VOL. XXXXII. I Handsome Carpets ///, it i ! t No matter how fine » | TT ( > the furniture may be V an inexpensive rug or 4 two, looks better than 4 xpense needn't debar you from getting a cheerful, tractive home. Look these figures over: m Mattings—Chinese or Japanese designs in mixed alors, per yard, 18c, 20c, 22c, 25c and 30c. Carpets of Tapestry —Axminster —Brussels — i el vet —Ingrain and Rag from 25c up, < Rugs—9xl2—in Art Ingrains—Grass —Tapestries y xminsters and Body Brussles at $5.50, SB, $9.50, < 12, sl7, $ lb, $22, $25 and up. > While looking at our carpet line —see the many < argains in furniture we are now offering. k BROWN & CO. [I No. 136 North Main St., Butler. v THE MODERN STORE. NEW DRESS GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. Flannelettes, Blankets, Comforters at Money Saving Prices. First Call on Heavier Underwear. Lawn Shirt Waists 50c on the Dollar. New goods are piling in here every day. New Dress Goods in all the popular weaves and colors. New Polo Turbans and Children's Hats just in. Medium-weight Underwear for Women and Men. Flannelettes, Blankets and Comforters in great abund ance at little prices. All our Lawn Shirt Waists on half price table. EISLER-MARDORF COHPANY, SOUTH MAUI STRUT | f%f% 4 Fowwrniafßox 18 I Samples sent on request. OPPOSITE HOTEL ARLINGTON. BUTLER. PA S We wish to announce to the people of Butler County s < that our SEMI-ANNUAL MIDSUMMER < < CLEARANCE SALE Is In progress. < C We are giving the same large discounts as here-to-fore £ / and we solicit your patronage for the sake of your> J pocketbook. You know us and know what our sales s S have done for you in the past. We quote below a few/ ) of our big discounts. y S Men's, boys' and children's suits at the following discounts: 1 c 240 suits at 20 per cent off regular price. 3 / 390 suits at 25 per cent off reguiar price. S L 355 suits at 1-3 off jugular price. S / 250 suits at 1-2 off regular price. \ ) One lot of boys' suits were $1.50 to $4, sale price sl.r Same discounts on shirts, hats, coats and vests, fancy) ) vests, etc. Top coats at same discounts. Bring thlsl Sad. with you and compare prices. Yours for bargains, S j Douthett & Graham. \ , INCORPORATED. ? S SEE WINDOW DISPLAY FROM TIME TO TIME. y ; <»ooooooooooo<fl>ooooooooofrOQ; | Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN!: | ; j i i A splendid showing of New Fall Garments in Suit De-< > i > partment. New long coats in separate garments and < > < > suit effects —New separate skirts—New fall Waistings ; — < > I Flannelette and fleeced Waistings—New styles in ready < i to wear hats in Millinery Department. i \ SUIT AND CLOAK DEPARTMENT I I Newest style suits with coats 42 to 50 inches long in the new pray, { \ blues, blacks and brown. Prices ran«e $18.50 to S4O 00. New Skirts in all new fall weaves—Panamas—men's wear serges—' ' cheviots and broadcloths—in both ladies' and misses' skirts—all lengths \ \ and waist bands—extra size skirts and bands to 30 inches always in stock. , Prices fci.9B, $4.48 |4 98, i 5.98 up to *15.00. ' New separate coats, Tourist and Empire effects. Price $lO to $30.00 I > ADVANCE STYLES IN PALL MILLISEItY < | New Polo, Empire and French sailor effects, for Fall and Winter of i . 1805-0. New wings, ribbons, velvets, feathers and braids at our well known modest prices. See them. < > SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ( > We offer balance of our charming styles in white lawn waists at l price. White and colored linen suits at 1 price. Balance of our Silk Jacket Suits, all this seasons styles, at $10.98, former price $25.00 up to i > i $40.00. Balance of Silk Shirt Waists at i price. ( . ] • C«I/>RED WASIf QOODS Our entire stock of Wash Goods at J price. 1 1 36 INCH BLACK TAFFETA SILK < > < > See this splendid 86 inch Black Taffeta Silk made specially for us, < > { > our name woven on edge, at $125 p«r yard. Unequaled elsewhere at/ ( $1.75, Elegant for suits, coats or waists 1 Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman! People's I'hooe 188. Butler, Pa. A X»OOOOO<>OOOPO<^>O0O0OOOO<>OO<?! Subscribe for the CITIZEN THE BUTLER CITIZEN. A pfc A Mbi j 0 Bickel's Fall Footwear. U pi largest Stock and Most Handsome Styles of kf ij Fine Footwear we Have Ever Shown. T4 Ll CdDA&lfi SHAE& Twentv Fall Styles—Dcngola, Patent- f A • 1 ovKvqlu utlvtu' fejri and Fine Calf Shoes made in the k V [& latest up-to date styles. Extrtmely large stock of Mioses' ac«l Chil- & j dren'a fine shoes in many new and pretty styles for fall. f jg T A IfICN'C CUAFC Showing all the latest st.