THE BUTLER CITIZEN Thcrsday, May 18,1905. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AIl ma! than Mo, day morning. Bankruptcy notice, estate of Chas ] Sales for Jwie 9. Auditor's Report of Summit twp. Pawnee Bill's show. Campbell's furniture. Plants for Sale. House for Sale. Adinlnhiit «M>n and Executor* of ejtati ctn secure their receipt books at tt CITIZEN o»ce. and p«r»oni to.klnf put). Males th*lr note book*. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —A Chicago doctor thinks Americat do not eat enough dirt. Soda fountains are exempted frci the new Sunday closing law. —R. Fisher & Son have enlarge their photograph of the new oil well. —From 75 to 100 cars of coal are bein mined and sent out of Kay lor ever day. —A carpet was stolen from th clothes-line in J. H Steen s yard, Tnee day night —The Alumni of the Butler Higl School will banquet in First M. E church on Jane 2nd. —All Butler went to Lyndora las Saturday to see the show, base bal game and golf game, or pass on to th< . oil well. —Some irraves in the old cemeter; were opened, Monday, and no traces o the coffins nor remains buried in then could be found. —The physicians of Butler count) met in convention in the Reiber build ing, Tuesday afternoon, ani had an in teresting session. —The Butler base-ball team "goi left" at 81ipperyrock by a Bcore of 0 tt 4, but beat the North Washington boys yesterday, by a score of 4 to 1. —There will be something doing at the theatre every eveniog from this evening until Saturday evening of next week, and that will end the season. —J. 8. Wick now has his new store on S. Main St.—in the John Stein build ing-in ship-shape, and will be pleased to see his old friends at his new place. —The Memorial Sermon for the G. A. R of Fairview and Petrolia will be delivered by Rev. Laubaugb in the Fairview Reformed chnrch, on Sunday, the 23th, at 3 p m. —"Jack, the hair-cutter" robbed thrf the Pittsburg Union Spring and Manufacturing Company. Ebner board sd in the house where Kennedy and his wife had apartments and the murder resulted from Ebner's attentions to Mrs. Kennedy. At the continued hearing of the al leged case of the Commonwealth versus William S. Scott, Managing Editor of the Pittsburg Gazette, for the alleged publication, in its issue of April 27th last, of an allegad libel on somebody in Allegheny regarding the graft or dis nrderly-bouse cases; the Hay, or alleged "Straw" man who figures as prosecutor did not put in an appearance, and can not be found, although there has been n warrant out for him for several days But Messrs Marshall and Bowser ap peared for somebody and there was a roar of wind and oratory m Justice Christie's little office Monday, end ing in Christie holding Scott for Court. The dumping of this mass a trash upon Butler county looks like an imposition upon our good nature. Monday. May 29, is the last day foi day for filing applications for liqaor licenses. Those already filed are Chas, Stokey, Zelienople; Geo. A. Gehm, Evans City; H. W. Stokey, Zelienople, and A. A. Hoch, Chicora. There are now 25 cases on the y uartei Session docket for June term. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. W A McCormick to H J Forcjuor int. in lease and well in Oakland for $650. A D Sutton to Ivah R Twaddle lot ic Millers town for $1550. Jacob Bleichner to John M Bleichnet T>o acres in Summit for 12500. Teresa Manny et al to Wm Walker 54 acre lease in Butler twp for S6OO. Catharine McCollough to O J Gilles pie 104 acres in Washington foi $2088.35. O J Gillespie to John A Turner same for same. Henry Green to John C Say lot in Butler for S7OO. R R McCandless to Homer M Young 50 acres in Clay for $1750. Mary J Rodgers to W J Kelly 43 acres Muddycreek for S6OO. W J Kelly to Catherine C Watt int. in 43 acres in Muddycreek for S3OO. Barrickman heirs to Phillips Gas and Oil Co 10-acre lease in Butler twp. O K Waldron to T N Barnsdall 40 acre lease in Butler twp. for SSOOO. Daniel Shanor to C M Shanor, 5f acres in Muddycreek for sl. W W Robinson to W P Hines, lot in West Liberty for SSOO. Samuel Schlegel to E H Jennings & Bros. 50 acre lease in Butler twp. Henry Baker to St Pauls Congrega tien of the Reformed church, Donegal twp. lot in Millerstown for SI6OO. Geo. W Kennedy to Lillian Shaffer, lot in Portersville for SI4OO. Jocob A. Henninger to John R Henninger, lot in Butler for S4OO. Geo. B Sntton to C J Gibson, lot on West St. SSO. Thomas J Sutton to C J Gibson, earn* for $375. Jacob and Mary Goeppert to J I! Goldstrom, int. in 50 acres in Snmmil for *4ay Excursion*. Oa May 29 and 30 the Baltimore & Dhio R. R. Co. will sell low excursion ;ickets to all points west of Pittsburg within a radius of 150 from sell ng station. Tickets will l>e good for vtorn until May 31. 1905. Pacific Coast ami Lewis and Clark Exposition. For further information call on or ad lres j nearest B. &O. Ticket Agent, or $. N. Austin, G. P. A., 111. Butler Excursion. Pawnee Bill's Wild West Shows will ■xhibit in Butler. May 25th. and agents >f the Bessemer Road south of and in cluding Grove Cily will sell excursion ickets to Butler inat day. limited for •eturn the 2flth, at r>ue ot one and ont hirJ fare for the round trip. Decoration Day Excursions. Excursion tickets will be sold between ill stations on the Bessemer Road and a points on connecting one fare 'or the round trip, May 29 and !10th, food returning May 31st, 1905 Exposi-1 ion Parfe will open that day for the] leason. Holiday Excursions. The B & L. E. R. R Co. will sell ex cursion tickets May 29 and 30, and good 'eturuing the 31st, at one fare for the ound trip on acconnt of Decoration 3ay. Effective with the new time table Vtay 21st, all main liue and M. & L. Branch trains will run into Exposition Park. The park will open for the teason Decoration Day. when excursions will be run from Pittsburg. Yonngs ;own, Sharon and nearb3' towns. HOUSES FOB SALE. I will sell at Graham's Livery, East Diamond. Butler, Pa., Thnrsday and Friday, May 25 and ill, a car load of road and general purpose horses. A. C. RUBY. Insurance and Real Estate. If you wish to sell or buy property ,-on will find it to your advantage to see Win. H. Miller, Insurance and Real lf.fitate. Room 508, Butler County Bank building. A few pieces of artistic jewelry will idd some effective touches to yonr ? own. We have some novel effects in chains, brooches.pins and pendants that will be sure to take your fancy. For ientlemen onr new collection of scarf pins, link buttons, watch chains and fobs afford an unusual opportunity for securing the latest styles in these irtioles. We also sell Pianos. Edison and Victor Phonographs. Eastman and Poeo Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. Optical goods. Field and Spy Glasses. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Court House. TAXX'ORINGr* r-JL " -'ViaSg The Very Best Wool has been put into the fabrics of which we are MAKING MANY SUITS You ean submit our clothes to any test and you'll find them pure wool, with silk mixtures in some cases. The patterns are distinctly high grade, too, A suit made here from these goods will stamp you as a fine dresser in any company. Shall we make you one? WM. COOPER, LEADING TAILOR, Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa. M. C. WAGNER ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER 18» South Main tit ACCIDENTS. F. W. Cochrane was hit in the ey bv a hammer, at the Car Works. Fri day, and the eye was so badly idjurei that it had to be removed. iamuel Emmet had an ankle brokt i at th± Enterprise mine, near Harrisville Tuesday W. D. Jones a painter, hail a let crashed at the Car Works, Tuesday. B. B. McQuistion, janitor of the Batjl building, was caught in the elevatoi stiaft, below the elevator, Thursday evening, and had a narrow escape fron. being crushed. CUUItCII NOTES. The Euclid Ave., Baptist church oi Cleveland, O , of which Jno. D. Kocke feller is a member, is thinking of build ing a twelve-story church. A "sky scraper church will Ije something "new under the sun." The new organ of ilieCirace Lutheran chnrch will lie dedicated next Sunday evening, the 21st. when a special socg service will be held. All are invited. Two hundred delegates are expecteil at the next county S. S Convention, at Chicora, June ? aDd 8. Oil ami Gas Notes. The Market —Remains at withstanding the gusher. Clearfield—Flick & Co. have a fine well on the Esq. Mcßride near Coyles- Yille | Jno. S.Wick, j £ HATTER AND FURNISHER, £ I Removed to I 1 345 S. Main St.. J (J. Stein Building.) J t Two Doors of Willird HoM * 2 We are now open forbusi-S fness with a new stock of# Jgoods and want all our old J and everybody* relse to come and see us in# Jour new quarters. j } We are showing all thej #new things for summer. # J New Hats, Shirts, Neck ? Swear, Hosiery, Underwear.S | Straw Hats j # are all here, cheapest to # * finest. * B. & B. mohair No cessation in the call for Mohairs —greatest in the his tory of that fabric. It's practical merit? combin ed with the unusual prettiness of the Bradford, England makes give it a just claim for popu larity that can't be gainsaid. Price range, 35c to $1.75 — Creams, Blue, Pinks, Tans Browns, Grays, Greens, Blacks, etc. —plain and varied mixings In charming effects —small tailor checks, jacquard effects trouser stripes, picote spots, herringbone effects, plaids, etc, At least a hundred dlffereni styles at SI.OO and $1.25. Boggs & Buhl Grantor Pittsburg. Federal St.—Park Way—Sooth Diamond 10 You won't hav« H»>|r/ / your friends say / ( / ing It doesn't d< ■7 / / i / yon justice. Yoi E / won't think H< ■ //j 1 | yourself. Let n: If Y / A i \ make the trial. I( VI (\ , i Yonr satisfactioi .;) \\ 1 / i will be ours a; PV Ji\ well ZUVER'S STUDIO, 015 8. Main St., ButUr. I Trusses j | Of To-day j / A truss is an important np- \ J pliance and it is obvious that S f constant effort will be made * [ for its improvement. Every N l year does bring some improve- f I ments, and wearer* of trnsses , j r should have the benent of i C them In our stock we en \ / deavor to provide all that is C j practical as well as new. Our f \ long experience in fitting £ J trusses enables us to jndge the / \ value of new ideas and our J C stock is therefore an ideal one. S I Any claims we make for a v / truss we will guarantee. C \ Hard Rubber Trusses, » / Shonlder Braces, J / Elastic Trnsses, V / Elastic Hosiery. f 5 Abdominal Supporters, 7 £ Cratches and Fittings. / J Our assortment is complete p * and our prices are right. \ \ C. N. BOYD. | i DRUGGIS > S DIAMOND BLOCK. BUTLER. / Summit Twp. Auditors" Report. March 6th. 1906, Auditors met according to law at the house of Jaeob Blelchner. Aud itors presant. Jacob Blelchner and George Forcht. the newly elected auditor, John Herrit, took the oath of office. Peter Neigh and George Baldauf, supervisors of Summit township, Butler Co.. Pa..were sworn In office ucd the bondsmen approved of by the auditors. Settlement of Peter Neigh, supervisor fo the year lIXH. Whole amount of duplicate $1499 56 Work on roaj $1156 43 Not worked 85 .17 Cash from road taxes 239 21 Exoneration 5 .'ls Returned to Co. Treasurer 13 01 Taxes work 1903 sl7 si Cash Spent on Road, i "ash paid for work on new road $252 05 Repair and supplys IS 00 112 days at #1.50 per day. supr "-108 00 i 'ash received from collector... #203 55 Received from work taxes 23M 21 W42 7'J Balance due Fetor Neigh, supr 49 3 Settlement of John Smith, supervisor for the year 1904. Whole amount uf duplicate $1660 UJ Taxes worked on road $15:18 47 Taxes outstanding 71 62 Cash taxes received 58 28 Exoneration 76 Worked baek taxes, year 1903 $43 3- ' ash received from taxes 59 03 From J. W. Baldauf.collector.. 240 00 $ 299 O:J Cash spent on Road. Paid C. Walker, attornoy fees.# 79 77 Repairing 4 tlml>er for bridges 90 HO For plant. -.... 91 60 105 days at 11.50 per day, supr. 157 50 S 419 !< I'ash with 5 per cent :l . 100 00 Percentage 5 35 Return to Co. Treasurer 2 fio For auditors, printing A tiling. 18 75 Exoneration 3 74 71 7* Balance due Collector from 1903 ti 31 Bal due tp. from J. W, Baldauf, Col. 03 4i Settlement with J. W. Baldauf. Collector ol School Taxes. Whole amount of duplicate #1602 4: isU7 On Rebate #♦* 20, per cent #l!' 29... 67 4H Cash collected with 5 per ceut. 475 00 Percentage 25 00 Exoneration •*! 8K Returned to Co. Treasurer. ... U 07 Bui due School Troas by J W Baldauf 94 8"J Settlement with Andy Youst. Treasurer oi School Board of Summit Township. Slate impropriation #lll3 22 From collector 1372 00 Bal of last year from Col 142 79 Bal of last year's Treasurer tS9 II Teaches wages . SI6BO 00 Secretary, 50 oo Institute U0 00 Repair 132 Coal 84 08 ('ontlugences 53 85 Books 302 W Si-hool Supply 309 50 Auditing, printing A tiling 12 75 Settling with collector li HI Treasurer's percentage. 54 Hi * 92746 :t Bal duo tp. by Andy Youst, Treas S7O H Wo, the undersigned auditors, do certify that the above account is correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. JACOB BMEI'HNER, I UEORGK FORCUT, J-Andltors. JOHN HERRIT. 1 Holt's Greenhouses, E. M. HOLT & Co. PROP'S. Salesroom 247 S. Main Street Floral designs for funerals, parties etc., a specialty, POTTED PLANTS. Our carnations are now in their prime Aftermath. You didn't get all you need ed. We didn't "sell all oui pretty things. To help us both we are offer ing our fancy goods at half price Pictures, games, dolls anc toys at 1-3 off. China at 20 per cent, off Call now and get the bar gains. This is our clearanct sale and your opportunity at Dou.qlass' 241 S. Main St. Agency for Standard Stock Food. The Best In the Market. THE Crystal Pharmacy R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G., BOTH PHONES, 106 N. Main St., Butler, Pa, R-R-TIME-T ABLE! B R & P R FT Time table in effect Nov. '.17, 190 Passenger trains leave and arrive i Butler as follows- LEAVE FOR NORTH. 7:30 a. m., mixed for Panxsutawne; Dn Bois and intermediate stations. 10:31 a. in. daily, vestibnled day e: press for Buffalo, connects at Ashforc week days, for Rochester. 1 5:37 p. m. local for Pnnx'y, Dn Bo and intermediate stations. 11:31 p. w. niirht express for Bnffal and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 6:10 a, ni. daily, express froi Buffalo and Rochester. 9:50 a.m. week days, accomod&tio from Dnßoia. 5:34 p.m. daily, vestibnled day expre« from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash ford week days from Rochester. 8:07 p.m. week days, mixed trai from Du Bois and Punxsntawney. Trains leave the B. & O. Station Pittsburg, for Buffalo and Rocheste at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.. andfor loca points as far as Dußois at 4:05 p.m. Oi Sunday the 9:00 a.m. train runs to But falo alone. II & O IT IT Time table in effect, Nov. 27 1904. Trains for South and West.leave Butle —town time: WEEK DAYS. 6:20 a.m, Allegheny Accommodation 8:00 a m, Allegheny & Cleveland Ex 9:10 a.m, Allegheny Express. 11:40 a.m, " 1:25 pm, Pittsburg Ex En KM Nov. 27 1904. gOVTH. , WEEK DAYS A M A.M. A.M. P.M. P. S BLTLKJt Lm** 6 15 8 4Q 10 2 30 4 2 ..ixulnrg Arrive 6 4 s * Gfl 11 00 2 56 4 4 But?er Junction * 4 ? 14 « 30 11 25 3 20 6 1 Butler Jancttea.. .Leave 7 37 » 3211 30 * 206 1 Natroc* Arrive 7 4*i 9 40 11 29 S 29 5 2 Tareotnm 7 52 945 11 46 8 35 5 3 Spritigtiale . .... 602 5551158 3 44 54 Clar»uK>nt 12 16 3 58 ... Kiiarpeborg 8 21 10 13 12 24 4 06 6 0 Allegheny. 8 ft 10 27 12 40 4 6 1 lA.M. A.M. P.M. P.M P. 1 SUNDAY TRAlNS.—Lefcve Butlel for Allsgheu ('it} ami principal intonuediata stations at 7:20 a. m *nd 5:06 p. m NORTH. WTTH PATS A.M. A.M. A.M. P. a. P. 1 UHciieuy City Iv 615 Blblo 25 l."0 (I Hl,«r|»rt>arK 191 * 33 Id ;W 8 36. « S I ,*r. ai..nt « *47 10 46 247 ... Spriugdale Ill) 9 07 11 00 S 6 4 Twntum T 13 9 20 11 11 3 43 61 VHtnu 7 31 9 17 11 18 3 U1 6 5 Jane *r 7 ;«l 937 11 27 345 7 0 Rutin June 1* 742 94012 30 4 (18 7 t Snxonbatg 8 09 10 06 18 54 432 T 3 U'TLKU » 35,10 33' 1 20 6 06 7 S A.M.[ A.M, P. M. P.M. P.l SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny City for B* lar Mid principal Intermediate stations at 7:00 a. m. an 9 "0 p. in FOE TBL KAST. Week Pays. Sunday A M A.M. P. M. A M.' P ! BCTLCK. It 8 15 . . . 2 30 ' 7 201 ... Butler JYt., ar 714 •3 30 810 ... Bntler J'ct Iv T 4o| ? 4 00 814 ... Sou port fcr 743 ..... 402 817 ... Kitk iminota* J't.. 74H ,4 08 823 ... Leech burg " frOO) 420 837 ~. West A polio " 822 j 439 8 54!... Saltsburg .." 8 481 SOK 9 W ... Blairsville ~ 920 542 952 ... Blairsville Int.. 9 21j • • •.! ft 50 10 00:.... Altoona 11 35 850 1 401. . HarrUhtug M 3 10! ! 100 ft 35 .... Shfladahmta 11 623 423 10 20;.... P. M.IA.M. A.M. P.M. P.l Through traius for the east leave Pittsburg (UoJo Station), u follows: Keystone Express dally. ..3:00 A. M «nhatttn Limited, daily, for North Pbila delphia and New York . , t ~,, 3:35 44 PtotoavlV*ni* I.*w*He«* 7:15 1 Ni w York •* 44 7:15" \tlant. m.,i.345 .3* 6.<>7, 7.30, 10.15, aud 11.50 p. m. week-day a. Sundayi 9.51, 10.40 a. in., 6.07, 10.44, and 11.50 p. m. 44 f' Stops only ou signal or uutico fco agent or con due tor to receive or discharge ja^engern. Foi dotailMl Information, apply to ticket agent o: addroaa TUof. E. Watt, Pasa. Agt. Western Diatrict IvtWiWHftb \T«nn*», Pittsburg, Pa. W. W. ATTERBCEY, J B WOOD. (ion'l Manager. T'aaa'r Tratto Manager GKO, W. BOYD, General Agett. WINTIELD K LI T'U 'LIME TABLE la effect Nov. 30th, 1903, WESTWARD. STATIONS. AM PN Leaves West Wiufleld 7 30 2 4j 44 Boggsville 745 3 » " Iron Bridge 755 311 " Wiufleld Junction,., 810 321 41 l,ane 8 20 3 J£ 44 Butlgf Juuoth«u 825 344 Aniv# Putler 10 55 5 31 Arrive Allegheny 10 02 5 (X pm Arrive B lairs villa 12 45 5 2« EASTWARD. STATIONS. A M PI Leave Blairsville 7 50 2 2. 44 Allegheny ' 900 30< " Butle r 735 2Si 44 Br tier Jiiuctiiou 'lO 15 441 M u W tnfluld Junction 10 451 ** Iron Bridge *lO 40 5 M lV>ggiiTille ilO 50 sli Arrive Went Wiufleld 1 10 05 '5 3< Trains stop at Lane aud Iron Bridge only on Flag t take on or leave oA passengers. Trains Connect at Butler Junction with: Tvaina Kant ward for Freeport, Yandarfrtfl an Blalnville Intersection. Trains Westward for Natrona, Tarwutum and Alls gheoy. Trains Northward lor S*xtaburg,Marwood aud Bnl ler. B. 0. BEALOR, General Manager. BESSEMER & LAKE ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY. TIME TABLE lit edect Dec. IBtl>, 1904. EASTERN STANDARD TIME. NORTHWARD SOUTHWARD (Head up) Dally Except Sunday ( Read down) 10 I :14 112 I HT.Ttmco »~r 11 13 p.m.p.m.V.m.| STATIONS. ».m.! 7 30 1 4110 BO Kric r 7 OUI 1 W 4 30 1 0"' 10 M[ F»irvlt-W 7W 4 66 6 631 1 OiijlO lit! -tili-anl 1 7 37 1 187f. 08 v . i i 110 3S(Ar-CooaeauV.Xv 7 WIJ ui 460 4 .o ti hi 7 00 T,v..( oinicmit-Ar 10 * ' 7 05 6 .. .... •.> raix-.ville 7 r>'J6 6 U) 12 51! 9 (Ul Alblou H oOj 2 0C» B 30 5 H> 112 WO :sis ....ShiKlelttlid 8 13TJ 10 f-» 42 0 I:>|l2 3M 9 Br|—Hprillgboro H irj 2 13 5 44 0 07] 12 2xl 9 30i .<;onnenutvillo... 8 23| 2 1(< 60 e7jOl2Boi It 50Arr.Mc*'l vlUeuLv 7 47, I W 4 62 4 6? II .'d 7 47 Lv. Mciulvillo Ar 9 ftoi 3 1H 6 60 8 2212 2'J 9 22 A .< oll't Lake. Lv 8 1* 2 1* 6 20 6 2012 00 8 ISiLv.Con't l*ko.Ar| B 22; 2 80, 6 22 5 4.'. ... Ar.Llnesville. l.v : 6 66 « .vJl.v I.llirsville Ar 1 7 16 6 45112 12 « K...M<'uilvilie~Jot.. 8 42 2 871 ti 12 6 2fl II r. ' 8 57. llaruiown 867 2 4!4 C2O 6 2:111 50 850 ...Adamiville... 9 0:t 25«0 31 6 13 1 8 IU). Oxkikhl 9 13 6 41 5 07 11 3.'. 8 33! ...OreenTllle 920 3 lt« r> 48 6 ooil 2 n h 2x Klicnanco 9 2- 3 11J c 62 4 1 II 12 8 II Krrdonfik 9 45 3 31 7 12 4 2xllo 5k 7MV Mercer 10 01 3 4iJ 72C 4 itlO 53, 7 61 ...Houston Jct_..Jlo Of. 7 30 4 0310 35 7 :«.....(Jrovc Tity 10 281 40«7 60 84*10 23 llArriivlllc 10 40 420 p.m. .1 4010 In | Braii'-hton !10 48 427 II SOI . Ar.. Ilil iur.l . I,v 7 001 200 2 iu 7 00 Lv ..llilliar.l.. Ar II SMI S 30 3 X.IO 13'. ... ..... Kolster 10 52; 4 81 3 1910 anil from Kayior, and at Branclit"ti from Milliard. Train No 2 leavln( Allegheny at 3:00 11 m.; Bullcr 4:45; Kel.-tcr 6:30; Grove (.'ity 5:53; Mercer 6:18; Fredonla o-:H; flhenango C 52, arrives in Greenville at 6:87: connects at Quaen Junction with trains to ami from Kayior, and at Brancli ton (or Hllliard. I Must Move but Not to 1 Quit Business. | In order to save large storage on Pianos and small goods. I Must leave where 1 am by June first. ; You get the benefit. I 'k Pianos that retail for £6OO go for -S3OO. m l .'" Others in proportion. || Small Goods at Your own Price,! They Must Go. I Sheet Music, anything you want ordered,l wiil get it at cost. I Come and take advantage of this sale and save money. H , Pianos from ."525 to £3OO. I;. Organs at any old price. Cash—or credit —if good. I I NEWTON, I "The Piano Man," E 317 South Main St. Open Evenings. |' — . 