Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 23, 1905, Image 2
THE BUTLER CITIZEN. WILLIAM O. NEOLKT Pqbllsher. THTRSDAY. FEBRUARY 23, 1905. J fl la Otherwise SIJ> i ANNOUNCEMENTS. ~ Subject to Bntler County Republican Primary. May 27, 1905, from 1 to - p. m Delegates to fjtate Convention. DB. W. B. CAMPBELL, Harrisville. JOHN FINDLEY, Butler. E. H. HUTCHISON. Harmony. FOB SHERIFF, JOHN B. CALDWELL. Jefferson twp. ALEX MCCUNE CAMPBELL. Bnt.er, (better known as Coon Campbell. ) A. O. HEPLER, Batler. formerly Oakland twp. JOHN T. MARTIN, Bnttalo twp. DAVID C. SANDERSON, Franklin twp, formerly of Clay twp. FOK PBOTHONOTARY, JOHN C. CLARK, Washington twp. JAMES M. CBCIKSHANK. Winfieldtwp. HARRY L- KELLY. Butler. formerly of Worth two. JAMES M. MCCOLLOUGH, Fairview tp. W. C. MILES, Man. REGISTER ANl> RECORDER, JULIAN A. CLARK, Centre twp. J. E. CRAIG. Mara. J. P. DAVIS, Bntler, formerly Brady tp JAMES RANKIN, Penn twp. GEOBGE W. SHIEVER, Butler. PORTER WILSON, Centre twp. TREASURER, THOMAS ALEXANDER, Bntler JACOB W. GLOSSNER, Millerstown. O. B. THORNE, Clay twp. S. C. TRIMBLE, Middlesex twp. COUNTY COMMISSIONER, (Two to nominate.) J. A CAMPBELL. Cherry twp. N. S. GROSSMAN. Franklin twp AMOS HALL, Branchton. Slippery rock twp. NOAH HENRY, Oakland twp. W. I). HOFFMAN, Saxonburg. J. N. MAHARG. Penn twp. GEO. J. MARBCBGER. Forward twp. A C. MOORE, Clinton twp. JAMES L. PATTERSON. Jefferson twp. SAMUEL M. BEATON. Butler. WLLUAM SIKBERT. Batler. COUNTY AUDITOR, (Two to nominate.) HARRY H BRICK ER, Penn twp. A. B. EKAS, Buffalo twp. W. C. FAOAN. sth Ward, Bntler. JOHN A GILLILANP, Bummit twp. WaKhlngton Notes. On Thursday last President Roosevelt sent an order to James B. Garfield, fhief of the bureau of corporations, to make a thorough Investigation of the Standard Oil Company's business and ascertain if that corporation is violating any of the anti trust laws. The in vestigation is to he made at once. This action is independent of the res olution adopted by the House of Repre sentatives, providing for snch an in vestigation. 1$ had been contemplated by the president for several days. Rep resentative Campbell of Kansas who se cured the passage of the resolution by the House, in a conference with Presi dent Roosevelt outlined the crisis that haa come to the Kansas oil industry. Agents of the bureau of corporations are being hurried into the field to probe everywhere for evidence that will show violation of the Federal laws. When Commissioner Garfield called at the White House later in the day to confer with the President he was given specific Instructions to begin with Kansas The dwrges of Representative Campbell in volve the railroads of Kansas, which, he says, acted in collusion with the Standard (Ml Company in driving out of Imslunss its competitors in Kansas, tfc* Humboldt Refinery and the Morse Crude Oil Company. The Humboldt Setneiy had a market for fuel oil at W from the Stand aid OH trust, the railroad rate from Humboldt to Kansas City was suddenly raised seven cents per 100 pounds, | ohlch drove the Humboldt Refinery to the wait Another specific instance of this char- I' actor is related in the case of the Moran Crude Oil Company, which was com pelled by the railroads to pay an ad- 1 voce of 84 cents per barrel in freight rates, and on this account was unable to continue business. Mr. Campbell pretented a statement signed by R W. Rawlins and William M. Connelly, members of the advisory committee of the Kansas Oil Producers' association, and said that in substance it contained the information furnished by him to the commissioner of corpora tions, as follows: "We charge that the Standard Oil Company has endeavored to secure a monopoly of the oil business of this •tete from the beginning of its develop ment; that it has prevented other com panies from entering the field to com pete for the oil trade. Also I that there exists a conspiracy between the Standard Oil Company and the Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fe railroad to prevent other parties from handling oil or purchasing oil in Kansas. In support of theee charges are submitted facts and figures from the books of I. M. Knapp, in hi* office at Channte. Kan., which show that S4B per car for oil was charged from Channte to Kansas City, while the rate on a car of •took, cattle or hogs was $25.50 and on a car of strawberries was but SBO. In June 1904, notice was given that on August 15,1004, the rate on crude oil would be raised to 17 cents per 100 pounds in carload lots from Channte to Kansas City—an increase of 70 percent. And the Stimdard's pipe line to Kansas Oity was completed about August 15, 1904." Concluding the memoralists charge that the Standard Oil's "crimes" are against Kansas and all the other states, against individuals, commerce and trade — the government itself— against hu manity, that the combination be dis solved and its officials punished as enemies and malefactors. Again the Senate has intruded into the forum of constitutional construc tion bv trying to decide a drawback point while considering an appropria tion bill. Here's where the bouse can aesert its prerogative and a grand mix up be provided for the three branches of government. President Roosevelt's lengthy mes sage to the Senate on the Santo Domin go negotiations is likely to pull up that censorious body as sharply as President Polk did the senate of his day, when he asked advice on the Oregon boundary question. Although it had been get ting ready to condemn President Polk for making the settlement be had in mind yet when confronted by the issue It shrank from advising rejection of the p!an and the policy of the administra tion prevailed without further cavil, i President Roosevelt impressively ex- 1 hibits the dilemma in which our govern-. ment finds itself. He shows that our government has done all it can to avoid I entanglement in Santo Domingo affairs and has finally concluded to take action 1 "only because It became evident that 1 failure to do so may resnlt in a situation fraught with grave danger to the cause of international peace. " "The present course of land-fraud in dictments m Oregon resem bits that of admitting a slave and free State to the Union to preserve the balance of tbe Senate. One day a Senator is indicted; tte next a Representative. "—Ex. The Borough Election. At Tuesday s election in Butler, the j proposed issue of bonds to the amount j of about SIOO,OOO was defeated by a vote J of 831 to 503 and as the Republicans elected six of their seven nominees for Council, the ' political complexion" of that Board is changed. Three of the new School Directors elected are Democrats and two Repub licans and the Republican nominees for High Constable and Auditor were elected, tbe vote on Constable being, Kramer 1119, Maxwell 602. In the First Ward, James Green was elected Councilman; Dr. Grossman, School Director; J. Clark. Constable In the Second Ward. William R. Turner was elected to Council; H. L Graham School Director, and A. N. McCandlesa, Constable. In the Third Ward, W. B. McGeary. 3 years and J. B. McJunkiD, 1 year, -were elected to Council; F. Earl Mc- Quistion, School Director, and I. Don aldson, Constable. In the Fourth Ward. J. C. Say was elected to Council; J. A. Bonner, School Director, and Palmer West, Constable. In the Fifth Ward. 8. B. Cross, 3yrs.. J. A McDowell, 1 yr., were elected to Council; W. T. Mechling. School Director, and J. Rice, Constable. Col. Mechling won over T. C. Pat terson of Patterson Bros, by one vote— -215 to 214: and for Constable, W. P. Brown, Ind., was defeated by Rice by 4i votes—2o4 to 158. JUSTICES. The following Justices of the Peace were elected in Butler county yesterday Summit twp., Jacob Kronen bitter, Dem.; Center twp.. William M Christie. Rep. and John G. Renick Dem.; Winfield twp.. Martin Cypher. Dem.; Clinton twp., John D. Harbison, Rep.; Franklin twp.. Elliott Robb. Rep; Muddycreek twp.. William C. T«»bay, Rep. and Sherman Gallagher, Dem.; Penn twp , William J. Burton Rep ; West Liberty borough, J. W. Boyd, Dem.; Venango twp.. T. J. Campbell. Dem.; Jefferson twp., H. G Koegler. Dem.; Worth twp., J. G. Glenn, Rep , Buffalo twp., George W. Cramer; Eau Claire, W. P. SMckle. Rep.; Jackwn twp., George Wilson, Dem.; \alencia, Charles Honben, Rep.; Mercer twp, E. N. Barnes, Dem. and Robert Shields, Rep, Fairview borough, M. 8. Ray, Rep.; Adams twpr, John F. Shannon, Rep. and J. A. Kennedy. Rep.; Alle gheny twp., R. H. Brown, Rep.; Done gal twp.. John J. Kaler, Rep.; Fairview twp., W. F. Campbell, Rep.; Clay twp.. Joseph Mechling, Rep. NOTES. In Pittsburg John B. Larkin, the can didate of the Biglow combine, was re elected Controller over McLean the Re publican nominee by a majority of 8,837. New Castle had eleven candidates for Mavor at Tuesday's election, and Louis Hainer was elected. RuhhlU. The sensational event of last week in Russia, was the assassination of the Grand Duke Sergius, who was blown to pieces by a bomb, thrown into bis car riage as it was leaving his residence in the Kremlin, Moscow last, Friday after noon. The assassin was arrested and gloried in his deed. Sergius, who was an nncle and close advisor of the Oar. made himself ob noxious as Governor of Moscow,and af ter Vladimir was tbe most hated man in the country. The Czar, Vladimir and several others have also been sentenced to death by the Terronsts, whose object is to force a constitutional government by killing off the most determined au tocrats. All the students of the Moscow Uni versity left on accouqt of their dissatis faction with the Goverment, and the school is closed. Admiral Togo and bis fleet started South for Japan, last week, and may go on to Madagascar. The Japs are preparing to invest Vladivostock with an army of 500,000 men. The New York agents of the Japanese Goverment have ordered seventy-seven locomotives from the Baldwin firm in Philadelphia. The cost will be nearly a million dollars. Yesterday there was more peace talk in the papers. Japan has indicated her terms, including an indemnity, the amount of which is not stated, and it is said the Czar and his advisors, princip ally upon the advice of the Emperor William, is willing to come to terms. Conferences regarding peace are also being held in London and Paris. Admiral Togo and his fleet are re ported in the Indian Ocean. A MINING disaster in tbe South is something new, but one happened in Alabama. Monday. An explosion and cave-in in the Virginia mine near Birmingham entombed a hundred men, most of whom are believed to be dead. AT Chicago. Tuesday, United States officials commenced one of the most ex haustive inquiries ever started under the Sherman anti trust act. by issuing sub penas for 185 witnesses, calling for a Federal Grand Jury to sit March 20, and making full arrangements for pro ducing complete evidence regarding the operations of the packers on Chicago and other packing < entres in detail. Oetojfe nar imi s. This Association of men older than 80 years will reassemble on next Saturday. February 25, in tbe rooms of the Y M. C. A. of this place at 2 p. m. All men of the county over 80 are invited and wil! be welcome. No expense. Oil an»L GUM Xotes. -The Market is t1.86, Penn Twp.—Morris McClymonds and Dietrich are starting their No. 2 on the Sam Patterson farm north of Leota, No. 1 is holding up at eight barrels. Oahagan and (Vs. well, same farm, and T. W. Philips No. 1 on the old Wil son Graham are doing about the same The South Penn oil Co. Is drilling on the Graham. Oakland twp.—The salt water hi the Toomey and Mason will on the was cased off last week, and the well developed a fKX)pound pressure of gas. Colorado—A Mil for the establishment of a State refinery has been introduced in the Colorado Legislature. Tb>- bill provides for the appropriation of $125,- <*H> for the erection and operation of a refinery. The price of crnde oil in this State has recently lieen reduced from $1 to 80 cents a barrel. Oakland—The Orfkland Oil (V<i w*ll on the Miller Wick is >aid to lie doing 10 bbls of oil per day. Kansas—The Kaunas House of Repre- Isentatives without a dissenting vote, passed the bill making oil pipe lin»?s . common carriers. This is the second of the series of bills directed against the Standard Oil Co. It has already passed i the Senate and will, it is said, be signed I by the governor Wltnont this bill the 1 refinery plan could not have been car ried out successfully, owing to the lack of pipe lines owned by the Htate ; Oovernor Hoch signed the bill pas*««l Wednesday appropriating s2<>o 000 for the erection and maintenance of a State 011 refinery with a capacity of 2.000 l>ar r*la a day. It is now possible for Kan sas to begin lu earnest the fight against the Standard Oil Co. ACC'I DKXTs. Wade Willetts, aged 12 years, of Ins titote Hill, was seriously injured. j Thursday evening while coasting down East Jefferson St. Motormat: Lewis Cooksey of Findley, Ohio is totally blind ad a result of the terrible cold weather. His rnn is be- | tween Tromley and Jer?y City, on the Toledo. Bowling Green & Southern trac tion Companies line After his ran he discovered his eyes were frozen, and he is now blind. Nelson Fulton one of the best known residents of Middlesex twp. is suffering from a broken arm sustained by his horse running away and throwing him out of his sleigh while on his way to etourcb. A serious billions attack fol lowed, the accident. Bert McAnallen was badly scalded by the explosion of a boiler at the Irwin & Obriatlv well on the Pine Tract, Centre twp , Monday morning The boiler of tue Gahagan & Co. well on the Patterson farm in Penn twp ex ploded with tremendous force, last Sat urday morning Pieces of it were thrown several hundred feet and the engine house blown to pieces. The pumper, very luckily happened to be some distance from the well at the time. The name of the pumper whose for tunate absence at the time saved his life is Win Morrow, but the accident cost him his iob John Olowsky had an arm broken and bis head hurt by th* engine of a saw mill near Leasureville, lart Satur day. He was soaping the belt at the time when his foot slipped aDd his arm was caught and drawn into the wheels He was taken to his home at Dilks, and he was yet unconscious yesterday. Daniel McFadden of Great B«*lt had three ribs broken by a fall on the ice, Monday. Robert Mathiott, a eon of Dr. Mathiott of Mars, and bookkeeper for the Oil Well Snpply store there, was struck by a fast south bound train at Myoma station, last Sunday night and thrown upon the pilot of the engine He did not lose consciousness and held on until the train slackened its pace at Downieville, where he threw himself off and called for heip. His cries were beard by the night operator, who stop ped the "bummer ' and had him taken aboard. At Mars his father was notifi ed, and come on with him to the Butler Hospital. On Monday morning one of his legs was amputated. DEATHS. GRAHAM—At her home in Butler Feb. 18. 1905. Mrs. Esther, wife of William Graham, aged about .">0 jeara. Her death was caused by grippe. She is survived by her husband, two sons and three daughters. CROSS—At her home in Butler, Feb. 17, 190.i, Louise, daughter of W. L. Cross,a ed 3 years. Her death was caused by pneumonia. WALLACE—At his bomein Allegheny. Feb. 16, 1905, Dr. Theodore Cu9hing Wallace, in his Mth year. Dr. Wallace was born on the farm, south of Butler in 1839, and located in Allegheny about 3.) years ago. RADER—At fhe home of his daughter Mrs. Margarette Feigel. in Butler, Feb 17, 1905, Peter Rader, formerly of Connoquenessing twp. aged 81 years. He is survived by two sons, Lewin and William of Connofjuenessing. and three daughters. The 24 oil wells on his farm are owned by the Standard Oil Co. DAVIS—At his home in Boyers. Feb 11, 1905, Reese Davis, in his 51st year. Mr. Davis' death was caused by ca tarrh of the stomach He formerly lived at Claytonia, and was well and favorably known in mining circles. He was buried at Harrisville. His wife and three daughters survive him. DUFFY—At bis home in Mariou twp Feb. 12, 1905 John Duffy in his 71st year. MORRISON— At his home in Harris ville, Feb. 8, 1905. James H. Morrison Sr., in his 80th year. He Is survived by three sons: J. H., Jr., and Walter L, of Harrisville and Hazen. who resides in Mercer. Mrs Morrison died about one year ago. McELWAIN—At his home in Sewickly. Feb. 18, 1905, John McElwain, a na tive of Zelienople, aged years McBRIDE—At his bomein Butler. Feb. 19, 1905 Joseph Paul, son of I. L. Mcßride, age 3 years. McFARLAND—At her home in Alle gheny, Feb. 18, 1905, Eleanors Berry, former wife of A B. C. McFarland, aged 43 years. Her death was caused by typhoid. REIGER—At ber home near Carbon Centre, Feb. 18, 1905. Mrs. Valentine Reiger. aged 71 years. HOLLAND At her home in Washing ton twp., Feb. 20, 1905, Mrs. Frank Holland, aged 22 years. SHAVER—At his home m Batler, Feb. 21, 1905, C. W. Shaver, formerly of Crawford county, aged 62 years. MeCANDLESS—At her home in Centre township, February 21, 1905. Mrs. Amelia Bingham, widow of W. Coulter MbCandless, aged 64 years. YOUNG -February 22, 1905, Louis F.. infant son of George Young. FLEMING At his home in Buffalo township, February 18, 1905, Edward Fleming, aged years. His death was caused by typhoid, ARMSTRONG—At bis home in Slip peryrock township, February 19, 1905, George Armstrong, aged years. WILSON—At Sonvea, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1905, Thjmus 11. Wilson, formerly of Butler, aged 29 years. He was buried from the home of his sister. Mrs. J. B. Mates in Bntler, yes terday. BAIiDAUF—At her home in Pittsburg, Feb 20, 1905, Mrs. Lizzie Baldauf, formerly of Butler. GILLMAN Feb. 30, 1905, infant sou of Joseph Gillmnn of Butler. BART LEY—At his home in Allegheny, Feb. 19, 1905, Harry H. Hartley, aged 87 years. McCREA—At his home in Donegal twp , Feb. 21, 1905, James H. McCrea, aged 42 years Mr. McCrea's death was cansed by kidney trouble. He was the youngest son or Daniel McCrea, dee'd. DUPONT —At his home on Zeigler Ave. Feb. 22, 1905, Valentine Dupont, a«ed 7b years. YOUNG At his home in Bntler, Feb. 19. 1905, Simon P. Young, aged 82 years. Mr. Young was born in Luzerne Co Feb. 17, 1823, and moved with his fath er's family to this county when be was but six years of age His father. Hen ry Young, settled in Bntler twp. south of town, and raised a family of eleven children of whom Simon was the sixth He continued on the old farm till 1855 when be purchased the farm in Summit twp near Bonnie Brook npon which be lived nnttl a few years ago when ho moved t<> Bntler and made his home with his daughter. Mrs. Forsythe. Hi was the father of nine children, five of whom survive bim. Titus, and Henry in Colorado; Elmer E., Mrs. Forsythe, and B*rtou in Butler. In his boyhood days Mr Young was noted for his strength and activ'ty. He WHS an honest, useful and industrious citizen and all his life respected by all who knew him. His funeral t's»k place on Tuesday last, 21st inst. The services were con ducted by the Rev. W. E (Oiler, of the First Presbyterian church of this place, of which church Mr. Youuif was a member. The interment was In North Cemetery, Nasal CATARRH In all It* °*7oL Ell's Cream Balm clesriWH, soothe* ari'l heals I y Tjf m the di*ru<'<l mvmbranc. It eureacatarrU and drive* M, awajr a cold In th« head quickly. Cream Ttnlm la placed Into th« nnatrila.aprrada crrcr the memhraria and la ahaorbed. Italief la Im wwllato and » enra followa. It la not drying—do«« not produce anrexing. l argo Stat, 80 cents at Drag glit* or bjr wall; Trial Hize, 10 cents. KIT WWTHJEJW. 10 Wiirm Mn* IHfc TESTS FOR DIAMONDS j SIMPLE METHODS BY WHICH ONE MAY DETECT IMITATIONS. The Hardnesi of Genuine Stone, Its Resistance to Hydrofluoric Aeld and Other of Its Peculiar Proper ties—Colored Diamonds. If you doubt the genuineness of your diamonds or stones which you contem plate purchasing it is not necessary to submit them to an expert. By study ing the following methods of testing these gems, says the Columbus Press Post, you may become your own ex pert. For the first lesson take a real dia mond and an imitation. Drop them in glasses of water. The imitation wiil blend with the water and become al most invisible, while the real one will be distinctly visible, shining out white ly through the liquid. Dry and clean the two stones, and on the flat side of each put a tiny drop of water. On the real the drop will hold its globular form and can be led about with a pin point. The drop on the glass one will spread. Study the two stones with a magnify ing glass. The facets of the false one are even and regular. On the other they are of varying sizes. The reason for this is that a diamond cutter with a good gem will sacrifice symmetry to weight, preferring to leave some Blight irregularities in the planes and edges than to reduce the stone's value. The material in a false stone l>eing of little value, the cutter makes as finished a Job as he can of it, the appearance counting for more than the stone it self. If a real diamond be used as a minia ture reading glass, aided by a large magnifying glass, a tiny dot on paper appears clear and clean. Substitute the false stone, and several points or one badly broken one will be seen ow ing to unequal refraction. Then you can try the familiar experi ment of scratching a sheet of glass. Because your stone wiil scratch does not prove Its genuineness, however. Try to break the glass evenly on the scratch. No other stone can cut through the outer skin of a sheet of glass and give certainty to an even fracture like a diamond. Your true diamond is proof against the hardest file, but the instrument will easily scratch any imitation that has ever been made. Having scratched your pretty bit of glass till it is worthless, drop it and the diamond into hydrofluoric acid. Be fore long the glass will be dissolved, but the diamond will not suffer at all. Then there is still another experi ment. Take a bit of stuff with red and white markings, pass the stone to be tested over it and closely observe the result. If the stone be an imitation the colors will be distinguishable through It; if It be a diamond no dif ference of color will be appreciable. A genuine diamond rubbed upon wood or metal, after having been pre viously subjected to the rays of the electric arc, becomes phosphorescent in the dnrk. This cannot be .".aid of any of the imitations. If the stone to be tried be covered with borax paste anil after being well heated In the al cohol flame dropped into a glass of water the proof will be Instantaneous. The glass imitation will fly into bits, while the genuine stone will not be :if feeted. Finally, try to crush between two hard plates a diamond and an im itation and learn the difference. After the diamond the sapphire is the hardest stone. With her more beauti ful sistPr she possesses also the quality of resisting the attacks of the file, but she is, however, cloudy in appearance and of n milky hue. The topaz is slightly yellowish and surrenders to the cutting teeth of the file. There are a greut ntunl>er of white diamonds, but t pure, clear, transparent stone without a shade of color Is more rare thau Is often supposed. Besides white diamonds there are some which exhibit the shades of red, blue, green, yellow, brown, black and pink. Ileat sometimes causes a dia mond to change its color, and after a time the color thus acquired becomes permanent. Yellow diamonds, or those commonly denominated "off color," furnish the greatirst variety of shades and some of them exceed In beatify all other stones of that color. Specimens of canary colored <lin monda are by no means rare. They may almost be said to be common. A pink or rose colored diamond in of great value, and the red diamond, sur passing tbc ruby in its magnificent col oring, is considered tlio most beautifn! of all the precious stones, being ex ceedlngiy rare. The one bought by Paul, czar of Kussla, weighed ten carats and cost him two and one half million francs. A perfectly black dia mond ll almost as rare as a red one. For beauty the blue stones come di rectly after the ml diamonds. Tbose possessing the deep blue, and In this respect resembling the sapphire, are In deed most beautiful gems, differing from the sapphire only In quality and by the magnificent fiery colors peculiar to the diamond. The only true blue diamonds come from the mines In In dia. The varieties of green are not so rare as the blues, reds, blacks and pinks, but those of grass green hue like the beautiful emerald are seldom found. Where they do exist, however, they sur pass In brilliancy the finest emerald. In place of the Brazilian diamond, which of late years lias become quite scarce, Cape diamonds of much In ferior value and brilliancy are often 3old. To be able to distinguish between these gems Is an accomplishment pos sessed by the few. A factor In th* I'roMrm. Blanche liocs she love him? darn— ITow can she tell? She doesn't know yet what his Income Is. RECEIVER'S SALE. The undersigned, as receiver of the Lyndora 3upply Oompriny;of the village of Lyndora. township of Butler, county of Butler, I'a.. as per order of Conrt of Common Pleas of lintler County, I'a., Ms. I). No, 14, Jnn« Term. 11*01, will exp<*e lo sale at pnblic onfcery on the premises aforesaiil, commencing on SATURDAY. FEBRUARY W, U)OS, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing nntil all of the following personal prop erty Is disposed of : Groceries, Dry Goods. Boots and Slums, Clothing. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Contents of Drug Htore, Meat Market Outfit, Furniture, Hhow Case* anil Movable Fixtures, Safe, etc.,as well au all other mer elisndise and personal projierty belong ing to said Uyndora Supply Company. Tk.kms ok oa i,k Cash. Right to reject any or all bids re served. ROB'T. B. LKAN. Receive! Lyndora Supply Co Fkank H. Mukimcy, Attorney. .Jamks It. KkaitNH, Auctioneer. Gbo. W. Amy, Fkank A. Eyth, Res. 2IH W. ('lay. Ht. lies. M 7 Hruily Ht. AmvJ &r Eyth, Embalmcrs liOOM Fort FfNEKAb BEKVKTV. Calls anwered promptly to all parts of the county. Gjien all night. 247 Sonth Main St., old f'ostofHc.e Boom BUTLER, I'A. I«n plumiM*. P»o. fTioon t»n. Btng I. SHERIFFS SALES. By virtue of >un<!ry writs of Ven. Ex.. El. Fa., Lev. Fa.. 4c.. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Hutler Co., Pa., and to me directed, there wlli lie exposed to public sale at the Court House In the borough of Butler. Pa. on Friday, tlie IJrd day of March, A. D. 19ft">. at one o'clock. P. M., the following described property, to-nlt: E. D No. .">l. Man*h Term, and C. P. No. 102. T. 1«M W. I). Brandon. Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of The M<*Guire Metallic Vacuum Casket Com pany. a corporation, of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Butler twp., Butler county. Pa- bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of Chess Stoner. east by the Bessemer A Lake Erie Railway Company, south bv lands of George Heiber. west by the Millerstown public road and the public road extending iron, the Millerstown road to Keiber's mill; containing seven (7j acres, more or less; there is excepted and reserved from this eround as above des- riljed. First a lot con veyed to Nellie A. C.ipln. fronting forty (-10) feet on roadway to the Water Works plant and extending southwardly one hundred and twenty-five (VX>) feet along the old lieiber mill road, with tool hous> erected thereon, -econd a lot conveyed to William Crawford, fronting (4f>) feet on tne same road and ex tending southwardly one hundred and twenty-five (135) feet, having also an office building now used a.-> a residence thereon. Third a lot. conveyed to James Taylor, front ing forty (40) feet on the Millerstown road and extending back ea_->t*ardly one hundred atd twenty five IliS] feet, having an old tog house erected thereon. By reference to the respective conveycnces a description of tnese three lots will more fully appear there is also excepted from this grant the roadway owned by the Butler Water Company, ex tendldg from the Millerstown road eastward ly across the.property to the pump station: also the right of way to the said Bessemer A Lake Erie Railway Company for its siding or V extending up to the Millerstown roau and back as per previous grant of right of way to said company, a one and one-half story brick building, used as a double resi dence and outbuings. Seized anil taken In execution as the prop erty of The Mi-Quire MetallicV*cuum Casket Company. a corporation, at the suit of J. F. Anderson..!. H. Troutman, William Camp bell. Jr. E. D. Xo. 31. March Term. 1905. James Bredin. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of James. W. Miiinmel. of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Centre township. Butler county. Pa., bound ed us follows, to-wit: On the north by Henry LelUilt's heirs,east by landsof s irne parties, south by landsof David Birches' heirs, west by lat.ds of Moors' heirs, and containing five (i) acres, strict measure, with board stable and coal bank thereon. ALSO- of, In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Centre twp., Isutler county. Pa., bounded is follows, to wit: On the north by lands of l.eibolt's heirs, east by same parties, south hy lands Geo. Schad, and west bv lands of Moore. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of James W. Shimmel at the suit- of Margart l>augherty for us of James Bredin. ci. al. E. I>. No. :«>. March Term. IHOS. Stephen Cuu,mlngs. Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Martha Galloway, of. In and to all that cer tain piece or par. el of land, sltuatnl In Con n(x|uenessing township. Butler county. Pa bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands pf Thomas Galloway and William Allen's heirs, east by lands of William Aiken and Flndley Aiken, south by lands of A. Stewart, west by lands of Wm. Fletcher, el. al.. and containing eighty-seven ts7) acres, more or less. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Martha Galloway at the_ suit of Barbra Gelbel and Joseph Gelble, Ex'r of the last will and testament of Charles Gelble. E. I>. No. *l. Man li Term, lix Mi. Williams A Mitchell. Attorney. All the right, lltle. Interest and claim of L. Hammond, mortgagor. Caroline B. Ham mond. terrc tenant, of. In and to all that certain p'.ece or parcel of land, situated In Slipperyroek township, Butler county. Pa.. bounded ms follow*, to-wit. Adjoining lands of John li. 11-Kir. ZiwU Fielding's heirs. Bra hams and others and being lot four hun dred and fifteen (115) in the Centre Donation District and more tiijjilcularly bounded and described :t» follow?: Commencing at the northwest worner o1 tt»« tract by lands of Xteed Snyder and A. Barnes In the centre of a road running from Harmo-iy church to Butler Pike: thence due souUi along the centre of said road and bounded by Barnes east lino one hundred and thirty-six 136 rods to line of lands of S. <J. Chrlstlev: thence due east along Chrlstlev and Felldlngs north line two hundred and sixty-six and one-half (riiKi'/jl rods to lands of Bingham; thence north by Bingham's west line fine hundred and thirty-six (138) rods to line lands of Geo Jenkins; thence due west by Jenkins'south line two hundred and sixty six and one-half (3K>!4) rods to place of beginning; containing two hundred and twenty-six acres and eighty-four (si) perches, lie the same more or less, about one hundred and thirty-five acres (I®) cleared, two story frame dwelling house, frame bank barn and outbuilding thereon erected; lielng the same land and premises that were granted and conveyed unto 1,. Hammond o/ James G. Douglass and others, heirs at law of Samuel M. Douglass, dec'd., by their deed dated the »'.th day of January. A. D. IHS7, and lecorded in the Recorder's office of Butler county, I'a.. In Deed Book No. KM, I'age 197. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of L. Hammond, mortgagor, Caroline B. Hammond, terrc tenant, at the suit of John Forcht. E. D. No. 17, March Term. Ifitti. W. 11. Lusk and Harry L. Graham, Attorneys. All Hie right, title. Interest and claim of B R. K line. of. In and to all that certain piece or pi.runl "t liuid. situated In Franklin town ship. Butler county, i'a., tiounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of James A. Cratty and E. McJunkir., east by lands of Phlllin Bllnn's heirs and It. M. McUall, south by lauds of James Riddle and west by lands of William Ralston and a public road, con taining I(*> acres, more or and being the same tract of land which William Gallagher, late of Franklin townshln, Butler county. I'a.. died., seized and which having been sold by his executor, William Ralston, for the payment of his debts by virtue of an order of sale Issued from the Orphan's Court of Butler county, was purchased by the first party and conveyed to him by deed of said executor dated the IStli dav of September ln."S. and recorded in Deed Book IIS of said county on page !»7, to Walter L. Graham and by the said Waiter L. Grah im and wife, Margaret A. (iraham, conveyed by deed dated the lutli day of December, A. D. l-tti. recorded In the officii aforesaid lu Deed Book 141, page 101. to Albln Miull/. and by the said AlhlnShultr and Pauline HhulW, his wife, conveyed the same to Jacob Hhumaker by deed dated the :i|st day of August, A. D. ISM, recorded lu t lio office aforesaid In Deed Hook 111. page 117, and by the said Jacob Hhumaker. Rachel Hhumaker his wife, con veyed the same to B. R. Kline, hy deed dated February Sth, 1901, recorded In the office aforesaid In Deed Book 1%, page S3; to gether with all and singular the buildings and Improvrnents. Streets, lanes, alleys, passage*, ways, water, watercourses, rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and ap purtenances. whatsoever thereunto Imlong- Ing or In any way appertaining and the re visions and r<;lnalna< r» thereof. ' Seized and taken 1U execution as the prop ' erty of 11. R. Kline at the suit of Jacob Gclbacb. E. D. No, 18, March Term. |M». Harry 1.. Graham and W. 11. Lusk. Attorneys. All the right, title. Interest, and claim of 11. R. Kline, of, in and to all that certain piece or trad of land, situated lu Franklin twp., Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wlt : On the north by lands of James Cratty and Charles Gallagher, east by lands now or formerly In longing to heirs of Phillip llllnn, south by lands now or formerly owned bv James Riddle and on the west by lands of William Ralston and public road, containing Idtiacris or land, more or less; being the same land which William Gallagher, died, seized of and conveyed bv his executor. Wil liam Italston, by executor's deed duly exe rtiled apd date" tin l«th day of Heptemlxr. A. I'. I'ss. recorded in the office for the re ll.filing of deeds In and for the County of Butler. In Decu hook lis, page |i7. to Walter I liriiiiaiii. ind by the said Walter 1,. Giu liani iiid wife, Margaret Graham, conveyed by ill i d dati d the jutli day of December, A D. H'l, recorded In the office aforesaid In Deed Hook 111, page |i>|, to A I bin HhulU anil !,y I lie said AI bin Hhaltz anil Pauline Shult*. Ids wife, conveyed the same to Jacob Hcliu niacker by deed dated the 31st dav of Aug., A D. Is'.H, recorded In the office aforesaid In Deed Rook 111. page 117, and by the said Jacob Hchumacker, et ux, conveyed the .ame to It. R. Kline by deed dated Feb. Sth. limi, recorded In the office aforesaid In Deed Book UNI. page SSI; with frame house, bank barn and orchard thereon. ALSO That certain other tract of land situate In the townshln, county and state aforesaid, adjoining the tract above de scribed and Isiundi d and described as fol lows: <>n the north by lands now or former ly of William Gallafther.OU the east by lands now or formerly lielonglng to the heirs of Phillip Blliin and on the south and west by lauds form* rly of William Gallagher; con taining 13 acres, more or less: anil being the same land sold and conveyed by the High Sheriff of Butler county to K. McJiinUln, by deed dated and acknowledged March o. ls«0, recorded In But ler county. In Deeil Itook 142, page is*, and hy the salt! K.. Mcjiinklh con veyed by deed dated the sth of May, Issu. to Walter L Graham, aforesaid. (Bemaliider i of chain of t Hie same as above tract.) Helzed abil taken In ex«cutloii as I lie prop erty of H. It. Kline at the suit of Emma J. Hauler. E D. No. no, March T. IW. and C. P. No. lit'., March T„ IWB. A. T. Black, Attorney. All the right, title. Interest, anil claim of It. I, Barns, of, In and to all that certain piece or pan el of land, situated in Marlon twp.. But h i- county. I'a.. liouuih d as follows, lo- I wit : On t lie nort hby lands of W. K. Foster, east by lands of W. F, Foster and White Oak Road and lands of James Kerr's heirs, south by lands of James Kerr's heirs and the Mercer and Koser.bcry road, and west by landsof John McCllntOck and W. E. Foster; containing one hundred and fifty (IW) acres, more or less, mostly cleared and under culti vation. frame house and frame barn, orchard ami other Improvements thereon and under laid with coal and lime stone. Seized and taken to execution as the prop erty of It. 1,. Barns as the suit ot (ill Well Supply (Jo. E. D. No Is, March T. IH0», and ('. P. No. I'st, Sept. T. 11*13. A. T. Black, Attorney. All the right, title, Interest and claim of William Black, Jr., Of. lu and lo all that, certain niece or parcel of land, situated lu Marlon township. Butler county. I'a., bound •d as follows, to wit: On the nort I. by lands tormerly owned by Roliert Doiigmi ami It. 1,. Illack, east by the creek anil lands ot Joshua T Illack, et lil. anil on the south by lands formerly owned by Alex McMurray. et al, , and on the west by same and lands or llus scli Vandlke; containing one hundred anil | Iliree acres and 10 perches, with log house j and frame barn I hereon, and other Improve ments, underlaid with coal and limestone. I Hi'l/ed and taken In execution as the prop- | erty of William Black, Jr.. al the suit of Joseph llalley, now for use of F F Wink, . Adm'r of It, K. Wick, dec'd. !•' D. No, 4,"i, March T, I'tKi. and ('■ P No. 181, Dec. T It*> 4. W. D. Brandon. Attorney, All the right, title. Interest and claim of Sarah h rnrna snow, or. In and to all that certain plci i or parcel of land, situated In Forward township, llutler county. I'a . Ixiundcd as follows, to-wlt: On the north by Iniidsor Mrs. Ellen Burns, east by public rofld, south by Krelas' heirs and west by jmjiibart; containing nlghteuu acres, mors 'orTmft ' A LSO—Of. In and to ail that certain place or parcel of land, situated In Valencia Doro. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to wlt: Bounded on the southwest by landsof McGee's heirs, fifty-two and one-half (hiS) feet, on the northeast by Crosvsvaie Alley two hundred and forty CMOI feet, on the northwest by F.lmira street fifty <3<u feet, on the southwest by lot of No. 5, owned by Lee, two hundred and nineteen CIS) feet, being lot No. 6, south tier of a plan of lots located and marked by tiie said Dr. S. O. Sterrett. with board frame house and outbuildings thereon. ALSC—Of, in and to all that certain piece | or parcel of land, situated in Valencia ooro. i Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to wlt: Being lot No. 3of a plain of lots laid out by S. O. Sierret. east of another plan laid out by S. O. -terrett. bounded and described t as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a post at . soutliweast corner of said lot No. 3 and run- [ ning In a northerly direction along the line of a lot owned by E. Illack one hundred and ] thirty-nine and » 10 [lifii s-10] feet to a post; thence along lands of S. O. Sterrett In an I easterly direction fifty f.'SV] feet to a post;! theuce along line of lot No. 4ln a southerly direction one hundred and thirty-three and 4*i-10n [133 4(1-100 feet to a post on Crowsvale street: thence along Crowsvale street fifty ! 1.50] feet to place of beginning. Itelng the I same lot of land deeded to the said Robert Calvert Glossgow by S. O. Sterret and Sarah | A., his wife dated the i7th day of April. lv*4. I and recorded In l>eed Book 146, page lUI. of . the Co. of Butfcr. Pa.. May 4 th. ls'Jrt. I man! ! frame house and outbuildings thereon. ALSO—Of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Valencia ooro, Hutler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to | wit: Being lot No. 4 of a plan of lots laid out by S O. Sterrett. east of an other plan of lots laid ont by S. o. Sterrett bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at a post at southeast corner of said No. 4 lot, running in a northerly direction along the line of lot No- 3 one hundred and tldrty tbree and 46-100 [133 46-1001 feet to a post: thence along lands of 8. O. Sterrett in an easterly direction fifty [so] feet to a post; thence in southerly direction along line of lot No. sone hundred and twenty-seven and 12-1(10 11-7 1--1001 feet to a post on street; thence along said street fifty [so] feet to place of lieglnuing; said lot No. 4 beieg the same lot deeded by S. o. Sterrett and Sarah A., his wife, to Robert Giassgow Crumming. dated the 27th of April. KH and recorded in Deed Book 146. page 163, of the Co. of Butler and state of Pa.. May 4th. IKO4. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Sarali Emma Snow at the suit of \V D. Brandon. TERMS OF SALE—The following must be strictly compiled with when property Is stricken down. 1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs ou the writ must be paid, and a list of the Hens, includ ing mortgage searches on the nroperty sold togtther with such lien creditor s receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid In full. 3. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until one o'clock, P. M., of the next day at which time ail property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom tirst sold. • s ee l'urdon's Digest, 9th edition, page 440. in I Smith's Forms, page 3K4. MARTIN L. GIBSON. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Butler. Pa.. Feb. 7. lUOS. REGISTER'S NOTICES. The Register hereby gives notice that the following accounts of executors, adminis trators ana guardians have been filed in his office according to law, and will be pre sented to Court for confirmation and allow ance on Saturday, the 11th day of March. lUOS. at U A. m.. of said dav: 1 Final account of George Noullet, admin istrator of Sophia Noullet, deceased, late of Summit township. 2. Final account of Oliver T. Brown, exec tor of W. K. Brown, deceased, lat i of Slip peryroek township. 3. Final account of Charles C. McClintock, adininstrator of Thomas C. McClintock. de ceased, late of Mercer township. 4. Final account of R. K. Blair, admlnls tratorofll.E. Blair, deceased, late of Slip peryroek township. 5. Final account of Meade W. Dunkle, ail minlstrator of Watson E. Duakle. deceased, late of Parker township. li. Final account of P. P. Brown and John H. Booze I, executors of John Boozel. de ceased, late of Clay township. 7. Final accountof J. I). Marshall, guardian of Pearl E. Wright, minor child of Samuel Wright, late of Connouuetiesslng township. H. Final account of W. H. Falls, trustee In the estate of George Motlierlin, deceased, late of Muddycreek township. it. Final account of W. D. Brandon and J. I). Marshall, trustees In the estate of Newton Garvin, deceased, late of Cranberry twp. 10. Fourth partial account of T. Calvin Kennedy and J. Anderson Kennedy, execu tors of 8. A. Kennedy, deceased, late of Adams township. 11. Flual account of John R. Forsythe and W. A. Sloan, executors of James Forsythe, deceased, late of Adam* township. 12. Final account of Iva Hays, adminis tratrix. d. b n., of L. M. Brackney, deceased, late of Butler liorough. 13. Final account of Jennie P. Gerlach. ad ministratrix of George A. Gerlach, deceased, late of H.irrlsvllle borough. 14. V'inal account of William B. Ferguson, administrator of William Ferguson, de ceased. late of Millerstown borough. 15. Final account of Ella Grossman, ad ministratrix of F. M Cooper, deceused, late of Worth township. 111. Final account of G. A. Kramer, admin istrator of Charles P. Kramer, deceased, late of Hutler borough. 17. Final account of John F. McCoy, and Harry N. ('bristle, executors of John Nelson, deceased, late of Cherry township. IH. I lnal account of George Ray, executor of Hiram Barnes, deceased, late of Mercer township. 10. Final account of Martha Albert and P. F.. Ileck, admlnstrators of John D. Albert, dei eased, latu ot Franklin township. JO. Ilnal account of Chalmers llilliard, ad ministrator of Lyman llilliard, deceased, late of Washington township. 21. Final account of Eva Eytli and Frank N. Eyth, executors of Martin Eytli, deceased, late of Butler liorough. 22. Partial account of Ethyl McAdoo, ad ministratrix of Geo. K. McAdoo, deceased, late of Butler boruugh. 23. Final account ot David Lefever, ad ministrator of Levi Lefever, deceased, late of Middlesex township. 21. Final accountof John Kumtner, guar dian or Adam Kumrner, minor child of Adam Ktimmer, deceased, late ot Butler borough. 25. I'lnal account of A. D. Sutton, admin istrator of James W. Gibson, deceased, late of I'eun township. 26. Final account of John Kocher, guar dian of Birdie Btauffcr. now Kocher. minor child of I ra Statiffer, decased, late of Lancas ter township. 27. Final account of Tony Hchaffer, admin istrator of Mlchael Hchaffer, deceased, late of Lancaster township. 2N. Final anil distribution account of F. I. Webster, administrator of Samuel F. Stew art, deceased, late of Harmony lioroiigh. 211. Final account of II.J. Rltzert. guardian of Daniel Rltzert, minor child of John Rlt zert. deceased, late of Donegal township. 30. First partial account of Eugene E. Wick, admlnls! rator of R. K. Wick, deceased, late of Harrlsvllle borough. 31. Final account of George Leontierg, ad ministrator of Henry Knauff, deceased, lute of Cranberry township. 32. Final account ot S. S. Hoesman. guar dian or Henry J. Hess, minor child of Otto Hess, deceased. XI. Final accountof M. T. McOandless. ad ministrator, c. t. of Nicholas Klrchner. deceased, late of Franklin township. 34 Final account of Rev. P. Molyneaux anil Rev. David J. Walsh, executors of Rev. Daniel S. Walsh, deceased, late of Butler borough. X. Final amount of Frank Koch, uxocutor of Therena Hurhslc, docca&ed, lato of llutlur borough. Hi Final account of M. Kate Byers. exec utrix of John E. Ilyers, deceased, lato of J P. DAVIS. Reg. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the ealate of Martini Aiiibcraoii, deed., late ot For ward twp., Butler Co., I'a , having heeu gr.irGwl to the nt)di)rHi«ned, nil persons having claiiim against saiil «>Ktatn will present same duly authenticated, and nil persons indebted to name will make prom lit settlement. VV. H. BUHL, Lev. MCQUISTION, Kxecutor. J. C VANIJKRLIN, JOHN H WILSON. Attys. for Kxectitors. 10-27-04 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In re estate of Geo. E. Miller, dec'd , late of llntler Borough. I'a. Whereas, letters) of Adni'n Cum Testamento Annexo in above estate have been issned by the Register of Wills, to the nnderalgned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to promptly pay, and any having claims will present them properly proved for payment. OLIVER It. MILLER. Adm'r C. T. A. W. C. FINDLEY, Att'y. EXECUTORS' NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of •John Hpohn, dec'd, lute of Hntnmit twp,, Bntler Co., i'a .havingts-en grant ied the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against s.iid estate will present them dnly nuthenti cated for settlement to PHILIP J. HPOHN. I Ejt n , JOHN HPOHN, ( K. F. D No 3, Butler, Pa. Ja mks B MI, JUNKIN, Att'y. i-ltfos ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Lettersof administration on the estate of Lyman Milliard, dec'd, late of Wash ington twp , Butlertonnty, Pa., having Iss'ii granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment., and any having claims against said estate will present them dnly authenticated for settlement to CHALMF.hh MILLIARD. K. F. f>. 4li, West Hunbury, Pa. FLY MAV J ' HTDAKT MAY & STUART, Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Best Accommodations in town For Transient Cnstom. PHONF.k: People's 12A ; Hell 69. Hear of Blckel Building, K Mian Bt. Bntler, Pft ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. | Letters of administration on the estate ' i of Arnold Vorpe. dec'd, late of Middlesex ( tp., Bntler Co , Pa., having bt en granted to the undersigned. all person* knowing 1 themselves indebted to the said estate will make immediate payment, and all having claims against said estate will 1 present them duly authenticated for , settlement to W. J. PACOE, Adm'r.. Valencia, R F. D. 23. JAMES B. MCJUNKIN. Att'y. 2-16-05 ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Letters of administration. C. T. A., on the estate of Mary Vincent, dec'd., late of Slipperyroek township, Bnt ler county, Penn'a., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay meet, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to J. M. COVERT, \ ... P. T A J. S. WILSON, IADMI ADM 8 C ' T ' A ' Slipperyroek, Pa. WILLIAMS & MITCHELL, Attorneys. 12-22-04 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of John Ward, dec'd., late of Parker township. Butler County, Pa , having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to "D. L. HUTCHISON, Adm'r.. R. F. D. 72, Petrolia, Pa. H. H GOUCHER, Att'y. 11-3-04 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. Caroline Hanlon. dec'd., late of Centre twp., Butler Co., Pa., hav ing been granted to the nndersigned, all persons knowing themselves to be in debted to said estate will make immedi ate payment and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JAMES H. THOMPSON. Adm'r.. Chicora. R. F. D. 77, Pa. MURRIN & MURRIN, Attorneys. 12-1-04 Public Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the part nership lately sul>sisting between Mack Burton and D. C. Burton, under the firm name of D. C. Burton & Bro , was dissolved on the 15th day of October, . lUO4, by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be recvived by the said D. C. Burton and all demands on the said partnership are to be presented to the said D. C. Burton for payment. MACK BURTON. R. F. D. 22, D. C. BURTON, R. F. D. 21. Stxonbnrg, Pa. W S. &E. WICK, DEALERS IN KOJK>> and Worked Lumber of ALL KIND* Do.irs, Sash and Mouldlnxa Oil Well Rifts a Specialty. Office and Yard B. Cunningham and Monro* 8U near Woat Penn Depot. r i CO YEARS* «SH ™ /1 ■ I J . ■ I I I ■ R»J tr m::" ' "Ff" Copyrights Sc. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain om opinion free whether an Invention la probably patentable, Communica tions strictly conßdonllal. Handbook on Patent* cent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Mnnn 4 Co. recelvs tpeclal notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any srienflßc Journal. 1 enni, 98 ft year: four months, |L Bold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.="" B ™—- New York Branch Ofßoe. KB F St.. WarhlPinon. I), r. THE Established COUNTRY 1831 GENTLEMAN The ONLY Agricultural NEWSpsper, AND ADMITTEDLY THE Leading Agricultural Journal of the World. Every department written by specialists Iho highest authorities IN their respective lines. No other paper pretends to compare with It In <|ttallflcatlons of editorial staff. (Jives the agricultural NEWB with it degree of completeness not even attempted by others. Indispensable to all country residents who wish to keep up with the times. Single Subscription, 51.50. Two Subscrlbtiont, $2.50. Plve Subscription*, $5.50 HI'KCIAL I.MMTCKMKffTs TO KAItKIK OP I.AKUKIt CLI NK. Four Month*' Trial Trip 50 cvnta. SPECIMEN COPIES will be mailed free on request. It will pay anylK>dy Interested In any way In couutry life to send for them. Address t he publishers: LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Albany, N. Y TIT-H ibscrlptlon taken at tills office. (loth papers together. FCJ.OO. T*H6 SUTB6R GTIZCN. JL.no per year If paid In advance. otherwise |L..'>o will be cnarged. A nvriiTim JHI It at KS One Inch, one time |L; each subsequent Insertion HO cents each A in 11 Kirs' and alTorce not Ices $4 each; - uturs' and administrators' notices FIT each estray and dissolution notices |3 each. Head ing notices 10cents • line for iirst im Borate for each subsequent Insertion. Notices amoiiglocal news Items 15 cents A line for etch In sertlon. Oliltuarlos, cards of thanks resolutions of respect, notices of festivals IM fairs, l IE., Inserted at the rate of Scents a line, uuiney to accompany the order. Jeven words or prose make a lino. Kates for standing cards and JOB work on application. All advertising Is due after first Insertion, and all transient advertising must be paid for In advance. AII communications Intended for publica tion IN this paper must be accompanied b> the real name of the writer, not for publica tion hu. * guarantee of gisid fait h. and should reach us not later than Tuesday evening. Death notice* must bo accompanied with resoonalhie nam* \ WnTFosterw ji Architect. | r Plan of all kind of buildings I N furniahed on short notice. Q / Ofttc« in Berg Building, j \ Butler, Pa. V Tm )C. F. T. Pape.i | iJEWELERS i / 121 E. Jefferson Street. / | I COVI.KHROTH.EWB J MeinU i s PitUburg Htock EXCHANGE. ( ""'"•"'"WiSjSt'yv*" i !>ooooooooooo< >ooooooooooo<x Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN]: _____ ______—.< I Spring Announcement. ; Beautiful New Spring Goods are arriving. { ' Profiting by past experience in previous seasons, oar goods are better ' f i bought than ever before. The varieiea are already large, and th* prices < 1 are Tower than you pay elsewhere for goods lees pleasing. A fact due to ( K ' the small i rofits that nrevail here. w • NEW SPRING MAN-TAILORED SUITS. 4 1 > New Jacket Snits tIO.OO, 12.50,15.00 20.00 to 25.00 < ) New Spring Covert Jackets f5. 8.95. g 50 10 00 up to 20.00, ' New SpriDf; Rain Coats $8 98, 10.00, 12.50 np to 25.00. ' > New Spring Skirt■< *2.98. 3.98, 4.98. .">.9*. 6 98. 7.98 np to 20 00. > New Spring Silk Shirt Waists Sniti- $8 9*. 10 98, 15 00 up to 440.00. ' New Spring Mohair <Sc Batiste Shirt Waist Snits $6 98, 8 98 to sls (.0. > New Spring Silk Shirt Waists i 2.9« 8 25, 4.98 np to 10.00. < > New Spring Silk Petticoats, $5 valno 7,50; finer ones up to 15.00. . , ' All colors, including black. ' ' > New Spring Millinery. New Spring Dress Goods and Silks. New i I ( Spridg Neckwear. Gloves and Hosiery. New Sprinar Ribbed Underwear, i 9c to #I.OO New Spring ribbed and plain Hosiery, 10c to sl. New Lace > Curtains. Rnffied Swiss Curtains. < k We know it is still cold, bat it is a good time to buy for Spring, > All onr new wash goods in—we can save yon 25 per cent. [Mrs. J. G. Zimmerman, j Ky.riwiis«. Butler, Pa. ' » t>oo<;oo<>oooooc>oooooooooo<x*! I PROSPERITY SALE 1 U Last year brought us a good business, but it left us with a lot of ■ Winter Shoes on hand. As we confidently expect this year to be evenH ■ better, we have ordered heavily foi Spring, and finer shoes than ever, too. H ■ Before these reach us we must net our winter stock cleared out soHj ■ we'll have room. With that in view we've taken about B 1300 PAIRS OF WINTER SHOES! ■ and cut fearful holes in our profit* on every pair. S WOMEN'S SHOES. Heavy Unlined Kid. $1 25 and $1 50 goods, now .... D"C For our smart Street Boots, $3 50 and #4 00 style, now sl.oa Fine Kid Shoes, $3.00 and •« 50 goods, now #l.la Onr Bargain lot of |2.50 no and $2.00 Shoes now aOC Honse Shoes and Slippers, warm lined for cold and on tired feet, SWc and CHILDREN'S SHOES. I Boys, sl.ll', 98c. 63c. Girls, 69c. 59c, 48c. I Sale Starts Saturday. January 21, at 9a. m. I Get prosperous at the expense of H Huselton's °S| SHOE STORE. I 2 Invoicing Develops Rare Bargains 2 * Every shelf, box and drawer Is emptied and* £ the contents measured and counted. Thls2| J shows up all odds and ends of every descrip- & IB tion and brings the slow selling goods to ourß P attention. M R All These Must be Sold. fo m All short ends, all odd lots, all broken assort-JR * ments and all slow sellers are marked &tj# u bargain prices. w uj Remnants. M u A veritable feast of bargains. Remnants ofUfc y Silks, Dress Coods, Waistings, White Goods, & JB Linens, Crashes, Ginghams, Flannelette, g * Muslins, Embroideries, Laces, &c. in in Last Call on Coats and Purs. fo M Still some desirable Coats and very hand-jn ■ some Furs remain to be sold. All former V S low prices marked off and a new low price £ g record established. Need more be said? c 1 L. Stein St Son, | > 108 N MAIN STREET. BUTLER, PA. $ ST"™* ~ WICKS | fSpring Hats; i| for men j i: are here. | j: The best ever $ j| shown in \ jj Butler. | jSee our window; |jno.S.Wick,i| i IjATTKR AMD FI'HNIMHER, A P«oplM Phono, 015. £ BUTLER, PA. $ MEN'S SHOES. 98c For oar Heavy Work Shoes, $1.25 grades. 98c Gets onr regular ft. so and $1.35 goods, which gives good service. St. 98 Broken sizes in onr regu lar (4.00 and |5.00 grades. $1.69 Gets our beat high cutH School Shoes for boys. j M. C. WAGNER | ARTIST PHOTOGBAPHFB * 1B» Ponth M%ln 8t Vinol > > { The Great Tonic [ and \ Flesh Builder. • J The best remedy for \ throat and lung trouble. We have the exclusive agency for this remedy. Ask for a calendar. THE Crystal Pharmacy R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G., BOTH PHONES. 106 N. Main St., Butler, Pa. Wm. Walkkr. CHAf. A. McElvain. WALKER & McELVAIN, 807 Bntlfr County National Bank Bldg. IIRA 1. FHTATK. INSUItANOg. OIL I'llOt'EltTlßH. IXJANS. BOTH IMIONBH M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director, 245 8. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA ! :r you h«v*> »nr r«»l -UU «r l>u»ln«M to "»«•«»«• »• 11 I"" THR CUKKIKH OOMI'ANY. ' m Uta AT*. ntttburf, Pa.