Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 25, 1905, Image 3

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THTTRSDAY, MAY 25, 1905.
ROTE— AII advertisers Intending to make
changes In their ads. sbooid notify
their Intention to do so not later than Mon
day morning.
Teacher's Examinations.
Application for Charter.
Campbell's furniture.
Brown e furniture.
Zimmerman a Sale.
Huselton's Summer footwear.
Modern Store's bargains.
La Lax Mining Co.
Admlnlau<ib?n and Executors uf estates
cin secure their receipt books at the
CiTIZKX Offlce. and persons making public
sales thalr note books.
—Summer cars.
—Park opens next week.
—Look ont for mad dogs.
" —Nice wsrm days after the frosts.
Next Taesday is Decoration Day.
Don't forget the primaries, Satur
—Slipperyrock Normal ha# 570 stu
—Excursion rates on all the railroads,
—Flowers will be scarce for Decora
tion Day.
—First excursion to the lake on Deco
ration Day.
—When you go to Pittsburg don't
spit in the cars.
—Go to the polls, Saturday, and vote
for the best men.
—Our schools close next week and the
youngsters are all - sorry.
—Three streets of Freeport are being
graded, sewered, curbed and paved.
—There were enough people at the
big well, Sunday, to hold camp-meet
—GAR DeHaven painted bis fish
wagon in bright colors and calls it a
' hot tomato "
—The L. C. Wick planing mill start
ed up, Tuesday morning, with W. S.
Brandon as foreman.
Fifteen tons of mail matter passed
through the Keister postoffice during
the pa-it three months.
—The frost of last Saturday night
was general over the county, destroy
ing much, and injuring everything.
—A bfatj&h railroad ie being built
through the northern part of Indiana
county, and may be extended to the
Bntler county coal fields.
—Johnny came marching home at the
Majestic, Monday night, and the season
closed in a halo of glory. It was a good
play, without a tight place in it.
—Warwick, fcugland. boasts the old
est Sunday school teacher Her name 1
la Mira Owen She Is 91 years old, and
has taught in the local Sunday school
for 82 years
—Notwithstanding the fact that trol
ly lines aud automobiles are becoming
more numerous, good borsee are »erv
p£-irce, and command a higher figure
than for i«any f&frrg.
—A daughter of C. M. Keele, died of
•pioal meningitis. Friday morning, after
being sick for but two days The little
girl was at school Tuesday, was sick
Wednesday and Thursday and died
fffday tj,orn>f!£- 'fhe family live on
E. Quarry St., and Lj assign
ed as one of the causes of the disease.
"On the roof of an ice-plant in Alle
' gheny a strange accident took place,
fqesday, A man took hold of a live
wire, could not let go and soreamei)
With pain. Another man took the fitst
by the shoulders and pulled him off, bnt
WM almost instantly killed, while the
first man escaped with a pair of burned
uTwenty two men. armed with
olnba. were guarding the Jap. Jennings
lease on the Schlagel farm, weyt of
town, Tuesday, ready to resist any at
tempt on the part of the Mac and
Mike forces to Rutsian the premises.
ffo formal declaration of war has been
pkade, bat oil »nfl water are liable to
sow there anytime.
—Some Pittsburg merchants have or-
Canized a company, and have secured
Pennsylvania and Ohio charters for the
building of a ship canal from Beaver to
the lakee—following the Beaver river,
»nd either the Shenango otr Mthoninc
creeks. The estimated cost U twenty
five millions, and the canal, if built,
Will make Pittsburg a great inland
port. The enterprise ia booming the
price of land in the Beaver valley. -
The Allegheny Works base ball
team defeated the local paid team i! to
9, Saturday, with Hazelton in the box.
Monday tbe Niles, Ohio, team trimmed
the locals Ato 4 in ten innings, with
Witherup pitching, and turned the
trick again, Tuesday, with Hazelton
pitching by a score of oto 5. Saturday
tbe Car Worka team opened its season
03 the Car Work* grounds by defeating
tbe Belvideres of Allegheny If to 4- At
Benfrew, Saturday, Witherup of
Worth Washington shut the Renfrew
club out 4 to 0,
—Next Wednesday will be the fit
teenth anniversary of the Johnstown
flood, which destroyed nearly 2,500 hu
man lives and many millions of dollars'
worth of property, and tbe only observ
ance of the memorable event will be the
annual reunion and dinner of the John
stown Flood Correspondents' associa
tion, which will be held at the Union
club, in Pittsburg. The association
ia the outgrowth of a small gathering
of newspaper correspondents who bad
their headquarters In the fatnoun flrp
brick kilns ne*r the stone bridge over
the Concmaugh river. Some weeks
After tbe flood one of the newspaper
men gave a farewell supper, wh"q it
Was suggested to forui an asaocution
which would meet each year on the an
niversary of the flood.
—John H. Caldwell, who went to
Panama to work as boss carpenter on
t'ia canal, returned to hia home at Ir
win, last week. Ife (Jrawa a dark
tit re about the condlti IIK on this work.
The thermometer range* from 120 to
180 during tbe day, Caldwell siys, and
yellow fever is prevalent. Americans
when attacked generally last from two
to six ilays and deaths from the disease
occur daily While Mr. Caldwell was at
Carozel, Auditor General N. L West
and Supervising A'cbitect M. O. John
•ton died of yellow fever. The only
{gear,; of koepiog aocounta of deaths is
to count tbe graves on what is known
ae Monkey Hill. Since January there
have been more than 500. When a
white workman dies colored men are
paid $1.75 In gold to bury the body, and
cofflus are used again and again, Cald
we!l claims.
"P?"# tonic, a Bitter
n Roekemtoln a mit.
: j H. W. Elliott of Cherry twp. was in
j town on business. Tuesday,
r Andy Scheidmantle of Parker visited
j friends in Butler, last week.
11 D. T. Nicklas of Penn twp. was in
i town on business, yesterday.
R. S. Hiodman of W. Sunbury was
in town on business, Monday
John Bnrris of Connoquenessing was
in town, on business, Tuesday.
Horace Glenn of Washington twp.
did some shoppie cr in liatler, Friday.
Mrs. Chad wick intends publishing
her autobiography. Stop ber, good
Lord, stop her.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warner of
Lancaster twp. did some shopping in
Butler, Tuesday.
C. D. Cook of Hilliards and Wm H.
Hogg of Slipperyrock, were among our
callers, Saturday.
Harlan Book of Franklin tw;>. is said
to have had a hemorrhage iaet Sun
day, and to be seriously ill.
Geo. N. Iflt, formerly of Bntler, but
lately located in Pocatello. Idaho, lias
been appointed C. S. Consul at Chat
ham, Canada.
