Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 04, 1905, Image 2

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gjl per ytar Is Atfvaace. Otherwise $1 SO
Subject to Butler Count) Republican
Primary. May 27, 1905. from 1 to . p.m.
TOHN B- CALDWELL, Jefferson twp.
(better known as Coon Campbell )
A O. HEPLER, Butler,
formerly Oakland twp.
JOHN T. MARTIN. Buffalo twp
DAVID C. SANDERSON. Franklin twp.
formerly of Clay twp.
JOHN H. TEBAY. Eau Claire.
JOHN C. CLARK, Washington twj.
formerly of Worth twp. |
JULIAN A. CLARK, Centre twp.
J. E. CRAIG. Mars.
J P DAVIS, Bntler, formerly Brady tp
H. W. KOONCE, Bntler boro,
Formerly Penn twp.
Formerly of Brady twp.
JACOB W. GLOSSNER, Millerstown.
O. B. THOBNE. Clay twp.
8. C TRIMBLE, Middlesex twp.
(Two to nominate. )
J. S. CAMPBELL. Cherry twp.
N S. GROSSMAN, Franklin twp.
AMOS HALL, Branch ton.
Sbpperyrock twp.
NOAH HENRY, Oakland twp.
W. U. HOFFMAN. Saxonbnrg.
JOHN W. HILLIARD, Washington twp.
J. N. MAHARG. Penn twp.
GEO. J. MABBUBGER, Forward twp.
S. C. MOORE, Clinton twp.
JAMES L. PATTERSON, Jefferson twp.
(Two to nominate.)
A- B. EKAS, Buffalo twp.
W. C. FAGAN. sth Ward, Butler.
JOHN A. GILLILAND, Summit twp.
W. B. SCOTT, Adams twp.,
Formerly of West Sunbury.
DR. W. B. CLARK, Butler.
The Republican "leaders" of Pitts
bnrg played "Harmony," in four acts,
last week, with Boies Penrose as the
central figure -and the seances ended
in cuss words.
The Republicans of Beaver county
bold their primary on Saturday of next
week. All the candidates answered
Chairman Stone's invitation to express
themselves against the nee of money
and liquor for the getting of votes. "A
square deal for every man' is to be the
political motto hereafter.
"The most significant thing about
the platform adopted by the Republi
cans of Pennsylvania at their State con
vention is its eloquent silence upon reg
ulation of railroads by Federal legisla
tion. It is generally admitted that thiß
question transcends in importance all
others now at issue before the people
of the United States. The attitude ot
President Roosevelt is well known. It
is also a familiar fact that Pennsylva
nia leas than six months ago gave MR.
Booaevelt a larger majority than any
other State in the Union. With all
these circumstances in view the conclu
sion is inevitable that the managers of
Republican party in Pennsylvania are
not in sympathy with the President in
bis railroad policy, and there is notice
in the silence of the platform that he
NEED not look to Pennsylvania for any
help."—Pittsburg Times.
The Republican primaries of Alle
gheny county have been postponed un
til Sept. 16th.
On Thursday last Gov. Pennypacker
signed the bill abolishing the old State
Board of Health and State
Department of Health, with increased
powers and salaries. The head of the
new department is to have SIO,OOO a
year, and as the bill was written by Dr.
Penrose, a brother of the Senator, it is
supposed be will be the first appointee.
The General Appropriation bill carries
an appropriation of •400,000 for the
new Department.
Up to Saturday he bad signed 219,
and vetoed 73 bills, and yet had on
bands the 300 appropriation bills, which
he must prune to the extent of about
five millions of dollars to keep them
within the state revenues.
On Monday Gov. Pennypacker signed
the bill creating the State Registrar of
Vital Statistics, and also the new road
law creating the State Highway Depart
The State Registrar is authorized to
appoint local deputies who shall receive
A fee of 35 cents for each birth or death
Under the new road law the former
bureau is raised to the dignity of a de
partment. This implies the appoint
ment of sundry assistants having know
ledge of civil engineering, clerks and
the like. The linpcrtant change, bow
ever, is in the distribution of propor
tions of cost of state roads. The new
law provides the state shall pay three
fourths, the county one-eighth and the
township one-eighth of the cost of mak
ing permanent roadways, under the
prescribed conditions. The conditions
differ little from those of the previous
law. Provision is made whereby town
ships may make direct application for
state aid, in case county authorities de
cline to do so. Townships also buve
the option of assuming a larger propor
tlon of the cost by vote of their citizens.
Th* Chicago Strike,
The drivers of the grocery delivery
wagons joined the striking teamsters,
Monday, ss did also some 300 more
teamsters, making a total of about 4000
men on a strike.
The union lator leaders indicted, Sat
urday, gave bail in f5,000 each, rifles]
were being purchased at wholesale bjr
both sides that day.
Tuesday was a day of terror in
city, dozens of people were assaulted
and besten in all parts of the city, in
cluding one preacher. One man was
killed by a blow on the head.
Yesterday morning six-bnndred de
livery wsgons started out at 7 o'clock,
with seventeen hnndred policemen on
dnty. and yet within an hour eight men
including one Catholic Priest had been
badly beaten.
The strikers were armed with hick
ory canes snd black jacks, and one msn
was stabbed several timer. More po
licemen where being sworn In and arm-
Ad with shot-guns.
The Directors Convention. i
The largest and best-natured crowd J
of the year assembled in and about the
Court House. Tuesday. The two-hun- >
dred and eighty-fonr School Directors
present, the jurymen, candidates and j
spectators crowded the sidewalk and
steps at noon
At 1 p.m. the Directors assembled in
the large Court Room and were called
to ord*r by Supt. Painter.
Rev W. J. Grimes was elected Presi-1
dent of the convention: R. F. McMeek i
in, Secretary, and W. P. Kinsev and
Frank Critchlow. Tellers.
On motion the ealary of the Superin
tendent was continued as at present,
about |1.700 per year—the minimum
the law allows for the number of
All persons not directors or newspa
per men were then, on motion, request
ed to leave the room.
I The calling of the roll disclosed many
changes, and it took some time to cor
rect the list Two-hundred and eighty -
four of a possible 320 were present,
making 143 votes necessary to elect.
Nominations being called for the
known candidates were named each
with a complimentary word, and the
canvention proceeded to the first ballot
—the delegation from each district ris
ing, and standing, while the votes were
being recorded. As a rule the delega
tions v6ted for their home or nearest
candidate, but on the first ballot the
candidates received one vote each in
several districts. Mr. Kelly withdrew
after the second Dallot, the third show
ed a tendency towards PenSeld. and on
the the fourth he was elected.
The following are the ballots
12 3 4
Dvke 43 47 85
Kelly 19 If —l
McQuifction 57 51 40 1
Painter 76 75 *0 j»j
Pentield 60 75 122 198
Walker 2# 1!' 3
Mr. Painter took his defeat graceful
ly, he made an excellent superintendent
and it was the "third term ' cry that
defeated him, and Mr. McQuistion was
hampered by the prejudice against But
lar borough: but in Mr. Penfield the
convention made no mistake, as he is a
man of sterling character, good educa
tion and with several years experience
iu the public schools.
On Tuesday evening the directors of
Butler borough met and re-elected Prof.
John A. Gibson, Superintendent of the
Borough Schools without opposition,
and the salary was fixed at $2-500 a
year, an increase of #SOO.
Mur Day Horror.
Warsaw,the beautiful capital ot Rus
sian Poland, was the scene of a terrible
massacre, Monday.
Glorious weather gave zest to the May
day celebrations and all factories, shops
and offices were closed. The streets
were crowded from early in the morn
ins: with gaily dressed people and troops
Children everywhere enjoyed themselves
in the warm sunshine. The presence
of numerous patrols of Cossacks and in
fantry were the only reminder of lurk
ing danger.
No outward incident was reported
until 2 o'clock that afternoon, when a
procession of several thousand work
men carrying red flags marched along
Zelazne street. The demonstration was
qnite orderly and proceeded without
molestat'on for some distance, 3adden
ly several squadrons of Uhlans appear
ed, but without interfering with the
procession and took up a position along
the sidewalks, while the workmen pas
sed through the lines.
Then a company of infantry rip
proacbed from the trout ituil itnsimdiuUs-
Fy the cavalry charged into the pr<rw
sion, driving it with the flats of their
••words into a disorganized mass.
When the cavalry withdrew the infant
ry fired a volley, whereupon the demon
strators turned and fled. The infant
ry continnec to discharge volleys into
the retreating, shrieking multitude.
Sixty two people were killed and two
hundred wounded.
The shooting is described as having
been quite unprovoked. It has aroused
the most intense indignation among all
classes in Warsaw. Many of those who
were killed or wounded were shot in the
back, showing that they were running
away when struck.
Harmony un<l Zellcnojtlc.
A frightful accident resulting in the
death of Mrs. Isaac Belles, aged 75
occured on Mercer St., Harmony.
Sunday. April 30, at 2 p* m. Mrs
Belles and her nephew, 14 years old,
started to drive to her son, Calvin
Belles' farm in Lancaster twp. After
the railroad track had been crossed the
roan colored family horse had started
on a fair trot in a playful manner, and
in a few rods was going on a gallop,
when Mrs. Belle* caught the lines and
at the corner of Mercer and Spring Sts
turned west, the buggy struck a hitch
ing post and in the sudden stop pitched
Mrs. HellHr and the boy headlong upon
the brick pavement and against the old
Harmony Savings Bank building, the
forehead of Mrs Belles struck the sharp
edited east cornerstone of the building
her brains were flashed out, resulting
in instant death.
The boy escaped injuries. The
accident occurred about one hour after
the funeral services of J O4. Rodenbaugh
in the M. E. church, which service Mrs.
Belles attended. She also attended
German communion in the Reformed
church in the morning, where she was
a lifelong member. She was on a jour
ney of love and service to her son, Cal
vin, whose wife died a short time ago
Iler husband died a few years ago.
Three sons live here, one in Kansas, one
in Washington state, and three datigh
ters htre.
Funeral services were conducted.
Wednesday, by her pastor Rev. J. A
Lenzinger. and interment took place iu
the Mennoni'.e cemetery
A large brick yard for Harmony Jet.
is assured. Geo, W. Dudderar. assist
ant industrial agent of the B. <fc O. R
R., in an interview with your corres
pondent said the lease wan signed and
preliminary arrangements were made
by a pottery management in Ohio for
locating a large brick yard near liar
mony. ItlcL deposits of the finest fire
clay are found around this town. lie
nested teat l * of the clay prove it entire
ly satisfactory. The location at liar
mony Jet. is especially favorable by
reason of a vein of coal and a rich stra
ta of clay discovered by a shaft sunk
but 20 feet deep. Another pottery pro
ject is spoken about for this old town
Water and all surface facilities al
most favorable.
Joseph Rodenbaugh, axed H5 yeais
7 months and 15 days, died at the home
of Samuel Sechler at Leetsdale, Friday,
April 28, 1005. Sunday at 11:30 a 111.
the funeral services were condw ted in
the M. E. church at Harmony by Rev.
R S. Rees. Interment took place iu
the Mennonite cemetery Mr. Roden
bangh lived iu one house in Harmony
for 5H years, which place he left one
year ago. He is welt known aH an ex
pert workman as a carpenter. His aged
wife, one son and four daughter*
survive him His sister, Mrs. S'.auffer,
oldei than himself is living at Harmo
ny. Five of his brothers ami four sis
ters preceeded him to the spirit world,
HS did three daughters and two sons.
' The contractor resumed work on the
bridge which the State is building
across the Connoquenesslng near Zelle
nople some six weeks ago, and the iron
arches are now swirling, so the scaf
folding may be taken down this week.
The work may be completed in four
weeks. The public has patiently wait
ed for almost 15 months tot the use of
the bridge
The work on the new First National
1 Bank building is progressing nicely on
the maiu business street in Zellenople
When completed the effect will be quite
1 city like. In addition when the pro
posed street cars will pass to and fro in
our valley towns our people will Imag
ing they are living in the suburbs of
Pittsburg or Butler.
