Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 15, 1905, Image 3

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Chan fees ln , Suiter than Mon
thelr Intention to do eo not iaier
daf mornlnc.
iiminiiiiium and Executors of estates
thSSr receipt books at the
and p* l^oo * malting public
■ale* their note books.
—Yesterday vu "flag-day"—the lOSth
anniversary of the adoption of onr
National Emblem. Drake wrote—
When Freedom from her mountain
Unfurled her standard to the air.
She tore the azare robe of night
And set the stars of glory there .
She mingled with its joyous dyes
The milky baldric of the skies.
And striped its pure, celestial white.
Then from his mansion in the sun.
She called her eagle bearer down,
And gave into his mighty hand
The symbol of her chosen land.
—Vacation time.
—The real thing in Summer is here.
—Festival at W. Winfield next Sat
urday evening.
—The Southern is getting it all, in
the new oil field
—Two weeks from Tuesday is the
Glorious Fourth.
—When it comes to kissing, two
heads are better than one.
—Funds for the Fourtli-of-Jaly cele
bration are being collected.
—The woman who buys things has
but little time for shopping
Every man knows too many things
that are none of his business.
—Wednesday. Aug. tt, will be a big
day for Butler—Grocers Picnic.
—Sheriff Gibson has sold hia blood
bounds to the Mayor of Titusville.
—The hail storm of last Monday de
itroyed some corn and potato fields.
—The celebration of "Green Sunday "
by the foreigners was quite a mellow
—Great car orders are being placed.
The whole world will soon be on
—Six miles an hour is the new limit
of speed for automobiles in cities and
boroughs -
—Good tronpe at the Park this week.
Clever and good-natured—"not a sore
head among them.'
--The School Directors of Batler bad
fifty-five applicants for the vacancies in
the Butler force of teachers.
—After Sept. Ist you must use tires
ranging from 2i to fl inches in diameter,
if you drive into Allegheny county.
—D M Jfolder. the real estate man,
intends a coal mine on the
Brick & Tile Cos property, east of
Remonstraoces agantnst the grant
ing of wholesale, brewers and distillers
licenses were signed in Butler churches
last Sunday.
These »>e great growing days and
onr farmers are tickling the ground with
hoes and other things, and jast letting
things grow.
--Daring the •torm of last Monday |
afternoon, p«rt of N. McKean 8t wan I
flooded, indicating insufficient drainage
for that part of ths town
—The "Pennsylvania Mpm.il" now
runs from New York to Chicago, » dis
tance of 904 miles, in eighteen hours, or
an average of 50 mile* an bonr.
- Ont In Kansas they are thinking of
putting all the Standard Oil people in
jail ao as to have plenty of "convict la
bor" with which to rnn the state refin
—The Standard Oil Co. baa a special
pap<jr and special form for ita checks,
and yet forgeries aggregating a kindred
thousand dollar* have lately come to
- The Grand Jury fonnd bill* against
John B McOlanghlin for muriier and
manslaughter, and a motion to continue
the case until September term, was
—The nine C. P. judges of Allegheny
county have named John A. Bell, a
wealthy banker of Carnegie, to be
Connty Commissioner in place of J.
Carson Mercer, dee'd.
—The judges in the yelling-match in
the Court room the other day awarded
first honors to an Irishman from Scot
land, but the Scotchman from Ireland
will continue to dispute his title.
—The 25th Annual Commencement of
Grove City College begins tomorrow
evening, and ends next Wednesday,
with commencement exercises in Col*
lege Park, Wednesday at 10 a to.
—The "Bessie" will soon complete its
work of double-tracking ami will build
a new bridge at Keiater, The work on
the new road from Queen's Junction to
New Castle is progressing rapidly.
—Advice to preachers— Don't stop
preaching suddenly these warm Sun
days. Just talk along nice and easy,
A Prospect preacher stopped suddenly,
last Sunday and they all waked up.
--Charley Graham of Goncherville
decapitated two large blocksnakes with
a hatchet Tuesday evening, bntbe
"hadn't oaghter" have done it. black
snakes are valuable, and they are get
ting scarce.
- Beer bottles are valueless on ac
count of the law forbidding their use a
second time, which may account for the
recklessness of the beer drinkers of Lyn
dora, Monday, in throwing their empty
bottles Into tbeir neighbor's house.
—Sllpperyrock Normal's new gymna
sium is to be lOOxIiJM feet, two storiis
and basement, with a large assembly
ball, a 00x45 foot gymnasium and a
00x20 foot swimming pool in the base
ment. It will be built this summer.
—The new law forbidding tb*> sale of
toy pistols, cannon crackers, etc. will
probably mitigate the suffering from
the wounding ami maiming that have
been the usual attendants nj»on our
method of celebrating Independence
—The new fast train on the Pennsyl
vania between New York, one train
each way, daily, makes the run in in
honrs. The trial traiu between Chica-!
go and I'lttsbnrg. made the run of 4<ln
miles in wi minutes, and mare stops
aggregating ■>* minutes, an average of
nearly 70 miles an hour, th »ngh in
places the train ran at the ra 's of W)
miles an hour.
For yonr next snit try the uj>-to-date
Botttr Fair, Aug. 33d, 28d, 24th, 25th.
Thomas Harbison is building five
houses in W. Penn St.
P. B. Fennell of Clearfield twp. was
in town on business, last Friday.
M. R. Brown of Penn twp. is bring
ing some fine strawberries to town.
Rev. R. G. Ferguson has resigned the
Presidency of Westminster College
D L. and Homer Sarver of Buffalo
twp.. were in town on business. Friday.
J. G Jennings and family have taken
possession of their summer home on
the hill
G. A. Brunermer of Connoquenessing
township did some shopping in Bntler,
Harlan Book and his nephew, Claire
Thompson, of Franklin twp were ;n
town. Mondav.
Frank Heckman of Brain i? home
from New Mexico.
W J Flick and wife of Clinton twp
did some shopping and visited ?ome
friends in Bntler, Saturday.
•Mater' McCrea is the hero of the,
base ball fiends, this week. He "struck ;
out' ten men, last Saturday.
Wm Mahood of Clay twp. and his
friend Luther Bartlev of Swissvale,
visited friends in Bntler, Monday.
Rev. Thos. Balph of St. Clairsville, O
is in Bntler, called here by the death of
his nephew, Edward E. Gumpper.
King Menelik of Abyssinia imagines
that he is a deecendent of King Solomon
He also tries to imitate Solomon in his
domestic relations
J. H. Reiber and family are visiting
friends in Allegheny, this week, and he
is attending the Lutheran General
Synod as a delegate.
John Hildebrand. Sr. is visiting
friends in Lancaster connty, and will
stay as long as he pleases, as it is his
first vacation in fifteen years.
Frederick S. Breed of Bntler who
gradnated. last week, from Havard un
iversity. ha-« be<-n elected snperintend
ent of the public schools at Kane at a
salary of ft,759 a year.
P. L. K<mberly, the Sharon million
are, left Mrs. A say of Chicago, a Bea
ver county girl, a fortnne of half a
million. He had lived with her since
the World's Fair there.
Sultan Abdul Hauiid of Turkey,
who is said to live in a perpetual
"frenzy of fear," lately had his brother
assassinated in his own house, on ac
count of an alleged conspiracy to de
throne him
Mies Mary Van Dyke of Venango
county celebrated her ninety-eighth
birthday, last Tuesday. The guest of
honor was her cousin. Katherine Ghost,
who was years old that day. Both
have always been residents of Clinton
A 1 Roessing and wife have returned
to their home on N. Washington street
They spent the winter .n Louisiana at
Abeta Springs, on the Ozone Belt.about
forty five miles north of New Orleans,
where they rented a furnished cottage,
and kept house The people of New
Orleans use the place as a summer re
sort and these of the north as a winter
Miss Frances Book and ltalph Mack
ey were married at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan
Book. Franklin twp , last Wednesday
by Kev. James Pittinger, iu the pr«s
ence of relatives and friends The
young conple were the recipients of
many handsome and useful presents.
A very enjoyable time was had by all
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Clowes celebrated
their golden wedding at Free port. la.-:t
Wednesday, by keeping open lionse.
Mr. Clows' was'born in Allegheny coun
ty, near Wilkinsburg, in IH H'4, and Mrs.
Clows, nee Sarah Elizabeth Ilatlett,
was born at Harversville, in 18H7. They
were married at the bride's home anil
began housekeeping in tbeir own home
at Free port.
John P Shaddick. of Lorain, Ohio,
has been offered the position of manager
of the steel and iron industries of the
Japanese l»y the Mikado. Shuddick is
now the of the nuw
skelp mills of the National tune com
pany at Lorain, and has held many
prominent positions with the steel cor
poration. He went there from Home
stead. and is well known in the Iron and
steel Held in the Pittsburg district.
W. E. Ualstou and family have re
turned to Butler, rented a house and
propose staying here. They sold their
bouse In Los Angeles, after passing two
winters there, and they will not return.
Mr Kalston left Butler over two years
ago and since then ha* traveled over all
the Western states He likes Colorado
and Utah, but dislikes the coast states
for tiie condition for which they are
generally praisud their climate In
Los Angeles you cook iu the sun on one
side of the street, chill in the shade on
the other, and being caught out
after dark without an overcoat is sure
death; while in Seattle it rains every
day for nine months of the year, and
the mois on the roofs is from an inch
to a foot thick, but it is a great place
lor business
—The Butler and McKeesport base
ball teams played a great game here,
Tuesday—eighteen innings and <juit 4
to 4. Witberup pitched the whole
game, bnt McKeesport required two
pitchers Other games in the county
latelv have been, West Sunbury 12,
Cblcora Bruin 14 , Emlenton 7,
—Fifty applicants for Teacher's Cer
tiflcates were examined by Supt. Pen
field last Friday and Saturday, at the
Jefferson St. school building, and Miss
Cora Campbell of Petrolia was examin
ed for a permanant certificate by a spe
cial committee, and a recommendation
in her favor forwarded to Harrisburg.
—At the meeting of Council. Satur
day evening, four contracts for street
[laving wore awarded, two to Mr Boy
er—ltace St. and Fourth Ave., the esti
mated cost of the two being $12,000;
and two to Mr. Shaffner the two see
tions of Franklin St., the estimated cost
of which is £I,NOO. The bids, per
square yard, run from ftl.ll to fl 21,
according to the brick used, and there
was a squabble over the Franklin St.
—The new line fence law, recently ap
proved by Governor Pennypacker, In
of direct intercut to every farmer and
property owner in the comity. The
act provides that each land owner mnat
keep up half of the line fence. and, If
be or «hu doe* not, the adjoining prop
erty owner can erect the fence and col
lect the coat for MO doing. In cane of
dinpnte the township auditor* are uiade
the arbitrator*, and in thin capacity
townahlp anditoro will be important
official* hereafter, n* line fence din
putea are rmuieroun in altnont every
Letter to Win Flatter,
Itullcr, l*a.
Dear Hir: Youaell a good many thingn
by the gallon. lining » decent man, you
give full measure.
Yon know what we mean: you know
that abort weight and abort measure are
common among well, we hope there
are no abort measures and weight* in
yonr town
There are. though itibbonn and lac.es
and trimmings, wild by the "dozen."
meaunre nine or tun yard* There i* no
complaint. because ' they all do It "
Yoit have the name plague in your goods*
nearly everything, canm-d or bottled,
cheats in the nuantity. Alinont notiody
given full weight in a factory-package!
We are one of the almost notwidlen
We sell paint, by the gallon, to paint
your bonne; and onr gallon la jn*t the
"im« size HH your* ttiat yon treasure
vinegar with «j| ~n b i<- inches.
Qood paint too lirviHi lead aud-zlnc -
taken fewer gallon" than mixed paint
and weiira twice a„ long an lead .nd oil
Yon own u houne. Tirnt'n why we
are writing to you.
Your* truly,
P. 8. Patterson Broa. Mil our paint.
■ J. Berg & Co. vs Martha Forquer,
a'mi. of W. A. Forquer. assumpsit for
| 47 claimed to be due on an over
: drawn account.
Mrs. Mav vs C. F L. Mc-
libel in divorce. They were
married in IS9I and cruelty is alleged.
Keller, Loomis <sc Co. to use of Gebbie
& Co., to use of Merchantile Guaranty
Co. vs Mrs. Clara Russell Greenlee,
foreign attachment in assnmpsit on
! property* of deft in hands of Alonzo
I Russell.
Mary K Muntz vs Cottage Hill Land
Co.. trespass, claiming ten thousand
dollars damages.
At its final presentment the Grand
Jury returned as follows:
Jolm W. Shaffer, a&b.
John Gladick. interfering with an
I William RnfFner, agg. a&b
John B McLaughiin, murder, man
' slaughter.
I Edwin L Goehring, aifcb
! Chas. E. Ruffner, agg. a&b.
Altogether the jury found twenty
true bills and ignored six.
The county jail was reported in good
condition, the Court House in need of
many minor repairs, and the County
Home O. K. in every respect
The application of Aaron Fisbit to be
appointed general interpreter \va£ re
Citizens of Slippervrock twp. petition
ed for a county bridge over Slippery
rock creek at Bovard. G. K. Graham,
T. J. Thompson and J. M. Chambers
were appointed viewers.
The will of Edmund Clark, dee'd. of
Karns City, has been probated, letters
to Harriet Clark.
The will of the late Henrietta Morri
son has been probated Two h; in set- on
West St. arc- bequeathed to her daughter
Mrs Hugh Mcßride. and her money i"
to be divided between her husband and
C. B. Bnxton has been appointed tax
collector of Valencia.
E H. Negley was appointed auditor
in the estate of John Parada, dee'd, of
E. L. Ralston was appointed auditor
in the estate of J. Baker, dee'd.
H. H. Goucher was appointed auditor
in the estate of John Feigel, dee'd,
of Butler.
John Murrin was appointed auditor
in the estate of Nancy Kiephenson.
B F. Hilliard, G, W. Meals and J. B.
Campbell have been appointed viewers
on petition for a county bridge over the
Connoquenessing Creek where Wayne
street crosses same near Fairground
C F. L. John N. Allison
and O. G. McCandless have been ap
pointed viewers on petition of citizens
of Snmmit and Oakland twps for a new
road rnnning from the Hilliard farm to
East Butler.
W. H. Walker, Surveyor Geo. W.
Tnrntr and Wm C. (ilenn were ap
pointed viewers on a petition for vaca
tion of u road in Oakland and Centre
twps. Objections were filed to the
On Friday last J. H. Foster of Pitts
burg bid in tht John Voting farm in
Batler twp. at Sheriff s Sale for *
but did not come to time with the
money and the farm WHS put np again,
Saturday, and bid in by Mr. Young
forsll,ooo. lie sold the farm, two years
ago, to R. W. Hervey for $22,000, but
Hervey rued the bargain and it was
to divest his title that public sale was
made. It was expected to become
valuable for town lots at that time and
now it is expected to become still more
valuable as oil property, as a 4-Vdegree
line from the new "oil field passes
through it.
The Governor has appointed a com
mission to examine and codify the di
vorce laws of the State
An Altoona wile who ia suing for
maintenance testified that she eared
more for her bulldog than for her hun
hand. Probable nhe in right, but a good
many people will sympathize with the
maji In hid refusal to pay the pI.W a
week awarded t)y the court.
F. G. Bigelow, the defaulting bank
president of Milwaukee was nentenced
to ten yean in the penitentiary.
The UW'H delays in thiH country are
vindicated or a claim in made to that
effect—by the discovery of a lawsuit in
Spain that ban been going on for IHH
yearn. Hy comparmon with that the
ability of H citizen of thin happy country
to bring Miiit in early manhood and pay
the <-ontn in old age IH held to be one of
the delights uf freedom K*
In the murder cane againut John 15
McLaughlin, attorneyH iiredin, Murrin
and Greer for the deft., moved for a
continuance to September term, which
wan granted, there IxinK no opposition
on the part of the Commonwealth.
The esse of Com. vs Lewis Gilghrmt,
felonious assault and robbery, D. K.
CuppH complainant, wan continued ui)
til September
Leave ban been granted to make stale
of land of Johu Shearer, dee'd , of Con
noqnenearing twp.
The case of Com. VH H. (' Myers,
furnishing liquor to men of intemperate
habits, waft Mettled.
The cane of Com. VH Lee Coovert,
robbery, etc., wan continued until
John S Walker of Petrol ia plead
guilty to charges of a&b and Hurety
of the petce, made by hU wife, and wax
lined $lO and ctwta.
The Hurety of the peace caHe agaiiiHt
Ivi. ilall, Mr« Dora Lyons, complain
ant wan Mettled.
In the cane of Com. VH S. Oram, a
Lyndora. store keeper, charged with
Helling cigarette to I<OVH under olxteen
years of atfe, the jury returned a vt-r
diet of not «uilty but pay costs.
The first cane tried Monday wan that
axainnt Edwin L Goehring, charged
with a&b by Mrs Mary Klein of f 'ran
berry twp , who alleged Mr, Goehring
attacked and ntrtick her because nhe
was walking on bin land and driving
his COWH over it. The .iury found
(loehring not guilty, anil divided the
costs equally between the partieM
The cane of Coin, vs Jan. V. Kiddle
wan contined.
The third trial of Police (Captain Wil
Hon of Allegheny, resulted on a couvlc
tion Tnesday. He waH convicted in the
iJalny Hess cane and it wan intended to
try him on the Francis Foley cane, next
<iay. He promptly renigned bin position
an Captain of Police.
AiiKUHt Machauk, charged with a&b,
failed to appear when called for trial,
and l.in bail wa« forfeited. Joseph
Enkovitz wan bin bondsman.
Prank Kinbrew, a colored luiin wiio
amuMed himself Hhooting at Policeman
Harper Graham, lsurK<-HH Kennedy,
Chief Schultz and County Detective
Hood, wan convicted on a charue of
felonioua shooting. The leniency of
lhe court wan anked by the jury.
The cane of Commonwealth VH Henry
Kienter wn* continued. the deft, being
required to enter bail in for bin ftp
Four of the riot rases against (Jar
Workn employe* were continued until
.1. It. HennliiKer has hied hin account
an auditor iu the estate of the late L.
M. lirackney, iu which there was a
balance of f 1141.44 to dlHtribute. The
auditor, by surcharging accountant and
din allowing credits, rained the amount
to SIUHO,OI, exceptions were filed by the
accountant, Mrs Iva Hays, and by
neveral of the creditors. The balance
to dintVlbute j'.ild only nineteen per
cent on a part of the claim*.
Char lea E. Huffner, a Hhoemaker, wan
convicted of a&bon Cornelius MefJnol
yenterday. His Hon William Kn finer,
WBH put on trial for a similar offence.
ilarry Hincbberger to Fred Goettler,
lot on S. Main St. tor S4AOO.
fclusan Cartrigbt to Nettie L. Stought
Oil, lot iQ Wlipperjrock for fiV).
! Cottage Hill Land Co. to Albert
Singley, lot on Patterson Ave. for ?10">.
R. J. Barron to Horatio Kirkbride,
37 acres in Cherry for SSOO.
,ToB. W. Ritzert to Anna L. Thiel, 31
acres in Oakland for S4BO.
M L. Gibson, sheriff, to Ida Good
man. Angert propertv on West street
for SIO6O.
A R Williams to H R Williams lot
, in Butler for SI2OO.
Dora E Whituiire to Thomas Whit
1 mire, qnit claim to property in Oakland
! for SIOO.
' Minnie L Whitmire to Samnel A
f Whitmire propertv in Oakland for S4OO.
i Anna B Boyd to Thomas Whitmire
; qnit claim to "property in Oakland for
i S4OO.
Albert Hiekey to Martin Monks
| acres in Middlesex for $3500.
Samnel Gilfillan to Theodore Leibert
' 10 acres in Oakland for *llOO.
Cottage Hill Land Co John S Cauip-
I bell lots on Cottage Hill for sllO, als <
| lots for $120; also lot to M E Headland
! for $220; also to W Percy Lester lot for
$110; also Benjamin C Dickson lot for
I John A Robinson to Win A Robinson
J 56 acres in Connoqnenessing for $ 1
Ellsworth T Phillips to U S G Phillips
lot in Bntler for #ISOO.
Eliza B Morrow to Robert Morrow 40
acres in Concord for $514
Maggie and David McCoy to Sarah L
Kahney 77 acres in Mercer twp. for
Mary Rieser to D V Sloan 35 acres in
Venango for sl.
John A Brandon to Henry Lanten ■>
acres in tp. for £3600.
Jos L Cooper to Geo W Keister lot in
Slip|ieryrock for $l5O.
Birdie Stoughton to Vance Skinner
15 acres in Clay for $1137.50.
John Kradel to James Kiter lease of
*0 acres in Bntler twp. for
Jas Kifer to Mfrs Light & Heat Co.
of Pittsbnrg same for sl.
Constantine Waidele to P B & I. E R
R Co lot in Brady twp for ill
! Carry J Shaurr t> same lot IU Brady i
twp. lor ?150.
H C Bricker to E II *ntler.-oii hilf in j
terest in property in Y»r.-i End and in
i Bntler twp for s4'*i'i.
j John StJieuck to H C B r i 'ker 10 a - rei
I in Bntler twp f< r *125 >.
i Geo Worrell to Lee'loin A: Worrell
I Co. lot on Centre ave for $1
Marring Lleeasi's.
Clirenca Sahli Stubenville, ').
Sadie P. Shanor Zellenople
Christopher Alwein Bntler
Alary Zitsman Saxonburg
C. W. McCollongh Chicora
Beryl H. Kelly "
J. G Kat.n Chicora
Vina L. Chapman. .New Bethlehem Pa
Henderson L. Christie Chicora
Mina Kinaer North Hope
Charles 11. Schwab Mars
Grace Sibyl Springer Venus
John Troutinan Bntler
Clara Blanche Millar "
Robert J. Lawrence Portersvilte
Mary S. Snyder Euclid
Ralph Glenn W. Snnbuiy
Margaret S McCaslin
S. V Coulter W. Sunbniy
Anna Glenn
Loyal B. McCall Euclid
Brenila B. Seaton W. Sunbury
Alva B. Bell Chicora
Dora Kutin Hooker
W. L. Kauffiiian Callery
Mulinda L. Cash dollar "
George Kramer Fennelton
Emma VVideuhofer Harmony
Emanuel 0. Holl Marwocd
Lonella G. Frwlerii k Jefferson Centre
Charles A Brown W. Snnbnry
Sylvia E. Conn
Lloyd E. Geist Allegheny
Mary E. Morrow
F JJ. Rt-inmnn Bntler
Verna Louise Cronenwett "
Willard B. Miller Dnlutta, Minn
Katie Mary Mochel Sarversyille
At Kittanning F. L. Milliron of
Boggs twp. and Carrie V, McFann of
Butler Co.
At Denver, Colo. -Alton Hopkins and
Miss Eliza Bastian, formerly of Zelie
At Cumberland, Md. R. E. Shaffer
of Zelienoplc and Magdeleno I<enck of
At New Castle Ouss Locke of Har
risville, and Bessie Lewis of New
Rates law are the coining institution.
Even on the Dark Continent the spirit
of monopoly hi* to in curbed Hir
Charles Eliot reports that "in one (lis
trict of Uganda tliu priue of brides lias
lately been fixed by law at I'.U. 4d.. ir
respective of beauty and accomplish
monts." This law had to lie passed to
put a stop to enterprising members of
the local stock exchange cornering all
the eligible brides in the district and
selling out at immense profits
I,ike to show you some really nobby
spring clothing Hitter <te Ilookenstein.
At Harlan Book s in Franklin twp.,
Friday, June 'JUd, at 10 a. in , stock,
farming implements, household goods,
Alamcilu I'iirk.
Urynnt £ Havillo's Minstrels. All
rie*» week. Nine people. An excep
tionally strong Minstrel Co., and comes
well recommended. Afternoon 8:80,
night 8 M.
Hunting for the hard to please man to
talk spring clothing. Hitter & Rocken
I'URK I<lo.
Deliveusl daily to all parts ot town,
in large or small amounts.
Phones, bell J lUH, People's 2'JO.
Hunting for the man we cannot lit
with a becoming spring suit.
Butler dealers aro paying
Fresh ugg« 17
Butter 12* 15
Potatoes U5
Chickens, dressed 17
Apples, per bu ...70
Cabbage, per lb , Jj
Navy beans, bu.... *i 75
Onions, bu 1 25
Carrots, bu (Hi
Lettuce, lb 10
Dressed I'ork 7
Honey tier lb 15
Dried Apples ~»)
FOR HALE Choice OI ad tola Bulbs,
no two alike; fifty cents per dozen, by
mail. .1. A HEYDBIGK,
411 Bluff Ht.. Butler, Pa.
Von will feel more contented In one
of Rittor & Rock ens teins spring suits.
Higher in quality, lower in price
Hitter iV Rockenstein's suits for spring
Better than a wpring tonic, a Hitter
Ac Rockenstein's suit.
Is now being deli ved to all parts of the
town by
it is the purest Ice in town
Leave your orders ut the Bakery
14a 8. Main Ht., Butler.
Inauranco and Real Estate.
If you wish to sell or buy property
you will find It to your advantage to see
Win, 11. Miller, Insurance and Real
Lstate. Room WW, Butler Comity
fjvtional Bank building.
I'iiiut Your Ituggy I'or 7/ic.
to SI.OO with Devoe's Gloss Carriage
Paint. It weighs Bto 8 o/.s more to the
pint than others, wears longer and given
a gloss equal to new work. Hold by
Patterson liros
iti \ i N<; WOOL.
We are paying the highest price, in
cash, for wool. < "all at or address.
107 H, .Main Ht., Butler, Pn
Just wtiat you ure looking for in a
spring suit at Hitter & Rockenetelv. s
Extraordinary clothing at ordinary
price* at Bitter <fe Rockenstein's.
Tin- Gushers.
Both gnshers were doctored for water
on the stomach, last week and on Mon
day the old Mcßride well was gushing
at :!0 bbls an hour or al>ont 700 a day,
while No. '2 was doing al>ont 000 l>b!« .
on Tuesday the Mcßride well was doing
!25 bbls and No. 2 on the same farm
*22 bbls per honr.
The Southern's No. 1 on the Hartung
was drilled in yesterday, and will be
tubed today. It has no gas.
; The Ind. Gas Co's No. 2 on the
Schlagel reached the sand, yesterday,
and will be shot today.
Yonnkins & Humphrey have taken
" leases on the Cratty. Reiber. McCand
less and Duffy farms, north of Bntler
and will drill on the Cratty. just north
of Bntler, on the Mercer road, and two
| miles from the Mcßride well on a 45-
! degree line.
A 45-degree line from the gnshers hits
! the old Greece City field, leases are
| being and have been taken along the
[ entire line.
Oakland twp —Vance 6: France have
j a good well in the 100-foot on the Jno.
: A. Gilleland. ft is estimated at 60
bbls., but will be drilled deeper.
Clinton twp.—The American Oil &
Gas Co. have a good well on the Watt
Ekas, a 4-th gander good for 25 barrels.
ClearSeld— Flick 6c Co. are drilling
on the F. P. Mcßride, and have the
casing in No. 2 Showalter is drilling
on the W. S. McCrea; Gregg 6c Co. are
drilling on the Dennis Mcßride, Flick
iV Co's No. 1 one the F. P. Mcßride is
rated at 25 barrels.
Teachers* Examination*.
The regular annual teachers' examin
ations will be held as follows, for the
vtar 1005.
Chicora, June 10 and 17.
Saxonbnrg. June ID and 20.
North Washington. June 21 and 22.
Snnbnry, June 23 and 24.
Butler, July 14.
Bntler, Angtist 11.
Each examination will consi-t of
three half day sessions.
Examinations hesin at 0 o'clock. No
apulioati'. under 18 years of age will be
V>'ork < ii u.anu-. lipts i>.u.-l i>e dont
ith | r-», and ink. Black ink ind h—.-il
cap paper preferred.
Candidates should be prepare 1 to
hand in a stamped envelope addrfssed
to himself and the last teacher's certi
ficate received,
When it comes to servicable, perfect
fitting clothing Ritter & Ilockenstein
are leaders.
13. He o. excuKSiOiNS.
Excursion Kates to Indianapolis.
On June 20 to 2:». inclusive, the B. &
O. R. R. Co. will sell excursion tickets
from all localitfctiaM we.-t of Pittsburg,
at rate of one fare plus 25 cents for the
round trip, to Indianapolis, Ind., ac
count Turn feat of the North American
Gymnastic Union, good for return nn
til June 27, 1905.
K\<-iir.-ioii Kates to Milwaukee,
On June 15 to 10, inclusive, the B. 6c
O It It Co. will sell excursion tickets
from all local itatioriS west of Pittsburg
and Wheeling,also Ohio River Division,
at rate of one fare plus 50 cents for the
round trip, to Milwaukee, Wis , account
Biennial Meeting, Modern Woodmen,
good for return until June 30, 1905
lOvciirsion Kates to Denver, Colo
On Jftne 20 to July 4, inclusive, the
B 6c O. R R Co. will sell excursion
tickets from all local stations west of
Pittsburg and Wheeling, also Ohio
River Division, at very low rates for the
round trip to Denver, Cdo., account In
ternational Epworth League Conven
tion, good for return until July 14,1005,
but may be extended to August 8 by
deposit of ticket, with Joint Agent and
payment of 50 cents.
For further information call on or ad
dress nearest B. & O. Ticket Agent, or
B. N. Austin, G. I'. A., Chicago. 111.
K<<lll< < <I Kates t<> Kaltiniore.
For the Intornatlonal Convention
I niU.d Society of Christian Endeavor,
nt Baltimore, Mil., July 5 to 10, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
Hell round-trip tickets to Baltimore, at
greatly reduced rates, from all stations
on its linen cant of and inclnding PittH
burg, Erie and Buffalo. The rate from
Pittsburg will he si» 00 with correspond
iiiK redqetionu from all other point*
'1 i<k>-ts will he sold on July :{, I and
•V good for return passage leaving Balti
more until July 15, Inclusive. On pay
ment of ft.oo to Joint Agent at Balti
more an extension of return limit to
August :il can ho obtained.
Tickets via Philadelphia permit atop
over within limit, if deposited with the
ticket agent at Broad Street Station
Trains leavea Pittsburg 9:00 a m
IC«-<111<-<-< 1 Kates to Niagara Falls,
On account of the lni(>erial Council,
Ancient Order of the Mystic Hhriue, at
Niagara Falls, N. V , June :'Q and '.'l,
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell excursion tickets to Niagara
Falls from nil stations on its lines at
greatly reduced rates.
From all stations on the Pennsylvania
Railroad ti< kots will bu sold ami good
going June IS and IH. good returning
leaving Niagara Falls not later than
June a 4, inclusive. Uy ilepost of ticket
with Joint A;<ent at Niagara Falls not
later than June 24 and payment of fifty
cents, an extension of return limit may
be obtained to leave Niagara Falls not
later than June ,'SO.
I te«l need Kale •, t<> Indianapolis.
Ou aciuuntof the National Gymnastic
Featlvul of the North American Gym
niistic Union, to beheld at Indianapolis,
ln.l . June '3l to y.y the P. it R. Co
will sell rouud trip tickets to Indian
apolis, June 10 t<i SO, good returning to
leave Indianapolis not later than June
27. inclusive, from all stations otj its
lines at rate of single fare fur ti,u round
trip plus $1 00 <in nil tickets good for
passage via Philadelphia, Baltimore,
and Washington, a atop over within
limit will be allowed at either of these
Went, IVIIII Trains to and i'roni
I °it lon Station.
Effective May 2h. the Pennsylvania
Railroad will run six of its trains on flu
Western Pennsylvania Division over the
new Brilliant ('nt off into and out <if
Union Station, Pittsburg. These will
include trains leaving itlnlrsvllh' at 7 Mi
a. m and 7.00 p. m., and leaving Bolter
at -1 :!».*> p. in. Returning trains will
leave Union Station at 1|.0!» p. m and
10,110 pm. f<ir Hlairsvllle and at 0:10 p.
in. for Butler.
Coiiuontit Lake Week-end i;%-
Fast train of vestihulcd coaches and
parlor cars leaves Butler every Satur
day ;; JO p. in., arriving Exposition Park
•V.20 p. in.; returning leave the Park
every Sunday to Sent 10th Inc. at \ 00
D. m . arriving Datler U:» p. in I m
for round trip all trains Saturday good
returning .Monday s.' 00. Connections
made via Mi-advilio with trolley lin<> (,<,
and from Haegcrtown and Cambridge
Spend Sunday at Conncani Cahe
Week end excursion fare for round
trip Kolng Saturday (XI. I,«aye Hut
ler 0 !I5 a. m , I! '0 p. m ; returning
leave the Lake 7.00 p. m Sunday or
regular trains Monday.