State Sup'd't Schaeffer has appointed
Lev. McQuiston of Butler aud Dr.
Kayle of Beaver Falls as trustees of
Slipperyrock Normal.
Miss Maggie Lockbart of Grovo City
dressed as a boy and started for Cali
fornia, but the hat-pin through her cap
gave her away and she was sent home.
A H. Cohn is Chairman. Abram
Jacobs, Secretarv, and Jos, Eskovitz,
Treasurer of the Hebrew Benevolent
Association, lately organized in Bntler.
Ralph Mackey, a son of Chas Mackey
and Miss Frances, a daughter of Harlan
Book, will be married at the home of
the bride in Franklin twp . Wednesday.
June 7tb.
Dr. Osier sailed for England last Fri
day, and he did not place his name on
the ship's register because be did not
want to be bothered by being asked
what was to be done with the women
over sixty years of age.
Nan Patterson is singing in ' sacred
concert" in a hall in New York. Her
salary depends upon what she makes
good, but if the figures given are not
exaggerated it will amount to abont a
quarter-interest in the big gusher.
Mrs. Philip Krause of Saxonburg and
Miss Mollie Hartenstein of Great Belt
attended the funeral of J. F. Divener
at East Brady, last week. Mr. Divener
formerly lived near Chicora, and was a
brother of Chas. Divener of that place
John D. Rockefeller, who was recent
ly caught again trying to give away
mcney and who was severely lectured
for it by some of the beneficiaries, is
spending his time in the Pocantico
Hills, where he has a dugout to which
he occasionally flies for refoge.
C. N. Boyd delivered his second talk
on his trip to tLe Holy Land in the
Grace Lutheran church, last evening,
to a large and delighted audience. Mr.
Boyd i» a pleasing talker, and bis de
scription of places and events is enter
taining and instructive.
Camilla Flammariau, the French as
tronomer, says that Mars, the planet,
now 90 brilliant in the southern sky, 1
has a mild and delightful climate. The
astronomers of that planet, if they are
well Informed on the earth's meteorology
must regret that they cannot return the
William J. Forest Butler, John N
Wick of Slipperyrock and Richard J.
Gaisfoid of Chicora were among the 180
yooag meu who passed the examination
for Registered Pharmacists, at Harris
bury, Monday. Geo. H Davy of But
ler and W. J. Cochran of Htrrisville
passed for Qualified Assistants
—Eight houses in Natrona burned
—Arthur Love and family will give a i
concert in the Opera House. Saxonburg,
next Tuesday evening.
—The Octogenarians will have an
other meeting on Saturday coming, at <
jj o'clock same place as last meeting
—Beginning next Sunday the 4:!l5 p.
m. train on the West Penn will run into ,
the Union Station, Pittsburg, and the I
0:10 p.m., will leave from there.
—The luojt exter.slve slaughter of j
tomato plants, by the frost, was at i
Lillian {Tome, near Valencia, wbeie
twelve hundred of thern were killed. i
—The farmers are now bringing in '
their wool The market is five cents i
higher than last year—2s cents per i
ppltud fpr and W) cents for vfaeh
—Nothing more has been done in the
state roads matter. Mr. Hanna of
Franklin will secure the contract for
the Three Degree road, and as Norman
soyer of Batler was the lowent bidder
on the Morcei pike onr County Com
rnissionera would like to secure that
contract for him. The two bids wera
lumped. The matter will probably be
settled within a few days.
—The recent sheep law which is now
in force has a lumber of provisions
which differ from the one informer use.
Formerly when dogs killed u farmer's
sheep, two of his neighbors appraised
the value, but according to the new law
this value is found by the township aud
itors. Another new feature is the fact
that the farmer is allowed fjft.y cents
per bead for burying the carcaseu,
which must be done within three days
or he cannot recover anything for his
loss. -Ex.
—Anton Lutz, a Pittsburg brewer
has given Constable Bertges, who did
him a favor. order for a irjillion
glauses of beer. And now liertges is
incensed at the shortness of hnuian life
and his own capacity, for tho order is
written ont in his name only, and there
is to be no companionship in his con
sumption of the beer. Expert testi
mony from the best mixologists bringu
forth the information that a quarter of
beer contains 100 average glasses of
beer. This makes 400 glasses in a
barrel, |u a year 14 barrel, would di*
appear, but 400 glasses divided into a
million glasses make 2.500 p or
Bertges to consume the whole million
at this conservative rate he would have
to live and keep dritikiug boer for 'JO*
years und tl(ree months. Hia chances
for hopping on the water wagon are
considered slight, esjKJuially a.ihi» order
iguores his hetrs and assigns, and <s
worthlesu nt any other brewery.
Higher in quality, lower in price
Kitter & Rockenstein'n suits for spring
Extraordinary clothing at ordinary
prices at Kitter <te Rockenstein's.
\\r*t Peiin Trains to HIMI from
Union station.
Effective May 2H, the Pennsylvania
Railroad will run six of its trains on the
Western Pennsylvania Division over the
new Brilliant Cut off into and out or
Union Station, Pittsburg. These will
include trains leaving Blairsville at 7:50
a. m and 7.00 p m., and leaving Bulter
at 4:85 p. m. Returning, trains will
leave Union Station at 8:05 p. m. ami
10:30 p in. for Blairsville and at <1:10 p.
m. for Butler.
Checkers—Next Week.
A special matinee Decoration Day.
Flower and veg,. tll l,le plants of all
kinds for sale by
, .. H. Walter.
JKI Mifflin St., ISutl- r, Pa
Hunting for the hard to plea»eman to
talk spring clothing. Kitter & Kocken
I Chas. Horwitz vs A. N. Cohn of But
ler. assumpsit for #72.4? claimed as
Traces. Horwitz was employed as dri
j ver of a jank wagon by Cohn and quit
j after a dispute with Cohn's wife. He
j was paid ?139, but claimed #72.47 more
was due him, and sned before Justice
Christie and received judgment for #3O,
from which he appealed.
D. D. Bingham vs A. M. Seaton and
W. M. Shields, assumpsit for SBB CI.
The plaintiff claims the defendants
agreed to purchase a slaughter house
near Slipjieryrock and then failed to
complete the bargain and make pay
ment of ths amount claimed.
