| BROWN'S |] HFine Furniture w [j and Carpets W We are ready-to-sell-with the largest assortment ijl of substantial Furniture we have ever placed on our ( [d floors. You always find prices an inducement at > k this store along with best quality. < J Fine Oak Rockers from $3.50 up. \ w Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces at all prices 1 r Combination cases from $15.00 upwards f Sideboards and Buffets $lB to $75 f< Solid Oak Bed Room Suits, $25.00 upwards ' w Extension Tables from $5.00 to $40.00. Iron Beds —a large selection — $3.50 upwards All-wool Carpets—best qualities —sewed at 65c L< Wool Rugs—room sizes—at $8.50 and $9.50 * P Mattings, Linoleums—at lowest prices V Brussels Carpets—best Axminster—laid—sl.2s J F We can furnish your home complete-and if quali- L ty and price are an inducement you will get it here. A r A SQUARE DEAL TO ONE AND ALL. j ! COME INLAND COMPARE. 3 3 BROWN &• CO. g North Main St., Butler. pj ■ Kelsey, Crown, Boomer I FURNACES. I ■ Coal and Slacl< Heaters, Gas and Coalß I Ranges and Gas Stoves. 1904 Washers,| I Sowing {Machines, Needles for all maizes ofß B Sewing Machines. Sewing repaired. H I Roofing and Spouting, and House Furnishing Goods. I I Henry Biehl, I ■ 122 N. Main St. Peo. 'lMione 4«-*. f* —■ ' * —i I [EberhT Bros^\ I PLUMBERS > S Estimates given cn al! kinds of work.' ? ) We make a specialty of ? C NICKLE-PLATED, V C SEAMLESS, / y OPEN-WORK. / / 354 Centre Ave., • Butler, Pa ? b Peoples Phone. 630. C PROTECTION OF TREES AND PLANTS DESTRUCTION OF THEIR INSECT ENEMIES | All growers of experience know that insects must J BV. be destroyed; therefore, all vegetation must be bpray aj wjHJF ed with some sort of insecticide Science approves. jy i.[ f users endorse and the American Disinfectant U jfJi Company (Capital $100,000) Gnrantees "xip - top" r fl'flK the l >C!,t ttn( l most economical germicide anil fungicide H \P . At an average cost of one cent a tree, or other vegetation gH, : • < of like quantity, TII'-TOI* effectually exterminates all In ) sec to, fungi, lice and worms from trees or plauts of any 38 Tl nature. It multiplies the quantity and the quality of £-• II V-* their fruit and foliage. H -A ~ ALL WR CLAIM WE GUARANTEE. [F FACTS WILL CONVINCE YOU. ' YOU WILL HE CONVINCED. / You Insure your house against loss by lire. Why not M 1 \ your plants against destruction? You Insure your house H before It begins to burn. Why not your garden before It H 1s half destroyed? TII'-TOI' is the best and cheapest 1.. V- ■ ■ PRICfc LIST. :a ounce can 7j« a Vt gallon J J-g 1 gallon jI.TS 1 gallon makes 100 gallons of ordinary spray. Special prices for larger orders. Get Beady to Hpray. Order AT ONCE. From yous druggist, or direct from American Disinfectant Company f 1021 Bessemer Building, Pittsburg, Pa. >9 MM————M—I—miIIHIIIIIPI I WHISKEY DIRECT FROM TH E MAKER ■ B Forst s 7 year old 4 full quarts for $3.00 W I H Packed in plain, sealed cases, expressage m ■ H prepaid to your nearest station. H Our (roods is aged in the wood, and is pnre and mel- BE H Hi Pjy low. better than yon ha\e bad from others for the B ■ price, or yonr money bock. H Any Hank of Pittslinrg or the Editor of this paper ¥*3 m will tell yon that our word is nood, and that we are BfllH responsible. 'Mi We do not hnmbug yon like so many advertising so jjjfi I "Distillers." H By from us yon get an honest article, made >s3 i from honest, select grain, by honest people , Send for onr private price list. H If yon will send ns the names of 10.good families in yonr fjjt'i vicinity who nae Whißkey for medicinal purposes, and to whom we ! may send onr price list, we will send jon. with yonr ftrst ortler, one qnart of Pure Virginia Homemade Blackberry Wine, FREE. y ■ MORRIS FORST & CO s % ■ Cor. 2nd Ave. & Sralthfield St., PltUburg, Pa. Advertise in the CITIZEN. Kecd«u nncoarasjemenf. "I remember." said an old nr.Tal otll rv-r. "hearing ot' an incident on board of a ship which was commanded l>y a religions captain who would not allow the mate to use profane language or violence toward the crew and where the work and discipline were carried on more by moral suasion than by force, with the result that things went very slowly. The men did not jump to the braces or ropes, and the general work of the ship was slow. "While at anchor one day in the har bor of Kio two of the sailors, leaning over the rail, were watching work g.> ing on on board of another ship an chored close to them, where the oppo site system prevailed. The air on that ship was lurid with the language of the mate, and the men were treated with a violence that was far from necessary, but the work went on quickly. The sails were furled and the yards braced in a smart nnd seamaulike manner. As they listened to the sulphurous or ders of the mate one of the sailors on the good ship remarked sententiously to the other: " 'Bill, d'ye see now what It is we want aboard here? We want a little encouragement:'" Cupid and the Recruit*. "Cupid is one of the best recruiting officers that Uncle Sam has," confided one of the sergeants attached to the re cruiting headquarters. "Back of near ly every enlistment there is a woman in the case. Covers' quarrels chase a lot of fine lads into the service. Your romantic youth gravitates to the re cruiting officer after a serious break with his sweetheart*as naturally as a duck takes to water. It seems to him the most fitting way in which to sacri fice himself when love's young dream is apparently dispelled. Way down in his heart he nursed the of making his erstwhile inamorata sad, and it's the army or navy, with the possibility of death in battle, for him. Again, other first class material is recruited by the desire of young fellows to sport a uniform before their girls. In such cases Cupid does his recruiting through vanity. But in both ways he manages to fill up big gaps in the ranks of Un cle Sam's fighters."—Philadelphia Rec ord. Corning Their "Dot." The manager of a large dressmaking establishment in New York says: "I suppose that the most un-American im migrants we get in this country are not the Chinese or the Poles or the Hungarians, but the Parisian seam stresses, milliners and lingerie work ers. These women come here to save the price of a 'dot' out of our high American wages. It takes from two to five years to do that. In all that time they never mix with Americans, never visit a theater, never make the first attempt to learn the language. Some of them g> to the French church 011 Sundays; otherwise tiny never leave their rooms except t > shop. This prenuptial period in New York is just a time dropped out of their lives. They talk of nothing day after day but what they'll do when they ;r t brwl; to Paris and begin to live again." Wliy Connhtnpr Weakens Von. A patient German scientist of a sta tistical turn of mind calculates that the amount of energy expended by a person who coughs once every quarter of an hour for ten hours is equivalent to 2T»O units of heat, or the nourish ment yielded by three eggs or two glasses of milk. Coughing is thus seen to be an expensive luxury. The rea son for the waste In force entailed by It, or one reason at least, lies in the fact that, while in normal respiration the air is expelled froni the chest at the rate of four feet a second, hi vio lent coughing it may attain a velocity of 300 feet. The Secret. | Wife—l rounrt mrt something today that I promised never to tell. ITiis band—Well, go