AmvJ &• Evjth,
j IM7 M. Main St., Ol<l roslofllce
liiilldlng, I tut lor, I'a.
1 tot ll I'IIOIICM,
Branch Office Chicora,
In Charge of.John C Wiles,
1119 South Main St.
Butler Fair, Aogiut 23 38 U 23th.
| Trusses j
| Of To-day
/ A truss is an important ap- S
# pliance and it is obvions that , \
C ' constant effort will be made j !
J for its improvement. Every \
1 year does bring some improve- >
( ments. and wearers of trusses [ j
t should have the benedt of ; C
V them. In our stock we en \
/ deavor to provide all that is j C
J practical as well as new. Onr , f
V long exj»erience iu fitting 1 c
S trusses enables ns to judge the ! /
\ value of new ideas and onr i
C stork is therefore an ideal one. S
» Any claims we make for a v
/ truss we will guarantee. C
J Hard Rubber Trusses, »
/ Shonlder Braces, j 9
/ Elastic Trusses, j X
/ Elastic Hosiery, j f
J Abdominal Supporters, j 1
f Crutches and Fittings. #
J Our assortment is complete i
J and our prices are right. S
\ C. N. BOYD, j
|ino. S. Wick, I
# *
{Removed to|
\ 345 S. Main St., ?
(J. Stein Building.) f
t fmdMtt lertli ofVlHanl Hotni. 5
S We are now open for busi 2
#ness with a new stock of#
Jgoods and want all our oldj
Scustomers and
Jelse to come and see us in#
Jour new quarters. f
We are showing all thej
#new things for summer. g
New Hats, Shirts, Neck J
Swear, Hosiery, Underwear!
I Straw Hats \
# are all here, cheapest to #
? finest. ?
Gibson's Livery
(old May & Kennedy standi
First-class horses and rigs.
Excellent boarding accom
Good and clean waiting room.
Open day and night.
In the
Crystal Pharmacy
R. M. LOGAN, Ph.
106 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
* ***■#*****■*»-*
Strictly High Grade
Come and see me when |
you buy; also sheet music |
or anything In the music |
| W. A. F. GROHMAN, |
j Mnsic Instructor a»i<l i'lnno Tuner. *
Next ilis>r to V M O. A.
People's I'lioiin
1 Orchestru furnlshe.l for all J
* KM***t #*. #*#s
Funeral Director.
The Butler County National Bank,
Statement of Condition at Close of Business May 29, 1905.
Loans # 1,87(5,4] 7.40 Capital $ 300,000.00
United States Bonds 100,000,00 Surplus and Profits 306,175 72
B oKa o i'E C r«e 205.529.15 Circulation 100,000.00
Ca,h an from e Banks 604,012.71 Deposits 2,019,783.60
#2,785,959.32 #2,785,959.32
Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent-"The Very Best." We Invite Your Business.
LESLIE P. HAZI.ETT, President. A. L. RKIHER, Vice Pres T P MIFFI IV VIEA Pren T V Rri»rc Vi<«. PM
JNO. ». MCM-MIUN. Cashier. AL MM C. K.EO, C»j,iTr. W. & gScs^ - £.UUL.T A,SS'
Black Belgian Stallion,
Formerly owned by McCand
less fc West* of Prospect,:
will be at the barn of
Hooker, Pa., the entire
B. & B.
All broken lines of 75c to
$1.50 Voiles and Twines re
duced to 50c a yard—great
opportunities to get fine dresses
for little money.
Special showing late new
Paris Dress Goods, #I.OO to
£2.50 a yard.
June a month when the big
gest Wash Cotton business is
done never saw us so
thoroughly prepared, 5c to
$ 1.50 a yard.
Prices and Prettiness count
—test us by coming or sending
and find out how much pret
tier, and how much better you
can be suited.
IJo£>ii's& Buhl
(iri'otcr PlttNimn*.
Hcdcral SI. Park Way- South Diamond.
llsi H Ihh'ii found guilty l»y h Jury i«*•»
(lidiihuiM) nnopln of Hcillnu tin* and
f'hiMipoiit < l»ry« r In tlw innrkrl. I'rliw*
.#«* C'lltM UlKt f I <lO. 'I III) Mill's! .idjllst Hill) lUlll
«• \ li*iinl«»ii Hliiul. 11 an get only I • ««nts. No
Imum U l untplrti' wit-boat tlirm. Tim Safoty
Lump I'lllnr in only to »»i< hitii to In auprncf
ait I'd. <an 111 l your lump with (Incut or white
klii In mi lii mi ant without hollluk
iln hi I'rlrn ti n uml llfliM ii ci'iit*. r I worth
of tlio fine*t Toilet Boap f«»r ■;.»<•. You bivt
ni vi-r rn i'lvrd vi inin fi for the money b®-
fori'. Only oin* Ih»* nolil to a family to fntro
duen It. Alio thn llim'nl of no 11 1 Kolil JnWolry,
Watch***. Diamond*. Bllvorwari\ Kto.. ut
prlri** ih'vit Iwsforn hoard of. Any of tlio
aixivn yiit'twl goodi nutit hy mall or i \ pr« in
on roridpt of price. Add it'** or cull
IMT'I SltnJlt NnVl l/r V Mt'l'lM.Y CO,
l| ■ Lewi* Work. I'ltUburff. I'M. tJuori Atfnil*
Zuver Studio
Has added a full line of
amateur Photo Supplies, Cam
eras, Films, Dry Plates, De
vclopers, Printing out and de
veloping papers.
Anti-Trust Goods
At about one half what
you have been paying.
(hi a ran teed
An good if not better than
the Trust goods.
215 S. Main St. Butler
Holt's Greenhouses,
E. M. Hon & Co. PROP'S.
Salesroom 247 S. Main Street.
Floral <lt'MiKii» fur fuiioriila, lutrtlm,
etc., a HjHu lulty.
Our cnrnatlou. *re now in their primt.
ai Beautiful Gowns
Instead of having your lawn dress
3?SIItPISi. simply cool, make it simply beautiful by
trimming it with good lace. "Good lace"
-fLiJ'iCT looks expensive, but it's only in the looks
that this lace we are offering is impres
sive. The price is very modest. No
f/ rl /|\ need to wear a plain lawn when an op
( portunity like this comes your way.
Lace appliques in white, cream and
*■■*■■■■■* ecru, 10c to 75c a yard.
Val. and maline lace and insertion 2c to 25c a yard.
Handsome medallions 3c, 5c and 10c each.
When you buy a new shirt waist get one with some
snap and ginger to it. We desire to earnestly impress
upon your mind the fact that we sell the very best make
of shirt waists, the "Acorn" brand, noted for style,quality,
superior fit and moderate prices.
Splendid values at SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00.
We are constantly showing new styles in belts, ribbons
and neckwear.
All sizes of the New Idea Patterns always in stock.
L. Stein & Son,
|| Perhaps yon wonld like to send back that Carriage yon bought
J? l>y mail out of a Catalogue. It didn't turn out to be what you 3c
paid yonr money for. It didn't measure np to the picture and
o talk in the Catalogue. Don't make the same mistake twice. Q
o Pick out a Carriage or Buggy from our new line. Goods are Q
(fc right. If not you'll find us right hero to make anything right
Othat is not. We are going to sell good team collars for the next X
week at SI.OO, Irish Collars at fJi.OO, Sweat Pads at 25 cts., and 3c
W we still have a few of the through Rawhide Whips left that we v
o will sell at 25 cts. If you need a Buggy, Kramer Wagon or Top O
0 for yonr old Buggy come in aud wo will fit you out at loweet Q
prices. A
1 Martincourt & Thoml
128 E. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. X
Hammocks at Cost while they lant. Some as low as 50c.
This ad is of importance to every
woman interested in home or person
al needs or who wants to save on
seasonable merchandise. All de
partments are reducing stock by
special offerings and cut prices, many
of which don't even get a mention.
511k Specials Knit Underwear
Fancy Wach Silks in black. Ladies' Vesta, tape neck and
blue, red and brown polka arm holes, sizes 4 to 0, at. ..5tC
dots and figures. s(>c values l.adies' Vests, long or short
„t :I4« sleeves or sleeveless, finish
:i(! incli TafTeta Silk, all colors, ed with silk tape, sizes 4 to
75c values, at 48c it worth 25c, at 18c
Fancy Silks in blue, brown. Ladies' Itlbbed Pants, lace
grev and green, at 48c trimmed or fitted knee, all
All Changeable and Fancy sizes, worth 35c. at 18c
SilliM worth and H5 cents
at rtHc
"MtSS awl Children's
aud white; at this sale !lßc HOSe
Slum Tunic Silk ill tau, blue
and white, worth isc, at. • .ftKc i— n *in ,I- i t_l ti ... ~,L I,
ah Kiiw l'Villii« "7 iin*liiwide Ladies Black Lisle Hose, white
i ,ih - , -in.. sole and white foot included.
wor,h tlli Movables, at 18c
Uaadv AlaHo ltfaat- Ladles' Lisle Hose, all luce,
KtdUj IrldUl/ TTCdI lace boot or embroidered in
Walking Skirts,made of li K Ht J' I** 1 **- whitejHMirl gray, tan
weight broadcloth or man lm,wu ' Mo
nish mixtures, with side ml ail h s seasons s
All Uranlrliitlw. Herneii. i'li«v* cllil ' ,r """ IIol "o,.
SMu ll »» rtbtad. Mc v»1.,« at. 18c
S? SLtS ui? w", pric.. M«« Ml.rlKK.a
Ladies' Black Silk ('oats,made r,oc Value*. at 38c
of guaranteed talfets, 50 in.
long, shirred lego'mntton.
worthflH at ... #ll.Brt COrSCtS
30 per cent oil on all silk
skirts and silk shirt waist
suits during this sale. 50 doz. of Girdle or High Bust
Corsets, batiste or net; at
Drp<i<k liflfllK this sale IOC
Ult,.V» UVWUS c „ Hud Warner's $1 Corsets.
Cravenette Cloth. 50 in. wide, at this sale ODc
herring lame stripe, worth Ladies' Leather Pocket-books.
sl, , t | 7Hc sterling mountings, in black,
Tan Covert Cloth 56 in wide. brown, grey and tan. worth
worth *1.50 at $).IO ♦! and ft. so, at this sale.. 58c
V .lies, 13 iuclies wide, black, 300 pair Unfiled Swiss Car
blue.and grey, worth 75u at 00c tains, iiought at a sacrifice,
Voiles, II in. wide, in black. worth 75c and #1; at this
liltiu. brown and grav.worth sale oßc
(l at tills sale IliV 30 js<r cent discount on all lace
About (.(Mm yards Dress Ooods and rufiled curtains during
in black, blue, brown, grey. this sale,
red in.d mixtures, to 1>« closed 3,000 yards Dominion Apron
out ai I his sale at} the regular Gingham, all good patterns;
price. during this sale 4iC
Advertise in the CITIZEN