THE BUTLER CITIZEN. THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1906. NSW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII advertisers toUndl-j to make chum la their ads. iboaid rotlfy us or their Intention to do §o not later than Mon day morning. Executor's cotics, estate of Jernsha Bigham. . Sheriff's sale for Apnl .. Viewer* notice. „ „ Dissolution notice, Martincnurt & Co. Pittsburg Consolideted Co. Allegheny Horse Exchange. A4mlnl»u*tors and Executor' of estates etn teenre their receipt books at the CITIZEN offlce. and persons niaUng public i salsa their note books. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —lt is lent —Good bye, groundhog. —Maple sugar makers are busy. —Sassafras tea is a seasonable drink. —That last snow was a sugar-snow. —St. Patrick's Day. Friday, March. 17th. —No contagions disease cases in Bnt ler now. —Forest Huff at the Majestic, Tues dar night. —More houses, more good houses, are needed in Bntler. —This will be a gray summer for fashionable men. —Some great shows are on the pro gram for tbw week and next. —Concert at the Westminster chnrch in Clinton twp., Friday evening. —The examination for pnblic echool diplomas will be held on Saturday, March 25th. —All Bntler wants to bear our own townsman, Forest Huff, in tbo ''Jewel of Asia" Opera Co., Tuesday night. —Eleven car loads of potatoes arriv ed in Pittsburg. Tuesday, which had been purchased in Michigan at 12 cents a bushel. —The examination of the stomachs of Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Walker has not yet been completed by the Pitts burg chemist. —"The equator," wrote an English schoolboy in bis examination paper, "is a menigerie lion running 'round the centre of the earth." —lt is sixteen weeks to the Fourth of July and the boys are already planning for a celebration. It is not too late to make a town centennial ont of it. —Hew quickly the new year in paw ing! Here we are past sledding and into marble time, almost by magic; and thatannnalapaam, called bona* leaning, U upsetting onr gizzards. —Kiral Mtii C »rrier C»lpa«w" horso broke looee from its bitching post, Tuesday evening, and waltzed around the Coart Hons* nntil its road-tart was upset and its harness ti« 1 in a knot about its neck, choking it. --Hundreds of Butler people walked down tbe railroad track, Saturday even ing and Snnday, to tbe scene of tbe wreck; and on Batorday evening three boys were held up and robbed by Ital ians. near tbe brick works. One of tbe boys named Frank Harding, resisted detention, and was slashed across tbe face with a knife. —There will be an "all-Jay sewing," beginning at 10 a.m. at tfie Library Rooms on N. Main St.. tomorrow. Fri day. Tbe ladles will alt take their lunch with tbem, and help to make new garments for tbe Rummage Sale, to take place during tbe latter part of the month. All the ladles of tbe Library Club are requested to bo present —Ones again it Is reported that the P. R. R. Co. intends building or begin ning to build, that cutoff or connect ing link between tbe P. & F. W. and the Low Grade, from Enon Wiley to Red Bank, this coming snmmer. The line, if bnilt, will nearly parallel tbe line now building, will take two years, and coat twelve millions. —lt is reported that F. W. McKee & 00. of Pittsburg, who own West Win field snd everything around it are about to erect a large glass bottle works at that place, which will employ over 100 men. The rand for the bottle works is to be procniM at West WJnflt Id A cement factory is also said to be under j oonteuiplatiou and if these two improve ments are made one hundred more houses will have to be built in West Wlnfield. Ritter St Rockenstcin have 80 men's seven snd eight dollar overcoats to sell for $4.50. Marietta Hoi ley, better known a« "Ba nian tha," or "Jostah Allen's Wife," is writing regularly for Tbe Pittsburg J Snnday Dispatch. "Rival Suitors" is the subject of her article next Sunday, MAJKHTIC THEATBG. The Royal Chef— This eveaing. In tbe rendering of tbe popular song hit. "When Old Glory floats From Everywhere," there are used in order to encbance tbe beauty of the chorns evolutions pertinent to tbe song seven different colored lights. It requires ten men operating as many calcium lights to effect tbe different light schemes. "Tbe Liberty Belles &Radinm Ballet." Friday March 17. Tbe Majestic Theatre will have for its attraction on Friday evening, an en gagement of Harry, B. Smith's well inown musical comedy, "The Liberty ; Belles", with a big cast of singer*, dan cers, comedians and specialty artist*.. "The Factory Girl"— Mar 18. "The Factory Girl,, is a new comedy drama snccess which will be at tbe Ma jestic Theatre, Matinee and Night. The many possibilities of the theme have not been lost sight of, and in every detail, from tbe splendid acting com pany to tbe scenic production, It is said to be a marvel of stage craft. Matinee, 15, 25, & 85. Nlgbt 85. 50. 75. ▲t the old Cross-Roads -March 20. A genuine dramatic treat is promised of the Majestic Monday Mar. 20 when Arthnr C. Alston's company will pre sent "At the Old Cross Roads" here. This play has been one of the most remarkable successes of tbe past two seasons. "Jewel of Asia" Mar. 21. The People of Butler will take an es pecial Interest in the opera company, ' The Jewel of Asia," which will make V? lL * D P** r *uc# here on Tuesday Matoo 21 »t, on Account of our towns* man. Forest Hnff being theleadm';; man Forest bus been with the company for aome years, and has ru-vle quite a repu tation, and onr people are anxto-i- to hear bim Miss Vera Miebelena, a neighbor of President Roosevelt at Oyster Bay, U tbe Prima Donna of tbe same Co. Marie Wainrigbt.—March 22. "Beanty nnadorned Is adorned the most '' That's trne, except, perhaps, when tbe beanty of Shakespeare's con ception is adorned by the inter jietatlon of tbem to the living senses by such players as Miss Marie wainrigbt. The play will be well staged. . Wttor St Rockensteln hare M mens' *pd eighteen dollar over "wts to •ell: for $lO. PERSONAL. j Adam Currie of Concord twp. was in I Bntler, Friday. G. A. Klever of Concord twp was in town on business, Monday. James Duffy of Cherry twp. was in town on business, Thursday. David Barto of Evans City was in Bntler on business, Tuesday. Torkovitch was convicted. "He had no business being a foreigner " John N. Johnston of Claytonia visited his friends in Butler last week. J. A. Shekely t>f Connoqnennes?ing served in the Grand Jury last week. Mrs. Robert Maizland of Clinton twp. did some shopping in Bntler, Tuesday. J. V. Cokane and wife of Marion twp did some shopping in Butler, Tuesday. Titus Young of Colorado is visiting friends in Bntler, after attending his father's funeral. Joshua Dunlap McKee, the hamlsom est man in Allegheny twp. is serving on the jury this week. Harry L. Kelley did some electioneer ing, last week, after a week s enforced rest caused by grip. ' , Ellsworth Miller of Franklin St is at Harrisbnrg attending the State Conven tion of the Woodmen. Rev. J. C. Nicholas and wife are at Harrisbnrg, being called there by the critical illness of Mrs. Nicholas' father. Jacob W. Long of Connoquenessing twp. visited relatives last week, in Cameron Co, the land of lumber and snow drifts. Frank Sellers mail-carrier on Raral Route No. 8. has added a neat and con venient white-painted mail wagoL to his equipment. Morgan Davis and wife have returned home after a two months stay in North Carolina. Morg. is chuck fnll of new southern hunting stories. Tipstaff Joe. Hinchberger is carrying an arm in a sliDg, this week. He was thrown from a sleigh some days ago. and had a shoulder dislocated. George and James Milliron and Wm Smith of West Winfield and Drs. J. M. and Wm Scott of Saxon Station were attendants at the Keasey trials. Thomas B. White of Highland Aye. returned last week from Washington D. 0. where he was the guest of his son William dnring the inauguration. Clarence Grubbs and family of Ejtb street have returned from Marionville, Forest connty wh»-re they were the guests of relatives for several weeks. Harry A Cook, a Spanifh war vetran who is in delicate health, left Saturday for California. While in Butler O>ok made his home with his brother-in law, W. C. Jamison. Mrs. George Jamison of Venango twp was stricken by apoplexy while visiting her daughter, Mrs. Forgue Eakin at Ean Claire, a few days ago. She is a sister of Samuel Jolly, lately deceased. Promoters S. R. McMasters and A. Frantanburg and Joseph Schlicht and Oscar Wiggle retnrned last Thursday from Washington after attending the inauguration and the tenth annual con vention of the P P P. Miss Florence Bartley, daughter of Walter Bartley of Oakland twp , and Samuel L. Russell, a well known young engineer of the Bntler Water Co were married, Tuesday, at the U P. parson age by Rev. A. R. Robinson. Charles P. Ritter and wife, who have been located at Ada. Ohio, for the past year and a half are the guests of bis par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H Rttter. C. P. Ritter was a recent graduate from the law department of Ada University. Dr. Lyman Beecher Sperry, of Ob erlin, O , solemnly declares that it is possible, by following proper rules, for any hnman being to live 150 years. This is a ripe old age and the avenge man who attains it ought to be able to say that "be had seen everything.*, Chess Stoner and family of tbe Kearns Crossing restaurant are having more than their share or trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Stoner and Mrs. (Jeorge Stoner are down with grip and on Monday, Miss Cbattie Stoner, who had been called home to nurse tbem had her right arm severely bnrned while starting a fire. Paul Rndert and W. D. Hoffman of Saxouburg were in town, vesfcerday. Paul has purchased his brother, Ed's, interest in tbe mineral spring property, and also purchased the Wagner farm; and be is now getting np a stock com pany with tbe intention of bnilding a modern up-to-date Sauitarintn there. Mr. Hoffman lately met with an acci dent. bad a toe smashed, and this has prevented bim from going ont election eering. ACO DENTS. William Collins sprained an arm bad ly last week while boarding his engine. It took tbe arm a day to get sore Theodore Smith and wife of Marion twp. were upset and thrown out of their sleigh last Wednesday night, but not seriously injured. Engineer Le Barron of the "Besse rner' fell to the floor of his cab, the other day, and then discovered that one of his legs was broken above the knee, but be does not know what did it. Letter to Jos. Phlster, Butler, Pa. Dear Sir: Let's talk it right ont be fore folks; there's nothiug to hide in vour business or ours; If there is we'd better bide ourselves. We are in Trade to make money, so are you. We make it by saving our customers money; so do you. Onr ob ject in trade is to save yonr customers, wood from rotting and iron, steel and tin from rusting; yours the same. We work for thousands of property owners; yon for a few. We cat. do some things that you can't do; we have the facilities. Yon can do some things that we can't; you are there. Let us work together; lie faithful to one-an other. We c,an serve our customers better by working together and being faithful to one another. Yonr dollar, put Into our paint, will patnt more feet than In any other way; and the paint will last longer. This saves yon money, aud saves your cus tomers' money. That's all there is in onr whole business. Yours truly F W Devoe & Co 45 New York P. S. Patterson Bros, sell onr paiut. Y. M. CJ. A. Mrs. Hayes, W. Jefferson Ht.. enter tained Mr. Correy's Bible Class, Tues day evening. A very pleasant time was spent by the fourteen boys who were there. On Snnday, at 8 o'clock, Mr. J. J. McKlm, Sec'y of the Y. M. C. A. at New Castle, will speak to the men of Butler. His subject will be. "The Un answered Question," and uo doubt will prove very helpful to those who hear him. The Alvln, l'ltt*t>iirg,l*A. Last Week of Kot>ert Mantel). S|Rol>ert Mantell. the Ulnslrlons trage an, will next week close the most sue cessfnl season of the classic drama that has probably been played In Pittsburg. The Oayoty I'ltlahur^. "Arlsona" which will appear at the Gsyety for the week starting Monday March 80 Is, primarily, the Is-st play Augustus Thomas has written, and Is Infinitely better than the other neigh borhrtod-drainasof "Alabama," and "In Missouri." Public Hnlcs. March 82—Stephen Bowser. Clearfield twp. Wednesday, March 20, 1 p.m., at O. A. Klever's, on the Mary A. Rider place In Concord twp,, stock, machinery, etc. Insurance and Real Estate. If yon wish to sell or bny property yon will find It to your advantage to see Win. H. Miller, Insurance and Real Estate. Room 508. Butler County jpWfeal Bank building. 7 I/EGAII XEWB. THE GRAND JURY'S PRESENTMENT. Friday the Grand Jury came into Conrt and filed a final presentment, and said a number of things that were interesting and snid them well. Starting with the Court House they recommended that the places where plaster had fallen be patched and that the building be cleaned, frescoed and varnished throughout. Additional jan i forage was suggested, if necessary; a. Morrow states he hand a contract with the Cherry super visors to build a bridge and after he had purchased the necessary materials they refused to let him proceed. J. H. Troutman, and others known as the Overheim Oil ;Co. vs. John B. Mc- Laughlin, bill in equity. NOTE* T. James Dodds has l>een appointed Deputy Coroner of Butler county. The petition of J. T. Jolly for a pri vate road in Venango twp.. which nad been decided against by the Court, was referred by to the viewers The case of Com. vs Joa. McLafferty of West Winfield has been settled. Fay Daggs plead guilty to a iniide meauor. Tho appeal from probate of the will of the late Mrs. Araminta Masseth is to be taken to the Supreme Conrt. In a statement uiado to fix jurisdiction, Mrs. Margaret Campbell, a sister Mr i. Mas seth. sets forth that she and her brother are Mrs. Masneth's only legal heirs, and that if the will is sustained they will each receive |IOOO under its provisions, while if it is set aside they will each receive about $-1000, Allien otherwise goes to other legation. The petition to erect Bessemer ave , Lyndora.into a public road wai referred ] to Viewers Harper, Henry and Shannon for review. A patent from the Commonwealth of Penn'a to Magdallne Ehinger for 200 acres in Westmoreland Co., now Buller connty, bearing date of Aug. 29, 1787, and a subsequent (lend, dated Sept. 5, 17H7, iu which Magdallne Ehinger transferred the property to John Van Laslie for $250 was also recorded. The land is located in Cherry twp. The jury in the Mrs. Stanford case at Honolulu returned a verdict of death from strychnine poisoning At Cleveland, last Saturday, the jury found Mrs. Cassio Chadwick guilty on seven counts of tbe indictment against her. and Cassie screamed aud fainted, while her attorney made a motion for a new trial. In the Ellen Kelly estate, after a hearing of the exceptions of Blanche Kelly, now Mrs. Thomas Cratty, to the final account of her guardian, F. P. Crltcblow. tbe case was settled by hor ( father, John C. Kelly of Prospect, giv ing her SISOO in cash for a mortgage which he had executed to her on his farm, and giving her a new mortgage of SISOO payable one year after his death. In 1888 Kelly and his wife, each having alsjiit $8000» bought a fine farm one mile south of Prospect. Kelly gave his wife three notes for her share of the purchase money, Kelly had several children by his fft-st wife, who had died, among them Rf,v. Jonathan Kelly of New Castle, and one daughter now Mrs. Cratty, by bis second. The second wife died in Nov., lttO'i, and F. P. Critchlow was appointed guardian of her daugh ter, while her estate was administered upon by Mr. Kelly. He and his first wife's children claimed tbe agreement between him and his second wife was that she should have half the proceeds of the farm instead of Interest on her notes, and that this agreement WHS kept. The notes however called for In terest. According to law after Mrs. Kelly's death, half the note* belonged to Mr. Kelly and half to Blanche. He lifted the notes and executed her a mortgage for SISOO for her share, and Blanche then 10 years of age, signed an agreement not to collect the interest off h«-r father for the period from IHHIi to iOuU, about SOOOO. Under this agree ment Mr. Critchlow mode no effort to collect tho Interest from Mr, Kelly. After marrying and coming of age Mrs. Cratty gave notice that she repudiated her agreement made when a minor and demanded the interest. The hearing aud settlement followed. Harry L. Uraham was appointed auditor on the final account or W. H. Falls, trustee of George Motherleln, deed. John B. Greer wasapppolntod auditor on the final account of (Jeorge Leon burg, adm'r of Henry Knauff, deed. F. 11. Murphy was ai>is>luted auditor on the final account of Mrs. Kate Byers, adm'r of the estate of Dr. John 10. Myers. A. T. Scott was appointed auditor in the estate of John I). Albert of Frank lin twp. J M Painter was appointed auditor on the final account of Iva llayn, adm'r of the estate of L M. Bruckney of Butler, Tom Hughes, alias Wilson, a notori ous burglar who has served out several sentences, and who made his home in Butler for several months last summer; was shot and killed nt Limestone, N. Y., near Bradford, Pa., early last Mon day morning. He was detected coming out of a store, and was chased and shot. He belonged iu Sharppburg. was con victed iu I*o2 of robbing the postoffice in Grove City, and Is supposed to have la-en Interested in several burglaries In this section. He was over 00 years of ag«\ was an '.II well driller, and had had a reputation for forty years. C. S. Allison was appointed election oonsublu of Cherry twp., sonth pre clnct. Ben F. Milliard, Enoch Varntim nud D. F. Cainpls'll were appointed viewers on petition of clti/.ens of Venango twp for a new road from tbe Blair school to the Lochrie farm. 1 W. P Jamisor., Theodore Kelly and ' Redic McCandlesa were appointed ' viewers on petition of Parker twp I citizens for vacation of and supply of the road from Pew's ford to the W. Keep farm. Wni H. Walker, Thomaa Hays and Arthur McKibbon were appointed viewers on petition for a new road from MeFann to the Glade Mills road in Middlesex twp. Fred M. Harper. W. J Stoiur and J. L. Seaton were appointed viewers on petition for a new bridge over the north branch of Slipperyrock creek on the New Hope and White Oak Springs ! roads in Cherry twp. The will of Jacob Snyder of Franklin twp has been probated, Jacob Jr. is given a farm of 160 acres in Biady twp. with directions to pay his sister Mary f2->OO. and his son Peter is given 150 acres in Franklin and all machinery, etc., on condition that he pay his t-i.-t"r Caroline $2500. Alfred Fleming has assigned to the American Gas company leases on th» Arensbnrg. Heckert and Criswell farms in Clinton twp. and the Ctiarlea Walker farm in Jefierson twp. At Denver, Colorado, las-t Saturday a judge sentenced Peter Miller and Michael Doud, found guilty stealing 318 ballots at the election in Novemlrt-r last, and substituting others for them to serve from three to five years each in the state penitentiary. The judge ad dressed the prisoners for 20 minutes. He characterized their crime as treason and said the persons who paid for such work were worse than those who per formed it John R. Henniuger has been appoint ed committee of the estate of James Plai.-ited, of Bntler twp. The will of the late Samuel Kea has been probated, beqneathing his farm in Perm twp. to Wm. Rea, and 28 acres to Mrs. Emma Wick and Mrs. Martha Frederick jointly. James Kea, a grand son. receives S3OO. R C. McAboy. W. S. McCrea aud W. Walker have been appointed viewers ou the condemnation proceedings of the Butler School Board on the old Borough cemetery. They are to meet April 18. John R. Henniuger was appointed auditor on the account of Mrs. Iva Hays, adm'rof the estate of Mrs Iva Brackney of Bntler. Leonard DeFoggi, a Centre Italian, yesterday afternoon petitioned Conrt to send h's danghter Louisa, aged fifteen years, to the Houee of Refuge, and a bench warrant was issued for the arrest of the girl. Louisa was a very bright little girl who was freqnently employed as an interpretor in court. Last year Louisa and a young Italian named Rosa eloped, DeFoggi had them brought back and had Ro*a sent to the penitentiary on a charge of rape, al though he and the girl were anxious to marry. The girl's course since then, if as the father claims, seems like a judgment upon him. Henry Blakeley. who was indicted for aggregated assault and battery for stabbing John A. Bonner at Ekastown, plead guilty last evening, W. Mateer, a Pennsylvania railroad officer, is on trial for a A bon a yonng man named Klinginhinith, who Mateer slapped, on tho Lawerenccvillo station platform last Sept. Klinginsmith was retnrning from the Fair and it is alleg ed he was drunk. Lee C'oovert wan placed in jail last night on charges of robbery and larceny made against him by John Irwin. The arrtft of a number of the employ ee of the Sanitary Mfg Co. of Zelieno ple. for forcible entry, created ijnito an excitement there, bnt at the hearing, yesterday, all the defendants were dis charged. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Joaifth Adams to James A Adams lot in Slipperprock for $550. Christian Gel bach to F S Zeigler 104 acres in Forward twp for S4OOO. F 3 Zeigler to Carrie Z Mettler pauie for |40"". Nick las Sailer to Jos J Speicher int. in 85 acre lease in Oakland for s4ll J 13 Vnnee to huiiio int. in Sfime for $1750 F W Puruker to F B Pfaff 4 acres in Donegal for SJM3. Jus Kiter to L A Kifer iat in 25-acre lcaso in Penn for $750. C S Negley to S M Barr 2 acres in lefTerson for S9OO. Sarah J ('row to Peter Barker lot in Mars for $175. Fred W Wittoo to Henry L Rounigk 50 acres in Winfield for S4OOO. Harvey Gibson to Harry Corbett lot in Bruin for SIOO. Harry O Ooi belt to I S Gibson lot in Brnm for SI4OO. B L Lytle to H B Black, lot in West Banbury for SBSO. Samuel (Staples to J H Thomas, lot at Gallery for $l5O. Willis L Rhodes to Milton It Shanor, lot in Butler for SBSOO, Maggie Blair to T W Phillips Oil and Gas company, 1 aore in Buffalo for $l5O. T J 11 Campbell to Mrs, L C Foster, lot in Marion for sl. Sarah Ureuue to John Cranmer, 2 acres in Franklin for $250. (ieo. JO Welsh to Berry-Markel Co lot in Jackson for $450. Geo. M Stndebaker to O N Stmlo baker, 12K acres m Worth for sl. Murrlugu J>leeiiM% William 10. Bales Harmony Maggie M. Neeley " H. L. Russell Butler Florence Bartley " H. L. Shepard Mars Gleua Shaffer " Harry Crail Centre Valley Florence McElhauy Coylesville 10. C. Glenn Butler May mo W. Rankin Centre twp Will H. Campbell Hmleuton Killa 10. Irwin lOau Claire Oscar Anderson Youngstown, O Anna Halbert Carl .Marshall Lewis Milliard Jessie Lelia Barnhart." Andrew V. Alplanalp Allegheny lOmme K. Feme Sarversville At Pittsburg, E. Workman of Petrolla and Annie Creelman of Pittsburg. I'liint Your IhiKtiy for 75c. to SI.OO with Devoe's Ulomt Carriage Paint. ft weighs Bto Hom more t» the pint tliuu others, wuar* louder and given h klohk iMirml to new work. Hold by Patterson tiro*. I'UltK HIMCINU WATKIt ICIS ami I'uro Hpring Wiitor, delivered daily to all partn of the town by JOHN A. RKJHKY People's Phono 190. Hitter & Kockenstein have 50 men's ten ami twelve dollar overcoats to null for $7.00. roit HAM:, Throe house* on Plank Koad, SIOSO, $1450 ami $1250. 120 font frontage on W««t Ht., $l,lOO 5 roomed house, Went. Ht., 91500. 15 roomed bonne, Went Ht., SIIOOO. Two excellent modern 8 roomed houses, paved street S4BOO each. Six-roomed house, 111 nfT Ht . $ 1 500. Three houses in West End, $2200, SIBSO and SIOSO. Ten roomed house, t'lny Ht, SIIOOO. Nine roomed house, Mifflin Ht... $1)500, 21 acres in Summit twp. Two houses For Rent. IS. II N BULKY, H W, Diamond. u. MIU/KR FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. Office ltoom 60S, Cutler County National Dank building. TIIP Iveasy Case. Jacob Yorkovitch aud Nick Matlock. Austrian*, were held by the grand jury last week on charges of manslaughter and felonious a&b. in connection with '■ the death of George Keasey. Jr., at West Winfield. Sept IT. 1904. Their case was the first taken up Monday and the deft-, elected to be tried separately, and Yorkovitch was pnt on trial first, j District Attorney Walker chose to pro ! ceed on the charge of manslaughter. The defense asked that the Common i wealth witness be kept from the court room, except the one being heard. This was granted and a similar ruling was made on the defendant's witnesses. The two Doctor Scotts of Carbon Black told of Keusey's injuries and the cause of death. The story of the tradegv. as brought out by the examination of .Jarjes McAnallen and Martin Sasse, t*-o of the Americans who were with Keasey at the Austrian boarding house. Mr. Austin, who lives nearby, and Geo. Keasey, Sr., the murdered youth's father, George Milliron. Snpt. of the McKees works at West Winfield, and ex-County Detective Barnes, to all whom Jake Yorkovitch had given while in the jail a story of the details, was that young Keasey, McAnallen. Dr. Duffy, who is now said to be in Okla homa. Sasse, and Sinitb. an insurance agent, were drinking beer with the Anstrians, a fight started because Keasey grabbed a bottle of beer out of Tony Yorkovitch's hand and wanted to take it home with him. Keasey was ejected from the house and threw stones at it The Austriatis went out aiter him and Keasey came back to meet them. They came together under the railroad trestle near the house and five Anstrians beat Keasev to tne earth. His skull was fractured and a few days later he died. The Yorkovitches dis appeared. Tony has never been cap tured. Jake was arrested at McKees Rocks. When on the stand he denied that he had confessed to Geo. Milliron, Geo. Keasey, Sr., and Detective Barnes that he had struck Keasey twice with a club at the beginning of the And that Tony who returned last to the boarding house after tli - said "I fixed him so he'll never set up again. I beat him with the shovel." Tuesday afternoon the jury, after being out a short time, retimed a ver dict of -guilty of manslaughter. Nieh Munlock, a companion of Yorko vitch, was then put on trial on a similar charge. Council Committees. At a special meeting of Council, Tries day evening, our police force w:is in creased by three men; the Treasurer's bond was fixed at $40,000; and President Mellinger announced his Committee* as follows: Dog—McGeary, Green. McDowell. Street—Goettler. Greenert, Lantz, Hinchberger, McGeary. Garbage—Say, Parker, Green. Fire - Greenert. Schenck, McJunkin. Water— Lantz, Parker, McDowell Sidewalk Schenck. Tamer, Hinch berger, McDowell. Green. Finance -Turner, McJunkin, Say. Police—Parker, Hooks, McGeary. Paving—Turner, Greenert. Hooka, Schenck, Say. Sewer—Hinchberger. Sclienok. Cross. Light -Parker. Hinchberger, Goett ler, McGeary, Cross. CHURCH NO Rl.s. There will be a union meeting of all the Sunday Schools of Butler in the M. E. church, Sunday afternoon at !5 o'clock, the meeting will i*! under the auspices of the St tt.< Sabbath School Association. Chicora and Fairview are fivo miles apart, and both want the Lutheran par st'ttfige. lil TLKIt MARKETS. Butler dealers are paying.— Fresh eggs 30 Bntter 3.5-27 Potatoes fiO Chickens, dressed 14 1(1 Apples, per bn 5(1-80 Caubago, per lb li Buckwheat flour, per hundred $2.50 Turnips, bn 50 Parsnips, bn 75 Sausage, lb 10 Niivy Ix-aua, IMI <2 00 Onions, bu 1 (M> Carrots, bu 75 Lettuce, lb 15 Dressed Pork 7 Honey p«r lb 15 Dried Apples (( i .. J■ w v Gifts That Please. Refined persons are thowo whose de signs and workmanship are fine and unique. Such you will find in our stock of Watches, Kings, Chains and Jewelry. Our stock has been replenished since the holidnys and is now complete in all departments. In addition to everything to be found in a firstclass Jewelry store. We also sell Pianos. Kdison and Victor Phonographs. Kautman and Poco Cameras. Photo Hupplies. Washburn Mandolins and (Jultars. Optical goods. Field and Hpy Glasses. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Court llonse. Don't Know That? That Ht<>< n'* Creamery and Milk depot i,t tlin tear of 417 Mouth Miiin Hlreet in in operation? WELL, IT IS! Ami If you want good Milk, Cream, Creamery butter or Batter milk, call and M>e UM or watoh for our wagon. People's Phon«j4!M. 801 l I'hono 20H. AKK YOUR OROCKK for Hteen's Boiled Cider In quart Jars. VV»' guarantee »ur products pure and fr e from any adulteration. J. H. STI-ENS ;KI : .AMI-RY. Do You buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and set: us when i:i need of anything in the Drujj Line and we are sure you will call again. Wc carry a fti!! line of Orugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy H. buy or TfTJ rent raii. write or A oh'no rn«. mJH List Mailed Upon Application GEO. W. AMY, FKANK A. EYTH, lUw. 21* W. < lay. VH. Ilr*. 117 llriul* Ht. Am\) Sc Eyth, Undertakers ® Embalmers ROOM FOR FTLNKH A I. HEBVIOKH. CHIN anwered promptly to all parts of the county. Open all night. 'JJ7 Month MainHt., old Postofflce Itoom. BUTUBB, I'A. Iltr*i«i JW». IIPUM* WNi fUrry*. liorm s tt , , . , , ImmcN 1,.,r». « , W«h*»n from 751» 100 bnad of h „ r .„ B lioroi-M '•«m»tanll» <>II t,,,,,,,, iinrni'M • rnirim from tin* |, orMI ,„ tmrMoi »«rjr In hurssl , liormiH J. r y- Ari...»ii» thru, you will Urn tlorM , M ln.rH|»«xl. < IMI'IIITK. ItrnuKlil I.IMI Iior«o»" rß, ; ru ' I »rpji»«' I!"«<;«. ir horxi-H I" «II»I-'•»" h„ rw » hor»«» »' 'ir" h«'r«<» Imrti'M <>ur KiMPllar Monday h 1P141 . H AU.-U<.» •• KCMIY muni'XY |; lir r :,.„ Itornm »"*l V ~y rl '". homo* 1.0r." .*« w"''"'lV, l " M hom«» i.<>>... klmU. J how* will nvury ImrHi'H ""111 f° r blgli dollar, | |(iriM .^ "riio*.7»ONAi.i•« »N. m,,, I»AN. AKNUKIM, MUW* liom< « KIVEKSIDE SALE! STABLES. horMtn North Ku(l H1... IlrUlgo. AU»|n»ny, »'*. DISSOLUTION. The partnership heretofore existing between S. B. Martinconrt and J. M. Leighner ut'der the name of S B. Mar tincourt & Co. has this day March 9, 190.i been disolved by mutual consent, J M Leighner retiring from the firm and a new firm organizedunder the name of Martmcourt & Thom, Lt d. all persons owing the firm of S. R Martinconrt & Co. will please made settlement, and all having claims present same for settle ment. at their former place of business 128 East Jefferson St. Butler, Pa. S. B. MARTIN-COURT J. M. LEIGHNER. In retiring from the above firm I desire to thank all our customers and the pub lic generally for their patronage during the time we have been in business and bespeak for the firm of Martinconrt er share, per value SI.OO, payable in cash or payments after you have written me full particulars satisfying mo of the value and safety of the In vestment. Name Address Certificates are now ready and subscribers remitting 'M per cent, or more will get Immediate atten tion. Bell Phone 701 Court. Pittsburg Consolidated Company, 1105 I'xupkiH Bunk Ultlg., 1107 Fourth AVB., l'itUbiUK. P®. Aftermath. You didn't get all you need ed. We didn't sell all our pretty thlng3. To help us both we are offer ing our fancy goods at half price. Pictures, games, dolls and toys at 1-3 off. China at 20 per cent, off Call now and get the bar gains. This is our clearance sale and your opportunity at Douglass' •j 11 H. Main Ht. W S. & E WICK, I)KA I.KKH IN Itougli iiinl Wnrkn'l I. u rubor of Klndi Dour*. HUHII nntl MOUIIIIIIKII Oil w»ll lIIKK h HprwUlt*. oWi-n mill Yord K (JunnlttvlKtu) »o BIG BARGAINS IN < ► Wall Paper ; Of course you'll need some Wall Paper, and you< ► should'nt think of buying anywhere until you've seen oun > Big Line of Wall Paper Money Savers. We have they largest and cheapest line ever brought to Butler! Come< > in and see for yourself. { > BROS., j NEAR COUKT HOUSE. , X>OOOOOOOOCOO<>dOOCOOOOOOOOC The Butler Business College SB in April CntaloKae »»i