'J JW- L I.JJ'JL JF L T 11 -I -51 _ -J L! L.l--L. .._ ISpring of 1905.1 I i,, House cleaning time will be on us before 1? i we know where we are, so a few helpful fe hints will not come amiss to the thrifty & !§: ones who want quality at quantity prices. p| ■ Our Carpet Rooms are overflowing with fe p the brightest patterns and best qualities, g: ft the looms can put out. Among which are ■ » the following: 1| Hartford, Axminster, Wilton, Velvets, Body and Tapestry Brussels. H || Hartford, two and three ply All Wool, Half 1" ff Wool, Cotton Chain, and the best and | : i- largest asssortment of All Cotton Ingrains t P' in Butler. |r | RUGS, DRUGGETS AND MATS. f; 1 LINOLEUMS, OIL CLOTH, SHADES | * K OUR PRICES ARE SATISFACTORY. |j 1 Duffy's Store. I 2 Choice Fabrics for Summer Wears S We are showing an extensive assortment of light weight materials suitable for shirt waist suits and fancy costumes. JR $ Fil De Soie ;v a • A product of the famous Arnold Mills, extensively advertised in 5 the Magazines. A very handsome fabric in choice foulard Bilk Wt designs. 28 inches wide at 25c a yard. JR W Soiesette * ' M Another very dressy Arnold fabric, having the appearance of a high 6 grade Jap Silk. Colors, black, white, cream, champagne, light * blue, navy, cardinal and brown, 30 inches wide at 2JC a yard. K $ Silk Colienne tR Uk All colors, 27 inches wide at 50c a yard. P 5 Silk Organdie ft All shades. 32 inches wide at 50c a yard. 2pk 5 Silk Muslin 2 Every color, 31 inches, extra value at 25c a yard. « OT Extra low prices on Silks, Mohairs, White Goods, Lawns. Batiste, K X Dimity. Percales and Ginghatna U 6 Notion Department S tR Special offerings in fancy collars, belts, ribbons, gloves, corsets. U underwear, hosiery, &c. V S The New Idea Patterns and Magazine for May. |L. Stein & Son, 1 5 108 N MAIN STREET. BUTLER, PA- $ ZxssxX9S>X * X>OOOOOOCOOOPOOOOOOOO»OPOO; I WALL PAPER : SACRIFICED! :: Now is the time to buy Wall Paper cheap— *J • And this is the place! Owing to the fierce cutting in our line this year we find our stock of ( wall paper larger than usual at this time of year. | THIS SURPLUS STOCK MUST GO! <,► In fact it is Koing rapidly at prices that would make oar competitors sick.© * Come in and help yourself before all the good patterns are picked out. ( I J * Our big line of Hammocks are now on sale-some elegant I C ►among them. . . I . t E£yth Bros., ;; } The Butler Wood Fibre j Plaster Co., Mfgrs, of the celebrated Blue Bell Wood Fibre Wall Plaster, the best and cheapest plaster on the market. We are also sole agents for the following high grade build ing materials. Whitehall Portland Cement, has no equal for all classes of concrete work. Woodville White Enamel Finish, the peer of hydrated j lime for skim coat. Sacketts Plaster Board, >ou can line your house with this fire proof board at half the cost of any other material. Give us a call before build ing, we can save you money. Office, W. Cunningham St., Opp. Electric Light Office. ▲dTtrtiM in The Oitisaa. |A Paint for t 1 - ) £ Every Purpose^ r Yes, we have it, twenty ? / different kind, from a half / f pint to a five gallon can. S I Let us quote you ( cost of painting your house / ( or barn. ? f Redick & Grobmanx ? 109 North Main St., 7 s Butler, Pa. > Subscribe for the ClttMS