!"■ ' ' l '" -- ■ Kelsey, Crown, Boomer ■ I FURNACES. I I Coal and Slacl< Heaters, Gas and Coalß I {Ranges and Gas Stoves. 1904 Washers,! I Sowing Machines, Needles for all mal EPRESENTS the results o years of Experience and Ex perimenting. /"\NLY requires painting every fewyears. Not when first | hud. 1" S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate or Shingles. TVEMAND for PAROID is world wide. MADE IN 1,2 AND 3 PLY Other Faowi, Samples and Prices are yours if you will ask us. L. C. WICK, BUTLER, PA. ; John—Why do you look tor a Job ? Harry—When jou attend Koiwkoft'i Barbel School, lhen the people will be looking for yo> to work for tbem—very little sipense—Send foi catalogue. 1408 Penn avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa tl you want to boy or sell any kind of business set CAVAHAGH CO . 431 Fourth Ave.. Pittsburgh. DOCTOR GINHKR, 624 Penn Aveaar, Plttsbargh, cures Piles and Fistulas to stay cured; also cancer and all chronic disuses and blooS comprint both sexes sod all ages. Consultation strictly private. CaU and see tie Doctor. • OHhM bounXxwa 9 >. b, w n, te" ■ - '• SCHOOLS Jr // j Engineering. Electricity, W/[/ i/ i Book-keeping Shorthand, f/s Preparatory Academic. and Higher Accoantancy High Grade Schools. Elegantly equipped and lighted rooms. Positions No an Uq us ted methods or men employed. Sure. Every teacher a college graduste with experience. Pittsburg, Allegheny. Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and Mexico city. Send to Plttahmrg for Catalog. Martin Jennings Cston. LL. 0., President I^Sa^STDeaTs A safe, certain relit yt Suppressed Menstruation. Never ktiuwntottul. Safe! Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed or money RefUndod. Sent prepaid for il.OOperbox. Will send them on triaj, to be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. umnp MtpicsLco.. ■« t«. es. Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacy Special Offer £i.To those purchasing photos of groups or views, Bxlo, at 50c each, to the amount of $lO I will present free a fine 20x40, exact v reproduction that will stand washing and not fade away. ~f: No bum work, but a fine permanent Bromide en largement, fully guaranteed. This offer is good till October Ist, 1904. FISHER, The Outdoor Artist, 1 * The Butler Dye Works Henn- Wyoming Copppr Company A Large Producing Property Carefully Managed DIRECTORS Pree. E. M. Cobb, Una, 0. I'resdent Okeniva Oil Co., Uma, O. C P. Collins. Firtt Vice-Pree. Bradford Pa. Director First National Bank, Bradford, Pa. President Devonian Oil Co., Pittsburg, Pa. President Inca Mining Co., Peru, South Americi E. K. Hum, Pittsburg, Pa., Second Vice > President and General Manager. | Vice President Beaver Thist Co., Besver, Pa. Col. John J. Carter, Tituavllle, Pa. Secre | tary and Treasurer. President Carter OU Co., Titusville, Pa. Director Commercial Bank, Titusville, Pa. Director Tyler Cfiunty Bank, Sistersville, W. Va Frank B. Draper, Chicago, 111. Wm.«L: Bell, Assistant Secretary anr Treasirer, Bradford, Pa. loseph Seep, Oil City, Pa. Director Seaboard Nat. Bank, N. Y. City N Y President Oil City Trust Co., Oil City A. I. R. Leonard, Plttaburg, Pa. President Beaver Trust Co., Beaver Pa. Director Columbia National Bank, Pittsburg Pa i Colonial Trust Company, Pittsburg, Pa. Frederick Davidson, Pittsburg, Pa. Director Bank of Pittsburg, N. A., Pittsburg Pa Treas. Union Drawn Steer Co., Beaver Falls' Pa Director Guarantee Title & Trust Co., Pitts. Pa Now producing over 30,000 lbs. of copper' per lay. Second smelter ready to start. Send for reports by disinterested business men, who have pist returned from property snd who have invest ed. We have a small amount of stock st SO cents •er share. Order st once. It will mske you noney. Prospectus mailed. CAPPEAU, LEMLEY & MILLER BROKERS Unlisted and Curb Stocks, 505 FERGUSON BLDG., - PITTSBURGH. Furniture and Household Goods At last building coming down and everything must be sold in 30 days. Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum and Fnrniturf! Law,', tet *, t ?' k , f , rom st - Lou's Exposition, to tit rooms, cost #<« and I7j go at Si". Bodv wimSt ii 2£ t S? IM,d ®° go at *'-• * ls ' ?i".a£ will tit large aim rooms. liootn slr«» it up* * ] ° and sls. A Parlor ple - ce Leather Ltoo?S,f™ H. C SK* l2sat^» 15 ,lu,i Inlaid LUioltum _tliick as a board, worth $1.50 a ami sv. r'' Others wortl ' go at 4 33 I VJJ.i ST- l®|Ar..Conneaut..Lvi 7 0012 04 s 10 5 lOlia 04| 7 00lLv..Coniieani \rlio 15 ... 7 00 J i®! |9 43. Cranesviite | 7 6SU Ttil '$ • Ofr 9 40 Albion 7 58 1 4-'. 5 55 »,; , 48 f9 26 H '>ad eland 18 1211 66f6 07 rul o 2 —Sprin gboro k I4j l &:> «; 10 _0 04)12 40| 9 lsLconnea utvillc... 8 2o| 2 05 C 16 5 ? Kf» 32 Acjie*d vilkxvroo rvrv-t? J £3... 51 8 °°Lv..Mead vllle >r i) 82 3 10 7 27 * 9 t S^- Can ' t Lake Lv 8 281 2 12 5 09 5 0911 ,>b g IHLT.Con't Lake.Ar 9 051 2 44 7 00 ° ™ ! 9 20jAr..Lines ville..Lv' 8 17 G 19 _2_lj 8 17|f.v..Linen Tllle.Ar 9 20i 4 55 8 05 ,5 fSllif ]?! 8 ®V.Kx position Park. 1 8 48 2 si, u~4/> *5 J 7 JU JJj 8 Harts town f9 06 f2 40 705 « J.X. 8 22 ■ —Adams v111e.... f9 11 f2 64 7 11 7rl 41 i B LS Osgood 9 20f3 02 721 4 SWII 3.5 8 03j..._Green ville 9 29| 3 10 7 31 1 Hi'! v>! I£? Shenaugo 9 35j 3167 4# * fiJJi 1-| 738 1' red onia 9 5T*Tn. WEEK DATS li.M A.M.|A.M. P.M. P. M BT.TLKB Leavtl 6 15 8 40,10 35 2 30 4 30 Saxonburg Arrivr ; 645 9 05|11 00 254 4 49 Butlt r Junction " 7 LI 9 30 11 25 3 18 6 13 But), r Junction Lear. 737 93211 30 322 611 Natrona ... . Arri*- | 7.46 9 40 ; 11 39 3 30; 524 Tar-rtnm i 7 62 9 45 11 41 3 3« 5 30 ilinau.U: • 8 02 9 55 11 58 3 45 5 40 CI ARE moot 12 1G 4 01 15 65 SharpV.ur*. 8 24 12 24 .... 603 AllcwliFQT. 8 38 ....12 40 .... 6 18 EAST liberty 10 20 .... 4 15 .... Pittsburg 10 30 .. . 4 251 "... SUNDAY TRAINS.— Leave Butlei for Allegheny Oity and principal intermediate stations at 7:20 a. tn. *ND 6:05 p. m. NORTH WEEK DAYS . A.M. A.M. A.M. P. M P. PitUburg 3 05 6 10 Kadt Lib rty 3 14 3 20 Allegheny City I* 6 15 82510 25 SUarpaburg ..... 530 83910 39 Olaremont 6 38 8 48 10 4FL Springdale 7 00 9 07 11 00 6 45 Tarentum 7 13 9 19 11 11 3 47 6 65 Natrona 7 30 9 26 11 18 3 62 6 59 Butler Jnnc ar 730 93611 27 400 707 Butler June lv 742 94012 30 402 710 Saxonbnrg 8 09 10 06 12 54 4 33 7 34 BDTLEB 8 35,10 33 1 20| 6 05 8 00 SUNDAY TBAINS.— Leave Allegheny City for But ler and principal Intermediate stations at 7:00 A M. and 9-30 p. in. TOE THE EAST. Week Days. Sundajs A.M. A.M. P. M. A.M. P M BCTLKK IT 615 . . . 230 7 21- ... Butler J'ct ar 714 318 810 .... Butler J'ct IT 7 4O; 400 814 .... Feeport FCR 743 402 817 .... Kskiminetaa J't....." 7 48! ' 408 8 23. .... Leechburg. ... 801 420 8 37, .... West Apollo " 824 439 854 .... SalUburg........ .." 8 511 608 920 .... Blair jville 9 23! 542 952 .... Blainrrillelnt.. . *' 9 30;*-**. 550 10 00 Altoona M 11 35 850 1 40. .. Harrisburg " 3 10, 100 635 Philadelphia " 6 23: 423 10 20 P. M.| A.M. A.M. P M.il'.M Through traim for the eait leave Pifctabarg (Union Station), as follows: The Pt-'Qiirtjlvania Spe« ial, daily, for North Pliilulelphia ami New York 12:54 a.m Manhattan Limited, daily, for Noi f h Phila delphia and New York .... 1:10" Keystone Ex prom daily 3:00 44 Pennsylvania Limited daily 6:45 " Ni wYork " 14 7:10 44 Atlantic Exprem, 44 7:30 M Main Line Exprew, •• 8:00 44 Buffalo I>ay Express 44 .... 9:00 " Day Expre«H, 44 .12:01 Noon Mail Express, daily, for Baltimore and Wash ington 12:46 P.M Buffalo Special 44 1:10 44 Chicago Mail tally, for lialtimore and Washington 4:50 " Eastern Ex prets, daily, for Phi la and N Y....4:56 44 New York Express. 44 44 44 7:10 " j Philadelphia Jt Washington Express, daily... .9 00 ' . New York Special, daily for New York, Balti more and Washington 10:00 44 j Philadelphia Special daily, for Philadelphia only. Sleeping cars only 10:00 41 Bulla.o Night Express,dail> 11:00 " For Atlantic City (via Dolaware River Bridge all rail route) 3:00, 8:00 a.m., 7.10 and and 9:00 p. m. daily, "Pennsylvania Limited," 6:45 am. and New York Limited 7.10 a.m, week days, 10.00 p m. daily with through sleeping car. For Cape May, li). 00 p.m, daily, "The Pennsylvania Limited" and "New York Limited" 6.45 a.m. week •lays. For Asbury Park, Ocean Grove and Branch, 4 Tin- Pennsylvania Limited" 6.45?a.m.and "New York Limited" 7.10 a.m. week days; 10.00 p.m. »lail*. Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Divirion. Trains leave Kiskiminetas Junction as follows: For Buffalo, 9.51 a.m. and 11.50 p. m. daily, with through parlor aud sleeping cars. For Oil City, 7.iH 9.51 a. m., 2.34, 6.07 and 11.50 p. in. week-days. Sundays, 9.51 a. m., 6.07 and 11.50 p.m. For Red Bank, 7.48, 9.51, a. m., 2 34, 6.07 10:15 aud 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.51,10.40 а. m.,6.07 and 11.50 p. m. For Kittanning 7.48, 9.28, 9.51,11-37>. m.,2.34,5.33, б.07,7.30,10.15, and 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.51, 10.40 a. m., 6.07, 10.44, and 11.50 p. m. 44 f" Stoi* only ou signal or notice to agent or con ductor to receive or discharge passengers. Foi detailed information, apply to ticket agent or address Thos. E. Watt, Pass. Agt. Western District, .'t(jo Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. W. W. ATTEUBUttY, J B WOOD Geu'l Manager. Pass'r Traffic Manager. GEO. W BO Y1). General Passenger A get \. WintieUl K ft Co Time Table In effect. May 29th, .1903. WESTWARD. STATIONS. AM P M Leaves West Winfleld . . . 730 245 " Boggsville 745 300 44 Iron Bridge 755 310 Winfleld Junction 8 10 3 26 44 . Lane 820 335 44 Butler Junction 8 25 3 40 Arrive Butler 10 33 5 05 Arrive Allegheny 6 00 Arrive Pittsburg 10 26 pm Arrive Blairsville 1 05 6 42 EAST WARD? STATIONS. j~Ald P M Leave Pittsbupg 3 05 Leave Blairsville i 7 50 2 15 44 Allegheny ! 8 25 2 20 " Butler j 840 2 30 44 Butler Junction 10 00 440 44 Lane !10 03 443 44 Winfleld Juuctlon 110 In 455 44 Iron Bridge 10 25 505 44 Boggsville 10 35 515 Arrive West Winfleld jIQ 50 530 Trains stop at Lane and Iron Bridge only on Flag to take on or leave off paasengers. Trains Connect at Butler Junction with: Trains Eastward for Freepcrt, Yandergrift and Blairsville Intersection. Trains Westward for Natrona, Tarentum Allegheny and Fittsburg. Trains Northward tor Saxcnburg, Marwood and But ler. B. O. BEALOR, fl*neral Manager. Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Ootician Next Door toConrt Honpe. Bntler, Pa Private Maternity Hospital. In a beautiful location. Best or physicians and nurses in attendance. Home like com fotts. strictly private and secluded. Adop- ] tion provided. Kates reasonable. Can stay as long as you wish. Call or address MKS. M. A. HUGHES, California Avenue. I ALLEGHENY, PA.A PSKKINS UNION DETECTIVE AGENCY, , SLL Fourth Avenue, I'ittsburg, I'a. Established LSod. Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Bili ousness, and the most stubborn Skin, Scalp, or Scrofulous affections the " Dis covery "is a sovereign remedy. Don't be hypnotized, wheedled, or over per suaded into accepting a substitute only that some selfish medicine seller may make a greater profit on the inferior article. The " Discovery" has a great record of nearly forty vears with thou sands of cures behind it. Dear Sir Several years ago my blood lie came impoverished and I became run down in health. I had no appetite, could not sleep, and wa» practically unfitted for work. Suf fered from innumerable boils nnd was in bad shape Dr. Pierce's tiolden Medical Oiscov «ry relieved me of my wretched condition. The medicine built up my system and re stored me to a normal condition of health. 1 can speak most highly also, of f>r. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription, as it has !>cen used inmy family for years in cases of female trouble. VAI.KNTINK FR'AXK. 140 Goodrich Street. Huffalo, X. Y. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, bv R. V. r Pierce. M.1)., Chief Consult ing Phvsician to the Inva iw 'KSSjI lids' Hotel and Surgical .ilnstitute. Huffalo, N. Y. i Paper-bound KREK OH re- I ceipt.of -il one-cent stamps i 1 for mailing only: or clotn . mrj bound for 31 cents. Address the Author, as above. Dr. Pierce's Pellets Cure Constipation. HUMPHREYS' Veterinary Specifics cure diseases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs and Poultry by acting directly on the SICK PABT~ without loss of time. A. A. I FEVERS. Congestion*. Tndamm* CURES ) tion... Lung Fever. Milk Fever. B. n. {SPRAIXS, Lamenen. Injuries. CVKES $ HbeuuiatUm. C. C.JSOIIE THROAT. Qulnav, Epliootlc CUKES) Distemper. n -"-[WORMS. Bota. Gruba. CURES S E.E.ICOIGHS. Cold*. Influenza, Inflamed CURES ) Lunca. Pleuro-Pneumoiila. F. F. ? COLIC, Bellyache. Wlnd-Blown. CURES 5 Diarrhea. Dyaentery. G. G. Preventa MISCARRIAGE. A BLADDER DISORDERS. ' I. I. ) *KI\ DISE ASES. Mange. Eruptiona, | CURES ? I'leera. Greaae, Farey. i J. K.) BAD CONDITIO - *. Staring Coat. CURES ( Indigeatlon. Stomach Staggera. I 60c. each ; Stable Casa. Ten Speclflci. Book, fcc., #7. At druggists, or sent prapald on receipt of price 1 Humphreys' Medicine Co.. Cor. William and John ' Streets. Sew York. tr BOOK MAILED FREE. " Nasai Catarrh quickly yields io treat < ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is ayreo. ably aromatic. It is received through the J nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists sell the 50c. size; Trial size by mail, 10 cents. Test it and you are sure to continue i the treatment. Announcement. j To accommodate those who are partial j to the use of atomizers in applying liquids ' into the nasal passages for catarrhal ti'oii ' bles, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in J liquid form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the • spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by ■ mail. The liquid form embodies the med l icinal properties of the solid preparation. || DR. HARRIS* Summer Cordial, TRAPS MARK SPEEDILY CUBES Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Sick Headache, Summer Complaint, Vomiting, Sour Stomach, 1 Indigestion and for Children Teething. AHSOLITELY HARMLESS. Prepared by IS. A. FAIINESTOCK CO. Pittsburg, Pa. At Druggists 23c a bottle In order to prove to you that Dr. A. W»Chase's I I Ointment is a certain and |'l | U absolute cure for any form of itching, bleeding, or protruding piles, the manufacturers guaran tee a cure. You can use it and if not cured get your money back. Mr. Caspef Walton, laborer, Michigan City, Ind., says: "I work hard and lift a great deal. The strain brought on an attack of piles. They itched and they protruded and bled. Jf othing helped them until I used Dr. A.W. Chase's Ointment. That cured them." 50c. a box at all dealers, or • DB.A.W. CHASE MEDICINE Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Dr."A.W. Chase's Ointment. Save Money Buy Liquors Direct Robert Lewin & Co., 14 Smithfield St., Pittsburg, Pa., sell only pure goods for family j and medicinal use. A full gallon of pure Rye Whiskey. $2.50 to $5.. We are still sole owners of GIiANDFATHEU'S CHOICE A guaranteed, 3-year old Whiskey— s2.oo per gallon. All kinds of High-Class Wines and Liquors. Write for prices. We pay express charges on all orders of fo.OO or over; and guarantee secure boxing and prompt shipments. ROBT. LEWIN & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS, Ho. 14 SmitMleld St„ PITTSBURG, PA. 'Phones: Bell 217« P. ft A. 1458 YOU Can buy the best of Liquor of all kinds delivered at your door from MAX KLEIN & SONS, 1318-20 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. (formerly of Allegheny) at the following prices: BEAR CREEK RYE, 1.00 per (jt. 4.00 per gal. CABINET RYE, 75c per qt. 3.00 per gal. ANCHOR RYE, :50c per qt. 2.00 per gal. GIN. 50-75-1.00 per qt. 2.00-2.50-3 00 per gal, RUM, 50-75-1.00 per qt. 2.00-2.50-3.00 per gal. BLACKBERRY, 50-75-1.00 per qt. 2.00-2.50-3.00 per gal. ALL WINES, • j 50-75-1.00 per qt. 2.00-2.50-3.00 per gal. , All goods neatly packed and shipped ( by express—charges p..id—on all orders , of s">.oo and over. p\AX KkeiN & SONS, 1 Wholesale kiquors, 1318-20 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Fa' h NI'SMMCHS OPPORTUNITIES Farms nought and Sold. We can sell your business or farm no * matter where located. For quick sale con- s suit us. W. F. WEITERSHAUSEN. 717 East Ohio Street, AlleKheuy, pa. u OPENING 6FTHE EXPO. PITTSBUKG'B BIG SHOW TO SUR PASS ALL RECORDS THE COMING SEASON. Though tfce opening of the new ex- | poailioft at Pittsburg is several weeks ; off, there is an air of activity which pervades the buildings at the Point • which has a semblance of the days in t{ie height of the season. Scores of j b\jsy in all parts of the : bjg buildings getting everything in j readiness for the opening. \\ ednesday ! evening, Aug. 30, when Walter Dam rosch and his magnificent orchestra j will dedicate the seventeenth season. . During the summer months the in- i terior of the exposition has been re Juvenated with coats of brilliant paint, myriads of electric lights and hun dreds of yards of purple and yellow bunting. Artists are now engaged In the decorating, which must be begun weeks before the opening night, so as to have every detail in completeness for the naif million or more people who are expected to take In the musi -1 cal and other treats at the Pittsburg show this year. First in importance is the announce ment of the musical scheme for the season. Walter Damrosch. who has closed the Expo for many years, will reverse his engagement this season and open 'Music Hall. He will remain until Sept. 9. Sousa follows on Mon day. Sept. 11, and will fill a week's en gagement. On the following Monday Victor Herbert, the ever popular Pitts burg leader, will come for a week. He will close his engagement Sept. 23. On Monday. Sept. 25, Creatore will come for two weeks, remaining until Oct. 7. Sorrentino •will be at the Expo with his Italian band the follow ing week, Oct. 9 to 14, and Sousa will play his return engagement, closing with the week of Oct. 16. The engage ment of the five leading bandmasters of the world will teen to sixteen hands high, short back ' ed aud well coupled. It has thin, high withers, a long, well arched neck ami a long, keen ear well set on the head. The tail should be set high on the p rump, and the rump itself should be somewhat sloping. The horse should have besides flat, sinewy bones in its legs and a medium sized foot.—Coun try Life In America. Vnderatood His Rtmlnesa. Fashionable Tailor—Go front at once. Two young clerks there after suits. New Man (whispering)—l'm waiting on a millionaire. "Leave him and attend to the clerks. These millionairus don't buy new clothes once in Ave years. A clerk is good for a fresh suit every three months."—New York Weekly. The Dimrnllr. Mr. Rooke— I hope you didn't believe what they said about me. Miss Budd— I make it a point never to believe more than half I hear. Mr. Rooke—But the trouble is you women geuerally believe the wrong half. Playmate*. Mother—Tommy, I don't like to have you play with boys who are bad. Tom my—But the good boys are no good, mamma.—Chicago News. Chronic CAN#. "Has your wife complained very long?" asked the doctor. "Ever since we were man-led," re- Dlled SlctUr udlr. Sarcastic. Iu Boston the other day a young law yer who spends most of his time try- | Ing to seem busy and prosperous went out for awhile, leaving on his door a card neatly marked, "Will be back in - an hour." On his return he found that i some envious rival had Inscribed under- J iieath "What for?" Kept Anake. "How are you getting on with your music, my dear?" Inquired a lady of N— rm SUMMER FOOTWEAR I MUST BE SOLD. I We cut the price while Roods are fresh and stylish. I No old goods to offer you. Look these over before you B ■ make your final purchase for.Summer Footwear. It I I will pay you. || I Patent, Tan. Calf and Kid Kid, Tan, Lace and But-"K I Oxfords, $3.00 and $3.50, ton Shofes, ?3.50, cut to E I cut to S2 19 and S2 39 SII9B I Oxfords, $2.00 and £2.50, Tan Welt Oxfords, $2.50, M I cut to $1.59 and $1 89. £3, cut to $1.89 and $2.19 ■ ■ Satin Calf Shoes cut to Kid lace, patent tip, sll I* 98c and $1.25. cut to 98c. u I Heavy Shoes, solid Good Kid Slippers and Strap B I wear, cut to 98c. Sandals.sl, 1.50 cut to4Bcg I Boys' and Girls' Shoes i K| $1.35 and £l5O Goods cut to 69c and 98c fe* k Smaller sizes cut to - - - 39c and 48c Kj K Don't Fail to Attend This Great Sale. B Sale Opens Saturday Morning, July 22d. g? I HUSELTON'S I | OPPOSITE HOTEL LOWRY. THE LARGEST IN THE COUNTY. | I THE | | Butler County National Bank. } | * | A good. STRONG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLE of | Buler Couuy to do business wih. i (Capital# 300,000.00 1 I Strength surplus 300,000.001 | (As&ets 2,706,342.30 j We invite YOUR business—assuring you PROMPT, I COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. 1 * * | "The big Bank on the corner by the Court House" | ESTABLISHED 1900- THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS (earned) - $47,000.00 DIVIDENDS PAID ----- $6,000.00 None Stronger in the Cot_tr\ty. The Butler Business College New buildings, new and splendid equipment, a strictly first-class and up-to date school that ACTUALLY PLACES ITS GRADUATES. A few of the hundreds of prominent concerns that employ them: The Butler County National Bank, Guaranty Safe Deposit & Trust Co., The Farmers' National Bank. Butler Savings & Trust Co., John Berg & Co., Standard Steel Car Co., Standard Plate Glass Co., B. R. & P. R. R. Co., B. & O. R. R. Co., Penn'a R. R. Co . etc., of Butler. Pullman Palace Car Co.. Westinghouse Electrical Mfg. Co., National Tube Co., Union SteefCo.. Jones & Laughlin Steel Co., Geruiaina "National Bank, Boggs & Buhl, Pittsburg Dry Goods Co., etc., etc.. Pittsburg '•A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT." Nearly 40 positions filled by us during the term just closed. When in Butlta. for the fair, stop and see our new rooms and equipment. Catalogue and circulars mailed on application. MAY ENTER ANY TIME. Fall term opens Sept. 4, 1905. A. F. REQAL, Principal, Butler, Pa H Free Bus to and From Trains. 5 Rates Reasonable at all Times. 8 Water Free to Guests. ■ Open the Year Round. || 1 HOTEL DE VITA, § 2 CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS, PA. , ■ MARTIN It". PARKER, M