I Kelsey, Crown, Boomer ■ I FURNACES. I I Coal and Slacl< Heaters, Gas and CoalB: I Ranges and Gas Stoves. 1904 Washers,® I Sowing Machines, Needles for all malho,ie 404 • B AT LAST. At\ Entitle for the Farm, . M% 11 WATER, SAW WOOD. CHURN, RUN THE WASHING MACHINE "ALL PURPOSE" a^er «^ e cost °* insta^in g Write for Catalogue and Prices. « THE EVANS MFG. CO, LTD., BUTLEB, PA. y_ ——- FOUND GUILTY. THE PITTSBCKGH NOVELTY SUPPLY COMPANY Ha* been found gulltv by a J nrr of ten thousand j>eoplo of selling the bent and cheapest Clothe* l>rjer In the market. Price 50 cent* and 11.00. "Hie finest adiustlble and *xlton»k>n Bharte Hanger only M ™ ot £- ,JJ° bottnm Iff complete without them. The Haffcty Lump FlUer I* only to be seen to be appn«.-f --ated. Can All your lamp with «ne»t of white kid gloves In an In*'.ant without soiling them - pflcc ten and ftfteen cent*. 81 worth ofthe flnest. Toilet Boap for 35r. Vou have never received »o much for the money be fore. Only one bo* xold to a family to intro duce it. A too the finest of sold gold Jewelry , Watched, Irtamonds, Hllverware. Etc.. at prlom never before hoard of. Any of the above priced good* *ent by toall or e*pmw on receipt of price. Add re** or call PITWBirOH NOVELTY SUPPLY CO.. 412 Lewis Block. Pltteburg, Pa. Good Agent# wanted. BALTIMORE & OHIO R. R. POPULAR BEABHORE EXCURSIONS Atlantic City, Cape May, Ocean City, 8«a Isle City, N. J., Ocean Ctty, Met., and KehoDotli, JBeoch, Del., THURBDAYS, JUNE 22, JULY 6 and 20. AUGUST 3,17,31 * AT FOLLOWING VERY LOW BATES From Batter. Only %i 0 Koand Trip, tickets good in coaches only. T. Only sl2 Bound Trip, tickets good in Pullman cars when accompanied by regular Pullman ticket. All tickets good returning 16 days, including date of sale. Stop-overs allowed on return trip at Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing y ton. Aik.Baltimore & Ohio Ticket Agents tot pamphlet giving detailed informa tion. LOOKING FOR GOOD, LEGITIKATE OPPORTUNITY Tliol Ttls Onr Canlully, Then let Qilcklj, We manufacture Lltho-Marble. the most satisfactory and artUtli: substitute for seAlae marble vet known; wide Held, law profits. only slight competition with Inferior material. Business ha* grown to r«<|iilre ad ditional working capital to properly meet rapldly-lncrea*lng demand. If you want In on the ground lloor, address at once THE LITHO-MARBLE CO., Inc., OOU Bessemer Bnilding. Pittsbarg, Pa. j peterson, horning & CO (>ealer» In Stock, Bonds, Real Estate, CoaL Etc, U|ltlqute Mining Stocks a Specialty. Address Boom WW Keystone Building 85JO and 324 Fourth Avenue, PITTSBURG. PA. FAHS! FANS!. FANS! Ventilating Kan*. either Electric or belted or Water Motor* or tia* Engin-s for Hot*-)* and Restaurant*. IJKIOfJH MACHINERY CO..'iJH Second Avenue, Pltt*burg. I'a A Letter to Yoo. Pittsburg. Pa.. June, l!x&. PEAR HIR:- Owlng to our having leaned out nearly all ofthe*paceln llil* building we arc forced to make it great *acriflco of everything we have here, to get It off our hand* before .lulv I*l, and if tberu I* anything In till* stock that you Can handle or use, you certainly never.had such an opportunity to get It at it lower-price than It ever wa* *old before, be cause we mu*t get the*e goo.n until the end of i.he mouth, we will Riak<- the figure* so low that anyone who In In need of a bugay, runabout or *urry, should not ml** the chance to get a good article for much lc** money than It cost to build It Come and see for yourself, or itddrevs. Your* truly, DUQUESNE VEHICLE CO., 400-408-404 Dunnesne Wav, PITTHBURG, PA THE ACME CURTAIN STRETCHER. i...-, , a Id tba put mi thcra h»*e boon lb* u*t»l nun tJC . >J . f|\ t>«r nl u*watr«tah«rsoul /Scid l>t\ " 111 and Ituw- 1 awsjr, iesvl mr S™nA*il * .. Will a*r»««r dantatil for ih« HH L, 'JsJ ,\ ACME, "i" <e<'dy! Satisfaction OuaranU-ed or money Refunded. Went prepaid (or •1.00 per f>o>. Will send them on trlid to be paid for when relieved. Ha in pics Kree. WWITCOMgDIC«tCO..Se«r4. UaCWIII. Pk. Sold in Bntler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacy REMOVAL. Wo have removed our Marble and Granite shops from corner of Main ami . Clay streets to No. 300 N, Main street, (opposite W. D. Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our customers with figures that are right on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and are also prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc., as we have secured the sole agency from the Btewart Iron Works of Cin cinnati, Ohio, for this town and vicinity P. H. Sechler Special Offer To those purchasing photos of groups or views, Bxlo, at 50c each, to the amount of $ I*o I will present free a fine 20x40, exact reproduction that will stand washing and not fade away. No bum work, but a fine permanent Bromide en largement, fully guaranteed. This offer is good till October Ist, 1904. FISHER, The Outdoor Artist, The Butler Dye Works i ' _ ■ I Black Belgian Stallion, formerly owned by McCand less 6 West, of Prospect, will be at the barn of I. I. CUMBERLAND, Hooker, Pa., the entire season. , Zuver Studio Has added a full line of amateur Photo Supplies, Cam eras, Films, Dry Plates, De velopers, Printing out and de veloping papers. Anti-Trust Goods At about one half what you have been paying. Quality Guaranteed As good if not better than the Trust goods. ZUVER STUDIO 215 S. Main St. Butler M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 245 S MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA DR. E. GREWER, No. 229 12 SOUTH MAIN ST. NEXT DOOR TO GUARANTY SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., BUTLER, PA. ROOMS 1, 2, AND 3. L)r. E. Grewer in a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. is now per manently located at the aboveaddress, where he treats all chronic diseases o* men, women and children. Diseases of the Nervoud System, the symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confidence, sexual weakness in men and women,ball rising in the throat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory unable to concentrate the mind on one subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind which unfits them for performing the duties of life, making happiness impos sible,distressing the action of the heart, depression of the spirits, evil forebod ings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melan choly, tire easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of the mind, depression, con stipation, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult 11s im mediately and be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored- Weakness of Young Men Cured and all private diseases. Dr. E. Grower's varicocele King cures Varicocele, Hydrocele and Rupture promptly cured without pain and no detention from business. He cures the worßt cases of Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism. Scrofula, Old Sores, Blood Poison, and all Di seases of the Skin Ear, Nose, Throat, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Itching Piles, Fistula, Stricture, Tumors, Cancers, Goiters, cured with out cutting. Special attention paid to the treat ment of Nasal Catarrh. He will forfeit the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for any case of FITS OR EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS that he cannot cure. Consultation free and strictly confi dential. Write if yon cannot call. Office hours—From a. m. to 8:80 p. in. On Sunday from Ito3 p. m. only. Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and sec us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and wc arc sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy H. G. Porvis, PH. G Both Phones. 213 S Main Ht. Butler Pa. See the Sign directly y* opposite the Old Poitoffice Theodore Yogeley. Real Eatate and t'gtJi Insurance Agency, L*» 7 2M S. Mala St » Butler, Pa. , flg 1f you lisivn property to will, trade, or r«n I aj| or, want to buy or rw* rent call, write or m £ uh'.nn trie. mJH List Mailed Upon Application Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Ootlcian N »-xt Door toConrt House. I'.utWr, Pa ; BACK-ACHE j anil all other symptoms of kidney dis- ' arc apeedtly rrtnoved when the I kidneys are made healthy, active and vigorous t,y the line of Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills the world'«s 1 liicy an 1 liver | regulator, and the only medicine huv- j ing a combined action 011 kidix-ya and liver. One pul n dose ; 35 rents a Iwx. Write for free sample to The Dr. A. W Cbaac Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. I WILL IVi IT GURE iP Wm ME ? 'TVV That's the personal question a woman a-ks herself when she reads of the cures of womanly diseases hy the use of T)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Why shouldn't it" cure her? Is it a complicated case? Thousands of such cases have been cured by "Fa vorite Prescription." Is it a condition which 1-K-al doctors have declared in curable? Among the hundreds of thou sands of sick women cured by the use of L»r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription then are a great many who were pronounced Incurable by local doctors. Wonders have been worked by "Favorite Pre scription " in the cure of irregularity, weakening drains, inflammation, ulcera tion and female weakness, it always helps. It almost always cures. "I commenced taking your medicine. Fa vorite Prescription.' nearly a year ago for chronic inflammation of womb, and can truly say It U the only thing that ever did me any aood." writes -Mrs. L. C. Wasner. of 125 Edwin Street. Toronto, Ontario. Canada. "I could not walk any distance before UKIII? it. After taking si* liottles of your 'favorite Pre scription' I tind I can walk without difficulty and am greatly t«nefl»ed In general health. • Would advise all suffering women to use Dr. I Pierce's medicine." These are the Original Little Liver Pills, lirst put up over Ve\\"s *° >' ars a K°- ,IV old I>r. K. V. Pierce. They've i x't-n much Imitated but never equaled. Smallest, easi est to take and Ix-st. They're tiny, sugar coated. anti-bilious granules, a compound of refined and concentratnl vegetable extracts. Without disturbance or trouble, constipa tion. Indigestion, bilious attacks, sick and bilious headaches, and all derangements of the liver, stomach, and bowels are prevented, relieved, and cured. Fcrmanentlu cured, too. By their mild and natural action, these little Pellets gently lead the system Into natural ways again. Their influence !E APPLiC/ITiO* BRINGS RELIEF. SAMPLE MAILED FEEE. ▲t Drtiffglsits. 25 rent*, or mailed. Humphrey#' Medlcluu Co., Cor. William and John Stre«t», New York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $3. 9old by Druggist*, or sent prepaid on recclptof price. Humphreys' Med. Co., William & John Su. t N. Y. Save Money Buy Liquors Direct Robert Lewin & Co., 14 Smithfield St., Pittsburg, Pa., sell only pure goods for family and medicinal use. A full gallon of pure Rye Whiskey. $2 50 to s.■>.. We are still sole owners of OKAXDFATIIKIt'S (HOICK A guaranteed, :i year ol'l _ Whiskey— s:i.oo per Kdllon. All kinds of High-Class Wines and Liquors Write for prices. We pay express charges on all orders of £>.oo or over; and guarantee secure- boxing and prompt shipments. ROBT. LEWIN tT,riwinU'<\ f>,r Cooler* MorN iiitii 1 Pain* in tli ? IMofntrh, Aiisoi.irii.itv HAH wi.r.-H. An n f.lrilm«,,it lir. HAITIM' (.'mrni, * nil OIIMTH. Prepared bf il. A. I'A II NKVTOCK '':oiiiiri<' It namely, the milk jxoat industry. In ordor to an swr the numerous questious that it jug 1 WATITA, AN AMERICAN MILK GOAT. has received concerning every phase of milk goat management the depart ment of agriculture has issued a bulle tin of informatio*n 011 this subject. The inquiries have come mainly from two classes of our citizens those who were reared in foreign countries where goat's milk was very largely or solely used and those who have read of the economy of goat keeping and the re ported value of the milk for children and sick people. The second class in cludes many physlciaus who, believing in the hygienic virtues of goals' milk, would like to see goat dairies estab lished in the neighborhood <;f all large cities. Am nig interesting statements of the bulletin are the following on "The American Milk Goat:" Wutlttt, ail American Mill: Goat. This is a name which has been sug gested for the breed which it is desira ble to develop by selection from the so called common goats now in this coun try. It is kpown that among these goals there arc often found some ex cellent milkers, although their origin is obscure. We are told that some of the Italian immigrants have frequently brought with them from the old coun try very young kids iu baskets. These were cared for as one of the children and among the children, and they have no doubt grown up and exerted a con siderable influence upon the general average of (lie milk supply iu the neighborhoods to which they were tak en. Other g'i»d milkers are said to have been brought from Bermuda, and this blood has probably had its effect also. We should not be surprised, then, when wo occasionally hear of a goat that will give from one to two quarts of milk a day. Very recently this bureau has been informed by a business man of New Jersey that there Is a large number of goats kept iu the Italian quarter at Palisades Park, and upon special In quiry he learns that the average amount of milk produced, so far as an estimate can show, is three pints per day. T-h.'s milk retails among the Italians at 112 cents per quart, and hut tor is also made there from goats' milk to a limited extent which sell s at retail in \1«1 yard* all winter and comes to the surface when tin' days get warm, lie Is discouraged by cleaning up and the liberal use of 11 me. A KO>I way to fool him Is to locate the poultry yard In a new place that Is high find dry Farm Journal. 111ft41 vrrf full)- Olllill "Let me see." said the great man. "Did I say anything about the crux of the position?" "I don't see anything," said the sec retary, Klaiicing over his notes. "Il'm!" murmured the great man. "I meant to work that phrase off some how." The I'ri-iieh of It. "Why do you call II a French operaV" "Why not?" "Well, every one of them sang In Italian." "On the stage, yes; but what does that amount to? All the gowns In the boxrs were from Paris." \«»F nu 0«II«»IIN # ottijiii rlaioii. The head clerk had been Invited to an afternoon wedding and lu order to save time appeared at Hie otllce lu the morning fully "groomed" for the cere inony. As he threw aside his over coat lie was disclosed 111 nil the liiajcs ly of a swanger frock cont of the latest cut, gray trousers fashionably (Teased, patent leather shoes nnd white puff tie. Ills position lu tlie olllo' made lilm Immune from comments by the under lings, who, however, rewarded him with scrlo comic admiration and longed to say what they felt Mut the barrier was broken a few minutes after the day's business had begun and hy a friend who dropped lu for a moment's chat, lie was some what lacking In dignity, for which the clerks blessed lilm. "Good morning, George," he said cheerily to the head clerk. Then as he took a secoud glance at the sartorial "dream" lie added: "Great Scottt ' What's up? You look like a certllled check." And even the head clerk Jolucd In the general burst of laughter.—New j Xetfs KXflii. ! Women Who Work! 1 Need Strong, Vigorous Nerves. The life of women and s»irls who work is at best a hard out- and even under the most favorable circumstances the results often show shattered nervous systems and broken down health. To meet the conditions required of her, to sustain the extra strain and nervous tension of duties never intended for her iu the plan of nature, she must use every endeavor j to preserve the vitality of her nerves nurt the regularity of the female func tions. No remedy ever offered the world has accomplished the results obtained from the use of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills. By supplying the nerves and blood with the elements necessary to their life and activity, they cause a steady increase of natural strength to both the body and brighten the eyes, clear the complexion ar.il instead of a depressed, wornont feeling, there will be one of buoyancy and life. Dr A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills make life worth living. Mrs. Anna Doretz. of No. Dl 9 Cleveland Avenue, Niagara Falls, N. Y., says: "I was overtaxed with work and com pletely tired ont. I used to go to bed to to think and worry and could not sleep as a result and 1 was nervous during the day. Hearing of the good effects of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Fills iu such affections I determined to try them. I got a box and they where a complete success. They toned me up quickly, I got over the nervousness and sleep finely and restful again. lam sure lam glad to recommend them." 4 50 cents a box at dealers or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Por trait and signature of A. W. Chase, MD. on every package. For sale by Redick and Grohman, druggists, 10ft N. Main St Butler, Pa. Nasal CATARRH 1,. all it, eta-.-. Ely's Cream cleai.': ,soothe* ai.dhealß M the di-vaficd membrane. »ivay r. . :J iu tliC !u .. 1 quickly. C ream llnlni is piaced into the nostril*,ppr«» cents at Drug gists or by mail; Trial Size, 70 cents. KM I'KuTJi EliS. 56 Warren Street, yevf York T-Rails, Beams, Machinery in stock. HalN cut to lengths. ('ash paid for scrap-iron and rwtals. fioMER HuWKS. Ulver Avenue. Allegheny, i'a. End of Sixth Street Bridge. 43-I'AGE BOOK FfcEE. Highest references FITZCiKKALI) & CO., Dept. 40. Washington, I). (\ HI SSINKSS orpourrxiTiKs Farms Bought and Sold. We can sell your business or farm no matter where located. For ouick sale con sult UN. W. I\ WF.ITEKSII AI'SEN. 717 East Ohio Street, Allegheny, I'a. Private Maternity Hospital. I n a beautiful local lon. Best or physicians and nurses in attendance. Home like coin foits. Strict ly private and secluded. Adop tion provided. Kates rea;ionable. Can stay as long as you wish. < 'all or address MRS. M. A. HUGHES, :iflo California Avfnun, ALLEUIIENV, I'A. VETERANS' HOME: flue hotel; cost fi;ti,oHrt; room for lixi; new: every modern comfort; no petty ruicn or duties: hoard till a mi>nth; In vallev of Virginia, for particulars ad dress 8. S. BAKKR, IflackSlone. Va. Agency C ' mJ for Standard Stock Food. The Best In the Market. THE Crystal Pharmacy R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G., BOTH PHONES, 106 N. Main St., Butler, Pa. % Xt y y y y jfr y)K M'M I Strictly High Grade | PIANOS AND ORGANS. | I Come and see me when | I you buy; also sheet music | I or anything in the music 1 I line. | I W. A. F. GROHMAN, 1 * Mualc instructor and Piano Tuner, } Next door to V. M C. A, People'* Phone * I OKOHMAN H MUSIC STOKE, f I Orchestra furnished for all X occasions. J * *** *-* *•* ***# •* ***•* **** .:**■** . •. — ' '//./ ' I .' "• ''>s \ C \r j ■„ , For Mot Weather Hear WR are nutkiin; HO roe particularly at tractive. CLOTHINU KOII MEN. The fuliric IH at once light, cool and at tractive. The ntylo conforiim to lii«* latent dictated of faHhlou. The lit in a« perfect a H anything hniciiu can be. And tli ' pri'-c dotmyw the only ciniin to your custom tlm n-id> made clotbler can trutiifrilly tnakf. WM. COOPER, LEADING TAILOR, Cor. Diamond. Duller, Pa. FIRK and LIFE INSURANCE: and REAL ESTATE. . OFKICK -Room Hutler County I National Dank bulldluif. ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS, DR. L. R. HAZLETT. 106 W. Diamond St.. Butler. North Ride of Court House. Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat work, a specialty. I C. BOYIJ-:, M. I). '' • KYK, IVAR, NOSH and TUROAT, SPECIALIST. 121 East Cunningham Street. Office Hours 11 to 12 a. m.. 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. BOTH TELEPHONES. GM. ZIMMERMAN • PHYSICIAN AND SCRCKON At 's27 N. Main St. CAMUKX. BIPI'US, U PHYSICIAN AND SURCKON Joe West C" aninjjham St. OSTEOPATHY. ~ DR. JULIA E. FOSTER. OSTEOPATH. Consultation nnd examination free. Office hours—9 to 12 A. M.. 2 to M., daily except Sunday. Evening appointment. Office —Stein Block, Rooms 9-10, But ler, Pa. People's Phone 478. pLARA E. MORROW, n. 0., V GRADUATE BOSTON COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHY. Women's diseases a specialty. Con sultatian and examination free. Office Hours, 9to 12 m., j to 3 p. m People's Phone 573. 116 S. Main street, Butler, Pa DENTISTS. DR. FORD H. HAYES, DENTIST. Graduate of Dental Department, University of Pennsylvania. Office—2ls S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON, SURGEON DENTIST. Formerly of Butler. Has located opposite Lowry House, Main St., Butler, Pa. The finest work a specialty. Expert painless extractor ui teeth by his new method, no medi cine used or jabbinj? a needle into the gams; also uas and ether used. Com munications by mail receive prompt at tention. DR J. WILBERT McKEE, SURGEON DENTIST. < )ffice over Leighner's Jewelry store, Butler, Pa Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gold crown and bridge work. W .1 HEN U.MAN', \ V . DENTIST. 12-4 South Main street, (ov Metzer's shoe store.) DR. 11. A. McCANDLESS, DENTIST. Office in Butler County National Bank Building, 2nd floor. DR. M. D. KGTTRABA, Successor to Dr. Johnston. DENTIST Office at No 114 K. Jefferson St., over G. W. Miller's grocery ATTORNEYS. RP. SCOTT, • ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Office in Butler County National Bank building. AT. SCOTT, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But ler. Pa. HOULTER & BAKER, V ATTORNEYS AT LAW. < )ffice in Butler Couuty National Bank building. TOIIN W. COULTER, rJ • ATTORNBY-AT-LAW. Office on Diamond, Butler, Pa. Special attention given to collection* and business matters. T D. McJUNKIN, RJ, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in Rcil>cr building, cornel Main and K. Cunningham Sts, Entrance on Main street. 1 B. BREDIN, ') • ATTORNEY AT LAW. ■Office on Main St. near Court Ilougr Hit. GOUCIIER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in WIM bnildini*. P 11. NEGLEY EI. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In the Negley Building, West Diamond. Ur FIKDLET, « ATTORNEY-AT LAff, ANU WKNSION ATTORNEY. Office on South side of Diamond, Butler, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS. |> F. BILLIARD, 1). GENICKA 1, SURVEYING. Mines and Land. County Surveyor. R. F I>. 49, West Sunbury, Pu. I'. L. McQIIISTION, V. Civil. ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Office near Court Houae. I P. WALKER. Ji« NOTARY PUBLIC, Huti.Kß, Office with Berkiner, next door O The Butler Wood Fibre Plaster Co., Mfgrs, of the celebrated Blue Bell Wood Fibre Wall Plaster. the best and cheapest plaster on the market. We are also sole agents for the following high grade build ing materials. Whitehall Portland Cement, has no equal for all classes of concrete work. Woodville White Enamel Finish, the peer of hydrated lime for skim coat. Sacketts Plaster Board, >ou can line your house with this fire proof board at half the cost of any other material. Give us a call before build Ing, we can save you money. Office, W. Cunningham St., Opp. Electric Light Office. WM. VVAM4I.It. I'll AM. A. MCKLVAIN WALKER & McELVAIN. Jintlor County National Hank Hlrig. ItKAl* KHTATK. INHUKANVI: off, I'ICOI'KIfTI FH LUANH ' lioTII I'IIONFH , I » .y«»iia» —V i.v aoyiiu took r-i a \ >\>V • Inrrv \X htit you ftlUiiiil I* «»■•«»!»*• fl'n Itmliei srh(Mil t ilirfi tlif> (MXifilo *lll »•« ItifC 1»r jr«'l IO Work for til* 111 tmjr Hill ' rii :,.ml foi _ -mm. I 1"5 ivi.n tv.tnin I l*i. If you to buy «»r »HI any klii'l I>u*!iunmi »ca C AVANAUH CO ' 1 111 M 'II >|| I.IVMK. r. ; I I*•it ii Avrirni I *lll mini i l^li , run i I'll* i AUil KldiulM I" fttft v . • ia»r*«l; ft! o • IIM « i AIM! nil« lifoitlr ill Mm! _ I plftltit twilli NCM MIL! J»II FT**"* < OTl*ult*tl«nt * iil« lly private I nil ftt.«l »> ll»o iMtyf, Oflkl h 'U»* from li u in to u|* in MiSweency * Inter Stale Detctthc Agency, 4MI Hlxtli Amour, l'llt*t)Urg, l'u. ('otiitM'ti'fit rnllubUi doUMtlri'* fur mint work, inul nroMet property. All oirnrnunl culoim •irfi tly cotiidontlul. Cull or wrtlo or tclwyrnpli. ■ THE LARGEST IX THE COUNTY. * THE f | Butler County National Bank. | ] | A good, STRUNG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLE of Buler Couny to do business wih. | /Capital $ 300,000.00 I i Strength surplus 300,000.00 f S (Assets 2,706,342.30 ! We invite YOUR business—assuring you PROMPT, COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. | "The big Bank on the corner by the Court House" | Icx~ J I Do You "Want Something? ' Save up for it in the way—that doesn't ! mean keeping the money at home, where it i may be stolen or lost It weans putting it in Ofl bank, where it will draw interest, where it 0 will be a solid substantial incentive to more saving. You'll be surprised to see how fast it ji arrows in bank, where H is safe from waste. I/fiery-i oa'H set the habit of saving, an invaluable i /TryE&fSt. a£B9t in itself. Von 11 know your little pile is safe, uut ' that it is slowly growing to be a big sr. jrY" A dollar deposit starts all this. Make it to day. 3 i>er cent, interest paid. j BUTLER SAVINQS& TRUST CO. ESTABLISHED 1900. THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS (earned) - $47,000.00 DIVIDENDS PAID ----- $6,000.00 None Stronger iri the Cour\ty The Butler Business College New building*, new and splendid equipment, a strictly first-class and up-to date school that ACTUALLY PLACES ITS GRADUATES. A few of the hundreds of prominent concerns that employ them: The ltntler Connty Natioual Hank, Guaranty Safe Deposit & Trust Co.. The < Farmers' National Bank. Butler Savings & Trust Co., John Berg & Co.. Standard Steel Car Co., Standard Plate Glass Co., B. It. & P. R. R. Co., B. & O. R. R. Co., Penn'a R. R. Co . etc., of Butler. Pullman Palace Car Co., Weßtinghoaae Electrical Mfg. Co., National Tube Co., Union Steel Co., Jones & Laughlin Steel Co., Geruiaiua National Bank, lioggs & Buhl, Pittsburg Dry Goods Co.. etc , etc.. Pittsburg • A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT." Nearly 40 positions filled by ns during the term jnst closed. When in Bntler for the fair, stop and see our new rooms and equipment. Catalogue and circulars mailed on application. MAY ENTER ANY TIME. Fall term opens Sept. 4, 1005. A. F. REGAL, Principal, Butler, Pa. WHISKEY DIRECT FROM THE MAKER S 'H Forst's 7 year old 4 full quarts for $3.00 H I H Packed in plain, sealed cases, expressage I 1 II prepaid to your nearest station. I n /T 7\ Our goods is aged in the wood, and is pure and niel- H I ftii Pjylow. better than yon haye had from others for the ■ S HtRrMH price, or your money bank. Bit I lE&JX&m Anv "" n k Pittsburg or the Editor of this paper ' I HC'-IMM w '" to " you " lat our word is good, and that we are Mflj V Re,;*! responsible. H We do not humbug you like so many advertising so H| B 'BSeodI 1 called "Distillers." H n WHESBBB By buying from ns you get an honest artiole, made 8 iSfr" J from honest, select grain, by honest people. H B Kend for our private price list. M If you will send ns the names of 10 good families in your H SH vicinity who use Whiskey for medicinal purposes, and to whom we M jiSj may send our price list, we will send you, with your first order, • Mj one quart of Pnro Virginia Homemade Blackberry Wine, FREE. I MORRIS FORST & CO., m feberle 8r05.,) S PLUMBERS S [Estimates given on al! kinds of work. r We make a specialty of s i NLCKLE-PLATED, C C SEAMLESS, / £ OPEN-WORK. / / 354 Centre Ave., Butler,'.Pa ? S Peoples Phone. 630. C I toil Kslatn liivoMliiiciitM, Home*, Coal Propertliw, Mortgages FIIANK B. TOMB. HOU Fartnrra' lit)IItllnK. IHU*burf. Pi. < 'orrnponrtencr y«»lloll .. Fountain Ht. near Hitventli ave, I'ltlnhurß, I » MIDLAND HOTFL Collin* ami llroad si., lint ti 11 rlllly fnrnlxln'il, hot and colli watt'r In uvery roo:n. ehu'trli* 11kIII-. *ti % ani lip*t. con Aenlent to nil ear line* inn) Kiwi Liberty Hint lon. A. It Owner, ItatiHon Mur., I'lit sill! IK. I'll. Hurry A. M/iriiu STOCKS ft Mislabel I'lttsburK Stock BONOS. Exchange. »G Timet, ltiillf m'lllim hotel*, ■lorim. iiK i'i liixiilWi', Mock* nn*l real enlato „f fvory l "'S' r.,'l.j|i' A HIIAI IKK ck In "a i 'ii' I .'i,7"';;i «IH Kourlli Avenue. | ituinirtr. RECUVIR'S SALE Manufacturing Hunt. four railroad I'J'V/v £., ! ~r nurtlculai• lAilreaa ' A' A IIOSHY. Iti i'i Ivrrn. A»htalmla, Ohio. L. C. WICK, DKAI.xv m LUfIBER. Furniture and Household Goods At last Bnlldliic Co mine Down Aod'Evcryihlnit Mail be Sold la 30 D ItiMly ltru**eli< cottt S4O and tM) go at II". lift. 117.M's will til. luri«t ttlno room*. Room aire Hub*, ltrii**cl* ami liiKraln ft>. fi.W, >ln mid |l.">. A ruro oliam'o. Hamnlo fi piece Leather I'arlor Suit* o at H"> ami Inlalil Linoleum. Ilili'k a* a Ixiurd, worth fl.fto a yard go al 'SO. Other* worth Nile Ko At 4no ami v««. Kipwltlon sample* of licdroom *ult*; once Ciwt at •40. fTtl one* ko HI, ■ m Ol her* at Jl'i. Il.'i and t.H. M'lilh It* a *ttle of n lifetime. Mti«t make room for new building. We pay the freight. OOLI>SJiITH, Next to I'lckcring*, n.'l I'enn ave. rilUburg, VISITORS BEST DININU ACCOMODATIONS AT K. .1. IIIICKJ'H LADIKS' & GENT'K DINING lHit)Mito BogKH BIIIII'H. * PEKKINS UNION DETECTIYE AGENCY, ;kll Fourth Avcnur. I"»t tHhurtr. I'll. !*!*•(litillnlied IHK'I. arid bonded, Ti'l«*phnnil|fttr(l iitnl prurupil v utt<*iul cil to I»v sUlllr : mid lawful ojM rHllvii. Tm - C. F.T.Pape, S f JEWELER! / 121 E. Jefferson Street. / '