ahead; I'm listening. When Yon Lo»e Yonr Tnstc. "When people lose their taste," said a physician, "they retain their old likes and dislikes just the same. Miss Smith, for instance, can't tell a slice of roast beef from a fried onion, but she dis liked onions before her taste went, and therefore she won't eat them now. People lose their taste through severe illnesses, and with (lie loss of taste tin; loss of smell nearly always goes; hence queer, cruel practical jokes. I know a woman without smell to whom a pint of onion Juice was sent in a cologne bottle. She deluged herself with this onion juiec and api>eared in a crowded heated ballroom. "To a man without taste or smell all cheeses must be alike, yet old Brown low won't touch limburgcr. He says it would make hhn ill, and probably it woqjd. It Is very odd to hear these tie ficlent people praising and condemning food and drink. They do it, though. They do it as heartily as you or I. I have seen old Brownlow send away in disgust a glass of white wine, claiming It was corkod, while at the same time he ate calmly an addled egg."—Balti more Herald. ,The ConfnNten of Wives. Occasionally the excess of wives in Utah leads to amusing consequences, as when one of the apostles Invited a visiting gentile to dinner. The guest lost the address and looked up the apostle in the directory. He observed that his hostess, though she answered to the proper name, seemed unprepared for him, and presently he heard her at the telephone. "Oh, Emma! Is John livlug at your house this week? Is he expecting somebody to dinner today? Very well. The gentleman will be there In a few minutes." Then returning to the stranger she handed him a paper slip. "You came to the wrong house, sir. This is the address you want." On another occasion a little girl came running Into the parlor while a visitor was calling. "Mamma, mamma! Papa wants his suit case packed. ITe is going to live with Aunt Km ma this week."—Leslie's Monthly. Menla and Dlcrtfion. Of all known meats veal is the hard est to digest, requiring live hours and thirty minutes. The Italians are a happy people. They are healthy and hopeful. Their favorite meat is veal. Vonl In the New York markets must weigh exactly 120 pounds to the car cass to be perfect. That Is the stand ard of quality and price. All porta of tricks are resorted to to hit the mark precisely. The question K What Is best for the human race, food that re quires a long time to digest or a short time? I toast beef is dig. ■t-l in three hours. We Americans are great eat ers of pork, which Is nearly as hard t > digest iis veal, requiring five lijurs nnd fifteen lujnutes. We are a nation of dyspeptics, reveling it ; fresh bread, which takes three hours and minutes. C'hlna and Japan live o;i rice, which (iigests In one hour.--New | York Press. PullliiMT Oatrleli Feather*. A man who runs an ostrich farm, ( asked the other day as to the method of gathering the feathers, admitted that they were pulled out of tint birds oijco in every eight mouths. Was the ' process painful? "Well," he replied, "about equal to pulling out your eye teeth." A go > 1 many ladies who wear ostrich fenlh* ers do so in the belief that they are thereby serving the cause of humanity. As n matter of fact, they are encour aging the most cruel and barbarous torture which man can Inflict upon a bird.—Sporting und Dramatic News. fg% Happy IW Ho Happiness must lie founded on health. Where there is ill - health there will surely be unliappir.ess. The happiness of many a home has received its down fall at the table, spread with rich and dainty foods. The first symptoms of disease of the stomach arc ignored as being disagreeable but not dangercns. Presently dyspepsia or some other form of disease fastens on the stomach. At any stage Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery will cure diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. But the ctire is quicker if the " Discovery" is used in the earlier stages of disease. If you have any symptoms of diseased stomach use <* Golden Medical Discovery" and be cured. * I feel that I would be doing an injustice to you if I did not send vou a of my case." writes Mm. Davicl W. Guice, of Hamburg. Franklin Co., Miss. " I had liver complaint and indigestion. Everything that I ate disagreed with me. I ruffered all the time with swim ming in my head; heart beat too fast: my feet and hands were cold all the time. Did not sleep well at all. Was able to get about but very little. I commenced to ti>e Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and ' Pleasant Pellets' in May. 1897, and by December I could begin to get about very well. Have been doing my work ever since. Feel better than I have for several years. w Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay irpense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. HUMPHREYS' Veterinary Specifics cure diseases of Ilor.s- , Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs rind Pnnltry by acting directly on the sick pabt without loss of time. .4. A. > FEVERS. Concpatlnna. Inflamm? CURuitlorii, Lung Fever. Milk Fever. B. n.?ftPRVI\S, Lameness, Injuries. CUHL£ ) Rii* utualism. C. CJSORR THROAT. Quinsy* Epizootic. CLT.ES J UUteinper. ? : EE3I WORMS, Dot.. Grub.. E. E. I COt'Gil*. Cold., Influenza. Inflamed CTOES) Lungs. Fleuro-I'neuinouia. F. F. > COLIC, Bellyache. Wlnii-Itloo n, CURES) Diarrhea. D>sentery. G. G. Prevent. MISCARRIAGE. OTB£m K,D:VEY A b la » der DISORDERS. 1.1. )SKI\ DISE\SES, Mange. Eruption*. CCRE3 i l lcer*. Greaiie, Farcy. J. It. j F. t n CONDITION, Starlna Coat. CCUti ) Stomach Stagger.. ax-. eaeU : Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Book, Sic., ♦?. At . or sent prepaid on receipt of price Hum; ' " ■ l!_-iuo Co., Cor. William and John Streets, 2,\w York. tiT HaOK MAILED FREE. PAROIO jj Looping. 1 ).U«. >iD. t-Kw <: n;/ v.- VV'ii'tdiyout 'Aoo'i brittli. A NYONE can tins Nai 1 :. ?."d Cement in t .rt o! each r >ii. |> EPRE ' .NT:- the roulU •> ycrtiS ol l.x. ericrce ->:ui Kx t ) -n anting. / \NLY requires f:vvyear.-. Net vvhei laid T S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate A or Shingles. KM AND ft r PAKOID is vorld MADE IN 1; 2 AND 3 PLY Other Fac-va, Samples and Prices are yours if yon will ask as L. C. WICK, BUTLER, PA. F*3 c t S ct) CATARRH In all Its ptsgra. J!*** ° ;the-and heals y f the U.- i '«l membrane. It cure.* catarrh and drives c\H away a c I-I in tlie head quickly. Cream Halm In placed into the nostrils,spreads over tlic membrane an'Ms absorbed. Relief is Im mediate nad a cure follows. It is not drying—does not prcd::co snc esdng. I.nrge Bixe, 60 cents at Drug giHts or ' y mail; Trial Size, 10 cents. ELY UUOTJIEKS. 56 Warren Street. New York Special Offer To those purchasing photos of groups or views, Bxlo, at 50c each, to the amount of $lO I will present free a fine 20x40, exact reproduction that will stand washing and not fade away. No bum work, but a fine permanent Bromide en largement, fully 4 guaranteed. This offer is good till October Ist, 1904. Fll H K R, The Outdoor Artist, Tlic Butler Dye Works SPRING FEVER (iood whiskey Ih tin excellent tonic. Taken either 'straight" or together with i little quinine or iron, it will overcome "that tired feelinjj" which in on us nil about thifl time. We guarantee any of the following Hranda fit for jonr Hkle board and all right for your stomach. ALWAYS iN STOCK. IIStH. I.AKHI. IIVFKIIOI.r. till KKMiK.iUKU HTVKitM)\ I 1101 l t'SON, IHtMMJEK. lltiilMifcPOUT. uud offer them to ytu 11 year old lit {1 vor full quart, r# quart* jjflO GR AITT FATIirR'S CHOICE. whisicev guaranteed years old, fcJ 00 p« r gal lon. We pay cxpr«s» change on all mall orders of |'» 00 or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBf. LE//IN & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IH WI.NES AMD LIQLOKS, Ro 14 Smlthfield St,, PITTSBUSG, PA. Bell r. ft A. 1450 [teal Investment*, Home?, Ooal Properties, Morti? f. | Fit AW if IJ. TOMB 803 Farmers' Hulldlnir. |*h«-imrg, Pa ('ofresponoerin* Soll* > DR. GREVVER, No. 229 1 2 SOOIE MAIN ST. 1 NEXT DOOR TO GUARANTY SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO , BUTLER, PH. ROOMS 1, 2, AND 3. Dr. E. Grower i- a graduate i»f tie Uuiveraitv of Pern mi l who is now permanently iiK-atul : t the ah'.ve aiirt. where he t.s rurn, women anl children. Dibeases of the S\>t"i;i. tbe symptoms of which • liizzintßS, lack of confidei.ee. vrjciul wtnkoess in u.eo and women, trail ri.--it!:; the throat. sp<>ti fioatir*» of memory' nnallr- to cot cent rate tho uiiad on r.ce subject easily startled when suddeuly spoken to, aud «»nil 'lirtresard mind which nnfits them lor p t*n<- dat'.es of li.c-, m .kiug ii.-ippii.e.-s imp sible,distressing the action OL the lieurt, deprtssioc ot the rii?, e\il torti'Od- cjwardice, fe«r. dreams, liielaL choly, tire ea*y of feelii:g HS tired in the mo when retiring, la k «.f vi.i 7£\. ner, trembiinj:, CWfnaiuo • f the wind, dc; a. con aMpHtion, «( •l j-.fiV.-!. d .-i . •,'M c> >;imv r o.- lu - medi 'el_ d t - r--tcnii t > peri'eci hrviiii. Lost Manhood Rest~r- d Weakness of Young Men Cured Dr. E. Ovi ft r's viriroiv'e lling cures V :ii icocl-. ilidrocele and Uuptnte promptly cared without p tin and r.o fiom hes'uess 11. the worst er..-es of Nervous Pro-tr .ti"!', Itlienm .iisni. Scrofula, Old Sore.-?, !>!,.<.">'l POJKUI. Skiii Di-f-i-St s and all «>? the E r. N>.se, Throat, fieir', Lnu.-. S >u. ic't l. v, i. Ki*ine>s and Bl» Ider. it-,2ii _C riles lis 111", S■rifture, Tn': M *7t'.ti.c r (lo'ters en red wi'.h otti euisi ■>/. fipeeid alteit'ion s dd !..« :h«- tieat iii-- ! 'it .Vasal (\it»rrh. ! •. ill forfi-it tHc miiii of Five Tl •.!■» trd Do'! irs for auv cas-- "i' i'ITS UU r.pir.EP'l'ia CONVULSION* iu-t li ■ ci.tn.uf cur;'. Cont>u ; tttioTi fii» and strictiy c-»x»fi dentiul. Write if \ • .11 caunot c: 11. Oflicehonrs—FromUa.m to 8:U0 p. m On Snndsy from Ito 8 p in. only. Eyes Examined Fres of Charge R. L. KIhkrATRiCK, Jev/eler and Gradua'e Optician Next Door to Conrt House. Butler, Pa pESairi^v^.Dsaii'sl S A safe, tv.rfr.fu r. iU .• Suj'pressed P vi Menstruation. Nev« >'Safe! B 8 Sun;! Hpectly! a (JuurunUed ■ Si or money Mt finid&l. ?ald for V w SI.OO iv'T Cox. Will lid tli tuon trf»U. to F H be iKild for when reileveil, samples Free. ■ § UNITED MCPICAL CO., 3OK LAHC*»TC«. »»A. K Sold in Batler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacy. W S. &E. WICK, DKAI.KRS |\ . nod Worked of s.!l Klcdfe TM '• >rs. Sash and Mou;tilu».b O" Well .1 b'i>ecl «!M. UrTl'-e tiS' Vard / '"nnSiiel' ifi» and Vioar e "-'ts cur ''rrr l>»» t >««t , pA We have removed our Marble acd Granite shops from corner of Main and Clay streets to No. 200 N, Main street, (opposite W. D. Brandon's residence), wbero we will be pleased to meet our CUB torn era with figures that are rii••• have t:tc -tired tha sole agency from tlio Stewart Iron Works of Cin cinnati, Ohio, for this town nnd vicinity P. H. Sechler Gen. Oyama Conquers, chiefly because he ! knows what he is doin lore V s I-h ©j 1 Real E«tnt>. and Insurance Agency, L!EZ' iii i>. St j t|3 Butler, i'a. | I f you have property j "J t'> sell, trade, or reo or. want to bay or rVfl oil' tie dim VJH List Mailed Upon Application Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you v uu the best for the least money. That is our motto.! Com<- an.l -oe us whet; in ol' anything in the Drug l ino and | v;e are sure vot. will cil' .:i air. We carry i lul line of •".••rrntca! , T. "'.t Articles, vt«. Purvis' Pharmacy S A. PURVIS. PH. M Both Phones. 313 S IVlair. Batler PI Gibson's Livery • old M«y & Kennedy standi First-class horses and rigs. Excellent boarding accom modations. Good and clean waiting room. Open day and night. BERT leCUBLBSS, lw#r. Pearson B. Nace's Livery, Feed sr.d Sale Stable Rear of Wick House Butler 'snn'j The best of horses and first class rigs «> w:tvsou hand ami for hire. Bi ai accommodations In town for perma niMit b irdlng and transient trade, t-peel :-«.re guaranteed. swb!c Roc n: For 65 Hcrsea a KIKXI c ass of horses, both drivers add draft tiorai-c always un hand and for sale Jem full guarantee; and horsei hi'iipl > ••» ur >uer uutlflcitloo b? rH;ARSON 3. NACC T" " W infpd vt '* a. tlv«' educated men of "iiitu business ability, teachers »r pro fcst>l( cal men i refcrred; splendid opiMirlnnl -1- for tl.e right parties: address. l).>dd. Mead & Co.. I'uraeson Block, I'ittsbu rjr, Pa. f»BO. W. AMY, FRAN'K A. EYTH, B©s. 2l» W. Clav. St. Res. l.t? Bradv St. Am\) ScE\Jth, Undertakers© Embalmcrs ROOM FOR FUNERAL SERVICES. Galls atiwered promptly to all parts of the cor.nty. Open all night. 247 Somh Main St , old Pestoffice Room. BUTLER. PA. ft. ;l l*hoiie 24.V Pro. f'hor.e <»3l. King ». Furniture Household Goods A i Last Building: Coming Down A d E*ery.hinc Must be Sold ia 30 Carpets Rugs, Linoleum Acd Fnrnitare. The finest *to<:k from St. Louis Ex position. Larze Axn«iiiist«T Carpets, that .are all made to lit rooms: cost anc] $«."» gt> at ?•—">. I Hrusst'ls cost SM) and £T>O go at ?!:.*. fi'), $17.50; will fit large ?»lze rooms. Koom size Kugs. Brussels and Inprain ?.*», ?7.r4), §lO and $!."». A rare chance. Sample 5 piece genuine Leather Parlor Suits eost. $125 at and S»V>. Inlaid Linoleum, thick as a lH»ard. worth ¥1.50 a gn at 7.V. (Mhers worth sV* >ro at 40c and 50c, Kxposition samples of l>edrooin siiit.s; once cost at #4O. ?T."> ones go at Others at £l2, £ls and fc!o. This is a sale of a lifetime. Must make room for new buildinp. We pay the freight. GOLDSMITH, Next to Pickerings, W I'enn avc. IMttsbursc, L. C. WICK, LlirißEß. 'rL X'l\i Western University of Penna. Offers thorough courses of itut uciioa iii the Arts; Literature; Chemistry; Civil, Mechan ical, KlectHcal. aud Mining Medicine; Dentistry and Thartnary Kor Catalogues addrrss S. 11. MCCORMICK. ClunKxllor. Pitt-bur*.: ra Q ar hop TTOHA the Barl>er T«wie and Dai UUI I I allu i»o UidepondeuL Only I weeks requlre«l Very little expense. Send for 14Q5 Prna Avr., I'tttHlMirgli, Pa. If YOII want to buy or sell any kind of buulness set CAVANACH CO.. 4-H Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh. PILKS AND FISTULA. Doctor Gintier, 7031 l'eun ave , Pittsburgh, cures to stay cured; als cut from a landwlen lo a banquet. r»bl«B ftcroened ofr for private parties Itusliics* men's lunch, ii.no to 2p. m.. 35c. 213 Diamond •treet, Pittsburgh, Pa. I IfiUllllW'l'v OBkMAN RE3TAURANT. I •* FrerTtMnp to •at and diink lenrvd In tier man stylo, 'imported light and darlr (>eer on draught. 242 Diamond street, Pittsburgh Millers Rest aii runt S; l'lttsl'urgh, I'a. Joseph Home Co's g?& v - Plttatmrgli, I'a.. open from Ba. m. mull »:80 p. m. Mr.li mid Lvncliri at any Hour. Special liOc Dinner served 11:30 a. in. to 2:30 dally. Woman's Exchange "SoS&g 111 I'enn are. Tables reserved for Men lt;»o until 5 lloine Cooking. FIFTH AVENUE opp. omm] Opera Honio, , Where to Dine In Allegheny. Sailer's Tavern Dy"t. Alleghany, I'a. LtillK (Miming Riiimi Srrolirt Floor. VISITORS IJEST DINING ACCOMODATIONS AT K. .(. IIIKIOS I, A DIES' A. OENT'ri DiNING & LUNCH ROOMS. li»i. '..'l Park "Way, Allegheny City Opposite Boggs A Buhl g. Advertise in Tbe Citizen. rAn nil r Two second hand electric] I UK J ALti elevators. also t«c hand power elevators -EF.LAITf.LEVATOH CO., Fountain St. near Seventh ave, I'lltsburj, Pa NIDLATO HOTIL Collins and Broad St.. Beautifully furnished, hoi and cold water In every roox, electric light. steam beat, con v»nteni to all oar line* and Fast Liberty station. A. 11 Cramer. Kan son Mgr., Pittsburg. Pa. n[rM Lecaues he neglected Ma hea.'. Ha I Situ MM to (H a toupee. • The r*. •ult was ha took t a cold lnjils headj moved dowow*»d. Pr-euaunis and ONDfRSOH. S will make toujiees to salt all bald head*. a Consult me. Have a full line of sentle fj man'* »!«*. mustaches, etc.. at the low- But price*. Office hour* from » a. m. to I 7p. m.»Cal! on 'phone :i<- Oram. * OPENING OF NEW SALES STABLES. Mr. Phillip Stelnmlllor will open new Sales Stable corner Third Street and Penn Ave.. Pitt-»burp. PH.. on March Ist, 190&, with an extra pood lot of Pit and Praft Mules. als»o heavy draft and general purpose Horses. Pliiilip Steinintller, Prop. rMPIUK IIF.TECTIVE AIiF.XCY. Licensed and Bonded. Room 4c2. :»I7 Fifth Ave. Plttsburp. Pa. Bell 'Phone 2>4 Grant. Night Call. I"JLN-H Highland GEO. W. MILLER. .Ir,. Director. Hany . Marlii\ STOCKS & Member Pittsburg Stock BONDS. Exchange. 3>2 Times Building. Pittsburg, Pa. If Ton Want to Make a Quick Sale oi Yoor rrojKrty or Business Write Us. We make a spei-ialty of selling hotels, stores, merchandise, storks and rial estate of every description. H. A. SHAFFER CO.. 4-10 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. ESTABLISHED IMS. JOHN U BAKBOUK Ji£. BANKER AND BROKER. 101 Times Ruildlug. Pittsburg, Pa. Member of Pittsburg Steck Exchange. H. F. JACQUES AUDIT CO. Consulting Accoustaiits and Auditors. Improved System of Accounting Installed, S.tecial Attention Given to Municipal Accounting. 511 Titues Building, Phone 2802 Court PITTSBURGH. PA. horses horses hors> s horses horses ilwfrfOFi horses horses JVMm horses horses Jfti] W horses horses m horses horsi's I horses horses horses horses hordes horses t horses horses horses horses fly WW horses fll Ma ■ t-»u. horses horses n[l horses horses H » horses horses - horses Imrses We have from 7.1 to IjOhead of [!!!l2hc horses horses constantly on hand. |,, (rs( . s horses Thea ® horses come from the |, orsos horses v "y '"' s ' shippers In the coun- hor9)?s horses i r - v - A" *?."' an " ,w> t! , nrsi -rr "y Horsei I have constantly on hand 100 to heat of driving, draught and general nurpos< horses from Pennsylvania and Ohio. Al horses guaranteed as represented or tnonej refunded. Come and see them before liuylni elsewhere. OWEN FITZSIMMON'S. Sali Stable. 410 U2 Duquesne Way, Pittsburg. Von need One In Your Kitchen, sampl< mailed 10 cts. Agents wanted, hav< manv. all successful. WORLD MANUFACTURING CO.. •Ml Diamond St. Pittsburg, Pa PEHKINS UNION DETECTIVE AGENCY £ll Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Established ISKt. licensed and bonded. Telephones (private exchange) 8011, lfcsi IMCourt. I*. & A. 57H Main; nlirlit call. Bell Hazel-S-L. Legitimate detective work In til Its branches, solicited and promptly attend ed to by skilled and lawful operallves. $;" eirs tmum 9¥AL PILLS ,- • v Ku*i V ► ' ••.1 in in* 1 iteM : >i - I. tip- ribbon. '{, ,1, n „ . rt r.i« ilmi; a» .ttbetl lUUdwiii. i ' in ni,in>. I Ji'DNNWTET, i.r " iif! It l*i,r>lc*el»ra, Trell manuu »i,.t *• Jt. IWf r.>t t . DTE.," .» WIT, br iTlurn llsll *..«•,> •. - M I.!*. 4old b) ail Itnartfi-iv cui 'ui.'.urß en.'iMCM. « a. 9t03 Siulhen S>|U«/p. t OHLAH fi lluUx •*«» Tm JT [C. F. T. Pape, | I gJEWELERii j ) ) ? 121 E. Jefferson Street. / THE SHOW YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR Tln« Only Wild West Exhibition Here Tlii* Year. The Only Great Far East Exhibition In the World. Pawnee Bill's HISTORIC WILD WEST AND GREAT FAR EAST, BUTLER. THURSDAY. MAY . \ :-:NOLOC:CAL CONGRESS. The only amusement enterprise presenting tfce n-freshinsly new educational and scientific WORLD'S WONDERS. ABSOLUTELY RIGdT UP TO THE HOUR. Commanding the admiration and respect of Christendom. Receiving honor.; and plaudits bestowed l>y whole Nations. Man's Brains Triumphs over the eh ments in the only perfectly constructed. ain Ollin Whose ability to ride the winds is practically deiron- AI K SHI H strated. in two daily ascensions from the hu>:h arena, fill I Vjllll • The only one ever constructed tha'. will stand minute inspections and respond to the will cf its controlling power, as d ->ph an obedient child to its mother. Over 1,000 men and women collected from such quarters of the globe that few white men have ever dared to visit. Picturesque equestrian exhibition of exceptional Novelty. Trne oriental realism, graphically nud vividly presented by real natives. Nothing like it ever seen before and probably nothing like it will ever be seen agixn EVERY TYPE OF MALE AXD FEMALE INHABITANT. Habits and Customs of the RED MEN—lllustrated by Themselves. Whole Indian villagesof many famous tribes, painted warriors. »iuawa.p;ippoose«. Representative riders with Native Stands of every European Nation. Many strange aud peculiar people W» ird music from the far Eastern Ilemisph'sre Japanese Cavalry from Yankee Nation of the Orient. An army of cowbovs and frontier heroes Dazzling military reviews by detachments of the armies of the World. First and only tannine Sinhalese Band from "The Diviue Island, Ceylon. Native horsemen from Manchuria's Hills. Chinas Disputed Territory. veterans from the Philippines. Prince Lucas' Famous Cavuliy from the Steppes of Russia. TWO POSITIVELY DISTINCT SHOWS The Wild West -With its Plainsmen. Indians. Chiefs and their followers, Cowboys. Cowgirls, Scouts. Broncho Busters. The Great Far East -Resplendent, in Oriental Splendor, with i>rubs, Rus sian Cossacks. Japanese. Cannibals, Eist Indians, Egyptians Sinhalese. Hindoos, Filipinos, Boers and Strange People from every section of the Tropical Ulmes Two performances daily—rain or sliiue, under rain and sun-proor canvass. Seats for ten thousand people, in a comfortable manner. Doom open at 1 and 7 p. m. to Congress of All Nations. Two Ticket Wagons and no Speculators—The Red Wagon for General Ad mission. The White Wagon for Reserved Grandstand Tickets. A Downtown Ticket Ofllce will be Established at Pnrvis Pharmacy. .213 S. Main St, Show Day, where reserved coupon seats may be secured at no advance in prices. *»»» »********<****** * ' * t THE LARGEST IN THE COUNTY. ? I THE | I Butler County National Bank, i I A good. STRONG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLE of f Buler Coutiy to do business wih. I /Capital# 300,000.00 $ Isx^la-jasss | We invite YOUR business—assuring ycih PROMPT, COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. § | "The big Bank on the corner by the Court House" | Everybody Praises the Home Savings Bank ! System. Have You Tried It? 3 Butler Savings & Trust Co. I 108 South Main Street- | - ' • ~=J ESTABLISHED woo- THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL 5100.000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS (earned) " DIVIDENDS PAID - - " " 56,000.C0 None Stronger in the Lour\ty. Subscribe for the CITIZEN *