Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 26, 1905, Image 3

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NOTE— AII advertisers Intending to make
changes in their ads. •tioaid POt'fT us of
thelrintentfon to do so not later than -ion
dav morning.
Statement of the Farmers' Nt l Bank.
Evans' Gas Engines.
Amy & Eyth, Funeral Directors.
. -nd Executor of estates
cin°°u« their receipt bo< <s at the
CITIZEN offlce. and persoui ring public
sales their note books.
—Next Thursday is Groum hog Day.
—Slipperyrock ia proud of her P. O.
and P. M.
—There are 200 county bridges
in this county.
—Don't forget the borough primaries,
next Saturday.
—The strike at the Slipperyrock coal
mines was settled last week.
—The Bntler basket ball team was de
feated at Grove City, Tuesday evening.
—They are having zero weather out
West, and as far South at Louisville,
—The mercury was 2 below zero, this
morning. It was 5 below, Dec. 11th
—Russia has a population of 140,000,-
000—a big crowd to be "agin the gov
—Some changes were made, last
week, in rnral-route No. 51 from
—The crane boys at the Car Works
have dangerous jobs and are. asking for
more pay.
—Onr Court House will not be re
modeled till next year— maybe not till
year after next.
—The bond proposition made to the
people of this town by its Council, will
probably be voted down.
—Coasting accidents were numerous,
last week, but no fatalities were report
ed in this neighborhood.
-Thirteen ore cars and an engine off
the track near Mcßride delayed the up
train last Monday morning.
—The Butler County Medical Society
banqueted at the Williard last night,
after attending the play at the Majes
—Quite a number of Buffalo and Clin
ton twp. people attended the ho&ring re
garding the will of Mrs. Thrower,
which was admitted to probata
—Tbe B. & O. sand house on Etna St.
burned last Friday evening. It was a
favorite loafing place for tramps, and is
supposed to have been fired by them.
—Amy & Eyth. the new firm of fun
eral directors, received a new funeral
car from a Pittsburg firm, jesterday
morning, which is up-to-date in every
—The Poultry and Pet Stock people
have secured the old building now own
ed by tbe Odd Fellows, at corner of
Main and Cunningham Sta, for their
—The chickweed. the gardener's
greatest nuisance, is pronounced by
some Michigan medical stadebts to be
|he best remedy for rheumatism aud
gout yet discovered.
—One of our nimrodi" says pheasants
are expensive thing? During the past
sensoa he was out nineteen days and
killed one hundred birds, which cost
him just $4.91 per bird.
—The ice in the Allegheny is gorged
from a poin+ near Kittanning up to Oil
City, but there is no gorge below Free
port, thongh the ice aud snow forma
tions on tbe banks are remarkable.
—Somebody pat a stick of dynamite
in the limestone crusher at Branch ton.
the other night, and wheß it was start
ad up next morning it wouldn't go.
The foreman was sent for and he dis
covered the dangerous obstacle.
—The Butler and Allegheny Street
Car Co. baa-secured rights of way be
tween Butler and Etna, where it fcon
nects with a line already built. The
company will a*k the Butler Council
for a right of way througn the town, at
Its next meeting.
—Tbe State Legislature has made
plans to stock tbe State of Pennsylva
nia with game of all kinds. Forty thous
and quail act being purchased at tbe
present time in the Territory of Okla
homa for this purpose, and they will be
distributed in different parts of this
—The Repnblicans of Bntler twp. to
nominate a ticket for the Feb. election
will meet Saturday, Jan. 28, as viz:
Ist precinct at James Stuart's. 2nd
precinct at tbe office of Justice Criswell,
Lyndora, and 3d precinct at Stouer's
Rest a rant, at each place from three to
five o'clock p. m.
—Asst. Sup'd't Statler of the State
Road Board was in Butler, this week,
and will make favorable report to the
Board on macadamizing part of the
Three-degree and part of the Mercer
pike near Butler, under the law 1903,
by which the state pays two-thirds, and
the county and township each a sixth,
of the oet of tbe improvement.
—The printed news of the massacre
in St. Petersburg was on our streets last
Sunday evening at about 7 p.u. Tbe
pffair happened that afternoon at from
about 2to 6 p.m.; but St. Petersburg is
seven hours of time or 105 degrees of
longitude east of us, and it was bnt 7 a.
m. here when it bega.j, and 11 am,
when it was over, giving plenty of time
for the news to be written, telegraphed
and printed on this continent the same
-They had a fiddling contest in Kan
sas, tbe other day, that outshone any of
Arthur Love's contests. The o'dest fid
dler present took the prize He is 84
years young and can tear the old-fash
ioned tunes out of his instrument in a
way to make tbe blood tingle i.nd start
old and long unused muscles to quiver
ing. This contest is held every year,
and is the only affair of its kind in tbe
Bunflower State Nearly S2OO was real
ized from the event.
—Both pHrties will hold their borough
primaries on Saturday afternoon of this
week. from ito 7 p.m. The Fifth ward
ia the only ward in the town that will
elect two Councilmen—one for 3 years
and one for 1 year, and there are con
tests for the nominations in Itoth par
ties also on the Republican side for
School Director. The First ward R«
publicans have a lively contest on hand
lor the nomination for Council, and tbe
Republicans of tbe Fourth ward for
School Director. Every voter should go
to the primary and vote for the best
men available for local offices. Let
good men !*■ nominated by bot'.i parties
and the tent will be easy.
Two fresh cows tor sale. Inquire
of Joe. A Painter, Butler twp., Criswell
Peter Poolos has returned from a visit
to Greece.
D. P. Kelly, of Brain, is reported to
be seriously ill.
Andy Adilleman of Eaa Claire has
gone to Indian Territory.
W. F. Ekin of Batler twp. visited
friends in Bntler. Friday.
Eugene Schaul has started for his old
home in Buk. Posen. Germany.
Miss Bartley. of Monroe station visit
ed friends in Butler. Saturday.
W. D. Bovard. of Cherry township,
is serving on the jury, this week.
Hoffman of Cranberry was in
towu on townshiD business, last week.
W. J. L. Rolshouse and wife of Mid
dlesex twp.. did some shopping in But
ler. Friday.
Mrs. Clarence Walker entertained a
number of friends at her home on the
Diamond, Tuesday evening.
W W. Christie of Hilliard will have
some of his White Wvandottes at the
Poultry Show in Butler. Feb. 8.
J Q A. Waters resigned as postmas
ter at Weat Newton, and Congressman
Huff appointed Walter Stevenson.
Miss Anna Thomson has returned
from Pittsburg, where she was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs R. B. Ivory.
Daniel F. Negley and wife, of Jeffer
son township, have returned from Tar
entum. where they visited relatives.
John Mitchell was re elected presi
dent of tho United Mine Workers, at
the convention at Indianapolis, Monday.
Dr. Charles Henninger, of Polk, Pa.,
visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frc-d
Henninger. and brothers, this weeks.
John W. Hilliard, of Hilliards, is
finishing a pas well on the John Norris
farm in Clinton twp, for the Butler
Gas Co.
Mrs. Eakin and Daughter, of Eakins
Corners, are visiting Mrs. Samuel
Wood and Mrs S. P. Pollock, of Insti
tute Hill.
Albert Borringer. a New Vork com
mercial man. was the guest of his
cousin. Mrs. G. M. Coovert, of West
street, over Sunday.
Frederick Ebert of Clinton twp.. and
Mrs. O. M. Patrerson end Miss Emily
Anderson of Hilliards, who were seri
ously ill. are recovering.
Wm J. Bryan called on President
Roosevelt, last Saturday, and commend
ed the latter s attitude on railroad re
bates and Federal charters.
Japhia McMichael twp.. Har
lan Hook of Franklin twp , Daniel Heck
of Oakland twp. and Geo. J. Marburger
of Forward twp. v»ere among our call
ers last week.
Thelo Krause has sold his store and
property in Saxonbnrg to Alphonse
Krause, and will shortly move with
bis family to tsutler. A son of the
purchaser will conduct the store after
April 1.
S. A. Leslie of Middlesex, Charles
Warner, of Lancaster, J. S. Campbell,
of Cherry, J M. Cruikshank, of Win
field, O. R. Thorne, of Clay, and Geo.
W. Shiever, of Bntler, were among our
callers, Monday.
Miss Mary F. Stickel and Jonathan
Darnell, both well known young people
of Worth twp., were married, Friday
evening, at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. John Sutliff on West D St.. the
bride and Mrs. Sntliff being Bisters.
Rev. G. E. Enterline officiated.
Capt. Hays and Dr. Hockenberry, our
representatives at Harrisburg spent San
day with their folks in Bntler and Slip
peryrock. Capt. Hays was placed on
the Appropriations Committee, and he
says tbev have as fine looking a set or
men on that committee as are on the
Board of any bank in the state; also
that they cut ont all "boodle and
booze" immediately after organizing.
Rev. Samuel P. Montgomery, pastor
of the Jefferson U. P church at Gill
Hall, Allegheny county, whose difficul
ties with Edmund P. Heath, an elder in
"his congregation, have been aired in the
civil and ecclesiastical courts for the
last six month*, has opened an office in
the Keystone building, Pittsburg, for
the purpose of selling gold mining
stock. The significance of this is in the
fact that gold mining stocks were said
to be partly responsible for the troubles
between Mr. Montgomery and Mr.
Heath, and which had their culmina
tion in the church one Sunday last June
when the preacher knocked the elder
down and out.—Pittsburg Times.
New York VH Kutler County.
Clean up time for the clothing makers
has arrived and following their policy
of the last two Reasons one of New
York's best clothing hoseshas placed on
sale at Ritter & Rockenstein's clothing
store pari of their snrplus stock of
men's and boys' overcoats with orders
to sell at less than the coat of making.
Butler men here is your chance to get a
good overcoat for next season at lowest
price ever offered j3n really good gar
ments - look today.
The Village Parson—Friday, Jan. 27th.
The production of "The Village
Parson" at the Majestic Theatre, Fri
day. Jan. 27, promises to be one of the
best plays ever seen here. The piece
has made a pronounced success in all
the cities visited, and has received the
highest praise' from all sides, including
many of the leading dramatic critics.
''The Village Parson" is a play of the
• most interesting kind, depicting human
emotions and sympathies, holding the
closest attention of the audience. The
scenery is new, bright and correct.
Prices 25-50-7.1 c.
Katzenjammer Kids—Monday, Jan. 80,
.(K > ;. jtVv. " •'
There certainly will be something do
ing at Majestic Theatre next Monday,
Jan. 30, when Blondell and Fennessy's
famous "Katzenjammer Kids" are an
nounced to appear and give their in
imitable performance in Butler. This
noted amusement organization has be
came famous all over the United States
and is regarded as the most amusing
show that tours the country It is a
veritable festival of fnn and a continu
ous round of merriment from the first
rise until the final fall of the curtain.
If you miss seeing the "Katzenjammers"
you will miss a good one.
Prices 25-35- 50c.
A Ragged Hero-Tuesday, Jan. 81.
A new melodramatic "thriller'' of
New England life, by Maurice J. Field
ing. entitled "A Ragged Hero." will be
the attraction Tuesday, Jan. 31, at
Majestic Theatre. The central figure
in the piece is a tramp who has fallen
from respectability by reason of family
misfortune. He has still a noble
character however, which is brought in
to strong relief in the scene of his final
rehabilitation. This "ragged hero" is
also blessed with a fine sense of humor,
and to this character falls the main fun
making element in the play.
Good Will Benefit—Wednesday, Feb. 1.
For their benefit the Good Will Hose
Co. has secured the very best home
talent available-the Sixteenth Regi
ment band will give a concert, and the
Butler Choral Union will render a
pleasing program.
The Guyety—Pittsburg.
Her Second Life—Next Week.
Miss Eugenie Blair will be seen in her
latest success at the fiayety next week
The drama is entitled "Her Second
! Life" and is a new version of a well
known novel by that master of plot and
incident Wilkie Collins. The actions of
the play takes place during the Franco-
Pru*»i*n war,
Eva Morrow vs J. E. Morrow, peti
tion for divorce.
W. J. McConnell vs Brady twp tres
pass for S3OO damages. McConnell al
leges that on Dec. 16. while he was
driving on the public road near the Eli
Spencer farm his wagon plunged into
a hole with the result that wagon and
harness were broken and his horse
I>ermanently injured.
Court convened Monday morning.
Jurors T C. Campbell. D T. Jolly.
Reuben Rusx-h Paul Smith. W T illiam
Warner and Edward Cowan were ex
cused from service, the last two named
because their wives were sick.
The cases of Chas. Ehsler. and W. J.
Noel against H. Lensner, executor of
Catherine Swaney were marked settled
The case of Thomas Wilkinson vs
Evans Mfg. Co. was continued; also
that of Detweiler and Wetherall vs
Eleanor Iron & Steel Co.: J. H. Starr,
et al, vs Western Allegheny R R : and
C. Latshiw vs T. C. Campbell.
The cases of J. S. Osborn vs A. L.
Findley and Craig vs Staples & Buzard
were marked settled.
The cases of Erhart Lang vs G. Holl
and Harmony Borough vs Mrs. E. \.
Latshaw are to be tried Feb 3.
The first wise taken up Monday was
that of the Lyndora Supply Ci vs Nath
an and Joseph Eskovitz. The E*ko
vitzes agreed to purchase the store
stock at 75 cents on the sl, cash, but
there was a disagreement daring the
inventory and they refused to buy.
Then suit was brought and after this
was done the Lyndora Co went into the
hands of a receiver and R B Lean, the
receiver, and the creditors carried on
the suit. The stock amounted to about
s*,ooo. Yesterday Judge Galbreath
ruled that the plaintiffs could not re
cover for the full value of the goods,
they having kept them and afterwards
6old them, and was about to direct a
verdict for the defendants, when the
plaintiffs took a voluntary non-suit.
The case of Mrs Jennie Cummings,
now Mrs Newton Hilliard. vs the B&O
R R Co, for damages to her land in
Forward twp, was tried yesterday. A
voluntary non-suit was taken by the
The case of L C Wick vs Thomas
Harbison is on trial.
Judge Galbreath handed down de
cisions refusing new trials to John
Shanor and Mrs. Lizzie Nailor, grant
ing a new trial to Harry Kiester, dis
mif sing exceptions to the auditor's re
port in the estate of Campfield Shanor
of Muddycreek twp.. and opening a
judgment and granting jury trial in the
case of J. L Walker vs S. Oram.
The dicoree case of Mrs. Amelia Reu
nick vs W. G. Rennick has been settled.
It is some years since a woman has
been hung in this state, but one will be
huug in the jail at Reading, February
16th. She and her colored paramour
will die on the same scaffold for the
murder of her husband. Her five white
children have gOLe to live with relatives
out West, and her colored child will be
sent South.
J. E. Brown of Conord township has
entered a charge of a&b acainst his
brother, W. A. Brown.
In the case of H. Shenk Co. vs Bntler
County Ntl Bank, an opinion was filed
striking off the costs taxed as due to M.
L. Mowbrey. 4 days and 484 miles, be
cause Mowbrey, after being in court
tvtodays, left without leave. An item
of $24 which should have been $2 40 was
also corrected.
In tbe mechanics lieu case of Come
liua Lumber Co. vs A. L. Findley. the
lien was stricken off.
In the mechanics lien case of F. D.
Pierce vs C W. & Olive Parker, the
lien was stricken off.
In the case of Thomas and James
Pierce vs Butler twp., in which the
plffs. wanted compensation for a public
roadway which was afterwards aban
doned, through their place, the Court
decided in favor of the township.
In the case of J. Berg & Co. for use
of R. M. Wade vs G. M. Hughes, the
Court stayed execution and opened
judgment on the ground that the deft,
bad received no consideration for the
In the case of H. N. Teeple and wife
vs J. C. Beigbley, the appeal by the
deft, from judgment rendered by a
Instice of the Peace was stricken off for
want of a necessary affidavit.
In the equity cases of James Follett
and D. P. Kelly vs Parker twp , ex
ceptions to the Court's orders were dig
Right Rev. Regis Canevin has been
appointed trustee of all the property of
the Roman Catholic church in Butler
county, succeeding the late Bishop
Charges of larceny have been made
against three Greeks named Kaskadons
Johfis and Lalis by George Kratsa
another Greek, who alleges they stole
clothing, etc., from his house in Lyn
dora where thev boarded. They were
arrested in Pittsburg.
L. Strayer of Pittsburg has been
arrested on complaint of Banker Henry
Berg on a charge of forging the name of
Joseph Ritzert to a note for S2X6 86 four
years ago. Prosecution was delayed on
a promised settlement.
The Zelienople Hardware Co. has fil
ed a defence in the suit of the Inter
national Savings & Trust Co , receiver
for tbe Duquesne Mutual Casuality and
Indemnity Co., against it, in which the
Zelienople Co. charges that tbe as
sessments for payment of which the
suit was brought were fraudulently
made on bogus claims "for the sole pur
pose of enriching the lawyers, officers
and hangerson of tbe Duquesne Co."
Francis Biloch of Lyndora is in jail
on a charge of stealing a package of
Robert Kunneof Lyndora is in jail
on a charge of disorderly conduct.
Charles Morosky and Frank Maran
were committed to jail Sunday by a
Squire for administering a bad beating
to another Hunky.
Twenty-eight Hankies were put in
the lockup about 10 o'clock Sunday
evening because some wanted to call a
baby Nick and others didn't. Burgess
Kennedy let the bunch go for $3 each.
Saturday, Feb 4 is the last day for
filing accounts to March term.
Mrs Mande Bupp has been appointed
guardian of Arthur F Bupp, her sou. of
Lancaster twp.
The five indictments against Venango
County Commissioners, charging a vio
lation ,of a special act relating to the
letting of bridge contracts, were quash
ed by Ji'JgeiCriswell, Tuesday.
T. James Dodds is preparing a record
of the bridges of Butler county by order
of the County Commissioners.
J W Hutchison has been re-appointed
Register in Bankruptcy for Butler coun
ty, for two years.
WmJ Chambers, a spectacle vender,
has been held for court on n charge of
surety of the peace by Justice II W
Christie. Mrs. Chambers is the com
Hearing on a caveat against the will
of the late Mrs. Mary Thrower, Clinton
twp, was had before Register J P
Davis, Tuesday. .1 W Powell,guardian
of Walter McCurdv, a grandson of Mrs
Thrower, contested tbe probate. Mc*
Cardy was left SSOO. and the balance of
the estate, amounting to about $7500,
was left to three surviving children.
McCurdy, being an only child, claimed
he should have his mother's full share.
Undue influence and mental incapacity
were alleged. After hearing the evi
dence tbe will was admitted to probate.
On complaint of W C Campbell. W
Elder and Charles Egan, both of Chi
cora, have been held for court. Camp
bell avers that Elder committed as
sault and battery op him last Novem
ber. injuring him so badly that he was
confined to hed for two weeks, and he
charges that Elder shot him in the leg
| with a revolver during a scuttle, Jan 17.
t which resulted from Campbell ordering
Elder, whom he mistook for Egan while
! Eider was talking with Campbell's
1 daughter, to leave.
P H Plaisted. of Butler township, has
petitioned the Court to appoint a com
mission to inquire into the mental state
of his father, James Plaisted.
Anna E McCrea to W J Barns 1 acre
in Donegal for |225.
P and A Krause to Philo Krause 2J
acres in Saxonbnrg for #2OOO.
Alphonse Krause to Albert Krause
propertv in Winfield twp for s6>oo.
S O Kamerer to G M Rider 84 acres
in Concord for SI2OO.
J D Marshall to Perry Wick lot in
Steble plan for ssoo.$ s OO.
Frank Webster to Howard Kelly lot
in Harrisville for $75. „ _
Bntler Land & Imp Co to P & W Ry
Co 1 acre at Bonny Brook for *l.
Anna Cox to O F Caslidollar lot at
Myoma for S4OO.
"E J C Grohman to Rt Rsv F Canavm
lot in Winfield for s4uo.
H & C Marburger to R F Cnssman
100 acres in Jackson for SB2OO
Edward Killian to W S MoCrea lot on
E Penn st for SI7OO.
James Anderson to Lueila Harper lot
in Zelienople for SISOO.
Zelienople Land Co to Cyrus Harper
lot in same for SIOO.
T M Marshall to John Marburger lot
in Mars for $4150.
Wm Humes to L E Irvine lot in Mars
for $420.
A W Root to Tony Cherri lot on
South Side for SSOO.
Marriage Licenses.
Jonathan Durnell Worth twp
Mary F. Stickel
John Schehl Herman
Frances Mages
Norman C Dav'isoD Mars
Jennie E Purvis
Joe Jervilie Butler
Mary Paiccio
J A Mage], Muddycreek twp
Sue Nelson Lawrence Co
Wm H Fair Greece City
Liua A Campbell Concord twp
Victor Hugo in his ' Man Who
Laughs" has Ursus, advising Gwyn
plaine to marry Dea. in these words —
"Listen, I am going to speak to yon
in the language of true poetry Let
Dea eat beefsteaks and mutton chops,
and in six months she will be as strong
as a Tnrk. Mwrry ber immediately,
give her a child, two children, three
children, along string of children. That
is what 1 call philosophy Moreover it
is happiness, which is no folly. To hava
children is a glimpse of heaven. Have
brats —wipe them, blow their noses,
dirt them, wash them, and pnt them to
bed. Let them swarm about you. If
they laugh it is well; if they howl, it is
better, to cry is to live. Watch them
suck at six months. < rawl at a year,
walk at two, grow tall at fifteen fall in
love at twenty. He who has these joys
has everything. God. a composer of
beautiful poems, and the first ot men of
letters, said to his follosv-workman.
Moses, ' Increase and multiply."
War Veterans at Y. M. C. A.,
The Young Men's Christian Associa
tion is fortunate in having for its at
traction, at the Thursday nigbt men's
reception of this week, stories from
civil war veterans. The reception be
gins at 7 o'clock. A cordial welcome
awaits all men.
Butler dealers are paying
Fresh eggs 28
Batter 25-27
Potatoes 50
Chickens, dressed . .14-16
Apples, per bu 50
Cabbage, per lb li
Buckwheat flour, per hundred $2.75
Turnips, bu 40
Parsnips, bu 75
Sausage, lb 10
Navy beans, bu $1 75
Onions, bu 1 20
Carrots, bu 75
Lettuce, lb 15
Dressed Pork 7
Honey per lb 15
Dried Apples ft
Tlic Alvin, I'ittsburjf, Fa.
Olympe—Next Week.
There is no American actor or actress
of today who the scienca of
utilizing with the beet possible effects,
players, costumes and other appliances
of the stage as well a a does Miss Amelia
Bingham, who will inaugurate the third
week of her special engagement as star
of the Harry Davis Stock Company on
Monday afternoon next with a remark
able handsome production of her new
play, "Olympe."
Poultry anrl Pet Show.
Butler County Poultry and Pet Stock
Association Show, Feb. 8, 9, 10 and 11.
1905. Secure premium list at J. G. &
W. Campbell's Hardware Store or frotn
the Secretary, Virgil Gibson, at the
P. O.
A good live business on Main street,
Bntler, Pa., centrally located, call on
Room 3t)7 New Bank Building.
The liutler Itiisiness College
Winter term opens Monday, January
2, 1905. School in sessiou day and
night. Fine enrollment, with prospects
of our best year's work.
Best dates on which to enter, Dec. 5
and Jan, 2. 1905. May enter at an
time. New catalogue and circulars fr
to those interested. INVESTIGATE!
A. F. REGAL. Principal.
Butler, Pa.
No better Christmas present than a
scholarship in the Butler Business
and Pure Spring Water, delivered daily
to all parts of the town by
People's Phone 190.
West Biinlmry Academy.
Acknowledges no superior in it* line
of work. Every young person needs an
education. Do you want one? Here is
the place to get it. Winter term opens
January 3, 1905.
The first Pennsylvania Railroad tour
of the season to Jacksville, allowing
two weeks in Florida, will leave New
York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and
Washington by special train on Jan
uary 31.
Excursion tickets, including railway
transportation, Pullman accommoda
tions (one berth), and meals en route in
both directions while traveling on the
special train, will be sold at the rate of:
Pittsburg, 158.00; and at proportionate
rates from other points.
Similar tours will bo run February 14
and 28.
For tickets itineraries, and other in
formation, apply to ticket agents, or to
Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger
Ageut, liroad Street Station, Philadel
State Normal Scliool.
Attend the State Normal School at
Slippery Rock, Butler Connty, Pa.
Advantages first-class, rates low; tui
tion free to teachers and to those who
intend to teach. Winter term begins
Jan.2,1905. Send for a catalogue. Ad
-For Kent or Sale.
New six-roomed house, Brown Ave.
Eveiy convenience. sl6 per month.
Possession at once.
New eight-roomed house, all con
veniences, Centre ave., $2600.
Three houses on Plank Road, 11200,
Large house and 100 feet frontage on
Second St., $3600.
Fourteen-roomed house, bath, etc.,
West St., S2BOO.
S W, Diamond. •
Insurance and Real Estate.
If you wish to sell or bny property
' you will find it to your advantage to see
Win. H. Miller, Insurance and Real
' Estate. Room 508, Butler County
£«tiooal Bank building.
Harry Barns, of tbe First Ward, wag
struck by a "«log on the right side,
while working at the Plate \\ orks. last
Saturday morning. He walked home
at noon, bat the psin became so intense
that a physician was called, who foand
that the fang nn<l liver had been severe
ly injured by the blow. He grew
worse and died that night. He was 28
years of age, and was 1 well known
glass worker.
Nils Everlotl, a tailor who had work
ed in Butler, fell dead in the shop of
Clias Johnson at Prospect He tame
here from Chester, near Philadelphia.
He was about 70 years of age.
ilttsburg Orchestra.
The twelfth set of concerts this reason
by the Pittsburg Orchestra. Eiuil Paur,
Conductor, will be given Friday even
ing and Satnrday afternoon. Jan iTth
and 2 s th. in Carnegie Music Hall. Pitts
burg. with the co-operation of Lillian
Blanvelt. soprano.
Baltimore & Olilo Railroad.
Special tours to Florida via Washing
ton. only 354.35 round trip from Butler.
Tuesday, February Tib, via Atlantic
Coast Line.
Tuesday. February 21st, via Seaboard
Air Line.
Tuesday, March 7th, via Southern
Tickets will be sold at above very low
rate tor the round trip, including all
expenses as described in itinerary. These
delightful tours afford a choice of dif
ferent rontes. with stop-over at Wash
ington in each direction.
Descriptive itineraries, tickets and
sleeping car reservations may be pro
cured from B. & O. Ticket Agents
B. & B.
to be sold out.
75 and 85-cent fine all-wool
Orlwoola and other Striped
Scotch Flannels, for wrappers.
100 styles and pieces—no
two alike, 65 and 75-cent Print
ed French Flannels, 35c.
Fine all-wool 75-cent French
Flannels—Persian Palm leaf
styles— 2sc.
2,000 yards plain color all
wool Waist or Dress Flannels,
Lot 50c plain color Flannels,
25c —odd shades.
Lot 50c fine Imported striped
Albatross Flannels, 25c.
10c Fleeced Wrapper Goods
—Reseda Green and White
spot neat stripes and medium
Light Blue and Green grounds
with neat Black Polka dots,
Other lines of Flannels away
under price—practically the
whole department to besold out.
Boggs & Buh)
You Forget You Have Eyes
Until they ache. Why not let us make
an examination. No charge. Remem
ber the old adage, "A stitch in time,
etc also, "An ounce of preventloh is
worth a pound of care."
We also sell—
Edison and Victor Phonographs.
Eastman and Poco Cameras.
Photo Supplies.
Washburn Mandolins and Guitars.
Optical goods.
Field and Spy Glasses.
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Next to Court House.
Make Christmas presents that will be
appreciated, that will delight the recipi
ent. that will last and always be a re
minder of the giver. I have many such.
1 cannot enumerate here. Come to my
store and see. If you are not acquainted
with me or never have been here liefore
don't be backward, walk right in, you
are welcome whether you buy or not.
I have a very fine line of diamonds,
wat>.lies, clocks, finger rings, brooches,
chains, charms, silverware and table
cutlery, hand painted China and finest
cut glairs (genuine not imitation) also
vases of latest fashion nnd the very bear,
imperial bronze statuary, together with
hundred of other articles suitable for
Holiday presents. I selected these
goods personally in the East for my
customers so they get the latest. I
don't deal in shoddy goods. I intend
staying here all iny life. Everything
must be just as represented and all deal
ings confidential.
Carl H. Leighner
Jeweler and Optician,
300 S. Afain Street, - Butler, Pa.
Bend For Our Tree
Th« most complete on#* #iver Issued explain
ing thoroughly our Hjriteia.ibu Popular one.
320 Fourth Ave., <ll7 Third Ave.,
• Pittsburg, Pa.
Oil and Gus Nolet.
The Market—Remains at #1.42.
Clinton twp. —Overheim it Snyder s
new gas well on the John Miizland is
said to have a 500-pound pressnre, £kas
& Flemming'a well on the John Mc-
Laughlin is due this week
Marion twp. —The Boyer Oil Cos two
new gasser* in Marion twp are said to
be capable of producing in the neighbor
hood of two-million feet of uas per day.
The wells and lease are reported sold to
the Chicora Gas Co.
Report of the Condition of the
Farmers' National Bank.
at Butler in the State of Penn'a.. at
the close of business, January 11.1905
l>ouns and dlsmunts 4—l 6SJ "J2
Overdrafts.secured and unsecured MS 31
t". S. Itonds t< -.•.•ure circulation.. UK' WO W
Premiums on I". S. Bonds 4 000 00
Banking-house, furniture, and
fixtures 24 21S »1
Due from National Banks (not
reserve agents) 5 07s 61
Put- from approved reserve agents H4) 44
Internal-Bevenue Stamps tti *s
Checks and other cash Items 10 114 .4
.Notes of other National Banks 50 00
fractional paper currency. nickels
and cents 0^
Lawful Money Reserve iu Bank, viz:
Specie 27 972 SO
Legal-tender notes 2 'IOO 00 .'!0 472 >0
Redemption fund with l .S. Treas'r
(.">per cent, of circulation) 3 000 00
Total 672 232 4!)
Capital stoek paid in 100 000 00
Surplus fund 40 000 00
Undivided profits. le-.s expenses
and taxes paid 6 0T>!» 4!»
National Bank notes outstanding 100 000 00
Due to other National Bauks. .. . 5 307 20
Dividends unpaid 405 00
Individual deposits subject to
check 1«) 031 Si
Perr.and certificates of deposit— 7 167 69
Time certificates of deposit 223 .i9l S5
Total 672 232 49
I, E. W. Bingham. Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
E. W. BINGHAM, Cashier.
D. L. CLF.ELAND, /-Directors.
C. N. BOYD, j
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th
day of January, 19iK>.
J so. D. Mah.«H ALL. Notary Public.
Commission expires May 5, 1905.
Ues. 21- W. Clay, St. Res. 137 Brady St.
Am y Eyth
Calls anwered promptly to «ll parts
of the county. Open all nigbt.
247 South Main St , old Foetoffioe Room.
Bell Phone S4.\ Peo. Phone 631. Ring 2
and brings more convincing evi
dences of a healthy business
Now is the time to make
money, and my offices are the
place to make it. in speculation.
Send for booklets showing what
I do for tny customers.
R. M. Weaver
Stocks and Bonds
223 Fourth Avenue,
Local office, 213 S. Main St.
Sleighs and Bells.
We have tho best stock of Sleighs and
Bells in the county. Come quick while
they last. Prices low.
S. B. Martincourt & Co.,
128 E. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa.
You didn't get all you need
ed. We didn't sell all our
pretty things.
To help us both we are offer
ing our fancy goods at half price.
Pictures, games, dolls and
toys at 1-3 off.
China at 20 per cent. off.
Call now and get the bar
gains. This is our clearance
sale and your opportunity at
241 S. Main St.
\ Wm. Foster /
\ Architect.
f 35 L
r Plan of all kind of buildings v
\ furnished on short notice. r
% Office in Berg Building, /
X Butler, Pa. v
Don't Know That?
That Stem's Creamery and Milk
depot at the rear of 417 South
Main street isdn operation?
And if you want good Milk,
Cream. Creamery Butter or Butter
milk, call and see us or watch foi
our wagon.
People's Phone 435. 801 l Phone 26#.
Boiled Cider in quart jars.
We guarantee jur products pure
and fr e from any adulteration.
ISO 7 Butler County National Bunk Bldg.
S In your S
/ leisure moments J
/ when the angels of S
\ Peace and Happiness /
/ are floating through C
C the air. then \
j take a look at all those (
( pretty things in ?
$ Drug Store. I
) AND ?
/ Reymer's Fine Candies /
1 (the best made) i
> In Pretty Packages, i
| Main and Diamond. S
By virtue of sundry writs of Von. Ex.. Ki.
Fa.. Ler. Fa.. Ate., Issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Butler Co., Pa., and to me
directed, there will be exposed to public sale
at the Court House In the borough of Butler,
Pa. on
Friday, the liTth <tay of Januay,
A. I). 1905. at one o'clock. P. M., the following
described property, to-wit:
E. I). No. 13. March Term. 1905. C'hrlstley &
McCullougb. Attorneys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
E. 11. Adams, and 11. S. Ex'rs.
of John I>:i.ul>enspt'ck. dee'd.. and John
Daubensperk. of. in and to all tint certain
piece or parcel of land, situated In Parker
township. Butler county. I'a., iKiunded as
follows, to wit: On the north hy land of H.
S. Daubensueck. east by lands o{ Margaret
Turner anu Mrs. Elizabeth Paubenspeck.
south by lauds of Elisabeth Paubenspeck
and Elilabcth Adams, west by lands of John
Shearer, formerly of Nelson smith; contain
ing N"> acres, more.or less, and having there
on erected a two story stone house, frame
barn and outbuildings.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of H. S. Paubenspeck and E. H. Adams,
Executors of John Daubeuspeck, dee'd., and
John Paubenspeck. at the suit of Maria M.
Daubenspeck, and H. S. Paubenspeck for
use of Maria M. Paubenspeck.
E. D. No. 17th, March Term. 1905. A. M.
Chrlstley. Attorney.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
Mary H. Logan, and John Logan, and with
notice to Scott Thompson, terre tenant, of.
In and to all tl.at certain piece or parcel of
land, situated In Adams township, Butler
county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: Be
ginning at a post on Uneof John Kaulfman.
and corner of James Waters forn erly, now
John Kaulfman; thence north deg cast
by lands of Jas Waters formerly, now John
KalTman. and O. C. Waters. 13* tl-JO perches
to a post or stone; thence by lauds of Ra
lilser and Milton MarlHTger formerly, now
(■eorge Marberger and John Clark, south It
deg west M l-lil percnes to a post; thence 8.
7b- i deg west. S4H perches by land of Samuel
Staples to a post; thence by lands of John
KaufTman, north 30!4 deg west.tiO 7-10 perches
to place of beginning; excepting and reserv
ing 3 and 102 1000 acres deeded by A. L.
Staples to the Pittsburg & Western R. R. Co..
hearing date Pec. sth, IM<6, and recorded In
the office for the recording of deeds in But
ler county. Pa.. In Peed Book 175. page 227;
containing 35 acres, more or less, with frame
barn anil other outbuilding erected thereon
ALSO—AII that other certain lot of ground
situated in Adams township, Butler county,
I'a., bounded and described an follow, to-wit-
Iteglnnlngat the northeast corner: thence
south by Railroad street SI feet more or less
to a post by lot M. J. Goddard; thence north
by an alley SI feet more or less to a post;
thence east by lot af J. L. lioddard 1314 feet
to the place of beginning and having erected
thereon a two story frame house and out
Seized and taken in execution as tho prop
erty of Mary 11. Logan and John Logan, and
wltn notice to Scott Thompson,tei re tenants,
at the the suit of W. C. Craig. C, A. Craig
J.E. Craig, now for use Busier Savings &
Trust Co.
TERMS OF SALE-The following must be
strictly complied with when property Is
stricken down.
1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ
must be paid, and a list of the liens. Includ
ing mortgage searches on the property sold
togt ther with such lien creditor s receipt*
for t he amount of the proceeds of the sale or
such portion thereof as he may claim, must
be furnished the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid In full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will be
continued until one o'clock, P. M„ of the
next day at which time all property not
settled for will again be put up and sold at
the expense and risk of the person to whom
first sold.
I'urdon's Digest, 9th edition, page 446.
an 1 Smith's Forms, page 354.
Sheriff's Office. Butler: Pa.. Dec. S3, 1904.
We Support Our Claim
for fine tailoring by a reference
to many of the most fastidious
dressers in town. We want
your trade and want to clean
up our winter fabrics. To ac
complish both results
or coat for you at just about
the cost of the cloth. Perfect
fit or no sale guaranteed, as
1 4 off on all Business Suits.
Cor. Diamond, Butler, Pa.
riasy and Quick I
To make the very best soap, simply
dissolve a can of Banner I.ye in cold
water, :n t s'i !!j<s. of grease, pour the
L> e water . 1 t!.c jjre.isc. Stir and put
: :•!« Ij -t.U
D'.'ectiuna on Every Pucktjc
/ . r J.yt i , pulverized. The can
may be ope: tl and closed at will, per
mitting the 11 e of a small quantity at a
time. It is just the article rucdrd in
every household. It will clean paint,
iloors, matl'loand tile work, soften water,
diiiiil'ert sinks, closets and w.iate pipes.
Write for booklet " i'ses cf F!tinner
l.yt " —free.
'the I'rnn Chemical Works. Philadelphia
?ec tbe Sljn direct
opposite tbe
Old Poitofflce
Theodore Yogcley, Rj]
Real Estate and Pjl
Insurance AgoiKy,
2JA S. Mam St"Q ] L 3
Butler. Pa. I gfl
f f you httvo property
to sell, trade, or r*n
or. want to buy < r nfj
rout caii, write or A
übone roe. mJi
List Mailed Upon Application
1 Remnant Sale 1
! General Clearance Sale &
durinc; riiK 2
Balance of January.' |
On Monday, January 28d, we placed on sale all the Remnants that y|
have accumulated daring our Grand Clearance Sale. All Kemnants will
be marked at special bargain prices. U
At the same time we will make Remnant prices on all odd lota and
broken assortments of all kinds of goods.
There will be Remnants of Silk?, Dress Goods, Waistings, Table JO
Linens. Crashes, White Goods, Flannelettes, Muslins, Ginghams, a
Tickings, Embroideries, Laces. Etc.
g All Coats at Half Price! Furs at Remnant Prices! g
8 General Clearance Sale g
5 Until January 3lst we will sell all kinds of Dry Goods at special V
m bargain prices. U
|L. Stein & Son, f
H Kelsey, Crown, Boomer ■
si Coal and Slacl{ Heaters, Gas and Coal I
3 Hinges and Gas Stoves. 1904 Washers,!
}■ Sowing {Vlachines, Needles for all mal(es ofl
E Sewing Machines. Sewing {Machines repaired.!
M Roofing and Spouting, and House Furnishing Goods. H
I , Henry Biehl, I
K 122 N. Main St. • Peo. 'ft'hone 404, B
g Eyth Bros.,
5; Big Reduction Sale on ] J
/ . To make room for onr spring stock we are going to give ft discount. .
\ 'of 331 per cent, on all Wall Paper from now until Feb. 1. A good chance
C }to save money papering your home. i ►
€ > We have a big lot of framed pictures— subjects including: Land-1 >
1 scapes, The Hunt, Satin and Sepia etchings, and some especially Fine ( (
5 'Fruit pieces, all to suffer the same discount, (331 per cent.)
j: e;yth bros, ; ;
p Estimates given on all kinds of work. 7
y We make a specialty of /
/ 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa C
p Phone. 630. C
jft 8 North Ave. West, Allegheny, Penn'a. **
If! We teach the Budget System of Bookkeeping *r
6 and McKee and the Graham Systems of *
?g Shorthand. | ?
Tuition payable monthly. 1 4
£ Write for illustrated catalogue. | i
| Rowan & Hughes, Managers, p
j| m Forst s7 year old 4 full quarts for $3.00 K
p PI Packed in plain, sealed cases, expressage H
m jri prepaid to your nearest station. M
Br. Our goods is aged in the wood, and is pure and mel- St?
IE mki oli low. better than vou have had from others for the E£-
K price, or yonr money back. , i H
m mKB&BU Anv Hank of Pittsburg or the Editor of this paper Bf
S will tell yon that our word is good, and that we are
W HiilH responsible. .. . £&
B We do not humbug you like so many advertising so ■!
■ called "Distillers. " mm Am H
HB fIHHHH By buying from us yoa get an honest article, mftaft H
m from honest, select grain, by honest people. ■■
K Send for our private price list. H
fj If yon will send us the names of 10 "good families in yonr
vicinity who use Whiskey for medicinal purposes, and to whom we ■£
may send our price list, we will send yon, with yonr first oraer, Hg
ifa one quart of Pnre Virginia Homemade Blackberry Wine, rKiili. Kg
Cor. 2nd Ave.* Smltfctleld St., Pittsburg, Pa.