Ideal Clothing and Hats For Fall Are Now Ready for Your Inspection. ———^—■—— j J • ' I Ideal dress is not so much a matter of money as of judicious selection. Our garments have all the distinction an ex- Jpert knowledge of refined fashion can give them, but are not loud or vulgar. [§ They express most aU that s g All the new things in Hats. 1 Young's, Stetson and Ideal Hats, I Our Children's Department Is Worthy of Your Inspection. Remember. We Clean, Press and Repair all Clothing Sold by us Free of Charge. j Ideal Clothing —-AND Hat Parlors. 228 South Main Street. FLEMINGS OLD RELIABLE EXPORT. AH Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. sf. Per Ot. 6 Cits, for $5. On all $lO orders we Prepay Express. Are you using It. If not, write to us at once and get particulars of Its merit. Our Stock of the Highest Grade of Champagne Vintage is Complete. Qts , $2.75 Pts. $1 50 Abb THE READING £ONDED WHISKIES AT $1 00 PGR QT, PER QT. PER DOZ, PTS. _ .. _ , f— . As a tonic we quote imported ales Pinet Castillon Cognac, this Brandy Stouts as follows: Is especially recommended . .. $1.50 McMullen's (Bottling) White Label Hennesy Brandy, One Star . . . 1.50 » Al ®, D ' ,/ \ A'l _ . - « ,_ c Ross (Bottling) Ale 2.00 Hennesy Brandy, Two Star . . . 1475I 4 75 Burke's (Bottling) Ale 2.00 Hennesy Brandy, Three Star . . 2.00 Reed Bros.' Dog's Head .... 2.00 Cusenler's Creme de Menthe . . 1.75 Imported Stouts (Bottled by above firms) will be furnished at the same price. Old London Dock Imported Port .1.00 superior grade California Wines, Old London Dock Imported Sherry 1.00 per qt 50c On All Purchases We Save You From 25 to 50 per cent. Jos. Fleming & Son Co., Incorporated. 410 and 412 Market St., Pittsburg, Pa. TheJFamiW Drug and Liquor Store. Kelsey, Crown, Boomer ■ FURNACES. I l Coal and Slacl< Heaters, Gas and Coal I (Ranges and Gas Stoves. 1904 Washers,! Sowing Machines, Needles for all mal<es ofl Sewing Machines. Sewing fllachin<?s repaired. H K Roofing and Spouting, and House Furnishing Goods. I I Henry Biehl, I H . 122 N. Main St. I'co. 'l'hone 404. H BUTLER New baildluga, new rooms, elegant new equipment, excellent courses of •tady, beet of teachers, expenses moderate. terms VICHY LIBERA!/ Over |3,000.f)0 worth of new typewriters in uise (allowing advanced students from 8 to 4 hours' practice per (lay), other equipment in proportion! Winter Term, Jan. 2, 11KMI. Spring Term, April 2, IKOli. Positions Keen red for our worthy graduate#. Visitors always welcome' When in Liutler, pay nit it visit. Catalogue and other literature mailed on ap plication. MAY ENTER ANY TIME. A. F. REGAL, Principal, Butler, Pa Special Offer To those purchasing photos of groups or views, Bxlo, at 50c each, to the amount of $lO 1 will present free a fine 20x40, exact reproduction that will stand washing and not fade away. No bum work, but a fine permanent Bromide en largement, fully guaranteed. This offer is good till October Ist, 1904 FISHER, The Outdoor Artist, The Butler Dye Works The Butler Wood Fibre Plaster Co., Mfgrs, of the Blue Bell Wood Fibre Wall Plaster, the best and cheapest plaster on the market. We are also sole agents for the following high grade build ing materials. Whitehall Portland Cement, has no equal for all classes of concrete work. Woodville White Enamel Finish, the peer of hydrated lime for skim coat. Sacketts Plaster Board, >ou :an line your house with this fire proof board at half the cost of any other mate.rial. Give us a call before build Ing, we can save you money. Office, W. Cunningham, St., Opp. Electric Light Office. M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 245 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA DR. E. GREWER, No. 229 12 SOUTH MAIN ST NEXT DOOR TO GUARANTY SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., BUTLER, PA. ROOMS 1, 2, AND 3. Dr. E. Grewe.r is f. graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, is now per manently located at the aboveaddrc-ps, where he treats all chronic diseases o c men, women and children. Diseases of the Nervous System, the symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confidence, sexaal weakness in men and women,ball rising in the throat.spotrf floating before the eyes, loss of memory nnable to concentrate the miud on one subject easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed inind which nnfits them for performing the duties of life, making happiness impos sible,distressing the action of the heart, depression of the spirits, evil forebod ings, cowardice, tear, areams, melan choly, tire easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of the mind, depression, con stipation, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us im mediately and be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored Weakness of Young Men Cured and all private diseases. Dr. E. Grower's varicocele Rin« cures Varicocele, Hydrocele and Rnptare promptly cared without paiu and no detention from business. He enrea the worst cases of Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism. Scrofula, Old Sores, Blood Poison, and all Di seases of the Skin Ear, Nose, Throat. Heart, Langs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Itching Piles, Fistula, Stricture, Tumors, Cancers, Goiters, cured with out cutting. Special attention paid to the treat ment of Nasal Catarrh. He will forfeit the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for any case of FITS OR EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS that he cannot cure. Consultation free and strictly confi dential. Write if yon cannot call. Office hours—From oa. in to 8:30 p. tu On Sunday from Itoli p. m. only. Ic. F, T. Pape,j 11 jewelers \ < ) Sl2l E. Jefferson Street > NOTICE IAHPI.F.N FIIOM THE ORAHO KA PI DM MJK.\ITI'IIK KIPOHITION The Flnett Ooodt Exhibited on the Floor of the Ex position Will be Sold at One-hall Factory Prices Genuine leather S piece Parlor Suit cost |125 now SOS fIOO I.eatber Suit now |SO. Htmio Balm h» iow 812..Ml '1 he Oiiest tienulno I.eatUer Coacli 175 now l»s. ♦«') one, now |27. Kip'ultlon namplc of Bed ICoom Suits, 1150 BulU now <75. »100 Suitii (54 Olln-ra u low an (12. A Hue lot uf nil»Bl Wilton ami Velvet |L'arp«t», all ready to lit lar({o rooiui; WllUin Velret, room size carpet cost|7s, now <27.60. VeWet l arpet cont |IS now (22.Mi, llrussel Carpet 110. (12 anil (15. Ingrain Carpets to lit large rooms (.'<, (7.Ml and (10, worth douliln. In laid l.inoleuiu, thick as a Imarit. colors all the way through soils for (1.50, my prl«i 75c and Mc |K;r yard. Iteal cork I.lnolAum worth Bsc now 45c ami 50c Look for tlie lllg Window, next to Pickering's bio, 954 l'eun Avenue, PitUhurg, I'a. I. GOLDSMITH. IIOBBES HOUSES HOUSES. Horses I have ronst int ly on hand Horses Horses 1(10 to 125 llliad drivln'f. ilraft Horse* Horses and L-eneral purpose horses Horses Horses from Pennsylvania an<l Ohio: Horses Morses all these horses giiaranleil Horses Horses as represented; If not so will Horses Horses refund money; these horses Horses Horses are selected lijatheliert Judge* llorses Horses I.hat shin In this market.. Horses Horses OWUN l-'IT/.SI MMoNH Horses Horses SAI.ES STABLES. Horses Horses 410-112 Uunuesne Way, Horses Horses I'lttM burg. Horses PARO ID Ready OOFINQ. ¥>AKOID. The Roofing with NO TAR. VVnn t dry o'.it. Won'' cjrow«r \ NYONR can tppiy |! I i«»- *■ Nails and Cement in •" •>i each roll i> HPKESKNTa tin: fc.u! s < years (ji Experience .»ttd I'.x pcrimenting. /iNLY requires painting ••vcr) f'rwyears. Not when first laid f S Cheaper than Gravel, *■ or Shingles r\EMANL> for PAROIIJ is]world, wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Otli»r Fai Samples and Prices are yours if yon will ask us L C. WICK, BUTLER, PA. Emailani Dean'sI A certain r«*IU Hupl»«'«w'd I Vfifiitrimtlon. N«*v . kr../A'ii to frill, huff! ■ 4tir«*! Ppwily! SallKfiu f lon < ;uiin.riN «<! ■ »r money l(*-Timilml. H. »»: |u< pnlil (or H II.(V) IMT IH»*. Will wild tin ni on trlnJ, to ■ iff j MILD for when H'IIOVKI. Hump!'-* Kn-n. ■ IN.TIO MfOICAtCO , Bo* 74. y R Sold In Untlcr at th»» Centre Avo. PhannacT See the Sign directly ' J., v. opposite the Old Hoilolllce ITi j Theodore Vogeley, m [ Real listate and I^3 Insuranre Agency, 2.lft S. Main SI Duller, Pa. If you hav« property to sell, traile, or r«>n | or, want to hiiy or [▼! rent call, write or 5» uh'.ne me. UB List Mailed Upon Application j SIOOO REWARD Is offered as a guarantee that neither Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription XOR [»r. Pierce's (ioldcn /Medical Discovery contains alcohol, opium, or any harmful j drug. Any one publishing falsQ state* j meats concerning their Ingredients will ; be prosecuted. Doctor Pierce's Family i Kemodies are compounds of medicinal ; principles, scientifically extracted from ; native roots that cure the diseases for j which they are recommended. They are medicines which have enjoyed the public j confidence for over a third of a century. They are medicines not beverages, made to satisfy a craving for "booze." "(ioldcn Medical Discovery " regulates and invigorates stomach, liver and bowels, and cures dyspepsia, purities the blood aud tones up the system generally. "Favorite Prescription" cures female weakness, Irregularities, exhausting drains, painful periods and kindred ail ments peculiar to women. Accept no j substitute for these medicines, each of which has a record of marvelous cures, j Substitution means selfishness on the part of the dealer who is looking for the , greater profit on an inferior article. "Our daughter who was attending college became very nervous anH wc were advised to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. , writes Mrs. M. C. Fox. <>f f-7 E. Leonard St.. Grand Rapids. Mich. "Wedla vj and 'hen ! you advised us to tfut the ' Golden Medical Discovery" also. She took four bottles of the ' Prescription' and three of the 'golden Medical Discovery, and you never saw such a change in a person. She said she did not feel like the same person. She was about seventeen years old at the time. I will irladiy recommend Dr. Pierce's medicines to every one I advise parents who have young daughters who suffer from nervous troubles to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription at once. lam sure It will help them." ocn nnn GIVEN AWAY, in copies of The People's Common Medical Adviser, a book that sola to the ex tent of 500.000 copies a few .ps, years ago. at 11.00 per copy, y f I.asi year we gavo away Jtt'.OOO worth of these invalua- * ble books. This year we shall GSBIH give away &0.000 worth of sxae^ ti.em. Will you share in this tit ' benetiti If so. send only 21 ' ,n ~ one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only for book in jk stiff paper covers, or 31 stamps for cloth-bound. Address Dr. H. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. HUMPHREYS' Veterinary Specifies cure diseases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs and Poultry by acting directly on the SICK PABT~ without loss of time. A. A. (FEVERS. Congestions, Tnflamm* CcWlliumi, Lung Fever. Milk Fever. B. B. ISPRAIXS, Umencii, Injuries CCBES i KbcuiuatUm. C. c.' SOKE THROAT. (lulnsv, Epizootic CUBES > DUtempcr. n 2-1 WORMS, Ooli, Grubs. CURES) B. G. K'OI'OHA. fold*. Influenza. Inflamed CURES ) Ltincß. Pleuro-Pneumonla. F. F. J COLIC, Bellyacbe. Wind-Blown. CURES I Diarrhea, Dysentery. G.G. Prevents MIBCARRIAUE. OTBJO») K,DXEY dt BLADUEB DISORDERS. 1.1. )HKI>" DISEASES. Mange. Eruptions, CURES ! I'lcers. Grease, Farcy. J. K. > BAD COXDITIOX, Staring Coat, cuacs ! Indigestion. Stomach Staggers. 60c. each : Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Book, ate., #7. At dragglsta, or sent prepaid on receipt of price Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and Jo&j, Streets, New York. tr BOOK MAILED FREE. " Nasal Catarrh quickly yield* to treat ment by Ely's Cream Halm, which is agree, ably aromatic. It is received through tho nostrils, cleanses ami heals tho \vliolo sur face ovor which it diffuses itself. Druggists sell tho 50c. size; Trial size hy mail, 10 cents. Test it ami you ure sure to continue the treatment. Announcement. To accommodate those wjio aro partial to tho use of atomizers in apl'lying liquids into tho nasal passages for cuUivr/tctl trou bles, the proprietors prepare Cream Halm in liquid form, which will he known as I'Jy's Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the •praying tul»e is 75 cents. Druggist® or by mail. Tho liquid form embodies tho med icinal properties of tho solid preparation. In order to prove to yon ■1 B | that Dr. A. W." Chase't U lino Ointment Is a certain and ■•I J U absolute euro for any form of itching, bleeding, or protruding piles, tho manufacturers guaran tee a euro. You can uso it and if not cured got your money back. Mr. Canpet Walton, laborer, Michigan City, hid., says: "I work hard and lift a great deal. Thostrain brought on an attack of piles. They itched and they protruded and bled. Nothing them until I used Dr. A.W. Chase's Ointment. That cured them." 50c. a box at all dealers, or DR. A.W. CHASE MEDICINE CO., BufTalo, 3S.Y. Dr.'fl.W. Chase's Ointment, Visitors to the Exposition Will be cordially welcome at our store. Leave your traps here then shop com fortably. After you've extracted as rnnch enjoyment from yonr trip as yon care for, all back for yonr belongings. No charge glad to meet you. PURE LIQUORS ALWAYS IN STOCK FINCII, liAKUfi, OVEBIIOtT. aUt-HKNHCIUKR, JIT VKBSON TIItIUPNOS, GIBSON . niI,MM.KH. iixin<;t:poitr. ami ntTer them to you li year old at $1 per full ijuart, 9 quarts |b oo GRANDFATHER'S CHOIC2. Whiskey guaranteed a years old, i-l 00 per gal lon. We yay express charges on all niatl orders of IftOO or over. Goods shipped promptly. Robt, Lewin 6. Co„ WHOLESALE DEALERS IB WINES AND LIQUORS, Ho. 14 Smlthfleld St„ PITTSBURG, PA 'Phones: Bril JH» P. * * 1458. FARM OWNERS ATTENTION. \Yi* |iavi< Hold out neuriy Jill our flcHlrnble farriiH sine! huvi? ntlll ovi r r.irm-!»uyrr-. on our bonks. W« hiiVO h«»l«I furmn in tbr <'ouiitl«)A «»f A ilfffht'iiy. li'itviT, llutlrr, ('rawford, Wi'strnorrlaiul. NVasli- IriKtoti, «•!<*., anil «*an t«» HCII any (food farm wlttiln a nvtllun-of mllfs of IMttsburt;. IJ»t your farms with us for <|Ul< Jc sab's. Our only churjzo IN n«?r wnt <*ofu MISSION ll' WK HKIJi VOl'li I' A KM. Nci HALK. NO riiAUOK. HutUfactlnn and f ilr lr« atim-nt a »iiir« , «l. McKLVEEN WHITE & CO, HEAL ESTATE •HUSTLERS" Leading Farm Dealers, 808-809 PiirK Bidg., Pittsburg, Pa. IF you wantfpure liquors for your money, send your MAX KLEIN & SONS. Your order will be as carefully filled as if you made the selection personally, and delivered at your door in a plain box with out any marks denoting the contents. We have an excellent Penn a Rye Whiskey at $3 00 per gallon called Cabinet Rye Try it and see how surprised you v/ill be with its high quality. /V\AX KIvGIN & SONS, WliolesuK' fciquors, 1818 20 Penn Ave., Plttubnrg, Pa. "Everything in Liquors." W S. & E WICK, OKAMCItH IN Itotifth and Worked I.urnbor of nil Kind*' lioort*. Haih and Moulding* Oil Well ItiKH a HpecUlly. Ufflco and Yard K. Ounnlnuhain and Miniros Hl.» , nflHr W«.«t i'li'in I IHTf,«V Vt ; If yon are interented in money Having I B<-<i Hitter & llockenHtein ahoutthHt fail I k »ult. ' SUGAR BEETS. Deep Soil Preiinrat lon Nfoiled by (he Delicate Frcdlas Hoot*. This illustration, of the root system of tho sugar loot !•; given by <J. W. Phnn- of California in connection with a consideration of the tolerance . f the . sugar beet 'for alien 11. In < wliciv practically all the alkali is cout iiued In the top foot of the *oil the alkali is largely removed from the more deli ■ r a i - ROOT SYSTEM OF StJUAB BEET. cate feeding roots of the beet, which extend very deep into the ground, as may be seen in the figure. 'I his point Is of interest to sugar beet glowers In general, because it shows the necessity of deep preparation of the land for beet growing. CLEAN MILK. Simple Way* ol lmproylna the Farm Mill* Supply. Keep the cows clean and do not com pel or allow them to wade and live In tilth. This means clean yards and clean. ell bedded stulls. Everything short of this is positively repulsive and should not be tolerated any longer In a civilized community. Stop tlie filthy practice known as "wetting the tent*," by which is meant the drawing of a little milk Into the hands with which to wet the tents be fore sud Muring milking, .leaving ilk> excess of. filthy milk to drop from the hands and teats ln.tb the pall. Wash sOI utensils clean by first using lukewarm water, afterward washing In wars* water and rhmlng in an abun dance of boiling water, then exposing until the next using In direct sunlight, which is a good sterilizer. Use mHk palls, cans, etc.. for no oth er purpve-e but to hold milk. Keep out of these utensils all sour or tainted milk, even after they have been used for the day. Using them for this purpono at any time Infects them so badly that no amount of washing is likely to clean them. Bacteria are In visibles and millions can find lodging place In the tliin lijui of moisture that remains after dlshe» are apparently clean. Brush down the cobwebs and keep the barn free from accumulations of dust and trash. Whitewash the barn at least once a year.- \V. J. Frascr. Illinois. I'IHIIIIMH I'otntoea In tlie Fall. Tim climate of the upper peninsula of Michigan Is distinguished from that of the lower |M?nli:*ulu l>j the greater depth of snow in winter and by the fait the covering *1" snow is both i certain and continuous. The ground seldom freezes at the recently estab lished brunch of tin- state experiment station in the upper peninsula station. Potatoes may safely be planted In the fall with the certainty that they will not be frozen during the winter. This station has developed the plan of planting potatoes In tlie fall, relying upon the continuous covering of deep snow to protect tlie seed from freezing. No grent advantage In yield is found by adopting fids method, but the crop Is considerably earllei* Level culture Is practiced Of the varieties of pota toes the Sir Walter Hulelgh has, on tlie whole, proved the best. Time to llnnk Celery. Attention should be given now to bankliiK the celery crop. The work should never he done when dew or rain Is on the plants or when the soil Is wet. Celery e:tn be nicely blanched by put tint; boards against the plants, but hilling up with earth Is usually a more ' economical practice. Late celery which ! Is to be stored need not be hurried In | the banking process. It should be left I In the field as long as possible. The I plants will stand fairly heavy frosts. ! After two or three good frosts, how i ever, the p!:#uts should be taken up and ; banked away In a cool cellar. In this way they can be kept until after the holidays In perfectly g®od condition. Country Gentleman. Clean Up Aronntl Onion FlelilM. Onion thrlps, which cause what la sometimes known as white blast of on -1 lons, broM primarily on plants grow Ing ou uncultivated la,nils In aud near onion fluids. For this reason fields ad joining blocks of onions should be kept cultivated and ns free in poHsibhi from plants on which the pest breeds. All j Culls, tops aud other refuse frotu onion I fields should b® bin ned In the fall after • the crop Is gathered. HIS "KING3MAN." Tlie Sill. \e kerehlef Worn Uy (lie f.omloft ( OMlrrmoMtfrr. Speaking of London eutermongcrH. Mayhew says: "The ruaii who does not wear lilh sill. ncli. reldef his 'Ulngsmaii,' us It lr called Is known to be In desperate clrcune I nie. The neckerchief Is more prized than any other Item of lii-i nttlre a til a coster's caste Is lit stake If lila I<!| g . HI lie not of the ni" I approved pattern. I This habit It derived from the gypsies a lid doubt l< dates from Nome long forgotten oriental custom It Is very curious that a t,. to for similar colors prevail- among the Hindoos, gypsies and • ■ ■ fertnong"rs. Ited iiihl yellow are fl.e f. orlfe colors and the oldest. Of tin c. the osier chouses his plush v/alsleortf end his kiiigsmaii. tin gypsy hi - breeches aud Ills wife her shawl and gown; the Hindoo Ids robe and tnrlui If a fight OCCIII s, the favorite colored ar tlele of di e e l!" care The pugilists eo-.'er i• . h. klugsinati round Ills waist <T his lea, where, by the rnle . f the flng. It Is comparatively safe. 1 t. ." i Tele 'l'll*' linxnril of fh«* lll**, A. Where are you off toV II lam goinK to ask Mr K , the wealthy bunker, for the hand of one of his daughters. A. Indeed! Which of them? It.—l don't know yet. If he Is In a good hutuor, 1 will take the yolm gent; If In a bad humor, the eldest I.ust ige Ttlatler. An Anvlons Father, Sue Hecring I'm afraid pupa was angry when you asked hitn for me, j was lie, .TackV Jack lllllow Not at j all. lie usUed me If I knew any more j respectable men who would be likely to luiirry your live sisters If properly The Critical Periods j in a Woman's Life j Are \\ lien the Change Comes From 3 Childhood to Womanhood and Later j ' When the Organs of the Pelvic Region Cease Their Work. DR. A. W. CHASE'S WERVt, PiLLS. jj When the child changes from girlhood jI to womanhood and later in life ;>. when the organs of the pelvic region : cease their work, there is a strain J thrown npon the nervon* system, that requires ontside aid that there may be i j supplied a proper arnonnt of additional . strength and re?iftive power. This , ■ Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills do to a ' certainty by their ability to supply to the I nervous system and the organs ailected, j an amount of nerve strength and energy that enables them to accommodate them- ( selves rapidly and easily to the changes j taking place. Mrs. Julia Rowland, of No. 264 Pearl' St., Buffalo, writes: "Both myself and daughter, aged 17. i ; are deeply indebted to Dr A. W. Chase and his Nerve Pills. They certainly are a grand tonic to the nerves I used them about a year ago. to give me the strength and vitality to go through the ordeal that usually comes to woman at change ot life, r.nd fonrnl all the nerv ousness, crying spells rnd weakness dis appear in a hurry This led me to give them to my daughter about the time she began to have the endless trouble some girls do in early life, and the medicine acted eqnally as well with her. She grew strong and f-.teady—the color tie came good—the languor and lassitude disappeared and .-he was aide to go about her school duties as usual. I con sider the Dr. A W. Chase Nerve Pills unequaled as a nerve and general tonic in such cases and gladly recommend them to others who suffer iu a similar manner." 7 .">0 ceuts a box at dealers or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Bnffalo. N. Y. Por i trait and signature of A. W. Chase, j. M.D. on every package. For pale by t Redick and Grohman, druggists, 100 ]N. Main St. Butler, Pa. i ; Ita to Dine When iiPittstai Uq mmnl'c GERMAN RESTAURANT. n dill 111 Cl o Everything to eat and diink, F»*ne<l In (iermsn j*t> le. Imported light ami »lark beer on draught. *242 IHamoml st. Pittsburg 11 Miller's Restaurant "JJS'pltSlS burgh, Pa. n FIFTH Hath oil e.icli !!«•«.r fr«*o t<» Atsolutcly fireproof. Steam heat and telejhono in every * room. Fnmpean plan. : COMMERCIAL HOTEL 0 EUROPEAN PLAN e A. E. KRAMER, PROPRIETOR 1 Phones: Bell, 8532 J Grant. P. A A.. ISO# Main, j, I**ll,l 4.1,133 Slxtli St. PITTSBURG, PA. INVESTMENTS—For people of moderate in etna 1 pay* from ltto 0 per cent. < all or write for K '"(iE.VBHI'.I. BVII.DIXO COMPANY. t r 604 lies: enier BalWllng, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Farms Bought and Sold—Wa can »«*ll your busi ness or farm no matt r where located, for quick T sale consult n«. W F WFITKUSIIAUBKS, s IRON CITY DRAUGHTING CO., offers unusual 0 faculties 1 r flrsl-el.ias work. Designing Draughting Tracing. Pittsburgh and Washing * ton l'Htent <>m< e Drawings Free onu-e of 11. I- HI. NTKRMSiG, Fatriit Attomry, sue Wylie Avenue, i'lttshurjr. I'a. F. 4k A. 5191-M. X ' it y Government Positions. Hand rods of openings; bookkeepers, 20 n veurs or over; steuoirrnhers. 15 years or over. \ |l,ooo to fl.sooannually; railway mall clerks* >f ih to 515 years, SUOO autitially; postoffice clerks an<l carriers. f »"0 to *soo annually; drafts men, SI,OOO toll .won; civil enßlnoers, trained Jl nurses; the poalttons olTer steady einploy ment and excellent cbaneea <»f ad%ancemonl; ambitious persons should investigate. l*ar Ltfiilars ( {superintendent l>i-rr. H*.' Kmplre building. Pittsburg, Pa, Wrlie or call. I iHioc are looking for a skillful and Lalllcbj hnue&t sperlaitii-t, who can positively cure all dliioises peculiar to your sex, do not fall to T consult me at one. For ovor a quarter of a century 1 have mail* my specialty the treating and curing of Irregular, suppressed, painful or excessive periods, 11 luflainatloii or womb and ovaries, aud all other fe (} male diseases. Have tiratf aud dlsa|>f*olatment by consulting me without delay. My charges are mod >' erate. Call and bo convinced, DK* it l'enii ave ,2nd floor. Plttshurgli, l'a. Ofllcc hours, 0 to 5, CYeulng* 7 to 8:30, buudays 10 to 3. v * ihe World, Universily. I«4 ±L . VL]fk Miorlhand'i and • |Typewritlng; VY W f hooUkeeplntr; telegrapliy ;muslc; Tpnch Art; .Tournallnm; Advertisement «r ICiILII Writing; I'roof reading. The best school In Western Pennsylvania to gel a P practical education. Call or write for in formation. i:w Wood street, Pittsburg, Pa. 1 OEO. S. LANGDON & CO. x- New York and Pittsburg Stocks n Orders Solicited. Purchase or Sale. Cash or Margin. Correspondence Invited. Ilcll IMi nuo, I or,", Court. Keystone Building, I'.'ttsbiire, Pa. k K.rini for Hale—ln Una farm <ll*trlct, mronnil ~ Vouii|fttowu, Wurrmi anil Nllin. Olilo. < *ll "t ( writ a for ll»t. HARRINGTON A CO.. Nile,. 0. Fur Snlr OlMl tesdst nwrtmw BO>l 111 \VrUOI <omit ,\V . Va. AiMrtwi l:ut .1, Knolcott. W. T«, " Arc Vim 'l'aklnß >I.OMMI:-. MaKimilc. I' 1.-« IroiituieiiU; Turklth, OTeB, Vapor spray or any form I of lUtlmV Why not try the Forties SanlUrlumT Haanlect patronaKe only; lady attcn<lauU. Upeu U day aud all night, at 2016 Korhsu St., l'lttsLurj, ra AGENTS WANTED K \f i Terywliere to sell tbe WILSON y r TOASTER ; *•' ♦» i ,ur il <.anlly iiiaile; semi »4e tor Kaoi (''pr? r yWP*\ I'lo, express prepaid. ] Wilson Toaster ManufaclurlnflCo M 401 Ferguson KUKUIIIK, XT' IT I'ITTiUOWIL I'A. The Utility Seat and Cane. lH -la. A SKCKSHITV 13 A NOVKLTV Cano wel(fh» I pouM'l, ijeiitleman LVIJ on ItWelßlis IW|«»utnls. MaUnof r Ht < 1 . il ran ii«o llat tlin fair I l ,; ' »'W K1" f«c». •* »t IptVl or c-.i'l. n.'»aninle«octs, ■ I rt, ;i f. ,i fi.iii. c * i>! pal.l. Helnl '■ fls at <'!><" i l c uuple aud Ai;euU II ■ n UTILITY CO.. n Marshall and Irwin Avenues. ALLEGHENY. PA VISITORS JJEHT DININ<I ACCOMODATIONS AT K. .1 IIIHIO'H I.ADIF.S* .V (IF.NTB DINING & LUNCH ROOMS. «• !» A L'l Park Way, Allegheny City. Oppoaito lioKKN & liulil h John liy il l you look t- r a Job » ili«r«y Wneii vou alteinl IV«»<•»«»I*«»n*« ilnriMi . <Wle»ul. lie ii Iliu will l>o for yo| to v.'.ik f«»r tIM in very lltllw «*l«n»a- Smd f«»i , J4 f . n «* i i i - in -v nuo I'lM »t»m »l . I' If >oti w«nl to l.tiv or 8.-II ;u.y kind uf Inmli i 1 A VAN A(i H l.f> . « 1 ' 1 ' imh loit (JKKKH, IV4I !'•»»» Aveaaiv milibarghf •in PI an II I itul is le MiJ I irril; al " cancer and all chronic <n ♦«*< « n and Idoof rouinlalnt both nex.-n and n!l *%•*-■-t. * oiiHiilUtl«»li , Mti t«-t i v private c.ill and »co trio iKxtor. VSaot lioaii iiuui 9a. m. to ftp n». . Egyptian Damiana Tablets. The only Puri'l y VextiUblj Compoiinil i known that will jxwitlvely wstore youth uutl vinor, no matter what tlio cause inuv lie or how loun atandinn ♦' 11 ' EGYPTIAN DAMIANA CO.. UUfi'll Itlock, Pittsburg. Pa "EXPOSITION Sacrifice Sale of Vehicles ' | \n. I«l Tim l< sit tier riinnry K'-iir, rulitior tin' ruiinliout now tfi >.•»). 1 Nil »"< Wlilp i-iinl, rurmltie t.'sir. riililwr tlru ruiiulHiiit'* WITI' i* l "' AO, m>* fv" 00. ' :i No. tMi Whip. ciiHl. rarnilim lf«nr, I.lull wliri.l runabout'", wrc•"O.OB. ui)W fvi.iw < WcuIHII have ii iiuinUcr of lino velilcWm t llriM-knuy iiinl Vottutrsluwu IUHUO Unit wo will soil us low proimrllonutolv. We roMiis'tfully Invito fim l« drop In and ».-o.iU. si... U Win n )"U vfslt thoi-lty f j Vou tia«« our door on Way to KxpaxlUoti. j DUQUESNI: VHHICLIS CO , j Duiinefiio Way nu>l Fourth Strwt, , PITTIbBURO, PA. THE L. VUG EST IN THE COUNTY. THE i Butler County National Bank. | A good. STRUNG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLE of Buler Couny to do business wih. I /Capital $ 300,000.00 I Strength surplus 365,000.00 (Assets 2,840,000.00 We invite YOUR business—assuring you PROMPT, COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. | "The big Bank on the corner by the Court House" —\ A TIRELESS - " \ WORKER —- / \&sr-y \ . Money deposited in the,! I I wor ' cs or y° u Iwenty- I I our ours a da y: never \ Jfiii / s^ee P s and is always on V 1 L hand to help you over / troublesome times. A dollar is a comparative ly small sum to some people, but that same small quantity, as a first deposit may have helped many of those very same people to view it in the light they now do. Don't put off putting in that first dollar. 3 per cent interest paid on deposits. Butler Savings & Trust oi_ ESTABLISHED 1900- THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS (earned) - $47,000.00 DIVIDENDS PAID - - - - - $6,000.00 None Stronger in the Cour\ty. j AT LAST. I Ar\ for the P^orm* Write for Catalogue and Prices. THE EVANS MFG. CO, LTD., BUTLER, PA. IBUY YOUR WHISKEY DIRECT FROM TH E MAKER ■W Forst s 7 year old 4 full quarts for $3.00 B W Packed in plain, sealed cases, expressage S prepaid to your nearest station. || /; >. Our Koods in HK<MI in the wood, and Is pnre and mel- jfjj ■ii P M low. tetter tiiAn vou have had from oUierß for the H Ws=Mfi price, or your u.oucy back. WfaMM Any Hank of PittsbnrK or the Editor of thin paper will tell you thßt our word is «ood, and that we are v * 'ffP. . rfHiioiiwible. R We do not hninbnß yon like so many advertising so w 'WnF?rB ciillt'd "Distillers." ■ligr T By buyiuK from us you gut an honest article, made SU froiii iionest, select grain, by honest people. K Send for our private price list. n If you will send us the names of 10 "good families in yonr B vicinity who use Whiskey for medicinal purposes, and to whom we may send our price list, we will send yon, with yonr first order, g* one (juart of l'ure Virginia Homemade Blackberry Wine, FREE. NN MORRIS FORST & CO., | Cor. 2nd Ave. & SmltMlcld St., Pltttbari, P«. ' ___J |Eberle Bros^| j PLUM'BKRS I S Estimates given on al! kinds of work. ? 3 We make a specialty of ? ? NICKLE-PLATED, \ c SEAMLESS, / ? OPEN-WORK. ✓ / 354 Centre Ave., Butl»r, Pa C p Phone. 630. v X *o<X>ooooo<>oo<>oooooooo<>oo< K \ HUGH I». CONNELLY X ISC HICCESSOR TO JOHN LIM EG ROVER, JR. A WHOLESALE DEALER IN J> Hecr, A.le arfd Porter. X Fine Wines and Liquors for * Family and Medicinal Purposes. V 107 West Ohio Street, (Opposite Post Office.) A BOTH PHONES. ALLEGHENY, PA. Y x Advertise in the CITIZEN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers