Real Estate Investments, Homes, Coal Properties. Mortgages. FRANK B. TOMB. «3 Farmers" BlUMtag, Pittsburg. Pa. Correspondence Five <ilut;.U<l Bl'n t>f W aniCll Dullness ability. or pro fessional men prefem-d: splendidlomtnrtual tv for the right parties: address. I>oad. Mead ft Co., Furreson BlorW. Plttshnre. P*- FOR SALE JSttSr&V* IVti powvr elevators i-EELAU KLKVAWU CO., Fountain St. near Seventh ave. Pklsburg, Pa MIDLAFD HOTEL Collins and Broad St., Beautifully furnished, hot and cold water In every roorr. electric light, steam heat, to all «-ar linos and East Liberty fttatlon. A. H C'ranw-r K Hanson Mgr.. Pittsburg. Pa. OPENING OF NEW SALES STABLES. Mr. Phillip Steinmiilcr will onen new Sales Stable corner Third Street and Henn Ave., Pittsburg. Pa., on March Ist, I«x>. with an extra cood lot of Pit and Draft Mules, also heavy draft and general purpose Horses. Phillip Stcmmiller, Prop. EXPIRE DRKCTTTK 16E5CY. Licensed and Bonded. Boom 402. 3*l Fifth Ave, Pittsburg. Pa. Bell 'Phone iSHGrant. Night Call. 13K B Highland GEO. W. MJLLEK. Jr.. Director. Marry A. Marlir\ STOCKS ft I Member Pittsburg Stock BONDS. i Exchange. 3K Times Building, Pittsburg. Pa. If Ton Watt to Make a Qoick Sale oi Tonr Property or Business Write Us. We make a specialty of selling hotels, stores, merchandise, stocks and real estate of every K n -B co 430 Fourth Avenue, Ilttsburg, Pa. ESTABLISHED I*K. JOHN B. BABBOUK JK. BANKER AND BROKER. 404 Times Building. Pittoburg. Pa. Member of Pittsburg Stock Exchange. H. F.JACQUES AUDIT CO. Consulting Accountants and Anditors. Improved System of Accounting Installed. Special Attention Given to Municipal Acconnting. 511 Timus Building, Phone 2802 Court J PITTSBURGH. PA. Furniture and Household Goods At Last BallAiag Coming Down At 4 Every .hint Mast be Sold in 30 Days. Caryets Bar*. Llsolemm And Furniture. The finest stock from St. Lotils Exposition. Large Axminlster Carpets, that are all made to fit rooms, cost i®and 175 go at *5. Bod J Brussels cost H0 and S»0 go at *l-. MS, K7.50, will fit large slztf rooms. Room sue Bags, Brussels and Ingrain S>, 17.50, $lO and l la - A rare chance. Sample 5 piece genuine Leather Parlor Suits cost 1120 at *4 r > and ®l. Jnlald Linoleum, thick as a board, worth CUCIa yard go at 73c. Others worth 85c go at 40c and Mr. Exposition samples of l*droom suits; once cost 1100 go at >4O. #7; ones go at 130. others at 112. IIS and t». This Is a sale of a lifetime. Must make room for new building. We pay the freight. GOLDSMITH, Next to Pickerings, <O4 Penn ave. Pittsburg, ' L. C. WICK, DSALSB ?* LUHBER. .Western University of Penna. Offers thorough courses of instruction in the Arts; Literature. Chemistry; Chril. Mechan ical Klectrical, and Mining Kngioeering; Medicine: Law; Dentistry and Pharmacy. For Catalogues sddress 8. B. McCORMICK, Chancellor, Pittsburg. Pa. Daahss Trtrla Learn the Barber Trade sni baroer iraoe m independent. Only I wesks rsqulred Very IIUIh expense. Send for catalogue. NOSSOKOFF BARBER SCHOOL. 1408 Penn A*e„ Pittsburgh, Pa. M You wsni to bay or sell any kind of business set CAV<IM6H CO.. 431 Fourth Ave., rituinirgli. PILES AID riVrilLA. Doctor U Inner, 701 Penn ave., Pittsburgh, cures to stay cured; also cancer and all chronic diseases and blood complaint* hath sexes snd all arts. The advice is free. Con sultation strictly private. Call and ses the Duels* OBce boars from i a. m. till I p. m. 1 mmk* stock " PBEFEKBED IN ONE OF OHIO'S best and oldest concerns. Write at once. Bank References. IRYIJG HOFFMANN. Canton, 0, A few widowake solicitors (ladies TTallltu OT gentlemen) can uiake large Commissions selling tilt edged mfcilng stocks. Mineral Lock Box VU, Pittsburg, Pa. "FREE" TO PROSPECTIVE INVESTORS* IN MINING OB OIL Full information on coming 810 PAVEUS. Working day and night; turning Big Divi dends monthly Into pockets of lucky Stock holders. Terms ana price at which stock In them can now be had for making 810 PRO FITS. Mention this paper. A. L. WISNEB ac CO.. Branch Office. WS Fourth. A venue. Plttsbiyg. Pa. VISITORS BEST DINING ACCOMODATION® AT K. J. IIIRIG'S LADIES' & GENT'S DINING &. LUNCH ROOMS. 10 &21 Park Way, Allegheny City. Opposite Boggs & Buhl's Heavy Draft, General Purpose and Driving Horses always on hand. Private sales only We buy and sell the best only. Allegheny Horse Exchange, 518-51* First St., Allegheny, Pa. M. MABX, Prop. ■ Horses llorses Horses Horses Horses Horses Horses Horses Horses I have constantly ou hand ion u> li", bend of driving, draught and general purpose horses from Pennsylvania and Ohio. All horses guaranteed as represented or money refunded. Come and see them liefore buying elsewhere OWEN FIT/-SIMMONS, Sale Stable. 410 413 Duriuesne Way. Pittsburg. Von seed One In Your Kitchen, sample mailed 10/Cta. Agents wanted, have many, all successful. Would Manupactcrino Co.. 481 Diamond St. I'ittsburg. Pa. PERKINS UNION DETECTIVE AGENCY, 331 Fourth Avenue, I'lttsburg, Pa. Established Ikks, licensed anil bonded. Telephones (private exchange) Bell, l»Ki -ISH4 Court. P. A A. 57tt Main; night rail. Bell, Hazol-H-L Legitimate detective work In all Its branches, solicited and prompt ly attend ed to by skilled and lawful operatives. jC, F. T. Pape, | J IJEWELERs \ / 121 E. Jefferson Street. / The Best Ever Offered. From the Olotli Maker to the \\ earei Wen's Suits at a Saving ot #.">.00 and even more. Lot 3393 Black Dressy Suit (Thibet Cloth) Sale Price $7.50 worth 14.00 Lot 3391 Fancy Worsted (very neat) Sale Price $7.50 worth 12.00 Lot 3380 Black Clay for dress wean all wool worsted) Sale Price $7.00 worth 12.00 Lot 3435 Fancy Scotch mixed (all wool) Sale Price $6.00 worth 10.00, Lot 3363 Scotch Tweed (all wooli Sale Price $5.50 worth 9.00 Lot 3444 Black Cheviot (ail wool) Sale Price $5.00 worth $8.50 Bring this advertisment with you and come to this Siore, and we will convince you of saving at least $5 on every suit. PHILIP SCHAUL, SUCCESSOR TO SCHAUL & NAST. 137 South Main Street. Butler, Pa. IS Choice Fabrics for Summer Wearj We are showing an extensive assortment of light weight materials oi suitable for shirt waist suits and fancy costumes. \ Fil De Soie f A product of the famous Arnold Mills, extensively advertised in Jp the Magazines. A very handsome fabric in choice foulard gils | designs. 28 inches wide at 23c a yard. \ Soiesette | Another very dressy Arnold fabric, having theappearance of a high js » grade Jap Silk. Colors, black, white, cream, champagne, ligtit £. bine, navy, cardinal and brown, : >'l inches wide at 2."Sc a yard. I Silk Colienne \r. i All colors, 27 inches wide at 50c a yard. V | Silk Organdie « . All shades. 32 inches wide at 30c a yard. I Silk Muslin & f Even- color, 31 inches, extra value at 25c a yard. yj Extra low prices on Silks, Mohairs, White Goods, Lawns, Batiste, Dimity, Percales and Ginghams. J § Notion Department oj (R Special offerings in fancy collars, belts, ribltous, gloves, corsets- U underwear, hosiery, &c. <0 £ The New Idea Patterns and Magazine for May. $ |L. stein & Son, t S 108 N. MAIN STREET. BUTLER, PA. ■ Kelsey, Crown, Boomer I FURNACES. I I Coal and Slacl< Heaters, Gas and CoalP ■ Ranges and Gas Stoves. 1904 Washers,B I Sowing Machines, Needles for all mal<es oi l B Sewing Machines. Sewing repaired. ■ I Roofing and Spouting, and House Furnishing Goods. ! I Henry EJie-hl, 1 ■ l'J'J N. Main St. l»eo. 'l'lione 4U4. K AT LAST. At\ for the Farm, D CUT FEED, PUMP • f I V/ATER, SAW WOOD, mmr\ 4 CHURN, RUN THE WASHING MACHINE Y WITH AN VIJ after the cost of installing. Write for Catalogue and Prices. THE EVANS MFG. CO . LTD., BUTLER, PA. DIRECTFROMTHE MAKER I I Forst s 7 year old 4-full quarts for 53.00 g I Packed in plain, sealed cases, expressage B B IH| prepaid to youi' nearest station. ■ A goods is aged in tho wood, and pure mid m<d H Iki 1■ I low. better than yon hare had from others f»r the H ■j ItaM price, or your v back. ■ ' sall k of Pittshnrg or the Kditor <>T this paper ■BE will tell y<<u that our word is goo«l, and that w<- aro fete m BB' rewponslblc. H 'BL»-Hi We do not hnmbug you like so many advcrtisinir so B "Distillers." H By buying from us yon «et nn honest article, made H ■ ' rom honest, nl. • t grain, by honest people. K U«nd for our private prie< lis*., B If you will send us the names of 10 good families in your R! vicinity who use Whiskey for medicinal purposes, and to whom we ■i may send our price list, we will send yon, with your first order, one quart of Pure Virginia Homemade Blackberry Wine, I*'HEE i MORRIS FORST & CO-, J Cor. 2od Ave. & Smlthllcld St., Pliiiburx. I'«. t DR I:. (iRHWER. No. 229 1 2 SOUTH MAIN ST. NEXT DOOR TO GUARANTY SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., BUTLER. PA. ROOMS 1, 2, AND 3. Dr. E. Grewer is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, is now per manently located at tbo aboveadrtress, where he treats all chronic diseases o c men, women an l children. Diseases of the Nervous System, the symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confidence, sexual weakness in men and women,ball rising in the throat.spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory nnable to concentrate the mind on one subject easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind \vhich unfits them for performing the duties of life, making happiness impos sible.distressing the action of the heart, deprtssion of the spirits, evil forebod ings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melan choly. tire easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of the mind, depression, con stipation, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us im mediately and be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored- Weakness of Young Men Cured and all private diseases. Dr. E. Grewer s varicocele King cures Varicocele, Hydrocele and Ruptnre promptly cared without pain and no detention from business. He cures the worst cases of Nervons Prostration. Rheumatism. Scrofula, Old Sores, Blood Poison, and all Di seases of the Skin Ear, Nose, Throat, Heart. Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Itching Piles, Fistula, Stricture, Tumors, Cancers, Goiters, cured with out cutting. Special attention paid to the treat ment of Nasal Catarrh. ne will forfeit the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for any case of FITS OR EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS that he cannot cure. Consultation free and strictly confi dential. Write if you cannot call. Office hours—-From 9 a. m. to 8:30 p. in. On Sunday from 1to;5 p. m. only. Do You Buy fVledicines? Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the least money. That is our nv tto Come see us when i:i n ec! < ( anything in the Drug Line i<< we are sure you will call again We carry a full line of Drugs. Chemicals Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis Pharmacy S M- Purvis, Ph. G Both Phones. 213 S Main St. Butler Pa. Pearson B. Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House- Butler °enn'a. The best of horses and first clasn rig* «ruv* on hand ami for hire. Best accumrnrdationa to town f>>r perma nent hoarding nod transient trade. Spncl a'. car«j guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses A good C "f horse*, both drivers a.irt draft hor*> s always on hand and for Kale U'-der a full (?uarant<i<i; and horses bough p'.n uroyer notification bv PEARSON B. NACE, Te.eononf* ?*o. "1 G I;o. W. Amy, Frank A. Eyth, He*. 21s W. ( lay. tit. Ken. 1.J7 ISradv St. Amy BcE^th, Embalmers ROOM FOR FUNERAL BFKVM'F.S. Calls anwerc-d promptly to all parts of the county. Open all night. 'J 17 South Main St., old Postofldce Rootr. BUTLER, PA. B«v' I'hon*' ~\ . IVo. t'bor«<- '■ :l. I»'lnjr HUGH L CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer In Fine Whiskey For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 278 People's Phone 578. 316 East Jefferson Street Buti.F-R. Pfi BACK-ACHE and all other symptoms of kidney dis ease are cjitedjly removed when the ] kidneys are tna>le healthy, active and vigorous by the use of Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills the world's greatest kidney and liver regulator, and the only medicine hav. ing a combined action on kidneys ami liver. One pill a dose ; 35 cents a box. Write for free sample to The l>r. A. W Chase Medicine Co,, ljuffalo, N. Y. Sie tiie Sign direct opposite Ihc <—J| Old Postolflcc J"* Tbsodora V gelay, m Real l:state end Insurance Agency, L*»/ Z3S S. Main St Butler. Pa. ( r yon hat •• property , to null, trade, or ran $ or, want to l»uy or lfpJ r nt ''an wrIII or mk £ uh' no 11111. SJB List Mailed Upon Applioation Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Ontician Next Door to Court House, ilittl«-r, Pa I BOOZE OR MEDICINE? Which will you have? If a woman «uf f. rlns' from one of tli" d«lie»t-> ailim-nt* peculiar to vour sex it will be well for you t . know that Dr. Pierce's Fnvorito . I'ivf ri|.tion the only remedy advr , 1 S.-.1 f.-.r sucii which H n'* iut.-lV free fronj intoxifstlnar liquors ami ail otlmr harmful agents. The po<M.l you feel from its uso Is not the delusive ex- , htl< ration from a tippling beverage, from ( which the system reacts Into a wprse ; condition than before. Jt may be a little slower in manifesting Its bracing and invlgoratinc action, but its benefits are none tiie lew positive and. best of nil. they are lifting. It's an honest medi cine—not a beverage. " I have been tsVimr your medicine for the I last throe *. eks and can My I am ffalninf ; strength." wrlin Mrs. Senetli Kinny. of GOS | Madiion Sirv-et. Mount Pleasant. lowa. I "I have been havlne very poor health all wln- I ter. I d -torea wish otir family doctor but j was relieved only while taking; the jnodicini I took I>r. l'leri-e'n mtdlrlno several years ago. I knew it was rood for any one suffer ing with fen.a'.o trouble. Havo taken only I one bottle and am gaining strength very fast. I ruuld cot eat nor sleet) when I bewail taklnff the "Favorite l're»erfiitlon.' Hi art troubled me and I had cold and numb shells till my heart would almost stop bcatlnff. Havn had one child since first takir.ff your medicine. If I continue with your treatment am positive 1 will be cured." Every suffering woman in this land should write to nr. l'ierce and learn how certainly he can help her to health and strength, it costs nothing to write and receive entirely free tho advice of one of the most experienced physicians in this country. liis great thousand-page book the Common Sense Medical Adviser, in stiff paper covers, will be sent free for 21 one-cent stamps the bare cost of mail inc; or. send ?.l stamps for cloth bonnd. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, ?«. V. These ORIGINAL Utile Liver Pills, first put up by old Dr. V" R- V. Pierce over 40 years ac liave t>een much Imitated hut never equaled. They're made of purely veg etable. concentrated and refined medicinal principles, extracted from native American roots and plants. They speedily relievo and ■ ure foul, torpid and deranged Stomachs. Livers and Bowels and their attendant dis tressful aliments. One or two a laxative, three or four a cathartic. Don't allow the dealer to insult your int-ilieence by offering his own remedy to you instead of this well-known prep aration of Dr. Pierce. HUMPHREYS' Veterinary Specifics euro diseases o£ Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs and Poultry by acting directly oiKho sick r*r.T~ without loss of time. A. A. 1 FEVER*. OnngMtlona. Intlommr ccsu > llona. LuatFeift. .Milk Fever. B. BJSI'R MVS. Lameness. Injuries, crr.EsS ItheuinatUm. C. <\ (MIRE THROAT. Qulnay, Epizootic tia£B S UUtemper. cvbzsiJ WORMS, Bou, Urub.. K. E. > C'Ol'GH 6 *. Coldi. Inniifiiza. Inflamed cuacs $ Limea. Pleuro-Fneuiiioiila. F. F.) COLIC, nellvarhr. \V!ud-Blown. cures > Diarrhea. Dyorutery. • G.G. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. CUi";! K,D^EV "LADDER DISORDERS. I I )SKI\ DISEASES. Mange, Eruption*. CCR£s( Lleers, (arcane. Farcy. J. R.?n\D COXDITIOX, Staring f "at. CVUEA 1 Indigestion, Stomach Staggers. COi-. each : Suiblo Case, Ten Speciflca. Hook, &c., At dn»gtrtal«. <>r hcut prepaid on receipt of price Humphreys' M'sllcino Co., Cor. William and Joha Streets, Ne*v Vork. CF-UOOR MAILED FREE. Nasal CATARRH Iu ail its stage?. y t>- c °'o(iL JJUq# Ely's Cream Baling clean - , BOOUicb and hcala I m away a cold i;i the bead quickly. C'i e:im Balm li j,lac,-<l i:;to the noatrils,spreads over tl " memhrane an:l la absorbed. Relief is im modlate and a cure follows. Itisnot drying—<loes not preaji'-ei'.ie:;. I-i ,e tiy-e, 50 cents at Drog glstsor by mail; Triil Size, lucen^s. EI.T i'l:OTlli;KS. tK V. irrcn Street.New York PAROID READY oof i NO. I ).\K -IU. The I r.g with KG TA' . • >'t '! nut. Won't «ro ;v bnr'S-. ,4 NYC'NI'. < in ripp'y it. Tin.-, \.:i- a Cement in core 01 each r .11. |> KI'KESIiT.'TS be r • .It. o years of Hxperi ice .md I .x --perimentiti^. / |NLY rccjuiies patnling <;vtry fewycars. Not wlien first laid. "j I S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate or Shingles. | \EMAND for I'AKOID is world lJ wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other SutupleH and Prices are yours if you will ask UH. L C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. Special Offer To those purchasing photos of groups or views, Bxlo, at 50c each, to the amount of $lO I will present free a fine 20x40, reproduction that will stand washing and not fade away. No bum work, but a fine permanent Bromide en largement, fully guaranteed. This offer is good till October Ist, 1904. FISHER, The Outdoor Artist, The Butler Dye Works SPRING FEVE* (irwxl whiskey m im excellent tonic. Taken eiti.'-r t iui;'l»t" or tci ther with a little quinine or iron. it. will overcome "th>lt tired f<H*lini{" wliieh is on m nil ationt thi.' time. VVc Lcuarauteo nny ol tho fo'lowiriif'irainlM tit. for your sit]> 1> mrd itc.'l ; 11 t ;ht for your i-toniuch. ALWAYS i.N STOCK rmcil, I, \M.I- OVKUIIOI.I til • Kk>io - !«v t MI. vi:b>on lilll 0> UIM.IMiHtt. BKIIMJKI'OKT and offer tliei i to yoti li yrurold at tl i>er full i|ii!iri. »'• quart *> '<• CRAffbFATIiIK'S CHOIC£. whiskey in teed :i yearn old, • ' K-" 1 b.n. We pay ' *pre-> eiiartei on all until order* of 00 or over. Good* *lilppod promptly. ROBT. LEWIN & CO. WHOLESA.I.K DEALERS IH WINES ABI» LIQUORS, «c 14 Smitlifkld St., riTTSBURG. PA. •Pfcoren: Bell P. » A. 1458 j f CRAMPS? iL TltAiiK MiUK DR. HARRIS' CRAMP CURE, ! , Hnllev.i Full) Qulehly. , A ■> . . i... if ■ i for Kin v Aelio ami J'iilm. ll'Killy o -omm. mfed /or j I fiiolcra-M'ti.iMn:,.i tho AIIWMITKI.V IIAIt UI.KSS. As ti l.lnlincni Dr. limit l.'rimii < lire ewe! nil oil,. ,». ! I'repariHi I. I). .1, rill* ! sTOCIC < (», rittuburs, I'M. ! At liru(|rl»t) Sue» Dottle 1 m-m-m. i 1 Ifiilliifis CORN ROOT WORM. ItK Destructive Work nn«l Mca»ur«H t<» i*r« \mm If- The beetle of the corn root worm is ■ of nearly uniform palo '"it crass green j | or preonish yellow* color. It Is about J [ the same size as the striped cucumber : j beetle, measuring about a fifth of or a | little more than au inch In length ami Is I a little more Blender and less pear shaped. The larva attains a length of only four-tenths of an inch. < )ecurrence of the corn root worm is : known from central New York west- , ward to Kansas and Nebraska, it being most troublesome in Illinois, Indiana, . lowa, Kansas, Nebraska. Ohio and Mis- j souri. The devolping larvae live entirely be- : ueath the surface, feeding on the roots. W? M | 'WW J * • westelo: ( okn iioot worm. [Dinbrot'.i a longlcornis—beetle. larva or i root worm and leg of same; all en larged.! which they mine either upward or downward, and seem capable of travel ing from one root to another. lyosses can be prevented by simply following crop rotation. Since the in sect, as far n s observed, feeds in its larval condition oidy on corn, the plant ing of infested land to any other crop leads to the starvation of the young when they hatch in the spring. One other measure is to be recommended as a general farm practice. It consists in the maintenance of the fertility of the soil by the use of manures and oth er fertilizers. Although this does not diminish attack, it sometimes enables the plants to withstand Injury.—F. 11. Chittenden. THINNING VEGETABLES. Tin- Klml t.f Information That 1» Vol In llii* UimiWk. It has be. n said that more vood vex etable* have been ruined for want of being thinned at the proper time than by any other cause. However that may be, one of the most puzzling things for the beginner is to find out whether any particular vegetables should be thinned or transplanted ami how far apart the plants should stand after ward, says the Garden Magazine in preface to the following: Seeds are sown very thickly with the idea of having plenty of young plants so as to provide against accidents or loss from insects. The thinnings of the following crops can be used in the kitchen: Celery, lettuce, carrots, beets and spinach. The home gardener, therefore, had better do the thinning of such crops by degrees—not at one time, as is the rule with the gardener for market. Thin out as necessity arises, but don't hesitate to pull up and destroy the young plants before the row gets too crowded and the pla nts become spindling. Thill Them Twice. Seedlings that are allowed to remain where sown need to be thinned as care fully as possible, the first time when they are alnnit two Inches high, In some cases even sooner. The stockiest plants should 1m? allowed to remain, after thinning them to about one-half the distance the plants are to stand from oil" another. When these plantlets liave a still sturdier growth they may be finally thinned to the distance apart nt which they are to remain, firming the soil each time in order that tlie roots of those that remain may not be left loose. AecorilliiK li> Itule. The fluurcs .show the size the soed Uuks should be when handled and tlio maximum distances apart they should lie after thinning: Asparagus—3 Inches high, 24 by 30. (.'hard—B Inches high, 12 by 18. Spinach—l Inch high, 0 by 18. Beets—4 Inches lilKh*. !> by 18. Carrot —3 Inches high, 0 by 18. Parsnip—3 Inches high, (5 by IK. Radlsl>- 2 Inches high, 3 by 8. Turnip—3 inches high, 1 by 18. Lettuco—3 Inches high. 8 by 12. Beans -3 Inches high, 12 by 21. Corn- ii inches high, 12 by 30. Cucumber 2 Inches high, 30 by 30. Muskmelon- 1 Inches high, by Of). Okra- 5 inches high, 18 by 21. Parsley—2 inches high, 0 by 12. Onion 2 inches hlnh. 12 by 20. Tomato—-3 Inches high, 30 by 18. .V I.lttlo Calibase C'ulriidor. I'or club root In cabbage sow lime broadcast at the rate of sevcnTy-flve bushels per acre before planting and harrow In, or avoid using infested land. Destroy wild mustard and char lock, as these weeds will harlior the disease. For aphis spray with soapsuds or kerosene emulsion. i For uniggot cut circular pieces of tarred paper about three Inches In diameter, cut a slit In each from cen ter t<> circumference and place one of these pieces aliout tlio stem of each plant at time of transplanting, or spray with carbolic add emulsion. For cabbage worm spray with parls green and rosin mixtures when tlio plants are small, later with pyruth runi or hot water. When the caterpil lars first appear hand picking may bo resorted to. Th«* Iloli-I Bronliir. The p nitlon ->r brusher In the barber shop <>f a large hotel In New York Is worth at least a we. It If a yoUDK man attend t > his busine i. Hotel pa troif are liberal tipper.;. The brusher Is expected to tlnd seats fur customers If the barbers' chairs are filled and to hand around the morning and llluslrat ed papers. The boss barber pays them no salury. Permission to work In the shop Is considered sufficient compensa tion. The hours are lonK. and In most cases brushers are allowed a boy as an assistant. A Hoctnriif. '•you will havo to accompany me," said the new and zealous officer of the law, laying a firm hand on the arm of the scisly young man who was making night hideous with a cornet. "Certainly," said the musician, af fectionately linking his arm In tint po llceman's. "What do you wish to sing and In what key?" f'onvnllnfr. Elderly Wooer—l hope you are not Impre eil by the silly sentimentalists who hold that because you've married once you ought not to marry again? I'retty Widow iJon't let that worry you, dear. I've no such prejudice. My own dear mother was married three times, and 1 only hope that In all things I may follow her example. lie I'reparril. A new civilization la holding up new and better prizes, but lie who would win mn I havo a belter equipment and a liner training than the pas) re quired. IT the prizes are greater than ever before the preparation ulso must be greater, lie only who Is prepared for liU chance can hope to succeed.— bucccsa Magazine. Millions Are Made Each Year in the Pickling and Preserving Business. Tlii Pittsburgh Pickling and Preserving Company, successor to the Frank Vogel Company, 811- ! 3-15 -tli Canal St., Allegheny. Pa., offers for a short time only a limited amount of its capital stock of i $150,000 at $lO per f>hare, par value, full paid and non-assessable.' This is an opportunity to share in 1 the profit- of a thriving industry whether in small or large amounts; every share of stock will earn the | same dividends. To any investor this proposition must appeal strongly. Only $36,000 wa> issued of the capital stock of the old company and on last year's business, which .111 to $93,000. a net profit of siß,coo was d>rived, which equals 50% dividends. Thi> fact ai ih should convince the most doubtful, but to substantiate all statements herein made ; our office and factory will be open in >in 10 to II a. in. daily, except Sunday, or any other time by ap pointment. This offer is subject to withdrawal without notice. For further information call or address: t % FRED VOLQUARTS, Broker, House Bldg., Opposite B. & 0. Depot, Pittsburgh, Pa. PITTSBURGH PICKLING & PRESERVING CO. 811-813-815 So. Canal St., Ml'y. 3. 3. silks The rain and cold weather in various parts of the county for the past few weeks has greatly retarded Silk selling, and makers and importers have more on hand than is comfort abie. Result —this store has had many excellent opportunities to buy choice things 'way under price. These are now offered to you at the same relative price advantages 75c, 85c and SI.OO Taffetas, 50c—neat shirtwaist styles— great variety. 50 and 75c Foulards, 35c — not narrow kinds, but 23 and 24 inches wide. 75 and 85c Louisine Checks, 60c. SI.OO, 27-inch Pongee Silks, 6Uc —all colors and Black. Bote's & Buhl O O Greater I'lttuburi;. Federal SI,- Park Way—South Diamond. Tee ICnils I Itfunts Pipe Now Hto lo oountl rails. New 7 to 12 Inch Hi-am*. IIOMKU Bow KS. Oltlce »n<l Yards. Itlver uvo.. ni'iir Sixth St. Bridge. Altofchunj l*a. Phone 7'£! Oedar. S7T BCHOOLB W/ J / Engineering. Electricity, W/[/ f Book-keeping Shorthand, f/ ySyPreparatory Ai-ademle. Higher Accoantancy 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm High tirade School*. Elegantly equipped and lighted room*. Positions No antiquated methods or men employed. Sure. F.rery teacher a college graduate with experience. I'lttHhurg, Allegheny. liu train. Niagara Fall*. and Mi tl' '< ' . Snd In for Cntalog. Martin Jennings Calon, LL. D . President. Dean's I I A Maf#\ eertnln r» lit .vr Hii|>|>re«*»d ■ |l Mcnatrtiailon. Nev«>rkr.%»wn t<»fu(l. Hafe! ■ ■ Sun-! h|H « <ly! Batl*fu« tloii tiuaranteed ■ «»r money Kcftinilwl. Went prepaid for H H fl.on per ftox. WIU aend them on trlaj to ■ B Espsl iCM when ratk % < «. Hnmplm i ne. ■ I UN IT tO MCOICAL CO. »Q« 74. Uwc»TIW. PA. J Solil in Butler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacy Wall Paper Sacrificed!! Now is the time to buy Wall Paper choap —And this is the place! Owing t<> the fleroe catting in our line thin year we linil our stock of wall paper larger than usual at this time of year. This Surolus Stock Must Go. In fact it in going rapidly at prices that would make our competitors Hick! Conic in and help yourself before all the good patterns are picked out. Our big line of Hammocks are now on cile some elegant patterns among them. EYTH BROS.. NEAR COURT HOUSE W'inl.wl Agrnt* to Bell sober. up; mako <lll ItU n mini iinltn sober la Hv.. I minute-*; send Zn\ ▲doroHS It 11. HAMILTON CO.. Hchuyler. Y*. REMOVAL. We have removed our Marble and Oranitc shops from corner of Main and (/'lay streets to No. IMM) N. Main street, opposite W. L). Brandon's residence), where we will he pleased to meet onr customers with figures that are right on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and arc also prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc.. as we have secured the sole agency from the Stewart Iron Works of Cin cinnati, Ohio. for this town and vicinity P. H. Sechler Advertise in The Citizen. THE LARGEST IX THE COUNTY. | THE ' 11 j Butler County National Bank, |j c «- 1 m § A good. STRONG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLE of | Buler Couny to do business wih. I \ Capital# 300,000.00 || I Strength 'surplus 300,000.0011 ) Assets 2,706,342.30 ]| * I i * We invite YOUR business —assuring you PROMPT, \\ | COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. | I ''The big Bank on the corner by the Court House^J Everybody Praises the Home Savings Bank System. Have You Tried It? Interest Bank Butler Savings & Trust Co. 108 South Main Strent- ESTABLISHED 1900- THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS (earned) - $47,000.00 DIVIDENDS PAID ----- $6,000.00 None Stronger in the County. [Eberle Bros^j | PLUMBERS i S [Estimates given on al! kinds of work. 7 3 We make a specialty of / f NICKLE-PLATED, \ c ( SEAMLESS, F OPEN WORK. r / 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa C S Peoples Phone. 630. C LA LUZ Milling and Tur\riel Co. A Propostiori of Exceptional Merit. Note the gentlemen connect** T FW A ICT, President. „ HON. ". N. MORGAN, o j{ Y „oAKI> IN MRX'CO. EJ! HON. IGNAt :lO M AIIISM'A 1.. ~ , c ' of Guanajuato. Sec y of Republic or .in *i> o. nwiOHT KHRNE.-S, HON. I.l'ls K. "OHFV Dwiulit Fumes* .V Co, Guanajuato, i v»j | f C', l w ,M< IIRN.IAMIN C. COI.LI NH. Vl.l lVr.ild.nt r S. Ranking Co.. Mo,lro ntr- Mexican Central K. H. Mexico City. JAMBS C. STRWAItT. James Stewart A Co. New York Pit talmr ß . 81. LouL. London. i!V miVfl^H*Ml^'l^\NK ,r forJm^ , OP?U l and Hjrdr*uVk'Tcl»itli r-lnChlef NlaKara Tunnel KT.L. I IUS HO L M .1' n '»lde n I Bank of N. C Mayor Sanfora. N. C. ii i \KV u atsoN V loci !*rosl<ient Alum Niiiloottl Bank, Alton, 111. CHARLES A IH'STIN, .'>2 Hroadway, New \ ork. • II IV IIV r NIIIIMIAN | ~|te,l Btate. Senator from Alabama. I K VNIU' K W VoliKs. President Trader*' National Hank, Portland. Main.'. <,,,, !Ji "haI'I.KV Director Commonwealth Trust Co.. Philadelphia. I»a. Tll< IM A IIIC«' >ll* F. Vlr . ( Manufacturer. Philadelphia. Pa. ii.iv i I GOSPER. Ex Governor Arizona. _ .... W W PATERSON, Philadelphia A K< inline Coal Co., Philadelphia, la. HEN IAMIN I' Mil.l. Kit. .1 11. Miller* Sons, UeadlnK. Pa. O. M. SIMPSON. Philadelphia. Pa. W D Gi l I.BERT. Auditor of stale of Ohio, Golumbua, O. REGISTRAR. . , , P. Writ Rnd Trmt Company llroad and South tN-nn Square. Philadelphia, i HON. A I'GI'STIN ARROYO I»K AN DA. Mexico City, Mexico. it. «'U Mexico- MAJOR GEORGE 11. HI RHAN K,V!'A ''l '' TASKERI E - M GROItOF I TROOP 1 !;'" C il' ,W SHAPLRY. EM. Fn« Mine.La In rot In La If you wluli to Invent a MUII» Of TTHWY that win |>l*J J * | ''The Company offer, a limited amoent of their Treasury .took to the conservative In veiior at »■!<«' l'-r .hare for *| o the famous La I.ur dl»trlct. The record, .how | he ( ompany u«ni the old roli« Jn K , ||() H||)| ,„ vcr The property this Company I wi\ hiM | r."?nc"f over Wit''"M'" 1 " llno K records alone show a production of • 1 In-SI year*. I ~i„„it 12 f*M feet under the mountain to cfct all of j tur''" I ~IT IHT-.!m,mn; now worth of ore lyln* on the dump, that .how, from are' now .-ln„ put In to operate these ore., which will return to the .tockholder. several time, the total capital of the Company. r>o per cent to ICX) per cent DIVIDENDS Within 12 Months. Write for particular* or Call 631 HMI TH BLOCK. FITTHBt RG, PA. Subscribe for the (JIIIZKN
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