THE BUTLER CITIZEN. WILLIAM OTNEGLSY - Publisher THURSDAY, MAT liTISOS. S:M ft* 7car M Advisee, Otherwise SI-50 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Subject to Bntler County Republican Primary. May 27, 1905. from 1 to 7 p.m. FOR SHERIFF, TOHN B. CALDWELL, Jefferson twp. ALEX. MCCUNE CAMPBELL But! er (better known as Coon Campbell.) A. O. HEPLER, Butler, formerly Oakland twp. JOHN T. MARTIN, Buffalo twp. DAVID C. SANDERSON. Franklin twp. formerly of Clay twp, JOHN H. TEBAY. Eau Claire. FOR PBOTHONOTARY, JOHN C. CLARK, Washington twp JAKES M. CRUIKSHANK, Winfield twp. HARRY L KELLY, Bntler. formerly of Worth twp. JAMES M. MCCOLLOUGH, Fairview tp. REGISTER ANl> RECORDER, JULIAN A. CLARK, Centre twp. J. E. CRAIG. Mare. J P. DAVIS, Butler, formerly Brady tp H. W. KOONCE, Butler boro. Formerly Penn twp. JAMES RANKIN, Penn twp. GEORGE W. SHIEVER, Butler. PORTER WILSON. Centre TREASURER, THOMAS ALEXANDER, Butler. Formerly of Brady twp. -JACOB W. GLOSSNER, Millerstown. O. R. THORNE, Clay twp. 8. C TRIMBLE, Middlesex twp. COUNTY COMMISSIONER, (Two to nominate.) J. S. CAMPBELL, Cherry twp. N. 8. GROSSMAN, Franklin twp. AMOS HALL, Branohton. Slipperyrock twp. NOAH HENRY, Oakland twp. W. D. HOFFMAN, Saxonburg. JOHN W. HILLIAKD, Washington twp. J. N. MAHARG. Penn twp. GEO. J. MARBURGER, Forward twp. 8. C. MOORE, Clinton twp. JAMES L PATTERSON. Jefferson twp. WILLIAM SIEBERT. Butler. COUNTY AUDITOR, (Two to nominate.) HARRY H. BRICKER, Penn twp. DAVID CUPPS, Butler. A. B. EKAS, Buffalo twp. W. C. FAGAN. sth Ward, Butter. JOHN A. GILLILAND, Summit twp. JASPER C KIESTER, Clay twp. W. B. SCOTT, Adams twp., Formerly of West Sunbury. CORONER. DR. W. B. CLARK, Butler. DR. WALTER S. PATTERSON, Butler DR. RAYMOND A. THOMPSON Butler. WITHDRAWAL. On account of other business engage ments, Mr. S. M. Seaton haa withdrawn from the canvaae for County Commis sioner. Tlie Coming Primary. The Republican primary for this coun ty will occur next Saturday a week, be tween the hours of 1 and 7 p.m , and it is to be hoped that the ticket nominat ed will be a fair expression of the senti ment of a majority of the Republicans of the county. Every Republican in the county should go to the polls, that day, and select his candidate*, with due regard to their merits as citizens and desserts from the party. Ever since this campaign began, how ever, there have been rumors of a "com bine" of certain candidates for each of fice to nominate themselves; and it is a pity that such a disturbing element has been introduced into a campaign that should be conducted in the utmost fair ness and good nature. Another matter is the use of money to secure a nomination. That is being, and should be, discountenanced all over - the State. Nomination* Moac«d by. buying up the "ward-heelers" or pro duct "workers" of the town and coun ty have heretofore passed unquestioned; and as the ' 'workers" and the men who sell them their franchises are joint Criminals it is next to impossible to se cure evidence against them, but it is high time for our County Committee to provide some remedy against the prac tice. An effort is now being made here to secure control of the next County Com mittee, for factional purposes, bnt if the Republicans of each district elect a representative and independent man for Return Judge this cannot be dona, and the convention will have no trouble se curing a competent and worthy chair man from its own membership. HARRISBURG. Saturday last was the last day for the Governor to sign or veto the Dills left by the Legislature in his hands, and on that day he changed items in the Gen eral Appropriation bill amounting to 1977,820, bringing the total for the or dinary running expenses of the state government, including the Public Schools, down to $16,800,000. On Friday be cut a few millions off the appropriations for the penitentia ries, hospitals an J charitable institu tions (reducing the Butler Hospital from 130,000 to $10,000) but the aggre gate figures were not given. The ag gregate of all his cuts on all the appro priation bills is between eight and nine millions. He vetoed 123 of the bills left in his hands and signed the rest He vetoed the bill for a $4,000 monn ment to Gen. St Clair, who was presi dent of the Continental Congress that adopted the legislation to enforce the Federal Constitution. The veto was al so applied to the bills appropriating $2,000 for a monument to Molly Pitcher, the heroine of the battle of Monmouth, whose burial place in the old cemetery •t Carlisle the patriotic societies of the state asked be marked with a modest monument; $9,500 for a monument to Gen. Geary; SIO,OOO to mark the rest ing places of Gen. Hancock and Gen. Hartranft, and SIO,OOO for a monument to ex-Gov. Pollock; but s'gned the bill appropriating $22,000 for a monument toM. S. Quay on the Capital grounds. The Governor had, it was said, in tended to cut the appropriation for the Hanisburg hospital, but the excellent work of the institution after the rail road wreck Thursday morning induced him to change his mind. At the Republican primary of Arm strong county last Saturday, the Heiner faction was successful over the McNees faction, nominating all its men—Wil liamson, Ashe, Black, Meales. Stone. Crawford and Oliver. At the primary in Beaver county nearly twelve thousand votes were polled on account of the "Judge fight" and Martin won over Holt. For the county offices Harvey, Mitchell, Pea cock. Sturgeon. Patterson, McKibben, Gormley, Swaney and White are the nominees. THE Russian fleet is yet sojourning off the coast of Cochin-China, in Kam ranh and Honkohe bays—going out for target practice every morning and going back at night. Daring the past month it bas con sumed 120 tons of coal, and the Japn are wondering where it is all coming from. Our government haa received "official information" that the Jap fleet under Togo has been assigned to the defense of Japanese ports—which may mean that the Jape have decided that the j Russians must make the attack, but at the same time they are showing great irritation over the prolonged ftav of the Russian fleet in waters tfaimed by the French. In Manchuria the Jap army is again (•ported to be preparing to take the of fraaive. TFIF. RAILROAD HORROR. No great railroad of this country is better equipped or more carefully man aged than is the "Pennsylvania"; it has four tracks between Pittsburg and New York, has the block-system to pre vent collisions, and has adopted all the best safeguards and most approved methods: and yet. it was the scene of the most appalling disaster,last WedneE day night, that has startled this nation for many a month—one th3t will probably lead to legislation regarding the transportation of explosives, new regulations regardinK the make up of trains,and the adoption of a safer method ' of lighting passenger cars: and which will cost the company hundreds of • thousands of dollars. The accident and the calamity that j followed happened ou the banks of the j Susquehanna, just below Harrisburg At about 1:30, o'clock that night, an unusually long freight train, going; East, was flagged by a shifting engine ! on the same track, and which was! pushing some freight cars into the yard there. The engineer of the freight ap plied the air-brakes, but an air hose near the middle of the long train ex ploded, which left the front end of the train locked, but unlocked the rear end, and the impact of the rear cars upon the front ones, derailed two of the middle cars of the train and threw them across thp passenger tracks. A moment later the Cleveland & Cincinnati Express going west and com posed of two or three baggage cars and several Pullman sleepers, and running at high speed, crashed into the wrecked cars, and came to a standstill within the length of itself—the impact throw ing the sleeping passengers from their births, and rupturing or causing to leak the numerous gas-tanks under the Pull mans, which supply the Pintsch lights. The collision was followed by a tre mendous explosion—one that shook the city and surrounding country—that de molished the cars within its range, and set fire to the wreckage—one of the wrecked cars contained twenty-thous and pounds of blasting powder, and it had exploded. The fire followed the leaking gas under the Pullmans and one after another the gas tanks or reser voirs exploded, wrecking the cars; kill ing, wounding and imprisoning the passengers, setting fire to the wreck age, and burning the cars and pas sengers. Ten charred and unrecogniz able bodies were taken from nnder the twisted irons and the ashes of one burned car. The dazed and half naked passengers who managed to escape from the broken and burning cars, had to stand there helpless and see their late companions, caught in the wreck being burned to death. Twenty-three people were either killed out right, burned to death or died of their injuries, and many injured. Four prominent men of Pittsburg were among the killed. The disaster will be thoroughly investigated. Many of the passengers escaped from the cars before the explosion of the powder, but these were all hurt by the mighty concussion that followed. People in the cars that were not damag ed by the explosion began to dress hurriedly. Some of them were partially dressed, when there came a series of smaller explosions from the death-deal ing gas tanks. The gas tanks blew up one after another as. the flames which enveloped the wreck reached the leaking gas. The floors of the cars rose, the roofs parted and the cars settled to the tracks a mass of broken timbers and twisted and bent iron. Those who escaped saw fellow pas sengers pinioned in the wreckage, but fear of further explosions and the fierce heat of the flames prevented them from rescuing any of the victims. None of the fortunate ones had any protection from the night air and became chiiled. Those who escaped after the first ex plosion were almost made naked by the concussion of the second. Within a few hundred feet of the scene of the accident is the Paxtang Electric works. The explosion wrecked every window in the building. The clock in the dynamo room stopped at 1:30, which sets definitely the hour of the wreck. The frightened pastengers ran about like persons crazed. The river showed dimly in the darkness and all rushed for^ The force of the explosions blew all the windows and doors out of Lochiel row. which is a number of tenement houses a few hundred feet away from the wreck. These houses are inhabited by negroes, foreigners of many nation alities and poor Americans, who work in the furnaces nearby and at Steelton. These poor people, who were blown from their beds by the explosion, did heroic service giving first aid to the suf ferers All they had was gladly given to cover the victims of the wrecked train. The men carried some of the wound ed into their homes. Others carried the injured into the electric light plant, which for a time was turned into a tem porary hospital. The place where the wreck occurred is isolated and it was some time before word could reach Harrisburg end physicians could be called out. The women in Lochiel row, some of whom gave their dresses to cover their nnfortuate sisters, ministered to the wounded as they were brought into their homes. Their bedclothing was torn into bandages and their heavy quilts given to cover those without clothing. By the time the physicians arrived the injured had been taken care of in some crude manner. SINCE the tornadoes and cyclones of last week the people of Oklahoma have been digging cyclone-cellars. Five thousand of them were dug in the "New Country" last week. THE Corner's Jury in the Harrisburg railroad horror says the wreck was un avoidable, under present conditions, and that the car of powder was explod ed by the blaze started by the wrecked engine. The day will probably come whin the great trunk railroads will have separate and distinct roads, not lines, for passenger and freight services. The Critical Periods in a Woman's Life Are When the Change Comes From Childhood to Womanhood and Later When the Organs of the Pelvic Region Cease Their Work. DR. A. W. CHASE'S MERYK PILLS. When the child changes from girlhtod to womanhood and again later in life when the organs of the pelvic region cease their work, there is a strain thrown upon the nervous system, that requires outside aid that there may be snpplied a proper amount of additional strength and reaistive power. This Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills do to a certainty by their ability to supply to the nervous system and the organs affected, an amount of nerve strength and energy that enables them to accommodate them selves rapidly and easily to the changes taking place. Mrs. Julia Rowland, of No. 204 Pearl St., Buffalo, writes "Both myself and daughter, aged 17,1 are deeply indebted to Dr. A. W. Chase and bis Nerve Pills. They certainly are a grand tonic to the nerves I used them about a year ago. to give uie the strength and vitality to go through the ordeal that usually comes to woman at change of life, and found all the nerv ousness, crying spell* rnd weakness dis appear in a hurry. This led me to give them to my daughter about the time she began to have the endless trouble soma girls do in early life, and the medicine acted equally as well with her. She grew strong and steady—the color be came good—the languor and lasnltude disappeared and she was able to go about her school duties as usual. I con sider the Dr. A W. Chase Nerve Pills unequaled as a nerve and general tonic in such cases and gladly recommend them to others who suffer iu a similar manner." 50 cents a box at dealers or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo. N. Y. For trait and" signature o? A. W Chase, M. D., on every package. For sale l>v Redick and Orohman, drnggiets, 100 N. Main St. Butler, Pa. i THE GUSHER; The oil well on the Waldron place, west of Bntler. was agitated Monday evening, when the production again ran np to about 100-bbls. an hour, and it was said to be doing 70 bbls. an hour, I yesterday. Lease? have been taken all aronnd the well, and about a dozen rig* are up and building, with one or twoi wells already spudding. Considerable | money has changed hands for leases. The highest ligure paid far a lease was by the Associated Producers Co., SII,OOO , for 40 acres of the 8. Barrickiuan heirs, j The T. W. Phillips' Gas and Oil Co had - leafed the other 10 acres of the place be fore the Mcßride well came in for SIOO. ' T. N. Barnsdall leased Waldron's re ! tnaining 50 acres, north of the Mcßride ' lease, for fSOOO. W. G. Donthett secur ed the first lease in the field after the well was strnck 30 acres from Andrew i Leniinou for SIOOO. Mcßride & Co. have 1 the remainder Of the Levi Hoon farm I now owned by Jacob M. Painter two ■ thirds, and Rainey Hoon. one-third, 20 acres were leased to William Walker I for $1"00 and 4s acres to John A. Snee of Pittsburg for s4"ioo. The farm i ost J Painter and Hoon $2700. Eisler & O'Brien leased part of the John Hard ing place, south of the gusher, and have a well started. Mcßride & Co. aiready had a lease on part of this place The Ihuisen heirs farm, east of the Waldron- Ehmer, has practically been leased to John G. Jennings and his brothers: the figure is up in the thousands Mcßride & Co. hold the C. Duffy place, north west of their grsher. Jas. McClung leased 20 acres from A O. Eberhart ad joining the old campmeeting grouud for $650. T. A. Frazier has leased 20 acres off the McConnell farm and "iO acres from David McGowan. E H. Jennings & Co. are said to have paid $4500 for aSO acre lease on the Samuel Schelgel farm, west of the Waldron Fifty acres of the Jacob Miller heirs, (Levi Henry, Eli and George Miller) were leased Tuesday for SI4OO and on Wednesday 50 acres more for $1800: John A. Snee is the lessee. Dr. Atwell and Harry Stauffer leased 25 acres of the A. O. Eberhart farm for SSOO. Adam Hoffner has leased the Schlegel heirs farm. Dr. Atwell has leased part of the William Miller heirs (Wilson and Henry Miller) farm. Jos. Clinton and Geo. Schaffner, Jr., have leased the Kradel place of 30 acres (old campmeeting grouad) for SSOO. Last evening Gil Moser, Prof. Grutr man and Mark Heck secured a forty-' I acre lease on the W. J. Graver farm, southwest of the Waldron for SI2OO DEATHS. KOCHER—At her home in Jackson twp.. May H, 1905, Miss Ida. daughter of Henry Kocher, in her 22d year. GILMORE —At his home near Harris ville, May 4, 1905. Joseph Gilmore, aged 64 years. SEATON —At his home in New Castle, May 2, 1905, Abner Seaton, aged 74 years. He was buried at Harrisville. LOVE —At the residence of his brother in East Pittsburg, May 12, 1905, Clarence Love, aged 22 years. He was buried at Westminster chucrh, Clinton twp., Monday. His death was caused by pneumonia. He was a son of Mrs. John S. Love. CUNNINGHAM—At his home in But ler, May 12, 1905, James Canning ham, aged 42 years. He was a son of Mitchell Cunning ham. and is survived by his wife and three children. UILBERT—At his home in Pittsburg, May 15, 1905, Theodore Gilbert. RUMBAUGH—At his home in Pitts burg, May 15, 1905, David M. Rntu baugh. HERR-At Cleveland, May —, 1905, N. B. Herr formerly of Petrolia. STEELE—At her home in Petrolia, May 13, 1905, Mrs. N. B. Steele. RITTS—At her home in St. Petersburg, Pa., Mrs. Clarissa, wife of Elias ltitts: stepmother of J. V. Ritts and Mrs, A. C. Anderson and mother of W. A. Ritts, all of Butler, aged 03 years. ADROPOS—At the Hospital, May 15. 1905, of pneumonia, Valois Adropos. a Greek. HOFFMAN—At the Hospital, May 16, . 1905, Christopher Hoffman, father of C. P. and C. B Hoffman of Butler. HUTCHISON—At her home in Pitts- ' '■, 1 ■** O. A. llutob ison. nee Marie Rider, in her 37th year. Mrs. Hutchison was a daughter of George Rider, and was buried at the Rider cemetery in Centre township. She is survived by her husband and three children. Obituary. Hiram Cronk. the last survivor of the war of 1812, died at his home at Dunn brook, N. Y., at the age of 105. He died from old age, simply wasting away. Mr. Cronk celebrated his one hun dred and fifth anniversary last month. He was bom in the town of Frank'ort, Herkimer county. N. Y., April 29, 1800, and spent his early childhood in Wright settlement, near the present city of Rome. When Hiram was about 15 years of age, his spirit was aroused over the second war with England and he, with his father and two brothers. John and Jeptha, enlisted in the United States army and went to Sackett's Har bor. «<3o well did he carry himself thbt Capt. Davis declared if he hail a regi ment of such soldiecs as Hiram he would take it to Canada and fight the enemy on his own ground. After hos tilities ceased, Hiram returned home and became an itinerant shoemaker At the age of 25 he met and married Mary- Thornton and for 60 years they lived happily, she dying in 1885. Six child ren were born to them. Nearly half a century ago Mr. Cronk became feeble and the board of pensions awarded him sl2 a month, Thomas Bishop, author of "John Brown's Body," "When Johnny comes Marching Home" and many other songs died at bis home in Philadelphia Mon day. ~ Nasal Catarrh quickly yields .o treat ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agree ably aromatic. It is received through tlio nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur face over which it diffuses itself, liruggists gell the 60c. size; Trial size l>y mail, 10 cents. Test it and you are sure to continue the treatment. Announcement. To accommodate those who aro partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquid* into the nasal passages for catarrhal trou. hlet, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will bo known as Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the •praying tul* is 75 cents. Druggists or l>y mail. Tho liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of tho solid preparation. WIDOWS' APPRAISEMENTS. The following widows' appralsem< -itn of personal property and real estate set apart for the benefit of the widows of decedents have been tiled In the office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Butler County, viz: Widow i-f Tli< in w I*. Will*/ , |,.|-kunul propei-ty, - (110 '• '• l>. I*. Kelly, •' •> jjiiO ' " Phillip SilimHt, •• » iliif) •- Samue l Iti-ii, •' :tOO liarid W. Critclilow, •• / :too ' A'lani Bji-r'y, " 300 • John Pa-iuiu, " •• 300 •' - Chri4l5, and If no exceptions are filed, they will lie confirmed absolutely. 1.. E. CHRISTLEY, Clerk, Clerks '.. nice. May 10,190 i. Notice in Divorce. William Shoup. I Common Pleas of Uutler vs /Co.. Pa. A. I>. No. 52, Dec. Bell Shoup. I Term, I'.KU. Jiow, March 31. HIOS, two Subpoenas having keen Issued in this case, the first to Doc. Term. I!«>4. and the second to March Term, nun, both «>r which hayo teen returned N. K. I as to the deft hy the Sheriff, tho Court is • moved to award publication and notice to defendant to appear at next term and show cause If liny she has why a divorce should not bo allowed potltlouer, as prayed for. To Hell Shoup, Defendant. Vim are hereby notified that testimony In tbo above case will lie taken at the bearing In court at llutler. Pa., on Monday, June -Jli, 1905. on part of William Shoup, the plaintiff, asking for divorce absolute from you on tin grounds of desertion as set forth In his pet 1- tlon on file in the above case, ut which time and place you are hereby notified to bo pres ent anil show cause If any you have why said divorce should not be granted as prayed for MARTIN* J,. GIBSON, H. F. Bowser. Sheriff. A. L. Bowser, Attorneys for Plaintiff SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Von. Fx., ti. Fa .. Lev. l a.. Ac.. Ksned out of the Court of Common Fleas of Butler Co.. Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the borough of Butler, j Fa. on Friday, Uie 2nd day of Juue, j A. l>. IW\ at one O'clock. P. M., the following ' described property, to-wit: I r. D. No. 42. June Term. 1905. Cummings. I A l torney. All th< right, title, interest and claim of ; Maggie A. snyder and Philip Snyder. of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of i land, situated in JetTersou township. Butler i*ounty. Pa.. bounded as follows, to-wit: Be ginning at a post in the middle of the S:txon ourg road, thence souta 1 i deg east by lands of Arthur heirs and A. M. Johnston 140 2-10 perches to a post; thence south by lands or John Emerick 76 »'»-lo perches to a post; thence west by lands of James Arm strong U2 l i perches to a post; thence north .3 deg west 51 perches to the place of begin ning; containing t!iirty-two CO acres and 136 perches on which is errected a frame dwelling house and outbuildings. Seized and taken in executluu :is the prop erty of Maggie A. Snvder and Philip »> Snyder at the suit of AI lluiT. I-. I>. No. 10, June lerm, 11XX>. A. M. Christley. Attorney. All the right, tit! -, latcmt Ittl Claim of Cyrus 11. Knox. Mary D. Knox, of. in and t > all that certain piece or lot of land, situated in Evans City, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by 16 feel by an alley, east by 11") fret by Porter Alley, vouth by 4"> by a foot street and on tin* v. .>tby 10 feet b y l"t .\<>. 33; containing one town lot according to plan of lots as survey ed by C. I'. L. McQuistion. Surveyor, t«»- u r :it In r with frame 11« >i i• thereon erected and other outbuildings. Si and taken In ex< mUosuthe prop erty of Cyrus H. Knox and Birro*Kii the Nuit of E. S Cousins. F. I>. No. IK June Teu.j fife. Jadoon A Troutman. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Kalina, < has. h ilioa :*.!;«! Ifti Kalina, of, in and to all that itiln piece or lot of land, situated in third Ward, riutler borough. Butler county. Pa., bounded ai f* I lows, to.wit: Beginning at a point < M - Cool avenv- and the southwest corner of lot No. 68; thence running skmg HcCool avenue east wardly a dlstance of twenty-fire IS) feet to line of lot No. t»7: thsnce along the line of lot No. >7 seventy-one and 41-U4) (71 41-100) feet to line of lot No. 29; thence along line of lot No. west wardly a distance of twenty live (25) feet to line of lot No. HO; thence run ning southwardly along line of lot No. *'•» a distance of seventy-one and 51-100 (71 51-100) feet to the place of beginning; being lot No. s* In the John K. Kavanaugh plan of lots, said plot and plan being recorded in the Re corder's otllce, in and for Butler Co.. Pa. in Plan Book No. 2. page 2. and being the same premises that were granted and covered un to Joseph, Charles and Michael Kaii ia by John It. CavanaugU et ux. by their deed dated July 19tb. 1902, recorded as aforesaid In Deed Book No. 211, page 114. and having thereon erected a three story brick building, subject to the payment of mortgage dated January Gtli. 19Ui, with a real deb., of $2500.00. . said mortgage being recorded in mortgage book No. 7.1, page 145. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Jos Kalina, (-'has Kalina and Michael Kalina at the suit of The Public Trust Co., now for use of International saving & Trust Co., see Merger at Charter Book No. 1. page I. E, D. No. 3S, June Term, 1905. C. F. Meeder. Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Blanche T. night and J. C. Dight. of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Cherry township. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of Robert Hogg, east by lands of Anna Billingsley and Mellon, south by the public road known as the Auandale and New llope road and on the west by lands of K S Ryaii; containing 104 acres, more or less, being the same property vested In J. O. Dight, by deed recorded in the Recorders office of Butler county, in Deed Book Vol Pago L. and being the same property con veyed by J. C. Dight. et ux, to J. G. Dueschele and K. B. Crisweil by deed dated Dec. 10th, 1901, and recorded In Butler county in Deed Book Vol. 236, Page 4. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Blanche T. Dight and J. C. D?gnt at the suit of J. M. Dight, now for use of A. Housold. E. D. No. 7. June Term, 1905. W. C. Findlej*, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of John Smith, of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Venango township. Butler county. Pa., t>ounded a> follows, to-wit: On the north of lands of Shryock Harper's heirs, east by Cochran's heirs, south by Andrew Smith, et al, and on the west by Andrew Smith, et al; containing six acres and to extend far enough south and west to include house built on said Andrew Smith et al, lands which said house was built by John Smith, being part of a large tract of land conveyed by T. P. Mllliln. by deed of Andrew Smith, et al, and by them conveyed to. John Smith, et al. as deed on record. Recorder's ollice, Butler, Pa. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of John Smith at the suit of Jolin t". Gallr way. E. I). No. 20 and 21. June Term, 1905. J. W. Hutchison. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of James W. Buchanan, as heirs at law of Mary B. Boss and Rachel Buchanan.both deceased and intestate, of, in aud to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Mercer township. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On trie north by lands of George Ilrown, east by lands of Dunlap heirs, south by lands of Tuer and William Buchanan heirs and on the west by Mercer • •ounty line or lauds of Samuel Buchanan*.*, heirs; containing ninty-fonr vm) acres, hav ing there on erected a frame house and out buildings. >eized and taken In execution as the prop erty of .lame?* W. Buchanan at the suit of Morrow and Black Harris and Morrow for use of Caroline B, Morrow. E. D. No. 4:1, June Term. 1905. Bredin, Att.y. aii tin* right, title, interest and claim «»f j. rf. o Donneit mortgagor, with notice to W. .1. Schlagenlioupt, terre tenant, of. In and to those *wo certain pieces of land, situated In Allegheny township, Butler county. Pa., to wit: One of the same known as lvendric tract and formerly containing one hundred acres, more or less, bounded on the north by lands of the heirs of James Anderson, east by lands formerly of >amuel Crawford now 01 William Karns and James Jolly, sonth by lands of James Jolly, and on the west by lands formerly of Alexander Grand n>w Matthews ami Black and heirs of James Anderson, saving and excepting thereof s cei lain piece of t he southwest corner t here of; containing ten (10) acres conveved by Walter Lyon of Allegheny county. Fa., ex ecutor* and trustees of the estate of Dr. A. W, Crawford, deceased to P. G. Zollinger by deed dated Jan. Mb, IMS, and recorded in Butler county in Deed Book Vol. 136, page 199. ALSO Ail that certain tract known as the Kisdaddon tract containing one hundred and twenty-eight (12*) acres, more or less, bound ed oti the north by lands of Sloan, east by lands of heirs of William l'ortertieid and Osmah, south by lands of the heirs of Alex ander Crant and on the west by lands of the heirs of William ( rawford, thai conveyance being made and accepted however subject to any oil or leases of the said lands made by the said A . w. Crawford, decease 1 during bis lifetime, being the same nieces <<; land conveyed to Said J- H. O Donnell. mortgagor, oy May Walker by deed dated .November Kith, A. D. 1903, to be recorded. Beized and taken in execution as the prop erty of .1. il. O'Donnell, ssewtgager, with notice to W. 11. ttchlagenhonpt, terre tenant, at the suit of James Bredin. E. D. No. 21 and al, June Term. 1905. Harry L. Graham and W. 11. Lusk, Att'ys. All the right, title, interost aud claim of Jacob Schumacker, mortgagor, and B. U. Kline, terre tenant, of, in and to all that certain piece or narcel of land, situated in Franklin township. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: . I*'.M. recorded in the ollice afore taid in Deed Book 147, page 117, aud by the said Jacob Shumaker and Rachel Shu maker. his wife, couvevtd the same to B. R. Kline by deed dated I ebruary Nth, 1901, re corded in the otllce aforesaid In Deed Book 196. page22Jtogether with all and singular the buildings aud improvements, streets, lanes, alleys, passage ways, water, water courses, rights, liberties, privileges, heredit aments and appurtenances, whatsoever thereunto belonging on or In any way apper taining and the revisions aud remainders thereof and Las erected thereon a frame house nod bank baru and orchard thereon. Seized and takan In execution aj the prop erty of Walu-r L. Graham, mortgage and B. K. Kline, terre tenant, at the suit of Jacob Uelbach. E. )>. No. 4«"'. June Teim, iwfl. Murrin & Murrin, Attorney. All the right, title, interest end claim of Anna Angert, of. in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated in Butler borough. Hutler county. PH.. tiounded as fol lows, to-wit: On the north by an alley, on the east by lands of Emma Glace. sr>uth by West street, and on the an alley, and fronting fifty-four [.** l feet on West street and extending thence northward preserving the same width a distance of one hundred and fifty-five [lAft] feet to an allev. with a two story Ixjard dwelling emoted thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Anna Angert at the >uit of Anthony Thorna. E. I>. No. 47 and 4-. June Terra. 1905. A. T. Black. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of A. N. McC'anaiess. Analena McCandiess and Analena \lc« andle&i of. in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated In But ler borough. Hurler county. Pa.. bounded as follows, to-wit: On tli** north by East .JeHvr >on street, east by lands of heirs of (Seorge Iteiber, deceased, south by Kittannihg m . :.od west by lot of Mary L. McC-and less, fronting -0 feet.iuore or iess.on Kit tanning st and extending ba k same width to lefferson street, with a one story frame dwelling theieon, being the same lot decsribed in two mortgages from the deft, to the pi If., one to series s. recorded in M. It. (59. page 40. aud the other to series s#, recorded in M. B. <»'.•. page 121. the judgements from which these *rits issued being upon the bonds secured by said mortgages. Seized and taken in ex 'cut on as the prop erty of A. N. McCandiess, Analena Mit'antl l»'ss and Analena McCandiess, at the suit of Workingmen's Building and Loan Associa tlon of Butler. Pa., a corporation. E. D. No. June Term. l'JUfi. F. J. Forquer. Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of The French Academy. Limited, of. in aud to alI that certain piece or lot of land, situated in Butler borough. But ler county, i'a. bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a peg at Corner of lot No. and Ziegler ave.; thence along Kelgler avenue forty (40) feet to a peg at tne corner of lot No. a.**; thence along line of lot No. 'S* one hundred and forty-five (14o) feet to a peg on liockensteiu Way; thence along said liockensteiu Way sixty-one (81) feet to a peg ao corner of lot No. thence along line of said lot No. one hundred Jnd fifteen (lli) feet nine inches to a peg on Zeigler avenue, the place of be ginning aud being lot No. in YV. S. Boyd's plan of lots whicli plan is recorded in Butler '•ounty in deed boo* No. 1!X), page 4'.»w, and be ing the same lot conveyed by Robert Boyd, et ux. to th«' French Academy. Limited. b> deed dated Oct. lull. imC. recorded In said county in lieed iiook 214. page 66. and has one large frame hall and dwelling ho«s« erected thereon. Seized and taken in execution a-* tli-* prop erty of The Frencn Academy. Limited, at the suit of Louis Verniory, .Julius llorgife and -Mrs. Alice Houlllon. now for use of Julius Horgioe. Edward K. Welgand, Mar garet Clark and Charles A mould. V. D. No. ."»0, June Term. 1903. F. J. Forquer, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of l>. B. Soler and G. A. Arner. of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Washington township, Butler county. I'a.. bounded us follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of William Stewart and l>. M. Arner. east by lands W. J. Wasson. William Barber and Robert Thornoson, south by lands of William (>ick< y, L. Stewart heirs and J. B. Campbell, el al. west by lanis of William IMckev. Frank Hll Hard, et al; containing one hundred and eighty-five (W») acres, more or less, having thereon two two-story fraim dwelling nouses, two frame barns out buildings. two large orchards, about lift v (.>j at:res of good timber, the balance of said one hundrea and eiirn t y -fi \ e (185) acres being cleared and In crood state of cultivation. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of I>. B. Soler and G. A. Arner at the suit of Johu Berg A: < 'o.« FRIDAY, JUNE 9th, 1905, At 1 o'clock p. the Court House In But ler. K. I>. No. 51. June Term, 1905. Joseph B. Brcdln. Attorney. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Johu Vigaro.of. in and to all thai, certain ph c»> or lot of land, jti! uated in Butler town ship. i'a., bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the southwest corner, t her re in a northeasterly direction along Bred in Ave. forty feet to lot No. 60; thence in a north westerly direction along the line of lot No. tWone hundred andforty feet to an alley; thence by the said alley in south westerly direction forty feet to lot No. C»7; in a northwesterly direction one-hundred and forty feet to the place of tM'ginning. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Johu Vigaro ut ths suit of Martha Mechlin?, Assignee of A. W. Boot, Assignee of L. C. Wick. E. I). No. s'l, June Term. 1905. T. C. Campbell, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Robt. W. Ilervey, of. in and to all that certain niece or parcel of land, situated in Butler township. Butler county, i'a.. tiound ed as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands now or formerly of John Fore lit and by Pil low's heirs, east by lands formerly of Lida Marshall conveyed by her to Kobt. W. Hervev, south by lands now or formerly of G. Beck and by Ihmscn and on the west by public road and lands of Charles DufTy; con taining one hundred and ten fls-ioo acres, more or lets, living same agreed to lie con veyedbjr John Young to uobt. W. Herve* by agreement aud recorded In Deed BOOK 3*l, page 410 Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Kobt. W. Herve/ at the suit of John Young. TEEMS OF SALE-The following must be strictly complied with when property is stricken dowu. 1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes ♦ hf« p'iri' L hi*^f ■'i *-*rTif i-irtltt if Llau mtßTTjiipaUl, ami .1 list of the Hens, Includ ing mortgage searches on the property sold together with such llt-n creditor's receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or sui-h portion thereof as he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must he paid in full. 3. All sales not settled Immediately will be continued until one o'clock, P. M., of the next day at which time ail property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom first sold. •See Purdon's Digest, 9th edition, page 440, an 1 Smith's Forms, page ;sn4. MAUTIN 1,. (iIItSON. Sheriff. Sheriff'* Office. Butler. Ha.. May 10. r.K).">. Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Mrs. Ella Campbell Daily, doing business as Mrs. J. S. Dally, of Butler. Butler county, Pennsylvania, a hankruut tinder the Act of Congress of July 1, IWIS, having applied for a full discharge from all debts provable against her estate under said Act. notice is hereby given to all known creditors and other persons in interest, to appear before the said Court at Pittsburg, in said District, on the tfth day of June, 1906, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. WILLIAM T. LINDSEV. Clerk. Orphans' Court Sale! Ity virtue of an order of the Orphans' (.'ourt In and for the county of Butler. I'a., at O. C. No. Mi, .June Term, A. D. It*)"), the undersigned administrator, etc , of the estate of Arnold Vorpe, late of the township of Middlesex, llutler county. Pa., dee'd., will offer at public sale, upon the premises, on Friday- May 26th, A. D 1905, at one o'clock P. M. of said day, the follow ing described real estate, viz: All that certain tract of land situate, lying and being In the township of Middlesex, ount v of Butler, and state of Penn a. being bounded and more fully described as follows, fo-wit: On the north by lands of Kobt. Kyle, on the east by lands of J. Burns and F. Pa«*oe, on t he south by lands of Miss Mary Ivyle and J. T. Harbison, and the west by lands of Jaa. Whitesides and Isaac Sayder; •obtaining forty four acres. 120 perches, be lie saine.more or less; upon which is erected i frame house, log barn and outbuilding'*, ibout acres of good timber, balance of land *leared and under fair state of cultivation, young p»'a« h on-hard Just coming into bear ing of about 2.V) trees, about SO bearing apple trees, convenient to churches and school, miles from plank road and miles from railroad. TBKMS Cash upon confirmation of sale by the Court. Said described premises to be sold free and discharged from all liens. WM. J. PA OOF, JAMES li, Mc.ii :NKIN. Administrator. Att'y for Adm'r. Notice in Divorce. Mina Keed, / In the Court of Common Pleas vs -of Butler county. Pa. A. D, I». M. Keed. \ No. :»« December Term. 11XM. Now, March .'II. 1905. two subpoenas having been issued In the alnive case first to Dec. Term, P.WI. and second to March Term. IUQS, hotli of which have been returned N. E. I. as to the defendant by the Sheriff, the Court Is moved to award publication and notice to defendant to appear at next term to show cause If any he has why a divorce should not bo allowed petitioner as prayed for. To I). AT. Keed. Defendant: Von are hereby notified that testimony In the above case will be taken at the hearing in Court at Butler, Pa., on Monday, June :;».th, 1 «#►.», on the part of Mina I teed, plain 11 IT, asking for divorce absolute from you on the grounds of desertion as set forth In her . petition on file in the above case, at which 1 time and place you are hereby notified to lie present and show cause If any you have, why salo divorce should not be granted as prayed for. MAUTIN L. GIBSON. Sheriff, s. F. BOWSBR, A. L. HOWSKK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Lottors of administration on the ewtate of Alius haehel A. Htoughton, doe'd., lato of Concord twp., Butler Co,, I'a., hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to BKNTON STOUO HTON, Adm'r., K. F. D. 10, Butler, Pa. W. I). BKANDON, Att'y. 4-13-05 BCHOOLB f/ f P.ngtaeerlug. Kloctrlclty, j /Cs s Bo«>k-keeping bhorttiand, fy l*reparut<»ry Aradeinic. *iftd lllglicr Acconutanry High («radu Schools. I Klrgantly equipped AIM! LIGHTED ruotm. Positions ' No antiquated inrtli'Kln <»r incn enitileyed. Sure. I Ererv tocher a rollegu graduate witli experience. | PlttMnirg, Ahfgheny. HufTalo, Nlagars Falls, and ; Mexico (ity. Stud to Pittsburg for Catalog* 1 Martin Jennings Caton, IL. D , Preildent, | In the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania. In the oritu rof j Charles E. SUites, No. Irts4 t in Bankruptcy Bankrupt. ) To the creditors of Charles F. Skiles of rittsburp. in the countv of Allegheny and . district afore&uid. a bankrupt. Notice is hereby iriven that on tbn :!nd " lofek A If . that v:i!ual>lc parcel and lot "f late the estate of John Freshcorn of New Bewick ley township, Bearer county. Penn'a, deceased, lylnic and being situated ID the township of Cranbeiry, In ike county of Butler. Pennsylvania, bounded .1i de scribed as follows, to-wit: On the north bv lands of the heirs <>f Michael Freahoorn. east by lands «»f Basrah Graham's hefrst south bv miblic road, and west by laiiils of Jacob Decmer's heirs, containing twenty acres: this land Is in a high state of cultivation, well fenced: there i> a ineorchard of apple, cherry and peach trees on same and an ex cellent. never failing spring. TEKMS l)V SALE:—Ten per centum of amount bid in cash on day of sale, forty per centum on continuation and delivery of the deed, and the balance, with iuterest from the date of conflrmation. in one year there after: *aid balance to be secured by close judgment, bond and mortgage on the premises. WILLIAM STEINACHER. Executor, dec., of John Fresbcom. dee'd.. j Knob t\ 0., Beaver Co.. Pa. WILLIAM IT. LUSK. Attorney, Butler, Pa. JURY LISTS FORJUNETERM Lift of names drawn from the proper jury wheel this 29th day of April. 1905, to serve as Grand Jurors at H (Quarter Sessioiis Term of Court, coniuiening on th' firet Monday of June, 1905, the same being the sth day of said month. Bayonet Victor. Bntler Ist w, merchant Bell Thomas, Washington twp, farmer Black H C, Clay twp, farmer Boozel Walter, Concord twp, farmer Christy Samuel. Penn twp, farmer Danbenspeck WD. Penn twp. laborer Donthett I) B, Bntler sth w. clerk Eicholtz Win, Zelionople, laborer Faber Earnest. Butler sth w, barber Fredley Chritt, Buffalo twp. farmer Harper C 15. Zelienople, miller Jamison W P, Venango twp, farmer McDowell Alva. Centre twp, farmer McGncken Thomas. Clearfield twp, J P McKee Camdon, Bntler Ist w. carpenter Micliell Frank, Bntler 4th w, carpenter Rnff Phillip, Butler sth w, merchant Scott Winfield, Summit twp, farmer Sloau J N, Allegheny twp. farmer sfcuith J D. Centre twp, farmer Thompson SO. Clearfield twp. farmer Truver Jchn, Middlesex twp. farmer Wick John S. Butler sth w. merchant Winer John E, Adams twp, farmer List of names drawn from the proper jury wheel this 29th day of April, 1905. to serve as Petit Jnrors at a Quarter Sessions Term of Court commencing on the second Monday of June, 1905, the same being the 12th day of said month. Bailey J M. Marion twp, farmer, Barnhart Win, Millerstown, shoemaker Barnhart J ,T, Fairview twp, farmer Barnhart P S, Donegal twp, farmer Bartley Elmer, Bntler 2d w, retired Black R M, Cherry twp, farmer Burtner R J, Jefferson twp, farmer Fielding John.Slipperyrock twp.farmer Fleinminz Samuel, Venango tp, farmer Gant J H, Butler sth w, laborer Gillman J J, Butler Ist w. laborer Ginter John Butler 8d w, laborer Gordon McClain. Clay twp, farmer Griesbach Gnst, Evans City, merchant Grabam E E. Saxonburg, teacher Grnver Phillip, Prospect, laborer Hamilton Win. Forward twp, farmer Hawk Joseph Z. Fairview twp, farmer Hinchberger George, Butler twp.drillei Kauffman VVm.Slipperyrock boro.labo r Hogg Jas F. Cherry twp, farmer Johnston J M, Venango twp, farmer Jordan Win, Centre twp, farmer Kelly W E, Parker twp, farmer Kennedy F W D. Adams twp, farmer Knox Hiram, Jackson twp, farmer Lindsay Geo, Summit twp, farmer Lpitan Jun twf*. fartiHrr McGeary Elmer C. Muddycreek tp, fa'r McKinney John, Clay twp, farmer Mitchell Wm J, Butler 2d w,watchman Moyer Frank S, Marion twp, farmer Patterson W G. Jefferson twp. farmer Reiber Edward. Bntler 2d w, producer Ken nick Geo W, Clay twp, farmer Richey A B. Butler 4th w, teafnster Scott W C, Lancaster twp, fanner Summony VV G, Clearfield twp, farmer Staff John, Butler Ist w, retired Stevenson W S, Summit twp, farmer Thompson Ira. Franklin twp, farmer Thompson Milton, ('lay twp. farmer. Thompson Robt J. Bntler 4th w, retired Todd Wilson, Wintield twp, farmer Vaudivort W W,Cranberry twp.farmer Waldron USG, Forward twp. farmer Walker Daniel. Parker twp, furmer PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS, DR. L. R. HAZLETT, 10(5 W. Diamond St., Bntler. North hide of Court House. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat work, a 1 specialty. T C. BOYLE, M. D. 'T • EYB, EAR, NOSK and THROAT, SPECIALIST. 121 East Cunningham Street. Office If&urs, 11 to 12 a. in., 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. BOTH TELEPHONES. GM. ZIMMERMAN • PHYSICIAN AND SORGEON At 327 N. Main St. BIPPUS, O PHYSICIAN AND SURCKON 2) ),) l'S that onto the fram « making the » sawed stock, polUh finish, ■ swell top drawers,beveled I Dj) ?M T rcr : fi ™ tclaS8 u COE ' I Dining Room Chair $2 35 H*«,th«.. consider a special valne I * i ¥0& —■ ' n P- ventre seat, made of fine quarter jgj sawed golden oak. Very desirable and jj-gg NEW PARLOR SUITS—A very complete line. Some Bg » -■ have wood scats and backs: others with wood backs ■ ■"t aQ d uphostered scatss also with upholstered seats and- JUs 3f Five-Piece Parlor Suits $55 Three-PieceParlorSuits $55 Divan sl2 50 Large, massive mahogany Fine mahogany finished Mahogany finished frame, fepv finishe: ut'iu! '£*\ AdarottK K. H. HAMILTON CO.. Sohuylor, Va. IVP ICuilH I Benin* Pipe New »to W iwHiiiil rail*. New 7 to 12 Incb Beams. HOMER BOWES office and Yard?, River avo., near Sixth St. Bridge. Allegheny. Pa. I'hone va Cedur. I Huseltoq's I B With Spring there comes other B I yfcSkto things besides Anarch winds ' I 8 Wm\\\ 1? Our spring styles In Shoes for instance, S I s^ owjn ß newest shapes and many little ■ I niceties tnat ot her stores don't have andH ■ won't have fl I The Tan Oxfords will please you particularly, B I we are sure. £ I SISTER! SISTER! I I When March winds blow don't let those shabby last 9 ■ winter's shoes be seen peeping out. Jolly up the purse■ I holder in your house and bring a little more money to usß ■ —it won't take much to fit you out most sweetly. AndH ■ give Jack a tip about a new pair for himself. 3 I Huselton's °H| |SHOE STORE. 1 xxxv>oooosooo< >OOOOOOOOOOOO Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN : ;; Oar Entire Stock of Spring Cloth Suits < j j : at 1-3 off the Regular Prices. }. ' * This sale is sweeping in its character, and affects our entire stock ' / < \ of Women's and MisiWs Tailor tuade Suits. Not a single one has A been overlooked by the price cutter. Materials are Coverts, Cheviots. | < ' Broadcloths, Mohair, Checks and Mannish mixtures. Remember 1 . ' i i there is not an old suit in this collection. All are this spring's models | > < > $12.50 SPRING SUITS REDUCED TO $ 8.48 > < > 15.00 " " " " 10.00 > i \ 20.00 " 44 44 " 13 98 Jf < > 25.00 44 44 44 - 17.98 /> < > 35.00 44 44 44 " 23 98 ), < i SPECIAL SALE OF MILLINERY. A * > Hand-made chiffon and horse hair braid hats $2.98. All the latest O < > style polo scoop hats, Charlotte Corday and tnrbana, priced $1.98, L $2.98, $3.75, #4.00 and to SIO.OO. The trimmings are beautiful; velvet, | ' ribbons, ornaments and flowers. This is a flower season. We have * * ( > them in all the new pom-pom effects and roses, lilacs and violets. < i priced 19c to $:! 00. Untrimmed hats 50c, 75c, 98c and up. ! ! Hosiery AND UNO6RWEAR. { i Savings range from 1-4 to 1-3 on every purchase. /, ' { ) Misses' and children's hosiery; full seamless fast black; 15c values. J* per pair lie. Misses' and children's finest ribbed lisle hose, 25c values! ' 1 19c per pair. Ladies' fine lace lisle hose. 25c values, 19c per pair * * \ > readies' fine black, tan and white hose, 50c values, ilsc, or three pairs 4 > for $ 1 00. Ladies'. Misses' and children's fine ribbed vests and pants 1 < ' in all sizes—high neck, long sleeve, low neck, short sleeve, wiDg * ' { \ sleeve, sleeveless garments, union suits, knee lengths. We make a < 1 > specialty of extra sizes for lar«e women. Price range—children's garments 5c to 25c. Price range from 10c to SI.OO for ladies' gar- M { \ ment. Also full assortment of ladies' and children's muslin under- ( > wear. | {Mrs. J. E. ZiramermanJ; X Bi'll PlionoSOß. Bllt1i»r Ota i t I# People's Phone.l». oul '" I 1 Q 1 i > 1 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the eetat* of Sarah E. Dull, dee d., late of Batler borough. I'a., having l>eeu granted to the undersigned, all icrsons knowing themselves indebted to said estate wifl please matte immediate payment and any having just claim* against said estate will present theJi properly proved for settlement to JNO. H. DULL, Adm'r., Batler, W. C. FINDLEV, Att'y. 4-A6 H. MILLER FIRE and LIFrL INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. i OFFICK—Boom 606, Butler County ! National Bank building.