Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 08, 1905, Image 3

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NOTE— AII *dTert> Mr *^^5 d ioflfT ""of
day morn lot.
Bank statements, Bntler Sayings and
Trust Co., Butler County National and
the Farmers National.
Zimmerman's summer goods.
Doutt's offerings.
D & G's Ciothng.
Brown & Co's furniture.
Modern Store's sale.
Campbell's furniture.
Hartinconrt & Thorn's rigs.
Pittsburg Picketing Co.
AAmlnlsn *tors and Executors of estates
cui secure their receipt books ajtths
CITIZEN office, and persons making public
•alee their note books.
—New time table on the Bessie
—The voung robins are numerous,
this year.
—The Masons will go to Conneaut
Lake. Aug. 10.
—The salary of the Butler Poetmaste r
is now $2,800 per year.
—Some of the wholesale houses and
offices in Pittsburg now close at noon,
—They are making about sixty cars
a day at the Steel Car Works, and that's
a good many.
—C. N. Boyd's drug store looks some
what owl-y these days but the bird
holds the correct time.
—The Blacks will reune on the S. J.
Black farm in Marion twp., (the oid
homestead) on Wednesday. Aug. 30th.
—Some of the loafers about the Court
House and in the Park "set and think,'
and then again there are others who
"just set."
—The "Hot Tomato - ' fish wagon has
gone ont of commission, and there will
be no more "wooly mackerel" on sale
in Bntler, this summer.
—The Juniors of the Grace Lutheran
church will hold an ice cream and
strawberry festival in the church on
Mifflin St, next Thnrsday evening.
—The frost of last Saturday morning
was followed by a nice corn day. It
was a light frost, however, and did but
little harm, while the former one killed
at least half of the early fruit.
—Some Butler boys serenaded a new
ly married couple too vigorously, last
Thursday evening, upon their return
home. The serenade startled a woman
living near, who was a sufferer from
heart trouble, and she fell dead.
—Nearly five hundred Woodmen were
in line for their memorial parade, Sun
day. They marched to the North
Cemetery and nnveiled the monuments
erected to the memory of two of their
members—T. J. Leedom and H. Fair—
who died during the past year.
—Bntler, Prospect and Piano can no
longer contest as to which is the home
of Rube Waddell. John Waddell, the
famqns Rube's father, after long years
- of service to the National Transit Co.
bas been retired on a pension and has
moved with his family to St. Marys,
where he owns a store.
—Hereafter there will be Snnday
trains from Butler to Foxburg, leaving
Butler at 0:42 a. m. and 8:00 p, m.
Bnt one change was made on the
schedule between Bntler and Allegheny
—the 1:25 p. m. train is, on Sunday,
changed to 11:10, but remains at 1:25 p. I
m. for week days. j
—While a wagon load of hay was
passing down the alley between the S.
W. corner of the Diamond and Wayne
•treet, it upoet and one man was caught
under the load and had a narrow es
cape. There is a steep place in that
alley that is dangerous for heavily
laden wagons and it should be graded
at once.
—A cow belonging to a family at '
Hannahstown, was bitten by a mad
dog some time ago, and killed herself '
by bnmping her head against trees and ,
rocks. Bnt the family did not know, ,
at first, what vu the matter with her, ,
and continued using her milk and be- ]
came sick. Now two of them are un
dergoing treatment at a Pittsburg Hoe- .
pital. '
—Some big boys went np Sulhyan ,
run, last Saturday week, and went in ,
swimming. Some little boys followed ,
them, and waded into the cold water.
One of the little boys was attacked by
rheumatism Sunday evening, and it
followed np his left side and went to his
heart. He died Wednesday. The
winter, just passed, was his first one at
school. He made two grades daring
his first term and was looking forward
to his examinations, Friday. He was
baried that day.
—Five hundred boys and girls of
Pittsburg were taken to Lillian Home,
near Valencia, on special trains, last
Saturday, just for an outing, and on
Monday two hundred were taken there,
they to stay for two weeks, when they
will be replaced by another bnnch, the
object being to give a large number of
peor children an outing each year.
The Home is maintained by the Kings
ley Association of Pittsburg; the
site or farm was donated by C. L.
Taylor and the home is named after his
daughter Miss Lillian. On Saturday
last the Home entertained one hundred
and fifty guests, as well as the children.
—The statements of our two leading
bank-—The Butler County National
and the Butler Savings and Trust Co.—
are remarkable for a town of the popu
lation of Butler. The deposits of the
National amount to over two millions,
and those of the Savings to oyer one
and a half millions. The National has
$1,876,000 bearing interest, and the Say
ings $1,642,000. The capital and sur
plus of the National amounts to nearly
$700,000 and those of the Savings to
nearly #500,000.
The report of. the Farmers National
also shows a steadily increasing bnsi
ness with nearly half a million on de
posit and bearing interest.
—Since the Butler base ball club re
turned from its trip to Franklin and Oil
City it has been playing a little bit the
best article of base ball ever seen in the
town; the players are working together
like machinery and coach and encour
age each other all the time. The pitch
ers. Harkins and Hazelton, are stars,
field their positions excellently, run
bases well and can always be depended
on to do some hitting. In the last five
games Butler's opponents have scored
only one run. Saturday Leechburg
was defeated 18x0. Anyone who jour
neys to the ball park these days gets bis
money's-worth and then some. Mana
ger Breen is to be congratulated, as he
has had to work against a strong senti
ment against outsiders.
Hunting for the man we cannot fit
with a becoming spring suit.
K. P. Scott, Jr., is home from college.
Dr. Redick and family have returned
from Florida.
Jndge Taft is in lack. A five-center
has been named after him.
T. T. Stewart of Centre twp. was in
town on business. Saturday.
C. L. McQuistion. Esq., returned last
week from a trip to Denver.
Ed Weaterman of Clinton twp. did
some shopping in Butler, Thnrsday.
Admiral Dewey advises Admiral Togo
not to accept any real estate in Tokio
W. S. Bredin of New York visited his
parents and friends in Butler, last week.
Russell McCandlesa of Chirry twp.
visited friends in Butler, last Saturday.
