Ideal Clothing and Hats i» For Fall Are Now Ready for Your Inspection. Ideal dress is not so much a matter of money as of judicious selection. Our I- garments have all the ex- All the new things in Hats. y /7 "j Young's, Stetson and Ideal Hats, ? Oiir Children's Department | Is Worthy of Your Inspection. Remember We Clean, Press and Repair all Clothing Sold by us S °* '"HE WASIUt* 6S Free of Charge. Ideal Clothing —-AND Hat Parlors. 228 South Main Street. FLEMINGS OLD RELIABLE EXPORT. All Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. sfl. Per Qt. 6 (its. for $5. On all $lO ordersTwe Prepay Express. Are you using It. If not, write to us at once and get particulars of Its merit. Our Stock of the Highest Grade of Champagne Vintage is Complete. Qts, $2.75 Pts. $1.50 Abb THE READING BONDED WHISKIES AT $l 00 PGR QT, PER QT. PER DOZ. PTS. Rn„ Castillon Cognac, this Brandy As is especially recommended . . $1.50 McMullen's (Bottling) White Label Hennesy Brandy, One Star . . . 1.50 Ale $2.10 Hennesy Brandy, Two Star . . 1.75 Ale' 200 Hennesy Brandy, Three Star . . 2.00 Reed Bros.' Dog's Head ... . 2.00 Cusenier's Creme de Menthe . .1.75 Imported Stouts (Bottled by above firms) ~ i t i. j c> . *nn be furnished at the same price. Old London Dock Imported Port . 1.00 A superior grade California Wines, Old London Dock Imported Sherry 1.00 per qt 50c On All Purchases We Save You From 25 to 50 per cent. ios. Fleming & Son Co., Incorporated. 410 and 412 Market St., Pittsburg, Pa. The]FamilV Drug and fciquor Store. bbmbm—a—■ocgM!%ry3gitrT'>jgw-wng agcLanraa-ai ■■mi i ■« ji i maa nn 11 i THe ESTABLISHMENT OF A GREAT MAIL ORDER SYSTEM IN CONNECTION WITH OUR RETAIL STORE $150,000.00 ADDITIONAL- STOCK AN OPPORTUNITY for the Farmer, the Mechanic, the Working man, the Business Man and the General Publio to Become Shareholders and Co-Operators jn the Leader Co-Operative Department Store The Largest Co-Operative Department Store in America. Capital Stock $1,000,000 !This Company has achieved the greatest succeaa in the shortest |k possible time known in merchandising in this country. A STORE OF f\ By Co-Operation . THE RESULT —ls that the success of this enterprise has been so THE PEOPLE— A>■ * ou * ,ve phenomenal that the Company is obliged TO ESTABLISH A GREAT MAIL BY THE PEOPLE SSL or more y " r 0B ORDER SYSTEM to accommodate thousands of its shareholders and cus- yßur PUrcn«»M. tomers who cannot visit our retail stoie. t To properly establish this Department and make many other improve- ) ments necessary for the convenience of it!) shareholders and friends, it ea sls°o,ooo.oo ADDITIONAL STOCK „ THE PLAN —lt is proposed to sell tl\c preferred stock at par, [3jif?^^ SSasfS?T $10,09 per share, and give as a bonus one shdre of common stock with each .i>J share of preferred stock. Each and every sli:tre of preferred stock is guar- ' 1 ja jgjgj*. anteed a dividend of AT LEAST seven per cent, auuuully. " "M§S'ffijlfjjJvj- First Semi-Annual Dividsnd Paid August Ist, 1905. Owing to the immense earnings of stores of this character, the stock * of such enterprises is always at a premium. This is the only Department Store in the City of Htsbur'g in which you can purchase stock. ADVANTAGES OF THIS INVESTMENT First—The stock of this Company is as safe as your bank, and brings greater returns for your money. An in vestment in the stock of this Company brings you a return not ot less than seven per cent, dividend on your stock, and also ten per cent, on nearly all purchases of merchandise, making a saving to you of seventeen per cent, on all money invested. This is not a''wild-cat" or "gold mine" scheme, situated in parts so far distant from home that they cannot be conveniently investigated. §srA VISIT TO THIS GREAT BUSINESS EMPORIUM WILL CONVINCE THE MOST SKEPTICAL OF ITS RELIABILITY^ OFFICERS AND MANAGERS UNDER BOND Officers and employees occupying responsible positions are under bond. THE MANAGEMENT of the lread«? D&- partment Store is composed of men who for years have made a study of practical merchandising. Stock Subscriptions will be received In any amounts, to be paid J™"™ ——.———— for in full on signing of subscription, or in the following manner— JOHN R. CAVANAGH 4. CO. I 10 percent, to be paid when giving your subscription, and 'JO per cent. A per month until fully paid. Wtlte Immediately and have your sut>» KcystOtl© Dldg, o—4 rOUTtn AvenUC •cription recorded, otherwise you may be deprived of this except- DA ion able opportunity to become interested in the world's greatest Mail nil 3 r a. Order and Department Store business. Subscriptions received by Kindly send me full information in regard to mail or in peraon at the offices of stock the Leader Department Store of JOHN R. CAVANAGH & CO. """T p " Nam*...,,.,,. 710-711-712 KEYSTONE BUILDING, 324 FOURTH AV. 12 | PITTSBURG. PA. _ £ Address Trv) The CITIZGN L. C. wick, Diiun T» t JOS WORK j LmBER lb « - DR. E. QREWER, No. 229 12 SOUTH MAIN ST NEXT DOOR TO GUARANTY SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., BUTLER, PA, ROOMS 1, 2, AND 3. Dr. E. Grewer is r> graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, is now per manently located at the aboveaddress, where he treats all chronic diseases o! men, women and children. Diseases of the Nervous System, the symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confidence, sexual weakness in men and women, ball rising in the throat,spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory unable to concentrate the mind on one subject easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind which unfits them for performing the duties of life, making happiness -impos sible, distressing the action of the heart, depression of the spirits, evil forebod ings, cowardice, rear, areams, melan choly, tire easy of company, feeling as tned in the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of the mind, depression, con stipation, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us im mediately and be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored Weakness of Young Men Cured and all private diseases. Dr. E. (irewer's varicocele Ring cures Varicocele, Hydrocele and Rupture promptly cured without pain and no detention from business. He cures the worst cases of Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Old Sores, Blood Poison, and all Di seases of the Skin Ear, Nose, Throat, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Itching Piles, Fistula, Stricture, Tumors, Cancers, Goiters, cured with out cutting. Special attention paid to the treat ment of Nasal Catarrh. He will forfeit the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for any case of FITS OR EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS that be cannot cure. Consultation free and strictly confi dential. Write if you cannot call. Office hours—From 9 a. m to 8:30 p. in. On Sunday from Ito3 p. m. only. It F. T. Papej < IJEWELER^ ? 121 E. Jefferson Street. / BACK-ACHE and all other symptoms of kidney dis ease are speedily removed when the kidneys are made healthy, active and vigorous by the use of Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills the world's greatest kidney and live/ regulator, and the only medicine hav. ing a combined action on kidneys and liver. One pill a dose ; 25 cents a box. Write for free sample to The Dr. A. W Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo. N. Y. HORSES—HORSES—HORSES. Horses I have constantly on hand Horses Horses 100 to 126 head driving, draft Horses Horses and general purpose horses Horses Homes from Pennsylvania and Ohio: Horses Worsen ail these horses guaranted Horses Horses as represented; if not so will Horses Horses refund money; these horses Horses Horses are selected by the best judges Horses Horses that sblu in this market. Horses Horses OWEN FITZSIMMONS Horses Horses SALES STABLES. Horses Horse- 410-413 Duquesne Way, Horses Horses I'ittsburg. Horses PAROID READY OOFINQ. T>AEQID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. A NYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core 01 each roll. O EPRESENTS the results o years of Experience and Ex perimenting. /"\NLY requires painting every fewyears. . Not when first laid T S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate A or Shingles. TAEMAND for PAKOID isjworld U wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Fatvd, Samples and Prices are yours if you will ask as. L. C. WICK, BUTLER, PA. inaiiani^ c fje Dean's A safe, certain relk >T Suppressed Menstruation. Never kwrn to fa/1. Bafe! Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed or money Kefundoii. Kent prepaid for SI.OO per box. Will send them on triaj, to be paid for when relieved. Bamples Free. UNITfD MEDICAL CO., 80l 74. lINCUTIa. »». Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacy See the Sign directly . opposite the i Old Postoffice Theodore Vogeley, Kj| Real Eatate and ijjl loiuraore Ajeocy, L*/ 238 S. Mala St L 3 Butler, Pa. [ JB If you have property J mj to sell, trade, or ren I ■>! or, want to buy or rent caii, write or uHcne me. VJH List Mailed Upon Application ?THE REAL QUESTION. The real question of disease is "Can I he cured?" I( you or anyone dear to you is losing •trength, flesh, energy and vitality, if you are wlso you will not spend time try ing to figure out just what name to call the disease by. It is almost impossible to A draw the lino where debility and weakness merge into consumption. Your trouble may not bo consumption to-day, but you don't know what It nuii/ btrome to morrow. Hundreds of people have been re stonni to robust health marvelous /~^7' "(Jolden Modical / Discovery "after / f ™ clans liai pro- / f consump tion? No- w body .can The important point is that they were hopelessly ill but this matchless "Dis covery " restored and saved them. "X was not able to do hardly any work at all." says Mrs. Jennie Pingman. of Vanburvn, Kalkaska Co.. Mich., in a most interesting letter to Dr. Pierce. "I lia» Special Offer To those purchasing photos of groups or views, Bxlo, at 50c each, to the amount of $lO I will present free a fine 20x40, exact reproduction that will stand washing and not fade away. No bum work, but a fine permanent Bromide en largement, fully guaranteed. This offer is good till October Ist, 1904 FISHER, The Outdoor Artist, The Butler Dye Works' CATTLE FATTENING. How Feeder® May Best I'tllUe Corn and Clover Hay. The Illinois experiment station has j issued much practical reading matter j of Interest to beef producers. The ! work of Trofessor Muinford in animal husbandry is well known. Bulletin No. j 103, a comparison of methods of pre paring corn and clover hay for fatten ing steers, maintains if it does not ex ceed the high standard of usefulness that marked Its predecessors. The au thor states that during the past three years he has made It a i>oiut to get In to communication with as many Illi nois beef producers as possible in or der to study their problems, and It seems clear that there Is no subject connected with the business that Is of greater Interest to them than how best to utilize the most available feeds of Illinois corn and clover hay. The following synopsis gives an Idea of the experiment now reported upon: Object and Plan of Tml. The object is a comparison of the methods of preparing and feeding corn and clover hay to fattening cattle to determine which would return to cat tle feeders the largest profits; also to secure data on the question as to whether or not the cattle feeder can afford to buy nitrogenous concentrates to supplement corn when an abundant supply of clover hay or other nitroge nous roughage is available. The test involved 130 two-year-old thousand pound choice feeding steers. The steers cost $4.53 per hundred weight in the feed lots. These were di vided into ten lots, with each of which a different method of preparing corn or clover hay was tested —that is, the ten lots of steers were fed either silage, ear com, shelled corn, fodder corn, cornmeal or corn and cob meal with clover hay, the latter being chaffed and mingled with the grain part of the ra tion in two instances. The experiment began Nov. i! 8, 1903, and ended June 2, 1904, a period of 180 days. Reialta In Weight and Price. The daily gain per steer varied in the various lots from 2.08 to 2.40 pounds— the average daily gain per steer of all the lots was 2.2."> pounds, or 41U pounds per steer for the whole time. The cheapest gains were made where the labor element in preparing feed was reduced to the minimum. High marketable finish in most In stances accompanied maximum labor expenditure in preparation of feed, but as high finish was secured in some in stances with smaller outlay for labor. The lots fed with relatively small ex penditure of labor took the lead In net profits. The ten lots sold for an aver age of about SO.IO per hundredweight. There was only #ne other load on the Chicago market on the day of this sale that sold up to SO.IO per hundred weight. The margin between buying and selling price necessary to insure the feeder against loss varied from 97 cents to $1.53 per hundredweight. The prices for the finished cattle sold re turned margins of from $1.42 to SI.G2 per hundredweight, not crediting the gains made by the pigs. The conclusions from this experi ment, recorded in the bulletin, contain many brief and pointed details of much value to cattle feeders. Manuring Atparagni Bed*. Manuring asparagus in November In many casus does more harm than good, as the mass of manure causes many roots to decay, and those which do sur vive are weak and only produce small, spears. It would be much better to rely upon liberal supplies of food through the growing season than to give ma nure when the bushes are cut, as at the former period the roots can more readily absorb the food given. By feeding in spring and summer the crowns are built up for the next sea son's supply of grass. The roots of the asparagus are perhaps always active, but much less so in winter than at any other season, and they will obtain as much nutriment from the soil as they can then use. If heavily covered with manure, sunshine is excluded, growth Is checked and the roots have to fight hard for existence at a time when they are none too strong.—R. B. Handy. To Keep Cider Sweet. Where cider la used from the cask to prevent spoiling In the partly empty cask pour upon the cider a quart of some tasteless oil, such as olive or peanut oil. The oil will form a thin film on the surface of the elder and prevent access of the acetic and putre factive ferments always present in the air.—Gerald McCarthy. j ONE THING AND ANOTHER Goat's flesh or "venison" is now sold - freely as mutton In many large cities J because of the high price of real mut ton. An ordinary kid's meat Is as and toothsome as fair mutton, Bays Farm and Kanch. A steady demand for "Are horses" is reported—weight, 1,200 to 1,500 pounds and price about S2OO. The cotton crop brings a vast sum of money to America and Is therefore of great national and international Im portance. For an asparagus bed (which may be started now) select a warm, sunny ' exposure and give each plant plenty ! of room. The shoulders and collars of the hard working horses deserve the closest at tention and special care. Fall plowing and other hard duties are dep«ndent on the soundness of the shoulders, re marks Dr. Curryer In National Stock man. An anxious season for the beginner In poultry comes In the fall, when the pullets demand careful and heavy feed ing and yet do not lay an egg. They must be fed with a fair amount of pient If we expect them to lay early. The l T mbrella. An umbrella is a "little shade." Cot grave In IGII defined an ''umbrello" "a (fashion of) round and broad fanne, wherwith the Indians (and from them our great ones) preserve themselves from the heat of a scorching sunne." To Ben Jonson and Beaumont and Fletcher likewise the "umbrella" was a sunshade. According to Florio (1598) an umbrella was "a little round thing that women bare In their hands to shadow them; also, a broadbrimd hat to keep off heat and rayne; also, a kind Q|f round thlnj like a round skreene that gentlemen use in Italy in tirnp qf sommer." Alcoholic Drlnlf From Rice. The alcoholic drink used in the prov ince of Chekiang, in China, is made from fermented rice. Fermentation Ja induced by the addition of cakes made of wheat meal. An examination of these cakes shows that the particles of wheat are penetrated through and through by the mycelia of various iung| Som<; seven or more different species were found. These fungi grpw on the moistened rice, fermentation follows, and a yellow liquid with an ngreeable odor is produced. A Tenant For Life. "Have you boarded long at this houseV" inquired the new boarder of Jo fliir, dejected man sitting next to him. "About ten years." ■'l don't see how you can stand It Why haven't you left long ago?" "No other place to go,'' said th£ other dismally. "The landlady's my wife." Those who slip ou a banana pee) never fall to see a penny lying on the ! sidewalk tn time to keep from falling ! over It.— PbllidelpbJ* Telegraph. The System Lives on Good Rich Blood People Who Lack the Proper and Quality of Blood Fall Vic tims to Every Disease That's Prevalent. Dr. A. W. Chase s Nerve Pills. The blood is the inedinin through which every tissne, every organ is sup plied with the material it feeds npon and rebuilds itself with. Take away that nourishment by letting the blood ran down in quantity and quality and you take away th-? power of an organ or tissne to resupply waste or rebuild itself. In other words, the system starves: color, appetite, steadiness, en ergy, vigor, vitality—all are lost and a condition of mental and physical pros tration sets in. This condition Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills positively cure by their power to manufacture good, rich, nutritious, oxygen carrying blood, a blood that carries to every organ the very material it lives and thrives upon. Mr. George Horkins of Westinghonse Avenue, Wilmerdiner, Pa , says: "I began to use Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills in Pittsburg. I was at the time badly run down, weak—nervous could not eat—cold all the time, as my blood was thin, and did not bleep well. The medicine put me in splendid shape rapidly and easily, giving me steady nerves—a fine appetite —restful sleep—a general feeling of energy and vigor and good rich blood that showed in the way my color came back. The medicine is certainly a grand one and I am only too glad to say so." 8 50 ceuts a box at dealers or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Por trait and signature of A. W. Chase, M. D, on every package. For sale by Redick and Qrohman, druggists, 109 N. Main St. Butler, Pa. WtotoDiieltaijfittsliarii Uammol'c OERMAN RESTAURANT. n all! 11l CI o Everything to «at antl diink, served in German style. Imported light and dark beer on draught. 242 Diamond st. Pittsburg Miller's Restaurant 'IUSFPH™ burgh, Pa. FIFTH AVENUE opp. Grand Oper* House, B»th on each floor fre*» to guests. Absolutely fireproof. Steam heat and telephone in every room, fnropean plan COMMERCIAL HOTEL EUROPEAN PLAN i A. E. KRAMER, PROPRIETOR i hones: Bell, 9852 J Grant. P. £ A., 28541 Mala, 1*1,1*3,125 Sixth St. PITTSBURG, PA INVESTMENTS—For people of moderate means pays from lOto 30 per cent. Call or write for pro pectus. GEXEREL BUILDING COMPANY. 604 Bessemer Building, PITTSBURGH, PA. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES" Farms Bought and Sold—W. can sell your busi ness or (ami no matter where located, fur quick tale consult us. W F. WEITEKSH At'SEN, 717 Eatt Ohio street, A Uegheny, Pa. IRON CITY DRAUGHTING CO.. offers unusual facilities fur first-class work. Designing Draughting Tracing. Pittsburgh and Washing ton Patent Oflre Drawings Free Office of 11. M. STERLIKG, Patent Attorney, Bt>« WyUe Avenue, Pittsburg, l'a. P. & A. Sl9l-.U. Government Portions. Hundreds of openings; bookkeepers. 30 years or over; stenograners. 15 years or over, fI,OOO to $1,500 annually; railway mall clerks, 18 to 35 years, ?900 annually; postoffice clerks and carriers, SHOO to S*oo annually; drafts men, ?1,000 to fl,S00; civil engineers, trained nurses; the positions offer steady employ ment and excellent chances of advancement; ambitious persons should Investigate. Par ticulars, Superintendent Derr.' t*E Empire building, Pittsburg, Pa, AVrite or call. P umi fqr Salt—in fine farm district, around Youngs town, tt'arren and Nile*. Ohio. Call or write for list. k CO., Nile*. 0. For Sale—''oal lands; Pittsburg cuat ia V'etfel county, W. V». Address Bor I, Cndlcott. W. V» Are Yon Taking Massage, Magnetic. Electrical treatments; Turkish, Oven, Vapor spray or any for* of Baths? Why not try the Forbes Sanitarium? Has select patronage only; lady attendants, open day and all night, at ton Forbes it., Pittsburg, Pa The World University. tjfcorthttjfd fU)d Typewriting; '» bookkeeping, tineg*t»i)l,yjfpusic; Art; Journalism; A'dyejrifsejMient 1 CaLll Writing; Proofreading. The best school In Western Pennsylvania to get a practical education. Call or write for In formation. 433 Wood street, Pittsburg, Pa. f ariiPQ "yo» looking ux » rttlllful wl |_a UI CO; honeet speelaltiot, who can poAUlvey AH diseases peculiar to your sex, do not (all ty consult u>* at once. For over a quarter of a century lli are made my specialty the treating and curing of irregular, mppressed, bitlnfnl or excessive periods. lnflamaOoa of womb aid ovaries, «bd all other fe male diseases. Bars time and disappointment 1» consulting me without delay. My charges are mad* •rate. Call and be convinced. DR. BJUU, 701 Peon ave , 2nd floor, Pittsburgh, Pa. Office B to 6, evenings 7 to 8: SO, Sundays 10 to I. GE«ri.TANGDON & Co: New York and Pittsburg Stocks 6rd*rt Solicited, Purchase or Sale. Cash or Margin, £oH«s|j«m;trhcr Invited. Hell Phone, IG6S Court. Keystone Building, PJttsburg, Pa. AGENTS WANTED LS \f Everywhere to sell tho WILSON g f TOASTER; to fs per day easily made; send 83c for saui- IVninWrWk pie, express prepaid. Wi,ton Toaster Manufacturings PteJfJhf 'VUL 101 I " er ß nson Building, PITT3BUKOH. FA. The Utility Seat and Cane. 4 A A MOVRIVTV Cane weighs I pound gentleman ou it weighs 180 ) ounus. Made of steel. You can use Uat the fair, parade, games. In fact, evry wh#r«. A useful present for bar dies or geijtleuieii. baiuplo tOcts. 3 for fI.OO, expraM paid, at once for sample and Ageqt* terms. UTIUTY CO., I Marshall and Irwin Avenues, ALLEGHENY. PA. VISITORS BEST DINING ACCOMODATIONS AT K. .T. inKIG'S XiADIES' & GENT'S DINING & LUNCH ROOMS. 9.&.21 Park Way, Allegheny City. Opposifp Boggs .oo We also have a number of fine vehicles Brock untl youngstown make that we will seil as ?6W p»op&rUotc.fc t .lv " We respectfully invjte vou to drop »n .ug see our stock when you visit the city You pass our door on way to Exposition. DUQUESNE VEHICLE CO., Duquesne Way aud Fourth Strafit, PITTISBUBG, PA. THE LABGEST IK THE COUNTY. THE Butler County National Bank. A good. STRONG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLE of Buler Couny to do business wih. /Capital $ 300,000.00 Strength surplus 305,000.00 S (AssJls 2,840^000.00 WeTlinvite YOUR business—assuring ycu PROMPT, COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. "The big Bank on the corner by the Court House" A TIRELESS /fSm \ former t a \ Money deposited in the I I wor ' cs * or y° u twenty -1 I Ur ours a day; never \ JS& / s^ee P s * s always on \ vjS hand to help you over V troublesome times. A dollar is a comparative ly small sum to some people, but that same small quantity, as a first deposit may have helped many of those very same people to view it in the | light they now dp. Don't put off putting in that first dollar. 3 per cent, interest paid on deposits. j Butler Savings & Trust Co. j ESTABLISHED 1900. THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS (earned) - $47,000.00 DIVIDENDS PAID ----- $6,000.00 None Stronger in the Coiar\ty. AX LAST. Aq for the Farm, Write for Catalogue and Prices. THE EVANS MFG. CO, LTD,, BUTLER, PA. WHISKEY DIRECT FROM THE MAKER I S Forst's 7 year old 4 full quarts for $3.00 ■ I 1 Packed in P |ain > sealed cases, expressage B ■ Jri prepaid to your nearest station. I B Our goods is aged m the wood, and is pure and mel- H I Hi P »^ ow ' *kan von haye bad from others for the fi| V HrSSRHI P rice - or y°ur money back- 9f K Any Bank of Pittabnrg or the JSditor of tnij paper H B WZZM will tell you that our word is good, and that we are DB H Miiiggi responsible. IE I RJB " e d° not humbug you like so many advertising so S~| B called "Distillers." K| MBHBBW By buying from as you get an honest article, made I ■*»——J from honest, select grain, by honest people. mm H Send far our private price list. H ■ If you will send us the names of 10 'good families in your H ■ vicinity who use Whiskey for medicinal purposes, and to whom we B H may send our price list, we will send you, with your first order, H ■ one quart of Pure Virginia Homemade Blackberry Wine, FREE. H I MORRIS FORST C 0:,3 ■ Cor. 2nd Ave, 4 Smltfaileld St., FltUbufg, Pa. JEberle Bros.,} I PLUMBKRS | 3 Estimates given on all kinde of ws>rk, ' We make a specialty of s C NICKLE-PLATED, C v SEAMLESS, / I OPEN-WORK. ✓ / 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa ? 5 Peoples Phone. 630. c I x^ooooooooooooooo^^^^^ I HUGH L. CONNELLY | SUCCESSOR TO JOHN LIMEGROVER, JR. £ pEAUER Ihj J Beer, Ale ar|