Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 29, 1904, Image 4
get YOUR GLASSES AT WHOLESALE *t» f AA WECIAL OFFER A 111 ■ Gold mounted glasses, any style, with or without rims, made accord ing to your prescription or from our , expert optician test only JS.OO. First iiuality lenses, ground accurately, made quickly and g* f\^\ Utted becoming- Loupttrex Optica! Co. BOX 906. PTTTSBUBG. PA Sleighs and Bells. We have the best stock of Sleighs and Bells in the county. Come quick while they last Prices low. S. B. Martincourt & Co., 128 E. Jefferson St, Brftler, Pa. L. 8. McJPNKIS. IRA McJnNKIN GEO. A. MITCHELL. fe s. /VIcJUNKIN * CO., Insurance & Real Estate 117 E- Jefferson St.. fIUTfeER, - - - PA |C. F. T. Ptpe,{ < pJEWELERi j / 121 E. Jefferson Street. / SHERIFFS SALE. By virtus of s writ of VI. V s. I»«a«l out of the Court of Hess of Hauler coun ty. Fa., ssd to me directed, then; will be e*- 4 to politic sale, at tbe Court House, lo the Horousn of Butler, Pa., on FRIDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1905, At 1 o'clock p. ro.,*t the Court House in But ler. K. D. So. I. March Term. 19M. Marshall Broil.. Attoroev. All ths right, title, Interest and clslr/i of Kills Hlrtb and Mlchauil Hlrtb.of. In arid to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated in Butler borough. Butler county, Pa.. bounded ss follow*, to-wlt: On tbe north hj tTI. Kcbenk, east by Third «t., south by lot Mo. Xiot CI vmer property. w<-«t by lot of T. L. Hchenk; fronting a feet on Third «t. an<l extending westward preservlnic »ame width a distance of HO Imh, and lisvinK erecte.l tbernoo a two story frame house, and out buildings. ttelsed ami taken In execution as tbe prop arty of /.Ilia Hlrth and Michael Hlrtli at the sell of Theodore L. Mchenk. TEBMfI Off HALE-Tbe followln* must lie strictly complied with when property Is l *L C Wben'tbeplalntllf or other lien creditor becomes tbe purcbsser, tbe coats on the writ snst5 nst be paid, and s list of the Mens, lnclud g wortgsge searches on the property sold together with such lien creditor's receipt* tor tbe amount of tbe proceeds of the sale or each portion therm, f as he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 1 All btda muat lie paid in full, a. All sales not anttled Immediately will tie continued until one o'clock, V. M.. of the next day at which time all property noi settled for will Main be put up and sold at tbe expense and risk of tbe person to whom gr»t mohl, ***ee Cordon's Digest, ttb edition, page ite. - ' 'VftWrttIBBON. HhtrlV. ■benrs OOce. Butler. Pa.. Dec. 6. ISM. NOTICE. Hie 4Ath General Meeting of the Farmer's llntnal Fire Insurance Com pany of Baanahstown and vicinity will be held on Saturday, tbe t4th day of Jannary, IVOS, tbe name Isjing the Moond mtnrday in said montb. at one o'dock p. nr.. in tbe Creamery Building, •t Mar wood. Al! members interested in tbe welfare of tbe company are most cordially invited. PROUIIAM. 1. Tbe annual acoonnt* of tbe com pany wilt be open for inspection by tbe members ■ P&. i 2. Tbe Preeident will give a concise account of tbe Coni|>any s affairs. 8. Election of five directors to serve for tbree years. ALPJtOMMK KBAUKE, F, W, WITTK, Hecretair. President. Harwood, Pa., Dec. 12tb, 1004. Notice to Stockholders. The stockholders of tbe Worth Mutual Fire Insurance Company will Beet at tbe School House in West Liberty borough, on the second Hatnr* day of Jannary, I'M, the 14th, at 10 a m , for the purpose of electing officers, and sncb other business ss may come before tbem. 8. J. Taylok, Hec'y., Hlippervrock, Pa. Jab, Humphrey, Pres., Sllpperyrock, R. F. D. 58. The Butler County Natlonnl Ikuik Butlkii, Pa., Deo, 7,1904. ' Notice is hereby given that a mr-eting of tbe stockholder* of tbe Butler Coun ty National Bank of Butler, Pa., will M held at Its banking houxe ori Tttes day, January 10th, 100-*, at H o'clock p. m., for the -luruose of voting on an amendment Jt the Arth ler of Associa tion to increase the number of directors, and on the same day. between I be hours of 3p. m., and 4 p. m , to elect a board of directors to serve tbe ensuing year, Jwo. O. M(;MAI£I«IN, Cashier. N«»tl«-<*. Tbe annuel meeting of tbe stockhol ders of the Butler Patron's Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will be h«-ld in Bntler, at • the Y, M. C. A. Hall, Tuesday, Jan. 1!», 1003, at 1 :W pjn O. (i MOCANDI.ESS, Hec'y, y/U. M. MILLKR, FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE, OrriCß— Koom m. Butler County Rational Bank building. Advertise In The OlUsen. PIG MANAGEMENT. Hints by Eip*r» on Trough* and the Fattening of Ple» For Market. Br O- M. ROMMEL, Bureau of Animal Industry. Well made troughs are a necessity in ! pig feeding. The time honored V shaped j trough la very common and doubtless familiar to all who liandle hogs. Some farmers nse troughs made of logs which aro adzed off on one side to give a level resting place and hollowed out on the other. This is a durable trough, but It is very cumbersome. Theodore r-- • •- - ▼ SHAPED, LOO ASD SHALLOW TBOrOHS. Lonls advises the use of a low, wide, shallow trough. Troughs should not be so long that they cannot be handled by one man, and they should be so strong that they will not readily be broken to pieces by the pigs. A very convenient arrangement of the feeding troughs is shown in the •ketch of a trough used In the hog bouse at the Maryland Agricultural college. The troughs extend across the front of the pen and ore built solidly, so that they will not be displaced. The front of the pen is hung on hinges, and attached to it la a strong Iron rod which lits into holes in the edges of the trough and holds the pen front firmly. When feeding the pen front Is swung back and the rod inserted in the edge of the trough. The pigs cannot then get to the feed until the front is lowered. The plan permits feeding without being disturbed by the eager ness of the animals, and the feed is evenly distributed. Wooden troughs are objectionable in some resixx-t*. They are not very eas ily kept clean and are not durable. Iron troughs are used to a considerable extent and have much to commend them. They are more sanitary than wooden ones and with proper care will last indefinitely. As soon as it Is determined what pig:« are to iJe fed for market their fattening should be started without delay. Ex periments have repeatedly proved that young animals always fatten more eco nomically than old ones, and therefore any delay In finishing Is accompanied with a loss. In rare Instances It may pay to keep a pig over winter as a "store" hog, but generally he loses the flesh he accumulated while suckling his dam, an/1 this cannot be replaced erccpt at Increased expense. Corn will now come Into the ration and should be supplemented by all the variety of feed ut the feeder's com mand to keep the appetite keen and the digestive system in the best condi tion. This variety should consist of mill feeds, dairy byproducts and suc culent feeds aud, according to some au thorities, pasture. If skim milk, whey and buttermilk are at command they can be combined to very good advau- I'K* WJTJI SWISOIMO DOOIt. [Open to allow filling of trough.) tage with the ration, commencing with a proportion of about two pounds of milk to one of grain at weaning time and reducing the quantity of milk un til the pigs are finished on grain alone. A pig gives best returns from dairy byproducts while young. The fatten ing pigs should gain from one pound to )tie and a half pounds dally and should /Weigh between 2M and .'HJO pounds at nine or ten months of age. (Jains made after this weight are nearly twice as expensive as those made when weighing from GO to 100 pounds, and a 'well bred pig finished at a weight of about 250 pounds will very nearly fill the market requirements and bring a satisfactory price. Don't Htgltrl Farm Mnnnre. It does not seem to l>e a great task Ifor some farmers to get in the habit I of removing a wagon load of manure to the field as soon as It Is ready, and a habit of this nature once formed Is productive of untold benefit. Let no farmer neglect the natural farm ma nures for the more eitslly handled com mercial fertilizers, but rather let the user of commercial fertilizers secure ami use therewith as much barnyard manure as he can obtain. "Study science" Is the watchword of the former of 1004. rcr o i cftMut. I H*rv|p«>nbl« nn<l Durable lluau Tliul l.uriirty J 'revrnla Waste. Looking forward to winter work, T. L. lilies gives a seasonable article In Orange Jndd farmer on securing si farm supply of Ice, He snys: Meet a site convenient t<» the point where the Ice will be used. A slight elevation on dry, sandy or gravelly moII Is best for drainage. A house 80 by l"<i> by 112 feet inside will hold I.MSI tout of Ice, each fisit in length of tin- bouse representing seven tons storage capac ity. A house 1<! by 80 by I a fcH will store Jisj ton<t, inch foot In length rep resenting n little more than three tons storage capacity. The ( instructlon of either sl/st or an intermediate one will follow the same general line: of eon utruetlon. for a 1,000 ton house level off the site and lay down mud sills I by H inches ('Z by 8 Inch planks spiked to get her to break Joints;. Drive In stakes on both aides, about ten feet apart, to bold the sills In place. 'I lie studding are - by H Incite* by 12 feet, *ct with I thirty Inch centers; plate, y by H Inches. Hoard up Inside and out wlfli I by 10 ll>ch boards, surfaced on one side and two edges to make cloae Joints, It will , cost a llttl«* more for lumber all one j width, but the saving In labor In ban- I dllug It will largely offset this. til the latitude of Chicago two ply j waterproof paper between the studding ' and the Insido sheathing Is ii<-r«ssary : to keep dampness wit of the walls and prevent air circulation. Month of < 'til - cdgp to central Jlilnois two ply paper on both sides of the studding Is re quired to increase the Insulation, If paper lining la omitted the walls In come damp and rot out rapidly. Kill In the walls with dry sawdust, packed snug, or with chopped straw or slough ' faqy I The rafters are 2 ly C Inches I>£ 54 feet, with thirty Inch centers and 2 by 8 Inch tie stringers fifteen feet apart on t!:e plate. Finish the roof with shingles and place twa siat ventilators thiny inches square on the ridge. Coat the house all over, shingles aud all. with waterproof whitewash or cold water white paint. This will reflect the sun's rays and lessen waste by meltage and reduce danger from fire, t!.e lime wash preventing the wood from readily igniting. Buch a house kept in good repair will ; be serviceable for twenty years and I will preserve Ice with little waste if I - I^UK I [ Drtm RECTIO* OF ICE STOBAGE HOUSE. well managed. Built of hemlock lum ber, a 1,000 ton house can be erected for about Z'J.Z'jo in northern Illinois. This quantity of ice will supply the or dinary needs of 200 families for ice boxes, refrigerators, ice cream, etc., a I- 4 lowing delivery" of a hundred pounds twice weekly to each family, with a surplus for waste aud extra require ments, during thirty-one weeks. The Ice itself stored In the house may cost from M cents a tou up, according to local conditions. A cash capital of £5.000 would be needed to carry on such an enterprise. Cue hundred tons of Ice will serve a large dairy farm or mlik shipper, sup plying ice for family use as well, al lowing the consumption of 000 pounds of ice daily for 245 days. The cost of the 100 ton house will approximate S3OO and the ice from 30 cents a ton up when stored in the icehouse. Always keep the top of the ice in the house covered with two feet of straw or hay. Cnfermented Grape Juice. Any person familiar with the process of canning fruit can also preserve grape juice, for the principles Involved are U'entlcai. One of the leading de fects so far found 111 uufermented Juice is that much of it is not clear, a condition which very much detracts from Its otherwise attractive appear ance and due to two causes. Either the final sterilization In bottles has been at a higher temperature than the preceding one or the Juice has not been properly filtered or has not been filter ed at all. In other case* the Juice has been sterilized at such a high tempera ture that It has a disagreeable scorched taste. It should be remembered that attempts to sterilize at a temperature above Uts degrees F. are dangerous, so far as the flavor of the finished prod uct Is concerned. Another serious mistake Is some limes made by putting the Juice into bottles so large that much of It be comes spoiled l>efore If is used after the bottlen are opened. Unfermented grape Juice properly made and bottled will keep Indefinitely if it is not ex posed to the atmosphere or mold germs. Hut when a bottle Is once opened it should, like canned goods, be used as soon as possible to keep It trom spoiling -G. C. Husinaac. Kma nnd *nt«. The output of oieo during the flscal far ended June 30 Is reported as only 4#,071,000 pounds against 120,310,000 pounds for the year 1001-02, !>efore the present law was in force. Itlanclied or cellar grown rhubarb makes a beautiful product which should sell on sight to the fancy trade. Experiments In breeding American carriage horses with the trotting horse as a foundation are soon t > l><- under taken at the Colorado experiment sta tion under the auspices of the depart ment of agriculture and at government expense. Chronitf, ".Tone* Is growiin' at the world again." "Why, I thought he wa* doing well." "Ho he Is, but he wasn't expert In' his go'nl fortune!"— Atlanta Constitution. A I.ooptiole. Lovell— Do you think a man should I*ll his fiances- all the Indiscretions of his past life? Cyulcus Yea. Then perhaps she wouldn't marry him. Brooklyn Life, Whs (lot ftr Trolley Car Conductor I>ld 1 get your fare? Passenger 1 guess so; I didn't see you ring It up for the com pany.—Utlra Herald. ■ I»t«rnth f'entnrr Manners. In an old book published In the six teenth century nnd entitled "The Ac complished I.ady's Itlcb Closet; or, In genious Gentlewoman's fiellghtful Companion," It. Is written: "A gentlewoman being at table must observe to ki-eft her body straight and lean not by any means with her elbows nor by ravenous gesture discover a vo racious appetite. Talk not when yoil have iu*iit lu your mouth and do uot smack like a pig nor venture to eat spoon meat so hot that the tears stand ID your eyei which Is as unseemly 41* the gentlewoman who pretended to have as little a stomach as she had a mouth anil therefore would not swal low her peas by spoonful, but took them one by one and cut them lu two before she would eat them. It Is very utAeeinly to so large a draft that your breath Is almost gone aud you are forced to blow strongly to recover yourself. In carving at your own table distribute the best pieces llrst, and It will appear very comely and decent to u»e u fork, so touch no piece of meat without It." Melenrci nnd llntnnn *en»c Organ*. I»r. Curl Hnyder says In the Ameri can Inventor, while pointing out the Inferiority of human sense organs to the Instruments of science, that, where as the human eye can see only little more than 3,000 stars lu the heavens on the clearest of nights, the photo graphic plate and the telew opc call <ll* ecru countless millions. The eye if a good one can perceive 11 measure of one two-hundr«ilth of an Inch, The microscope makes an object one ten thousandth of an Inch look cum pars lively large To lie.ir the footsteps of 11 fly seems Inconceivable; but, ass -ted by the microphone, the tread of that Insect sounds like the tramp of cav alry. 'I lie most sensitive 11UI11 ciiinot detect a change lu teuipcraWire of !«• s than one fifth of a degree, but the bo lometor will register on a « ale tin Jll crease or decrease of tempera turn of one one millionth of a decree and can discern the difference lu temperature lu a room when a match Is lighted Imttnllon In Anlinnla, Home animals have wonderful pow t-rs of Imitation, l>o;<s brought up lu the company of cats have been known to acquire the trick of licking the paws aud then washing the face. When h 1 cat has been taught to sit up for iier I food her kittens have been known to Imitate her action. Imrwlii tells of a J eat that was lu the habit of putting I Jul' paw Into the mouth of a narrow milk pit-ll«r - very time she got the I chance and then licking !• '' cream off her paw. Ilcr kitten soon learned H,;i Slime Irlck. A lady tells of a rabbit that she keeps lu a cage with a mou key nnd nays that limnilw lui# caught many of the monkey's ways. It Is *nM that rlarvlng pigeons that have been brought up on grain will not eat peas to save their liven, but that If pen eat- Dig ylgwii* are put with them they ' follow their eaawplu and eat pt-us. jV,SSOO Rc* ar(| omcn Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription now feel fully war ranted in offering to pay SSOO in legal money of the United States, for any case of Leucorrhea, Female \V eakness Prolap sus or Falling of Womb which they can not'cure. All they ask is a fair and reason able trial of their means of cure. -I used four bottles of your •Favorite Pre »criptlon' anrl one of • Golden Medical Inicov ervwrites Mrs. Elmer I>. Shearer, of Mount hotie Lancaster Co., Pa . -and can say that I am cure<l of that dreaded disease, uterine trouble. Am in better health than ever before. Kvrry one who knows me is surprised to see me look so well. In June X was so poor in health that at times I could not walk. To-day I amnrrf. I ten everybody that Dr. Pierce s medicines cured me." FREE Dr Pierce's Common Sense Med ical Adviser is sent/r« on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound volume. Address World's Dispensary Medical Asso ciation, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y. For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gives relief. The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. Thre® Sizes. «5e.. 50e. and 81.00. Sold by DroccUU. or lent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphrey*' Medicine Co., Cor. Willi AW and John Hts., JVew York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, In use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $3. Bold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on price. Humphrey*' Mod. Co., William & John SU* N. Y. SPIRITUS FRUMENTI 'Whiskey) A' Dr. Gcotffellow Doctors prescribe K<xxl whinkey, for affection*of Ihe throat, bronchial tul*-» and InnK*. Cold weather in dangerous -have a little of our pnre lienor in the bonne. Yon may rely on it« high character—we absolutely gnarantee thene brandc. ALWAYS IN STOCK KISCII. 1.a81.K, UVKKHOI.r. UItkKMO.IHMI NT VKRKOJI TIIOSFfcO*. (JIBVOK IMLLIHUKK. BKI IMJKPOITT, nn>l offer them to you 0 year old at|l per full quart,CquartH |iw. CRAIfLFATHER'S CHOICE. guaranteed i years old, 00 per gal lon. We pay expreaa cbargea on ail mall order* of s.'oo or over. Good* ahlppu'l promptly. ROBT LEWIN 4 CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WIHES AHD LIQUORS, Ho. 14 SmltkfleM St.. FITTSBUBG. PA. •mono: B*ll «!• P. A A. I4S«. PAROID Ready OOFING. 1)/Vl<OID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out Won't brittle. A NYONK can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core ot each roll. REPRESENTS the result* o y>; tr» ot Experience ami Ex perimenting. fiNEY requires painting every fewyears. Not when first laid. I S Cheaper than '"sravel, Slate A or Shingles. ¥"\EMAND for I'AKOID is world wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Pmi-.mi, Ham plea And Price* are yonM If yon will auk o*. L C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. fcl.oo OEUVERED ANYWHERE s* l ~~ in the United States, ffertttitlful TnliilttMin . walnut "c.w.koo C,UHU." hall ornariM-nt; «•* tuUlUily carvel; mjli,<tjuitially put totf'SttM'r Kvry flock guarantm*! yjrlnfl l>mi f*-f t Hium k rKprr f'.kiraut jjjPJjM| for rar*l * . ar# < pr«w«t # Made of liar<l wofl, '* % A liiclien hlfli, affffSu Y/ % \i\( h> wt<Ui h'i 'I for \nrw rata jfmfiT lntt of hou u'lioM Npectaltl"* tb« low /j| prTm will Ntartlo you Jmk TW-STATr liWII'.G CO., flf )01 K*y*'iinn 111 l(|. I'lllUiu-a. Po. < V REMOVAL. We have removed onr Marble arid (Iranite *hop* from corner of Main and Clay ntr»-etH to No. WKI N. Miiin street, (opposite W." I>. Brandon'* re*i(Jence), where .ve will pleated to Hi net onr ciiNtomer* with llnur/'M that are rl«ht on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds ami are aI ho prepared to best figures on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc,, an we have xtn nred the «o|eagency from the Utewiirt Iron Work* of On cinnatl.Oblo. for thl* town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler Do You buy Medicines? Certainly You Ho. Then you want the btst for the least money. That is* our motto. Come and sec us wher. in need of anything in tin: Drug Line and vi c arc sur< you will call again. V.Y carry a full line of I)HIJ;H, Chemical-. Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis Pharmacy H (J. I'tUt'!"-", Pit. <i Both Phone* 318 « Main Ht. Uutler Pa. R-R-TIME-T ABLES B II JC P it ft Time table in effect Nov. 27. 1904 Passenger trains leave and arrive at Bntler as follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH. 7:30 a. in., mixed for Paaxsntawney, Dn Bois and intermediate stations. 10:U 1 a. m. daily, vestibnled day ex press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford, week days, for Rochester. 5:37 p. m. local for Pnnx'y, Dn Bois | and intermediate stations. 11:31 p. m. night express for Buffalo and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 6.10 a. m. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. 9:50 a.m. week days, accomodation from Dußois. 5:34 p.m. daily, vestibnled day express from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash ford week days from Rochester. 8:07 p.m. week days, mixed train from Du Bois and Punxsntawney. Trains leave the B. & O. Station, Pittsburg, for Buffalo and Rochester at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., and for local points as far as Dußois at 4:05 p.m. On Sunday the 9:00 a.m. train runs to Buf falo alone. « B & O It It Time taV>le in effect, Nov. 27, 1904. Trains for South and West,leave Butler —town time: WEEK DAYS. 6:20 an\ Allegheny Accommodation. 8:00 a m, Allegheny & Cleveland Ex. 9:»0 a m, Allegheny Express. 11:40 a to, 1:25 p ID, Pittsburg Ex & Ell wood Ac. 3:35 { m, Allegheny Ex. 5: ; K> pm, Chicago, El! wood, N. Castle. 5:20 p.in, Allegheny Ex. 5:50 p.m. Allegheny Ac.—New Castle. SUNDAYS. 8:'»0 a m, Allegheny & Cleveland Ex. 1:25 a. iu, Pittebnrg Ex. 3:35 j'.nj. Allegheny Ac. 5:V> p.ui, Allegheny Ac.—New Castle. GoiNf; NORTH— WEEK DAYS. 9:42 a in. Kane & Bradford Mail. 4 :55 ( la i on Accomo. Trains leave the Allegheny f-tation for Butler 7:00, *:ls, and 10:40 A. M., and 1:15, 3:00, 5:30 6:15 and 11:30 P. M. On Sundn yat 7:30 A. M and 6:15 and 11:30 P.M. Fcrthrough tickets, Pullman rewrvi tioni and in f «m stlon »I PLY to W. It. TL'TTNKB, AGT, Butler. fa. F. V. C M IT!', A. G. P. A.. Pittsburg, I'M mrnuum•%. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. BCIKDRLS I« EFFICT NOV. 5*7 1901. SOUTH , WEEK DAYS A M A M. A M P. M. P. M BUTLER Leave 6 15 M 40 10 2 SO 4 'JI flaxonburg Arrive 6 45 M 05 11 00 2 55 4 49 Buthr Junction.. " 714 93011 25 320 5 L R > Butler J unction... Leas#- 7 37 FT 32 11 30 3 2-' 5 17 Natron* Arrive 7 4»I 9 40 U 39 3 ft# 5 25 Tarentum 7 52 9 45 11 4® 335 5 31 Sprlngdale 8 02 9 55 11 5M 3 44 6 41 Olareiuont 12 IFT 358 . . ftharpaburg. « 21 10 Ml 1 24 4 00 FI 01 Allegheny.. 8 :*5 10 27 12 40 4 20 « 15 A M. A M P. St. P. M. P. M. SLNI'AY TKAIKB LEATE Butlei for Allegheny Oity and principal Intermediate stations at 7:20 a. IN., «nd 5:<6 p. M. NOHTH. WET K L)AT« A.M. A.M. A.M.*'. M. P. M Allegheny City.... ,lv 615 H2510 25 220 «10 rthari-burg 1 30 H 99 10 ITFT 2 35; « 21 CWemont . *3B H 47 10 4« 2 47 1 ipriugdal* 7 Of) U 07,11 CO 3 o'. 0 42 Tarentum 7 13 9 20 11 II 3 23 FI r,.i Natrona. 7 J> 9 *7 11 1* 3 33 « .'»7 Butter Jnnr ar 7 :*0 93711 27 3 4.*> 705 Butler Janr Iv 742 91012 30 I ««2 7< 5 issonhurg 809 10 oft 12 51 131 7 30 RTL'TLKIi » :I"> 10 83 I 2 > I O:» 7 .v. A M. A M, I'. M P NF.! P. M BRNDAF THAINH.— Leafe Allegheny fity for But I»R and principal Intermediate station* at 7:00 a. M. and 910 O un *<>h THE EAHT. Weok frays. Hunda;* A M A.M. P. M. A.M. P M Birii»A IF ft 15 ... 230 720 .... BOTH r J'tt ar 711 J2O 810 .... Butler J'ct IF 740 4 OTi Hl4 .... /••e port IR 7 4-IJ.. ..4 0/ 817 .... fink IIU I net »s J't.. .." 74* 4 OFT 883 .... Le*«:hbur " 8 (MI 420 837 .... WMT \p"!l . ..." 8 22' 4 :»TT Hsl .... SalU» urg. . 94* SOH 92" ... BUlrsrllle .. 9 «0: 541 9 52j .... Blalrsvllle Int. . " 927 550 10 00 Altoona M 11 35 . 850 L 40 . .. Harrisburg " 10 ..... 100 ft 35 ..... Philadelphia M ft 2 I 4 23 Jo 20 P M AM. A M PM. P.M Through trains for the eaat laava Pittsburg (Union Mtatlon), AA follows: K NY«ton« Kiprftss dally.. 8:00 A.M M inliattaii Mmltftd. d.*lly, F-r N IITLI Poila • IclpltSa and NEW Y:TK 3 35 " Penrmylvanla Limited <laily .7 15 " N.wforlc " " 7 la " Allan. »< Kijireai, M . . ,7'JJO " Main LINE Express, M 8:00 " liny Kiprese, M 12:01 N'RKIN Mail Express S M 12 45 R ■ <3ILFMGO Mall iall}, for IlaltiirioH- and Waelilogt4.lL 4;&'» " FONT*-RII Espret4, dally, for I'lilTa ai.*| N V . ..4 55 " W Vork Exiirees. " 41 M 7:10 " M,Ualelp»ila Ktpress, .Inlly 9IX» ' SI w York H|** lal, daily for N. w York. only. IO : OO " L'!iilad«dpliiit H|ie< UL dally. MOPING . urn LO Philadelphia, ilalliruore and Waeli IIIKIOII NO CDMCHM..... .. ....... ..... 10:00 * Phllad'a Mall, MUl«da>S omy H.JJS A ■ NOT** —Oarrles coa<Dl ISMSENGER* IMT*••••« |* ttfuburg and llarrlshiirg. Fftr Atlautlr <lty (via I>«daware Itlver Bridge all all royte) 8:I»0 a, HI , 7 10 and and 9:<H) p. in. dallv, "PMIINSF Ivanla L.linited," and Nnw Voik Limited 7.15 a. M, •'♦••• LI days, Buffalo au4 Allecebeoy Valley Division. Trslns LEAVE KMklrulnetas Jiinrtlon as follows: If 1. 1 BNHLR Ml •» 111 a/NL 11 10 P ill. dully , with through narloi and sleeping earn. For <HI < ity, 748 9.51 a. in., 2 I*. 94/7 and P in. wiMik-days. Hiiurlays,9M a. in., (1.07 and LL.FTOP.rn. For IM Bank, 7.48, 9.',|, A M.. 2 '2. 8.1/7 and 11 [»0 p. m. week-d<Ays. Mundays, 9 51,10.40 a. in,, and 11.50 p. m. For Klttanriffif 7 ft.'/7,7.'Y, 10.16, and 11.,'10 p. IN. k-days. KUll'lays, 9.51, 10.40 a. in,, •.07, 10.44, and p. in. •T' HUIJM only on or n<4l«'e TU agent «*r con ductor to N««dv« or dla< harge paosongers. F'»l detailed Information, apply to ticket agent or ADDRESS Thos. E. Watt, Pas«. ANT. Western IMstrh T, PRHTFR AFSIMIS. WTWUN, I'A W. w. ATTEITFMJUY, J It W(X>fi <i*in'l Mauatfnr. I'ass'r Traffic Manager, (ill), W. Bv>Yl>, Ueneral I'ssaenger Agett. R K Co 'l'ltne Tiil>l«^ In effw.t Nov. UOth, lOOil WWTWASP. TTATTOM, AM PM (MW Wwl Wind*ld 7 »> !l tt lioggsvllle .... 7 46 3 00 " lion Bridge 7 FT* I|o " \V||, field Junction 8 |0 A 25 M L<ane • 80 IL DT» " Butler Junction 8 25) 40 A iri V" I'M HI f LLFLF | JI A.M.. AlfftiWif 1002 6 0S i'"' i Arrlt* DteJratlll. 12 «ft| » V> KANTWAKD. MTATIOM A M R M |«MI J11.1P..11U j T DO i Xk " ALF<I(IM'»Y ... p (ML MWI " IINMm 7 » 8i« •' llulli't Jtu.Ml .t, 11l IS i4O •• U... in IN I4A » WIR.n. L.L 10 30 4 U " Iron 10 40 IV, " lloggwvjlle ... LO 60 6 |f» Arrive Weat Wlnft« 1-1 10 »>:, | |F Trains stop at Lane and Iron Bridge only on Flag to take on or leave nff PTTA«IMI«EIS. Trains tat LK| tier Junction with Tialn* East ward f«r FIEA|«* rt, Vaudergrlft auil ftlaiistill" INTEIMM lion Tialim Westward for Nstrona, Tarentum and Alls (jinny. Tr.lna Nurtljw.n! lot H.xoiiburjc, Mferw.it and Hut br. 11. 0. IIKAMiH, * 'i«„.r»l M.ti.tfrr, BESSEMEU &. LAKE ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY. TIME TABLE In «H«cl o*c. ILLLH. 1904. IA'JIFHN STANDARB TIME hOIIIHWARD SOUIHWARD I up i Dally Cactpl Sunday ( Huad down) I WV A't'tt iK M I I" I " |< lo JI. jo II 111 ' Hi A I ill.»H, ) (L ~, j, (:; 1(1 7 ;:n I *i 10 Mi; K.rl» 7 i*' I 0"j 4 i',o 7 i • IU 24 I ilr J- u 1 Ji. i 4 Mi •: I if. ID l.'j .«-iiifil 7 .17 I «7| fi H» V li. I 4' Jill J". Ar I i ill linn t |,v 7 wPF/oi I W) 4 r, 'U III; 7 onl.v I "iini.iiit„Ar 10 V . 7 or, « '•< 1 r»iii-ivllle 7 r,. r, E ;-IU r. ll U r// AIMTIN M MP, VOH N;W I; 11,112 ;«» . 'IIIVMIUKI H |!I F! WF. 4/ B fM* *;ij ua; H|<rliiKlK>n,.. Mid 'i I;I A4l C 11. 13 JJ J# ;MI I OIIIN N HIVLLU- M V,l| 2 I« r, MJ II H.' r.o fill Ar Mnvivlllr |.» 7,7 |Mi 4 ftt 4 II 7 4.' I,v Mi'li'l villi A r 0 M« a in fl fiu t j.'h JM %,VK ' L.v n 17 '4 IN ft ;I| fi aM'4 V> K ViT.V.Cnli't laU Ai 'J f '*> n VI fi 4ti 'AI l.lliMVlllr l.v t U. N MJI.V UMMIVIUK AR IT in ft 14u \i 01/ Mi'li'l villn Jit H4 J U '(7 111 I'i fi ii r.. m.7 .llnruuiwii H fi7, 24 H nJo fi .'ill fi iH MI AIIBIII villi' 0 Oil 2 fid nA I All H IV O.HIKI'I . 0 la r. 41 h O.jll Y, . PI .1* . /irioll vllle 010 a 111 I! 4H fi '/• >t u* nlKuintißi, » V'v ahJfl W 4 -4 0 4 1/ H l|' FrjdoiJk u 4r« .! ill 3 11 4 :4\u r.i 7 f.fi. Mnrcrr 'lO Oil 3 4'J t 4 '.".10 M 7 .'II IIUIIHIOII Jlt, 10 01. I 7 H0 4H» 10 • 7 301 Ilrov® i liy . io '/« 4 onl 7 fio .1 4' i'i VI ii ml Ilarrlavlllr ... 10 «• 4 *.ii |i 111. a 4010 M llrmii'liU.i. 11l 4« 4 V7I 11 3" Ar Minim.l J.> 7 tai z (»i im 7 I*l l.v llllllftnl Aril Wi aim a a-. IO i;i 1" K4>L*I«R 10 fi*. 4 »•' . •: I'JIO w loii iiii 11 on 4 4'. •/ or 'i lti y KNYLOR J.*L »SJ 7 4'' l.v Kn/tui At . MTrpm. ■I FIOJ -t ;tA( 1 liutlrr ILL k1« » M 0 40 Wortfi 10mtrHtur.' 1... 0 fio ■ I"' « H. ll.v.Allt'Hlwtiy.Ar I Mr C an I' I" " I 'p.ip.lp, mj„ Train Ku I li nvlim rir««iivlll* *t C Ifi n m.; Hhi nunii'i fi fii.l' u.ionin 7 ii; Mn i-r 7 Ilrtivn T'lty 7 Kl'luUr H.IH; iinifi r W MI. nrrlvcalti AlO't/lii'iiy ni 10.'4» n, n , imnn ii. m gur. » JllllCtlull v illi trulna lo .lit] In,III K»> Im. kml ». H.. | ii i fruiu IIIIIUr'I LIUJIL F« • F ! I* IW. ''M 4)K|HPPY ill AOO ti tn ; II'IIH'F 1 R. HRISTER t, ,mi, RFT/ N UJ, WSRC r fi |M; I F'L./FIIA fi' H, Hharmntfo fi'i, arrive* 111 (IIEERIYUJU at fi r»/ ( r»»I,n" «s at Qtieeti Jtitirthni WILLII IIF»lns IN TTINI TRIM KAY lor, aod AT Jlrsiii It L(/f JLLILFFTF;! K. it UTI.JV, F, |T COMirrot'K, 0»|K'»l Mrurcw, (JW'l I'M*. A««ot. \Wm. Foster, j \Architect. J / .gsssssgg: - - f r Plnn of all kind of building % \ furnished on short notice. / / Office in B<jrg Building. / N Butler, Pa. V Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Opticiar Next Door to Court House. Butler, Pi COVLE BRO'l'i KW- Members Pittsburg Stock Exchange Rooms aor.-rio7-508 Keystone Bltljr. 324 4th avc I toil: Phones. Pittsburg. PH. HUGH L CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer in Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes Bell Phone 278 People's Phone 578. 316 East Jefferson Streel BUTLER. P* Special Offei To those purchasing photo jof groups.or views, Bxlo, a 50c each, to the amount of sl< 1 will present free a fine 20x4C exact reproduction that wi! stand washing and not fad away. No bum work, but fine permanent Bromide en largement, fully guaranteec This offer is good till Octobe Ist, 1904. FIHH^R The Outdoor Artist, The Butler Dye Work We have it large numlx-r of lain modi l(<-ml iiK* oris. Hrnltii Premier*. Hammond Pittsburg visible* and other standard maki of Ty t.r-wrlter* t hat we will sell ch ti ap. UNDF.UWOOU TVI'KWKITKK —4l Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg. l'a. IK YOU WANT TO BEI.I, YOI'K KAKJ House or lluslness wu can be 11 It fur you. you want to buy we can furnish you a pr<;| erty or business. Write to ileal Kstate Hi part mint, riteraatianal Saving* ft Trmt CO., I'ltUburg. Pa. FARM 3 FARM) FARMS I>o you want to cell or exchange your farn l>o you want to buy a farm? If so write J AH. A. OOOI'EU A CO.. 41.i Fourth Avenue, I'lttsburg, l'a. TIII'XAI.L Seller and promoter of pal ent*. I**l Herman National llank llulldlni l'ittMtturi£. l'a. ©M CHESTER* tfiGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS fpj "Zfa Hufr. Al%uv» rlldbU l.ndle*, u»k Drugfitt fti 411 M il *'•» It-It * KAtiIJMH lit Bed at* Uold iitcUllk! bojim, firftlod with blu« Dbbor Taitir no other. Hl* fifnc tlttitirrom subtil iiititfMHiind bnltallMt. Bus of y our Drogftaf or •END 4r. In MNNIFM tor i* ar f leulMr*. TNII n«nl#l« mi'l ** f for V.udlm." in Mtrr by return Mnll. lO.OUO Tmtlmoulai*. bold b; all •*. OUUJH KHTKH UHKMIOAL CO. tlO« Mndtftun rillLA % n MMAl** See the Sl|n direct r H opposite the Oltl Poiioftlce TheoloM Vo% ley, ' Real Estate and Hd Imoraace Agency, .^7 ZJ« S. Mala St. .3 Butler, Pa. I f you have property j«3 to MeII, trade, or ten f or, want to buy or ffj rent call, write or uhone rue. >UB List Mailed Upon Applicatior nManT^iOeaii's ' A «i«f« t ••••rtjiln nlk s: *iippr>*s«l Menstruation Neve, ki..,wn to fall. Hnf<>! Mtiri-I Hpeedy! Halls(a«tlon OuarMileml or money lb-funded. Ren'. prepaid for 11.00 nor no*. Will wild theinon trtid. In l»«i paid for whan relieved. Maniple* Kr««i. Hold In Butler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacy. LEGAL RIGHTS OF TENANTS A VEKITAIII.F. MINK OF INFOKM ATION. Worth many times Its eiml; Is designed lo protect tenant* to the fullest entent. of the law; l'i/nll> accurate ami absolutely re llalde; written In plain and simple language. It will pay for Itself many hundred time* Published by the TF.NANTH' KMHITH LKAOOK. . Ilept. "A" First National Hank llidg. Wllklns burg. l'a Price &"«•,postpaid Agents wanted Hu&y and (Julck! Soap-Making with BANNER LYE To ii..tie* Ihc very in t aoap, »imply dUioke t • i •( Uttiui r lin cold water, m« !i 5 I■ • f j;i * pour the l.yc «..!i iin tl.o j;rc .re. Stir and put V'if2l e»u Jntnurr / )■«' I |i!i|yoi i/ed, '| liccan rn.ty I n <','ti rd n.tl ilnm| ;u v.ill, j.cr liiiltir.j,' li.c ii " of a ? ii. l II qn.i'itilv at a time. It i. jn.t t!«o (nli(!e n.cdr'l in r eiy lion It will (U.iii paint, ii .dix, i r|. •• • I tile work, sofien w.itcr, duinfr't t.inl: 1 -., < lo*et i and w.-i ic ptpe». Write fiit booklet "/..J cf I'oimr Iyt "■ free. 11l- I'xirt Ch«o<Kal Work,. I'hllaili Ipliia WM. YV ALK I'.lt. < 'II AH. A Ml KI. VAIN. WALKER & McELVAIN, 807 IJniler t'oimt/ National Hank HMjj. ItFAt, KHTATK. INHHKANfiP. Oil, l'lt<H'l'ltTlKH I .OA NH HoTII HHONK* M A BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 245 S MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA C< »S r !'l : M KS And all n<-' dtb » for Hta«e and Maw|U»rad« Mat' lil>« Will*. Heard*, Or<"»sepalnt«. Ollt braid, lleiu, en- r n b.i r«»*o|rably hired or ifouabt at liron. m K. (Jlilo btreut. AU"«heny, Pa ar.LL I'HU.NK 7» L CEDAR. I Jury Lists for January Term- List of names drawn from the proper jnrv wheel this 19th day of December. 1904. to serve as traverse jnrors at a special t*rm of Court, commencing the fourth Monday of January. 1905, the same being the 23 day of said month. Aderhold Albert. Jefferson tp. farmer. Anderson Chas M. Butler 2d wd. riveter, Andre C P, Butler twp. laborer, Armstrong W J,Butler Ist wd,carpenter, Joseph, Forward twp. farmer, Baldwin Herman. Marion twp. farmer, Barnhart Edward. Millerstown. painter. Barnliart N W, Butler Ist wd, laborer, B«*attv J J. Washington twp, farmer, Bice John, Fairyiew boro, carpenter. Black David, Bntler 3d wd, machinist, Boehm F H. Prospect boro. farmer, Bovard W D. Cherry twp. farmer, Campbell F C, Slipperyrock. merchant, Campbell Walter. Clay twp, farmer, Cowan Edward, Middlesex tp, teamster, Cummings F B, Mercer twp, farmer, Dale W S. Bntler let wd, engineer, Daubenspeck G F. Parker twp, farmer, Davidson Samuel. Mars boro, plasterer, Dindinger George.Lancaster tp, farmer, Douglass W C.Evans City boro, harness, Dufford Lewis. W Sunbnry.blacksmith, Enterline George E, Butler sth ward, clergyman. Fair.er Patrick C. Millerstown, laborer, Fnruuson Harry. Middlesex tp. farmer, Galbreath Wm. Evans City, oilman, Gindcr A H. Evans City, clergyman. Hay George E, Penn twp. laborer, Herr Chas E. Hntler 4th wd, publisher, Henshew Alonzo, Portersville boro, shoemaker, Huselton A P. Bntler twp, farmer, Jolley D F. Venango twp, farmer, Kemper Barney, Butler 4th wd, police, Kidd V R. Adams twp, farmer, Lassinger Herman, Penn twp, farmer. McMillen C B. Botler 2nd wd, clerk. Miller William. Evans City, laborer, Morrison Wm F, Butler 3d wd, laborer, Norton C L, Msrsboro. superintendent, Patterson R L. Penn twp, farmer. Raisley George, Connoq'g twp, farmer, Raulshouse George. Saxonburg. laborer. Itnsch Renben F Fairview tp. pumper. Shakley John, Petrolia boro, laborer, Shoup George, Butler 2d wd, retired, Smith Paul. Jefferson twp. pumper, Thompson R M, Karns City, laborer, Trimble Wm H, Middlesex tp, pamper, > Troutnian Chas M, Butler twp, farmer, Warner Wm, Lancaster twp. farmer, West J J, Bntler Ist wd, agent, > Whiteside J P.Butler sth wd,merchant, [ Wigton IJ, Clay twp, farmer. ) ! EVERY WEEK : l ; SHOWS GROWTH and bring® more convincing evi ' dences of a healthy business boom. Now is the lime to uiake money, and my offices are the ) place to make it. in speculation. Send for booklets showing what I do for my customers j R. M. Weaver : Stocks and Bonds j 'r 323 Fourth Avenue, PITTSBURG. Local office, 213 S. Main St. Butler, • E. L. STILLWAGON, Manag ' r -_J :F you have any real estate or I.UHlnena to Mt)11, we can Hell It. It you wuat tobuy anything. wo have It for Hale. THE OUURIfCU COMPANY, ! Ml 4th Ave. PUUburK, Pa. Binding of Books Is our occupation. We put our entire time to studying the best ( and latest methods of doing our ' work. If you arc thinking of • having some work done in this : line I am sure you will be well 1 pleased if you have it done at The Bntler Book Bindery, W. W. AMON, I'rop. ODD Conrt Uonre. L. C. WICK, DIALS* FN LUHBER. • Pearson B. Nace's Livery, Feed end B*ie Stable Rear of Wick House. Butler Penn's The heat of hur»e» and Drat CIMI rlßi al Way* on hand and for lilrn. Hnat M-noriimi-dutlona In town for perm* nmit boarding and tranalftnt trade. Hpocl al earn KuuruiiUied. Stable Room For 65 Horses A jt'Hid c. aaa of horaea. Ixilli driver* and draft Imrana alwaya on hand and for **!• u' der a full guarantee* and horaaa bough poii proper nollHiiatlot. hy PEARSON B. NACE. Tn.wpnon* No 31 . F.I.Y MAY j. V. HTI'AUT MAY & STUART, Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Heat Accommodation* In town For Transient Custom. I'll*>Nl*:M: I'eoplo'a IleJI Ml. Hear of llb kcl lliilldlng, H Mian Ht. Hit tier, l'« W S. & EWICK, DKALKKH IN It ,iiwh and Worked l.uinlinr of >ll Klmla Door*, Hash and Moulding* Oil Well Itiica a Hpeolalty. OBlrp and yard K duniiliijlliaui afid Mourn# HU inear Waal P«iin Depot, ■ ft rr«' Don't Know That? That Hti-rn'a (Jmnory unit Milk de|M>t Ht the i>iir of 417 Houth Mil 111 Nlreet ladn ojM'ratloiiT WELL, IT 18! Ami If yoti want rood Milk, (.'rutin. t-'remnery Hotter or llnftur* milk, mil nnd MM ua or watch for oar WIIKOO' I'notile'M I'lii.fin 430 D«ll I'boti* 308 AHK VOITIt (JItOCKIt for Hteeirn I tot led Cider In i|imrt jura Wm" Knarfttittn* oiijr i»ro(la«'T« I'UFF* itnd Cr e frhiu uii/ u'l'iU'inttlop. J 11. STCEN'S ;rkamhry VICTOB MACNIfVXRY CO. <'or. I,IULITH A LIBERTY NU. I'ttut»ur|(, I'M. '■"l'M IMNULCN F IT-* 11 TF Hiilts fuf MUI..MI FOR tnet ID MUX or INOVLTIFR I'luitiM. r«'|mlr» "tj !•»« am* -Mm ry. liucrta fur tfim IUKI *t«>itni HiitflAoi. I | I IN.I NI IL v\< rU . 111 nil MJMLFE, Il' YOUHP MICK TU IF*RUN r niM?U|>l)F NND *• • tip! I. Y ; rill I l»l N ficct. I I.NSHYI.VANIA TlCt*lC<4UAft>f COM/ROB «« 01* t«wli Mock, Htuburg. I'ft ; THE LARGEST IN THE COUNTY. | THE | | Butler County National Bank. | | A good. STRONG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLE of f Butler County to do business with. j ( Capital ft 300,000.00 ! I Strength surplus 300,000.001 I (Assets 2,706,342.30 ! * We invite YOUR business—assuring you PROMPT, % COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. | 'JThe big Bank on the corner by the Court House" | MAKE THE YOUNG FOLKS HAPPY I By opening for each one with a Dollar or more a * CHRISTMAS BANK ACCOUNT ' It will teach theui habits of thrift that » 1: will benefit them later in life. L Three per cent interest compounded semi annually paid. £ ~ Branch Banks for home use free to jS depositors. • Butler Savings & Trust Co. ASSETS $2,034,801.12. Our bool<let "Saving for the asking. ESTABLISHED 1900. THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS (earned) - $47,000.00 DIVIDENDS PAID ----- $6,000.00 None Stronger in the Coi_tr\ty. ililliliiiiilil!®! 1 For Sale. | M • J The real estate of Mrs. Mary g II B. Muntz, deceased, consisting of|| the following tracts, all located in jgjj the Borough of Pa. M 1 Ist. A strip fronting 115 Jeet on South jUJ Main street and extending along the B. & O. R. R. about 500 feet. This tract is well adapted for manufacturing or warehouse f purposes. Kv I §j 2nd. The homestead of about two acres, IB JS "I having a large comfortable dwelling house a and outbuildings, fronting 150 feet on Main street and lying between the plank road jg and the B. &0. R; R., having a frontage *s§f on the latter of over 500 feet. This tract |j| Is unexcelled for manufacturing purposes, and has a never failing spring of water Jißf upon It. I® 3rd. A tract of about eight acres south ; 3 of the plank road and west of Main street. 1 g This tract can be subdivided into about forty buildings lots, commanding a splendid jge view and within a few minutes walk of the business portion of the town. 4th. A large lot fronting 120 feet on jg Main street and having thereon a two story 2} frame slate roof dwelling house In excel- TS* lent condition and with all modern con- jgj venlences. m For prices, terms, etc., inquire of j^j | John N. /Wuntz, g No. 637 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa, jg I $75 to $l5O I I For Fifteen Minutes Time! B Pretty high wages, Eh? That's what people ar# B E rnaklng who take advantage of B I NEWTON'S I I Price Sacrifice Piano Sale! ■ On account of cleaning out my stprp |n order IS ■ to g'p l lt finished for Christmas trade. It wl|l sell K K Planus at factory prices, and many less. I will ■§ n quote you a few of the bargains I fof ypy- || IB Upright Pl&no, fully warranted, retail price, $275.00. H Bf 10 s.le Price $lB5 00 B m Unrlpht Piano, fully warranted, retail price, $375.00. ■ » ' Sale Price $225.00 B | Upright Piano, fully warranted, retail price, 3575.9 Q. m ■ Thia piano has been used, but it a bfrgaln, ttbiO ' B I 3qure plapos from $25.00 to $125. Organs fiom B ■ SIO.OO up. 10 per cent, for cash, B ■ There ai* 24 of these Piano? to select from —new B 1 and u««d—au you certainly ought to make a selec- B | tion. Bring this advertlsementjjwlth you. B I NKWTON'S I I 317 Soutfc Ms\|u v <nmgs. B