John Horner of New Wilmington is
visiting his daughter, Mrs. H, C. Craig,
of Chicora.
Frank Murphy, Esq., is nursing a
sprained ankle at his home on W.
Pearl street.
Miss Delia Burry of Franklin twp.
spent a very pleasant week in Butler
visiting relatives.
Count Cassini, the Russian Ambassa
dor at Washington, has been opening
his mouth too wide of late.
Homer Young the Plank Road Grocer
spent Sunday with his parents in St.
Petersburg:, Clarion county.
Jno. D. Harbison of Clinton twp. was
in town yesterday lifting his commis
sion as Justice of the Peace.
Nan Patterson quit the stage at Al
toona. Small audiences and harsb crit
icism were too much for her.
Rev. G. W. Davis conducted the
services at the funeral of Mrs. Hannah
Liken, at Barkeyville, May 27th.
Isaac Robb of Oakland twp. attend
ed Presbytery atZelienople, this week,
representing the North Butler church.
Storey Clark, a son of Prothonotary
John C. Clark is seriously ill of inflam
matory rheumatism which has affected
his heart.
Miss Frances Bole of Bellevne has re
turned to her home after visiting Miss 1
Eleanor Graham of the Diamond and
attending the Alumni Banquet.
John R. McJunkin of Clay twp. visit
ed his nephews, L. S. and Ira McJnn
kin in Butler, Tuseday, accompanied by
bis daughter. He ia now in his 81st
Miss Frances Herdman, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs John Herdman of Butler,
graduated from the Training School of
the West Penn Hospital, last Thursday
evening, as a nurse.
Rev. J. C. Nicholas and C. Seligtnan
attended the Northern Conference of
the Pittsburg Synod at Shippenyille.
last week. Rev. Nicholas is President
of the Conference.
W. E. Holmes ot Penn twp. was in
town on business, Tuesday. H* says
that Elgin Daubenspeck was slightly
burned and had a narrow escape at the
fire of Sunday morning.
Admiral Togo called upon Admiral
Rojestvensky in the Jap Naval; Hospital
in Sasebo. last Saturday. Both spoke
brokrti English, Rojestvesky is badly
wounded, and the scene is said to have
been very affecting.
Miss Gertrude Siebert left Tuesday
for Heidelburg, Germany, where she
will spend the summer in study in the
University of that city, returning in
the fall to resume her position in the
Butler High School.
George Ketterer and son, Clarence,
left Butler Tuesday evening with the
intention of sailing from New York,
today, on the steamer TonruLne for
Havre, France, where they will disem
bark and visit Paris; and then go to
George's old home in Germany, where
Clarence will take a full course in
Serg't H. W. Burtner of the League
Island Navy Yard was one of the sqad
of ttfenty-five Marines detailed to go to
Paris and return as guard of honor, over
the remains of John Panl Jones. He
sailed on the Olympia, May 28th, will
return this month: and will then have
charge of the Recruiting office at
Washington, Pa,
Capt. A. G. Williams attended the
dedication of the monument to Gen.
Hays at Wilderness battle field, last
week. He had a glorious time with the
boys and bronght home a natural curi
osity—several of them. The south
ern woods are full of pine needles and
wood ticks, the latter of which stick to
you closer than a brother. In fact they
bore right into you and want to stay
there, but by a careful surgical opera
tion Andy got one oqt whole and now
has it on exhibition.
—Since the establishing of the Car
Works here and the advent of numer
ous foreigners, onr drug stores keep a
supply of leeches. The foreigners ac
cumulate too much bad blood and the
leeches are used to remove part of it.
—The land company now owning the
Muntz-Cavanangh property has built a
substantial foot bridge at the second
crossing of West Wayne St. over Con
noquenessing creek. A wagon bridge
on Wayne St. leading to Fairground
Ave. is badly needed.
—Barnsdell or the Southern Oil (Jo
paid $162,500 for thirteen-sixteenths in
the the Waldron farm gusher—Finnigan
holding on to three-sixteenths. The
late developments indicate that the
property is worth about half the sum
—Because the railroad companies re
fused to handle a case of spotted fever,
the body of Charles Kennedy, the 13-
year-old son of Charles C. Kennedy of
*2BO Shetland ayenue, Pittsburg, who
died of the disease Saturday night, was
brought to Butler in a hearse. Monday
—The brass-band and free carriages
to Cottage Hill, took quite a crowd up
there, yesterday morning, and tlie sale
began at the corner of Main street ex
tension—just under the flag. Phil
Davis of Monterey bought the first lot
lor $290, and about twenty more were
sold that morning and some more that
afternoon. The sale was a success and
starts Cottage Hill a booming. Robert
Fisher, of the Dye Works, won the free
—ln Court, Tuesday, the sixteeen in
formations against the Pittsburg news
paper men for publishing articles re
lating to the graft cases in Allegheny
City, were withdrawn by assistant
counsel, S. F. Bowser and J. I). Mar
shall, on account of alleged defects,
and the cases were dismissed, the prose
cutors, through their counsel, promis
ing to pay the costs. "Hay Philips"
did not put in an appearance, and he
and the "chief counsel" in Pittsburg
and the "fellows in Allegheny" con
tinue as mysteries.
—The Town Council adjusted, read
justed and disentangled itself at its
meeting of last Friday evening and is
again ready for business. Dr. McCand
less succeeded A. Schenck as a Council
man for the Third Ward; T. C. Camp
bell is Solicitor; H. Coulter, Secretary,
and Harry Grieb, Sewer Inspector.
At its meeting of Tuesday evening the
bids for paving Race street were opened
and read, and are now being tabulated.
East Penn St. from Franklin to Elm is
to be paved; Monroe St. from Brady to
E. Pearl is to be 60-feet wide, and Main
St. north of the paving is to be widened,
I The meeting was enlivened by a fuss
between two citizens of the Fifth Ward,
regardirg the drainage of ar. alley-
Hereafter the Council is to meet jn both
the first and third Tuesdays of each
Better than a spring tonic, a Ritter
& Rockenstein's suit.
Home Studv Circle. Illinois, vs A. G.
Duncan, appeal from judgment of
$83.50 rendered by H. W. Christie.
W. M. Baune vs Webster and Nannie
Keasv, appeal by deft from judgment
of f2S, rendered by H. W. Christie.
J. C Waldron vs U. S. G. Waldron,
appeal by deft, from judgment of s9l,
rendered by I. N. Graham, J. P.
Farmers Deposit National Bank of
Pittsburg vs Philip F. Norvell and P.
F. McCool assumpsit for rent amount
ing to $566 23, claimed to be due on
room No: 1511 in Farmers Bank build
ing in Pittsburg.
Lillie M. Heller vs Lewis E. Heller,
petition for divorce.
Jos. Ash vs National Transit Co.
trespass for SSOO, damage for entering
on land in Forward twp.
W. P. Jamison of Venango twp. was
appointed foreman, and the first return
was made Tuesday. The following
bills have been retnrned.
The Grand Jury is hearing the case
of Com. vs John B. McGlaughlin, ac
cused of murder, this morning.
August Machek. assault.
S. Oram, selling cigarettes.
Frank Kimbrew. colored, felonious
Louis Blanchard. larceny.
John Fucas, Steve Bogden, John
Beck, Leon Tants, Metro Korns, Tony
Kensnick riot and unlawful assembly,
not true bill on first count, true bill on
second. „
Emma Bales, Sarah M. Hemphill,
Emma Taylor and Julia Taylor, misde
B. L. Brmton, agg a&b, costs on
Mike Wescysky, riot, etc., costs on
Edward Birbarick, a car works police
Tony Scbalis, larceny.
Elko Binbach, a&b, costs on Henry
John G and Isabel Elliott baje been
granted leave to adopt Mary \ ance, a
child in charge of the Childrens Aid
Society, as their daughter under the
name of Hazel F. Elliott.
The Christian and Missionary Alliance
church of Butler, faith cnrists, has ask
ed for a charter of incorporation. The
trustees are Theo. Leibert, E. A. Keitz,
E. T. Burchfield, Jas. M. McConnell. J.
C. McElroy.C. W. Mattern and Rev.
Geo. W. Davis.
The June session of the Allecheny
conuty criminal co .rt opened. Monday,
with eleven niurdei' cases on the docket.
The Chicago Grand Jury, which con
venes Saturday, will investigate the
charges of conspiracy to assassinate pre
ferred against some of the strikers.
D. E. Cnpps of the Ist "Ward saw his
ring on the finger of Lewis Gilghriat,
last Saturday, and had hiin arrested.
Cnpps was singled and robl>ed while on
his way home on the night of April
22nd l«st. He lay ußconscious for
several hours and when he recovered
found that his purse, ring, cuff buttons,
shoes and scarf pin were gone, and he
has been on the lookout for them since.
On the constable cf Clearfield twps.
return a rule was granted on the B. R.
& P. R. R. Co. for failing to keep open
the public road frofli FeneltontoCraigs
A rule was granted on the B. & O.
R R. Co. on account of an overhead
bridge which was reported in a danger
ous condition by the constable of
Donegal twp.
John S. Walkfr plead guiltv to a
charge of made against l}im by his
The assault and battery case against
William M. Foster was settled on pay
ment of costs.
The assault and battery charges made
by John McQ. Smith and Ben Jacobs, a
South Main St. pawn broker, against
each other, were withdrawn, each pay
ing his part of the costs.
George E. Heineman resigned as
Borough Auditor and Alfred A Schenck
was appointed to fill the vacancy.
W. E. Bovard waa appointed super
visor of Mercer twp. to succeed Joseph
The petition of citizens of Callery
for incorporation as a "borough was
heard Tuesday. Exceptions to the pe
titicn were tiled by J. H. Thomas and
twenty-one other citizens of the town
on the grounds that incorporation
would make taxes more burdensome.
Several witnesses were heard on each
Judge Gal breath handed down a de
cision refusing to divide Clay twp. into
two voting precincts, stating that a
large number of citizens would be in
convenienced by the change.
In the suit of the Bell Telephone Co.
vs L. S. Hoou, formerly of Renfrew,
the defendants motion for a new trial
was refused.
A new trial was refused in the case of
A. O. Rake vs Bessemer Gas Engine Co.
In the equity case of Mrs. Mary L.
Muntz vs the Cottage Hill Land Co. an
opinion was handed down dissolving
the preliminary injunction
granted on the defendants. The case
was based on the allegation that water
from a well drilled by the defendants
flooded the Muntz coal mine and the
injunction was secured to prevent this.
James C. Kennedy was sentenced 10
years to the penitentiary. The case
against his wife was continued.
Executor's sale of C. F. Eicholtz farm
in Lancaster twp. to Charles Werkel
for f3r»oo waa confirmed,
The case of Com. vs W A McCormick.
embezzlement, was settled, J. G. Pat
terson, McCormick's partner with
drawing the charge.
The case of Graham & Ogilvie vs B.
M. Hildebrand and J. S. Davis, rule to
show cause why a judgment should not
be opened, was settled.
The case of Com. vs John Shaffer of
Prospect, a&b, was continued for set
John E Keilly to Hose Marie Kreaps,
lot in Butler for #2(150.
Alvin R Graham to Mary A. Rhodes,
lot on N. McKean St. for £i7oo.
Clara Thompson to Geo. W Varuuin,
int. in 05 acres in Centre for s3soi
J Heber Varnurn to G W
same for S;JSO; E H Yarnum to same,
same for $300; Mary P Varnum to
same, same for $350.
Clinton E Miller to Geo. J Runner,
lease, 17 acres in Butler twp. for $250.
C A Abrams to E E Abrams, int. in
214 acres at Karns City.
John McGonegal to Slippery rock
Boro, lot in Slipperyrock for £IOOO.
Edgar Cowan to Arthur Perry, Jot in
Valencia for SIOOO.
F S Geobring, trustee, to Harry L
Burr, int. of Geo. G Roneymus in 50
acres in Jackson for S2:J2.
1 L Mcßride to M Finnigan 3-8 int.
in leases in Butler twp for $1250; also
ints. to P F McCool and Frank Hinch
Mary A Mcßride et al to Southern
Oil Co KMiiths of same for #162,500.
(Jran A Ray to W E Martin, gdn, 50
acres in Marion for sl.
E 11 Crawford to Simon Schreftler 278
acres in Allegheny for SSOOO.
A L Findlcy to Dora E Gibson lot on
W Pearl St for S4OOO,
L> O Ihmsen et al to T N Barnsdall
56-acre lease in Butler twp.
Godfrey L Cabot to Ainr Nat Gas Co
lease and well on Jay Reed farm, Win
field twp for S2OOO.
When it comes to servicable, perfect
fitting clothing Ritter & Rockenstem
are leaders.
Hunting for the har<l to please man to
talk spring clothing. Ritter & Rocken
FOR SALE—Choice Gladiola Bulbs,
no two alike; fifty cents per by
mail. J. A. HEYURICK,
144 Bluff St., Butler. Pa.
You will feel more contented in one
of Ritter & Rockenstein> spring suits.
Higher in quality, lower ia price
Ritter & Rockenstein'B suite for spring
Marriage Licenses.
Ralph Brown Parker
Mabel E. Strantz
Clyde E. Crider Conway. Pa
Minnie Hooks. Mars
Jaknb Sam Lyndora
Mary Cuzin Pittsburg
Edgar Lewis Wallace Karns City
Bertha E. Dieter "
J. T. McAnalleo Allegheny twp
Jennie A. Durnell
William E. Dnrnell Allegheny
Hannah M Cox "
Benjamin Christley Butler
Sarah Snyder "
R D. Mackey Euclid
E. Frances Book "
William Craig Butler
Emma Douds Evans City
John R. Hepler SarversviUe
S. Viola Bricker Carbon Black
George M. Liebler Bnffalo
Anna M. Schultz Chicoia
Frank Lecocq Butler
Thersa Thiry
W. H. Pi.hlman Marion twj.
Lillie B. Huffman " "
Harry W. Miller Butler
Bird M. Reed New Castle
Vincent Hepler Sarversville
Bertha A. Hunghan ....
At Pittsburg. Thos. Cooper of Saxon
burg and Edna D. Brown of Irwin.
At Pittsburg, Ralph S. Adams of
Allegheny and Jeannette Barto of
Evans City.
Rev. J. C. Nicholas of the Grace
Lutheran church, Butler and Rev. Geo.
! Stewart of Prospect Presbyterian church
exchanged pulpits last Sunday, and
Rev. Stewart, who is a brother of Will
Stewart of the West End, delivered two
very able sermons here. In the evening
Rev. Nicholas took part in the Dedica
tory services at the Lutheran church in
The Presbyterian Presbytery met
in Zelienopte, Monday.
Letter to A. W. McCullougli,
liutler, Pa.
Dear Sir: But few of the men who sell
the hundred different paints in the mar
ket know much about tnem. All Devoe
agents ha*'e a state chemist's certificate
telling just what it's made of; they
know a good deal, not only about Devoe
but the rest; we see that they do. We
buy every paint, that has any sale, and
analyze it. Our agent finds-out all
about it.
When we know wnai a paint is rnade
of, we know how it will act; we know
how far it goes, and how long it wear*.
Devoe is the standard: call it 100. The
best of the rest is about 75; the worst
about 25; the rest are between.
But the men, who sell them, don't
know any better. They know what the
maker tells them. That is: they know
that he tells them. They don't know
whether he tells them the triith or not.
The business is not conducted on
knowledge; the legs they know, the
more comfortable they are*
Yours truly.
01 F W DEVOE & Co
P. S. Patterson Bros sell our paint.
Try My Others.
You have t«-iea "Seventy-seven" for
grip and colds; why not try my other
Specifics? —Dr. Humphreys.
Cures for Asthma, for Headaches, for
Neuralgia, for Croup, for Whooping
Cough, for Dyspepsia, for Kidney and '
Urinary Diseases, for Piles, for varied
forms of Women's Complaints, for In
fants' Diseases, for Rheumatism aud
Lumbasto. for Skin Eruptions and for
other diseases. Specifics 25c. each at
Consult Dr. Humphreys' Bojk to be
had at your druggists or mailed free.
Humphrey's Homeo. Medicine Co.,
Cor. William and John Sta., New York.
Butler dealer* are paying
Fresh eggs 17
Butter 12^-15
Potatoes 35
Chickens, dressed 17
Apples, per bu 70
Cabbage, per lb li
Navy beans, bq.,.sl 75
Onions, bu. 1 25
Carrots, bu 60
Lettuce, lb 10
Dressed Pork 7
Honey per lb 15
Dried Apples 6
Wm. J. Brown of Clny township lost
an imitation leather aatcbel. and also
an umbrella, in Bntler, yesterday morn
ing and asks the finder to express them
to him at Enclid. or address at W. Sun
bury, R. F. D. No. 4«.
5. & o. excußsioNs.
Excursion Itutcs to Indianapolis.
On June "iO to 23. inclusive, the B. &
O. R. K. Co. will sell excursion tickets
from all local stations west of Pittsburg,
at rate of one fare pins 25 cents for the
round trip, to Indianapolis, Ind., ac
count Tnrnfest of the North American
Gymnastic Union, good for return uu
til June 37, 1005.
For further information call on or ad
dress nearest B. & O. Ticket Agent, or
B. N. Austin, G. P. A., Chicago. 111.
Six roomed house on large lot with
good well water and stable, SIBOO, given
at bargain as owner is leaving town.
W. Fulton St.. N. of W. Pearl.
Insurance and Real Estate.
If you wish to b«11 or buy property
yon will find it to your advantage to see
Wm. H. Miller, Insurance and Real
Estate. Room 508, Butler County
ilßtional Bank building.
Paint Your IJuyg-y For 7oc.
to SI.OO with Devoe's Gloss Carriage
Paint. It weighs 3to 8 ozs. more to the
pint than others, wears longer and gives
a gloss eoual to new work. Sold by
Patterson liros.
We are paying the highest price, in
cash, for wool. Call at or address,
107 S, Main St., Butler, Pa.
Just what you are looking for in a
spring suit at Ritter & Rockenstein's.
Hotel Uoyer, Pittsburg, l*a.
We have renewed our lease for a term
of years and we are refurnishing and
renewing the entire house better than
it ever was. Rates the same, $2 per
day. Come and see us. .
J. B. BOYER, Prop.
Extraordinary clothing at ordinary
prices at Ritter & Rockenstein's.
West Pcnn Trains to and from
Union station.
Effective May 28, the Pennsylvania
Railroad will run six of its trains on tin;
Western Pennsylvuni» Division over the
new Brilliant Cut off into and out of
Union Station, Pittsburg. These will
include trains leaving filairsville at 7:50
a. m. and 7.00 p m., and leaving Bulter
at 4:35 p. m. Returning, trains will
leave Union Station at 3:05 p. m. and
10:30 p. m. for Blairsville and at 6:10 p.
m. for Butler.
Flower and vegetable plants of all
kinds for sale by
410 Mifllin St., Butler, Pa.
Money to Loan
on first mortgage.
8. W. Diamond.
For your next suit try the up-to-date
Like to show you some really nobby
spring clothing Ritt->r & Rockenstein.
is uov being delived t< all parts of the
town by
It is the purest ice in town.
Leave your orders at the Bakery.
142 S. Mala St., Batler.
Gee AVliiz!
The Southern Oil Co (Barnsdall'si
well on the O. K. Waldron. about *'*>
feet northeast of the original Mcßride
well, was drilled in at midnight, last
night, and with the drill two feet in the
sand, began flowing at such a rate that
drilling had to be suspended. The fl >w
was estimated at 100 barrels an hour,
and the pipe line men say it is the best
well of the two.
The Asso. Producers well on the Bar
rickman »short distance north of the
Phillips well was drilled in at same
time, and is small.
A 45-degree line from the new well,
running northeast, would skirt the
northwest corner of Butler and hit
Greece City and Modoc.
Secured Positions.
The following graduates and students
of the Butler Business College have just
accepted positions as follows: Sara
Beatty, stenographer, Bessemer R. R.
Co, Butler: Robert Seaton, fine position,
stenographer. Bowman Bros , General
Contractors, MeKeesport. Pa: John
Weigel. stenographer, substitute, Stand
ard Steel Car Co., Butler; Lapra Camp
bell, stenographer. Leedom <Sr Worrell
Wholesale Grocery Co., Butler: May
Thompson, stenographer, Lloyd Whole
sale Confectionery Co., Butler; W. P.
Starr, position with Standard Steel Car
Co . Butler-
Delivered daily to all parts of town,
in large or small amounts.
Phones, Bell J 15$. People's 220.
Jno. S.Wick, |
I Removed to I
I 345 S. Main St.. \
(J. Stein Building.) j
| Two Hotel. |
S We are now open for busi-S
Sness with a new stock of#
Jgoods and want all our old*
and everybody*
Jelse to come and see us in#
Jour new quarters. J
£ We are showing all thej
#new things for summer. #
£ New Hats, Shirts, Neck J
Swear, Hosiery, Underwear.}
| Straw Hats <
# are all here, cheapest to #
t finest. J
Gibson's Livery
(old May & Kennedy'stand)
First-class horses and rigs.
Excellent boarding accom
Good and clean waiting room.
Open day and night.
In the
Crystal Pharmacy
R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G.,
106 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
fiibl ® ot ' l
flrl Children
and grown folks find
plenty to interest
them here. We take
' uJi -VilA particular pride in
pjl our children's
J&J Photographs
\\\\ We know how to
jf\ y ' pose and take them so
# V W 'H satisfy the
y most jealously loving
t [I parents. Bring along
V,:,- Hi your little ones and
V 11 at last get a Photo
; graph whioh will do
i | the,n j UHlice -
210 S. Main St Butler.
I Trusses |
| Of To-day j
/ A truss is an important ap- S
f pliance and it is obvions that \
f constant effort will be made /
J for its improvement. Every S
l year does bring some improve- J
( ments. and wearers of trusses j
t sbonld have the benent of j C
V them In onr stock we en ! V
/ deavor to provide all that is C
1 practical as well as new. Our I
V long experience in fitting S
j trusses enables us to judge the /
\ value of new ideas and our )
C stock is therefore an ideal one. S
i Any claims we make for a : V
/ truss we will guarantee. i t
J Hard Rubber Trusses. »
/ Shoulder Braces, J
/ Elastic Trusses, I \
/ Elastic Hosier}*, I f
J Abdominal Supporters, | 7
f Crutches and Fittings. i
J Our assortment io complete j
J and our prices are right. \
\ C. N. BOYD. >
B It «£ P It li
Time table in effect Nov. 27, 1904
Passenger trains leave and arrive at
Butler as follows:
7:80 a. EI., mixed for Punxsutawney,
Du Bois and intermediate stations.
10:31 a. m. daily, vestibuled dav ex
press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford,
week days, for Rochester.
5:37 p. m. local for Punx'y, Du Bois
and intermediate stations.
11:31 p. m. night express for Buffalo
and Rochester.
6:10 a, m. daily, night express from
Buffalo and Rochester.
9;50a.m. week days, accomodation
from Dußois.
5:34 p.m. daily, vestibuled day express
from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash
ford week days from Rochester.
8:07 p.m. week days, mixed train
from Dt; Boia and Punxsutawney.
Trains leave the B. & O. Station,
f'ittsburg, for Bnffalo and Rochester
at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., and for local
points as far as Dußois at 4:05 p.m. On
Sunday the 9:00 a.m. train runs to Buf
falo alone.
- II O It It
Time table in effect, May 1905.
Trains for South and West,leave Butler
town time: WEEK DAYS.
0:20 a.in, Allegheny Accommodation.
8:00 a in, Allegheny & Cleveland Ex.
9:10 a.m, Allegheny Express.
11:40 a.m. " "
1:23 p EJ, Ellwood Ac.
3:35 p.m, Allegheny Ex.
5:00 p.in, Chicago, Ellwood, N. Castle.
5:20 p.in, Allegheny Ex.
5:50 p.m. Allegheny Ac.—New Castle.
8:00 a.m, Allegheny & Cleveland Ex.
11:10 a.m, Pittsburg Ex.
3:35 p.m, Allegheny Ac
5:50 p.m. Allegheny Ac.- -New Castle.
9:42 a.m, Kane & Bradford Mail.
4:55 Clarion Accomo.
9:42 a.m, Foxburg Accom.
8:00 p.m, Fox burg Accom.
Trains leave the Allegheny station for
Butler 7:00, 8:15, and 11:11 A. M..
and 1:15, 3:00, 5:30 6:30 and 11:00 P. M.
On Sunday at 7:30 A. M. and 0:15 and
11:30 P. M.
F<>r through ticket*, Pullman reservationa and in
formation apply to W. R. TURNER, Apt.
Butler, Pa.
JO3. P. TACtiKRT, A. G. P. A..
Pittsburg, Pa
A M A.M.iA.M. P. M. P. M
Bl TLKB Leave 6 16 8 4l» 10 35 2 30 4 20
Saxonburg .Arrive 6 45 1) 05.11 00 254 1 4«J
But'.er Junctiou.. 44 714 9 34» 11 25; 3186 18
Butler Juuction. ..Leave 7 37 9 3211 3>' 3 22 5 l r ,
Natrona Arrive 7 44; 9 40 11 39 3 30 .5 24
Tarentum 7 52 9 45 11 40, 3 36 5 30
Springdale 8 02 9 55}U 58 3 45 5 40
Cwrex&obl ... Jl2 16 401(5 66
Shnrpeburg .. 824 . ..12 24 .... 603
Allegheny 838 12 40 ... 6 1H j
Kn»t Liberty [lO 20 .... 4 15, .... I
Pittsburg |lO 30| .. 4 85i ....
SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Butlet for Allegheny
City and principal intermediate stations at 7:20 a. m.
*nd 6:05 p. m.
A.M. A.M. A.M. P. M.)P. M
Pituburg 3 05 6 10
East Lib rty 3 14 & 2o
Allegheny City .Iv 6 15 82510 25
riharpaburg 6 3" 8 89 10 39
Glaremout 638 8 46 10 46
Spr igdale 7 00 9 07 11 oo 0 4*,
Tarentum 7 HI 9 19 11 11 347 6 6*3
Natrona 7 20 9 26 11 18 3 52 6 5o
Butler June ar 730 'J 36 11 27 400 707
Butler June Iv 742 94012 30 402 7 1 0
rtaxonburg 8 09 10 06 12 54 4 33 7 '64
BUTLJCB . 8 35|10 33 1 20 6 05 8 Co
SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny Oity for Bnt
ler and principal Intermediate statloua at 7:00 a. m. and
9-20 p. in.
Week Days. Sunday
A.M. A. M.P. M A.M. P M
BtTLLa Iv 616 . . . 230 720 ....
Butler J'ct ar 711 318 810 ....
But lor J'ct Iv 7 4o: 400 814 ....
Feeport *r 7 43 ! .... 402 817 ....
KnkiminetatJ't.. .." 7 48! 408 823 ....
Leechburg " 3 011 420 837 ....
Went Apollo 44 8 24: 439 854 ....
Saltaburg 44 851 508 9 JJ«»
Blairsville „ 923 5 962 ...
Blairsville Int... . . 44 930 J5 50 10 00
Altoona 44 11 36 j 860 1 40;. ..
Uarrisburg 44 310 100 ft 35
Philadelphia M 6 23. 423 10 20
P. M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M
Through trains for the east leave Pittuborg (Union
Station), as follows:
Keystone Exprean daily 3:00 A.M
Manhattan Limited, daily, for No;*h Phila
delphia and New York .... 3:35 44 ;
Peunsylvania Limited daily ... 7:15"
New York 44 44 7:15 44
Atlantic Expreaa, 44 7:30 "
Main Line Kx press, •• 8:00 44
Buffalo Day £zpre» " 900 •• |
Day Kxpreaa, 44 12:01 NOOQ
Mail Kxpnvta •• .12:45 P.M
Buffalo Special 44 1,)0 ••
Chicago Mall daily, for Baltimore ami
Washington 4:50 44
Eastern Ex preta, daily, lor Phil a and N V 4:56 44
New York Expreaa, " 41 •» 7:10 44
Phila lei phi a Kipr. «i, dally 9 00 4
New York Special, <hilly for New York, only. 10:00 44
Philadelphia special daily. Sleeping
cars to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash
ington. No coaches 10:00 4
Bnflato Night Kxpreai,dail> 11:00 "
For Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bridge all
rail route) 8:00 a.m.. 7 .10 and ami 9:'K) p. m. daily,
"Pennsylvania Limited,** and New York Limited 7.15
a. m, week days.
BaftAlo anil Allegheny Valley Division.
Trains leave Kiskimineta* Junction as follows:
For iluflalo, 9.51 a. m. and 11.30 p. m. daily, with
through parlor and dleepiug cars.
For Oil City, 7.4* 9.31 a. m., 2.J4, 6.07 and 11.60 p.
m. week-days. Sundays, 9.51 a m., 6.07 and 11.50 p.m.
For Red I tank, 7.48, 9.51, a. in., 2 "4, 6.07
10.15 and 11.50 p. m. week-days. Suudays, 9.51,10.40
а. n>.,6.07 and 11.50 p. m.
For Kittannlng 7.48, 9.28, 9.51,11.37, a. m.,2.34,5.33,
б.07,7.30, 10.15, and 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sundays,
9.51. 10.40 a. rn., 6.07, 10.44, and 11.50 p. m.
•T Stops only on tik'nal or notice to agent or con
ductor to receive or discharge |«artHeugerH.
Koi detailed information, apply to ticket agent or
uddreHH Thos. E. Watt, l'a**. Agt. Western District,
;>OO Fifth Avenne. Pittsburg, Pa.
(jen'l Manager. l*a*sr Traffic Manager.
GEO, W. BOYD, General Passenger Agect.
Strictly High Grade |
| Come and see me when |
I you buy; also sheet music |
I or anything in the music |
i li ne -
i * Music instructor and Piano Toner. *
Nest door to Y. M C. A.
People's Phone
I t Orchestra furnished for nil i
I £ occasions.
The Butler County National Bank,
Statement of Condition at Close of Business Nay 29, 1903. j
Loans #1,876,417.46 Capital $ 300,000.00
United States Bonds 100,000,00 Surplus and Profita 366,175.72
WIS 205,529.15 Circulation 100,000.00
Cash and
#2,785,959.32 #2,785,959.32
Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent-"The Very Best." We Invite Your Business.
LESLIE P HAZLETT President. A. L. REIBER, Vice Pres. T. P. MIFFLIN. Vice Pres. J. V. RITTS, Vice Pres
J NO. G. MCMAKLIX. Cashier. ALBERT C. KRUO. Assistant Cashier. W. S. BLAKSLEE. Assistant Cashier'
anflflflHHßli Campbell's Good Furniture
j NEW |
gj In 9x12 sizes at S2B; Hearth size at $2.75 and jgj
M Door Mats at sl.lO. ill
gj New Fall Patterns that Only Arrived Last Week, jg
;81 Axminster Carpet $1.35 Velvet Carpets $1.35 New Mattings I©
slli New fall patterns in floral New fall designs in room, The stock is very complete
3pf effects. Red, green and tan hall and stair patterns. A For hard service take the
grounds in pretty parlor rich Wilton velvet carpet China mattings, at 25c, tag
sit patterns. The first ship- and one of the nicest par- 35c and 40c per yard. IS?
ment we have received of lor carpets we have to Japan mattings in pretty
new fall carpets. show you. patterns.
g| Carpet Size Rugs Lace Curtains Tapestry Portiers Jjjj
Wiltons, Axminster, Body Plenty of the popular Not- Floral, two color effects, ||3
gaj Brussels, Brussels and all tingham curtains at 90c, at $2.50 and $3.50. Plain, tag
3»I wools in the popular 9x12 sl, $1.25, $1.50 and up. red or green tapestry with
size. No cutting or patch- Renaissance curtains, the floral borders from $5.00
yry ing up of carpets, no tack best line made in America, to $12.50. Silk and ve- kgg
S&t pulling ahd more sanitary Plain centers with lace lour curtains from $15.00
*j|[ than a carpet. Prices $lO, borders in white, Ivory or up to $25.00. Double the
HI sls, sl7, s2l, $25, $35. Arabians —$3.50 to $lO. stock of any previous year.
Wood Seat Chair $125 Rocking Chair $2.75 Parlor Tables $5.00
A new wood seat dining Solid wood seat rocker, Golden oak or mahogany jgg
JR| room chair at a popular with high spindle back finish, highly polished, IGG
aisl price. Full back post, ve- embossed top panel, bent pattern top, pattern low- R|S
nere seat, strong and dur- arm that is bolted to the er shelf, turned legs and
able; quartered oak seat seat. A chair that will built up in a first-class igc
SPt and back. A special value. last for years. manner.
3j 5 piece Parlor Suit $55 Extension Table $ll.OO Vernis Marten Bed $16.75 jggg
gai Large, massive mahogany Solid oak six ft. long when A finish that will last for jgg
Jfilt finished frame, highly pol- extended, perfect working years; looks like brass,
ished. Seat and back up- slides, large fluted leg that but much superior to the
§ls| holstered with a green ve- bolts onto the frame, mak- ordinary brass bed. Con
pit rona. One of the best val- ing the most substantial tinuous post pattern and
ues we have ever shown. table we have ever sold. very pretty. pE^
Wintield BB Co lime Table (
In effect May 39th. 1903.
Leaves West Wliifleld i 2 t?,
•• i I » » 0O
« a*..
Arrivo Butler 10 J3 jj J*
Arrive Alleuheuy ■ • 601
Arrhe HtUburi! 10 f®
a rrtr# Matasv Bit 1 til i jjt
Lchto Pittsburg jj 05
Leave 11'airBvlllo ? 50 2 15
" Allegheny I 8 T
« liutlVr ... H4O U3O
44 Butler Junction ,10 00 440
44 Lttno 'lO 03 443
44 Wiufleld Juuct lou 10 15 455
44 Iron Bridge 10 2T> 505
44 BogKNirille jlO 35 515
Arrive Went WinfleM 10 50 5 30
Train* stop at Lane and Iron Bridge only on Flag to
take on or leave iff panneu^rn.
Trains Conuect at Butler Junction with:
Train* Kantian! for Freepcrt, Vandergrift ani
Hlalrnville Intersection.
TraiUß Westward for Natrona,Tareutum Allegheny
ami I'itt.^burg.
Trains Northward lor Saioubarg, Mar wood and Bat
B. G. HE A M>R,
Imieral Manager.
TIME TABLE In effect May 28th, 1905.
| Head up) Daily Except Sunday (Readdowa)
ji. :n 11. in » in.
72« i ssio :« Erie I 7 «.• ia 4si
ii iu 12 >nirvifw.... 7 - !6 23
C 19 1 18)10 00 i.iranl 1 7 371 1 2.'. ■> g
I-' 1 V'llu If.Ar .(oniicniit.l.v; 7001-01 bld
ft 1012 ol| 700 Lv..('onMeant _Ar' 10 1"> ... 700
"t i I rrancsville 7 '• M
C I 0" 9 4 1 Albion 7 fw* 1 < • t> bfi
l« I fl2 43 f9 »; ....Shail eland 18 121 1 N. ft; 07
C12 :1 4« 'J i!.t Sprln gbom SII 1 1°
I) m il! 4C ;i IK Connen litvllle... h 'Ji 0 i'. 10
J .. . . J \r Mm.l ville. l.\ S On I 4 4'J
4 IJ 11 :v> » 00 Lv Mead ville Ar U Z'A 3 10 7 if 7
. r > ■- 12 2!» 0 or. A I'on't l.wke. l.v 8 '2r* i! 1- 509
6 09'11 6K H I.V.< on't iJike.Ar 9<>•244 700 ,
ft In 9 201 Ar Linen ville..l.v H II '• 19
h IT l.v Lines Mill- Ar 9 20 4 ,V> k (.5
!- s.. K-x |«>-iii. >n l'ark »
IS r. 11l 55 H2B Harlstown f# or. f- 4;- 705
C, I HI 50 8 2-' AIIHIIIK viIIe 19 11 <2 .'.4 711
5 li.'fll 41 »IJ O-KOod 920 {3 or: 721
4 II Bl> 803 OrefU r111e.... 9 L'!' 310 731
4 II 2- 7 Shell UIIRo . 9 : • 3 II 7 40
4 •-•,'11 li 738 Frill Ollia ... 9W'3 31 7
4 I 'i» M 723 .... Mercer 10 01 3 1 si)
... FlO 52 7IS _Hotutoii Jet . 10 OH I 8 17
:i iio i; 7co Grove City.... 10 4Hi 8 3.1 .
13 -do Zs ii.in ...-Harris ville 1 14 22 p.m.
.. . .11 18 .. .Rranehtoli . .10 Is 12-
1 11 BUf Ar_. nillfnr<T7..l.v* 7 o , v 2io
210 7 or. . l.v llillianl Aril 30 #l7
"3 "10" IV KeKlvr. ... 10 ft 2 4 31
3 17 10 02 1 Euclid. II QM 4 4ft
:...... II o.V ... Ar... Kaykir .. Lv 320 .. .. i
74" l.v. Kay lor . Ar fi2.'> pill. !
2 'l9 3f. I lhitler.~..~lll :<M «J« *OO 1
T?.. 7 . North Iteveiiier. . 020
I is k if... I.v.Alk-Khcny.Ar l no <i
p. m a. m.l | p.m. p.m.l .... - I
Trnln No i leaving f. l envllle at 0:17 a. m.; J
HlieuaiiKo 6:M;Kretloula 7 13. >1 rrer 7:-7; drove
City 7:50; Keluter 8:17; llutler 9.00, arrlvet in
Aiießli-ny at 10:25 a. m.: eoimei t* at Queen
' n.'i on ulth trains to and from Ka; lor. and
at I'.raiicht'.n from liiiliar.l and Aonaitdale.
I'rain No ' leaving Allegheny at:. j> m.j
1: 14 .: KelMer tirove city .Nlereer
l r.ilonia i. :i»: Hhcnango >• •rtivea la
(j.-■ • I,Ville at t:£7: eonnertn at Qnwen Junction
with trains iu and iroui Kaylur, and ut Uruueh
. ton tor ililllard.
I E. H. t'TI.EV, E. I>. COMSTOt K.
I (>«uenU Manager. ucu l X'ua. Agtsk
This ad is of importance to every
woman interested in home or person
al needs or who wants to save on
seasonable merchandise. All de
partments are reducing stock by
special offerings and cut prices, many
of which don't even get a mention.
Silk Specials Knit Underwear
Fancy Wa#h Silks in black. Ladies' Vesta, tape neck and
blue, red and brown polka ' arm holes, sizes 4to 6, at. ..5}C
dots and fibres. 00c values Ladies' Vests, long or short
at. 34c sleeves or sleeveless, finish
-80-inch Taffeta Silk, all colors, ed with Bilk tape, sizes 4 to
75c values, at 48c 9. worth 25c, at 18c
Fancy Silks in blue, brown. Ladies' Ribbed Pants, lace
grey and green, at 48c trimmed or fitted knee, all
All Changeable and Fancy sizes, worth 25c, at 18c
Silks worth 75 and 85 cents
at 58c
S ladles' and Children's
and white; at this sale lißc HOSe
Shan Tuuir Silk in tan, blue
and white, worth 75c, at . ,fi>Bc _ .. , . T i . tr i.i»
All Silk Eoline,27 inches wide, ' Ladies Black Lisle Hom, white
worth 50c, at 35c B ° le whl J® ,oot included
25c values, at 18C
llaailv Maria Mfaa*• Ladies' Lisle Ilose, all lace,
KcaUj IrldUo TTCdr IRCe boot or embroidered in !
Walking Kkirts.made of light- black, wliite.pearl gray, tan .
weight broadcloth or man- brown, Dresden blue, Mo
nish mixtures, with side re £: all t , hlß Bea f o ? l f.®
pleats or umbrella flare, stjles, .>< e values, at thifl
#*so values at „ "'f ■*?« ® l ,air ° r .3
All Broadcloths. Serges, C'hev- Children s Heavy Bibbed Hose
lots and Mixtures,all the new 15c values; at this sale Oc
side pleats and umbrella flare Ch a ildrt _f l " Hose, heavy or
walking skirts at this sale 20 xf fine 2oc values at 18c
per ct. less than regular price. IWbnggan Underwear.
Ladies' Black Silk Coats, made ' 1 n ' aefl - ttt
of guaranteed taffeta, 50 in. /'
I long, shirred leg o'-nintton.
.worth #lB at ... #11.83 GOrSCtS
20 per cent off on all silk
skirts Knd silk shirt waist
suits during this sale. 50 doz. of Girdle or High Bnst
Corsets, batiste or net; at
DrPSS (iflfldS this sale lWc
Ul V 99 UWWU.I c jj a?(1 Warner s#l Corsets.
Cravenette Cloth, 50 in. wide, at this 5a1e............... .<JOc
herring-bone Btripe, worth Ladies' Leather Pocket books,
#l. at 78c sterling mountings, in black,
Tan Covert Cloth 56 in. wide. brown, grey and tan. worth i
worth *1.50 at sl.l© #1 and #1.50; at this sale.. .BBc
V.">iles. •(.' inches wide, black, 200 pair Rurtled Swiss Cur
blue,and grey.worth 75c at tlfic tains, bought at a sacrifice, ,
Voiles, 44 in. wide, in black, worth 75c and #1; at this
blue, brown and gray, worth sale oßc
#l. at this sale <»►<■ 20 per cent discount on all lace
About 1,000 yarda Dress Goods and ruflled curtains during
in Mack. blue, brown, grey, this sale,
red ai d mixtures, to be closed 2.000 yards Dominion Apron
ont at this sale at 4 the regular Gingham, all good patterns; j
price. • during this sale