Receipts and Expenditures of But ler County For the Year 1904. Unseated Land Tax Received in 1904. 1 —r_ £ 8 5I 5 2 I I i as>!2 g w » 26?. r r 2 p 2 DISTRICT. |f r : : hj * H w • . > r* >£ •iI * H 2 ,TTT~; " $ 23 69 $ 19 69 f 29 74 ? 8 30# 8142# 3 25;# 84 6? H49 20 27 18 84 507 58 67 100 59 67 * 1 4 Of* 586 161 144 13 09 128 14 32 C* ntTe ?> 3 6; ! 70 79 741 54 795 Pnmklin !1."!! 536 9 64! 161 187 18 48 67 19 15 Franklin 4a« 000 121 141 987 40 10 21 Otmnoqneneailng * g g J « oc 5 1;$ 61 19 SkKhenir !!!!!!!!!! 36 29 28 75 43 9* 12 72 121 68 12 25 133 93 bS&F" "g ®S» 13 «g ' 'S *8 Prospect boro £1 25 6(( 7gl c«i 0» 10 50 70 53 Cherry ; . ql7 807 58 67 602 64 69 Syrian tWP 26 49 23 59 17 66 920 76 94 632 83 26 Blipperyrock i . 158 184 16 02 142 17 44 P* Tk «f-" | «j 50 42 75 44 98 11 39 131 62 10 72 142 34 8 5 l ?f ton 53 44 k5 50 8-i 50! 18 73 243 17 303 246 20 Winfield ' iinH sll 1 "05 18 23 1 92, 20 15 Ban Claire boro 19 57 nO4 89 25 948 98 73 Venango j-« 1 -« 95 19 3 2r , 29 354 Middlesex 15 1- » 4l 207 19 22 0 Zelienople . 91 2 * 56 329 49 378 Jackson. 31 07 27 4fi 551 79 79 266 82 45 1 76 74 79 72 112 64 26 89 295 99 10 45 306 44 Concord 59 78 63 22 33 38j 20 91 177 29 10 71 188 00 To tal |5543 48 *636 39 $559 30 $195 81 $1944 98 sl3l 14 $2076 12 Statement of Outstanding Tax January a, 1905- ' od *o cT $ 8 8 ►3 JO ; DISTRICTS g" ; i C« y • 33 : : * ' • Year 1897. Earns City boro ) 857 % $ Total 8 57 9 65 Year 1898. Clinton 264 »1 6 ' Cherry ! 160 Total 264 91 17 27 Year 1899. Clinton 222 41 17 56 Parker 2 25 Harmony 15 53 Total 237 94 ...... 19 90 Year 1900 Harmony...'.. 814 66 137 63 34 20 Millentown ... 20 Total 814 86 187 63 84 20 Year 1901. Washington ... 24 68 Butler b0r0.... 802 36 94 19i 2168 Clearfield 2 27 Cherry 161 28 •••••• Marion...? 110 42 29 90 Venango 74 57 •••••• Harmony 149 89 59 06 488 Total 476 93 501 79 55 91 Year 1902. Connoq. twp..- 14 12 848 270 Brady 10 00 Clinton 82 01 Cherry 352 02 Forward 25 87 Marion 297 77 Mnddycreek ... 1 15 Venango 71 54 190 14 Worth 2 26 . Butler b0r0.... 1769 15 11l 80 Eau Clair 23 42 10 78 18 08 Evans City 74 64 Harmony 143 40 110 15 838 Earns City 31 82 648 14 54 Total 2897 48 776 63 150 00 Year 1908 Butler twp..... 6W 54 238 40 6» 25 Buffalo 141 82 W8 69 41 12 Brady 82 60 Clay 11145 Centre 23 04 Clearfield 331 01 Connoq. twp... 82 44 12 60 959 Cranberry 2 49 Concord 08 Lancaster 3 56 Mercer 187 49 66 95 11 78 Summit 10 00 .....*. Venango 243 46 Butler b0r0.... 3511 00 552 45 12 25 Eau Claire 101 10 33 19 351 Fairview boro. 60 26 31 52 844 Harmony* 162 88 18 49 Earns City.... 12 25 582 10 50 Total 5795 04 1147 53 193 74 Year 1904 Adams 881 57 343 17 81 05 Allegheny twp. 179 00 36 29 12 50 Butler twp.... 1250 27 518 72 128 00 Buffalo '.. 399 20 31 34 75 90 Brady 194 78 139 89 80 13 Clinton 238 97 105 88 33 31 Clay 492 85 113 48 40 04 Centre 449 49 182 60 47 18 Clearfield 877 59 772 81 28 Cherry 363 88 67 71 63 18 Cranberry 464 61 74 40 47 48 Connoq aeness'g 493 88 200 72 55 97 Concord 73 56 80 15 18 79 Donegal 694 68 275 49 124 50 Forward' 563 41 228 66 125 07 Fairview 871 42 153 42 89 24 Franklin 78 66 32 43 11 88 Jefferson 394 55 162 73 46 0C Jackson 184 73 117 38 31 14 Lancaster 491 22 192 61 52 90 Marion 81 80 664 10 58 Mercer 48 87 105 12 23 7fc Middlesex 124 80 122 66 55 Mnddycreek... 198 69 66 11 18 60 Oakland. 677 46 280 73 68 IS) Penn 79 07 18 08 781 Parker 885 88 186 93 51 OS Summit 876 68 286 54 27 65 Slipperyrock... 456 70 186 01 90 81 Venango ...... 1029 04 396 68 88 0C Washington ... 572 49 226 53 81 52 Winfield 445 83 63 28 27 0( Worth 267 62 148 82 50 2( Bruin b0r0.... 76 44 27 92 13 1" Connoqueness'g 36 87 23 27 1 Evans City..., 277 98 106 88 18 (K Eau Claire 181 02 52 80 10 0( . Fairview ..... 54 99 23 68 15 75 Harrisville .... 75 38 37 12 70( Harmony...... 19 53 82 76 12 5' Earns City.... 81 55 15 52 4lf Millerstown ... 183 18 31 60 70< Mars . 176 46 74 73 28 8". Portersville.... 79 35 34 68 5 9>. Prospect 114 57 33 68 15 0( Petrolia 6 49 7 45 6 2: Slipperyrock... 145 85 64 81 18 5' Saxonburg 124 74 38 51 23 1! Sunbury 47 45 14 98 55* Valencia 26 06 14 22 »0t West Liberty.. '55 43 23 58 11 0< Zelieuople 274 02 96 72 88 0< Bntler 6090 96 2079 59 149 hi - Total 20115 44 7992 38 2125 0" Recapitalation. Total county and state <29.606 1' Total poor 10,555 91 Total dog 2,605 7' Total.. #42,767 8" The above outstanding accounts arc subject to deductions, commissions ant exonerations. Balance Sheet For 1905. W. S. Dixon, in acc't with Butler Countj Funds. To balance on band Jan. 4.1004 sl2 BOG 21 To Co. Tax ree'd during IIKM 71 337 .VI To state tax ree'd dur ing 1804 IS 940 48 To Cnseated land tax ree'd 1 *»») ;« o Cash reed of Co. Com- Tmlssloners 2tM 10 To cash reed of Clerk of Courts sou 18 To cash ree'd of Justice of Peuce 70 50 To cash ree'd of Sheriff (Jury fees) 23 28 To cash ree'd of lte tatl Liquor. . GJi 75 To cash ree'd of Auto mobiles 37 05 To cash ree'd of Tempo rary loan 18 000 00 Tp Hate tax returned to County 15 013 By ain't paid cm vouchers S£7 K1 By am't paid on tempo re ry loans is oo« o By am't of Treasurers. percentage 733 8! By am't paid Bar Associa tion 431 3 By am't paid on Unseated land tax 770 8 By am't unseated land tax turned, orerto poor, <77 7! By am't sent to State Treasurer • • • • - m " By balance on hand Jan. 2,, 1805 " $l4O #62 fS $l4O 883 82 W. S. Dixon in Account With Surplus Dog Tax of 1904. To balance from Jrn. 4. 'Ol. i 342 95 roam't of surplus dog tax.. 1 493 u By am't paid twps and boros. *1 WM Rebalance on hand Jan. 2, gi il 836 09 $1 S3B 09 W. S. Dixon in Account With Butler County Sinking Fund. To cash, in treasury Jan. 4, 1804 W9 ' 9 To am't rec'd of taxes of 1904 and previous 2 w By am't paid on bonds and coupons redeemed 5* By am't of treasurers per cent dl By balance on hand Jan. 2, 190 t - m $7 831 88 P 831 88 W. S. Dixon in Account With Dog Tax of 1904. To dog tax reserve from 1903 i 200 00 To dog tax rec'd of 'O3 & P.. 1 5«5 38 To dog tax rec'd of HW 2 271 46 By vouchers on sheep damages $• » By treasurers percentage.. lw 3* By am't turned over to Co.. 1 400 03 By treasurers per cent on balance <j; '*> By dog reserve - IAI "" $4 066 82 $4 060 82 Unseated Land Tax Acc't, Jan. a, 1905. Bal. due Townships and Boroughs, Jan. 2nd, 1905. x > 8 go F> DISTRICTS. V : : Clinton twp $245 f 97 f . ... Lancaster twp 211 j <0 Oakland twp 381 2 31.. ... Donegal twp 20 27 18 84: 1 06 Centre twp 596 579 435 Adams twp 367 88 88 Connoquenessing tp 322 121 Franklin twp .... 964 161 Evans City b0r0... 78 40; Clay twp 14 90 13 38| 260 Allegheny twp 21 05 5(5 C,7 Brady twp. 10 48 766 860 Summit twp 16 35 •;!•••'•• Fairview b0r0.... 88 13; 8 9~ Penntwp.. ........ 16 59 9 21. Prospect boro 79 60 Concord twp 42 06 24 90 ...... Butler twp 903 917 49 04 Marion twp 23 59 29 51; Slip peryrock twp... 11 80 16 41 748 Jefferson twp 20 87 46 Butler boro 13 78 10 93 48 Forward twp 735 234 500 W. Sunbury boro 90 1 20 Millerstown boro 1 10 Muddycreek twp... 286 158 515 Parker twp 859 5 56; Washington twp... 46 95 48 18 Eau Claire boro 11 08 311 Venango twp 31 24 19 57 Bruin boro 1 58 95 Middlesex twp. ... 12 85 14 72 276 Zelienople b0r0.... 109 41 Jackson twp 1 14 32 Fairview twp 21 20 Clearfield twp 35 99 27 59 Total 416 23 339 68 100 28 Disbursments of Butler Co. Jan. a, 1905. Am't paid for assessing .$ J 25 hearing of tax appeals 1 316 *4 publishing Aud report W. C. Negley ®lw) 00 Eagle Printing Co 100 00 Butler Hearla. 100 00— 300 (Hi Am't paid to Allegheny County workhouse *B' U Am't paid for new bridges. il7l£i 25 " " " repairs 6041 " •' •' bridge lnsp.. . 135 '3 '« " •' bridge views . 2494 55—25693 91 '• " " toller house repairs... 1182 " *' to Bar Association 421 20 '• " for cost In Com. cases 4187 94 Court House repairs.. 694 75 " '• " Co Com'rs salaries— J. L. l'atterson, 302 days —$1057 00 Robt. MeClung. 287 days ... 934 50 Ureer McCandless, 280 days 980 00- 29.1 50 Am't paid for Court Stenographers, Ed. Kiddle $1740 90 Ada Findley 263 84— 3004 <4 Am't paid for Com'rs Atty & Asst.. 590 00 .1 .. •• Co. Detective salary.. 800 00 '• •' •' Court Auditor 79 50 " •' " County Auditors H. C. llazlett $159 00 G. S. Huselton 16" 64 W. C. Detrlck 164 64- 454 2* Am't paid for constables quarterly returns 743 0* Am't paid for Court Crier 4H9 00 Clerk of Court 594 NO " '• " Co. Com'rs Clerk W)0 00 " " teachers' county Insti tute for 1800 and 1904 400 00 Am't paid for Coroners Inquests— 52162 ». .. " clerical work Itoxey MeClung 315 00 Laura MeClung 344 00 Hollle l'atterson 369 75 Ethel Wright 10 09 D. D. Qulgley 99 75 1139 00 Am't paid for District Atty 1201 50 " damage accounts 245 00 " '• " election expenses 5990 90 express.frelght A dray 39 30 " • " Interest on temp, loan 42> 00 •' •• " Indexing 577 49 " " Improvements, public buildings and ground 807 5* Am't paid for Injured coal miners... 124 50 •• •• •• janltress of Court House offices 156 00 Am't paid for Jury pay A expenses.. 94«1 70 full repairs A supplies 402 37 janitor for C H. Sc Jail "KJ 00 " "Jury Com'rs Clerk 174 00 '• '• " Jury Commissioners . A. O. Ebernart #154 66 A. L. Cooper 156 10- 310 76 Am't paid for livery hire WOO " " " Jail physician 125 00 " " " lunacy inquests 66* 44 " " "light and fuel fur Court House and Jail 274K26 Am't paid for military enrollment ?10 51 printing A adv Wl tfl " " " postage 24 00 " " fro. [sundry feesl 241 15 " " " I'enn a Reform School 2X5 55 " " " registering voters 17U2 110 " " " " births & deaths 35 " •• " " school children 98* 00 •' '• " Register A Recorder, [sundry fees J 122 00 Am't paid for road dams#*..,, 294 no views WW 77 refunding taxes.. J*3 41 " " " reward paid for caj>- ture of horse thief 90 00 Am't paid for Sheriff sundry fees boarding prisoners 5209 51 Am't paldfi.r Ktate tax on Co bonds 40 0*) s<.*llouery & dockets . 1767 "ni " soldleis burial <42 50 Am't paid for Tlpstavft* , 10*6 00 traveling expbHM.'*. 130 13 telegraph and tei*. ptwne ltl») Am't jj«!(1 for taxes on land return ed, pd twps and boros sou 51 Am't p.tld uj Western I'enltentlary for inmates 013 38 Am't paid for water service for Co. buildings 493 06 Am't paid for Mi-boot Directors JOO 00 Am't paid for bounty on minks. Ac,. Il 00 Am't paid for treasurers per cent. . 2733 sx Total $91547 53 Assets For Butler County For 1905. Bal. on hand lu sinking Jan. 2. 1905 $ 2 SHH s4 Cash la treasury Jan. 2, 1805 g 717 33 Due from collectors Co. tax of 1904 and ptevlous '. 26 ?.C Dae from collectors State tax of 1904 and previous 2 714 15 Fines due from O. M. Graham (clerk of courtiy 815 00 Jury fees due from G. M. Graham {#ferk of court#: :T. rr.. . r.-.... 38 00 Jury T«w«me from J. C Cl«rk, (pro thoootary) J* stenographer fees. ....»■—. »» WJ jury fees duo from T. K. lioon (ex j Sheriff) " 0,1 Total ■£! Liabilities of Butler Connty. Bonds outstanding.. 2®J 2! Sundry hills due and unpaid.. 4 704 <J Due twp>. and bonis, school tax from un-seated land.... 41' I)uo twos and boroe, road and pour tax from unseated 1and......... 4J» i Due Bar Association L . of all tines less treasurers per cent.......... itt. •» Bal. due Nelson. Buchanan Bridge company - 11 - * sls Offii 82 Assets In excess of liabilities I*l •! We. the Auditors of Butler County. State of Pennsylvania, having met at the Court house of said county on the 2nd day of Jan uary, WOS, being the first Monday of the y« ar according to the Act of Assembly, having ex amined tie several accounts of the County do certify that the foregoing 1» a < orre< t statement of the above accounts to the be>t of our knowledge and belief. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hand and seal ihts -d day ot March, 1. >. O. S. HCSFLTON, [SEAt.i W. C. DKTRK'K. [SEAL.I HOWARD C.UAZLETT.ISEAIJ County Auditors W S Dixon in Acc't with But'.er Co. Poor District of 1904. To bal. In Treas Jan 4. 'MI 3 275 To am't tax rec d of IHOi 0 _ and previous » To am' tax rec' of l!«'l 13 •*"- •*> To cash ree'd from County Commissioners 1 4 To cash ree'd from unseat- ed 1 and of 1903 • J To cash ree'd from unseat ed land of 1904 1!« • » To cash ree'd on temporary loans ••• ww " ±te -e By vouchers redeemed... *- r,?- By Treas percentage iic 01 By am't paid on temporary loans • •• •••• .. -- By bal on hana Jan 2, l™ ■> "~ 4 a ' $«3 773 50 #43 773 so W S Dixon in Acc't with Butler County Poor District Sinking Fund To cash in treasury Jan. 2, wot * u 8 " w To am't ree'd from taxes of 1'.<04 10 M By am't paid on bonds and coupons - •• * .K 3> By am't of Treas percent -4 - By bal on hand Jan 2, 19ft) 523 390 OS *Zi 396 OS Expenditure Account of County Home and Farm, 1904- Am't paid for clothing V furniture and bedding 4. •• " " fuel and light service. 9HO 2t> .. •• '• farm exp.(machlnery&) '4O DO «« 14 44 farxn labor • ■ w " Insurance, (home bid*) «0 30 « •* •• improvements &repairs 282 du 44 medicine and medical supplies... 498 '• groceries k provisions (for home) - WJ printing & stationery 14 00 •'incidental expenses.. . 24 o« " Home Physicians ser. 31.) a •• chaplains ser. at Home i>n 00 •• expressage •» •• •' -telephone service ... 31 *0 '• " '-postage • •••■ Buu " Pupt k employes of the Home 2010 ->3 Total expenditures for Home k farmfs Sim 4. Expenditures of the Insane at the State Hospitals. Am't paid for support of Insane at Dlxmont Hospital 440 91 Am't paid for support of Insane at Warren Hospital •• . - O.S u Am't paid for support of insane at Wernersville H05pita1................ 41. - Am't paid for feble minded at Polk Institute f7 2711 22 Expenditures of Relief and Support Furnish ed Outside County Home. 4mt paid for physlclansProf service In Bnuulpox 881 .x Am't paid for nurses in smallpox cases... uu Am't paid for medicine and supplies in smallpox 927 Mi- b_J H Am't paid for burial ex 110 00 Am't paid for Justice fees orders of relief 134 .W Am't pakl for livery hire.... 4. «J Am't paid for travling ex k removal of paupers 22t> 1> Am't paid for Incidental ex penses, fever, kc 04.J1 Am't paid for physicians professional service 24j<I .10 Am't paid for nurses in fever _ _ and diphtheria cases i 9. si Am't paid for provisions, ( clothing, &c 49U. t)< 9 S iJI -« Total expenses of the Insane and poor 827 b«3 11 Other Outside Expenses. Am't paid for interest on temporary loans 5 25W 33 Am't paid for State tax on bonds 418 00 Am't paid for poor tax re funded 20b 83 Am't paid for Treasurers per cent on vouchers redeemed k temporary loans paid... i0"~ 01 #lj. •> Total <ll»l»ur*uiuin. ut iiuilci Co. Poor district ?2n IIS S3 Liabilities of Butler County Poor District for 1905. Temporary loans unpaid! 7 iS Bonds outstanding 103 000 00 Sundry bills due & unpaid 1 3fel 4<> fill .#1 Assets of Butler County Poor District for 1906. Cash in treas Jan 2, 1905 $ 3 621 5< O&ftik on hand in poor district sinking fund. 10 «>4S <o Am't due from Col tax of 1903 and previous i. 558 JO A^ dUe from . Col taX . of 7W23S 824 724 0i Liabilities over assets .. SBU o">7 4J We the Auditors of Butler county. State of Pennsylvania, having met at the Court House of said county on the 2nd day of Jan.. lUOi, being the first Slonday of the year, ac cording to the Act of Assembly. Having examined the several accounts or the county do certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the al)Ove accounts to the best of our knowledge and belief. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hand and seal this 2nd day of March. 1905. G. S. HUSELTON, [SEAL] W. C. DETRICK. ISEAI.I HOWARD C. HAZLETT.[SEAI,J County Auditors. Products of Poor Farm for 1904. Wheat, 120 bu. Rye, 58 bu. Corn. HSO bu. Oats. 7ti3 bu. Hay, al>out 40 tons. Puttipklns, 20 wagon loads. Potatoes. 420 bu. Navy beans, 5 bu. Green beans. 15 bu. Green peas, 15 bu. Tomatoes. ">fl bu. Cabbage, 14TO heads. Pickles, one and one half bbls. Butter. 1344 D. Milk used as food, 4715 gallons. Pork. 1900 lbs. Easy and Quick! Soap=Making with BANNER LYE To make the very best soap, simply dissolve a can of Banner lye in cold water, melt lbs. of grease, pour the Lye vatcr in the grease. Stir and put af ide to set Full Directions on Every Package Banner Lye is pulverized. The can may be opened and closed at will, per mitting the use of a small quantity at a time. It is just the article n_-edcd in every household. It will clean paint, floors, marble and tile work, soften water, disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes. Write for booklet •'Uses of Banner Lye " —free. the Penn Chemical Works. Philadelphia f Wm. Foster, \ | Architect, j r Plan of all kind of bnildinge v \ furnished cn short notice. / % Office in Berg Building, 7 x Butler, Pa v ic. F, T. Pape j 5 pJEWELERI < ? 121 E. Jefferson Street. / COVLE BIf.OTHKWy Members Pittsburg Stock E-chante, Ilooiiis .">ot;-507-MH Keystone 81dg.,U24 4th ave Bdlh Phones, Pittsburg, Pa. GARDENING NOTIONS. Some Heuoni For Seed* .Not Coming t"p n* Expected. When seeds do not come up satisfac torily the gardener is apt to lay It to poor quality in the seed, but even good seed may not turn out as well as it might through unskillful handling. At any rate it is worth the inexperienced gurdeuer's while to bear in mind cer tain little precautious, aud these are made clear in some statements of the causes of the failure of seeds made by a leading eastern seedsman to prospec tive customers: First.—That some cultivators, through ignorance or forgetfuiness of the fact that the products of a garden are na tives of various soils aud climates and require peculiar management, sow their seeds at an improper season. The most tender species should not bo placed in the open ground until settled warm weather. The half hardy are subject to risk if sown when frost prevails. The early and most hardy species and vari eties should not be planted until the ground can be brought into good condi tion, as some species of plants that In an advanced state of growth will stand a hard winter are often cut off by a very slight frost while young, especial ly if exposed to the heat of the sun after a frosty night. To guard against disappointment reserve some of the seed for a later sowing. Second. —That some species of seeds, such as beans, beets, cabbage, lettuce, radishes, salsify, turnips, etc., being, from their nature, apt to vegetate quickly, are often liable to be devoured by insects within forty-eight hours after they are sown and before a plaut is seen above ground unless a suitable remedy Is applied in time to destroy them. Third. —That some species, such as carrots, celery, leeks, onions, parsley, parsnips, spinach, etc., being naturally of tardy growth, taking (in unfavorable seasons) from two to four weeks to vegetate, are apt to perish through In crustation of the soil or other circum stances which cannot always be con trolled. Fourth.—That failures often occur through seeds being deposited too deep in the ground or left too near the sur face. Sometimes, for want of suffi cient seed In a given spot, solitary plants perish, lacking strength to open the pores of the earth, and very often Injudicious management in manuring and preparing the soil will cause fail ures. To insure a fair chance, plant your seeds moderately thick, and thin out the surplus plants while young. In planting seeds In drills, which la tfcv most desirable plan, the size of the seed and strength of Its germ should be considered. Large seeds, producing vigorous roots, require deeper planting than diminutive seeds, producing deli cate roots and slender stalks. The smallest seeds should not be covered more than a quarter of an Inch. To Drive Three Hor»e» AbreaM. I send you a diagram of lines that work all right to drive three horses abreast, writes a correspondent to Na tional Stockman. I have been using them myself for two years. For drlv- LINES roil THREE HOBSES ABREAST, ing three in a binder they are very convenient. The lines are made the same as for two horses, only the No. 3 must be added, which must be ten inches longer than the No. 2. The way the lines are crossed is the way they must be put on the horses. The bits In the diagram represent the horses. A Foe to the Flock Maater. Stagnant water is the best vehicle for conveying the parasites that infest the sheep. If you have not an abundant supply of clear, pure water, easy of ac cess for slieep, do not attempt sheep raisiug. Low, marshy or spouty land is an abomination to the flock master. Either drain the ponds or fence the sheep out. ARrrlculturnl Xotea. Too much white silo corn is grown and offered to consumers as sugar corn, according to a Jersey trucker. It should be remembered that fowls are not fitted to depend too largely up on bulky foods and thut the proportion of grain In the ration must always be fairly large. The "cabbage snake fake" still glides easily along, although a harmless little worm appears to be its only founda tion, and this worm has repeatedly been cleared of suspicion by leading en tomologists. The scale and the robin are two of the New Jersey fruit growers' greatest troubles. l>r. Edward Everett Hale said at the American forest congress that he had lived to see many grand old forests in New England despoiled. He declared :hat King (ieorge 111. knew more about taking care of the woodlands than we of today know, judging from appear aucps Anrcdole or <iuiin!)|), | Gounod was ut one moment w-Hhii) an ace of taking holy orders, but on reflection he thought that the life of a priest would not suit him. He none tho less remained u Arm and devout Catholic and adored religious music. On this point a typical anecdote Is told of him. It occurred during the re hearsal of his "Draines Sacres" at the Vaudeville theater. The manager call ed on him one morning and asked per mission |o fiiakp a suggestion. "I think, liiou flier jit; sai'J, "tliat there is something wan ling i<» Sucre. For example, <lo you not think that the liarabbas incident might be improved by a little more orchestral effect?" Gounod, without replyipg. hid jit* iijia.'l in his hands and after two or three minutes meditation suddenly exclaimed: "No; decidedly nw. t»a<h a blackguard as that does not deserve more music." A CoutifiuonN Round. "fiji.ens seems very proud of the fact that lie iiua * Jvunk account." "Yes; It has developed idp» lijtv financier of the continuous type." "How is that?" "He checks his money out just for leasure of putting it back again." fc-Cleveiaim Dealer. A "I'rocllcnl" Wrddlns Gift. Tearl—Oh, we had a delightful wed ding and received so many silver pres ents. iiubi—TJjat was line. And did your -father give something ii; silver too? Pearl—Xo; he gave us a bottle oi r.cld to test the other presents with.- Chicago News. It doesn't take any grit to grumble.— Cl4cajO Tribune. THE FIRST LESSON That the young girl has of womanhood is not selaotn a painful one. She learns to know what headache means, and back ache, and sometimes is sadly borne down by this new experience of life. All the pain and misery which young jnrls commonly experience at such a time, may in almost every instance be entirely pre yorite Prescrip lisbes regnlar- cures other conse- U <j uen ce s of womanly weakness or disease. "I received your letter some time ago. with advice about your wonderful medicine.' writes . Miss Stella Johnson, of 2S Brady Street. Dayton, Ohio. " I was troubled with severe pains every month when I wrote to vou for advice. After receiving your letter and following its direc tions, I am now happy to say that after five years of untold suffering I have not had any pains sinee first using your ' Favorite Prescrip tion." I was induced through a fnend to write to 1 vou and follow vour kind advice. I thank God I and Dr. R. V Pierce for the health I now enjoy. I shall urge other women who suffer as I did to use your medicine. n "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, sick women well. Ac cept no substitute for the medicine ! which works wonders for weak women. Weak and sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All ' correspondence is held as strictly private aud sacredly confidential. Address Dr. . R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. > FREE. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense L Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt 1 of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth ■' bound volume. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gives relief. The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. Three 6lzc», 25c.. 30c. mud gI.OO. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Sts., New York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $3. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Med. Co.» William & John Sts.| N* Y. npfc SPIRITUS FRUMENTI 1-A (Whiskey) >■ Dr. Goodfellow Doctors prescribe good whiskey, for affections of the throat, bronchial tubes and lungs. Cold weather is dangerous —have a little of our pure liquor in the house. You may rely on its hiuh character —we absolutely guarantee these brands. ALWAYS IN STOCK. FINCH, litßflE, OVER HOLT. OICHEHHKiVER. MT. TKBKOS THOMPSON. GIBNOX, DII.HKIiEB, BBWGEFORT, and offer thorn to you 6 year old at )1 per full quart, ti quarts $5 (X) GRANDFATHER'S CHOICE. whiskey guaranteed 3 years old. S! 00 per RHl lon. We pay express charges on all mall orders of s."> 00 or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN A. CO WHOLESALE DEALERS IK WIHES AND LIQUORS, Ho. 14 Smithfleld St,, PITTSBURG, PA. 'Phones: Bell 2119 P. ft A. USB. PAROID READY OOFINQ. PAKOID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't :;row brittle. A NYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core ol each roll. REPRESENTS the results o years of Experience and Ex perimenting. ONLY requires painting every fcwyears. Not when first laid. T S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate or Shingles. T\EMAND for PAROID is world wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Fac-«3, Samples and Prices are yours if you will ask ue. L C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. REMOVAL. We have removed our Marble and Granite shops from corner of Main and Clay streets to No. 200 N, Main street, (opposite W. D. Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to mtet our customers with figures that are right on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and are also prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc., aa we have secured the sole agency from the Stewart Iron Wqrks of Cin cinnati, Ohio, for this town and vicinity. P. H. killer Special Offer To those purchasing jpHotos of groups or views, Bxlo, at 50c each, to the amount of $lO I will present free a fine 20x40, ex&ct reproduction that will stand washing and npt fade away. No bum work, but a fine permanent Bromide en largement, fully guaranteed. This offer is good till October Ist. 1904. FISHER, The Outdoor Artist, T!k Butler Dye Works Send For Onr free BOOKLET The MM . oaiptote ope >■ explain IOK thoroughly Our Sysuuu.UiP Popular one. GWILLIAM & WISEMAN, BROKERS. 820 Fourth Ave., 317 Third Ave.. Pitteborg, Pa. i R-R-TIME-TABL.ES B R Jfc P It It Time table in effect Nov. 27. 1904 Passenger trains leave and arrive at Butler H : follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH. 7:30 a. m., mixed for Pnuxgntawney, Da Bois and intermediate stations. 10:31 a. m. daily, vestibuled day ex- ; press fo- Buffalo, connects at Aanford, week days, for Rochester. 5:37 p. m. local for Punx'y, Du Bois and intermediate stations. 11:31 p. m. night express for Buffalo and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 6:10 a. m. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. 9:50 a. ui. week days, accomodation j from Dnßois. 5:34 p Hi. daily, vestibnled day express from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash ford we-k days from Rochester, j 8.-07 p.m. week days, mixed train from Du Bois and Pnnxsntawney. Train-' leave the B. & O. Station, Pittsburg, for Buffalo and Rochester 1 at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.. and for local points as far as Dußois at 4:05 p.m. On j Sunday the 9:00 a.m. train runs to Buf falo alone. B & O It It Time table in effect, Nov. 27. 1904. Trains for South and West.leave Bntler —town time: WEEK DAYS. 6:20 am, Allegheny Accommodation. I 8:00 am, Allegheny & Cleveland Ex. 9:10 a.m. Allegheny Express. | 11:40 a in. I 1:25 p.m. Pittsburg Ex & Ell wood Ac. 3:35 p.m. Allegheny Ex. 5:00 p.rn, Chicago. Ellwood, N. Castle. 5:20 p.m. Allegheny Ex. 5:50 p.m. Allegheny Ac.—New Castle. SUNDAYS. 8:00 a in, Allegheny & Cleveland Ex. 1:25 a.m, Pittsburg Ex. 3:35 p m, Allegheny Ac. 5:50 p.m. Allegheny Ac.—New Castle. GOING NORTH—WEEK DAYS. 9:42 a m, Kane & Bradford Mail. 4:55 Clarion Accomo. Trains leave the Alleglienv station for Butler 7:00, 8:15, and 10:40 A. M., and 1:15, 3:00. 5:30 6:15 and 11:30 P. M. On Sunday at 7:30 A. M. and 6:15 and 11:30 P M. For through ticket*, Pullman reiermtioui and in formation apply to W. K. TURNEB, A*t, Butler, Fa. E. D. SMITH, A. 0. P. A., Pittsburg, Pa PENNSYLVANIA R fe. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. ScHisrLX is KrrlcT Nov. 'JT 1904. SOUTH. / WEEK DATS . A M A.M. A.M. P.M. P. M BLTLER Loave 6 15 8 10 10 3-"> 2 30 4 £5 ■Saxoaburg .Arrive 645 9 05 11 00 255 4 49 Butler Jnnrtion.. " 7 14 9 30 11 25 3 20 6 15 Butler Junction.. .Leave 7 37 9 32 11 30 3 2" 6 17 Natrona Arrive 7 40 9 40 11 39 3 2!) 5 25 Tareutum 7 52 9 45 11 4« 3 38 5 31 Springdale ... 80295511 5£ 344 541 Claremont. .. . ' 12 16 3 58, Sliarpabure 8 21 10 1.1 12 24 4 Ort ti 01 Allegheny 8 35 10 i! 7.12 40 4 20 6 15 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Butlei for Allegheuj City anil principal intermediate itatioci at 7:20 a. m„ scd 5:05 p. Jn. _ NORTH. WEEK DATS— A.M.'A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M Alleahsnv CH} ... .It 815 82510 25 220 610 SharUburg « 30 8 39 10 39 335 ; 3 24 Claremout .. 6 38 847 10 4tt 247 .... Sprinffdalb 7 00 y 07,11 00 3 06 6 42 Tarentum 7 13 9 20 11 11 3 23 6 53 Natrona 7 20 927 11 18 3 3S 657 Butler Jnnc ar 730 93711 27 340 705 Butler June lv 742 94012 30 402 705 Saxonbnrg 8 00 10 0« 12 54 4 32 : 7 30 BUTLER 8 35110 33 1 20 i 5 05 755 A.M.|A.M, P.M. P.M. P. M SUNDAY TRAINS. —Leave Allegheny City for But ler and principal intermediate stations aw:00 a. m. and 9-30 p. in. FOB THE EAST. Week Days. Sunday, A.M.'A. M. P. M. A.M. P M BUTLER IT 6 15... 230 7 2I» .... Butler J'ct. .ar 714 320 810 .... Butler J'ct IT 7 40 4 00 | 8 14' .... Feeport 143 402 8 17' .... Knkiniiuota* J't.. 748 408 823 .... Leechburg " ! 8 ou' 420 887 .... Went Apulio " 8 22i 439 854 .... Saltaburg 44 8 48i.....i SOS 9 20! .... Blairsville 9 20! 542 962 .... Blairsrillelot.. " 9 271 ••••. 5 50; ;10 00 Altoona. M ,11 351..... 850 140 . .. Harrisbur,* " 3 10; 100 6 35; Philadelphia " 6 23; 423 10 20 iP. M.I A.M.I A.M.,, P. M.! P. M Through trains for the east leave Pittsburg (Union Station). an follows: — Keystone Express daily 3:00 A.M M UilulUii LluilM*!, Uaiijr, l ui ftu.'li VUI la delphia and New York ... 3:35 " Pennsylvania Limited daily 7:15 " Now York 44 44 7:15 44 Atlautic Express, 44 7:30 " Main Line Express, 44 ..8:00 44 Day Express, 44 12:01 Noon Mail Express " 12:46 P.M Chicago Mail daily, for Baltimore and Washington 4:50 44 Eastern Exprets, dally, for Phi la and N Y 4:66 44 New York Express. 4t 44 4t 7:10 44 Philadelphia Express, daily 9:00 ' New York Special, daily for New York, only. 10:00 44 Philadelphia Special daily. Sleeping cars to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash ington. No coaches 10:00 4 Philad'a Mail, Sundays only 8:35 A.A Note— I Carries coach paaseugers between Pittsburg and Harrisburg. For Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bridge all rail route) 8:00 a.m., 7.10 and and 9:00 p. m. daily, "Pennsylvania Limited," and New York Limited 7.15 а. m, week days. Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Division. Trains leave Kiskiminetas Junction as follows: For Buflalo, 9.51 a. m. and 11.50 p. m. daily, with through parlor and sleeping cars. For Oil City, 7.48 9.51 a. m., 2.J2, 6.07 and 11.60 p. tn. week-days. Suudays, 9.51 a. m., 6.07 and 11.50 p.m. For Red Bank, 7.48, 9.51, a. m., 2 32, 6.07 and 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.51,10.40 a. m., б.07 and 11.50 p. m. For Kittanning 7.48, 9.28, 9.51,11.3T>. m.,2.32,5.33, 6.07,7.30,10.15, and 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.51, 10.40 a. m., 6.07,10.44, and 11.50 p. m. "f" Stops only on signal or notice to agent or con ductor to receive or discharge passengers. Foi detailed information, apply to ticket ageut or address Tho*. K. Watt, Pass. Agt. Western District, 360 Fiftb Avenn*. Pittsburg, Pa. W. W. ATTKRBL'UY, J R. WOOD Ueu'l Manager. I'ass'r Traffic Manager. •GEO, W. BOYD, General Passenger A gee t Win licit! ft It Co Time Table In effect Nov. 30th, 1903. WEST W A BD. STATIONS. AM P M Leaves WestWinfield 7 3*> 2 45 44 Boggsville !. .. 745 300 Iron Bridge 7 55 3 10 *' Win field Junction 8 10, 325 44 Lane 8 20i 335 •' Butler Junction 8 25 3 40 Arrive flutter 10 65 ; 5 38 Arrive Allegheny 10 02! 6 06 pm ' Arrive Blairsville 12 45| 6 20 ~~ EASTWARD. STATIONS. A M PM Leave Blairsville 7 50 2 25 44 Allegheny j 9 00 300 44 Butler 7 35 2 35 *' Buii*r Junction 10 15 440 « Lane 10 lb 443 " Win field Junction 10 30 455 " Iron Bridge 10 40 505 " Boggsville 10 50 515 Arrive West Winfleld ilO 05! 5 30 ""Trains utTTp at Lane and Iron Bridge only on Flag to take op or leave off paasen^prs. Trains Connect at Butler junction with: Trains Last ward for Fidopcrt, Vandergrift and Blairsville Intersection. Trains Westward for Natrona, Tarentum and Alle gheny. Trains Northward lor Saxonburg,Marwood and But ler. B. G. BEALOR, G«neral Manager. BESSEMER & LAKE ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY. TIME TABLE In effect Dec. 18th, 1904. EASTERN STANDARD TIME. NORTHWARD SOUTHWARD (Read up) Daily Except Sunday (Rtadtfoun) TTJI4T"E!"| WAT " FITT l?! BtAtiur»a. u. ni. p. in. p. m. T .'lO 1 4110 6<* Krie 7 00! 1 00 4 30 7 or' !iu 2i| FsirvKw 7 2<s 4 r,6 6 Sii 1 0810 lul Glrard 1 37' 1375 08 7 0.5) 1 40)10 2»Ar_Conueaut..Lv 7 0012 Oi 4 ftO 4 50|12 01! 7 00|Lr_Con n can t_Ar 10 25 1 7 05 6 3f» 9 85|..._Cranesville 7 551 I 5 '25 G It' 2 fill 9 6-'! Albion 8 00l 200 530 6Ui fl2 3519 3u! Shad eland 8 13(2 10,15 42 C 1312 33j 9 3TI S prill gboro 8 lfii 2 13' 544 6 07 12 2w 9 3o'..Conneautville... 8 23| 2 1* 5 SO l. WlT&n. 9 60 Ar Mead vi)le..Lv 7 47, 1 M> 4 52 4 fr-'ll 321 V 47 M Mea4 illc Al 9 50; -J 1* 6 .V) 0 2212 22! 9 22.C<o'n"t £nke..Lt 8 IS 2 18. 8 i» 5 2012 OO 8 l.VLv.Cou't Lake.Ar Si 2 60 6 :2 5 45 'Ar .Llnesville.Xv ' B 65 8 55|Lv..Lincsvilie,.Ar 1 7 15 6 4'412'12"»"12 ..Meadvilie Jet.. 842 237 Vl2 6 28 11 5 ■ 8 571 Hart-town 8 67 2 49 6 28 6231150 8 50 Aiiamsville.... 903254 6 31 813 ... 8 40, Osgood 918 641 50711 85 8 33 1 Greenville 920310 C 48 6 (Mill 2* 8 2s ..Shenango 9 28! 3 16 6 52 4 4.311 W- 8 ll' t'rMjortM' • 45j 3317 12 4 2«i6 7 f>« wetel',- 10 01 3 7 W 4 2:110 51 7 51! ..Houston Jet. 10 Of, 1;» 4 OSIO 851 7 at* ftWTB ffy ... t!0 2x' 4057 50 34810 2 ! a.m.! HarrUvllle ;10 40 4¥o 3 4010 18 ! Branch ton 10 I* 427 ... .. 11 n \r,_.lli]!lard...Lv 7 («> 2 09 2 00 7 00 Lv . llllliar'l._.Arlll Hj 6 M - 33510 13 I Kei-ler. ..10 52j 4SI "... 3 19 10 021 Euclid 11 o>j! 4 45 2 07 IM._ feayior. ..Ar . 122p m. 7. j " Butler". ii at* a !«/: „u» 1 15 8 15 iLv.Allegheny.Ar 1 00 6 35 p. m a. in.' | 'P.m.p. m.j Train No.l leaving Greenville at 6:45 a. m.: Shenango 6:s3:Fredonla 7:11: Mercer 7:28: Grove i.i > ~y,, i;. : 818: Butler 9:00, arrives in AllegHciiy at 10fi a. ia.; at Q'leen I Junction v ith iruias Xo m.d frcai Saylijr, and at Branch: :i [nun Ililliani. Train Vi 2 teaming Alleghenr at3:Cop m.: Butler 4:45: 6:|i; fffJoJiia c 3|; giijjnaugo « 52, arrives in Greenville at; e<Mia*rU at t|iie,iii .iiiuotidn with trails to and Iroin Kaylor, and a: Brnnrh ton for Hilliard. E.H.UJXEY, E. V GtSlaerai lfanageV. ><«&'! I'att. igcat. i!, EVERY WEEK jj SHOWS GROWTH | ! and brings more convincing evi- i dences of a healthy business * boom. Xow is the time to make s money, and my offices are the j place to make it. in speculation. > Send for booklets showing what j I do for my customers. 8. M. Weaver Stocks aid Bonds j ?23 Fourth Avenue, PITTS BDRG. I Local office, 213 S. Main St. ' Butler, E. L. STILLWAGON, Manager. IS. Shields, BROKER New York and Local Stocks and Bonds. Member Pittsburg Stock Exchange. 328 Fourth Ave.. Pittsburg, Pa. Vandergrift Building. PAD 0 A I P Two second hand electric rlln jflLtl elevators, also two bami- IV ll onuu power elevators SEELAK ELEVATOR CO.. Fountain St. near Seventh ave, Pittsburg, Pa MIDLAND HOTEL Collins and Broad St.. It* ;Ltilif ully furnished, hot and cold water In every room, electric light, steam beat, con venlent to all car lines and East Lll>erty station. A. H Cramer, Hanson Mgr. Pittsburg, Pa. Want to Sell Your Farm? Let us try it for you. Send for our de •Mfriptlon blank. Great demand for smal places, convenient to railroads. Moderate priced farms always In demand. Make tbo price right; we will do the rest- Write u« about it. FRANK STOW N ItKALTY CO.. 7t06 Frankstown Ave., Pittsburg. I *• i JIAV WHEAT $2,00 There is where ifwill sell and If you want to get in touch with the biggest deal on record don't fall to send forour special letter on wheat. The Mutual Investment Co.. 331 Fourth Ave., Pittsburg. Pa. FOR SALE Farm of 50 acres. 2H story stone house, "large barn, hennery and out b'llldlnp, dark loam/ soil, nice neighbors, stone quarry, lots of fruit, one mile to church and school, near Atlantic City. title perfect, good opportunity for irood man. liARR\ STANGER. 75 8. 13th St.. I'lttsburß, Pa. GHfekSTER'S ENGLISH IM/ROYAL PILLS Safe. Al v.i-. ■, r. liabit I ask 0ru«1« (bi t'UH'UHMlli'.ll ESiti LIS.II In «« UK? Uold DH-tnili.; boxos, wtlb tilu» r.bboa Take no Bafuui d:iur»ruu« nbatl luUoiu ami liailatioa*. Buy of your Droggat, or send 4«r. in stumps fo r Particular*, T#atl« mnniaU and " Bellof for Laill«i, M to Wffr, by return Jf nil. lO.CO® Testimonials, bold by all Dru^Kisis. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. 1100 31 ad laun Kqnare, WA InMarrT^ivDean's A safe, certain relit >r Suppressed Menstruation. Never kbuvn to fell. Safe! Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed or money Refunded. Sent prepaid for SI.OO per box. Will send them on triaj. to be paid for when relieved. Sample! Free. UWITtP MEDICAL CO.. «o» T«. L»MC»»TI». P». Sold in Bntler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacy. L. C. WICK, DKALBB J* LUHBER. Pearson B. Nace's Livery, F««d »nd Sale Stable Rear of Wick House- Butler Penn'e The best of horses and first class rigs al wavs on hand and for hire. Best accommodations In town for perma nent boarding and transient trade. Sped al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses A good c ass of horses, both drivers and draft horses always on hand and for sale a full guarantee; and horses bougn pon proper notification by PEARSON B. NACE. Tei«»i?lione No. 21 . HUGH L CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer in Fine Whiskey For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 278 People's Phone 578. 316 East Jefferson Street Butler. P/» Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Ootician Next Door to Court House. Butler, Pa Harr}' A. Meirlir\ STOCKS 4 I Member Pittsburg Stock BONDS I Exchange a* Times Uulldlng, fittsburu, J'a. If Yon Want to Make a Quick saJe ol Tour Property or Business Write us. We make a specialty of .selling hotels, stores, merchandise, stocks and real estate of every 4:tn Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg, l'a. E»TABLISH>M> IW. JOHN IV HARBOUK Jit. BANKER AND BROKER, 401 Times Itutiding. Pittsburg, Pa. Member of l'lttsburg Btcck Exchange. Von need One In Your Kitchen, sample mailed 10 ct-. Agents wanted, have many, all successf'il. 1 wrfmi .VwTi'Ri.w C ■ 431 Diamond St. Pittsburg, Pa. PTKKINS UNION DETECTIVE AGENCY, 331 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. Established 1883. licensed and bonded. Telephones (private exchange) Hell. lds.t l'fc4 > ourt. l". A. j.<: Main night 'all Hell Ila»ei-8-L. I.Tgltimaic th-tootlV© »o*k ( u i»i| Its branches. solicited and promptly attend ed to by skilled and lawful operatives. Heal Kstiite Investments, Homes, Coal Properties, Mortgages. FRANK B. TOMB, 803 Panders* Uinldni*. », P ■ Correspondence Solicited.- Barber Trade Only B weeks required. Very little expense. NOSSOKOFF'B BARBEK SCHOOL. 1408 Peun Ave„ Pittsburg. Pa. Near t niou Station. THE LARGEST Of THE COUNTY. THE : I Butler County National Bank. I I A good. STRONG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLE of | Butler County to do business with. * / Capital $ 300,000.00 | \ Strength surplus 300,000.001 I (Assets 2,706,342.30 | We invite YOUR business—assuring you PROMPT, | COURTEOUS and service. I ''The big Bank on the corner by the Court House" | SAVINGS ACCOUNTS? Certainly, and we invite YOUR account. I The Savings Department established two years ago by this well known Banking House still 1 continues to pay to the Depositor 3 per cent interest, compounded SEMI-ANNUALLY. A deposit of ONE DOLLAR will start an account This sum regularly added to will protect you against the "Rainy Day." j Butler Savings & Trust Co. i 108 South Main Street 'J Man> persons have already availed themselves of this Department. Why not YOU? ESTABLISHED 1900. THE Farmers' National Bank, : BUTLEK, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS (earned) - $47,000.00 DIVIDENDS PAID - - - - - $6,000.00 None Stronger in the Coui\ty. I For Sale. | 85 The real estate of Mrs. Mary |5 88. Muntz, deceased, consisting of jg |gj the following tracts, all located in jg jgthe Borough of Butler, Pa. j®j fM Ist. A strip fronting 115 feet on South pE|j S§r Main street and extending along the B. & test s adapted for manufacturing or warehouse §j 2nd. The homestead of about two acres, having a large comfortable dwelling house I3S and outbuildings, fronting 150 feet on Main |g| street and lying between the plank road jig Jgj and the B. &0. R. R., having a frontage gt SSI on the latter of over 500 feet. This tract |p| * § is unexcelled for manufacturing purposes, j|| and has a never failing spring of water upon it. p|j S 3rd. A tract of about eight acres south las i jM of the plank road and west of Main street. J|S| HI This tract can be subdivided into about |g ' §fs forty buildings lots, commanding a splendid hsc Wk view and within a few minutes walk of the l» * jHf business portion of the town. j||g 81 4th. A large lot fronting 120 feet on ||j^ Main street and having thereon a two story usg jjj frame slate roof dwelling house in excel- g s§| lent condition and with all modern con- veniences. ige jgj For prices, terms, etc,, Inquire of jg | John N. /Vluntz, | No. 637 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa, j®j T $75 to $l5O 1 I For Fifteen Minutes Timel H Pretty high wages, Eh? That's what people are S I making who take advantage of 8 I INEWTOIN'S I ■ Price Sacrifice Piano Sale! ■ On account of cleaning out my store in order || Iff to get it finished for Christmas trade. It will sell *|j E Pianos at factory prices, and many less. I will || 5 quote you a few of the bargains 1 have for you: H ■I Upright Piano, fully warranted, retail price, $275.00. B S Upright Piano. t Jiy varrantel reiil price, $3/5.00; H HI Sale Price $225.00-. gig Sf Upright Piano, fully warranted, retail price, $575,90. K i§ This piano has been used, but is a bargain, 5250- 5| 9m Squre pianos from $25.00 to $125. Organs from B H SIO.OO up. 10 per cent, for cash. g | There are 24 of these Pianos to select from —new n ■ and used —so you certainly ought to make a selec- ■ I tion. Bring this advertisement with you. ■ I NEWTON'S I | 317 South Mam. °P en Evenings. E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers