SHE BUTLER CITIZEN. / WILLIAJIC. NBGLEY - Publisher j THUBSDIY. MAT 25, 1905. H pgr year la A4*aa«e, Otherwise SI-50 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Subject to Butler County Republican Primary. May 27,1905, from 1 to 7 p.m. FOB SHERIFF, TOHN B. CALDWELL, Jefferson twp. ALEX. MCCUNE CAMPBELL. But!er (better known as Coon Campbell.} A. O. HEPLER, Butler. formerly Oakland twp. JOHN T. MARTIN, Buffalo twp. DAVID C. SANDERSON, Franklm twp. formerly of Clay twp, JOHN H. TEBAY. Eau Claire. FOK PROTHONOTARY; JOHN C. CLARK, Washington twp JAKES M. CBCIKSHANK, Winfieldtwp. HARRY L. KELLY, Butler. formerly of Worth two. ' JAMES M. MCCOLLOCGH, Fairview tp. REGISTER ASB RECORDER, JULIAN A. CLARK, Centre twp. J. E CRAIG, Mars. J. P. DAVIS, Butler, formerly Brady tp H. W. KOONCE, Butler boro, Formerly Penn twp. JAMES RANKIN, Penn twp. GEORGE W. SHIEVER, Butler. PORTER WILSON, Centre TREASURER, THOMAS ALEXANDER. Butler. Formerly of Brady twp. JACOB W. GLOSSNER, Millerstown. O. R. THORNE, Clay twp. g. c. TRIMBLE, Middlesex twp. COUNTY COMMISSION BR, (Two to nominate.) J. S CAMPBELL, Cherry twp. N. 8. GROSSMAN, Franklin twp. AMOS HALL, Bran'shton, Slipperyrock twp. NOAH HENRY, Oakland twp. W. D. HOFFMAN. Baxonbnrg. JOHN W. BILLIARD, Washington twp. J. N. MAHARG. Penn twp. GEO. J. MARBURGER, Forward twp. & C. MOORE, Clinton twp. JAMES L. PATTERSON. Jefferson twp. WILLIAM SIEBERT. Bntler. COUNTY AUDITOR, (Two to nominate.) DAVID CUPTS, Butler. A B. EKAS, Buffalo twp. W. C. FAGAN. sth Ward, Batler. JASPER C KIESTER, Clay twp W. B. SCOTT, Adams twp., Formerly of West Sunbury. CORONER. Db. W. R CLARK, Butler. DR. WALTER S. PATTERSON, Butler. DB. RAYMOND A THOMPSON Butler. To the Republican Voters of Butler County. Having announced my name as a for Connty Auditor, and find ing that the canvass interfere with busi ness matters more than I had antici pated ao that my personal affairs would ■offer in case I continned, I hereby withdraw from the contest, extending my sinoereat thanks to my many friends for their encouragement and help, HARRY H. BRICKER. Withdrawal. On account of ill health and inability to make a canvass John A Gilliland of Summit township withdraws from the race for the Connty Auditorship, with thanks to his friends for their proffered support. A Card. I wish to say to the voters of Bntler county that having bad the grip and then taken a relapse, I was not able to make much of a canvass. So I take this method of asking my friends to do all they can to help me make the nomina- I tion for Register and Recorder. J. P. DAVIS. A CARD. It bavins been reported in some parts mmagvaafamnty that I had withdrawn my name as a candidate for Prothonotary at the Republican primaries on next Saturday. I take this means of inform ing the voters that I not only have not done ao bat never thought of so doing, and will continue to make every effort to secure the nomination for said office. HARRY L. KELLEY. POLITICAL.. The primary campaign ends next Saturday, at 7P. M.—the voting begin ning at 1 o'clock. There are excellent in the field for every office, and as the majority of Republicans are actuat ed by honorable motives, having in mind the good of the public service and the merits of the candidates, we can ex pect an unobjectionable ticket—one I that will command the united support of the party at the election. The ballot box is th'e source of all authority in this coantry; the primary la the preliminary step for the selection of a party ticket, and if every Republi. can in the county will go to and polls, next Saturday, and select his candidates With due regard for their merits as men and claims upon the party, we need have no fear of "combines," scheming politicians or ward-heelers. The Ohio State Convention met at Columbus, yesterday, with 1,196 dele gates present. Sec'y Taft presided, and he praised Roosevelt's administration but did not refer to the late flurry over canal supplies. At Barrisburg, yesterday, the Demo cratic State Convention nominated W. B. Berry of Delaware county for State Treasurer, and John B. Head of Greens burg for Superior Judge. ARMSTRONG county Republicans poll ed six thousand votes at their late primary. On Tuesday Mayor Weaver of Phila delphia dismissed his Sut>erintendente Of the Police and Fire Departments, on account of the part they took in the lease of ttie Gas Works; engaged Judge Gordon and Ellhu Root as cxmnsel. and prepared for war with the city bosses a war that will probably be felt in the politics of the state. An extra session 01 the Legislature to rip ont the Mayor is already talked of in Harrisbnrg. DURING the past three months half a million people have died in India of "the plagne. " THE next Republican primary for this county will probably be fixed for an earlier date than "the last Saturday in May;" but there is one advantage of a late date, and that is that it affords ample time *o ventilate any attempted unfairness, like the preset ' combine." THE arrest of Marcus Braun, secret immigration agent of this Government, at Budapest is explained. He was sent abroad shortly after the Roosevelt din ner at "Little Hungary," where he pre alded. to investigate the charge that] Auatria was sending her paupers and jail-birds to ns. He acted tinder special instructions from President Roosevelt, and it was said in Washington that dis closures to be mode in bis forthcoming report will be startling. Fact* already ascertained show that more than half the nations of Europe are emptying their asylums and jails upon us. £ini grants are "assisted'' by the Ktate and municipalities. Steamship tickets are' furnished, also a small sum of money to enable the supposed immigrant to pass through Ellis island. More than one million foreigners passed through the gates of that receiving depot last year. —Ex. J WATI XOTF.S. No word has been received from the Russian fleet for some days and it is supposed to have crossed the China sea and to have passed ont into the Pacific through the Balingtang channel, north of Lnzon. The Jap fleet is reported at Masampho, in the channel l»etween Corea and Japan. The Russian and Jap armies ic Northern Manchuria are doing some skirmishing these days; and the rail road and telegraph lines between Vlad ivostok and Harbin are reported de stroyed, isolating the former plac-? SOME of the former cotton planters of Texas, are raising potatoes, this year, on account of the boll weavil. THE Jap. workmen on one of the Hawaiian islands struck because a Rus sian was made foreman or overseer ant. became violent. THE British House of Commons re fused to listen to a speech by the Colonial Secretary. Monday night, and adjourned in disorder. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT, on Monday, reiterated his intention to call Congress in extra session October 10, to consider railroad rate legislation. THE grafter is doing great work in Philadelphia these days. The 75-year lease of the city's gas-plant, voted by the Council, a few days ago caused a riot in the Council Chamber. POSTMASTER General Cortelyou is determined to. keep postmasters from taking a hand in political affairs, and a circular letter, defining the duties and privileges of these servants of Uncle Sam will be issued by him. REGARDING that Canal order, Presi- Roosevelt is quoted as saying: "I want ed to hit the monopolies between the eyes, and I guess I did, judging from some of the remarks we have been hear ing since that order. Perhaps some of them will not want to put all their feet into the trough after this. " ELEVEN of the fastest sailing vessels on water, running from a single-mast ed yacht to a full rigged ship, started from Sandy Hook, last week, for the Lizard on the English coast, competing for the prize offered by the Emperor of Germany. The distance is about three thousand miles. IT is hardly possible now te keep track of the anti-monopoly movements in the Western States, Missouri, for example, has just passed a maximum freight rate bill; Wisconsin is making a determined effort to force the railroads within her borders to terms; South Dakota is thinking of going into the manufacture of binding twine to defeat the trust, and Minnesota's legislators are considering the advisability of a Bute factory to turn out harvesting machines. Add such eases as these to what Kansas is doing in the matter of oil refining, and we have indications of an aroused public feeling in that part of the country which may well give the monopolists some uneasy moments. THE excitement caused by the action of the Canal Commission in buying a few thousand dollars worth of stuff in foreign markets proved a "tempest in a teapot." The purchasing agent of the Canal Commission reported to it that certain firms in the United States con trolling the output of certain articles were holding up the Commission for exorbitant prices; the Commission re ported the matter to Sec'y Taft, who, after consulting with the President, told the Commission to buy where they conld do beat. This was done to the ex tent of SBOOO worth, and then the trusts "fell over each other," in their haste to assure the government that it will not be necessary to ko »bro»d Cat Uoilduuc material, but that they stand prepared to deliver all the steel rails, pig iron, paint and other supplies required at prices equal to the lowest to F>e found in foreign markets, and that ended the matter—until they try it again. School Notes. Dr. Crawford of Meadville will preach the baccalaureate sermon in Majestic Theatre, next Sunday evening. The High School graduating exercise* will take place in the theatre, Monday evening; Grammar school, Thursday evening. The Alumni Association will banquet in First M. E. church, Friday. Oil and Gas Notes. The Market—Remains at $1.29, in spite of the gusher's 1000 bbls. a day. Summit twp,—Vance, Frantz and Kennedy have located a well on the John Gilliland. Clearfield—The Malotiey Oil Co's well on the Frank Mcßride is doing 35 to 40 bbls; Flick & Co. have made another location. Adams -Eisler &. O'Brien have an other good well on the Staples, said to be doing 50 bbls. a day. Saxonbnrg— Mike Finnegan is drill ing for gas on the Wilhelm, and haHi 500 acres in that vicinity; Gahagan & Co. are drilling on the Miller heirs near Jefferson Centre; and the East Penn Co. on the Jas. Higenbotham. Penn—Parker & Toomey on the Troutman is reported at 15 bbls. Parker—Sedgwick las a gusher on Shakeley heirs on I tear Creek, below the Pump station, said to be doing 100 bbls. from the 100-foot. A< CI DKNTS. Michael Kochan was crushed to death by the fall of steel plates at the Car Works, Monday night. He was 22 years of age and a foreigner. Guy, son of Eugene O'Donnell of W. Penn street climbed a willow-tree, last Saturday, to see the ball game. The limb he was resting on broke and he fell 20 feet. He was made unconscious by the fall and was thought to be ser iously injured, but recovered soon after being taken home. An Oild Hervice. At 2 o'clock last Sunday morning the trains of a pacing circus, on the way from Clearfield to Bellefonte were stop ped at the foot of fht Allegheny moun tains on the spot where the Walter L. Main show was wrecked 12 years ago. and there, under the starlight, memorial services for those who were killed were held. The 1,000 people connected with the show and six bands participated in the services. The K«v. Charles Sbejtk made a touching address, after which the mountainside was banked with flowers The animals carried by the show created an unearthly din by their shrieks and cries, which were answered by strange animals on the mountain, some of which came so near that they could Is- seen, although their species conld nut be ret; ognizod. It is thought they included some of those that escaped when the Main show was wrecked. Too Many Potatoes. There are sororiues in alt branches of business and the cold storage people, who invested in and potatoes last, fail, appear to have been running against them for the past sixty daya. A dispatch from Presque Isle in the State of Malue, conveys the intelligence that more than 3,000,000 bushel* of sound and plump potatoes are lying in the storehouse* nnd cellars of Aroostook county, unsold and with no prosjiect of being sold thin season Last fall at harvest time buyers were offering 50 cents a bushel for the crop as it came from the ground, but the farmers re wembured the previous spring when potatoes * >i'l from ♦I.OO to #1.75 a bar rel, and held on and waited for a rise. Today Thomas H. Phair, who owns more than thirty starch factories in tie* connty, is running every one at full capacity, and can purchase all the pota toes he can handle tqr from 15 to 17 c&nUs n bnehe). —Ex, Memorial l)av. Rabbi J. Leonard Levy, D. D. of Pittsburg will deliver the Memorial . Day address at Slipperyrock. in Chapel Hall, next Tnesday, at ISO P M. and Dr. D. C Murphy will preach the menu rial s. nnon on Sunday at 7 30 P. j M. The members of O. Bingham I Post will meet at headquarters, next Tuesday, at s A M Ilev Robinson of the I*. P. church will make the address in Butler Arthur Love and family will lend their aid in observing the day at Saxon burg. At Harrisville. Rev. Kanffman will preach the Memorial Sermon. Sunday, at 2:30 p in. in thi- Presbyterian church: and \V 7.. M-irrin will make the ad dress. Tuesday, at same place, at 1 p nt. At Prospect Tuesday. H. I Paint-r will make the address. THE Chicago strike is over one day, and somebody gets killed, the next. DEATHS. PORTER—At his home in Lawrence countv, near Portersville. May I s , 1905, James M. Por'er, formerly of Clay twp.. in his 71st year. He is survived by his wife, nee Davis of Franklin twp.. and three children SWANEY—At his home in Donegal twp., May 19, 1905. Michael Swaney, in his 79th year. He is survived by bis wife, three sons and two daughters. WHITESELL—At his home in Pine twp . Mercer county. May 15, 1905 John Whitesell, formerly of this county. ENDRES—At Columbiana. Ohio, May 16 1905. Daniel Endres of Zelienople, in his 59th year. Mr. Endres' death was caused by a third stroke of apoplexy, which came upon him while visiting relatives. SHOUP—At Pittsburg. May 14, 1905. Miles Shoup of Frteport. a crandson of Massa Harbison, aged 59 years HARMON -At his home in Pittsburg, May 18, 1905, Francis Herbert, son of Clyde Harmon, aged 5 months. HECK—At his home in Leechburg. May IH. 1905, Geo. Heck, formerly of Batler. aged 42 years. MCCARTNEY— At the County Home, May 19. 1905, Edward McCartney, aged 3M years. BROWN—At his home in Penn twp.. May 21, 1905. Dr Wm. H. Brown, aged 42 years. Dr. Brown was practicing in Butler during the typhoid epidemic, am', has not been in good health since. He was a son of Adam Brown, and died at his old home. He is survived by his parents and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. A. R Burton of But ler, Mrs. John Dodds of Denver. Col.. John Brown of Renfrew and Miss Ada Brown at home. RAABE—At his home in Saxotiburg, May 17, 1905, Richard liaabe, aged 32 years. He is survived by his wife and one child. KEISTER—At his home in Forward twp.. near the Tunnel, Monday, May 22, 1905. James M. Keister, aged years. Mr. Keister's death was caused by paralysis, the tirst shock coming some years ago He is survived by his wife, nee Kelly, a sister of Mrs. Cornelius and Harry of Butler, and four children. GOLD—At his home in Butler. May 22, 1905, Lewis, son of Braden Gold.aged 4 years. The boys death was caused by te tanus or lockjaw, brought on by step ping upon a rusty nail. DOUGLASS-At West Liberty, May 10, 1905, Miss Becca Douglass. McCOY—At her home in Cherry twp., May 22, 1905, Mrs. H. C. McCoy in her 82nd year. DAVIDSON —At his home in Slippery rock twp , May 23rd, 1905, Isaac A. Davidson, in his 80th. Mr. Davidson suffered a stroke of apoplexy last winter and has not been well since. He is survived by his son Archie in Butler, and Elmer and daughter Maggie at home. PLAISTED—At his home in Renfrew. May 23, 1905, James Plaisted, aged 70 years. Obituary. Eli E. Williams of ScrubgrasH twp , Veil an KO county, near the Hutler comi ty line, died last Wednesday, about (K) years. Mr». Mary A. Livermore, the famous temperance lecturer and female Htif • died at her home in Melrose Mats., Tuesday, in her 85th year. JndKe Albion \V. Tonrgee of May ville. N. Y., American consul of lior deaux, France, died there, last Kund »y, of acute uraemia, which resulted from an old wjund. Judge Tonrgee was taken «eriously ill some months ago,but his condition afterward improved and it was believed his recovery was proba ble. He was a veteran of the (,'ivil war, and an editor and lawyer, in North Car olina, after the war, but it. was as an author that he is best known. Hi works include "The Fool's Errand," published in 1879, aud followed by "Figs and Thistles," "Bricks Without Straw," "John Eax," "Hot Plough shares," "An Appe-J to Caesar," "But ton's Inn," "A Hon of old Hurry," "Black Ice," "The Veteran and His Pipe," Letters to a King,""WithGauge and .Swallow," "PactolosPrime," "Mur vale Eastman, Christian Holcialint,' "Out of the Hunset Sea," "An Outing With the Queen of Hearts" and "The Mortgage on the Hip Roofed House" He wrote extensively, al io, on the law and finance and was for some years editor of ' The Continent," a periodical magazine published at New York and Pniladelphift. He wrote, too, "A Isy slander's Notes," an editorial page fen tare of the Cbica«o "Inter-Ocean." He was editor of the Denver "Times" in 187!), and in IHHO moved to Mayville, N. Y., where he made his home thereafter The System ijives on Good Rich Blood People Who Lack the Proper Quantity and Quality of Blood Fall Vic tims to Every Disease That's Prevalent. Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills. The blond is the medium through which every tis.-me, every organ is sup plied with the material it feeds upon and rebnilda itself with. Take away that nourishment by letting the blood run down in quantity and quality and you take away th- power of an organ or tissue to resnpply waste or rebuild itself. In other words, the system starves: color, appetite, steadiness, en ergy, vigor, vitality all are lost and »i condition of mental and physical pros tration nets in. This condition Dr. A. W Chase's Nerve Pills positively cure by their power to manufacture good, rich, nutritious, oxygen carrying blood, a blood that carries to every organ the very material it lives and thrives upon. Mr George Horkins of We-tirighotiMt Avi flue, Wilmerdlntf, l'.t , saj« "I begxt: to nse Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve "ills in Pittsburg. I was at the time badly run down, weak nervous conld not eat cold ail the time, as my blood wss thin, and (lid not deep well. The medicine put me in splendid shape rapidly and easily, giving me steady nerves a flue appetite restful sleep ;t general feeling of energy and vigor and good rich blood showed in th» way my color came back Tie* medicine is Certainly a grand one and i am only too glad to say so. 50 cents a bo* at dealers or Dr. A. W Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Por trait and signature of A, W. Chase. M D.. on every package. For sale by Redick and Grohrnan, druggists, I' l '' N- Main St Butler, Pa. M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director, £45 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs ot Ven. Ex.. I I. Fa.. Lev. l a.. &r., issued outof the Court of ( Common Pleas of Butler Co., Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court Hou.v in the borough of Butler, Pa. on Friday, tlie —nrsou township. Butler j ••ounty. Pa., bounded as follows. to-»it: Be- j .itining at a post in the middle of the Saxon ; road thencf sout i «T : j d<'g east hy I lannxif Arthur In irs and A. SI. Johnston i Hii r.'-10 jH-n-hes to a tiost: thence south tiy j lands or John Emeriek Tfi • 1" Derches to a i>ost: T hi'nci' wt'st by lands of .!amt s Arm- i strong 11- ; per»*hes to a post; thence north Jj deg west .">1 peivhfs to the place of l>egin ••ontalnini: lliiriy-two rJ) :«>-ri's and in perches n which is errected a frame UwelUnx house and outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Maggie A. Snyder and I'hilip W. Snyder at the suit of At llulT. K. I> N' In. Jute- term, l'.«Ci. A. >l. Chrisiley. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Cyrus 11. Knox. Mary If. Knox. of. in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated In Evans City. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by )."> feet by an alley, east by H.> feet by Porter Alley, south by J5 by a ; thence run ning southwardly along line of lot No. «'.i H distance of seveuty-ono and 51-K«J (71 .>l-li«») feet to the place of beginning; being lot No. s» in the John K. Kavanaugh plan of lots, said plot and plan be;rig recorded in the Re corder's oftlce, In and for Butler Co., Pa. In l'Lan ISook N0.2. page i, and being the same premises that were granted and coveyed un to Joseph. Charles and Michael Kallaa by John 11. Cavanaugh et u'. by their deeu dated July 19th. recorded as aforesaid in Deed llook No. _'II. page lit. and having thereon erected a three story brick building, subject to the payment of mortgage dated January 'ith. 100). with a real debt of J..||ni.m said mortgage- being recorded in mortgage book No. Ti. page !4.~>. Seized ami taken in execution as tin- prop erty of Jos Kalina, C'has Kalina and Michael Kalina at the suit of The Public Trust < 0.. now for usoof International Saving v Trust Co., see Slerger at Charter Book No. 4. page t. E. I>. No. •i*. Jnne Term. 1!<05. C. K. Meeder. Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Blanche T. l)lght and J. C'. Diglit, of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of laud, situated in ( berry township. Butler county, Pa., lxiunded :es follows, to-wit: On the north by landsof Robert Hogg,east by lands of Anna Bllllngsley and .Mellon, south by the public ro«d known as (lie Anandale and New Hope road and on the west by I anus of H S Ryan; containing l»4 acres, more or less, being the same property vested in .1. C. Ij)ght. by deed recorded in the Recorder's ollice of Butler county. In Deed Book \ ol Page L. an4) aires, hav ing t on erected a frame house and out buildings. - n- t , A 1- \ - iu t'Uvcut !«»»> tho prop erty of James . Buchanan at th© suit of Morrow and Black Harris ami Morrow now for usi* of Caroline B, Morrow. E. No. U, June Terra. I«J<*."». bredin, Ait .y. All t he rixht, title, Interest ar»d claim of J. tl. O'llonnel, morttfuKor, with nf>tlce to W. J. r'chlaKenhoupt, tern; tenant, of. In arid to those iwo certain pieces of land, situated in ASh tfh'-ny township, Butler county. Pa., to wit: One of the sane' known as Kenfirlc tract and formerly < ontainlnic one iiundrcd ;wres. more <>r less, bounded on the north i>y lands of the heirs of .1 ami's Anderson, east hy lands formerly of Samuel Crawford now of William Kama and James Jolly, south l.y lands of James Jolly, and on tlie west hy land* furim-rlv "t Alexander Cirand IDW .Matt In a arni blaek and le irs of James Andersen, saving and exiepting thereof a certain pleee of tho southwest corner then* of; containing ten (10) aeres eonveved hy Walter l.yon of Allegheny county, l*a., ex ecutor* ami trustees (ft the estate of Dr. A. VV, Crawford, deceased to I'. U. Solllnger i»y deed dated Jan. nth, IWift, and recorded in Butler county In Deed Book Vol. I'it, page m. A IMO All that certain tract known as the Klsdaddon tract containing one hundred and twenty-eight (l-X> acres, more or hound ed on the north hy lands of Hloan, east hy lands of heirs of NVllllarji l'orlerfleld and Osmah, south hy landsof the heirs of Alex ander (irant and on tlie west hy lands of the heirs or William Crawford, this conveyance being made and accepted however subject to any oil or gas leases of the said lands made hy tie- said A. W. ( rawford, deceased, during his lifetime, being the same pieces of land conveyed to said J. 11. O Uonnell, mortgagor, t»y May (i. Walker b/ deed dated November I ith. A. I'. it«M. to be recorded. Seized and taken in execution as tin- prop erty of J. 11. O'llonnel I, mortgager, with notice to \\ . 11. Hchlagenhoupt, terre tenant, i.t the suit of James Bredin K. I>. No. 2< and :il, June Term. Harry \,. Orabam and W. 11. Luak, A tt'ys. All the right. title, Intercut and claim of Jacob Schumacker, mortgagor, and H. It. Klln« , M-rre truant, of, In and to all iltat certain piece or parcel of land, Mltuated in I*'rank 11 II township. Kutler county, I'u., (rounded us follows, to-wit: On the north by lands oT Jaim <-ratty and Churles Galla gher, east by lands now or fermerly belong ing to heir* of I'hillp Minn, smith hy lands now or formerly owned by .larnes Kiddle, and on tli•? w«'."»t l>y lands of William ICalston and public road; containing one hundred and six (10«) act* s of land, more or less, being same land which William Gallagher died wi/.f. Graham and by the bald Walter l*. Oraham and wife. Margaret Graham, conveyed by du* d dated »he inth day of December, A. D. IWKI, recorded In the oflice aforesaid In Deed Hook ill. page 'O4 to Albln Sbult/ and by the said Albln Sbult/. and I'auline-hull/, his wife, conveyed the »ame to Jacob Schumacker deed elated the 'ill 11 day of August A. !».. i»'d. recorded in the ofllee aforesaid In Deed Hook 147, page 117, and by the said Jacob N'humaiker, «t ux. conveyed the name to K. K. Kline by deed dated Fell. Hth, ItKil. recorded in the of fice aforesaid in Deed Hook IM, page !"4i. with frame house, bank barn and orchard 1 hereon. ALSO That certain otlier tract of land situate In the township. county and »tate aforesaid, adjoining the tract, airove fie scribed anil bounded and dexcrlhed ax fol lows. On the north by lands of William Gal lay,her, on the east by lands now or formerly belonging to the heirs of I'hillp KMrin. and on the south and west by lands formerly of William Gallagher. containing 111 acres, more or lens, and Irelna the same land sold and conveyed by the lllgh sheriff of Itutler < 0., to IC. McJunkin bv (lend dated and lu'know ledged March filu, recorded in llutler county tn Deed Hook II '. pa:;e fss and bv the said I'. McJutikln, conveyed by deed dated theHthday of May, if- to Walter I. Ora il AD), aforesaid. (Hcrnalnder of chain of tit li same as above i ract ) Hel/.cd and taken Ir. e*» cut ion as the prop erty of Jacob Hch urn acker, mortgage, and It. It. Kline, terre tenant, at the suit of Kmma J, Sadler. E. I). No, Kit and HO, June Term. !'>>.» W. If, Lusk A 11. L. Graham, Attorney. Ail the right, title. Interest and claim of Walter I/. Graham. mortgage and 11. IJ. U line, terre tenant, of. In and to all that cer tain piece or parcel of land, situated Iri franklin township, Iluth•»* county, I'a , tiourided as follows, to-wlt.: Oil the north f»y lanns of Jarnes < ratty and F. McJuukin, east by lands of I'hlllp llllun's heirs and K M. Met,'nil. south by bind., of J aims Kiddie, west by lauds of William Kuiwtori and a public road; containing (lOli) one hundred arid six acres, more or |es«i, ireJni? i he same tract of land which William Gallagher, late of I'''rank I If* tWD Hut hr i o , I'a,. died seized and which having Immi sold by Ids executor i William U.ilitUiii, for the payment of ids l debts by virtue of «n order of sale from the! Orphans'< ourt of Hutler county, was pur cha ed by the first party and conveyed to him by dei d of *ald executor, dated the J-t h day of September, 1* 's and recorded In Deed Hook D* of gald county on nage !*7 to Walter L. Graham, and by the »ald Walter 1.. Gra ham, and wife Margaret A Graham, con veyed by deed da led the |',itb day of Dec A. I» 1 recorded In theoftjee afo,c*4ld In Dec»i Hook HI. page 104, to Albln Hfiult/. and 1 I'aulitm HhulU, Ills wife, conveyed the same Ut Jai'ob Shumaker t»y rleed the -ilsi day of! Autftist, A D. l*'d. recorded |n the o'fileo afore .aid in Deed Ikxd. 147, page JI7. and by the said Jacoi. Hfiumaker mid Itachel Shu- ' maker, his wife, convert (\ the same to If. It. j Klin* by deed I ebruary »iu. 1001, re eorded in the office aforesaid In Deed Hook IWJ, page target her wit I* all and singular the buildings and Improvements, streets, lanes, alley*, pa&saxe ways, water, water course*, rights, liber ties, privileges, heredit ament* and appurtenance*, whatsoever thereunto belonging on or iu any way upper- : falolnif »ii(l lby re vision* »uoard dwelling,erected thereon. Seized and taken In execution asthe prop erty of Anna Angert at the suit of Anthony Thoma. E. I>. No. 47 and 4>. Jum Term. 1905. A. T. Black. Attorney. All tlie riirlit, title, interest and claim of A. I N. McCanaless. Analena McCandless and Analena, .>f, in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated in But- I ler borough. Butler county. !*:•-. bounded as follows, to-wit: On tlie north by East Jeffer son street, east by lands of heirs of George Ueiber, deceased, south by Klttannlbg M., and west by lot of Mary L. McCandless. feet.itiore or less. on Kittanning st and extending back same width to letTerson street, with a one story frame dwelling thereon, being the same lot decsribed In tw»> mortgages from the deft, to the pi IT., one to series s. re<'orded in M. B. page4o, and the other to seriesrecorded in M. B. r«9. page 121. the judgements froru which these writs issued being upon the bonds secured by said mort gages. >e:zed and taken in execution as the prop erty of A. N. McCandless. Anaieua MaCand less and Analena McCandless, at the suit of Workingmen's Buildlnu: and Loan Associa tion of Butler. Pa., a corporation. E. D. No. 4'.i. June Term, 1366. F. J. Forcjuer. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of The French Academy. Limited, of. In and to all that certain piece or lot of laud, situated in Butler borough, Butler county. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a peg at Corner of lot No. 2.16 and /iegler are.; thence along Zeigler avenue forty (40) feet to a peg at the corner of lot No. 2»>s; thence along line of lot No. ~S" one hundred and forty-five (145) feet to a peg on Itockenstein Way; thence along said liockeusteln Way sixty-one (lil) feet to a peg a, corner of lot No. thence along line of said lot No. '£>u one hundred Jnd fifteen (llj) feet nine inches to a peg on Zeigler ay en u#. the place of l>e giunlng and being lot No. Si* in \V. S. Boyd's plan of lots which plan is recorded in Butler county in deed boo* No. I'Ki. page 49S>, and b«'- ing the same lot con v eyed by itoliert jioyd, et ux. to the French Acjidemy, Limited. b> deed dated Oct. i ;ih. lji."2. recorded in said county in Deed Book *.'l4. pagetis. and has one large frame hall and dwelling hous<# erected thereon. Seized and taken in execution a-* the prop erty of The French Academy. Limited, at the suit of Louis Vemiory, Julius Horglne and Mrs. Alice Honlßcm, now f*>r use of Julius llorgine, Edward K. Weigand, Mar garet (lark and Charles A mould. E. I). No. 50, June Term. 15**5. F. J. Forquer, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of I>. B. Soler and (». A. Arner,of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Washington township. But !er county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of William Stewart and I*. M. Arner. east by lands W.J. Wasson, William Barber and Robert Thornuson. south by lands of William Dickey, L. Su wait heir?, and J. B. Campbell, et al, west bv lan is of William Dickey. Frank Milliard, et al; containing one hundred and eighty-five (IHS) acres, more or h ss, having thereon two two-story frame dwelling nouses, two frame barns i>ut buildlngs, two large orchards, about fifty (s(>) acres of good timber, the balance of said one hundred and elenty-tive (»H,'») acres being cleared and in good state of cultivation. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of D. B. Soler and G. A. Arner at the of John Berg & ('o.jj FRIDAY, JUNE 9th, 1905, At 1 o'clock p. m.,at the Court House In But h. D. No. 51. June Term, 1905. .Joseph B. Bredin. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of John Vlsjaro, of. in and to all that certain piece <>r lot of land, sit uated in Butler town ship. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-»v:t: Beginning at the southwest •orner, In a northeasterly direction along Bredin A ve. forty feet to lot No. M: thence iu a northwesterly direction along the line j «>f lot No. ill) one hundred and forty feet to an I allev; thence by the said alley in south westerly direction forty feet to lot No. f»7; iu a northwesterly direction one-hundred and forty feet to the pluce of beginning. Seized and taken in execution as the prop j erty of John V'igaro at ths suit of Martha Mechllng. Assignee of A. W. Boot, Assignee of L. c. Wick. E. D. No. s'i, June Term. 1%5. T. C. Campbell, Attorney. All the tight, title. Interest and claim of' Itobt. W. Ilervey. of. in and to all that certain piece or par < | of land, situated in Butler township, Butler county, Pa.. liound ed as follows, to-wit: Ou the north by lands now or formerly of John Forcht and by Pil low '•* le irs, east by lands formerly of Llda Marshall conveyed by her to BobS. w. Ilervey, south bv land* now or formerly of (i. Beck and by Ihmsen and on the west by public road and lands of Charles Duffy; con taining one hundred and ten W4-100 acres, more or less, being same agreed to be con veyed by John Young to Hobt. W. Ilervey by agreement and recorded in Deed BOOK :;<*#, pane 4 in. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Kobt. W. Ilervey at the suit of John Young. TERMS OF SALE—The following must be strictly complied with wheu property Is strtcken down. 1. When the plaintiff or other Hen creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on tlie writ must be paid, ami a list of the liens, includ ing mortgage search" s on the property sold togtther with such lien creditor's receipt* for t he amount of the proceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, must tie furnished the Sheriff. •*. All bids must be paid In full, it. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until one o'clock, P. M., of tin next day at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at t lie expense, and risk of tho person to whom li i si so *"ee Purdou's Digest, l*th edition, page 440, an I Smith's Forms, page M 4. MARTIN L. GIBSON, Sheriff. Sheriffs Ofllce. Butler. Pa.. May 10. !'.*)s. WIDOWS' APPRAISEMENTS. The following willows' appralsem* its <>f iii rHiinal projji rly ami rial i -latc Ki-t. apart for the beiieHt of the widows of decedent* have been filed In the olllre of the Clerk lif the Urphans' Court of Uutler County. vU:,» it Till HIM r. Walhu ••, |-« UK/ml ly, "■UK) |i. I\ K. lly, " " .in) '■ " Phllll|» " lirnMl, " 3>*» " Miiiil! l i Ufa, " " HCO " 1i,,, Hi W. Critchlow, " '.Hft Ailiim Ityi rly, •• :i(Ki ■ .lolift r«-nii«, :mio •• I'lirUlolilj."- Ml'-WMI •• ■ John Ward, nil •-tale, IVXI All personn loUirHMd In the aliove ap uralsementu will take notlee that I hey will l,e pi i ne n ted fur eon llrfjiill lon to I he Orphans' Court of litnier roiintV. I'a., on Saturday tin unit day of Jum 1M0.., and If no exeepilons are (lied, they will l>e continued alj«olutely. !„ R. CHKIHTI.KV, Cleric. Clerk* ClHee. May 10. I!*>:>. Application for Charter. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bntler county. Notice in hereby tfiven that an appli cation will be iniiile to the aairt Court or a law juiiffi: thereof, on the 17th day of June, 11)115, at ii o'clock A. M., under the corporation act of I H7I, and the HUpplementa thereto, hy E A. Heitz. li T. Unrchfield. .1. (J. McElroy, 0. W Mattern, Kev. «- held in Portland, Ore., July II to M, the Pemwylvnnia Railroad Company will run a personally conducted toar, visitiiiK the beautiful reaorta in the Canadian Kockiea, Scuttle, Tacoina ami Portland, allowing four days in the latter city for attcmliuK the HeaaioiiH (if the convention and for viwltinK the Bewla ami Clark Kxponition. anil five ami one half iliij'M In Iho Yellowstone I'ark, a full ami complete tour of that wonderland Ticket< covering every Decennary exponas en route, i xcept hotel accoiiiiiioilatiotn in Portland, will i>" Hold at the vmy low rate of Hi'Jl.'i from all ntationa on the I'cnrinylvania Kail road, except IV-tabur#, from which the rate will ♦"210. A apodal train of hii(h-iWi!ts. No. lnd and mortgage on the premises. WILLIAM STEIXACHER, Executor, &c.. of John Freshcorn. dee'd.. | Knoli P. 0., Beaver Co.. Pa. ] WILLIAM 11. LLSK. Attorney. Butler, Pa. JURY LISTS FORJUNETERM List of names drawn from the proper jury wheel this 26th day of April. 1!»05, to serve as Grand Jurors at si (Quarter Sessions Term of Court, commening on th'- firr-t Monday of Jane, 1905, the same being the sth day of said month. Bayonet Victor, Bntler Ist w, merchant Bell Thomas, Washington twp, farmer Black H C, Clay twp, farmer Boozel Walter. Concord twp. farmer Christy Samuel. Penn twp, farmer Dmbenspeck W D, Penn twp, laborer Donthctt D B, Butler sth w. clerk Eicboltz VVm, Zalienople, laborer Faber Earnest, Butler sth w, barber Fredley Christ, Buffalo twp, farmer Harper C B. Zelienople, miller •lauiisoD W P, Venango twp, farmer McDowell Alva. Centre twp, farmer McGncken Thomas, Clearfield twp, J P McKee Camdon, Butler Ist w, carpenter Michell Frank, Butler 4th w, carpenter Ruff Phillip, Butler ."ith vf, merchant Scott Wiufield. Summit t*wp, farmer Sloau J N, Allegheny twp, farmer tfcnith J D, Centre twp, farmer Thompson SO. Clearfield twp, farmer Truver Jehu, Middlesex twp, farmer Wick John S. Butler sth w. merchant Winer John E, Adams twp. farmer List of names drawn from the proper jury wheel this 2!lth day of April, 1905, to serve as Petit Jnrors at a Quarter Sessions Term of Court commencing on the second Monday of June, 1905, the same being the 12th day of said month. Bailey J M. Marion twp, farmer, 8.-trnhart Win, Millerstown, shoemaker Barnhart J J, Fairview twp, farmer Uarnhart P S. Donegal twp, farmer Hartley Elmer, Butler 2d w, retired Mack R M, Cherry twp, farmer Burtner R J, Jefferson twp, farmer Fieldiug John.Slipperyrock twp,farmer FieinininK Samuel, Venango tp, farmer Oant J H, Butler sth w, laborer Gillman J J, Butler Ist w, laborer Ginter John, Butler 8d w, laborer Gordon McClain. Clay twp, farmer (Jriesbacli Gust, Evans City, merchant Graham E E, Saxonburg, teacher Gruver Phillip, Prospect, laborer Hamilton Win. Forward twp, farmer Hawk Joseph Z, Fairview twp, farmer llinchberger George, Bntler twp.drillei Kanffman Wm.Slipperyrock boro.labo r Hogg Jas F. Cherry twp, farmer Johnston J M, Venango twp, farmer Jordan Win, Centre twp, farmer Kelly W E, Parker twp, farmer Kennedy F W D, Adams twp, farmer Knox lliram, Jackson twp, farmer Lindsay Goo, Summit twp, farmer Logan JOB Middlesex twp. farmer McGeary Eluier C, Muddy creek tp, fa'r McKinney John, Clay twp, farmer Mitchell Win.l, Bntler 2d w, watchman Moyer Krauk S, Marion twp, farmer Patterson VV (4, Jefferson tw|>, farmer Iteiber Edward. Butler 2d w, producer Kennick Geo VV. Clay twp, farmer Richey A B, Butler 4th w, teamster Scott, VV C, Lancaster twp, farmer Summony VV (4, Clearfield twp, farmer Staff .John, Bntler Ist w, retired Stevenson VV S, Summit twp, farui*r Thompson Ira. Franklin twp, farmer Thompson Milton, Clay twp. farmer, Thomjmon Itobt J, Butler 4th w, retired Todd Wilson, Wintield twp, farmer Vandivort VV VV,Cranberry twp.faruier Waldron USO, F. 0., V UKAUUATK BOSTON COIAKOK O» OSTROPATHY. Women'* iliteiuM-H a nj>ecialty. Con tultatian and examination free. Office Hours, r. Johnston. DKNTIHT Office at No 114 S. Jefferson St., over O. W. Miller's grocer? mWWWMMMMWMWm ? S largest Furniture Stock 1 |gg j| This Store has ever shown is here today.' jg jS Parlor Suits, Everything vou 8j sg Odd (Chairs, Bed need in furnish- jg* Room Suits, Odd [ ing a home is here jg sif Dressers, Iron | ie assort jj Beds, Brass Beds men * * s large. j!8 Parlor Suit Parlor Tables Large Mirrors IP Fine three-piece rnahoga- Golden oak or mahogany French plate beveled mir- KS 55gl ny finished parlor euit: finish, pattern top. highly ror, Yonr choice of oak ISC 2seats upholstered in a red polished, lower shelf, round and- gold or oak and sil- JS3S SSf silk damask A very pret- legs and well constructed. ver frame. Size of plate feSC ty suit for the price Price $5 18x36 inches fSg g| $55 Price $5.00 jg Corner Chair Reed Rocking Chair Rocking Chairs jgl Mahoginy finish, highly Large high-back reed rock- Choice of mahogany or to9f pSj polished, curved legs, solid ing chair with roll arm oak finish polished; wood fsi yw wood seat, spindle sides and shaped seat Very seats, banister back. Neat Vf~^ $3% and well made. comfortable. enongh for any parlor. gj Price $5.50 Price $5 Price $5.50 g S Extension Tables . _ , Vernis Martin Bed IS Iron Bed jss y~yf Solid oak six ft. long when A finish that will last for •v? • extended, perfect working A new continuous post rears; looks like brass, fcSg yCi slides.large flated leg that pattern: no brass trim- but much superior to the £5 bolts onto the frame mak- mings to tarnish; finished ordinary brass bed. Con- |gj ing the most substantial in green and white. A tinnons post pattern and table we have ever sold. strong, durable bed. very pretty. Price sll Price $6.75 Price $16.75 jj|j| 1 WALL PAPER | pH Floral and stripes suitable for any room; light, medium or dark patterns. s»| Prices sc, 7 l-2c and 10c. pp | ALFRED A. CAMPBELL. | ATTORNEYS. RP. SCOTT, • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office in Butler County National Bank building. AT. scorr, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office nt No. 8. West Diamond St. Bnt ler, Pa. I FIOULTKR & BAKHR, ■ V ATTORNEYS * 1 LAW. Office in Butler County National Bank building. JOHN W. COULTER, FJ ATTORNKV-AT-LAW, Office on Diamond, Bntler, Pa. Special attention given to collections ' and business matters. 1 D. McJUNKIN, R F' • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in Retber building, cornet Main and K. Cunningham Sta, Entrance on Main street. 1 IJ. HRKDIN, ') • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Court Ilouar nil. GOUCIIKR, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Wise huildlnu fJ* 11. NKGLKY J. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In the Negley Building, West Diamond. \\- C. FINDLEY, M • A TTOKN KY - A T-1. AW, AND PENSION ATTOKNEY. Office on South side of Diamond, Butler, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS. I) F. BILLIARD, I). UKNKUAL HITHVEYINO. Mines and Land. Connty Surveyor. U. F D. 41), West Snnbury, Pa. (1 V. L. McyUISTION, *V. ClVir, KNOINKEK AND SURVEYOR* Office near Court House I P. WALKKR, JJ' NOTARY PUBLIC, BUTLER, Office with Berkiner, ne*t do:>r to P. O Strictly High Grade j[ j; PIANOS AND ORGANS. ]}l Come and see me when ]| you buy; also sheet music \\ SE or anything in the music \\ \\ line. \\ W. A. F. GROHMAN, \\ ) ! MUHIC Instructor and Piano Tuner, Next door to Y. M C. A, j| People'a Phone j i * OROHMAN S MUSIC STORE. <( j f Orchestra furnished for all j [ )• oeoMkraa. -Jy It u a. Am <> m 4- jI J/. lil A ]jr ft 'fr \ I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Jernsha Bighatn, deceased, late of Slip|>eryrock township, Butler county, l'eim'a., having l»een grant ed t<> the undersigned, all persons Know ing themselves to be indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make prompt payment and those having claims against the estate will present the simie duly authenticated for settle ment to W. HENIIY WU.HON, E*'r., 8-16 05 Hlipperyrock, I'a. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estat« of Surah E. Dull, dec d., late of Butler Ixtrotigh, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment and any having just, claims against said estnte will present th«m properly proved for settlement to JNO. 11. Dm.U Adm'r.. Butler, IJ)>. W. C. FrNnr.r.Y, Att'y. fmr II. MILLKR FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. OFFICE— Room 508, Butler County National Bank building, BLTLKK MARKETS, j Butler dealers are paying ' Freeh eggs. 17 ! Batter 22 Potatoes 40 Chickens, dressed 17 Apples, per bn 70 Cabbage, per lb H | Navy beans, bn $1 75 ! Onions, bu 1 2"> : Carrots, bn (50 ! Lettuce, lb 15 Dressed Pork 7 Honey per lb 15 Dried Apples 0 | A Paint for < ?Every Purpose| r Yes, we have It, twenty / 2 different kind, from a half > C pint to a five gallon can. S / Let us quote you the 7 r cost of painting your house / c or barn. ? > Redick & Grohman) ? 109 North Main St., 7 S Butler, Pa. > /-wwvwww I The Butler Wood Fibre Plaster Co., Mfgrs, of the celebrated Blue Bell Wood Fibre Wall Plaster, the best and cheapest plaster on the market. We are also sole agents for the following high grade build ing materials. Whitehall Portland Cement, has no equal for all classes of concrete work. Woodville White Enamel Finish, the peer of hydrated lime for skim coat. Sacketts Plaster Board, you can line your house with this fire proof board at half the cost of any other material. Give us a call before build ing, we can save you money. Office, W. Cunningham St., Opp. Electric Light Office. Tour to Denver. On account of the Epworth League Inter national Convention, to lie held iu Denver, Col., July ft to !>, the Pennayl vania Kail road Company has arranged a tour to Denver under its Personally conducted System. A special train of high grade Pullman equipment will leave Pittsburg on Monday, July iJ, ar riving Denver at 12:1(0 noon on Wednes day, July 5 Tickets covering round trip transportation, Pullman accommo dations (one berth) K"i"K> and all meals in dining car when travelling on special train, wilt be wild at the following very low rates llarrisburg, $90.75: Altoonn, SSB 75; and at proportionate rates from other stations. These tit kets will l>e good for paasagc to either Denver Colorado Springs, or l'ueblo, and will be good for return passage on regular trains to leave either of the above mentioned points not later than July M. Deposit of tickets with Joint Agent at either Denver. Colorado Hprtngs, or l'ueblo not later than July H and payment of fee of fifty cents secures an extension of return limit to leave either of the above points not later than August H. These lils«ral return limits will enable tourist to take advantage of the |MR "y delightful side trips to resorts in the Colorado Mountains, the Yellowstone I'ark the Mraud Canyon of Arizona, and the Lewis and Cinrk Imposition at Cortland, for which special reduced rate tickets willl** on sale at Denver, Colo rado Hprlnga. and Pueblo. For further information concerning specific rates, stop over privileges, and r< turning routes cousult ticket agents A descriptive Itinerary will !«• mailed upon application to Oeo. VV. Lloyd, (ieneral Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia Pa. ' B. & B. mohair No cessation in the call for Mohairs —greatest in the his. Tory of that fabric. It's practical merits combin ed with the unusual prettiness of the Bradford, England makes give it a just claim for popu larity that can't be gainsaid. Price range, 35c to $1.75 — Creams, Blue, Pinks, Tan?, Browns, Grays, Greens, Blacks, etc. —plain and varied mixings In charming effects —small tailor checks, jacquard effects, trouser stripes, picote spots, herringbone effects, plaids, etc. At least a hundred different styles at SI.OO and $1.25. Boggs & Buhl CJrenter Pittsburg. Federal St.—Park Way—Sooth Diamo: d. Q. & O. eXCURSIONS. Sail KrimelHCo & Lou Angeles, C i»l On May 28 to Jnne 1, inclusive, the 11. & O ft. R. Co. will sell excursion ticket# from all local stations went of Pittsburg and Wheeling, alno Ohio Itiver Division, at very low rate* to Han Francisco and Los Angeles, Cal, acconnt Annual Convention National Council, Khights of Columbus, K ood fur return CO day* from date of sale. Decoration I>ay Excursion*. On May 39 and 80 the Haiti more A Ohio K. ft. Co. will sell low excursion tickets to all points west of Pittsburg within a radins of 150 miles from sell ing station. Tickets will be good for return until May 81, 1905. Pacific Const ami lewis and Clark Imposition For further information call on or ad dress nearest B. & O. Ticket Agent, or H. N. Austin, (J. P. A., Ohicaao. 111. Orphans' Court Sale! lly virtue of un order of the Orphan*' Court in uuil for the county of Butlor. Pa , 'it O. O. No. S4, June Term, A, I>. Il**l, tbo undersigned administrator, etc, of the estate of Arnold Vorpe, lute of the township of MtddloMi, Uutier county. Pa., doc d„ *lll offer lit public sale, upon the premise*. on Friday- May i26th. A. D 1905, at one o'clock I' M.of said day. tho follow liiur doßcrltiod riial vi*« All «l .it <"«»rtaln tract of laud Nltnate. lying anil being In the township of MI.IUI. Ml*. .Viuni* oMlotler, and state of Henn a, being niore full* described a* follows, «.,Jlt On th« north by lands of Itol.t. Kyle on iho eu*i by lands of J, Hurns and t\ i'acoe on the south by lands of Mlsa Mary Kvle iunl-1- ">'• Harbison, and. Hie we«t !>} lambi or Jw, Whiteside* arid Isaac Baydrri containing forty four acres, liXl uerche*. IMI I he sann'.inore or lean; upon wiileh Is erected u frame house. log burn and outbuilding', übout i acre* of good tluilier, balance of land clt>ar»d an.l under fair state of cultivation, younir peach orchard Just coming Into Ix-ar i tig of alsiut a&« tree*, aliout 30 (waring apple trees, convenient to churches and athoot, .'miles from plunk mad and 1 miles from r "'rKltMß ( ash upon confirmation of sale by the Court. . ~ , . Hald described premises to be sold frr< and discharged from all »«">»•„,„ ~ ~A <. ) )K FUMIN 11. MOJITSSIS. , An first mortgage*. E H. Nkoley, 8. W. Diamond. Adv«rtiM In Tba Oitim.