Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 02, 1905, Image 3

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NOTE—AII advertisers intend.ug to make
changes la their ads. should i.otlfy
theirlntention to do so not later than Mon
dav momlaz.
The Cypher Incubators.
Zuver's Studio. _ . ,
Dr. Mahaffey for Feb. 6 and 7.
The Bntler Business College
Country Store for Sale.
ft tminT—• » n<l Execators ol estates
cm tbeir receipt boufct tte
CITIZEN office, and per>oa* .naming public
«»i<* their nnte books.
One little—two little—
Three little babies -
All at the Countv Home.
Two are twine
With very white skins.
Bnt the black one goes it alone.
—Groundhog day.
—Will he see his shadow.
—Good ice crop this season.
—Big party at Great Belt, tonight
—'Tuesday week is St. Valentines
—The groundhog is taking his annual
—Nobody is hankering for six weeks
more of winter.
—A deer is reported to have been seen
in the Pine Tract.
—From now on the political liar will
work double tarn.
—lt will be warmer, soon—the cam
paign baa just began.
—The people of Bntler are not hank
ering for a city charter.
—Travel on all railroads just at pres
ent ia exceedingly light.
—This is the kind of weather that
tends the tramps into jails.
—Mars is well represented in town
today, on account of a law snit.
—An attempt was made to rub the
Saxonbarg postoffice last week.
—The Hutzler Bros, wish to sell their
store at Denny's Mills. Bee adv.
—Postmaster Robinson took charge
of the Batler postoffice yesterday morn
—A good way to forget yonr own
troubles is to remember the other fel
—Three years have. passed since the
Biddies were killed near P roe pec t
January 81st.
—The Elks' Ha skin-bee was a great
•access, tbe corn was shocked in the
centre of the room.
—Tbe old-time spelling match is be
ing revived in some places as a popular
form of amnsement.
—Callery had burglars again, last
Wednesday mgbt, and some express
packages were stolen.
—There will be a social in the Sun
day School room of Grace Lntberan
church, Friday evening.
—J. G. &W. Campbell have just re
ceived a car load of Cypher Incubators,
which Kive good satisfaction.
—The net earnings of the U. 8. Steel
Corporation for the last quarter of last
year were #21.458,734. Isn't that some r
—A New York policeman was at tbe
right spot at the right moment the
otber day. and a man from a third-story
window fell upon him.
—They bad a blizzard in the Klon
dike, last week, something extraordina
ry; and it wan 20 below zero on the top
of the Alleghenies the other morning.
—Meadville was in the papers, last
week. It had a bank-run. A report
regarding the Crawford County Trust
Co. caused a run oo it, bnt it was soon
—The chicken show will bogin next
Wednesday morning, at corner of Main
and Cunningham streets, Butler. Over
three hundred entries had been made,
up to yesterday, and thejcompetition for
the prizes will be strong.
—A Bntler bar-keep was the first to
bid on that four-million dollar diamond
lately found in South Africa, bnt the
chances are that Rockefeller will get it
It weighs three thousand carats, and
then some—or about three poumls.
—The frost extended over the South
ern States and killed the growing vege
tables, which will come higher this
sprint;. The fall of snow, however, was
heaviest along the coast, last week, and
delayed travel. New York was shut-in
for two days.
—Six pension papers mailed from
Batter to Pension Agent Nesbit in
Plttsbnrg, last month, did not reach
their destination. The pensions for the
quarter were paid, bnt new vouchers
had to be made out. The management
of the Pittsburg postofflce is said to be
"on the bum."
—People interested in astronomy
•hoald know that the two brilliant ob
jects in the western sky these evenings
are the planets Venus and Japiter. Ve
nae is the farthest west, and is the
brightest on acconnt of being compara
tively near us; but Jupiter is the whale
of the known worlds, and her fifth
moon has lately been discovered.
—W. D. Bovard of New Hope served
on the jury last week and during a visit
to our office said that npinSlipperyrock
creek snlphur water from the mines in
the Hilliard Valley has killed off all
the fish above the Kiester dam except
carp, which it does not affect. At the
Hogg dam carp weighing 15 pounds
may be *hot. When the dam is frozen
thick with ice the big fish crowd to the
. gate feeding the mill rac» for air and
ran be taken ont with a garden rake.
The sulphur has also had the effect of
clarifying the water so that the liottom
can be plainly seen where the water is
ten feet deep. Slipperyrock creek was
always famous for its pike; but carp,
which destroy the spawn, sulphur wa
ter and salt water formed a trio too
strong for the big game fisb. At rare
intervals one is still caught, but never
further np stream than the Etna mills
dam. The Inst pike Mr. Bovard remem
bers of were two shot by his uncle dur
ing spawning time one spring iu a riffle
just below the New Hope bridge. One
Weighed 18 and the other 14 oonnds.
Mr. Bovard was then a bare footed boy
and as he carried the fish home on a
stick over his shoulder their tails slapped
the calves of his legs. The carp taste
all right if dressed by dipping in hot
water and skinned like a catfish.
The Alvln, I'lttsourg, I*a.
A Modern Magdalen—Next Week.
Miss Bingham's farewell week tn Pitts
burg with the Harry Davis Sto k Com
pany. will be marked with a fln» prod ac
tion of Haddon Chamber's poweti'ulplay,
. n M *gdalen' which served
Miss Bingham as the principal play in
bar repertoire for over a year.
William Jones of Batler has patented
a chair.
George A. Spang has patented a pack
| er for deep wells.
McGesry has gone to lowa for two
car loads of horses.
Wm. Voeler of Worth twp. is on a
business trip to England.
Wm Dipner of Clearfield twp. visit
ed friends in Butler, Friday.
M. C. Grossman of Prospect visited
friends in Bntler. Tuesday.
C. E. Scott of Winfield twp did some
shopping in Batler, Monday.
Harry Ferguson of Middlesex twp.
served on the jury, last week.
J. B. McLaughlin of Clinton twp vis- j
ited friends in Bntler, Monday.
Conrad Sell and wife of Winfield twp.
did some shopping in Bntler, Friday.
A. C. McClymonds of Muddycreek
I twp. was in town on business, Tuesday.
George Leonburg of Cranberry town
ship visited friends in Bntler. yesterday.
W. J. Cooper and Ed. Donaldson of
Marwood visited friends in Butler,
Charles G. Graham left last week for
Los Angeles, Cal. wbeVe he will Spend
the balance of the winter.
Mrs. J. A. Richey and Miss Sara Mc-
Cntcheon entertained a number of
friends, Tuesday evening.
G. P. Conway, the Rural Route man.
was in town, Monday, but said that no
changes were being made.
Senator Smootof Utah is yet on the
anxious seat. A Mormon revelation
might help him ont just now.
Mrs. May Donaldson Case, formerly
of the Register & Recorder's office, is
the guest of Miss Rose Adams.
Mrs. Gerrard Pape gave a card party,
Tuesday afternoon, in honor of her
gnest. Miss Wiley of Greenville.
C. T. Beckwith. the aged banker of
Oberlin. Ohio, and one of Mrs. Chad
wick's victims, is reported as dying.
Mrs Maggie C. Small of Bntler has
been placed npon the list for the Pitts
burg Leader's Enropeati tour contest.
W. C. Miles and J. E. Cr»ig of Mars,
and Amos flail of Brancbton. all candi
dates, were among our callers, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M Arner of Wash
ington twp. are visiting Mr?. Arner's
sister, Mrs. J. M. Christy of N. Main
W. J. Burton and wife of Penn twp.
lately visited their daughters, Mrs. W.
S. and Harry Wible, at Grove City and
M. L. Starr and family moved into
their new home on N. McKean street
some weeks ago. and are well pleased
with it.
Mrs. F. H. Murphy of W. Pearl St.
was called to her old home at Pitts
field by the serious illness of her grand
Mrs. Wm. Campbell will entertain a
number of lady friends with a tea party
at her heme on S. Main St, Friday af
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Byers have re
turned to Butler after spending five
months with Mrs. Byer's parents near
John Hildebrand and Sons have pur
chased the Adam Schenck property at
corner West Jefferson and Washington
for $8,500.
D. L. Hutchison of Washington twp.
and R. M. Kuhn of Concord twp. at
tended to some business matters in But
ler, Tuesday.
Deputies McMasters and Lundenberg
of the P P. P. arrived in Butler from
Owensville. Ky , yesterday, to build up
the local order.
Mirs Berths McClay. a daughter of
Crawford McClay. and Dr. Charles Mc-
Clelland, both of Glade Mills, were
married last Thursday.
MM. Mann of near Branchton, who
was admitted to the County Home some
weeks ago. gave birth to twins—boy and
girl— last Thursday night.
Emperor William, even if unsuccess
ful, can congratulate himself that he
selected the Rjosevelt rather than the
Romanoff method of settling strikes in
his domain.—Ex.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Wilson Millar have
issued invitations for the wedding of
their daughter. Mies Lillian, and Attor
ney Albert C. Troutman, to occur at
the bride's home, Wednesday, Feb. 15.
I. N. Campbell and Mrs. Piatt Sut
ton of Concord twp. returned, Monday,
from attending tne funeral of tbeir
brother, Eli Campbell, in Nebraska. At
Niles. Ohio, they were in a railroad
Miss Fitsimmons, an English girl,
born and raised on the island of Trini
dad, coast of Venezula, is visiting Miss
Bailev and the Misses Daffy in Butler, j
Trinidad island is owned and held by
the English on account ot the wonder
ful lake of tar on it.
Ex-State Senator Emery of Bradford
banquetted his colleagues of the ses
sions of 'BB-'BS at a Philadelphia hotel,
Tuesday evening, and in his speech re
viewed pipe line and railroad legislation
during the past 30 years, and upheld
the President in his demand for equal
rates for all shippers.
Capt. J. P. Boggs of Evans City call
ed on Butler friends. Tuesday. He liaH
been running a big lease for a Bradford
company in Kentucky. The oil belt is
now developed through Kentucky and
into Tennessee. They have to go but
500 feet for oil there and get the Somer
set oil, now worth about 90 cents.
Tbe Wayward Son—Feb. 2.
With a blending of laughter, thrills
anil tears, "The Wayward Son,"a fasci
nating story of Home life comes with a
complete scenic outfit and a large and
capable company of metropolitan players
for an engagement of one night, Tburs-
Feb 2nd. A startling realistic locomo
tive scene, in which a full-sized engine
and tender dashes on the stage is one of
tbe sensations. Nothing more thrilliug
has aver been presented on tbe stage.
Why Girls Go Wrong—Feb. 4
The somewhat alluring title of 'Why
Girls Go Wrong" was evidently decided
upon in order to make more patent the
character of a plav which should appeal
to tbe popular side of theatrical fuvor
and indeed there seems much justlfica
in the selection, inasmuch as tbe inter
est wonld indicate that tbe engagement
which is announced for next Saturday
Feb. 4th Matinee and Night at the Ma
jestic Theatre. Prices Night 25-50-75.
Matinee Entire lower floor 35 cents.
Balcony 25. Children 15.
Miss Verna May, All next Week.
It is not the ordinary repertoire company
that opens a weeks engagement at the
New Majestic Theatre next Monday
night, but one of the best organizations
traveling and shonld be compared with
the best stock companies on the road
this season. Queen of Hearts is the
opening nlay and it should draw a
crowded house as this iH the first time
it has been produced at popular prices.
Six big vaudeville acts are carried by
this company and tbere are no waits be
tween the acts daring the performance.
With daily matinees starting Tuesday.
Prices 10-20 30 cents. Matinee 10-20.
PlttHbiirg Orchestra.
The thirteenth set of concerts this I
season by the Pittsburg Orchestra, Emil
Paur, Conductor, will be given this Fri
day evening and Saturday afternoon,
with tbe co operation of Muriel Foster,
singer, tbe most eminent English con
cert contralto of the present time.
The management has decided to in
crease the price of the afternoon seats
from fifty cents to seventy-five cents for
tbe balance of the reason, beginning this
and Pnre Spring Water, delivered daily
I to all parts of the town by
People s Phone 190.
I - Two fresh cows for sale. Inquire
of Joe. A. Painter, Butler twp., Criswell
Ktw Scrrs.
S. Stoopack of New York ys J. S.
Cohn. assumpsit for $163 98. claimed to
be due for suits and clothing sold and
delivered to the deft in Bntler.
The Sullivan Machinery Co. of Il
linois vs Evans Citv Coal Co.. sssnrnp
s ; t for #109.70 claimed to b» due from
j defts. for hose, connections, throttles
and other mining necessities sold to
James H. Thompson vs Southern Oil
Co., assumpsit for $1350 claimed to be
due for rental for gas from five wells on
his farm south of Hooker The farm
wa- leased in 1901 to Edward Barnhart.
who assigned to the Southern. The
sum of $l5O per year was to be paid for
each well producing gas which was
marketed oft the place.
The case of L. C. Wick vs Thomas
Harbison, to recover for foundation
stone furnished for a house built by
Harbison, resulted in a verdict of $94
for Wick. Harbison stated he had al
ready paid tne contractor who built the
Mrs Elizabeth Piper Wendling re
covered a verdict of s*oo in her suit
against the estate of the late George
Reiber. Mrs. Piper weighs abont 250
pounds and conducted a restaurant in
the Reiber block on E. Jefferson St.,
living above the restaurant. In Sept.,
1903, she broke through the floor of a
cloeet at the rear of her rooms and fell
to the first floor, receiving severe in
juries. She sued for $20,000.
The case of John Patton vs Thomas
Bester has been discontinued.
The case of Philip Winter of Eidenan
vs John A. Richey to recover for 120
sacks of flour which Winter claims he
shipped and which Richey claims he
never received, was tried yesterday.
Emanuel Hutchison, Richey's colored
driver, swore Winter gave him a conple
of drinks and offered him sls to leave
town before be was called to testify.
Winter admitted drinking with Hutchi
son and aB.& O. detective. The jury
returned a verdict $lO9 for plff.
The case of the Bell Telephone Co. vs
L. S. Hoon of Renfrew to recover tele
phone rentals, went on trial yesterday
The damage suit of W. C. Fleming vg
Concord twp., resulted in a verdict for
the defendant. The testimony showed
that last winter, Fleming tried to move
a sawmill boiler and engine from one
Christy farm to another Christy farm,
and that in going down an icy piece of
road the wagon on which the boiler
was loaded began to slide and finally
upset doing damage to the amount of
S2OO or S3OO. Fleming claimed the ac
cident was due to a broken culvert at
the bead of the decline, but the Court
charged contributory negligence on hie
part because he knew the road wa9 icy
and the culvert broken before he
ventured on it with the boiler.
The ejectment suit of the heirs of At
torney William A. Foruuer, dee'd., VH
Martha M. Forquer, his widow, for
property on Main St. was discontinued
by the plffs. and new proceedings were
commenced in the form of an appeal
from the probate of his will. The ap
peal was filed Monday.
The suit of Mary R. Johnston and
Ella M. Marton vs Theodore Shearer
and wife and John Jones, to recover tbe
value of a line fence between their
properties near N. McKean and Fulton
Sts., which was torn down by the defts.
who rebuilt it, was tried Tuesday. The
jury returned a verdict for the defts.
George J. Bechtel has filed a me
chanics lien for S4BO against Younkins
& Thompson for plastering their build
ing on S. Main St. The defts, claim the
work was defective.
Levi M. Wise was appointed Com
missioner in the lunacy proceeding ou
James Plaisted of Butler twp.
W. B. Purvis, Dr. G. D. Thomas and
James O Campbell were appointed a
| commission in lunacy on Mrs. Sarah H.
! Stewart, aged 70 years, of Donegal twp.
Charles Stottsberry of Butler, has
brought suit in the Washington county
courts against Thomas Bearfling. for
$50,000 damages for the alleged aliena- j
tion of his wife's affections
Eugene E Wick has filed his first and
partial account as administrafor of the
estate of his father, R. K Wick ol
Harrisville. The personal property ac
counted for was $108,074 22, credits
claimed $0 737.09, amount for distribu
tion $181,337.13, to be divided among
the accountant and bis four sisters.
The County Commissioners are dril
ling a water well on tbe jail lot. John
Schaffner ifl doing it.
Craig Smith, guardian of a minor
child of Emma Ritchie, dee'd, was
granted leave to sell real estute in Buf
falo twp.
Quincy A. Redic was appointed con
stable of Parker twp., vice J. H. Wally,
Jos. H. Walley has been authorized
to sell real estate of Jacob Sanderson,
weak minded, of whom be is guardian
W D. Rider, through his attorney,
has petitioned Judge Thomas, at Mead
yllle, to set aside the sale of the Hotel
Rider, made December 21 at Cambridge
Springs. The property was purchased
at public sale, ordered by the Court, by
T. M. Nagle, of Erie. The price paid
was $117,000, and the property was sold
clear of liens. There are liens that
amount to huudredsof thousands oi dol
lars, and Mr. Rider wants the new sale
to include these lieuH.
In the Mercer Co. Court, the other
day, a pair of elopers, one of whom was
Mrß. Olive McCracken, wife of E. T.
McCracken of Slippery rock twp., and
the other Enoch Jones of Northumber
land Co., plead guilty to the charges
made against them.
A modern blue-beard bigamist and
poisoner—of Chicago, wbo is also a
Hypnotist, was shielded by women
in Chicago. The police could not find
bitu. Hint 20th wife lire* in Philadephia.
Bhtf recognized him by a newspuj>er cut,
the other day, and gave the police an
accnrate discription of him.
Hit* name is Maid to be Johann Hoch,
and he is slleged to have married and
abandoned 25 women in the last 10 yearn.
A woman in New York who keeps
roomers wan Htruck by the resemblance
of one of her roomers and the picture
and description of the bigamist and no
, titled the police of her suspicions. De
tectiveS went to the house and placed
him under arrest.
Clintonville's two cases, those against
J. F. Craig, and Harry I'ick. which oc
cupied the time of the court of Venango
county, for more than two days, came
to an end last Thursday. The jury in
the Craig case returned a verdict of not
gniltv bnt pay the costs. Pick was
found guilty but the mercy of the court
was recouended
The jury in the Craig case did not a
gree until 7 o'clock that morning, their
deliberations taking up a good share of
the night. The costs in the case will
aggregate nearly SH>O.
The Pick case was called as soon as
court convened Thursday morning. Two
bottles of whisky, fouud under the floor
of Pblpps' barn, were brought in evi
dence. Mr Craig was called and inden
tified them an being similar to those
taken from his store. The witness fur
ther stHted that the person to whom he
paid s•"> for telling him the location of
the stolen goods, was Charles Auglon,
of Bradford.
Rachel E. Crummy to Itobt. Mowery,
quit claim, to 100 acres in Middlesex for
A W Mellon to H B MeCune S(J acres
in Cherry for $44*183.
Heirs of Barah J Ramsey to Chas C
Johnson, unit claim, to 150 acres in
Centre for fl.
Arthur Moffat to Nancy B Cyphert
lot in Jackson for $l2B.
Thelo Kranse to Alphonse Krause 'H
acres in Saxouburg f(jr $»)250.
Hheimau E Kennedy to Jackson H
Ebert lot in Butler tivp. for S7OO.
J D Marshall to Theo L Sclienck lot
1 in Htehle nlan for SISOO
Perry E Millar to Elmer Ht. Clair
one seventh of 80 acres in Franklin for
Geo Dunlap to Lucy Horrobiu lot in
Valencia for $llOO
|. Almire Home to Josephine Blinn 0
acre* in ConnoqueneMing twp. for S4OO.
J M McClymonds to A C McCly
monds 35 acres in Muddycreek for• f>oo
S E Moore to M M Albert lot in North
Washington for $550.
Julia Watson to W E Slaugenhaupt
lot at Sar versvi lie for SIOO.
W E Witte to same I acre Rt Sarver
vilie for s£Bso.
Cecelia Stock to Ira McJunkin lot on
Sooth Side for SIOOO.
Mary McCready to G C Wilson .■>
acres in Eau Claire for SIOOO.
Margaret Morrow, gdn. to G C Wii
son, int. in 75 acres in Eau Claire for
Marriage Licenses.
A. N. Richardson Prospect
Mary E. Weitzel
C. E Peterson Pittsburg
Sarah Dnflield "*—S
Loois Geible Carbon Centre
Alice Gillespie Herman
John B. Mars Argentine
Jennie Mabood
W. J. Stoner ..Euclid
Annie A. Filson Lisbon, O
Charles S. McClelland Glade Mills
Bertha McClay
John Popwihak Butler
Annie Zazoli
At Mercer —Geo. E. Neyman of Bnt
ler county and Nora Farnsworth of
Grove City.
At Pittsbnrc, M. M. McKmney and
Anna Beck of Karns City.
Scliool Matters.
The borough School Board would like
to secure the old cemetery lot for High
School purposes, and at its meeting of
last Thursday evenintr appointed a com
mittee on securing title to it.
Thomas Hite was elected Janitor of
the McKean street building vice Q. C.
McQuistion, resigned.
To Pk-a.se The Women.
Tbe Pittsburg Dispatch has beyond all
dondt solved the problem of pleasing the
women. Commencing Sunday, Febru
ary 5, The D:-patch will increase the size
of the paper by adding an entirely new
six page 42-column section which will
be a de'igbt to hundreds of thousands of
women who read the paper and which,
if possible, will make it more popular
than ever. It is by far the most preten
tious woman's section ever incorporated
into a Sunday paper. Those who secure
a copy of next Sunday's edition can
judge for themselves, for it is not pos
sible to give a faint idea of the delight
ful, enteitaining features which will
make up The Dispatch's Woman's sec
The Pennsylvania R.R. Co. has ar
ranged for a personally conducted tour
through California, to leave New York,
Philadelphia, and Washington on Feb
ruary 16. by the "Golden Gate Special,
comiMJsed exclusively of Pullman par
lor-smoking. dining, drawing room,
sleeping, compartment, and observation
cars, returning by March 21 This spe
cial train will be run over the entire
route. The beet hotels will be used
where extended stops are made, but
the train will be at the constant com
mand of the party.
Round trip tickets covering all neces
sary expenses, $375 from all points on
P. R. R. except Pittsburg, trom which
point the rate will be $370.
For itineraries and further informa
tion apply to ticket agents, Thos. E.
Watt, Passenger Agent Western Dis
trict, Pittsburg. Pa: or address Geo. W.
Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Phila
Batler dealers are paying
Fresh eggs 28
Butter 25-27
Potatoes : 50
Chickens, dressed 14 10
Apples, per bu 50
Cabl>age, per lb li
Buckwheat flour, per hundred $2.75
Turnips, bu 40
Parsnips, bu 75
Sausage, lb 10
Navy beans, bu $1 80
Onions, bu 1 20
Carrots, bn 75
Lettuce, lb 15
Dressed Pork 7
Honey per lb 18
Dried Apples ft
New York VH Butler County.
Clean up time for the clothing makers
has arrived and following their policy
of the last two seasons one of New-
York's best clothing hoses has placed on
sale at Hitter & Rockenstein's clothing
store pari of their surplus stock ol
men's' and boys' overcoats with orders
to sell at lens than the cost of making
Butler men here is your chance to get a
good overcoat for next season at lowest
price ever offered on really good gar
ments- look today
Poultry UIKI Pet Show.
Butler County Poultry ami Pet Stock
Association Show, Feb. 8, 9, 10 and 11,
1905. Secure premium list at. J. G. &
W. Campbell's Hardware Store or from
the Secretary, Virgil Gibson, at the
P O.
A good live business on Main street,
Butler, Pa., centrally located, call on
Room 307 New Bank Building,
The first Pennsylvania Railroad tour
of the season to Jacksville, allowing
two weeks in Florida, will leave New
York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and
Washington by special train on Jan
uary 81.
Excursion tickets, including railway
transportation, Pullman accommoda
tions (one berth), and meals en route in
both directions while traveling on the
special train, will be Hold at the rate of:
Pittsburg, $53.00; and at proportionate
rates from other iioints.
Similar tours will be run February 14
and 28.
For tickets itineraries, and other in
formation, apply to ticket agents, or to
Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger
Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadel
Htute Normal School.
Attend the State Normal School at
Slippery Rock, Butler County, Pa.
Advantages first class, rates low; tui
tion free t<> teachers and to those who
intend to teach. Winter term begins
Jan.2,1905. Send for a catalogue. Ad
For Kent or .Sale.
New six-roomed house, Brown Ave.
Eveiy convenience. $lB per month.
Possession at once.
New eight roomed house, all con
veniences, Centre ave., S2OOO.
Three houses ou I'lank Road, SI2OO,
Large house and 100 feet frontage on
Second St., s<looo.
Fourteen-roomed house, bath, etc..
Went St.. S2BOO.
S W, Diamond.
Insurance and Real Estate.
If you wish to Hell or buy property
you will find it to your advantage to see
Win. H. Miller, Insurance and Real
Ffctate. Room WW, Butler County
K"tional Bank building.
Itiiitiinore & Ohio ltaiiroad.
Special tours to Florida via Washing
ton, only $54 25 round trip from Butler.
Tuesday, February 7th, via Atlantic
Coast Line.
Tuesday, February 21st, via Seaboard
Air Line.
Tuesday, March 7th. via Southern
Tickets will be sold at above very low
rate for the round trip, including all
exnences as described in itinerary. These
| delightful tours afford a choice of dif
ferent routes, with stop-over at Wash
ington in ea h direction.
, Descriptive itineraries, tickets and
sleeping car reservations may be pro
j >-tired from B. & O. Ticket Ag<-uts.
—lt is below zero this morning, and
! we are all seeing oar shadow*.
Borough Nominees.
The following are the results of last
Saturday s primaries. A good vote was
out in some of the wards, and some
surprises were sprung.
Borough Auditor—Harry Forcht.
High Constable—Ed. Kramer.
First ward. James Green.
Second ward. W. R. Tnrner
Third ward. J. C. McNees, 1 year; W.
B. McGeary. 3 years.
Fourth ward. J. C. Say.
Fifth ward. James McDowell, 1 year:
S. B. Cross, 3 years.
First ward, J. W. Hutchison.
Second ward, H L. Graham.
Third ward. F. E Mcyuistion.
Fourth ward, W. A. Fisher.
Fifth ward, T. C. Patterson.
First ward, Jacob Gillman.
Second ward, A. N McCandless.
Third ward. Isaiah Donaldson.
Fourth ward. Palmer West.
Fifth ward. J. W. Rice.
Borough Auditor -Joseph J. Stehle.
High Constable—Philip Maxwell.
First ward, C. E. McTntire.
Second ward. J. E. Brennan.
Third ward, J. B. McJunkin, 1 year;
John Dnnn, 3 years.
Fourth ward. J Walter Ziegler.
Fifth ward, E. A. McShane, 1 year;
J. H. Grohman, 3 years.
First ward. R J Grossman.
Second ward, J. C. Boyle.
Third ward. John Sheiring.
Fourth ward, J. A. Bonner.
Fifth ward, W. T. Mechling.
First ward, J. Cli'rk.
Second ward, A N. McCandless.
Third ward, C. H. Bowser
Forth ward,* David Russell.
Fifth ward. Wm. Shay.
B. & B.
to be sold out.
75 and 85-cent fine all-wool
Orlwoola and other Striped
Scotch Flannels, for wrappers.
100 styles and pieces—no
two alike, 65 and 75-cent Print
ed French Flannels, 35c.
Fine all-wool 75-cent French
Flannels —Persian Palm leaf
styles — 25c.
2,000 yards plain color all
wool Waist or Dress Flannels,
Lot 50c plain color Flannels,
25c —odd shades.
Lot 50c fine Imported striped
Albatross Flannels, 25c.
10c Fleeced Wrapper Goods
—Reseda Green and White
spot neat stripes and medium
Light Blue and Green grounds
with neat Black Polka dots,
Other lines of Flannels away
under price—practically the
whole department to be sold out.
Boggs& Buhl
You Forget You Have Eyes
Until they ache. Why not let us make
an examination. No charge. Remem
ber the old adutfe, "A stitch in time,
etc.," also, "An ounce of prevention in
worth a pound of cure."
We also sell-
Edison and Victor Phonographs.
Eastman and Poco Cameras.
Photo Supplies.
Washburn Mandolins and Guitar*.
Optical goods.
Field and fjpy Glassec.
Jeweler and Graduate Optloian
Next to Court House.
Make Chrißtmas presents that will be
appreciated, that will <b-]i«ht tlie recipi
ent, that will lact and always be a re
minder of the «iver. I have many such.
I cannot enumerate here. < V>me to my
store and see If you are not acquainted
with rne or never have been here before
don't 1«) backward, walk right in, you
are welcome whether you buy or not.
1 have a very fine line ol' .diamonds,
wat/ lies, clocks, finger rings, brooches,
chains, charms, silverware and table
cutlery, hand painted China and finest
cut {(lacs (genuine not imitation) also
vawes of latest, fashion and the very best
imperial bronze statuary, together with
hundred of other articles suitable for
Holiday presents. I selected these
goods personally in the East for my
customers so they get the latest. I
don't deal in shoddy (foods. I intend
sfayiu« here ail my life. Everything
' must be just as represented and all deal
! confidential.
Carl H. Leighner
.Jeweler sunt Optician,
i 20\> b. Main (Street, • Batl«r, Pa.
The Xcw Trolley.
At the meeting of the Council. Thurs
day evening, the Pittsburg and Butler
Company asked the right o enter
Bntler from the West Three Degree
road, bridge over the "Bessie" and B. <te
O tracks, across the Island, up Cun
ningham street t'j the centre of the
town: and they also want to revive the
franchise granted to the Cottage Hill
The ordinances were read but final
consideration was deferred until the
meeting of tomorrow evening.
The loss to Reed Nesbit, by the late
fire was about $.">,000. The flames had
gained such headway when the two men
returned from milking, that they could
only save the family, yet asleep up stairs.
Four gold watches burned in the house.
Mr Nesbit had SI,BOO insurance in the
Glade Mill Mutual. The heavy snow
on the roof prevented the sparks from
reaching the barn.
The house of George Wonderly in
Butler twp , east of town, was destroyed
by fire. Thursday evening. The "fire
originated from an overheated gas stove.
The family were visiting a neighbor at
the time, every thing was burned. The
less was about SI,OOO, partly covered by
The Gaycty—Pittsburg.
The value of heredity, or, as some
writer puts it, the fact of being "born
right", is well exemplified in the case of
Migs V era Michelena, the young prima
donna and comedienne of " The Jewel
of Asiathe new Ranken-England#r
musical comedy that comes to the Gaye
ty next week.
Country Store For Sale.
A general store at Dennys Mills,
Winfield township, between SSOOO or
s■'looo stock on hand, will be sold at
invoice. Inquire of
HUTZLER BROS., Proprietors,
Mar wood. Pa.
Res. 218 W. Clay, St. Res. 137 Brady St.
Undertakers® Embalmers
Calls anwered promptly to all parts
of the county. Open all night
217 South Main St., old Postoffice Room.
Hell Phone 245. f'eo. Phone 631. King 2.
and brings more convincing evi
dences of a healthy business
Now is the time to make
money, and my offices are the
place to make it. in speculation.
Send for booklets showing what
I do for my customers.
R. M. Weaver
Stocks and Bonds
?23 Fourth Avenue,
Local office, 213 S. Main St.
Sleighs and Bells.
We have the l>ent stock of Sleighs aud
Bells in the county. Come quick while
they last. Prices low.
S. B. Martincourt & Co.,
128 E. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. |
You didn't get all you need
ed. We didn't sell all our
pretty things.
To help us both we are offer
ing our fancy goods at half price.
Pictures, games, dolls and
toys at 1-3 off.
China at 20 per cent. off.
Call now and get the bar
gains. This is our clearance
sale and your opportunity at
241 S. Main St.
fWm. Foster, j
Architect. \
Plan of all kind of bnildings V
furnished on short notice. r
Office in Berg Building, J
Don't Know That?
That Stef n's Creamery anil Milk
depot at the r«ar of 417 South
Main street is-in operation?
And if yon want good Milk,
Crt-aiu, Creamery Butter or Butter
milk, call aud see us or watch for
our wagon.
People's Phone'4iift. Bell Phone 268.
Boiled Cider in quart jars.
We guarantee jur product* pure
and fr e from any adulteration.
307 Butler County National Bank lilrfg.
KEAL estate.
i Adv«rM«e in Th« Oitiieu.
S In your (
J leisure moments J
/ when the angels of S
\ Peace and Happiness /
y are floating through C
C the air, then j \
/ take a look at all those (
V pretty things in
Drug Store, c
) AND c
/ Reymer's Fine Candies /
11 (the best made) , C
\ In Pretty Packages. f
Main and Diamond^^X
Two Days, Feb. 6 and 7,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mahaffey, the
Opticians of Pittsburg, will be at the
Central Hotel, Butler, Pa. Eyes ex
amined free. No one urged to buy.
Prices from $2 to SB. Headaches over
The Fitting of Children our
Mr. and Mrs Mahaffey can correct
any eyes in which the light still enters.
M.-.ny people suffer from headache and
nervousness that do not suspect the
cause, they will say my eyes are all right
I can see perfectly, but they are useing
the nerves of the eyes to make their
vision good and don't know it. We oan
tell you without asking you a single
question wheather your ayes cause your
headache or not. Call and liave a free
•a memento of
and a remem
h >at produced
215 S. Main St, Butler.
We Claim
for fine tailoring by a reference
to many of the most fastidious
dressers in town. We want
your trade and want to clean
up our winter fabrics. To ac
complish both results
or coat for you at just about
the cost of the cloth. Perfect
fit or no sale guaranteed, as
14 off on all Business Suits.
Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa.
r.x P E R i c
CM fi *L_ _J gJ i L| mJ
/i 1 B J k I Pkl
IHn k I 1
' FfT"" CopvmoHT» Ac.
Anronn nenolri* a nkctrli luicl m«y
nutckly «io«rtiiii) oin opinion fro« wnnthar in
fnvaiiltoti I* probably oatantablj.
tloiia alrlotlr conndnntUl. Handbook on I atauta
aunt fr.-.-, ifldual aKmii-r aacurtn«J*UM»«^
I'atcutm takon iTirooab Muim A Co. raoalrff
tftchit notice, without ctarifß, In tbo
Scientific American.
A hanrtaomalr lll..»tra»«l werttlr.
MUNN & Co. 3c,8 "»» d "" New York
Uraucb OfflM. <35 K Ht_ WaahlJiKtim. U. C-
Send For Our Free
Th« moiit cot»|il«*to one ever I»*u<-<1 explain
lntf thoroughly Our Popular one.
tfJO Fourth Ave., ill? Third Ave.,
Pittsburg, Pa.
c< )Yl .1-: I *R<)THERS
Member* Pittaburg Stock Exchange.
Uuoiua 306-SoT-WH Keyttone UlcJ»., XU «tb »va,
Both Phooei. PttttbttJi, Pa.
iSpring of 1905J
5 House cleaning time will be on us before I
! we know where we are, so a few helpful
hints will not come amiss to the thrifty
ones who want quality at quantity prices. \
Our Carpet Rooms are overflowing with ;
the brightest patterns and best qualities, ;
the looms can put out. Among which are j
the following: ■
Hartford, Axminster, Wilton, Velvets,
Body and Tapestry Brussels. ; 1
Hartford, two and three ply All Wool, Half f 5
Wool, Cotton Chain, and the best and
largest asssortment of All Cotton Ingrains |i
in Butler.
y Invoicing Develops Rare Bargains
Every shelf, box and drawer Is emptied and k
the contents measured and counted. Thisv|
tjs shows up all odds and ends of every descrlp
tion and brings the slow selling goods to ourC
attention. R
All These Must be Sold. g
g All short ends, all odd lots, all broken assort
s menis and all slow sellers are marked at»
JA bargain prices. S
» Remnants. S
j& A veritable feast of bargains. Remnants of ut
Silks, Dress Goods, Waistings, White Goods, 55
Linens, Crashes. Ginghams, Flannelette, X*
Muslins, Embroideries, Laces, &c. $
jfi Last Call on Coats and Furs. &
g! Still some desirable Coats and very hand-in
some Furs remain to be sold. All former«
low prices marked off and a new low price U
& record established. Need more be said? •
|L. Stein & Son, g
| E£yth Bros., ;
iOur Spring Wall Papers' ;
X Are all here and comprise one of the best bargain lines i >
Xof Wall Paper ever shown In our store. The patterns (
are unusually beautiful and the" prices just a little lower
X than last year. I.
X Big lot of Room Mouldings and Window Blinds. { }
See Our Large Line of VALENTINES. <|>
Coal and Slacl< Heaters, Gas and Coalß
fi Ranges and Gas Stoves. 1904 Washers,B
w Sowing Needles for all mal<es ofH
§1 Sewing Machines. Sewing fl\achin?s repaired.!
y Roofing and Spouting, and House Furnishing Goods. E
I Henry Biehl, I
| J 122 N. Main St. l*eo. 'l'houe 4Q4.
■K Forst's 7 year old 4 full quarts for $3.00
PI Packed in plain, sealed cases, expressage
; |i prepaid to your nearest station.
Our Kootls in aged in the wood. hd<l is pure and mel
mi P U ' OWI better than you have had from others for the
i-' Hfe|sS)*M| price, or your money back. C—3
* Any Hank of Pittflbnrg or the Editor of this paper
will tell you that our word is nood, and that we are
We do not humbug yon like *o many advertising to
? fl&ls9 called "Distillers."
HBBBH By buying from us yon (?et an honest article, made
KvmJ from honest, select grain, by honest people.
Bend for our private price list.
| If yon will send us the names of 10 "good families in your
vicinity who nse Whiskey for medicinal purposes, and to whom we
may send onr price list, we will send yon, with your first order,
one quart of Pure Virginia Homemade Blackberry Wine, FKEE.
Advertise in the CITIZEN.