\le« in Mens k Ifltn J jhUtoi p jne shoes, all leathers, anil *<>. IT i Complete Stock of Boys', Youths' and Lille dents' Fine Shoes. < Bargains in School Shoes. High-fat copper-toe phoes for Boys and good water proof School L « < Shoes for Girls. . B ) stock of Women's Heavy Shoes 111 Kangaroo-calf and Pjjf ' Oil Grain for country wear. kl | Rubber and Felt Goods. K j Onr stock of Rubber and Felt Goods is extremly large and WA ' owing to the large orders which we placed we were able to get very ► close prices and are in a position to offer yon the lowest prices for VJ 4 best grades of Felts and Rubber Goods. VM f An immense business enables us to name the very lowest < prices for reliable footwear. Pi When in need of anything in our line give us a call r J < Repairing Promptly Done. wl ij JOHN BICKELK < 128 S Main St., BUTLER. PA. AUGUST CLEARANCE! A Sale of Summer Goods Below Cost- Our July sale was a great success. For August selling we have slaughtered ull summer goods. We wili carry nothing over to another season if a sacrifice price will sell it. Cost not considered at this sale. Come and get goods at your own price. Wash Goods at Half Price. We sold stacks of wash goods at the July sale but there are still some choice goods to be sold now at half price. 10c Lawns now sc. 12jc and 15c Lawns and Dimities now 7c. 18c and 20c Batistes, &c., now 9c. Fine Ginghams, Seersuckers, Fancy White Goods, Organdies, &c., at bargain prices Shirt Waist Clearance. - A-chance to save one-fourth to one-half Our entire stock of stylish Shirt Waists now on sale at a fraction of the original price. Come now and get bargains. Embroideries and Laces. Stocks are still too large and must be reduced. From onr already low prices we now offer one-lourtli oft on all embroideries and laces. Sale Prices In All Departments. Special bargain prices on Silks, Dress Goods, Table Linens, Crashes, Towels. Sheetings, White Spreads, Lace Curtains, Belts, Jewelry, &c L. Stein & Son, 108 N MAIN STREET. BUTLER, PA ! > ' m # Jfrf MEN Aif eCdp 11 if Won't buy clothing for the purpose of 4u r/Ai "N II spending money. They desire to get the \TI I it J// ( \ II best possible results of the money expended. jjj 1 111 If \ W fffo | It Those who buy custom clothing have a / iTi U/Vrf / u right to demand a gt, to have tbeir clothes All 1| iXy porrect in style and to demand of the S l\' Pl \ ■ seller to guarantee everything. Come to ,sLY\ 1' /ay';". IS us and there will be nothing lacking. I fijbr jnj\ have just received a large stock of Spring nt and Summer suitings in the latest styles, \ rawWffinr will I shades and colors. \J«M G. F. .KECK, -"M | 1 V MERCHANT TAlfsOR, SUP '43 N. Main St., Butler, -■■ 1 - ' Eg Ut.- ■ - ~ " - " ' ' . - | Heme Washers | •j* Do More Work, y Better Work, | With Less Work | * Tban any other Washer* ® on raarliet ' 1 | 1 J. G. &W. CAMPBELL, I !g BUTLER, PA, | Our Grand Clearance Sale last month was a big success. The clothing buying public of Butler saved themselves many dollars by this sale. * To be candid with you, friends, it was the sale of all sales. It left us with some odd lots ot goods, which we wi) 1 sell at our August Grand Clearance Sale. SCHAUL& LEVY SUCCESSOR TO SCHAUL & NAST, 137 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1905. I ■ I HIS SOCIAL EXPERIMENT By Willed W&.11 Wheeler Copyright, 1905, by W. W. Wheeler B 1 6 "Well, that spoils the evening for me," observed Strous gloomily, finger ing a note which said that the grip would prevent a certain young lady from attending the opera that night. "Sorry Gladys is sick. No; confound it If I am! These eleventh hour excuses are getting too frequent. I won't stand for it. I wonder if Elizabeth Miller will go," he mused, continuing dressing. "Xo; I'll stay at home night. What right Las a girl to make a fellow miserable anyhow? I—come in." "And here's your mendin', Mr. How ard," said the young woman who en tered. She addressed him according to a custom in his family before the death of his parents had driven him into an apartment house, where be had found a position for the faithful servant. "Thank you, MtfVy," said Strong without pausing in his wrestling bout with a collar button. "Mary, I have a couple of extra tickets for the theater tonight. Can't you get Pat to take you?" "It's always Pat you're a-teazin* me about, Mr. Howard, and there ain't a Pat—not for me. I ain't pretty enough, and, then, I'm thirty-five. Sure, it's many a year since I've seen a theater. All our money goes to the doctor. I'd have to go alone." "Xo, Mary; you must not be neglect ed in that fashion," he said, turning abruptly from the mirror. "Let me be Pat tonight" "Oh, Mr. Howard, I couldn't—it wouldn't—no, sir. Oh, Mr. Howard, it's Jokiu' yon are, after all," she ex claimed as a smile spread over his face. "Xo, Mary, I never was more serious in my life. I am going to give you, Mary McGinnls, the best time of your life. Put on your best bonnet and be ready by a quarter to 8. You live at"— "On Third avenue, 2736, back, three flights up. But, Mr. Howard"— "Xo excuses, Mary. Xow goodby, or we'll both be late." Throughout dinner at the club that night Strong's face repeatedly relaxed at the oddity of his experiment. Its unconventionality did not