VOL. XXXXII. The DininS Room J > In every home, It seems to us, should be attractive- < ly and comfortably furnished —surroundings have a J > mighty influence upon cheerfulness. < For this season the furniture designs have sur- 'A > passed themselves, and we have here the very pick of most comfortable shape; entire suits just about as M i attractive as wood can be made. A ) Perhaps one piece will improve the whole ap- * i pearance of your dining room. To look, you 11 > think a privilege; we'll think it a privilege to welcome < < you. < ! ; i BROWN 8r CO. j J No. 136 North Main St., Butler. THE MODERN STORE. Winter Hosiery for Everybody. Everything for Women, Children and Men. Winter Millinery Has the Call. We ™- v - a specialty of Hosiery and curry a sttvk so complete in every de tt.il X»wXanX*t your •YWT depir*. It embraces every size, style and quality udln' fxtr. be.vy fUtoe linod how, • regoUr 25r Mockiog. I#c p.n, S palrn 50c. Ladies' fine silky fleeced hose in plain or r.bbed, 2oc pair. Lftdie.' cash mew and wool SIZES 6 ' 8 ' Winer ftppced and cashmere hose, 86c and 80c pair. h-v, wool bo.. I.UU. ud (..c, p... S.iCp'nnilwww for laen. woman and children is the moet com pleU in Batier, and at Ims pripas for good (quality. Fine Millinery Favorably Priced, Our milliners can please, if yon want something specially chojoe and e* elusive in a hat. and at snch a moderate cost that you will regret waiting so lon* EISLER-MARDORF COnPANY, 1 221 Samples sent on request. OPPOSITE HOTBL ARLINGTON. BOTLKH. WHY You can save money by purchasing your piano of W. . NEWTON, "The Piano Man." The expense of running a Music Store is as follows: jei,t p*r mm Glerk, per annum : : : ; : : s3U.pu Lights, Heat and incidentals $19^.00 Total > - • $1286.00 I have 00 store and can «aye yon this expense when gou bay of me. I sel) pianos for cash or easy monthly payments. I tafce pianos or orgaps in exchange and allow yon what they are worth to apply on the new instrument All pianos fully warranted as represented. MY PATRONB ARE MY REFERENCE. A few Of the people I haye fold pianos in Batier. Ask them. Dr. MtfOardy Bricker Or W. P-McEjroy Fred Porter Sterling Club Fraternal Order Eagles I> F. Reed Enworth League Woodmen of the World E W. mJZhfn, H. A. McPherson Geo. D. High Miss Anna McCandless W. J. E. A. Black J. S. Thompson Samuel Woods Joseph Woods Oliver Thompson 8. M McKee John Johnson A. W Boot B. A. Long well fiias Eleanor J. Hjllgafd Mrs Mary L. Strotjp J. E. Bowers W C Ourry C. F. Stepp F. J. Haucif W. J. Armstrong Miss Emma Bnghes Miles Billiard hu.ar Mrs. R. O, Rnmbangh E, K. Richey Ohas. E. Herr * L S. Yonoh PEOPLE'S PHONE 426- I Huselton's I I FALL WEAR. I I THE FALL STYLES SHOWN AT I I OUR STORE EMBRACE LOOKS I I FOR EVERY LIKING AND A I ■ GRACEFUL, COMFORTABLE FIT I I FOR EVERY FOOT. I I EXPERT FITTERS TO SEE THAT I I YOU ARE FITTED TQ THE I I SHOES MEANT FOR YQUR FEET. B I THE PRICES RANGE FROM $1 B ■ TO $4.00 AND EACH SHOWS A B ■ WIDE CHOICE OF STYLES IN B I THE LEATHERS THAT WILL B B BE POPULAR THIS FALL AND FL B WINTER B | P AFFOJFFI US QREAS | B PLEASURE TQ HAVE YOU LOOS B B OVER OUR FALL STYLES. B I HUSELTON'S I B 102 N. Main Street ft THE BUTLER CITIZEN. Immense Clothing Purchase an Fine Footwear we Have Ever Shown. Y< > SOROSIS SHOES, r< i lategt nn-to da£« stylos. | close prices and are in a position to off"r yoit the loweut prices for Ml A best grades of Felts and Rubber Goodt-. f An immense business enables nn to name the very lowest L V { prices for reliable footwear. When in need of anything in our line give r.» z oa'u < Repairing Promptly Done. m i JOHN BICKELt i 128 S Main St., BUTLER. PA. k w w w w S) * I Acme Washers 1 \l Willi less Work Than any other Washer^ II »4 JJ; :' 4. ti. & W. CAMPBELL. || BUTLE, PA. $ BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1905. p~ — \ SOFT ] I HAT < 5 TIME. • £ The soft hat is a luxury # \ of luxuries for fall. * £ Soft hats are here in the £ d popular browns, pearls, 4 # fawn and black. Alpines # J and the low crowns that J 1 may be worn * creased, 5 2 dented or telescoped. 2 f We are showing the J £ new stiff hats. Have a £ * a dozen different styles. d j New fall neckwear that j 5 is just a little different £ £ from the others that you £ i know. # |jno. S.Wick. I J HATTER AND FURNISHER. R f 345 S Main St., } i (J. Stein Building.) t 5 Two Doors North of Willard Hotel. J Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you want bist for the least rnopey. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and we are qufe yc,y \yjU qgain. We carry a full line of Drugs. Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy S. G. PURVIS, PH. O ttom fuouwK. 213 S Maic St. Bntler Pa. FALL SUITS We can save you money on ycy; {ail suit and fit you as well as the best and highest-priced city tailors. Ijeyy Fall gQQdfi just Heceived, Write us. C. P JOHNSTON & SQN CUSTOM TAILORS, PROSPECT, PENN'A Gibson's Livery (old May & «iand) rtrst-class horses and rigs. Excellent boarding accom modations. Good and clean waiting roorn : Open day and night. BERT McCANDLESS, Manager. Holt's Greenhouses, E. M. HOLT & Co. PROP'S. Salesroom 247 S. Main Street. Floral (IWUKUH fur funerals, partiefl, etc., a Bpecialty. POTTED PLANTS. Oar carnations are now in their prime. luver Studio Has added a full lir\e> of amateur PhQta buppiies, Cam eras, Films, Dry Plates, De velopers, Printing out and de veloping papers. Anti-Trust Goods At about one half what you have been paying. Quality Guaranteed As good if not better than the Trust goods. ZUVEff STUDit) 513SS, Main St. Butler M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director, 245 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA Citation Notice. BUTI.HU COUNTY, SS: ' The Coniraoowealth of Pennsylvania, to Martin L. Gibson, High Sheriff of Butler county, Pennsylvania, Greeting: WHEREAS, At an Orphan's Court held ai , Butler In and for -aid county on the tith day of September. In the year of our Lord one thousand niue hundred and live. l>efore the Honorable Judge thereof, the petition of ! Margaret Ward, widow of John S Ward, was j presented setting forth that John S. Ward died on or about the ilh day of February. ls*4. intestate without children or Issue and 1 leaving your petitioner a widow, anl brother j anil sisters and nieces to survive him as his ' heirs at iaw as follows: , Klien StillwaKon. a sister, widow of lsaac • PtlUwagon. dee'd., residing at Slippery Ko.-k, I Butler county. Pa. , Nancy Stillwagon. a sister widow of Adam Stillwagon. dee'd.. residing at Slippery Bock. Butler county. Pa. Amanda lfoover a sister, a widow of Samuel Hoover, dee'd., residing at North Hope, Butler county. Pa. Harvey Ward, a brother residing at Kaylor. Butler county. Pa. John, Samuel, Laura and William Ward, children of f'urtis Ward, dee'd., and Daisy Ward and Lizzie Ward, children jt George Ward, a dee'd., brother, whose residence are unknown, the wife of said George Ward, be ing also dee d., and who are the only parties interested in the estate of said John S. Ward, dee'd. That said John S. Ward, died seized of a certain messuage tenement and tract of land situate in Parker township. Butler county, and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and de »< rit>ed as follows: Beginning at a stone, thence north eighty-nine degrees east ninety-sl.x perches to a stone by lands of Thomas Shrvock formerly, now John Daub eus peck, Jr.; thence southeast forty-four perches to a stone, by lana* of \\ Ullarn Uaubenspeck; thence south eighty-nine de grees west ninety-si* perches to a hickory by lands of John U. Shryock; and thence north one degree west forty-four perches to the place of beginning; containing twenty six acres and sixty-four perches. A LSU—A certain other messuage tenement and tract of land situate In the township, county and state, aforesaid and bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a maple tree on Shryock line; thence north one degree east along said line 51 ti-10 perches to a post; thence north eleven and one-half degrees eastparches to a post on road ad joining lands of John Ward; thence north bue three-fourth degrees east i; perches to a post on road to lands of Amanda Hoover; thence south eighty-six and one half degrees east Jtj 7j-100 perches to a post by binds of Amanda Ucover; thence south one degree west 73 tf-10 perches by lands of William Da u ben speck to a white oak tree; thence south seventy-one degrees west 13 75-10U perches to a post by lands of Wllllain Daubenspeck; thence south sixty-two de grees west K perches to a maple tree, the place of beginuing by lands of William Daubenspeck. The present gr aQ t or utecv ot parcel of land to COuruth twenty a, 1 res and forty threp befches, strict measure. That in and by virtue of a decree of your Honorable Court the first mentioned aOOVC described tract w;usset apart to your petition er as the widow of the said decedent under the exemption laws, of this Commonwealth and that the remaining above described twenty acres and forty-three or land descended to :iptl lit'dlvlded. Your petitioner therefore prays the Court to award an imiuest to make partition of said real estate to and among the parties afore said according to their respective rtgh,!^. <>BQES Of VMLUI* \pdnp.i. September fith, IHOfl. the within ptfttlob presented anil citation awarded and the Sheriff Is directed to make personal ser vice on all parties resident In the county and all others by publication according to rule, returnable at next term. BY THE COUR" These are therefore to command yo'u the said Ellen Btlllwatjoc, ' Ptiflwagon, A martin Uv>UW, Harvey Ward, John. : „u,Ubl.-Laura atd William Ward, Daisy Ward and Lizzie Ward to be and appear be fore the said Judge at an Orphans' Court, to be held at Butler for the said comity of Butler on the 4th day of December, ;.MS, at in o'clock In the foreyops J »»td'day to show cause tjhy t aia partition as prayed for .t..JJid fiot be granted, and to submit to such other orders and decrees as the said Court shall make touching the premises. Witness the Honorable James M. fjal hreath. President Judge o.f uuj uaiti Co.urt, the 22nd day ot SppiuniLec, A T). 19». w >' t. F? CHBISTLEV. Clerk of Courts. Legal Notice. frit COMMONWEALTH or PENN'A, I BUTLEA COUNTY, ( • To the Sheriff of said county, Greeting: Whereas, Edwin D. Adams and C. C. Zlnn, Kxecutors of the last will and testament Qf M. 8. Adams, late of Parker Pennsyl vania, on tho 'B JuV a{ tjfep'tembcr, A. D. ''«j, I. v iitp:e4 ttteu petition to the Court of iloihrtifin Vleas of s,ald county, at MS. D. No. 3 4 of September tcriu of said Court, setting orth: "That on the 13th day of July. A. D. ISM. the said M. S. Adams, made, executed and delivered to Henry Graff, his certalu mort gage In the sum of ten thousand do!iais. conditioned for tho dellv<»re(;copsvvVttUud red tons of nly Cl6>u\ Graf, in Pltti-biirc. la, i*w. it*) yovi;"ADnl (5, which -"111 mortgage was H'C'Oraed In the ottto>> for recording of deeds, &c.. in Huiler county. In Mortgage Book, No. '2, puge 113, on ths 11) day of October, IS'-', and by the terms thereof become a ijen upon. Inter alia, all that rertiin tract of land -ilti', ate In Allegheny township. Butlp; M hty, Pennsylvania, commonly paiiea wie Maple l-'urnance Tr-cV Uusndeu on tlie north by 1"n U <>v W.C.'Aaams; east by lands of Pierce Jc'lflack; south by lands of Allsworth heirs; and on the west bv lands of Andrew Camp bell, containing vt)7 acres, together with all the machinery, engines, Implements, tc&lg, &r., of and belonging to Vumie'e thereon erected That tha talJ V ° Attanis, having com. ulii-d 180 Condition »if i,;ild mortgage ■in? {lmvefoa tile pig UlCtal therein men tioned to l>e delivered to the said Graff, tlie following entry was made on the margin of ttie record of said mortgage, by John Gra ham, attorney of said Graff, to-wlt: "1 here by enter satisfaction of this mortgage written authority from the Graham, att'y, DO pnc.. ItfA. 1 But nu legal savisfacUrtij «f said mortgage ivas er'er the recwd oj Indices of W.a tiloftßaae, that both Mortgagor, M. S. AJAnis, ami Mu*t*atft, lie Dry Graff, ute "■That llio said described lands are now In the hands of the petitioners for the purpose of raising money with which to pay the costs of administration and the Indebteijne 4 j of M. 8. Adams, deceased, In which are meeting with difficulty by uf the above stated legally wrtsaan. Wherefore- VH' 'petitioners pray the said Ooti.k to tO.ikv Ofder directing the Sheriff of 3Uj .tfjp witu vW comlltWs (Tjetvof M above stated, that thf Cvurt de cree and direct' that thereof be I r nK' ' * mortgage as '' ' ' ED. ADAMS, C. C, ZINN, Executors, *o. Whereupon the said Court made the fol lowing order. to-wlt: And now, September Z', llufci, the within petition presented In open Court, and U\ %ocQrdanco with the prayer thereof ll IN ordered and directed that the ilkerlff of Butler county, serve notice, wtat li.g the facts set forth In the within petition, upon the legul representative of Henry Graff, If to be found within thu said county of Butler, and In case said parties cannot be found within said county, then to give notice as aforesaid In one or wore news papers published within said county, once a week for four weeks successively prior to the uext term of said Court requiring the said parties to appear at the next term of said Court, December till. r.mj. and answer said petition and show cause, If any they hare, why the said mortgage should not DC satlslled as provided by law, and Tuesday, Decembers, at 10 o'clock a. m., Is fixed for a hearing hereon. BY TIIK COURT- Certified from the record, this duy of September, A. I). 18U5. JOHN »-'• CLARK, I'rothonotary. To tUu representatives of Henry deceased. \<>u are, bv vlrtao of the above stated order of Court, hereby notified and required to appear a( the next term of said Court, December 4, 180S, and answer tlie said |H*tltlon and show cause If any yciu have why said mortgage slioulil rui; lw> satisfied. In default whereof tl\e '.a'td Court will make mi order and d«vreo directum satisfaction thereof us iirovlded by law. TSIARTIN L. (JIBBON. Sheriff. Application for Charter of Corporation. Notice in hereby given that an appli cation will bo made to the Court of Common Fleas of liutlor comity, I'a., on Thuvsdaj, the Vth (lay of November, |y,U>, at 1:80 o'clock, P. M., under the provision* of th« Corporation Act of April 'JIUh; lw?4, and its supplements, for h charter for an intended corpora tion to be called "The Italian Fraternal and Beneficial Society of Butler," tlir the part>oHe of supporting v,u<\ Main taining a society for fr',\Wu*l and bene ficial purposes »t« member*, froiu funds colluUeJ vherein by membership uuitoriu monthly due#, flues and upon itu members, ax Hhall be necessary from time to time, and in uuch wanner an the by-laws may pro vide, for the payment of its current ex penses and monthly benefits to its sick and disabled members; and to promote friendship, unity, christian brotherhoul and charity anionic its members, anil for these purposes to haya. and cnioy nil the righ'js, U-m-tits and privi lege* confeirt'J by the said act and the sunplementa thereto Frank H. Mciu'Hy, Solicitor. At the Old Horse Sale By Sara Beaumont Kennedy Copt/right, 14u5, by Sara Beaumont Kennedy "You must not go In there. It is no place for you." There was more than protest iu his voice. There was posi tive command, which, j>erhaps, was the reason why she walkeR—so weird an' 1 mysten