VOL. XXXXII. 4 Ihe Dining Room ] - Aly and comfortably furnished—surroundings have a >1 ►j mighty influence upon cheerfulness. A For this season the furniture designs have sur- '1 >1 passed themselves, and we have here the very pick m A of the market ready for your looking—dining chairs ►1 of most comfortable shape; entire suits just about as A attractive as wood can be made. >1 Perhaps one piece will improve the whole ap A pearance of your dining room. To look, you 11 > think a privilege; we'll think it a privilege to welcome J ( you. i | > i BROWN &• CO. \ §rer $2,000 00 worth of new typewriters in use (allowin* advanced student* from 8 to 4 boars' practice per day). other equipment in proportion! Winter Term, J»n 2, 1006. Spring Term, April 2, 1900. Portion* secured for oar worthy graduate* Visitors always welcome! When in Bntier. pay ns a visit. Catalogue and other literature mailed on ap plication. MAY ENTER ANY TIME. A. F. REQAL. Principal, Butler, Pa ]| Fall and Winter Millinery- ** * # « * * Everything In the line of Millinery can be found, * 1 * the right thing at the right time at the right price at | H ROCKENSTEIN'S § Phone 656. 148 S. Main St. jj| "WHY You can save money by purchasing your piano of W. . NEWTON, "The Piano Man." The expense of running a Music Store is as follows: Rent, per annum S7BO 00 Clerk, per annum $312.00 Lights, Heat and incidentals . . . $194.00 Total $1286.00 I hare no store and can save you this expense when you buy of me I sell planoe for or easy monthly payments I take pianos or oricanH In exchange and allow yon what they are worth to apply on the new instrument All pianos fully warranted aa represented. MY PATRONS ARE MY REFERENCE. A few of the people I have sold pianos In Butler, Ask them. Dr. MoCnrdy Bricker Dr. W. P McElroy Fred Porter Sterling Club orld B;W Bingham £ A. McPberson Geo. D. Hmh Anns McCandless w j Mates E. A. Black j u Thompson Bamuel Woods Joseph Wooda Oliver Thompson 8 M McKw John JobiiHon A. W Boot B.A Longwell Miss Eleanor Barton >njhett Mrs. B. O. Rambaugh E. K Ulchey Chaa. E. Herr L. 8. Youch PEOPLE'S PHONE 420. rhiuseltonT™^^ I FALL WEAR. I THE FALL STYLES SHOWN AT I OUR STORE EMBRACE LOOKS ■ FOR EVERT LIKINO AND A ■ GRACEFUL, COMFORTABLE FIT ■ FOR EVERT FOOT. I EXPERT FITTERS TO SEE THAT I TOU ARE FITTED TO THE ■ SHOES MEANT FOR TOUR FEET. I THE PRICES RANGE FROM $1 ■ TO $4 00 AND EACH BHOWS A 5 WIDE CHOICE OF STTLEB IN B I THE LEATHERS THAT WILL H I BE POPULAR THIS FALL AND ■ I WINTER. I I IT WILL AFFORD US GREAT I ■ PLEASURE TO HAVE TOU LOOK I ■ OVER OUR FALL STTLES. I I HUSELTON'S I I 102 N. Main Street. | . j-Uate Library THE BUTLER CITIZEN. Don't You Need An Overcoat? We Closed out a Manufacturer's Sample Line at One Half Their Value. In this lot of 218 Overcoats there are all sizes. In the Men's overcoats they are sizes 34 to 44. In the Boys' they are sizes 6to 20. Not 2 Overcoats of a kind. For want of space we cannot describe these extraordinary bargains in these Overcoats. But will just mention a few of them. 29 Overcoats, Regular Price #22, Sale Price $11.98 33 Overcoats, Regular Price #lB, Sale Price $9.89 28 Overcoats, Regular Price £ 15, Sale Price $7.45 78 Overcoats, Regular Price $lO, Sale Price 23 Boys' Overcoats, Regular Price $9, Sale Price $4.62 27 Boys' Overcoats, Regular Price $6, Sale Price $3.13 Have a Look at These Overcoats. We Will Show Them to You. No Trouble Whatever. SCHAUL& LEVY 137 Sontb Main Street. Butler, Pa. /WEN Air i jSv l&tih /I Won't bny clothing for the purpose of J H V ii| ! l II spending money. They desire to get the W | j, // I f beet possible results of the money expended. 4»i 1 jI Uf \ \y /t'r. j Those who bny cnHtoin clothing have a Ir~ [- Ks' i/J VI right to demand a fit, to have their clothes VlwSfriSk'! correct in style and to demand of the / 'lu '5 seller to guarantee everything. Come to jcKf\ lL us and there will be n}tbint( lucking. I InK *sl' havejiint received a large stock of Fall JIA —' \ fell | shades and colors. IBM J G. F. KECK, ' I 3 11 1/ MERCHANT TAIfeOR, fMJi mv 142 N. Main St., Pa When a Woman Needs Notions She usually wants them at once. Our notion counter is filled with the little things that go with dress nnik ! ing and repairing. Buttons, tapes, scam bindings, pins, dress shields, hooks and eyes, needles—all the countless articles are here for immediate delivery. Some of these you ought to have at home in advance. If your stock lias run low come in—see how quickly and willingly we'll meet your demands. UNDERWEAR. We've kept our eyes open for chances to obtain j the sort of underwear that's going to fit well, feel well , and wear well—and yet be sold at prices you'll ap prove. Now, if you'll come in you will see .just how well we've succeeded in finding the very right things in these important items of woman's and children's wear. It pays to visit us when you need notions, under wear, hosiery, gloves, belts, ribbons, corsets, etc. L. Stein & Son, 108 N. MAIN STREET. BUTLER, PA i Bickel's Fall Footwear. 1 | Largest Stock and Most Handsome Styles of j ► Fine Footwear we Have Ever Shown. < i SOROSIS SHOES. Tw,:,,t y Fhll sty*®* nongou, patent- A ynVLOi kid and Fine Calf Hhoes made in the V ( latest up-to-date styles. Extremely larife stock of Mtstes' and ChU- M I dren's flue shoes in many new Hnd pretty styles for fall. 4 < HEN'C Showing all the lattit styles in Men's k ' V Y HVMi Fine .Shoes, all leathers, und * M best grades of Felts and Rubber Goods. . An immense busluess enables us to name the very lowest < prices for reliable footwear. When In need of anything in our line give us a call. < Repairing Promptly Done. ► ij JOHN BICKEL ] J 528 S Main St., BUTLER. PA. i I 1 ********* ®®®IWWN|H|HW mm HBHi * 4? £ iu Less Work :*■ I Than any oilier Washer* on the market. !j! if J. Q. &W. CAMPBELL, I BUTLB, PA. :i BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1305. JTHEIR MAY] I FLITTING j By FRANK H. SWEET j | by Fro'ik H. Siati, j "The au-dac-i-ty!" Elizabeth Brown's eyes flashed, and she threw the note from her angrily, then picked it up at the inquiring look of her mother. "Bead that!" she commanded hotly. Mrs. Brown took the letter and read It meekly. It was brief: My Dear Mies Betty—l have Just left the house. It is down In the country and near the seashore and has piazzas and an apple orchard—ln short, is an ideal home for a young married couple. Will call to morrow and go Into details more fully. Faithfully yours, JAMES GRAHAM. Mrs. Brown looked up with a pleased flutter. "I didn't know it had—had gone so far, Elizabeth," she stjid eagerly, "that you were engaged. When"— "We are not engaged," sharply, "and never will be. I have thought Mr. Graham a very pleusant man und have liked him, and he has called on us quite often lately, but there lias never been a word of—of love spoken, and now this note! It is positively Insult ing! Mother, we must commence pack ing at once and move this very after noon." "Why, child, we can't," in startled dismay. "It will take a week at least. You know"— "I know we shall be out of this house before night!'' vehemently. "I shall go and engage a moving van at once to carry our goods to the station, and I will have them taken to the little sta tion Just beyond the limits of the town. It will cost a few dollurs more, but it will hide all trace of our whereabouts. Mr. Graham will be here tomorrow to go Into details—the presumptuous wretch! I'm sorry I ever spoke to him about our plans to hire a quiet place for the summer. Now, mother, you go and be packing your clothes und valuables. I shall tell the van man to be here in an hour, and we must be ready." "Yes, dear," meekly, "but where shall we go?" "Why, to—to — Oh, anywhere! It doesn't really matter. Suppose we try that little place where we had two weeks' outing last summer—Orchard vllle, you know. It's real country there, with solitary wulks and gardens In every yurd and country people com ing In with things to sell. Kent must bo cheap thore, and by offering enough we can get some sort of house, or, If we can't, we'll hire part of one or "rooms. Anyway we haven't time to engage one ahead now." "Orcbardville Is where we first met Mr. Graham, isn't it?" "Is It? Why, yes. I believe you nre right, mother, but, you know, he told us he was Just down there for a few days' fishing and that ho didn't get a bite, so, of course, we wouldn't meet him again. Men never go fishing twice to the same place when tlicy have bad luck. Now, please hurry, mother." The next afternoon they were stand ing on the front parch of a pretty vine covered cottage, superintending the removal of their goods from tho local delivery wagon. The Indlguatlon still burned lu Elizabeth's eyes. Mrs. Brown looked tired and plaintive. "1 do hope we can stay here, Eliza beth," she sighed, "but the postinuster seemed slow ill giving up the key and wouldn't promise us the house sure." "We'll stay all right, mother; don't you worry. Tho house wus to rent and tho key left with tho postmaster for prospective tenants. What if the owner did write to him about an old maid who was looking after a place for some young friends and that he would have her come down and see this. She hasn't put In an uppear ance yet, nor her young friends, and we wore the first real applicants. Be sides, we are iu actual possession, und I wus shrewd enough to force an ad vance rent luto the postmaster's hands. Now help me swing this ham mock on the piazza here and then you lie dowii In it for an hour's rest." Two days later they were settled and the furniture wus ull arranged. Mrs. Ilrown was lying In the hammock be hind the screen of vines, gazing pen sively at Elizabeth, who had stopped reading and was now contemplating the closed book lu her lap with unsee ing eyes. There were solitary walks about this village, many of them, aud the young girl was facing the fact that the walks represented tlio social condi tion of the place. The previous sum mer's outing had been pleasant, but there had been companionship to muke It so. The gate latch clicked, and Mrs. Ilrown was aroused by 11 stifled ex clamation from Elizabeth. Coming up the walk was Jame* Graham, and be side him was an lingular, middle aged woman who was apparently refusing to be convinced. " 'Taln't the kind of house I want, Mr. Graham," she was saying shrilly, "not In any way. There must be a bay tho end fiir ]>cllu's plants an' wlllers lu front for her an' Tommy to set under. She said I needn't eveu 'ook ut u place without the wlllers." "Bat let me show you through the tousc, Miss Brown," urged Graham. "I am sure you will like the urrungu ineut, and there Is a flue willow in tho back yard which the young people can sit under. There wasn't time to go to my agent after the key, but 1 can get In one of the windows und open the back door from the Inside, Pin sure"— Hut the womun stopped short, turned and started back toward the gnte, "Wlllers In front," she repeated ag gressively. "Them's tho lust words Delia NII Id. lt'll no urn', Mr. Graham. I dou't wunt it." Graham watched her through the gate niicl up the sidewalk toward tliu htiitluc truly says, the Crook pnwervos even In appearance the forms which his reason tells him to adopt as being the best and most undurlng. A GORGEOUS BIGHT. Tito Way an ICaklnn Hrllr I.oolc* When llrriarit For n tinner. When an Eskimo young lady goea to a ball abe la a gorgeous sight to gaic u)ion. A traveler reports Just how a belle was dressed on such uu occasion. lier dresa waa made of the lutestluea of a seal, split and sewed together. Tills makes u transparent garment and the girl trimmed It with elaborate em broidery of colored worsteds and fringed It with strings of beads, tier trousers were white and made of Hl berlan reindeer skin embroidered with strips of wolf sklu. Iler hair waa braided on each aide with atrlps of wolf akin and strips of bead*. Heavy necklaces and pendants of beads and teetli of aulmals bung around her neck and over her shoulder*. Know white gloves made of fawn akin were on her hand*. These fitted perfectly aud were oruameuti-d with strips of akin from some animal—per baps the seal. To complete thla clalt orate outfit this Eskimo belle carried long eagle feathers, one in each hand, which she waved as she duncsd.— .Washington Btar. wSSSIB N t> BINDING CORN SHOCKS. Rope and Pulley Wlndiana Tvrlne, Wire and Straw Ilnnds. To compress the shock for binding some depend on the strength of the arms alone, but this is not a good plan. A common method is to use a rope with a ring on one end, encircling the Bhock with a loop that may be drawn tight to hold the shock while the band Is tied around It. A much better way is to obtain a small awning pulley and enough one-quarter inch mauila rope to reach around the shock. Place tho rope through the pulley and knot one 1 2 CORN BINDING DEVICES. end. At the other end tie a small Iron hook. The hooked end may be carried around the shock and hooked In the eye of the pulley to form a loop, as shown In the first figure. The free end of the rope is now pulled as tight as necessary, the end of the rope Is fasten ed In a simple manner by lapping It around a protruding cornstalk, while the band is placed ou the shock. In stead of having a hook on the rope one end may l>e tied in the eye of the pul ley and the other cud left loose to be inserted In the pulley each time the loop is formed. The free end of the rope In this case must 1m? wrapped with line wire or twine to prevent un raveling. A pulley made expressly for this purpose Is also illustrated. It has a hook (A I which fastens iu the shock to hold the device while the end of the rope (B) Is carried around and fastened to the hook (C). The other end of the rope (I)» may be pulled as tight us de sired, and an attachment on the pulley block holds the rope from slipping while the shock Is being tied. The twine (E) Is placed through a loop ou the supporting hook and carried around ready for tying. Where one man alone must tie the shocks a compressor of this kind is the Ideal one. The windlass device Illustrated is preferred by some when binding large shocks and can be easily constructed. It consists of a sharpened round stick with crank and handle and a wooden washer through one end of which the windlass rope Is conducted. The stick being thrust Into the shock, the rope Is carried around und hooked to the end of the washer and the crank is turned to draw the loop tight and compress the shock. Fo- binding the Hhocks twlue Is best. It saves time and trouble and Is pref erable to straw or corn bauds. Farm ers handy to city stables where baled hay and straw are used sometimes pro cure tho bullng wire and make It Into excellent bands. The wire Is cut In suitable lengths, and a small loop Is made on one end by twisting the end of the wire upon Itself. When on the shock the straight end of wire Is placed In the looped end and then bent back, forming a tie that Is secure and yet easy to loosen. The Colt's Hoofs. "The colt should have abundant exer cise on dry ground. The hoofs will then wear gradually, und It will only be necessary from time to time to reg ulate nn uneven wear with the rasp and to round off the sharp edges about the toe to prevent the breaking away of the wall. "Colts In the stable cannot wear down their hoofs, so that every four to six weeks they should Ik> rasped down and the lower islge of the wall well rounded to prevent chipping. The soles and clefts-of the frogs should Ih> picked out every few days and the entire hoof washed clean. Plenty of clean straw should Ihj provided," says an authority on the colt. Rhubarb forced With Eth»r, Etherization of lllucs and some other hardy flowering plants lins become an established fuct In their early forcing, and recent agltutlon In the press with regard to rhubarb forcing suggested to the horticulturist of the Vermont ex perlment station tho possibility of up plying the ether treatment to the dor mant clumps of rhubarb. As tho result pf experiments lu this direction It uoemod that a decided Impulse was given to the ether treated dormant plants. Tho qulckeulng of the vital processes In the plant resulted In a tnore vigorous growth anil a decided lucrcuso lu weight of product. Like n Uardru Mrrd Uril. My experience lu lncroaHing my yield of wheat from ulx bushelH per aero In lW'.Ht to thirty and ouo-quttrter lu 11*01 {ma convinced mo thut for larg<> cropH «f wheat the ground UIUBI bo worked up tboroii|(hly on top llko a n'«r«l«»n niH.il bed and have u eolld bottom. Tliifl, with u good yielding variety und u proper fertilizer, gt VOM goof the Hock. Homo brcodii aro not uote In K«l Unlia. The flockmaHtcr who IH ruining early .v Inter lu in I>H for the uiurket can WPLI to jalyr to the yj the article which lirlngß the most profit If tiie market demands fat lambs of uni form also and weight and Is willing to pay extra for the assurance of a cer tain number to meet their trade the fioekmaster cannot overlook the trade demands and realize the most from his business. Some fiockmasters often wonder why It Is that the smaller bunches of lambs often bring the high est price on the market This comes from the fact that these lambs have been well cared for and properly litted for the market Hearing Lambs. A great many fiockmasters seem to think that In order to produce these high priced lambs only one should be allowed to suck the ewe. While a groat many ewes are not able to rear twin lambs successfully alone, if given a little assistance with the proper kiml of nourishment these ewes will come along all right. I would not care If every one of my ewes would drop twin lambs. In my own flock there are a few ewes that are not free milkers nnd unless they are properly fed and care*] for will not raise profitable twin lambs. There ore, however, others in the flock thnt could well suckle triplets with no more assistance than the ones that have difficulty with two lambs. This I account for in the breeding of the animals.—L. C. Reynolds in Ohio Farmer. THE HARVESTS. A Rerord Drmktnc Grain Sranon In This Country. Small but perhaps as Important as any Item In the government crop re port of Sept. 11 is that showing an In crease of half a point In the condition of corn-viz, 80.5 as against Si) last month. The favorable corn season Is thought likely to result In record break ing figures, and a crop of 2.800,000,000 Is now talked of by crop experts. This would mean for the country at large an average of thirty bushels per acre. Wheat and Oat*. A liberal spring wheat crop Is Indi cated by the figures 87.3 for condition this season compared to 60.2 last year at the same time. Estimates from dif ferent authorities on the combined winter and spring wheat crop range around 700,000,000 bushels, more rather than less. The condition of oats, 00.3, against 85.0 last year, promises a crop esti mated at least at 000,000,000 bushels. The three foregoing crops as a whole will therefore represent a remarkable year In cereals. The Rasstan Crops. The September estimate of the Rus sian wheat crop represents a total re duction In spring and winter wheat of 135,000,000 bushels as compared to last year, while the estimated decrease of rye from last season's figures Is 200,- 000,000 bushels, a condition that au gurs well for future gralu prices In this country. Bis Growth of Millet. The millets have made tremendous growths at the experiment station In the upper peulnsula of Michigan when ever sown. They will mature In a short season, and, although they aro easily killed by the frosts, they grow so rap- Idly that a good harvest may be ex pected when they nre sown in May or even ns late as the Ist of June. When sown the 4tli of June the Hungarian millet was harvested the 3d of Septem ber, yielding nearly four tons to the acre. Sown again June 8, 1904, It was harvested Sept. 14, yielding something over three tons per acre. The fact that the plots at the station are exceedingly small must t>e kept In mind In consider ing these yields. NEWS AND NOTES Even buyers admit that the upplo rrop 1m light. A moderately good yield of poachoa (wins to l>o couet>ded for the country as a whole. An authority on tho apple crop In New York Htate estimates It at 28 per cent of IriKt year's crop. Qood crops of flax and millet are re /ortod In the northwest. I>r. A. IC. Melvln Is temporarily 11U lug the place made vacant by the res ignation of IJr. Haliuou, chief of the bu reau of animal Industry, Washington. The sheep man feels good. (V>mmon wethers are selling at $3 per head. Three years it go they were going at $1.25 to SI.OO each. Wool Is In de ntaud. The sheep business Is on a good basis, remarks a southern ex change. READING HABITS. Von Hint Caltlvata flyatam If Ton Wonlil Improve Your Mind. The uilud Is a very delicate, compli cated piece of meclmnlsm, ami, al though maile to do a certain kind of work marvelously well, yet, when put to an entirely different use, Its effi ciency 1m ruined, Just as the ilelleate machinery lnteiul<*d for producing flue watch parts would bit completely spoil ed for this purpose if used to make clock parts. When the uilud becomes