R Free Bus to and From Trains. it Rates Reasonable at all Times. s*< L Water Free to Guests. I Open the Year Round. K HOTEL DE VITA, I ? CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS, PA. ft MAIJTIX If. PAKKER. Mgr. fe. i In connection with the De Vita Mineral Springs. §l, 5 Electric and Vapor Baths. j| * The Magnesia Spring is found at a depth of 100 f~ feet and the water ris»*s to within f..nr feet of the ~ pnrface, wheave it is pumped direct M the hotel. As .1 water for bathing it isuneqoaled on account i ■*" (( f its softness and medicinal properties. lieinp a Jf * \ laxative, it is one of the best known specifics for *V S v all blood and skin diseases si These waters have made wonderful cures and m * are recommended for the following diseases: Is Bright a Disease of the Kidneys, Rheumatism, g« ' Prostration, Diabetes, Dropsy, Catarrh of the H 5 Stomach and Bladder, Nervous Prostration. r- I Rheumatic Goat, all poisonons conditions of the m. Kelsey, Crown, Boomer B I FURNACES. I | Coal and Slacl{ Heaters, Gas and Coalß ■ Ranges and Gas Stoves. 1904 Washers,■ I Sewing /Machines, Needles for all mal<es ofl I Sewing Machines. Sewing (Machines repaired.l ■ Roofing and Spouting, and House Furnishing Goods. B I Henry Biehl, I ■ 122 N. Main St. Peo. 'Phone 44(4. E - PAROID READY OOFINO. T>AROID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. A NYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core 01 each roll. I) EPRESENTS the results o years of Experience and Ex perimenting. /"VNLY [requires painting "every fewyears. Not when first laid. T. S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate , or Shingles. JJEMAND for PAROID isjworld MADE IN 1.2 AND 13 PLY Other Fac-wi, Samples and Prices are jroars if yoa will aak tu. L. C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. VISITORS BEST DINING ACCOMODATIONS AT K. J. IIIKIO'S LADIES' He GENT H DINING & LUNCH ROOMS. 19 Jk 21 Park Way, Allegheny City. Opposite Bogga & Bubl»' I.KAUN telegraphy and B. It, accounting, to IHW a month salary assured our gradu ates un/ler bond. our »lx school* the largest In America and Indorsed by all railroad*: wrllc for catalogue. MORSE HOIIOOL Ol* TKI.EGttAI'U V, (Unclnnatl. O.j Ituffalo, N. y.; Atlanta. Oa.; La Crowe. Wl*.;Te*arkana, Tex.; Han Francisco, Cal. ~ VIBOIJfIA-MAIiyLAND N. V\ ItOLINA Finn farms with good buildings at sacrifice prices In above states. I'leaeaut, climate In winter. Much warmer than In this locality, For sale by J. M. 1)1(11, L. JOU Fourth Ave., IMttsburg, Pa. PfCßHOXAL—Massage, magnetic all form* of baths; la'ly operators. Sanitarium. 2015 Forbes St., Pittsburg, l'a.; open day and BUNHIREKH OprOttTOITIKS Farms Bought and Hold. We can sell your business or farm no matter wlieru located. For iiulck sale con sult us. W. F. WKITBBHUAOBEN. 717 East ObloKtreet, Allegheny, Pa. W& M. C. WAGNER ARTIST v PHOTO GR A FHFB 189 Sontb Main St. McSweeney ■ later State Detective Agency, lin Sixth Avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. Competent reliable detective* for secret work, and protuct property. All communi cation* strictly confidential. <;all or write or telegraph. BCHOOLB /// x Engineering. K.lertrl<-Hy, f /[/ . / BouK-keeping HhurtliaiiU, f/j~yy / fS?24s Hrcparatnrjf Academic. Cr m l lllgh.-r AceoaaUuey High <i r ;ule Sclu>"li. Elegantly equipped and lighted ruome. Positions No antiquated rnetbodt or men employed. Sure. Every teacher a college graduate with experience. Pltti'/urg, Allegheny. HnflUln Niagara Fall*, and Moth o City. Ka-uil to I'lll.liurx for Catalog. Martin lerinln:* Cabin. LL. 0.. President. I Have You \ | Back Ache? $ $ Weak Kldneys?| V I'oHnibly nature In Honnding a\ r wiirninic, will you heed It? i \ Miller's Kidney Pilln are tlie / y best on the market an<l are sold \ N for !»0c a box f J We will refund the money if C \ you fail to receive any benefit / f from ftiem. \ 1 We are sole agent* for Butler C C county for those pill*. 7 < Redick & Grohman \ I 109 North Main St., ( < Butler, Pa. / /vwvwwwvA Zuver Studio Has added a full line of amateur Photo Supplies, Cam eras, Films, Dry Plates, De velopers, Printing out and de veloping papers. Anti-Trust 6oods At about one half what you have been paying. Quality Guaranteed As good if not better than the Trust goods. ZUVER STUDIO 215 S. Main St. Butler The Butler Wood Fibre Plaster Co., Mfgrs, of the celebrated Blue Bell Wood Fibre Wall Plaster, the best and cheapest plaster on the market. We are also sole agents for the following high grade build ing materials. „ Whitehall Portland Cement, has no equal for all classes of concrete work. Woodville White Enamel Finish, the peer of hydrated lime for skim coat. Sacketts Plaster Board, >ou can line your house with this J fire proof board at half the cost of any other material. Give us a call before build -1 ing, we can save you money. Office, W. Cunningham St., Opp. Electric Light Office. Imaflam Dean's | A fl&fe. f certain Hk •7 Hi»r»t)r« fi Vf<'riMtru«fctlou. N«-v-, to fail. Haft-! Mur<'! ypfi-Ayl ■ or nioni'V pr«-pni«l fur H 11.00 tK*r (xtx. Will M-ful tht iiioii trial tu y be |mld for when g Krae. fjj DWITID MtblCAtCO., loi T4. UwcMTf P*. 9 Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacy Special Offer To those purchasing photcs jof groups or views, Bxlo, at 50c each, to the amount of $lO I will present free a fine 20x40, exact reproduction that will stand washing and not fade away. No bum work, but a fine permanent Bromide en largement, fully guaranteed. This offer is good till October Ist, 1904 FISHER, The Outdoor Artist, The Butler Dfc Works See the Sign directly y I opposite the •..* 'HI Old Poitollice J Theodore Vogeley. n keal Bstate and Ml loiuranre Afency, Ui S. Mala St 3 Butler, Pa. W If you ha\e property . J I to sell, trade, or run 1«■ or, want to buy or r^ra rent cuil, write or A A üb'.n« me. VJK , List Mailed Upon Application B. & B. it's autumn New things have to be pro vided —Underwear and Over wear, and household articles of many kinds. This notice is to advise yoL of our preparation and readi ness. To impress upon you as well as we can on paper our deter mination to make it pay you better than ever to come or send here. Assortments, Styles, Quali ties and Prices will do that convincingly and on those we invite searching investigation and critical comparsion. New French Challies that will compel the admiration of all who appreciate harmony of colors and delicacy of design, 50c. Other Chaliies, 25c, 35c, and Silk Striped French Challies up to 75c. &. I ill 111 C 7 ALLEGHENY, PA. **Hc*****iit**at** ************ Strictly High Grade | I -PIANOS AND ORGANS. | | Come and see me when | 1 you buy; also sheet music | § or anything In the music | I line. f J W. A. F. GROHMAN, § * Music instructor and Piano Tuner, * I Next door to Y. M. C. A, * People's Phone X * GROHMAN'S MUSIC STORE. * t Orchestra furnished for all J * occasions. * * * *- * * X*. * * * * * * * * T|RJ| DR. E. GREWER, No. 229 12 SOUTH MAIN ST». NEXT DOOR TO GUARANTY SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., BUTLER, PA. ROOMS 1, 2, AND 3. Dr. E. Urewer is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, is now per ruanently located at the aboveaddress, where he treats all chronic diseases o'. men, women and children. Diseases of the Nervons System, the symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confidence, sexual weakness in men and women,ball rising in the throat.spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory unable to concentrate the mind on one subject easily startled when snddenly spoken to, aud dull distressed mind which unfits them for performing the duties of life, making happiness impos sible,distressing the action of the heart, depression of the spirits, evil forebod ings, cowardice, lear, ureams, melan choly, tire easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of the mind, depression, con stipation, wcakuftts of the limbs, <-tc. Those so affected should consult us iin mediately and be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored- Weakness of Young Men Cured and all private diseases. Dr. E. Grewer's varicocele Iling cures Varicocele, Hydrocele and Rupture promptly cared without pain and no detention from business. He cures the worst casus of Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism. Scrofula, Old Sores, lilood Poison, and all Di seases of the Skin Ear, Nose, Throat, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Jvidnejs and Bladder. Itching Piles, Fistula, Stricture, Tumors, Cancers, Goiters. cured with out cntting. Special attention paid to the treat ment of Nasal Catarrh. He will forfait, the sum of Five -Thousand Dollars for any 'M : «I of FITS OR EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS that he cannot cure. Consultation free and stii'-tly confi dential. Write if yon cannot call. Office hours From !i a. m to 8:H0 p. in. On Sunday from 1to:i p. in. only. kf T. ftipej | IJEWELERS £ ? 121 E. Jefferson Street. / T-Raj]*, lkauit, Machinery In »iocU. Uaii-> cut to li-nirt tr>. Ciwli i<o 11] f<>ivruU-lron iin'l metal*. lloMUc Howl-,-, River Avi-nu<-. Allegheny. I'u. I-Jixl of Kim It •■•l llrlduc. 48 I'AGE BOOK FBF.E. lllßlieM. reference FTT/OKKAf.U A. Co.. I/lrUt. 10, WiUtlllliKU.O. 1). C. TIRED OUT. There's many a wife sits in the growing i shadows of an evening, knowing what it is to feel tired out; as if there was not another ounce of effort left In her. ' But if heaithv she knows how sound her -lumber will r. be and how re- jil^ morning will thing for the •ielc woman to feel tired out. Rest only seems UAi- , f \.'T increase her W \V' 11 Ij/gjß suffering. She £■ o I lgulde wSI by Pierce's Favor- .i „j^| ite Prescrintion. Jv\ It establffiies \ regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weak ness. " I am pleased to Inform you of the .beti&fi! I reccivo<l from usinp Dr. Pierce's ravorit*' | Prescription mid 'Golden Miiltcal JMscov erj'.' " writes Mrs. riizaU-U. A. Oswold. of i't Brant Street. Windsor. Essex Co.. Ontario. Crtsada * " Was 'iuite discouraged wlien I wrote asWnit your advice, the physicians litre told ir.b I CoaM eet no relief except t>.v an operation. Buffered for four years from Inetfuiar and profttse menstruation.!■ a<! sick and nervous lieadacbes most of the time, and at times eon Id hardly walk across the floor from .weaWuoss. I thank tiod there i* sucii a remedy as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription for suffering women. Before 1 had taken the fir->t bottle the he adaches had left me and It wa*s not long Imfore regularity was p-.taljil»he<l and still continues ■>•>. Have just finished house-cleaning which 1 never ex pected to lie ahle to do again, and can truly say 1 never felt Utter than at present, t gladly raeonasßd 'favorite Praacrlptioo.' to all wh i suffer frot;. female weaknev It has cured me and made me stronger in every way. Neither my husl r.nd nor myself caji say enough In Its praise." The selfish seller uho urges some sui>- stitute is thinking of the larger profit he'll make and not of your best good. HUMPHREYS' Specifies cure by acting directly on the sick parts without disturbing tho rest of the system. No. 1 for Fevers. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Ti thing. No. 4 " D; a il., a. No. 7 " Coughs. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 " Headache®. No. 10 " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Suppressed Period 3. No. 12 " Whites. No. 13 " Croup. No. 14 " The Skin. No. 15 " Rheumatism. No. 1G " Malaria, No. 19 " Catarrh. No. 20 " Whooping Cough. No. 27 " The Kidneys. No. 30 " The Bladder. No. 77 " Ln Grippe. In small bottles of pellets that fit the vest pocket. At Druggists or mailed, 25c. each. Z9* Medical Guide mailed free. Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. WUllam & John .Street* Sew York. fts3£csl rfZzl CATARRH In all Its f ,:» s. c °<o& Ely's Cream 6almV" Fm °!f/ clean*' Bootucs and h»ala m the ii. <■:; v«l nici:ibrarK. Itcan « I'arih r.ml dii .t i J'i.o , way acMint! eh :. i quWV'y. < • «n»» Balm itplacad into the nuHtril»,BprcM§ tn«-r the incftalirane ftn i absiirlx.-U. Relief iin m i-U :in«l a cure follows. It is Lot drying—doca n*»t produce fciu caing. Large Size, 60 cents at Drug glat- ' ru.iil; Trial B!ze, 10 Centa. Kf. Y i ! LG't'l l Kits. W Warren StreeU Nevv York BACK-ACHE and all other symptoms of kidney dis ease arc speedily removed when the kidneys are made healthy, active and vigorous by the use of Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills the world's greatest kidney and live/ regulator, and the only medicine ha v. ing a combined action on kidneys and liver. One pill a dose; 25 cents a box. Write fer free sample to The Dr. A. W Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. V. Visitors to the Exposition Will be cordially welcome at our store. Leave your traps here—then shop com fortably. After you've extracted as much enjoyment from your trip as yon care for, -all back for your belongings. No charge—glad to meet you. PURE LIQUORS ALWAYS IN STOCK. fSMf I.Alil.K, OVKUIIOI.I. HUtKKSIIKUfKK. MT. YKBRO.N THOMPSON, UIBKON. DILMSfIKB. BBIIMJKPOUT, and offer tliern to you (I year old at |l per full quart, 11 qunrtK |6 OO GRANDFATHER'S CHOICE. wlilski y guaranteed 3 years old, I" 00 per gal - lon. We pay express charge* on all mall orders of V'OO or over. Goods shlpp) d promptly. Robt, Lewin & Co,, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS, ■O. 14 Smlthfleld St„ PITTSBURG, PA. 