped to the roofs of their houses, the
houses were promptly fired.
The number of killed was given at
about 5,600 in tha dispatches, and the
number of wounded and mutilated in
the different hospitals of the city, last
Saturday, at 5657.
AT the Pittsburg Chamber of Com
merce banquet last Friday night, Sir
Chentung Liang-Cheng, Minister of
China to the United States spoke of
our commercial relations with that
country, and plead for a fair field and
no favor for bis people here.
Senator Knox's speech was a careful
exposition of the Roosevelt policy of
dealing with rate regulation, and he
held that it was the duty of Congress to
deal promptly with the problem.
In his speech he punctured the sophis
tries and misrepresentations by which
the railroad interests have attempted to
becloud the issue and oppose the policy
urged by President Roosevelt. He
showed that no railroad has anything to
fear from the law unless it is wedded to
unjust and unreasonable practices; re
futed the misrepresentation that it is
proposed to vest any department of the
Government with the general rate-inak
ing power; demonstrated bow the cor
porate interests are protected by the
right of appeal from hasty or injurious
findings, and pointed out that the
corporate alternative of a final decision
on rates by the United States courts
conflicts with the constitutional theory
as laid down by the courts.
OTTO—At her home on West Cunning
ham street, Nov. 5, 1905, Gertrude E.
eldest daughter of William R. Otto,
aged 21 years.
Death cutue after a two-weeks illntss
with inflammation of the bowels, Miss
Otto's mother was one of the first vie
tims of the fever epidemic two years
SNYDER-At his homo 011 Third St..
Nov. 5. 1905, of pneumonia, William
Snyder, aged 70 years.
Mr. Snyder's last illness is said to
have been his firßt since youth. He
moved to Butler from Worthington
fifteen years ago. He was a member of
the United Presbyterian church and is
sarvived by his wife and eight children:
Henry, Lemuel and Mrs. Rebecca Ward
of New Castle, Charles. Clarence,
Melvin, Cornelia and Margaret of
KCHN—At his home in Charleroi,
Nov. 5, 1905. Samuel Kuhn, formerly
of this county, aged 69 years
The soTfeeß CmzeN.
SI.OO i>i»r your If paid in advance, otherwise
(1.30 will be cuunzud.
AUVCUTISIHU IUTBS-One Inch, one time
II; each mibnequont lnsnrtlon AO cenu each
Auditor*' and divorce notices $4 each; exec
utors' and administrators' notices Ki each
nMtray ar|ddissolution notices|2 each. Read
ing notices 10 cent* a line for tlrst and S cents
for each suliHCuuent Insertion. Noticed
among local news Item* 1.1 cent* a line for
• tcb In sertlon. Ooltuarle*, cards of thanks
reKolutlons of respect, notice* of festival*
and fairs, etc., Inserted at the rate of ft cents
a Hue. money to accompany thu order, if oven
word* of prose make a line.
Ustes for standing cards and Job work on
All advertising Is due after first insertion,
and all transient advertising must be paid
for la advance.
All communications intended for publica
tion la this paper must be accompanied b)
the real name of the writer, not for publica
tion bu. a guarantee of good fallh.anu should
reach us not later than Tuesday evening.
Death notices must be accompanied w th
responsible Bams
Bow Commerce Grew In Fioueer
Days •( the Golden State.
The first European vessel to enter
the port of San Francisco of which
there Is any record was the Eagle, in
1816, commanded by Captain William
H. ->avls. She sailed from Boston via
the Sandwich Islands and Alaska. She
carried an assortment of goods which
were a revelation to the natives, and
their garments of skins and hides were
substituted by the clothing of civiliza
tion. Payments were mude in hides,
tallow, soap and fish. The Eagle then
became engaged In the sea otter trade
and was very successful, as otters
were plentiful In San Francisco bay
and all along the coast. She made
three trips, netting about $25,000 on
each trip. This stimulated others, and
this discovery no doubt gave an Im
petus to commerce which made this
port known to the world.
Commerce in those days of manna
was carried on In what might be term
ed a "free and easy" manner. On
many articles the duty was 100 per
cent, which practically amounted to
confiscation or made smuggling neces
sary in self defense. The Mexican of
ficials generally opened the door. Fre
quently vessels were permitted to pass
Monterey, the port of entry, going to
Yerba Buena and, after selling as
much of the cargo as possible, to re
turn to Monterey for entry and dis
pose of the remainder
Tho shippers were not sworn as to
the value of the cargo. They gave fic
titious Invoices and by this means
would get off on the payment of ?5,000
on a $20,000 cargo.
It becamo so customary to swindle
the government as scarcely to excite
comment, except In cases where goods
were concealed In false linings of the
vessels and the government officials
were outwitted.
A Medical Opinion on This Foe to
Health and Life.
llalg holds that the man of average
weight elaborates twelve grulus of uric
acid In twenty-four hours, and woe be
tido him if he does not excrete the full
amount with due celerity. A little re
tained urle acid will give rise to head
ache, lethargy and mental depression.
A greater retention will give rise to
arthritis,' lumbago and sciatica. The
uric acid miser will end his days
through bronchitis, Bright's disease,
apoplexy, dlubetes or cancer. Man
cannot avoid his fate and cease being
a uric acid producer. Lie cau avoid,
to some degree, swallowing the wretch
ed stuff. What ho cannot avoid swal
lowing lie oan, with care, excrete. If
man had been wise and had cwutlnued
to live where lie belongs, near the
equator, and had fed on fruit and nuts
all might have been well. But, having
wandered from the tropics, ho must be
wise or perish. Here are tho rules
that one must follow to be healthy and
live long; First, swallow no uric acid
and pass out each day regularly and
punctually all that Is formed in the
body. Second, excretion of uric acid
may be obtained by clothing warmly,
by avoiding exposure to cold In every
way (tho morning cold tub Is an espe
cial abomination), by eating freely of
potatoes (especially In cold weather)
and by avoiding fruits. Bicarbonate
of sodium, night and morning, for peo
ple who llvo In u climate similar to
Loudon's Is a fine habit. In addition
to all this, it "Is also advisable to se
cure the proper distribution of time
between bodily and mental exertion
and to dispense with dependence on
tonics, stimulants and bracing cli
mates."—New York Medical Journal.
Water Thieve*.
Water thieves are not unique. Their
prototypes existed at least as long ago
as 1479. At that time a Londoner
wrote: "This yere a wax chandler In
Flete streto had hi craft perced a pipe
of the coudit wlthlnne the grounde, and
so conveled the water into his selar;
wherefor he was Jugid to rkle thrugh
the Citce with u condlt upon his
hedde." Thero were other difficulties
too. A century later (1574) It Is re
corded that owing to a sudden shower
of rain the water In the Dowgale chan
nel "had such a swift course that a lad,
minding to hare leapt over It, was
taken by the feet and borne down with
the vloleuco of. that narrow stream till i
became against a cart wheel that stood
iu the water gate, before which tlOie
he was drowned and stark dead."
The Sun'a Corona.
Thus far we know the corona of the
•uu to be a aort of outer envelope, *o
shielding us from the iutenae solar
light und heat that it may be said
without exaggerating that tho sun has
iiuvor really been studied comprehen
sively. Within the corona is nn ocean
' of gait 5,000 miles deop, stained a ruby
red by the crimson blaze of hydrogen.
Flashes of flame leap from this ruddy
mass often to a height of a hundred
thousand miles and more.
la a Bad Way.
it was a New England parson who
announced to his congregation one Sun
day, "You'll be sorry to hear that the
little church of Jonesvllle is once more
tossed upon the waves, as k. . -y with
out a shepherd."—Bostou Christian
Done la Advance.
Artist—l sold u picture yesterday.
Friend—Ah! What are you going to do
with the money V Artist—lt's already
done with. My landlady bought it for
half the board bill I owed her.
A long, slow friendship Is the best;
a long, slow vuinlty the deadliest.—
Having been poor is no shame, but
being ashamed of it is.— Franklin.
Spenrer and the Great Hlddla.
To every aspect of the problem of life
Herbert S pen car must have given
thought, but he has plainly declared
that the human Intellect us at present
constituted can ofTer no solution. The
greatest inlnd that this world has yet
produced—tlio mind that systematized
all human knowledge, that revolutioniz
ed modern science, that dissipated ma
terialism forever, that revealed to us
tbe ghostly unity of all existence, that
re-established all ethics upon an lm
uiutuble and eternal foundation—the
mind that could expound with equal
lucidity und by the same universal
formula the history of u gnat or the
history of a suu, confessed Itself bo
fore the riddle of existence scarcely
less helpless thun the mind of u child.
—Lufcudlo Ileum in Atlantic.
Queer Hooks.
Among thu world's queerest books is
"Phuramond; or. The History of France
—A Faui'd ltomance, iu Twelve Purta."
It was ."written originally by the au
thor of 'Cassandra und Cleopatra,'"
and it was "English!*!" by J. Phillips,
Gent., and published In Loudon in folio
in 1C77. "I'huraniond" runs to 1,173
closely printed folio pages, which con
tain In all some 1,073.205 wards. That
is to say, it equals In length teu mod
ern novels of about 100,000 words
apiece. Sir Philip Sidney's "Arcadia"
works out, Interspersed poetry und all,
ut some 400,000 words, or four modem
Itodola and Itula.
The Servlun peasants have a curious
old ceremony of invoking ruin which
tliey curry out during dry weather.
The women of the village dress a girl
In leaves and grass from head to foot
nnd lead her from house to house. At
each door the occupunt pours 11 bucket
ful of wuter over her head, while her
companions, who arc* mostly girls of
her own age, chant prayers for the
wished for showers. Invisible clouds
of rain are believed by the peasants to
follow the girl, whom tbey name "IJo
loln," and to refresh tho tlelds and
It I'aya to Advertlar,
An Oklahoma girl udvertlsed for H
hu:ihand and got him. The total ex
peuse for advertising, wedding outfit,
etc., was sll. Ho died within u year,
leaving her an Insurance policy of
(>IO,OOO. And yet some people claim
that it doesnt pay to advertise.—.
Huurks (Oklu.) Review.
"Papa!" little Johnny begun.
"Sow what do you want?" asked his
suffering father, with the emphasis ou
the "now."
"Will my hair full off whan it's ripe,
like yours?"
Tho world, which took but six days
to make, is like to take 0,000 to make
out —Browne.
Illrkraa and Tliarkvray.
"1 oneo missed meeting DUkeus at
Chutsworth. He left the day of my
arrival," writes Leveson-Cower in his
memoirs. "Thackeray came thut same
afteruoou and was anxious to hear
about Hick ens' visit. Ho wondered
whether he hud toadied the duke very
much. My impression is that, though
professing to be friends, those two
great novelist* did not care much for
on* another."
The Register hereby gives notice that the
following accounts of executors, adminis
trators ana guardians have been tiled In
his office according to law. and will be pre
sented to Court for confirmation and allow
ance on Saturday, the 9th day of December
1905. at 9 A. ii.. of said dav:
1. Final account of J. N. Fulton, adminis
trator of Catharine Montgomery, deceased,
late of Clinton township.
2. Final account of Virginia Stephenson
and J. W. Humphrey, administrators of
James J. Stephenson, deceased, late of Slip
pery Rock boro.
X Final account of J. A. McGowan. admin
istrator of E. n, Klnkald. deceased, late of
Prospect boro.
4. Final account of George Lang, executor
of John Lang, deceased, late or Saxonbunt
5. Final account of J. M. Covert and James
S. Wilson, administrators, c. t. a. of Mary
Vincent, deceased, late of Slippery Rock twp.
6. Final account of Ellen M. Patterson. ex
ecutor of William J. Patterson, deceased,
late of Slippery Kock boro.
7. Final account of \V. J. Link, guardian of
George Park, minor child of Nelson L, Park,
deceased, late of Ohio.
8. Second and final account of Solomon Dun
bar. executor of Jesse E. Miller, decased,
lato of Forward township.
9. Final account of David B. Wilson, exec
utor of John Galbreath, deceased, late of
Adams town&lilp.
10. Final account of Efjwln Meeder, admin
istrator of W. F. IfTt, deceased, late of
Zellenople boro.
11. Final account of Ji K. Douthett and
Katharine Martin, executors of Jacob S.
Martin, deceased, late of Per.n township.
12. Final account of H. Litzlnger, execu
tor of Jerome McGlnley. deceased, late of
Concord township.
13. Final account of H. C. Lltzlnger. guar
dian of Mary E. Dillon, minor child of ilary
Dillon, deceased, late of ('uncord township.
H. Final account of Robert Fleming. exec
utor of Ludwig Voller. dec-ased. late of Buf
falo township.
I.'i. Final accountof J. J. McCandless, guar
dian of John M. Stamm, minor child of John
H. Stamm, deceased, late of Franklin twp.
16. Final account of Eva Barr.now skinner,
executrix of James W. Barr, deceased, late
of Summit township.
17. Final account of Catharine Frederick,
adminlstrlx of Dorathea 11. Frederick, de
ceased, late of Millerstown boro.
is. Final account of Thomas G. Henry, ad
ministrator of Elizabeth A. Beers, deceased,
late of Forward township.
19. Final account of Samuel Bell, executor
of C. T. Terwllliger. deceased, late of Alle
gheny township.
30. Final accouut of Joseph W. Meals, ex
ecutor of Thomas A. Eakln. deceased, late of
Venango township.
21. Final account of 11. K. Shanor, execu
tor of Cornelius S. Belghiey. deceased, late
of Lancaster township.
22. Final accoOnt of J. P. Davis, guardian
of Perry A., Emily N.. Emma C.. Edward T..
and Matilda L. Davis, minor children of
Thomas G. Davis, deceased, late of lowa.
23. Final and distribution account of John
W. Kline, administrator of Eliza bet h Kline,
deceased, late of Forward township.
24. First partial account of Joseph llart
man. Jr.. executor of Joseph llartman, Sr..
deceased, late of Butler boro.
2i. Final and distribution accocnt of Wil
liam L. Kepple. administrator of Mary Kep
pie, deceased, late of Falrvlew 'ownshlp.
2(1. Hnal and distribution account of
George Shoup and A, Wilson Johnston, exec
utors of Elizabeth C. Johnston, deceased,
late of Summit township
27. Final account of Jacob M. Painter, ad
ministrator of Solomons. Mays, deceased,
late of Falrvlew township.
28. Final account of K. J. McCandless, ad
, mlnlstrator of Samuel Moyer, deceased, late
of Venango township.
29. Final account of Myrtle Felgel. execu
trix of Lulu Felgel, deceased, late of Butler
l'lnal account of F. C. lialston, execu
trix of Elizabeth Gllkey, deceased, late of
Slippery Kock township
31. Floal and distribution account of
< harles W. Crlder and S. S. Crlder, execu
tors of Jacob Crlder. deceased, late of Mars.
32. Final accountof Thomas Spencer, guar
dian of William McLaughlin, minor child of
Michael McLaughlin, deceased, late of But
ler boro.
J. P. DAVIS. Register.
The Color and Wear cf IMs Hat art:
■ tir<B Absolutely Guaranteed. Tour dealer
SfJ is Authorized to replact.frct of Charge.
RiTpl aay Hal Not Satisfaclon; j
j, The above guarantee is J
£ in every '
|| Imperial Hat ?
< J we sell. 2
IWhat more could be desired,£
if tbe style is right? \
We guarantee that, too. $
-V V f :
■ ' 11
t Manhattan Shirts 2
f are here in a big variety £
4 of patterns. £
2 It is the best shirt made. £
i Fall and and winter 5
f weights in underwear #
J —the kind that won't J
£ scratch. 4
* 345 S. Main St., J
i (J. Stein Building.) J
J Two Doors North of Willard Hotel. J
We offer you your choice of any of
the following brands of pure liquors, at
ft for a full t^uart—or 0 Quarts for $5.
For social or family use they are pre
ferred by careful buyer*.
And remember »e 'are sole ononis fur tlio
whiskey guaranteed 3 ytturs old, K 00 per gal
lon. Wo pay expn-SN chnrges on all mall
orders of |uoo or over. Goods shipped
Robt, Lewin 6. Co,,
Ha 14 Smltbfleld St., PITTSBURG, FA.
'Phone*: Bell 31'* P. * A. M 5»
Estate of K. M. Addleman, late of
Venango township, Uutler county, Pa.,
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the above
estate, notice in hereby given to all
persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate to make immediate pay
ment and those having claims against
the same to present them dnly authen
ticated for settlement.
A. W. Addlkman, Adin'r.,
It F L>. 51, Hilliards Pa
Jas. B. McJUNKIN, Att'y. 11-0-05
Letters of administration on the estate
of Smiley H. Williams, dec'd, late of
Venango twp , Butler Co., Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all (
persons knowing themselves indebted to ;
said estate will please make immediate !
payment, and any having claims against ,
said estate will present them dnly ;
authenticated for settlement to
Joseph w Meals, Adiu'r.,
It. F. D. 05, Emlenton, Pa.
Mciuun & Mdrrin, Att'y. 11-3-05 ,
Office In the Neglcy Building, West
Dlilnond. I
Citation Notice.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to
Martin L. Gibson, High Sheriff of Butler
county, Pennsylvania, Greeting:
WHEREAS, At an Orphan's Court held at
Butler lii and for said county on the 6th day
of September, In the year of our Lord one
t liousand nine hundred and live, before the
Honorable Judge thereof, the petition of
Margaret Ward, widow of John S. Ward, was
presented settlor forth that John S. Ward
died on or about the ith day of February,
H«4. Intestate without children or issue and
leaving your petitioner a widow, ani brother
and sisters and nieces to survive him :u» his
heirs at law as follows:
Ellen Silllwagon. a sister. widow of Isaac
Still wagon, dec'd., residing at Slippery ltock.
Hutler county. Pa.
Nancy Stillwagon, a sister widow of Adam
Stillwagou, dec'd., residing at Slippery llock.
Butler county. Pa.
Amanda Hoover a sister, a widow of
Samuel Hoover, dec'd.. residing at North
Hope, Butler county. Pa.
Harvey Ward, a brother residing at
Kaylor."Hutler county. Pa.
John, .-amuel, Laura and William Ward,
children of l urtis Ward, dec'd., and Daisy
Ward and Lizzie Ward, children jf George
Ward, a dec'd.. brother, whose residence are
unknown, the wife of said George Ward, be
ing also dec'd.. and who are the only parties
interested In the estate of said John S. War<J.
That said John S. Ward, died seized of a
certain messuage tenement and tract of land 1
situate in Parker township, Butler county, |
and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed as follows: Beginning at a stone,
thence north eighty-nine degrees east
ninety-six perches to a stone by lands of !
Thomas nhrvock formerly, now John Daub
enspock. Jr.; thence southeast forty-four ,
perches to a stone, by lands of William ,
Oaubenspeck; thence south eighty nine de- j
grees west ninety-six perches to a hickory |
by lands of John O. Shryook; and thence
nortli one degree west forty-four perches to I
the place of beginning; containing twenty-i
six acres and sixty-four perches.
ALSO—A certain other messuage tenement i
and tract of land situate in the township, j
county and state, aforesaid and bounded •
and described as follows: Commencing at a J
maple tree on Sliryock line; thence north
one degree east along said line 51 6-10 perches !
to a post: the nee north eleven and one-half |
degrees east perches to a post on road ad
joining lands of John Ward; thence north ;
one and three-fourth degrees east ~ perches I
to a post on road to lands of Amanda
Hoover; thence south eighty-six and one
half degrees east 3*i 75-100 perches to a post
by lands of Amanda llcover; thence south
one degree west 72 ti-10 perches by lands of
William Uaubenspeck to a white oak tree: !
thence south seventy-one degrees west Hi
7.V 1(M) perches to a post by lands of William
Daubenspeck; thence south sixty-two de
grees wi st iti perches to a maple tree, the
place of beginning by lands of William
The present grant or said piece or parcel
of land to contain twenty acres and forty
three perches, strict measure.
That in and by virtue of a decree of your
Honorable Court the Hrst mentioned above
described tract was set apart to your petition
er as the widow of the said decedent under the
exemption laws, of this Commonwealth and
that the remaining above described twenty
acres and forty-three perches of land
descended to and became vested under the
intestate laws of this Commonwealth, in
yonr petitioner as the widow and the above
named parties as heirs at law of said des
cendent between whom no partition has
been made and which remains subdivided.
Your petitioner therefore prays the Court
to award an inquest to make partition of said
real estate to and among the parties afore
said according to their respective rights.
And now. September oth, 1905. the within
petition presented and citation awarded and
the Sheriff Is directed to make personal ser
vice on all parties resident In tliecouuty and
all others by publication according to rule,
returnable at next term.
These are therefore to command you tho
said Ellon Stlllwagon, Nancy Stlllwagon,
Amanda Hoover, Harvey Ward, John.
Samuel, Laura and William Ward, Daisy
Ward and I.Uile Ward to be and appear be
fore the said Judge at an Orphans' Court,
to bo held at Butler for the said county of
Butler on the 4th day of December, litKj, at
10 o clock In the forenoon of said day to show
cause why said partition as prayed for
should not be granted, and to submit to such
oilier orders and decrees as the said Court
shal 1 make touching the premises.
Witness the Honorable Jatnes XI. Gal
breath. President Judge of our s*ld Court,
the 22nd day of September, A. D. 1905.
Clerk of Courts.
Legal Notice.
To the Sheriff of said county, Greotlng:
Whereas. Edwin D. Adams and C. O. Zlnn,
Executors of the last will and testament or
M. S. Adams, late of Parker City. Pennsyl
vania, on the :» day of September, A. D.
1905, presented their petition to the Court of
Common Pleas of said county, at M's. D. No.
13, of September term of said Court, setting
"That on the I3th day of July. A. D. 1154,
the saltl M. S. Adams, made, executed and
delivered to Henry Graff, his certain mort
gage In the sum of ten thousand dollars,
conditioned for the dellverence of two hund
red tons of pig metal to said Henry Graff. In
Pittsburg. 100 tons November 15, lfej, and 100
tons April 15, 1N56, which said mortgage was
recorded in the office for recording of deeds,
&c„ In Butler county. In Mortgage Book, No.
2, page 113, on the 19 day of October, 1854, and
by the lurms thereof become a lien upon,
inter alia, all that certain tract of land situ
ate In Allegheny township, ltutler county,
Pennsylvania, commonly called tho Maple
Kurnance Tract, bounded on the north by
lands of W. O. Adams; east by lands of Pierce
& Black; south by lauds of Allsworth heirs;
and on tho west by lands of Andrew Camp
bell, containing 4t)7 acres, together with all
the machinery, engines. Implements, tools,
&c„ of and fielonglug to Maple Eurnace
thereon erected.
That the said M. S. Adams, having com
piled with the condition of said mortgage
and delivered the pig metal therein men
tioned to he delivered to the said Graff, the
following entry was made on the margin of
trio record of said mortg:ige, by John Gra
ham, attorney of said Graft, to-wlt: "I here
by enter satisfaction of this mortgage by
written authority from the plaintiff. John
Graham, att'y, 'M Dec. 1856,"
Hut no legal satisfaction of said mortgage
was ever entered on the record or ludlces of
said mortgage, that both the Mortgagor, M.
S. Adams, and the Mortgagee, Uenry Graff,
are deceased.'
That the said described lands are now In
the hands of the petitioners for the purpose
of raising money with which to pay the
costs of administration and the Indebtedness
of M. S. \dams, deceased, lu which they are
meeting with difficulty by reason of the
above stated legally unsatisfied mortgage.
Wherefore, the petitioners pray the said
Court to mako an order directing the Hherlff
of said county, to serve notice according to
law, the Act of June 11, 1 i"9, upon the legal
representatives of llenrv Graff, deceased,
the mortgagee, requiring them to appear
and show cause why said mortgage should
not be satisfied of record, and upon their
failure so to do. and upon proof being made
as to the compliance with thu conditions
thereof as above stated, that thu Court de
cree and direct that satisfaction thereof be
entered upon the record of said mortgage as
provided by said Act.
Executors, &c.
Whereupon the said Court made the fol
lowing order. to-wlt: And now, September
'£>, lUOS, the within petition presented lu open
Court, and In accordance with the prayer
thereof It Is ordered and directed that the
Sheriff of iiutier county, serve notice, stat
Ing the facts set forth In the within petition,
upon the legal representative of Henry
Graff, If to IHi found within the said county
of liutier. and in ease said parties cannot l>e
found within said county, then to give
notice as aforesaid lu one or more news
papers published within said county, mice a
week for four weeks successively prior to
the next term of said Court requiring the
said parties to appear at thu next term of
said Court. December 4th, I'JlXi. and answer
salt! petition and show cause. If any they
have, why the said mortgage should not be
satisfied as provided by law, and Tuesday,
December 5, at 10 o'clock a. in., Is fixed for a
hearing hereon.
Certified from the record, this :sth day of
September, A. D. IWS.
To the legal representatives of lleary
Graff, deceased.
You are, hv virtue of the above slated
order of Court, hereby uotltled and
required to appear at the next tertn of said
Court, Decemiter 4, lUOS, and answer the said
petition and show cause if any you have
why said mortgage should not no satisfied.
In default whereof the said t.'ourt will make
an order and decree directing satisfaction
thereof, as provided by law.
Application for Charter of
Notice is hereby given that an appli
cation will be made to the Court of
Common Pleas of Uutler county, Pa.,
on Thursday, the oth day of November,
1005, at I 'SO o'clock. P. M., under the
provisions of the Corporation Act of
April ao>h, 1874. and its supplements,
for a charter for an intended corpora
tion to bo called "The Italian Fraternal
and Bene iicial Hooiety of Uutler," the
character and object of which are tor
the purjxaie of supporting and main
taining a society for fraternal and bene
ficial pur|>oses to its members, from
funds collected therein by membership
fees, uniform monthly dues, fines and
assessments upon its members, as shall
be necessary from time to time, and in
such maimer as the by-laws may pro
vide, for the payment of its current ex
penses and monthly benetits to its sick
and disabled members; and to promote
friendship, unity, christian brotherhood
and charity among its members; and
for these purposes to have. |>os*ess and
enioy all the rights, lienetits and privi
leges conferred by the said act and the
supplements thereto.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Richard Fisher, dec'd., late of Con
noquenei-siug boro, butler Co , Pa , hav
ing been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will plnnfe make im
mediate payment, and any having
claims against suid estate will present
them duly authenticated for settlement
J. C. Fisiikr, ]
H0« Centre Ave.. Butler, Pa., 1 . ,
S Uenshaw, AUm "•
Connoquonessing, Pa. J
OhekrS*, Att'y*.
Estate of John Rodgers. late of Donegal
township. Bntler Co., dee d.
Letters testamentary having been
granted to the undersigned on the above
?state. notice is hereby given to all
[>ersons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate to make immediate payment
»nd those having claims against the
<ame to present them duly anthenticat
?d for settlement.
Chicora, F. F. D. T<o. .
Attorney. 9-28-05 j
Letters testamentary on the estate ,
Df Mary Jane T. Turk, deceased,
late of" Brady township, Bntler,
count}-, Penn'a., having been grant-1
ed to the undersigned, all persons know-1
ing themselves to be indebted to said
BState are hereby requested to make
prompt payment and those having
claims against the estate will present
the same duly authenticated for settle
ment to
El wood City, Pa., R. F. D. 2, or
D-21-05 Sherwin,' Pa.
Notice is hereby given that applica
tion will be made to the Court of
Quarter Sessions of Butler county, on
Monday, December 4th, 1905, by more
than twenty-five resident tax payers of
Baid county for the appointment of a
jury of viewers to view and condemn
for public nse free from tolls and toll
gates that portion of the Allegheny and
Bntler Plank Road Company's road
within the county of Butler, extending
from a point on the Allegheny conuty
line to the bridge over Connquenessinc
creek in the borough of Butler.
Attorney for Petitioners.
Estate of Nancy Bartley, late of Penn
twp., Bntler Co., Pa., dee'd.
Letters testamentary having been
granted to the undersigned on the above
estate, notice is hereby given to all
persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate to make immediate pay
ment and those having claims against
the same to present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
THOS. A. HAYS, Ex'r.,
R. F. D. 31, Saxonburg. Pa.
JAMES B. MCJUNKIN, Att'y. 10-5-05
Drying preparat ions simply ..
op dry catarrh; they dry up the ecc
which adhere to the mombrane and d- -■
poM, causing afar more serious troubl-- '.ls >
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoiil J ;
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and v» r
and nse that which cleanses, sootm-i sr> .
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such u remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in the hen' 1
easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will be
mailed for 10 cents. AH druggists iell th J
50c. size. Ely Brothers 50 Warren Bt., HA'.
The Balm cures without pain, does no*,
irritate or oause sneezing. It spreads itsoif
over an irritated and angry surface, reliev
ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
AmjJ & E\Jth,
247 S. Main St., Old I'ostofflce
Building, liutler, I'a.
ltotli Phones.
Branch Office Chicora ;
In Charge of John C. Wiles.
Do You Buy Medicines?
Certainly You Do.
Then you want the best for the
least money. That is our motto
Come and see us when in need of
anything in the Drug Line and
we are sure you will call again.
We carry a full line of Drugi.
Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc.
Purvis' Pharmacy
Both Phones.
213 8 Main St. Butler Pa.
We can save you money
on your fall suit and fit
you as well as the best and
highest-priced city tailors.
New Fall Goods Just Received.
Write us.
Holt's Greenhouses,
E. M. HOLT & Co. PROP'S.
Salesroom 247 S. Main Street.
Floral designs for funerals, parties, |
etc., a specialty.
Our carnations are now in their prime, c
Zuver Studio
Has added a full line of
amateur Photo Supplies, Cam
eras, Films, Dry Plates, De
velopers, Printing out and de
veloping papers.
Anti-Trust Goods
At about one half what
you have been paying.
As good if not better than
the Trust goods.
215 S. Main St. Butler
Gibson's Livery
(old May & Kennedy stand)
First-class horses and rigs.
Excellent boarding accom
Good and clean waiting room.
Open day and night.
IS When we have Boys high top Shoe* 2 soles and tap heavy Shoes for E
■ Girls that go to school. Made of the old-fashioned heavy calf skin. Don't B|
H need rubbers with these shoes. They will stand the hard knocks. ST
4 V -
I Ladles' and Men's Heavy Shoes 1
|& In great variety—high or low cnt—from SI.OO and upwards. 11
W Don't yon think it is better to get good Footwear than pay doctors" ■»
9 bills? Think it over. «
M 102 N. Main Street. £|
:<»oo<*o<poooooocij>oooooooot >00< x
I > Yre want your attention today to the greatest store news that has A
ever published in Butler. Yon know the principles of this store I
Fair Dealing and Matchless \ alnes. Yon also know onr prices are right '
| [ A Specialty Store In Butler. 0
Yon have been looking to us for years for your Fine Tailored Gar- < )
< > ments, conceding that at Zimmerman's you were sure to find what was < %
I I 5S w £ st ' 1)681 and correct st J' le in Jacket Suits, Wraps. Skirts and waists f
We have given so much time and attention to these special lines that our
' » business has grown and increased to such an extent that we are cramped t \
for room to display our large and varied stock of the fine ready-to-wear SI
garments. We have therefore, after careful thought and consideration < /
\ decided to discontinue our Dress Goods. Silks and all yardage goods ex- A
.cept White Goods, Laces and Embroideries. These lines will be stronger l
and handsomer than ever, our orders already being placed for import Q
I styles in white goods for spring of 1906. We will henceforth be known i >
I > a Specialty Store for everything ready-to wear for Women, Misses. J
Children and Infante, and Fine and Exclusive Millinery. We think it \ >
< > will be greatlv to your advantage to have a specialty store in Butler and *
, . trust the change we make will be pleasing to our cnstomers
Great Slaughter Sale of Fine Drees Goods and Silks. Flannelettes, 4
I > Flannels, Blankets, Yams Fine Table Damask. Napkins. Toweies Crash C
. and Domestics. A sale you will talk about for years to come ' J
« 1 offerings have ever been made in Butler right in the height %
' > the *, a i 1 Se » 9on , Nothing but the newest and most desirable merchan- <
. . dise will be offered. \on cannot afford to miss this important Sale
The only way we can empty our shelves and make room for the i
< > workmen to remodel our store is to have a Slaughter Sale, Cut the Price <
< kN°w. just as you are just beginning to feel your winter needs. You can
buy Fine Dress Goods and Silks of the newest weave and coloring at less '
I > than manufacturer's prices, Fine Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, I
I I ,? 8, Fl * nne, ettes, Muslin Sheerting and Calicoes, Percales. Chintzes ,
Silkalmes Cretones, Flannels and Yarns, Warm Bed Haps, Cotton and '
< > Woolen Blankets, and Cotton Batting. i
; | Sale Starts Wednesday, November Ist. at 9 o'clock 4
Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman.:
Bell Phone 308. t? <. i t—4 '
I > People's Phone 126. OUtJer, f .
IOC W. Diamond St.. Butler.
North side of Court House.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat work, t
At 327 N. Main St.
JA/VIES C. 50yfcE,/Vt. o
Eye, Ear Nose and Throat.
OFFICE HOURS— « to 10 a. m., 1 to !
p. m., 7toßp. m. Snnday by appoint
131 E. Cunningham Street, Butler, Pa
Consultation and examination free.
Office hours—l) to 13 A. M.. 3 to
M.,daily except Snnday. Evening
Office —Stein Block, Rooms 9-10, Bnt
lor, Pa. People's Phone 478.
Teeth extracted absolutely painless.
Take Vitalized Air or Nitrons Oxide
All work satisfactory.
137* S. Main St., BUTLER, PA
Graduate of Dental Department,
University of Pennsylvania.
Office—3ls S. Main Street, Bntler, Pa
Office over Leighner's Jewelry store,
Butler, Pa
Peoples Telephone 505.
A specialty made of gold filling*, gok'
crown and bridge work.
Office in Bntler County National Bank
Bnlldina;, 2nd floor.
Successor to Dr. Johnston,
Office at No 114 E. Jeflerson St., ovei
G. W. Miller's grocery
Rp. scorr,
Office in Butler County National
Bank building.
Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. Bnt
ler. Pa.
Office in Butler Comity National
Bank building.
Office on Diamond, Bntler, Pa.
Sjtecial attention given to collections
inci business matters.
Office in Retl>er building, cornet Main
Hid k. Cunningham SU. Entrance on
Main street.
()lfice on Main St. near Conrt IIou»«
Offipe on South side of Diamond,
Bntler, Pa.
In the District Court of the
United States for the Western
District of Pennsylvania.
In the matter of l
A Bankrupt' 8 ' j N °' ~ M '' ,,ankrn l ) u 'y
To the creditors of Austin Sllvls of Butler,
In the county of Butler und district afore
said. a bankrupt.
Notice Is hereby given that on theLTth
day of September, A.l>. 1905, the said Austin
adjudicated bankrupt; and
that the first meeting of his creditors will bo
>« ' „,p>7 Office No. 114 N. W. Diamond.
Butler. Pa., on the flth day of Nov., 11*6. at
10 o clonk In the forenoon at w'lch tlmo the
said creditors may attend, prove their
claims, appoint a trustee, examine the b;<nk
rupt and transact such other business as
may properly come before said meetlnr.
October 2.trd, 19U5.
Keferee In Bankruptcy.
Pasted on your paper, (or on the
wrapper in which it cornea,) for
a brief bnt exact statement of
yonr subscription acconnt. The
date to which you have paid is
clearly (fiven. If it is a past date
a remittance is in order, and isre
spectfully solicited, Remember
the subscription price, |I.OO a
year in advance or |1.50 at end of
Butler, Penna.
urit the date is not changed within
three weeks write and ask war.
THE Established
The ONLY Ipiliri NEWSpaper,
Leading Agricultural Journal of
the World.
Every department written by specialists
the highest authorities In their respective
No other paper protends to compare with
It In qualifications of editorial ht alt.
Olves the agricultural NEWS with a degree
of completeness not even attempted by
Indispensable to all country residents who
wish to keep up with the times.
Single Subscription, $1.50.
Two Subscriptions, $2.50
Five Snbscriptlons, {5.50
Four Mouths' Trial Trip 50 cents.
will bo mailed free on request. It will pay
anybody Interested In any way In country
life to send for them Address the publishers:
Albany, N. Y
UPSubacrlptlon taken at this office.
Both papers together, 12.00.
/. V■ j H
| k B J
Trade Marks
- Copyrights Ac.
Anyone seeding a sketch and dascrtptloa mmy
quickly ascertain out opinion fr©« w bather an
Invention le probably patentable. Common Ira-
Uou atiifltij oooildtntU. HandboolooPaUuU
••nt free. Oldoet agency for ••cur.nc paunta.
Patent* taken through Munn A Co. reoelrf
iptcial notice, without cT>ar«e. lu the
ScietttiTic America!.
A handsomely lllnstraled weekly. I«rMat elr.
eolation of any actentino 1 *"?' , *
year: four months, f L Hold by all newsdealers.
fcIUNN4Co. 38,8 " > —' NewYwk
Branch offloa. e» V Bt_ Washlnstnu. D. C-
Funeral Director.
-a P a