VOL. XXXXII. —THE MODERN STORE. shionable Easter Millinery & Fashionable Easter Wear. Grand Preparations for the Easter Rush. Ne*er before have we made such extensive ami special preparations for the Easter season and are ready for our friends to meet their have made UD the prettiest and newest hats ior A indies nod children that we have ever shown and priced at tke lowest margin of profit. Ladies' Hats n.SO. *(.UO. » 50, *'•*« to *IO.OO Children's Hats We to *» a>. , Mti( i- On special orders, we c«n please the most rastin Sjjfjfj' ) ous us'make you an artistic hat with a «.pecinl T that will trove its individuality. i Kin GLOVES. " We sell the colebrated Trefousse Gloves— pos / ■ tively the best SI.OO and i 1.50 gloves made, t EASTER SECKWEAK FOR LADIES. I Just arrived choice new things 25c and 50c. C MS? LATEST EASTER NOVELTIES. Fancy Hat Pins, Belts Leather Bags, etc. BEAUTIFUL EASTK.R HOSIERS. All shades in cotton, lisle and silk, 25c to ?I.JO a pr. MEN'S EASTER WEAR. CjfafmbS New Easter neckwear, shirts, socks, gloves etc. Visit our men's department for furnishings. isLEK-MARDORF COMPANY, •H STREET 1 O o*f SEiffSSf 'f Samples sent on request. OPTOSITI^IOTE^RLIN^rON^^^^BCT^R^A^^^ e Butler Business College buildings, new and splendid equipment, a strictly first-class and up to jol that ACTUALLY PLACES ITS GRADUATES, wof the hundreds of prominent concerns that employ them , Bntler County National Bank. Guaranty Safe Daposit & Trust Co., The ' National Bank. Butler Savings & Trust Co., John Berg & Ox. Standard r Co., Standard Plate Glass Co., B R. & P. R- it Co, B. & O. K. K. man* Palace Car Co.. Westinghonse Electrical Mfg. Co., National Tube on Steel Co.. Jones & Laughlin Steel Co. Germaina National Bank. Bnhl Pittsburg Dry Goods Co.. etc , etc.. Pittsburg. WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT." .logue and circulars muiled on application. MAY ENTER ANY TIME. 0 opens Sept. 4, 1905. ! . REGAL, Principal, Butler, Pa. « BROWN'S I [ Fine Furniture K B and Carpets f W We are ready-to-sell-with the largest assortment • HI of substantial Furniture we have ever placed on our n floor?, You always find prices an inducement at A Hj this store along with best quality, r< Fine Oak Rockers from $3.50 up. W Hi Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces at all prices Hi Combination cases from $15.00 upwards W H2 Sideboards .and Buffets. $lB to $75 k Solid Oak Bad Room Suits, $25.00 upwards ¥ H Extension Tables from $5.00 to $40.00. H| Iron Beds —a large selection—s3.so up wards B All-wool Carpets—best qualities—sewed at 65c J HI Wool Rugs—room sizes—at $8.50 and $9.50 J Mattings, Linoleums —at lowest prices H Bru§sels Carpets—best Axminster—laid—sl.2s H We can furnish your home complete-and if quali- > Hty and price are an inducement you will get it here. < Hi A SQUARE DEAL TO ONE AND ALL. ► B " COME IN AND COMPARE. < I BROWN &■ CO. I No. 136 North Main St., Sutler. I Huseltorx's ■ With Spring there conies other SfkA things besides March winds mm 11 S Our spring styles in Sfioes for instance, H niceties that other stores don't have and Tan Oxfords will please you particularly, H we are sure. ■ SISTER! SISTER! When March winds blow don't let those shabby last s be seen pieping out. jolly up the purse in your house and bring a little more money to us w o n>t ta^e much to fit you out most sweetly. And jack a tip about a new pair for himself. ■Huselton's °S ■SHOE STORE. I Hi ift t r~ mein~ f*®! Il Won't buy clothing for the purpose of I spending money They desire to get the 1 I in/ I best possible results of the money expended I lift/ 1 iKMK) ]iJ Those who bny custom clothing h»v° n 1 |lI 1 T right to demand a fit, to haye tbeiT clothes ft JU correct in ckjle and to demand of th> dlr J seller to guarantee everything. Come to IV. Mip&r us and there will be nothing lacking. I have just received a large stock of S|iring UMV^Wiil 1 uuilller suitings in the latest styles \ w|ll I shades and colors. ■ \fflpl jf G. F. KECK, "|| 1 (HERCHfINT TAIbOR, MJ* WSS 142 N. Main St., ijutl?r, Pa H^cribeforthe CITIZEN -THE BUTLER CITIZEN. Nacal CATARRH 0&k In all its stages. M %£\ JjUot Ely's Cream Balmt"" r ™J#7 cleanses, soothes and heals a the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and dr;vc3 away a cold in the head quickly. Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils,spreads over the membrane and la absorbed- Relief Is im mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying—does not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren Street, New York. PR 0 FESSIO N ALC A R US. PHYSICIANS, T C. BOYLE, M. D. O • EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT, SPECIALIST. - 121 East Cunningham Street. Office Honrs, 11 to 13 a. m., 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. BOTH TELEPHONES. R. JULIA E. FOSTER, OSTEOPATH. Consultation and examination free. Office hours —9 to 12 A M., 2 to M., daily except Sundny. Evening appointment. Office —Stein Block, Rooms 9-10, But ler, Pa. People's Phone 478. FLLARA E. MORROW, D. 0., "J GRADUATE BOSTON COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHY. Women's diseases a specialty. Con sultatian and examination free. Office Hours, 9to 12 m., 2 to 3 p. m People's Phone 573. IJ6 S. Main street, B t «r Pa (1 M. ZIMMERMAN I • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON AI 327 N Mmn St R. HAZLETT, M. D., • 106 West Diamond, Dr. Graham'B former of^ce. Special attention give*, to Eye, Nose and Throat Peoole's Phone 274. OAMUELM. BIPPUS, U PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON JOO West Cunningham St. DENTISTS. DR. FORD H. HAYES, DENTIST. Graduate of Dental Department, University of Pennsylvania. Office—2ls S. Main Street, Butler, Pa DR. S. A. JOHNSTON, SURGEON DENTIST. Formerly of Butler, Has located opposite Lowry House, Main St., Butler, Pa. The finest work a specialty. Expert painless extractor Kji teeth by his new method, no medi cine used or jabbing a needle into the gums; also gas and ether used. Coin munications by mail receive prompt at tention. DR J. WILBERT McKEE, SURGEON DEKTIST. Office over Leighner'a Jewelry store, Bntler, Pa Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gold crown and bridge work. CL T J. HIND MAN. TT • DENTIST. 12ty South Main street, (ov Metzer's shoe store.) DR H. A. McCANDLESS, DENTIST. Offiee in Butler County National Bank Building, 2nd floqr. DR. M. D. KOTTRABA, Successor to Dr. Johns ion DENTIST Office at No 114 E. Jefieraon St., over G- W. Miller's jjrocerv ATTORNEYS. RP. SCOTT, • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office in Bntler County National Bank building. AT. SCOTT, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. Bat ler, Pa. pOULTER & BAKER, V ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office in Butler County Najio;uil Bank building. TOHN W. COULTER, v ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office on Diamond, Butler, Pa. Special ittention given to collection' and business matters. JD. McJUNKIN, • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in Reiber building, cornei Main and E. Cunningham Sts, Entrance 00 Main street. I B. BKEDIN. • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Court Hotw« HH. GOUCIJER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In Wise building EH. NEGLEY • ATTORNEV AT LAW. Office in the Negley B lilding, West Diamond. W' C. FINDLE\~ • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND PENSION ATTORNEY. Office on South side of Diamond, Butler, Pa, MISCELLANEOUS. BF. HILLIARD, • GENERAL SURVEYING. Mines and Land. County Surveyor. R. F D. 49, West Pa. p F. L. McQUISTION, v. Crvii, ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Office near Court House. T P. WALKER NOTARY P-OBLIC, BUTLER, Office with Herkiner, next door to P. O Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs. Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy S. G. PURVIS, Pu. G Both Phones. 218 S Main St. Butler Pa. In the Matter Of Elizabeth By S. T. STERN Copyright, 1904, by 8. T. Stern There were two Elizabeth Lang hams. For fifteen years they had lived almost side by side, and neither of them had learned of the other's exist ence. Three hundred feet of metropoli tan space and several hundred thou sand dollars separated them socially and completely. The elder Miss Lang ham resided near the middle of the block In a plutocratic white stone man sion. At the corner of the same street in a modest flat house lived the other Elizabeth. Though neither of them was aware of the circumstances, these two pos sessed one link in common. His par ents knew him as James Carruthers. His clients and professional friends called him Jack, the counselor. Miss Langham knew him as her oldest and, he hoped, her best friend. Elizabeth Langham knew him as her employer. Elizabeth Langham often wondered tli..L Jim had selected her from two dozen applicants for the position of ste nographer in his legal establishment. A callow graduate from a business col lege, she had hardly hoped to gain ac ceptance over a score of experienced typists. The true reason—her name she never guessed. Still Jim had no reason to regret his choice. Miss Eliza beth was neat, pretty and bright. Jim dictated to her daily, and she tran scribed without an error. Not so Miss Langham, the focus of fifty bachelor aspirations. Jim tried dictation there only once. "Mr. Carruthers," said Miss Langham coldly, "you are taking a mean advan tage of our friendship. You have no right to criticise my other friends. I am proud to number Judge Newton among my friends." "But he's fifty If he's a day," Jim persisted. "So shall you be, Mr. Carruthers— some day. Good night." There were tears after Jim had taken his departure, but that Jim did not know. He did know, however, that Miss Langham had dismissed him, and he sorrowed accordingly. "It's that fellow, Colonel Newton," he mused. "Since they've elected him a judge Elizabeth has been indiffer ent to me. Mrs. Judge Newton evi dently sounds better to her young ears than plain Mrs. Jimmy Carruth ers." So he floundered homeward in the slush of a winter evening and nursed his first great sorrow. Sorrow uiaketh a sympathizer. Jimmy, blue and hopeless, became hu manitarian In a week. One morning •when his stenographer, Miss Eliza beth, showed him a court summons which had been served upon her, de manding that she pay the sum of $250 forthwith or suffer the entry of Judg ment for that .Tlmrry simply radiated consolation. '(Who is this Mme. Nellie who is suing you?" "I. never heard of her," was the re sponse. Jim scanned the papers closely. "Mme, Nellie," he said after he had finished, "seems to be the trade name of a being whose Christian appellation Is Michael O'Malley. He says you ordered one blue dress of the value of $250. He swears that you have re fused to accept it, and he sues accord ingly," • There must be some mistake. I never ordered a dress one-fourth as expensive as that. Nor have I ever laid eyes on Mme. Nellie." "Where do you live?" he inquired. Her reply astonished him. "No, Sixth avenue." "IS that near Forty-seventh street?" •'lt is on the corner. The side street is very fashionable. This summons must be intended for some wealthy woman near by who doesn't pay her bills." When Jim saw that the papers were signed in the name of the Hon. William Newton, Justice, his mind was made up. He told his secretary to have no fear. He was happy to show his appreciation of her faithful and long continued service. ne tried the case himself. His rival sat on his bench and glared savagely at him—at least that is Jimmy's re part of the judicial attitude. As it happened, Mme. Nellie was not present in the courtroom, having been detained elsewhere on jury duty. In his place he sent two of his as sistants. One of them took the stani} at once—a florid faced lady she was, whq confessed amiably that she had been a dressmaker for twenty-one years and was approaching her thir tieth birthday, "It's this way, judge, ygr honor," she testified glibly. "Mme. Nellie sent the dress, and. she sent Jt back, saying it didn't fit. I didn't have nothing to do with It, but the lady in our house as did has assured me that it fitted to perfection. Mme. Nellie says Miss Langham should be compelled to pay." At this point Jim felt called upon to explain matters. "You see," he start ed to say, "they've got the wrong"— Judge Newton waved him aside, "The issue in this eas« is simple. Does the gown fit? That is all. I would like to ask Miss Laugham a question or two. Take the stand, miss." Miss Langham did so. "What is your name?" "Elizabeth Langham." "Where do you live?" "No. Sixth avenue," "You may retirw to iny private cham |>er and don the dress. The plaintiffs •xperts will accompany you." Miss Langham commenced to weep. 'lf you please, Judge Newton," she stammered. "Do as I say," he responded testily. •Tbo court will judge for itself," Vive minutes Jater Miss Laugham je-eptered the courtroom clad in the gown under dispute. Mme. Nellie's expert beamed with satisfaction as she addressed the court. "You can see for yourself, judge, yer honor. It fits without a wrinkle." "I should call «uiH»ingly good fit," judge Newton, frown iuy, adding by the way of judicial con cession, "and mightily becoming. It fits, doesn't it?" "Y-e-s," said Mistt Langham. "but"— "That's all. Judgment for Mme. Nel- V e for the full amount." Once more Jim rose from his chair. "Won't you permit me ia say a few \?ordsi There has been a mistake." ''There has not, Mr. Carruthers, un less it be your own in endeavoriug to defend a case in which the evidence is ■o palpably in favor of the other side." On the way back to the office Jim consoled his client. He promised to appeal the case to the highest court ;n the country, In his heart he knew that the case of Mme. Nellie versus Miss Elizabeth Langham would never be heard In court again. BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1906. When Miss Elizabeth Xjaagham emerged from her coupe at »'• o'clock that evening ; ; lie found her household In nn uproar. Mathilde, her maid, was almost breathless. "If you please, ma'am," she gasped, "there's a man in the pirior—a sheriff or something, and he's been holding the best peach blow vase these two hours. I sent for the police. The police says he can't do nothing. He told the man to wait. There he Is now. ma'am, sitting on the bost gilt ehair. with the vase in his hand, ma'am." The Intruder advanced as Miss Langham entered the parlor. Yes. lie was a deputy. There was a Judgment against Elizabeth Langham in favor of Mme. Nellie. Didn't she remember the dress she ordered from Mme. Nellie? "But I sent It back. It did not fit." "Of course," said he suavely, "that may have been the defense. A judg ment Is a judgment, however. Will you pay up or shall I make a levy?" he add ed,'casting longing glances at the vase. "This shall not go unpunished. It is an outrage,"' said Miss Laughiiii indig nantly. 'Wait until I ring up my friend, Judge Newton." "Your friend?" The deputy laughed. "You will receive Instructions from him." "I have received 'em already. It was Judge Newton that entered the judg ment against you. Here are the papers. This is his own writing." One glance satisfied Mis* Langham. She bade Mathilde bring her check book. "I'll pay," she said. "In the meantime you may release that vase. It is hardly a tea store souvenir." • »»»»•• That same evening James Carruthers sat in his den, reading Dante's "Infer no." lie had finished "The Sorrows of Wcrther" the day before. At his elbow, still to be perused, lay "The Joy of Liv ing." The telephone bell Jangled twice, but he did not hear. At the third call he rose from his chair. A moment later the volume went speeding on Its way across the room. This Is Jim's end of the conversation that followed: "Represent you in the matter? Glad ly. Paid it, you say? Tried to take— oh, my! Newton? Beastly 'mpudence! Called tonight after all that happened? You treated him right. Yes, d-e-a-r-i-e. In ten minutes." The next morning Jim Informed his stenographer gleefully that the Mme. Nellie matter was settled out of court and that she might retain the .dress as a gift. Later he called upon the deputy sheriff. "I am sorry, counselor," said the offi cial, "that duty compelled me to go against your client. Funny thing how we collected it. I found the defendant resided at Sixth avenue. I saw it In the court record. She said so. Those are flats and, says I, that judgment ain't no good. Afterward some one rings this office up and tells mo the de fendant didn't live there at all. Says she was a swell and lived around the corner in Fifty-seventh street. He was right too. She paid up like a lamb. I wonder who It was that tipped* "ws off? W<- got Uie uioEcj- fcil 3ay, a guy that'll give away a lady lik* that is as mean as dirt. Eh, Jim?" "Well, that depends," replied Jim, "upon the motive." Henry Clay n* a Twine Splicer. It has been said that Henry Clay achieved success so easily that he quite misunderstood others and over estimated himself. But he was eager to learn the best way to do whatever he had to do. In "The True Henry Clay" the author gives an instance of this: At fourteen Henry became clerk in I store in Richmond, whither the fam ily had removed. Stories are told of his williugness to do his duty, al though the work was distasteful to him. Once he was reproved by the store keeper for wasting too much twine. Thereafter he saved every scrap he could get and tied the pieces together. Again it was explained that using this sort of twine might be offensive to the customers, as it made the packages look untidy by reason of too many knots. So he consulted with a sailor lit Richmond, who showed him how to splice strings with a smooth joint. From that time he spent his leisure hours making short pieces of twine of the same size into a continuous cord. When his employer discovered this he was so much pleased that he had all twine saved und turned the task of splicing it over to young Henry, with the result that the young man's enthu siasm rapidly abated, ldena From Sintnre. Walking on the outskirts of Bolton one autumn evening, a clever young i man became Interested in watching i the seeds falling from a sycamore tree. He observed that they acquired a fQ tary motion before reaching the ground, and. Inquiring Into the cause, he found that the two wings were slightly turned in opposite directions, which caused them to revolve in fall ing. The idea of making a screw pro peller 011 this principle at once occur red to him. Galvaui, a natural philosopher of Italy, was dissecting a dead frog one j day while a pupil was making experi ments in electricity by his side. He ' observed that the muscles of the frog, being exposed, gave signs of motion whenever the nerves came la contact with the scopel. Galvanl discovered the existence of a new principle in ibis phenomenon and originated the fertile branch of physics known by the name of galvanism. One Mnn'n Ideft of 11 Joke. "This artificial limb business la get ting to be something wonderful," said a Cleveland man. "When a man cau wiggle the Angers of an artificial hand Jt Is uncanny. Practical Jokes of terri ble effect are possible with the artificial limb, and the victim is such in the true Bense of the word. I saw a man in Denver about three weeks ago who walked up to the hotel cler\; and In a friendly way reoehwl aoroaa the coun ter bhafce bauds. Then he wheeled pway and left his hand in the grip of the clerk. The clerk fainted—actually faluted, although he realized, I believe, that the band he held was but an arti ficial one. The man who wore it bad devised a scheme by which lie might throw It off by pressing a spring. The ■ delight he took in the Joke ceased when j the victim collapsed."—Milwaukee Sen -1 iinel. Where the speech is corrupted the mind Is also.—Seneca. Wanted n Change, She—Why did that brilliant woman tnarry such u stupid man? ne— Be cause her first husband was a genius. —Detroit Free Press. In and Oat. "I notice you never wear a watch with your evening clothes." j "No. I never bavq both out at the line Cornell Wf}>nny, "Sure, it's *anie old thing," she Raid snappishly as she tossout to meet him. It never struck him as odd that the telephone girl knew of his daily habit. Perhaps sho lived in the neighborhood. He answered In a re lieved tone: "Yes: I'd forgotten to call her." "And if you didn't caH her she wouldn't remember, would she?" "No, no," agreed the man; "these servants are a great trial." Then as central Tang off he murmured to him self: "There's a girl who will make a fine business woman some day. I would not mind having her In my office." And, though he could never tell Just how it happened, from that time on it was central who had the trying conver sation with Mary until Miss Ellen got about, and after that with Miss Ellen herself, merely giving him a condensed report of the conversation. This saved his time, which was valuable, and it pleased his fancy that some one appre ciated his absorbing Interest in the children. That was why he had a bouquet of flowers sent up to the telephone ex change one day and a box of candy an other. Several times he was tempted to call in person, but he finally decided that seeing the girl face to face might prove a disillusion. Faces and voices do not always harmonize, and yet he thought of the great relief it was to re ceive messages from central Instead of Irate Mary or butterfly Ellen. He felt sure that this particular voice stood for a face fair and womanly. Then he would recall a recent letter from his son. Aunt Mary would come for—a con sideration. But Anally an InsplraUon came to him. Reggie was having a birthday. Ellen, with characteristic heedlessness, had forgotten this important event and had arranged to join a house party for the very night. But this should not stand in the way of a proper observ ance of the occasion. Reggie should have a birthday spree, and the guest of honor should be this central girl, with whom the two children had held many little talks across the wire. She accepted the Invitation sent In Reggie's name. She rode out In the runabout driven by the suspicious Tim, who had made unpleasant remarks to his wife about old fools and pretty girls And she finally entered the door opened by Mr. Dickson himself. lie gave a sigh of relief, which was drowned in the tumultuous greetings of the children. She was Just what he had dreamed of, but what he had not dared to hope for. They had a merry evening, and when the two children were sitting down, one on either side of her, to hear wtiat Reggie described as corking goblin stories, the sound of a latchkey fell upon Mr. Dickson's ear. lie rose uncertainly; so did Margaret Baxter, and so did the two children. And that was the scene upon which en tered Charles Dickson, general repre sentative for the Excelsior Hardware company, Just returned from a hard trip on the road. lie looked at his fa ther, who flushed. He looked at Mar garet Baxter, who smiled. He looked at the two children, who shrieked si multaneously and made a rush at him. When he had escaped from their embraces his father started to mako the necessary Introduction, but the younger man waved him aside. "1 have known Margaret for some time—in fact, long before you knew her. When the children have finished their frolic and gone to bed I —well, we will explain this matter to you." Mr. Dickson, Sr., looked from his son's dancing eyes to Margaret Bax ter's flushed face and remarked dryly: "It won't be necessary. And while Miss Baxter 1B finishing that goblin story you had better telegraph to Aunt Mary. Tell her she need not come. We've changed our minds." Sleeping Time. A New York physician gives the fol lowing ns his ideas of the pace that kills: "Every man that does not take at least eight hours' sleep out of every twenty-four is robbing himself of Just that much vital energy. The men who in the future will live to be 100 years eld will take more than eight hours' sleep every day of their lives. Man cannot burn the candle at both ends because nature will not permit him to do it." Merely a Feeler. The Count—Did her father acquire his money honestly? Miss Bright (sar castically)—Oh, yes! If he did not I suppose you would not marry her? The Count—Not at all. If he acquired It dishonestly he would probably be too clever to give any of It away.—New York Times. Hl* Argument. Mrs. Jones—You ought to be ashamed of yourself not to go to work. The Tramp—Madam, if nature has fitted lue to get aloug without work why should I struggle against my manifest destiny? Drncglnt the Aaehor. "I see Newlywed at the club quite often since his baby came. I thought he was flrmly anchored to a home life." "He was, but at the first squall he began to drag his anchor." Imprtioned In tile Wind. Butterflies may be Imprisoned and uninjured in the midst of a whirlwind. Gales In a genuine typhoon are so ter rible that the stoutest ships can scarce ly hope to weather them, but there Is a spot at the very center of the storm where something like a dead calm pre vails. From the outer edge of the dis turbance, which may be SOO miles across, the wind velocity Increases to ward the center until within a few miles of that point there comes a Sud den lull. There the rain ceases and the sky often clears. In this little calm area, which sailors call "the eye of the storm," a group of butterflies has frequently been Imprisoned, and their dainty, delicate forms are as safe In this aerial cage as If hovering In sunny meadows, bot as helpless as In a collector's bottle. Coffee and Smoke In Spain. Even of wine, so cheap and abun dant In Spain, the natives seem to use very little. They are frightfully in temperate, however. In their use of to bacco and coffee. They drink coffee at all hours aud apparently every hour. The clerk who tlikes his morntng cup at 9 has another at his desk an hour later, purchased from a street vender. The business men passing through the streets pause while a fellow who car ries hot cofftee, hot milk, sugar and spoons harnessed upon him serves them on the sidewalk. If the Spaniard does not smoke In his sleep It is his only respite from the habit.—Rosary l&ffgßZiae. — TESTING SEED CORN. A Practical Step Toward Rliminat inn Clutnoe From Agriculture. By ALBERT N. HUME. Illinois Experi ment Station. When corn planting time arrives the most serious question for corn growers Is that of securing seed for their fields Which will be certain to grow. It may seem like a heavy task to germinate three or four kernels of corn from ev ery ear in a bushel, and yet one man in ten hours' total time can test every BACK OP IRON BODS AXD WISE. ear of seed corn required to plant six ty-seven acres. Some such method is said to have been used by John R. Clis by, secretary of the Illinois Corn Breeders' association, in testing large quantities of seed corn. One kernel should be taken from the butt of the ear, at least one from the middle and one from the tip. Four kernels is enough to take from one ear for practi cal work if properly taken. The four kernels from each ear must be placed in a separate group, and it Is beet that the group be marked or numbered to correspond with the num ber of lue ear from which the kernels were taken. For this plan it Is neces sary that the ears be placed In regular order as the kernels are removed from them. A good device for arranging the ears In regular order is shown in the first cut. One of the quickest and most con venient devices for making germina tion tests is that first used by Profess or GofT at the Geneva station In New York. This apparatus consists of a water tight box across which are ex tended folds of canton flannel. These folds are suspended from wires and can be removed to dry when not in use. The box must be filled to the depth of about an inch with water, so that the folds of canton flannel will hang down enough to touch the water and thus be moistened by capillarity. The box should be about 12 by 24 Inch es and 4 or 5 Inches deep. It may Le made of wood, galvanized Iron, tin or copper, and the wires can be cut from ordinary smooth galvanized fence wire. When kernels of com are to be tested In this germinating apparatus they are removed from the ears, placed between the folds In regular order and the folds closed together. The groups of kernels from the separate ears may be num bered with slips of paper. This num bering will not be absolutely necessary if proper care is used to have the groups of kernels correspond to the ears of corn from which they came. r0L0» CLOSIP. fOLDS OHM. £ POBTIOW OP A QEJTHVA TBTD After the kernels are put In place the folds are drawn together at the top, the lid closed upon the box and the ap paratus left until the kernels germi nate. When put Into this box the ker nels will not usually suffer for mois ture during the length of time of one test. This is one of the advantages of the Geneva tester over the plate of sand where the moisture may need re newing each day or even oftener. The folds are easily opened when it is nec essary to Inspect the kernels to count the number which have germinated. The Newest Notion With Sweet Peas. The crop was a complete success, while other growers In this location did not succeed at all. While I have no rec ord of the quantity of the crop, I will say that I had a larger crop, better blooms of lasting quality, than any oth or grower with the same amount of ground planted. I had two awards at the New Jersey Horticultural society for these same blooms In June and July at Orange, N. J., and I know that had It not been for the Inoculating ot the soed I would not have been so suc cessful.—W. J. Hesse, Newark, N. J. Hen Manures. Such strong manures (hen manures) ire best adapted when applied to any leaf creps, such as spinach, cabbage, iale and Swiss chard. Being highly .iltrogenous, they induce growth of '-, the tratlic in laying hens affords favorable conditions for the spread of disease. The owner of 6,000 hens naturally dreads the practical annihilation of his 6tock more keenly than the average farmer owning a few barnyard fowls. Sanitation a Sieenalty. California poultrymen are united to an unusual extent in affirming that failure and diminished profits are due principally to diseases. A study of the poultry diseases and of the conditions under which they occur leads to (.he conclusion that a large percentage of the losses among chickens older than broilers Is due to preventable diseases. The man who would reap the great est profits from poultry husbandry must become thoroughly Informed con cerning the recognition of the various diseases and the sanitary methods nec essary for their control. Horticulture furnishes a striking ex ample of a widespread popular educa tion on matters pertaining to prevent able losses from disease and the para sitic Insects. This Is a necessity se quent to specialization and concentra tion. Scratching Porta. Scratching posts, in the opinion of hog men, are not only a great comfort to hogs, but they may be made aseful in ridding them of lice and of a sialyl skin. The following plan Is practiced by a successful hog raiser, who mar kets his animals In Baltimore. Plant a hickory post font Inches In diameter In the bog run. Coll a manlila rope around this post as high as a hog stands and staple it securely. The* thoroughly saturate the rope with crude petroleum—kerosene will do, but it is not as good—and It becomes an Ideal scratching post for hogs and pigs. The animals will rub against It continually, and oil Is fatal te lice and mites. If kerosene Is used the saturation should be renewed every few days.—American Cultivator. SPRING IN THE GARDEN "Had I t>ut~two loaveS, Tr said Mo hammed, "I would sell one and buy hyacinths to feed my soul," a senti ment we must all approve; but when hyacinths are growing and blooming in our garden we may keep the loaf. Sow seed for tomato plants In March or April In the hotbed or In plats In the house. By error in a recent note It was stated that soli Inoculation Is good for "sweet potatoes." The reader familiar with the legumes undoubtedly read be tween the lines and saw what was in tended—viz, "sweet peas." When the seedlings are growing In the hotbeds do not let the beds becojxs too hot. Ventilate well In the milder days and water liberally. On account of its vigorous growth, which enables it to overtop grass and bold its own against weeds, asparagus will withstand perhaps more than most vegetables. But It also re sponds generously to good culture. April Is a critical month with the hotbeds. A little neglect In giving sir and an hour or two of ardent sun shine will scorch the tender growth, or Jack Frost's touch at night, after a balmy day, may put the plant to sleep for good and all If the prorteet lng mats were thoughtlessly left off. The dahlia, that fashionable flower of the present, may be grown from seeds. These germinate freely. Seeds of sin gle dahlias prove highly satisfactory, producing a great variety of self colors —striped, spotted and tipped—and are greatly liked for cutting. Tally bo 1 A very early equivalent of similar sound and purpose to the tallyho with which a huntsman now cheers on his hounds appears in a quaint old song printed in 1780 called "The Death of Reynard, the Fox," by Sir William Toung: He quickly found the cover Too hot for him to stay. And soon Ned Callet spied him Stealing across the way. "Tolle aux!" then Callet cried And gave a gibbet shrill. He tossed his brush as Who should say, "Come, kiss me If you will!" Some, however, derive the cry when a fox breaks cover from "talllis hors," the French for "out of the coppice."— London Globe. A Ghastly Pavemtnt. Gwandu, a native town In Africa, contains between 10,000 and 16,000 in habitants and Is surrounded by a paft lsade of poles, the top of every po/e being crowned with a human skull. There are six gates, and the approach to each gate is laid with a pavement of human skulls, the tops being the only parts that show above ground. More than 2,000 skulls are used In the pavement leading up to each gate. The pavement Is of snowy whiteness, polished to the smoothness of Ivory ' by the daily passage of hundreds ot naked feet. Worda of Violence. "Words of violence nearly always begin with 'sp,'" said a poet. "How do you mean?" "I mean that words of violence like spank begin with the same two letters, s and p. For example, besides spank, a clear word of violence, we have the sp beginning for such words as spurt, split, spring, splutter, spasm, speed, spill, spin, splinter, spurn, spar, spun, spike, spat, and so on."—Philadelphia Bulletin. Willie's Ansulnb. "Say, ma," asked little*Willie afler he had been In conjunction with the paternal slipper, "did anybody besides pa ever ask you to be his wife 7" "Oh, yes. I had lots of proposals be fore your father came along." "Well, do you think you gained any thing by waiting?" ______ As Ha San It. Miss Riche—l lost my heart last night, pa. I accepted Mr. Poore. Mr. Riche—H'm! You didn't lose your [ hwirt-you mart h»v9 lost your head: