THE BUTLER CITIZEN. WILLIAM a H*OL*T - Publ Is her THTTRSDI Y. Jxnrt 5. IW. JlJSper year fa Advaace, Otherwise IIJ> REPUBLICAN TICKET STATE. Jndges of Saperiwr Oonrt Charles E. Rice. James A- Beaver, George B. Or lady. Treaeurer-J. Lee Plummer. COUNTY. Sheriff—A- McCune CampbelL Treasurer —Thomas Alexander. Protbonotary James M McCollougb. Register and Bee-order-Porter Wilson. Commissioner* - N. S. Grossman. William Siebert. Auditors;— David Cupps. W. B. Scott. Coroner— Dr. W. S. Patterson. POLITICAL. Politics not only "makes strange bed fellows, bat also induce* politicians to do strange things. Messrs Penrose and Durham of Philadelphia, the present stat* "bosses," having the City by the revolt aga.nat the e^e of the gas works and feanng the spread of the revolt over the state, fixed upon judge John Stewart of Franklin county on account of his unimpeachable char acter and established judicial attain ments. as apolitical make weight to stem rtln* i"'i' u,i4r r 'l' lD! ''" against their management of the party, and induced Gov. Pennypacker to ap point him to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Bench caused by the death of Justice Dean; and Judge Stewart will accept the appointment with the under standing that the State Committee is to ] nominate him for a full term of twenty one years. Judge Stewart has been a leading figure in independent movements in this state for a quarter of a century. In 1882 he was the independent candi date of a revolt against the Cameron regime; and his candidacy was an im portant factor in the election of _ Patti son. Before that be had been a vigor ous critic in the Legislature of jobbery and subservience. In succeeding years he became reconciled with the party organization, but it has never been heard that by doing so he compromised his integrity or involved himself with the misdeeds that are perpetrated in the name of the organization. There is no doubt that Judge Stew art on the Supreme Bench will be an upright and independent Judge, far above being swayed by the wishes of political powers or the influences that •re sometimes exerted-to affect judicial action. His service on the lower bench has demonstrated his full qualification for the appellate position. It is doubt fnl if a selection couli have been made within the State more unexceptionable in its character or containing a better guarantee of ,tbe integrity of the Su preme Court. Whatever the motives that have con trolled the Governor and bis advisew in making this nomination they deserve credit for a first-class selection. The greatest measure of hope for the purification of Philadelphia politics may be found in the latest order of Mayor Weaver in which he says that all em ployes of the city must report the number of voters registered from their homes, supplementing it with the recommendation that they should not be engaged as landlords in boarding bohsee. State Chairman Andrews baa called upon the State Committeemen to meet in Philadelphia, next Wednesday, June 21st, at 2 p. m.. for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Justice of the Supreme Court, and quotes Rnle 6 of the State Rule* as his authority for so doing. WAR NOTES. All the world—the diplomatic world- Is wondering at President Roosevelt's success in bringing about the necessary preliminaries to peace or a truce be tween Russia and Japan. Both countries have agreed to appoint peace plenipotentiaries and name a time and place for their meeting. Russia is already beaten, badly beat en, in war ; and the destruction of Line vitchs army—her last hope—will make her borders liable to Japanese ag gression, both by land and sea. If she had an honest government there would be no trouble about concluding a peace, but the Jip» will probably be very wary in dealing with a government founded upon and maintained by Fear, Force and Fraud. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT has decided that there shall be no further delay in the effort to secure legislation fixing railway rates and Congress will be sum mooed to meet in extra session on MonJ day, November 18. THE Pennsylvania encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic at Reading, closed Thursday afternoon. The next session will be held m Altoona that city having won by an overwhelm ing majority over Gettysburg. THOSE Illinois and Nebraska farmers who threaten to go after the beef com bination by building a packing bouse in Chicago and entering the business shewn the extent of present day prosperity The capital of the concern is to be.a million and a half, and they have the money.—Ex. TALKING about speculations it i« well to remember that forty years ago the English government paid the Khedive of Egypt four million pound* or about $20,000,000 for bis shares in the Suez Canal. The shares are now worth twenty-eight million pounds or abont $140,000,000. ACCOKDINO to the new law cresting a State Department of Health, the state is to be divided into ten districts, the Sap'd'ts of which will receive H salary of $2,500 per year It will pro bably be sometime before Commissioner Dixon announces the departments, and In the meantime applicants for the j*o- sitions are sending in their papers PORTLAND is rather hurrying her celebration, I<ewis and Clark did not come out upon the Pacific coast until November 7, 1000, so that the fair is opened more than a year ahead of time The Lewis and Clark expedition «»> the necessary sequel to the Louisiana Purchase. That purchase carried the western boundary of the United Stater to the summit, the watershed, of th« Rocky Moantain range, and the discov ery of the Columbia river by Lewis and Clarke established onr right to the coast north of California, then claimed b> Mexico, to the Canadian or English School Not«-». At the meeting of the Batler School Board. Monday evening, all the old teachers, who applied, were le-elected, and also the following to fill the eight vacancies Misses Lida M. Armstrong. Carrie Graham. Verna M. Iseman, Edna Kamerer, Ethrl McGeary and Verna Dickey of Butler, Miss Olire Cribbs of Clarion, and Miss Bessie MeQuistion of Slipperyrock; with Elizabeth Frazier and Mand Black of Butler as substitute? Henry Krng was re-elected Trnant Officer, and H. R. Nicholas for Spring dale, T A. Hite for McKean street, Simon Moon for Jefferson street, Oliver Graham for Broad street, J. H Cum berland for Institute Hill Janitors. President Sutton announced his Com mittees for this year as follows: High School—Findley, Cronenwett and Kling ler. Building—Garroway, Ruff and McQuistion. Supplies—Bonner, Key man, Grossman. Text Books Gross man. Mechling, Graham. Gas, Water and Insurance— Christley, Mechling, Graham. Discipline—Boyer, Klingler, Mechling. Truancy—McCollongh, Ney man. Boyer. Finance —Ruff, Klingler, Mechling. Exonerations—Findley, Gra ham, McQnistion, Garroway, Cronen wett. Grounds—Mechling, McCollough, McQuistion. Repairs Cronenwett, Garroway, Boyer. The school tax for this year will be 7 mills. The salaries will be fixed at next meeting. The Schools of Butler County (Extracts from ex-County Superintend ent Painter's last report to State Superintendent Schaeffer.) "I hereby submit my sixth annnal re port of tne" schools of iiutler county. The year just closed, as a whole, was very satisfactory. The teachers, with but few exceptions, were faithful and tried to succeed. In this work as in all other places in life some few always fail; yet we do not wonder at that, for wben we come close to the work of the teacher and stndv it carefully and see it in its trials and difficulties, we are surprised that more of them do not fail eacn year, The attendance of the pupils in most sections of the county was good, though some few districts were careless in this matter, and the attendance was not what it should have been. Poor attend ance means poor progress for any pu piL It is also contagious and one or two families afflicted with it may spoil the report and progress of a whole school. It therefore rests upon pupils, parents, directors and teachers to re duce this habit to the minimum. Fifteen public examinations for teach ers were held during the year. Mid were attended by four hundred and fifty ap plicants. ; f wo hundred and thirty pu pils successfully passed the diploma ex amination. This was the largest class of pupils ever graduated from the schools of this county and we think it is a partial outcome of an earnest effort that has been made to encouroge our boys and girls to complete our common school course and then to take some higher education. Through the press, in public meetings and in my visits to the schools I have brought this matter before our young people and their pa rents every time I could do so, and bv taking note of the students now attend ing our normal school, and the several academies and high schools of our county, we see more young students en rolled" than usual in each of them. Eighty of our teachers were be ginners and eighty four of them had taught for five or more terms; and by a careful calculation I find that the wages paid onr teachers this past year, on an average, were fifteen percent higher than those paid six years ago. This steady increase in wages was not due to the minimum salary law for that law changed the wages of only three townships of this county. This question of teachers wages is one of vital importance to our schools and I have regarded and treated it as such daring my superintendency. Wo want no poor teachers, and we can't expect to get and hold good ones very long an less they are fairly well paid for their work. I again visited every public school in the county and called at several of them the second time. I attended and took part in fifty educational meetings during the year and, judging from the attendance and interest shown in most of them, I feel safe in here reporting the school sentiment in this county as very good. Our three township high schools did ?;ood work. These schools are growing n favor in our county and the work of organizing three new ones has already been nearly completed. Daring my sui»erintendency 1 have endeavored to place good pure litera ture in the hands of our young people The teachers were examined each year as to the books they were reading and the ones thev wanted their pupils to read. School libraries were advocated and through the efforts of our people more than two hundred libraries have been placed in the schools of Bntler county during the last five years. In closing my work as superintendent of the schools of Butler county I do so with a clear conscience, having done the best I could for the good of the schools. 1 made my mistakes in the work but meant to wrong no one. And now I wish to thank directors, parents, teachers and pupils for the many act* of kindness shown me during the year" I acted as superintendent. It was only because of your help that my work was of any benefit. I bespeak tor our newly elected sup erintendent, Prof. Pentield, the same kind treatment you gave me, and my heart's desire is to see our schooln everywhere prosper in the future even more than they have done in the past Yours very truly, HOWARD I PAINTEK. CHURCH NOTES. Thirty-three now members were re ceived in the German Lutheran church at Communion Services, Sunday Communion was held in the First English Lutheran church, Sunday, six new members being received Rev. A. R Robinson of the U. P church and Rev. J. H. Breaden of West Banbury U. P. church, exchanged pulpits Sunday Next Sunday Com munion services will be held in the But ler church, Rev. Huber Ferguson of Allegheny will preach at preparatory services Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day evenings The General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran church is in session in Pitts burg this week, in Bethany Lutheran church, East End. Rev. Father McCabe, of St. Alpbon SUB'S church, Murrinsvillc, left Butler Friday, for a three-months trip to En rope. ACCI DENTS. [ James Heginbothain's barn was bit twice, within two weeks, by lighting, this spring, and the weather boarding splintered, but the barn was not set afire. The first bolt killed a calf. Thomas, a son of W. R. Gilraore of Centre Ave., aged -l years, ran in front of a street car and was run over last Thursday The front truck passed over him and he was taken from under the centre of the car, bnt was not seriously injured. L. C. Kelley of Niagara Falls, for merly of Bntler, fell from an arcade, a few days ago, and was serionslv inirir ed, but was not killed, as was at first reported, and will get well. Willis Forringer of S. Buffalo twp. Armstrong county, near the Bntler county line, fell from a tree last Mon day, broke his neck, and lived but a few hours after. lioiihenspeck Iletuiioii. The second annual reunion of th<- Danbenspeck family and those of kin by marriage will tie held at the resi dence of Elmer W. Danbenspeck near North Hope, Aug. 80, 1905. Everyone welcome, come and bring well filled baskets; send notices to friends. By order of Committee. |CAMPBEI,L DACBENSPECK, Pres., H. 8. DACBENSPECK, Sec. Bruin, Pa. J<p ji^iiii— —m —■—rT—* DEATHS. 1 SCHAUS—At his home in .Tackson I township. May 80, 190-">, Abraham Sohaus, in his l -»;th year. CONLEY—At the home of his daugh ter. Mrr. Jacob Green. in Butler. Juno 8, i«jfls Patrick Conlty. in his i 72nd year. i NUGENT—At her home in Clearfield township, .Tnne 7, ltfU-Y Mrs. James Nugent, aged 4t» years She is sur vived by her husband and several children RODGER.S-At her home in Pittsburg. June 7, 1900, Mrs James Rodders, nee O Donnell and formerly of Clear field twp., aged 7.") years. She was bnried at Sugareretk ceme tery. EBERLY—At the Soldier's Home. Dayton, Ohio. Jnne 11. 1905, Anthony Eberly, aged 00 years. YOUKERS —At his home in Butler, June 10. 1905, Jacob Youkers, aged 86 years. Mr. Youkers' death was caused by old age. He was born in German}, and came to this section in IH4S. and pur chased a farm in Centre twp. He re moved to Bntler sixteen years ago and lived with his daughter. Mrs. Barbara Harley, who with eight of the children, including Albert of Centre twp., Mrs Lewis Albert and Mrs. Wilbert Albert of Franklin twp., survive him GCMPPER—At the residence of his brother, in Bntler. June 14, 1905, Edward E. Gumpper, in his 33rd year. His death was caused by a complica tion of diseases. He leaves a wife and two children. Funeral from residence ofr his sister, Mrs. Theo. Yogelev, Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Obituary. JOHN BICKEL. That "in the midst of life we are in death" was never more forcibly im pressed on the minds of the people of Bntler thnn it WAS last Thursday even lug, J uue 3, 1905 when the word was passed around—"John Bickel is dead.' He was on'the street and in his store during the day, apparently in his usual health; and was up street that evening, but mentioned then to one or two men he talked with that his stomach was bothering him. He started for his home on N Mc- Kean Street about 9 o'clock: was taken sick on N. Main street, was helped to his home and expired shortly after. His funeral, Monday, was very large lv attended, and he was laid to his eter nal rest in the family lot in the South Cemetery. John Bickel was the eldest son of Philip Bickel, deed., and was born in February of 1843. He passed his boy hood in Bntler. and was but 19 years of age when the Civil War began. He enlisted, in 1862, in Co. K of the 134 th the company of which Ed. Lyon was the first Captain, and of which Will Campbell. Geo. Bowers and others yet living were members—was wounded at Fredericksburg in December of 18C2, and was dischaiged with the regiment in 1863. , Sometime after he engaged with his brother-in-law in the shoe business, dis solved partnership and engaged in the business for himself—and by reason of his cleverness, close attention to details and invariable good nature, has been one of the most successful business men Butler has ever produced. No man engaging in business in this town for a long term of years made more friends, or died with fewer ene mies, than did John Bickel. He is survived by his wife, nee Smith; two song, George and Philip, and one daughter, Mrs. F. G. Holnian; also by one brother, Henry, and three sisters, Mrs. Ruff, Mrs. Crail and Mrs. Miller. The accidental death of his son, Albert, some years ago was a sad blow to him. and he has often complained of his heart and stomach. Lately he has found relief in taking long walks after business hours, but it was that trouble that caused his sudden death. He is dead and buried, out of sight but the genial, good-natured, honest and clever, John Bickel, will live long in the memory of those who knew him. He was in his 63d year. J W Waters, * stranger who worked in the Lead Works, was stricken by paralysis, some days ago, and was taken to the County Home as the Hospital was full. He died Saturday night, and alj efforts to locate bis relations have failed. He was about 50 years of age. Dr W E. James, aged 80, of Bradys Bend, died, Monday morning after several months' illness. Jir. James practiced medicine for the last 40 years at Bradys liend and was also closely identified with the development of the 011 industry in this end of the State. Weak, Nervous, Worn Out Women Bloodless, Irritable, Despondent Women, Subject to All Sorts and Varieties of Ner vous Troubles, Find a Positive Cure in DR. A. VV. Chase's NERVE PILLS. The world Is full of women whose daily life is one long struggle against diseases peculiar to their sex -whose days and nights are full of quiet, patient suffering. The head the seat of pain and pressure—the result of nerve de pression and physical weakness brought on by uterine or ovarian trouble—the nerves on edge -inclined tolaughor cry at anything—an ever present dragging in the back, hips and limbs—a feeling of utter weariness—lassitude and des pondency. To these people Dr. A. W Chase,s Nerve Pills are of incomparable vain*, having as they do the power to rebuild, to relnvigorate and resupply every organ, every nerve, every muscle with the lost energy, and to insure a complete return to health, strength and vigor again. Mrs. John Bailey of Jackson St, Penn Yan, N. Y., says: . ''l was told that Dr. A. W. Chases Nerve Pills were a great nerve medicine, and as I needed one badly, 1 got a l>ox. My nerves were very weak I lacked ambition and strength and my heart action was very weak. I used the Pills as directed and they made my nerves quiet and steady-the hcirt action strong and regular and the appetite good, my sleep became restful and I fell altogether like another person. 1 think as a remedy in female complaints !is well, they are grand, curing the headaches and heavy, dragging feeling rapidly and easily this I know from experience, and I am glad to recom mend them." 1 50 cents a box at dealers or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Por trait and signature of A. W. Chase, M.DV on every package For sale by Redick and Grohuiau, druggists, 109 N. , Main St. Butler, Pa. Trustee's Sale. Tin* undersigned, Trustee In Barikruph-y of the estate of Hamuel M. Hutton of Butler, Pa., will offer for sale at public auction, Tree ami discharged of all liens and encum brances* on Tuesday, June 27th, 1905, At the Court House In Butler, at one o'clock R M , the following described real « tau • oriHlHtlritf of two lotn of ground, located at No. Fairvlew avo., in the borough of But ler, Pa., and bounded and described us fol IOWH: On the nort hby lot of Win. Fisher, on the east by an alley, on the south by Mr*. Hannah M. Button and on the we*t. by a street known as the Free port road; said Tot , lietng each forty feet, fronting on Fairvlew ave. and extending back one hundred thirty nine |I<JU) feet to an alley; and having there on ererted a two-story. frame- dwelling house of fflne r'Mirns. TKKMH OF HA LK Ten per cent at time of nale, and balance on confirmation of Hale by t lie Court. MAUTIN \. OIIIHON. Trustee in Bankruptcy of Hamuet M. Button. MART IS & Bit'CS, Att'ys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of ad ministration on the estate of Miss Rachel A. Stoughton, dee'd., late of Concord twp.. Butler Co., Pa., hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons Knowing thetnselveH indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment and any having clftims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to BENTON STOUOHTON, Adm'r., R. F. D. 10, Butler, Pa W. D. BKANOON, Att'y. 4-18-05 Fire ut TTorthinglon. Yeetesday afternoon fire started in Charles Walker's general store, and de stroyed it, Wilson s drag store and j Bolman's harness shop. Leaping across the street the tiames destroyed the resi- : dence of Mrs. Sarah Yonnkins and her son in law. Win. (). Sntton. The loss was twenty thousand dollars. Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy. lii the l>i2»trict Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania. Robert Lycunrus Hlndman. of Petroila. But ler Co.. Pennsylvania a bankrupt under the Act of congress of July 1.1*06. having applied for a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Act, notice is hereby given to all known creditors aid other persons in Interest* to appear before the said Court at Piitsburs. in said District. 011 the 7th day of July. 11905, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. WILLIAM T. LINDSF.V. Clerk. SHERIFFS SALE. By \ irtue • f :i writ of Fl. Fa. out of the c ourt of t'oaimonl'lcas of Butler county. I'a., anil to ice ulrectcd. there will IK- ex posed to public >:ile.atthe Court House. In the Borough of liutler, I'a., on FRIDAY, JULY 7th, 1905, A. I). IBOTi. at one o'clock. P. M., the following described property, to-wit: E. li. No. 14, Sept. Term. l.Oj. F. L. Raibton, Attorney. All the richt, title. Interest and claim of A. L. Timblln and Emma Timhlin lii-> wife, of" in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated in Falrview borough. Butler county. I'a., bounded as follows, to-wit: Be ginning at the southwest corner at public road: thence north by lands of F. M. Mlehael iwo hundred and six feet to a post: thence east bv the same one liundreri and fourteen feet to a post; thence south by lands of M. S. Hay. two hundred ninety-three feet to a post at public road: thence we>t along said road one hundred forty feet to place of be ginning; containing one acre, more or on which is erected a five room frame dwel ling and outbuildings. Izeii and taken in execution m U*» MWl pertv "f A I. Tlml.ll I • ,11"."!'" his wife, .it the suit of 1 rank C. Kalston, Executor Mr- Eiizal.eth Ci'key. TERMS OF SALE—The following must be strictly complied with when property is stricken down. 1. When tiie plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ must be paid, and a list of the liens, includ ing mortgage searches on the property sold together with such lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not settled Immediately will be continued until one o'clock. P. BIT, of the next day at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom iirst sold. *~ee Purdon's Digest, 9th edition, page MtJ. an t Smith's Forms, page .>4. MARTIN L. GIBSON. Sh?riff. Sheriff's Office. Butler. Pa.. June 13. l'JO.*.. JURY LIST FOR JUNE TERM List of names drawn from the proper jury wheel this 20th day of April, 1005. to serve an traverse .jurors at a special term of court commencing on the Ith Monday of Jnne. 1905, the same being the 20th day of said month. Atfgas Warren, Center twp, farmer Alien H L, Allegheny twp. farmer i Allison Chas S. Cherry twp, farmer Baldauf Jos, Clearfield twp, farmer Barnhart A W. Bntler twp. farmer Bander Carl, Mnddycreek twp, farmer i Bell Wm, Allegheny twp, farmer Boyer Levy, Harmony boro. farmer Boyle .las. Clearfield twp, farmer Bryan A Z. Franklin twp, farmer i Campbell WH, Concord twp, farmer Colbert Harvey, Butler 5 wd, merchant Dunbar Robert. Perm twp. producer Evans J B, Evans City, marble cutter Fisher Reuben. Cherry twp. farmer ' Oelbach Jacob, Zelienople, laborer Graham O P, Cranberry twp, farmer Grenue W F, Frar.klin twp, faimer Hntcbmau John, Mars boro, teamster Keefer Levi, Harmony boro, carpenter Kemper Andy. Butler 2nd wd, barber Knell Geo H, Mars boro, driller , Krause Fred, Butler boro I wd, laborer Leighner J M, Slippery Rock, agent Leise John, Craniierry twp, farmer McCandless Albert, Butler twp, farmer McCandless W F, Franklin twp, farmer McCrea Geo, Butler lioro 4th wd, clerk r McMeekin Robt, Millerstown. producer ' Montgomery Robt S, Clinton tp, farmer Morse F K, Butler sth wd. contractor Pape Theo, Butler boro 2nd wd, agent I Halston JA, Portersville, clergyman . Renick Angnst, Jefferson twp, farmer j Ritter Wm. Bntler 2nd wd, retired j Robb Robt E, Oakland twp, farmer . Robinson Jas, Connoq'g twj>, farmer a Schenck CA. Butler !5d vvd. blacksmith ' Shira F M. Parker twp, farmer Snyder J H, Clearfield twp, farmer 1 Snyder Lewis, Donegal twp. farmer r Stewart Geo B, Mars boro, producer ■* Stonp Renick, Adams twp, farmer 4 Weigle C E, Prospect boro, carpenter ' Wick CW. Clsy twp, farmer i Williams SC, Venango twp, farmer Wilson A L, Middlesex twp, farmer WooleyJ 11, Parker twp, farmer. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Mrs. Elizabeth A. E. Geach wind, ' deceased, late of Butler boro, Bntler county, Penn'a., having been grant - * ed to the nndersigned, all persons know ing themselves to be indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make prompt payment and those having claims against the estate will present the same duly authenticated for settle ment to ELMKRK YOUNO, Ex'r., i (i 10 06 Butler, Pa. Application for Charter. * Notice is hereby given that an appli '■ cation will be made to the tiovernor o! 1 the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on 1 the '.iOth day of Jane, A. D. 1 *>or», at 10 o'clock A. M.. by George W. Kline, II * K. Folmer, A. H. Cohn, O. O. More f! head and W G. Curry, under the pro- V visions of the Act of Assembly entitled, < "an act to provide for the incorporation ' and regulation of certain corporations," * approved April 29th, 1H74, and the sup pleaients thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to lie called ' "Thorncreek Oil and Gas Company," i the character and object of which is for " the purpose of drilling, boring, mining :i operating for petroleum, oil and gas, ' and to sell and dispose of the same, to hold antl acquire by purchase and lease 1 oil lands, and to H*III and dispose of and convey the sume. „ KLINI: & KLINE, Solicitors. ) Application for Charter. s In the Court of Common Pleas of s Bntler county. i Notice is hereby given that an appli ft cation will be made to the said Court or I a law judge thereof, on the 17th day of I Jnne, 1005, at 0 o'clock A. M., under s the corporation act of IH7I, and the b supplements thereto, by E A. Beit/.. E. I T. B arch field, J. C. McElroy, <: \v i Mat,tern. Rev. (J. W. Davis, et. al , for a Charter of an intended corporation to tie called "The Butler Branch of the Christian and Missionary Alliance," the charter and object of which is for the purpose of public worship according 'f to the faith ami usages of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, and for this purpose to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges con ferred by the sai'l act and its supple ments. W. I). BKANIJON, I May 24th, 1905 Solicitor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Sarah E. Dull, decVl., late of Bntler tKirotiKh, Pa., having la-en granted to : the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment and any having just claims against said 1 estate will present them properly i proved for settlement to J NO. 11. DULL. Adm'r.. Butler, Pa. W. C. FINIiLKY. Att'y. 4 0 0f» AUDITOR'S NOTICE. O. C. No. —, Sept. Term. 1905. Final account of Mary Parnda, ad rninistratrix of John I'arada, dee'd., late of Butler boro. Having been appointed auditor in the aliove estate, notice i« hereby giveu to all parties interested to appear at my office on 8. Diamond, Bntler, Pa., Mori day, July 10, 1905, at. 10 o'clock a.m., forbearing. E. 11. NKOLKV, Auditor. Money to Loan on first mortgage. E. H. NBOLKY, H, W. Diamoud. HAVE READY CASH. It la the GmtHt MOT In K Force In (he Ruiinna World. Otic of the greatest millionaires of anr country lived before lie made h:s | millions on $S a week and at a time : when bis income was SIO,OOO a year. ' He saved all tlie rest of his salary for i judicious investments, lie had been a j poor boy. accustomed to a frugal mode of life. He began his career in the city sweeping out a store for $3.50 a week. Later he was advanced to $7.00. The mode of living which he was obliged to adopt as a boy he considered good enough for later years, especially -when he saw that by denying himself for awhile longer he might make the experiences and hard knocks he had gained count for more than a mere liv ing. He might have argued that he was doing pretty well to earn SIO,OOO a year and that lie deserved to enjoy it. But he preferred to use his earnings to make more money that some day he might be able to dispense with a sala ried position altogether. And this man had a wife, too, who was farsighted enough to be willing to live on a small sum when it meant an easier road for both by and by. Ready cash is the greatest moving force in tbe business world. It speaks with the loudest voice, and its posses sion represents business acumen. Of course there are exceptions in cases of inheritance, etc., but the exception on ly pfores the rule. Cornelius Vanderbilt worked day and night, saving every penny, until lie had $3,000, the nest egg about which gath ered one of tho largest fortunes ever amassed in America. The principle of thrift inculcated by those hard, self de nying years made him a great finan cier.—New York Commercial. (jUi-LIBILITY Oh bHt-EP, A Cnmicnl Study ol the tilrrmr of Aniiual Stupidity. The utter stupidity of sheep is per haps nowhere more strongly evidenced than in the perfect satisfaction with which a ewe that has lost her lamb will take to a strange lamb around which has been fastened, the skin of her dead offspring. Considering that the skin of the dead lamb is often merely thrown loosely over the back of the living lamb, some times hanging almost to the ground on one side or the other and making the lamb appear the quaintest kind of ani mal imaginable, the ewe's gullibility in this respect is remarkable. There can be no other explanation of her satisfac tion than that she really thinks the muffled little stranger is her own prog eny; otherwise she would give it no at tention whatever. Us appearance does not seem to count, nor even its voice. Its smell is every thing, which may be seen in any flock of ewes and lambs, for while the moth ers certainly appear to know the bleat ing of their own children, the identifica tion is always completed by the ewe sniffing the coat of her lamb. I have been looking at two such quaint families in the lambing pens re cently, and the picture of a sedate ewe placidly attending to two weird little creatures which look as if they have been half flayed Cone of them was ac tually dragging its second skin In the straw; was the most comical study of animal stupidity which could be imag ined.—l.ondon Express. Beauty nnil the Benst. "How do you do, Mrs. Venus?" ex claimed a gentleman of that lady's ac quaintance. "Pray, what brings you out so early in the day?" "Oh, I've just been to the photogra pher with my pet pug Pougo" (which she carried in her arms), "and we have had our portraits taken together, haven't we, Pongo? Ueauty and the beast, you know, Mr. Johnson," with a saucy little laugh. "And what a little beauty he is, to be sure," replied Johnson inadvertently as he tenderly stroked poor l'ongo's cranium. And then ho suddenly remembered and became hot and cold in turn, and they parted strangers forevermore. ttcliolfi rl y Vemlon. On the campl!-: of Kmory college, lu Oxford, f!a., there is a table to the memory of Ignatius Few, tin* first president. One day a freshman was crossing the campus with his cousin, who asked him to explain the inscrip tion on the stone. " 'Vi vit non mortnus est,'" she read slowly. "What does that mean, Will?" "That," said tho freshman easily, "oh, that means, 'He lives—no, lie don't, he's dead.'" An Odd I')|illn|ih. The following epitaph is to be read in a tombstone at Saragossa, Spain: 'Here lies John Queltecca, precentor tn l.iy lord tin? king. When ho is admit ted to the choir of angels, whose so clety he will embellish and where lie will distinguish himself by his powers of song, Ood shall say to his angels, "Cease, ye calves, and let Me hear John Quebeeca, the precentor to my lord the king." Shi* (iond. "I don't see what sense there Is In you women dressing so expensively." "That's Just the way papa used tc talk." "Talks that way yet, doesn't he?" "No, Indeed, When I caught you lie admitted that there was method In n»> madness." Houston Post. I'rupVi«•! Ic, Pat Illd ye hear that old Ilogaifi was dead, Mrs. It.van? Mrs. It. Is lie thin, poor man? Sure, 1 always knew that would lie the end of him. The more erroneous a fool's Jildjj ment the more firmly he Imlds It. Hal thasar Orncian. * Paint for j J Every Purposes ? Yes, we have it, twenty i /different kind, from a half S C pint to a five gallon can. 1 / Let us quote you thej ? cost of painting your house / f or barn. r hedick & Grohman \ ? 109 North Main St., 7 S Butler, Pa. 3 it. miller FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. Or KICK Room 508, Butler County National bank building. R-RTIME-T ABLES U I£ .V 1» It it Time tablf in effect Nov. -'7, 1904 Passenger trains leave ami arrive at j Bntler ax follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH. 7:30 a. m., mixed for Pnnxsntawney, Dn Bois and intermediate stations. 10;:>1 a. in. daily, vestibnled day ex press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford, week days, for Rochester. 537 p. in. local for Punx'y, Du Bois ' and intermediate stations. 11 tp. m. night express for Buffalo j and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 0:10 a. in. daily, night express from 1 Buffalo and Rochester. 9:50 a.m. week days, accomodation i from Dußois. ■ r i 34 p. in. daily, veatibuled day express j from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash- j ford week days from Rochester. 8:07 pm. week days, mixed train fra'ii Dti Bois and Punxsutawney. Trains leave the B. & O. Station, Pittsburg, for Buffalo and Rochester at 9:00 a.m. and 10 00 p.m.. and for local | points as far as Dußois at 4:05 p.m. On | Sunday the 9 00 a.m. train runs to Rnf falo alone. 1! & O K It Time table in effect, May 1 905. Trains for South and West,leave Bntler —town time: WEEK DAYS. 0:20 a.m. Allegheny Accommodation. 8:00 a m, Allegheny & Cleveland Ex. 0:10 a m, Allegheny Express. 11:40 a.m. 1:25 p.m. Ell wood Ac. 8:35 p.m, Allegheny Ex. 5:00 p. in, Chicago, Ell wood, N. Castle. 5:20 p.m. Allegheny Ex. 5:50 p.m. Allegheny Ac.—New Castle. SUNDAYS. 8:00 a m, Allegheny it Cleveland Ex. ll:10a.m, Pittsburg Ex. 8:85 p.m. Allegheny Ac 5:50, Allegheny Ac. New Castle. GOING No'.TH—WEEK DAYS. 9:42 a.m, Kane & Bradford Mail 4:55 Clarion Accomo. SUNDAY. 9:42 a.m, Foxbnrg Accom. 8:00 p.m, Foxbnrg Accoin Trains leave the Allegheny station for Butler 7:00, 8:15, and 11:11 A. M . and 1:15, 3:00, 5:30 6:20 and 11:00 P. M. On Sunday at 7:30 A. M. and 0:15 and 11:30 P. M. F.Tthr utrli li' V' t' l , Pullman rewrrr.tion# and In formation aj uly |.> \V. It. TTBNKR, Agt, llutler, I*R. .!•>?. P. TAC'iKBT. A. C. P. A., I'itlnl.lirjc, I'll PENNSYLVANIA WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. IkHEbi'Ll IN Krrun luce ,11 190.'. SOrTH. , V/EEK DAYS IA.M A.M. A M P. M. P. M HI TI.EK L«*v«| B 16 H Kill) 3/> i 3" 4 Sai'inbnrii Arrlrtl 6 15 !• <)5 11 (XI 8 51 4 BuU« Junction.. " !1 14 9 3)111 i r . 3IK 613 Butler Juuctiou. ,L«cr«l 7 H7 8 :«|ll 3" 3 22 5 H HMI Arriv. 7 4« 9 40,11 W 3 :jf» 824 T»»-iittim. . I 7 r,j n 45 11 41 3 5 30 Spring'lm)* i 0-1 ft 55 11 I> s 345 ft 4C OUremoDt 18 10, 4 01 S #6 H2l 12 44 .... 608 All'>(lh«ny j 8 3N 12 40; . .. G IS |j.-i UUrly .... I0»j[ ....! 4 15 Pittidurg ! i 0 ISOJ .. . 4 SUNDAY TBAlXS.—Leave But lei for Allegheny City Mud principal intermediate atationa at 7:20 a. in. and 5:'6 p. m. NORTH WEEK DATS A. M. A.M A.M. P. M P. M Fitt»t»urg 3 05 6 10 Kant Lib I'.V :in 3 2') Allegheny City lv 6 l. r > 8 & r > lu 25 Sbarpabnrg.. iJ" 8 39 10 3W Clarcmont 6 38 8 48 10 40 Suringdale 7 (X) 9071t 00 .... jti 45 Tarentnm 7 13 » 18 11 11 3 47j 6 ft:. Natrona 7 20 0 26.1t 18 3 621 6 59 Butler June a: 730 11 >A\ 11 'SI 4WM7 07 Butler June lv 7 i'z <1 40 12 30 4 <r2 710 Suxonburg 8 00 10 06 12 61 4 S3) 7 34 BUTLKU 8 35.10 33 1 2 > 6 051 8 CD SUNDAY TKA INS.—Leave Allegheny City for But l**r and prl;:dj»al intermediate atatiurn* at 7:00 a ni. and #ro p. m. THK EAST. Week Daya. Sundaja A.M. A. M. P. M. A.M. P M BITI.KH lv 6 Ift ... 230 720 .... Butler J'tt ar 711 318 810 ... Butler J'ct lv 7- 40 .... 400 811 .... F«»eport ...k* 7Hi .... 402 817 .... K*kiiuin< LM J't.. .." 74H 1 823 .... Leech ha rg " HOI 4 887 ... Went A polio " 85M .... 489 AM .... 3a!t*l urg " 8M ft 08 920 ... Bburaviih- „ »23 542 9 ft 2 .... Blairarille Int.. .. 41 830 *• ft 50 10 00 Altoona " 113 ft 850 140. .. M 310 • 100 fl 36 Philadelphia " 8 231. .. 423 10 20 P. M A.M. A.M P. M. P. M Through trains for the eaat leave Pi tub org (I'uion Station), an followa: Tb« P« unxyhunla Hpe al. daily, tj r North Pbibtlflpbia and N-w Yoik 1:04 a.m Marilctttau Limited, d lilv, for No.Mi Ptiila delpbia and N«iw York ... 1:10 44 kcyHtiifte Cxprwfl daily 3:00 " P. tii»«vlvau!u Limited daily ft 4ft 44 N' w York 44 44 7:10 44 Atlantic Kxpreaa, 4 * 7:30" Main Lin«i Kxpreaa, " ...8:00 " BufDil» Day Kxpr»>< 4 * 0:00** Day Exprt-at 14 12:01 Noon MallKxpi M, daily, for lUllim .»• and mli i tig ton i .12:46 ».« Bullal" Hi * • i*l 1:10 " (Jliirago Mail iaily, f«»r lialtiiuoro and Waahinglon 4:s*> 44 RiiAloru Kxpretl, dally, for PhlPa and N Y 4:M 44 Now Y«»rk Kxpr««i " 44 44 7.10 44 Philadelphia A Wimliiiij{lon K*pn»j», daily. ... 9.00 4 New York Special, daily for New York, Balti more and \Viuihiogt'»n 10:00 " Pliiiiubdpliia Spe< ial daily, fur Philadelphia only. Sleeping cara only 10:00 44 Bulla o Night Kxpn-m,dally 11 00 " 4 Knr Atlantic City (via IMiaware River Bridge all rail route) 8:00 a.m., 7.10 and and 9:00 i». m. dally, "Pfnnayl vania Limited," 6:lft am. and New York Limited 7.10, week daya. Baffalo and Allegheny Valley DlvUlon. Trai.ia leave Kmkiminotaii Junrtioti aa followa: Kor Buffalo, a.m. aud 11.54) p. m. daily, with through parlor and nli eping tarn. For 01l C1ty,7.48 9Jil a. m,, 2.J4, 6.07 and ll.ftO p. m. week <la> a. Sunday a, 9.51 a. ui,, 6.07 and for lt.«l Bank, 7.4H, 9.51, a m., 2 34, 6.07 10:16 and II .50 p. in. w«ek-daya. Sunday a, 9.51,10.40 а. m./».07 and ll.ftO p. m. For Kittaunliig 7 4«, 9.51,11.37, a. m , 2.34,5. W, 9.A1, 10.40 a. m., 6.07, 10.44, and 11.50 p. ni. "f Sl' iw only Oil /dK'ial or uotlce to agent or con dncb»r to re< elve or dlacharge |>aNM<ngery. Km dotaihai Information, ap|dy to tlrkot agent or iwldKum Tbot. K. Wntt, l'aaa. Agt. Wentern Dlatrlct, .'vOo Kifib A Venn . Httabnrg, Pa \V. W. ATTKHBUUV, J It WOOD (Jen*l Manaif<*r. I'aai'r TraftJi Manager. CIKO, W. BOTl>, General Paa#enger Agett. Wiiilieltl IC It C« TIIIIO Table In effect Mny 251 th, 1908. WXBTWAKP. STATIONS. A M I' M IMTH WHI Wlufleld. 7 30 t 46 44 Boggsvllle . 7 46! 800 «■ Iron Bridge 7068 16 " Wlafleld In m Hob .. - 1" I U " UM . 910 I.C. •• Ratk i Jam tUm 61 • 8I" Arrive latfoi 10 83 606 arrive Allegheny ft 0"» An i i' - 10 2ft pill A r ii\ + I<l ui ill« 1 (>r> T» 41! EASTWARD. STATIOI ■ A M f M Leave PitUbnrg 3 Oft i . i .7 60 i 16 M All ) ... 886 220 " But! I 840 280 •• fhitb i Jun ii >n 10 oo 4 10 • imi lo 08 143 •• Wlufleld Jam II m 10 Ift 4 Iron Bridge 110 86 606 « Boggwllto 10 35 5 Ift irriva WMT WlnlUl4 io 60 I SO Tia l-.patl I IMWI Hi ..nly .-u Klag to take on or leave T FF |MIH ,««ng» ra, Traine Connect at Butler Junrtb.n with: Truiii« H>tHtwar»l f'-r I-mij-iI, Yandergrifl anJ Blairarille InterMKtlon. Tralai Wimini foi M itroM l TnißtQi AUfKlw-ny and Piltiborg. TralM Bfortaward loi Baxoalmrg, Mm v\....d KM BM ler. B. O. BKALoII, 'lnurral Manager. BALTIMORE & OHIO R. R. POPULAR SEASHORE EXCURSIONS Atlantic City, < 'si|»«■ Mil)', Orran < iI.V» Si'il Islo Cily. .N. •!., Ocean City, ■>!(!., it 111 l IC.'lllllMll It, lll'llCll, I»C|„ THURSDAYS, JUNE 22, JULY 6 and 20. AUGUST 3, i 7, 31 AT FOLLOWING \ I'.KY M>W ItATKS From I#iitlor. Only |l«» Ronml Triji, tlckuta k ,m,, 1 i" f'dii' lii'H only. Only fl'' ttoiinil Trip, tick.-tH K^ ol ' I'uJluiari earn wli<n ncouiupnnifKl by regular I'nllutaii ticket. All licki-ta K"'"I retnrnlng Id ilnyH, inclndiug (late of Kak>. Stop over* allowed on return trip at Philadelphia, Haltiiuore and Washing lon. At-k liulliinore & Ohio Ticket Agents for pamphlet Kivinn detailed inforuta tlon. Von need One In Vour Kilthcn, nam pie mailed l<» cU. Aj<«'«tii wanted, have many, all sncoeMfnl. VVOUI.U MANL'I'AOTURINU Co.. 181 Diamond tit. i'ittsburK, Pa. I BUTLER SAYINGS AND TRUST CO., f] BUTLER, PA. I I At the close of Business, May 29, 1905. I I RESOURCES LIABILITIES. | I Cash on hand and I I due from banks $ 330,914.56 Capital $ 200,000.00 I I loans - 1.642,285.13 Surplus and Profits 281,686.471 I Real Estate - - 28,268.51 Deposits - - 1,519,781.731 I $2,001,468.20 $2,001,468.20 i I STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, I | I COUNTY OF BUTLER, ) I I. Louis B. Stein, Treasurer of the above named company, do solemnly swear that 1 I the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I (Signed) LOUIS B. STEIN, Treasurer. I Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day ot June, 1905. I TSigned) ALBERT L. BOWSER, Notary Public. I I Correct-Attest: V ,'J William Campbell, Jr., W. A. Stein, W. D. Brandon, Directors. I Interest Paid on Time Deposits of Six Months or One Year. i I One Dollar start a SAVINGS ACCOUNT. I BWE WILL BE GLAD 10 INCLUDE YOU AMONG OUR DEPOSITORS. ; I ■ . I rli' V I / • §\ . 5 i : W\r ! Jj^- ■\^7'fW(^\ -t v ' ( Li_~> For Hot Weather Wear we are making some particularly at tractive. CLOTHING FOR MEN. The fabric ia at once cool and at tractive. The style conforms to the fittest dictates of fashion. The fit is as perfect as anything human can be. And tha price destroys the only claim to yonr custom the ready-made clothier can truthfully make. WM. COOPER, LEADING TAILOR, f Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa. I ~ Plf ! I ••• ' # v .:yV" • - *[£. iy,-~r 'co."fHioH*i Wedding and Commencement Presents Are to bo found iu endless variety in our magnificent stock of watches, diamonds, brooches, rings, sterling silver, rich cut glass, art goods in Bronze and Decorated China and many high grade articles at a moderate price. Make yonr selection according to the amount you wish to invest and be as sured of gettiug the liest value for the money. We also sell— Pianos. Kdisou and Victor Phonographs. Kastman and Poco Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins and Guitars Optical goods. ' Field and Spy Glasses. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician • Next to Court House. L. H. McJUNKIN. IUA McJUNKIN UEO. A. MITCHELL. h s. /WcJUNKIN Ar CO., Insurance tV Hcul Estate 117 E Jefferson St. SUTfcER, PA tiO YEARS' DESIGNS "FFT" COPYRIGHTS AC. Anrono nenllng • »krtch «n<l rtiwcrtntl'in m«7 > nulrklT ascertain om opinion freo whether an I Invention l» probnhlr nntentuhle. « immnnlr*. tlmm ntrlctly confidential. I! Mid book on 1 nlmiU iiont frae. olduat UIMM7 for aactirlnilyatenta. Patent* inkcn Ihruiivh Munn A Co. recelTt | pprrl'll nnllrr, without Char«e. 11l the Scientific American. A handsomely llluntrmted wm*kl7. r»ar«o«t cir culation of nny priMitlfto Journal. Turin ■. M a yonr ; four month*. |l. BoW by all nowmlnnlerj. MUNN & Co. 3o,B,oadwi,r New York Branch Ofllea. IS& F HL. Washington. I>. (- The QUTteRCfTizeN. tl.oo ik'r year If paid In advance. otherwise {I V) will lie cnarKeil. A ItVKHTISI Nil 11 ATI'S Oil" Inch. "HO llm* }l; ( lull Nil IK-ll t Insertion '*) cents eiicb AIIIII tors' 1111' I ill vorce not Ices $4 ewn; exec utor.s'and mlmlnlHtrsi.l notices £1 each est ray and dissolution notice s each. Head line notices |o rith a line for llrst arid ft cents r, >1 each sulisi-iiuent Insertion. Notices amonK local lie** Items 1.1 cent# ft line for c U'li In sort lon. Obituaries, card* of thanks rosolutlons of respect, notices of festivals and fairs, etc., Inserted at the rate or r>cents a line, money to accntnpaDjr the order. Jeven words of prose make a line. Kales for standltiK cards and Job work on "'/{'llartvertUliiK Is'lue after llrst Insertion, anil all transient advertising must be paid f..r la a<lvance. All communications Intended for publlca tlon In t Ills paper must lie accompanied l«> tli*' real name of the writer, not. for publica tion but uKuaraiitee of uood faith.and should reach us not later than Tuesday evening. Heath notice* must bo accompanied with rnsuoiiHlhlr name LOOK AT THE LAMtk Pafltc«l on your paper, (or on the wrapper in which it comes,) for a brief but exact statement of your subscription account. The date to which yon have paid is (dearly given. If it is a past date n r?mittance is in order, and isre "pectfully solicited Reinemlmr the subscription price, f 1.00 a year in advance or $1.60 at end of year. W. C. NEGLEY, liutler, Penns. l#~ll the date is not changed witbin three weeks wrfte and ask why. CAMfJ BELL S GOOD FURNITURE | The New Fall Carpets, f Largest assortment we have ever shown is here. j§jg 3®l Rich floral Axminster for the Parlor, also a splendid egg I line of fine velvets in room and hall patterns. SS PH Brussels in floral or set patterns suitable for any room. S ; The Fug stock in room sizes is very complete. 3 Carpet Size Rugs Velvet Carpets Ijjj 3=&i Wiltons, Axminster, Body pf S§R Brussels, Brussels and all New fall designs in room, wools in the popular 9x12 hall and stair patterns. A size. No cutting or patch- rich Wilton velvet carpet ing up of carpets, no tack and one of the nicest par pulling and more sanitary lor carpets made —for than a carpet. Prices $lO, $1.25 : BRUSSELS CARPETS 8 New line of Fall patterns in red, green and tan grounds. A good, serviceable carpet and a very com- !iss |p|plete line to select from. Price 85c. §f NEW AXMINSTER RUGS §g New Fall patterns that just arrived —9x12 size at s||| $28.00. Hearth size $2.75. Door mats sl.lO. !Alfred A. Campbell if = .. ——— 1 1 I Mr ■Spring and Summer Footwear! We have taken particular pains to have our springß H lines in all grades exhibit shapeliness and newness wlth ■ out in any way sacrificing quality—and we have succeed j I ed gloriously. ■ I I We trust that you will be among the number to 11 examine them. Jln Men's Shoes Women's \ p SI.OO and $1.25 Shoes&Oxfords I Will buy vou a good Working SIOO $ 1.25 and $ 1.50 j Shoe. ' K r-, ~~r-~ Will get you the beet fine Shoes Wt- $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 or Oxford* you ever saw for the jp price, in kid, tan. Russia calf or 10) A good Fine Shoe in satin, box patent leather. A or patent leather, both in low or - ■ high cut. $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 i If* "£1 nn onrl 'fc'* Willgata l>eatity in light or fe 4)O.UU ana ;M.DU heavy soles. Oxfords or high cut. Yon get onr famous Princeton kid, Russia tan, lalf, patent kid j!K and Regent Shoes, all Goodyear or << H welts, in all the fine leathers all p nr th*» I ittle Pots ■ These are made on very llle f, . snappy lasts, both Oxford and Dainty colours in soft soles ~'>o blncher cuts. and 50c. f Boys' and Oirls' Shoes in All Styles. at any price you wish to pay. Try us for your next pair. _ I HUSELTON'S I f:- OPPOSITE HOTEL LOWRY. £ ' S JH ■Spring of 1905J i? I ft House cleaning time will be on u? before j® we know where we are, so a few helpful H 1 hints will not come amiss to the thrifty X ||f ones who want quality at quantity prices. 9 1 Our Carpet Rooms are overflowing with _ ■ » the brightest patterns and best qualities. « f the looms can put out. Among which are ■ the following: K if! Hartford, Axminster, Wilton, Velvets, 5 p; Body and Tapestry Brussels. 2 §t Hartford, two and three ply All Wool, Half « X Wool, Cotton Chain, and the best and H |f largest asssortment of All Cotton Ingrains X K in Butler. ■ » RUGS, DRUGGETS AND MATS. I K LINOLEUMS, OIL CLOTH, SHADES I 1 OUR PRICES ARE SATISFACTORY. I I Duffy's Store. I it _— Jt Subscribe for the CITIZEN .^4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers