Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 23, 1905, Image 1

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Last Call on Winter Goods.
Some Special Snaps for Shrewd Shoppers.
Almost Given Away. Ladies' Flannel Shirt Waists, all
This Season's Styles at Half Price.
o ffn << «« " 1
152 » •• ;; :: igs
. 1 lot Ladies' Walking Skirts sold at $3 50, HM and $5.00 now $2 48.
Still about a dozen fine trimmed Winter Hats left, sold from 15 to SB,
* yon ***** have your choice this week while they hist tor fl.
A boat 15 Fur Scarfs left, ranging in price from $2 50 to $13.50 all to
go at half price.
} 221 Send in Your Mall Orders.
T-rWBT" - IBLIII—IIin~l —IT"
— === — J 1 '■ ■ '
Hi wells with
ll* il? ill" ip -X? -I?
ij. Q. & W, CAMPKF.I.U jj
Cypher's Incubators and Brooders also Poultry ( i
ft Supplies and International Stock Food. <4
aimipil: :li Cli il? rli .gill Si:- ipils ili as »Ii at ili ai mtligi gi fpgigl
f Our discount sale still continues \
C For the benefit of those who have been anable to attend onr sale in the S
C Besides onr discounts on Men's, Boys' and Children'a Suits and Over- J
t ooats of 10, 20, 88+ per cent and i off, we offer a few npecialo ■ «- • j V
| Iqt Q| Ulster Overcoats, sizes 16 to 36. 7
1 ' Coats that sold from SIO.OO to flB 00—Sale price $5.00 )
C 5.00 to 9.00 " " 3.00 \
M % bat fbla «ft UO, S3.S>O, $4.00 and S6.UO, sale price S».M /
% v c ifio, 2.50, 3.75 '• " 1.56 V
J 1. •• « f 25, 1.50, 1.75 •• <• 100 J
\ Smoking Jackets and Qdth Kobes. i
C all go st} off regular price. 1
i All Men'a and Boys' SWEATERS at 25 per cent less than regular price. I
\ 200 SHIRTS, were 50c. 75c, SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.60, sell at 85c, 3 for SI.OO. /
I jjoj of jisc Ctic pA£S £0 a{j fife. \
C MV4CKB -the kind yon pay 10c los any other store, go at be a pair. /
J Don't fail to avail yonraelf of this opportunity. /
| Douthett & Graham. j
g Merchant Tailor, g
Winter Suitings -
... -i ■■ ■ ■
i | Fall and Winter Millinery, I
j | and r» *J-°: a ' ar^C oStreet Hats, Tailor-made lj
SI HAcianrin / Miil! /ear HatS< All the neW ,deaS and 31
H frfSEL utl # nc 7 Novelties. Trimmed and Un- §?
StflmTieq Hats for Ladles, Misses and Children. All If?
Pom "-«»* I
jl Rockensteln's I
- jr Millirxery Emporium,!
J J M 8 South M.ln Street, B.to, n |
Notice is hereby Riven that the following
roads and bridges have been confirmed nist
by the Court and will be presented on the
Br»t Saturday of March Court. 1905, being
the 11th day of said month, and If no excep
tions ars Bled they will be confirmed abso
j It. D. No. 1, December Term 1904. In the
I matter of the petition of cltiiens of Clinton
township to change a public road, beginning
I at Lardln's Mill In Butler county and ending
, at Miller's Mill in Allegheny county. Septeni
, berM. 1904. viewers appointed, who on Oct.
j 21. 191>4. filed their report in favor of proposed
change— n-) damages assessed. Now. Dec.
10. 1904. approved, und fix width of r>ad at SI
feet, notice to be given according to rules of
court. BY THE COURT.
I li. IJ. No. 2. Decemlier Term. i»oi. In the
. matter of the petition of citizens of Clinton
township for a county brlrige across Bull
creek in Clinton township where said creek
crosses the public road leading from Fit s
burg to Klttanning. September 2ti, 19i4.
viewers appointed, who on October 21. 1904,
filed their report In favor of proposed bridge
Now, December 10,1901, approved, notice to
be given according to rules of court and to
be laid before the grand Juty at next term.
R. D. No. 3, December Term. 1904. In the
matter of the petition of citizens of Worth
township for viewers to view and widen a
road In said township from a point. on the
I'ortersvilie and North Liberty road be
tween the farms of Peter and John Wimer
and running along said line to the Ellott
Mill and I'ortersville road. September 2ti.
1804, viewers appointed, who on December 1,
IBM, filed their report in favor of proposed
change—no damages assessed. Now. Dec. HI.
1904. approved, and fix width »f road at XI
feet, notice to be given according to rules of
K. D. No. 4, December Term. lftH. In the
matter of the petition of citizens of Jefferson
township for a county bridge over l horn
cieek In said township, where the creek
crosses the public road known as the Butler
and Freeuort road. Septeml>ers,l9o4, viewers
appointed, who on November 26, 1904, filed
their report in favor of proposed bridge.
Now. December 10, 1904, approved, notice lo
be gived according to rules of court and to
be laid before the grand jury at next term.
R. D. No. 5. December Term. 'BO4. In the
matter of the petition of citizens of Bruin
borough for a county bridge over Bear creek
in said borough where said creek crosses the
Sublic road leading from Iralrvlew to
leiora on the farm of I). P. Kelly. October
31. 1904, viewers appointed, who on December
1. 1904. filed their report In favor of proposed
bridge. Now. December 10, 1904. approved
notice to be given according to rules or court
and to be laid before the grand jury at next
term. Br THE COURT.
K. I). No. tt. December Term. 1904. In the
matter of the petition of citizens of Adams
township for a county bridge over Glade Run
where said creek crosses the public road
leading from the Three Degree road to the
Evans City road. October 31, 1904. viewers
appointed, who on December 3. liKH, filed
their report in favor of proposed bridge.
Vow. December 10. 1904, approved, notice t>
be given according to rules of court and t<>
lie laid b fore grand lilry at next term.
K. D No. 7, December Term. 1904. In the
matter of the petition of citizens of Lancast
er township for a county bridge over Yellow
creek In said township where said creek
crosses thp public road leading from Wliltes
tViwu W Middle Lancaster." near Philip
KllnnoT'j. November 1, 1904 viewers ap
pointed, who on December 3, lUO4. filed their
reports in favor of proposed bridge. Now,
Duceraber 10, 1904. approved, notice to be
according to rules of court and to be laid be
fore the grand Jury at next term.
R. D. No. 13. June Term, 1904. In the mat
ter of the petition of citizens of Butler town
ihlp for a public road lending from a point
ontjie PJferclsroadfn fjrfotqf f|ie 01e«r Hotel
to »tXJlpt cin the piTblic K)ad on lands of O.
K. Waldron. about 80 rods east of the res!
dence of said O. K. Waldron, September 10,
1904, viewers appointed, who on December 3.
1904, filed their report in favor of proposed
road—no damages assessed. Now. December
10,1904, approved and fix width of road at 33
feet, notice to be given according to rules of
Certified from the record this 9th day of
Feb.. A. D. I#os. l. B. OBfeISTLEY,
Clerk Q. B. Court.
1 International )
> Stopk food. S
{ a feeds for »«ne eent, S
) In 390, 50c, SI.OO and fa 50 /
v Package* \
£ International (
\ Poultry Food. /
/ A 25c package contains 100 \
\ feeds for 13 fcwl*. r
| In S}sc, sQc\jll, £f.so Packages 7
/ And'all otner International \
2 Stock Food Co'B rpmedi»« C
f Sold"by l
> Redick &Grohman |
/ 109 Nortb Main St., >
\ Bailer, to. ' J
.« > MW W W
Do You Buy Medicines?
Certainly YqM Do<
Then you want the best for the
least money. That is our motto.
Come and see us when in need o(
anything in the Drug Line and
we arc 3uvv y.PM call again.
We carry a full line of Drugs,
Chemicals, Toilet Articles,' etc.
Purvis' Pharmacy
bkotU PJionw.
aiaa MaicSt. Butler Pa.
The Great Toß' c
Flesh Builder.
The best remedy for
throat and lung trouble.
We have the exclusive
agency for this remedy.
Ask for a calendar.
Crystal Pharmacy
j R. M, LOGAN, Ph. r- '
106 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
807 Butler County National Bank Bid#.
Funeral Director.
""Nasal Catarrh quickly yield* to treat
ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agree,
ably aromatic. It is received through the
nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur
face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists
■ell the 50c. size; Trial size by mail, 10
cents. Test it and you are sure to continue
the treatment
To accommodate those partial
to the use of atomizers in applying liquids
into the nasal passages for catarrhal trou
bles, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form, which will be known as Ely's
Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the
spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by
mail. The liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of the solid preparation. n
121 East Cunningham Street.
Office Hours : 11 to 13 a m.. 3 to 5 and
7 to 9 p. m.
Consultation and examination free.
Office hours—9 to 12 A M.. 2 to
M., daily except Sundny Evening
Office—Stein Block, Rooms 9-10, Bat
ler. Pa People's Phone 478.
Women's diseases a specialty. Cou
sultatian and examination free.
Office Hours, 9to 12 m., 2 to 3 p. m
I'eople's Phone 573.
i; 6 S. Main street, tiut -r 1 a
AI 327 N MHH. S .
mj* 106 West Dlamor.-l,
Dr. 3ri<ham's former of'ce.
Special attention give». to Bye, v, '-e
iad l'hroat Peoole's Phone 274.
200 West Cunningham St.
Graduate of Dental Dt>p irtineut,
University of Peuusylvauia.
Office —215 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa.
DR. S. 4. JOHNGTG?*,
Formerly of Butler,
Has located opposite Lowry House,
Main St., Butler, Pa. Th« finest work
a specialty. Expert painless extractor
of teeth by his uew method, no medi
cine used or tabbing a w<adle intd" the
gums; also gas aud ether used. Com
mnnications by mail receive prompt at
Office over Leighner's Jewelry store,
Butler, Pa '
Peoples Telephone 505.
A specialty made ol gold filling, gold
:rown and
12/| South Main street, (ov Metzer's
shoe -store.)
Office in Butler County National Bank
Building, 2nd floor.
successor Vb Vx- Johnston.
Office at No i; 4 E{. Jeflerqnß over
G W. Miller'-s grocery
Office In Uatler County Nattoral
Bank building.
A t scot lL
A • 4ViOki+WV AT t,AW-
Office at Nq, 8, West Diamond St. Bat
ter. Pa.
Office in Quumy N-ational
Bank bnil<Tiu&"
Office on Diamond, Bntler, PH.
Special attention givcu ty collections
%nd business matters.
Office in Reiber building, cornel Main
and E. Cunningham Sta. Entrance on
Main street.
1 B. BRED;*
Office on Main St, near Court Lion*
Office in Wi»e building
Office in the Negley Building, Wesl
Office an' 'Bouih side of PittUQQn'l,
Butler, PA.
V. Civil,
1 QB*C,fc O&urt Nnuie.
Office with Berkmer, next door to P O
Mines and Land. Connty Surveyor.
H. K D. 49, West Snnbury, Pa.
b * 'acJONKIN & CO.,
Insurance & Real Estate
117 E Jefferson St>
SUTbEH, - - - PA
OFFICE— Room 50«, Butler County
National Dank building.
NO "'[* Forrcsltr | j
I MAN'S c ' lsM
[I CopurioM. 1904.
I AND buboU t
I U Merrifleld !
Alta Vista Villa, No Man's Land,
Moon of Toppies.
Dear—Look at above beading and
dream a dream of joy. I'm here, and
when I saw that name tacked up over
tbe portals of our hotel I said, "Here's
where I rusticate just on the strength
of the name."
We are up on a bluff —sand bluff.
I've been here three blessed, broiling
days and haven't found anything in
the place yet but sand and bluff. And
sea, lots of sea, so much sea tbat you
hope you'll never have to see so much
sea again in all your life. Also a bath
house, tintype tent, peanut pavilion
and bathing houses—little, hot, new
pine coffins stood up on end. Also
girls and girls and girls, from sixteen
to sixty, assorted sir.es, aud all .coking
for the man. There are lots of him
running around lu tbe days of bi«
youth, but for a real man such as we
are led to expect, by all the summer
lore ever written, bangs his delightful
self around summer resorts and wears
white duck and brings you water lilies
and sighs over a mandolin at you
'neath tbe pale moonlight—there isn't
a single specimen wandering for miles
around our villa.
Do you know what they call this par
ticular eyrie I have alighted on? No
Man's Land. Pleasant, isn't it jtfter
you've tolled over a typewriter while
the wintry wind 4'd a ragtime dance
around your furless throat and you
didn't give a rap because you were
thinking of your white waists and your
linens and organdies and your heaven
ly, floppy Trianon hat with its lace
veranda, all of which should storm the
heart of the man and make
ilim down and worship by the sil
very starlight?
Nancle Bell, it isn't any such stuff.
There isn't any summer man, and
even if there were and he didn't
have sense enough to run away the
minute he grasped the situutlau I
wouldn't have a bit of respect for
That's all. I shall be home in a
few days, just as soon as I have tan
enough to bluff the stay-at-homes into
the idea that I've had a gloriqqa time
and been belle. me ' beach. Be
iUuits, J?ancie. Don't look even at an
excursion steamer. If sinners entice
thee, dress up In your organdies and
walk down Fifth avenue and you'll
see more admiring son? ftf Adam in
an hour tliau you wM out here in a
freek. Haplessly yours,
' PERdvta,
Bay After Yesterday.
Hello, central! All hall the man!
He came, he saw, and Caesar isn't a
circumstance. He has taken the large
corner room. Mrs. Banks, our general
overseer, says he is ao
young man, Wonder'how much board
pirid' in'advance!
He Isn't real young uor real old; Just
that intermediate age that is so inter
esting. I don't think he is
handsome, i>us j,ou know >vb»t ft prop
er'} - trnnmed Vandyke and a pair of
rimless eyeglasses will <|q fyj. aay man.
jle's that kiiuj.
morning he escorted all of us
through the glen. Did I tell you that
we had a glen? Oh, yes; Glen Ellyn.
Just ferninst the villa. It's a break in
the sand bluff, and it's dauip and piny
and darksomft at midday. Heretofore
organdie flock had religiously es
chewed its ferny swampiness, but you
should have seen V* trail after him
over (pn puQ stump and hidden vine
the. wiiiie he fished out dinky little
weeds and discoursed on them.
I opine he is a botanist. Well, it's
better than a barber. A letter came for
him today addressed to Professor Adri
an Vogel. How's that tyr individual
ity? He li\o£m >t too. He does not
dauee, and lie does uot play the mando
lin. Ho goes for his morning dip at
some unearthly hour before we are up.
In fact, he does not do any of the or
thodox summer "manlsms," but he has
manners and of his own.
for. Instance, ne slugs, and sings well.
There are about ninety UUJ nine muses
Who group themselves In the parlors
after dinner to listen to their Apollo.
When he sings "All Aboard For Dream
land" he looks at you as much as to
say he has only two passes for ths boat,
but the other one Is for. yuu.
Yayhtiug and autoing he cluiseu as
nerve racking, but nature and close to
heart and all the rest of it is
What the professor's joy is. I think
privately we would get closer to na
ture's heart ami the professor's heart,
too, If he could be made to understand
the expediency o.f Individual lessonff,for
Ulu botany pupils. But he cannot He
9ulis for a class, and we are all classed.
I hope for the best. So do the other
ninety and eight must*. Botanlcally
yours, PEItDITA.
Cotne to No Man's; every time
for something doing. We have saved
ihe professor's life. If It had only been
one of us It wouldn't have been so com
plicated. A composite gratitude doesn't
go far when It has to be passed around.
It was long after |uvtc.htuu\t, mid h$
never mWsefi ho can put
tiwajr more frteti blueflsh and black
berry potple than five of the muses,
but it Is only proof of his exceptional i
excellence, and the overseer never re
bukes him.
Did I tell you she was a w|dqw, also
Interested In botany? I think »he stands
second best. He HKes fried blueflsh, etc.
Anyway, we missed him, and there
Was a swift summer storm stealing
blackly up from the horizon, and the
sea moaned as it broke in sobs along
the shore. They do that kind, thing ,
all right. I h-ihl to thmfc (hut tven»
the snimnvr mun >•••j t d((esn -t.
. MkeOr**-;. Clnrence lllnir said he
nadn't showed up since breakfast, and
he'd seen him making a bee line for the
glen, and he'd said, "What's yer hurry t
and the professor had said he hoped
be could have oue morning In peace to
study without that thundering crowd
of old maids hiking after hiiu.
We didn't believe MacGregor. He
looks like a pale, new sand fly, and his
father and mother own all of No Man's
Land. The professor never In all this
world used such words as hiking and
thundering, but MacGregor did. 1 here
fore, I may say, in the same common
parlance, that the whole thundering
crowd of old maids pitched In and loin
busted MacGregor until his pretty
white linen suit was not fair to see and
his twining curls were full of sand
burs. Then he howled and retracted,
and we all went up the glen arter the
The glen deepens anil darkens as you
go in, and the sides are rocky and pre
cipitous. with much shrubbery and un
dergrowth and scraggly pine trees list
ed to windward. And Just as the first
»lfe?lt of !lg|?tj}ing quivered In the iky
{ we beard a faint shout for help.
It was the professor. He bung sus
pended in air on the bare limb of a
dead pine tbat jutted out from tbe rock
halfway up tbe bluff, like Genius on
Pegasus, tbe widow said—on a petrified
Then Genevieve Periey, our college
product, said Pegasus couldn't be pet
rified. He would have to be ossified.
And the widow began to cry and sat
down on a log and said she didn't care
a bit either way, ossified or petrified,
and Professor Vogel was such a lovely
man and always paid bis board like a
gentleman, and she bated to see him
killed before her eyes, and she never
felt so much like fainting before in all
her life.
Genevieve said fainting was counted
out. He was a fine target for light
ning up there, and. while it was none of
her business and she had no interest in
the professor as a lovely man or In the
continuance of his regular board pay
ing, still she thought a rope might be a
good thing.
"In mountainous countries," began
Agatha, the artist, who has been Eu
ropized, "I believe tbey tie a rope
around the waist of one person"—
"It's tbe shoulders," said Genevieve;
•"kind of a slipknot."
Tbe professor shouted for help again,
this time fainter still.
"No; the waist," said Agathn firmly.
"And lower that person over the moun
tain side until he rescues tho other
"Let's lower MacGregor," murmured
Genevieve, but tbe widow cried and
said her feel were getting wet and she
didn't think it was right to joke in the
face of death. That braced us up, be
cause the professor did look like it, so
while the fleeting momenta sped Gene
vieve and 1 aped fleeter and found
Borne clotheslines and a couple of husky
lads in sweaters from the peanut stand
and the boathouse, and we sped back to
the glen.
Then the husky lads climbed tho
bluff on tbe sandy sido and did the
Alpine act with the clotheslines, assist
ed by several ropes from tbe boathouse,
and before our eyes the professor was
pulled back to life and liberty.
ne is resting now. It is dark and
still at the villa. No hops or m.qpdo
lins tonight. The sbqcli \v|l| bring him
to, I think, frnuu the botanical dream
and cause him to concentrate his Joy
0D some loving, sympathetic heart, and
It may be your PERDITA. i
I shall be home on the boat.
The other girls aiv (lacking too. The
overfill, hast'fainted. Only the profess
or is serene. He was up bright and
early this morning to meet tbe 6:08
train, and when he came back he had
Mrs. Professor nnd three little profess
or juniors uiitrriiy along after
No, I don't think men were delivers
ever. { think U was absentmlnded
nes«i, (inly Mrs. Professor gave the
museti their crushing blow when she
■aid she was so glad we had all joined
the professor's summer botany
as be had reduced the uiw to
$lO, and she th<.,yjui It "was tin* sweet
est, ttle.vniiug study one could
take up. We all assured her it was el
evating. It was—for the professor.
And we're all going home tomoiXQ'v?.
Yours for single blessed
A Philadelphia Gallant,
There 1s nothing that astonishes a
woman so much as meeting a man
who takes her at her word. A certain
very Impetuous young woman living
in the suburbs of this city experienced
this unique wusation when she at
tended n musicaie given by a friend
and met a specimen of the too literal
male. She was about to leave the
house when her hostess called after
hey: "Ob, don't thiuk of going out on
such a stormy night alone. Mr. G.
will be glad to go with you. Won't
you, Mr. G.?" turning to a gentleman
at her right. "Delighted," aatd the
would be escort, beaming un the young
woman, and be slipped on bis over
coat and stood ready with hat and
umbrella In hand. "Oh, please don't
bother," said the protesting girl. "You
mow I am quite accustomed to going
out alone. I am not the least hit
afraid. I nearly always k>ave here un
escorted." "•Oh. well, if that Is the
case," said the stupid mun, "I don't
need to go tlieu. I would not think of
Interfering with your lifelong habits."
And without giving the independent
young woman a chuucc to avail herself
of his escort he threw off Ills overcoat
and Joined a pretty blcyid at the end
of the hallway.—Philadelphia Record.
Th'« Kin* tl tardirr, " """"
About a mile distant from the rocky
frouiontory of Bralch-y-Pwll, the ex
treme westerly point of north Wales.,
lies the Island of Bardscy, the ftOW* of
u singularly Isolated conuuuulty. Tbe
Island ki the property of Lord Newbor
ough and was a favorite resort <tf the
third baron, grandfather and predeces
sor in the title of the present peer. At
that period the Island was even more
remote and out of the way than at
present. Communication with Pwllheli
was infrequent and uncertain, Con
sequently the Bardsey folH formed au
entirely independent community, forced
by vircmnatauces to conduct tlielr own
affairs without special reference to the
laws of the country. Lord New bor
ough instituted the office o( %lm?."
Selecting from the Islanders one of su
perior part* uud ufcarocter, he Invested
hltn wttb the general authority which
he himself possessed as lundlord, bid
ding the rest to obey his ruling, abide
by his decisions In cuse of dispute and
In general respect his authority. Partly
in jest, partly to strengthen his vice
gerent's position, Ue couferred upon
that worthy the title of "king of Bard
sey" and bestowed upon him a crown,
a treasure and an army. The "crown"
was a gorgeous dladern of brass, won
drously embossed and wrought; the
"treasure" a silver casket brought from
Italy, and the "army" a wooden figure
Vainted to represent a soldier.
How He Viewed It.
There was a carriage accident in a
town In Scotland. A brougham con
taining two ladies was run away with
down a steep hill. The noise and clat
ter of the horses' hoofs on the flags
with which the town was paved were
terrific. A Scotch farmer who was
walking on the footpath turned to
watch the carriage disappearing In the
dlstunce uml said to his companion,
"For us who see it It is indeed a fear
gome sight, but for those who are in
side it must be a rich spiritual expert
(nee!"— London Gentlewoman.
Miss Passay—Yes, and when he pro
posed I tried hard not to let him read
any encouragement in my face, but
he did. Miss Peppery—Ah! I suppose
he could read between the lines.
He—You are the only— She-Ahem!
He—l should say—you are the pret
tiest girl I ever loved.
National enthuslusm Is the great
nursery of genius.—Tuckerman.
8/ Katt M. Cltary
Copyright, 10M, by K&t* M. deary
"So that's the way tlie land lies. Is
It?" asked IT/ Lylr
The sensitive face under the big, rose
lined sun hat was very white. Her
lips quivered a little. The handa that
held the vagrant sheet trembled.
"It isn't that I care!" she told her
aelf. "I hadn't begun te care—in that
way. I was ealf becoming—attracted.
But the shock—tha AUillnaioV—
Wketi aha had started aut aa hour
age for her usual brisk morning walk
along the citap, shelving sands, she
had been eae of the aaeet Indifferent,
Hght hearted of fir la. She was done
with college, and the two years of for
eign travel had succeeded school aa a
sort of polishing process. She had per
fect health and misty dreams of all
the veiled future held In lta keeping.
She had aesthetic tastes, and her skill
in athletic sports was the admiration
of her leas vigorous girt friends. She
hnd been having a beautiful time down
at this gay, unconventional resort on
the Michigan coast And now—well,
temporarily It seemed that her pleas
ure was spoiled.
And In her heart she knew that ahe
must have been beginning to think too
much of the man whose attentions to
her bnd been so marked or else thia
discovery would not so affect her. Sit
ting to rest and watch the white crest
ed waves come curling up to break on
tbe border of tbe lake like threads of
rarest lace, tier attention had been
caught by a small, wblte, whirling ob
ject tbat at ilrst sight she bad taken
for a bird. It bad whisked lower and
nearer. Theu it floated so close she
could put out her hand and grasp it,
UUd she found it was a sheet of note
paper covered with diminutive chirog
raph}-. It was written on the station
ery of the fashionable hotel looming
up on the duues behlud ber. At first
she had been aUwut to crumple it up
and cast M aside, but lu the very act
(tf doiug »o a name— her own name
met her eye.
Even then she hesitated. But the
three words were so siguiQcuut she
must know their writers full mean
ing. Thv pugt» was the continuation
(vf u Wtter, and the iivst three words
at the top of tbe page were "love
Jvy LyleV* Impulsively, giving her
telf no chance to weigh tbe niceties of
boitor in tbe balance, she scanned the
page. As she read it slowly again the
fresh, soft color weut tiding out of
her cheek.
"Love, |vy LyH». I've fought against
It for I can't afford to marry her, us
you know. But she has rather swept
me off tuy feet, old chap. At first I
was taken with her innocent beauty.
There was no oue at this big hostelry
to compare with her for looks. So 1
let myself drift I thought she was
Just a dear little couutry Birl and that
irweSKTW eusy to say a sentimental
farewell when the summer was over.
You know what these warm weather
flirtations amount to. So I've been go
ing to see her steadily and taking her
everywhere. We've gone dancing and
swimming and boating and all the rest
of It, and, by Jove, for all she's
mighty quiet, I've come to llnd out
not the typical llttlo country girl
at alt. She's well read and traveled,
though she seemed rather nghast when
she let that fact out. And she looks at
a fellow in a cool, apprising sort of
way that makes htm feel pretty cheap
if his spoken thoughts are not quite up
to her white standard. But she's not
really lu the soclsl swim. She's a na
tive, I take It It's been hard to plu
her down to any confidence about her
self. She lives with a v«ry dragon of
an aunt at a farmhouse on the edge of
town. She wears her cotton dresses
and shade hats in a way that takes
the shine out of the women up at the
hotel, but I've never seen her sport
any of the swell clothes they wear to
tlio hops here. Oh, confouDd It. what's
the use of my mooning away to you
at this rate? I've gut to go away and
try to forget her before Ifs too late.
"Itumarls Chase and her father arc
to be here this week, they tell me.
And she's the girl the heads of botb
our houses expect me to marry. She
may have the good tasty to refuse me,
and 1 almost hope * >ie will. She's a
great heiress, and tLo consolidation of
the bMM'ness Interests would be a cap
ital thing; but, oh, hang me If I thought
it would lie so hard to get that little
girl's aweet face out of my heart. I
must do the sensible thing and go to
for the SI2O,<X)O a year. Lord, Uut I'm
sorry for those poor dcvUs of kings
who have to wed for reasons of state.
I feel disgustingly like one of them.
I'm 'iHvpy, Good night. I'll finish
this in the morning. Ten to one I
dream of Ivy Lyle!"
It needed uo signature. The writer
was easily recognised. She crumpled
the paper tightly in her hand and
thru*! it luto the blouse of her gown
»5 a rapid, heavy step came crunching
down the beach. That step had be
come too pleasantly familiar. Could
he have known the sheet hud been
whisked out of his ro«m? Had he
seen It blown down to the beach?
"Good morning, Miss Lyle!" He
flung himself down beside her. His
handsome, boyish face looked strained
and set. as though insomnia hud
claimed him. "You're out early. Will
you go rowing with nie today op to
Clear Springs?"
"I—l can't'," she faltered.
The pleading voice had become so
perilously dear to her she found it
hard to refuse. Something strange In
it tone made him look up quickly,
Ind he saw how pale she was.
"You are ill?" ho cried shsrply.
"What Is It? What is wrong?"
There was no doubt of the sincere
concern in his eyes.
"It is nothing*?' Trido came to her
aid. She rose. "I must go home."
"And won't you come up Black river
today?" entreatlugly, almost tenderly.
"It may be the last time!"
He was planning—planning. Ob,
that cruel, cruel letter! But—the last
time, lie had said.
She flung up her head and smiled at
blm. "Yes, I will go!" she said.
They were very gay that afternoon,
almost recklessly so. They had lunch
eon at the inn near the springs and
floated back between the wooded banks
just as the dsy was closing. When
they came to parting st the clump of
lilac bushes In the lane that led to the
farmhouse Jack Ardsley leaned for
ward and looked into hsr eyes.
"Dear," he said, "I love you! I love
you, and I can't let you go out of my
life—ever! You don't know much of
me. Ivy, but—will you be my wife?"
"What," she faltered, "what about
Damarls Chase?"
lie took her shaking hands uud held
them fast.
"Who In thejvorld has been telling
you of her? I've never seen her, but
I our fathers have vast Interest* In coui
| inun and have been anxious to arrange
, a match. I don't say I didn't think of
being complaisant Darling, some time
I may get up courage to tell you how
near I came to being a paltry coward,
hew desperately I tried to make myself
think I could do without you. But 1
cannot aud that's all there Is to It. If
you can endure being poor with me for
a few years I'M work so bard at my
profession to give you everything that
I shall be sure to win."
She had not beeu mistaken in letting
herself love him, then! For she did
love him—she did. And she had known
it all the while. She lifted her shy,
flushed face.
"I will be a good wife to you, dear!"
she promised. And he kissed her on
the llpa.
• ••••••
That night when be sought her at
the dance at the inn be stood amazed.
That lovely lady in the snowy, shim
mering gown his demure little coun
try lassie! How superbly she carried
herself! And those diamonds around
her white throat were worth a fortune.
She smiled up at bis amazed counte
"Aunt Agatha and I did not wish to
be bothered with attentions," she whis
pered, "so we've been living Incognito.
I expected my father tonight and
dressed to do him and you," sweetly,
"what honor I could. You will pardon
me," as she signed for a boy who had
brought her a telegram and broke tbe
seal of the message. "Detained!" she
read. "Will be with you tomorrow!"
She banded Ardsley the yellow slip.
It was signed, "Jasper E. Chase," and
It was addressed to "Miss Damarls
"That," she said, "is my name!"
"Ivy!" he gasped.
"Damaris Ivy Lyle Chase! You poor
boy! Come out on the balcony. They
are staring at us."
"Come—you base deceiver!"
Trick* of Ancient Ool( Workers.
There is a papyrus which givea
recipes for various alloys used In tbe
manufacture of cups and vases, for
making gold and silver Ink, for gilding
and silvering and for testing the purity
of precious metals. Other recipes
teach the method of falsifying them
by adding baser metals—an operation
called dlploels, or doubling, for the
mass of the gold and sliver was dou
bled, while their color remained un
changed, and, as the compiler of the
manual remarks, a skilled workman
would find it difficult or eTen Impos
sible to detect the fraud. The recipes
which recur most frequently describe
various modes of preparing asem, a
word which originally meant p natural
•Hoy of gold and silver known to the
Greeks as electrum. It was at first
looked upon as a distinct metal, was
considered sacred to Jupiter and was
designated by the sign of that planet
but at a later period the name was ap
plied to all alloys, and in this fact
seems to lie tbe explanation of tbe
origin of alchemy. Both gold and
silver could be extracted from genuine
asem, and it seemed as though it could
be changed at the will of tbe operator
Into either one or the other. If could
also be made artificially-by mingling
gold and sliver, or closely imitated by
some of the numerous alloys, eleven or
twelve varieties of which are describ
ed in the papyrus of Leyden.
. Wouldn't Commit rorgr err.
Among the candidates for appoint
ment to a vacancy on the police force
of an Irish town wsb one Patrick Mur
phy, whose appearance before the may
or was hailed with cries of "Ho can't
write!" The mayor said he was only
there to take down the names of ap
plicants, who would come up a fort
night later for examination.
A friend set Murphy in a fair, round
hand to copy "Patrick Murphy" and
kept him practicing at it assiduously.
When the eventful dsy arrived, "Take
that pen," said the mayor, "and write—
write your name." As Pat took up the
pen exclamations aroee: "Pat's a-writ
ln'! He's got a quill in his fist! Small
good will it do him! He can't write
with It!"
All were dutafounded when Murphy
recorded his name In a bold, round
hand and the mayor declared "That'll
do," but one of them shouted:
"Ask him to write somebody else's
name. yer.honor!"
"Write my name, Murphy." said the
"Write yer honor's name!" exclaim
ed Pat. "Me commit forgery and go
in' Into the police! I daren't do it
yer honor!"— London Tit-Bits.
The Bnek Forek Snnltarluaa.
Ninety-eight per cent of those who
have tuberculosis of the lungs, if they
get well at all, will havo to do so at
home, but not "by the fireside." Even
in tenement bouses people have made
good recoveries, but it lias been by
lying under a wide open window all
day long and all night long, by extra
feeding, by rest and by good courage.
There are wondrous possibilities on
back porches and in sheltered nooks.
It Isn't tbe coldness of the air nor yet
tbe sweltering heat of the sun tlint
heals. It is the fresh, pure air lu com
fort. Tho patient must not be annoy
ed by cold or heat, but must be dress
ed so as to be comfortable. Sleep out
of doors, shielded from the storm, and
dress Indoors where it is warm.—
Everybody's Magazine.
The Orlentnl Thief.
Even in common robbery tho orient
has picturesque ways pocullar to lt-
Belf. A Burmese woman traveling in a
third class compartment by the day
train recently was reclining in tho car
riage with one of her arms out of the
window somewhere near Sltkwin, on
the Purina state railway, when some
one camo along the footboard and cut
her arm clean off, apparently with a
sharp sword. On the lost hand were
rings with the usual accompaniment of
The Dleenehantln* Phonograph.
Tho best story I have beard recently
Is that told of a well known Oxford
don who was asked to speak Into a
phonograph. A little later the machine
was turned on again, and he was re
quested to listen to his own voice. The
don then turned to the assembled
company and said, "It Is strange that
through this machine I am made to
speak lu a peculiarly bumptious and
affected manner."—London Tatler.
A Oetter Plnee Below.
The occupanta of a store recently
moved their business a short distance
down the same street, hanging up lu
the window of the premises they had
Just vacated tbe following notice:
"Have moved to a better place lie
low."—Philadelphia Press.
Be Broke Oat.
Uncle—Are you always so quiet, my
little man? Small Johnny—l should
say not. But mamma promised me a
shilling If I wouldn't Bay unytbing
about your bald head and the wart ou
your nose.
No. 8.
I r liTtniwi
One tramps because be likes to
tramp, not to save money. Neverthe
less in Normandy, and the same Is true
of nearly every other section of France
except Savoy and the Cote d'Azur, one
must make a distinct effort to spend
Vhlle trataiplng more than 7 francs a
day, or Nearly all the aubergcs
I and many of the smaller hotels giro
comfortable rooms for 30 cents a night
•nd no extra charges, the petit dejeu
ner for 10 cents and a prix fixe dejeu
ner and dinner for 30 cedts each.
In a word, 7 francs ($1.40) a day rep
resents luxury, 4 to 6 comfort and 3 to
4 the essential. To bring the average
per day below 3 francs and keep mov
ing it Is necessary to go to the length
of buying provisions at the stores cud
Bleeping sometimes in the open air and
in granges, a method which is not
without its special piquancy, as I know
from experience, but which it would
be hazardous if not unpardonable to
recommend. Alvan F. Sanborn in
Book lovers' Magazine.
A Kanaka Canoe.
The early Kanakas built their fast
■ailing canoes out of the body of a
•ingle tree, hollowing it out and stay
ing the edges with Btrips of hard wood.
These strips extended to the ends aud
covered a space at both Btem and
stern. The triangular sails were made
of fine matting, and the little craft
was steadied by an outrigger. The
ruling chiefs and their families travel
ed in large double canoes, with a rais
ed platform in the center for passen
The building of a canoe was a very
serious business. Offerings were made
to the gods, and prayers were especial
ly addressed to the fisherman's tute
lary saint. A priest finally Btood with
the owner at the bow of the canoe and
recited the last prayer in unbroken si
lence; death and disaster were sure to
follow if any extraneous noise dis
turbed the scene.—New York Times.
UndlarnMed but Cool Ofllelal.
A humble French official who was
sent to one of the hottest departments
of France found his bureau a perfect
furnace until he had a brilliant idea.
He improvised a cisteru and sat in it
all day. Tbe public came into his of
fice and panted, but he was up to Uls
armpits in water, cool and comfort
able. Nobody minded; it was thought
very clever of him, and he grew in tho
local esteem. But one day there came
an Inspector whose business It was to
maiutain the dignity of the public
service, lie stood aghast. What! A
registrar sitting in a cistern? It was
a stigma on the republic. The case
was reported to Paris, and the offend
er was on the point of being dismissed
when a cynic suggested a more hu
morous punishment. "Send him to Al
geria !" Even the cisterns are hot in
that climate.—London Chronicle.
-Old London TTFTilge. ~-
Old London bridge was a monstros
ity. It dated back to the year 1176 A.
D., and at least three wooden bridges
are known to have occupied the same
site prior to that date.
The old bridge was slightly over 000
feet in length, and had eighteen solid
loaf piers, varying in thickness from
confining* the flow of the river to less
than half its natural channel. The en
tire surface of the bridge was occu
pied by blocks of brick and stone build
ings—erected on arches, with the road- ,
way running tunnel-like beneath
some of them four stories high. All
of these bridge buildings were densely
packed with huinau beings—at one
time estimated at I,7oo—carrying on
ull the trades and other vocations ef
life. Spanning the two center piers*
was a huge church building, dedicated
to St. Thomas of Canterbury, but usu
ally styled St. Peter's of the Drldge.
In very eitrly time tbe arch opening
from the bridge toward the city was
called "Traitors' gate," and it was no
unusual thing to seo the heads of a
dozen executed criminals hanging
over It
Chriatmna Feaatlnc In Old Tlmea.
There are certain dishes which uro
peculiarly dedicated by custom and
tradition to the Christmas feast. The
plum pudding is almost the sole sur
vivor of a long list of equally savory
ones. There was tho boar's head, al
ways the herald of the feast and al
ways seasoned with mustard. Next In
Importance was the peacock. The skin
was carofully stripped off, with the
plumago adhering. The bird was then
roasted. When it was done and had
cooled it was served up again in Its
feathers and with gilded beak was
sent to the table. Sometimes the whole
body was covered with gold leaf aud a
piece of cotton saturated with Bplrlts
placed In Its beak and lighted as It
made its gorgeous entry. The noble
bird was not served by common bands.
That prlviloge was reserved for the
ladles most distinguished by birth and
beauty. Geeso, capons, pheasants and
pies of carps' tongues also helped to
set out the Chrlatmas table in days
goue by.
Grotcaqne African Cnatoma.
Tattooing is almost universally prac
ticed by both sexes of the natives of
Africa. It Is, however, very roughly
done aud is altogether inferior to ili«
tattooing of the Maoris of New Zea
land and other Pacific races. The meth
od of operation is simply to make a
slit in the skin and then rub In char
coal. Among tho less pleasing feminine
ornaments must be reckoned the nose
buttons of the Wa Yao and tho fright
ful pelele, or lip ring, of the Anyanja.
The nose button Is a circular disk of
ivory or burnished lead let into one
side of the nostril. Ugly as is the ef
fect produced by this, it Is yet a thou
sand times less hideous than the pelele,
which consists of a round, flat piece
of Ivory or wood flxed in a slit in the
upper lip. The slit Is gradually in
creased by the insertion of successive
plugs, each a little larger than the pre
ceding one, until It can accommodate
a full sized pelele, which sticks out an
inch or more in front of the face, ren
dering tho appearance of the wearer
scarcely human.
The Game of Trlnqnet.
Popular among tho Basque peasantry
Is an ancient game known as trlnquet.
No one knows tho origin of triinjuet.
Like all Uasijue customs, It can bo
traced back and back till Its history Is
lost In the remote past Nearly every
court in the country bears the aspect
of extreme ago. Tho court at Bayonno
Is believed to be 400 years old, and the
one at St. Jean de I.uz looks older than
the one at Bayonne. When Louis XIV.,
who was married in St. Jean de I.uz
church, went down to the little frontier
town to meet his Spanish bride, ho
found the Basques of St. Jean de I.uz
energetically playing their ancient
game, and lie took the Idea back with
him to Paris, and from it, largely modi
fied, comes the game of tennis.
Tennis aud trimjuet are very similar,
sive that instead of a racket a leather
arrangement, known as a glove, Is used
for propelling the bali.—Country Life.