THE BUTLER CITIZEN. | WILLIAM O. WBQLET - Publisher , THTTRSD/Y. JUNE 1, 1905. m 1 $;.•» per >«•' !» Advance, otherwise $1 JO REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE. Judges of Snperior Court:— Charles E. Bic®, James A. Beaver, George B. Orlady. Treasurer —J. Lee Plnmnier. COUNTY. Sheriff—A. McCnne Campbell. Alexander Commissioner 1 * N. S. Grossman, William Siebert. Auditors:— David Cupps, W. B. Scott. W. 9. Patteraon. ™ vm ~ Nearly seven thousand Republicans wended their way to the seventy-one polling places of the county, last Sat urday afternoon and cast their ballots, and by 11 o'clock that night it was known that A. McCune Campbell was nominated for Sheiiff? Jas. M. Mc- Collongh for Prothonotary: Thomas Alexander for County Treasurer: Porter Wilson for Register and Recordor, William Siebert and Nathaniel S. Gross man for County Commissioners and Dr. Walter S. Pattereon for County Coroner. The vote on County Auditor was very close, and the official figures nominate David Cupps and W. B. Scott. These were the eight successful can didates of a list of forty-one, and as but one of the eight was known as a "combine" man, the ticket, taken as a .whole, is fairly representative of the party in the county. There were some peculiar features in this primary, and there was some money* squandered in it, but the e feated candidates swallowed their dis appointment gracefully and there were no complaints. The Convention. Sixty-eight delegates put in an ap pearance in the Court room at 1 p. m, of Tuesday and the roll was called, de veloping tie votes in the second pre cinct of the Third Ward in Butler, and in Clearfield twp. . Messrs D. D. Quigley and John H. Jackson were put in nomination for County Chairman—A. speak ing for Quigley and J. B. Greer for Jackson, a motion to vote by a ' rising vote" was voted down, and the conven tion elected Quigley, viva voce, by 4D to 28: Mr. Jackson moved to make Mr. Quigley's election unanimous, and that was done. On motion Messrs Kelly, Theo. Kearns, C. C. Williams of Slipperyrock, Ed. Lantz and W. G. Wilson were elected secretaries. On motion a committee of five waR appointed on resolutions, Mid all resolu tions were referred to it; and the chair man named Jas. A. McMarlin, S. Q- Blair, S. W. Galbreath, Delos Hind man and John Relger. In the contested elections or tie votes for delegates, W. C. Findley of the 3rd ward Ist precinct and John Reiger of Clearfield were voted in, their opponents not appearing in the convention. The vote on seating Findley was 40 to 7, several members haying left the con vention. On motion a committee consisting of Norman Boyer, E. H. Hutchison. Ed Lantz and W. C. Findley were appoint ed to tabluate and count the vote and authorized to declare the known re sults. The reaolutions Committee came in and their resolutions (as printed below) were road and adopted without dissent. They fix Saturday, March 31, 1906. as the date for the next Republican Primary. Several of the candidates, who were present, were called upon for remarks, and Messrs Alexander, Tebay and Campbell said "Thank you" and Mr McCollough said "Thank you again." Then the convention which had been in session for but one hour, adjourned, and the delegates lingered in front of the Court House where some of the candidates announced their intention of trying it again, three years hence, D. V. Thirty of the delegates were given tickets for dinner at the Willard, that day, twenty at the Park, and twenty at the Lowry. The Resolutions. Resolved, That we reaffirm our faith in the principles of the Republican party as they find expression in the party's platforms. State and National, and in the wise and patriotic adminis tration of President Theodore Roose velt That we endorse our Legislative Rep resentatives, both in our national and state legislatures (in their uniform at tention to their official duties.) That we endorse the ticket this day put in nomination as entitled to the support of the whole party. That we fix Saturday the 31st day of March, A D. 1906, from 1 to 7 p. m., as the day on which our next primary election shall be held. That it is gratifying to observe how fictional feeling that is sometimes visible in party organization, has dis appeared. The Republican party of our county now represents a united front to the common enemy—the Democracy. The County Committe. Adams N, George Klein, Evans City, 34. Adams S.. J. S. Campbell, Mars. Allegheny, Rolla Millford. Brady, G. S. Snyder, Slipperyrock. Buffalo, Harry Fleraming. Sarversville. Butler Ist, Jas. A. McMarlin. " 2nd, O K. Waldron. " 3rd, Theodore Kearns. Centre. Geo. Varnum, Butler. Cherry N., John H McCoy. Annandale. Cherry S., L. P. Gruver, W. Sunbury. Clay, A. W. Boozel, Euclid, Clearfield, John Rieger, Fenelton. Clinton, John Harvey. Connoquenessing N. Mosheim Hemp hill, 9. Cranberry, R. W. Garvin, Evans City, 83. Concord, Robert Adams, Karns City,74 Donegal. J. J. Crawford, Chicora. Forward, J. D. Williams, Renfrew, 29. Franklin, Geo. E. Stain m. Prospect 44. Fairview, John Deets. Chicora. Jefferson. Roy I. Burtner, 6. Jackson E., J. M. McClelland, Evans City. • Jackson W.. E. H. Hatch. Lancaster. Walter Scott, Harmony. Marion, J. A. Vandyke, Harrisville. Mercer. Jos. A. Brown, Slipperyrock. Mnddycreek, Sherman Gallagher. Portersville. Middlesex. W. G. Wilson. Oakland, Jeff Moser, Butler Parker.. A. M. Shira, Parker. Penn N., W. H. Hamil, Renfrew. " S., Thos. Graham, Butler 7. Summit, Wm Scott, Butler. Slipperyrock, Frank W. Prouty, Slip peryrock. Venango, Theo. Kelly, Hilliard. Washington N., John P. Lewis, North Hope. Washington S., Phil Harper, North Hope. Winfield 1, Heiman Freehling, Carbon Black. Winfield 2, S. W. Galbreath, Carbon Black. Worth, Jos. W. Studebaker, Slip'yroek. Bntler 1-1, Frank Laret. 1-2. Ed Lantz. " 2-1, J. H. Neyman. " 2-2, John H. Jackson. " 8-1, Mat Yost. " 3-2, W. C. Findley. " 8-8, Norman Boyer. " 4, Jas. B. Mates. " 5-1, P. W. Leedom. " 5-2, D. D. Quigley. Bruin, Dr. A. J. Edmunds. Connoquenessing, W. C. Fowler. Evans City, S. Q Blair. Eau Claire. A. W. Kelly. Fairview. R. C. Scott. Harmony, Henry M. Wise. Harrisville, Henry Orr. SUM City, R. Rodger*. REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ELECTION, HELD MAY 27, 1905. ' SHERIFF* TltEASUftEit PROTHONOTABY. | REGISTER AND KECORDER. || COMMISSIONER. | ATDITOR. j !I"go IP! b iSw Pb s Kr~ K 31 - t ®i 2 l=c^i" rH^«?! E; ?= Pl =3 ! *3 ~ DISTRICTS, oo&g!H8b S|!2| « I n i 1"? ? | &35?||I££ il*s g . I U ? ! ? I' | I l l'l 8§ ? |'| l||,i i I I§ I i TI i ?.| : | f Tli ?I~ 5| I ill: ? § ; ? 3 § : :I : | ? <§. : *: | : : : * :! : S , : : | ? : 9 : §I : : ! : : 3 i[ T i | 7T"T i~~Z. :~T: j~ H ~34 ; 5 6 2c! ~19 ~16 6 ~24 I 8 ~~231 18* 7| T, 1 ~ ~~k ~34 10 19 ~ 1 31 1 11 514 2 ; 26 9 61458 f2l 16 19 am9 l l - £ : 4 ', o{i ,o ! 6 •>* 14 15 '33 1 87 6 5 . 13 4 22 ... 3 12 4 21 16 12 15 10| 23 26 6 t- 43 i2< 24 11 AHMhenv 15 18 5 1 *'l 8H 67 5 loi »|' 49 21 9 17 U 14 18 4 10 16 28 14 21.... 37 26 1 26! 11 22 21 9 41 33 7 24 85 41 21 10 Allegheny U . o 2 9 % 1 12i « 5 13 12 14 ils 7 10 .. 5i .. 9 8 37 9 6 5 1 9, 8 4 4.... 8 13 2 * 22 It 19 14 S3&- i? 20 6 133 V s'l 41 27 1* 75 9 54 14 96, 23 iaj 33 2 25 4 76 32 5....1 11 45 77: 14| 6 57 55 29 42 144 20 31 » » 57 47 Rnfltr ia 4". «0 15 8 (>i f, S4 10 10 6 4(1 36 20 13 jlsln 23 52012 18 19 2? 240 14 512 ... 524 64 39 28 50 25 39 2*: 49 34 B »? er «Jf v™ 11 5 1 li 91 14 If. 31: 122 11 510 20 7 ; 27 351 15 25 429 ll 12 517 15 35 82 19 .58 16 73 97 2h 52 13 119 10 2d 5.J 9 11 a 1 I . | J 2 10 26 13 4 w 10 JO j» 3 6 2 9 2 6 5 88 18 10 4 6 3 8 21 13 21; 37 11 12, lfc 36 11 „ . M l'~ os 1 9 25' i3l 2' 1 60 6 28 52 21 IT 159 .. 5' .. 3 1 52. 11 80 8; 29 11 4 44 7 6 8 29 ;22 41. 30 57 58 25 40 56 ®? ntre -Vj, I {j J; s o{,, 35 3 n 2i 16 15 6 20 8 22; 2 .. 4 .. 21 29 22 26 li 17....... 9 1 4 5 11 9 3 40 35 9 33 8 q 6 7"2 41 1 3t! 1 6 12l 63 2 16 29 10 31, 10 6 2 2 4 .. 60 75 88 9 6j 3|.... 8 6 2 19 1 6 11 12 71 51 14 52 15 £k enT S OA 45029 70 15 11 176 1 53 65 31 54 31 56 21 .. 17' 1 80 97 90 20 38 7.. 38 8 17 77 12 38 . 23: 15 181 79 45 44 89 £ ay «i; " q 9 , 1 9 27 1 1 11 12 .. II .. ..! 8 .. 10 2 18 4 6 5 21 4 14... 1 1- 3 13 29 12 5 5 If, 22 9 7 Clearfield 1 K • _ 12 J 124 22 51 1(i 58 „ (i ; 37 3 4 - } 20 2 4;5 4 r2 l 3 «i J 1 4 9 9 24 37 11 10 11 30 Clinton. 40 18 4 • • 2G 2 j 21 6 J5 8 22 10, 11 1 1 7 1 42 7 3 3 27, 49! 62 15 2 94 8 6 59 105 6 18 78 66 49 21 Connoq. N 81 9 ■> X f> 25 1 H 4 ..I 8 2 8 .. 23.... 20 .. | 16 ... .... 24 14 5 3 11 29 6 27 5 21 13 „ , h or ao\ •> " 8' IN 8l 15 33 9 32 2 32 1 25 3:1 9 2 .. 4 10 21 .... 14 1 2 21 3<» 23 16 9 15 23 29 9 56 27 33 7 Cranberry >«• !: ~i s> , 43; 39 6:: 10 54 35 18, 451 ft I 321 22 1 21 2 65 24 53 8 58 10 14 30 ?2 19 12 52! 46 43 31 72 81 69 31; 31 Concord 18. 60 7 • - 1 9 3 4 sti 3 11 17 2 10 .. 29 10 23 34! 10 24 2 10 8 6 4; 9| 17 33 44 23 19 16 82 22 g° ne S a \ 00 li 4 % i 17 1 20 33 "li 36 21 .15 28 34 2 38 9 4 21 1 19 13 30 3 4 6| 6 33 85* 3 1 2; 25 42 11 21 68 33 46 8 Forward -- «| 1(l 90 9 IR . 15 , 4K 34 oj 26! 47: 26 11 1 11 11 23 10 123 18 23| 22! 1 9 19.... 9 18 20 46 56 60 40 15; 6, 102 Franklin 14 11; - « »• • ; j - n 2 141 ; 4 33; 13 4 81 34 83 57 .» 00 21 , 18 27 13 14l 4 , s 26 48 100 63 29 67 48 49 61 fairview 4 o3 16 0 10 1- ItW -- 1 u 27 g 9 , 28 g jj» g 5 2 24' 11 43 8 2 15 45 21 37 64 12 15 21 53 29 6 Jefferson 66 8 1 5 . ' 5: ..j 21 6 .. 3 3....1 2 9 10...., ;l 2 7.... 7 3 2 7 2 Jackson E..... 4 , 6 o 6 3 j; o 20 16 ..2 6 26 17 45 ll 17' ... 1 7 4 24 21 8; 51 18 6 16 22 42. 7 16 Jackson W.... 655 - 1... ;»' 16 -" 2 6 5 5 3 19' 2 4 1.. 4 514 ... 30 j 4 ! 5 18! 1 3 3 13 2 215 7. 6 A » Lancaster.. .. 3 2 6 lo j 0 14 | 6 ; 51 13 2 31: 4 8 13 4 26 ... 22 32 10, 11 12j 9 2 6 13 15 29 12 42 5 1 60 23 18 a 0 5 Marion - 2- - "•••• | | : 5() 4 5 «.| j 8 | 17 6 1 8 .. 23| 37 8 15 13 11 .... 6 12 12 19 10 34 17 8j 33 20 25 22 12 Mercer ........ 4 10 8 5- -. , , . ; 4f) 7 16: jg 9 17 . l 7 8i 65'....| 28 19 1 7 19 18 1... ' 20 33 7: 56 25 26 26 Mnddycreek ... 0 - # 1 JO|'" 6 3' 148 98310 62 5! 51 28 235 1 48 10 21 1| 25; 83475 14 114 22 12. 75 117 25 17 62 30 89 81 Middlesex 80j 88. 4 23 .... 8, IV « - i«, 50 ji .. 17 s 8 4 12 36 21 32 22 30 52 22 3 - 12, 33 3, 3 10 lt» J l3 . , 2 - 2 37 ' 10 g 37 ' 28 o 13 5 39 16 14:1 59 46 5 21 25 33, 44 7 £* rke *. *2 : ! U , « I T 3 !| 8g 1" 6 15' 15 13i 9 361 3 9 15 S 25 .. 10 : 5 0. 5 15 19 6 36 19 3 15 12 1 35 17 20 13 25 18, 33 13 l* nn \ «4 o, j} j 7 3 1 3' 13 15 11 90 15 60 14 41 lUj 5 12 1 88 8 10 7 8:.... 28 4 14 78 11 40 43 211 43 66 48 19 58 29 91 7 f ® nn S ®1 3 l 9 A f' JO 7 3 3i 4 11 1 6: 8 .. 8.. 2 .. 5 1 1 1 10... 4 8.... 2 8 15; 2 11 4 6 13 4 11 5 Sninmit ....... •», 6 - 0 ) 0 »;! 27 55 21 28 25 12 36 11; 3 13 5 49 22 62, 92 11 7;.... 9 14 19 5 2. 46 26 22! 68 75 36. 68 18 Slipperyrock .. 13 4. 1- H -4 ~t>, ». « , 9 5 3, « 3 47 11 23 22 32 29 4 13 5 30 4 4 33 28| 5: *2 .56 52. 19 7 Venango ......... 16..., 1 •••• f * j 5g 14 8 32 1 j 4 21 17 .. 3 ..' 52 fit 15 43 21 58 8 5 2 19j 3 40: 50 27, 11, 32 42 45 15 45 Washington N. 4 U 2 1- 1 7' -j- « - 57 J 4 n 17 5 I 2 7' 7 60 23 24 7 48 19 2 14 4 57 7 10 35 25 15 85 49 88 4 14 S. 1«! 83 1? <1 2 3. 33 -4 44 j, w ' j g o | j 0 3 ; > G 9 6 G 7 12 5 ... 9 19 62 25 17 51 35; 27 28 111! 50 12 28 411 72 9 Winfield Ist... 9; 5 5 10.. 4 4 4- 00 3 . - J 3 . , 31 4 13.... 21... 7 10- 7 20 3 1 20 26, 11' .5 5 29. 11 2 TTT "U 2d " i 2 O 1 1 "is " "->S =0 5 4 12 10 36 15; 18 17 22 .. 1 ...| 25 4 52 10 19 151... s! 16 21 13; 1 17 24 8 53 19 11 14 39 - ir 3 11 313 "9 3 109 10 27 71 59 82 36 21 4 6 10 10 56; 3 31 12 4 7 4 17 96 173 193 23 13*. 4 2 20 133 66 Bntler 1-1 M -3 13, 16 3 11 -13 9 16 n 5 n 7 33 29; 5 16 10 18 71,125 108 46 106; 15 29 80. 81 66 ' I"? $ % J' : \% 4 , 1 125 42 14 92' 19 84 71 8 7 92911 28 472 18 -10 18 17, 536 113 86 54 821 21 88 40 82 48 3-1 13, 41 109 10 . . 1-3 4i 6 6 , 23 j, 4 16 16 C 801 4 19 25 7, 13 6, 11 51 105 56 40 79; 26, 27 27 85 40 " 3-2 13 50 ..4 16 9 11, 9- 34 11 1- 04 4 ir y 5 15 0 1 8 4 19 4 3... 9 5 5 2 3:.... 2 59 5 11 43 6, 6 6 36 14 ' 3-1 11 20 3 9 lo l-> 40 20.. .... - |( 88 j s j 65 39 1211 35 38 22 94 50 " *-2 *1 «« 11 "j* U J, "j J 4 6t 25 3 381 1 1, 16 4 5 14.... 19 534 71....! 14 15; 87] 17 43 ; 98; 11 81449 41 8-8 » ft J® oa! j«3 40 05 H 70 44 60 64 29 44 88 8 211 50 53 35 39 17 51 18 10 39' 10 18 71, 149 101 55 158, 27 48 39 104 80 4 & ?' £ 2? S Jg il 25 11 58 36 67' 72 28 45 37 7 12 64 54 32 84 25 52 19 4 28 11 32 74 152 82 63, 135 34 54 43 79 117 " 8-1 f. :i gil ! 7 o \s •' 24 39 10 18 55 9 32 38 2 9 25, 12 8 34 1 25 9 12 17 6 15 33! 62 27 28 106 8 15 28 60 28 D ". 5-2 14 4o 20 919 1. 18 ~-4 W uit 00 o jg j, 019 13 .... 16 919 11 4 26 18 236 26 17 38; 1 Bmm 10 10 12 7 6 15 8 ~4 23 > 13 10 l.| 1. 2 6 .. 4 3 6 1 1 1 5 1 1 10 16 .. 7 4 9 16 4 3 11 6 18... Connoq 11 < 2 1 .... f. ' «» 1 if: J 1{! J 15 26 07 9 0 4 29 7 86 2 1 5 2 lo' 90 1 9 5 50 35; 10 31; 70 50 41 10 Evans City .... 16 64 12 9.... U\ 4 31 43- 6331640 15 ... 27 9 6 4 J g 25 w 9.J % 3 810 yl2 4 ..J 26 41 29 6 j 8 Ean Claire 4 2 1 1.... 40 30 9 ,1 - 18 8 1,5 e, o , g (j 6 1 7 1 4 13 6 ....I 6 20 12 11 5 Fairview 3 ■> 6 -.... 14 " > 8 - j 4 | 3 v 4 j .... 4 6 81 8 15 21 10 5 20: 19 26 8 10 Harmony > 3 2 2.... 3 33 4 1 7 6 -4 8 1- 4 2 j: «1 1 21 3l! 6> 4.... 3... 8 1.... 21 8 12 4 6 14 16 23 15.... Harnsville .... 9 11 4 3.... 13 9 12 16 8 13 H 18 1 11 .. 1 14 2 2 6 8 1 01 5 15 17 5 12 14 8 6 32 23 10 4 Karns City ... 1| 2o 2 . 10 .> V dV ~ ... , 1 1 • ■■ 4 17 j 09 2 j 30 21 23 47 10 25, 28 19 20 52 41 43 94 32 51 26 71, 46 Millerstown ... 8 60 30 16.... 32 18 13 - }® 37 15 4 m 4 j 4 .. 21 17 39 5 30 12 14 33 28 25 29 18 45 50 13 39 75 47 59 20 Mars.. 12; 60 „8 *0 1 18 •- ol <» « ij , 1 64 17 7 8' 2....1 15 6, 6 5 18 15 14. 51 16 23; 1, 35 Prospect 2 6 20 19 18 ... o3 8.... 2 18 4 l.| io 1 .j 12 3 5 8 7 j 5 9 2 47 28 20 18! 3 15 45 21 34' 4 Petrolia 030 -- 1 1 4~1 < 1~4 ■ ■ .•• 5 | 10 425 1 7.. . .... 4 | 10 3 1 1[ 10 5 1181016 11 . Portersville... ... 2 o 113 10 9 2 8, 12 22 10 g 6 33 14 53 31 416 2 14; 222 13 8 23 27, 957 28 20 61 6 Slipperyrock... 8 3- « \* ' " 0 07 9 1 1 12 26' ..' 7 5 46....:... i 3 1 I 32 32 16 1 1 7 11, 28 Saxonbnrg 2j 14 3 2,»... 3 1 2... 43 4 !! 8! .. 2 4 .. 33 20 17 4 10 2.... 6 1 9 10 4 6 7, 3 26 32 16 lli 6 S2:.::::: 4 1 41 i . 2 2 igj 115.. 2 2.... 2 i.... 1....1 1, j ; 1. «, 10 3, 1 12, i,...| ut u 1 t4 ll j.* 17. W > »_44_« « »O, K >_«!_» »«» «| lj-.| » »»««,: MM| « Tolal 11(K)i1945 869 113oj 543 1188 31091347' 983 1228'1861 1718 899 2178 ) 849 1332 1466 191 1079 388 1861 1020 2063 5841378 830 624 1080 840:1244 1447 1965 2380 2309 2148 1915.2389: 1914 26,, 1681 Millerstown, T. J. Leech. Mars, D. W. Crowe. Prospect. E. L. Hunter Petrolia, Hy Cromling. Portersville, E L. Beigbley. Slipperyrock, C. C. Williams. Saxonburg, John E. Muder. W. Sunbury, D. L. Hindman. Valencia. W. J. Hays. W. Liberty, J. P. Castor. Zelienople, C. F. Goehring. Russia's Greatest Disaster. i Thousands of people in Russia are now mourning the loss of dear ones, who went to the bottom of the sea. last j Saturday evening, with thousands of tons of metal, above and around them, to drag them down to their unknown, unmarked and common grave: while all the wor!d wonders what it to be the next act of its greatest drama sinne our Civil war. The Russian fleet, the strongest in numbers and equipment that has ever sought battle, and which was reported off the eastern coast of China, last week, approached the straits of Corea (which are divided by the Tsu islands into two channels) early last Saturday morning. Their approach was reported by wireless telegraph to Admiral Togo, who was at anchor in Masampho harbor on the southern coast of Corea, and he seems to have waited until he learned whether the Russians would take the northern or southern channel. Receiving authentic information that they had taken the souther+i channel, he steamed around the north end of the island and came upon the Russians that evening, steaming through the channel in two columns. He attacked the left column with his battleships and sent his fleet of torpedo boats in between the two columns; and once again the superior marksmanship and desperate courage of the Japs pre vailed over their enemy. In a short time, probably within an hour or two, the Russian fleet was sunk, disabled, captured or seeking safety in flight Six battleships and cruisers are reported to have sunk, and each of them probably took four-to eight-hundred men to the bottom of the sea. In all nineteen Russian vessels were sunk or captured by the Japs, who immediately began the pursuit of the fleeing vessels. Ad miral Rojestvensky and eight of his captains are said to have gone down with their ships, and the Japs captured several vessels and three thousand men, including one Rear Admiral. The Russians can give no news of the affair, and the Japs will not. When Admiral Togo received word of the approach of the Russians, Saturday morning, he sent his government word of it, adding that the weather was flue, and the sea heavy: his report that night was ex tremely brief, considering the world wide importance of the affair. It read— "Combined squadron attacked Rus sian squadron to-day near Okinoshiina (southeast of Tsuchima) and defeated it, sinking at least four ships and in flicting heavy damage upon others. Damage to our ships is insignificant. Our destroyer and torpedo flotillas de livered attack after sunset." On Monday he named two battleships and five cruisers as having been sunk, and other vessels as being captured; and the Japs are said to have lost ten torpedo boats and one cruiser, but the details of the affair will not be known so long as their suppression can be of any possible advantage. The Russian government received its first news of this crushing disaster through American sources, and it is now in sore straits, with disaster abroad and impending revolution at home; while the whole Japanese nation is rejoicing. Yesterday's dispatches put the num ber of Russian vessels destroyed at 22, and besides this a Russian cruiser at tempting to leave Vladivostock. struck a mine and sunk with 800 men. Admir al Togo wired his government that the Russian fleet was nearly annihilated, to "please feel assured" of it. One Rus sian cruiser and one torpedo boat escap ed aud reached Vladivostock. Their officers saw the Russian Hag ship sink, leaving some of the officers and men struggling in the waves, and think she was struck by a sub marine, used in this battle for the first time, and three more Russian battleships followed the flag-ship to the bottom before the fo,;' closed down upon the scene, and they escaped the conflict. A Russian officer, now a prisoner, says the Russian fleet entered the straits numbering 3(> vessels. Admiral Togo reports Admiral Rojestveaky as being captured, but badly wounded on the coast of Korea, but the Russians report him at Vladivostock, also badly wound ed. On Monday the Jap vessels were searching the islands and the coast of Korea for Russian vessels that had tak en refuge. - In Manchuria, Tuesday, a three day rain had ceased and the Japs were get ting ready to attack the Russians. THE American yacht or three masted schooner "Atlantic,'' won the race across the sea. arriving at the Lizard England, at 6:15 p. in., Monday, eigh teen miles ahead of her nearest com petitor. Time, 11 days and 10 hours; distance from Sandy Hook about 8,0110 miles. POLITICAL,. Unless the present state leaders change their minds the State Commit tee is to be called together, and Gov. Pennypacker is to be nominated for Supreme Judge; and if he be elected at the November election, he will resign the Governshfp to take his seat on the Supreme Bench, and Wm. Brown of New Castle will become Governor. The political war in Philadelphia ended, Monday, in the complete sur render of Durham to Mayor Weaver, who will, probably, become a figure in state politics, as he has done a grand work for the people of that city. Greene county, at the S. W. corner of this state, is Democratic; five thousand votes were polled at the Democratic primary for Judge, last Saturday, and it is estimated that SIOO,OOO, or au aver age of S2O a vote, changed hands. Itgham wou over Crawford by 437 votes. The death of Justice Dean creates a vacancy in the Supreme Court that Gov. Pennypacker will fill, temporarily, by appointment; and as he himself covets a place on that bench, this death opens the way for his attainment of that goal. It may also be made the ex cuse for calling the legislature together in special session, at which Mayor Weaver conld be ripped out of office or power by means of a new charter. "That the Philadelphia machine would gladly embrace this unscrupu lous means of getting out of its trouble in Philadelphia may be taken for granted. But the scheme would en counter two doubtful points. First, it it is not clear that even Governor Pennyparker's blind side could fail to perceive in it a conscienceless deal which he could not carry out. Beyond that is the doubt whether the Legisla ture might not revolt. The nefarious demands of the Phila. men at the last session exhausted the subservience of al! except the Philadelphia and Allegheny delegations. If au extra session were called to legislate a Mayor out of office for trying to block a notorious grab of millions it might be found that the limit of endurance even of Pennsyl vania legislators had been discovered. At Columbus, last Thursday, the Ohio Republican convention nominated: Myron T. Herri'-k of Cleveland for Governor. Andrew L. Harris of Eaton for Lieu tenant Governor. William Z, Davis of Marion for Judge of the Supreme Court Wade H. Ellis of Cincinnatti for At torney General. W. B. McKinnon of Ashtabula for State Treasurer. William Kirtly, Jr., of Defiance for Member of the Board of Public Works. IIUES. The small house iu the alley, back of the Times building, was discovered to be burning late Saturday night. It was occupied by an old man named Wm. Brennan, who lived alone and who was found burned and helpless, on the steps. The fire was put out and Brennan was taken to the Hospital, where he died next day. Richar.l Miller's house in Connoque ing took fire, last Friday, on account of a bursted gas hose, and was totally de stroyed. AFTER a conference between the political leaders and the members of the United Gas Improvement company of Philadelphia, last Saturday, Thomas Dolau, president of the company, an nounced that it had withdrawn and annulled its bid for the City Gas Works. The councils had passed an ordinance authorizing the sale and the sale had been made; but the people of the town protested against these proceedings and the Mayor intended vetoing the or dinance. The affair will weaken the hold of tho present bosses on the people of the city, and for a time it promised to become a state issue, as many millions were involved. Trustee's Sale. Thq undersigned, Trustee in Bankruptcy of the estate of Samuel M. Sutton of Butler, Pa., will offer for sale at public auction, freo and discharged of all liens .and encum brances, on Tuesday, June 27th, 1905, At the Court House in But lor, at one o'clock P. M., the following described real estate, consisting of two lots of ground, located at No. KM Fairview ave., in the. borough of But ler, Pa., and bounded and described as fol lows: On tiie north by lot of Wm. Fisher, on the cast by an alley, cm tho south by Mrs. Hannah M. Sutton and on the west by a i street known as the Freeport road; said lots being each forty feet, fronting on Fairview ave. and •xtenning back one hundred thirty niue 11-irf] feet to an alley; and having there- , on erected a two-story, frame dwelling house of nine rooms. TEItMS OF SA LE Ten per cent at time of* sale, and balance on continuation of sale by the Court. MARTIN L GIBSON, Trustee in Bankruptcy of Samuel M. Sutton. Martin & Si pes, Att'ys. <■4 C. WAGNER A EXIST rHOTOGRAPHER 139 South Main St. DEATHS. DAMBACH—At Los Angeles, Cala May 25. 1905, Edward Dambach of Evans City, aged 50 years. BAILEY —At his home near Harris ville, May 19, 1905, Thomas Bailey, in his 55tli year. His death was caused by stomach trouble. He is survived by his wife and one son, George. SULLIVAN—At Beaver Falls, May —, 1905, Miss Louise Sullivan, formerly of Prospect. LOGAN—At bis home in Chicora, May 31, 1905. William Logan, aged 45 years. CORN—At the Hospital, May 29, 1905, Matthias Corn of Claytonia, aged 23 years. BINKERD—At his home in Butler, May 30, 1905. Jacob Binkerd, former ly of Armstrong Co., aged 7 following accounts of executors, adminis trators ana guardians have been filed In I Ills office according to law, and will be pre ) sented to Court for confirmation and allow ance on Saturday, the 10th day of June. 1905. at 9 A. M.. of said day: 1. Final account of J A Mortland, ad ministrator of Carl H Mortland, dee'd, late of Butler boro. 2. Final and distribution account of J G Kapp. administrator of Fannie M Kapp, deceased, late of Fairview twp. | 3. Final account of Chas W Nash, ad > ministrator of Casper Nash, dee'd, late . of Donegal twp. 4. Final account of Fred Glace, guar r dian of Minnie Glace, minor child of Mathias Glace, dee d.late of Butler boro ] 5. Final account of Geo W Nixon, W | J Nixon and Walter J Nixon, executors of Ella Nixon, dee'd late of Penn twp. C. Final account of J C Snyder, ad ministrator of Rachel Snyder, dee'd, late of Brady twp. 7. Final account of Annie R Koenig, administratrix of Wm Koenig, dee'd, late of Butler boro. 8. Partial account of Lev McQuis tion, administrator of Andrew Mays, dee'd, late of Fairview twp. 9. Final account of Jacob M Schwab, administrator of Van Owen Schwab, dee'd, late of Butler boro. 10. Final account of Ira McJnnkin, guardian of Mary J Keil (now Jack) minor child of Henry G Keil, dee'd,late of Butler boro. 11. Final account of Wm H Miller, guardian of Rowland Armstrong, Elsie May Armstrong and Bessie E Arm strong. minor children of Martin Arm strong, dee'd. 12. Final account of Laura Jack, ad ministratix cta of D H Jack, dee'd, late of Marion twp. 13. Final account of John E Atwell, administrator of Robert W Atwell, dee'd, late of Marion twp. 14. Final account of Hedwig Helm bold, guardian of Adolph Haeppel, mi nor child of Amelia Haeppel, dee'd, late of Allegheny county. 15. Final account of Charlotte H Wallace, administratrix of Thomas F Wallace, dee d, late of Butler boro. 16 Final account of J A Kennedy, administrator of Ellen Kennedy, dee'd, late of Winfield twp. 17. Final account of Dennis A Duff, j executor of Dr Peter S Duff, dee'd, late I of Jefferson twp. ' 18. Final account of W H Witte, ad ministrator of J I Davis, dee'd, late of Buffalo twp. 19. Final account of Francis Hagins. executrix of Barnard Hagins, dee'd, late of Butler boro. 20. Final account of Eliza McCaff - ty. guardian of Elizabeth McCafferty, minor child of Patrick McCafferty, dee'd, late of Penn twp. 21. Final account of Ellen Staley, ad ministratrix of Rebecca Staley, dee'd, late of Clinton twp. 23. Final account of Joseph T Stehle, administrator of Lena M Stehle, dee'd, late of Butler boro. 23. Final account of T W Wimer, ad ministrator of I F Wimer, dee d., late of Brady twp. 24. Final account of J B Stephenson, administrator of Nancy Stephenson, dee'd., late of Cherry twp. 25. Final account of Jas W Hutchison, trustee appointed by court to sell the real estate of John Feigel. dee'd, late of Butler borough. 26. Final account of Christina Baker, administratrix of John Baker, dec d, late of Millerstown borough. 27. Final account of A T Black, exec utor of Rev N E Brown, deceased, late of Worth twp. 28. Final account of Martha Ellen Iman, executrix of Joseph Iman, dee'd, late of Donegal twp. 29. Final account of W C Ralston, i executor of Sarah Hindman. deceased, I late ot Butler borough. j 30. Final account of Mamie A Drush el. executrix of Caroline Drushel, dee'd, late of Evansburtr borough. 31. Final account of Theodore P Kelly, administrator of Kit-hard Kelly, deceased, late of Venango twp. 32. Final account of John Stein and Jaines Baker, executors of Henry Stein, deceased, late of Brady twp. 33. Final account of George B Turner, administrator of Clarence E Pearce, dec'd, late of Clay twp. 34 Final account of C F Yaehnig, guardian of Wm Lassinger, minor child of Sedonia Lassinger; dec'd, late of Jef ferson twp. 25. Final account of Anna F Morse, executrix of Philo E Morse, dec'd, late of Butler borough. 3(5. Final account of F W Witte, guardian of Clarence E Helmbold,minor child of Theodore Helmbold, dec'd, late of Saxonburg borough. 37. Final account of A M Douthett, administrator of Alexander Douthett, deceased, late of Penn township. 38. Final account of Emma C Fleeger. executrix of George W Fleeger, dec'd, late of Butler borough. 39. Final and distribution account of Maggie A Post and Clarence A Post, administrators of John Post, dec'd, late of Centre twp. 40. Final account of Harry S Klinger. executor of George Munsch, dee d, late of Millerstown borough. 41. Final account of Mrs. Nellie Barnes executrix of William E Barneß, dee d, late of Penn twp. 42. Final account of R B Manooo, executor of George W Mahood, dec'd, late of Washington township. 43. Final account of Men Fa-ada executrix of Johd Para da, deceased, late of Butler borough. 44. Final account of E H Adams. Jr., and H S Daubenspeck. executors of John Danbenspeck, dec'd, late of Parker twp. 45. Final account of Aneustus Hocn, guardian of Richard L Vensel. minor child of Isaiah Vensel. dec'd. late of Donegal twp. 46. Final account of Augustus Hoch guardian of Robert J Vensel. minor child of Isaiah Vensel, dec'd, late of Donegal twp. 47. Final account of Augustas Hoch, guardian of May A Veneel. minor child of Isaiah Vensel, dee d, late of Donegal twp. 48. Final account of Robert S Irwin and Margaret F Irwin, executors of Charles F Irwin, dec'd. late of Forward twp. 49. Final account of J N Kirker, exe cutor of Mrs. C S Beighle, dee d late of Lancaster twp. J. P. DAVIS. Register. ROAD AND BRIDGE REPORTS Notice Is hereby given that the following roads and bridges have been confirmed nisi by the Court and will be presented on the first Saturday of June Court, 1905, being the 10th day of said month, and If no excep tions are filed they will be confirmed abso '.utely: R. D. No. 1. March Term. 1905. In the matter of the petition of citizens of 1-orward twp., to change, vacate and supply part of a public road'beeinnlng at or near Hunter's farm on the Butler and Pittsburg road and ending at the Evans Citv and Butler road at or near Brown's Mill in said township. Jan. 14, 1905. viewers appointed, who on Feb, 23, 1906, filed their report in favor of proposed change. Damages assessed to Edwin Ailshouse 135. to be paid bv Butler county. March 11. 1905. pre sented in open court and approved, and width of new road fixed at 33 feet. Notice to be given us required by law and rules of Court. BY THE COURT. R. D. No. 2. March Term, 1905. In the matter of the petition of citizens of Center and Oak land twps.. to vacate a certain road and supply the same, beginning at Clark Hoon's house in Oakland township and running to a point on the road passing the McOrath farm in Centre township, at or near the northwest corner of the "Pine Tract." Feb, 7,1905. view ers appointed, who on March 10, 1905, filed their report in favor of proposed change. No damages assessed. March 11.1905. within re port presented in open court and approved and width of new road fixed at 33 feet. Notice to be given as required by law and rules of Court BY THE COURT. Certified from the record this 10th day of May, A. D. 1905. L. E. CHRISTLEY. Clerk Q. 8. Court. WIDOWS' APPRAISEMENTS. The following widows' appralsemtats of personal property and real estate set apart for the benefit of the widows of decedents have been filed In the office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Butler County, vli: Widow of Thorn** F. Wallace, personal property. S3OO '• I>. P. Kelly, " " 300 •• " Phillip Schmidt. 300 - Saninel Hea, " 41 300 ■ David W. Critclilow, « 300 " Adam Byerly, " " 300 " •' John Pa T adu, " u . 300 " •• Christopher Stewart, " " 300 '• •* John Ward, real estate, 300 All persons Interested in the above ap &ralsements will take notice that they will e presented for confirmation to the Orphans' Court of Butler county. Pa., on Saturday the 10th day of June. 1905, and if no exceptions are filed, they will be confirmed absolutely. L. E. CBRISTLEY, Clerk. Clerks Office. May 10,1905. SHERIFFS SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Ven. Ex., XI. Fa.. Lev. Fa.. Ac., Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co., Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House In the borough of Butler, Pa. on Friday, the 2ucl day of June, A. D. 1905. at one o'clock. P. M., the following described property, to-wlt: E. D. No. 42, June Term. 1905. Cummlngs, Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim o' Maggie A. Snyder and Philip Snyder, of, ID ana to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Jefferson township. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: Be ginning at a post in the middle of the Saxon burg road, tlience sou to 87V4 deg east by lands of Arthur heirs and A. M. Johnston 140 2-10 perches to a post; thence south by lands of John Emerlck 76 6-10 perches to a post; tbence west by lands of James Arm strong perches to a post; thence north 35 deg west 51 perches to the place of begin ning; containing thirty-two fJ2) acres and 136 perches on which Is errected a frame dwelling house and outbulldlD"s. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Maggie A. Snyder and Philip W. Snyder at the suit of A 1 Ruff. E. D. No. 10, June Term, 1905. A. M. Chflstley, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Cyrus H. Knox, Mary D. Knox. of. in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated In Evans City. Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by 45 feet by an alley, east by 145 feet by Porter Alley, south by by a6O foot street and on the west by 145 feet by lot No. 33; containing one town lot according to plan of lots as survey ed by C. F. L. McQulstion, Surveyor, to gather with frame house thereon erected and other outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Cyrus H. Knox and Mary D. Knox at the suit of E. S, Cousins. E. D. No. 40. June Term 1906. Jackson & Troutman. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Jos. Kallna, Chas. Kalina and Michael Kallna, of, In and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated in third Ward, Butler borough. Butler county. Pa., bounded as fol lows, to.wit; Beginning at a point on Mc 'Cool avenve and the southwest corner of lot No. 88; thence running along McCool avenue eastwardly a distance of twenty-five (25) feet to line of lot No. 87; thence along the line of lot No. 87 seventy-one and 41-100 (71 41-100) feet to lino of lot No. 29; thence along line of lot No. 29 westwardly a distance of twenty live (25) feet to line of lot No. 89; thence run ning southwardly along line of lot No. 89 a distance of seventy-one and 51-100 (71 51-100) feet to the place or beginning; being lot No. 88 in the John K. Kavanaugli plan of lots, st-ld plot and plan being recorded in the Re corder's office. In and for Butler Co., Pa., In Plan Book No. 2. page 2, and being the same premises that were granted and coveyed un to Joseph, Charles and Michael Kallna by John R. Cavanaugh et ux, by their deed dated July 19th. 1902, recorded as aforesaid in Deed Book No. 211, page 114, and having thereon erected a three story brick building, subject to the payment of mortgage dated January 6th, 1903, with a real debt of J2500.00, said mortgage being recorded in mortgage book No. 73. page 145. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Jos Kallna, Chas Kallna and Michael Ivalina at the suit of The Public Trust Co., now for use of International Saving & Trust Co., see Merger at Charter Book No. 4. page 1. E, D. No. 38, June Term. 1905. C. F. Meeder, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Blanche T. flight and J. C. Dight, of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Cherry township. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of Robert Hogg, east by lands of Anna Bllllngsley and Mellon, south by the public road known as the Anandale and New Hope road and on the west by lands of R S Ryan; containing 104 acres, more or less, being the same property vested in J. C. I)lglit, by deed recorded in the Recorder's office of Butler county, in Deed Book Vol Page L. and being the same property con veyed b v J. C. Dig lit, et ux, to J. G. Dueschele and R. i». Crisweil by deed dated Dec. 10th, 1904. and recorded in Butler county In Deed Book Vol. !36, Page 4. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Blanche T. Dight and J. C. Dlght at the suit of J. M. Dlght, now for use of A. Housold. E. D. No. 7, June Term, 1905. W. C. Findley, Attorney. All the right, title, intere t and claim of John Smith, of, in and to all that certain piece or purcel of land, situated in Venango township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north of lands of Shryock Harper's heirs, east by Cochran's heirs, south by Andrew Smith, et al, and on the west by Andrew Smith, et al; containing six acres and to extend far enough south and west to include house built on said Andrew Smith et al, lands which said house was built by John Smith, being part of a large tract of land conveyed by T. P. Mlmln, by deed of Andrew Smith, et al, and by them conveyed to John Smith, et al, as deed on record. Recorder's office, Butler, Pa. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of John Smith at the suit of John F. Gall!'way. E. D. No. 30 and 21, June Term. 1905. J. W. Hutchison. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of James W. Buchanan, as heirs at law of Mary B Ross and Rachel Buchanan.both deceased and Intestate, of, in and to all that certain niece or parcel of land, situated in Marcer township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit; On tne north by lands of Geoige Urown, east by lands of Dunlap heirs, south by lands of Tuer and William Buchanan heirs and on the west by Mercer county line or lands of Samuel Buchanan s heirs; containing ninty-four (»4) acres, hav ing there on erected a frame house and out- Seizetfand taken in execution as the prop erty of James W. Buchanan at the suit of Morrow and Black Harris and Morrow now for use of Caroline B, Morrow. E. D. No.«, June Term, 1905. Bredln, Att.y. All tbe right, title, Interest and claim of J. H O'Donnel. mortgagor, with notice to W. J. Schlagenhoupt, terre tenant, of. In and to those iwo certain pieces of land, situated In Allegheny township, Butler county. 1 a., to wlt- One of the same known as Kendrlc tract and formerly containing one hundred acres more or less, bounded on the north by lands of the heirs of James Anderson, east by lands formerly of Samuel Crawford now or William Karns and James Jollv. south by lands of James Jolly, and on tbe west by lands formerly of Alexander Grand now Matthews and black and heirs of James Anderson, saving and excepting thereof a certain piece of the southwest corner there of- containing ten (10) acres conveyed by Walter Lyon of Allegheny county, Pa... ex ecutors and trustees of the estate of l)r. A. W. Crawford, deceased to P. G. Solllnger bj deed dated Jan. Bth. 18U6, and recqnJed in R'ltler county in Deed Book \ 01. 136, page j m. ALSO—AII that certain tract known as the • Kisdaddon tract containing one hundred and twenty-eight (128) acres, more or less, bound ed on the north by lands of Sloan, east by lands ot heirs of W llllain PorU:rfleld and Osmah, soutn by lands of the heirs of Alex ander Grant and on the west by lands of the heirs of William Crawford, this conveyance being made and accepted however subject to any oil or gas leases of the »ald lands made by the said A. W. Crawford, deceased, | a©©©©©©©©©©©©?©©©©©©©©©©©©® g gMartincourt & Thorn, Ltd. § o ' 81 ® These are Carriage baying days Fine Weather. Fine Roads. Fine o time general? for horse owners. We now have a fall line of Buggiea, O O Sarreya, Spring Wagons and Karnes.- that we are making very low priced 0 0 on. in order tD make moni for two more cars of work now on the read. at Q We still have a few Top Buggies left at <40.00, Open Road Wagons ft at ♦28.00, and another lot of those $ 1-3.00 Harness at #IO.OO, full length Rawhide Whips at 25 eta. Sweat Pads 25 cts. 19 W If you do not want a new Buggy come in and let us put a new top on © © your old one, and we can furnish you paint to paint it for CO cts. © 0 We have a full line of Trunks and Valises. Come in and see us and ft 0 we will give you a square deal. X iMartincourt & Thoml JJ (LIMITED) o 0 128 E. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. 0 0 We are headquarter* for the Kramer Wagon. 0 ■Spring and Summer Footwear! We have taken particular pains to have our spring B H lines in all grades exhibit shapeliness and newness with-B 3 out in any way sacrificing quality—and we have succeed-B B ed gloriously. B Q We trust that you will be among the number toB jfl examine them. B lln Men's Shoes Women's 1 B $ i .oo and $ i .25 Shoes& Oxfords I I Sh™ bny vou a good WorklDS $ 1.00, $ 1.25 and $ 1.50 B I 1 .OU, 4>Z.UU, 4>Z.OU or Oxfords yon ever saw for the ■ , _ , price, in kid, tan, Russia calf or H H A good Fine Shoe in satin, box patent leather. 5> H or patent leather, both in lon- or H H high cnt. $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 B I $3.00 and $3.50 Will get a beauty in light orfl H heavy soles, Oxfords or high cat, B You get our famous Princeton kid, Russia tan, calf, patent kid^^ and Regent Shoes, all Goodyear or co "- Ssj ■ welts, in all the fine leathers—all Fnr I Tr»tc 13 H shapes. These are made on very l,lc L,llllc luls KS M snappy lasts, both Oxford and Dainty colours in soft soles 25c H |fl blucher cute. and 50c. |H B Boys' and Girls' Shoes in All Styles. g ■ at any price you wish to pay. Try us for your next pair. SB I HUSELTON'S I I OPPOSITE HOTEL LOWRY. ]|S during his lifetime, being the same pieces of land conveyed to said J. H. O Donnell, mortgagor, by May G. Walker by deed dated November 13th. A. D. 190.), to be recorded. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of J. H. O'Donnell, mortgager, with notice to W. 11. Schlagenlioupt, terre tenant, at the suit of James Bredin. E. D. No. Si and 31, June Term. 1905. Harry L. Graham and W. H. Lusk, Att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Jacob Schumaeker. mortgagor, and B. B. Kline, terre tenant, of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Franklin township, Butler county, pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of James Cratty and Charles Galla gher. east by lands now or fermerly belong ing to heirs of Philip Bllnn. south by lands now or formerly owned by James Kiddle, and on the west by lands of William Kalston and public road; containing one hundred and six (106) acres of land, more or less, being same land which William Gallagher died seized of and conveyed by his executor, William Kal ston by executors deed duly executed and ; dated the 18th dav of September. A. I). IN>N. recorded In the office for recording of deed | in and for the county of Butler In Deed Book 118. page 97. to Walter L. Graham and by the said Walter L. Graham and wife, Margaret Graham, conveyed by deed dated the 19th day of December, A. L>. 1893. recorded in the office aforesaid In Deed Book 141, page 104 to Albin Shultz. and by the said Albin Shuitz and Pauline Shultz, his wife, conveyed the same to Jacob Schumaeker by deed dated the 31th day of August A. D., 1894. recorded In the office aforesaid In Deed Book 147, page 117, and by the said Jacob Schumaeker, et ux. conveyed the same to B. K. Kline by deed dated Feb. Mh, 1901. recorded in the of fice aforesaid in Deed Book 196, page ii'i. with frame house, bank barn and orchard thereon. ALSO—That certain other tract of laud situate In the township, county and state aforesaid, adjoining the tract above de scribed and bounded and described as fol lows: On the north by lands of William Gal lagher, on the east by lands now or formerly belonging to the heirs of Philip Bllnn. and on the south and west by lands formerly of William Gallagher, containing 13 acres, more or less, and being the same land sold and conveyed by the High SherlfT of Butler Co., to E. McJunkin by deed dated and acknow ledged March 6th, I*BB. recorded In Butler county in Deed Book 142, page 4HB and by the said E. McJunkin, conveyed by deed dated the Bth day of May, ISB9 to Walter L. Gra ham, aforesaid. (Remainder of chain of title same as above tract.) Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Jacob Schumaeker, mortgage, and B. B. Kline, terre tenant, at the suit of Emma J. Sadler. E. D. No. 29 aud 30, June Term. 1905. W. H. Lusk & H. L. Graham, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Walter L. Graham, mortgage and B. R. Kline, terre tenant, of, in and to all that cer tain piece or parcel of land, situated in Franklin township, Butler county. Pa bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of James Crattv and E. McJunkin, east by lauds of Philip Blinn's heirs and M. McCall. south by lands of James Kiddle, west by lands of William Ralston and a public road: containing (106) one hundred and six acres, more or less, belrnt the same tract of land which William Gallagher, late of Franklin twp. Butler Co.. Pa., died seized and which having been sold by his executor William Kalston. for the payment of his debts by virtue of an order or sale from the Orphans" Court of Butler county, was pur chased by the first party and conveyed to him by deed of said execntor, dated the 18th day of September, 1888. and recorded In Deed Book 118 of said county on page 9, to \\ alter L Graham, and by the said YV alter L. Gra ham, and wife. Margaret A. Graham, con veyed by deed dated the 19tli day of Dec. A I) 18ft! recorded in the office aforesaid in Deed' Book 141. page 104, to Albin Shultz, and Pauline Shultz. his wife, conveyed the same to Jacob Shumaker by deed the 31st day of Autrust A D. 1894, recorded in the office aforesaid in Deed Book 147, page 117. and by the said Jacob Shumaker ancl Rachel Shu maker. his wife, conveyed the same to B. B. Kline by deed dated February Bth. 1901, re corded m the office aforesaid In Deed Book 196 oage 323 together with all and singular the buildings and Improvements, streets, lanes alleys, passage ways, water, water courses rights, liberties, privileges, heredit aments and appurtenances, whatsoever thereunto belonging on or In any way apper t'lining and the revisions and remainders thereof and has erected thereon a frame house and bank bam aud orchard thereon. Seized and takan In execution as the prop erty of Walter L. Graham, mortgage and B. K. Kline, terre tenant, at the suit of Jacob | Gelbach. | E D No. 40. June Teim, 1905. Murrin & : Murrin, Attorney. All the right, title, interest end claim of j Anna Angert, of, in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated In Butler borough. Butler county. Pa., bounded as fol- ! lows to-wit: On the north by au alley, on the east by lands of Emma Glace, south by , West street, and on the west by an alley, and fronting fifty-four [541 feet on West street . and extending thence northward preserving the same width a distance of one hundred ind fiay-five 1155] feet to an alley, with a two story boird dwelling erected thereon. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Anna Angert at the suit of Anthony Tboma. I E D No. 47 and 48, Juno Term, 1905. A. T. Black, Attorney- All the right, title, Interest and claim of A. N McCandless, Analena McCandless and Analena McCandless. uf. In and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated In But- i ler borough, Butler county, l'a., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by East Jeffer son street, east by lands of heirs of Ueorge Kelber, deceased, south by Klttannlhg St., , and west by lot of Mary L. McCandless. j fronting 30 feet,Ujore or less.on Ivittanning st and exteudlng back same width to leffereon street, with a one story frame dwel lng thereon, being the same lot de<*sribt*(l In two ; mortgages from the deft, to the plff., one to series .x. recorded In M. B. «>, page 4°, | oilier to series V, recorded In M. B. u». pagi 121, the Judgements from which these writs , Issued being upon the bonds secured by said ( m £elzer»>P- I •rty of A. N. McCandless , Analena. Met and less and Analena McCandless. at Worklngmen's Bulldlna and I-oan Associa Uon of Butler, l'a.. a corporation. E O No. 49, June Term. 1906- '• 1 oniuer, Attorney. Ml the rlzlit. title. interest and claim of ( • The French Academy, L . ln i lt ® < V of i*l ; ail that certain piece or lot of land, situated i ;in Butler Inirough, Butler county, l a., bounded as follows. «o-wlt: Beginning at a , we* at Corner of lot No. 2M and /-legler ave.: thence along Zelgler avenue forty (40) feet to a peg at the corner of lot So. thence along Tine of lot No. i">» one hundrt d and forty-live (14j) feet to a peg on Bockensti ln Way; thence along saitl fiockenstelu Way sixty -one (41) feet to a peg a l corner of lot i No. Jsti; thence along line of said lot No. I one hundred and fifteen (115) feet nine inches to a peg on Zelgler avenue, the place of be ginning and being lot No. 257 in W. S. Boyd's plan of lots which plan is recorded In Butler county in deed book No. 190, page 419, and be ing the same lot conveyed by Robert Boyd, et ux. to the French A'-aderay, Limited, by deed dated Oct. 13th. 1902. recorded in said county in Deed Book 214. page6B. andHias ono large frame hall and dwelling house erected thereon. Seized and'taken in execution as the prop erty of The French Academy. Limited, at the suit of Louis Vernlory, Julius llorglne and Mrs. Alice Houlllon. now for use of Julius Horglfle, Edward E. Welgand, Mar garet ('lark and Charles Arnould, E. D. No. 50, June Term. 1905. F. J. Forquer, Attorney. All the right, title. Interest aud claim of D. B. Soler and G. A. Arner, of. In and to ali that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Washington township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of William Stewart and D. M. Arner, east by lands AV. J. Wasson, William Barber and Robert ThomDson, south by lands of William Dickey, L. Stewart heirs and J. B. Campbell, et al, west by lands of William Dickey. Frank Hllliara, et al; containing one hundred and eighty-five (185) acres, more or less, haying thereon two two-story frame dwelling nouses, two frame barns out buildings, two large orchards, about fifty (50) acres or good timber, the balance of said one hundrea and elKnty-flve (185) acres being cleared and In good state of cultivation. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of D. B. Soler and G. A. Arner at the suit of John Berg & Co. FRIDAY. JUNE 9th, 1905, At 1 o'clock p. m.,at the Court House in But ler. E. D. No. 51, June Term, 190t3. Joseph B. Bredin, Attorney. AU the right, title. Interest and claim of John Vlgaro, of. In and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated in Butler town ship. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the southwest corner, thence in a northeasterly direction along Bredin Ave. forty feet to lot No. 69; thence in a northwesterly direction along the line of lot No. 69 one hundred and forty feet to an alley; thence by the said alley In south westerly direction forty feet to lot No. 67; in a northwesterly direction one-hundred and forty feet to the place of beginning. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of John Vlgaro at ths suit of Martha Mechllng. Assignee of A. W. Root, Assignee of L. C. Wick. E. D. No. 51, June Term. 1905. T. C. Campbell, Attorney. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Robt. W. Hervey, of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Butler township, Butler county, Pa., bound ed as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands now or formerly of John Forcht and by Pil low's heirs, east by lands formerly of Lida Marshall conveyed by her to Kobt. W. Hervey, south by lands now or formerly of G. Beck and by Ihmsen and on the west by public road and lands of Charles Duffy; con taining one hundred and ten 96-100 acres, more or less, being same agreed to be con veyed by John Young to Robt. W. Hervey by agreement und recorded In Deed Book 2Wi, page 410. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Kobt. W. Hervey at the suit of John Young. TERMS OF SALE—The following must be strictly compiled with when property Is stricken down. 1. When the plaintiff or other Hen creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ must be paid, and a list of the liens. Includ ing mortgage searches on the property sold togtfher with such lien creditor s receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not settled Immediately will be continued until one o'clock, P. MT, of the next day at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom first sold. , •See Purdon's Digest, 9th edition, page 446. an 1 Smith's Forms, page 384. MARTIN L. GIBSON. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Butler. Pa.. May 10. 1905. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Jerusba Bigham, deceased, lute of Slipperyrock township, Bntler county, Penn'a., having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves to be indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make prompt payment and those having claims against the estate will present the same duly authenticated for settle ment to W. HENRY WILSON, Ex'r., 3-16 05 Slipperyrock, Pa. H. MILLER FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. OFFICE— Boom 508. Butler County | National Bank buildimr. 1 Tec Kails I Beams Pipe New to 40 ixiund rails. New 7 to 12 inch ; Beams. lIuMKK BOWES, Office and Yardp, : Hlver ave., near Sixth St. Bridge, Allegheny l'a. l'hone 722 Cedar. SCHOOLS S/J m Engl user log. Electricity, W/f/ / *-. Book-keeping Shorthand, f / Preparatory Academic. and Higher Accoantaney High Grade Schools. Klcgantlv equipped and lighted roomi. Positions No antlquaid tnethodJ or men employed. Sure. Erary teacher a college graduate with experience. Pittsburg, Allegheny. Boffiln. Niagara Falls, and Mexico ntr Send to PlMalmrg tor Catalog. Martin Jennings Cston. U_ D., President. Keal Estate Investments, 1 owes, Coal Properties, Mortgages. FRANK B. TOMB, ** "sasnx ffifiSSfflr p *-