Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 06, 1905, Image 3

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NOTE—AII advertisers Intending to make
day morning.
Administrator's notice, estate of Sarah
E. Dull. . „ ,
Notice in divorce. Reed vs Reed.
Notice in divorce. Shoup ve- Shoup.
Martincourt * Thorn's budgie*, etc.
Horses wanted.
Biehl's locals.
Gladiola bulbs for sale.
Dr. Chase's Nerve Pills.
Admlnlau»t<>rs and Executor: of estates
ctn Mcare their receipt bo k« »t the
CITI/SN oOce. and person* making public
«*le» Vhttr note books.
April showers.
Bring May flowers.
—How do yon like your new home.
—The wheat over the country is look
ing well.
—The new * 'Brazilian potato" is said
to be a fraud.
—Good repertoire company at the Ma
jestic this week.
—The base ball people have $2,000 in
sight and want SSOO more
—fiproul and Shearer have purchased
the J. H. Orr store in Bruin.
—This is hurry-up week in the Legis
lature, aa<it is doe to adjourn next.
—The Thursday night aasembliea in
Kirkpatrick's hall are well attended.
—The dog-bntton man don't seem to
care whether the dog is tagged or tag
—Five hundred people of this town
are said to be on the Grocers' Black
—Forest fires did considerable dam
age in different parts of the coanty.last
-Eighty-two people were treated for
sickness and accident at the Hospital,
last month.
—Greater Pittsburg may be a reality
within the next few years, bat a Dirtier
Pittsburg never.
—A new trolley line connecting Alle
gheny with Harmony. Zelienople and
£ll wood is projected.
—The Knights of Malta held a recep
tion in the Y. M. C. A hall, Tuesday
evening. It was one of the finest
—The barbers and their employers
got together, Tuesday, and agreed on a
scale of wages for the coming year.
—3pringingitis" is the new name for
a disease tb which the haman race is
said to be liable at this season of the
—The Islanders attacked the Council
in f >roe, Jqesday evening, bat could
-Hot budge them. The garbage plant
will he rebuilt on the old site.
—Butler real estate is looking np; the
Odd Fellows lately refused an offer of
$•5,000 for their lot at corner of Main
and Cunningban Sts , and intend build
ing this summer.
—Oar calender year begins daring
tbe Holiday season in mid-winter, but
our real awakening, the resurrection of
nature, the beginning of the year comes
with the advent of Spring.
—Tbe Prudent Patricians of Pompeii
will bold a box social. Monday evening.
April 10th, in their hall in tbe Reiber
building, at which the Three P orches
tra «ill make its initial public appear
ance. All invited.
—"Bill had a billboard. Bill also had
• board bill. Tbe board bill bored Bill
so that Bill sold the billboard to pay bis
board bill. So, after Bill sold bis bill
board to pay bis board bill tbe board
bill no longer bored Bill."
—The bill forbidding the use of blgh
pjrploaivesin this state has become a
law, and the toy pistol, explosive cane
and some of the lire-crackers will re
tire to innocuous desuetude. lA penalty
is attached for the sale of tbe same.
—The graduate* of the Butler High
School bare formed an Alnmni Assoc! • i
ation, and will adopt a Constitution 1
and By-Law* to be prepared by C. E
Crouenwett. John R. Jackson, Prof.
Gibson. W. B. Purvis, C. A. McEH
wain, Miss Si*bert and Mien Evans.
—Nelson O. Nelson, Is the name of the
St Loais millionaire, wbo recently stir
red op a Chicago andience by the asser
tion that getting rich was mertiy a hab
it, and a bad one at that. Mr. Nelson's
dictum was delivered in the coarse of
an address on "Need a Captain of In
dustry Get Rich?" His answer to the
query was an emphatic NO.
—According to the Allegheny health
authorities the first indication of a
scarlet fever epidemic there will wit
ness unique and original efforts to com
bat the malady. Fumigation, or a pro
cess very similar, of the whiskers which
adorn the fanes of every resident of the
affected districts will form art of the
work of the health officers in the fntnre
when the dread disease appears.
—Every town has a young man who
thinks be Is the beat in the bnrg with
the mits or at fisticuffs in any form.
They are telling a good story of such a
one wbo doeen't live a great many miles
from Bntler. At a social gathering
one evening a certain young minister
was induced to "pot 'em on" with the
champion, and before the first round
waa half over Mr. Champion bad
enough, and then some.
—The hot-air engine that the Com
missioners have placed in a little brick
building back of the Jail is quite a curi
oeity. The gas fire cooks the nir, and
it passes back and forth nnder the two
cylinders. The enzine pninps the wa
ter from a well, 160 feet deep, np to the
tank, lately built on top of the jail
building—high enough to supply both
jail and Court Honse. The tank is what
is known aa a 100 barrel oil tai<k, and
holds about 180 barrels of water, as a
barrel of water consists of 32 gallons
while an oil barrel bolds 45.
Henry Biebl, of 122 North Main St.,
will have a special sale of Nev- Royal
Sewing Machines on the lltb, 12tb, 18th
and 14th of this month.
Showing new Spring styles of soft
and stiff bats at Ritter ARockenstein's.
Seanor is oomlng onoe more, will beat
Naoe's Wiok Honse LI very Barn, Bntler
Pa., on Wednesday and Thursdav.April
12tb and 18tb; 1905, to bny dri'.ers. gen
eral purpose, light draft and a few low
priced work horses ranging in age from
4 to 12 years and weighing from
1000 to 1400 lbs. Will buy workers if
not in best of flesh. Bring them in and
gat a fair cash price as yon know I al
ways boy when I advertise.
No outside bnyers wanted ±t these
•ale«. H. SEA :OK.
HENRYIBIEHL. of 122 N >'ain St.,
will have a special sale of Ne .» Royal
Sewing Machines on the lltb, lath, 18th
and 14th of this month.
! Wm. Polhemus has moved to Wash
i ington connty.
Forest Huff and wife have joined fte
"Isle of Spice' Co.
I Mrs Sheriff Gibson and daughter are
•' at Cambridge Springs.
Ormsby Mechling has left his farm
and moved to Great Bolt.
R. D. Sefton of Clinton twp. visited
friends in Bntler, Friday.
W. J. McCafferty is now Superintend
ent of the Bntler Brewery.
J M. Fowler of Oakland twp. visited
friends in Bntler. Tuesday.
John Young of Butler townehip visit
ed friends in Butler, yesterday.
M. N. Greer of Buffalo twp. is back
from Washington for the summer.
O. R. Thorne and wife of Clay twp.
did some shopping in Butler, Moiiday
Charlie Johnson. Prospect's best tail
or. and his wife, visited friends in But
ler, yesterday.
W. H. DeArme and wife returned to
Bntler. Tuesday, after spending the
winter in California.
Mrs. Matthias Yost of W. Wayne St.
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Martha
Gompers at Indiana. Pa.
Dr. Bricker moved into his new and
handsomely furnished offices in the
Forquer building, yesterday.
James Badger of Concord twp. has
taken Henry Anderson and wife, lately
of the Connty Home, to his place.
Dr. Willis McCall and wife will be at
home to their friends on Sceneij Hill.
Washington county, after the 15th
John Grant of the Car Works ha*
gone to New York to superintend the
first shipment of steel cars to Panama.
Harvey Miller got well almost as
quickly as he took sick, and he and his
wife started on their journey, last Fri
8. C. Trimble of Middlesex was in
town on business, yesterday. His
mother, who lives with him. is serious
ly ill.
W. S. Moore of Slipperyroek was in
town. Thursday, filing his report as ap
praiser of the Jerusha Bigham estate.
His total is $18,974 3*5.
Warren Albert has moved from the
Logan farm to Bert Young's farm in
Butler twp., and Amos Graft moved
from Saxonburg to the Logan.
Herbert Geshwind and wife of Phila
delphia attended the funeral of his
mother in Butler, Monday ; as did al»o
Joseph Negley and wife of Pittsburg,
and Mrs. Margaret Negley and son,
Harry, of Wilkinsbnrg.
Miss Euima Pflongh, daughter of
George and Mary Pflongh of Mt. Chest
not, and William F, Cnrrie of Prospect,
were married Wednesday at the bride's
home Rev. Bartholomew of the Eng
lish Lutheran church of Prospect of-
I filiated.
Michael Sweeney left his home near
Freeport, forty nine years ago. He
never returned and bis relatives never
beard from him after his departure. A
short time igo, A. H. Sweeny,a nephew
of Michael, who happened to be in Seat
tle. Wafh.. came across information
that led to bis finding his lost uncle in
Lak» City, Col., very ill from the in
firmities of old age. Jnst as soon as the
old miner's bad been restored
sufficiently, the nephew started home
ward with him and last week reached
Pittsburg, but the aged uncle was so
exhausted *hen he arrived there that
! be bad to be taken to a hospital, bnt he
was taken to Free|>ort, a day or two
after, and died in his old home.
Lcttor to Wm. H. Miller
Butler, Pa.
Dear Sir: A gallon saved is $4 or |5
Two gallons saved is $8 or sloearned.
Three gallons saved i* sl3 or $1 (i earned.
Four gallons saved is $lB or SUO earn
Five gallons saved is S2O or $25 earn
It costs $3 or $4 a gallon to paint, be
sides the paint; as much to brufch-on a
gallon of worthless paint as Devoe.
Mr Ezra Rathmell, Wlllinmsport, Pa,
alway need 1] gallons of mixod paints
for bis house; Devoe took 6.
Yours truly
F W Devoe & Co
48 New York
P. 8. Patterson Bros, sell oar paint.
Uatler dealers are paying
Fresh eggs 15
Bntter 2&-27
Potatoes . .40
Chickens, dressed 14-16
Apple*, per bu , ,50-flo
Cabbage. per lb li
Buckwheat flour, per hundred $2 00
Turnips, bu 50
Parsnips, bn 50
Sausage, lb 10
Navy beans, bu W 00
Onions, bu 1 30
Carrots, bu 75
Lettuce, lb 15
Dressed Pork 7
Houey per lb M
Dried Applet *
Choice Gladiola bulbs, for sale at 50
cts. a dozen, by mail. Address
J. A. Heydrick,
Butler, Pf*.
Babes in Toyland—April 11.
There are so many very delightful in
oidents occuring during the action of
Babes in "Toyland," Victor Herbert
and (ilen McDonongb's great musical
extravagaoaa, that one has to see this
play, which was the one conspicuously
brilliant success of N. Y. last year, to
properly appreciate it.
.Among the stage pictures which have
attracted universal attention in the scene
of Allan and Jane lost in the woods.
For this attraction the Bessemer will
ran a special train starting at Green
ville and Kaylor.
Girls will be Girl#—April la.
That glorious musical comedy of Win
A Brady's "Girls Will Be Girls"with A 1
Leech and the three Rosebuds is coming
back to this city on Wednesday Apr. 13
at the Majestic and to say the theatre
will surely be crowded to its utmost ca
pacity is putting it mildly for there is
no denying that the performance made
a big hit on its former visit here.
The (Jaycty—Pittsburg.
The Smiling Island—next week.
While it is true there are a number
of other musical productions under
different names and titles, still, be it
known, that there is bnt one series of
Geo. W. Lederer's productions and their
names and reputations are household
words. "Smiling Island" which ap
pears at the Gayety Tbeatrs next week
with its hundred people, mostly girls, a
contingent of great comedians, magni
ficent scenic and calcium effects, beati
ful costumes and a host of pretty faces,
is Mr. Lederer's latent effort,
BEN - HUR next week.
The Grandest Spectacle of the Cen
tury to be Stnged in Pittsbnrg.
The Klaw & Hrlanger Co. have, in
their time, made many notable produc
tion! and thereby earned for them
selves an enviable reputation. The
most ambitions effort of their career is
"Ben - Hur". which scored a brilliant
success in Pittsburg three seasons ag'i
and which is booked for another en
gagement of two weeks at the Nixou
Theatre, starting Monday April 10th,
with a matinee on Wednesday and Sat
urday of each week.
The Alvln—Pittsburg.
"The Two Escutcheons" next week.
Following "The Crogswavs" at the
i Alvin, a week will be devoted to a pro
duction of the bright and sparkling oo
medv entitled, "The Two Eacutch
eons," which fairly babbles over whith
r wit. humor and delightful amnsing sit
-11 uations.
HkNRy Jin.in., of 122 N. Main street
I will have a special sain of K, w Koyai
i Sewing Machines on the 11th, 12th latl
{ftfid 14th of this month.
| Heirs of George P. Maizland. deed.,
vs American Natural Gas Co , eject
ment for 162 acres in Clinton, bonnded
! north by Maizland and McLaughlin,
east by Kirkpatrick. south by road and
R. Love and west by Brewer.
Mrs. Mary Cubbison vs John D Al
• bert, ejectment for 51 acres of land in
Cherry twp. bonnded north by M. H.
Hook and Dunbar beirs, east by D. Mc-
Junkin and Silas Christy, and west by
Book and Christy.
Martha Mechling, assignee of A. W
; Root, who was assignee of L. C. Wick
vs John Vigaro. sci fa. on a mortgage
amounting to $631.
John Bergbeckler v» South Penu Oil
Co., assumpsit for s2ooo for gas used on
the deft. comp;»n\ 'a leasee on plaintiff's
farm in Summit Twp. daring past eight
years, S3OO for not employing his son as
pamper as per p.gret-inent, SIOO for
leaving debns/tnd rubbish on the farm,
$9.86 for hauliDg und labor and $2 for
leaving fences ac<l (fates open and driv
ing across field*.
Milleman Bro=. vs Mary A. Kava
naugh, now Ball, adm'x. of Wm. Kava
naugh of Zelienople, summons in as
Jacob Rowley vs A. M. Atelier, R.
and H. Hamilton. M. P. Mizsner, J. A.
McFadden and S. F. Bowser, assumpsit
for $517.42 claimed to be due for drilling
an oil well at Wiltshire, Mercer Co ,
Ohio, in 1903.
Letters of adm'n on the estate of
Nancy Donaldson of Concord twp. have
been granted to Leroy Donaldson and
on the estate of Mary Maloney of Done
gal twp. to Daniel Maloney.
B L. Brintonof Connoquenessing has
been arrested on charges of assault and
battery and surety of the peace made
against him by M. A. Skinner.
Frank Blozak of Lyndora has beeu
arrested for surety of the peace.
Wesley Brackney has been appointed
Supeivisor of Franklin twp. vice J. G.
English resigned.
T F. Morrow has been appointed
supervisor of Clearfield twp. vice
Bernard McCrea, resigned.
Silas Brown, who was brought from
Berwick to Butler on a charge of f&b,
plead guilty and was find $lO and costs
and ordered to pay maintenance, and
committed to jail until the sentence is
complied with.
W. C. Thompson has been appointed
auditor to make distribution in the
John Feigel estate.
On the petition of John M. Greer, the
court appointed Ira McJnnkin Lewis P.
Walker, John H. Sutton, Satnnel D
Purvis and Jacob Keck viewers to as
certain damages sustained by the peti
tioner by the grade and fill on North
Elm street on which his property abuts
H. C. Myers has been held for court
on a charge of furnishing liquor to a
man of known intemperate bbaits, made
against him by Mrs. Lizzie Cubbiaon of
Eau Clair,
What is expected to be a foar weeks
of Court will convene Monday.
Fifty-four jurors have been called to
report on tbe 10th and 54 on the 24th.
The trial list for next week in as fol
Monday—Jap. Leason vs L C. Sloan,
Thornaa Wilkinson vs Evan* Mfg. Co.,
Etna Mfg. Co. vs W. B Enos.
Tuesday- Eliz. and R. Love vg H.
Love et al, 8. Weisenstein vs A. Keller
man. Denninger Oil Co vs Wahlville
Coal Co.
Wednesday—E. Grinder vs A. Pol
lock Cornelias Lumber Co vs A L.
Findley. Smith Bros Vb Lake Trade Coal
Thursday—Vance Stronp va Fairview
twp, Bertha A. Goncher vs D. Younk
ins S. W. Stickle vs L. C. Wick.
Friday—Annex Shoe Co vs 8 Oram,
J. M. Brown vg S. Pontius, F. B. Lewis
vs L. C. Wick.
Tbe Democratic Publishing Co. of
Mercer, publishing the Western Press
has been sued for libel by County Com
missioner Myers.
County Commissioners Kelly and Mc-
Candless have "tnrned down'' the ex
tensive road-iuiproveuieut plans of But
ler township, but approved of the pro
posed Merter pike and Three Degree
improvements, plans and specification?
for which are being made.
The county commissioners have been
given leave to make private sale of one
twellh interest in real ostntp ;n lieu
frew to G. D. Mahan and Geo. Dnnlap
at the rate of SIOOO for the whole
Lettersof a/1 ministration on the estate
of Su«an Markle of Evans City have
been granted to John Weber and Daniel
The will of W. E. Barn*s of Penn
twp. has been probated by his wife who
is executrix and receives SQOO and the
household guods, ihe residue going to
their three children.
John Crossman, a Petrolia Dago, is
in jail for beating his wife.
John 3pronl has »««n relented ffqm
ja.il under the insolvent law.
Anton Rieger. who created a panic at
the Win. Cypher home in Winfield twp
latit December, has been removed to the
Conr.ty Home.
Dominion Borcatono, who it
to have a wife and family living in
Italy and at the same time been living
with another Italian woman at Bredin
ville, was arrested Tuesday evening on
charges of adultery made against him
by his BredinvUle »pouHe's brother.
Adam and Helen M I-ichenck to John
Hildebrand lot on W Jefferson St (or
Jas Brail en to C(J Weitzel 00 acres
in Jefferson for f2.'). r >o.
Marshall and Schanck to Ileber M
Shaw lot in Sfceble Plan for S9OO.
T J Dnnlap to S E Gold lot In W
Snnbnry for $«00
Geo W Parker to D W Fullejton 1W»
acres in Parker for t2OOQ.
George Arner to W J Wasson 18 acres
in Washington twp. for stf7'-J.
W Gallagher to I) Kramer int in 77
acres in Jefferson for SIOO
Elizabeth Brandon to J D Albert 10
acre* in Muddy creek for S3OO.
W P Brahani to Industrial Coal Co
823 acres of coal in Washington and
Cherry tor $'475.
Edward Dauibach to i>r. U. M. Wil
son lot in Evans City for $-1000.
Maria A Euierick to J 11 Goldstrohm
§0 acres in Summit for SSOOO.
D G Bastian to Rev Hugh Leith lot
in Zelienople for $250.
Park View Land Co. to J. K. Math
ews lot in Butler tp. for $125.
O. G. McCandless to Re* Williams,
lot on Mercer St. for SI4OO.
Sidney Cable to Rebecca Cable lot in
Zelienonle for 1300.
P G !• rederick to Goiuer Sybert lot
in Millerstown for S2OO.
S Grant Flick to P. B. & L E. R. R.
5 acres in Clinton for $750.
J F Anderson to Wm Crawford lot at
Salt Works, Butler two., for S7OO.
Jacob Loubscher to vVm Crawford lot
In Bntler twp. for $l5O.
W M McKelvy*to James C Rish 42
acres in Parker for 8125.
David M. Morrison and A E Brose to
Chas II Snively 21 acres in Adams for
C W Crid'T to Mary L Crider 50
acres in Cranberry for S4OOO.
John McLaughlin to Laura Emerick
lot on Waliula ave. for sl*oo,
Jos P Caldwell to Richard Reeder lot
on First St for S».VK).
J M Irwin to C A Horton three
eighths in 0 producing w<*lU on Pine
Tract, Oakland twp., for
E It McCollougn t» J C Eagal 75
acres in Centre for $2500.
J C Eagal to A B Seaton 75 acres in
Centre for $3500.
Richard Reeder to L B Sutton lot ot)
First St for SI2OO.
W C Fleming to C A Abrams lot on
Centre ave. for S4OOO
No Glow* Carriage I'aint Ma<l<-
will wear as long as Devoe's. No others
are as heavy bodied, because Devoe's
weigh 3 to H ounce* more to the pint.
Sold by Patterson Brow. •
Kilter & Rocken«telii have 50 men's
ten and twelve dollar overcoats to sell
for *I.OO.
Marriuge Incenses-.
Joseph Header New Castle
| Tressa Krah Forestville
i Leroy Blackburn Harmony
' Emma Kerr
j Elmer Allen Zelienople
i Bertlxa Gettman Harmony
} H. P. Parker Franklin
Isabel Graham
W. F. f'nrrie Franklin twp.
Emma Pflugh
Charles Gill man Akron. Ohio
Elizabeth Johnston
At Pittsburg—William Sherman and
Miss Lolu Stawm of Bntler: A. L. Dick
son of Gibsonia and Eliza E. Morrow of
At Youngstown, Wick Bjwser and
Margaret White of Butler.
At Franklin. Pa. -D. C Rumbsugh
aud Clara Keesey of Free port.
At Pittabnrg, Dr. Willis McCall of
Washington county,and Valera Thomp
son of E E. Pittsburg.
They were married at the home of
Josiah McCall in Frauklin twp.. Tues
day evening.
Miss Glade— Why did you choose a
balu headed man for your second
Mrs. Blade—Because my first husband
always insisted that I worried him bald
headed, and this time I wanted to escape
being blamed.
Forest fires burned all around town,
Saturday and Sunday and came near
destroying some houses at west end of
W. Pearl St. also the Lick HilJ, nitro
glycerine storage house east of town.
While Joseph Orbison of Donegal tp.
near Millerstown.was away from home.
la*t Saturday afternoon his house took
fire, probably from a defective flue or a
spark on the roof,
It burned quickly, and his daughter
who was lying sick and helpless in bed
expected to l>e burned to death, but the
fire was noticed by neighbors,and Philip
Callahan rushed iuto the burniug
building and saved the girl
The house with all ifci contents, was
destroyed, Mr. Orbison lost his all in it,
and the people of Millerstown raised a
subscription for him.
A box of clothes belonging to Mrs.
M J. Bellis of Fairvlew twp. took fire
from a gas jet, while she was moving,
and burued.
David ami .Jonathan. .
On Thursday evening, April 13, 1905,
in the Auditorium of the Y. M C. A.,
at a social Evening under the auspices
of Connoquenessiog Lodge No. 273, I.
O. O. F. Mr. Newton Beers, a gifted
impersonator, will present a dramatic
characterization of the storv of Jona
than and David. Mr. Beers has presen
ted this great fraternal drama more
than 3000 times in the pant seven years
and has received the hearty commenda
tion and endorsement of scores of the
leaders in Odd-Fellowship.
As the proceeds of this entertainment
are to be devoted to the Odd Fellows'
Home for the Aged and Infirm, located
at Grove City, Pa .it is earnestly desir
ed that all of the Odd Fellows of Butler
together with their host of friends, shall
assemble upon this occasion.
Dr. E. Grewer, the great Philadelphia
specialist, is now permantly located at
No. 227 South Main St. Bntler, Pa next
door to the Guaranty Safe Deposit and
Trust Co. Dr. Grewer is a graduate of
the Univertiity of Pennsylvania, and
comes highly recommended. The Dr's
adv. will appear in our columns next
week. All who call npon the Dr. be
fore April 12th will receive advice, ex
amination and service free excepting a
small fee for medicine. He treats all
chronic diseases of men, women aud
Ritter & Rockenstein have men's
fifteen and sixteen dollar overcoats to
sell for $lO.
Henry Biehl, of 122 N. Main St.. will
have asj»e<.ial sale of New Royal Sewing
Machines on the 11th, 12th, l'Jth ana
14tb of this month.
Public Sult*H.
April ll—George K>a*y. Buffalo twp.
Three houses on Plank Road, sl6>o,
$1450 and $1250.
120 feet frontage on West St., slsoo*
5-roomed house, Eyth St., 81850
15-roomed house, West St., S3OOO.
Two excellent modern broomed
houses, pax jd street $4300 each.
Six-roomed house, Bluff St.. SISOO.
Three houses in West End, $2200,
Ten-roomed house, Clay fit, $3»)*)0.
Ninerooined house, .M i til in St., $ll5OO.
I 21 acres in Summit twp.
g. W. Diamond.
and Pure Spring Water, delivered daily
to all parts of the town by
John A. Rickey
People's Phope 100,
Money to Loan
on first mortgage.
E. 11. NEGI-EY,
S. W. Diamond.
Insuranca and Keal Eatate.
If you wish to sell or buy property
yon will find it to your advantage to nee
Win. EL Miller, Insurance end Real
Estate. Room 008. Butler County
jjntional Bunk building
wll i< ;h 11r a< ■j s
they do not show
a real likeness of
816 S. Main Ht, Butler.
Easy and Quick!
To make the very best soap, simply
dissolve a can of Banner lye in cold
water, melt syi lbs. of grease, pour the
Lye water in the grease. Stir and put
aside to set.
l ull Directions on livery Package
Banner J.ye is pulverized. The can
may be opened and closed at will, per
mitting the u-.c of a small quantity at a
time. It i*« just the article n«i®ded in
every household. It will clean paint,
floors, marble and tile work, soften water,
(li'jinfert sinks, closets and waste pipes.
Write for booklet "Uses of Banner
fye " —free,
the t'inn Chrmlcl Work*. Philadelphia
I Wm. Walkkk. chah. a. McElvain.
I 807 Butler County Nutional Bunk Bldg.
OU uud Gas Notes.
The Market—Remains at sl-86.
Summit twp. —The Snmmit Oil and
Gas Co. of Braddook has a4O bbl. well
; near Carl Kin Centre, and will start two
more welli.
i Oakland twp.—ls being rapidly leased
! by the operators since the success of
i Wick No. 2.
| Nichol & Magi 11 have a 5 or 0 bbl.
i well on the Peter Barnhart. in the 100-
1 foot.
Tbe Geibel Oil Co. struck the pay at
thtir Forquer farm well, Mcnday, ani
seem to have a good well.
Connoqnenessing —The South Penns
No. 2. Rader. came in last Friday.
Fairvit-w twp. —McCollongh. Kamerer
& Co. drilled in a well on the John Dil
ler lot la?t Saturday and h-*ve a show
for a small well from the 3d sand.
Jury List for April 24th.
List of name? drawn from the proper
jury wneel this 6th day of March, 1905,
to serve as traverse jurors at a special
term of court commencing tbe itth.day
of April. 1905, the same being the
fourth Monday of said month.
I Bell Elmer E, Butler Ist wd, engineer,
Barnhart Frank, Millerstown. labarer,
Brown Chas, Butler, tfrd wd, bookeeper,
Black W T m. Butler 3d wd, contractor,
Badger Frank, Butler '< wd. contractor,
Buxton Chas, Adams twp. merchant,
Bartley N F, Clay twp, farmer,
Hartley Sami, Lancaster twp. farmer,
Barnhart Chas. Butler 2wd. blacksmith,
Bricker Jas B. Winfield twp, farmer,
Buchanan , Marion twp, farmer,
Critchlow Adison. Penn twp. laborer.
Cypher Vencen, Winfield twp, driller,
Campbell Ira, Washington twp, fanner,
Cheesbro E P. Fairview twp, merchant,
Corner CO, Washington twp. farmer.
Covert Kaleb. Portersville boro,laborer,
Doerr George. Winfield twp, farmer,
Davis Geo W. Butler sth w. clergyman,
Datnbacb J 11. Cranberry twp, farmer,
Ekas Dehas. Clinton twp, farmer.
English John, Cranberry twp, farmer,
Easley A F. Donegal twp. farmer.
Eialer Martin J, Butler id wd, florist,
Fagan W 0, Butler stb wd, painter,
Fleming Homer 11, Buffalo twp, farmer,
Frederick P G.Millerstown.lumberman,
Gallagher Sherman, Muddycreek twp,
Herman J A, Connoquenessing twp.
Humphrey S E, Woith twp, farmer,
Hesselgesger David, VYiufield tp,fanner.
Hind man S S, Slipperyrock twp. farmer,
Harnish DX, Butler 1 wd, clergyman,
Henderson Edward, Harrisville, laborer,
Herdman O H, Oakland twp. farmer,
Humes Allen, Adam* twp, farmer,
.Irvin Wtn A. Adams twp, farmer,
Kama Thus C, Butler twp, farmer,
Keefer D A, Fairview boro, laborer,
Kollenbaugh John D.l'enn tp, producer,
Longdon J (J, Adams twp. farmer,
McCnrdy John S, Buffalo twp. farmer,
McAllen James, Butler sth wd, driller,
Meyers J G, Millerstown boro, retired,
Meal* I N, Washington twp. farmer,
Orbison J B, Donegal twp, farmer.
Richev Joun L, Butler 3d wd, painter,
Suttun Nelson. Karns City, laiorer,
Stevenson Wm, Center twp, carpenter,
Shannon B F, Frankliu twp, merchant.
Spithaler Charles, Forward tp, farmer,
Truscott Albert. Millerstown, laborer,
Whitmire Sauil W, Oakland tp, farmer,
Wen del Barnard. Butler tp, timekeeper,
Jury List for April 10.
List of names drawn from the proper
jnry wheel this 4th day of March, 1905,
to serve as traverse jurora at a special
term of court commencing the tenth day
of April, 1905, th» same being the
second Monday in Iho said month:
Allen Wm, Butler sth wd, painter,
Barnhart Jacob, Butler sth w, jainitor,
Barnes Thou, Mercer twp, farmer,
Bartley T A, Clinton twp, farmer,
Beetxr Geo A, Lancaster twp, farmer,
Blair E M. Allegheny twp, farmer,
Brandon W W, Cunnoijuen u tp, farmer,
Britten Joa. Butler 3d wd, carpenter,
Campbell Harry. E.iu Claire, fanner,
Christie Jno P, Cherry twp, farmer,
Cooper Harry, Jefferson twp, farmer,
Cookson A F, Cranberry twp, farmer,
Connors M J, Bntler Ist w, station
Covert A M, Cranberry twp. fanner,
Cruikehanks Scott, Winfield tp, farmer,
Crumpie Wm, Clinton twp, farmer,
Dale David E, Butler 4th w, agent,
Davis Madison. Worth twp. farmer,
Kkas David, Jluffalo twp, farmer,
Falkener Satn'l, Buffalo twp farmer.
Fisher Oeo, Jefferson twp, farmer,
Freeling Herman G, Winfjeld tp, book
Goehfing U K, Zelienople, laborer,
Qoldinger Law re nee, Donegal tp, farmer,
Harbison Robt, Penn twp, farmer,
Hovis Itol<ert, Washington ti>, fumier,
Johnt-ton C C, Centre twp faVuier,
Kissick Robert Slipperyrock boro, retd,
Leideckcr J J, Butler Ist wd, producer,
Lindsay W W, Slipperyrock tp, farmer,
Lineback Martin, Submit twp, farmer,
Mohan .1 D, Mara l«oro, teacher,
Marburger Mart, Evans City, batcher,
Martin Robt, Clearfield twp, farmer,
McConnel David, West Suubury boro,
McConnel Clarence, But ler 3d w, laborer,
McCollough C, Fairvlew tp, farmer,
McClaia Wm, Donegal twp, lalx>rer,
Murtland W F, Concord twp, farmer,
Miller Milton, Bntler twp, laborer,
Robinson Thos Jr, Butler Ist w, olurk,
Rowan .1 M, Penn twp, farmer.
Sandoe J W, Hanooiiy boro, laborer.
Scblicht JOB, Cntler 4th w, cab't maker.
Small W J, Karns City Ixjro, clergyman.
Stein Sarnl, ConnoqnencsHing lx>, farmer,
Stewart Aaron, Donegal twp. farmer,
Stoughton Oliver W. Cciitre tp, farmer,
Stoughton W V, Cherry twp, farmer,
Tinstiian Haml, Bntler twp, engineer,
Tritnuur O J. Summit twp. farmor,
Weber Wm, Penn twp, farmor.
Wiley II H, Meroor twp, farmer,
Woods John, Clinton twp, farmer.
C U^vp»»ttHT
More Time Than Money
but if yon have no time possibly we
can s«jlt you a watch. We have them
fr>>m one dollar up. Also a magnifi
cent stock of rings in all the latest set
tings. Our line of jewelry, silverware
and clocks cannot lie ► urpasse'l. A
large assortment of diamonds l<x>se and
mouutwl, just received.
We also soil—
Edison and Victor Phonographs.
Eastman and Poco Cameras.
Photo Supplies.
Washburn Mandolins and Gnitars.
< Iptical g«xxls.
Field and Spy Glasses.
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Next to Court House.
See (lie Sign direct
opposite the
Old I'oftoltlce
Theodore V geley, q
Kcnl llilalt and
Insurance Agency, 56
UH S. Main St {j 3
Butler, I'a. $2
If jrou hav« property aJ
to »•-!!, trade, or ren
rent rail, write or
üb' ne oi«. wJB
List Mailed Upon Application
Funeral Director.
| Trusses \
11 Of To-day |
, / A truss is an important ap- S
f pliance and it is obvious that X
j C constant effort will be made I
] [ for its improvement. Every V
1 year does bring some improve- /
I ments, and wearers of trusses \
( should have the bfeneut of C
V them. In our stock we en- \
r deavor to provide all that is C
) practical as well as new Our (
\ long experience in fitting 1 r
£ trusses enables us to judge the f
\ value of new ideas and our b
v stock is therefore an ideal one. \
t Any claims we make for a v
C truss we will guarantee. I
Hard Rubber Trusses, »
f Shoulder Braces, j )
t Elastic Trusses, X
/ Elastic Hosiery, j S
} Abdominal Supporters, ! S
C Crutches and Fittings. t
J Our assortment is complete j p
j and our prices are right. »
\ C. N. BOYD J
\ Diamond Block. Butler. /
is well dressed, indeed, if we
make the clothes. Every man
worthy the name takes pride
in his apparel. Only multi
millionaires and tramps can
afford to be otherwise.
You will be as proud to wear
it as we are to make it. It will
be a suit which will fit you per
fectly, become you exceedingly
well, and cost you but a mod
erate sum.
Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Notice in Divorce.
Mlua Reed, / In the Court of t'ommon Pleas
vs >of liutler county. I'a. A. D.
I>. Al. Reed. I No. stt December Term, lUO4.
Notice of hearing and taking testimony In
the abort CMB "'i part of the plaintiff (or
divorce absolute on the grounds of 'JijserUw-
To D. M. Ueed, Defeuiluut,.
Vou are hereby notified tita» testing,,, „ ■„
the uhovo < «fce will be takeu at
Jn p'V, l " Hutlor, fa., on Monday, June
iL °? J t> "'» of Mina Reed, plain
tiff, asking To- U ivorce absolute from you on
the gr""ids of desertion as set forth In her
petition on file In the above rase, at whtrh
time and place you are hereby notified to l»e
present uud show cause If any you have, why
»al'» divorce should not be granted as prayed
'or- MARTIN L. GIBBON. Sheriff.
A. L. liOWXKK,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice in Divorce.
William Hhoup, 1 Common Pleas of Uutler
vs /-Co.. Pa. A. I>. No. SB, Dec.
Hell Shoup. I Term, l!«M.
Petition for divorce on the grounds of de
To Hell Khoup, Defendant.
Vou are hereby notified that testimony In
Ihe Hhove case will he Ink en at the hearing
in court at ilutlor. Pa., on Monday, .fune till,
IWs,oilnnrtof WilliamSbonp, tne piainiiir.
luring for divorce absolute from you on the
grounds of desertion as net forth In his peti
tion on file In the above case, at which time
and place you are hereby notified to be pres-l
ent and show cause If any you have why
said divorce should not In- granted as prayed
H. V. Ilowsin. Sheriff.
A, l>. Uowhkh,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Gen. Oyama
(Jon<jn<>r», chiefly because he
known what he in doing. Hit) hit*
eonnt. because he hits with
In a speculative campaign, my
; customer* have the beat means of
instant knowledge of tbe market
and the beneHt of iny long ex
R. M. Weaver
! Stocks and Bonds
223 Fourth Avenue,
Local office, 213 S. Main St.
Good whiskey is an excellent tonic.
Taken either "straight" or together with
a little quinine or iron, it will ov«rcom<*
"that tired feeling" which in on ns bII
about thia time. We guarantee any of
the following brands tit for your Bide
board and all right for your stomach.
and <>IT«T them to you B year old at fl per full
<iuart., <1 (|u>trlH tki 00
*lihkf v KUiira'iU'od 'A yearn old, f:.' 00 p«*r gal
lon. Wfi pay uxpreftN ch argon on all tuall
urderit of st'*oo or over. Ooo<Ji» Hhlpp"<J
Ho. 14 Smithlleld St.. PITTSBURG, PA.
'Phoae*: Bell 211* P. k A. MS*.
H. H. 2IH W. Clay, Ht. 808. id Hrmly HI.
AmvJ Bc Evjth,
Undertakers Embalmers
Call* anwered promptly to all part*
of the connty. Open nil night.
217 .South Main St., old I'ostuflice Room
Ball Phone MS. l'eo. Phono 831. Ring 2.
Concord Twp. Audit.
Auditors' report of road account for Con
oord township foor the year ism. March 13,
N. P. Bell and Richard Campbell, Super
To ami of road work tax duplicate j2.M5.25
By amt of tax worked fc,399.57
To amt by cash . . 14M.12
To amt or tax unworked. . —SB.7S
To amt of exonerations K. 60
To atnt of work tax returned I 51.34
Total $i»45.2&
Cash Road Account. N. P. Bell, Tres.
To amt reed from P. B. Sutton. Col..
To amt of cash received on work tax 145.13
To amt of return tax 22.40
By amt to exonerations i fI.TO
' By cash to overpaid tax returned 12.3U
By cash to H. A. Brown, bal on lUH3-4.
wages 7.11
By cash to making out duplicates . ... 4.50
By cash for filing and printing
Auditors' Report ti.jn
By cash for repairs on road machine. . 20.20
By cash to Richard Campbell on wages 81.06
By cash for guide boards '.'.SO
By cash for books and express 2.D0
By cash for attorney fee 75.00
By cash for labor 277.31
Bv cash for plank 211.31
By cash for timber and hardware 3.4n
By cash to N. P. Bell on wages 72.09
By cash for Auditors' fees 6.00
By cash for house rent 2.00
By jjash to N. P. Bell, Treas percent... li.s*>
Total fsl2.S3
Balance In Treas. due twp 8109.50
N. P. Bell, time, li*i days at #1.50 )15!).ri0
Richard Campbell, 103 days at iI.SO 154.50
Bal due N. P. Bell >*6.!'l
Bal due Richard Campbell 73.45
P. R. Sutton. Col.
To face of duplicate isl2 W
By cash to N. P. Bell f752.!6
By cash for percentage 36.16
By cash for rebate 22.42
By cash for return tax received 15.16
By cash to exonerations B.UO
Amount overpaid by C01.i12.3K.
We the Auditors of Concord twp.. Butler
Co., I'a., do hereby certify that the above
account Is correct to the best of our know
ledge and belief.
J. H. CHRISTIE. -Auditors.
W. 11. KUIIN, (
lly virtue of a writ of Yen. Ex. with clause
of Fl. Ea. issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Butler county. I'a., and to me di
rected. there will be exposed to public sale,
at the Court House. In the Borough of But
ler, Pa., on
FRIDAY, APRIL 7th, 1905.
At 1 o'clock p. m.,at the Court House In But
E. D. No. 6. June Term, 1906. John H. Wilson,
Martin & Slpes. Attorney.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of
Mrs. E. Hopkins, of. in and to all that cer
tain piece or lot of land, situated In Butler
borough, Butler county. Pa., bounded as
follows, 10-wit: Beginning at a post at the
northwest corner of said lot, on the south
side of street known us Lincoln ft In Sul
livan's plan of lots west of Connoouenesslng
thence south 4K deg west 110 feet by
lands formerly owned by L. Z. Mitchell, 110
feet to a post; thence south HOV4 deg east 40
feet by lands formerly owned by L. Z.
Mitchell, flec'd.. to a post; thence north 4V4
deg east 110 perches by lands formerly own
ed by L. Z. Mitchell, dee'd, to Lincoln St.;
thence by said street north 85V4 deg west 40
perches by same street to a post on said
street the place of beginning.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of Mrs. E. Hopkins at the suit of Dr. H.
R. Wilson.
TERMS OF SALE-The following roust be
strictly compiled with when property Is
stricken down.
1. When the plaintiff or other Hen creditor
becomes the purchaser, tbe costs on the writ
must be paid, and a list of the liens. Includ
ing mortgage searches on the property sold
together with such lien creditor's receipt*
for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or
such portion thereof as he may claim, must
be furnished the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid In full.
3. All sales not settled Immediately will be
continued until one o'clock, P. M„ o| the
next day at which time all property not
settled for will again be put up and sold at
the expense and risk of the person to whom
first sold.
•Hee Purdon'a Digest, 9th edition, page 446.
an I SmllU's forms, page 3M4.
Sheriff's Olßce. llutler. Pa.. March 14, 1905.
B. & B.
wash petticoats
For SI.OO we're offering a
best quality Percale Petticoats
with three - piece circular
flounce and trimmed with four
tailor straps.
Also three other styles at the
same price.
Petticoats made ol best Seer
sucker for $1.50.
Wash Petticoats, 50c, 75c
Special Black Mercerized
Sateen Petticoats with sun
burst flounce, 28 inches deep,
Brown, Green and Tan
Mercerized Sateen Petticoats
wtth three-piece tucked flounce,
Boggs & Buhl
UltU *m tuam
1 »v . • «»4 U> hV haaiT
WtloA a/Mrwari
i A derwewwd.
A an 4
« «ll to au«
Liberty Ave.
wm mako to milt all bald h«adJ.
Consult m«. Ilav. a full Hm of ««ntl«-
frieii'a wig*. muplarh«», «tft. ( at tn* low-
Mi liftnrn«» hours from Unto
7p. m. Call on 'phon« iln Oram.
Hlmply to introdiiro >*ur n»w iwii I'lsno, w»
wilt inftk" It for one |ior«*»« In overy
town to Imx oiih- llio t>iiM««»or of » Kino
|]l|ll I'ln no I'ree of My writing
iin si onro w<i will show how you iu»y«aeur«
ono "f Hi" - " fl''" I'lanos l»y Ju"t a
• null portion of jrour tiui«; tli« SMIMt w»y
p'nalliio to own s I'lsno WrlU u» to.dsy
for our plsii "How to ncur* a |il»no fm."
B3» UmlttaH.K Ni. riTTIBtHtUH.
Holt's Greenhouses,
E, M. HOLT & Co. PROP'S.
1 Salesroom 247 S. Main Street.
Floral designs f«»r funerals, imrtte*.
etc., n Hj»e<:lalty.
I uur c&rastionn are now in their prime.
fSpring of 1905J
n House cleaning time will be on us before
H we know where we are, so a few helpful
f| hints will not come amiss to the thrifty
?S ones who want quality at quantity prices.
% Our Carpet Rooms are overflowing with
the brightest patterns and best qualities,
the looms can put out. Among which are
the following: '
1 Hartford, Axminster, Wilton, Velvets,
Body and Tapestry Brussels.
Hartford, two and three ply All Wool, Half
Wool, Cotton Chain, and the best and
largest asssortment of All Cotton Ingrains
in Butler.
Duffy's Store, |j
■ ■ - —"ra
f :
i"I Samples sent on request.
{ Where to Buy Your Easter Outfit.
? With tho Sprint? and Summer
■ clothing for 1905—we have found OSSk '
C better styles. patternß, cut, etc., in fi
i { everything pre taininn to clothing for C
l jh\ tneD c^^<lren than hereto
\ /lintsl in! i The suit you are contemplating /ji/_Vg kO| V S
n n 'iff. I buy ing for Easter is the one we want \Jpr\ \ :
( (vtitt H \\f7-J to sell you for yourself orson. '/Sl\y / I Vll
/ ViaJJ W/V We have what you want. Every- wA // J jf, i
i thing new in Suits, Top Coat#, Rain
f flillj |l \ coats and everything in furnishings j
v w| Clothing for men. / g
\ *A Skolney Clothing for kf
f - Boys and Children.
We solicit your trade and appreciate the same.
I Douthett & Graham.
jUjjyjJHJ campbells good f urn,ture
§ |
51 i
a |i
Si 1 i
I- = |
1 Alfred A. Camobell |
1 Fall and Winter MiHi nerf l
tit Arrival of a large line of Street Hats, Tailor-made 21
$ and ready-to-wear Hats. All the new ideas and jji
31 designs in Millinery Novelties. Trimmed and Un- jfe
X trimmed Hats for Ladies, Misses and Children. All &
?£ the new things in Wings, Pom pons; Feathers, &
Tr Ostrich Goods, etc, etc. a;
I Rockensteln's |
I Millii\ery P^mporium,!
§ 148 South Main Htrn-t, Butler, Pa
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