Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 04, 1905, Image 1
VOL. XXXXII. The Only Big Show to Visit This Section. BUTLER, Saturday, May 13 John Robinson's TEN BIG SHOWS COMBINED (NOT IN THE CIRCUS TRUST' ACKNOWLEDGED THE MOST IDEAL IN THE WORLD r»irrtlsr Uaier Maaartfe Teats s MiUles Dellsr Potposrrl of Amui:n«st " ' Xevdles, laclotflsf: A Th-ee Ringed Circus, Big Double Menagerie, Hippodrome and Wild West DAREDEVIL BE BURRY Captain Thomson, ezpn*(«Urf I bora. usnahipj THE LEAVENS WORTH ZOUAVES Direct from a snccersful European trip . Amertea's Oreatest Military Co. Presenting Bntt's Manual of Arms to Mow. rjvju i Premier Lady Somersault Rider, and Exponent Eqnlsite of the Art ot Horse womanship with Vi other world famed male and female riders. pTor i til IVINCTfiN And his Talented Aquatic *ifaespiai», LAi 1 All* n|TIMUn THE EDUCATED SEALS. Double Heard of Elephants HU Program OHU U|n. of I'erfoction. ilDg Solomon and the Queen of Siisba viyal of this Biblical Story. LOOO-MEU, WOMEN AND MORBI-» IN THE CAST—LOOO. imtmt Oyaaasts, fftaMe /Urebats tad Taleated Aerialists,The Pick el All Areslc Celebrities "" FC RTV AIEKRy ObP CfeOWNS. ffTfatd of imriik's Meat Hontt; 10P Head of Cote Shetland Ponies. Aad Uh QnadMt, Moot Qorgtoa* and Snmptnooaly Presented btreet Parade in AM History of Circosdom. A Solid Mile ot (fold Bedecked Wagons and Chariots, v fMwiaf HorsfO, Dons of Ban and (Joatly Wild Animals, and including the IWH'I Meweel Novelty, a of % million dollar raprodactioa ot the Battle Mklps at Out Vtry IaJHHb/ 1 h |PTD|| TWO SHOWS OAlby, RAIN OR SHINE Tirlr/»f Woann CONNECTED "WITH LOCAL TELEPHONE SERVICE I't'*' ** ani j a jj far »{ c || e tii win receive carefal attention. " EXCURSION RATP# Qfi fiLL, RAILROADS. New Patterns For Our Patrons THE MODERN STORE. As we are always on the l'«okoot for th« vry IH-»I ttalriiEo that are of adventitial of our p*triin«, «<*brvc dm-liied Ui place | r , ,u*k THK I-AUIKH' HOME Jot.' !;NAI, I'ATTKttNM. wblch are so extensively advertised In The Ladles' Home Journal. Beadersof the latter publication, no doubt, havu olnervod the tieautlful and VrH* f"u U ' to S"' 1 w '!li s '"'' Uj kn " w that ' The prices will lie only 10 and"'! each, none hl*l»er. Tber'HAKT MOfjRI,. fqrn(sbe<] with each pattern, fs the greatest Invention •ver made In connection with paper patterns. It does a#ay with the old dlfll ulty of puttlnK a pattern tMether • loog and iUrttiplkaUKl dewrlplluoii. '.Vu arc con - tdeat that It will only be to understand Its advantage for ladle* u, IH;- oim« regular nsers or The ladles' Home Journsi I'allernn. All patterns appearing In The Ladles' llorne Journal can be had at our pat terp counter. DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, Ladies' and Men's Furnishings. EISLER-MARDORF CONPANY, } 221 Simple, gent 6 n r P au„,. OPrOSITB HOTBL ARLINGTON. BUTLER, PA. Call at our store for FREE FASHION SHEETS. [let us advise YOU I I i The importano* of haatsitwo weeks ago wp advertised latrgalna.tliey are (I M nearly al] gone, but luckily for yo a everything svtm* to be gulng wrong 1 1 with at, we cannot ban) Buggies and Wagons from the earn as faat as U C I they an coming in, jut got tbrongh with a car aod bare to Ijegin on (% 2 , another. We are forced to get rid of »-mie right away, we say right % 1 away. It yon bnrry np you will get a nice Top BnKKy and a K<KX\ set V ft I Harness, making a turnout good enough to «o to yonr neic's wedding it X for ever |6<).00 or a Slat Wagon and Harness for same price. If yon 5 1 send away and think you are buying at wholenle you will pay $lO 00 nto $590 00 moke for no better. We have a whole lot of other bargains 2L we are offering to induce you to come in. such as nice tick-faced collarH JZ If at tl.OI). good if oik tec im harness worth for collar sweat w9 n padu worth 40 c»s, for ty cts./'icdod fhU rawhide buggy whijw 25 cts , £% KAc . don'f tbiok these will be here forever we are advertising J J V tbem to |el) them »ud if you want any bargains don't wait a day. W iMartincourt & Thoml 5 I (LIMITED) 2 1 128 E. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. j| Wf Sjell the (Cramer Wagon Best Wagun made jj 1 S©©©i?o©©©©©©o©©©s©®©cso®©t) MEN Won't boy clothing for the parpotie of •pending mon«>y. Tb*y d*#tr<! to ir.-t th« j*j*t pcMlble of rpotaobey oxptadM i!liT. w J'° ljn y cn#tofa clothing have n * Qt. tp have tb«iir clothe* ' n 1 ln »t>l« and to demand of the na unrt KUßrH '>'«« everything. t« «... . t *.," k :":;;; k , * c . kl ;" rta ' ,b - >W G. F. KECK, (MERCHANT TAIfcOH, 148 N. Main St., sutl?r, Pa THE BUTLER CITIZEN. i CLEAN SnfO CATARRH tSD HK-A.Lt NO CUBE FOK CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm fe Eu; slid plew&Bt to ■s" c»*. CUMHI•» L.O \l i» q- ck :T »bsori*4. G>e« Ke-tf at ooc*. *&asteSzrcOU)'* HEAD Heaia ai.a Protects the Membrane. Ke«ore« l.'ie S»M* of Tut* and Smell. Large Stw, M cec'a al Drcggicts " T by maii; Trial S!ze, 10 cents by mai.. ELY BKOTHiiiii, M Wirreo Street, Sew York. PROFESSIONAL CARUS. PHYSICIANS, JC. BOYLE, M. D. • EVE, EAX, NOSE and THROAT, SPECIALIST. ™t2l East Cunningham Street. Office Hour* U to 12 a. m.. 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m BOTH TELEPHONES. DR. JULIA E. FOSTER, OSTEOPATH. Consultation and examination free. Office hoars—9 to 12 A SI.. 2 to M., daily except Sunday Evening appointment. Office—Stein Block, Rooms 9-iO, But ler, Pa. People's Phone 478. CLARA E. MORROW, D. 0., GRADUATE BOSTON COLLEGE G» OSTEOPATHY. Women's diseases a specialty. Con sultatian and examination free. Office Hoars, 9to 12 m., 2 to 3 p. m People's Phone 573. if 6 S. Main street, Butler, Pa M 7 ZIMMERMAN I. PHYSICIAN AND SCRGKOH At 327 N. Main »t. R. HAZLETT, M. D., • 106 West Diamond, Dr. Graham's former of^ce. Special attention give., to Eye, e and Throat Peoole's Phone 274. OAMUKLM. BIPPUS, O PHYSICIAN AND SPKGBON 200 West Cunningham St. DENTISTS. DR FORD H. HA* EH. DENTIST. Graduate of Dental Department, University of Pennsylvania. Office—2ls 8. Main Street, Butler, Pa. D R." 8 A. JOHNSTON, SURGEON DENTIST. Formerly of Butler, Has located opposite Lowry Honse, Main St, Butler, Pa. The (inest work t specialty. Expert painless extractor A teeth by his new method, no medi cine nsed or jabbing a needle info the gums; also gas and ether nsed Com mnnications by mail receive prompt at Motion. DR. J. WILBERT McKEE, buaeaok b'uwriwt. Office over Leighner's Jewelry store Bo tier, Pa. Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gold crown and bridge wark. _____ . DE:;TJST. 19 ri South Haiti nfrtel, (or Metzer'n shoe store. V DR. H. A. MCCANDLK->S DENTIST. Office in BntlerConnty National Bunk Building, 2nd floor DR. M D KGTTRABA, Successor to Dr. Johnson L> Office at No 114 E. Jefferson St., ovei O *A'. Miliar'» grocery ATTORNEYS. RP. SCOTT, • ATTORN^'VF-LAW, Office in Batler Chanty National Bank boilijinx. AT. SCOTT, • ATTORNKY AT LAW. Office at No. 8. West Diamond H'. Bit ler. Pa. COULTER & BAKER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Bntler Connly National Bank bniktini^ JOHN *. COULTER, tJ ATTOKNKVAT-LAW. Office on Diamond, Batler, l'a. Special attention given to collections and businei;* tnattcu. JD MCJUNKIN, • ATTOHNKV-AT-LAW. Office in Retber building, cornet Main and E. Cunningham St*. Entrance on Main atic., T M. BREDIN, *) • ATTOKNKV AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Court Hone HH. GOU2HEP-. • LAW Office In Wise building EII. NEOLEY • ATTOBNKV AT LAW Office In the Negley Building, West Diamond. W C. PJNDLKY, • ATTOKNKV-AT-kAW. ANI) I*KNI4ION ATTOKNKY. Office on Month nid« of Diamond, Butler, fa. MISCELLANEOUS. BF. HILLIARD, • GKNKHAL StJHVKYINO. Minna an<l Lanil. Connty Hurvnyor R. P I). 49, Woat Hnnbury. Pa. n P. L. McQUIUTION, V*. CIVIL EHOIMKUH AND SURVEYOR Office near Court House. I P. WALKER, L» NOTAKV Print, Ic, J3YT(,|<«. Office with H« »Vtn<-r, »ji-4t 'l<»>r lr, I'. O Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do, / * Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and sec us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy 8. O. PUUVIB, PH. <i Both Phones. 818 8 Main St. QqU*? AAAAA i '•.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4W&AAAAAAAAA&4S' ► llThe Witch of J II CraSscstone 8 ♦ : > M By ANITA CLAY MUNOZ, ft - Author of "In Love and Truth" i. 2; 2 i-r- i ; :»j -j •: -* •: <; •: +\ <3 •• •_ . ► «•-«£*- •- ■*-v. •TTTVYt?tt¥YfTTfV/VTTVVfTVTVVt v / » vVV VV V *VTVV TV CHAPTER I, ALL tlio long Sabbath day a mist liunj? over the iuouuta;:; so i henvy an«l gray that twilight came ou Mmost uuperceived. In the quajit old English village of Cragcnstone. situated near the top most i*eak of this particular mountain, frarly evening services were just being completed In the meeting house, a wooden structure that stood prouti ne; tly on an elevation of rocks and sa';-» in the center of the village, with hs .sharp steejde ri ing dark and stern nbove the shadows of the gathering gloom. Droning voices chanting an anthem were heard. Then the door was o[K:ned and the congregation filed out in reverent silence down the rocky pathway leading to their several homes, uu<J«liUit ■seriously lu eacli otu er when the time of parting came. The solemn stillness of a Puritan Sabbath day pervaded the atmosphere, and all felt Its influence, from old Fa ther Earrlsh, with homespun suit and gray wool stockings, leaning heavily on his staff, to pretty Hetty Tauustou, ,vu'. -Soft ly at SPGtbei s side, forcing a look of seriousness on her dimpled face and dropping her eye lids demurely to oovcr the brightness of hor sparkling eyes as she passed young Simon Kempster, who stood waiting at the door, his g.izc Intent upoi, hjir. iUfcUea* Tauuston, iior peat gray ponnet projecting well over her austere countenaii'" and tied securely under her chin, rested her hand prond ly on the arin of her son Joxiali, who, fall, spare rnd grim ; yUvdc o;J j.i silence, (tie iiravtt solemnity of bia manner giving evidence of his lirm be lief in the strict and narrow teachings of the Puritan sect to which he be longed. The mist of the day had lifted, and through the breaking cloud* overbeaq AM early evening star was bravely en deavoring to send down a gleam to lighten the path of the wayfarer when mother and son entered the gateway before ftytb" uome, a low, rambling farmhouse built securely of logs and cement. Pausing at the door. Mistress Tauustou, with her hand on the iHtch, bent forward and looked down the dark roadway with a scuf.',hi(ig gla^Cu "Hetty T That tritiUig maid:" alio exclaimed In a tone of vexation. "I should not ha' granted her request to walk with Cynthia Camett, for I might ha' known the twain would loiter on the wav, Indulging Idlu chatter and forgetting the holy day." ' "I'ret not, mother," Taunston mild in a r+fffUnnt voter, hi'inli iiJJ'l discordant. fqr J i.-u LUlllud with tii«l dampness of the night. No hurui can befall the girl, who doth but desire to exchange greeting# quietly with her friends." Accustomed to do her (ton's bidding at the sllghbttt word, his mother lifted the latch and soon th» ft I- : t- «*rlu , ! i light |»t sew-tttl candles' Unclosed the living room of the farmhonae —the large kitch en. Throwing his hat and cloak on a bench near at band, Taunston sank Into a scat on the liigh backed settle h| Mi*- •l.lmii"> placjj, stretching out his legs Vhircringly 10, rpcplve the lieaf from the burning logs, observing his mother's movewen'a in silence as she removed her bonnet nud cap, then drew forward a small pine table, scrub bed to shining whiteness, and laid a Bible upon it. (Seeing that she V:; # about to bc.Oßn. air urK-'l iii leading evening chapter, lie ob Served suddenly, with au ill concealed Attempt at carelessness, "Our cousin Margaret must bq <ii\ hep v,nf by nvh, giollifl'." "Her missive sent to us by special messenger doth stale that she arrived Mfely In London," his mother replied, lifting her glance from the page, "and that she would proe«.»d ».i ; |i t t , ( a 4 ppetdliy. 'ihe trflst coming out of the rOuds and recent heavy ruins combine to make traveling tedious, as thou doit know, Josiali. Hut I expect within the week to welcome thy cousin back to the village of her |»!ri!j . film hl.o'/K her hs.'i'i, hlglung dole rully, "1 wot 'twill be but a nad home coming for the maid, with no father to greet her." "Her house and lands are in readl ne«n for her to take poste-M510..," .1 o si ah grayely 1 . Aye, thou hast been « good steward, my «on," she re|>llc<i, ''since thine tui do, showing rare wisdom In bin dying hour, chose thee to munuge Ills daugh ter's estate." Hhi? sat erect In her chair, speaking earnestly. "l'oi .In, iu tlas rocky country hath tiroltder pasture lands, belter sheep and cuttle, liner horseflesh, an' whose hirelings are trained to labor with mor«* economy and speed? In the two years thou hast been lu charge of her estate, Joslub, thou hunt proved thyself untiring In thy r.eal mid ■ r(l u 'I Uuu u>.v yearly" stipend that was not uugeuerous, mother." "Thou Kiunt been faithful and zealous for thy cousin's Interests," his mother asserted, with stern «mi>l{ii*l«, nibi* gardliiK tiN ooieivution eutlrely, "an' ibuu should have u reward, my son yoraoolh, tliou art entitled to u rich re ward," she repeuted. The ungainly fellow moved uneasily on the settle, a dull red glow of color mounting to Ills forehead. "Lately I ha' thought," be said, with slight hefliiution "Met .uyhap '>lll' •*"",;Hhi twtid be mucli chang |s4' «fter jier long sojourn in Kranco. liolike hli» may return to find m dull and our ways too tjulct for her taste. Have such thoughts e'er come to thy mind, mother"/" "Nay, not to apeak on," she replied, "for 1 know that thy cousin will real ize her obligations ;o u< • and unless hci r 'iirij' teaching i tin- entirely swept /1 Way will heed tlte advice of her aunt and llnti 11 to her counsels with rv SppCt." Khe ral'icd li«l hftud and shook tier ntiger sternly. "liut think not it was with my con sent that Andrew Mayland Hint Mar garet away to bin ulster in I'arls," she said, "there to remain until she was twenty-one. I tell thee t. .iul(, turn A v V *ii I.J|I»-II ti' otny child, win should liaVc been ra l id there in yon der gray alone hm ie, built b.v her grnndrather, and allowed to grow to wot uanhood among l.er own kind and In Uie <i IM 1 fcarl(j)( way* of in 1 slut folk, liklucatlon, forsooth l C'au lJetty fk«t read and write au£ 4° klf number BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1905. iut; skillfully? Prithee, 'tia enough Ir.c'wiedg.' for a maid! As m - g) >d fa ther. now dead, hath said, "I "ill thy daughter's heart wlui a dread of sin. raise her iu fear of the wrath of the Lord, an' thou hath doue thy duty.'" Josiah acquiesced by au emphatic movement of his head. "Mother," lie recurring again fco the subject of his cousin Margaret, "I ha" been think iu_' much on the coming home of our klhsv.-omau. Of reft my mind hath dwelt upon her youth and ;;wii»ii'.r. What kno'.vetii she of the c; re of a household aud the management of so many acres as are hers entirely now. I—thou"—he hesitated—"we must keep close to her, direct her endeavor ~ ana from the lirst'-lie raised his voice, speaking ivith harsh emphasis—"allow uo other influence to crowd in to push our? out. Ou our counst' she mu>t be taught to rely, and she must ever find us to be towers of strength upon which she may lean with confidence." "Thou hast s[iokeu wisely, Jo3iah," the dame replied. "I' my r.,..iuoiy dot 11 serve me well, Margaret was ever au obedient child to her father, so wilt come naturally, me thinks, to place re liance on her kinsfolk. Hast thought, Joslah," she continued, lowering her voice almost to a whisper nr;d {Qukiua toward t'ei-' 'tjl.lt thy COUsiu'S lands' adjoin thine and what great ben efit could lie derived from being master of It all V" Taunston rose aud paced rapidly and down the l:;iil; ligtacl kitchen. (jf , our c I iia' thought!" lie exclaimed. "For two years I have watched over everything on the May laud farui lands, from the littlest new born lamb to the fleetest horse, aud given orders as if 1 weye owner there." He drew a sharp breath. "And now—God's pity—l must give place to a chit of a girl, who happeu will bring disorder where t pa' had ot dpr ««d put wasteful l-'reacb uotlom above fS'iod Puritan thrift and care." As if tlie thought were intolerable to him, he gave his shouidors a despairing shrug, strode to the wiudow nnd hxjkvd out lonr: unit ovsir th«' blai-ken M landscape in the direction of the Mayland estate. His mother sat for a time looking with sympathetic auxlety at the tall, disconsolate figure of her 1 son. At last she observed 1 '»u doing Uw. no well tliou hast grown fo love those lauds above all reasoning, Josiah. Methinks by every right ihou should.it be master thore "„ "MoViiiH-"" tin*** and srooa befora her, m itli hts baud upraised. In a state of unusual excitement, "I dreamt last night that the vessel on which Marga ret Mayland sailed from Paris was lost with all 011 board, and my cousin, die who stands belweev, me anil the estate, for I am the next heir, as thou doth know, was g(>ne forever, it was a dr< am, but for a night all was mine. I was In truth master there, and 1 Vv'-d I was rich 111 this world's goods, liiisy. Important, prosperous." Ills pale blue eys ■ d . o» cious ly v llli Uiv t-eeliuu pos.-csscd hint as he liriished his hand over his hair. "iia, au' were it so 'twould be well!" Mistress 'l'auustou cried sharply, "pro vlded, of course, It were the good Lord's will," she added piously. "But there are other ways, my son. Hv., thou given con:<iderativ.it 10 (he fact thai Mai&iret v.-11l need a husband liow? An' who more .lilnble than thou ; Joslah?" lie shuiiled nervously 0:1 U|s reel, tin Bble lo lies | 1,.-|- I I>m 1 think sliti would regard my null with favor?" he asked. "Although an upright an' honorable , man, I ha' never thought I had much attractive ness for a woman." Ills mother threw up i.i>i liuml with 3 < t u.'.» tuottoii, tier glance <-outalntng fcolli pride and confidence. "Aye, that she will, Joslah," she un UOUII ed emphatically. "Of a truth, Ihou'rt not oversoft with woman, , I'aoc art SJ tall [VV\ walk about such au air nu' stride that, I ween, scarce 11 maid thou did set thy heart 011 could resist thee." "If It be that my cousin hath an eye ' to Vr purse strings," he oi> t-., Ihie,?htfully ";,.y fiu>,..( and Ihiil'ty j her farm land > uisy ] appeal to her.'' '"I'llonc facts and ollters 10 thine ad I vantage will be placed before our : kinswoman with proper Judgment aud skill 11)1011 her arrival," his mother an nounced. "My son, Ihoti do»t know lln.l 'lis thine own Ifii.ki'iit , . übi (e; I 'me. .1. -uaigaici, for 'tin ever a mini's place to do tlio (Minting, but that I will keep a close shadow and wat h well for thee and thine Interests thou can not doubt. Ah, welladay," she drew a j deep breath, "'twill be a happy lime for thy mother, Jotlali, when, .1.'.. jmt sit before vi doorway at her spin tilitg and, ever and anon rui • ng her eye 10 look al the wide acres of green pasture surmounted by the gray house ou the hill, know that thou art '"i'Sict , there." j amotion, looking intently Into space ' with covetous ci en, made |io reply, i Soon flic caudles having burned al : most to their socket < anil the bright • flare of the logs given place to dull ML ' r Tjt~ fhk 1 / f W -'' 10 s- /Z 7 ' '' ,' / ' : Hr 'm .} y/utv H<r with lilh haml tip ruined. bhicknc *#, 4*lllll ting 11 few dying "pari.s, Ml Ir Tatiiisloti bethought bemelf of tie- in tenet t of lb'- hour ; "Hetty not c.jij, nil'" sue exclaimed, ~ Hiking (o tiie window und looiillig out yvlth Impatient anxiety. "All, 1 hear j her voice!" I Then Uir'/wiuy ojien the tjoor nhv eric I -iiai'iily: "Ilot .y, come li.! "Ti3 uii. •• :n!y fvH' a maid to bo dawdling out or doors ou a Sabbath evening. Thou sh „i!,: -t be at tliy prayers! Who is ;t ti: ti hast with thee:" S:LUOU. mother." . errv faced little creature in her severe gray bouuet and plain dress of homespun came forward hurriedly. "As I was returning from leaving Cynthia Caiuett at the gate I met Si mon near the turnstile, and he ventured to walk with me. Be not angry, moth er," as the woman, towering above her. frowned wrathfully, "Prithee, a little gossip with good Simon would not hurt a maid!" "Gossip ou the Lord's day! Light and trifling talk ou a Sabbath night!" her mother cried in stern rebuke. "And think not that sounds of thy wicked laughter did not reach mine ears! To thy room, hussy! Nay, let the caudle remain," as Hetty lifted one. from the table. "In darkues« eanst thou liettcr put thy yiii.'i on thy prayers and ask the-Lord's forgiveness for thy sins!" Then Cutting the door with inten tional violence upou the retreating form of the young farmer she fasitued the wooden bolts sctwetj Tor the night. CHAPTER 11. JOSIAII TAUXSTOX spent the next day at the marlcc* place aud having uiuilu good bar gains auil fair exchanges rode up to his door rapidly, with an expres sion on-his countenance more compla cent and less severe than usual. "110, there!" he called. To his surprise the door remained unopened, and, listening, he heard no i-ounds of life within. "Mother, opeu, an' «t.t mere,*' l«» ,i v.«, .tor I would have a word with tlieo before I ride farther to speak wi' Biinon Kempster ou the price o' wool." At this juncture a man, one farm laborers vnsbtng rrom the "'i.v'u oi- tii»- house. "The good dame an' thy sister ha' taken their departure long since," he announced, evidently pleased to bo. Ur, Learer of important tiding:.. -iiie> did g.> to «l. r May land farm, master, to Qieel thy coasiu, who hath arrived." With au exclamation of surprise Jo slah sprang from his horse, threw the reins to the man and, turning suddenly to hide the dark flush that i j)r u .a over his face at the shock of the news, gifted Ui<> lufch aud, entering the house, proceeded at once to his chamber, from whence he emerged an hour later n»ueh changed in appearance Hiatus and dust of travel tad mhiii can fully t>«- jnovvd iii>,Di ui> pcr-*oli, u fresh linen i-uil" of dazzling whiteness was about Ms neck, and in place of his common riding clothes lie wore his church t; j.i'O* suit »f black cl.'Ui fiuijy uv.-n and but i:>V the village tailor. puking the footpath that led through the meadows, he walked with long strides lu the direction of the road that wound Its way from the % ~n n the; May land A slight fear lest »li.*iif« from home at the time of his cousin's arrival would be held against him as seeming neglect caused him some anxiety, and he Tyftt, naming suitable wnrdj it£ «k«tu« anil explana ttuu «» hf wntko«l nloriar when M* nmli tntton waf Interrupts by the sudden appearance jf a young woman at the corner of the roadway. She hud ovj dently been runniqs. i«-i over her flushed fnco und tumbling ydlow hair u broad liat of black velvet, with a sweeping while feather, nuitg off at the pack lu reckless abandon, and she held the long skirts of her scarlet riding habit, richly trimmed with silver braid ing, high above her quilted pettic.it. 80 excited was she :> nd \nieiit open her • thai »iiv was flulto regardless of appearance ur of tlio fort that the small na«K-», neatly covered with red (•lik hose, were exposed above her low sh >«• 1 to the cold and disapproving ga/e of tlie man approaching. .1",.t then n siuall dog scuttled joslah breath less panting from a long run. 011, catch her, g.j-i I sir catch Bid dy!" the girl cried shrilly. "The poor dog will take a tit from frlnl»t| i't»ut stupid t jllef t<t Ul t»>» out in this alia 11441 jOaoj when I wits not about! Mqve, man! An' thou canst put thy hand on her!" Thus sharply commanded, .loslah came to Idn senses and, making s»i-.: den and effective divi. cy -jot the ex hausted anil, carrying It to the youim is<llllllll, pill it Into her arms, saying with his customary seriousness, "Margaret MH. viand, for as xu h I rec- Ognl/.c I bee, I give I lice greeting ,11 id do declare that thou ni;t \ve!cuiue to thy home." *\l uliee sfje extended her hand col' dlally. and her lip; parted in a smile of pleasure. "An' Is 't really .loslah?" she :c\,e,| brightly. "At llrst (fl.i- wltlt thy .:i ber face jicd k.!««•». •■uii. K'»l ci»U In, {netltought thou « re the preacher." "And thou w«juldnt have c; 1 led to the preacher, a man of '! >l. to rat eh thy dog, .Margaret'-" regarding let- with it look of quiet reproof. "Aye, th:lt would I." Hi 10 I carelessly. "I' faith, lu mi • >,•. 11 i<• 11 tli ■ better the tuuii the better the de. d Ito 1. i" continue (he subject, Jo-.lah. ■ > till! second glance 1 rememlK>red Un - lit once," She t icpped back a pace or two ar\d, shading her eyes from tit" ulantlug rays of the setting nun t>y tilling her hat w ell dim n ov r tier face, regarded fclui ivilh a pert air of critical Intcreit. "After all, thou'rl not milch change*] except that thou doth 1001. more care worn, and 'Us apparent Hint th'>u Uun grown older," she n>d VKvii, seeing that t!ii ••vpt>. <-inn in hi i eyes did Uot sof-ten, milled, "But happen, cousin, thou woulwst ho better in Is the f:i->)iton of all the men, an' I were to tell thee thou wert grown good look Ing" She laughed a low, rippling laugh of amuseuient. JOHIIIII, lilldlllg In r le\ ill nil IN tils 111. Ing mm! b:-.v(imu lurKhig sil iplcloii thai J was amusing her*«lf at his c\ | |iense, att iwei-ed resentfully and with ( an air of ulTeiided dignity. "That iliott woulilst so misjudge me' as to presume that I would desire praiso for my pern mal a p pen in me i can under tand, for after "'J years of llvlnc (tint wii'Ued clly of Paris, xyUei' j|| the men are fops <n* cit- | i;oni lJl, with 1111 thought llbove decking Uielr bullet wllh tawdry raiment, will ' lug and r>injer to bend lle-lr backs aud '■ inoiiili and grin In pleased acknowl j eilgincut »f " woman's eompllmciit, thou has thought thai all men were ' made In (lie i iuiie fashion," The young mlstrc s of Vmtaii'l , farm, wh > had llstej, i., her < ouilr.'; > words win- au air of bewildered Hiir- ! yil.it, now cried airily: "Oh, lie On Ihce, Joslah, for 11 long face! To talk h<i of , my bonny Paris! forsooth, au thou ; wert to R'» there for a »"iu I! ih-111 Wouldst lose the ■.< .initer look thou ha t ii ' .1 • >lll all Ihe |m pi ■ here und aln mit ell fo. tlliln uppcar alice, Ido 1 lli'e (lice " A Ithmigli this was ■ tld * lib a >llllll - loijtietry that 1001. the j-.iing out i of the viur.tK, 11 led Hush mounted to Joslah'* forehead. "Peace, Margaret," he aald, "aud take not up >u thy self—but at best a sinful mi>ri.ii—to criticise the work of God. That 1 am u:ai!e iu my Master's image doth sufiice for me, and the care —from what 1 judge at sight of thee— that thou dost give to thy body I pre fer to give to the salvation of my soul." He paused for a reply; but. uoue coming, he continued: "Ere I met thee I was on my way to thy house. Shall we walk there together?" Margaret Mayland. looking at the cold, dispassionate face of the man confronting her, with its sharp fea tures and deep set eyes, felt a slight sinkiug at her heart, aud the smile on her bright face faded, her manners be coming at once less friendly, aud more distant. Turning to go. she said: "Aye, come with tne, Joslah. and welcome. Thy good mother anil Hetty have but Just left after spending a pleasant hour with me, and already sweet Hetty hath found a place in my heart." Josiah regarded her soberly, letting his glance rest on her brilliant hued riding dress? significantly. "That my sister hath some trifling faults I do admit," he said. "But she is ever an obedient maid, God fearing, pure miuded and modest, setting an example of propriety that would, I wot, be of benefit to many older and r,i'>t« experienced iu the world than she." They had reached the entrance of the driveway that led to the Mayland bouse. Margaret, stepping inside, has tily drew the gates together after her und, leaning over the railing, said, with mi attempt at 11 smile: "Of a sudden H great weariness hath fallen ujioii me. Wouldst thiiil; i.i» rude and without SOGii manners, cousin, if I were to ask thee t3 excuse me from further con terse today? I find that my strength U greatly spent by the lonjj ride up the mountain, nnd I WMid reßt awhile. I' I ruth I 314 overdone," she concluded. ■faimston, concealing his disappoiut- Qient, >; id, with a forced air of pleas antry that sat ill upon liira: "He who ;»iueth late must tnko, perforce, what s left, M:ug;u«-t. aud I regret, as one paving taken thy place on thy farm for no many months, representing thee In ill business matters, that I was no.t here upon thine arrival to giv> thee a proper welcoming n»i as thou'rt awearv rest Is what thou doth need 1 will go ou my way to leave thee undisturbed. God be with thee, Marga ret." He procoedtid « rew steps, then •latweiJ, addressing her seriously: Cousin, at prnyer time tonight I shall offer thanks to God for thy safe conduct through a perilous journey " "Thank thee, at.d farc\yi4i. Joslah." Turning hastily. Margaret Mayland wf-i'jt with swift steps toward the house. Out on the road Taunston continued 011 his way with slow strides, his head lient over his breft«t in thoughtful med.- Itation ■' Woi-ie, far worse, than I expected," he muttered. "Much devil's work to bo undone! Our cousin hath a face enough, and after my first words 'J adiuouitiou she appeared uiurc gentle and less hoideuisli in her manner, and so silent was she toward the last 1 doubt uot that my speech lm " pre c J licr. "A go" id »»\»iiiple, constant correction and much sound advice is vliai a woman so young and worldly uiiuded doth require." Beaching a rlslug eminence, he paus ed ft the top aud looked back at the Maylnml estate, with Its broad acres stretching far before him in all the glory of their spring beauty, illuminat ed by the rays of the setting sun. "Ah!" He drew a sharp breath unconsciously 01* admiration and longing. ">Vver before hath my duty to the Lord been placed so fully before uie as lu this my self Imposed task of lead ing mine crrliyi y»ung cousin into the paths «>f wisdom and righteousness," (ie - aid after a few moments' thought, slowly and with solemn emphasis, C'HAPTKU HI. TI {10 next morning the sun rose dazzling 111 Its radiance above the peaks of Crugeustone, shedding a luster over the vil lage. On Hie Mayliyid farm ull nature was astir. Thrifty robins dotted the green conspicuously displaying tto-tr red breasts as they sought their morning meal In the soft damp earth, larks thrilled gayly, and the nightingale poured forth lis sweet high notes lu Joyous cxaltatlo.li, Y<dlo%v crocus flowers lifted their faces timidly to the sun, and gentle breezes stirred the branches of the trei Now were heard tin? voices of the men and maids as they uillkud the cow i or drove them out to pasture, and the uoisy bleating of the sheep and |ainbs, huddling together and running out through the open gates to spread themselves over the fields, added lu* creasing activity to the curly morning scene. In a room of the May land homestead above the broad staircase that led to It Margaret Mayland, exhausted by the futlguo of lier long Journey, lay sleep lug, undisturbed by the noises out of doors. Through the deep slllod latticed win down ray of run poured In. then softly touched 'ho closed eyelids; another UW»>-d the arched red llp«, und a third, as If It recognised its kind, fell sudden ly on the wealth of g'dden hale ou the plllivv. One arm was thrown lu care le-i abandon over her head, and her gown of white Uoen, falling open at the throat, disclosed u finely wrought chain oi gold resting upon It, from which was suspended a small cross of the same metal. The cock under the win dow crowed lustily once, twice. Mis tie i Mayland stirred, then, sighing wearily, arranged her head more com fortubly upon the pillows and slept on peacefully. 'Ho- smi had reached 11 higher point ill the henveiiH, and It was Well ou 111 the day, according to the early risers of 1 'rageiisloiic, when Marg.-iret May land, now fully dressed, descended the staircase and entered 11 |e, dining room, a small, cozy ufTnU' that was but a continual|c„ „r the long hall, curtained ofr the hides wllh dark tapestries and a huge screen set Up lu the middle for a partition. Mr. Mayland, the fa ther of tlie prcicut occupant of the hou-i, having had French blood In bis veins tlitog£h ills mother's side, hud yl h-Mm "Hhi if thou oil, turct Mu rfjurtl, / 11m happy." , not taken kindly to the plain furnish ing. high backed chairs, wooden benches and bare white sanded floors of his more simple minded neighbors and had purchased from time to time bright stuffs, works of art and tufted chairs and couches, so that his home preseuted an air of comfort and ele gance not to be found elsewhere on that bleak mountain. As Margaret entered the only occu pant o/ the room was an elderly worn un, having the appearance of being more than a common serving woman, who was spreading a white cloth on a table, idly humming a little tune as the did so. "A good day, Elsbeth. Prithee, sing ■ng!" she exclaimed, with affected as tonishment "Then thou doth like thy lew surroundings." "An' thou, Margaret?" "Ah, welladay, 1 cannot tell thee yet." she answered, with a sigh. "But | I own to great depression this morn ing, Elsbeth, and feelings of strange ness and loneliness lie heavy on my heart." She walked to the window and, rest ing her arms on the deep sill, looked out of doors discontentedly, uncon scious of the graceful appearance she made in the French morning gown of pink poplin that fitted loosely to her rounded figure aud fell iu long folds to the floor. "Hast had no misgivings, Elsbeth. that a life of unusual dullness doth lie before us?" 1 "Where thou art, sweet Margaret I am happy," the woman replied gently, "whether 'tis at thine aunt's at Paris, where I sewed thy frocks aud cared for thee, or here In thine own home, where thou art come to l>e the mis tress. Ever do I find my best con tentment at thy side, for, sweet, hast thou not been mine to watch over since thy mother died?" M<«n?aret, accustomed to the wom an's fondness, made no reply, but came and took a seat at the tablo In thought ful silence while Elsbeth busied her self about her. jtourlug a cup of milk, breaking eggs Into a saucer and plac ing the plate of hot bread within easy reaching distance. "But for thee, sweet," she observed, "happen the May land farm will prove more quiet than thou'lt like." "And Cragenstone!" exclaimed Mar garet. "What doleful people here abide! How long and solemn their faces have grown, and with what serious demean or they do stalk about! Why, Elsbeth, ono ?b<>rt walk with my good Consln Joslah near gave me tho megrims! Prithee must we all the time be quot ing Scripture or thinking of our pray ers?" "Naught is changed," the woman re piled. "I' the five years of the different life in Paris thou hast forgotten; that Is all. To my mind thine aunt received us with tho same cold smile she gave us when we rode away." Margaret shrugged lier shoulders and threw out her haud In a manner that suggested the Frenchwoman. "How gloomy they looked In the plain gray Clothes they wore as they stood around the door, erect and solemn, to receive me. But, withal, weary and nervous wlUi the homecoming us 1 was, my quick eye failed not to see two things admiring love on the bright fnce of my sweet cousin Hetty Taunston and stern disapproval of my crimson riding dress on the countenance of her moth er. Mayhap I shall prove too worldly for their quiet tastes. Dost think so, Elsbeth?" The woman touched Margaret's sun ny hair caressingly. "Thou'rt so bonny, sweet, so fnlr, so good, that all must love thee who know thee," she said. "And ns thy ways are gnod ways I wot thy uelghbors aud thy kinsfolk must grow accustomed to them." Margaret rested her hand lightly on old Elsbetli's shoulder. "And thou lovest me ami Godfrey," she said, blushing softly. "I care not for the oth ers. That much Is so much that It doth suffice uic." A light footstep was heard In the hallway. "Am 1 come too soon?" Hetty Taunston in a Muck cotton frock, with u white kerchief folded neatly over her bosom, entered the room. "Methought mother would ne'er be done finding chores for me to do," she said poutlugly. "First there was the linen to spread on the grass for bleach Inn; then the ewers to be tilled at the brook, my lesson In embroidery and the Bible teaching. And, oh," with a sigh, "so many other occupations did occur to mother's mind that I grew quite restless, for all the tluie »iy thoughts were over here with thee, Margaret" "Poor, much abused Hetty!" Mar garet, arising from the table, pinched her cousin's cheek affectionately. "Aud so thou hast kept thy word to oome early to see what came from Paris! Prithee, cousin, mayhap in some cor ner of those boxes lieth a gift for thee." Hetty's eyes sparkled with pleased anticipation. "'Tis not a ribbon, Margaret?" she asked eagerly. "The thought occurred to me once to write an' ask thee to bring me a pink one. Kay It's a rib bon, Margaret," she entreated. "Forsooth, 'tis better than a paltry pink ribbon, little Hetty. Come and see. Bui of many rlbl>ons thou canst have thy choice." The room overhead was filled with open boxes. Thrown over the big four posted lied were gowns of gorgeous colors, and strewn about were stuffs and fabrics of the latest weave from the looms of Purls ribbons, satin shoes, dainty linens and laces. At the sight of so much finery Hetty's face flushed. Sbe drew her breath sharply and, pausing Just Inside the doorway, clasped her hands together In an ec stasjc of admiration tuid delight. "Au* thou didst bring all this from Paris, Margaret?" she asked at last. "All from Paris, the fairest city in the world, Hetty." "Ob, I would go there!" the girl cried earnestly. "Doth every maid wear clot lies like yonder on the lied?" She approached and, slipping her blind under a ruffle of fine silk, raised It tenderly, almost reverently. "Nay, not all, simple Hetty. Hut the fuablons there are excellent, and tine dressing doth rule paramount. My good \nnt June was heedful that I brought the latest patterns with me lest 1 should grow old fashioned Iu this country place. And, forsooth," Mar j-aret added gayly, "I have n love of dre.i on mine own account." Iletty, who had been observing her < itiislnN loose morning dress with curi ous Interest, suddenly drew buck, uu expri - don of surprise and feur spread Insc over her features. "Margaret! Thou weurest a cross!" be i vlalmed, with pule lips. "Hast turned papist, cousin?" Margnret smiled faintly. N i.v, Hetty, think not so, and take Hurt look of horror from thy face. This • iiiiilem" lifting the cross lu her haud .iii.l regarding It uffectlouutoly—"ls but the parting gift of my frleud, Hulda Manilla" who whs so Who*' 1 No. 18. t ,tul was so fair that Ood took her to himself." Hetty continued to regard the cross with looks of aversion and dislike. • Take it off, dear Margaret," she en treated. "Such papist signs will be a curse to thee! . Cousin, 'tis near to idol worship!" Margaret sheok her head reprovingly. •• Tis thine education doth make thee think these things, Puritan Hetty. Why, cousin, the day before she passed away to heaven my Hulda with weak hands clas(>ed this chain about my neck, asking nie to wear it for all time iu memory of our true friendship. This did I promise her that I would do. A curse?" she repeated reproachfully. , "Nay, cousin, from one so near to heaven more like 'twill prove a bless : ing" For a moment Margaret was silent. , Then she added, "So recent hath been my bereavement and within such a | short time have these hands wiped : the tears from the anguished mother's eyes that the subject pains me." Then she turned away suddenly, as If to end the matter, walked to the bed and, lifting a dress of sheerest linen from the white counterpane, cut In tho latest fashion, with the skirt made full with countless lace trimmed ruffles to the waist, the bodice low at the neck and sleeveless, gayly bedecked with knots and streamers of aiure ribbon, said, "Wouldst like this for thy wed ding frock, dear Hetty?" The girl turned red, then white. Tears of pleasure filled her eyes. She could not speak. "Throw off that grim black dress that doth enshroud thee," Margaret cried gayly, "and let us see the effect of a French frock on thy pretty figure. First 1 shall comb thy hair high on thy head and put a bunch of feathers at the top. I wot the style will become thee, Hetty, as thou'rt not tall. Me thlnks thou'lt see a vast improvement in thy looks." After much brushing and combing, twisting and turning, happy laughter and flattering comment, the little Puri tan maid was changed into a fashion able woman of the world. With her full white skirts trailing after her, she paced up and down before the mirror In an ecstasy of delight, holding her head high, as if she were a queen and the bunch of feathers set so high above It a royal c rown of gold. Margaret, standing away from her to see the effect, was amazed at the sight of her cousin's enhanced beauty. "I* truth thou'rt pretty, Hetty," ska said, "an' the frock adds io thee might* ily. Hadst e'er a lover, cousin?" she added as an afterthought The red color in netty'a cheeks grew deeper, spreading to the roots of her I hair as she turned away. "Thou host!" Margaret exclaimed, laughiug merrily. "I know It by thy blushes! What long faced wight here about hath dared to love my Hetty?" "Who talks of lovers?" asked a stern voice. Both girls started violently with sur prise at the unexpected sound, and, turning, they saw Mistress 'baunstou, grim aud severe, standing at the threshold. "And, Ilotty Taunston, take off that | wickeil ku:U lliou hast put on!" she ex ! claimed. "Hath no shame, maid, that thou doth wear that sinful dress to show thy uaked breast and arms? Learn now, so that thou'lt not forget it, that such wicked vanities are but the first stepping stones the devil doth lay downi to pave the way to eternal pun ishment. Dost wish to burn forever, thou vain maid?" " 'Tis Margaret's gift to me from Paris," Hetty faltered as she began with nervous haste to undo the fasten ings. Margaret regarded the older woman with a glance that expressed both in dignation and astonishment "Prithee, good aunt," she remonstrat ed, "speak not so harshly to poor Het ty, who Is so young and fair that 'tis but natural she should take pleasure in hur beauty." "Hetty had ever an unseemly desire for gay clothing." her aunt replied stiffly, the expression on her face re maining stern and angry. "Her beset ting sin and folly' is tvordly vanity; so It Is my duty as her mother to Bcourgo It out of her so that she may become a decorous and decent woman. Marga ret, my son Joslah awaits thee below in the withdrawing room. Ho would ren der to thee thlue accounts, and a fair and Just steward I trow thou wilt find he hath been, fair niece." Mrs. Tlfunston put her rough, toll worn hand on Margaret's shoulder. "I advise thee to he«>d Josiali's counsel, for, although of mine own son I say It, be Is a godly man of much honor and , virtue. 'Twere woll for so young a maid as thou to take his counsel Ifi ull things pertaining to the management of thine estate, to learn to rely on his as sistance, to depend on him, and thine aunt doth promise thee that thou wilt find withal profit, freedom from care and much happiness as a consequence." "Thank thee, good aunt," Margaret replied civilly. "As Joslah is below, I will see him at once, as methlnks so faithful a steward should not be kept waiting. When thou hast changed frocks, Hetty, I will see thee again. Wilt thou come with me, aunt?" "Nay, Margaret," she nuswered has tily, "thou hadst best see thy coutla »!one." , - - l* 1 ffn Ml PfITTTTOH).] A Teat of Ur*. Among the Arabs of upper KgJ'pt tho youth who proposes for a girl must Mibinlt to a whipping at the hands of all her male relatives. "And." says a dry narrator, "If he wishes to be ••of,- lldered worth having he must recelvy the chastisemeut. which Is sometimes exceedingly severe, with an expression of enjoyment." Not Infrequently 1£ ft the maiden herself who Imposes the \est. '■ i» * [tolled Ills Appetite. Union (jrabum once asked an epicure how many oysters he should oat In or der to create a good apiK'tlte for dinner and was told to eat away until he be came hungry. The baron, who never saw a Joke, ate ten dozen and thflp plaintively remarked, "Ton my word, 1 don't think I am as hungry as when I began." Candor. m "<Jood gracious!" exclaimed the mtyt sauce. "I should thh|k you'd be ashaijj ed to masquerade as 'spring lamb.' " "Weil," replied the roast. "It does make Hie feel rather sheepish. Cath olic Standard ami Times. (olntd In Ilrdlnm. The phrase "to sliani Abraham" ws* coined In Bedlam, or Bethlehem hospi tal, where there was at ono time Jin Abraham ward, the Inmates of whlph upon certain days were permlttiHl to go out as licensed beggars on of the hospital. These mendicant Ni neties were known as "Abraham rtew,*' and their success In Invoking the pity of the charitable was suchtfiat tlu»y had many unlicensed who. wlhmj discovered, were said "to hntip •hammed Abraham." -#>