'Pbonea: Be!] 211* P. Ir A. 1458 ffhsre.to Dine When in Pittslinre rut' f\f ITU Entrance 442 M altera W»y I II Ij Vj lJ v.' I) World'* l»rgi »t luthikohci everything t" rat from a »ii'lwli!li to & banquet. 'al.le» BcrfiMind <>ir for |>rlTat« partleo. Iludnesi [inn 1 a lunch, 11.30 to 2p. m., 36c. 213 Ulaiuoi.4 trewt, I'lttntmrgb, Pa. 11.7,,„ii/|7\TniiKMAN KIiSTAURANT. 11(1111 lllt l N r.vorythliig to cat and drink ,arr«d In linnuan «tyle. Imported light and dark Mr on draught. 'Hi Diamond ttroct, Pittsburgh. Mi 1 lers Restaurant Held nlreet. ' lUHimi gb, l'a, TIF'TH AVKKDE opp. Oraal Opnra IT'itiue, Balh on Each Floor Free to Cuetti. Absolutel' "Ireproof. Strum Heat and Toll-phone In Ever, loom. European Plan. Wh»r« to llliir l» A llr|(lii ny. Saucrs Tavern />« !»«#«, A IJ« glieuy, l»n. l, W illr> l)lMMlii|( n.M.iii Krriiml Floor. INVK*THMK!*TH~For of < p.ty• from 10 to Wjwr cent. Call or wrlU or prMMNitiiH llf'f lal>l \<; ( OMI'ANY, ».oi Hewmei Butkfluf. I'lll.l.if.t;!!, l*n. VVANTKI) I'■ 111;11 • ■ Ifoljf uiiiiiitctMl lii n l)«tocliv«; Agniicy, $ .00 rn |ulr«-«l lo becomo « »|tial owncmltlp. flunlnr? . wcl minii i Ir)m*>l o|ii<-uf|i'l opfHjrt unity. fOK Kryiitoiic H«»» l«l ll>k* I'UINIMIIKII, I'M IR you want pure liquors for your money, send your orders to MAX KLEIN & SONS. Your order will be as carefully filled as if you made the selection personally, and delivered at your door In a plain box with out any marks denoting the contents. We have an excellent Pcnn a Rye Whiskey at $3.00 per gallon called Cabinet Rye Try it and see how surprised you will be with its high'quality. /VIAX KIvGIN & SONS, Wholesale Liquors, i:il« an Penn Avw., I'ittnliurK, PH. "Everything In Liquors," CURCULIO AND APPLE. Intennlve ( ollnrr In OrchnrU» I» titronfjl} I rgfd. By CIIAHLEB S. CRANPALU Illinois exporfmcjtt station. In all sections of the state of Illinois whore orchard frnits are grown may be found fruits that are more or less de faced by deformities, by curiously made surface cuts and by small cylin drical excavations. These marks are found upon plums, peaches, apples less commonly upon pears and quinces. The name marks are common on fruits of the wild plum, wild crab apple and of the red fruited hawthorn. The insects responsible for the in juries above referred to are the plum curculio aud the apple curcullo. Both species feed upon and breed In the ap ple—in general, It is tho plum curcullo that does tho greater damage. The primary cause of serious injury to apples Ijy cuculios can In the ma jority of cases he traced to conditions prevailing in the orchards. Neglect of the four cardinal principles of good orchard management—namely, prun ->r«~ <Sr. FKUIT PUNCTURED BY CUBCUI.IO. lug, cultivation, spraying and fertiliz ing—engenders conditions favorable to the multiplication of curculios and also of other pests. Weeds and grass grow unrestrained, tree tops become dense, and the consequent heavy foliage af fords deep shade. The Insects are un disturbed, they find protection against natural enemies, and their processes of development go on unchecked. The factor of location haa an influ ence. If cultivated orchards are In close proximity to badly neglected or chards or to bodies of timber In Which the native food plants hawthorn, wild crab aud wild pinm—are abundant such orchards may be Invaded by cur culios aud the fruit greatly Injured. It seems possible to attack the cur cullo In three different ways: First.—By spraying with arsenical poisons. Tills method alms at the de struction of the adult or beetle stage of the Insect only. Second.—By destruction of fallen fruit. This method of attack alms at the egg and larva stages of the insect. All fallen * ult must be taken Into account, not only the larger fruits that fall In late summer, but more partic ularly the small apples that fall In June and early July. The early fallen fruit Is usually Ignored, but Is really in ire Important from the standpoint of attack on curcullo than the late fallen fruit, because ovlpositlon and larval development are at their highest early ill the season. Third.—Cultivation. This method of attack Is directed against the insect in the ground and may affect the three THE Al't'LK C'CItCUIiIO £N(iAUaEI>. stages larva, pupa and beetle - but Is more particularly Intended to destroy pupae. The majority of the new crop of In sects are In the ground during July Bod August. Short exposures to di rect sunlight are fatal to both larvae and pupae. Ants and other predaceous Insects, as well as birds, prey upon both Jarvae and pupae. In the light of these facts, superficial tillage for a period of thirty or more days from July 10 Is commended as an efficient means of attacking plum curcullo. 1.1 in it llcnn* In Sew Jernrj. Lima beans arc getting to be another uncertainty. Even after we hare grown the vines we do not feel at all whether we will harvest a crop, ns so many blossoms and tiny pods drop prematurely. Some of us have tried to overcome tills by leaving only one plant to a pole and trimming that one, but with only partial success. It would be Interesting to know whether plantings on u hillside, Where there was good air drainage, have In this respect fared any better than ours on the flat river lands. I have been un able to try It myself, us our farm Is not high enough above the river. 11. (' Taylor. CORN SILAGE. In Milk MIIMIIK mill Sleer I'VetllnK. Mlriauitiiiicr Heii<-IIIn. Milking corn Into silage Is a means of preserving the grain, as well as the «talk, In the best possible condition for feeding and without the expense of shelling and grinding, says Wllber J. Kraser, chief in dairy husbandry at the IIIIIIOIH experiment station. In feeding whole corn, either In the cur or shelled, many of the kernels are not digested. With silage, the grain bo Ing eaten with the roughage, nearly all the kernels are broken during mastl cation and, since they are somewhat soft, are practically all digested. By the use of the silo the corn Is re moved from the field at a time when no Injury Is done the laud by cutting It up while soft. As the corn Is cut before the blades are dry enough to shatter, there Is no waste from weath ering, and both stalk and grnln being Iu good condition the whole crop Is consumed by tho stock, while with dry Mh'M-k corn a large percentage of the leaven and butts of the stalk Is wasted. Being n suct'itlonl food, corn silage tends to heavy milk production and should be given an Important place In the ration of dairy cows. It has proved an important factor In steer feeding as well as In milk production, but a steer cannot be finished ou silage alone, uiiy more than a cow can pro duce her best yield of milk on such a ration. In Mill»uiimifr. A pasture will carry much more stock during iiprlug, early summer and fall than II will through the hot, dry weather of midsummer. By helping the pasture out ai this season with partial soiling the cattle not only have better feed during this critical period, but more stock can he carried ou a given urea than by paaturlqy a lope, I >fr: Frasdr also ronyirkfl In bulletin I<Jl, fronj wßlch Ujeso potpts OH the silo arc taken, that as laud Ihoronsp-.ln value and farming becomes more In tensive there Is greater need for sJU Ing, and the most satisfactory method of providing a Substitute U by means of tie silo. It requires to* much labor to cut green cropf every day anil haul them to thQ. cows, and, besides, there Is a gtviit loss In lielng obliged to feed pie jctopp before they are fully matnw and ftfter they are overripe.* Mr. Frssw. that BO crop furnishes' mord feed-1# We aore than eorn, and vrVtli th« silo' It can be utl for e«Hlng,. thus permitting tht wholo crop*to-be harvested when at the right stage of maturity and fed when needed, saving both fe'etl aiul Tabor. l'nttißK CoiTpei»« I'p Cir««n. One method of harvesting eowpwis Is to put fliem np green, and this is sat isfactory, according to a very goad au thority, when they are so. packed that air can circulate freely ftirough thorn. One of the pethods' of putting' up.green is to ereet, a stack 'pole* a-ud a strong on»_tke pol£ CWITUVIIJI to the o&ter* of ilia stark Pift on n layer of green vine* two or three feet thick, thou* nail on another jr»ss plece, and so ou to the "top" of tlie Stack, finishing off with, grass hay. The crosjpieees prevent the vines packing down closely and at She same time allow 'the air to isuter the stack. They can be cured ijikl kept by this method. It is somewhat more expen sive tliim curing in the field, as It ne cessitates the bundling of a great amount of water in the green vines, and the cost of stack pole, erosjpieces, etc., amounts to something- A Vrnetahlo V»r,lalU»n. In the early spring, when th«r« is a great scarcity of t'rwsh vegetables, chicory and upiiiai h being about the only resource of the housewife, tender young hop fujrqjit&ftre exposed.for sale In the ByftSsels (lielgiwuii market and are In great demand daring the sea son, which* lasts from March 15 to April 15. "The sprouts are cut from the foot of hop plants which have been covered with earth durkig the winter months. When the »*nrth is removed the tender sprouts are cut, care being exercised to leave sutßcient to fofrn new sprouts.—Gardening. Contlnaoun Potato (Urfwln*. I know of some one llTing near me who has grown twenty-nine crops of roiyul potatoes in twenty-nine consecu tive years on the same pjece of ground, and all the. fertilizer of any kind that has been put on was simply stable manure. I kncnv.that to he a fact, and I can produce affidavits to tbat'aSect. When he dug the lust crop I ther,e, and the crop wa» -• \nn>r\*fJ. ground was, Slgurutively speaWlig, coV ered with elegant putirtors.—l'resldoet Sklllmafi of Xow Jersey riorticuttural Society. CROP 'REPORTS Preliminary returns to the chief of the bureau of statistic of tfiV depart ment of apiculture o'n the 'tfrtreage of si>ring whaut now* indicate "an area of about IT,Oda.'WO acres, an Increase of -lTi.'Wi 'acres brer ustlttmte of ftie acreage so'wii l|st- yrfi'ir. The total rfiWt«d_ area lu oats is about acres, an of 42,iKX) acres irt the area s6wn last jreiar. fhe acreage ivp»jrtnl- as tinder ey is less tfinn thttf sown last year by about 172,000 na-ru*. or 3.4 per cent. The acreage undt>r spring rye shows a reduction of n.B per cent from that sown last year. Iteturns to the .Uureau of uiatlstlcs show the total are.t planted in siptton in the United States up to Muy it to be about 28,H#0,000 acres, a deecpane of about 3.610,000 acres, or 1 11A ljer cent, from the t4&al aortage planted last yeikr. - • The Awful ttilor That C.iuiea from I'ure Atfur mt RoH en. Tli<; perfumer took from, his desk a small flask of copper. "In flasks like this rUur* of roses comes to us," he said. "Attar of roses is worth from $lO to $25 an ounce, ae cording to the ma/ket. Tftis flask is empty now, but in it a little? odor still lingers." The visitor smiled delightedly. He had never smelt pure attar of iwmcs be fore. New he unscrewed the stopper and, closing his eyes, with an «»cstiitlc look lie applied his nostrils to tlsr Husk. Hut only for an iustaut. 'Mien he threw back his head, twisting his features Into a grimace' of disgust, ifn* hi- exela^netl: "Garbage! Hone yards! Glut* fac tories!" The perfumer laughed. "All essential oils KIMOII like that," lie said. "Yet no good perfume can die mado without them." He took from a shelf a cut glaiis JitV filled with a thick, yellowish oil that looked like petroleum partly refined. "In this Jar," lie s'lld, "there arc forty ouuecs of pure attar of roses worth over SSOO. You know how the attar smells alone. Now watch me make a rich perfume by adding tlilng.i to It." lie put a few drops of the attar into a vial, lie filled the vial with wplrlts of musk, another of orris, then «ne ot neroll, one of rose, of violet, of orange, of vanilla, and, finally, the oil of cloves and bergainot. "There," lie said, "smell that. Isn't it exquisite?" "Exquisite!" said the visitor. "Well, without its fou ml at ion of the malodorous and costly attar of roses It wouldn't Hincll any better IhiiM a plate of soup."— New Vwrk Herald. AN a ( llm-lin*. "I'm not so particular about speed, but I must have n gentle horse." re pented Mr. Green. ".My wife wants to drive, you see. WW you warrant this horse to be safe?" "Certainly," said the dealer rcassur ingly. "lie's a regular lady's Inrse." "You are sure he's not afraid of an* thing?" asked Mr. Green anxiously and for the tenth time. The dealer assumed an air of reflec tion. "Well, there Is one thing that he lirs always appeared to be alia i .f i;v ■•r since I got him," he admitted con sclent lously. "It seems as .f he'.i scared to death for f< :ir some one might say 'Whoa!' and he not hear If " Ancient llrldut- Hni>er;«ll<l«n. A primitive notion existed among the Itomaus and other races that a bridge was an offense and Injury to the rivci god, as It saved people from belli;; drowned while fording or Mwimmlug ncrosH and robbed the deity of a «• rtrii m number of vlnUm* which were h *!:;•■ I'or many centuries iu I! cue propltla tory offerings of human vict!i.--i wen made every year to the i« » r Men and women were drownc ! b belli;; bound mid flung from the wo>< !e:i Sub llcisn bridge, which, till nearly IU- end of the republican period, was the one and only bridge across the Tiber i:i Home. .4 111 horxli 1 1* ii m n I'rofeealnn. Nolxtdy nli »iihl write who Is not firm ly possessed of the Idea that he has a vocation for literature and Is not will lug to endure the penalties of art for the '.. ike of nerving mi art If a person who writes in flint spirit makes a liv Ing he earns it. ff he makes u fortune lie if New York Time;, A dwarf sees further than the giant when he hus the giant's *lioulder to luouut.—Coleridge. Women Who Work!! | i Need St rono-, Vigorous Nerves. 11 ° The life of women anil nirls who work 3 is at best a hard one anil even under the * most favorable circumstances the results 3 often show shattered nervons systems i and broken down health. To meet the » conditions required of her, to sustain 3 the" extra strain and nervons tension of 1 duties never intended for her in the plan j J of nature, she must use every endeavor t to preserve the vitality of her nerves j anil the regularity of the female fane- j tions No remedy ever offered the world , has accomplished the results obtaint d ) from the use of Dr. A. W. Chase's j Nerve Pills. By supplying the nerves : and blood with the elements necessary > to their life and activity, they cause a j steady increase of natural strength to ; both the body and mind, brighten the J eyes, clear the complexion and instead : of a depressed, wornout feeling, there will be one of buoyancy and life. Dr A. \V. Chase's Nerve Pills make life worth living v Mrs. Anna Doretz. of No. 010 Cleveland Avenue, Niagara Falls, N. Y., says: I was overtaxed with work and com pletely tired out. I used to go to bed to to think and worry and could not sleep as a result and I was nervous during the day. Hearing of the good effects of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills in sach affections I determined to try them. I got a box and they where a complete success. They toned me up quickly, 1 got over the nervousness and sleep finely and restful again. lam sure lam glad to recommend them." 4 50 cents a box at dealers or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Por trait and signature of A. W. Chase, MD. on every package. For sale by Redick and Grohman, druggists, 109 N. Main St. Butler, Pa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS, DP. L. R. HAZLETT. 100 W, Diamond St.. Butler. North side of Court House. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat work, a specialty. GM. ZIMMERMAN • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON At 327 N. Main St. OSTEOPATHY. DR. JULIAJE. FOSTER, EOPAT H. Consultation and examination free. Office hours—!) to 12 A. M., 2 to M., daily except Sunday. Evening appointment. .(] Office—Stein Block, But ler, Pa. People's Phone 478. i i PLARA E. MORROW, D. 0., V GRADUATE BOSTON COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHY. j Women's diseases a specialty. Con sultatian and examination free. Office Hours, 9 to 12 m., a to 3 p. m People's Phone 573. 1/6 S. Main street, Butler, Pa DENTISTS. T\R. S. A. JOHNSTON. V PROSTHETIC DENTIST. Teeth extracted absolutely painless Take Vitalized Air or Nitrous Oxide All work satisfactory. 127} S. Main St., BUTLER, PA. DR. FORD H. HAYES, DENTIST. Graduate of Dental Department, University of Pennsylvania. Office—2l6 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa DR- J. WILBERT McKEE, SURGEON DENTIST. Office over Leighner's Jewelry store, Butler, Pa Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gold crown and bridge work. DR. H. A. McCANDLESS, DKNTIST. Office in Butler County National Bank . Building, 2nd floor. DR. M. D. KOTTRABA, Successor to Dr. Johnston. DENTIST Office at No 114 E. Jeflerson St., over G. W. Miller's grocery , ATTORNEYS. RP. SCOTT, , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office in Butler County National Bank building. AT. SCOTT, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But ler. Pa. COULTER & BAKHR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Butler C>unty National Bank building. JOHN W. COULTER, A TTORNBY AT-LAW. Office on Diamond, Butler, Pa. Special attention given to collections and business matters. I D. McJUNKIN, FT • Attornky-at-Law. Office in Reiber building, cornel Main and E. Cunningham St«. Entrance on Main street. T B. BREDIN, fj , attornky at Law. Office on Main St. near Court Hou»« HH. COUCHER, , Attornky at Law. Office In* Wise liuildinK I: h. negley !i, aitobnkv at Law, Office In the Negley Building, Wtlt Diamond WC. FINDLEY, . attoknkv-at law, an.,: pknsiok attornky. Oftice on Mouth aide of Diamond, Butler, I'U. MISCELLANEOUS. I) F. BILLIARD. !>• GKNKKAI- SURVKYING. i Mines and Land County Surveyor. K. F D. I'.), West Banbury. P». , > F. L. McQUISTrON, ''. CIVII, J'.Nt .1 NKKK AND SURVKVOR Office near Court Houw. I P. WALK ICR, LJ, . Notary Pum.jc, I IITK. Office will) Berkmcr, next d<x>r to P. O THE ACME CURTAIN STRETCHER. r , - In Ua put ;wr tliwa 7J# ll if Ifl W I'l 'I hmvn lwr»n t|i« usual tlUtn ajr t- f A b«r of ti«w iirotobiini out I .. •'<2-f\ «ndpM««Nl«wijr,lMVlnf I c/fWmy *il TI \ • crMt«r dUaand for tha m rV'Mvti 7711 I\1 — I* *■ -<f \i.vrojrr our iMt Ad- JJfM lAyy I luat«hl<* Pin la • auoc««a. U.I H«*>' thorn : at your daal rr* Hfij the ACM F! QUIXJYJJNCJ I H A M K. m tn m i « o imjliif, Vm Private Maternity Hospital. In a tuautlful location. lUntor phyalclauo unil Durni'H In attendance. Horn® like Com foH». Nirtrtly private and neHudod. Adop tion provided. Itato* reasonable*. t'an ulay a* long an you "wlnli. « 'all or addr«M* MRS. I>l. A. lIUGIIKH, ;tMI California Av«nu«, ALLEGHENY, PA. AGENTS WANTED 1 Tisrywliere wll the WILSON r TOASTER; «•' l" ♦» T'er «Uy , >illy in.t'lo; Mini IV; for itiui j.lo, til'ii-M jue|»»til. ' Wilton Toiiter MinuficlurlnjCo uto 1 *<" Fcrguuiu itulldliig, I'ITTOBUKtiII, l'A. THE LARGEST IV THE COUNTY. THE I | | Butler County National Bank. I ! i | A good. STRONG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLE of | Buler Couny to do business wih. 1 (Capital # 300,000.00 I I Strength 300,000:00 (Assets 2,706,342 30 | ' We invite YOUR business —assuring ycu PROMPT, I COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. % * >- I "The big Bank on the corner by the Court House" 1 ***** y-*» ***** *-*** #*** *•-* Pretend You're Poorer. a Does it cost every cent of your salary to live? f Supposing it were reduced a dollar, ; what would you do? Do without, wouldn't you? Why don't you pretend it is reduced, and deposit the dollar? Then if you lost the salary altogether, you would be better off just in proportion to how soon you started saving. It's better to prepare for hard luck and not have it than to have it and not be prepared for it. One way you can't lose, the other way you can't win! Start preparing with a dollar, to-day. Butler Savings & Trust Co. ESTABLISHED 1900. THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS (earned) - $47,000.00 DIVIDENDS PAID ----- $6,000.00 None Stronger in the Cour\ty. AT LAST. Ar| for the P""arm. II CUT FEED, PUMP „ Mi I WATER, SAW WOOD, Jitw CHURN, RUN THE I*l* WASHING MACHINE jMB , after the cost of installing. __ Write for Catalogue and Prices. THE EVANS MFG. CO , LTD.. J BUTLER, PA. — j V B K Forst's 7 year old 4 full quarts for $3.00 * B H Packed in plain, scaled cases, expressage || B f1 prepaid to your nearest station. E N. Our jkxmls is aged in the wood, anil is pure and rnel- B Mi 0 U low. better than von have had from others for the |r: B HKSSI9H price, or your money bark. r H Any liank of Pittsburg or the Editor of thin paper pg will tell you that our word is good, and that we are ,y| HI •B5- ■££ responsible. i,3 ■9 \Ve do not humbug you like so many advertising so f j ■ called "Distillers." K ptgi. f By buying from us yon get an honest article, made * M »j,| j from lionost, select grain, by honest people. Bp Send for our private price list. ■i t~ If yon will send ns the names of 10 good families in your vicinity who use Whiskey tor medicinal purposes, and to whom we ' HR may send our price list, we will send yon, with your first order, BJ H one quart of Pure Virginia Homemade Blackberry Wine, FREE. t » I MORRIS FORST & CO-, g ■j Cor. 2nd Ave, k Smilhileld St., Plttsburi, Pe. jjft| I PITTSBURGH 1 I EXPOSITION I W OP D AV S EVENING AUGUST 30 W f J Something New Evory Minute ) Seven Acres | J M Spend tho Day and Evening there j of Fun. M £ THE MUSICAL TREATS 2 H DAMROSCH, Aug. 30-Sept. 8 CREATORE, Sept. 25-oct. 7 K (I SOOSA, Sept. 11-16 SORRENTINO, Oct. 9-14 I J 1) HERBERT, Sept. 18 23 SOOSA, Oct. 16-21 . M| Efl BY WAY OF NOVELTY-ABSOLUTELY NEW K ■ "FI6HTING THE FLAMES," "IN AND AROUND NEW YORK," ■ W MIRACLE PAINTING, WW V M OTHER ATTRACTIONS A $25,000 Canadian Agricultural Exhibit-Immense Model ol New York City, allowing the railroad terminals Gallery ol Notable*—An Up-to-date Vaud eville Theatre and Theatorlum Moving Picture*—A Ferris Wheel —Repro* ductlon ol Pittsburgh In Miniature. H TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE ONE FARE FOH AflMK'vinN 9R HFNT9 A M HOUND IHIP ON ALL KOADS LEADING 10 AUnllOOlUll ZU ULIII o« Trv) The CITIZ6N FOR JOS WORK
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers