Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 02, 1905, Image 4

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    Grand Deal Closed
When Stod< was to go
Under th<? Hammer.
■I;#*!; ■!'; ; I? : I':
j| Thousands of Dollars |j § THIS is your money- j|
:: worth of Clothing, Hats u: jtj saving opportunity. 4?
•r and Gents' Furnishings :£ ili _ , , Sf
a: will be Sacrificed during Never such low prices
:: this Half-Price Clothing :g ifc on GOOD GOODS.
11 them"ver" tha " | j
Philip Schaul secured all the merchandise which was |
oftered to the public at auction by the Shloss Bros, just |
previous to time auctioneer was ready to stait the sale.
All goods have been moved into our store and arranged
on our tables and shelves for a grand HALF-PRICE
SALE in conjunction with the mammoth stock which we
ofter to the public at figures which will astonish the most
skeptical shopper. LOOK FOR THE YELLOW FRONI.
To those who want to make a glorious start, our
great Half-Price Sale will afford such opportunities as
you've never before enjoyed. We have decided to make
this sale such a clearance as no former sale has been.
We shall sacrifice more goods and cut prices deeper than
ever before. Your own knowledge of goods in geneial,
and our goods in particular, will enable you to realize as
you read these prices, how determined we must be to
make this sale one for you long to remember. Hie halt
cannot be told in this space, even though you cannot call
it brief.
Men's Overcoats
One lot young men's overcoats in
fancy cheviots, light and me
dium colore, cut swagger, with
belt and extended shoulders;
np to date; worth $lB-half
price sale $8.48
One lot of men's bine and black
all wool kersey and melton me
dium length overcoats, wortb |
$15 — half price sale $9.75
One lot of men's bine and black
and Oxford beayer medium
length overcoats, worth $10 —
half price sale $4.38
Men's Raincoats.
One lot of men's high grade crav
enette rain coats in the very
latest styles, rainproof cloths,
tan and Oxford, worth sls—
price sale $6.89
One lot men s double-breasted
guaranteed rain and storm
• proof, strictly all wool cut
long; silk velvet collar, worth j
s9—half pi ice sale $4.08 j
One lot .ot men's mackintoshes,
French coyert, box style,double
breasted, velvet collars, stitch
ed, strapped and cemented, in
tan and Oxfords, worth $4 — i
half price sale ....$1.98
Vests, Shirts & Night Robes.
One lot of men's odd vests, small
sizes—half price sale 58c
One lot of odd vests, small sizes
—half price sale 29c
One lot cf men's and boys' flan
nelette night robes, all sizes
half price sale 43c
One lot of men's dress shirts,
all colors and sizes, worth $1.25
—half price sale 98c
■ One lot of men's dress shirts,
worth 75c—half price sale 39c
One lot of men's heavy working
shirts, assorted colors, worth
60c—halt price sale 33c
Men's Flannel Shirts.
One lot ot men's extra heavy
flannel shirts, worth $1.50
half price sale 89c
One lot of men's extra heavy
Jersey shirts, worth sl—half
price sale 68c
One lot of men's heavy cotton
Jersey shirts, worth 75c— half
price sale 43c
Umbrellas, Trunks, Bags and Tele=
scopes During this Half Price Sale
Greatly Reduced.
PHilip Schaul,
137 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. Successor to Schaul & Nast.
Men's Suits.
One lot men's all wool dress suits
in all colors, well made, worth
sl6—half price sale $7,7/5
i One lot of men's business suits in
cheviots, casslmeres and worst
eds, worth sl4 —half price sale 9. <*B
' One lot of men's fancy mixed
suits, worth sl2-half price
gale $0.69
One lot of men's union cassimere
! suits, worth $lO-half price
sale $4.29
Men's and Boys' Pants.
One lot of men's and boys' pants,
all colors, worth $2.25 and.
i 2.so— half price sale sl.lß
One lot of men's wool jean pants,
worth sl.2s—half price sale . 93c
One lot of men's and youths' jean
pants, worth 75c —half price
sale 68c ,
One lot of men's best linen cor
duroy pants, worth s3.so—half
price sale $2.28
j One lot of men's linen corduroy
pants, guaranteed not to rip or
split, worth s3—half price sale 1.98
Men's and Boys' Underwear
I One lot of men's natural wool and
camel's hair all wool underwear
worth sl.2s—half price sale. ..98c
i One lot of men's sanitary fleece
lined underwear, all colors,
worth 75c—half price sale... 39c
' One lot of men's Derby ribbed
underwear in brown and black,
worth 75c—half price sale 39c
One lot of boys' fleece-lined un
derwear, worth 35c—half price
sale 21c
Men's Gloves.
| One lot of men's working gloves
or mittens, lined or nnlined,
wit h or without gauntlets
half price sale 48c
' One lot of men's working gloves
or mittens, leather or woolen
—half price sale 23c
Childien's Suits & Overcoats
One lot of children's suits, over
coats and reefers, all wool and
all colors, worth $0 50, 5.50 and
$5 each—half price sale $2.98
One lot children's suits,overcoats
and reefers, all colors and
sizes, worth $4.50, $4 and $8.50
—half price sale $2.10
One lot children's suits,overcoats
and reefers, worth £IOO, $2.50
and $2 25—half price 5a1e..51.28
Boys' Knee Pants.
One lot of boys' knee pants, all
wool, in plain and fancy mix
tures, worth 75c—half price
sale 44c
One lot of boys' union cassimere
knee pants, worth 35c—half
price sale 19c
Men's Working Coats.
One lot of men's leather coats,
lined with heavy corduroy,
worth s6—half price sale-. .$3.88
One lot of men's extra heavy wa
terproof duck, large corduroy
collar, worth s3.so—half price
sale " 1.98
One lot men's duck coats, with
waterproof interlining, worth
s2—half price sale 98c
Men's and Boys' Sweaters.
One lot of men's all wool sweat
ers, new honeycomb knit, in
all colors, worth s2 balf price '
sale 98c
One lot of men's heavy cotton
ribbed sweaters, worth 50c—
half price sale 33c
j One lot of boys' pure worsted
sweaters, in ail colors, worth _
sl.so—half price sale 98c
One lot of boys' heavy cotton
honeycomb knit, all colors
worth sl—half price sale 48c
: One odd lot of children's all-wool
sweaters, in small sizes, worth _
i 50c—half price sale 25c
Men's Silk Mufflers & Hose
Men's pnre silk mufflers sold
regularly for $2 and $1.50
half price sale 75c
Men's Bilk folded mufflers sold
regularly for $1 and 75c—half
price sale 39c
Men's pure silk handkerchief
mufflers, sold for $1.50, $1.25
sl—half price sale 58c
Men's all wool extra heavy hose,
sold regularly for 35c —half
price sale 25c
I Men's all wool hose, sold regular
ly for 25c—half price sale 19c
Men's Hats.
One odd lot of men's soft and
stift hats, all sizes and new
shapes, worth $2 and s3—hulf
price sale 93c
One odd lot men's soft aud stiff
hats, all sizes and new shapes,
worth $1 and sl.so—half
sale 38c
Men's and Boys' Caps
All the latest styles, consisting of
the Windsor and golf and
Brighton shapes, fancy and
plain colors—half price sale
All the latest shapes and colors,
worth 75c—half price sale... 43c
All latest shapes and colors,
worth 50c —Half price sale.... 19c
One lot of odds and ends will be
put on counter; yon can pick
them out of 25c and 50c quali
ries— half price sale 13c
ITeiv* mail Vlew« of InterMt In A art- j
ona Lines of Agriculture.
Washington, P. C— Durum wheat,
which has hitherto been exploited in
this country simply as the so called
"macaroni" wheat, is now receiving at
tention from the bureau of plant indus- i
try ns a bread wheat. In a report on
Its commercial status just made by
Messrs. Carleton and Chamberlain the
continued success of milling and bak
ing operations with this wheat is cited !
as demonstrating that durum wheat
has not heretofore been given its prop
er rank. They are of the opinion that
it should properly be considered as a
wheat of the highest class, ranking
with hard spring and hard winter, but
should be graded ou its own merits and
kept absolutely distinct from either of
these. These investigators atiirrn that
so long as durum wheat is grown
where it is well adapted It will always
possess certain special qualities of
commercial value not existing to so
great a degree in other wheats:
First.—ln the strictly semiarid dis
tricts it usually ripens earlier than oth
er spring wheats. This allows the
wheat a greater chance to escape insect
and fungous pests and thus insures a
plumper, finer kernel.
! Second.—Freedom from rust and
smut is still further Insured by the
natural resistance of this wheat to the
attacks of such fungi. The importance
of smut resistance in the fields of the
northwest is manifest to those who are
j aware of the great damage to wheat
from this cause in that region.
Third.—Hard spring and winter
wheats are known to produce a harder,
better grain In the drier districts and
in dry seasons. Durmn wheat, being
particularly adapted to such conditions,
always furnishes an excellent hard
grain without a corresponding decrease
in yield.
Fourth.—Accompanying this drought
resistance and hardness of grain is a
corresponding increase in the quantity
and quality of the gluten.
Fifth.—ln analyses of flour and bread
it Is shown that the sugar content of
durum wheat is considerably greater
than that of other wheats. Even a
small percentage of differo: • in this
respect is of great importance to the
baker during a year's operations.
Sixth.—The extreme dryness of the
durum wheat grain in a good season
gives the flour a great power of absorp
tion, which, other conditions being
equal, allows the baker to obtain more
loaves from the same weight of flour
and in some cases would thus give this
wheat a great advantage over other
wheat Hour of less absorption.
Imooillation of Land.
The "yeast cakes" of the department
of agriculture, otherwise small pack
ages of nitrogen gathering bacteria
which are particularly favorable to the
growth of certain crops, continue to be
a matter of interest. It has been for
some time known that small organ
isms that serve the purpose of collect
ing nitrogen sometimes live on the
roots of clover and various leguminous
crops and that where these organisms
are plentiful bigger and better crops
and fertility of soil are assured. If
they do not originally exist In soil
where these crops are to be grown they
can be artificially Introduced. The bu
reau of plant Industry has devised the
method of growing and propagating
these organisms and sending them by
mall to farmers for application to the
soils. The little package of bacterial
germs in connection with some chemi
cals that accompany it Is added to wa
ter, producing after a short time a
milky solution (due to the growth of
the geruis), and this solution is used for
wetting the seed. The roots of the
plants produceil from this seed will
bear the characteristic "tubercles" of
the nitrogen gathering bacteria.
The bacteria already sent out by the
department are being heard from with
gratifying results in many Instances.
Where a stand of clover has been hard
to secure and where cowpeas, vetch
and similar crops would not grow in
oculation of the soil has solved the
problem of getting a start with those
crops, and fields soon become filled
with the beneficent germs. When once
the germs are secured in soli this soli
*an be used to continue the work in
other fields by scattering small quan
tities of It with seed.
Method* of Applying Water to Land.
We are asked to associate irrigation
Tilth the thought of our arid and semi
arid western lands. But it is a sug
gestive fact for the other part of the
country that one of the finest irrigation
systems of the world Is found In hu
mid climate—in Italy, In the valley of
the I'o.
A recent bulletin of the department
of agriculture is devoted to a phase of
irrigation that has been somewhat ncg-
Jected heretofore—namely, the methods
of preparing land for Irrigation and
applying the water. Naturally these
methods are mostly those practiced by
western farmers, but they have a cer
tain value also for those farmers in
other regions who are Interested in the
useful application of existing sources
of water to their lands. And that irri
gation has been made advantageous in
humid regions In this country to a cer
tain extent Is shown by reports of the
New Jersey experiment station and by
the experiences of Individual truckers
U different status.
Nfw« and Notes.
Three hundred breeders attended the
meeting of the Hereford Breeders' as
sociation held at Kansas City at the
time of the American royal show.
Breeders of thoroughbred poultry re
port excellent prices received for show
birds the past year.
Maine reports n heavy potato crop,
with no rot. Rot, blight and early frost
are said to have dono considerable
dnmngo to the crop in some sections of
Wisconsin and Michigan.
Hidden Tattoo Mark*.
An escaped convict was on trial be
fore a French court, and the question
turned upon his Identity with a prison
er known ty have been tattooed. There
was no appearance of colored marks
upon his arm, and the question submit
ted to M. Leroy, the medico-legal ex
pert, was whether the man had ever
been tattooed. M. Leroy applied strong
friction to the skin of the man's arm.
This had the effect of bringing out
white lines »s cicatrices, with a slight
bluish tint. By this means the word
"Sophie" was plainly legible In white
marks on the reddened skin. This
proved the identity of the convict.
Fruitful Norm ll ndjr.
A traveler in France writes: "Nor
mandy is sweet, clean, green and pros
perous. Its iris crowned thatches are
the most beautiful, its posy gardens
the most sedulously nurtured and its
farmyards the most enchanting in all
France. Its cows are sleek and good
milkers, Its horses world famous and
its blond women -even those seasoned
by Held labor—always sphinxlike and
often fair. It is attractive, sensuous
ly speaking, at every season, and the
Normans, with all their droll fears for
their pocketbooks, are not bad com
pany in the long run."
Rare Ornltlioloulcal Curio*.
The catalogue of the Musaetim
Trndescantlanum, or Tradescant's mu
seum, published In England in the year
1056, makes mention of many rare or
nithological curios owned or left on
deposit In that Institution. Among the
dozens listed three are especially in
teresting—viz, "two feathers from the
tayle of a phoenix," "Easter eggs laid
by a mayle barnyarde fowle" mul "tho
; claw of the bird roc, who, as authors
j report, is able to trusse an elephant."
A woman worn-out, who never has to
lift a hand for herself, who does not
know the meaning of the word " worry" !
How can it be possible? That it is possi
ble is proved by the experience of many
a woman who, because of sleeplessness,
nervousness, backache and other wom
anly ills, becomes an utter physical
wreck. . .
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription gives
new iife and new strength to weak, worn
out, run-down women. It establishes
regularity, dries unhealthy drains, heals
inflammation and ulceration, and cures
female weakness. It makes weak women
strong and sick women well.
"I suffered for five years with inflammation
which caused violent pain and often torture so
bad at times that I could not be about to attend
to my daily duties," writes Mrs. Julius C Bell,
of Bathroad, Kingston. Ont. "Life was simply
misery to me and I did not know which way to
turn lor relief. Had tried doctors but fauud
thev did not help me My drugßi't advised me
to try Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription—eulo
gizing it iu glowing terms. I decided to give it
a trial and brought a bottle home. I am happv
to say that after the use of the first bottle I felt
so much improved I decided to take another and
after that a third bottle. I have good reasons to
be pleased fcr I am to-day a well woman, work
is ea»y and the world looks bright I have per
fect health, thanks to your medicine "
Sick women are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce by letter, free. Address Dr. R. V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
"Favorite Prescription" makes weak
women strong, sick women well. Ac
cept no substitute for the medicine which
works wonders for weak women.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be
used with " Favorite Prescription " when
ever a laxative is required.
Specifics euro by acting directly on the
sick parts without disturbing the rest of
the system.
No. 1 for Fevers.
No. 2 " Worms.
No. 3 " Teething.
No. 1 " Diarrhea.
No. 7 " Coughs.
No. 8 " Neuralgia.
No. 9 " Headaches.
No. 10 " Dyspepsia.
Ni>. 11 " Suppressed Periods.
No. 12 '• Whites.
No. 13 " Croup.
No. 14 " The Skin.
No. 15 " Rheumatism.
No. 1G " Malaria,
No. 19 " Catarrh.
No. 20 " Whooping Cough.
No. 27 " The Kidneys.
No. 30 " The Bladder.
No. 77 " La Grippe.
In small bottles of pellets that fit the vest
pocket. At Druggists or mailed, 25c. each.
■JOT Medical Guide mailed free.
Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. William & John Streets,
New York.
l-O (Whiskey)
Dr. Goodfellow
Doctors prescribe good whiskey, for
affections of the throat, bronchial tubes
and lungs. Cold weather is dangerous
have a little of our pure liquor in the
house. Yon may rely on its high
character—we absolutely guarantee
these brands.
and offer them to you 6 year old at $1 per full
quart, (1 quarts #5 00
whiskey guaranteed 3 years old, £2 CO per gal
lon. We pay express charges on all mail
orders of s.">oo or over. Goods shipped
Ko. W Sailthfleld St„ PITTSBURG, PA.
'Phones: Bell P. ft A. 1458
I)AKOID. The Roofing with NO
TAR. Won't dry out. Won't
grow brittle.
A NYONE can apply it. Tins,
Nails and Cement in core ot
each roll.
IJ EPRESENTS the results o
years of Experience and Ex
/ANLY requires painting every
fewyearb. Not when first
I S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate
or Shingles.
I \ EM AND for PAROID is world
U wide.
Other Faev<», Samples and Prices are
yours if you will aak us.
in the United States,
Beautiful miniature, walnut "Cuckoo a.
Clock." Unique hall ornament: u*
jui.-itely carved; substantially put flgbjSk
together. Every clock guaranteed raHHf'J
perfect time keeper Elegant prize nSK
lor card parties: acceptable present. gEjSg
Mailo of haril wood, inches high.
)!4 inches wide. So <1 for largo cata \
log of household specialties-the low
price will startlo you. Jill
403 K»y*tone Ulttft. PiUhbu/G. Pa. w
We have removed our Marble and
Granite shops from corner of Main and
Clay streets to No. 200 N, Main street,
(opposite W, D. Brandon's residence),
where we will be pleased to meet our
customers witb figures that are right
Monuments & Headstones
of all kinds and are also prepared
to give best figures on
Iron Fence, Flower Vases
etc., as we have secured the sole agency
from the Stewart Iron Works of Cin
cinnati, Ohio, for this town and vicinity.
P. H.Sechler
Special Offer
To those purchasing photos
of groups or views, Bxlo, at
50c each, to the amount of $lO
I will present free a fine 20x40,
exact reproduction that will
stand washing and not fade
away. No bum work, but a
fine permanent Bromide en
' largement, fully guaranteed.
. This offer is good till October
j Ist, 1904.
The Outdoor Artist,
iTbe Butler Dye Works
BR&P It It
Time table in effect Nov. 27, 1904
Passenger trains leave and arrive at
Bntler as follows:
7:30 a. m., mixed for Punisntawney,
Dn Bois and intermediate stations.
10:31 a. m. daily, vestibnled day ex
press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford,
week days, for Rochester.
5:37 p. m. local for Punx'y, Dn Bois
and intermediate stations.
11:3 lp. m. night express for Buffalo
and Rochester.
6:10 a. m. dailv, night express from
Buffalo pnd Rochester.
9:50 a.m. week days, accomodation
from Dußois.
5:34 p. in. daily, vestibuled day express
from Bnitalo. Has connection at Ash
ford week days from Rochester.
8:07 p.m. week days, mixed train
from Du Bois and Punxsutnwney.
Trains leave the B. & O. Station,
Pittsburg, for Buffalo and Rochester
at 9:00 a.iii. and 10:00 p.m., and for local
points as far as Dußois at 4:05 p.m. On
Sunday the 9:00 a.m. train runs to Buf
falo alone.
B&OR it
Time table in effect, Nov. 27, 1904.
Trains for South and West,leave Bntler
—town time: WEEK DAYS.
6:20 am, Allegheny Accommodation.
8:00 a m, Allegheny & Cleveland Ex.
9:10 a.m. Allegheny Express.
11:40 a m, "
1:25 p m, Pittsburg Ex & El!wood Ac.
3:35 p.m. Allegheny Ex.
5:00 p.m, Chicago, Ellvrood, N. Castle.
5:20 p.m, Allegheny Ex.
5:50 p.m, Allegheny Ac.—New Castle.
8:00 a m, Allegheny & Cleveland Ex.
1:25 a.m. Pittsburg Ex.
3:35 p m, Allegheny Ac.
5:50 p.m, Allegheny Ac.—New Castle.
9:42 a m, Kane & Bradford Mail.
4:55 Clarion Aceomo
Trains leave the Allegheny station for
Butler 7:00, 8:15, and 10:40 A. M.,
and 1:15, 3:00. 5:80 6:15 and 11:30 P. M.
On Sunday at 7:30 A. M. and 6:15 and
11:30 P.M.
For through tickets, Pullman re§ermtk>n» and in
formation apply to W. R. TURNER, Agt, !
Butler, Pa.
K. P. SMITH, A. G. P.A.,
Pittsburg, Pa
HCHILCL* IK Krrccr Nov. 27 If*> 4.
80CTH. , V.'EKK DATS ,
A. M A.M. A.M. P.M. P. M
HI'TLKB Leave 6 15 8 40 10 35 2 Su 4 25
SiiKiuburz Arrive 6 45 903 11 00 2 55 4 49
Butler Junction.. " 7 14 « 30 11 25 3 20 6 15
Hutler Junction. ..Leave 7 37 8 32 11 30 8 20 6 17
Natrona Arrive 7 4ti 9 40 11 39 3 29 5 25
Ttt.-cutum .7 52 945 11 4C 3 35 5 31
Springdale I 8 02 9 55 11 58 3 44 5 41
Glaremont ' ' .... 12 16, 3 68. ....
Shannon; I 8 21 10 13 12 24 4 06 6 01
Allegheny' 8 35 10 27 12 40 4 20 6 15
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
SUNDAY TRAINS.—L.-ave Butlei for Allegheny
City and principal iiitercawliate stations at 7:2-! a. tn.,
*nd 5:05 P- in.
A.SI. A.M. A.M. 1». MP. M
Allegheny City !v 015 82510 20 2SO «10
Sbarptjbur? 6 3ti 8 39,10 39 2 35| 6 24
GUremont ! 6 38: 847 10 4li 247 ....
Springdale 7 00 « 07 11 00 3 06 , 0 42
Tarentum 7 13 # 80 11 11 3 23 6 53
Natrona 7 20 927 11 18 3 331 6 57
Butler June i»r 730 93711 27 345 705
Butler June Iv 7 42' 940 12 :i0 4 CISi 706
Saxonturg 800 10 OH 12 64 4 32 7 30
BCTLEB 8 35i10 33,' 1 2o! 6 05 7 55
A.M.IA.M, P. M.jP. fll.j P. M
SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny City for But
ler and principal intermediate stations at.7:00 a. m. and
9 30 p. in.
Week Days. Sundays
A.M. A. M.tP. M. A.M. P M
BUTLER Iv 615 .. J2 30 7 20t ....
Butler J'ct ar 714 320 8 lo! ....
Butler J'ct U 740 400 814 ....
Feeport wr 7 M 402 817 ...J
Kakiminctas J*t...7 48 408 823 .... '
Loechburg " 80) U2O 837 ... I
West Apollo " 8 221 | 439 864 ....
SalUburg " 8 4H| 508 9 2«» ...
BUtiravHie 9 20' ' 542 9 62i ....
BUirsvilk lot " 927 ■ • ••. 550 10 00
Altoona " 11 35j 850 1 40,. ..
Harrisbur* " 310 100 6 351
/hlladelphia " 6 23 i 4 23 10 20 j
P. M.|A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M
Through trains for the »aat loavo Pittsburg (Union
Station), as follows:
Keystone Express daily 3:00 A.
M tnhattAil Limited, «laily, f«»r No.th Phila
delphia and New York ... 3:35 "
Pennwylvanla Limited daily 7:16 "
N<w York " " 7:15"
Atlantic Expreas, ** 7:30 M
Mnin Line Hzpreea, " 8:00 **
Day Exprw*, " 12:01 Noon
Mail Expresa «« 12:45 p.*
Chicago Mail daily, for Baltimore aud
Washington 4:s f # "
Eastern Ex preu, daily, for Phil'a and N Y....4:65 "
New York Kxprexft. " 44 " 7:10 41
Philadelphia Express, daily 9:00 '
New York Special, daily fbr New York, only. 10:00 "
Philadelphia Special daily. Sleeping
cars to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash
ington. No coaches 10:00 *
Philad'a Mail, Sundays only 8:35 A.M
Note —Carries coach p;utHetigcrH between Pittuburg
and IlarriHburg.
Kflr Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bridge all
rail route) 8:00 a;m., 7.10 and and 9:00 P. m. daily,
"Pennsylvania Limited," and New York Limited 7.15
a. m, week days.
Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Division.
Trains leave Kiskiminetas Jnnction as follows:
For liuttalo, 9.51 a.m. and 11-50 p. m. daily, with
through parlor aud sleeping cars.
For Oil City, 7.48 9.51 a. m., 2.J2, C.07 and 11.50 p.
m. week-days. Sundays, 9.51 a. m., 6.07 aud 11.50 p.m.
For Be4l Bank, 7.48, 9.51, a. m., 2 32, 6.07
and 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.51,10.40 a. in.,
ft.o7 and 11.50 p. m.
j For KittannJng 7.4K, 9*B,
; 0.(^7,7.30, 10.15, and 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sundays,
9.51, 10.40 a. m., 6.07, 10.44, and 11.50 p. m.
"f * Stojw only on signal or notice to agent or con
ductor to receive or discharge pasnengerH.
Foi detailed information, apply to ticket agent or
address Tlics. E. Watt, Pasa. Agt. Western District,
.'*6o v'lftli Pittsburg, Pa
Gmj'l Manager. Pass'r Traffic Manager.
GEO, W. BOYD, General Passenger Agest.
WinfieUl It It Co Time Table
In effect Nov. 30th, 1903.
Leaves West Win field 7 30 1 2 45
I "
" Ir- .i Bridge 755) 310
" Wiefield Junction 810 325
44 Lane 8 2o! 335
44 Butier Junction 8 2.V 3 40
Arrive Potior 10 65j 5 38
Arrive Allegheny 10 021 6 05
Arrive B1 dnrville 12 451 6 20
Leave llluirßTlllo 7 50 2 25
" Allegheny U 00! 300
" Hutler 7 351 235
44 Butler Junction 10 15 440
44 Lane 10 18 443 ,
" Winfield Junction ilO 30 455
44 Iron Bridge 10 40 505
Arrive West Winfleld 10 05' 5 30
Trains stop at Lane and Iron Bridge only on Flag to
tak>' <>ii t.J I• ; t'.«• ■• tl pa^tii/fiK.
Trains Connect at Butler Junction with:
TraiiiH Eastward for Freeport, Yandergrift and
Blairsville Intersection.
Traina Westward for Natrona, Tarentum and Alls
Traius Northward lot Saxcnburg, Mar wood and But
General Manager.
TIME TABLE In effect Dec. 18th, 1904.
(Read up) Dally Except Sunday (Read down)
10 |ii| 12 i STATIONS I®! 11 I
p.m. p. in. a. m. oiaiiuj». b. m.'p. ni.]p. m.
730 1 4110 60 Eric • 7 001 1 001 4 I'.O
7 o:: 10 iH F*lrvkw 7 2d | 4 f<«
0 53i 1 01,10 12) (iimnl I 7 371 1 87| 5 08
7 o.i I 4'HIO 2'. l Ar..( , oiiiieaia..Lv 7 0012 01 4 SO
4 50.12 0 1 7 Qo;Lv„Counc»ut_Ar|lO 2". 1 7 05
I) 'J 6'. ....CraniNVille..... 7 65' I 6 24
6 :!012 r.i ;» 62l Albion 8 ooi 2 (HI SHO
G IT, 112 35 f9 .'i'jj Hhadt'laucl H iar2 10f.i 42
6 I 112 3;i| 9 s; 8 id 2 13 5 44
C n; 12 2» 9 :>.) rouneautville... M 23| 2_li» 5 50
0 .At 12 if 50 ArMiivl villi- l.v 7 47|"i fx'l 462 I
4 t'-'.ll 32| 7 47 IJV Mt'tt.l vlllc Ar 9 So! 3 I*6 50
6 '2212 22 9 22A..«Wt Lukc. Lv 8 111 2 1H 5 20
6 20 12 00 6 15:Lv.('OIl't Ijtko.Ar 9 22 1 2 SO 0 22
6 45 Vr..Lines villo. l.v ' 8 65
H ;,..l.v MnosviUe Ar 7 15 I
6 1-412 12 9" 12 .Mfll'lvlllo Jet . j 8 42 2 37 0 12
62" II r.. 857 lliirl-itowii... 8 67' 240 020
6 23 II 6o 8 60__.Ailain*ville... 9 03| 2 54 6 31
513 . 8 40j Oskowl 913 ... (i 41
i 50; 11 3.1 8 33; GrCLllVllle 9 '2U 310fi 48
! 600 II it* 8 28 KlieiiHliKo 9 2* 3 10 0 52
4 1 11 12 8 11 Krcdoula !) 45 a 31 7 12
4 28*10 58 T 60' Mercer 10 01 3 40 7 20
I 4Zi lO 6.3 7 SlL.Houstou Jct_... 10 0fJ.... 730
' 405103 .7 3d (irove City 10 28 4 o*l 760
, 3 4810 iei.a.m. larrlHVllle 10 40 4 2op.ni.
3 4010 M I Brnnchton 'lo 48 427 ...
II 30 Ar._.Hilllnr.l. Lv 7 00 2 Oil ......
2 00; 7 00 Lv . 11l 11 inr<l Aril 30 8 30 .. .
I 3 35 10 13 . I Kfl-lcr. 10 62 4 31 .
3 1010 112 1 Euclid... II oß| 4 46 2 07
] II 00 Ar. „. Kaylnr._ l.v' 3 2o
I - I 7 -ILt K»ylor._.Ar ! 6 22p.m.
•i 60| » 88U...-I Butler... .....11l pq 8 10| 885
! 0 40 j.Nnrtli Bi sM'ini r. 6 M)
• 1 15 81: Lt.Allegheny.Ar) 100 g :i6
; p.m.;n. m j p.m. p. m.l
; Train No l lcnvlng Greenville at 6:15 a. tn.:
Shenioro liftMoiiliI;ll: Mnoer 7.28; <,ruvc
city 7:55; Kelster 8:18; Butler 9:00, arrive* In
AllcKlieiiy hi 10:25 a. in.; connects at ijacen
! Junction witli trains to an<l from Ka>lor, anil
at Brunch' n from Hilll&rd
| Train No 2 leaving Allegheny at 300p m ;
i Hutler 4:15; Keister 6:.30: ilrovc City S:s;i: Merc, r
I 8:18; Frul itiia 6:34; Shenango 6:5'2, nrriv. s in
Greenville at 6:57; connects at Queen Junction
with train,. io and frum Kuj lor, and at lirancli
ton fur lliiiiariL
Ueucral -Mai.agtr. Guu'l VIM. Agent.
See the Sign direct
opposite the 1
Old Postoffke J* $ I
Theodore Yogeley, m
Real Estate and WjaM
Insurance Agency, L 5
238 S. Main Si"g l 3
Batler, Pa. jj B
If you have property I
to sell, trade, or ren I
or. want to buy or £W^M
rent caii. write or AM
uhone me. VJH
List Mailed Upon Application
TinilElt AS» fOJkL H)B
If you want to buy a tract of Umber, piece
of coal, or a farm I have them to sell, if you
have a farm to sell with eoal or tlmt>er on It.
1 have the cash to buy it. WNI. M. CRAIG.
T'kt; Krankstown Ave.. Pittsburg. I'a.
For men, ladies and hoys to learn barber
trade, new system, only 6 weeks required, K.
R. fare paid.
1405 I'enn Ave.. Pittsburg. I'a.
Near I'nion Station.
I-.. S. Shields,
New York and Local Stocks and Bonds.
Member Pittsburg Stock Exchange.
323 Fourth Ave.. Pittsburg. Pa.
Vandergrift Building.
CAD Q A I U second hand electric
l UU OnLIl elevators, also two hand
power elevators
Fountain St. near Seventh ave. Pittsburg, Pa
MIDLAIfD HOT!I Collins and Broad st„
Beautifully furnished, hot and cold water in
every room, electric light, steam heat, con
venient to all car lines and East Liberty
station. A, B. Cramer, Hanson Mgr.
Pittsburg, Pa.
Want to fSell
Your F^arm?
Let us try it for you. Send for our de
scription blank. Great demand for small
places, convenient to railroads. Moderate
priced farms always in demand. Make the
price right; we will do the rest. Write us
about it.
7806 Frankstown Ave.. Pittsburg. Pa.
There Is where It will sell and if you want
to get in touch with the biggest deal on
record don't fall to send forour special letter
on wheat. The Mutual Investment Co.. U3l
Fourth Ave., Pittsburg. Pa.
FOR SALE SI,OOO Farm of 50 acres, i' j story
stone house, iarge barn, henncrv and out
building. dark loamy soil, nice neighbors,
stone quarry, lots of rruit, one mile to church
and school, near Atlantic City, title perfect,
good opportunity for good man. HAItUY
STANGER, 75 S. 13th St., Pittsburg. Pa.
We will carry on margin any of the active
Pittsburg Stock.
Speer Brothers,
Members of Pittsburp Stock Exchange.
345 Fourth Ave., iMttsburg. I'a.
And all necessities for Stage and Masquerade
Make ups. Wigs, Beards. Greasepaints, Gilt
braid. Bells, etc.. can be reasonably hired or
bought at
Esser Bros.
CO? E. Ohio street, Allegheny, Pa.
Members Pittsburg Stock Exchange.
Rooms 50*»-. r io 7-508 Keystone Bldg.. ,'EM 4th ave.
Both Phones. Pittsburg, I'a.
CRisr&jitars English
Snfc. A 1 jravs relUibk ft.sk Druggist foi
< IIK lli.sr: IT. N £KbLIKII in Rod and
<-oM metallic lx*x"s, oca led with blue ribbon.
Take no other. ISvfu«c dait .croui «üb*ti<
<u(ion« rd<S luiliatioiift. ISuy of your Druggist,
or wnd If. in f«.'- Particular*, Tetti*
nioiiialt and "Koticf f«.r l.u<liea." <n letter,
by return .Uall. lO.iHN* rcsiiuoniala. fciold bj
ail Druggist*.
SIO'J nadikiiu Mijunre, W?A
Mas U«> Mat* mmv
| fliafla Deaa's'jj
S A safe, certain rt-lU y? Suppressed I
Eg Menstruation. tofkil. Safe! ■
en Sun! Bpeedy! Bttirikctlon Guaranteed ■
H <>r money RaUndeit. Beast prepaid for H
■ SI.OO par Box. Will send them on triaj, to ■
■ be paid for when relieved, fiamplet Free. B
Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave.
:F you have any real estate or business to
sell, we can sell it.
IF you want to buy anything, wo have it
for sale.
248 4th Ave. Pittsburg, Pa.
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Rear of
Wick House. Butler ?enn'a
The best of horses and ilrst class rigs al
wavs on hand and for hire.
Best accommodations in town for perma
nent boarding and transient trade. Spec!
al care guarantood.
Stable Room For 65 Horaes
A good c ass of horses, both drivers add
drafthoraei always on hand and for sale
urder a full guarantee; and horses bougl>
pon proper notification bv
Tetouxionfe No. 21
Wholesale Dealer in
Fine Whiskies
For Medicinal Purposes,
Bell Phone 278
People's Phone 578.
316 East Jefferson Street
Eyes Examined Free of Charge
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Next Dtxir to Court House, Butler, Pa
Easy and Quick!
To make the very best soap, simply
dissolve a can of Banner Lye in cold
water, melt 5 lbs. of grease, pour the
Lye water in the giease. Stir and put
aside to set
Full Direction* on Every Package
Banner Lye is pulverized. The can
may be oj>ened and closed at will, per
mitting the use of a small quantity at a
time. It is just the article needed in
every household. It will clean paint,
floors, marble and tile work, soften water,
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes. :
Write for booklet "Uses of Banner
Lye " —free.
Tbe Pna Cbemtcal World, I'himwtjmto I
i ™ E i
| Butler County National Bank. |
| |
Butler County to do business with.
I / Capital # 300,000.00 1
1 Strength surplus 300,000.00 f
| (Assets 2,706,342.30 |
* f We invite YOUR business —assuring you PROMPT,
| ~ COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. 1
* *
I "The big Bank on the comer by the Court House" I
Certainly, and we invite YOUR account. |
The Savings Department established two years ;
ago by this well known Banking House still |
continues to pay to the Depositor 3 per cent. |
interest, compounded SEMI-ANNUALLY. |
A deposit of ONE DOLLAR will start an account.
This sum regularly added to will protect you 1
against the "Rainy Day." ||
1 Butler Savings & Trust Co.!
!| 108 South Main Street 1
Many persons have already availed themselves 1
g of this Department. Why not YOU? I
Hill I—Will 11l
Farmers' National Bank,
CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00
SURPLUS AND PROFITS (earned) - $47,000.00
DIVIDENDS PAID ----- $6,000.00
None Stronger in the County.
I For Sale. |
|gj The real estate of Mrs. Mary jj
88. Muntz, deceased, consisting of jg
sg the following tracts, all located in jg
the Borough of Butler, Pa. jp
Ist. A strip fronting 115 feet on South JH|
Main street and extending along the B. & ||K!
O. R. R. about 500 feet. This tract is well *|||
adapted for manufacturing or warehouse
2nd. The homestead of about two acres,
having a large comfortable dwelling house JSs
Sj||i and outbuildings, fronting 150 feet on Main
street and lying between the plank road
and the B. & 0. R. R., having a frontage
on the latter of over 500 feet. This tract
g is unexcelled for manufacturing purposes,
2§j and has a never failing spring of water g
jS 3rd. A tract of about eight acres south 81
sli of the plank road and west of Main street. j||s
j®||[ This tract can be subdivided into about jj^;
§»! forty buildings lots, commanding a splendid ist
jfis? view and within a few minutes walk of the
business portion of the town.
4th. A large lot fronting 120 feet on
||s Main street and having thereon a two story
jUj frame slate roof dwelling house in excel- JSS
3||l lent condition and with all modern con-
E veniences.
Jg For prices, terms, etc,, inquire of jjj
| John N. /Vluntz, |
WL NO. 637 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa, jg
I $75 to $l5O 1
I For Fifteen Minutes Time!
1 Pretty high wages, Eh? That's what people are jjf
K making who take advantage of
I Price Sacrifice Piano Sdlel
S On account of cleaning out my store in order pg!
H to get it finished for Christmas trade. It will sell
|| Pianos at factory prices, and many less. 1 will ■
quote you a few of the bargains I have for you: ._ j
$| Upright Piano, fully warranted, retail price, $275.00.
|J Sale Price $lB5 00
ill Upright Piano, fully warranted, retail price, $375.00.
rl Sale Price $225.00-
I Upright Piano, fully warranted, retail price, $575,90. JH
Ml This piano has been used, but is a bargain, $250- jj,:<
p| Squre pianos from $25.00 to $125. Organs from q
P SIO.OO up. 10 per cent, for cash. §§
There are 24 of these Pianos to select from —new Sj£
and used—so you certainly ought to make a selec
' „ tion. Bring this advertisement with you.