The Octogenarians.
EDITOR CITIZEN —At the regular S
monthly meeting of the Octogenarian
Association and which was held in the 1
parlor of the Y M C. A. on Saturday ■
alt»rnoon April 2l»th 1
Hon John H. Xegley read an interest- ;
paper on hi? early life, a.» it stands c.m
nected with the town of Ba'ler. of
which the following is a brief extract.
John H. Negley son of Hon. John
ley. was born in the j-ear 1823 in a
House erected some twenty-five or mor-'
years before by John and Samuel Cun
ningham iu the midst of a clu-ter of
large rocks of peculiar formation unlit'-
auv other in the vicinity, a little we.-t
and across the creek from what is now
known as the Walters Mill.
These two brothers hail previously
come from Lancaster Co.. Pa- and built
a mill, one of the first erected in the Co j
where the Walters Mill now stands, j
Having come into posession of a large ,
tract of land in its vicinity, they donat- ■
ed to Butler Co., ?G acres upon which |
part of the town of Butler now stands
as an inducement to the location of the
county seat here. The court house and
its surroundings now occupy the cen
tral part of this donation In the year
1805 John Cunningham died and v.-xs
buried in what is bnown as the old Uut
ler grave yard. The other brother. ,
Samuel, having become discouraged
sold out the next year. ISO 6. all his j«os
sessions to Mr. Negley. father of
John H Negley and returned again to
his old home in Lancaster Co.
The subject of this sketch received his
early education in the common
of Bntler at-d intheold Butler Academy
and finished bis cours" of study in
Washington Collega, Pa. Returniug to
Bntler he studied law under Hon
John Bredin, was admitted to the bar
in 1845. Subsquentlv 1855 to 1858 he
became editor of the Butler Herald and
afterwards editor and proprietor of the
same. In Ihe became the editor of
the Bntler Citizen and was editor of it
nntil 1888.
He was called to fill several import
ant offices in the county and served
three terms :n the state legislature. Al
though in the 83rd year of his ape be
enjoys reasonable good health and is
still able to attend to some of his pro
fessional business.
Judge Story is to read the paper at
the next regular meeting which will be
held on the last Saturday afternoon of
this month
At the close of the meeting the mem
bers of the association visited in a body
the HOD. Judge McJunkin and were
received with a hearty welcome They
fonnd the judge apparently well and in
a happy mood for talking. Although
in his 87th year, and with one side
partially paralyzed,be is still able, with
a little assistance, to take his regular
walks in the yard as well as through
the house After half an hours chat
about early times and a hearty good
bye, the party again left, well pleased
with their call.
P. C. PUCGII, Pres.
Bntler, Pa., May 2, 1905.
THE Philippines-three hundred and
forty-two islands—have a population of
a l wnt eight millions.
THERE is no news from the seat of
war this week. Both fleets have disap
peared from the world, and in Tokio it
was rumored that the Russian fleets
had passed between the islands and into
the Pacific, with the intention of circ
ling around Japan and reaching a port
in Siberia.
TllE crater of Popocatepl, the great
est volcano in Mexico, and which ii
said to contain a hundred millions of
tons of sulphur, has been purchased by
a company of Yankees, who are putting
ia machinery and building a tramway
to the railroad. Vera Cruz will bo the
shipping point.
A Sliver Wecldlnjf.
A most enjoyable time was spent at
the home of G W Varnum of Centre
twp , Thursday April 27, in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Yarn run, on the 25 th'anni
versary of their weildltif? Otty.
When their many friends and neigh
lsirs convene!, the assemblage number
ed about three hundred. After a time
spent in social converse a ni'»t bounti
ful dinner was served* At 1:30 the
crowd was called to order by <). W.
Stonghton, and after electing \V. A.
Christy chairman, nnd Jennie Allison
secretary, some very interesting ad
dresses were made Rev. J H. Bread
en of West Sunbury, was called upon to
make the opening prayer, which was
followed by Rev. Pittinger, who began
his addrens by stating some of the inci
dents which happened during the noon
hour Hon. J D. McJunkin gave a
very interesting talk of bin boy hood
days, which was pleasiDg to all; he hav
ing been born and raised on the farm
now owned by G. W. Varnum and O.
W. Stoughton.
Addre»ses were given by W. A.Chrstie
and Ex Sheriff Thompson, all felt it an
honor to have these two. the oldest men
of the township, present.
Rer. Breaden gave a very enthusiastic
talk, inviting the young people to call
on him when approaching the shilling
goal. "Matrimony.*'
G. W. Varnum spoke of thev grand
surprise their family and friends had
given him and Mrs. Vdrrium and thank
ing them for the many lieautifnl, nnl
useful presents they received.
After prayer by Rev. Pittinger, all
left for their homes feeling that a profi
table ond enjoyable day had been spent.
As the glorions day passed by, the
beanllful evening came on which was
gratefully spent by the young people,
and all wishing tbeui many happy re
turns of the ddy. Sk.< Y.
I>rylii{f preparations simply <
op dry caturrh ; they dry up tho hr< r< 1
which adhere to the membrane uud d<
pose, causing afar more serious troubl
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid;
ing inltalants, fumes, smokes and
and use tliat which clear. HC-H, sootle 1
heals. Ely's Cream Balin is such aril n< i!y
and will euro catarrh or cold in the !. d
easily and plua ianlly. A trial size will L.
mailed for 10 cents. All druggie.tn sell (h<>
50c. size. Ely Urothers 5C Warren St., N.Y.
The Uahn cures without pain, does not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads iti If
over an irritated and angry surface, reliev
ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Halm you nro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
An ordinance opening, extending a. <1
adopting McKee street from Dunbar
street to Mulberry stri et within the
limits of Bntler borough. Pa., is a
public street and highway of and within
the said borough.
Whereas, a petition of a majority of
the property owners in interest and
number along the proposed extension of
VfcKee street from Dunbar street to
Mulberry street, in Butler borough, I'a ,
has 1« en pr< tented to tin- Town Council
of .aid borotich asking that McK«e
street be opened, extended and adopted
as a public stre»t and highway from
Dunbar street to Mulberry street.
And win leas, the said petition Is veri
tied by a 111 davit of .1 II Harper, one of
said petitioner*, an reqnlred by Ac of
Assembly, therefore.
Section 1 The Hurgesi and Town
Council 1 f Butler lioiongh do ordain
and it is hereby ordained and enacted
by authority of the same- That McKee
street. In Butter Borough, I'a . toall bo,
and the same hereby in openrd and e*
tended Irom Dim bur treet to Mulberry
street to M width of forty And
the same M h< < by sdo.ited an a publte
str'et and highway of Holler Borough
The location of said n'reet to be an iu
dicated on the plan of lots of Ellas
Hhakely through which the ild street
Section The solicitor is hereby
authorized snd directed to prepare and
present a petition to Court for the ap
pointment of Viewers for the 10 • <
medt of damages aid lieneHts, if any,
for tho ojH-nlng and extending of the
said street.
Ordained and enacted in Council this
4th day of Apr, H>us.
President of Town Council.
Secretary Council
Now, Apr. 10.ii, I!MI5, the abr.y.! and
foregoing ordinance hereby a;>provi d
of by me.
Burgess I
SLOAN— At her Lome in Eau Claire,
April 20, 1900, Mrs Joseph Sloan,
aged abont TO years.
She leaves a husband and some child
MARTIN At ht-r home in Penn twp ,
April 2fi. I'JO. r >, Mrs W T. Martin,
nee Anderson, aged 42 years
BLOOM—At Lt-r horn - in Zeli>-aople.
April 23, ltii'-">. Mis. Christina Dindin
ger. v.-ife of Henry Bloom, in her OOtli
MARSHALL Ar his home ut Polk, 1
Pii., April 20. lSkiY John B. Marshall, j
formerly of this conntv, in Ilia 62d ;
PATTERSON -At his home in Peun
twp , April 2s, 190"), R. L Patterson,
aged 49 years.
Mr. Patterson's death was caused by
liver trouble. He leaves a widow and
six children.
GALBREATH —At her home in Win
field twp.. May 1, 1905, Mrs. Isabella,
widow of Joseph Galbreatb, in her
*4th year.
She is survived by four sons and one
PORTER—At his home in Marion twp.
April 27, l!R),"i, John M. Porter, aged
H-\ years.
■ Mr. Pcrter was a solder of the civil
war. was an elder in the New Hope
chnrch, and is survived by five
MURTLAND—ApriI 27. WOo, infant
child of Warren Mnrtlandof Donegal
M.UDER—At the Butler Hospital, April
2!». 1905. Mrs. Lizzie, wife of Herman
Muder of Saxon Station, aged 49
She is survived by her husband and
three chil iren.
PROSPER—At Pleasant Hill. Missouri,
A. B. Pro j ser, formerly of this coun
Pl'FF—At his home in Kaylor, May 2,
1905. Wm. Puff, aged 62 years.
Mr. PnfT was the youngest ot ae\eu
brothers who came from Germany to
this country, and has lived at Kaylor
for many years. He is survived by his
wife, a sister of C. of Butli r.
and three children, amoug whom is
Mrs. Chas. Hoffman of near North Oak
ARRAS—At the Butler Hospital, May
1, 1905, Mrs. Josei<hene Arras ot But
ler, aged 4i years.
SMITH —At Beaver Fall.-, April .l!i<:s.
Mrs. Robeit Smith, formerly of
She was buried at Mt. Chestnut.
McCAMMANT— At her home iu Siip
peryroek, April 2b. 1905.Miss Molli •,
daughter of Wm. McCammant, dee'd.
aged 20 years. She was a grand
daughter of Samuel Morrow.
KELLEY—At his home in Buffalo
twp April 26, 1905, William Kelley
aized 65 ye irs. Mr. Kelley was a sel
ler of the Civil War.
'SHAW—At her home in Ean Claire, A; r
2S, 1905, Mrs. J. C. Shaw in her 7:Jid
(ien. Fitzhugh Lee died suddenly,
from a stroke of apoplexy, at a hospital
in Washington, D. last Friday. He
was a Major General in the Confederate
army, was a former Consul at Havana
and died a Brig. Gen. in the U. S.
Dr R. D. Wallace of New Castle,
Orphans' Court Sale!
By virtue of an ord« r of tb© Orphans*
Court In ami for the county of Butler. Pa., at
O. C. No. hi, Juno Term, A. L>. 1!>05, the*
administrator, etc , of the
estate of Arnold Vorpe, late of the township
of Middlesex, Butler county. Pa., dee'd., will
olf»jr at public sa!*r, upon ihe prt'inise*, on
Friday- May 26th, A. D 1905,
at ona o'clock I' M.ofsald day, the follow
iiiK described real estate, viz:
AH that certain tra'*t of land situate, Ijlnjj
and helri? In the toMrnnhip of Middlesex,
county of Butler, arid state of I'enu a. beiriK
tH>un<it*d and more fully descried as follows,
to-wit: On the north by land* of Kobt.
Kyh*. on the east by laridsof .1. Bums and I .
Pacof*, oil the south by* lands of Miss Mar>
Ky I• I T. ilurbliiuii. »nd tli» w» .t l>y
lutiS* 7iT Jiia. \VJ»ltesl«l«*s and Ixaiw SatTTCr;
containing forty four acres, V.M t>« r' hes, hi
th»* Kanie.more or less: un tn vrblcli is i-rected
nfrtoo ii«>ii-«•. log barn and ootboUdinu*#
aboul 4 aore* of d liuilier, balance of lauo
cleared and under fair state of cultivation,
younu pea' h orchard Just coming Into bear
ing of about2Sotr'-« «, alioutTiU bearing apple
irccs, convenient to churchrH and school,
'Z miles from plank road and *» miles from
TKJtMH ( ash upon confirmation of sale
by the Court.
Said described premises to lie sold free and
discharged from all liens.
WM. J. I»A< OE,
jAMks B. MalCMKiar, Admlnlbtrator.
Att'y for Adin'r.
Funeral Director,
Notice in Divorce.
Mina Heed, t in tin Court of < 'ommon IMeas
vs of liutlcr county. I'a. A. I>.
I». M. Heed.} No. '.Ai December Term. WM.
Now. March 31. 190.", two subpoenas having
been ls"»u«d In the atx>ve ca«%* llrnt to 1>««-
Term, 1?i0I. and nivond to Marcli Term. VM>,
hot li of which have. h« en returned N I. I. a»
to the defendant by t lie Hherifl*. the i ourt N
moved to award publication and notice to
defendant to appear at. next term to show
catiM' If any he has why a divorce should not
b* allowed petitioner as prayed for.
To l>. M. I teed. Defendant:
You are hereby notified that t< timony In
the above case will no taken at the hearing/
in Court at Butler, Pa., on Monday, June
Wth, on the part of Mfna Itei-d. plain
lift, anklng for divorce absolute fiom you on
tiie ground* of desertion as set forth iu her
petition '>n tile lu the above case, at which
time and place you are hereby notified to he
present and show cause If any you have, why
sai't divorce should not lx>granted an pra>ed
for MARTINI* OIIIHON. Sheriff.
*v I' Bow hi: it,
A. L. ttownjcic.
Attorneyn for I'laintllf.
Notice in Divorce.
William Hioup. i ('omrnon I'isit * of BuJh r
vs Co.. Pa. A I>. No l>. •
IJeJI Sno lip. 1 Term. I"#i4.
Now, March at. I'.nO, twii Subpoenas havlug
I eeti Insucd In this i'nw. the first Ui iHii
Term. and the s«'cof»d to M -trch Term,
»th ol ir hi h hay 1 • • i rei i rot I 1
i a tw the defi by Ibe Hlierlff* th< 1
uiove<i to awartl public«i9-lon and IK>ll<'«- to
defendant to appear at tn-xt t.4»rt.» and
.•aune tf iiny nhe hat why a dlvon •• shoulo
not be alloweil petitioner, as prayed foi.
i'o Bell shoup, defendant.
You are hei i-hy notified t h;il t« •tltnony In
the above c.v»e will he taken at the iiearing
in court at Butler. P».,on Monday, .hint-
IvifC. on part of WlJllam Khoup, the plalntltf.
a-iking ioroivorei al>solut<- from yo-j on tin
grounds of deter tton an »et forth fn hi-, pet I
Lion <>t» fill; In the atiovc cane, at which time
and pta'*e you are hereby notified to lie pn »-
<nt ami Mlrow cuiin' If .iiiy yon have why
,aid divorce should not h«- granted jih prayed
for MAKTIN 1.. liIIHON,
S. I'. Bow Kit, HherltT
A. li. BOWMKH,
Attorneyw for Plaintiff.
L'ltersof administration on the estate
hi Misat i.aeht-l A. Htomchlon, ilec'd., late
of Concord twp , Butler (U>., Pa., hav
tUK I" en granted U> t ti<- nndersinnc<l, all
|i"r:'iiis knowing themselven indebted
in ►»:(! i■ -fat** will please make immedi
»■ l •- payment and any luiv;dk elaims
i-aiil estate will present them
duly nntlientirated for ►" ttlement to
Bk.n'l DV Stoi ■<. iri'i I.v Ad in 'r.,
It F. I) 10, Bnlh-r, I'a
W. I). tliMNijoN. Att'y. I i:i 0.1
Letter <,f adiiilnintration on the i state
of rah li. Dull, dw'd., late of Butler
Iforough, I'll., having heen tfranted to
the ntiderßixneil, all p. Mim' knowing !
|li»U)|iulvhh n.debftd to waid estate will
please make luiuiedin'e payment and i
any having just claims against t;aiil '
i stale will pit-mt tin in properly |
proved for Hettlement to
.1 NO. 11. Dri.i,, Ailin'r.. I
Butler, Pa
\V. (>. FiNnr.KY, Att'y- I 10." |
<<i:o. A Min 111.1,1.,
b S. (VIcJONKIN «V CO ,!
Insurance &■ Keul Estate
117 E Jefferson St.i
- - - - J^AS
::o7 Butler f 'ounty National Bank i'Ulir.
Dangerous Vertigo.
Dizziness or SwimuiiDg of the
Associated With a Secse of Fullness,
Dull Pain or Nervous Sick Head
ache is a '-r' pi Ibdi.vitioD of
«u Oi_ ."ii p'exy
or Taralysis. i
Dr. A. \\ Chase's
Nerve Pills.
If ilie person snbject to attack of diz
zinecs or pwiiaunii:; of the head, com
mouly called vertiso, vtonld only stop
to realize that these sj intona are not a
disease in themselves, not temporary
ailments, but the plainest sort of warn
I ings from nature of grave troubles of
deeper origin, of an exhausted nervous
system or an oncoming apoplexy, epi
lepsy or paralysis, the matter would
receive prompt attention. Dr A W.
'"hase knew this aud provided the enre
in his celebrated Nerve Pill, a medicine
that brings back the glow of health ana
strength by its power to furnish just
what the ill fed ha'f stirved nervous
system needs, uood. rich, vholesome
Mood and nerre force or energy.
Mr. E. Smith, of No. 1 L'nion Street,
Troy, N. Y.. i-ays:
"I n=e<l to naffer constantly fiom
nervous hea«i afne and dizzy spells. I
They i-ame 011 at apy time aud iu any
place—l was never - tfo from theui
stooping over alwaxs resulted iu vertigo
my head pained me as well. I eot a box of
and they cured the trouble rapidly, eas
ily and completely. It is the best' med
icine I ever took. lam as sound iii a
dollar iu every particular ;.ud
very glad to receujii;enil it to auy one
in a similar ■ ondi ion as a safe and cer
tain cure."'
.10 cents ;i i ;ii il'-.tiers <>r Dr. A \V.
(,'hare Medicine Co , Buffalo. N. Y. Por
trait and si>;n«fnre of A. W. Chase,
M.D.. on every package For sale by
Redick and Grohiuan, drnggist-*, l'-'J K.
Main St. Butler, Pa.
Orphans' Court Sale.
By virtue of the authority .-ont ilnort In an
order is»utnj; out of tl>« Orp'ian-,' Court, la
aud for the county of Butler, Pennsylvania,
anil to rnc directed. I will expose to sale at
pu)>li<- vendue er outcry on the preu.lses, on
Thursday, June Ist, 1905,
Mt 11 o' \o*'k A. M . that raluablo parcel and
lot of l:tt«(]. l;tt t !:♦• estate* of John Freshoorn
of New Kewlr-klc y t«nvush»p t Beavor county.
Penn'a. de« # :!s«;o, 1 yii rkjk and bfjug bltuated
in the town.shiii of Cranberry, In the county
of Butler. IViintiylvania. Ixmnded and de-
d follows, to-wit: On tbe north by
land* of the heir* of Michael Freshcorn. cast
by land*of Samuel t raharn's heirs, south bv
tiuhlic roa<l. and v.t it by lar.tls of J:m*9u
IVemerVs heirs, containing twenty Jfres;
this land i> in a hlxh stato of cvltlvatlon,
well fenced; there Is a liu«* orchard of apple,
cherry aud p. th trees on satne and an ex
cellent, never falling >;)rin^.
TKKMS UV >ALb: Ten per centum of
amount bid Id •"ub on day of .sate, forty per
centum on confirmation and delivery of the
iced, and the balance, with interest from
»hc date of confli mat 100. In one year there
after; said balance to be secured by close
judgment. l>ond and mortgage on the
Executor, of John Fresncorn. dee'd..
Knob f*. if., H' aver Co.. I'a.
WILLIAM H. Lcsk. Attorney.
Itutler Pa.
jL/%.w%. V%-
'- V "
j • I
$ When you put* on your #
spring front come here for t
i the roof. J
1 i
J One of our hats will "top i
t off" your suit to perfection. »»
2 We have thirty-eight dif #
t ferent styles for spring. j|
t *
Manhattan shirts in the j
£ new spring patterns are £
# here. ■ #
d $
J *
# Let us show you the new £
j neckwear and hosiery. f
t J
0 t
# I'-Phono. 015. #
1 HUM.' ,A. $
Paint for
| Every Purpose^
r Yes, we have it, twenty ?
c different kind, from a half S
? pint to a five gallon cari, \
C Let us quote you the 7
( cost of painting your house/
or barn. r
i Reditk & (irohmanx
> 109 Korlb Main Ft, 7
\ Butler, Pa. j
M ( . V/AGNfc'K
IH9 Houth Mhlii Ht .
1 H. MII.^KR
OF PICK ltooui 506, lintler County
1 Nutiorml lluuk bnildiUK-
T-I< I!1||1L &
* J. G. & W. CAMPBELL,
In the District Court ot the
United States for the Western
District of Pennsylvania, in
In the mat lor of •
Bcbert LyourKUs llindmitn. iNo. 2*!o, In
Bankrupt. ' Bunkruptoy.
[ J
To tlio i-rcditors Uobert Lycurgus Hind
man, of I'etrolla. in tlie county of Butler
and district aforesaid, a bankrupt:
Notice i-. hereby given that on the llthday
of April. A. I>. 1«( B. tin' said Kolicrt Lycurgus
Hlndiuan. was duiy abjudicated bankrupt;
and that the first meeting of his creditors
will !*■ h. id at tbe office of J. \S. llut'-hlson.
Keferee in Bankruptcy. No. ill N. W. IMa
mond. Butler. I'a.. on the 13th day of May,
A. li. ISIOb. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at
which time tlie said creditors may attend,
prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex
amine the bankrupt, and transact such
other business as may properly come be fore
said meet in jr.
April 24th, 1905. . „ .
Keferee In Bankruptcy.
Letters of a«luiiuistration on the estate'
of Arnold Vorpe, dee'd, late of Middlesex
tp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to the said estate
will make immediate payment, and all
having claims against said estate will
present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
W. J. PACOK, Adm'r..
Valencia, li F. D. 2-'5.
JAMES B. McJUNKIN, Att'y. 2-10-05
Letters testamentary on the estate of
John Spohn, dee'd, late of Summit
twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been grant
ed tbe undersigned, all persons know
inn themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authenti- j
cated for settlement to
Pi ll li l* ,T. SPOHN. I F _. Pfl
JOHN SI'OHN, t rß '
R. F. D. No. 5. Butler, Pa.
JAMES B MCJunkin. Att'y. 1-12-05
Letters testamentary on the estate
of Jerusha Bigham, deceased, late
of Slipperyrock township, Butler
county, Penn'a., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves to be indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make
prompt payment and those having
claims against the estate will present
the same duly authenticated for settle
ment to
3-16 05 Slipperyrock, Pa.
Letters of administration ou the estate
of D P. Kelly, dee'd., late of Bruin
borough, Butler County, I'a, having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted
trt said estate will pienne make im
mediate payment, and auy having
claims agaiust said estate will present
them duly authenticated for settlement
to the
Butler, Pa.
W. D. BRANDON, Atty. 3-9-08
i In the
J Market.
Crystal Pharmacy
R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G,O
106 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
* ********* ****
Strictly High Grade 1
Come and see me whenjJ
you buy; also sheet music f
or anything in the music |
line. |
f MtiMie in»trnctor and Piano Tnner, #
Next door to V. M C. A, 2
People's l'hone I
¥ orchestra furninhod for all I
occasions. *
*■# ** * * *■* **** ***** ***** ****
t'yes Examined Free of Charge
Jeweler and Graduate Ootician
Next Door to Court House, Butler, Pa
r>, I -r_„ ,1 - l.rirtl till! l!;ulM-r Triuln anC
Barber i raoe ii l .i. n .<i,.i«<.i. omy«
» nviiilro'l V.'iy IIIIH. i xjMiiiw H"lul foi
I lit. Ave., I'ldxlMttKli, I'M.
II You fciini <•> t.uy "i wilaiiy kliul «t bu»lii«MM<
CAVANAOH CO, ill I .unli A in, I'liuliiirnli.
PI I. KM AMD VIMVlth. Doctor iiluner, W
ivim .iv.- I'lmh iiifli . ■■■ to ii»y vurad; ai*i
< mi . i mi all i hP'iil. -IIt." >«••» AlHl bifKHl
r..| till »;;« 1 1..n a-Jv»CO l» fI« <J. iUiU*
hull.»II .u li|«-(| nvat' ('.ill liitil hoc th» l>ocU/l
<>m« <• iwmi tu.ttu • i». 111.
g<>* \t>» n •
. :f. AH.I * I|.,l'|. " »•»■ riromim ft.;
« IIM 111 VI ■ |c w I JHIIII ill »•*•«
tiuM ,n.*t I • • mmW't »lll« Ww
I wbr nuulhrr. Ilrfiix •ulwll
mu'l iidll*H»n». Ui. t your Uriimjiirt,
Wild If. 11l "I "op to- «**rll«.al»r».
■nuulMU bii.l "llrllrf fur l«.illr»." «»
l,< rrlurn Hatl. I• tillluoill»l«. Hula b>
■JI l.lof|/1 .In
Il«) 91sUI.ua IMiuiirr, I'lllLA, WA
MmU»« *l«m«»
No. 229 12 SOUTH MAIN ST.
AND 3.
Dr. E. Qrewer is a graduate of the
1 University of Pennsylvania, and who is
now permanently located at the above
address, where he treats men, women
and children.
Diseases of the Nervous System, the
symptoms of which are dizziness, lack
of confidence, soxual weakness in men
I and women, ball rising the throat, spots
floating before the eyes, loss of memory
unable to concentrate the mind on one
subject easily startled when suddenly
spoken to, and dull distressed mind
j which unfits them for performing the
duties of life, making happiness impos
> sible,distressing the action of the heart,
> depression of the spirits, evil forebod
ings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melan
choly, tire easy of company, feeling as
I tired in the morning as when retiring,
> lack of energy, nervousness, trembling,
; confusion of the mind, depression, con
" stipation, weakness of the limbs, etc.
Thoso so affected should consult us im
mediately and l>e restored to perfect
Lost Manhood Restored
i Weakness of Young Men Cured
: Dr. E. Grower's varicocele Ring euros
j Varicocele, Hydrocele and Rupture
.. Land wi.ttfl.ut i"M" TO
detention from business.
He cures the worst cases of Nervous
' Prostration, Rheumatism. Scrofula,
Old Sores, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases
aud all Diseases of the Ear, Nose,
Throat, Heart, Luugs, Stomach, Liver,
' Kidneys and Bladder.
Itching Piles, Fistula, Stricture,
Tumors, Cancers, Goiters, cured with
out cutting.
Special attention paid to the treat
ment of Nasal Catarrh.
He will forfeit the sum of Five
Thousand Dollars for any case of FITS
he cannot cure.
Consultation free and strictly confi
dential. Write if you cannot call.
Office hours—From !) a. m. to 8:80 p.
in. On Sunday from Itoß p. m. only.
R •*. 21N W. Clar. HI. Kos. lilT Itrudv HI.
Amy &• Eyth,
Calls anwered promptly to all parts
of the county. Ojien all night.
217 .South Main St., old Postofllce Room.
n«tl I'liouo 24ft. l'uo. I'bOSfi 831. litng S.
Furniture and Household Goods
At Lut fluildlni; ComlnK Down
And Everything Maat be Sold In M> Do*.
Carpets Buri, l.itolcum And Furniture.
Thu tlni'Ht Mt'H-k I rum St l.nuU Kvponttloo.
Large A xiiiliilnli r ('urpetn, llnil lire nil minlf.
lo 111 nK>m»; riiHl W;. 1111(1 S7!S KO lit *.'s. Itmly
ItrtiHSflH roHt #HI iiihl ?."»<> u*i ill
will tit liiric*> »lz.' r<*mi». Itoom »!/.<> uiik*.
Ilru»»<-ls ami Ingrain if7..V», stn und ft... A
rare eliaiu't'. Hampli- T> ulere Keuulni- l.ruttli r
I'arlor Hulls «'OHI tl'~i at fl"> aml #,>■'. Inliilil
l.liinleutD. tlili-U us ii lioarit. wortli a
yard x" at 7.'m\ Otliurs wtirlli HIW: «o nt 4n.*
ami Sih-. Kxpohltlon N»>nple« «»f l,r<lrr*mi
suit*; iincn eo»t <lOll go ill »ln. ou<-s ir<> ut
•m. Ol liem at fit, |l& ami •». Tlit* I* a Kale
of a lifetime. Must make HHIIII for new
liiilklliiK We pay thu frrlulit.
Next to I'lcUorliiif*. |M I'enn av<i, Ptt tal>urg,
ffliere to Dine When iu Piltslorc
Til IV 4 1 1 I Til Ktiti mro 442 Mnttorn Waj
X II Ij II WorM'* lirvfitl l(alhik«llei
Everything to r;tt fioui a ■ hmlw|< II t«» a Dana ui»t
Tftlilns ftcreeuiM] ott for prlfato i*ar(!o» llualiiM*
men's lunch, 11. <fo tf) 2p. U).. 36c. 223 Dlimoud
itreot, riftai»u»Kii f Pa.
If «im tii/il 'u CH2«M'AN RU3TAURANT.
11«1IIIII|I I Kverytlilng to out and <11lnk (
Mivedln tlerinaii ntyln. Impoili «l and tlark
twrcr un draugfit. HI IHHIMMMI •tioot, I'liUumgh
Milll'l'S KCNtllUrUllt n'oM Trlili,'
I'ltlsliurgli, Pa.
Josppli lloriic Co's sast* ,j "
ritl»tnirKli, I'a , ujii*n frmn In in. until ft:.lop. ui.
Nrala oinl i.«iirliri nt «i»j' Hoar.
j|M)c|al ftO<* l>lnnrr »«TVH«| II:r«o a. in. to 2:90 dally.
Woman's Exchange MOW I
112 l'ltnu #r» T»li|. «r. -i»,-.| f..r M#n ll;30 until 5
IIOUM CuuklHg.
nPTH AVHHOr Opp.^Orttml
Whrre to l>lnr In Allrghcny.
Sa ner'N Ta vein r sr'C-
AllnKl.miv, V».
Ladlra Dlnnlnn Itoom Mrrourf Floor.
Wholesale Dealer In
Fine Whiskey
For Medicinal Purposes,
Bell Phone 278
People's Phone 578.
316 East Jefferson Street
ttulHK'ribe for tbe CUUVu
v Now is the time to buy Wall Paper cheap— \ '
V>' And this is the place! \ *
af Owing to the fierce outline iu our liue this year we find onr stock of J
ywall piper larger than usual at thi.« tuu? of year. % >
JJln fact it is goin;; rapidly at prices that would make our competitors sick!/*
V Cotne iu and help yourself before all the g x>d patterns are picked ont. &
Jt Our lig line of Hsmmcks are now on sale—some elegant patterns*;
%# anions them. " O
I Eyth Bros.,
I Mrs. i. E. ZIMMERMAN]:
;; Our Entire StocK of Spring Cloth iSuits < !
!; at 1-3 off tlie Regular Prices. ::
I ' This sale is sweeping in its character and affects oar entife stock < #
I I of Women s and Misses's Tailor-made Suits. Not a single one has i \
been overlooked by the price cnttor. Materials are Coverts, Cheviots,
Broadcloths, Mohair. Checks and Mannish mixtures. .Remember '. ►
i there is not an old suit in this collection. All are this spring's models | 1 >
6 15.00 " " " " 10.00 J ►
* 20.00 " " 44 « 13 98 J,
i \ 25.00 " " " •• 17.98 ) (
(\ 35.00 " 14 44 4 4 23 98 ) |
'# Hand-made chiffon and horse hair braid hats $2.98. All the latest €>
< T style polo-scoop hats, Charlotte Corday and turbans, priced flits / ,
i ( $-.',•8, s•', i.i, 84.00 and to $lO 00. The trirauiinßs are beautiful: velvet J
' # ribbons, ornaments and flowers. This is a flower season. We have \ *
< % them in all the new pom-pom effects and roses, lilacs and violets * '
I priced 19c to f ! 00. Untriunned hats sOc, Toe, <JMC and up. V
<£ Savings range from 1-4 to 13 on every purchase. X
< % Misses' and children's hosiery; full seamless fast black; 15c values. J ,
X per pair lie. Misses' and children's finest ribbed lisle hose, 25c valu-s. |
£ per pair. Ladies'line lace lisle hose, 23c valnes, llic per pair
Ladies' fine black, tan and white hose, 50c valnes, 85c, or three pairs .
I for f 1.00 Ladies', Misses' and children's fine ribbed vests and pants I
/ in all sizes—high neck, long sleeve, low neck, short sleeve, wiDg r
( \ sleeve, eleeveless garments. union suits, knee lengths. We make a < i
I ( specialty of extra sizes for lar;;o woman. Price range—children's
'# garments 5c to 25c. Price range from 10c to SI.OO tor Indies' gar- * ►
{ » ment. Also full assoitment of l idies' and children's muslin under- i l
. L wear.
Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman.
t .Bell Phono 808. r_> r
w People's Phone'lSA. < I
- >00000<>0000000<X:" - v '
|Martincourt & Thorn, Ltd. §
O There are two ways of buying, one is before seeing and the other iB 9
after seeing, one is bnying from a good reliable firm you know, the other "
ois bnying from a firm you don't know, one is bnying from a firm th it
Oknow you and that cares for your interest the other is buying from a firm
that don't know you and whom yon do not know. It is astonishing how v
fast people are learning that the first one is the firm to dfetl with aud (%
O from the amount of bnsiness w* nre doinir this spring it looks us if wo X
wuuki Iwv« »u|»|>tvn«K wxlwmiml, Hnw mimriy wr-lf
Q load after car load of UutocUs and Wagons, but they are going very fist. 0
Oof course onr prices are so low it does not pay to get old ones fixed up. In
all our twenty-five years in the Buggy business we have never had as nice "
Q aud nobby Buggies aud Road Wagons as this year. Come and s<>e fur A
O yourself and prove what we say or if you want a Harness you jnst s ive /k
from two to ten dollars on a set, we guarantee it and onr guarantee is v
Q good. Have you seen that full .length Rawhide Bnggy Whip we sell at A
025 cts., yon certainly have for it seems everybody has Iwuttht one. If
you want a Top or Wheels or anything belonging to a driving or team W
outfit come here. A
IMartincourt & Thom §
{) 128 E. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. 0
0 We tire headquarters for tlie Kramer A
\ Bickel's Footwear. M
% A Grand Display of Fine Footwear in fj
4 All the Latest Spring Styles. fj
A /MfcJm pretty styles in Ladies' Fine w
m Shoes and Oxt'prds at prices N
m Jj m sure to interest you.
M Big bargains in Misses' p
T I Children's Shoes.
r mffif Large stock of Men's and L 1
Mr Boys' Fine Shoes and Ox- Vi
P fords in many styles. k
1 < m Jtw Repairing promptly done.
f; JOHN bickelJ
r 128 S. Main St., BUTLER. PA.
i|i We Juke pleiisiire ... announcing to •»•« !>"'>"<• Unit we 1. ive
148 SOOTH MAIN STflefcT. 3?
»?« |,ocateil in tie- Heart of the Millinerv Centre,
itl lj( j , in . now open to the public with a large showing of *|}
| Spring and Summer Millinery |
* nobby and ..p to dat ■ Millinerv With man, past favors. Tg
ifi and soliciting your fntnro pitrona ;*. we remtin ■[ >•
| Rockenstein'R 1
® Location. I.«S Moh. S! '<»«•" $ J