Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 16, 1905, Image 1

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Some Special Snaps for Shrewd Shoppers.
Given Away, Ladies' Flannel Shirt Waists, all
This Season's Styles at Half Price.
$4 00 French Flannel Waists now $2 00
3 50 « " " " 1 75
300 " " " " 150
200 " " " " 100
125 " " " 14 03
1 lot Ladies' Wo Iking Skirts sold at $3.50, $4.50 and
$5.00 now $2.48.
Still about a dozen fine trimmed Winter Hats left,
sold from $5 to SB, you can have your choice this week
while they last for sl.
About 15 Fur Scarfs left, ranging in price from $2 50 to
513.50 all to go at haff orice
'f «■ Send ln Your Mail orders -
■ ■■ - '
February Prices
An immense stock of Seasonable Footwear to be closed
out in order to reduce our extremely large stock.
Ladles' Fine Shoes.
Ladies' $1.25 for trimmed felt slippers $ 75
Ladies' $1 50 fine Dongola patent tip shoes 1 OW
Ladies' 75c felt slippers
Ladies' SI.OO fine Jersey leggins
Ladies' 60c ten button fine Jersey over gaiters w
Children's 75c fine Jersey leggins
Children's 85c fine patent leather shoes ."
Children's 75c fine Dongola shoes, spring heels
Infants' 35c fine shoes, many styles to select from 1»
One lot Misses' fine shoes
One lot Ladies' fine slippers &Y
Ladies' Lamb-wool soles 15
Men's Fine Shoes.
lien's $1 50 fine satin-calf shoes $1
Boy's $1.25 fine satin-calf shoes
Little Gents' SI.OO fine satin calf shoes 70
Men's $2.50 fine Patent Leather shoes, latest styles 1 63
Men's 90c fine felt slippers
Men's $1 50 heavy sole and tap working shoes 1 OO
One lot Men's high-cat box-toe shoes 1
All Winter Goods to be closed out regardless of cost
Big Bargains in Felt Boots and Bubber Goods of all Kinds.
SOLE LEATHER by the side or cut to any amount yon
wish to purchase.
Repairing Promptly Done.
128 S. Main St., BUTLER. PA.
The Butler Business College
New Buildings. $3,000 00 worth of BRAND NEW typewriters jnst added,
other NEW equipment in proportion. Positions secured for our worthy
graduates. During the past two months we have had calls for seven or eight
more young men stenographers than we could supply. Spring term opens Mon
day, April 8, 1905. INVESTIGATE! Catalogue and circulars free to those
A. F. REOAL, Principal, Butler, Pa.
(Our discount sale still continues j
i For the benefit of those who have been unable to attend our sale in the S
J past few weeks. \
I Besides our discounts on Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits and Over- J
# coats of 10, 20, 33} per cent and 4 off, we offer a few specials. S
S One lot of Ulster Overcoats, sizes 16 to 36. 7
\ Ccats that sold from SIO.OO to 813 00—Sale price $5.00 )
✓ •' " - " 5.00 to 9.00 " " 3.00 \
L Fancy Vests. (
f That sold at $8 00, $3 50, $4.00 and $5.00, sale price $2.50 /
\ '• " " 2.00, 2.50, 2.75 " " 1.50 V
/ 1.25, 1.50, 1.75 " " 1.00 /
\ Smoking Jackets and FY&TH Robes. I
C all go at t off regular price. J
/ All Men's and Boys' BWEATISRS at 25 per cent less than regular price. V
( 200 SHIRTS, were 50c. 75c, SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50, sell at 35c, 3 for SI.OO. /
* Lot of 25c and 50c CAPS go at 15c. 1
v SOCKS—the kind you pay 10c for any other store, go at 5c a pair. f
f Don't fail to atail yourself of this opportunity. /
{ Douthett & Graham. I
££ Merchant Tailor.
Winter Suitings
II Fall and Winter Millinery. {
4 1 i?i
« \ Arrival of a large line of Street Hats, Tailor-made M
S designs in Millinery Novelties. Trimmed and Un- 31
trimmed Hats for Ladies, Misses and Children. All 31
IE the new things in Wings, Pom pons; Feathers, 31
I j Ostrich Goods, etc, etc. J
\\ Rockensteln's 1
iotgi ill
J '• s: ; •
{ OObkAR \
| Hat Sale j
i Commences Saturday, Jan. 14th, i
a and lasts two weeks. We are 4
i not going to take up space tell- >
\ ing about these hats. Just come J
€ in and see them. ~
# i
| $1 50 to $3 |
# Soft and Stiff Hats at T
| . SIOO I
\ I
\ in odd lots underwear, soft and 5
r stiff shirts and neckwear. t
# Peoples Phone. 815. w
/ International ?
\ Stock Food. S
/ 8 feeds for one cent. N
) In 25c, 50c, SI.OO and $3.50 .
C Packages J
£ International <
? Poultry Food.
/ A 25c package contains 100 \
\ feeds for 12 fowls. C
C In 25c, 50c. sl. $8.60 Packages. >
✓ And all other International \
J Stock Food Co's remedies f
\ Sold by /
hedlck & Grohman i
? 109 North Main St., )
\ Butler, Pa. >
Do You Buy Medicines?
Certainly You Do.
Then you want the best for the
least money. That is our motto.
Come and see us when in need of
anything in the Drug Line and
we are sure you will call again.
We carry a full line of Drugs,
Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc.
Purvis' Pharmacy
Both Phones.
' 218 S Main St. Butler Pa.
The Great Tonic
Flesh Builder.
The best remedy for
throat and lung trouble.
We have the exclusive
agency for this remedy.
Ask for a calendar.
Crystal Pharmacy
R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G.,
106 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
307 Butler County National Bank Bldg.
Funeral Director,
0 -F
This Remedy is a Specific,
Sure to Civs Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the
diseased r.iembruie. It cores Catarrh anil
drives awi;v a C"ld in the Head quickly.
Restores tlio Senses of Tasto and S:nelL
Easy to ■£•■ ■. Contains no injurious drug*.
Appliod iiito tiio nostrils and
Large Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by
mail; Trul Si.-e, 1G cents by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, F3 IVarren St., New York.
121 East Cunningham Street.
Office Hours, 11 to 12 a. in,, 3 to 5 and
7 to 'J p. m.
Consultation and examination free.
Office hours—9 to 12 A. M., 2 to
M., daily except Sunday Evening
Office—Stein Block, Rooms 9-10, But
ler, Pa. People's Phone 478.
Women's diseases a specialty. Con
sultatian and examination free.
Office Hours, 9to 12 m., a to 3 p. m
People's Phone 573.
1/6 S. Main street, Butler, Pa
At 327 N. Main St.
Jji 106 West Diamond,
Dr. Graham's former of*ce.
Special attention g've.. to Eye, * ose
and Throat Peoo'e's Phone 274.
200 West Oaningham St.
Graduate of Dental Department,
University of Pennsylvania.
Office—2ls S. Main Street, Bntler, Pa.
Formerly of Butler,
Has located opposite Lowry House,
Main St., Butler, Pa. The finest work
a specialty. Expert painless extractor
of teeth by his new method, no medi
cine used or jabbing a needle into the
gums; also gas and ether used. Com
innnications by tuail receive prompt at
Office over Leighner's Jewelry store,
Butler, Pa
Peoples Telephone 505.
A specialty made of gold fillings, gold
crown auu bridge work.
12 Ji South Main street, (ov Metzer's
shoo store.)
Office in Butler County National Bank
Building, 2nd floor.
Successor to Dr. Johnston.
Office at No 114 3. Jeftersou St., over
G. W. Miller's grocery
Office in Butler County National
Bank building.
AT. scon,
Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But
ler, Pa.
Office in Butler County National
Bank building.
Office on Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Special attention given to collections
and business matters.
Office in Reiber building, cornet Maiu
and E. Cunningham Sts, Entrance on
Main street.
Office on Main St. near Court Hon9(
Office in Wise building
Office LU the Negley Building, We3i
Office on South side of Diamond,
Butler, Pa.
Office near Court House
Office with Berkmer, next door to P O
Mines and Land County Surveyor.
R. F. D. 49, West Sunbury, Pa.
Insurance & Real Estate
117 E Jefferson St.
SUTBER, - - - - PA
T By Kariha McCu!locK-Willisi.ms j.
t . x
V Cocyiighl, 1904. by Martha McCullcchAX aLiria t
T • . ■ . ....... . .
Hnrrowby town held its breath,
v/atching the encounter of the Carra
and the I'hillipses. Superficially, it
was a coiuedy; potentially, a tragedy.
After loftily ignoring each other for
thirty y urs, the rival houses were at
last forced to take intimate cognizance
one of each other.
It came about naturally enough. John
Carr and Luke Fhillips, the present
Leads of the families, had been iu col
lege days the chosen friends of Billy
Bluff, who now, as the famous Sena
tor Bluff, was iu Harrowby on purpose
to visit them. A great card was the
senator. Neither of the enemies could
afford to give him np wholly to the
oiuer. As he knew nothing of the un
friendliness, they did not choose to en
lighten him. Contrariwise, they made
tacit and temporary truce, shaking
civilly to each other in his presence
and even sitting at each other's boards
to do him cordial honor.
This was less awkward than it might
have been, since there had never been
a violent breach—only a drawing away
and looking to the other side of the
street or over beads in casual en
The quarrel was over the choice of a
minister, and, of course, all the bitter
er for that. The Carrs had been worst
ed. and. though they still came to St
Michael's and duly supported all its
good works, they took no part in any
thing else. Therefore everybody felt
that their grudge was the greatest.
Luke Phillips pretty well ran the min
isters and quite ran the church.
A masterful man, with a daughter of
his own stripe, he could not very well
help it Oriana, the daughter, was in
deed so much a chip off the old block
her line name made part of the comedy.
She was twenty-five, tall and stout,
with dark eyes and a flue carriage, to
Bay nothing of the way she wore her
clothes. Almost every Sunday her
fingers fairly Itched to get hold of
Louise Carr's ribbons.
Louise was the younger by five years,
sweet faced and sunny tempered, but
woefully careless as to how she looked.
So she had clean clothes and whole it
never bothered her in the least what
else they were or were not. She cer
tainly did look odd ln plain coat sleeves
when every other woman In church
bad dangling, baggy puffs and frills
all over her arms.
Terhaps if he had not seen her first
In a party frock with no sleeves to
speak of Senator Bluff might not have
given her a second thought. lie was a
bachelor and as rich as he was distin
guished. Gossip hinted, too, that he
was looking for a wife. Gossip said
also in a way not to be gainsaid he
would look a long time before finding
anybody better suited to the position
than Oriana.
Oriana herself was quite of that
opinion, although of course she kept it
linspoken. Senator Bluff was certainly
Impressed at their tlrst meeting. lie
insisted upon putting up at the hotel,
although dining or breakfasting every
day with his old college chums. Louise
was away at her grandmother's when
lie came. Thus for a whole week Ori
ana had a clear field.
Then the Grays gave a party, and
Louise danced at it, a slim white
wraith moving on winged feet, with
yellow hair tumbling all about her
rosy face and every fiber vibrant with
Joy in the music and the rhythmic mo
Until he saw her Senator Bluff had
said staidly that his dancing days were
over. At fifty one might well leave
such things to the new generation.
Judge then Oriana's wrath when she
saw him waltzing with Louise aud
waltzing extremely well, looking full
In his partner's face the while and
smiling as he had not smiled since he
came to Harrowby.
Next day it was even worse. The
senator breakfasted at the Carrs and
immediately afterward took Louise and
her mother for a long vagrant drive
about the country. Capping the climax,
he brought them along with him to
dine at the Phillips hous£, saying airily
to Oriana, who was mistress of It:
"You see, I take your father at his
word, ne said the' house was mine
while I stayed."
"You did quite right," Oriana said
sweetly, reassured by a glance at Lou
ise. The girl had on a faded blue ging
ham two years out of date, and her
hair was positively stringy. No doubt
the senator thought of her as only a
little girl in the awkward age, hence in
need of special consideration. No man
in his senses would look at her iu com
parison with Oriana, a stately vision
in canary yellow gauze, with dark red
roses nodding against her bare breast
and nestled amid the darkness of her
Louise gazed at her joyously. "You
are always splendid, Miss 'Ana. To
night you are a queen," she said, then
went to dinner, quite unconscious of
her own rumpled appearance.
She had smoothed her hair a bit and
stuck a spray of sweet peas in the low
coll so the flowers drooped agninst her
soft, white neck. Young Luke Phil
lips, who took her out, looked at her
and patronizingly decided that she was
a dowdy. Before dinner ended he
changed his mind. Senator Bluff man
aged somehow to set Louise telling
stories and acting them. She had the
rare and heavenly gift of losing her
self entirely In whatever she did. So,
utterly neglecting her plate, she was
by turns the minister's wife making a
pseudo pastoral visit, her grandmoth
er's companion, French Peter at the
tollgate or Miss Jane Sowell, the mil
liner, with II arrow by's hats on her
In vain hei mother frowned, sighed,
tried to stop her. A creature of whim
and impulse, Louise would not be stay
ed. As a consequence Luke junior
went back to the parlor pretty well en
slaved. Oriana saw it, with rejoicing,
although a fortnight back she would
have been deadly angry.
She was clear sighted. She had lost
the senator beyond peradventure un
less she could inuke him believe Louise
was uot free. That was a trifle haz
ardous, but she was ready for hazards.
So, while Louise sang in a sweet, un
trained voice the few trite songs she
knew, Oriana tried her charms. Oent
ly of course! She fairly purred in Sen
ator Bluff's ear her joy. that the family
feud, at which she barely hinted, was
to be so beauUfully healed. It was a
secret as yet, but Luke would estab
lish himself ln another year; he was
fresh from college, being Oriana's jun
ior. Wouldn't the senator come back
next summer for the wedding? She
hoped so, most devoutly. Louise was
such a dear, the Phillipses did not in
the least mind that she would bring
her husband only herself.
Senator Bluff was genial, but evasive,
LIE also was clear sighted. By SOME-
thing approaching Intuition he had
looked into Louise's heart and found
Its deeps untroubled, untenanted. But
he was not very sorry for what Oriana
had said. It gave him exactly the
opening he was longing for. S> the
neit day. a* he stood with Louise be
side the raspberry thicket, helping her
pick berries for lunch, he said offhand
edly: "Say, ladybird, if you want to
get married, don't worry yourself over
ways and means. I'll tend to all
"Indeed!" Louise said, with a wicked
smile. "You're taking a big contract
senator. You'll have to provide every
thing—from the bridal veil to the
bridegroom. Have you a constituent
yearning to sacrifice himself on your
"Xot that I know of," the senator
said, laughing. "It's my constituents
who have a representative after that
job. Tell me, honor bright, do you care
for Luke Phillips V"
"I wouldn't have hiin as a gracious
gift" Louise burst out.
Senator Bluff smiled—almost as
wickedly as she had done.
"In that case." he said, "since I have
undertaken to marry you off. I'll have
to take you myself."
Louise said "Indeed!" again, but with
a different inflection.
The wedding came off in a fortnight.
None of the Phillipses were there—
they had each and severally suddenly
discovered that their constitutions de
manded mountain air.
The Mechanical Harvester.
When dawn is red over the Califor
nia wheatfields, says Everybody's
Magazine, a leviathan comes lumber
ing down the road, shooting out heavy
clouds of smoke, and falls to attacking
the grain. This machine, heavy as a
church and complicated as a watch, is
a mechanical marvel. Before goes a
lumbering engine with a heavy stack
and a fire box that vomits out dense
flames from a hot petroleum fire. Be
hind it is all levers and big pillars and
curious devices of steel. It works with
the complex accuracy of a human be
ing. The sickle buzzes, and the heads
from a twenty foot swath fall smooth
ly on a canvas bed. You catch glimpses
of them rushing here and there
through the complex mechanism, and
presently a laborer who has been very
busy with some sacks jerks down a
lever. Bump! Out tumble four fat
bags of wheat. At the other end a
man with a shovel works like mad
clearing away a pile of chaff and short,
crumpled straw. This is all that the
Ignorant observer sees. Only the engi
neer can tell you how the grain which
stood iu proud array a minute before
Is now ready for mill—a month's work
ln five minutes.
The Klntc'a Coclt Crower.
"The king's cock crower" was a
quaint old English institution not abol
ished until the reign of George I. Dur
ing the season of Lent the officer
known officially as the "king's cock
crower" crowed the hour every night
'within the precincts of the palace in
stead of proclaiming it in the ordinary
manner. On the first Ash Wednesday
after the accession of the house of
Hanover, as the Prince of Wales, aft
erward George 11., was sitting down
to supper, this officer suddenly entered
the apartment and proclaimed in a
sound resembling the crowing of a
?oek that it was past 10 o'clock. Tak
?n thus Lj surprise and very Imper
fectly acquainted with the English
language, the prince mistook the crow
for an insult and rose instantly to re
»ent the affront, nor was it without the
utmost difficulty that his interpreter
could make him understand the nature
of the custom and assure him that a
compliment was intended according to
the court etiquette of the times. From
that period, however, the custom was
The Flrat English Siewipnper.
The earliest English newspapers were
not printed, but simply written. For
the benefit of those who wished to
consult them they were exhibited in
a public place, each reader being call
ed upon to pay a small coin called a
gazetta; hence the word "gazette." The
earliest English newspaper was the
Weekly News, first published in 1022.
In the seventeenth century several
newspapers were established, and in
the eighteenth century we had the fa
mous Spectator and allied publications
of the sort. The first dally appeared
ln 1702. It is also interesting to note
that the first serial story was "Robin
son Crusoe." which began to run in
the London Post on Oct. 7, 1710, and
concluded on Oct. 10, 1720.
Between the Ilorim of n Dilemma.
He was walking to and fro on ths
Itntion platform, and his anxiety was
to marked that a frieud inquired:
"What's the matter, Tlbbs? You look
as If you had something serious on
your mind."
"I have," he replied. "I'm worried;
li»Jly worried. I've just found a dollar
in my trousers pocket."
"You're the first man I ever saw that
worried over finding money he didn't
know he had."
"But you don't understand. I can't
make up my mind whether I forgot
the dollar or whether my wife slipped
it in my pocket to try me. You see, she
has been accusing me of keeping
things from her. Now, If I were to
blow this bill iu without saying any
thing to her about it and it should turn
5Ut that she had played a trick on mo
my finish would be worth writing up.
On the other hand, if I go to her aud
coufess that I found it she'll simply
take the dollar. I haven't been so wor
ried in a month."—New York Press.
The Kepnlnlve Squid.
Having caught a squid, a landlubber
at sea thus describes him: "The squid
is a small cousin of the octopus. He is
about one foot long from the tip of his
tail to the tip of his tentacles (extend
ed). Normally he is of a pale tan and
rich sienna, with darker spots, but ho
has the power to become if frightened
almost colorless In an Instant In ex
treme fright he discharges a dirty
brown secretion in the manner of his
kind and escapes while the enemy Is
enveloped In the Impenetrable smudge.
The head Is principally arms, with a
formidable parrot-like beak ln the cen
ter, while his eyes are located just
back of the arm cluster. The tall is of
the shape of a spearhead, with round
ed barbs. I did not examine him very
closely because of his snakelike ten
tacles, and, further, because his beak,
rasping on the spear iron, was most
unpleasant We dropped him over
board, and I was glad to see him go."
Money Saved.
Muggins—So you finally mustered up
courage to propose to Miss Springer,
eh? What was the result? Ilugglns—
She dismissed me without ceremony.
Muggins—Oh, well, don't you care.
The absence of ceremony saved you
the minister's fee.—Philadelphia In
To please one must make up his mind
to be taught many things which he al
ready knows by people who do not
know them.
y +
| Bess, Queen of |
t Strategists I
i i
V 1904. br T. C Mcdar. f
The bushes at the top of the steep
bank parted, and a girl dashed down
the faintly worn path, landing with a
light spring on the narrow strip of peb
bly beach. Without a breath of hesita
tion she seized the prow of the little
steel boat gave a vigorous push, a
practiced leap and stood poling swiftly
over the shallows with one oar. The
blue line of deep water reached, she
dropped Into the seat and rowed with
long, strong strokes. Half across the
arm of the lake, that lay between the
mainland and the little Island toward
which she was pulling, she rested on
her oars.
"Hm-m!" This in a tone of mild
surprise. "The bloodthirsty pursuer
doesn't seem to be gaining very rapid
ly. Not a sign of him yet. Guess I'll
give him a little chance. I've excuse
enough for wanting to remodel myself,
goodness knows!"
And she raised her arms, bared to
the elbow and brown against the white
of her gowu, to a mass of lawny hair,
very bewitchingly disheveled from the
precipltousness of her launching.
"I'm morally certain he saw me, too,"
she reflected, braiding the heavy coils
into a shining rope that more than
reached the floor of the boat as she sat,
"for he came around the corner of the
piazza just as I crossed the road into
the thicket. I should think he'd want
to say goodby after—after—everything.
But I don't care! I said I'd never
speak to him again, and I shan't!" She
seized the oars aud pulled the remain
ing half mile with vicious, snappy
It would have been much cooler back
in the evergreens, but she disposed
herself on the open sand with the pil
lows, book and parasol which formed
part of the boat's furnishings. The
bright 6carlet sunshade was thus un
mistakably visible from the mainland.
The warm discomfort of her vigil
was at length rewarded by the output
ting of a boat with a single white fian
neled occupant The scarlet parasol
swung around and presented a broad
side view to the water. When the on
coming boat was half across, the girl,
her back persistently toward It, gath
ered up her belongings aud betook her
self calmly to the friendly shadows a
few yards away.
The novel must have been intensely
interesting, for she had apparently not
taken her eyes from its pages during
all the time that an athletic looking
fellow was beaching a boat, crossing
the sand and throwing himself on the
ground at her feet.
"I came over to say goodby, Bess,"
he volunteered to the back of the book.
No answer.
"And to ask you to forgive me."
Continued silence.
"Won't you forgive me, Bess?" with
quiet earnestness.
Over the top of the book he was
given au Instant's burning glance of
scornful eyes.
"Oh, I know you told me never to
speak to you again, and I don't sup
pose you'll answer me either. I was a
fool not to get at least your forgiveness
last night, but some way I was too—
too stunned, I guess. But whether
you'll speak to me or not I must have
the privilege of saying a few things
that I want you to know. If—lf you'd
just put the book down and let me
know that you're hearing, Bess!" he
The leaves of the novel only turned
the faster.
"I'm going ou the 5 o'clock train," he
said tentatively. "It seemed the only
thing to do to make it easier for-for
both of us after—after—everything.
But probably you heard that I am go
ing. I was simply thinking that as
we'll presumably never see each other
again it wouldn't do any harm and
would be so much more satisfactory if
you'd just let me explain."
"Explain!" she flashed, unaware,
then bit her lip and turned another
He smiled in spite of himself, though
her anger was far from being an
amusing thing to him.
"Yes, explain," he continued, evident
ly encouraged. "The first thing I
should want to do if 1 knew I had your
permission" (he paused for the re
sponse that was not vouchsafed), "Is
to tell you that so far this has been
the happiest summer of my iife aud to
thank you for it. I've had such a good
time, Bess! I'm working pretty hard,
you know, since they made me a part
ner, and wasn't intending to take any
vacation. But when your aunt's note
came asking me for the house party I
was too deliriously glad to care a rap
for the consequences. Because I knew
what it meant, you see—that you had
suggested it and wanted me to come."
She stirred uneasily, plumped up a
cushion behind her back, snipped an
ant from her skirt, then took up the
book again, not seeming to notice that
a score of pages had fluttered over.
"I suppose you'll hardly realize what
it has meant to me." ne was on his
back, hands under head, and might
have been addressing the tiny patches
of blue that shone between the green
boughs overhead. "I went into the
business so very young and have been
about so little. It was especially hard
after I met you at the pier to know
that I was so different from the oth
The soft end of the heavy braid lay
near him and he fell to caressing it ab
sently. As he still gazed overhead he
could not see that the book was lower
ed and two shining eyes were regard
ing him stealthily.
"Aud then when I came you were so
good, better thau to the rest, Bess.
You gave me the most time and the
most favors. It—well, I guess it turned
my head, that's all. And when I came
upon you unexpectedly in the shadowy
hall last night"—
"Don't speak of it again, Arthur
Morton!" she cried so vehemently that
It brought him to a sitting posture.
"Everything was lovely, aud we did
have a good time, and theu you had to
►poll it all by t-tryiug to k-k-kiss me.
I n-never was »-so d-disg-graced In my
life!" Her voice choked with angry
"Please, Bess, I can't bear to have
you cry. Anyway, as long as we are
having a final straightening up I'm go
ing to finish the uasty busluess. When
I told you last night that I made a mis
take, that I thought It was one of the
housemaids, I told you a lie. There.
Now I suppose it is up for good!"
"A lie! Then you did know? You did
mean—but really, Mr. Morton, you
must excuse me from discussing this
disagreeable subject any further. I
said all I bad to say last night" She
rose stiffly and went over to the boat
for the tea things.
All tbe while that she was rather
blindly laying oat b«r dainty lunch ber
moat inconsistent heart via staging:
"lie did! I'm glad! He did! I'm glad!"
But the man sat very still, his face
buried in bis arms.
Then she waited for tbe boiling of
the water over the spirit lamp with ap
parent fascination In Its progress.
The man looked up at last.
"Yes, It was a lie," be said misera
bly. "I knew perfectly well It was
you. It's hardly likely I should mis
take any one for you, Bess. I was Just
loving you very hard, and tbe moon
wns in the wrong quarter or some
thing, and my bead swam—and then it
was over with. When I said I thought
it was the maid It was Just a desperate
attempt to make It easier when I saw
how hurt you were. Above all, Bess,
don't imagine for an Instant that I
ever thought you that kind of girl! I
bad a feeling that things were different
with us, that we almost understood
each other —such a conceited fool Is a
man in love! It Is for seeming to think
so poorly of you that I want to be for
She turned on him a dazzling smile.
"I forgive you," sbe said, "and won't
you have a sandwich? Tbe water Is
nearly boiled."
Promptly he took—not tbe sandwich,
but tbe band that proffered it, also Ita
After a perceptible lapse of time tbe
girl said softly: "But I never could If
you'd believed It the houaemald! What
did you expect, sir? Is a girl to be
kissed by a man who's never even said
be loves her and not say she's angry?
Anyway, you've missed your train."
"Some day there'll be another," he
answered comfortably.
• ••••••
They rowed back Bide by aide In the
man's boat, towing the other, whose
oare had mysteriously disappeared.
"Queer about those oars," reflected
the man half way across.
"I—l—dropped them overboard when
I wont to get the tea basket," said a
very small voice. "I was afraid yon'd
start to go."
□ere they stopped again, for the
average rowboat is disinclined to move
without some assistance.
Rales «o Follew la C«aT«m(lon.
Raillery is the flneet part of conversa
tion, but as It is our usual custom to
counterfeit and adulterate whatever Is
too dear for us, so wa have done with
this, and turned it all into what la
generally called repartee, or being
smart, just as when an expensive fash
ion cometh up those who are not able
to reach it content themselves with
some paltry imitation. It now passeth
for raillery to run a man down in dis
course, to put him out of countenance
and make him ridiculous, sometimes
to expose the defects of bis person or
understanding, on all which occasions
he is obliged not to b« angry to avoid
the imputation of not being able to
take a jest. It is admirable to ob
serve one who is dexterous at this art
singling out a weak adversary, getting
the laugh on his side and then carrying
all before him. The French, from
whom we borrow the word, have a
quite different idea of the thing, and
so had we in the politer age of our
fathers. Raillery was to say some
till UK llial ul Hrot nppoarc/t a tcpiuacU
or reflection, but by some turn of wit,
unexpected and surprising, ended al
ways in a compliment and to the ad
vantage of the person it was addressed
to. And surely one of the best rules
in conversation is never to say a thing
which any of the company can rea
sonably wish we had rather left un
said, nor can there anything be well
jtiore contrary to the ends for which
people meet together than to part un
satisfied with each other or them
selves.—Dean Swift.
The War te Get Press Tickets.
During the course of his investiga
tions one New York press agent learn
ed that enterprising young men often
had fifty or a hundred letterheads
printed, with the same number of en
velopes, and with these letterheads,
which represented them as editors of
a paper which had no actual exist
ence, they set about acquiring theater
tickets. Over in Jersey City one chap
was found who actually printed s few
copies of a paper at Intervals to send
to managers of theaters. He paid his
printing bills with theater tickets and
had enough left to pay him for his
trouble. No one ever saw his publica
tion except the theater managers to
whom marked copies were sent.—Les
lie's Magazine.
Danarer When the Ballet Falls «•
Stop the Brate's idraate.
The disturbing element in hunting
elephant or seladang or rhino has been
always to me at least the feeling of
uncertainty as to whether or not I
could stop the animal If I wounded it
and It charged me, as It did on an av
erage of once in three times.
Based on my experience, therefore, I
should place the elephant first and the
rhino third after the seladang, which
Is fully as formidable as the Cape buf
falo and is miscalled the bison all over
India. Each ef these animals is dan
gerous on different and Individual
grounds. The elephant, though less
likely to charge than any of the others,
is terrifying because of his enormous
strength, which stops at no obstacle,
and the extreme difficulty of reaching
a vital spot, especially If, with trunk
tightly colled, he is coming your way.
I know of no sensation more awe
some than standing ankle deep in
clinging mud In dense cover, with the
jungle crashing around you as though
the entire forest was toppling, as the
elephant you have wounded comes
smashing bis war In yoar direction.
The seladang is dangerous partly be
cause of the thick Jtmgle he seeks
when wounded, but mors especially
because of bis tremendous vitality and
his usual though not Invariable habit
of awaiting the hunter on bis tracks
and charging suddenly, swiftly and
viciously. It requires close and hard
shooting to bring down one of these
six foot specimens of oriental cattle.
The danger of the tiger and of the
ilon is in their lightning activity and
ferocious strength. But you have the
shoulder in addition to the bead shot
If broadside, or, if coming on, the chest,
all Bure to stop If well placed. The
reason the rhino is so formidable is be
cause its vulnerable spots are so hard
to reach. Its brain is as small in pro
portion as that of the elephant and
may be reached through the eye If
head-on, or about three Inches below
and just in front of or Just behind the
base of the car, according to your posi
tion for a shot.—Outing.
fh e Reasoa They Are Wide Brimmed,
Ul|h and Ftafll*.
In a lecture on Korea, Burton Holmes,
speaking of the men's hats, said:
"Though Korea and especially Seoul
has many foreigners and the people
have become accustomed to strangers,,
No. 7.
they adhere closely to tbafr curious
costume*, the hat being tbe moat Im
pressive part of the garb, 11M Korean
gentleman never removes his hat In the
presence of company, either In the
borne or outside. Tbe hat moat be
worn constantly during waking boon.
"The hat consists of a wide brim and
a crown high enough to contain the
topknot Tbe hats are made of many
materials and vary in price from $2 te
S4O. Their form dates back to a time,
centuries ago, when a king who was
fearful of plots and conspiracies de
vised the bead wear as a protection
against bis noble enemies. It men
could not get their beads together, he
argued, they could not engage In a
conspiracy, so be Issued an edict com
pelling bis courtiers to wear hats with
gigantic brims. Then In order to pre
vent fighting on the street be ordered
that these bats be made of a thin
porcelain. In case of a fight the hat
would certainly be broken. This would
necessitate explanations from tbe no
bleman, and street rows were thereby
"Though the hats are no longer made
of porcelain, they are sufficiently frag
ile to be broken if the wearers engage
In any violent demonstration*"
So mats w4 Geatirca Tkat Take tbe
PISM Of IfMth.
▲ sound or gesture made hy an ani
mal under any mental or emotional
Impression and calling ont a similar
one in another animal la an element
of language. When the rabbit quickly
beats the ground, its fetlow rabbits
know that there Is danger somewhere,
and they take action accordingly. That
Is rabbit language. When the hunter
imitates the rabbit and thus conveys
the same ideas, he Is "speaking" tbe
rabbit language for the time being.
Many animals use signs, which of
course are understood through tbe
eyes. The ants converse by touching
antenns and feet Many Insects rub
tbe elytra. This Is animal language
In its simplest form. It expresses but
few Ideas. But there are animals
which are capable of modulating their
Even tbe common rabbits, which
seem to be mute, are constantly mak
ing sounds, which a little observation
will soon discover to be ever changing
In volume, modulation, etc. Much of
this method of communication changes
when the animal is brought into civ
ilization from the wild state. The wild
dog, for instance, barks very little
when in freedom. How the household
dog barks and is able to express him
self ft well known.
The Blue Gl*.
It would be bard to imagine a more
fantastic looking animal than the blue
gnu, which ranges in South Africa
from the Orange river north to Victo
ria Nyanza. It suggests to one coming
unexpectedly upon It and seeing it for
the first time a sort of Impossible
dream creature, & cross perhaps be
tween a buffalo and a nightmare. To
the buffalo belong the neck ami horns,
but the tail and the hind quarters are
those of a horse. Tbe legs are a deer's
legs, but tbe head resembles Chat of no
other living animal. There seems to be
no doubt that the wild grotesqueness
of the appearance of the gnu is a pro
vision of nature to protect tbe animal.
n fIMnM those re
markable antelopes go through a series
of strange evolutions and extraordina
ry postures in order to enhance as
much as possible the oddity and bid
eousness of their appearance and to
frighten away Intruders.
tone Comment* on Pnnl UuMN
Danbar'i ESorta to Sutkla It.
"As a rule tbe negro who has grown
out of the dialect of his race makes an
sxtremely poor showing hi an effort to
mimic the negro's talk," said an ob
servant man, "and his efforts to write
it are even more pronounced failures.
But Paul Laurence Dunbar, tbe negro
poet has written at least one thing in
which he sustained the dialect of his
race. In tbe 'Death Song* Dunbar got
closer to tbe talk and tbe nature of the
negro than In any other effort It is
worth recalling, so here it Is:
"Lay me down bensaf de wfflen tn de
WhalTde branch 'II go a-slngtn' as W pes*
An" w*en I's a-layln" low
I kin hyeah It aa it go
olngin', "Sloop, my honey, tek ff res' at
»T-. T ME nigh te whah hit meks a little
An* d» wktah stan's so quiet lak aa eool,
Whalt da little birds In spring
Vst to coma an' drink an' aln*.
An' the chillen waded on Imr way to
"Let ma nettle Weo my shouldahs drape
dey load
Nigh enough to hyeah de noises ta de
Fu' I t'lnk de laa" lons iW
Gwlne to aoothe my aperrlt bear
Et I's layln* 'mong de things Fs alms
"You will observe here that he shows
the negro's strong devotion to the I,'
and it is Interesting because ot th«
tendency on the part of writers of ne
gro dialect to foroe the 'l' out by the
substitution of 'a.' Dunbar's use of 'l's'
for the improper 'I is' Is genuine. Most
negro dialect writers of today would
write It 'Ah's,' tor they nearly always
use 'Ah' for 'L* So be shows tbe same
preference for 1* in the llnea—
"An' w'an I's a-layln' low
1 kin hyeah It aa It go
Slngin*. 'Sleep, my honey, tek ree* at
"Here we have 'l'a' and T kin,' both
showing the negro's devotion to the
sound of 'L' Bo he uses 'gwlne* for 'go
ing,' probably errs in tbe distinctive
•gwin to,' for the negro, as a rule, will
make one word out of the phrase, giv
ing it more the sound of 'gwinter.' But
on the whole, the dialect la good and
is well sustained." New Orleans
One-half the stuff you boy does you
no good.
Don't carry a lot ot keys to private
drawers. Burn papers you don't want
A dollar Is a large amount to pay for
bread, but it is mighty insignificant in
a poker game.
When some people haven't any great
trouble, they smile aa much as to say,
How brave I am I
Many a good man fusses a great
deal about nothing and makes himself
unnecessarily disagreeable.
There is this in being a parent: They
get the abuse if their children are bad
and no particular credit if they are
good.—Atchison Globe.
Three Women Writers.
Among ladles distinguished for the
beauty of their penmanship—or pen
womansbip—was Charlotte Bronte,
who wrote a very small, very delicate
and carefully finished hand. Mrs. He
mans wrote in a free, flowing style.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning's manu
script was very neat and carefully
punctuated, the writing being distinct
and legible, though the letters were
<K>t well joined. _•