worry him, for the wealth and social position of the Strongs put him beyond the sting of criticism. "Opera tonight, Strong?" drawled young Castlewood, whom he particu larly disliked, dropping into a vacant spat. "Xo; had planned to surprise Gladys Hastings with that new-play—Man ton's—for a change, but she's sick. However"— "Well, you needn't waste any time asking Elizabeth Miller," laughed Cas tlewood, "for I'm going to take her myself." "Oh, don't worry," replied Strong, nettled. "Xo offense, old man; knew you were inclined in that direction, though be tween two fires at present. But, by the way," he added, aiming a parting thrust, "I hear that Count de Mlgny arrived here today en route for San Francisco. Guess you've beard Gladys speak of him. Keep your eye on him. He's a clever chap." "Smooth might better describe him. I know absolutely that he's bogus," replied Strong. "Oh, have it your way," drawled Castlewood, departing. Strong was be tween two fires, and, knowing it, re sented all the more these Insinuations. Which disturbed him more, the thought of Castlewood's recent marked attention to Elizabeth or the arrival of the count, he could not determine. At first Mary was ill at ease that night with Strong, the luxurious car riage, his evening dress and polished tpanncrs being strange to her, but his geniality soon put her nt ease. On the way he stopped at a florist's. "These violets are for you, Mary, and the roses for another nice young lady who is ill," he explained. "Thanks, Mr. Howard, and It's the lady with tljf beautiful eyes that is sick? Oh, I am so sorry!" she ex claimed. "Yes, she has beautiful eyes, Mary, but where did you see her?" "At the tea you gave in your apart ments last year. She thinks every thing of you, Mr. Howard. I could see that plain, and If she grows up to be as fine looking as her mother, why, you'll—you'll"— "But her mother was not there," he said, coming to her rescue. "Oh, yes, she kept saying Elizabeth this and Elizabeth that. She"— "But I'm not talking about Eliza beth. These flowers are for Miss Hast ings, the girl with the heavy auburn hair," replied Strong, amused. "Oh, I remember her," she said dis appointedly. "I'm so sorry. I thought It was—l mean—oh, I don't know what I mean. I'm an old goose, Mr. How ard," she finally exclaimed, much dis tressed. They were now at tlie Hastlngses, /here Strong bad ordered the coach man to stop. "How Is Miss Hastings?" Strong in quired at the door. "Why—why— Oh, she's better," re plied the well drilled man, recovering himself. Strong left the flowers and returned to tho carriage with strange misgivings. Strong did not heed the many won dering glances his friends cast in his direction that *lght, for he was doing his best to make It a red letter occa sion for Marv. Moreover he was hav ing a heart to heart talk with nlmseii. In which two young women prominent ly figured. What Mary said and did in a situation new to her Is another story, but when it was over she sighed as if waking from c. beautiful dream. "Hello, Strong! Got her, after all, I see," came to his ears as they were entering the foyer. Turning, he saw Castlewood with Elizabeth Miller. "How are you, Elizabeth?" he in quired. "Miss Miller, let me present Miss McGinnis, and Mr. Castlewood— Miss McGlnnis." Castlewood, gazing In wouder, forgot to bow, but Eliza beth greeted Mary cordially. It was a friend of Strong. That was suffi cient for her. Soon they passed on. "Oh, Mr. Howard! That's the girl with the beautiful eyes," exclaimed Mary. "Ain't she handsome though! And you don't care—you"— "I have not said I didn't care, Mary," he said simply, but earnestly. "And, oh, Mr. Howard, there Is the girl with the auburn hair, too!" she In terrupted. "Why, I thought she was the sick one." "Gladys Hastings," involuntarily came to his lips as he followed Mary's gaze. In a moment he was opposite her and their eyes had met. "Oh, Howard—l—l—l thought w»~I thought you were going to the opera'" she exclaimed in confusion. "You see, the count came, and 1 was so much better I couldn't disappoint him, as he is here in New York only for one even ing. But, pardon—let me present Mr. Strong—Count de Mlgny." Aud then her eyes wandered haughtily to Mary. "And let me introduce the Duchess of Kilkenny—Miss Hastings and Count de Migny," said Strong gravely, though smiling inwardly. The count's French manners brought forth a low bow, while Gladys scarcely nodded. "And wasn't that the girl?" asked the mystified Mary when they were in the carriage. "Yes," Strong replied, but he was gileut for a long time. "She was so uppish to me," Mary finally ventured, "while Miss Miller treated me as if I was a real lady." "And you are, Mary—a thousand times the lady that some one thinks she is," he said seriously. "But why did you call me duchess?" "That was a little Joke on the bogus count," he replied, his face relaxing. "That will make both of them think a bit. But here we arc at your home. And you say your father is too ill to work, and you support tho family? Well, you are a noble girl, and I don't half appreciate the way you look after me and my apartments," he said as he assisted her from the carriage and slipped a fifty dollar bill into her band. "Thanks, Mr. Howard," she said gratefully, thinking It was her monthly tip of $5. "This will help father a lot. Mr. Howard, you've given me the best time I ever had. I" "Tut, tut, Mary. It's been a selfish pleasure for me, I fear. I took you as an experiment, and a lucky one it's proved. You have helped to open my eyes to the true woman—the woman of my heart. I can never forget that Good night." No Opening For Him. "Morning! Gov'nor in?" inquired a confident looking stranger of a young man who was weighing sugar in a thriving village grocery store. "Yes, sir." "Um-m! Advertised for a manager, I believe?" "Yes, we have." "Present manager anywhere about?" "I'm acting in that capacity at pres ent." *■ "You are! Well, then, you can give me a tip as to what kind of a codger the govn'nor is, anyway. Old?" "No; about my age." "What's your trouble with him—eiose fisted ?" "Some people think he is." "That's the trouble with most of 'em, but trust me to get the worth of my time ont of him, one way or another," with a wink. "Just give him my card, will you?" "I'm engaging the new man, if you're applying for the place," returned the other. "You are? Well, now, do yotPthlnk you could come to an Immediate de cision if I made it worth your while?" with another wink and drawing a bill from his pocket. "Shouldn't wonder." "Ah!" chuckled the applicant, flick ing the greenback across the counter, "I thought that would fix It When shall I show up for biz?" "Why, I don't believe you'd better show up at all for business here," re plied the other quietly, pusMng the money back to Its owner. "You see, I happen to be the 'governor' myself, and—l don't believe you're just the man we're looking for. Good morning, sir!" Short on Words. Bishop Thirlwall, an English preU ate, had the greatest possible aver sion to answering questions. One day a tailor said to him when he had been summoned to take the bishop's meas urements, "What are your lordship's orders?" "I want a suit of clothes." "Here is a very nice cloth, my lord." "Ah!" "And this is likewise a very good one." "Yes." "Here is another of excellent quality." "Very." "Which material will your lordship decide upon?" "I want a suit of clothes." iVuil that was all the answer the tailor could get. When the new gardener accosted him as he was walking, book in hand, in the garden to ask, "How will your lordship have this border laid out?" there was no answer. "How will your lordship be pleased to have this border laid out?" was the next attempt. Still there was no reply, but wben the question was repeated for the third time the answer came, "You are the gardener, I believe, and I am the bishop." Trnlt« of Indiana. The Indian believes when a man is so unfortunate as to lose an eye he is entitled to two wives, and he generally gets them. The wolf has a regular name and is never mentioned as a wolf, but is ac credited with having a soul and is con sidered almost human. An Indian never goes on a hunt soon after attending a funeral, knowing that game will detect his whereabouts read ily after being at a funeral. The medicine man always takes charge of all in camp when on a hunt. He places his medicines in the ground with great pomp before building his campfire. The fire is never removed while the hunt is in progress. Knowing that a shot through the molt of a deer is fatal, the Indian al ways roasts and eats this part before he eats his supper after bringing in the carcass.—Kansas City Journal. Horna Got tho Silver. Bobby Burns' associations with Car lisle were of an active personal char acter, as there are interesting anec dotes to prove. It was at Carlisle that he fell into the company of three farm ers, and in the course of their conviv iality the farmers agreed with Burns to try their hand at versemaking, and all four deposited half a crown on the table for the one who wrote the best. Burns, by the way, on entering the room was welcomed by the others as "Johnny Peep." What the farmers wrote is not known, but the following was Burns' production, nnd of course be lifted the "siller:" I. Johnny Peep, Saw three fat sheep, And these three sheep saw me; Half a crown apiece Will pay for their fleece. And so Johnny Peep goes free. The Shortest Sermon Ever Acted. As to preaching, arguing and inter preting Scripture in the pulpit, the ec centricities of ministers are endless. We need not have recourse to such sto ries as that of Lorenzo Dow, who per formed "the shortest sermon on rec ord." Ills subject was "Backsliding," and what might be called the body of his sermon consisted in his climbing up a smooth sapling with great pains and difllculty and the slidlug down again. An immense concourse of people had assembled to hear him, and great was their astonishment at witnessing this performance. The only words uttered were, "Hold on there, Dow; hold on." Then he slid down again, put" on hla hat \nd left . j J. IWfeNTY THOUSAND PEOPLE. Amid the admiring appiaudits of nearly 30,000, the seventeenth aeaton of the Pittsburg Exposition was launched on Wednesday evening upon an eight reeks cruise which augurs more of a voyage of pleasure and in structiven&as than ever before. The opening night, visitors thronged music hail, the main building, machin ery hall and tha promenade* sur rounding the immense Point acerage. open mouthed wonderment expressive at' every turn, so pleasurable have the WOO,OOO extra expenditures this year addad to the always attractive show at the Junction of the three riv ers. Damrosch and his Now York Sym phony orchestra entered spirit and baart into the opening, and long before the first selection, an overture from ftienxi, was gives, music hall was packed almost to suffffocation to hear the papular orchestra leader. Even in the two concerts the ever popular bandmaster won hundreds of new friends, and during the poet-artist's stay of ten days in Pittsburg a varied •election of musical offerings have been arranged for the series of con certs, afternoon and evening. Choice novelties are to be heard at every concert and the enthralling encores of rhythmical strength are always evi dence of Mr. Dantroech's popularity. While the hundreds were showing appreciation of Damr6»ch and his or chestra, equally as many wore taking in the interesting views in the other Motions Of the Immense buildingst "Pigfctlac the Flames," the spectacu lar, thrilling and wonderous exhibition depicting a corp of twenty firemen res cuing, flgbting and performing heroic deeds in machinery'hall, attracted and enthralled hundreds To picture the work of f nen in the fire show would req: lumns. Half of the machinery hu.< is taken up with the exhibition. A half square of tall build ings was erected especially for the show, all sheet Iron covered, picturing a portion of a busy street scene in New York. Then cornea the cry of Are ae the 100 or more pedestrians are traversing the streets in front of the immense hotel, near where the Are originates. Fire engines, drawn by pranoing horses, hook and ladders, hose reels are seen in a dash of real ism emerging from the fire engine house on the stage. Men, women and children can be seen at the hotel win dow* appealing to the firemen to res cue them. Then the firemen, with Pompier laddora, are on the scene. The work of rescue befins. Up, up the walls of brick the firemen scale. The inmates are rescued. The Are is out. The laddies return to their quarters. Never has such a spectacular pro duction been given before the Pitts burg public which so appealed to the hundreds who saw it on the opening night It is safe to say that but brief mention will be necessary for the spectacle from now on. It is one which will advertise itself. There waa sfn air of happy joyful nese about the first night crowd which seemed to pervade everywhere. Prom the entrance at fhe main foyer where the Canadian exhibit has been placed until the passing of the big Fer ris wheel ia th<s amusement area, somo thing interesting appeared at every moment Thu jCAnartfnn exhibit is a novelty in itself, and the crowds Mocked the foyer. On every hand are seen grain and soil products of every description, fresh from the Canadian country. Fruits are on view in the booths, while the pictures of Cana dian rural life add to the attractive ness of the general exhibit. Crowds centered about the new feat ures of the seventeenth season's Ex position. Perhaps the Chamber of Commerce display In the main build ing attracted the greatest numbers. There the body of Pittsburg business men arranged a display of instructive data which seemed to please the out of-town guests immensely. The relief maps of Greater Pittsburg and the proposed canal to Erie were centers of interesting groups from the start to the finish. The Gallery of Nota bles of Pittsburg's 200 most prominent business men also drew large orowds, while the fish and game exhibit was most popular. The section of handi craft designed by the pupils of the Allegheny vacation school, by the boys and girls from Morganza and newsboys of Pittsburg formed three interesting exhibits which were more than appreciated by the out-of-town visitors. The theatorlum with its vltagraph, has lost none of its popularity, and during the first evening was well patronised. In the amusement area, the merry-go-round, roller coaster and Ferris Wheal, the wheel being the largest ever built in Pittsburg, were all gathering places for large and en thusiastic crowds. The "In and Around New York" show proved more than a drawing -card for tho merry throngs, and as the passengers board ed the stationary car and took imag inary trips though the highways and byways of Gotham, the travel pictures giving the idea of a flying trip over the busy streets, many were the ex* clamations of delight. Preparations have been made by the various railroads to carry thousands of sightseers to the Expositon during the eight weeks until October 21, the closing day. Special rates have been franted of one single fare for the round trip, plus M cents admission to the Exposition. These excursions will be heM three times a week, on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Satur days. The big excursion days will be on Thursdays, beginning September 7. Half fare for children over five years and under twelve will be charged. After Damrosch's engagement, whi<A euds Saturday night, September 9, SAUH *III h* Bmo for a week- I'ndrr Some rircnmiliirta It Secma a Very Lang Time. In a murder trial before n western court tlie prisoner was able to nceount for the whole of his time except live minutes on the evening when the crime was committed. Ills counsel argued tlij.it it was impossible for him to have killed-the innu under the circumstances in so brief a period, aud on that plea largely based his defense, the other testimony being strongly against his client. When the prosecuting attorney re plied, he said: "How long a time really is five minutes? Let us see. Will his honor command absolute silence in the courtroom for that space?" The Judge graciously complied. There was a clock on tho wall. Every eye in the courtroom was fixed upon it as the I>eiidulum ticked off the seconds. There was a breathless silence. We all know how time which is waited for creeps aud halts and at last does not seem to move at all. The keen wltted counsel waited until the tired audience guv a slgU of relief at the close of the jvrlod, and then asked quietly : "C'oulil he not have struck one fatal blow in all that time?" The prisoner was fouud guilty, and/ a# _W£s proved afterward, -Jtyyyl I =o MELISSA'S LETTER By Martha McCulloch-WUliams Copyright, 1405, by Martha McCulloch-Will jams 0 O It was rainy within and erithout Melissa looked through dim eyes at the streamy window pane 3, the long slant lines outside. Her aunt Judith viewed them instead with satisfaction —they would serve so well to excuse Melissa's nonappearance at the ceme tery. Nobody, indeed, would bo there but the men of the post, the lifers and drumrpers. and maybe a few fool poli ticians, intent on catching the Grand Army vote. Thus thought Aunt Judith to herself. ' As Miss Hill and later Mrs. Bent Aunt Judith had not spent fifty odd years in Carmel town without finding herself able to forecast rather accu rately what the townfolk would or would not do. Until this season she had been stren uous In observing Memorial day. Even yet notwithstanding her quarrel with tbe Farings and all their tribe, she did not mean openly to slight the occasion. She did not mean either that Melissa should go along, the pet of thinning, gray bearded ranks, her arms full of flowers for the quiet green graves. Melissa wasn't a child any more—go ing on nineteen and with her head full of love and marriage. Neither Melissa nor Aunt Judith had kith or kin In the cemetery; there had been no man of their blood to go off to the fighting. All the same, Melissa had always saved her choicest blossoms for one especial mound, Private John Faring's grave. John Faring Bd, the private's great-nephew, had seen her do it, with openly # worshiping eyes. "He's your Uncle John, too," Johnny had said, over and over, "because as soon as we grow up your name will be Melissa Faring." When a very young man proposes, his elders often dispose—otherwise. John and Melissa had found that out when Miss Adrienne Day came on the scene. That was six months back. Miss Day had a temper and a big nose, but she also had a fortune in band. Judge Faring and the madam were mightily taken with her, as she in re turn was taken with their son. So they had set to work to break off that childish affair between John and Me lissa. They were not mercenary, only thriftily ambitious for their one child. Therefore it seemed to them hard and cruel the way Mrs. Bent took fire at their well meant suggestions. Sell them her house and go away indeed! She would have them know If there was any moving done they might do it themselves. She would have them re member also a Hill had founded Car mel; also that the Farings of that time hadn't amounted to much. But they were not to think that she was for hanging on to Johnny Faring. Good ness knew, Melissa could have better chances simply for turning over her hand. She (Mrs. Bent) had felt all along that with ber looks and her blood Melissa ought to look higher. But as to telling the child what to do well. tlini remained with herself -Still if Melissa bad any Hill blood in her. It was mighty unlikely she would go into a family that didn't make her wel come. The inevitable outcome was a break and a pair of sore hearts. Then fate took up the running and in cruel kind ness gave Melissa a fortune—a fortune twice as big as Miss Adrienne Day could show. Johnny Faring did not give up hope until he heard of it. Then he turned very white, and after a sleepless night shook the dust of Car mel from his feet. He could never go to Melissa and make her hear reason now that such going would seem shameless fortune hunting. As yet the fortune had made little outward change, except that there were no more customers coming to the Bent house, the old Hill homestead. Aunt Judith bustled about helping the maid of all work, tbe while keeping a covert watch upon her niece. After a little she said, speaking half medi tatively: "Come on up In the garret Melissa. A rainy day like this always makes me want to rummage. Besides, I've got to get out the flags. We'll put one right on the peak of the porch and the other over the front door. Of course nobody'll see 'em. Even this town won't turn out in face of such a storm, but I Just can't let the day pass same as any other. Even if the flags do get spoiled wo can afford to buy new »nes." "Yes," Melissa said absently, "but— -1 don't feel like rummaging, Aunt Ju. I think I'll go write some letters in stead, if you don't mind." "H-m! Who to?" Mrs. Bent asked sharply. Melissa smiled wistfully. "I—hard ly know," she said. "Maybe I shan't write any—only sit and sew. It's about ail I can do. I think there will be no getting out today." "Tliero won't be. Take care of your self. Don't mope," Mrs. Bent said, hustling away. Melissa went softly to her own room, fKjned her desk and swiftly wrote fhree lines. Then she huddled into her waterproof and stole out very softly with what she had written tucked safely in her breast. She crept through the garden, longing, yet not daring, to take the best of its bloom, dnrted through the gate and almost ran to the cemetery. On the way she stopped here or there to pluck roadside blossoms white clover, folded dandelions, big, blue, scentless violets. All these she bound into a knot with a blade of Crass. It was not a big knot It would hardly show in the long grass over a sunny grave. As she bent at last to lay it on the grave she thrust into it the note. Then, without a backward look, she hurried away. In a little while she was home again, with her absence undiscovered. She sat down by the window, but her eyes were no ianger dim. Instead they looked out at the rainy world, bright and full of expectant hope. John Faring 3d had come home for Memorial day and in spite of the storm went out to the cemetery. The post had come and gone—all the old fellows in carriages heaped with flow ers—but somehow the graves did not look as he remembered them. The flowers were humped and lumped and straggly. Private John Faring had not been forgotten, but his resting place especially was unlike itself. John 3d knelt down by It. heedless of oozy turf, and tried with mannish awk wardness to better Its arrangement. Thus his eyes ri>st<'il upon the knot of wild flower ■; and caught the dull gleam of sodden paper in the midst of them. Reverently he unfolded the note and read with blurred vision: Dear Uncle John—l bring you all I can yeari Aunt J» qwo» flsjrer#- No. 35. and she hates your name. But I love it. | John Faring is the best name in tba world. I wish my name might be Faring. There was no signature. John 3d | needed none. He bent and kissed the i knot of flowers, still fresh under' the pouring rain, then, with an unuttered prayer, turned about and -went with long strides toward the Bent house. Melissa hud called to him. He would go to her in spite of pride, in spite of unmanly fear. What if the world did scoff V lie could endure It a hundred times over Just to look once again into her eyes and see happiness. He had been a coward, no kin at all to the 6oldier sleeping there in peace, to have let the quarrel of the elders sep arate him from his sweetheart—his sweetheart—doubly dear in that she had shown herself thus brave. Melissa met him on the porch. The wet flag bravely strove to flutter In tlie rainy wind over their heads. For a minute they stood apart, looking one at the other. Then John held open bis arms, saying: "Darling, I found the letter, and I am never going to leave you unless you say I must." "I say you must stay," Melissa said under her breath and biding her face | in his breast Aactiona In France. The French mode of conducting auc tions is rather curious. Tn sales of im portance, such as of land, .houses, etc., the affair Is placed In the hands of a notary, who for the time being becomes an auctioneer. The property, what ever be its nature, is first examined by competent Judges, who fix upon it a price, considerably less than its value, but always sufllcient to pre vent any ruinous loss by a preconcert ed plan or combination of bidders. The property is then offered with the fixed valuation stated. The auctioneer la provided with a number of small wax tapers, each capable of burning about five minutes. As soon as a bid is made one of these tapers is placed in full view of all interested parties and lighted. If before it expires another bid is offered, it is immediately extin guished and a fresh taper placed In its stead, and so on until one flickers „ and dies out of itself, niij~n bid becomes irrevocabief*" This simple plan prevents all contention among rival bidders and affords a reasonable time for reflection before making a higher offer than the one preceding. By this means, too, the auctioneer is prevented from exercising undue in fluence upon the bidders or hastily ac cepting the bid of a favorite. A Queen's Blander. For some time after her marriage with Napoleon the Empress Marie "\ Louise was extremely ignorant of the French language. On one occasion, seeing her husband look vexed over a letter he had received from the court of Austria, she inquired of him what was the matter. "Oh, nothing," replied Napoleon; "your father is *an old ganache, that is all." Marie Louise did not know that this was French for fool and took the first opportunity of > asking a courtier what it meant, say ing that the emperor bad applied the expression to her father. "It means some one very learned and wise," a stammered the unfortunate courtier. The empress was perfectly satisfied with this explanation and pleased to learn n new word. A day or two after sne received Lain* r baceres in a crowded salon. Some question was being warmly discussed in the circle, and her opinion was asked. Wishing to be very gracious, Marie Louise turned to Cambaceres and said, "We will refer that point to the archbishop, for we all know he is the greatest ganache In Paris." Abldinsr Impressions. It Is said that by a certain experi ment you may perceive on the retina of an ox's eye, some time after death, the pictures of the objects upon which it had last looked. If this Is true of the eye of the ox, what shall we say. of the soul of man? If on the eye im pressions are made which abide after death, what of Impressions made upon the conscience, the memory and the /hole retina of the immortal spirit? Purely these abide after death. Is It possible ever to erase one? Do not all impressions, from the first to the last, through life, madf> In all ways, con tinue as Immortal as the soul itself? Surely we undying oues ought to be enreful upon what objects We look from which we get Impressions upon our souls. Tbe Impressions made on the soul in time will form their own picture gallery, upon each of which it will gaze through the boundless ages of eternity.—Bate. THE DOG'S COAT. BruaU It, but Do Not Wash It, If Ton % Want It Perfect. In the Country Calendar Ileginald F. Mabew writes: "Even careful feeding will not give a dog's coat that glow, which is such a sure sign of health if he is continually washed with soap and water. Owners who allow their to live in the house are forever wash ing the wretched animal and forever complain that bis coat is coming out' The oftener tbe dog is washed and scrubbed the more will his l(sve Its trail and the deader and dußter"W.lll it K>ok. The health and growui o&A dog's coat depend entirely on a-lura-j ral oil from the skin. As dog Is washed so often is the olljVMh-, ed out and so much more is structlon of tbe coat. If a dog'Swjre. brushed every day for min utes against us well as .with thegrftiu his coat would not oniy.Jbave but would cease to distribute Over the place except fat a very shirt| time once or twice a year, this, brushing has a stimulating y feet on the whole system, help# thft blood circulation; by this the digestion? and so the general health." T MncMnhon'i EpiarrMM*. When Marshal MacMahoq In Jhe, Crimean campaign took die by storm and wrote his celebrated patch, "J'y suis, J'y rests" ("fittjflj am; here I stay"), these words, him famous all over the world Yet. his friends said that the worthy.soldier had written them in the moat matter, of fact manner, with no tnoufht bf phrase making. The most person over tho success ot tnli epi gram was MacMabon himself. Ancient Jewelrrj The Jewelry found in on ,expa Vfttlon near one of the pyramids oTxOid.Mem phis, Egypt, exhibits' skill In working gold and precious stones as now exists, although-the :ar 'tlcles found were made 4,800 years The figures cut on umethyst and'car; nellan arc described as exquisite anatomically correct. The gold Is fully worked, and preclou3 stone* are let into it so' as to give the effect of enameling. ( When an old maid bumps her heed * against the door in the dark she never has to worry over the way people will wonder if her husband did It—B|ltl tu/irM American • ' * * 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers