Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 27, 1905, Image 2

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THURSDAY, APRII. 27. 1905.
SLM per year la Advance. Otherwise sl-50
Subject to Batler Countj Republican
Primary. May 27, 1905. from 1 to 7 p.m.
TOHH B. CALDWELL. Jefferson twp.
(better known as Coon Campbell.)
A. O. HEPLER, Bo tier,
formerly Oakland twp.
JOHN* T. MARTIN. Buffalo twp.
DAVID C. SANDERSON. Franklin twp.
formerly of Clay twp,
JOHN- H. TEBAY, Eau Claire.
JOHN C. CLARK, Washington twp
formerly of Worth twp.
JCLIAN A. CLARK, Centre twp.
J. E. CRAIO. Mars.
J. P. DAVIS, Bntler, formerly Brady tp
H. W. KOONCE, Bntler boro,
Formerly Penn twp.
PORTER WILSON, Centre twjx
Formerly of Brady twp.
JACOB W. GLOSSNER, Millers town.
O. B. THORNE, Clay twp.
S. C TRIMBLE, Middlesex twp.
(Two to nominate.)
J. S. CAMPBELL, Cherry twp.
N. S. GROSSMAN, Franklin twp
AMOS HALL, Bramhton.
Slippery-rock twp.
NOAH HENRY, Oakland twp.
W. L>. HOFFMAN, Saxonburg.
JOHN W. HILLIARD, Washington twp.
J. N. MAHARG. Penn twp.
GEO. J. MARBURGER, Forward twp.
S. C. MOORE, Clinton twp.
JAMES L. PATTERSON, Jefferson twp.
(Two to nominate.)
A B. EKAS, Buffalo twp.
W. C. FAGAN. sth Ward, Bntler.
W. B. SCOTT, Adams twp.,
Formerly of West Snnbnry.
DR. W. B. CLARK, Bntler.
EDITOR CITIZEN— On account of sick
ness and not being able to make my can
vass. I withdraw my name as candidate
for Prothonotary; thanking my friends
for their support and interest they have
taken in my nomination.
Mars Borough.
The Republican State Convention
that met in Harrisburg yesterday was
composed of 429 delegates the largest
in the history of the party. Judges
Rice, Orlady and Beaver were renomin
ated tor the Snperior bench , and J. L.
Plummer for State Treasurer; without
opposition. Capt Hays having with
drawn. A. M. Christley of Batler was
named as member of the State Commit
tee, The convention was called to or
der at 10.40 and adjoarned at 12.00.
A Washington D. C. correspondent
got off this, last week. ' Pennsylva
nlans here, and eeperinUy vkx® o£ tb«s
Republican persuasion, are discussing
the developments of the past week in
Pennsylvania in so far as they have a
bearing on the fight for governor next
year, and it must be admitted that all
•re more or less mystified. It is con
ceded that there is a "nigger in the
woodpile," but his identity cannot be
figured Qut. There were at least lour
developments that have tended to befog
those who pietend to be in the confi
dence of the leaders and heretofore
have established reputations of being
able to predict whom Senator Penrose
and Insurance Commissioner Durham
will name when the time comes to de
cide," and he goes on to blather about
Andrews, Elkin, Huff, Wiley, Sibley,
Watree, etc.
On Thursday last Gov. P. signed
seventeen and vetoed seven of the bills
in his hands. Among the bills signed
was the new pure-food law, and another
fixing a penalty for throwing rubbish
on the streets; also the Greater Pitts
* burg bill, which was the cause of a
jubilee in Pittsburg.
On Friday he signed two bills and
heard some arguments; and on Satur
day he signed twenty-nine bills and
vetoed six. The bills signed relate to
Sheriff's deeds, turnpike sidewalks,
adulteration of oils, division of town
ships, state supervision of sewerage,
railroad crossing, underground conducts
for telegraph and telephone wires,
building cf school houses, election of
school secretaries, collection of collater
al-inheritance tax, public libraries, use
of explosives, capital stock of corpora
tions, etc., etc.; and will make some
reading matter for the attorneys of the
ftate when the Pamphlet Laws for the
session appear in book form.
THE discovery of a revolutionary plot
among the officers of the Czar's personal
guard shows more than any other re
cent development the internal condi
tion of Russia and the extent to which
the spirit of terrorism has spread.
A COLLATERAL issue of the life in
surance squabble appears in the discus
sion of the propriety of using insurance
funds by having either the companies
themselves or their officers 'underwrite'
corporate securities. The existence of
this practice seems beyond dispute.
Frank G. Bigelow, president of the
First National Bank, of Milwaukee, was
arrested, Monday, charged with the
embezzlement of over SIOO,OOO of the
bank's funds. The arrest of Mr. Bige
low followed his confession to the board
of directors of the bank that he was a
defaulter to the extent of $1,450,000.
Following Mr. Bigelow's confession he
was removed from the presidency of the
bank and facts in the case were laid be
fore the Federal authorities. He lost
the money speculating in stocks and
THE New York corrupt-practices bill
passed by the Senate of that state with
out a dissenting vote contains feature*
that introduce new deterrents to the
methods by which elections are debauch
ed. The main one is the expenditure of
money contrary to the provisions of the
statutes, bribery or attempts to bril>e
yoters or to induce them to refrain from
voting or registering in sufficient num
ber to indicate that they are part of a
general plan is cause for declaring tliu
election null and void and ordering a
new election; but, if a petitioner alleges
fraud without having proof to make
good his allegation the law provides for
S judgement against him not in excess
01 jaw.
The entire Russian fleet left Kamranh
Bay, Cochin China, last Saturday at
noon; were heard at target practice
that afternoon, and when last seen were
headed north, though it was said they
would stop for coal at Hainan island.
It would be a rash prophecy, aavs the
Scientific American, to declare that in
the impending battle victory must fall
to the Japanese fleet. Matters are not
as they were when the determination
was first taken to dispatch a second
fleet to the Pacific. Since that time at
least one, and probably two, of the Jap
anese battleships have been lost beyond
recovery, and it is quite possible that
Togo can oppose but four battleships to
the seven battleships under Roiestven
sky—and it is battleships that decide
the fate of a naval campaign.
There can be no question that the
Baltic fleet has been greatly underesti
mated by the general public, partly be
cause of the North Sea incident, and
partly because of the widely-circulated
rumor that this was a "scratch fleet,'
composed of obsolete ves3els. As to
this last, nothing could be farther from
the truth. Four of the battleships are
absolutely new. They are an improve
ment upon the "Czarevitch,' which, it
Will be remembered, stood for hours
tbe concentrated attack of Togo's bat
tleships, without having any of her big
gnns silenced or the structural efficien
cy of her hull seriously impaired. These
f jur ships are probably able to stand a
giverer hammering, and are more diffi
cult to sink by gun fire than any ships
afloat in the world to-day. The "Boro
dino'' "Orel,"' "Alexander III." and
"Survaroff" mount, among them, six
teen 12-inch. 40-caiiber guns, which,
b?ing absolutely new, are good for a
muzzle velocity of 2,600 feet per second.
The Russians use capped projectiles,
and with these the gun is capable of
penetrating 12 inches of Krupp steel at
5,000 yards and 15 inches at 3,000 yards.
If Admiral Togo is to sink these ehips,
or so cripple them as to have them at
his mercy, he will have to fight at a
rang? so near that the Russian ships
cannot fail to place their shells with
considerable effect upon his vessels. In
addition to these battleships there is the
"Osliabia." built in 1900, which carries
four 10-inch guns, capable of penetrat
ing ICH inches of steel at 5,000 yards
and 13 inches at 3,000 yards. All of
these vessels have a trial speed of 18
knots an hour, although, of course, they
are just now much slower because of
foul bottoms The other two battle
ships, "Sissoi Veliky" aDd "Navarin."
mount between them eight 12-inch,
35-calibre guns, capable of penetrating
8£ inches of Krupp steel at 5.000 and 11
inches at 3,000 yards. Their speed is
two knots slower than that of the other
The four Japanese battleships (or five
as the case may be) mount between
them either sixteen or twenty 12-inch
guns of about the same penetrative
power as the Russian pieces. With the
exception of the "Mikasa," however,
they are protected by Harveyized armor
of considerably less resistance than the
Krupp steel on the latest Russian ships.
In battleships the Russian have un
doubtedly a preponderance of power.
It ie to be borne in mind, however,
that Japan possesses eight or seven
(one is repoited to have been lost) very
effective armonred cruisers, any one of
which is more than a match for the two
old armoured cruisers "Nakhimoft" and
"Donskoi" of the Russian fleet. They
mount, between them, thirty-two guns
of 8-inch caliber, and they are protected
by 6to 7 inches of Krupp armour. It
is scarcely likely, however, that these
ships will be placed in the first line of
battle, within ranue of the 13-inch guns
of the Russian fleet; and with the pos
sible exception of the Italian-built
''Kasuga" and "Nisshin," they will
probably be held in reserve until it is
seen how the fight between the battle
ships is going. Should Togo be able to
draw the sting from the Russian battle
ships, and seriously cripple them, his
armoured cruisers would close in to as
sist in delivering the "coup de grace."
The Russian fleet includes several
fine protected cruiserß of between li.ooo
and 6,000 tons displacement, and a few
torpedo boats. If Rojestvensky should
by any chance elude Admiral Togo and
effect a junction with the armoured
cruisers at Vladivostok, his fleet would
be greatlv strengthened, and his chances
of success enhanced; but that is a re
mote possibility.
So much for the material of the fleet
and It must be admitted that, judged
on this basis, the second Pacific
squadron is a menace to Japan's com
mand of the sea, so serious P.S to make
it possible that a victorious peace may
be snatched from her grasp in the very
moment of its attainment. Bat when
we come to consider the other elements
of efficiency, sach as the condition of
the ships, the familiarity of officers and
crews with their vessels, the skill of
the gunners, and the general "morale"
of the whole fleet, it must bt admitted
that the advantages lie very greatly
with Japtfh, The Japanese are very
familiar with the sound and the shock
of battle. The Russians, who doubtless
have been doing much target practice
during their six months' cruise, are ac
customed merely to the discharge of
their own guns -they know nothing of
the awful crash of bursting shell; the
rending of steel plating; the sight of
shattered limbs and all the hideous car
nage of a 'tween decks that is being
swept by tho enemy's fire. It is one
thing to aim at a floating target during
the quiet routine of a cruise, and an
other to aim at a target that is making
the deck upon which one stands a verit
able shambles. Rojestventsky leads
his fleet to what the world, perhaps un
justly, considers to be at best but a for
lorn hope; whereas the Japanese steam
into battle flushed with all the confi
dence and self-posses3iou born of an un
broken succession of victories. Rarely
did two contending fleets fiulit with
such stupendous consequences hauging
upon the result. Should Japan win,
she will reap the fruits of a series of
victories that is without parallel in the
history of the world, and move at a
bound to the front rank as a world
power. Should Rojestvensky, by crush
ing the enemy, obtain command of the
seas, and cut of Oyama and hi." armies
from Japan, he will have wrested vic
tory from defeat, and saved to Ilnt-sia
an empire that has all but fallen from
her grasp.
THE Stete Supreme Court, upon the
application of ex-Gov Stone has grant
ed a preliminary injunction restraining
the Mayor of Pittsbnrg and other city
officials from filing in the common
pleas court of Allegheny connty, a peti
tion for an order for a special election
for the purpose of ascertaining the
views of the citizens on a proposition to
consolidate the cities of Pittsburg and
Allegheny. The case will be heard by
the court dnring the week beginning
May 8 next, and a decision may be ex
pected before Jane 1.
Military operations in M anc^nr ' a
came to a standstill with the arrival of
the Russian fleets in Eastern waters.
No news has come from the armies, and
they seem to be occupying the same
positions they did a wtvlt^go.
A Russian victory on the water would
be of such vast import to both sidts,
and would so change all the Japanese
plans, that their generals ara undecided
and waiting.
Yesterday the two Russian fleets were
reported to have come together, and to
have taken possesion of a port of the
Chinese island of Hainan, thereby great
ly exciting the Chinese authorities, at-d
the Jap fleet under Togo was reported
at Masampo bay in lower Corea, but
the chances are he is in hiding among
t'ue Pescadores islands.
The Jap government was reported to
be buying steamers of all kinds where
ever they could get them.
TfiE RUSSIAN government has just
issued a new edict regarding the gov
ernment of Manchuria and tbe peninsu
la ; also reorganizing the school system
of Port Arthur, and appointing two po
lice judges for that city. This should
be followed by a program for Kuropat
kin's triumphal entry into Tokio
As there is a governor to be elected
next year the people of Pennsylvania
ought to begin looking around and siz
ing men up with a view to getting tbe
right sort of an executive. He should
be a man of approved and unquestioned
honesty, with the good of the State at
heart: who could be relied upon at all
times to aet from a sense of right. He
should be a man of exalted ideals, with
no suspicion of the political "rooster
about him, who dees not regard the Con
stitution as a joke, and who has no ec
centricities to exhibit and no enemies
to punish. If the people do not take
sufficient interest in this matter to select
the man they want for Governor of the
Commonwealth, they need not be sur
prised or indignant when they learn
that a candidate has been picked out
for them and that they have not been
consulted about the matter. Spirit.
Some awnings stuffed in the hallway
of the old frame building, adjoining the
Y. M. C. A. wanted out so badly that
they indulged in spontaneous combus
tion the other night.
Brown's barn, at the corner of W
Penn and Broad streets, was discovered
to be burning yesterday noon, and the
firemen went out there and put it out —
put the fire out.
Winfield township was the scene of
an extensive fire, on Wednesday of last
week. The summer house attached to
the house of Geo. Watson, on the old
Tom Watson farm, took fire from the
bakeoven that afternoon and the flames
spread to the house, which was entirely
consumed, witn all its contents, except
ing the organ. Mrs. Watson was sick
in bed at the time, and was carried to a
neighbor's. The flames then spread to
a straw stack, and from it to the barn,
which burned with all its contents
several tons of hay, 300 bushels of oats,
farming implements, etc. A rail fence,
nearby, then took fire, and the flames
spread to the fields. It is said that the
neighborhood was fighting the fire until
11 o'clock that night. Mr. Watson's
entire loss is several thousand dollars,
and his insurance with the Grangers is
The bursting of a steam pipe in the
new Hotel Lowry. last Friday evening,
made people think the house was on fire,
and the three central fire companies had
their hose laid, and were ready to throw
water on the building, five minutes
after tbu alarm wus Bounded.
Mrs. John E. Ktinkle of Greenaburg
visited friends in Butler, last Thursday,
returned home that afternoon.and went
to church with her husband that even
ing. but while she was at church a
bottle of gasoline was dropped from the
mantel to the hearth in front of a gas
fire in the room her children occupied,
the flames spread over the room, almost
instantly, and three t>f lier children
were burned to death.
Miss Maud Fishpaw of Great Belt
kept her medicine on the s-tme shelf
with some poision; took a dose of the
latter, by mistake, last Friday, and
came very near departing this life.
An Ohio man named Humes tried to
cut his throat, at West Winfield, last
Friday, but his dull knife did not reach
the jugular. The man was suffering
from a prolouged drunk, and was
brought to Butler and put in the padded
cell of the jail.
Bert Logan had his nose broken, last
week, by being hit with the tongue of
a wagon that he was moving out of the
Burton, eon of M. H. Thompson of
Clay twp., met with a serious accident
in Somerset connty last Wednesday.
He is engineer at an electric plant there
and seems to have been caught in the
belt and thrown against the wall. He
was fonnd nnconscions and continned
so for some hours.
Andrew J. MeMeans. of Freeport, a
pensioner of the Penn'a R R , was run
down and horribly mangled by a freight
engine at Bntler Junction, yesterday
He was years of ago and leaves a
Religions Fanaticism.
Near the town of Trinidad in south
ern Colorado there is a Mexican settle
ment of religious fanatics.called Torres,
and at this place a man is said to have
been crucified last week.
The crucifixtion was the result of the
annual Good Friday observations of the
Peuitentes, who practice scouruinir to
drive sin from the body. The victim
was a volunteer. The physical pain of
the victim must have been awful, but
the rej»ort says the smile of a martyr
lighted his face. The Coroner of Las
Animas county has taken steps to in
vestigate the story.
Women Who Work
Need Strong,
Vigorous Nerves.
c 5
The life of women and uirls who work
is at best a hard one and even under the
most favorable circumstances the results
often show shattered nervous systems
and broken down health. To meet the
conditions required of her, to sustaiu
the extra strain and nervous tension of
duties never intended for her in the plan
iof nature, she must use every endeavor
to preserve the vitality of her nerves
anil the regularity of the female func
tions. No remedy ever offered the world
has accomplished the results obtained
from the use of Dr. A. W. Chase's
NervH Pills. By supplying the nerves
and blood with the elements necessary
to their life and activity, they cans-i a
steady increase of natural strength to
both ihe body and mind, brighten the
eyes, clear the complexion ami instead
of a depressed, wornout feeling, there
will bo one of buoyancy and life. Dr A.
W. Chase's Nerve Pills make life worth
Mrs. Anna Doretz, of No. 019 Cleveland
Avenue, Niagara Falls, N. Y., says:
"I was overtaxed with work and com
pletely tired out. I used to «o to bed to
to thiDk and worry and could uot sleep
as a result and 1 was nervous daring
the day. Hearing of the good effects of
Dr. A. \V. Chase's Nerve Pills in such
affections 1 determined to try them. I
' t?ot a Inn and they where a complete
success. They toned me up quickly, I
got over the nervousness and sleep finely
and restful again. I uui sure lam «lad
to recommend them."
50 cents a box at dealers or Dr. A. \V.
Chase Medicine Co., Bnffalo. N. Y. Por
trait and signature of A. W. Chase,
M.D., on every package. For sale by
Redick and Grohinan, druggists, 100 N.
< Main St. Batler, Pa.
GILLESPIE-At her home inFreeport,
April 19. lCtO"). Mrs. Susan, wife of
Dr. Charles B. Gillespie aged 78
ROSE-At his home in Conuoqnenes
sing. April 20, 1905. J. M Rose, aged
66 years
Mr. Rose's death was a sudden one,
and was caused by heart disease. He "s
survived by his wife and five children.
RALSHOUSE—At her home in Middle
sex township. April "i' 2. 1905. Mrs.
Isabel, widow of John Ralshonse, :u
her "Ist year.
She is survived by '.wo sous—George
of Saxonburg. and Will of Middlesex
HELD—At Freeport. April -'2, 1805,
John C. Held,proprietor of the Central
Hotel, Freeport. aged 60 years.
AGGERS—At his home ill Forward
township, near Buhl s mill. April !■,
1905, Henry C. Bggcrs. aged 65 year**.
FLICKNER—At his home in Donegal
township, April 22, 1905. illiam
Flickner. father of Frederick Flick
ner. aged S9 years
RUMBAUGH—At his home in Bntl.-r,
April 22. 1905. Victor M.. son of Chas
Rnmfcaugh, aged 4 years.
HELMBOLD—At her home in Saxon
burg April 24. 1905. Mrs. Helinbold.
widow of E. A. Helmbold. aged 78
RADER—Atjhis home in Forward tp.,
April 22. 1905, Adam Rader, aired
about 75 years
ORR—At her home in Connoquenessing
borough, April 19, 1905, Mrs. Wui.
Orr. aged years.
Her husband and three small chil
dren survive her.
TRIMBLE—At her home is Middlesex
twp., April 24, 1905 Mrs. Eliza Ann
Trimble, widow of Robert Trimble,
dee d, aged 72 years.
Mrs. Trimble was a daughter of Capt.
Hays, one of the earliest settlers of the
township, and a brother of George
Hays of Pittsburg.
She is survived by two sons. Samuel
C. and Wrj. H., and daughters—
Mrs. John Turner, Mrs. Wm. Denny.
Mrs. Margaret Montgomery. Mr«. Mar
tha Eakin and Mrs. Mary Gilmore.
She was buried, yesterday, at Clinton
U. P. church.
DUNN—AI her home in Pittobnrg,
April 24 1905, Mrs. Margaret Mc-
Cartby-Dann, formerly of Batler,
aged 77 years
McGINNIS—At Brush Creek, April 22,
1905. Mrs. Jane McGinnis. formerly
of Batler, aged 87 years.
COULTER—At his home on Institute
Hill, April 27, 1905. Lowry Walker,
son of Walker Coulter, aged 8 years.
KEPPLER—At his home in Butler,
April 20, 1905, Albert Keppler, in his
4:5 d year.
Mr. Keppler was lately connected with
the brewery here, and was a former
resident of Tarentnm and Pittsburg.
'■Rip Van Winkle" —Joseph Jefferson,
the actor—died at West Palm Beach,
Florida, last Sunday. No American
actor ever won the hearts of the people
as did he.
Deaths from cerebro-spinal meningitis
in New York city for the week ending
last Saturday at noon were a total of
104. This is 13 less than the previous
week, the deaths for that pericid num
bering 117.
Orphans' Court Sale!
Hj virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court In and for the county of Butler. Pa., at
0. C. No. June Term, A. D. 1905, the
undersigned administrator, etc, of the
estate of Arnold Vorpe, late of the township
of .Middlesex, Butler county. Pa., dec'd., will
offer at public sale, upon the premises, on
Friday' May 26th, A. D 1905,
at ono o'clock P. M. of said day, the follow
ing described real estate, viz:
All that certain tract of land situate, lying
and being In the township of Middlesex,
county of Butler, and state of i'enn a, being
bounded and more fully described as follows,
to-wit: Ou the north by lands of liobt.
Kyle, on the east by lands of J. Burns and F.
I'acoe, on the south by lands of Miss Mary
Ivvle and J. T. Harbison, and the west by
lands of .las. Whiteside* and Isaac Sayder;
'"'TTlf f lf four I-- 1 ' DHrclivs,
the sarue.more or less; upon which is erected
a frame house, log barn and outbuilding-.,
about J acres of good timber, balance of land
cleared aud under fair state of cultivation,
younu peach orchard Just coming Into bear
ing of about Zjo trees, about f>u bearing apple
irees. convenient to churches and school,
miles from plank road and J miles from
TERMS—Cash upou confirmation of sale
by the Court.
Skid described premises to be sold free and
discharged from all liens.
JAJMES B. MCJUNKIK, Administrator.
Att'y for Adm'r.
Funeral Director,
Notice in Divorce.
Mina Ueed, I In the Courtof Common I'leas
vs -of Butler county, Pa. A. D.
D. M. Heed.! No. 5(1 December Term, HUM.
Now. March 31. l!Kk>, two subpoenas having
been issued in the above case first to Bee.
Term. 11*11. and second to March Term. V.m,
both of which have heen returned N. K. I. as
to the defendant by the Sheriff, the Court Is
moved to award publication and notice to
defendant to appear at next term to show
cause If any he has why a divorce should not
be allowed petitioner as prayed for.
To D. M. Reed, Defendant:
You are hereby notified that testimony in
the above case will be taken at the hearing
in Court at Hutler, I'a.. on Monday, June
20th, 1905, on tin- part of Mina Reed, plain
HIT. asking for divorce absolute fioru you on
tin-grounds of desertion as set forth In her
petition on file In the above case, at which
time and place you are hereby notified to be
present and show cause if any you have, why
sal'i divorce should not be granted as prayed
fur. MAKTIN L. GlB.«ON. Sheriff,
s. r. BOWSEB,
A. 1,. BOWSER.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice in Divorce.
William Shoup, 1 Common Pleas of Butler
vs \Co.. Pa. A. I). No. j-'. Dec.
Bell Shoup. (Term. 11KM.
Now. March 31. Itwo Subpoenas having
been Issued in this case, the first to Dei - .
Term, lMll. and the second to March Term.
I!*», '.Kith of which have been returned N E.
1. as to the deft by the Sheriff, the Court Is
moved to award publication and notice to
defendant to appear at next term and show
cause If any she has why a divorce should
not be allowed petitioner, as prayed for.
To Hell Shoup, Defendant.
Vou are hereby notified that testimony In
the above case will be taken at the bearing
in court at Butler. Pa., on Monday, June
1905. on part of William Shoup, the plaintiff,
askinz for divorce absolute from you on the
grounds of desertion as set fort li In his peti
t ion on file 1n the above case, at which time
aud place you are hereby notified to be pres
ent. and show cause If any you have why
said divorce should not lie granted as prayed
S. P. BOWSEU. Sheriff.
A. L. Bowhkh,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Letters of administration ou the estate
of Miss Rachel A. Stoughton, dec'd., late
of Concord twp , Butler Co., Pa., hav
ing been granted to tHV undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immedi
ate payment and any having claims
against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement to
R. F. D. 10, Butler, Pa.
W. D. BRANDON. Atty. t ia or,
Letters of administration on the estate
of Sarah E. Dull, dec'd., late of Butler
borough, Pa., having been granted to
the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment and
any havim; just claims against said
estate will present them proj>erly
proved for settlement to
JNO. 11. DULL. Adm'r.,
Butler, Pa.
W. C. FINDLEY, Att'y. 4 # 01
I. S. Mi.M'NKIN. llt A MIJI'.NKI.V
h S iWcJUNKIN dc CO.,
Insurance 8c Keal Estate
117 E Jefferson St..
QUTbER, - - - - PA*
| .'{o7 Bntler County National Bank Bldg.
Candidate for County Superintendent of Schools.
Rolla R. McQaistion, candidate for Connty Superintendent of Schools, was
born and raised in Slippery Rock borough. His father, James P. McQaistion,
wis born ia Brady township, this connty, and removed to Slippery Rock, and
during his lifetime was at all times prominent in the affairs of the community.
Prof. McQaistion is a graduate of the Slipp&ry Rock State Normal School
and in addition to the regular Normal Course of that institution, completed the
post-gradnate course in Language and Mathematics. After his graduation Mr.
McQaistion served for some years as President of the S. R. S. N. Alnmni
Eight years ago Mr McQaistion was elected to teach tho highest room in the
Broad Street Schools of Batler borough. Afterwards assigned to the highest
toucher's position in the Common Schools, McKean Street Building. He was,
at the erection of the Second Ward, Institute Hill Bnilding. elected Principal,
which is his pre«ent position.
Prof. McQaistion is a member of the First United Presbyterian church of
Slippery Rock and President of the O Y. P. C. U. of the United Presbyterian
church of Bntler Presbytery.
iji We ta'kc pleasure in announcing to the public that we have i|i
•jj Located in the Heart of the Millinery Centre, &!
And are now open to the pablic with a large showing of &
1 Spring and Summer Millinery 1
•fi comprising all the latest effects for the Spring season. Exclusive styles
in Ready-to-wear and Tailored Streets Hats An entire new stock of 4.
*5? nobby and up-to-date Millinery. With many thanks for all past favors.
and soliciting your fatare patronage, we remain respectfully,
S Rockensteln's I
New Location, 148 S. Main St- Next to Richey's Bakery. jlj
d When you put on your 5
£ spring front come here for ?
4 the roof.
i One of our hats will "top t
1 off" your suit to perfection.
J $
2 We have thirty-eight dif- $
£ ferent styles for spring. J
# Manhattan shirts in the f
i new spring patterns are 5
# here. #
f Let us show you the new 2
neckwear and hosiery. £
0 Peoples Phone. 615. f
\ * \
Paint for
\Every Purpose^
? Yes, we have it, twenty ?
1 different kind, from a half 7
? pint to a five gallon can.
I Let us quote you the>
( cost of painting your house /
or barn. ?
I Redick & Grobman)
) 109 North Main St., S
\ Butler, Pa. >
138 Soath Main at.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Arnold Vorpe. dec'd, late of Middlesex
tp., Bntler Co., Pa., having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing
theinsolves indebted to the said estate
will make immediate payment, and all
having claims against said estate will
present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
W. J. PACOE, Adm'r..
Valencia, R F. D. '23.
JAMES B. MCJUNKIN, Att'y. 2-16-05
Letters testamentary on the estate of
John Spohn, dec'd, late of Summit
twp.. Bntler Co., Pa., having been grant
ed the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authenti
cated for settlement to
JOHN SPOHN, f Lx re '
R. F. D. No. 5, Butler, Pa.
JAMES B MCJUXKIN. Att'y. 1-13-05
Letters testamentary on the estate
of Jerusha Bigham, deceased, late
of Slipperyrock township, Butler
county, Peun'a., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves to be indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make
1 prompt payment and those having
claims against the estate will present
the same duly authenticated for settle
ment to
3-16 05 Slipperyrock, Pa.
Letters of administration on thoestite
of D P. Kelly, dee d., late of Bruin
borongh. Bntler County, Pa, having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make im
mediate payment, and any having
claims against said estate will present
them duly authenticated for settlement
to the
Butler, Pa.
SV. D. BRANDON, Atty. 3-9-05
W S. & E. WICK,
Itoußh and Worked Lumber of ill Hindi
Doors, Sash and Mouldings
Oil Well ttlgs a Specialty.
Office and Yard
K. Cunningham and Monroe Bta
«o«"»r West Penn Depot.
•irtrrf TfV
In the
Crystal Pharmacy
R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G.,
106 N. Main St.. Butler, Pa.
AT K. .1. llll!IG> LADIES' A GENT'S
ID & 21 Park Way. Allegheny City
Opposite Boggs <fc Buhl's.
Subscribe for the Citizen
In the District Court ot the
United States for the Western
District of Pennsylvania, in
In the matter of
Hubert Ly COreus lllndman. i Xo. 2*it\ In
Bankrupt r Bankruptcy.
To the creditors Robert Lycurgus Ulnd
tuan. of l'etrolla. In the county of Kutler
and district aforesaid, a bankrupt :
Notice Is hereby given that on the lUliday
«>f April. A. I>. lHfti. the >ald Kobert I.ycurgus
lllnartian. was duly adjudicated bankrupt; ,
and that the first meeting of his creditors
will be held at the office of J. \V. Hutchison, i
Keferee In Bankruptcy. No. 11l N. W. Dia
mond. Butler. Pa., on the 11th day of May. I
A. I>. lsmi. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at '
which time the said creditors may attend. I
prove their claim*, appoint a trustee, ex
amine the bankrupt, and transact such
other business as may properly come before
said meeting.
April -4th. 19K5.
Keferee In Bankruptcy.
Strictly High Grade
£ Come and see me when |
| you buy; also sheet music |
| or anything in the music |
I line. §
| W. A. F. GROHMAN, 1
* Music instructor and Piano Tuner, *
$ Nest door to V. M C. A. *
People's Phone *
J Orchestra furnished for all X
£ occasions.
about spring styles in men's apparel
had better be gotten first hand. The
clothing that was made in a factory
along about last fall can hardly be taken
as a standard.
We Make Your Spring Attire
according to the style prescribed now.
There is no more doubt abont our styles
than there is about the fit and finish of
onr work If yon want real style, have
your clothes made here.
Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa.
OFFICE— Room 508, Butler County
National Bank buildinsr.
• Aftermath.
You didn't get all you need
ed. We didn't all our
pretty things.
To help us both we are offer
ing our fancy goods at half price.
Pictures, games, dolls and
toys at 1-3 off.
China at 20 per cent, off
Call now and get the bar
gains. This is our clearance
sale and your opportunity at
241 S. Main St.
Res. 21H W. Clay. St. Res. 137 Brady St.
Amj) &■E\}th,
Undertakers Embalmers
Calls anwered promptly to all parts
of the county. Open all night.
247 Sonth Main St., old Postoffice Room.
Rail Phone IWo. Poo. Phone 8!H. Ring t.
THE Established
MIT Igritiw] HifS|tt|*r,
Leading Agricultural Journal of
the World.
Every department written by specialists
the highest authorities In their respective
Uu«i. , ...
No other paper pretends to compare with
it in qualifications of editorial staff.
(jives the agricultural NEWSwitb adeßiyje
of completeness not even attempted by
others. ~ . .
Indispensable to all country residents who
wish to keep up with the times.
Single Subscription, $1.50.
Two Sobscrlbtlons, $2.50
Five Subscriptions, 15.50
Four Months' Trial Trip 50 cents.
will be mailed free on request. It will pay
anyliody Interasted in any way in country
life to send forthem. Address the publishers:
Albany, N. Y
taken at this office.
Both papers together. £.OO.
™ / i 1 ■ J k I
1 I i k I!•1
Anrone senillng a iketcb and floscHptton may
qulrkly asrortaln oni opinion fr«e whether u
Inrentlnn !■ probably pntent*l»le. rommanlo*.
tlons Ntrletlr (x»nfld«DtllLi. Handbook on I'atant*
sent fre«. OldMt agom-y for aertirlng patent*.
I'aienta taken tnroiiili Munn k Co. racalTf
tptclai notice, without charge. In tbs
Scientific American.
A handsomely lllugtrated weekly. lAnreet rtr
culation of any »<'lentlflc fournal. Terni». a
▼ear - f->ur months. 91. Hold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co. 36,Broadw,> New York
Braut.b oflloe. E26 K Ht_ Wublnvtoo. D. G.
Pasted on j onr pajier, (or on the
wrapper in which it comes,) for
a brief but exact statement of
your subscription aooonnt. The
date to which yon have paid is
clearly Riven. If it is a past date
a remittance is in order, and isre '
spectfnlly solicited, Remember!
the subscription price, SI.OO a;
year in advance or $ 1.50 at end of
ttutler, Pepua
tar-If the date is not changed within .
throe w»eka write and aak WOT.
I RtejJ &GOB Wtohm |
S Than anj other Washerfe
fj on the market. %
v: ::: BUTLER ' PA * .. *hJ*
r &3&IMVXIW%>X>X 3TW
8 Choice Fabrics for Summer Wearg
We nre showing an extensive assortment of light weight materials 2k
M suitable for shirt waist saits kud fancy costumes.
g Fil De Soie K
A product of the famous Arnold Mills, extensively advertised in flf
£v the Magazines. A very hardsome fabric in choice foulard silk
(fir designs. inches wide at 25c a yard. R
M Soiesette tR
JV Another very dressy Arnold fabric, having the appearance of a high <P
grade Jap Silk. Colors, black, white, cream, champagne, light Si
J? blue, navy, cardinal and brown, 30 inches wide at 25c a yard.
| Silk Colienne R
Jg All colors, 27 inches wide at 50c a yard. jf
« Silk Organdie •
U All shades. 32 inches wide at 50c a yard. U
S Silk Muslin yjj
S Every color. 31 inches, extra value at 25c a yard. S
W Extra low prices on Silks, Mohairs, White Goods, Lawns. Batiste, R
Dimity, Percales and Ginghima. Cfe
g Notion Department S
jn Special offerings in fancy collars, belts, ribbons, gloves, corsets> JR
underwear, hosiery, &c. jpk
S The New Idea Patterns and Magazine for May. w
§L. Stein & Son,a
+969VX acnex xxx v
fl Bickel's Footwear. I
► • <
I A Grand Display of Fine Footwear in J
I All the Latest Spring Styles. J
< j
I We are showing many <
( /jwnQ em pretty styles in Ladies' Fine ►
gfrSw rwk Shoes and Oxfords at prices «
mam sure to interest you. ►
Big bargains in Misses' *
and Children's Shoes. |
JP|Wf Large stock of Men's and |
n&S&L JmT Boys' Fine Shoes and Ox- {
fordß * n many Bt y les - ►
mi jmw Repairing promptly done. >
128 S. Main St., BUTLER. PA.
The importance of haste;two weeks ago wt> advertised bargains.they are Q
n jnriv ill imiip but luckily for you everything seems to be going wrong
O n w T th y us w R e cannot haul Buggie's and Wagons from the ears as fast as
Othav are cominK io, just got through with a car and have to begin on %1
Anther forced to get rid of some right away, we say right ft
O awav If von bu4? np you will get a nice Top Buggy and a good set Jf
O Harness making a turnout good enough to go to your neic a wedding
fioSoX a Slat Wagon and Harness for same nri«* . If job Q
IV s „ lu i aW av and think you are bnymg at wholesale you will pay SIO.OO
Oto #2O 00 iuore for no better. We have a whole lot of other bargains |)
we are offering to induce you to come in. wchw» n, °® O
%¥ 'if ti 00 irood work team harness worth $33.00 for ?~i.oo, collar sweat
X nlds worthTo as for 25 cts., good full rawhide buggy whips 25 cts 0
Ac don't, think these bargains will be here forever we are advertising 0
0 them to sell them and if you want any bargains don t wait a day.
g 128 E. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. A
© We Sell the Kramer Wagon~Best Wagon made Q
1 Has been removed to the room
M occupied by Wm. H. Qoehringr, f
jg Wholesale Produce, in the Duffy |j
p Block, corner Main and North p
|j Sts., pending the erection of ||
ji their new store. j|
Advertise in the CITIZEIN.