J. H. Gormley vs G. S. Vanderlin,
assumpsit for *172.03, claimed »o be due
for merchandise
Wm. B. Burkett vs South Penn Oil
Co trespass for #IO.OOO damages fur
personal injurie-. Burkett states that
while employed a- a teamster by the
defendant company in Dec . 1903, he
was ordered by Snpt. Cyrus Horton of
the Harnionv district to haul a tank to
the McKirdy farm and assist in con
necting it. While this was being done
an explosion occurred which hurled
Burkett high in the air among the tim
bers of the derrick His injuries kept
him in bed for nearly two months and
he claims permanently disabled him
Annie Wilkes vs B. R. & P. R. R
Co., summons in trespass.
Sarah C. Neely, Ida Gallagher, Susan
Snyder, Martha L. Scott, H. T. and
Norvil Neely vs Western Allegheny R
R. Co bond of deft Co. in ?1000, filed
to indemnify plffs. for land taken in
Worth twp.
The following applications for liquor
licenses have been tiled since last week
P. C. Frederick, Zelienople, distiller.
G. C. Hawortb, Butter, tavern.
Independent Brewing Co., brewery.
Albert Swager, Petrolia, tavern.
Earl D. Clinton. Butler, tavern.
Lewis N. Ziegler, Harmony, tavern.
Ralph Gregg, Butler, tavern.
Charles H. Miller, Evans City,tavern.
Samuel A. Beam, Harmony, tavern.
Wm Wahl, Evans City, tavern.
On petition of C. F. Cheers a commis
sion consisting of F. J. Forquer, Dr. S.
M. Bippus and Geo. B. McCrea were
appointed to inquire as to lunacy of his
wife, Nellie Cheers. She was commit
ed to the Warreu asylum.
On Wednesday last the U. S. Court of
Appeals reaffirmed the decision in the
Newton Black insurance case.
At Chicago, Friday, Johann Hocb
was found guilty of murdering one of
his many wives and sentenced to death.
The jury jn that state fixes the penalty.
At Greensburg, laat Thursday, James
('. Kennedy was convicted of murder in
the second degree for the shooting of
Howard M. Ebner. The extreme pen
alty for second degree murder, in this
state, is twenty years.
At Pittsburg, Saturday, Judge Young
! decided that Barnum <fe Mailey's circus
could ►Jaaibit ay at Wine
biddle. Mill vale and Gross streets May
20 and 30. The preliminary injunction
which had been granted at the request
of residents of the vicinity was dissolv
ed and a permanent injunction refused.
On petition of Benjamin Sarver of
Hrown Ave Dr. Dru-ker, A. M. Christ
ley and George M. Graham were ap
pointed a commission in lunacy on his
daughter, Bes .ie Sarver, who was re
cently taken to the home of her step
mother in Zelienople after being in the
Batler Hospital. ' She was taken to
Forty-eight rights-of-way in Butler,
Mars and Valencia and between them
fi}T the new trolley-line were filed with
Register and Recorder Davis, Saturday.
Deputy Geo. Vorus took Mrs. Nellie
Cheers to Warren Hospital, Monday;
and Col. Kedic took Miss Bessie Sarver
of feelienopie to Pol* inuiitutb.
Eighteen Butler men went to Clarion
Monday, as witnesses and attorneys in
the cases against A 1 Bntler and P. J.
McGuire, in the Metallic Casket Co's.
Small{>ox has broken ont among the
prisoner! of the Blair county jail at
Hollidaysburg, Pa., and the State lioard
of health has ordered the prison quaran
tined and that no more prisoners lie re
Cuppa of Eutlj,r v;a a urtx«ted
in Pittsburg, Tuesday, and fined for
spitting in a street-car.
Alexander Berkman, Anarchist, now
serving a 22-year sentence for un a.s
sault on 11. C. Frick in the liiisn«y
building, in Pittsburg during the Home
stead strike of IH&2. will i>e liberated
from the Western Penitentiary on .Inly
24. Good conduct ban enmed fcj thy
prisoner a reduction In hls ; terih of eigrit
ywars and 7 months, which will bring
his actual term of confinement down to
about a little over 18 years. After his
release from the penitentiary he will be
taken to the Allegheny County Work
bouise, where he will have a short term
to serve. During his confinement in
the penitentiary Berkinan hay »
monel prisOuer. He' has behaved HO
well that recently he was assigned an
easj task, lookim; to the cleanliness of
the east side of the wing. Berkman
has improved bis education. He has
studied French, German, and recently
he became interested in Spanish.
Elko Lii H b«iugli of I.ynqoru «u in jmi
|or a<Vib.
Caws on the criminal docket 47.
Win. Leithold of Clay street has lieen
arrested on a charge of a&b made
against him by Mac Stillwagon, tenant
on Leithold's farm, and Htill Lnd
his wife hayu beuu urrenteu on siiuila,
charged made against tbonj.
Albtens Anostosla, a Mercer township
Italian,was brought to jail by Constable
John Orr yesterday on a charge of rape.
•Tohp McCarrjer to KoUt S liinduian
10' acres in ("a,' for $l5O
KlUalx-i.il MoCalmont to It S Hind
mau lot in W Sunbury for S4O
Lucy Kedic to Charlotte McDowell
lot in Butler for SIBOO.
Henry W Timblin to Ida C Brown 25
acres in Clay for $1645.
Geo L Schlage] ty Mary I. Ucblage)
property in Butler twp for ssGo
Warran Aggaa to A M Cliristley int.
iu 170 acre lease and wells in Centre for
John Harttiiirf tp {.nulla H'sfer team?
of 4i» at'tr.H in i#i(tlev twp for |lM>
flugh Ferguson to „
Bros SO--"- • - 11 Jennings &
~o lease in Butler twp for
Oliver T Brown to .las F Gardner lot
in Hlipperyrock for SI4OO.
liarrickinaii heirs to Warren McCrea
ry 40-aere lease in Butler two for *ll
J W Toomey to Citizens Gas and Fuel
Co lease and wells in Oakland for $2500.
Butler Sgs Bank to Jas A McGinley
5H acres in Oakland for SIBOO.
Henry Green to Mary E Forcht lot in
Butler for SOOO.
Schlagel heirs to Adam Hoffner, lease
of 40 acres in Butler twp. for sl.
Adam Hoffner to John A Hnee, same
for sl.
H IJ Benton to John It lionzo, lot in
Zelienople for sl,
.1 M Hawk to (,'lyde Powell, lot iu
Petrolia for $l5O.
A W Duster to G Wicketibagen, lot
on Bouth Side for $llOO.
Lvdn Greely to VV A Parker lot in
Millerstown for SIOOO.
D N Nobler to Alfred J Field, lot on
Institute Hill for 52500.
H .1 Klingler to Edwatd C Beatty, lot
ou Lookout Ave. for slllOO.
I'M win Geohring to Elias Geohring,
lot in Xelienoplo for $328.
at Zelienople for sl.
Cbas. Hartman to Mary G. Varner,
lot in Jackson for S2OO.
Samuel Schlagel to Lewis H. Hoff
man, eighth Interest in 12:: acres in
Butler twp. for SBOO.
Geo. IJerry to Martha Albeit, lot iu
Prospect for S7OO.
ll<»tH lloynr, I'illslmrt;, l*a.
We have renewed our lease for a term
of years and we are refurnishing and
renewing the entire house letter than
it ever was. Kates the same, $2 per
' day. Come and Bee us.
J. B. BUYER, Prop.
Marriage Licenses.
Carl Smith Claytonia
Lucy E. Stevenson Kiester
J. Clare Thompson Butler
Mabel Sanderson Prospect
Andrew McKissick Euclid
Bertha Boyle Slipperyrock
! H. H. Bander Portersville
. Ada L White Prospect
Michele Loßruno Windber
Maria A. Vicario Lyndora
E. S. Kregar, Jr Greece City
Nettie Voland Butler
Ferdinand Shontz Harmonj*
Olive Sahli "
Jacob Lynd Higgios Corners
Anna Besene "
M. W. Uallagher... .Follanslee W. Va.
Clementine M. Oswald. .North Oakland
Herbert L. Montgomery Buftalo
Mary Emma Sasse Marwood
H. E. Graham Saxonburg
Anna P. Puff 1 Bntler
At Franklin, Samael E. Williams of
Earns City and Olive Donelson of Clii.-
At Pittsburg. J. R. Ashton and Lou
ise Covert of Mars.
Letter to Chas. Wagner,
Butler, i'a
Dear Sir: Here's something every
painter and builder ought to know.
Mr J J Hall. Sheffield, Pa, painted two
houses, 5 years ago. lead-and-oil: took 40
gallons. Last year he painted Devoe;
bought 40 gallon?: ha l 10 left.
He is one of thousands. The know
ledge is getting about pretty generally,
that Devoe goes further than anything
Have you found it out in your own
How much further?
Suppose a job amounts to 10,000
square feet; how much less Devoe could
you buy?
Is it as easy to paint? Does it coet
any more or less to pat-on by the gallon
than anything else? bow much.
If it costs no more to pqt-on Devoe by
the gallon, it costs less by the foot, you
know; for the gallon does more feet.
How much lees do you find it, for
Lasts, say, twice as long; that is the
owner's gain; but perhaps you reckon it
yours; some do. The time, when that
comes-in, is when he gives-out the next
Who gets it
Yours truly
F W Devoe & Co
58 New York
P. S. Patterson Bros, sell our paint.
When it comes to servicable, perfect
fittinir clothing Ritter <fc Rockenstein
are leadprs
FOR SALE—Choice Gladiola Bulb-,
no two alike; fifty cents per doz«»n. by
mail. J. A. HEYDRICK,
i*i Bluff St., Sutler, Pa.
For your next suit try the up-to-date
Six roomed house on large lot with
good well water and stable, SIBOO, given
at bargaiu as owner is leaving town.
Vv . Fulton St , H- Of W. Pearl
n.ducf.l Hates 10 Ailcghcii v.
On account of Decoration Day, May
30, thi* Peon'a. R. R Co. will sell round
trip tickets from Butler to Allegheny,
and from Allegheny to Butler on May
2!) and -J'>, good to return until May 31,
inclusive, at rate of single fare for the
round trip
Hunting lor the man we cannot fit
with a becoming spring suit.
RITTER & ROOK^nstej;*.
Like lonhow you (tome really nobby
spring clothing. Ritter & KockensteiD.
is now being delived to all parts of the
town by
li iu ihe pare** ine in towu
Leave your orders at the Bakery
142 8. Main St., Butler.
VJU will feel more contented in one
of Ritter & Rockenstein's spring suite.
Paint Your linjrjjy Tor Hie.
to SI.OQ with Devoe's Gloss Carriage
Paint. It weighs !1 to 8 ozs. more to the
pint than others, wears longer and gives
a KIWH eoual to new work. Sold p/
Patterson rroj
We are paying the highest price, in
cash, for wool. Call at or address,
107 8, Main St., Butler, Pa.
Just what, von are looking for in
spring suit at Ritter & Rockenateine
Decoration l>ay (excursions.
Excursion tickets will be sold between
all stations on the Bessemer Road and
to j>oiuts on connecting lines.at one faro
for the round trip, May 2tt and aoth,
good returning May 31st, 1905. Exposi
tion Park will open -"-v f> r t]pe
season " '
Kxcursioii to Conucuiit Lake.
First excursion of the season to Oon
neant Lake will be run Decoration Day,
M-iy "oth. Special train will l<-ave But
ler at 8:10 and Kaylor 7:40 a.m.; return
ing leave the f'ark at '>4-i |> nj. Fare
£or round trip
Holiday Excursions.
The B. & L. E. R. R Co. will sell ex
cursion tickets May 2!) and 80, and good
returning the 81st, atone fare for the
round trip on account of Decoration
Day. Effective with the r ( pw ;lt«tj table
May 21st, all main lino uud M. >V L.
Brunch trains will run into Exposition
Park, The park will open tor the
seanon Decoration Day. when excursions
will be run from Pittsburg, Yonngs
town, Sharon and nearby towns.
I will sell at
Diamond, BuUi>» Pi-, T tin Today and
Friday, May !ii» aud Wl, a oar load of
roud dud general purpose horses.
Insurance and Real Estate.
If yon wish to sell or buy property
you will find it to your advantage to see
Wui. ii. Miller, Inimrance and Heal
Estate. Room 508. Butler CoviUty
National Bank building
!' jj
A few pieces of artistic jewelry will
add some effective touches to your
gown. We have some novel effects in
chains, brooches.pins and pendants that
will be sure to take your fancy. For
gentlemen our new collection of scarf
pins, link buttons, watch chains and
fobs afford an unusual opportunity for
securing the latest styles in these
We also sell
Edison and Victor Phonographs.
Eastman and I'oco Camera*.
Photo Supplies.
Washburn Mandolins and (luitars.
< optical goods.
Field and Spy Glasses.
! Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Next to Court House.
189 Booth Main St.
4 A thousand people walked and rode
{ from Bntler, last Sunday, to the new
oil well which was doing about 50 bbls.
r an honr.
Tbe old log lionse jnat above the well
I was owned and occupied by Abe Bar
: rickmuu. dec'd. who never dreamed of
s what a fortune he was living over,
t The owners of the well were offered
r $200,000 for their welt and leases, Sat
' urday and refused it.
There is a iuix-np over a 22-acre lease
| of the <*. Schlagle, to the southwest of
the gusher, and two leases have been
" given and recorded.
; About thirty thousand dollars have
i already been paid for leases in that
I vicinity.
The xusher was two-weeks old, Mon
i i day, and up to date has gushed about
! IH.OOO bbls. of crude at #1.29 per.
> !
J Teachers' Examinations.
The regular annual teachers' examin •
atious will be held as follows, for the
year 1905.
Prospect. June 5 and 0.
Butler, June 9 and 10
Slipperyrock, June 12 anl 1:5.
EHU Claire, June 1-4 and 15
Chicora. June 10 and 17.
Saxonburg, June 19 and 20.
North Washington, June 21 and 22.Q
Sunbury, June 23 and 24.
Butler, July 14.
Butler. August 11.
Each examination will consist of
three half-day sessions.
Examinations begin at 9 o'clock. No
applicant under 18 years of age will be
Work on manuscripts must be done
with pen and ink. Black ink and legal
cap paper preferred.
Candidates should be prepared to
hand in a stamped envelope addressfi-l
to himself and the last teacher's certi
ficate received.
On Friday and Saturday, June 9th
and 10th. the committee appointed by
Dr. N O. Sohaeffer will hold thfeir an
nual examination for state permanent
certificates. The examinations will b-<
held in the Jefferson street school build
t'hfjirpjan of Committea.
{Removed to I
I 345 S. Main St., ?
- (J. Stein Building.) *
i Tit taps fartl offillarl Hotel. ?
1' " " j[
t Wg ure now open for busi-J!
Sness with a new stock ofi 1
Jgoods and want all our |
Jicustomsr> <ti«u tverybodyji
#ebe to come and see us in#
j|our new quarters. j j
£ We are showing all the' i
£new things for summer. * 1
J New Hats, Neck ] J
Swear hosiery, Underwear., 1
* Straw Hats j;
# are all here, cheapest to 0
2 flne§t J |
t J
.. /Jf* I
i/ / Ti. •!
The Very Best Wool
has been put into the fabrics of
which we are
You can submit our clothes
to any test and you'll find th-'m
pure wool, with mixtures
in some Cases. The patterns
are distinctly high grade, too.
A suit made here from these
goods will stamp you as a fine
dresser In any company. Shall
we make you one?
Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa
1 Yon won't lmv«>
wf/ ' your friends nay
j I /j inK it (ItMinu't (lo
J/ / / yon jtiHticn. Yon
■ }{ 1 /l won't think HO
W// i I I yonrgelf. Let ns
If/ / J\ J \ niiike the trial.
I(\J /' /\\ i Yonr satisfaction
I\\ | / will he ottrH as
!MA\\ j J (. well
i ais 8. Main Bt Bntlar.
j Trusses j
| Of To-day!
/ A truss is an important ap- j
f pliance and it is obvions that X
f constant effort will be made /
J for its improvement. Every \
\ year does bring some improve- f
£ ments, and wearers of trasses j
€ should have the beneat of I C
v them In our stock we en- \
/ deavor to provide all that is C
1 practical as well as new. Our I
V long experience in fitting S
S trusses enables us to Judge the /
\ value of new ideas and our j
( stock is therefore an ideal one. S
t Any claims we make for a \
/ truss we will guar»Ptee. i C
\ Hard Rubber Trusses, /
/ Shoulder Braces. i
/ Elastic Trusses, J x
/ Elastic Hosiery, I i
y Abdominal Supporters, 1 S
f Crutches and Fittings. m
J Our assortment is complete 1
] and our prices are right. . \
jc. N. BOYD. |
Summit Twp. Auditors' Report
March tlth. litVi, AUDITOR* I.,et aooordlnc to
law I,t TLLO hoii»e OR Jacob lilulcliner. Autl
itorx prosant, Jacob Blelchner UNTL George
Korclit. the newly elected auditor, John
Herrlt, took the oath of otllce. L'eter Neigh
and Ueorge Ualdnuf, supervisors of Summit
township. Butler Co., I'a.,were gworn In office
and the bondsmen approved of by the
Settlement of Peter XelgL IAPURIIAOR fo
,l,p yea. 'feiH
Whola amount of duplicate illoy 98
Work on roa.l Ill.'Hi 43
Not worked 85 57
Cash from road taxes 2.' F.) ■' 1
K.xoneratlon 5 35
Iteturned to Co. Treasurer. . I'{ 01
>——#l499 86
T»-;C. ,!**. JI7 85
T USH Spept an I load.
('ash paid fur work on uow roados
Repair and supply*. 72 no
112 days at $1.50 per day, supr.. L«S 00
( 'ash received from collector . T-KI 55
Received from work taxes ZB 21
IH2 "«
Balance due Peter Neigh, supr T* 2
Settlement of 1, hv TV itu, FOR the
' •• • JFIJA'F'IUM.'
WlKoe amouiH of ddpU' AVT I . *I(W» Id
Taxes worked on row , 17
Taxes outstanding 71 fl2
Cash taxes received 58 AS
{Exoneration 7(1
Worked back taxes, year 1803 FIA 'W
' ash received from taxes 5M it, ' '
I'mm J. \V. Baldauf.i oll"—•). ,'W Ca
'' F 2L» 08
Cash spent ou lload.
I'nld C. Walker, attorney fees.F 7TL 77
Repairing A timber for bridges URT so
For plank ill iyi
105 days at 11.50 per day, sour IST -U
T 419 »
LLALA.H'V) ,»oh., SMITH, supr MO ill
Settelement of John Haldauf. Collector of
t'ash Broad Taxes.
Whole amount of duplicate $(11S 38
t'ash with rebate 8382 MS
I'recentage {l2 48, rebate S2O SO, 33 28
t'ash with 5 per cent 100 00
Percentage RF FCI
Return to (Jo. Treasurer 3' FLF
I'or auditors, PRINTS;; A AIPIG. 7U
Exoncratlop '. '. ..'7. ... ;I TI
71 78
Balance due Collector from IKO3 6 31
Bal due tp. from J. W. Baldauf, Col ►?
Settlement with .1 W. IT!''{',^ RT F. collector of
Who!- amount of duplicate iitio2 42
R. #811? OO
Bebate #4S 20, per cent |l!> 2U . 07 48
Cash collected with 5 per cent I'/T> >lO
Percentage . %
Kxooeratlot\ . It! its
Bal due Sehool Treas by J W Baldauf 91 8!L
Settlement with Andy Voust. Treasurer of
School Board of Summit Township.
State appropriation SI 113 22
I'rom collector I:I7"» 00.
Bal of last year from Col ... ITII ™
Bat of last year's Treasurer ISU <(
„, , -12817 U
1 ea«'liOii WQGEJT JIL'MI 00
Bocrefary .... 50 Oo
Institute 1)0 00
Repair ~ 13! 3Y
Coal 84 os
dontlngcncos 53 85
Books 302 s»
School Supply 3L)U 50
Auditing, printing .V tiling. . . 11) K,
Settling with collector FI {»)
Treasurer's percent|U{«. 54 91
-®J74(I 32
Br, I DYE »P by Andy Voust, Treks. 170 80
We, the undersigned auditors, do certify
that the above account Is correct to the \ssst
of our knowledge and belief.
(iEI)U(JK I'OLTOUT, > Auditors.
Holt'a Greenhouses,
E. M. HOLT & Co. PROP'S.
Salesroom 247 S. Main Street.
Floral ttasiguß for funerals, ptirtien,
oto., a specialty.
Our carnations are now in their prime.
Gibson's Livery
told May & Kennedy stand)
First-class horses and rigs.
Excellent boarding accom
Good and clean waiting room.
Open day and night.
In the
Crystal Pharmacy
R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G.,
106 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Insurance «-V Kctil Estate
117 E Jefferson St.
50TbER, - - - - PA|
Time table in effect Nov. 27, 1904
1 Passenger trains leave and arrive at
Butler as follows:
7:30 a. m., mixed for Punisntawney,
Da Bois and intermediate stations.
10:31 a. m. daily, vestibuled dav ex
press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford.
week days, for Rochester.
5:37 p. m. local for Punx'y, Du Bois
i and intermediate stations.
11:31 p. m. night express for Buffalo
I and Rochester.
I 6:10 a. in. daily, night express from
I Buffalo and Rochester.
I 9:50 a.m. week days, accomodation,
j from Dußois.
5:34 p.m. daily, vestibuled day express
from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash
ford wee l ' days from Rochester.
8:07 p.m. week days, mixed train
from Du Bois and Pnnxsntawney.
Trains leave the B. & O. Station,
Pittsburg, for Buffalo and Rochester i
at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.. and for local
points as far as Dußois at 4:05 p.m. On
Sunday the 9:00 a.m, train runs to Buf
falo alone.
B&O K «
Time table in effect, Nov. 27. 1904.
Trains for South and West,leave Butler
—town time: WEEK DAYS.
6:20 am, Allegheny Accommodation.
8:00 a m, Allegheny & Cleveland Ex.
9;toa in, Allegheny Express.
11:40 a m, " "
1:25 p m, Pittsburg Ex & Ellwood Ac.
3:35 p.m, Allegheny Ex.
5:00 p m, Chicago, "EH wood, N. Castle.
5:20 p.m, Allegheny Ex.
5:50 p.m. Allegheny Ac.—New Castle.
8:00 a m, Allegheny # Cleveland Ex.
1:25 a.m, Pittsburg Ex.
3:35 p.m, Allegheny Ac
5:50 p.m, Allegheny Ac.--New Castle.
9:42 a in, Kana <* Bradford Mail.
4:55 Ciarlop Accomo.
Trains leave the Allegheny station for
Butler 7:00, and 10:40 A. M.,
and 1:15, fl:00, 5:30 6:15 and 11:30 P. M.
On Sunday at 7:30 A. M. and 6:15 and
11:30 P. M.
For through ticket.. Pulluiiin rfwrrntiotM anil in
formatlou apply to W. R. TURNKiI, Ant,
Butler, Pa.
E. P. SMITH, A, G. V-A.,
_ Pa
Sfß«nr:.» IS Err«cr N. v. 27 ISO".
■wpra. vuui. DAYS ,
A M A.M. A.M. P.M P. M
HI Ttaa L«tv<> « 15 8 K) 111 a so 4 25
Saiotilmrg ,ArrlT« 8 45 Hon II oil J55 440
Butler JuucV.nc.. " 7119301125 3208 11
Uutler Jauotton. ..U»FC 7 37 9 32 11 JLL :t 2" 5 17
Natrona ARRIVE 7 Iti 9 40 11 39 32» 5 25
Tar„ntiiiu 7 42 »45 114r> 335 5 31
Sprtnudule 8 02 9 55 11 5s 3 44 5 41
CUrumont 12 if. jj
Sharpaburg. 8 tti'ia 12 ii 4 Ofc, 601
411e«h»OT fla ii la 40 4 20, 615
A.M ALI P.M. P. M.lp. M
| SCBUATF "FUALNM.—IHCTV Butlu for Allegheny
[ City and principal iuttrtuediate tutloni at 7:80 a. M.,
V«d 6:(>G n, U;
A.M. A.M. A M. ?. M.lp. M
Allegheny City 1* 615 52510 $ K JX) 610
Sbari«il.urg j S 'JU *3« 10 S 35, A 24
Ciaremont • # :5» 847 10 4(1 247 ..
Upringdale 1 00 U 0T 11 00, S (M 6 42
TARETTTNFA ...: 713 92011 11 3 A 683
1 7 20 9 27 11 18 a 31 e 57
Ontler Juno ar 7 :») 937 11 27 345 705
Rutlet June Ir 74 2 94012 30 4 (B> TOB
8 0« 10 0« 12 54 4 AC T 30
UTLkII « :v» to iu » b 06! 7 #8
A.M. P.M. P.M P. M
L.earu Allegbetiy CL(y for But
4TJI U»UCI[*L lxilerniwllate itatlona at 7:00 a. M. and
9 0;, 10.
rou rut EAST.
Week Paya. Sunday,
A.M.|A. M. P. M. A M. P M
Burma. IT 616 . . 9SO I 7 201 ....
Butler J'ct ar 711 , 320 8 101 ....
Butler J'ct |T 1 4U ! 400 8 141 .
F.»por«,, »r T 43' 402 817 ....
K'Lijw.MJ'l.. 7 1> 408 8 23: . .
Irfwclilurg " 3 0"... . 420 887
W. :T APOLLO " 8 82: 439 864
SILUL urg " 8 481 508 9#i
Klalwllle 920 542 B HI; '
BlairaTllle lot " 9 271 , ?>>l !10 00 .[I
Altooua "11 35[... 1) 50 .1 40
Harrlalmrg » Mf I 00 ' 6 86''
/hiladelpbla , .•» 6 AS| 423 J lO 20 1 .
ip. M.IA.M. A.M. |P.M.IP.M
"rttrDngh traina for the eaat lure Plttfttvrc (Cnlon
Station), an follova:
Keyatone RxpreM dull/ 5:00 A.M
M >nhattan L.tin'tucl, .'uily, *ir NO;«h Phila
delphia NM', Vol (4 3 SJ ••
I'anniiylvauta I.inllvt dally 718"
Nt.W V'«K •• •• ;.'7:15 "
At UNTIL, Uapreaa, '• 7.50 M
Main Line Eiprnai, •• ' goo u
I»ay Expreaa, .. .".".IMI Noon
Mull " ••••••••• L* ■
Chloago IW»U 4ai|y, f„r Haiti more" and
Wiikhington 4:5F, "
I-"aat«rn Kxpren, daily, Tor PULL'a aivl N V....4-.68 "
New Vork RipriMM. * •' " 7:10 "
Philadelphia Kafreaa, Juily .. . .. .. 0:00 •
N'« ATWCTAL, dally for New Tork.only. 10:00 "
I'llila-lelphia S(H«lal ilaily. Sleeping
rant to Philadelphia, Kaltlmorn and WIUH-
Ingtoli. No roachen 10:00 1
PUHad'a Mail, Hiinda>« only . 8:36*.*
Note -ttarrlen coach |<itaneni4eni !"' TW ",.n t*lttnl>urg
auil llarrlahurg.
Kflr Atlantic City (via DELAWIA* River Bridge all
rail route) 8:00 a.m., J. Mand and 9:00 p. M. dally,
"PennaylvanU and New YURK Limited 7.15
а. 111, week di^yc
and AU«fehcny Valley Dlvlaton.
Trains leave Riaklmlnetaa Junction y fidlowa. —
Cor iiiittalo, 9.51 a.M and 11.50 p. M. daily, with
through pat L'IV and aleeping earn.
i'or Oil City, 7.48' 9.51 U. M„ 2.32, 8.07 and 11.80 p.
01. week -daya. Hunilaya, 9.51 a. M„ 6.07 AND 11.50 p.m.
For llod Bank, 7.48, 0.51, a. 2 32, 6.07
and 11.50 p. M. week-dayn, liuadaya, 9.51,10.40 a. M.,
Б.07 and 11.10 p. 01,
For Kittaiu.ii,g 1.4*. 8.2H, 9.51, 11-t7>. m.,2.32,5.
6.117,7.311, LB.la.aud 11.50 n. M. week-day*. Sunday*, I
9.51, tu. 4o a. M.. 6 .l>7, 10.44, and 11.50 p. M.
"f ' SI..|M I.lily ou Mlgnal or notice to ageut or ei,n
diu htf lo receive or discharge iwaaengnra.
TI.I detailed Information, apply to ticket agent or
addreaa Thoa. K. Watt, Paaa. Agt. Vl'eataru Dl.trlct,
MHI Fifth Avenne. Pittahurg, Pa
Oen'l Manager. I'aaa'r TraO) C Manager.
(»hO, W. BOYV, Qeneral Paanenger Ageat.
VVl»iflcl<l If It Co Tune Table
lu effect Nov. 30tli, 1903.
Learn* Went Winfleld .... 7 30 a 45
" it'ggarllla 745 800
" Iron Bridge 755 810
" Wlufleld Junitlon 810 ft 28
" (.ane 8 'J" d .15
" Butler Junction 825 340
Arrive Knder 10 88 5 38
Arrive Allegheny 10 (M 8 06
A "iv BUlravllle 12 451 8 20
l.enve llluiravllle J 7 50 2 95
" Allegheny KOO .1 00
" Uutler 7as 2 Hft
" Butler Junction.. 10 15 440
'• >to 18 4 43
" WJiifldd Junction 10 «M) 4 .'*o
•• Iron HHtlffn 10 40 & <lft
" lt»gip»vlllM l(i :»<) 5 Ift
Arrive WM( Wlnfl»Ul 10 06' & 30
Timlhn Ntwp nt Uiia »ml Iron Ui l«LU«» only on Fl*K TO
Uk«« on or l> uvit"fT piuM*iiiK«*rii.
Truirm (Jonuoctftl Hutier Junction «rlth.
Tmlim hjuitwiiMl for krm«|M<rt, Vmuloixrlft
Ululi H\ ill*- Inliraw tioQ,
Trnliti for Nntrona, T»r«>ntuni »uJ AU«-
Tmliii Norttiwaid tor Hun.nburd;, MUR wikml AND Hut*
11. o. IIKAI.OP,
TIME TABLE In effect Dec. 18th, 1904.
(Read up) Dally Encapt Sunday ( Read down )
•51 14 i-i2-| BTAT , ON r I • in I *•
p. in {>. ui. it ml n. m.lp. tii.||>. m.
1 80 I 4410 an Krlt- 7 oui 1 (8. 4 :'.o
7 0;:.... 10 VI, Kairvivw 7 ad.... I 4 Ml
(. • ■ I »•' I'M t.irar.l ... 7 :i7' I K7| 08
t II • I <"|I0 '/WAr'c 7 VuTa'«4| 4 181
4 (>o|l2 ol| 7 00|Lv. ('(miii!ttiit_Ar|lO 1 J 05
0.1. .... :tl r,.V ~;.('raiwHVllltv..".. 7~1W.',,.T. ! 825
8 lOl'i fill •.} r>.' Alldon H o<l| 2 (HI 5 ;u>
B 11,112 ar,p.l 30 Hlltwl <• Iniul K l»rj 101'. 4'i
C I;ilia K.IJ Ua: H|«RINKIM>R.. K TI-J A 1.1 541
(I (17112 28) » ill)' <-oillion utvillc . 8 23) 2 18 f. 80
1. 11l • r.o 'J f, 1 1 A r Mia. Iv 11 le I,\ 1 47i I Hi I r.2
4 I.'.' II :i'J 7 47 I.v Meiwl vlllf Ar H Nil 3 IK r, 50
r, u aaj i»A .Con't i«ka Lv 8 IT, a IH, r. ao
r, '.'O la 00 H IP L.R.Cou'T IJiLcAr » a WI « 22
5 4'. iAr l.lneavllli .I/t .1 ' l (WV
H Bfijl.v l.lncavlllo Ar I 7 18
5 IJI2 111 12 .MciulvllufJt:l... 8 42, 2 37 (1 12
5 II r. • K r»7 IllirUtown 8 r.7 1 2 41' ti 20
r> .'.ui ;KI h rßi ...A'IMIUHVIIU'. » tci] a 640 si
r. 13 H lie t)»gie»l ... U 1.1 r, 41
R, O; II :I:. 8 :I.t! (irei nvlllo N '.l* 3 M «48
fiimil 8 M: Hllvlnuigo ... U 'i*\ .1 It! (! f>2
4 4 11 12! »II I'rrilonlu .... II 4Aj Ua I 712
4 .'HID f.H 7 f.< Mrrrer 10 01 3 4H 7 2<l
4 . ". 10 M Y r, I lloualutl IrL 10 01. 7 30
4 03 10 7 ;ioi ....tirnvo City 10 V H 4 oe: 780
ate io aaj a.m. Hkrrlivlllc lo 4(> 4au p.m.
3 4010 18) 1 Branchhm |lo 4K 4 271.
11 :«» Ar... Milliard .tv 7 00( 2*oo. ...".
2007 00 I.v Itllllnr.l. Aril 30 A :«i
a 3*. io 13 | delator...:.:: 10 f.2, 4ai
8 I',llo 02 1.. Kti.ll.l II (*i| 4462 07
11 i*" Ar. . Kay lot l.i :i 36
40 I.v. Kaylor Ar II n|, m.
2MH » :io| . .J . liutler . .. . ~|M :»H t. 101 3 .15
040 . |.North Bcaaemcr.: 6 fit)
I r> 8 I". jl.r,Allegheny.Ar I in, t; 15
I 1 I _ pmp in ,
Train No I leaving (in eiivllle at h 15 a m.;
Hliniaiigo ('. r. i l reiliiiila 7 11. Mercer 7 28. (irovr
city 7 65; Knlater 8:18; Ilntlrr U 00. arrive. In
Allegiieny at 10:28 a. in.; oon Her (a ai (jnecii
Junction H I th traina to ami from Kaylor, and
at Hraucliton Irom llllllarit.
Train S,. 2 leaving Alleghrtiy at aoop in ;
Butler 4 4'.. Krlater 6 ;«l. drove city f. 63, Merc, r
I». I reilonia r, ;i4; Hlicnango II w. arrive, in
Oreelivllle at Ii »7. COllliecU at Qllvll lilli. lli.il
with train, lo and Irom kaylor, ami at Branch
ton lor llllllai.l.
U«oer»l M»u*fer, «cn 1 4««ut.
| Announces a Sale |
| Extraordinary |
X Commencing Way 20 and Ending June 3rd. X
A We use the term "extraordinary" advisedly. We'll H
0 Iran < business is backward; the weather is unfavor
able. We want more business and we are going to get iC
y it by extraordinary reductions in prices in every depart- A
Q ment. X
-% M as" , qF Et ° n 1111,1 B . lonse effects from last season. $1.98, *3.98, V
< f fM.9B, $4 98 and former price was SIO.OO to $40.00. es
1 / abo «« ' •"* Tallor-Matle Suits, Jjcket and Blonse stvles X
I —all this season s newest styles-reduced to One-half Former Price. V
C Fortmr Price* vert *^ acliets -all this season's styles -One-fonrth of Z?
t C li^°, atS r!!. t^ is seaß ° n s styles—one-third of former price.
r 1000 oeautiiul new Spriut; Skirts-all this seasons atvl«s—
--*/ t* n"' m ' * 4 ' 9B >^ s 9K «P to «0. Every skirt priced here Si
< d'ewhere ° a on ° yon can fin( * tlle aame style and quality V
i > ? 1 . li , rt } Valst Su«tß, $1.98, $2.48, $2 98, $3.93 up to $15.00; all priced !
■? special for twelve days F i ►
} JY blte Lawn Waists, 98c, 81.48 np to $5.00. i I
f1" day' Ft Walßts and Blonse Silk Suits at Special Prices these ( >
/.. > ® w , Linen Blouse, Eton and Redingote Suits at Special Prices >
> tnese 14 days. )
i 1' d^ e - Fourth oft on all S" l ' I*eitticoats above $5,00 on these V
f Mrs. J. E. ZimmermanJ
r < I
\ Bell Phone SUA. 4 , T -^
(f People's I'hone 126. 13 lit J ei", Pa.
| Spring and SammerFootwearl
pi We have taken particular pains to have our springH
D lines in all grades exhibit shapeliness and newness with-H
■ out in any way sacrificing quality—and we have succeed-H
H ed gloriously. $ 1
We trust that you will be among the number toB
examine them. y
lln Men's Shoes Women's • ]
j SI.OO and $1.25 • Shoes&Oxfords 11
EJ? bny vou a good Workln « $ 1.00, $ 1.25 and $ 1.50 H
« | ti a<n ca Will get yon the best fine Show O
' 4>l •JvJ, 4>Z.UU t 4>z.DU or Oxfords yon ever saw for the mj
3 ' price, in kid, tan, Russia calf orH
Hfl A good !• ine Shoe in box patent leather.
H or patent leather, both in low or _
H high cut. $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 ■
■ ' $3.00 and $3.50 Will get a beauty in light or B
' heavy soles, Oxfords or high cnt. K
Yoa get onr famous Princeton Rnssi ß tan, calf, patent kid E
*■ and Recent Shoes, all (Joodyear or colt.
E9 welts, in all the fine leathers—all r nl . iU 0 i Trtfc I '
H shapes. These are made on very '° r lne Llll,e 1 ° IS B|
£3 snappy lasts, both Oxford and Dainty colours in soft soles 39c K
H blncher cnt#. and 50c. t
Boys' and Girls' Shoes in All Styles. |j
at any price you wish to pay. Try ns for your next pair. jL j
I Must Move but Not to 1
I Quit n siness. E
H In order to save large storage on Pianos and small goods. H
p Must leave where I am by June first.
[*t You get the benefit. | ■
|-v Pianos that retail for #6OO go for #3OO. fj
■V Others in proportion. k j
1 Small Goods at You own Price,!
I The Must Go. I
fl Sheet Music, anything you want ordered,l wiil get it at cost. H
I Come and take advantage of this sale and save money. Kj
H Pianos from #25 to #3OO. rV
p Organs at any old price. rt
|l Cash —or credit —if good. ||
"The Piano Man," I
f: 317 South Main Si. Open Evenings. ■
j ..... | L . . -
■Spring: of 1905.1
| fc
||i. House cleaning time will be on us before |
I we know where we are, so a few helpful f
I hints will not come amiss to the thrifty
| ones who want quality at quantity prices. ||,
i" Our Carpet Rooms are overflowing with
| the brightest patterns and best qualities, £
| the looms can put out. Among which are »
& the following:
f Hartford, Axmlnster, Wilton, Velvets, g
!t* Body and Tapestry Brussels. !/
l* Hartford, two and three ply All Wool, Half
| Wool, Cotton Chain, and the best and j
H largest asssortment of All Cotton -Ingrains i
B . in Butler. H
| Duffy's Store. I