VOL. XXXXII. I THE MODERN STORE- i Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Fabrics and Lace Curtains ' Easter Millinery Should Now Have Attention. -*j Dress Goods stock now complete. All the newest weaves and color- H ings. Mohairs. Panama Cloth, Eoli'ans. Crepes. Crepede Panama. Novelty H Weaves, Checks, etc., 50c to $1.50 a yard. Some choice new silks just in from New \ork, newest checks, hair K line stripes, etc . 75c a yard. i„ B Immense line of new white and colored wash goods, all the uesiraMe ■ weaves. tOc to 50c a yard. . , I ' We h..ve the most extensive line of Lace, Swiss, and brasses >et R Curtains we have ever shown and priced at the very lowest margin of ja profit, 39c to pi 00 a pair. f. Order Your Easter Hat Now, \. before next week's big rnsh. We are prepared to show you the greatest B assortment of styles we have ever had. Oar facilities are unsnrpassed. M EISLER-MARDORF COnPANY, I south majs strekt | ryry-i Samples sent on request. m 0 BROWN'S U Fine FurnitureH fj and Carpets [j We are ready-to-sell-with the largest assortment M k J of substantial Furniture we have ever placed on our Fj floors. You always find prices an inducement at k j this store along with best quality. Fine Oak Rockers from $3.50 up. f£ w Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces at all prices kl L< Combination cases from $15.00 upwards 9A T Sideboards and Buffets $lB to $75 < Solid Oak Bed Room Suits, $25.00 upwards WA b Extension Tables from $5.00 to $40.00. 1 Iron Beds —a large selection —$3.50 upwards PJ f All-wool Carpets—best qualities—sewed at 65c < Wool Rugs—room sizes—at $8.50 and $9.50 VrA ► Mattings, Linoleums —at lowest prices .1 < Brussels Carpets—best Axminster—laid—sl.2s r \ We can furnish your home complete-and if quali- > J ty and price are an inducement you will get it here. < I A SQUARE DEAL TO ONE AND ALL. < COME 1 N~A NDCOM PA RE [i BROWN 8c CO. | No. 136 North Mahi Butln I Huseltoq's I I ifePfk With Spring there comes other |f I things besides winds ■ I ißu wP ur s P r ' n £ styles in Shoes for instance,® I s^owin ß newest shapes and many little H I nicetilsS tllat other stores don't have andß H won't have. |! ■ The Tan Oxfords will please you particularly, § I we are sure. p I SISTER! SISTER! | I When March winds blow don't let those shabby lastß I winter's shoes be seen peeping out. Jolly up the purse■ ■ holder in your house and bring a little more money to usH ■ won't take rriuch to fit you out most sweetly. And® ■ give Jack a tip about a new pair for himself. S Ifluselton's "Hf ■shoe store. I ml'# I L&r i S ' i y ilivfi 11 Won't bny clothing for tlie purpose of I* . I >y|i jyl I spending money Th»y ilesire to Rot the I <?, hi'/ I "t p<J«»ible results of the money expended. UT--J jyf \ UfjrfiAX Those who buy enstoni clothing haven ilr' i- ' rw 7 f right to detnsna a fit, to have their olotbes Afih <■ <1 j/sT 1 <*>rrect in st>le and to dt inatid of the / Xll' j&r APfll seller to (ruarnntee everything. Come to nH atJ( ' t ®"' re w '" n Jthlng lucklog. 1 i| I have jnst received h large Block of Spring _____ « nnd Summer suitings in the latent styles, \ iSvMiSS7 V 1 I fln, l colors. ®HJ G. F. KECK. •*" nII m E^CHnNT TAitoß, I Jjj 143 N, Main St., sutl?r,P« The Butler Business College Some of our students who have recently accepter! positions: Martha McCne. booKkeeper and stenographer Kittannlng Time*; N»,ttio f'azier. stenographer fur u a <*' H r u Jl?*' I hitler; Prances M. Blair, stenographer for *1 lttsbnrg firm; M.1., McMillan, iMwitlon in Youngstown, Ohio; Mand flookn, T Fx Rickey, with a New York firm; Edgar A'anrl with Iron fJlty Trust Co., Pittsburg nian yonng woman, what U there to hinder YOU from doing like iZ il.ii °?Ll s . t0 Spring and summer term opens first Monday in April. Catalogue and circnlars free 1 J A. F. REOAL, Principal, Butler, Pa. Subscribe for the CITIZEN THE BUTLER CITIZEN. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS, JC. BOYLE. M. D. • EYE, EATJ, NOSK and THROAT, SPECIALIST. I*2l East Cunningham Str<et. \ Office Hoars 11 to 12 a. w.. 3ti 5 and 7 to 9 p. m BOTH TKLKPHONES. DR. JULIA L. POSTER, OSTEOPATH. : Consultation and examination free. Office hours—9 to 12 A. M., 2 to M., daily except Sunday. Evening | appointment. , Office—Stein Block, Rooms 9-10, But j ler, Pa. People's Phone 4TH. FLLARA E. MORROW, D 0., V GRAIJCATK BOSTON COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHY. j Women's diseases a specialty. Con- I sultatian and examination free. | Office Hours, 9to 12 in., 2 to 3p. m | People's Phone 573. 1/6 S. Main street, Butler, Pa GM. ZIMMERMAN • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON At 327 N. Vain St. I R. HAZLETT, V. D., L. 106 West Diamond, Dr. Oraham's former oP-ce. Special attention grve«. to Kye, Nos.- and Throat People's Phone 274. OAMUELM. BIPPUS, U PHY3ICIAN AND SUK C 1 "> 200 West C"aningham ~,1. DENTISTS. DU. FORD H. HAYES, DENTIST. Graduate of Dental Department, University of Pennsylvania Office —215 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON, BURCJEON DENTIST. Formerly of Batler, Has located opposite Lowry Hoase, Main St , Butler, Pa. Th* finest work -i specialty. Expert painless extractor ut treth by his new method, no medi cine used or jabbing a needle into the gums; also gas and ether used. Coin mnnications by mail receive prompt at tention. I\R J. WILBERT McKEE, If SCRGKON DENTIST. Office over Leighner's Jewelry store. Cutler, Pa Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gol I crown and bridge work. ~ J. HIND MAN, • DENTIST. lii.'i South Main street, (ov Metzer's shoe store.) DR. H. A. MCCANDLKSS, DENTIST. Office in BntlerCounty National Bunk Building, 2nd floor. DR. M. D. KOTTRABA, Successor to Dr. Johnston DENTIST Office at No 1 14 3. Jefferson St., over G W. Miller's grocery ATTORNEYS. RP. SCOTT, • ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Office in Butler County National Bank building. AT. neon, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But ler, Pa. COULTER & BAKHR. ATTORNEYS AT L*W. Office in Butler County National Bank building. JOHN W. COULTER, ATTORNHY-AT-LAW. Office on Diamond, Butler, Pa. Special attention given to coilect'om and business inatteis. J D McJUNKIN, TF • ATTORNBY-AT-LA W. Office in Reiber building, cornei Main ind E. Cunningham Sts, Entranc or Main street. ] U. BKEDIN, •) • ATTORNKY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Couit How nil. OOUCHER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. OJCP IN Wise boiiditu EH. NEGLEY • ATTORWUV AT LAW. Office In the Negley Building, Welt Diamond WC. FINDLEY, • ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, AJ<D PENSION ATTORNEY. Office on Sonth side of Diamond, Butl«r, I'a. MISCELLANEOUS. BF. HILLIAUD, • GENERA I. SURVEYING. Min<-n and Land. Connty Surveyor. R. F D. 49. Went Snnbury, Pa. n P. L. McQUISTION, VV. CIVM. KNOINKHR AND SURVKYOR' Office near Court House, LP. WALKER, • NOTARY PUBLIC, BUTI.HR, Office with Berkmer, next door to P. O H. MILLER FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. OFFICE -Room 508, Butler County National Bank bnildinv. Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do, Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and sec us when i:i need of anything in the Hrufj Line and we arc sure you will call again. We carry a ful! line of Drufjs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy 9. O. PURVIS, PH. <J Both Phone?. 213 S Main St. Butler Pa. | The Reckless | Hour By IZOLA FORRESTER Copyright, IC«4. by I*ola Forrester When she camp out of the theater all of the carriages had gjne except oae. Some one stood beside it wait ing. She stood for a moment in the lobby entrance and fastened the diamond clasp on the chiffon and lace stole around her throat. The pin had been 6a fe enough. She had volunteered go ing back to the boxes for it, and had foun l it sticking in the velvet arm of Aunt Victoria's chair, Just where she bad left it. "Did you think that I was never coming?" she asked as lie reached the carriage. The figure turned quickly at the sound of her voice, and •lie found herself looking into Thorn ton's eyes. She caught her breath and flopped abruptly, startled and hesi tating. afraid to let him guesn the groat flood of gladness that swept over her at sight of him. When one believes a person to be in Manchuria it is some what bewildering to meet that person alone on Broadway at 11 p. m. lie did not speak, merely opened the door for her. "There Is some mistake," she paused. "Of course there Is a mistake. There always is when I come in for anything good. The fact remains that the rest have gone and that I was told to wait for you." "Who told you to wait?" He took her by the elbow and helped her imperatively It.to the carriage. "I was with Mrs. Culverton. She was In the third box, and I was late. Then C'ullj' came along and took her home himself. I believe your aunt told him to wait for you, but he wanted to go directly home, so I took his place. You don't believe me?" "Oh, yes, I do. At least I believe part of it. You always twist the truth and the fairy tale together so perfectly one can only guess at which is which. I believe that Mr. Culverton was asked to wait for me." Thornton ignored the discrimination. He was gazing Intently at the pale young face. It must be true ail he had heard at the club. She did not look happy. It was Vic Wilmington's affair, the digglug up of Estevan. She always had some two-for-a-penny title tagging after her. It was only three weeks off now. The thought brought with It a flash of recklessness. They would have her for a lifetime. Tonight for one short half hour sho was his. 110 leaned toward her suddenly. "Gladys, arc you sorry to see me?" "Don't." Her eye# met his lu half de fiant entreaty. "It isu't fair." "Fair to whom?" "To him." Thornton's Jaws squared aggressive ly- "llo hasn't anything to say about It yet. You needn't bo frightened. Tho wolf won't eat you. Won't they eveu let you be glad or sorry?" •'Don't: plou»e. i>Uiine don't." "Bay you are glad to see me." "I'm not glad to see you. You went Hway of your own free will. I wish you had stayed." "Until It was over?" "No, forever!" she retorted passion ately. "I never wanted to see you again." Ho smiled. It was Gladys' way to make ono last finul charge when she knew she had lost the day. "You never wanted to nee me again," he repeated, "because you are going to marry u man for whom you don't earn u snap of your finger, and you did love me." "I did not." Sho faced him with proud, hurt eyes and flushed cheeks. He laughed with u riotous sense of happiness lu her pain. If ho still had the power to hurt her there was hope. It was the reckless hour. "You did, sweetheart, and you do now, and you always will. You know you will. Manchuria or the moon, it won't make any difference, not If you marry a hundred times, not If It's years before we meet. I can always come bnek like this and look In your eyes like this and see love In them like this." Sho mot his steady gaae, defiantly at first, then lu open confession, as he said, and before he knew It she had covered her fnco with her hands and was crying. He felt suddenly helpless and ashamed. "Gladys, don't do that. I'm a brute, dear. I'm sorry. ( won't say another word. I'm going back this week. Stop, dear. Gladys"— Ho deliberately drew her hands away from her face. It was a dear face, lie had Carrie 1 Its memory with him around the world and it had brought him baek to the starting point. He lmd been poor not decently, openly poor, but living on hope and blue sky ami terrapin. There WHS another Darby Thornton who bestowed spasmodically unexpected and Irregular checks on an undeserving grandson, also advlco and admonitions. The weight of gratitude had become too trying. Darby had never been able to even up the balance between the acceptance of the checks and the following out of the good ad vice and the admonitions. He had thought that Gladys had known ho was next of kin to Job's turkey. Everybody else did. He did not mind. In a way It rendered him harmless with undesirable parties so far as matrimonial Intentions were concerned. Hut Gladys was desirable. He had known that she loved him. He had left the day after the accident. It had been her frank betrayal then that had shown him lils court** for her sake. They had been on the train with a party bound for the Whitney place at Uosemead. There had been an acci dent in (IIH tunnel to the train ahead, ami the one they WTO on crashed Into the rear cars. In the darknctn there had come the sudden Jolt and J.ir <»r grinding brakes. Some people came In u headlong rufh from the front ear*, vnd a woman's sen um rang out shrilly abjve all. He had Just stopped be tide Gladys' seat to speak with her, and she was laughing up nl him when {la: :;*!l|"i"U came. It was over In an tn-iiitiit. All he knew was the vivid sense of her arms clinging around his nt*ck as he caught her up out of the teat and their lips had met for the llr d time with death three car lengths away. lie had left Rosemcftd that nl(thi It v.aa lilt lie could do. II" thought *he would understand. If not, there was no danger but Mrs. Wilmington would enlighten her. The Manchuria business had been an opening held out by the old Darby Thornton for some time. It was a chain e to make good by going out ther< and clearing up tin old <y s niucaii til* ii'luresN before the war broke out. lie nad stuck to It and made good, and the reward had come mod unerrpceted ly when said old boy had taken a no tloi) to die couiiorytbiy ajul opportune- BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1906. ly and leave his accumulated posses sions to the prodigal in the far land. There had l>een no thought during the year of work but of Gladys. He had left on the first boat for home to claim the promise of the tnunei kiss and had found iustead Estevan, a warranted importi-d antique, tali, suave aud slightly gray, with an eye out for ready money. The thought of It all made him des perate tonight. lie put her from him almost roughly. In three weeks she would be the Countess Estevan, chate laine of some dinky little old castel lated ruin in Austria. He was sorry that he had tried to see licr. sorry he had come back, sorry he had made Culvertoa change places with him. "You had better stop crying," he said. "We'll l>e there in a few minutes. Es tevan might not lilcf it." She smiled back at him, her eyes bright with tears. "So you try to frighten the bad little girl into good behavior? Well, she doesn't scare worth a cent. Darby. Your bogj- man is such a fragile, prop er, tis-ue paper bogy man tliat the bad little girl has decided lie Isn't worth being afraid of." "What do you mean?" "Can't you guo3s? You expect others to be so good at guessing, you know. You expect to kiss a girl and go away to Manchuria—or was it the moon— and then come back and find love in her eyes. What was it? Like this?" She was laughing at him. lie felt angry and obstinate. "Can you say that you never loved me?" "No, I cannot." Her eyes met his with calm, defensive candor. "Of course I loved you. Do you think I would have kissed you that day If I hail not? Aud you are right about the other too. I shall always love you." - He bent toward her with keen, half shut eyes. "And yet in three weeks you will bo his wife." "No, 1 won't. Do you think I could— after tonight? I shall break the en gagement tonight. You have accom plished that at least. Now, take the first boat back to Manchuria." He smiled slowly and happily. She had not hoard yet of Uie accumulated possessions. "We've turned out of the park," he said. "I don't want to go to the house and face a crowd. Gladys, look at me. No, straight in the eyes, please! Try to think quickly. I've come all the way around the world to see you. I've al ways wanted you, you know that. 1 was afraid before, and I ran away like a coward and didn't even give you the chance to refuso me. Will you refuse me now?" "As If it made any difference?" Her eyes were clear and true and some what Indignant. "If I have enough money to satisfy even Aunt Ylctoria and her little count. Isn't there enough for you? If you go back there"— "What?" "I shall give away all tho money aud come after you?" "G'oine, now!" Her Hps were half parted, her eyes wistful and troubled, "It will be easy to come back and break tho engagement then. You will only have In i»r«nent your buaband." "if I dared"— lie tapped on the glass slide and gave an order to the driver, and they turned back down the avenue just as the bells were chiming midnight. Rcndy For nn Emergency. The long haired woman from New Jersey came to town to do a year's shopping one day last week. Her city niece guided her through the depart ment stores. Everywhere Aunt Jane declined to tiso the elevator. '•I want to walk upstairs," she said. "I want to know whore tlio stairs are on every floor." Tlie niece, whose going-upstairs mus cles have been atrophied by living In a flat, followed Aunt Jane's determined feet as hest she could. "But why won't .vou use tho ele vator'/" she panted as they arrived at the firth floor. "Because I've got horse sense," said Aunt Jane. "There are U.'iOO woman In tills store thin very minute. AH but nineteen of them ride In the elevators. Not fifty of them even know where the stairs are. You didn't yourself till I prowled round and found them. I'm prepared for an emergency. If a Are breaks out In any of these stores all the women will rush to the elevators. Only yon and I and nineteen other women will run downstairs and get out alive. I don't trust myself in any store where I can't locate the stairs."—New York Press. All tin* Vi-wh, A wise editor says: "A man told us the other day that we did not publish till the things that happened. We should say not. In the first place, there Ih somebody else depending on nit for ' a living. If wo printed all that hap pens we would soon lie with the an gels. In order to please the people we must print only the nice things said of them and leave the rest to gossip. Yet It's a fact we don't publish all the news. If we did wouldn't It make spicy reading? Hut li would be for one week only; the next week you would read our obituary. All the; news Is all right when It's about the 1 other fellow." _________ Japnn<-*<- "Sllpiil" Music. A curious ceremony Is performed In Japan by the court musicians at cer j tain Shinto festivals. Roth stringed and wind Instruments are used, but It Is held that no sound should be allowed to fall upon unworthy ears, and. as some of tlie ears present might 1«> un ' worthy, all the motions of playing are gone through by the musicians, but not : a single sound Ih heard. This strange j custom dates back many generations, l but since fho advent of civilization has I rapidly lost favor. f>lMn|>i»ftlnl!ti<>ti< oft MlifrM. "You said the fiotise was only five i minutes' walk from the station," com plained the victim. "To say the least, I'm disappointed In you." ! "And I'm disappointed In you." re plied the agent. "I thought you were M very rapid walker." Philadelphia ( Press. Krftlnir lllllliclit. "You think a good deal of your hus band. don't you?" asked the visiting relative. "You hare the wrong preposition," answered Mr. Meekton's wife, with the , cold tones of the suporlor woman. "I think for him." Til* nnrklioiK*. When asked by her teacher to de scribe the backbone a Norborne school girl said, "Tlie backbone I t something that holds up the head and ribs and keeps one from having legs clenr up to the neck."-- Norborne Leader. The coldest Inhabited country is Wercliojansk. In eastern Siberia. Tlie dally mean temperature of the entire year Is 2.74 degrees below zero. | ' ' a=saaasassßs=^^ Three Roses and ArvoiKer tK By JOANNA SINGLE Dr. Jolui Dunham knew what he did not want. lie could also instantly rec ognize what he did want when he saw It. These traits had been of use to him in working his way through college, through medical school after Uiat and into a flourishing pracUce now two years old. In love as in business it was the same, only the girls he had thus far met were undoubtedly the ones he did not want. Dr. John's black gray eyes were always on the silent quest of an unknown girl the thought of whom ho linked with tho thought of roses. She did not appear. lie was thirty-two and beginning to think he had missed her and was deckling to devote his spare tinie entirely to rose culture when the no longer expected happened. In September he went, with a col league, Frederick Mayue, M. D., to a medical convention in St. Louis. Seat ed at the formal banquet, he looked up, just across the table, at her! And then he seemed to have always known that she was small and blond, with tho sweet delicacy of a pink tea rose, that her head was poised like a flower and that breeding and courage showed in every feature and gesture. Instantly the thought of her as his mounted to liis head like wine, and his look met hers with an intensity that made her eyes droop. He turned cool ly to Mayne beside him and said in a low tone: "Look carefully at Uiis ring on my linger, and don't glare up. I want to ask a question. Who is she?" Strangely enough, Mayne know who "she" was. "Dean Carroll's daughter, Rose," he replied. Then as they both looked up carelessly he continued, "I may as well tell you that 1 shall try to get her." Choking back a senseless auger, trying to realise that Mayne had as good a right to want her as he, Dunham an swered quietly: "And I may as well tell you that you have me to work agalust. I shall do uiy best." At the reception following John Dun ham accosted his old professor, Dean Carroll, shook hands and asked: "Doctor, please introduce me to your daughter." "Certainly, my boy—with pleasure. But"—-and the old man laughed—"l warn you!" "It's everlastingly ton late, doctor. All I ask of you Is not to tell her I wanted to meet her and—not to prah'.e me to her." The serious eyes of tho young man checked the old man's smile. "t'pon my soul! I believe you're In earnest!" "I warn yau that I ain." Dean Car roll looked T»r. John Dunham over carefully from head to foot. Then he held out his hands. "T \vl«>i you -IIIHC '• ht» nn'jl «lnwly. "You're as open now ns you were dur ing the four yrars I knew you at col lege and In your success since. Your tactics are worthy of a general and victory. Come along. But perhaps you'd like me first to suggest to her that you're a dangerous character?"' John laughed contentedly. "Better that than encomiums." Uose Carroll met her father's old pu pil none the less graciously because he Was tall and strong and because the heavy, dark hair framing ids handsome face was touched with gray. In fact, he was so Interesting that she met lilni with an armor of protective resistance beneath her graclousness. She was used to easy victories over her admir ers, but not anxious, though she was on tho alert, for her own Waterloo. There was time enough for that. John began well. While deferential, lie was not adoring; while entirely ap preciative, he was not Insistent In his enjoyment of her society, which ho accepted with a sort of seemingly tran sient spirit of camaraderie that piqued her a little. Several times during the evening ho drifted carelessly back near her and watched with amusement Mayne's breakneck endeavor to make use of Jils time to Impress his rather ponderous personality upon ilio girl. Dunham asked permission to call next day. He did call and was carelessly enter taining. He let himself go, showing his real self, speaking of his youthful adventures In tho west, of his roses at home aild leaving a sort of an Impres sion that he was a man Into whose life women had entered little and that thvy were to him a sort of relaxa tion frum workaday cares. Itose round hcnelf putting forth un usual efforts to please this man, who was not, as others, apparently lu the least subjugated by her charms. He did not stay long, but as he arose to go he unwrapped a long, slender par cel he had been holding, crushed the tissue paper In his lingers and put one perfect white rose into her hand, He laughed down Into her eyes, "I wanted to give you a red one, only" The slgulllcanco of his tone and his hesitation made her rise to his throw. "Only you didn't dare!" sho finished for him. "<>tt, I dared." he replied coolly, "but I thought I wouldn't yet! Tho best for the last, you know!" And he left her trying to decide whether bo meant anything or nothing. A* no went out he met Mayne entering with a large florist's box, and during Ills call he had learned that she was leaving tlio next day for home. When be reached Ms ofllce be looked up the northbound trains. NfSt muHhig at 7:55 be walki-d up (o the station. Just around the corner on the platform he saw Itose Carroll smiling at Mayne, who carrlvd tier suit case and a great bunch of pink carnations, Uefore they saw him he Stepped back Into the waiting room, bought a ticket to the next town north and kept out of sight until the truln came In. He swung ou the rear plat form, while May no, triumphant in his moment of fa vor.put the lady Into a seat and bestowed her luggage about her. As the train pulled out Dunliaui look ed from his window lu the smoker and beheld tlio Idiotically adoring face of Wayne, who was waving Ills farewell. When he had smoki-d a long black cigar John Dunham sauntered into the next car. About the middle of the aisle he stopped suddenly at s quick exclamation: "Why, Mr. Dunham 1" He looked down and saw, with ap parent surprise, itose Carroll, blush ing and smiling, lie removed his hat, but made no effort to take the seat which she bad cleared for him beside her. "Miss Carroll! So thin Is your train how pleasant! Lovely day. Isn't It?" "Won't you sit down?" she asked, a little timidly. And he did and went on talking so carelessly and yet so meaningly, so brightly and still so seriously, that it seemed to her but a moment or two before he looked from the window and stood up. Draw ing a slender parcel from his pocket, he unwrapped a single, long stemmed pink rose. "I must get off here in order to get back to an Important case with your father. I only got on to tell you goodby. Didn't want to interfere with Mayne at the station. I can't compete with this floral generosity," and he laid the rose in her lap, "but this Is to remiud you that some day 1 shall bring you that red rose." He was gone, without touching her hand In farewell. She sat gasping—pleased, astonished, half angry, but completely Interested. She looked at the pink rose. Then sbe tossed the carnations from the window and wondered how in the world John Dunham had man aged to obtain her promise to answer his letters. Thereafter Dunham wrote her—not regularly, but when the fancy seemed to seize him—whimsical, vigorous, joy ful, masculine letters, wholesomely free from all lovemaklng. She an swered, and sometimes when he was very busy he called her up on the long distance phone in lieu of a let ter. Meantime Mayne had sent bush els of flowers, had written ponderous ly sentimental epistles and heaved many ponderous sighs. Twice he had gone to see his divinity, aud on his last call her lack of Interest In his elaborate meetlon of Dunham raised i suspicion in his slow but relentlessly logical mind. Oti his return he saun tered Into Dunham's office. "Morning, old man." "Morning, Mayne. Enjoy your vis- It?" How the deuce did Dunham know he'd been away? Mayne hazarded a guess. "Yes, called on Miss Carroll. Write to her, don't you?" Taken off guard, Dunham admitted the soft impeach ment and was instantly sorry. Mayne laughed with unctuous amusement. "Thought you were too astute for that. Bet she's got you going—has me! Stringing you for all she's worth! Practiced hand! Great girl—no end popular. Knows how to do it. Miss Carroll." Dunham's anger rose, but he answered carelessly: "Look to yourself, Mayne. Guess I can take care of Johnny." But after Mayne went the tide of Ills anger surged toward Hose Carroll. When he could stand It no longer he went to the phone, closing the door of the Inner office, and called up St. Louis and Miss Carroll. After an hour's de lay he got her and went straight to the point. "That you, Miss Carroll? Know who this is? Yos! Lovely spring day! I want to ask you something. Forgive my bluntness, but I must know. Miss Carroll. In your letters and all have you meant everything or have you been playing with me?" A long pause, while he listened intently. "No, I did not think so—l simply ask ed. I have not the time nor the tem per to play. You will forgive me for asklug you? No, I can't tell you what made me think of such a thing. Yes, some day I will. Certainly I believe you! What? May I? May I come tills w>*ok? Of roursn I wnnt Hut I can't reach you till Saturduy even ing and will have to start back Sunday morning. It's a long way, aud connec tions are bad. All rlglit -goodby—till Saturday!" At 4 In the afternoon of June 1 John Dunham stepped from his train at St. Louis and went to a hotel to get rid of his travel stains and appease his hunger. About 7 he emerged faultlessly at tired, visited a florist and took a cab to Dean Carroll's stately old home. Rose came to him In the dim caudle light of the library, a vislou In shim mering gray, lie had intended meet ing her In his usual easy way, but tho clamor of his heart and the wine of a certain proud yielding in tho glance of her blue eyes swept him Into speech lessness. He stood long looking at her, her hand still In his. Then lie droppud tho small hand back at her side and strode out Into the hall. In a moment he came back and clasp ed her warm little fingers about the stem of a glowing red rose. "The red rose," ho said simply—"the time for It is now, isn't It?" he ques tioned quietly, stepping back with his arms straight at his side to look at her. "Isn't It time, dear?" he Insisted. "Yes," she murmured. "I" And as she did not finish, with a sudden long ing he held out both his hands to her. 'Will you come. Rose?" With the pride of a small queen, Rose Carroll laid her two hands In his. Letters o# Murom*. Letters of marque and reprisal, as they were called, were first Issued In the time of Edward I. to give leave to retaliate beyond the march*** or limits of a country for wrongs suffered at the hands of a power nominally at peace. In this first Instance they were aimed at Portugal. About a hundred yearn later two Hanso towns in Meck lenburg, wishing to relievo their prince, who was beleaguered In Stock holm, Issued letters of marque thieves' letters, as the sufferers called them—to all tho rascals of tho Baltic, authorizing them to victual the besieg ed city. This done, they turned them selves Into a confederacy of sea rob- Is-rs known as Victualing brothers, or Ht. Vltallus* brothers, and rendered the Scandinavian seas unsafe for half a century. A Xow Vnrlrtr. A New York woman tells of an ex perience which she had recently In one of the largo department stores. Sho was looking for some house furnish lugs and, walking up to oue of the floorwalkers, asked where she could see the candelabra. "All canned goods two counter! to the left," answered the otllclal guide briefly. Ilnrpor'u Weekly. Eilrrmi** In tlx* Malln. Extremes sometimes meet In tho mails. In a recent pile of exchanges tho Yukon News from Dawson, Yukon territory, was In Juxtaposition with tlio Isle of Pines Appeal from San ta IV, isle of I*l nos, and the Proctbluk er of London lay cheek by Jowl with the Christian Intelligencer of New York New York Tribune. Siivrrt It. Aunt Jane What a man Henry Is tc tear and swear! You used to say he never lost Ills temper. Emily Yes, that's when he was paying attention to me. Evidently he was saving until after lie was married.- Itoston Tran script. Tnkrn t un«Ture«. "I thought lie was a confirmed bach rlor, but he's engaged to Miss Capset !er." "Well, I suppose we shouldn't be sur prised. Kterual vigilance Is tho price >f liberty." No human being, man or woman, can act up to ii sublime standard without j giving offense.—Chanulug. WHEN THE KNIFE IS SHARP. Pronlng In March la Ciatonary From Motives of Conrfßtfie«. The best time to prune Is between the middle of May and the middle of June, ■when the trees are growing thriftily, •s the wounds will heal over quicker If done at that time, but as this is a very busy season of the year the cus tomary practice Is to prune during the month of March, when satisfactory re sults are obtained. By pinching off L Hawkblll knifo for small trees and shrubs. 1. Hand pruning shears for largor branches. 3. Lopping shears for still larger branches. 4. Shears for pruning hedges. 6. A very desirable form of pruning BOW. young growth, which la not required, lu summer, labor will be saved in prun ing. It Is much better to prune at any time of the year than to neglect It al together, as It Is not a matter of great consequence what month It Is done in. The important tools are a sharp prun ing knife or shears. Modem orchardlsts have come to look upon the low headed apple tree as more desirable than those headed high. A head which Is two and a half to three feet from the ground is at pres ent considered more desirable than one which Is six feet or more from the ground. The latter height was former ly frequently used. In forming the bead care should be taken to have the framework branches disposed at differ ent heights along the body of the tree, say from three to six inches apart, and distributed us evenly as possible around the body as a central axis— that Is, when viewed from above the picture presented would be that of a wheel, the hub being the central axis of the tree and the framework branch es the spokes of the wheel. When the trees begin to grow thrift ily many new branches will be formed, ami It Is the work of the pruner to re move nil those which are not necessary and to cut back others. The top of the tree should bo kept open to admit air and sunlight, but pruning should be so carefully done that there will be no All brMMho* which nro growing across and through the top should be cut out. If two branches touch ono another one of them should A LOW IIEAIIKD AITU TTUD. be removed. If a branch on one Hid® of the tree has outgrown the other It should ho headed hack no an to make the tree symmetrical, cuttlujc It off Just above a hud which Is on the side that It Is desired to have the new growth. If when the trees are young they are treated lu this way every year com paratively little work will have to be (lone nt one time. Japnifae f'*nr. One Item we have learned will be of untold benefit to sections Just above the cane belt. Many farmers higher up have attempted to raise ribbon cane und have been compelled to quit on account of loss from our early frost The new variety, the Japanese cane, Is a true cane, smaller than the rlhbon, but suckers more and will grow on poor land. It Is tlue for sirup and Is also splendid feed for cattlo of all kinds. It will stand IB degrees moro cold tlian rlhbon cane. We think any farmer In middle Georgia, Alabama or Bouth Carolina would do well to try some and learn of Its adaptability. One gentleman told us he grew twenty three stalks from a single eya -South ern Cultivator. Illcht Conditions. Enthusiastic beginners In gardening should beware of the common mistake of starting outdoor operations too soon. I»o not try to work the soil when It Is too wet nor, on the other hand, delay tho operation till It Is too drj. Taken Just right, the soil will genially second your efforts to put It Intn a nice mellow condition. A BROAD IDEA. Inrma kxr.l by tho Kin* of Italy, kit American In Orlsln. The king of Italy has put forth a project which appears Ideal If not Uto pian from the sentimental and confra ternul standpoint, yet excellent from an economical and technical point of view could It be sincerely and thor oughly carried out. At the Instance of King Victor Ummanuel the Italian government has addressed a note to the powers proposing that a confer ence be held lu Home next May for tho purpose of considering a scheme for establlshliiK an International chamber of agriculture. Tin- king explained his proposal In a letter to the head of the ttallan govern ment, frankly admitting that the orlg lnal Idea had liccu Introduced to hill) !>y a citizen of the I'nltcd States. Briefly put, the king propose*, there fore, that the different leading nations should combine to form an Internatlon ill Institution absolutely un|>ollt!cal lu It* altos which would consider the con dltlom of agriculture In the countries of the world and which would periodic ally notify the i|uantlty and <iuulity of the crops lu hand so as to facilitate Uio production of such cro{>a and mahj No. 15. their distribution less costly and mora rapid. Other points woukl be the supplying of information as to the demand and supply of agricultural labor In differ ent parts of the world, the promotion of agreements necessary for united de fense against diseases of plants and domestic animals and the encourage ment of societies for rural co-opera tion, for agricultural insurances and for agrarian credit Naturally such an Institution would not only tend to consolidate the agri cultural classes, but would yield a pow erful Influence for peace, for by pro moting a knowledge of other countries and by extending the business rela tions of the various nations with each other war would daily become a more hateful and Impossible thing than ever. A LITTLE NOTE OF REACTION Good Horticulturists Art Again Talking I'p Oil Spraying- With the present spraying season there seeins to come a little note of re action from the lime, salt and sulphur wash toward the use of oil for the San Jose scale. Not but that the former U still popularly used, but some very CONTSNIKST BPRATINO OVTTTT. good authorities are again urging the excellence of crude petroleum. Dr. John B. Smith of New Jersey, speaking of experiments In the state during 1004, says a few growers used It with excellent success, and It is the only material which has not been more or less of a disappointment As the result of observation made, the undiluted oil, a little warmed and put on hi a fine spray, Is advised on pear trees in pref erence to any other material. Qood re sults on other fruit trees hare been ob tained with 25 per cent mechanical mixtures. As good an authority aa Mr, T.. Grelner of Ohio places himself on rec ord thus: "When I consider all the disadvan tages of the llmo-sulphur treatment— the nastiness nnd corrosive nature of the compound, the necessity of the ut most care to prevent clogging of the nozzles and to protect the men who handle it and the hones, too—l come t® the conclusion that I must stick to ray old and tried remedy for the scale, the clear petroleum spray, which whea properly applied and at the proper time makes a clean sweep so far as the scale Is concerned with a minimum of labor nnd Inconvenience and at rea sonable expense." The lime, salt nnd sulphur mlxturo has the advantage of controlling peach leaf curl nnd to some extent at least the apple scab. It seems to act also as a stimulant to clean and thrlftv growth In the tree. If only one spray ing can be made, apply In March or early April and cover thoroughly. The plum has been injured if sprayed too early In winter. THE GARDEN KEYBOARD Plant beets; It will pay. Work some good manure well Into the soil of the asparagus bed before the crowns start. Do all that you do as well as you can. Clean culture Is the sure road to suc cess with onl*ns. Any shrub and tree planting that re mains to lie done may be finished UQ In March. Itcmove the winter cover and prune the roses as soon as hard freezing weathor Is past The cutting of grafts before grafting la no good In cherrlos. Tho best way Is to cut nnd then go and graft them right away. This Is one fir It grower's notion. Do good to yourself and give a show to that neglected but very delicato eat able, salsify, or oyster plant, in your garden this year. It takes a long sea son, so seed must be sown early—not too thick, for tho plants do not stand crowding. Thin to four or five Inches between plants. A Joke on the "Prophet." Borne time In tho thirties of the last Century Prophot Joseph Smith, Sr., tho Mormon, and a party of his followers were proselyting In Muskingum coun ty, O. lie appointed a certain day when ho would show the people hia wonderful powers and that he was a second Christ by walking on the wa ters of Mud creek. The wator was always muddy. A day or two beforo the time set grandmother's brother Hobert and a couplo of neighbor boys wero accidentally attracted to the Mormons working at the creek and, concealing themsolves, wstchod the Mormons put down stakes and put planks on them from bank to bank, the plank resting about six Inches un der water. After the Mormons left the boys went down and took out the center plank, where the wator was about ton feet deep. The next day Balaam Smith came down to the crock and, after a long exhortation, started across tho creek. He was right and on top till ho camo to tho center, where his "powers" seemed to leave him, and he went to tho bottom. This was the end of Mormonlsm In that county. What Won tho Olrl. It was In a subway train. On th« lap of a woman, apparently her moth er, sat a girl of some eighteen months. Next to them was another mother with her two-year-old sou. Bach woman petted the other's child, and tho boy liked the attention and laughed and pranced. The girl maintained n straight face. Sho did not fret, nor apparently did she want to cry, but If the word can Ih> used In the enso of one so young sho was bored. The petting of her own mother and of tho other woman clearly had no effect. Then tho little !>oy entered the lists. Kdgtng up to tho child, he put his arms around her neck and said, "I love 'ool" Then it wns that there broke over the baby's face the first smile that had ap peared since tho long subway ride from riarlem began. And as for tho mothers, the usual and natural com ments ns to presclenco followod.—New Hia Hard Mick. Benevolent Old Lady (to one of tho unemployed)— Poor man! What have you done to your hand? Unemployed -Broke my knuckles, mum. knockln' at people's doors nsklu' for work. In ordor to love mankind wc must Dot expect too much of thenr.—lleTvo ttus.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers