Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 27, 1905, Image 4
5 Where to Buy Your Easter Outfit. c C With the Spring and Snmmer N 1 clothing for 1905—we have found * € MM® better styles. pattern?, cnt. etc , in \ j \ everything to clothing for r \ tnen' boys and children than hereto- J v /Ifm MT!J\ snit - on arr> cont<?tn P' ? 1 J /Ai O 19. 1 bn J ing *' jT E^tSter is tbe one vve Wi±nt , ~ f j \ | \ vMrtl 811 ¥r J to sell you for yourself or son. I \\l \ t We have what y■: »-ait Every- / 4 V f S ' thing new in Suits. Top Coats. Rain- - f~" -J* ] \ ITrfH coats and everything in furni-hiugs V J J Jj; |JJ Tjl\ up to the minute. _ -V ) i \ j saac hamburger & Son., • 3 v yfi). Clothing for men. j; |f S V Skolncy Clothing for i t s i Boys and Children. J f We solicit your trade and appreciate the same. / SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. } I Douthett & Graham. 1 INCORPORATED. £ ■ Kelsey, Crown, Boomer < I FURNACES. I ■ Coal and Slacl< Heaters, Gas and Coalß ■ flanges and Gas Stoves. 1904 Washers,m I Sowing Machines, Needles for all mal<es of B E Sewing Machines. Sewing repaired.® I Roofing and Spouting, and House Furnishing Goods. IS I Henry Biehl, I ■ 122 N. Main St. I'eo. 'l'lioue i«4. B ; pooooooooooooooooooooooo«K Eyth Bros., $ , 1 NEAR COURT HOUSE. < ► BIG BARGAINS IN Wall Paper < > Of course you'll need some Wall Paper, and you< \ < >should'nt think of buying anywhere until you've seen our*. ► ! Big Line of Wall Paper Money Savers. We have they largest and cheapest line ever brought to Butler! Come< > in and see for yourself. < ► \ BROS., j; { NEAR COURT HOUSE. , , ■^oooooooooocooooooooooo^y WHY ABE YOU SITTING UP ALL NIGHT FIRING COAL WHEN YOU CAN GET AN EVANS OAS ORGASOLINE ENGINE WITH REVERSIBLE CLUTCH PULLEY. FOR CATALOGUE THE EVANS MFG. CO , LTD.. BUTLER, PA. FEberle Bros.,^ S PLUMBKRS > p Estimates given on ali kinds of work. ? We make a specialty of S People[s Phone. BUYYOURWHISKEY DIRECT FROM TH E MAKER I S Forst's 7 year old 4 full quarts for $3.00 * I 25 Packed in plain, sealed cases, expressage ' I - Ft prepaid to youi nearest station. &■„; H XT Our Roods is aged in the wood, and is jmre and mel- 7. ■ Hju I) Jj low. better than yon hayo had from others for the * * hoMH price, or your money back. F , I ■BEBSB Any liank of Pittsburg or the Editor of this paper p I will tell yon that our word is Rood, and that we are |i B responsible. H We do not humbnK you like so many advertising no H I calle<l "Distillers. '' <- By buying from us you Ret an honest article, made from honest, select (train, by honest people. H Send for our private price list. V B If yon will send lis the names of 10 «ood families in your ft, H vicinity who nse Whiskey for medicinal purposes, and to whom we »: B may send our price list, we will send yon, with your first order, H| Bj one quart of Pure Virginia Homemade Blackberry Wine, FREE. # ■ MORRIS FORST 8c CO., | Cor. 2nd Ave. & Smithfield St., Pittiburg, Pa. (£■■ DR" grhv^R. No. 229 12 SOUTH MAIN ST. NEXT DOOR TO GUARANTY SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., BUTLER. PA. ROOMS 1, 2, AND 3. Dr. E. Grewer i 9 a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and who is now permanently located at the above address, where he treats men, women and children. Diseases of the Nervous System, the symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confidence, sexual weakness iu men and women, ball rising the throat, spot floating before the eyes, loss of memory unable to concentrate the mind on one subject easily startled when snddetdv spoken to, aad dull distressed mind which unfits them for performing thy duties of life, making happiness impos sible.distressing the action of the heart, depression of the spirits, evil foreljod ings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melan choly, tire e.jsy of company, feeling f.s tired in the m<>rning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of the mind, depression, con stipation. weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us im mediately and be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored- Weakness of Young Men Cured Dr. E. Grewer's varicocele Ring cures Varicocele. Hydrocele and Rnptnre promptly cared without pain and 110 detention from business. He cures the worst cases of Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism. Scrofula, Old Sores, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases and all Diseases of the Ear, Nose, Throat, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Itching Piles, Fistula, Stricture, Tumors, Cancers, Goiters, cured with out cutting. Special attention paid to the treat ment of Nasal Catarrh. He will forfeit the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for any case of FITS OR EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS that he cannot cure. Cousnltation free and strictly confi dential. Write if yon cannot call. Office hours-From 9a.m to H:3O p. in. On Sunday from Ito 3 p m. only. mmsH FMRNAVKT FILLS ir p Ra'r. Al*<> . :uW' « a."k DniftKtst foi I'lli« l»r:»i t '■ V T«»*1 aW 4401<1 •*. jxul "I W'ttj t>tnr ;-»bhon Take Bft " V> . 11. 1 .#•)« «!;• 11> r ;IT:. «!/• If : ,1. . .1 > urlmiKClst, or wild If. I.J ;> fi> r fit. ail,.>.a:. aiM "Mfllef ft.r Lvllll.," in letter by return vonnouiaU. SoW bj a>l l>rugi[iKt* CHiontarEß chemical co. a 103 Slad'kuii Btjuttrt, PA CATARRH 4r^V ll^nCNsl ELYS CREAM BALM This Remedy Is a Specific, Sure to Cive Satisfaction. CIVEB RELIEF AT OKCE. It cleanses, soothes, ln-alrf, and protects tlio diseased membrane. It cures ( aturrh and drives aw.-iy a ('old in tlio 11,-ad quickly. Restores tlio Senses of Tasto and Smell. Easy to u ■•. Contains no injurious drills. Applied into tlio n'»strils and absorbed. Large Kiz<\ 50 ronit at Druggists or l.y mail; Trial Hi/.", 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, ' & Warren St., New York. HUGH L* CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer In Fine Whiskey •For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 278 People's Phone 578. 316 Easi Jefferson Street BUTLER. P^ Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Ontician Next Door to (Jonrt Honse, Butler, Pa Imadam-^'..Dean'sl I A aafn, certain rclU : SnppriKwd R ■ Mcnatruatlon. .Ww to fiul. Haft-! ■ ■ 9 Hure! Kpnedyl Hutliifctrtlori (iunrc.ntaed H ■or money liefundol. H-n'. (.npnlrl for W I 11.00 i« r Ix.i. Will H' nil tinhi on trlid to I M lie |ml I for when rilifvi <i. HumpU-a Free. ■ 9' ' j Sold in lintler at th« Centre Av>*. Pharmacy. Hasy and Quick 1 Soap-Making with BANNER LYE To make the very best soap, simpij dissolve ;i can of J'anurr I ye in cold v.-atcr, nu.lt s,'i lb:;, of grease, pour the I.ye water in the grease. Stir and put ftfiiJc to set. Full Direction* on Cvcry Package Banner J.ye i. pulverized. The can may be opened ai.d closed at will, per mitting the use of a small quantity at a lime. It is just the article n_cdr«l in every household. It will clean paii.t, floors, marble and tile work, soften water, disinfect sinks, closets and wa !e pipes Write for booklet "C'-i.s sf t tan tier lye "—free, the I'ana Chemical Warfcj. Ft>lladcl«t>ta Flak llu In England. In mediaeval England fish pios were a very favorite dish at Christinas time, and lamprey pies were regarded as a special luxury. The cost of such deli cacies was very great. In 1314 the sheriff of Gloucester provided forty four for the royal table at a cost of il2 ss. Bd., a sum nearly equivalent to £l<io at the present day. Those taken from the Severn were especially noted, and it became an annual custom for the city of Gloucester to send a lam prey pie to the king. Ttiere is a rec ord of such complimentary presents being sent to Cromwell and to Len tliall. the speaker of the IJUJJ parlia ment. Owing to the municipal corpora tion act Gloucester's annual custom ceased in IS3C, but in ISO."} the mayor revived it and sent a pie to Queen Vic toria at his own expense. His suc cessors have followed his example.— London Mail. "Lady" nad "Woman." As to the rather subtle question of "gentleman," "lady," "man" and "woman," there is a difference (writes a correspondent) between the sexes. A duke must always l>e a man, unless he l>e, for the purpose of the conversa tion, a "gentleman." with great em phasi* of voice. Without emphasis every man of gentleman's rank is a "man" always and in every social cir cumstance. But with women it Is en tirely a matter of the adjective. With out an adjective a woman Is a "ladv." Who ever asked, on hearing that a friend was to marry, "Who Is the woman?" Nor do we say that we met a woman at dinner who told us so and-so. But introduce the adjective and the "lady" is at once a pretty woman, a well dressed woman, rather a dull woman.—London Chronicle. The Mfstery of Health. Whenever any one is released from jail or penitentiary after a long sen tence we read that while he was in poor of downright bad health when he entered he comes out as hearty as a brick. Yet almost without exception Jails anil penitentiaries are insanitary, sunless places, with no facilities for precautions usually taken by those who wish to get or keep healthy. The mys tery lies in two words—regularity a fid diet. The first is perhaps the more important. Clocklike regularity; ev erything done on the second and on the same second every day; a recogni tion of the fact that the body Is a machine. Then, as a supplement to this, a simple diet—plain, not too varied —enough to eat, but not too much.— Saturday Evening Post. Cure* For Wltrhcpy. Rev. Joseph Doderidge Pi his "Notes of the Settlement and Indian Wars In Pennsylvania and Virginia," in that portion of the work treating of "Witch craft" says: "The diseases of children supposed to be Inflicted by witchcraft were those of dropsy of the brain and the rickets. These were diseases which could neither be accounted for nor cured, consequently they were ascribed to some supernatural agency. For the cure of diseases Inflicted by witches the picture of the supposed witch was drawn on a stump or piece of board and shot at with a bullet containing n little bit of silver. This silver bullet transferred a painful and sometimes mortal spell on that part of the witch corresponding with the part of the pic ture struck by the bullet." Don't Codille Rubber Plant*. Of ail the freak remedies that are sometimes proposed for sick house plants those which arc recommended for rubber plants are the worst. They run all the way from applying beef steak and castor oil to the roots to coat ing the leaves with milk. Give your plants a properly prepared soil and sufficient light and keep the leaves free from dust and scnlo, nml you will find no necessity for such nostrums as these. Make it a practice to go over the plants dally with a soft cloth and re move any Indication of dust, scale or insects.—Country Life In America. Venn*. Venus Is both a morning and evening star because she always accompanies the sun, never receding from him be yond certain limits, while the rest of the planets, with the exception of Mer cury, are seen at all possible angular distances from the sun. When Venus Is to the west of the sun she rises be fore him ami Is a morning star, but when she is to the east of the sun she rises after him and Is an evening star. I.oKlrnl IlranonlnK. The law Imposing a tax on bachelors had gone Into effect. One moruing a little baldbeaded man appeared before the tax commissioners. "I've just married my fourth wife," he said. "I'm entitled to a bounty, ain't I?" Chicago Tribune. Trnolttuc lflm to Mind. Mr. Black Johnny, don't ever let me henr you lalk that way again! 1 won't have slang used in ibis house! Johnny —But, |in, I - Mr. Slack <'ut it out or I'll band you one! See? Browning's Magazine. Explained. "Mn," said Mrs. Maluprop's little boy, "what Is 'antimony?'" "Sh, that's not nice to talk about!" replied Mrs. Malaprop. "It's what a lady gets when she's divorced from her husband."—Exchange. A I.OIIK DliMauee Trnlu. A railroad employee In Dublin was strutting consequentially before a train that was to run direct to fork, while he repeatedly shouted, "This train doesn't stop anywhere!" "A smallt man," said Uncle Üben, "Is a good deal like a ra/.zer. lie kin be mighty useful In de right way, but he kin kick up n pow'fnl 'sturbance If It goes wrong."—Washington Star The llrltoil Itnil Wii *li I n tf. We have come to look upon water as meant primarily to wnsb in, as au aid to ablution Hither than a thing of beau ty. A story of a Somersetshire peas ant will Illustrate what we mean. The Individual in question had never seen the sea until Ik- was taken lo Weston super-Mare on a "choir treat" excur sion. Naturally the vicar, Ihe curati and the rest of the tenors, trebles and basses as soon as the esplanade was reached gathered around to see how the first sight of the ocean would strike the natural man. Will It be believed that the words struck from him by the view of "the unfurrowed deep" lying in vast expanse before his eyes were these: "If I'd known what her wen like, I'd have brought down a bit of soap and had a good wash." Tli:> iron, or, rather, the soap, had cnt< red :.» deeply Into his soul that lie coul 1 only conceive the sea a> a huge washing place.—London Spectator. WoKnrr'a Shorn l.oeka. Wagner, the composer, at one time became afflicted with headaches and determined to have his hair cut. llu accordingly arranged with a l.irbet l » perform the operation on a certain day. That worthy resolved to inake a good thing of it and Informed all his cus tomers of Wagner's Impending sacri fice. Most of them paid him a certain sum down In advance lo make sum of a lock of the great musician's hair. To the barber's horror Mine. Wagner su perintended the cutting and when it was over appropriated the whole of the coveted locks. The barber. In de spair, confessed that he had sold them many times over, whereupon madam suggested that her butcher had hair very much like Wagner's. And the story g that that night half Dres den slept with the butcher's hair un der its pillow. ToMakeaßridc Many a rX woman would \tmakeabeau * tiful bride but she is de \ terred from \ entering the y married state because of ill -4* lb health, ctcnn REWAUD 2wwV£ for WO.IEN WHO CANNOT BE CURED. The proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay SSOO in legal money of the United States, for any case of Leucorrhea. Female Weak ness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Wotnb which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. "If women would study the laws of health and use a little more common sense there would not be such a large number to-day suffering with the ills peculiar to our sex." writes Mrs. Sal'.ie Martins (President Mutual Social Science Club), of ISO South Halstead -treet. Chicago, 111. "Then wheu medicine is needed if they would take the • Favorite Prescription,' they would have a chance to get well. 1 used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription three yeijrs ago and it cured me of fema'.e weakness of several years' standing, so I know what I am talking about when I praise it and always know what the result will 1* where it is used." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be used with " Favorite Prescription " whenever a laxative is required. HUMPHREYS' Veterinary Specifics cure diseases of Hoi- s Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs and Poultry by acting directly on the SICK PABT" without loss of tinio. A. A. > FEVERS. Congeatlona, Inflamme cuiniliou, Lung Fever. Milk Fever. B. 11. >SPR \I\S, Lamcneaa. Injurlea. CUBJDS) Rheumaliani. C. C. {ftORE THROAT, duinay. Epizootic erotic) Dlftemper. ] WORMS. BoL. Grub., E. E.) COCGHS. Cold., Influenza, Inflamed CURES) Lunca. Pleuro-Pneumoula. F. F.JCOLIC, Bellyache. Wlnd-Blown. CURES I Diarrhea. Dmentery. G.O. Prevent. MISCARRIAGE. A BLADDER DISORDERS. 1.1. ) HK!\ DIKE VSES, Mange, Erapllon*. CU&UH { L lcera. (Vrcaae, Farcy. J. K. > B \ D CO\DITIO\. Staring Coat. cxrls ) Indigestion, Stomach Maggera. flOc. each : Stable Case, Ten Speclflca, Book, Ac., $7. At druf;&lst3, or sent prepaid on receipt of price Humphrey a' ileJlcine Co., Cor. William and Jolvb Street*. New York. tr BOOR MAILED FREE. PAROID READY OOFINQ. OAK.OID. Tilt Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't brittle. ANYONE can appiy it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core 01 each roll. REPRESENTS the results o years of Experience and Ex perimenting. f\NLY requires painting evert f'.-wyears. Net when first laid. I S Cheaper ihari G:avd, Sl<ilt or Shingles. I \EMAND for PAROID is world wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Fa<.-*d, Samples and Prices are /ours if yon will ask ns. L C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. REMOVAL. We have removed our Marble and Granite shops from corner of Main and Clay streets to No. 3<X) N, Main street, (opposite W. D. Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet onr customers with figures that are right on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and aje also prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc. as we have seen red th? sole agency from tl.e Stewart Iron Works of Cin cinnati, Ohio, for this town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler Special Offer To those purchasing photos of groups or views, Bxlo, at 50c each, to the amount of $lO 1 will present free a fine 20x40, exact reproduction that will stand washing and not fade away. No bufn work, but a fine permanent Bromide en largement, fully guaranteed. This offer is good till October Ist, 1904. FIH H K R, The Outdoor Artist, The Butler Dye Works SPRING FEVER (Jood whiskey is an excellent tonic. Taken either 'straight" or together with a little qninine or iron, it will overcome "that tired feeling'' which is on ns all about this time. We guarantee any of thu following brands lit for yonr side liottrd and all right for yonr stomach. ALWAYS IN STOCK. MMCII, USUI, OVKBMOLT. UUCHKHIIKIVKU. HT. TKBHOM THOMPSON, MIBsOS, lllkLinUKll. HHIDWKPOKT. and offer tliern to you <1 year old at $1 per full quart, S quart* f.'. 00 GRAnLFATHER'S CHOICE. whlsUey guaranteed 3years old, 00 per gal lon. We pay exprcMH charges on all mall orders of |5 00 or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN <fc CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IK WINES AHU LIQUORS, No. 14 Smlthfleld St,, PITTSBURG. PA. 'Pbonet: Bell am P. * A. 1458. Ileal Untitle liivontuionta. Homes, Coal Properties, Mortgages. FRANK B. TOMB, XO3 Farmer*' building. I'lttahurg. Pa. < TyrHNpjinfn'iwi- rbllcfreH. —a———— ———l SOMETHING YOU HAVEN'T READ BUT MAY READ We Have Secured the Exclusive Right to Publish for the First Time in Any Form A Thrilling Story o! Puritanical Persecution I THE WITCH | | OF CRAGENSTQNE | BY ANITA CLAY MVNOZ Author of "In Love and Truth." This author, who is a direct descendant of known in newspapres : and of unflagging inter- est to the last chapter. | Walch for the Opening Chapters NEXT WEEK. £3 V) I £ A h* Dcglectad his h«aA He Clj |*|€Lflf foiled to gl a toup«e. _ The re sult wai he took Ji downward. \ Pneumonia and J fifcr w"i- I will make toupees to suit all bald heeds. I Consult me. Have a full line of *entle- Jp men's wigs, mustaches, etc., at the low- I est prices. Office hours from ft a. m. to I 7p. m.#Call on 'phone 2162 Grant. • ran O I I ri Two second hand electric 1 UII oALEj elevators, also two hand power elevators BEELAU ELEVATOR CO., Fountain St. near Seventh ave, Pittsburg, Pa MIDLAND HOTEL Collins and Broad at., Beautifully furnished, hot and cold water In every rooss, electric light, steam heat, con vnlent to all car lines and East Liberty station. A, B. Cramer, Hanson Mgr., Pittsburg, Pa. OPENING OF NEW SALES STABLES. Mr. Phillip Stelnmlller will open new Salon oorni-r TLlrd Htrvct u.nd 1 'unn Avo., IMttsbuiv. Pa., on March Ist. 1906, with an . xtra good !<>t of Pit and Draft Bialea. also heavy draft and general purpose Horses. Phillip Steiiiiuiller, Prop. KM PI UK DETECTITK AtIESCY. Licensed and Bonded. I loom 4f2. 1147 Fifth Ave, Pittsburg. Pa. Hell 'l'liotie Night Call. liX-U Highland GEO. W. MILLEB, .lr., Director. Harry A. M«rlir\ STOCKS & I Member Pittsburg Stock BONDS. | Exchange. Times IluildlnK. Pittsburg, I'a. If YOn Wan t to Make a Quick Sale 01 Yoor Property or Business Write Us. We make a specialty of Helling hotels, stores, merchandise, stocks and reul estate of every description. H. A. BHAFI'ER CO.. 4:10 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg, t'a. ESTABLISHED lsfti. JOHN It. HARBOUR Jit. HANKER AND BROKER, 404 Timet, Building. Pittsburg. Pa. Member of Pittsburg Stock Exchange. Gen. Oyama Conquers, chiefly because he knows what he is doing. His hits count, because he hits with knowledge. In a sjifcnlative campaign, my customers have the best means of instant knowledge of the market and the benefit of my long ex- j perience. ESTABLISHED IHOB. ! R. M. Weaver Stocks and Bonds »,23 fourth Avenue, PITTSBURG. Local office, 213 S. Main St. Butler, E. L. STILL WAGON, Manager. H.F.JACQUES AUDIT CO. Consulting Accountants ano Auditors. Improved System of Accounting Installed, Hjiecial Attention Given to Municipal ! Accounting. 511 Times Building. Phone 2H02 Court. ; PITTSBURGH, PA. Pearson B. Nace's Livery, Feed end Sale Stable Rear of Wick House Butler PennV The best of horses and first class rl<s ». wavH on hand and for hire. B«f»t aivomriii'datloriM In town for Pjrma nent boarding and transient trade. j a! caro guaranteed. Steblo Room For 65 Horses A good c a»H of both drlTera a.»d draft horH* M alwaya on hand and for Male u r Jer a full guarantee; and horaea .bougb pan proper notification by PEARSON B. NACE, Te'.wiioiin* No. 21 See the Sijn direct ! opposite the 'urr..r 'i, f Old Po»tofllce Theodore ¥ geley, pj Real Estate and I^9 Insurance Agency, S 23X S. Mats St E J -S Duller. Pa. ■ If you hate property or. wunt to buy or rent call, wrlie or tj,, :ijy. ule ne inc. List Mslled Upon Application Subscribe for the Citizen I tint's horse horses u We bave from T ? 10 150 h u ad 5 f !'"«» * horses Jjorses constantly on band. horso , orsps These horse# come from the horses horses v, r >' £® st shippers In the coun- borses horses l jy- Arnona them you will find horses horses Speed. Coacbers. l>rau«ht and llorst . s hfiru*K Cieneral Purpose Horses. If horses horses y° u have anything to dispose horse! , J """ of you can also 11 nd ready sale Worses ho ses f-'Our, «f/v S K : tw.ruA« Auction. EV ERi MONDAY horse-. ; horses and evening by electric light, horse-* horsos we wlll s< '" ov, ' r ; *® a " horses ! horses Winds. These horses will every horses one sold ior ll,e h, * h dollar. i,orsi hnraM without reserve. hones UHS S THOS. DONALDSON. Prop, horees i hort.es " AN - ABNHMM, Manager. gorMS horse* EIVERSIDE SALES STABLES, borscs North End Sixth St.. Bridge, Allegheny. Pa. AUCTION SALE HORSES, VEHICLES AND HARNESS. W. J. Thubron, ! 7-D-11 W. Montgomery Ave., Allegheny, I*a. j Will Sell on April 6th and 7th ! At*the corner of Federal Street and Mont goal cry Avenue, his entire Livery Outfit, to ' quit the livery business, consisting of .'"I I Head of Horses. Saddle Horses. Driving I Horses, Pairs, Coach Horses and Speed I Horses. 50 Vehicles, Top Kuggles. Iluna bouts. !>urrles. Traps and Station Wagons, all In first-class order and mostly made by ; Moyer. &o Sets Single and l>ouble Harness. Ituggles and Harness will be sold Thurs day. April Bth. commencing at 10 a. m. Horses will lie sold Friday. April 7th, com mcnelng at 10 a. m. Sale rain or shine. Terms («• d lys credit will be given on ap proved security. J. A. McKELN EY. Auctioneer. Heavy Draft. General Purpose and Driving Horses always on hand Private sales only We buy and sell the best only. Allegheny llorno Ivvclmtitfc, SM-518 First St., Allegheny, Pa. M. MARX. Prep. j ~ ' I have constantly on hand 100 to 125 head of driving, draught and general purpose horses from Pennsylvania and Ohio. All horses guaranteed as represented or money refunded. Come and see them liefore buying elsewhere. OWEN FITZSIMMONS. Sale Stable. 410 412 Ducjuesne Way. Pittsburg Yon need One In Vour kitchen, sample mailed 10 eta. Agents wanted, have many, all saoces*fol. WOULD MANUFACTURING CO.. 481 Diamond St. Pittsburg, Pa PtHKINS UNION DETECTIVE AGENCY, .'l'll Fourth Avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. Established IsxX licensed and bonded. Telephones (private exchange) Hell, IIWI -1881 Court. P. A A. Main; night call. Hell. Ilazel-H-L. Legitimate detcctlfe work In all Its branches, solicited and promptly attend ed to by skilled and lawful operallves. BACK-ACHE nnd all olhcr symptoms of kidney dis» case are speedily removed when tli« kidneys nre made healthy, active and vigorous by tlic use of Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills the world's greatest kidney and liver regulator, nttd the only medicine hav ing a combined action on kidneys and liver. One pill a dose ;as cents a l>ox Write for free sample to The I)r. A. W Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. fC. F. T. Pape, ! f JEWELER! ( j I / 121 E. Jefferson Street. / 4 i THE LARGEST IN THE COUNTY. THE || Butler County National Bank. h n || A good. STRONG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLE of Buler Couny to do business wih. I / Capital $ 300,000.00 I! h Strength Sui p lus 300,000.001 (Assets 2,706,342.30 • Welinvite YOUR business—assuring you PROMPT, COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. | I "The big Bank on the corner by the Court House". 1 * Sf SAVINGS ACCOUNTS? | Certainly, and we invite YOUR account. The Savings Department established two years ago by this well known Banking House still continues to pay to the Depositor 3 per cent, interest, compounded SEMI-ANNUALLY. . A deposit of ONE DOLLAR will start an account. J This sum regularly added to will protect you I against the "Rainy Day." i | Butler Savings & Trust Co. I i 108 South Main Street- *j j Many persons have already availed themselves * J of this Department. Why not YOU? J ESTABLISHED 1900- THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS (earned) - $47,000.00 DIVIDENDS PAID ----- $6,000.00 None • Stronger in the Cotai\ty. gjMlßaiiMlillilll | For Sale. | M | The real estate of Mrs. Mary §B B. Muntz, deceased, consisting of g gj the following tracts, all located in g the Borough of Butler, Pa. is : m I Ist. A strip fronting 115 feet on South §5 Main street and extending along the B. & gg» O. R. R. about 500 feet. This tract is well adapted for manufacturing or warehouse §g purposes. C |g *53 2nd. The homestead of about two acres, gg 3f having a large comfortable dwelling house 0S S§|| and outbuildings, fronting 150 feet on Main street and lying between the plank road 3} and the B. &O. R. R., having a frontage gs KM on the latter of over 500 feet. This tract is unexcelled for manufacturing purposes, §j and has a never falling spring of water g jS 3rd. A tract of about eight acres south jgi jH of the plank road and west of Main street. Jg This tract can be subdivided into about J|gg §|s forty buildings lots, commanding a splendid isc alt view and within a few minutes walk of the jg business portion of the town. 18 4th. A large lot fronting 120 feet on - Main street and having thereon a two story gg 3f frame slate roof dwelling house in excel lent condition and with all modem con j||j veniences. g For prices, terms, etc., inquire of ;85 | John N. jttuntz, | No. 637 S. Main Street, Butier, Pa, j|j MmmmKmmamußmm \ $75 to $l5O I I For Fifteen Minutes Time! I Pretty high wages, Eh? That's what people are || ■ making who take advantage of || I ISEWTON'S I I Price Sacrifice Piano Sdlel p| On account of cleaning out my store in order 3 £ to get it finished for Christmas trade. It will sell ■ Bj Pianos at factory prices, and many less. 1 will K Jg quote you a few of the bargains I have for you: H ■ Upright Piano, fully warranted, retail price, $275.00. 8 ■ Sale Price $lB5 00- ■ if Upright Piano, fully warranted, retail price, $375.00. ■ H Sale Price $225.00 H jl Upright Piano, fully warranted, retail price, $575,90. ■ H This piano has bean used, but is a bargain, $250 g 9 Squre pianos from $25.00 to $125. Organs from ■§ jj SIO.OO up, 10 per cent, for cash, eg 5 There are 24 of these Pianos to select from new ■ II and used —so you certainly ought to make a selec- » r tion. Bring this advertisement with you. i| I NEWTON'S I 1 317 South Main. Open Evenings. |y